HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 93-21
SECTION 1. The City Commission of the City of Ocoee has the authority to
adopt this Ordinance pursuant to Article VIII of the Constitution of the State of Florida and
Chapter 166, Florida Statutes.
SECTION 2. Section 143-1 of Chapter 143 of the Code of Ordinances of the City
of Ocoee is hereby repealed and a new Section 143-1 is adopted to read as follows:
~ 11-1. Defmitions.
For the purposes of this Chapter all terms and words shall have the meaning set
forth in the definitions contained in Part IV of Chapter 403. Florida Statutes. and in State
administrative rules adopted pursuant to Part IV of Chapter 403. as such statutes and rules may
be amended from time to time.
SECTION 3. Section 143-2 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee is
hereby amended as follows:
~ 143-2. Containers required.
A. Every occupant or owner of a single family residence or a multifamily
residence containing four or fewer single-family residential units pr~mises
having, keeping or offering for collection any solid r-esideRtial waste shall
provide for that purpose one (1) or more watertight plastic or metal
receptacles having proper handles and a tight-fitting cover of a capacity
of thirty (30) gallons of a type approved by the Solid Waste Department.
B. All residents, occupants or owners of a residential premises in the City
shall place all yard trash in lawn bags. Yard trash which does not fit into
lawn bags shall be collected through special arrangement with the City as
set forth in ~ 143-7 or by a private hauler.
C. Recyclable materials shall be placed in such containers as specified in S
~ 143-7. n 143 13 thrO\:Igh 143 20.
D. Commercial establishments customCfS shall place all solid waste in
containers specified by the City's franchise pursuant to the commercial
franchise agreement approved by the City. Collection of recyclable
materials from commercial establishments shall be performed in
accordance with ~ l43-7B(2).
SECTION 4. Section 143-3 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee is
hereby amended as follows:
~ 143.3. Placement of containers.
All solid waste garbage receptacles, lawn bags or recycling receptacles shall be
placed as near the street or right-of-way of the premises as practicable or in a location designated
by the Solid Waste Department.
SECTION 5. Section 143-4 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee is
hereby amended as follows:
~ 143-4. Sorting of solid waste required.
A. \Vaste shall be sorted, held, kept, eolleeted, and l'emO"/e6 by the eWfler
thereof or by the OWflef of the premises, sOOjeet to the fegulfttiofls of the
Health OfflOOf ilfid ifl a milfifter aWf-O".'oo by the Solid '"}l-aste Departmeat.
&- All persons offering ~ waste materials for collection within the City
shall segregate their waste into the following categories: garbage, yard
trash and recyclable materials. No person shall place special wastes
(including but not limited to yard trash, special wastes, hamrclotls wastes
ef allil construction and demolition debris) or hazardous wastes into
containers used for garbage collection. No person shall place any material
other than yard trash into lawn bags for collection as yard trash. No
person shall place any material other than recyclable materials into
recycling containers.
SECTION 6. Section 143-5 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee is
hereby amended as follows:
~ 143-5. Prohibited accumulations and deposits; exceptions.
A. It shall be unlawful for any person to place or deposit or cause to be
placed or deposited upon any of the streets, gutters, sidewalks, parkways,
thoroughfares, public parks or other public places of the City any solid
waste including but not limited to. tree trunks or limbs, lawn trimmings,
any trash, debris, papers, handbills, litter or rubbish or ashes or
sweepings of trash or other discarded matter of whatever kind, except as
hereinafter specifically provided.
B. Solid waste Garbage, yard trash and recyclable material containers may
be placed for collection in an easily accessible location as near the street
right-of-way as practicable, on the property of the owner or tenant or on
the parkway immediately in front of and contiguous to his property.
COftStruetioR ftiul demoliooR debris, Special wastes. other than yard trash.
and hazardous wastes shall be placed in proper containers on the property
for collection by private haulers and shall not be placed in the parkway.
Yard trash shall be placed for collection in a manner consistent with ~143-
7 A(2). Yard trash which exceeds the amount which is collected by the
City may be placed in the parkway, provided that arrangements have been
made for its prompt collection.
