HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-051 Final Budget FY 2021/2022 ORDINANCE NO. 2021-051 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ADOPTING A FINAL BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2021, AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2022; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Manager of the City of Ocoee, Florida, has submitted an estimate of the expenditures necessary to carry on the City Government for the Fiscal Year beginning October 1, 2021, and ending September 30, 2022; and WHEREAS, the estimated revenues to be received by the City during said period from ad valorem taxes and other sources has been submitted to the City Commission; and WHEREAS, all applicable legal requirements pertaining to public notices and hearings have been satisfied within specified deadlines and prior to final adoption of this Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has, in meeting duly assembled, examined and carefully considered the proposed budget. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OCOEE,FLORIDA,AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Authority. The City Commission of the City of Ocoee has the authority to adopt this Ordinance pursuant to Article VTTT of the Constitution of the State of Florida and Chapters 166 and 200, Florida Statutes. SECTION 2. Adoption of Final Budget. Attached hereto as Schedule "A" and incorporated herein by reference is the final budget for the City of Ocoee for the Fiscal Year beginning October 1, 2021, and ending September 30, 2022, said final Budget being hereby confirmed, adopted and approved in all respects by the City Commission of the City of Ocoee. SECTION 3. Appropriations. There are hereby expressly appropriated out of anticipated revenues all funds and monies necessary to meet the appropriations stipulated by and in said final budget as amended. SECTION 4. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion hereto. SECTION 5. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective ten (10) days after its passage and adoption. -,...),IA PASSED AND ADOPTED this day—day of September, 2021, at (0.5e, pm. APPROVED: ttest: I - C Y OF OCOEE, FLORIDA - _ Melanie Sibbitt, Cit31417T1( Rusty Johns. 43 or ADVERTISED.5496M414 M ,2021 AND FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY APPROVED BY THE OCOEE CITY BY THE CITY OF OCOEE COMMISSION AT A MEETING APPROVED AS TO FORM AND HELD ON„/epierrib,,r c.?6 ,2021 LEGALITY THIS 22nd DAY UNDER AGENDA ITEM NO.f-.3. OF SEPTEMBER,2021. SHUFFIELD LO . &WILSON,P.A. B . 0 A . 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" •- . ,.....,,„__ • • Adopted version Last updated 09/23/21 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 (X Oir.4, Page 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction......................................................................................................................................................................................3 Budgetmessage.............................................................................................................................................................................4 Demographics...............................................................................................................................................................................11 BudgetSummary ...........................................................................................................................................................................16 Staffing........................................................................................................................................................................................18 CapitalProjects.............................................................................................................................................................................27 GeneralFund...................................................................................................................................................................................38 GeneralFund.................................................................................................................................................................................39 Departments.....................................................................................................................................................................................51 CityCommission............................................................................................................................................................................52 CityManager.................................................................................................................................................................................57 CityClerk......................................................................................................................................................................................62 Cemetery......................................................................................................................................................................................68 Finance........................................................................................................................................................................................70 HumanResources..........................................................................................................................................................................76 Legal............................................................................................................................................................................................81 Planning........................................................................................................................................................................................83 General Government Services...........................................................................................................................................................88 SupportServices.............................................................................................................................................................................93 PublicWorks Administration............................................................................................................................................................99 MaintenenanceOperations..............................................................................................................................................................104 StreetOperations..........................................................................................................................................................................108 FleetMaintenance.........................................................................................................................................................................113 BuildingDepartment........................................................................................................................................................................117 PoliceDepartment..........................................................................................................................................................................122 FireDepartment.............................................................................................................................................................................127 ParksDepartment..........................................................................................................................................................................134 RecreationDepartment....................................................................................................................................................................139 Water/Wastewater Fund...................................................................................................................................................................144 Water/Wastewater Fund....................................................................................................................................................................145 