HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 93-01 ORDINANCE 93-~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA RELATING TO MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES; CREATING CHAPTER 108 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF OCOEE TO BE KNOWN AS THE MINIMUM STANDARDS CODES; PROVIDING FOR GENERAL PROVISIONS APPLICABLE TO ALL MINIMUM STANDARDS CODES; PROVIDING PURPOSES; PROVIDING DEFINITIONS; PROVIDING FOR APPLICABILITY TO EXISTING STRUCTURES; PROVIDING FOR ENFORCEMENT AND RIGHT OF ENTRY; REQUIRING MAINTENANCE OF EXISTING AND NEW STRUCTURES; PROVIDING FOR ENFORCEMENT PROCEDURES; ESTABLISHING A MINIMUM STANDARDS CODE APPEALS BOARD; ESTABLISHING A HOUSING MINIMUM STANDARDS CODE, INCLUDING PURPOSES, MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR BASIC EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES, MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR VENTILATION, ELECTRIC LIGHTS AND OUTLETS AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS, GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR STRUCTURES, SANITATION REQUIREMENTS, APPLICABILITY TO ROOMING HOUSES, OCCUPANT RESPONSIBILITY, AND LANDOWNER RESPONSIBILITY FOR MOBILE HOMES; ESTABLISHING A COMMERCIAL, BUSINESS AND INDUSTRIAL MINIMUM STANDARDS CODE, INCLUDING PURPOSES, MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS, AND DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF OWNERS AND OPERATORS; PROVIDING STANDARDS FOR BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES AND PREMISES CONSTITUTING PUBLIC NUISANCES OR HAZARDS TO PUBLIC HEALTH, SAFETY AND WELFARE AND THE AUTHORITY TO REQUIRE REPAIR, REMOVE, SECURE OR DEMOLISH SUCH STRUCTURES; PROVIDING FOR PROCEDURES RELATED TO MAJOR VIOLATIONS; PROVIDING FOR THE IMPOSITION OF A LIEN ON REAL PROPERTY IN CONNECTION WITH COSTS AND EXPENSES INCURRED BY THE CITY TO REPAIR, SECURE, REMOVE OR DEMOLISH STRUCTURES IN VIOLATION OF THE MINIMUM STANDARDS CODES; PROVIDING A PROCEDURE FOR EMERGENCY CITY ACTION; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ENACTED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION ONE. The City commission of the City of Ocoee has the authority to adopt this Ordinance pursuant to Article VIII of the Constitution of the state of Florida, Chapter 166, Florida statutes, and Section C-8.P of Article II of the Charter of the City of Ocoee. SECTION TWO. A new Chapter 108 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee, Florida, is hereby adopted as follows: CHAPTER 108 MINIMUM STANDARDS CODES ARTICLE I. IN GENERAL section 108-1. CITATION TO CODE. This Chapter may be cited and referenced to as the "Minimum Standards Codes". All references in this Chapter to "this Code" shall refer to this Minimum Standards Codes established by this Chapter. The Minimum Standards Codes shall include, but not be limited to, the Housing Minimum Standards Code established by Article II hereof and the Commercial, Business and Industrial Minimum Standards Code established by Article III hereof. SECTION 108-2. PURPOSES. The overall purpose of the Minimum Standards Codes is to protect the public health, safety, and general welfare by establishing minimum standards governing the maintenance, and condition of residential, rental, housing, commercial, business and industrial premises; to establish minimum standards governing utilities, facilities and other physical components and conditions essential to make the aforesaid facilities fit for occupancy and use; to require structural strength, stability, sanitation, adequate light and ventilation, and safety to life and property from fire, nuisances and other hazards; to conserve and maintain the viable housing stock to basic standards essential for occupancy and use; to minimize the degree to which the economic welfare of adjacent property is adversely affected or impaired. SECTION 108-3. DEFINITIONS. A. Words used in this Chapter shall have their ordinary dictionary meaning unless otherwise defined herein. B. Certain words and terms are specifically defined within this Chapter. Such definitions shall supersede the general definition or use of the word or term in this section and any other section where the subject is clearly related. Otherwise, generally accepted definitions or definitions herein shall prevail. 2 C. For the purposes of this Chapter, the following words and terms shall have the meanings set forth in this Section unless otherwise indicated by the context: (1) Abandoned Motor Vehicle - One that is in an evident state of disrepair or incapable of being moved under its own power and/or does not have a currently registered license plate attached to the vehicle. (2) Accessory structure - A structure, the use of which is incidental to that of the main building and which is attached or located on the same premises. (3) Al ter or Al tera tion modification in construction or occupancy. Any change or ( 4) Appeals Board - The Minimum Standards Code Appeals Board created pursuant to section 108-13 of this Chapter. (5) Basement - That part of a building located partly or wholly underground. (6) Building - Any structure built for the support, shelter, or enclosure of persons, animals, chattels, or property of any kind, including but not limited to mobile homes, modular factory-built homes and modular factory-built structures. A combination of materials to form a construction adapted to occasional, permanent or continuous occupancy for use for public, institutional, residence, business or storage purposes. (7) Building Code - The Building Code of the city of Ocoee. (8) Cellar - See basement. (9) ci ty - The ci ty of Ocoee or its agent as designated by the Building and Zoning Official charged with the responsibili ty of enforcing the provisions of the Minimum Standards Codes. (10) Code Enforcement Board - The City of Ocoee Code Enforcement Board established pursuant to Chapter 7 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee. (11) Deterioration - The condition or appearance of a building or parts thereof, characterized by holes, breaks, rot, crumbling, cracking, peeling, rusting or other evidence of physical decay or neglect, excessive use or lack of maintenance. (12) Dwelling - Any building which is wholly or partly used or intended to be used for living or sleeping by human occupants whether or not such building is occupied or vacant. 3 (13) Dwelling unit - Any room or group of rooms located within a dwelling and forming a single habitable unit for living, sleeping, cooking and/or eating whether or not such unit is occupied or vacant. (14) Enforcement Officer - The enforcement of the Minimum standards Codes shall be the responsibility of the Building and Zoning official, or such other person or persons designated by said Official or the city Commission. (15) Exposed to public view - Any premises, or any part thereof, or any building, or any part thereof, which may be lawfully viewed by the public or any member thereof, from a sidewalk, street, alleyway, or from any adjoining or neighboring premises. (16) Exterior of premises - Those portions of a building which are exposed to public view and the open space of any premises outside of any building erected thereon. (17) Extermination - the control and extermination of insects, rodents, or other pests by eliminating their harborage places; by removing or making inaccessible materials that may serve as their food; by poisoning, spraying, fumigating, trapping; or by any other recognized and legal pest elimination methods. (18) Family - One or more persons occupying a single dwelling unit provided that unless the members are related by law, blood or marriage, no such family shall contain more than five (5) persons, but further provided that domestic servants employed on the premises may be housed on the premises without being counted as a separate or additional family or families. (19) Fire hazard Anything or any act which increases or may cause an increase of the hazard or menace of fire to a greater degree than that customarily recognized as normal by experts in preventing, suppressing, or extinguishing fire; or which may obstruct, delay or hinder or may become the cause of an obstruction, a delay, a hazard or a hindrance to the prevention, suppression or extinguishment of fire. (20) Floor area - The sum of the gross horizontal areas of one (1) or more floors of a building measured from the exterior faces of exterior walls or from the center line of the wall separating two (2) attached buildings. (21) Garbage - All kitchen and table food waste, animal or vegetative waste that is attendant with or results from the storage, preparation, cooking or handling of food materials. 4 (22) Habitable room - A space in a structure for living, sleeping, eating or cooking. Bathrooms, toilet compartments, closets, halls, storage or utility spaces, and similar areas are not considered habitable space. (23) Health officer Director of the Health Department of Orange County, Florida, or such person's designee. (24) Infestation - The existence in large numbers of insects, rodents, or other pests so as to render the premises unpleasant, unsafe or unsanitary. (25) Major violation - A defect that exists on a property or structure that is immediately dangerous to the health, safety or welfare of the occupants, passerbys or persons in contiguous areaSj a defect that exists that seriously undermines that component or structural member which renders that component or member unsafe to use or exist in its present condition. (26) Minor violation - A defect that exists on a property or structure that in its present state of disrepair, deterioration or absence, does not constitute an immediate hazard. (27) Mixed occupancy - A building used for two or more occupancies classified in different occupancy groups. (28) Mobile Home - A movable or portable detached single-family dwelling designed for and capable of being used for long-term occupancy, designed to be transported after fabrication on its own permanent chassis and wheels, arriving at the site substantially complete. (29) Modular Factory-built Home - A modular unit residential building composed of one (1) or more dwelling units, or habitable rooms or component parts thereof, which is either wholly manufactured or in substantial part constructed in a central manufacturing facility. (30) Multiple Dwelling - Two or more dwelling units whose occupants are living independently of each other and doing their own cooking in the said building, and including flats and apartments. (31) Nuisance or Public Nuisance - Anyone or combination of the following: (i) Any public nuisance known at common law or in equity jurisprudence or as provided by the statutes of the state of Florida or ordinances of the City of Ocoee. 