C. The matter permitted to be placed in parkways under Subsection B above
shall be neatly placed, and wherever possible such matter shall be placed
so as to allow the convenient passage of persons and conveyances lawfully
in such parkways.
D. It shall be unlawful for any person to disturb or to scatter or spread about
or cause to be disturbed or to scatter or to be spread about any of the
matter described in Subsection B above.
E. It shall be unlawful for any person to permit or allow any garbage, solid
waste, speeial 'NftSte or recyclable material to accumulate or remain upon
any private property located in the City when the same is hazardous to the
health or safety of any of the inhabitants of the City.
F. The City may require that any person within the municipality demonstrate
the existence of a contract or arrangement by which such person will
dispose of solid waste in a manner consistent with this Chapter as well as
state and federal laws. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to
relieve any person from their obligation to comply with all other
provisions of this Chapter.
SECTION 7. Section 143-7 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee is
hereby amended as follows:
~ 143-7. Removal of solid waste required.
A. Removal by City.
(1) All residents, alli1 occupants or owners of residential premises in
the City shall be required to have accumulations of solid waste.
garbage, trash and yard trash and recyclable materials removed
and disposed of or recycled by the Solid Waste Department m:l!s
designee and for such service, or the availability of such service,
shall pay the City the fees at rates established by resolution of the
City Commission.
(2) Except as provided in ~143-7A(5). !~e City or its designee shall
limit its residential collections to three (3) thirty-gallon containers
per solid waste garbage pickup;.;. four (4) three (3) lawn bags Q!:.M
amount not to exceed 1 1/2 cubic yards of loose tree or shrub
trimmings per yard waste pickup and two (2) recycle bins per
recycling pickup. The City shall collect residential solid waste
garbage twice per week, yard trash once per week and recyclables
City Commission may establish the fees for additional solid waste
garbage containers by resolution.
(3) The City may provide for the collection of construction and
demolition debris and yard trash in excess of three (3) 19!:.rR bags
the amount specified in 5 143-7A(2) from residential locations at
rates established by resolution of the City Commission. Residents,
occupants or owners of premises shall arrange for collection of
residential construction and demolition debris or excess yard trash
by the City Solid Waste Department or a private hauler.
(4) Except as provided in Subsection A(3) above, all containers, bags,
receptacles and items left for collection which exceed the limits set
forth in this section shall not be collected by the City but shall be
tagged to indicate that the item was not collectible. The resident
occupant or owner of the premises who placed the waste for
collection shall immediately arrange for the prompt collection of
tagged items. The City may collect items which exceed these
limits or tagged items upon special arrangement with the customer.
The City Commission may establish rates for the collection of
excess waste or tagged items by resolution.
ill Multi-family residential units containin~ four (4) or more sin~le-
family residential units shall have their solid waste collected by the
City's franchise in the same manner as that provided for
commercial establishments.
B. Effeetive Mareh. 1, 1991, ill..All commercial establishments iRdustrial 8fl:d
iastitutioRw pr-emises in the City shall have all solid waste. other than
hazardous waste. used oil. or yard trash garbage, refuse aHa OORstructioR
aHa tlemolitioR debris collected by the City's franchisee. After Mareh. 1,
1991, It shall be a violation of this Article for any person other than the
franchisee of the City to collect or transport solid waste. other than
hazardous waste. used oil or yard trash iRcludiR~ garbage, refuse or
COftStruCtiOR and demolitioR debris for hire from commercial
establishments iad\:lstriw or institutioRw prem.ises in the City.
(2) Effective February 1. 1994. all recyclable materials e:enerated at
commercial establishments shall be separated at the premises of the
establishment. Owners or operators of commercial establishments shall
have all recovered materials collected by either a certified recovered
materials dealer or by the City's commercial franchisee. who shall also be
a certified recovered materials dealer.
SECTION 8. Section 143-8 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee is
hereby amended as follows:
~ 143-8. Service rates; billing.
A. Solid waste collection service rates shall be established by the City
Commission by resolution after a public hearing preceded by at least
seven (7) days notice of the hearing and the proposed action by
publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Ocoee.
The resolution may provide that the new rate be retroactive to the
beginning of the billing period in which the resolution is passed.