Departments....................................................................................................................................................................................148 UtilitiesAdministration....................................................................................................................................................................149 WaterFacilities.............................................................................................................................................................................154 WaterField Operations....................................................................................................................................................................160 WastewaterFacilities.....................................................................................................................................................................165 WastewaterField Operations............................................................................................................................................................171 UtilitiesEngineering.........................................................................................................................................................................176 WaterCapital Charges Fund..............................................................................................................................................................181 WaterCapital Charges.....................................................................................................................................................................182 WastewaterCapital Charges Fund......................................................................................................................................................186 WastewaterCapital Charges..............................................................................................................................................................187 SolidwasteFund................................................................................................................................................................................191 Solidwaste.......................................................................................................................................................................................192 StormwaterFund...............................................................................................................................................................................199 Stormwater......................................................................................................................................................................................200 Community Redevelopment Area (CRA) Fund.......................................................................................................................................209 CRAFund.........................................................................................................................................................................................210 ImpactFee Funds...............................................................................................................................................................................216 RoadImpact Fee Funds......................................................................................................................................................................217 FireImpact Fee Funds.........................................................................................................................................................................221 PoliceImpact Fee Funds......................................................................................................................................................................225 RecreationImpact Fee Funds................................................................................................................................................................229 CapitalImprovements.........................................................................................................................................................................233 Capital Improvements (One-year Plan).....................................................................................................................................................234 Capital Improvements (Five-year Plan).....................................................................................................................................................243 Page 2 4/ City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 umu m mmi uuu mu City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 3 MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: Robert D. Frank, City Manager DATE: August 1, 2021 RE: Budget Message for Fiscal Year 2021-2022 In accordance with the City Charter, I am delighted to present for your review and consideration the recommended balanced budget for fiscal year 2021 /2022. This adopted budget provides the recommended expenditures for capital improvements and City operations for the coming fiscal year. The City of Ocoee remains one of the best small cities in the state of Florida providing its residents with quality -of -life amenities that are commensurate with the tremendous growth we've experienced in recent years. We have now had a full year of adapting and overcoming issues related to the global COVID 19 pandemic. As of this writing we now have many new factors that continue to shape our mitigation, reaction, and response to this pandemic. During this time last year, vaccines were still on the horizon and the virus was prevalent in few forms. Now, we are in the midst of a race between public health response and mutation of the virus into more transmissible forms. Despite these unprecedented times, it remains constant that our work together over past 18 years has laid the groundwork for us to work within the constraints of a continued health crisis while growing our tax base, enhancing quality of life, and providing services. I look forward to our continued commitment to ensuring that Ocoee is a center of good living. Budget Perspective While housing inventories in Central Florida continue to stay below demand and job growth has begun to rebound, we are still taking a more cautious approach in budgeting this year, due to the potential future leveling off of the economy. For the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 budget, total appropriations for the coming year are $121,480,347 which includes the General Fund, the Utilities Fund, the Stormwater Fund, the Water and Sewer Fund, the Solid Waste Fund, and the Impact Fee Funds. Page 4 The total budgeted revenues are $121,480,347. The total General Fund budget is $78,712,989, which includes revenues from the American Rescue Plan Act. The current year's millage rate is 5.1500. Based on this, the rolled -back rate for the coming year is 4.9879. The budget is currently balanced at 5.05 mils. Like most municipalities, the single largest cost component of the budget is personnel costs, which total almost 60% of general fund expenditures. Total personnel costs for the General Fund are $33,632,200.74 which is slightly up from $32,774,042.96 in 2020-2021; however, they remain statistically flat in comparison. I have been frugal in adding new positions for several years now, seeking rather to reclassify and reorganize to maximize productivity while minimizing cost impact. Our employees remain our single greatest asset, and I have gone to great lengths to keep personnel costs to a minimum by continued reliance on strategic management versus relying on layoffs. We are able to be strategic about the use of contract and part time workers and still maintain the best professional staff I've worked with. The City plans to continue reviewing each position as it becomes vacant and focusing on optimizing resource allocation and continuing expedient operations at no loss of service. The final budget contains a 3.5% increase for employee salaries and an adjustment for the workers making less than $15.00 per hour. The remaining 70% comprising our operating budgets