5 (ii) Any attractive nuisance which may prove detrimental to the health or safety of children and others whether in a building, on the premises of a building or upon an unoccupied lot. This includes, but is not limi ted to: abandoned wells, shafts, basements, excavations, unused ice boxes, refrigerators, abandoned motor vehicles and any structurally unsound fences or structures; lumber, trash, fences, debris, or vegetation such as poison ivy, oak or sumac, which may prove a hazard for inquisitive persons. Abandoned buildings are attractive nuisances when they are unsecured or unsecurable and when by reason of abandonment or neglect they contain unsound walls or flooring, unsafe wiring, fire hazards, or other unsafe conditions as further defined herein. Unsafe condi tions may include such neglect of security that opportunities for criminal activity persist to the danger and detriment of the neighborhood. (iii) Physical or unsanitary conditions or conditions so lacking illumination or ventilation as to be dangerous to human life or detrimental to health of persons on or near the premises where the condition exists; (iv) Major or minor violations of the Minimum Standards Codes which cumulatively impact upon premises to the point whereby conditions endanger human life or substantially and detrimentally affect the safety or security of occupants, nearby occupants or passers-by; (v) Whatever renders air, food or drink unwholesome or detrimental to the health of human beings; (vi) Fire hazards; and/or (vii) Anything constituting a "nuisance and menace to public health, safety and welfare" under the provisions of section 115-1 of the Ocoee City Code. (32) Operator - Any person who has charge, care or control of premises or a part thereof, whether with or without the knowledge or consent of the owner. 6 (33) OWner - (i) The holder of the title in fee simple to real property and/or any person in whose name the ad valorem tax bills for the real property are issued, and/ or (ii) the holder of the title to a mobile home and/or any person in whose name the tax bill for such mobile home is issued. In the case of a mobile home, all references to the "owner" shall include the persons holding title, whether jointly or severally, to both the mobile home and the land on which the mobile home is located, which persons shall be jointly and severally liable under this Chapter. It shall also mean any person who, alone or jointly or severally with others: (i) Shall have legal title to any building, structure, dwelling, dwelling unit or mobile home, with or without accompanying actual possession thereof; or (ii) Shall have charge, care or control of any building, structure, dwelling, dwelling unit or mobile home, as owner, executor, executrix, administrator, trustee, guardian of the estate of the owner, mortgagee or vendee in possession, or assignee of rents, lessee, or other person, firm or corporation in control of a building or structure; or their duly authorized agents. Any such person thus representing the actual owner shall be bound to comply with the provisions of this Chapter, and of rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto, to the same extent as if they were the owner. It is their responsibility to notify the actual owner of the reported infractions of these regulations pertaining to the real and/or personal property which apply to the owner. (34) Person An individual, corporation, governmental agency, business trust, estate, trust, partnership, association, two or more persons having a joint or common interest, or any other legal entity. (35) Plumbing - All of the following supplies, facilities and equipment: gas pipes, gas burning equipment, water pipes, garbage disposal units, waste pipes, water closets, sinks, installed dishwashers, lavatories, bath tubs, shower baths, installed clothes washing machines, catch basins, vents and any other similar supplied fixtures, together with all connections to water, sewer or gas lines and water pipes and lines; sanitary drainage or storm drainage facilities, the venting system and the public or private water supply systems, within or adjacent to any building, structure, or conveyance; also the practice and materials used in the installation, maintenance, extension, or alteration of 7 stormwater, liquid-waste, or sewerage, and water supply systems of any premises to their connection with any point of public disposal or other acceptance terminal. (36) Premises or Property - A lot, plot or parcel of land including the buildings or structures thereon. (37) Public areas - An unoccupied open space adjoining a building and on the same property, that is maintained accessible to the public and free of encumbrances that might interfere with its use by the public. (38) Public Nuisance - See Nuisance. (39) Refuse - Any combustible trash, paper, rags, pasteboards boxes, berry boxes, whole or broken bottles and all other trash or discharged materials not containing vegetable or animal matter tending to rapid decay or putrefaction. (40) Repair - The replacement of existing work with the same kind of material used in the existing work, not including additional work that would change the structural safety of the building, or that would affect or change required exit facilities, a vital element of an elevator, plumbing, gas piping, wiring or heating installations, or that would be in violation of a provision of law or ordinance. The term "Repair" or "Repairs" shall not apply to any change of construction. (41) Residential Occupancy - A building in which sleeping accommodations are provided, and all dormitories, shall be classified as "Residential Occupancy". Such buildings include, among others, the following: dwellings, multiple dwellings, lodging houses, and rooming houses. (42) Rooming House - A dwelling used, or intended to be used, for the furnishing of sleeping accommodations for pay or other considerations to transient or permanent guests. ( 4 3 ) Rooming Unit - Any room or group of rooms forming a single habitable unit used or intended to be used for living and sleeping, but not for cooking or eating purposes. (44) Rubbish - Combustible and noncombustible waste materials, except garbage. (45) Sanitary Sewer - Any sanitary sewer owned, operated and maintained by the City of Ocoee or any other governmental entity and available for public use for the disposal of sewage. structures, (46) Sewage - water-carried wastes from buildings, dwellings, residences, business buildings, 8 institutions, industrial establishments and other customers of a sanitary sewer system. (47) Skirting - A barrier designed specifically to protect and hide from view the undercarriage, piers, and tie-down straps of mobile homes and manufactured housing or buildings. Skirting may also be constructed of natural durable or pressure treated wood. Natural durable wood is redwood, cedars or black locust. Approved Skirting shall be a skirting system manufactured specifically for the purpose of installation on mobile homes and manufactured housing or buildings' undercarriages. All skirting shall be installed according to the manufacturer's specifications and/or applicable City Codes. (48) Solid Waste - Garbage, refuse, rubbish, yard trash, clean debris, white goods, construction and demolition debris, special waste, ashes, sludge or other discarded material, including solid, liquid, semisolid or contained gaseous material resulting from domestic, industrial, commercial, agricultural or governmental operations. (49) Stairway - One or more flights of stairs and the necessary landings and platforms connecting them, to form a continuous and uninterrupted passage from one story to another in a building or structure. (50) Story - That portion of a building included between the surface of any floor and the surface of the next floor above it or, if there is no floor above it, then the space between the floor and the ceiling above it. (51) Structure - Anything constructed or erected with a fixed location on the ground or attached to something having a fixed location on the ground. Among other things, structures include buildings, mobile homes, modular factory-built homes, modular factory-built structures, walls, fences, billboards and poster panels. (52) Temporary Structure - Any structure to serve a use temporarily such as a field or sales office or contractor's office for which a use permit may be granted. (53) Supplied - Paid for, furnished, or provided by or under control of, the owner or operator. (54) ventilation - The process of supplying and removing air by natural or mechanical means to or from any space. (55) Violator - Any owner, operator, or legally responsible person who owns, maintains, or utilizes a structure and/or owns, maintains or utilizes property in violation of this Chapter or any other provisions of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee. Owners are ultimately responsible for controlling conditions and uses on their structures and/or property and may not 9 by contract or abandonment of the structure and/or property avoid responsibility and liability as an owner. (56) Washrooms - Enclosed space containing one or more sinks, tubs, showers, or basins and which shall also include toilets, urinals, or fixtures serving similar purposes. (57) Water Closet compartment - Enclosed space containing one or more toilets which may also contain one or more lavatories, urinals and other plumbing fixtures. (58) weathering - Deterioration, decay or damage caused by exposure to the elements. (59) working Order - To perform or operate as intended by the manufacturer. (60) Yard - An open space measured horizontally between a building and the adjoining lot lines or street setback lines, where applicable, unoccupied and unobstructured by any portion of a structure from the ground upward. SECTION 108-4. APPLICABILITY TO EXISTING BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES. The provisions of the Minimum Standards Codes shall apply to every building or structure irrespective of when said building or structure was constructed, altered, or repaired. Additionally: (A) If, within any period of twelve (12) months, alterations or repairs are made to an existing building or structure, which, in the opinion of the Building and Zoning Official, affect more than fifty percent (50%) of such building or structure, then, such building or structure shall be made to conform to the requirements of the City of Ocoee Building Code for new buildings and structures. (B) If more than fifty percent (50%) of an existing building or structure is, in the opinion of the Building and Zoning official, damaged by fire or other casualty, then such building or structure in its entirety shall be made to conform to the requirements of the Ocoee Building Code for new buildings and structures. (C) If, in the opinion of the Building and Zoning Official less than fifty percent (50%), but more than twenty-five percent (25%) of such building or structure is damaged as referred to in subsection (B) above, then the portions to be altered or repaired shall be made to conform to the requirements of the Ocoee Building Code for new buildings and structures to such extent as the Building and Zoning Official may determine. 