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Ocoee Commission Chambers
150 North Lakeshore Drive
May 4,2021 MINUTES 5:00 PM
Roll Call and Determination of Quorumv ' , • •
Chair June called the Community Redevelopment Agency Board to order at 5:00 PM in the
Commission Chambers of City Hall. City Clerk Sibbitt called roll and declared a quorum present.
Roll Call: Chair June,Vice-Chair Brinson, Member Wilsen, Member Johnson, Member Firstner,
Member Oliver
Absent: Member Marsh
Also Present: City Manager Frank, Assistant City Manager Shadrix, City Attorney Cookson,
Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless, and City Clerk Sibbitt
IL Public Condiments None
No speaker reservation forms were received.
HI Approval of Minutes of March 2,2021, CRA Regular Meeting;
Member Wilsen, seconded by Member Johnson, moved to approve the CRA
Regular Meeting Minutes of March 2, 2021, as presented. Motion carried 6-0 with
Member Marsh absent.
Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless announced the official
resignation of CRA Member Marsh. She advised he is no longer with Orlando Health and has
moved out of state. Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless
advised that the vacant position is a City Commission appointed position; therefore, a staff report
with recommended individuals will be presented before the City Commission at a future meeting.
CRA Regular Meeting 05-04-2021 Page 1
IV. City Center Construction Update(John Amm,Chief Engineering:&Construction
Officer/Senior VP,CCWO) . _.
John Amm, Chief Engineering & Construction Officer with City Center, updated the Board on
the current construction status of the City Center. He shared information on the permits that have
been submitted and are under review by the Building Department.The project should be completed
within 24-36 months from today.
Member Wilsen inquired about the opening of Maine Street. Mr. Amm addressed her question
and advised it is not feasible to open Maine Street until the construction is completed.
Member Brinson commended Mr. Amm and his project team for moving the project along.
Member Oliver commended Mr. Amm for the development of the infrastructure before the
vertical construction.
Member Johnson thanked Mr. Amm for his continued partnership with the City.
V. CRA Audit, Tammy Campbell with McDirmit Davis
Finance Director Roberts introduced Tammy Campbell with McDiiniit Davis. Ms. Campbell
presented the Board with the highlights of their audit report dated April 19, 2021, which details
the audited financial statements for the year ending September 30, 2020, and included a statement
that the Ocoee CRA followed the financial requirements as set forth for Community
Redevelopment Agencies in the Florida State Statutes.
VI. Wellness Park Funding(Deputy Development Services Director/CRA
Administrator Corless)
Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Carless shared an unofficial
update of funding for the Wellness Park and Multi-Purpose Path. CRA staff is working with the
Healthcare District to finalize paperwork that will come back before the City, and CRA Board,to
receive up to $3 million in funding to assist with those projects.
Member Wilsen thanked Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless and
shared she is excited about the accomplishments of the CRA.
VII Confirm Next Budget CRA Board Meeting
Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless announced and
confirmed the next meeting is scheduled for September 7,2021, at 5:00 PM. She advised this will
be the budget meeting in which they will approve the CRA budget so it can be incorporated into
the City's overall budget.
CRA Regular Meeting 05-04-2021 Page 2
VIIL Board Comments:;'
Member Oliver commented that he is very pleased with the work of the CRA, and has received
many compliments from the residents about the landscape and streetscape projects completed.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:19 PM
Melanie Sibbitt, Secretary Randy June, Ch'a
CRA Regular Meeting 05-04-2021 Page 3