have remained relatively flat or decreased aside from public safety (increase of $621,765.14), transportation (increase by $2,130,525.75), and Recreation (increase of 1,460,668.44). As you can see, our investments in this budget are primarily focused on maintaining and creating the best environment for our citizens without increasing the tax rate. We have a number of projects that are underway that will overlap into the coming fiscal year. We are nearing completion of our new City Hall, which anchors our past strategic efforts at regenerating downtown. I am excited that we will be getting underway with the Healthy West Orange Wellness Park in our CRA (which the City was awarded a $3,000,000 grant to fund), the South Bluford streetscape and trail project, and perhaps most compelling, the long-awaited widening of Clarke Road. Additionally, major improvements to the City's park system including our first skate park are planned for this year. All of these projects contained major improvements to the City's water and wastewater system, maximizing benefit and efficiency for our future infrastructure. The City's Five-year Capitol Improvements Plan (CIP) is reflected in this budget, containing 65 projects totaling more than $65,000,000. Included for funding in the current budget are numerous projects of importance, including physical improvements to the buildings in the Police and Fire Departments, expansions and replacements at the City's water and wastewater plants, new park facilities, and roads. Page 5 Resilience The ability to adapt and maintain course has very much to do with the planning and forecasting that we continue to do. In response to the pandemic we were forced to find ways to provide our necessary services while protecting our employees and the public. This included a period of time during which City Hall was closed to the public and we had employees working from home for a portion of the time. Despite these constraints, our property values still increased this year and our tax base grew from 3,339,617,167 to 3,607,952,096. This past year saw many accomplishments with fulfilling our continued commitment and dedication to community improvements. I would be remiss by not highlighting some of the efforts of our great team in Ocoee, who despite all of the personal stresses of the pandemic managed to rise above and perform at even higher levels: City Finance Department The City finance department adapted quickly during the pandemic and worked within emergency direction of the City Manager and City Commission to administer support measures including water bill emergency benefits as well as continue our annual audit pace to create another award winning annual financial report. The finance group implemented procedures for capturing COVID related expenditures and obtaining reimbursement from various grants including the CARES Act. The team also continued to take the implementation of our budgeting software to new levels, and I would like to point out that this newer, more useful budget book format is the result of their hard work and effort. Support Services Department The Support Services Department has managed to oversee a complete enterprise wide phone system changeout, upgrade and improve upon the City's evolving security needs, continue the upgrade of our parallel hardware infrastructure, and many other important technology services. Additionally, the Community Relations and Code Enforcement units maintained pace without impact during the pandemic. Perhaps most impressive was the speed, technical accuracy, and efficiency with which the department equipped all other business units in the City with the laptops, tablets, and supporting equipment to take their offices with them during the worst times of the past few months, an impressive feat accomplished with dedication and minimal staffing. Ocoee Fire Department The Fire Department management and its Emergency Management team took the lead more than 16 months ago in the city's fight against the spread of the COVID-19 virus, with the development and implementation of critical life-saving policies and practices to address the spread and impact of the virus on its employees and the community we serve. The virus is a deadly, Page 6 once -in -a -lifetime global pandemic that has killed more than 600,000 Americans. The quick action and team dynamic from all departments within the city contributed to Ocoee's ability to "flatten the curve", primarily through the use of PPE, social distancing practices, flexible work schedules, application of diverse digital technologies, enhanced decontamination practices, and effective communication of information to address the rapidly changing dynamics of this extremely contagious & deadly virus. The Emergency Management team was able to acquire critical personal protective equipment (PPE, e.g. masks, gloves, gowns, face shields, etc.), sanitizers, and decontamination equipment for all city departments. Emergency Management was also in continuous communication and coordination with the State of Florida EOC, Orange County EOC, and regional Fire Chiefs/Emergency Managers. As a result of this information sharing, the Emergency Management team took the lead with the Finance Department in managing the tremendously challenging procurement of extremely difficult to attain essential supplies, while also ensuring the maximization of the city's reimbursement opportunities via the CARES Act. Parks and Recreation The City of Ocoee Parks and Recreation Department continues to provide the citizens of Ocoee with safe and enjoyable programs, parks and facilities that will enhance the quality of life for city residents and promote an overall sense of community. The Ocoee Lake Shore Center, Maguire House, and Lakefront Park have also received a much -needed facelift and will be a showcase area for the City of Ocoee. The Lakeshore Center has the capability to host events twice the size as the original and will be a Wedding/Event destination venue. Lakefront Park has been redesigned to showcase our waterfront and provide a park setting the citizens of Ocoee can be proud of. The entire Lakefront park area will be a centralized place for the citizens to enjoy different festivals, events, and celebrations for years to come. Ocoee Police Department The past year saw the retirement of a popular long-term police chief and the appointment of a new one. Our highly qualified police management team admirably executed plans that allowed for multiple peaceful protests to be conducted without incident during a very volatile period in the nation's history. Our commitment to community -based policing has built the bonds within the community to allow for these types of events to continue to unfold peacefully while many other places continue to have issues. The Police Department's policing philosophy balances a foundation of policing concepts with innovative and progressive methods to help evolve our Department into the future. Community problems are often best addressed by working in partnership with citizens, the business community, and community groups, to include our local churches. The Police Department Page 7 remains sensitive to the needs of the community and partner with them to solve problems. In the coming year, the Police Department will be committed to community policing, expanding technology, developing three generations of leadership for our future, investing in employee development, and serving with integrity. Our police personnel will continue to be trained in concepts of crisis intervention, de-escalation, fair and impartial policing, and accountability. City Clerk The City Clerk's office continues to be innovative in making sure our service to our citizens stays uninterrupted, despite the pandemic. While the public was not allowed access to enter the building during the mandated executive orders, they were able to participate during the legislative process via Live Streaming and Live Broadcasting of our City Commission meetings. Accommodations were made that allowed the public to call -in and be heard or have their emails shared during a meeting. Safety adjustments were made throughout City Hall as well as the chambers so that there was social distancing and CDC compliance for our Elected Officials and employees. A new Columbarium has been ordered and will be installed this fiscal year due to the demand for cremation burials. The City Commission also approved