10 (D) Repairs and alterations not covered by this Section, restoring a building or structure to its condition previous to damage or deterioration, or altering it in conformity with the provisions of the Ocoee Building Code or in which manner as will not extend or increase an existing nonconformity or hazard, may be made with the same kind of materials as those of which the building or structure is constructed. SECTION 108-5. ENFORCEMENT OFFICER. The provisions of this Chapter shall be administered by the Building and Zoning Official of the City of Ocoee or such other person or persons designated by said Official or by the City commission of the City of Ocoee. All inspections, regulations, enforcement and hearings on violations of the provisions of this Chapter, unless expressly stated to the contrary, shall be under such person's direction and supervision. SECTION 108-6. RIGHT OF ENTRY AND INSPECTIONS In accordance with the requirements of applicable federal or state law, the enforcement officer, upon presentation of proper identification to the owner, occupant or agent in charge of such property, may enter any building, business, industrial premise, structure, dwelling, apartment, apartment house, or other premises regulated by the Minimum Standards Codes within the city of Ocoee, Florida, during all reasonable hours to enforce the Minimum Standards Codes, except in cases of emergency where extreme hazards are known to exist which may involve the potential loss of life or severe property damage, in which case the above limitations shall not apply. Furthermore, the enforcement officer shall inspect all aforementioned premises, when directed by the Building and Zoning Official, prior to the application for City utility Service, including transfers. Upon written acceptance of a premise, the utility department may release service. SECTION 108-7. MAINTENANCE REQUIRED All buildings or structures, both existing and new, and all parts thereof, shall be maintained in a safe and sanitary condition. All devices or safeguards which are required by the Minimum Standards Codes in a building when erected, altered, or repaired, shall be maintained in good working order. SECTION 108-8. HIGHER STANDARD TO PREVAIL IN CASE OF CONFLICT WITH OTHER ORDINANCES OR LAWS In any case where the provisions of this Chapter imposes a higher standard than set forth in any other applicable ordinances, or state or federal laws, then the standard as set forth herein shall prevail but if the provisions of this Chapter impose a lower standard than any other applicable ordinances, or state or federal 11 law, then the higher standard contained in any such ordinances or law shall prevail. SECTION 108-9. REQUIREMENTS NOT COVERED BY CODES Any requirements, not specifically covered by the Minimum Standards Codes, but found necessary for the safety, health, and general welfare of the occupants of any dwelling, shall be determined by the Building and Zoning Official, or his designee, subject to appeal to the Appeals Board. SECTION 108-10. LIABILITY Any officer or employee, of the City of Ocoee or member of the Appeals Board or Code Enforcement Board charged with the enforcement of this Chapter in the discharge of their duties, shall not thereby render themselves liable personally, and they are hereby relieved from all personal liability for any damage that may accrue to persons or property as a result of any act required or permitted in the discharge of their duties. SECTION 108-11. ENFORCEMENT OF AND COMPLIANCE WITH OTHER ORDINANCES No certification of compliance with this Chapter shall constitute a defense against any violation of any other ordinance of the City of Ocoee otherwise applicable to any structure or premises, nor shall any provision of this Chapter relieve any owner or operator from complying with other applicable City Ordinances or prevent any official of the City of Ocoee from enforcing any such ordinances. SECTION 108-12. PROCEDURE WHERE VIOLATION IS DISCOVERED Whenever the enforcing authority determines that there has been or is a violation, or that there are reasonable grounds to believe that there has been or is a violation of any provision of this Chapter, the enforcing authority shall give notice of such violation or alleged violation to the owner of the property which is the subject of the notice and to such other person or persons responsible for the correction thereof under the provisions of this Chapter, the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee, or other federal, state or local laws, statutes, ordinances, rules or regulations. Such notice shall: (1) Be in writing; (2) Includes a description of the real estate or address sufficient for identification; 12 (3) specify the violation(s) factual description and required; by the code citation and remedial action (4) Include a schedule as to the time allowed for completion of the required improvements necessary to bring the building into compliance with the Minimum Standards Codes. (5) The written notice referred to above shall be considered to be adequately delivered by depositing the notice in the united states Post Office addressed to such person (s) at his last known address with postage prepaid thereon, certified mail, return receipt requested. (6) The time given to comply with minor violations as defined in the Minimum Standards Codes shall not exceed sixty (60) days. The time given to comply with major violations shall not exceed fifteen (15) days. (7) Any violation not corrected in the time and manner specified in the notice pursuant to this section may be referred to the Code Enforcement Board or the Ci ty , at its options, may independently or concurrently take such other enforcement action as may be permitted by law, statutes or ordinance. SECTION 108-13. MINIMUM STANDARDS CODE APPEALS BOARD: HEARINGS A. There is hereby created a Minimum Standards Code Appeals Board. The members of the Appeals Board shall be the City Engineer, the City Fire Chief and the city Director of Public Works, or their respective designee. The City Engineer shall be chairman of the Appeals Board. The Appeals Board shall meet from time-to-time at the call of the Chairman or the Building and Zoning Official. The Chairman shall designate a Recording Secretary of the Appeals Board who shall maintain the permanent records of the Appeals Board. B. Any person aggrieved or affected by any decision or notice of the Building and Zoning Official pertaining to the Minimum Standards Codes may appeal such notice or decision to the Minimum Standards Code Appeals Board. Such appeals shall be filed in writing with the Building and Zoning Official within five (5) days from the date of order or notice and must contain at least the following information: 1. Identification of the building or structure concerned by street address or legal description. 13 2. A statement identifying the legal interest of each appellant. 3. A statement identifying the specific order or section being appealed and the basis of the appeal. 4. The legal signature of all appellants and their official mailing address. Upon receipt of an appeal as set forth above, the Building and Zoning Off icial Shall request that the Chairman of the Appeals Board meet to consider such appeal and shall deliver copies of the appeal to all members of the Appeals Board. The Chairman shall thereafter schedule a meeting of the Appeals Board and shall fix a date, time and location for the hearing of the appeal. The hearing date shall be not more than ten (10) working days from the date the appeal was filed with the Building and Zoning Official. The Applicant shall be notified by telephone or written notice of the time and date of the hearing. C. Failure of any person to appear at the hearing shall constitute a waiver of his rights to an additional hearing of the appeal. The hearing shall offer the appellant reasonable opportunity to be heard on those matters or issues raised by the appellant in his written appeal. The appellant may appear at the hearing in person or through his attorney or other designated representative. D. The Appeals Board amend or dismiss the order or vote of the Appeals Board. continuances for good cause. shall have the authority to uphold, notice of violation by a majority The Appeals Board may grant E. The final decision of the Appeals Board shall be in writing and shall contain all requirements to be complied with. A copy of the decision shall be delivered to the appellant either personally or by mail. The effective date of the Appeals Board's final decision shall be as stated herein. F. A permanent record shall be made of all hearings using the method of recording designated by the Appeals Board. G. Any appeals of the decision of the Minimum Standards Code Appeals Board shall be heard by the City Code Enforcement Board. ARTICLE II. HOUSING MINIMUM STANDARDS CODE SECTION 108-14. CITATION This Article may be cited and referenced to as the "Housing Minimum Standards Code". 14 SECTION 108-15. PURPOSE The purpose of this Housing Minimum Standards Code is to protect the public health, safety, and welfare by establishing minimum standards, governing the maintenance, appearance and living conditions of housing. Through the sanitation, adequate light and ventilation, and safety to life and property from fire, nuisances and other hazards, the viable housing stock shall be conserved and maintained at least to basic, adequate standards essential to make housing fit for occupancy and use. This Housing Minimum Standards Code imposes certain responsibilities and duties upon owners and operators of property, authorizes inspections and hearings regarding the conditions on property including repair, vacation, and demolition of structures or nuisance conditions. This Housing Minimum Standards Code is hereby declared to be remedial and essential for the public interest and it is intended that this Housing Minimum Standards Code be liberally construed to effectuate the purposes stated herein. SECTION 108-16. APPLICABILITY Every building or structure used in whole or in part as a dwelling unit or as two or more dwelling units, or as rooming or boarding houses, shall conform to the requirements of this Housing Minimum Standards Code irrespective of the primary use of such building or structure, and irrespective of when such building or structure may have been constructed, altered or repaired. This Housing Minimum Standards Code establishes minimum standards for occupancy, and does not replace or modify standards otherwise established for construction, replacement or repair of building or structure except such as contrary to and less stringent than the provisions of this Housing Minimum Standards Code. No owner or operator shall let for occupancy by any person any premises, any dwelling, dwelling unit, rooming house, building or structure which contain major violations as defined in this Housing Minimum Standards Code. SECTION 108-17. VIOLATIONS Procedures for violations of this Housing Minimum Standards Code shall be as provided generally in Article I of this Chapter for violations rendering premises unfit for occupancy and/or subject to demolition and are supplementary as provided in Article IV of this Chapter. SECTION 108-18. ADMINISTRATIVE' INSPECTIONS Administration of and inspections for the purposes of this Housing Minimum Standards Code are as provided generally in Article I of this Chapter. 