B. Rates shall be based on two (2) pickups per week for solid waste garbage,
one (1) pickup per week for yard trash and one (1) pickup per week for
recyclable materials. Customers requiring more frequent service shall be
charged a proportionally higher rate.
C. Billing for solid waste collection service shall be on a monthly basis.
SECTION 9. Section 143-9 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee is
hereby amended as follows:
f 143-9. Charges.
A. Residential premises.
(1) Single-family residential units shall be charged the base rate for
solid waste gai'bage collection established by resolution.
(2) Multiple-family residential units containing four (4) or fewer
single-family residential units shall be charged the base rate for
solid waste garbage collection established by resolution for each
(3) Multiple-family residential units containing more than four (4)
single- family residential units shall be tfefttetl a3 a oommereial
aeOOl:lBt 9;fld shall be charged the commercial rate for solid waste
garbage collection.
B. Commercial establishments iBdl:lstrial and iBstitl:ltioBal premises.
(1) Commercial establishments iBdl:lstrial 9;fld iBsntl:ltiOftal premises
using trash cans of thirty (30) gallons or less capacity each shall
be charged the base rate for solid waste garbage collection
established by resolution for each can.
(2) Commercial establishments, iaG\:lstrial or iRstitHtioaal premises
using dumpsters shall be charged a commercial rate for solid waste
garBage collection established by resolution.
SECTION 10. Section 143-10 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee
is hereby amended as follows:
f 143-10. Time of placement of containers.
No person shall place solid waste garbage containers or yard trash bags
or recyclable material containers at the street curb or curb line for collection by
the City or its franchisees prior to 5:00 p.m. on the day preceding the day for
collection of solid waste, garbage, yard trash or recyclable material according to
the schedule established by the Department of Public Works, as may be modified
from time to time. Such containers shall be removed from the street curb or
curbline by 7:00 p.m. on the day of collection by the City or its franchisees and
shall be placed in an inconspicuous area as set forth in this chapter.
SECTION 11. Section 143-11 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee
is hereby amended as follows:
f 143-11. Supervision; appeals.
The Director of Public Works will supervise collection and make
recommendations to the City Commission concerning collection.
A. All solid waste refl:lS0 and recyclable material accumulated in the City
shall be collected, conveyed and disposed of by the City under the
supervision of the Director of Public Works, except as otherwise provided
within this chapter. The Director shall have the authority to make
recommendations concerning the days of collection, type and location of
solid waste and recyclable material containers and such other matters
pertaining to the collection, conveyance and disposal as he shall fmd
necessary and to change and modify the same after notice published in a
newspaper of general circulation at least ten (10) days in advance of the
effective date of such change or modification, said notice to indicate that
persons aggrieved shall have the right of appeal to the City Commission,
as provided in Subsection B hereof, provided that such regulations or
modifications are not contrary to the provisions of this chapter.
B. Appeals. Any person aggrieved by a regulation of or fee charged by the
Director shall have the right of appeal to the City Commission, which
shall have the authority to confirm, modify or revoke any such regulation
or fee.
SECTION 12. Section 143-12 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee
is hereby amended to read as follows:
f 143-12. Commercial franchise agreements.
A. The City Commission may enter into a franchise agreement with one (1)
or more persons or entities to provide commercial collection service
within the City. The franchise agreement shall contain the name of the
person or entity to collect the solid waste other than hazardous waste. used
oil and yard trash garbage ftft6 '.V8.ste from the commercial and multi-
family residential accounts; the length of the franchise; the territory of the
franchise; the performance bond and the conditions thereof to be furnished
by the franchisee; insurance requirements for the franchisee; frequency of
collection; and such reasonable terms, restrictions and rules regarding
collections as the City may determine necessary in order to implement the
safe and efficient collection of commercial solid waste. The franchise
agreement shall be exclusive as to the applicable territory, and the term
may be up to five (5) years.
B. Franchise agreements may also provide for a non-exclusive franchise for
the collection of recyclable materials from commercial establishments.
However. nothing in this chapter or any franchise agreement shall restrict
the ability of a commercial establishment to enter into a contract with a
certified recovered materials dealer to collect. trans.port. process or
receive recovered materials.