the purchase of land adjacent to the cemetery for future expansion and additional ground burial spaces. The City Clerk's department is also in the final stages of organizing the electronic cemetery documents in our new cemetery software. A link on our website allows the public to find their loved ones buried out at the cemetery. The Clerk's department has worked with the Support Services Department on the upgrade of our electronic document management system as well as looking into software with workflow processes for internal/external submittals for items such as staff reports and public records request. This will assist us moving into a paperless agency so that we can be more efficient and environmentally conscious. Public Works The Public Works team continued to shine through the pandemic. During the last year, they maintained all services while implementing safe distancing practices, including a dramatically increased workload for our custodians during this period. Additionally, they expanded the fuel island to provide the City with up to three weeks of emergency fuel reserve, installed new roofs on the recording studio and Fire Station 25, installed new touchless water fountains throughout City buildings, and continued to address the numerous changing physical requirements to facilities in response to the pandemic. However, I am most proud of the fact that despite all of the constraints, the Public Works team resurfaced approximately 8 miles of City roads, including Rosehill Subdivision, Orchard Park Subdivision, Robert Rise Subdivision, Coventry Subdivision, Lake Olympia Village Subdivision, N. Lakewood Avenue, and Palm Drive (From Ocoee Apopka Rd to E. Crown Point). Page 8 Development Services The Development Services Department continued to evolve in its methods to which we provide Building plan review, permitting, and inspections to ensure speed and accuracy while meeting the obligations under Covid. The same can be said for Development Review under the Planning and Zoning Division. Meetings transition to Web based and projects continued to be processed. The Development Review Committee will continue to focus on client relations and expediency in reviewing and approving projects and permits. Additional staff review time has been spent on the Widening of the Florida Turnpike and SR 429. Finally, staff is completing Updates to the Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Code amendments that will reflect the visions of the City as presented in the SR 429 Overlay and Downtown Master plan. Community Redevelopment Area (CRA) Due to the estimated impact of COVID on tax collections, the CRA's estimated increase in increment revenues is not as high as in the past couple of years, yet it still rose by over 4% to $1,790,548. We are also delighted to report the CRA will receive a $2,250,000 grant from the West Orange Healthcare District (WOHD) to construct Wellness Park. The overall budget revenue, including the increment revenues, WOHD grant and cash brought forward is $6,187,534.19 an increase of approximately 50% thanks in part to the grant. In 2021-2022 the CRA will be focused on capital projects including the construction of Wellness Park and the engineering of the S. Bluford Avenue Complete Street Project, which includes a 10' shared pathway connecting Old Winter Garden Road north to Geneva Street, new landscaping, street/pedestrian lighting, and roundabouts at Maine Street and Geneva Street. Private development may have slowed slightly; however, in the upcoming fiscal year we expect Sonny's BBQ to open along with several medical offices and general commercial businesses. We also expect City Center West Orange to begin vertical construction. Human Resources In one of the smoothest transitions I have been a part of, the Human Resources Team transitioned the City's clinic from Carehere, Inc to Myhealthonsite, Inc. in a move that expanded services and is proving to be a major cost saving endeavor in addition to the benefit to our employees. Human Resources also coordinated guidance and care to our employees during the COVID 19 pandemic, and was a major factor in keeping the COVID 19 numbers low compared to many of our neighboring cities. I am very proud to say that in addition to managing all of the myriad risk management functions of a city our size, the team also maintained the City's medical costs at status quo for another year to City employees. Page 9 Utilities The Utilities team had one of its greatest years of accomplishment. In addition to completing a major reclaim retrofit in the Hammocks subdivision, major well pump replacement at the south water plant, overseeing the new city hall, and completion of phase 3 of the Kimball area waterline replacement program —all of which required maximum planning and effort —perhaps the department's greatest work was in completion of many unplanned, ad hoc projects. New sewer extensions to parts of the downtown redevelopment area were designed and construction is soon to be underway; and countless small projects have been implemented to benefit annexations, land developments, and other City projects in efforts to keep pace with growth. Moving Forward Together Executive staff have addressed many of our needs with this budget including additional capital investments into infrastructure and other growth -related items. During this past year, you acted quickly in response to the pandemic, focusing on protecting our citizens and our employees. I commend you for the multiple steps you took to help Citizens including our food drives, our cleaning supplies drive, and our relaxation of land development standards to assist businesses, along with many other special accommodations made for individual businesses in the City, as well as providing water bill relief to all customers. We have weathered it well. The City of Ocoee continues to move forward with its traditional citizen -oriented government, staying focused on the long-term goal of making Ocoee a desirable place to live and work. Key investments in services and facilities continue our City's practice of remembering what is important as we work to create one of the best small Cities in America. I am very excited for this budget and what we will accomplish in the coming year. I feel it necessary to remind you that with the debt service we have taken on for downtown projects and the unexpected increases in construction costs, we together have managed to create major investments in roads, public safety, and parks and eliminate the impacts to our citizens, continuing our commitment to helping our citizens and maintaining our levels of service. We do not know what additional turns this pandemic may take; but, we can take comfort from the fact that our approach will enable us to manage it while continuing to improve our great city. Cordially, Robert D. Frank, MPA City Manager Page 10 um uuuuuuu�i mu Doi Doll IIIIIIIII City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 11 III Illllllllllllll" IIII lll�fll�iGiirovvtllhio, 1111 In ra ]Ul Il 'lllow Imflln( s t II"in 2010 r,nirir a s. I Ic,wmmr, sliri(x, t Il IaL t Illrlrin, l:ll ir' City of 0r,r,ne rs Ipolpulllat oin II as r; room t o 49,Y81 II inin t II ir' 2020 cninsus, rarst rl Is it llbasnd, t,ll''ir' City air[t u(,olpa Us t II In 1polpulllat oirl Lo be over it 50,9)00 III Illllllllllllll" illl lll�fll�iGiirovvtllhio, llrI�III G')ql4pulllailoin Growth By Year 2020 2019 mm 2017 201 2015 2014 201 2012 2011 VEflh.JES 43072 I1111111111111111111141881 40171 39679 I111111111111137615 1 36953 36020 49781 47580 47000 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 12 lfttwiis6lhimIlld Aiiiirm dIIIII iiiiii TOTAL HOUSEHOLDS Municipalities must consider the dynamics of 9 household types to plan for and provide services effectively. Household type also has a general correlation to income levels which affect the A14j5 1 municipal tax base. III II°i11116 'rIh1 II 1'A' 11;II II';II IC;I11 1AN S h°III IP°III';II II'°1B 1' Ih°1 N II';II IC°IIA II'; 0 WII'; IC:1I 1. IL1 II G II'; (,)rrC,r, rer.r;>, r Arr .,rrr r Ar ArtrrCy, cervey2010t".onr ue,2u`,"u';"u`1fl,;t".orr,:ue r)nd 1990 fIS Conr us City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 13 1,,01, IIII!I!i! uu�flio uu iuui n IIIIII iiiiii Household income is a key data point in evaluating a community's wealth and spending power. Pay levels and earnings typically vary by geographic regions and should be looked at in context of the overall cost of living. 