15 SECTION 108-19. MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR BASIC EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES. No person shall occupy as owner-occupant or let or sublet to another for occupancy any dwelling or dwelling unit designed or intended to be used for the purpose of living, sleeping, cooking, and/or eating therein, nor shall any vacant dwelling building be permitted to exist which does not comply with the following requirements: (A) Sanitary Facilities - Every dwelling unit shall contain not less than a kitchen sink, lavatory, tub or shower, and a water closet all in good working condition and properly connected to an approved water and sewer system. During occupancy, there shall be provided a safe, adequate and constant supply of potable water. Every plumbing fixture and water and waste pipe shall be properly installed and maintained in good sanitary working condition free from defects, leaks, and obstructions. (B) Location of Sanitary Facilities All required plumbing fixtures shall be located within the dwelling unit and be accessible to the occupants of same. The water closet, tub, or shower and lavatory shall be located in a room affording privacy to the user and such room shall have a minimum floor space of 30 square feet with no dimension less than 4 feet. Bathrooms shall be accessible from habitable rooms, hallways, corridors or other protected or enclosed areas, not including kitchens or other food preparation areas. (C) Hot and Cold Water Supply - Every dwelling unit shall have connected to the kitchen sink, lavatory, and tub or shower and adequate supply of both cold and hot water. All water shall be supplied through an approved distribution system connected to a potable water supply. (D) Water Heating Facilities - Every dwelling unit shall have water heating facilities which are properly installed and maintained in a safe and good working condition and are capable of heating water to such a temperature as to permit an adequate amount of water to be drawn at every required kitchen sink, lavatory basin, bathtub or shower at a temperature of not less than 120 degrees Fahrenheit. Such water heating facilities shall be capable of meeting the requirements of this subsection when the dwelling or dwelling unit heating facilities required under the provisions of this Housing Minimum Standards Code are not in operation. Apartment houses may use a centralized water heating facility capable of heating an adequate amount of water as required by the Standard Plumbing Code as accepted and amended by the City of Ocoee to not less than 120 degrees Fahrenheit. 16 (E) Heating Facilities - (1) Every dwelling unit shall have heating facilities which are properly installed, are maintained in safe and good working conditions, and are capable of safely and adequately heating all habitable rooms, and bathrooms in every dwelling unit located therein to a temperature of a least 68 degree Fahrenheit (20 degrees celsius) at a distance 3 feet above floor level, under average winter conditions. (2) Where a central heating system is not provided, each dwelling unit shall be provided with facilities whereby heating appliances may be connected. (3) Unvented fuel burning heaters shall be prohibited except for gas heaters listed for unvented use and the total input rating of the unvented use and the total input rating of the unvented heaters is less than 30 BTU per hour per cubic feet of room content. Unvented fuel burning heaters shall be prohibited in bedrooms. (F) Kitchen Facilities Every dwelling unit shall contain a kitchen equipped with the following minimum facilities: (1) Food preparation surfaces impervious to water and free of defects which could trap food or liquid. (2) Shelving, cabinets or drawers for the storage of food and cooking and eating utensils, all of which shall be maintained in good repair. (3) Freestanding or permanently installed cookstove. Portable electric cooking equipment shall not fulfill this requirement. Portable cooking equipment employing flame shall be prohibited. (4) Mechanical refrigeration equipment for the storage of perishable foodstuffs. Exception: Nothing herein shall preclude a written agreement between an owner and tenant that the tenant will furnish mechanical refrigeration equipment and/or a cookstove as required in this section. It shall be an affirmative defense available to an owner charged with a violation of this section if such an agreement exists. (G) Garbage Disposal Facilities - Every dwelling unit shall have adequate garbage disposal facilities or garbage storage containers of a type and location approved by the city. (H) Fire Protection - A person shall not occupy as owner- occupancy or let to another for occupancy, any building or 17 structure which does not comply with the applicable provisions of the fire prevention code of the applicable governing body. (I) Smoke Detector Systems - Every dwelling unit shall be provided with an approved listed smoke detector, installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and in accordance with NFPA # 74. When activated, the detector shall provide an audible alarm. The detector shall be tested in accordance with and meet the requirements of UL 217, single and Multiple station Smoke Detectors. SECTION 108-20. MINIMUM REOUIREMENTS FOR VENTILATION. (A) ventilation - (1) Every habitable room shall have at least one screened window or skylight which can be easily opened, or such other device as will adequately ventilate the room. The total of openable window area in every habitable room shall equal to at least 45% of the minimum window area size or minimum skylight-type window size, as required, or shall have other approved equivalent ventilation. (2) Year round mechanically ventilating conditioned air systems may be substituted for windows, as required herein, in rooms other than rooms used for sleeping purposes. Window type air-conditioning units are not included in this exception. (B) Bathroom - Every bathroom shall comply with the light and ventilation requirements for habitable rooms. No window or skylight shall be required in adequately ventilated bathrooms equipped with an approved ventilating system. SECTION 108-21. MINIMUM REOUIREMENTS FOR ELECTRIC LIGHTS AND OUTLETS. (A) Where there is electric service available to the building structure, every habitable room or space shall contain at least two separate and remote receptacle outlets (receptacles rendered inaccessible by appliances fastened in place or by appliances occupying dedicated space shall not be considered as these required outlets), and a wall or ceiling lighting outlet controlled by a wall switch shall be provided. Every hall, water closet compartment, bathroom, laundry room or furnace room shall contain at least one ceiling-mounted or wall-mounted lighting fixture. In addition to the lighting fixture in every bathroom and laundry room, there shall be provided at least one receptacle outlet. Any new bathroom receptacle outlet shall have ground-fault circuit interrupter protection. 18 (B) Every common hall and inside stairway in every building, other than one-family dwellings, shall be adequately lighted at all times with an illumination of at least 1 foot candle intensity at the floor in the darkest portion of the normally traveled stairs and passageways. SECTION 108-22. MINIMUM REOUIREMENTS FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS. Every electrical outlet and fixture, all wiring and equipment shall be installed, maintained and connected to a source of electric power in accordance with the provisions of the electrical code of the authority having jurisdiction. SECTION 108-23. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR OF STRUCTURES. (A) Foundation - The building foundation system shall be maintained in a safe manner and capable of supporting the load which normal use may cause to be placed thereon. (B) Skirting - Existing Skirting shall be maintained free from broken or missing sections, pieces or cross members. Skirting shall be securely attached and sized from the ground to the lower outside perimeter of the structure. All mobile homes moved into the city shall have the undercarriage, piers and tie-down straps protected and hid from view by Approved Skirting. Existing mobile homes shall have Approved Skirting installed by no later than six months after the adoption of this ordinance. (C) Replacement Skirting - Replacement or new Skirting shall be Approved Skirting, and shall be constructed of materials intended for exterior use and properly sized and mounted to prevent free access to the crawl space of the structure. Crawl space access grille or door and ventilation grilles shall be sized according to local code requirements. All Approved Skirting shall be installed according to the manufacturer's specifications and/or applicable provisions of the Ocoee City Code. (D) Exterior Walls - Every exterior wall shall be free of holes, breaks, loose or rotting boards or timbers, and any other conditions which might admit rain, or dampness to the interior portions of the walls or to the occupied spaces of the building. All siding material shall be kept in repair. (E) Roofs - (1) Roofs shall be structurally sound and maintained in a safe manner and have no defects which might admit rain or cause dampness in the walls or interior portion of the building. 