C.B-:- The compensation for franchisees under this Article shall be in accordance
with the rates established for the collection of commercial accounts by
resolution and as otherwise agreed upon by the City and the franchisee.
The City or its designee shall bill and collect all fees and charges for
commercial garbage collection, and the City shall retain or be paid, as the
case may be, a franchisee fee in an amount not to exceed twenty percent
(20 %) of the total fees and charges collected for commercial solid waste
garbage collection.
~ G: The City shall prepare proposal documents and receive competitive
proposals from applicants for commercial collection within the City. The
City Commission may accept the proposal which it deems to be in the best
interest of the City and enter into one (1) or more franchise agreements.
In determining which proposal will be accepted, the City will consider
such factors as the proven ability of the applicant to efficiently collect
oommereial, iftElustrial eEl iftstituaeftal solid waste from commercial
establishments; the type and amount of equipment; the proposed
performance bond and insurance; frequency of collection; and other
factors deemed appropriate by the City.
D. Iftitially the City's eemmereial fmBekisee shall serviee tftese aeeeuftts
wkiek Me servieed BY tfte City ftftd looate6 withift the ff&ftemse territory
at the time the fnmekise agr-eemeRt is efttefoo iftte oetweeft the City ftftd
the ff&ftekisee. Commefteiftg Marek 1, 1991, all oommercial, iftdustfial
anEl iftstitutieftal gMBage ift tfte frtlftekise teffitery skall Be oolleeted BY tfte
frftBekisee. Uf>eft tftirty (30) days' notiee to tfte City, the <W.'fler ef ey
oommereial, iftElustrial or institutioftal pr-emises may eleet to aegift using
tfte frftBekisee fer eelleetioft prier to Marek 1, 1991.
E. In accordance with the provisions of ~ C-8 of Article II of the City
Charter, no franchise shall be awarded by the City until such time as the
City Commission has held a public hearing on the proposed franchise
preceded by at least thirty (30) days' notice of the hearing and the
proposed action by publication once a week for four (4) consecutive weeks
in a newspaper of general circulation in the City.
SECTION 13. Section 143-13 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee
is hereby amended as follows:
~ 143-13. Identification of recyclables.
The following recyclable materials are considered reeyelaale eEl suitable
for curbside collection by the City or its desil:nee: all aluminum cans. steel cans
material, hteluding eans, pipes, siding, ere.; three (3) classifications of glass
(brown, green and white); paper goods, including newspaper and computer paper
but not magazines; and plastics, such as two liter soft drink containers and plastic
coated drink cartons. The materials which are suitable for the curbside recyclinl:
pro "ram may be chanf:ed from time to time pursuant to the procedures set forth
in ~ 143-11A.
SECTION 14. Section 143-14 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee
is hereby amended as follows:
~ 143-14. Storage of solid waste refuse and recyclable material.
No person shall place any solid waste refuse or recyclable material in any
street, alley or other public place or upon any private property, whether owned
by such person or not, within the City, except if it is in proper containers for
collection or in metal or plastic type containers or other type containers under
express approval granted by the Director. Nor shall any person throw or deposit
any solid waste refuse or recyclable material in any lake, stream or other body
of water.
SECTION 15. Section 143-15 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee
is hereby amended as follows:
i 143-15. Unauthorized accumulation.
Any unauthorized accumulation of solid waste ref\:l:ie or recyclable
material on any premises is hereby declared to be a nuisance and is prohibited.
Failure to remove any existing accumulation of solid waste refuse or recyclable
material within such period as may be fixed in a written or printed notice of the
Director posted on the premises or delivered to the owner or occupant of the
premises shall be deemed a violation of this Article.
SECTION 16. Section 143-16 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee
is hereby amended as follows:
i 143-16. Scattering of solid waste refuse and recyclable material.
No person shall cast, place, sweep or deposit anywhere within the City
any solid waste ref\:lse or recyclable material upon any street, sidewalk, alley,
sewer, parkway or other public place or into any occupied premises within the
City or in such a manner that it may be carried or deposited by the elements upon
any street, sidewalk, alley, parkway or other public place or into any occupied
premises within the City.