111111bU1i]1i11Hhill ABOVE $200,000 5% rIh1A 1'A'1"II11I II�11�II'°�IB MEDIAN INCOME $75329 3"' III IIiII II'°IB III°1 II 1'A'1II II;II'°IB BELOW $25,000 12% III����II (,)rrC,r , Cy, rervr y 2010 c".onr u,,, 2000 l IS c".onr u,, r)nd 1990 l IS Conr u,: City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 14 HOME OWNERS VS RENTERS Ocoee State Avg. F lorr is uf`rhi (J4) 'r rr rclr er fr;», rr!l t.Mii of owr rr,>r` om ep le(f III Diu iuuuuu�flio,, iiiri�iii [)")M ,Derrercc. 2 r er`vr,>y, F f rr"A > v, r!r err r frr t, r rr rclr er fr;»:; rr!! C y x,»; f c flrr rrrr` r . , t.e xrrr f r r t.e ;rr rr . DISTRIBUTIONHOME VALUE +, o,uM7"WX), $ 10,000 o $o ;d 9 + 9 ttt 00,000 t, w , d" !C,400, nnp !(,v + + d" $, un7000,$",, d,9, t,2 � i 0,0N)t,29, ;d d,9, t,dM),uxx)$ ;d9 d'"' t,d00,007$ I;d d" �u�,u�d�d,yu,� t,,, d,9, [)")M ,;errercc. 2 7�� �` `h,y✓1i"/fi"/fi"/� �i�4' 7 `i , � J�:SV 1ii/A 7, y�` ;// 7�1i� � y i / 7,1�" , �,��p�` r 7�� "'�Y'Dlri� s"4r'�"Ar��r`IFY�V7r�t C:crr"A'rr"A'r.errCy, rer`vr,>y,Florr"A'r,>w)hlo(Ja)Mrrrclr,ec,e" "r!!t:Ype'� ofc+wrrrrr`rcc.,lpm,xj City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 1,,,, 1,, Page 15 IIIII IIIII IIIII Illlllllllpp IIIIIIIII IIIII IIIIII IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII � � ,. City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 16 1 :1 1:11: imidget Simuimminnaiily, im� IlReveirmituies Suinninnairy(A?,eveinues by uincl 2022 ArJollpt(?d Ftjirid IIFyllpq:,? Ftjirid V tjirid IlDesciriliptioirt 2019Acttiall 2020AcAtiall 2021111 111 011pNira1:1irig F�tjirid 00 1 G 11 11111 11 rA 11, 11 U 11111 r.�0,208,r.08 r0,988,1188 /8,7 2,989 103 S 10 11 11v1 WA 111 11 /,4 112,9119 11 4,4 9 �,, 112 "11111 130 C 11 1A 11,224, 11117 11,979,6,20 '111 6,, 116,9,296, ,401 WA 111 11 ?/WAS 111 WA 111 11 11 211, 678;�.a60, 402 S01.11DWAS111 4,44 8,72 11 011pNira1:1irig F+tjirid btall Pb,880,/,6 80,6;92, "87 78,94 6�,r.a08 1114'r O 4XIII'mr, F�tjirid 106 11 �OAID Il ly,4i 1AC 1 11 11 11 S 2,'Aa6�,0116� 2,6v8,878 2, ii`,2,94 2 2,'AO,�M)r� 107 11 1111 r 11 11 1v1 11 1AC 1 11 11 11 S 487'466 6i2r a,60,0 1043 F1011,11C] Il 1,A j!rC 111 11 11 S 11, i�/ P, �)66'4 IS 11,260,"Ilb 488,246, 110 11 r 11 C 11 � 11 A 1110 111 1v1 11 1AC 1 1111 IS 8 6,4, 2 0, °.68'44 11 8 1111,200 M,880 ,404 WA 111 11 � CA 111111 All, 242,9W, 2811,= b"M(:7 / 405 WAS 111 WA 111 11 r C1,11 1111 All, r.46r.69 6;79'P.60 2,0 ,9,290 11, 116,4,7/6, 4XIII'mr, F�tjirid btall r.;047'66') 6a,97i:,1,62 91,142,V9 W�,'MO,020 W;92�),460 1 :1 Ix 1:11: imidgelt Simuimminnaiily, im� S ui nr nnr n a I y c) f x Ip e I n (A i t u i I es Iby Il ui I n (A 2022 ArJollpt(?d Ftjirid IIFyllpq:,? Ftjirid Ftjirid IlC escirillpfloirt 2019Acttiall 2020 AcAtia 111 2021111 111 011pNira1:1lrig F�tjirid 001 G11 llA IRA1,11l U11",1111) 4'3,946�,6;1111 4 8,47 11,4 84 r0,948,009 /8,7 2,989 103 S 10 11 1 1v1 WA 111 11 4,6,2 ,,24 8 4,4 9 �,, 112 "11111 130 C 11 1A 8W,2110 11,921 ,26a11 '111 6,, 116,9,296, 401 WA 111 11 ?/WAS 111 fWA 111 11 11 i,,i 08,2(;18 11 In 11 i' 211, 678,�a60 ,402 S011.1111) WASI 11 /,-,-,A1\111 IN 11011\11 4, �X`vi,60,2 'i, i() i"'i 11 4,44 8,72 11 011pNira1:1irig F+tjirid btall 60,44 0,2 .,O ((, 2 6i € 3, .).. 1) 78,906�,)29 1114'��O 4XIII'mr, F�tjirid 106 11 �OAID 1111,41 1AC 1 11 11 11 S b2,2r.0 2, ii`, 11,94 2 2,'AO,�M),a 107 11 1111 r 11 11 1v1 11 1AC 1 11 11 11 S 487'466 6i2r a,60,0 1043 F1011,1101 III, A)ACI IL 11 11 S 11 11,87/ �,80,092 11,260,Ilb 488,246, 110 11 11 C 11 � 11 Al 110 11111 I'd 11 'AC 1 11 11 11 S 4%I'P'M) 8 1111,200 M,880 ,404 WA 111 11 r CA 111111 A 11, 207, 1190'r.04 / ,405 WAS 111 WA 111 11 1 C1,11 1111 All, 'i%x�"i�&�'P' 11")"), '1 P, 11,899,290 11, 116,4,7/6, 4XIII'mr, F�tjirid btall 2,r,F,7,276, 11, /'un'�/'x' /11'oag'(X"a 79'44l�'8311 Pb,9117,11211 11211,480,,4/ City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 17 0000iA 0000iA mu City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 18 III ' 2 2. ���T FIIIIFIIIIIIIIIII' IRIII.AN City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 19 /aterFund Staff gm |Fund Cusocian Fund Tradeswodker |Fund PuirchaJnQAsssf am Fund po|ioeOff ioer |Fund Po|iceO�icer Fund Pdic:eC}ff icer |Fund P�iceOfi�� Fund He|pDesk 5peoia|istpD |Fund AdrninAssJstant Fund A000untant 6S,000 91,000,00 Bfor desgnand oonsrUcbonmanagem il'i/]OO OO ConcerQefor n"wCityHaU Midycsr Ivzv'000 CA600,00 Growth of City and increased (:A VdUrne Ivzv'000 CA600,00 Growth of City and increased (:A VdUrne Perrrft Tech, Lead onymouoee| Budge 000xeoee 20 Adq112fted Stalifflillirmig 11WIlairm Dr.4pairtirnrNint F-R)INID joib ricir.% 2020/20211 Budget (li)airt tirne) 202OP202111 Budgeft (1I:-kjillllll tirne) 2021/2022 Budgeft (li)airt -tirne) 202111/20M Budgeft (1I:-killlllll tirne) GENEPAL. FUND City Qxrrrirrrissirxrm Cm::)iirinuiirinuissim::)iirmq:liir 4 4 Mayor 1 1 PAall tt 5 tt 5 City IlI Assistaird City IlI I I City Manager 1 1 I:1:Xrnuthfr, Assistairift 2 2 TotN 0 4 0 4 City CFerk Administrative Assistant 1 1 City Clllq:%iirllk I I Deputy City CFerk 1 1 lAuirIkillpall Iler.xxirds 0:)r)ir(firPAr)ir I I TotN 0 4 0 4 Finance Accountant 3 4 Aa:r;rwirIfirrg 2 3 Administrative Aide 0 0 0 ClItiflef Am:r.,rxjirdairft III III Customer Service Pepresentative 3 3 Custrxirrreir Seirvirx% 1111 11 ead III III Customer Service Supervisor I I Fliroirrrx% [)brrntr)ir III III Finance Manager I I IC:murm;mm.wwurm.urirum.uruit Ilawurmawtkm.ur "III "III Purchasing Tochnician 2 2 F)uir:ltosbrrg Assistaird tt tt II SO,nior Administrative Assistant 1 0 R)talll tt 117 tt 119 GENEPAL. FUND (Continued) llluirrviirm Rr%sr)uirr.,r%s 11 1111R,/iNsIlk IlIrreird [)iirr%rtr)ir III III lFiuman Pesources Manager 0 1 11 llluirrviirm Rr%sr)uir:r%s Aiiripilllyst 2 3 Flu man Pesources Speciafist 3 1 R)talll tt 6 tt 6 F)l1lairrriflirrg AdirMiristirative Aide IVII' III tt Administrative Assistant I I [)ellcuty Adirinbristiratrxir III III DeveIlopmeat Poview Coordinator I I Seirvir;es [)brr%r.,tr)ir III III Economic DeveIlopmeat Manager" 1 0 F)lllairmirreir 11 111 111 SO,nior Administrative Assistant I I Staff iz,irrgiiirwx%ir III III Urban Designer I I Zrxiriflirrg Ilawurmawtkm.ur III III PedeveIlopmeat Speciafist 0 1 R)talll 111 1110 tt 1110 "Assktant0ty Manager oversem-, Nannng Dept 'Econorrdc Devdopment Mgr k on a contradiNA, 4Y�4 City of 0.... I Budget Book 2022 1 " "l, Page 21 1101illirmid1lI Staliff lillirmig llpIllallrml PubIlic Works Administrative Assistant I I A(iiirinuiiirmistiiraitim:)iirm City iz,irIgiiirmrMlir III III PubIlic Works Director I I Seirflrxr AdirMirIistirative Assistaird III III Staff Engineer" 0 0 Ojjpeiratirxrms Il airogeirl" TotN 0 4 0 4 N)l3eindoin MgIssl3fit llbetweeinS [AvWoins, �2.)Stafi Einghneerssl3fit Ilbetween 2 [AvWoins, GENEPAL. FUND (Continued) Sullp1prxirt Seirvirx%s AdirMirIistirative Aide (1I::)tlll) 2 2 Administration Assistant Sefmfinert Services Director I I ilirrmdr;ast rimll-irridr;birm vivn 4 3 Code Enforcement Officer 4 4 Crxirinirrruirifty Eveird Aide III III Community PeIlations Manager I I GlIS Airuillyst III III IT'Business AnaIlyst 2 1 i r, I lllmmlllllk r�)esik Cr)r)irdrrpAr)ir III III IT'HeIlp Desk Speciafist I I i r, sullpeirvisr)ir III Operations Manager IT 0 1 Ojjpeiratirxrms Sullpeirvisr)ir (4311S) III III 60,nior Administrative Assistant I I Sullp1prxirt Seirvir;es [)iirr%r.,tr)ir III III Systems Administrator I I E)igitalll IlArKlia Cr)r)ir(firpAr)ir f II TotN 7 16 5 17 Maintenance Crew Chief I I Ojjpeirafirxrms Qjstrxfiairm 3 4 Mectrician I I Far;illlities Sullpeirviisr)ir III III Operations Manager (,2) 0 0.2 uradrnwrxilkeir 3 4 Maintenance Worker - OLC I I fm;m'famlll fI to f 1122 1,0perations Manager oversem-, MaVnt Ops Dept] I 4Y�4 City of 0.... I Budget Book 2022 1 " "l, Page 22 1101illirmid1lI Staliff lillirmig llpIllaiirml Gli:CINII:14*1 I ((,rxrlfirnjed) Pofice Department Accreditation Manager 0 1 Sprniallist III ff Administrative Assistant 2 3 Assistairilt i)rflIir;r1 Ctlief III ff Pollice Captain 0 1 Qxrnirrruirlity Seirvir;e Officer 5 5 Crime Anallyst I I Cidirrre &;eirme lirwestigatrxr III III Deputy Pofice Chief 2 2 i:,videirw:r, & i)irrmjjpeirty S11per;iallist III III Lieutenant 6 6 i)rflIir;r% ctilief III III Pollice Corporai 6 6 i)rflIir;r% Officeir '72 '79 Pollice Officer (Grant) 3 0 iZer;rxrds Sulpeirviisr)ir III III Pecords'rechnician 3 3 Seirlirxr AdirMirlistirative Assistairilt III III 60,r2eant 10 10 11 lellIp I S11per;iallist ff II Victim/Witness Coordinator (Grant) I I ri)taii ff 1111118 ff 1124 I AdirMirlistirative Amyistairilt III III Battafion Chief 3 3 Cajjptabrm rlrabrliirlg/1i:,1I14S Ofiir;eir 2 111 Deputy Fire Chief I I IN111111brIg Cr)r)ir(firp1tr)ir III III Engineer 12 12 I Ctlief III III Fire, Inspector I I I I [)misirxrm Ctlief ff II Fire Marshall 1 0 [)misirxrm Ctlie I Mairstioll d/ ff Firefighter 24 36 Flirefigtilteir (43irairlt) 1112 ff Lieutenant 12 12 Seirlirxr AdirMirlistirative Assistairilt III III 'iota 1 72 1 72 Buflding Department Administrative Aide wr 1 1 iluill(firIg Offir;iall I III Bufldinqffiermitting Supervisor 1 1 Ctlief liripper.,N)ir I III Deputy Buflding Officiall /Chief Nans Examiner 1 1 Muirlir;i12a 111 IW llIdg. liripper.,N)ir 3 Permitting Tochnician 6 3 F)eirrinlitfirIg 1111/11 ead 3 Nans Examiner/BlIdg. Inspector 2 2 ri)taii III ills III ills Mnrplopmentnfices UrmlDr ovemem-, Dufldng Dept 4Y�4 City of 0.... I Budget Book 2022 Page 23 1101illirmid1lI Staliff lillirmig llpIllallrml Street Operations Crew Chief - Landscaping i:,quillpirrreirift 011peiratrxir Maintenance Worker 3 3 farllurufmmurmarurmm.mmWrmirlIkeir . 