19 (2) All portions, additions or sections of a roof including, but not limited to: fascia, eaves, soffit, sheathing, rafter tails, barge rafter, vent screening, gutters, downspouts, roof jacks, lead or metal flashing, shall be complete with all trim strips, moldings, brackets, braces and supports in accordance with common building practices. No item shall display signs of deterioration, abuse or improper installation that could be construed to affect the purpose of that item or cause damage to the immediate area or roof structure, that could allow dampness or admit rain to the interior of that building. (F) Means of Egress - Every dwelling unit shall have safe, unobstructed means of egress with minimum ceiling height of 7 feet leading to a safe and open space at ground level. stairs shall have a minimum head room of 6 feet, 8 inches. (G) stairs, Porches and Appurtenances - Every inside and outside stair, porch and any appurtenance thereto shall be safe to use and capable of supporting the load that normal use may cause to be placed thereon and shall be kept in sound condition and good repair. .;' \ "PC! (H) 'c" t\< ;1/.'" (I) Windows Every window shall be substantially weather-tight, watertight and rodent-proof, and shall be kept in sound working condition and good repair. (J) windows To Be Glazed - Every window sash shall be fully supplied with glass window panes or an approved substitute which are without open cracks or holes. (K) Window Sash - Window sash shall be properly fitted and weather-tight within the window frame. (L) Windows To Be Openable - Every window required for light and ventilation for habitable rooms shall be capable of being opened and secured in position by window hardware. (M) Exterior Doors. (1) Every exterior door, basement or cellar door and hatchway shall be substantially weathertight, watertight, and rodent-proof, and shall be kept in sound working condition and good repair. (2) Every exterior door shall be provided with properly installed hardware that is maintained to insure reasonable ease of operation to open, close and secure in an open or closed position, as intended by the manufacturer of the door and the attached hardware. 20 (N) Exterior Door Frames. (1) Exterior door frames shall be properly maintained and shall be affixed with weatherstripping and thresholds as required to be substantially weathertight, watertight and rodent and insect restrictive when the door is in a closed position. (2) Exterior door jambs, stops, headers and moldings shall be securely attached to the structure, maintained in good condition without splitting or deterioration that would minimize the strength and security of the door in a closed position. (0) Screens Dwelling units which do not have a functioning central air conditioning system shall have screens on all exterior openable windows and doors used or required for ventilation. Screens on windows and doors shall be stretched and fitted and maintained without open rips or tears. Screens on porches, balconies or other appurtenances shall be maintained in good repair. Screen enclosures, such as those of swimming pools shall be maintained in good repair. (P) Protective Treatment - All exterior wood surfaces, other than decay resistant woods, shall be protected from the elements and decay by painting or other protecti ve cover ing or treatment. All siding shall be weather resistant and water tight. All masonry joints shall be sufficiently maintained to insure water and air tightness. (Q) Accessory Structures - Garages, storage buildings and all other accessory structures shall be maintained and kept in good repair and sound structural condition. (R) Interior Floors, Walls, and Ceilings. (1) Every floor, interior wall and ceiling shall be sUbstantially rodent proof, shall be kept in sound condition and good repair and shall be safe to use and capable of supporting the load which normal use may cause to be placed thereon. (2) Every toilet, bathroom and kitchen floor surface shall be constructed and maintained so as to be substantially impervious to water and so as to permit such floor to be easily kept in a clean and sanitary condition. dwelling evidence carrying (S) Structural Supports - Every structural shall be maintained structurally sound of deterioration which would render it normal loads. element of the and show no incapable of 21 (T) Protective Railings For Interior and Exterior stairs - Interior and exterior stairs and stairwells more than four risers high shall have handrails located in accordance with the requirements of the Ocoee Building Code. Handrails or protective railings shall be capable of bearing normally imposed loads and be maintained in good condition. (U) Interior Doors - Every existing interior door shall fit reasonably well within its frame and shall be capable of being opened and closed by being properly and securely attached to jambs, headers or tracks as intended by the manufacturer of the attachment hardware. (V) Interior Door Hardware - Every interior door shall be provided with proper hardware, securely attached and maintained in good condition. Hasp lock assemblies are not permitted on the exterior side of the door of habitable rooms. (W) Bathroom Doors Privacy of bathrooms shall be afforded by doors complete with privacy hardware intended by manufacturer for that purpose. (X) Minimum Dwelling Space Requirements. (1) Required Space in Dwelling Unit - Every dwelling unit shall contain at least 150 square feet of floor space for the first occupant thereof and at least 100 additional square feet of floor area per additional occupant. The floor area shall be calculated on the basis of the total area of all habitable rooms. (2) Required Space in Sleeping Rooms - In every dwelling unit, every room occupied for sleeping purposes by one occupant shall contain at least 70 square feet of floor space, and every room occupied for sleeping purposes by more than one occupant shall contain at least 50 square feet of floor space for each occupant thereof. (3) Minimum Ceiling Height - Habitable (space) rooms other than kitchen, storage rooms and laundry rooms shall have a ceiling height of not less than 7 foot 6 inches. Hallways, corridors, bathrooms, water closet rooms and kitchens shall have a ceiling height of not less than 7 feet measured to the lowest projection from the ceiling. (a) If any room in a building has a sloping ceiling, the prescribed ceiling height for the room is required in only one-half the room area. No portion of the room measuring less than 5 feet from the finished floor to the finished ceiling shall be included in any computation of the minimum room area. 22 (4) Required Dimension - No habitable room other than a kitchen shall be less than seven (7) feet in any horizontal dimension. (Y) Occupancy of Dwelling unit Below Grade - No basement or cellar space shall be used as a habitable room or dwelling unit unless: (1) The floor and walls are impervious to leakage of underground and surface runoff water and are insulated against dampness; and (2) The total window area in each room is equal to at least the minimum window area size as required in this Housing Minimum standards Code; and (3) Such required minimum window area is located entirely above the grade of the ground adjoining such window area; and (4) The total of openable window area in each room is equal to at least the minimum as required in this Housing Minimum Standards Code, except where there is supplied some other device affording adequate ventilation. SECTION 108-24. SANITATION REQUIREMENTS. (A) Sanitation - Every owner of a multiple dwelling shall be responsible for maintaining in a clean and sanitary condition the shared or common areas of the dwelling and premises thereof. (B) Cleanliness - Every owner is responsible to require every occupant of a dwelling unit to keep in a clean and sanitary condition that part of the dwelling, dwelling unit and premises thereof which the tenant occupies or which is provided for his particular use. (C) Garbage Disposal - Every owner is responsible to require every occupant of a dwelling or dwelling unit to dispose of all garbage and any other organic waste which might provide food for rodents and all rubbish in a clean and sanitary manner by placing it in the garbage disposal facilities or garbage or rubbish storage containers. All garbage disposal facilities or garbage or rubbish storage containers shall comply with section 143-2 of Chapter 143 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee. (D) Care of Premises - It shall be unlawful for the owner or occupant of a residential building, structure, or property to utilize the premises of such residential property for the open storage of any abandoned motor vehicle, ice box, refrigerator, stove, glass, building material, building rubbish or similar items. It shall be the duty and responsibility of every such owner and 23 occupant to keep the premises of such residential property clean and to remove from the premises all such abandoned items as listed above, including but not limited to weeds, dead trees, trash, garbage,etc., upon notice pursuant to this Chapter. (E) Extermination - Every occupant of a single dwelling and every owner of a building or structure containing two or more dwelling units shall be responsible for the extermination of any insects, rodents or other pests within the building or premises. Exception: Extermination of wood-destroying organisms shall, in all cases, be the sole responsibility of the building owner. (F) Use and Operation of Supplied Plumbing Fixtures - Every owner and occupant of a dwelling unit shall keep all plumbing fixtures therein in a clean and sanitary condition and shall be responsible for the exercise of reasonable care in the proper use and operation thereof. SECTION 108-25. ROOMING HOUSES. (A) Compliance Exceptions - No person shall operate a rooming house, or shall occupy or let to another for occupancy any rooming unit in any rooming house, except in compliance with the provisions of this Article. (B) License Required - No person shall operate a rooming house without the required state and local licenses. (C) Sanitary Facilities - At least one (1) toilet, wash basin and bathtub or shower, properly connected to a water and sewer or septic system in good working condition shall be supplied for each fifteen (15) guests or major portion thereof, including separate facilities for each sex. (D) Water Heater Required - Every lavatory basin and bathtub or shower shall be supplied with hot water at all times. (E) Required Living Space - Every rooming house shall contain at least one hundred fifty (150) square feet of floor space for the first occupant thereof and at least one hundred (100) additional square feet of floor area per additional occupant. The floor area shall be calculated on the basis of the total area of all habitable rooms. (F) Minimum Floor Area For Sleeping Purposes - Every room occupied for sleeping purposes by one (1) person shall contain at least seventy (70) square feet of floor space and every room occupied for sleeping purposes by more than one person shall contain at least (50) square feet of floor space for each occupant thereof. 