SECTION 17. Section 143-17 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee
is hereby amended as follows:
i 143.17. Preparation of recyclable materials.
!A.l Those residents who voluntarily participate in the recycling program
established hereby shall separate recyclable material from other solid
~ garbage or mbbish and place the recyclable material in the plastic
containers provided by the City of Ocoee. However, if the volume of
recyclable material is too great fttlffiefOtlS to fit into the plastic containers
furnished by the City, then the recyclable material may be stacked and
bound with a nonmetallic substance (e.g., rope, string or plastic) or placed
in a large brown paper bag. All recyclable material being placed in
approved containers provided by the City of Ocoee shall have been
drained of all free liquids before being placed curbside for collection by
the City. The containers shall be placed at the street curb or curb line for
collection according to a schedule to be determined by the Department of
Public Works, and the weight of each container shall not exceed forty (40)
pounds of weight.
!ID. Those residents of multifamily residential units who voluntarily participate
in the recycling program shall have their recyclable materials collected by
the City or its designee. Provisions regarding the collection of recyclables
from multifamily residential units may be established pursuant to the
procedures set forth in ~ 143-11.
SECTION 18. Existing Section 143-21 of the Code of Ordinances of the City
of Ocoee is hereby transferred in its entirety to Section 143-22 of the Code.
SECTION 19. A new Section 143-21 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of
Ocoee is hereby created to read as follows:
~ 143-21. Recovered Material Dealers.
A. Effective January 1. 1994. no recovered materials dealer shall en~a~e in
business within the City without havin~ first provided the Solid Waste
Department with a cQPY of its current Florida Department of
Environmental Protection dealer certification.
B. Effective January 1. 1994. recovered materials dealers shall re~ister with
the CitySelid \Vaste Departffieflt. Such re~istration shall set forth the
dealer's name. includin~ the owner and operator of the dealer. and if the
dealer is a business entity. its ~enera1 or limited partners. its cOl:porate
officers and directors. its permanent place of business. evidence of
certification with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. and
a certification that the recovered materials will be processed at a recovered
materials processin~ facility which meets the requirements of state law.
The City may establish by resolution an ap'plication fee for dealer
re~istration to cover the costs of administerin~ ~ 143-21.
c... The City may temporarily or permanently revoke the authority of a
recovered materials dealer to do business within the City upon a findin~
that the dealer has consistently or repeatedly violated state or local laws.
ordinances. rules and re~ulations. Prior to any such revocation the dealer
shall be provided with reasonable notice and an opportunity for a hearin~
before the Code Enforcement Board pursuant to Chapter 7 of the Code.
SECTION 20. A new Section 143-22 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of
Ocoee is hereby created to read as follows:
~ 143-22. Consistency with state solid waste laws.
It is the intent of the City that this Ordinance be consistent with all state
laws re~ardin~ solid waste. recyclable materials. and recovered materials
includin~ Part IV of Chapter 403. Florida Statutes. as it may be amended from
time to time. Every effort should be made to intewret this Chapter in a manner
consistent with state solid waste laws. Should any provision of this Chapter be
held invalid due to inconsistency with state solid waste laws. all remainin~
portions of this Chapter shall remain in full force and effect.
SECTION 21. The provisions of ordinances or parts thereof in conflict herewith
are hereby repealed and superseded.
SECTION 22. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase or portion
of this Ordinance is for any reason held unconstitutional or invalid by any court of competent
jurisdiction such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such
holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion thereto.
SECTION 23. This Ordinance has been adopted after a public hearing preceded
by at least seven days notice thereof of the proposed action by publication in a newspaper of
general circulation in the City.
SECTION 24. This Ordinance shall become effective on December 7, 199.3
PASSED AND ADOPTED this ?~ay of J)f:CG-hl &-12... , 1993.
~GALITY this ~ day of
er ~ ber , 1993
ADVERTISED 11-25-93 , 1993
READ FIRST TIME 11-16-93 , 1993
bE::(.f-"'~~~ ? , 1993
BY: ~cJJ[fZ~
City Attorney