11 airmJsr;ajpbrIg 4 4 Staff Engineer" 0.5 1 Stirer s Cr)r)irdbrmtr)ir � Yt I I Operations Manager (,2) 0 0.2 uraffir; I I TotN 0 135 0 1412 1101poiall ionslAgii 17a:jFA,wSl:afl HinighnocissIrlh. :xl:woni 2 INAskmis AdirMirIistirative Assistaird I I Fleet Mechanic 3 2 lirlirmyt sullpeirvis)ir III Operations Manager (,2) 0.5 0.2 11 lllemq iEquillpirrreird lAiDr;ltmirIir; TotN 0 5.5 0 52 "Olpoinkhm iiµ IPAg ii owi.cos Illock, ll)aj. R,er;irrmtirxrm AdirMirIistirative Aide I I Event Leader 1 1 Eveirift Sullp1prxirt SlIper;iallists I I Lifequards Pt r (SeasonaIl) 9 9 011ceiratirmrim IlI I I Parks & Pecreation Director 0.5 0.5 Aide I Pecreation Aide (Pfr) 10 10 Aide (II)t1l) (Suirmirrreir) 12 12 Pecreation / Event Aide (Pfr) 4 4 IL.mmWmdeir Pecreation Leader (Ptr) 1 0 Seirflrxr AdirMirIistirative Assistaird Pecreation Supervisor 0 1 R)talll 36 111111 35 1112 F)airllks Grew ClItiflef 2 2 Irrigation Speciafist 1 1 011ceiratirmrim IlI I I Park Aide (Ptr) 2 2 F)airllks & [)brrmtr)ir Parks Service Worker 14 14 F)airllks Service WrxirlIkeir (II)t11) Parks Supervisor 1 1 Seirflrxr AdirMirIistirative Assistaird () "i () "i TotN 2 20 2 20 Geirm%iralll I Girairml '"R)tall 48 33111 44 343.6 4Y�4 City of 0.... I Budget Book 2022 "l, � Page 24 1 " 1101illirmid1lI Staliff lillirmig llpIllallrml DrIllpairtirnent I-R)INID joib ricir, 2020/20211 Budget (li)airt tirnrl) 202OP202111 Budge(1I:-kjillllll tirnrl) 2021/2022 Budge (li)airt -tirnrl) 20211/2022 udgrA (1I:-killlllll tirnrl) wxrEP/WAST'EwA-rEP FUND Utflities Assistant Utflities Director I I A(iiirinuiiiri�istiirWitim::)iirm Pirr),jer.1 Assistairift III tt II tt SO,nior Administrative Assistant I I Utillities [)brr%r.,tr)ir 60,nior Project Assistant 0 1 R)talll 111 3 111 4 Water FacHities BackflowTochnician 1 0 Wu;illlitirls Stjllpq:liiriiiri�tq:%iirm(lq:liiri�t III III Treatment Nant Operator - Lead I I urrmbrirreird F)lllaird 011peiratrxir 2 2 Utflity Compfiance Inspector I I R)talll tt 6 tt 5 Wateir I Grew ClItiflef 3 3 Operations Heavy Equipment Operator I I lliririgatirxrm rintirridr;birm III III Utflity Mectricai Supervisor I I Utillities 011peiratir)irrSullpeirviisr)ir III III Utflity Service Worker 11 0 1 Utillity Service WrxirlIkeir 1110 9 TotN 0 17 0 17 Wastewater FacHities Crew Chief I I 4" Wu;illlitirls W)irlIkeir III III FacHities Supervisor I I urrmbrirreird F)lllaird 011peiratrxir 3 3 Warehouse'rochnician I I R)talll tt '7 tt '7 Wastewater I Grew ClItiflef III III Operations FacHities Maintenance Speciafist I I 11 lllrlamy EEquillpirrreird 011peiratrxir III III Lift Station'rechnician 2 2 Ojjpeiratirxrms Stjllpq:liiriiiri�tq:liirm(lq:liiri�t III III Utflity Service Worker 2 2 R)talll tt 8 tt 8 Utillities ClItiflef Utillity lirippr ctr)irl' III to Engineer Manager I I lirqpr%r;tir)irm Sullpeirviisr)ir III III Staff Enginepr I I Utillities GlIS Airollyst III III Utflity Inspector 1 2 R)talll tt 6 tt 6 Grand'rota I I ZU �'(Jtflrlf Utillity liripprntrxir sllplllit 4Y�4 City of 0.... I Budget Book 2022 1 " "l, Page 25 1101illirmid1lI Staliff lillirmig llpIllallrml DrIllpairtirnent FRANKD joib ricir, 2020/20211 Budget (li)airt-tirnrl) 2020/20211 Budgeft (1I:-kjillllll -tirne,) 20211/2022 BudgrA (li)airt -tirnrl) 20211142022 Budget (1I:-kjillllll tirnrl) sm,nmrm�)im I:uimii�) Sairfltatirxrm 011peiratirmrim Il1 (2) (15 02 ri)taii tt (15 tt 02 Grand 'rotM 0 05 0 02 STOPMWA,rEP FUND 2020/202 111 iludgrA 2020tA02 111 iludgrA 202111/2022 iludget 202111/2022 iludget 3ob,rme (Part-time) (Fufl-time) (Part-time) — (Fufl-time) Stormwater Operations Equipment Operator 5 4 11 lllrlw22 iRpAllpirrreirift 011peiratrxir III III Maintenance Worker I I Staff i:JrIghrm%r%irl' (15 111 Stormwater IN PDES Coordinator I I Strximrinwateir N1i)1i)li1Ftt 11111111ir.ft [Asr.1hoirge hirmllperArxir III III Operations Manager (,2) 0 02 Strximrinwateir It II)I[XIS F)irr)jrmt Ilurmm llperArxir III III TbtW 0 105 0 102 Girairml ri)taii tt 1105 tt 1102 r2)St,affEnguneerspottbeftw-en2Fatirtrons. rcyml 49 389 45 Pratt "III 4Y�4 City of 0.... I Budget Book 2022 1 " "l, Page 26 mll mmm Doll °° mum000 muuu IIIIIIIIIIIIN IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 27 ����������� BaseduponecenL Oovenmer LAccounL !IngSLandairdsBoardplASB)guktnceL11 [( ,Cjtyinceasedthecajp!ta|!/,a ionthresloll dfir om $J,0OOto$5,0OO Themfolm,f(,We iten saebudgeLes inthecaplUa|expend!I Lure |i1 (sofcod ing1ten sva|uedat|essthan$4,9ggae 1111 [(' (J ty'sfve YerCalplU311 Improverneir I LI )Ihnispescir I Led intheIbook, foUowlngthefur dair ddepairUmeir I LI AspevouslyappnmedbytheCommissloirl,thefundingfor aUcalplta|IpresenLes IisiiibudgoLedfor inthepaen fundamd,onceapproved, istransferredtotheappiropriatecalplta|improvementfund Geirmaiil Sa 00 111 �516 00 63(.F2. CARTAL IMPROVEMENTS $m%, 1 s 0 0 $11(3,0(noo Franklin Street MUM -modal Path $96'somoo New City Hall Voice & Data Network (1rairild Rytall $442,650AM) Im City mouoee| Budge 000xeoee 28 Stjllljjl,)ljj2,*llrt Sellrviilces 00 111 18 00 I Description FY2021 Adopted Demrilption 63M. CAF)FTALJMPR0VEMIER4,rs $10,00moo HRDE3- Lakeshore Park November 192.0 Artwork 6400 111 $(MM) 61401 VEMCLES $moo = soxx) (1raind Rytall W611HIlk's 00111,519 00 Exp. Demirillption PY20211 Adopted Demirilption 6302 (:Alll)lll III M III IS $47®(xxmx) $2'J,'(XXMX) ViginetU Rixin' 63(Y2. $2.0,00M00 Fire Station2.1; DUrnpler EnclOSUre 6400 111 $1112va)(m)() $Ek8(xmx) S 24,xirn ()rlbitall 111:1ixor Mall fline ((lty III llallll) 6/400 $9,00moo rrailer MOUnted HotWater Commercial PrerMUre Washer 640111 vlll:iJll HICII 111:5 $36v(XXMX) 111250 lboll INxx (IlRelpliaceirneirift in' 1111114) 61401 $.mp(noo rrarmit Van Roe . 640 111 $36v(XXMX) 111:250 lboll INxx New L 61402 COMFILFFEIR. EQUPMENT $moo $Q00 7 1 (1raind Rxtall $1116%,m)(m)() City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 29 52100 Exp. Dewrilption FY2021 Adopted Dewrilption 6400 111 $49,000AX) $%(xxmx) III )irixine $spomorj Fingerprimt readers $%(xxmx) Illelpliace flooir fin irw rein's batIlmrixon i� $swoomorj Replace COUnter in women's bathroom $2(%(XX)AX) ��airjpet relpliaceirneirift 111)111l) buillifing $swoomor) K-9 640 111 vli:CIll 111II(Al 111:S $31I"Jv'(XX)AX) $2S2v(XX)AX) 6 .. Ipatiroll veIIII e irelpliaceirw rairift I I I $MSAX100 i - CSAVPhicle 1 6405 111 1 soxx) I soxx) $366,000AN) 11pd11'1i1ce 111I11mmjjpact 11FOOS 111(m Sm 00 Exp. Dewription IFY20211 Adopted Description MOO LAND PURCHASE $M00 $0DO 6204 $0AN) $0AX) 63(Y2. CANTALlMPROVE11421I $141,mmoo $41,00MOO E.Vidence Movable Walls - Capacity 6�322 (Ai)ll IAL 11111IN4111l) IN(YIN $0AN) $0AX) 6/400 EQUPPAIII $mpomoo $26,00M00 4 - Radios newofficer posiVions $2000A)() III raffic Mobille Ill a4esswage lUxard 6401 VEH ICLES $223,00M00 $188,00M00 Patrol Vehicle, Marked (4* new officer) MOOOAK) W,lirmirwimaiirlkei�iWIlrii�,lle 6440S COMPUrER EQUPPAIII $1/4worimoo $8AX100 4- newofficer laptorm, C®mmmmammmmmmVictfirn 3.. laptolps inew Immitioins III lellp 111''Ue,alk,Adirwimiiru�Arzgratairu�t, ('.ixixirifiirimtoir 6416 EQUPMElI RE'SI11I $M00 $0DO (1raind Ikytall mm 522 4�X�) Exp. Dewrilption IFY20211 Adopted Dewrillption 63(S2. CANTALL. IMPROVEMENTS $mOO $Q00 6400 111::Q�, 1111 ilaimiillim III $48,91116AN) $6vOOGAN) AIN 6500 h4ollkle Padio $18,00M00 It' Unker Gear Dryprs $111410112100 lll::N crilker (1eair Ww 01her/111EXtractoir $10,791.00 Ward Diesel for Reserve Eingine. 