24 (G) Exit Requirement - Every rooming unit shall have safe, unobstructed means of egress leading to safe and open space at ground level, as required by the laws of the governed area of or of the state. (H) Sanitary Conditions - The owner and operator of every rooming house shall be responsible for the sanitary maintenance of all walls, floors, and ceilings, and for maintenance of a sanitary condition in every other part of the rooming house; and each shall be further responsible for the sanitary maintenance of the entire premises where the entire structure or building is leased or occupied by the operator. SECTION 108-26. OCCUPANT RESPONSIBILITY. Nothing in construed to relieve obligation placed or ordinance. this Article shall be interpreted or any occupant of a dwelling unit from any required by Federal or State law or City SECTION 108-27. LAND OWNER RESPONSIBILITY FOR MOBILE HOMES with respect to mobile homes, the owner of the mobile home and the owner of the underlying land on which such mobile home is located shall be jointly and severally responsible and liable for compliance of such mobile home with this Housing Minimum Standards Code. ARTICLE III. COMMERCIAL, BUSINESS AND INDUSTRIAL MINIMUM STANDARDS CODE SECTION 108-28. CITATION. This Article may be cited and referenced to as the "Commercial, Business and Industrial Minimum Standards Code". SECTION 108-29. PURPOSE. The purpose of this Commercial, Business and Industrial Minimum standards Code is to protect the public health, safety, and welfare by establishing minimum standards governing the maintenance, appearance and condition of commercial, business and industrial premises; to establish minimum standards governing utilities, facilities and other physical components and conditions essential to make the aforesaid facilities and duties upon owners and operators; to authorize and establish procedures for the inspection of commercial, business and industrial premises; to fix penalties for violations of this Commercial, Business and Industrial Minimum Standards Code, and to provide for the repair, demolition or vacation of commercial, business or industrial premises. This Commercial, Business and Industrial Minimum 25 standards Code is hereby declared to be remedial and essential for the public interest and it is intended that this Article be liberally construed to effectuate the purposes as stated herein. SECTION 108-30. APPLICABILITY. Every commercial, business or industrial establishment and the premises on which it is situated in the city used or intended to be used for commercial, business, assembly, educational, hazardous, institutional, mercantile, storage or industrial occupancy shall comply with the provisions of this Commercial, Business and Industrial Minimum Standards Code, whether or not such building or structure shall have been constructed, altered or repaired before or after the enactment of this commercial, Business and Industrial Minimum Standards Code, and irrespective of any permits or licenses which shall have been issued for the use or occupancy of the building or structure or premises for the construction or repair of equipment or facilities prior to the effecti ve date of this Commercial, Business and Industrial Minimum Standards Code. This Commercial, Business and Industrial Minimum Standards Code establishes minimum standards for the initial and continued occupancy and use of all such buildings and structures. Where there is mixed occupancy, any commercial, business or industrial use therein shall be nevertheless regulated by and subject to the provisions of this Commercial, Business and Industrial Minimum Standards Code. SECTION 108-31. VIOLATIONS. Procedures for violations of this Commercial, Business and Industrial Minimum Standards Code shall be as provided generally in Article I of this Chapter. Procedures for violations rendering premises unfit for occupation and/or subject to demolition are supplementary as provided in Article IV of this Chapter. SECTION 108-32. ADMINISTRATION AND INSPECTIONS. Administration of and inspections for the purposes of this Commercial, Business and Industrial Minimum Standards Code are as provided generally in Article I of this Chapter. SECTION 108-33. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR COMMERCIAL, BUSINESS AND INDUSTRIAL STRUCTURES. (A) General maintenance of commercial, business and industrial structures: (1) The exterior of every structure or accessory structure (including fences, lighting, signs and storefronts) shall be maintained in good repair and shall be 26 substantially weathertight, watertight and shall be made impervious to the adverse effects of weather and be maintained in sound condition and good repair. All surfaces shall be maintained free of broken glass, loose shingles, crumbling stone or brick, excessive peeling paint or other condition reflective of deterioration or inadequate maintenance to the end that the basic integrity of the structure may be preserved, safety and fire hazards may be eliminated, and adjoining properties and the neighborhood may be protected from blighting influences; (2) All reconstruction of walls and sidings shall conform to the requirements of the Ocoee Building Code and shall be finished in a manner such that the materials used will not be of a kind that by their appearance, as determined by the Building and Zoning Official, will depreciate the values of neighboring and adjoining premises; (3) Floors, interior walls and ceilings of every structure shall be structurally sound and maintained in good repair; (4) Floors shall be considered to be structurally sound and in good repair when capable of safely bearing imposed loads and shall be maintained at all times in a condition so as to be smooth, clean, free from excessive cracks, breaks and other hazards; (5) Interior walls and ceilings shall be considered to be in good repair when clean, free from excessive cracks, breaks, loose plaster and similar conditions. Walls shall be provided with paint, paper sealing material or other protective covering so that the said walls and ceilings shall be kept clean, free of visible foreign matter, sanitary and well maintained at all times; (6) All roofs shall have a suitable covering free of holes, cracks or excessively worn surfaces, which will prevent the entrance of moisture into the structure and provide reasonable durability. Roofs shall be maintained in a safe manner and have no defects which might admit rain or cause dampness in the walls or interior portion of the structure; (7) Every lavatory and water closet shall be in good working condition and properly connected to an approved water and sewer system, unless otherwise provided by the Ocoee City Code. Every plumbing fixture and waste pipe shall be properly installed and maintained in good sanitary working condition, free from defects, leaks, and obstructions. Washroom and water closet compartment floors shall be surfaced with water resistant materials and shall be kept in a dry, clean and sanitary condition at all times; 27 (8) supporting structural members are to be kept structurally sound, free of deterioration and capable of bearing imposed loads safely; (9) Every washroom and water closet compartment shall be provided with permanently installed artificial lighting fixtures with a switch and wallplate so located and maintained that there is no danger of short circuiting from water, from other bathroom facilities or from splashing of water; (10) All occupied connected to and be provided safely insulated conductors Electrical Code as adopted and premises shall with electric conforming to amended by the be properly power through the National City of Ocoee. (11) All wiring and equipment shall be installed and maintained in accordance with the requirements of the authority having jurisdiction. Flexible cords shall not be permitted as a substitute for the fixed wiring of a structure. No ceiling or wall fixture shall be used for supplying power to equipment other than that for which they are designed; (12) The owner and operator shall each have the duty and full responsibility of providing approved garbage storage containers. All garbage storage containers shall comply with Section 143-2 of Chapter 143 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Ocoee; (13) Inflammable or combustible liquids or other materials may not be stored on the premises unless they are of a type approved for storage by the regulations of the City of Ocoee Fire Department and then only in such quantities and in such fireproof storage containers as may be prescribed by the regulations of said department. (14) Sources of infestation and all nuisance conditions shall be abated, or they shall be sUbject to enforcement actions as provided in the Article IV of this Chapter. (15) Foundation walls shall be kept structurally sound, free from defects and damage and capable of bearing imposed loads safely; (16) Operating chimneys and all flue and vent attachments thereto shall be maintained structurally sound, free from defects and so maintained as to capably perform at all times the function for which they were designed. Chimneys, flues, gas vents or other draft producing equipment shall provide sufficient draft to develop the rated output of the connected equipment, shall be structurally safe, durable, 28 smoketight and capable of withstanding the action of flue gasses; and (17) Exterior porches, landings, balconies, stairs and fire escapes shall be provided with banisters or railings properly designed and maintained to minimize the hazard of falling, and the same and shall be kept structurally sound, in good repair and free from defects. (B) signs and Billboards - All permanent signs and billboards exposed to public view permitted by reason of other regulations or as a lawful nonconforming use shall be maintained in good repair. Any signs which have excessively weathered or faded or those upon which the paint has excessively peeled or cracked shall, with their supporting members, be removed forthwith or put into a good state of repair. All non-operative or broken electrical signs shall be repaired or shall, with their supporting members, be removed forthwith. (C) Windows - Window panes or an approved substitute shall be maintained without cracks or holes. (D) store Fronts and Walls - All store fronts and walls exposed to public view shall be kept in good repair and shall be substantially weathertight, watertight and shall be made impervious to the adverse effects of weather and shall be maintained in sound condition, and shall not constitute a safety hazard or nuisance. In the event repairs to a store front become necessary, such repairs shall be made with the same or similar materials used in the construction of the store front in such a manner as to permanently repair the damaged area or areas. Any cornice visible above a store front shall be kept painted, where required, and in good repair. (E) Awnings and Marquees - Any awning or marquee and its accompanying structural members which extend over any street, sidewalk or any other portion of the premises shall be maintained in good repair and shall not constitute a nuisance or a safety hazard. In the event such awnings or marquees are not properly maintained in accordance with the foregoing, they shall, together with their supporting members, be removed forthwith. In the event said awnings or marquees are made of cloth or plastic, where exposed to public view, shall be maintained in good condition and shall not show evidence of excessive weathering, discoloration, ripping, tearing, or other holes. Nothing herein shall be construed to authorize any encroachment on streets, sidewalks or other parts of the public domain. (F) Egress - Every structure shall have such unobstructed means of egress leading to open space outside of any building or structure or part thereof, which shall be of a number, size, design and location meeting local and state building codes, housing standards, fire code and other applicable requirements. 29 SECTION 108-34. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF OWNERS AND OPERATORS OF COKMERCIAL. BUSINESS OR INDUSTRIAL STRUCTURES. (A) All parts of the premises under the control of the owner or operator shall be kept in a clean and satisfactory condition and the occupant shall refrain from performing any acts which would render other parts of the premises unclean or unsani tary or which would obstruct the owner or operator from performing any duty required hereunder or maintaining the premises in a clean and sanitary condition. (B) Every owner and operator shall be responsible for the elimination of infestation in and on the premises subject to his control. (C) Every owner and operator shall be responsible for repairing damage to any part of the premises. (D) Every owner and operator shall maintain all plumbing fixtures in a clean and sanitary condition and they shall not deposit any material in any fixture or sewer system which would result in stoppage of or damage to the fixture or sewer system. (E) Where the owner would not otherwise know of a defect of any facility, utility or equipment required to be furnished hereunder and the same is defective or inoperable, each operator affected thereby shall, upon learning of said defect, provide notice to the owner or person in charge of the premises. (F) Nothing herein shall be construed to provide a defense to any owner violating this Commercial, Business and Industrial Minimum Standards Code. Owners are presumed responsible for their structures and properties. Owners are ultimately responsible for controlling conditions and uses on their structures and property and may not by contract or abandonment of the structure or property avoid responsibility or liability for violations of this Commercial, Business and Industrial Minimum Standards Code. However, in the circumstances def ined in this section, operators may be held jointly and severally liable, as well as the owners. 30 ARTICLE IV. BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES AND PREMISES CONSTITUTING PUBLIC NUISANCES OR HAZARDS TO PUBLIC HEALTH. SAFETY AND WELFARE: AUTHORITY TO REOUIRE REPAIR, REMOVE, SECURE OR DEMOLISH SECTION 108-35. PUBLIC NUISANCES. Public nuisances are defined in the definitions of section 108-3 of this Chapter. When nuisance conditions or hazard degenerate or cumulatively impact on structures, dwellings, or other buildings regulated by the Minimum Standards Codes, to the extent that repair, removal, securing or demolition is necessary for the public health, safety and welfare, then the Building and zoning Official or his designee or the Code Enforcement Board are authorized to order the property owner or city agents to repair, remove, secure, vacate or demolish such structures according to procedures outlined herein. These powers are hereby declared to be remedial and essential for the public interest and it is intended that such powers be liberally construed to effectuate the purposes stated herein. SECTION 108-36. APPLICABILITY. This Article IV shall apply to all buildings and structures regulated generally by this Chapter. SECTION 108-37. ADMINISTRATION AND INSPECTIONS. Administration of and inspections for the purposes of this Chapter is as provided generally in Article I of this Chapter. Additional provisions necessary for the demolition or expedient abatement of public nuisances are as provided in this Article IV of this Chapter. SECTION 108-38. PROCEDURE FOR MAJOR VIOLATIONS GENERALLY. Procedures for handling major violations shall be generally as provided in Article I of this Chapter, except that depending upon the degree of danger to the occupants or public, the enforcement officer may cause the Notice of Violation to warn the property owner(s) that failure to cure said major violations may result in further Code Enforcement Board action to effectuate necessary repairs, removals, securing or vacating or demolition of structure(s). PROCEDURE FOR VACATING OF STRUCTURES OR PREMISES. SECTION 108-39. (A) Notice to Vacate - Whenever the Building and Zoning Official, or his designee, or the Code Enforcement Board, shall 31 declare a building or structure unfit for human occupation and constituting a nuisance, notice shall be given to the owner and occupant of such declaration and placarding of the building or structure as unfit for human occupancy. Such notice shall: (1) contain all elements required by notices generally by Article I of this Chapter. (2) State the time and date by which occupants must vacate the building or structure. (3) Said notice shall further state that if such repairs, reconstruction, alterations, removal, or demolition are not voluntarily completed within the stated time as set forth in the notice, the Building and Zoning Official, or his designee, or the Code Enforcement Board's designee, shall institute proceedings charging the person or persons, firm, corporation, or agent with a violation of this Code. (B) Service of Notice - Service of notice to vacate shall be as follows: (1) By delivery to the owner and the occupant by any of the following means: (i) by personal delivery to the owner and occupant; (ii) by leaving the notice at the usual place of abode of the owner and the occupant with a person of suitable age and discretion; or (iii) by delivery of a letter by certified or registered mail containing a notice addressed to the owner and the occupant at their last known address with postage prepaid thereon; and (2) By posting for seven (7) days a copy of the notice in placard form, in a conspicuous place on the premises to be vacated. (C) Vacating of Declared Building - Any building or structure condemned as unfit for human occupancy or occupation, and so designated and placarded by the Building and Zoning Official, or his designee or by the designee of the Code Enforcement Board, shall be vacated immediately after notice of such condemnation has been given to the owner and the occupant of the building or structure. (D) Occupancy of Building - No building which has been condemned and placarded as unfit for human occupancy or occupation shall again be used for human occupancy or occupation until approval is secured from and such placard is removed by the Building and Zoning Official, or his designee, or the designee of the Code Enforcement Board. The Building and Zoning Official, or his designee or the designee of the Code Enforcement Board shall remove such placard whenever the defect or defects upon which the condemnation and placarding action were based have been eliminated. 32 (E) Removal of Placard or Notice - No person shall deface or remove the placard from any building or structure which has been condemned as unfit for human occupation and placarded as such, except as provided in the preceding subsection. (F) Penalty for violation of this section - Any person who violates any provision of this section shall pay a fine not to exceed two hundred fifty ($250.00) dollars for each day the violation exists; provided, however, that any person who the Building and Zoning Official, or his designee, or the Code Enforcement Board finds to be a repeat violator of any provision of this section shall pay a fine not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00) for each day that the repeat violation exists. SECTION 108-40. PROCEDURE FOR CITY WORK OR CONTRACTED WORK TO REPAIR/SECURE. In cases involving nuisance or hazardous conditions which require direct governmental action to abate a serious and continuing danger to the public or occupants, including attractive nuisance cases, and where the property owner or operator fails to heed the notices and enforcement efforts made by the City pursuant to Article I of this Chapter, but where the emergency nature of the dangers to the public is not so extreme as to warrant dispensing with notice to the property owner(s), then the City enforcement officials shall proceed to: (A) Comply with the above-outlined procedures for vacating property, if necessary due to dangerous conditions; (B) Give notice, which may be combined with the notice to vacate and/or the Code Enforcement Board Statement of Violation and Notice of Hearing, which informs the property owner that an order will be sought from the Code Enforcement Board for City work or contracted work to repair or secure the property. The notice will prominently inform the property owner that failure to repair the property or follow the Code Enforcement Board's orders may result in City work which shall be charged as a lien against the property. The notice will describe the condition(s) found by the enforcement officer to constitute a hazard or nuisance. The notice will generally inform the property owner of the work or repairs to be done which will correct the nuisance or hazardous condition(s). (C) If the owner still fails to cure the condition(s) by the time set for the Code Enforcement Board hearing pursuant to the above-detailed notice, then the enforcement officer shall submit proof at the Code Enforcement Board hearing concerning the dangerousness of the condition(s) to the public AND the property owner's inability or unwillingness to cure such dangers, thus necessitating public action to repair or secure the property. The Code Enforcement Board may render its order requiring the city to perform such work as is necessary to secure the property or to 33 render it safe. The order may also require vacating of the property if such action is necessary and has not already been accomplished. (D) The enforcement officer shall take such action as has been authorized by the Code Enforcement Board to secure the property or render it safe, including the letting of contracts, pursuant to City purchasing requirements, to repair or remove dangerous conditions and items; provided, however, that any such repair work by the City shall be subject to the availability of funds duly appropriated by the city commission