917 640111 Vii Cllh IlllICII 1115 $(m)() $0AX) 64405 COMPUrER EQUPPAIII $M00 $Q00 mmulffigm 4Y�4 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 1 " 1,1, � Page 30 M= 524,00 I Dewription FY2021 Adopted Dewrilption 6400 l:Qk 1111 111)111411:IJlm III 0AM) 0AM) 6140 VEMCLES $I*q,-r2.2-00 $24,869mOO (II) Replacernerd Whicle for 2.007 F USA) /W,rmck #152. Arme t N om V E H 0339 $24,86111AM) VII) IINew lll::ixird lll:::': ISO fi;xir ()jpein Inspectoir INxitioin 6405 COMIPMER EQUPMEN-Ir $MOO $M00 (lraind Rytall $49,72100 cellmmeltely, SM) 00 llExp. IFY20211 Adopted I Dewription 16302 1 $50,000.001114ew [)eixxrafive lll:�eincfinq (lraind Rytall 4Y�4 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 1 " "l, Page 31 stilreet (Y) I �1/11 K) up. FY2021 Pirolpmeed FY2021 Adopted Dewrilption 6.400 PAVING &DRAINAGEMPR $1,sm.,90wo $2,50,2.00.00 Reflections SUbdivrsion $SZ41X).(XXAair1ke 111td III aine IIIIllelpaifirs $196,00M00 S. MagLd re Rd (9) - Bridge) $9111,400AX) III liddein (Aeirmn IIHeig 1lidIlyollimmmi $106,900.003ohio Glenn Neighborhood $2'Jv'(XXM)0 1:lS '38 ll)iriveway $811,000.00 Taylorjl(irmirnrneea Ohio to Franklin 6302 A1112111 III Al. III S $22'Jv'(XXM)0 $4,(9�)(.((::llairlke&ADIII�4iirwi�TaSlpairs Wiirelll:elpliaceirwmeiriut $38,000.00 1I & Silver Star Span Wire Replacement (n)cyr ReirnbUrsernent) ��.11airlke&Wll,imite(�' i:xirmtiri:xlllleirVii:iei:xlll`:'�Uetei:,tii:xirm suzoomoo Clarke &SRSO UpIrlightReplacernent (n)cyr ReirnbUrsernent) 63031 S1I11lM:lWA1 IIK (N)IMS III M K. III KNIN VX00 $(L00 6304 DRAIN .GE $Q00 $moo Eno s iii lizillillT iii ii(Nil 111111111 $4Sv(XXM)0 III 191liftfirig Illelpmsts 6400 EQUPPAIII $99156(100 $1,(X)0.00 Work Zone Signs& Stands (replacements.) $111(aUa(aw(a(: lll::rri:xirtalbIle Airiri:xwlll::U:xairi:i(Ill:'�elraceirwieirid,) $ 1,930.00 Storage Shed 24'XH(12eplacernent) $8,930.00 Portable Light'rowpr (iqew) 5,41)(M Ilkwhie ll)irurn IIIIllolllleir (Ilmew) 61401 VEH ICLES $95wso(100 $36,00M00 F3.50 /*)0 (Replacement XY2. - 2006 F39) Crew) 200111l)urn1p) 6405 COMPMER EQUPPAIII $Q0 $M00 (1raind Ibtall $z(x) 111,95(mx) (Y) I � 1/11 /1 () I FY2021 Pirop>sed FY2021 Adopted Dewrilption 6300 111l)AV1111IM1 & IlHIMIMA(1111:I: 1111114111l)III; $(L00 $(L00 63(Y2. CANTAL IMPROVEMENTS $moo $moo 6400 111 $(L00 $(L00 6/401 VII $61,00moo $2,V2,00MOO F2,50 4x/. PU (Replace 171 - 20M F2,50) $29,(K)0.00 11131rixincix Sport 4,x4, (11'�ejpllace 20 111 .. 111998 111:qS()) $6,000.00 FUel,rrailer - ALdded FUnding (1raind Ibtall $eY,'(xxmx) 4Y�4 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 , � Page 32 1 " 1,1 00111 572 00 I PY20211 Pirolpmeed PY2021 Adopted Dewrilption 6204 PARKS UMPROVEMElm $Ispomoo Beech Center III 6302 (AFNI III Al. . III S $ I(x),(xxm)o New 1113asketbadIll Ill1lixin 61400 EQUIPMENT $swoomoo Gyre II Cleaner 640 111 jV1II:1:l1I 11111(. III ES $3Sv(xxmxj IlMiridt 3SO ll)wmirigeirVain irelpllaces urift 6111111 64405 COMPUrER EQUPFAIII Mod (1raind Ibtall $1I55,(xxmx) 00 111 5721110 I Dewrilption PY2021 Adopted Dewrilption 6204 I?AR1KS IS $(mw $(M)O 6300 11 & DRAINAGE 11I $mOO $Q00 6302 (Al)ll IAL IS $270,000AX) $M,000.00 111l)1laygiround $15,000.00 Vignetti Fitness Roorn III (XZ 111irnproveirneirifts $10,00Q00 II III $20,000.00Stoirage Slhued $100,000.00 111 HOLMe SynthetliciUrf 6400 111 $ I")Svooax)o $5,000.00 1113obcat (1ralbbeir $.50,000.00 Tractor w/ II $1118vO(K)AX) 111:C,cp d1pirw vairift III irai 11 eir $4S,000.00 Toro GrOUnds Master Reel III $S2v(XXMX) III ucrf III 4ridk $14,000.00 ZeroiUrn III $ 111111,000.00 Ibirix (:airt 6/41 VIII $8d'.wo(noo $2.8,00Q00 IF 150 replaces Unit 180 $28vO(K)AX) Ill ISO irelpliaces ucrift 969 $2.8,00Q00 II replaces Unitt 6W. 6405 111 $0AW $0AW 11111111I $549,000AX) 4Y�4 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 33 stairlimmWaltelip 11103-53820 I Dewription IFY20211 Adopted Dewrilption 611100 111 AN III::) IN111IRCIII 11AS111E $(LOO $(MM) 63M. CAPIITAL IMPROVERI $.,V2.0,00M00 $S2.0,000.00 General Stormwater ImprovpmerwLs 6400 111 $ III 111,R)(m)o Moweir'A, At lad, mrw io e ir ft I $2,930.00Dron . 640 III vIII :CIll 11111(:111 ES $4Z000.00111250 4x4, INI IlMesell (New) ssq,swimom-ro wvrractor 640S III $(LOO $(LOO limmmummi 1113MUM 51116 00 $433,00(100 C11RA, I Description FY2021 Adopted Dewrilption 611100 111 AN [) INMIll(11 IIASIII:::I: $(LOO $(LOO 6300 PAVIING & DRI IMPR $mOO $mOO 6302 (:Al)ll IAL IS $5�260,(XMMM) $Z300,000.00 elllhrikew 111l)airlk $2,560,0M.00 BlUford StreeLscape constmMflon phase I $260,000.00 111l)evellix1peir linceiriftives ('.ajrtitall $1SO,O(X100 N. Blackwood StreeLscape 6400 1:Qk 1111 111)RAIllim III $(MM) $(MM) 6140 VERI $mOO $mo� 640S III $(LOO $(MM)i (1raind Rytall $5�260,(XXMX) 40 11L.53111 I Description IFY 202 1 Adopted Dewrilption 6100 11 D PURCHASE $M00 6302 CAF)III IS $(mw 6/400 EQUIII $M00 640111 vli:CIll 11111(11 ES $(MMI 640S CRI - LAPTOPS - SORI $sOOO.OdClI - II -, SORI Offimmilmal $Sqxxmx) 4Y�4 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 1 " 1,1, � Page 34 40111 �SW 00 Exp. Dewrilption IFY 202 1 Adopted Dewription 62(g) 111311111111111 X11114(Z $(mm 63(Y2. CAPrTAL IMPROVEMEN'rs $3.5,000.00 AnnUal water plant minor repairrJuNlrades 6400 111 $(mm 6401 VEH ICLE REPLACEMENT $mOo 6405 kAIN, Is III..A111l) III (AIDS � S(All III WAI;111:::C $2,500AM (111) inew ixximputeir (1raind Ibtall $37,R)OAK) 40111 501110 Exp Dewrilption IFY20211 Adopted Dewription 62(X) BLIHI $M00 $M00 6302 (Ai) III III Al. . III III S $3,37111,965,S1 $35,(MO.00 Illfire III ll.yi;iirairi�ta� lIll�elpliaceirwiaeiri�t IINew $.500,00O.00AnnUal Major Water Line ReFAacernent&UNjrade Program $11125,000.00Wateir III firike $1,042,225.9.00 11 Beth Water Main Fixtension (romstmVftion) $664,222wOOSII; 429 Widerfling rellocate Water III firikes $87,'Iid'&' . 81 ackwood - Con.qmVftion $11164,000.00W (9,ailk1laind ll)llimm 111111 Clarke Road Widening 6400 111 $1112,R)OAK) ((aixund 111l)eiriketratfirig Illadair) SpIlit w/535, 1110 6401 VEH ICLES $S4,0099OO $2.I,(X)0.00 Replace #890-2.008 Ford F USA) w/Ford F USA) $27v()GOAX) IINa„wIIIl.111150 6140S COMPLFFER EX-4UPMENT $sprjmo(� $S,000.00CPUs- ui,,rms -, SOFMARE (1raind Ibtall $4443,46551 4Y�4 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 , � Page 35 1 " 1,1 wAs 40 111 .535 00 Exp Demirilption FY2021 Adopted Demirilption 6302 (AiNl IA1 III S I,7;N)v97L()0 35,000.00 Armnu mll Wastewater 111l)IIaint Ntrioir Ilia„ 1pairs ainda , ljpqirade� 223,5W.00 Occoe Wastewater Plant Power UNIrade Resign 25v1)1X)A)0 (Alillixid ine (:ixirftadI: (Alimin beir IIIIlletradflIble (:ixveirs 2.63,0(X).00 Occoe Wastewater Plant2.0 mg GrOUnd Storage'rank Resign 99v97E%()0 C)coee Wastewater 111DIlaint III iiqlh Service IN irw ojp/ IlI III rainsin mhzgixin Maiin (111l)esign) 1,014,406.00 Occoe Wastewater Plant High SerVice PUrnp/ North Transmission Main (CorystrLK.tion) 6400 EQUPMElv I lopoom 50,0(Xi.00 (iqew) John Beer 3pt,rractor 11120vOOGAN) (4 (1e ir i�eirac GO I W 111:'ti:x 1111..i:x ff (1e ir i�e ra toir 61401 VEHlCLES S--m,Oomoo 2 IO(XJ.00 Re pl acern e Int 1014 F 150 111:11150 for 614&S COMPUTER EQUPMENT Swoomool S,O(X).00CPL)s - LAPTOPS - SOFTWARE mmumlilm 40111..SW :1110 Demirilption FY2021 Adopted Demirilption 6302 CAF)III IA1 111111a4111)111:;OVIII:::Illa4111::illm III S $2 1114t1110ZM $3(�),(:)(�)(�).(�)1 SairmitairySe�Aeirllla4airi�l�i�ollelll:;e1pllaceirwi�eirutlll::rriri:xgirairwi� $93,000.00AnnUal GraVity Main Repair and/or III $3Z(�)(:)(:).(:)(: Illa4aUii:xirStatii:xirm�lll::ma. irwiIpSI1:aaiireiirm�Illiriiveirintoiry(4711,ulll::m) $300,000.00 Alley Way Sower, East and West, Pha ses 111:11A IIIllellocatioin 111DIlimse III $163,000.00Palm DrForce, Main Seweir/lIllecIlafirn III iine W,IlMgzeAm�zwoi:,iitei:iwitllm $10,000.00 Wholesale Re -sale Master Meter Assembly $75�000.00SI11;429 IllecIlafirn (�irixmiinq $10,000.00 Blackwood Ave $31I()v93ZM W (MIkIlaind 111DIlimse 111111 $6.93,000.00Floral Street Sanitary Sower $Zl()v41ISA)0 11131A doird (:ixirridoir . 61400 EX-4UPMENT $12,50Q00 $1Z54MOO GPR (GrOUnd PenetraVing Radar) Split wj.533-10 640111 VIllIIIIII(AIES $11104,000AX)j #89 111 wii tlli, 111:4,50 Diese 11 111[�h irw p III in m* $144,000.0d11eplace # 863mfith Ford 1a350 Ufflity Bed I*xf* 6405 111 $Z!x�)(�).