for such purpose. The owner shall be obligated to reimburse the City for all costs and expenses incurred by the City in order to secure the property or render it safe, plus interest thereon at the rate of eighteen percent (18%) per annum from the date the City incurs such costs and expenses through the date of paYment thereof. All such costs and expenses, together with interest and the costs of collection as hereinafter provided, shall be immediately due and payable to the City, shall be the personal obligation of the property owner and shall become a continuing lien upon the real property which is the subject of such proceeding. Any subsequent or new owner of such real property shall take title subject to such obligations to the City. An owner may not escape liability for such paYment by abandonment of the real property. If such obligation to the City remains unpaid for a period of sixty (60) days from the date the city incurred such costs and expenses, then the city may take any action deemed necessary in order to collect the monies owed to the City, including, but not limited to retaining the services of a collection agency or attorney, initiating legal proceedings for the collection thereof, recording a Notice of Lien as hereinafter provided, and/or foreclosing same in the same fashion as mortgage liens are foreclosed. To give the public notice of the sums due to the City, the City Finance Manager may (but shall not be obligated to) record a Notice of Lien in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, stating the description of the real property which is the subject of the action, the name of the owner of the real property and the amount then due and owing to the City. (E) In the event the City is required to enforce this section as provided above, then the City shall be entitled to recover from the Owner all costs and expenses incurred, including but not limited to its reasonable attorneys' fees, paralegal fees and other costs and expenses, whether incurred prior to, during or subsequent to court proceedings or on appeal. (F) Liens for such City contracted work shall be co-equal with all state, county and municipal taxes and shall be superior in dignity to all other liens, titles and claims until paid. (G) Nothing in this section shall be construed to require City work to be done or to imply a duty by the City to fix conditions which are the legal responsibility of the owner(s) of the property. This section is supplementary to ci ty and Code 34 Enforcement Board authority to order the property owner to remedy nuisance conditions and is not intended to mandate that any financial obligations be incurred by the city. SECTION 108-41. PROCEDURE FOR CITY OR CITY CONTRACTED DEMOLITION. Due to a variety of reasons, including but not limited to abandonment, neglect, inadequate property management, or obsolescence, the condition(s) constituting a danger or nuisance to the public cannot be made safe. Factors evidencing a determination that a property cannot be made safe may include, but not be limited to: a history of unsecured or unsecurable, dangerous conditions: a history demonstrating the property owner's failure to exercise reasonable control over the property to keep it secure or safe: a history showing that the property has become an attractive nuisance to children or transients; a history showing a proliferation of criminal activity due to dilapidated conditions and lack of management and control over the premises; a history showing that notwi thstanding the reasonable efforts of enforcement personnel and/ or the Code Enforcement Board, the property remains in a condition which is imminently dangerous to the public health, safety and welfare. In such cases the enforcement official shall: (A) Proceed with Notice to Vacate, if such has not already been accomplished; (B) Include with Notice to Vacate and statement of Violation/Notice of Hearing, a statement which fairly informs the property owner(s) and tenant(s) that the hearing before the Code Enforcement Board may result in an order requiring the property owner or City to demolish the structure(s) on the property with any costs therefor being assessed against the property and constituting a lien thereon. (C) not only upon served upon determined by Such notice of requested demolition shall be served the property owner(s) of record, but shall also be mortgage holders and lienholders of record as a legally valid property records search. (D) The notice of requested demolition shall describe the condition(s) found by the enforcement officer. (E) At the Code Enforcement Board hearing the enforcement official, shall present evidence showing the dangerousness of the condition(s) to the public AND the property owner's inability or unwillingness to cure such dangers, and the history according to the above-detailed factors showing that the property is unsecurable or has not been made safe. The Code Enforcement Board may render its order requiring the owner or city to demolish, or cause to be demolished, the structure(s) which have been accomplished. If the Code Enforcement Board determines that an 35 order requiring repairs by the property owner through City work is appropriate, the Code Enforcement Board shall specify what repairs are necessary in order to make the property safe, and by what date said repairs are to be accomplished. (F) The premises shall be kept posted with the notice to vacate and persons violating the notice to vacate may be referred for prosecution pursuant to section 1-12 of the Code of Ordinances of the city. (G) The enforcement officer shall take such action as has been authorized by the Code Enforcement Board to demolish the structure(s) or render the premises safe, including the letting of a contract for the demolition of the structure (s); provided, however, that any such demolition work by the City shall be subject to the availability of funds duly appropriated by the city Commission for such purpose. The owner shall be obligated to reimburse the City for all costs and expenses incurred by the City in order to demolish the structure (s) on the property, plus interest thereon at the rate of eighteen percent (18%) per annum from the date the city incurs such costs and expenses through the date of paYment thereof. All such costs and expenses, together with interest and the costs of collection as hereinafter provided, shall be immediately due and payable to the city, shall be the personal obligation of the property owner and shall become a continuing lien upon the real property which is the subject of such proceeding. Any subsequent or new owner of such real property shall take title subj ect to such obligations to the City. An owner may not escape liability for such paYment by abandonment of the real property. If such obligation to the City remains unpaid for a period of sixty (60) days from the date the City incurred such costs and expenses, then the City may take any action deemed necessary in order to collect the monies owed to the City, including, but not limited to retaining the services of a collection agency or attorney, initiating legal proceedings for the collection thereof, recording a Notice of Lien as hereinafter provided, and/or foreclosing same in the same fashion as mortgage liens are foreclosed. To give the pUblic notice of the sums due to the City, the City Finance Manager may (but shall not be obligated to) record a Notice of Lien in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida, stating the description of the real property which is the subject of the action, the name of the owner of the real property and the amount then due and owing to the City. (H) In the event the City is required to enforce this Section as provided above, then the city shall be entitled to recover from the Owner all costs and expenses incurred, including but not limited to its reasonable attorneys' fees, paralegal fees and other costs and expenses, whether incurred prior to, during or subsequent to court proceedings or on appeal. 36 (I) Liens for such city contracted work shall be co-equal with all state, county and municipal taxes and shall be superior in dignity to all other liens, titles and claims until paid. SECTION 108-42. PROCEDURE FOR EMERGENCY CITY ACTION. In cases involving extreme life-safety hazards which require emergency action on the part of the City to render the premises safe from such public safety hazards, the Building and Zoning Official, or his designee, shall cause the necessary repairs, removals, or demolitions to be done to abate the safety hazards. The property owner shall be given notice as immediately as possible regarding such work, and the fixing of a lien therefor, however, this notice shall not be cause for holding up City work to abate any extreme and imminent public safety hazard. Whether or not the notice is sent prior, during, or after the City work, the notice shall state that the property owner(s) shall have an opportunity to contest the determination to do the emergency work and the charges therefor, upon appeal of such determination within five (5) days to the Appeals Board. When the city work includes demolition of building(s) and/or structure(s), the City shall use its best efforts to give notice to mortgage and lienholders of record to the extent that the mailing addresses of such mortgage and lienholders are disclosed in the public records. SECTION THREE. SEVERABILITY. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion hereto. SECTION FOUR. CODIFICATION. It is the intention of the city Commission of the City that the provisions of this ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Code of Ordinances of the City; and that sections of this ordinance may be renumbered or relettered and the word "ordinance" may be changed to "chapter", "section", "article", or such other appropriate word or phrase in order to accomplish such intentions; and regardless of whether such inclusion in the code is accomplished, sections of this ordinance may be renumbered or relettered and the correction of typographical errors which do not affect the intent may be authorized by the City Manager, without need of public hearing, by filing a corrected or recodified copy of the same with the City Clerk. 37 SECTION FIVE. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this It r{ day of Ft;-8e.U.AtL( , 1993. APPROVED: CITY OF OCOEE.' FL>>RIDA ~ $'~- UL Clerk S. Scott Vandergrift, ATTEST: (SEAL) ADVERTISED t "BR.u~~'l 4- , 1993 READ FIRST TIME t:'~P,R.UM\."l 2. , 1993 READ SECOND TIME AND ADOPTED _FEBRUAil'1' llo , 1993. FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA. AP~ROVib~S TO FO~~,LEGALITY thlS day of ~Jb1J'1 ' 1993. :::EY l:J~ ~ City Attorney APPROVED BY THE OCOEE CITY COMKISSION AT THE ABOVE- REFERENCED MEETING UNDER UNDER AGENDA ITEM NO. ~ ~ A:\MINIMUM.NEW 1218/931 FLOPPY I DPB:jed 38