(�)( 111:1e1pliaceirwmeiriut(:i:xirwi1puateir 11raind Ibtall $Z26611110735 4Y�4 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 36 mmiffiffissm I Description IFY20211 Adopted Description 63M. CANTAL IMP ROVEMEwIrs $M00 $M00 6400 lll:�; , 1111 lll��lllmlll:IJlm III $(M)() $(M)() 64401 Vphicle ReFAacernent $M00 $M00 6405 XXINAIIDUIE�Jll; III $zs(�) omw $2,5(X).00 I lll)iriyfeT,zgixinall talMet fi;xir fielldwixirlk New [)esktojp fi;xir (lraind Rytall $2500AM) 4026M-1110 Description IFY20211 Adopted Dewrilption 632 2 CAPIll"AL. f IMPROVEMENT'S $0.00 $0.00 631110 [)11::Vll::�,1I 01111111::C1114 III' 4111::CII[) III TS $0.00 $0.00 6400 EQUPMEtv $M00 $0.00 640 111 klll:CJll 11111(li III: C $0AX) $0.00 6143S lCPU-LAR'F0PS-S0FTWAR.E $m0r) $0.00 ME City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 37 muuuuu�i uuuuuuu�i ooi uuuuuuw muuuuA um mu muuuum muuuum 0000iA City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 38 his is Uhe 0 Ly's )iJim a ry oloeratiing fund, AkI dill anc� a resources of Uhe gen&4governiment a re accoun Led for in dhe Gen&4I II u. ii uc exceIot U-iose ii equi red t Iloe accounted for in anoUher fund, IMM= The General Fund budget is balanced at $783M which represents a 48.5% increase over FY21. The tentative millage rate established by the Commission is 5.1500 mils which is the same as FY21. Ad Valorem taxes are budgeted to be $173M at a collection rate of 95%. This reflects an increase of 8% over the FY21 budget. Of this, the General Fund will contribute $988,648 to the CRA. During FY22,the City expects to receive the second tranche of grant revenues from the American Rescue Plan ($12,086,349). For the FY22 budget year, Finance implemented a change in accounting procedure. Based upon guidance and best governmental accounting practices, the City's capitalization threshold was increased to $5,000 up from $1,000. Therefore, equipment and other items that were previously budgeted in capital lines are now being budgeted in operating lines (5230 and 5235) which may cause a notable change in those budget lines. $1001MI $80MI IIII $A0MI $201MI lei Actual Revenue Source 0 Budgeted Revenue Source 0 Actual Expenditures 4Mj Budgeted Expenditures City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 IA Page 39 7,,,2 ilirminIrm, 11, 11 �, �,, 92 City mOcoee | Budget 000xeoee Page 40 III Revelirmilwiles 11by, soluluirce PROPERTY TAXES Ad Valorem and Personal Property Taxes are levies against property within the city limits of Ocoee. The Orange County Property Appraiser's office establishes the taxable value of each parcel of property and the City's millage rate is applied to calculate the taxes due. For budget year 21/22 the final millage rate is 5.0500 mils ($5.05 tax for every $1000 worth of value). The approved millage rate will be levied against properties within the City of Ocoee, which collectively are valued at $3,607,952,096. The revenue for FY 21/22 is budgeted at 95% to allow for adjustments, delinquencies and outstanding levies. FRANCHISE TAXES These taxes are collected from the sale of electricity, natural gas, and solid waste services within the city limits of Ocoee. These revenues are collected in return for granting a privilege, or permitting the use of public property. The City currently has franchise agreements establishing a tax rate to be applied to an agreed upon revenue base with: • Duke Energy • Lake Apopka Natural Gas • Waste Services of Florida UT1 LITY TAXES A 10% municipal service tax is levied on all purchases of electricity, water, and metered or bottled gas, whether natural, liquefied petroleum gas, or manufactured fuel oil delivered/purchased in the City. LICENSES AND PERMITS This revenue category includes the City's business licenses, and all permits required on any new construction within the City. Permit fee revenues vary substantially f rom year to year. INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE Revenues are received from other governmental agencies for a service the City has provided, grants awarded to the City and taxes collected on the City's behalf. The City currently has agreements with the Town of Windermere for fire protection and code enforcement services. The City receives funds from the State of Florida for taxes they collect on its behalf, including: - Ha If Cent Sales Tax • Revenue Sharing • Local Option Gas Tax • Communication Services Tax City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 41 1A Each year the State publishes and distributes the "Local Government Financial Information Handbook" which lists each revenue type and the respective share to be distributed to each county and city government. This handbook is used in projecting the above revenues for the City's annual budget. A Communication Service Tax (CST) was implemented in FY 01\02, which incorporates local jurisdiction's utility tax and franchise fee revenues, as well as several state taxes collected on telephone and cable services into one tax. One of the goals of this process was to levy a rate, which would be revenue neutral. The CST rate is 5.22% for the City of Ocoee. CHARGES FOR SERVICES The City collects fees for the sale of maps and other publications, lien searches, after school and summer day camp programs, swimming pool admissions and lessons, community center rental, zoning fees, annexation fees and development review fees. FINES AND FORFEITURES This revenue category includes the collection of traff ic violation f ines written within the city limits of Ocoee, including red light camera violations. Fines collected for any code enforcement and false alarm violations are also reported in this category. MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE These are revenues which do not fall within the definition of any of the other revenue groups previously described. These revenues include interest earnings, donations, administrative fees charged for the collection of school impact fees, and the sale of the City's surplus items. These revenues are unpredictable and will vary f rom year to year. TRANSFERSIN Monies paid into the General Fund from another fund for various reasons are reported in this category. Currently the General Fund receives transfers in from the following: • WaterlWastewa ter Fund— • Percent of operating cost of the utility counter and a percent of in-house mowing costs • Percent of water and wastewater fees as an administrative fee • Road Impact Fund— o Percent of revenues as an administrative fee • Solid Waste Fund — Percent of the operating cost of the utility counter, public works administration and fleet City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 42 1A - Percent of solid waste fees as an administrative fee Storm Water Fund • Percent of operating cost of the utility counter, public works administration, and a percent of in-house mowing costs • Percent of stormwater fees as an administrative fee Fines and F Licenses and Perr Other Financing I Charges and Fees (4.9 Cash Balance (22 39/6) M $80 2022 Il4e\ irities IIIy Soxrc,'. Taxes (324%) Intergover"Men1w to 1.sj/o) �Ageted aii,"iid -fistark �� 2022 ��4e\ ii-ities ay Soxrc,'. wEsrx 0 Other Revenues 410 Fines and Forfeitures uuumu 49 Licenses and Permits 0 Other Financing $40 lmffmmmm 4�))) Charges and Fees Cash Balance 10 Intergovernmental 11 Taxes $20 $0 < ��o' < ��e <01116� <�4 <�O� Name Account ID FY2019 Actual FY2020 Actual FY2021 Budgeted FY2022 Budgeted City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 43 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 44 Name Account ID FY2019 A ctual FY2020 Actual FY2021 Budgeted FY2022 Budgeted 1 II 1111� SCHOOL IMPACT FEE ADMI 00136-0020 $30,498.00 $0.00 $30,600.00 $30,600.00 INSURANCE PROCEEDS 001-36-0030 $29,785.94 $0.00 $0.00 $50,000.00 INTEREST EARNINGS 0 01-36-1100 $623,518.29 $319,416.91 $185,720.00 $50,000.00 PUBLICCOPYFEES 001-36-2100 $118.90 $0.90 $0.00 $0.00 POLICE REPORTS 001 36-2200 $2,089.43 $1,78013 $1,700.00 $1,400.00 1 CEMETERY LOTS/SERVICES 001-36-4100 $30,360.00 $22,870.00 $20,000.00 $25,000.00 SALE... OF LAND - 6- 001-364200 i 14 $,0,740 50 $0.00 $30,000.00.._l .., SURPLUS EQUIP SALES 001-36-4400 $49,913.29 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 SCRAP SALES 001 36-5100 $92 41 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total Other Revenues: $908,183A3 $1,595,691.07 $378,020.00 '' $327,000.00 Total Revenue Source: $5%208,588.06 $51,125,53395 $52,988,188.48 $78,712,988.69 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 46 1"1,1,_� lWllfilAgeted l"' I' y l,� y,�e Operating Expenses (; Capital Personnel Services (426%) ll,,, lAgeted al"id II4ostoirk l lay l,� y,,,�e M $80 — Operating Expenses 0 Capital $40 Personnel Services $20 $0 < c�o' < ct�e <01116� <0111�1 <cO� Name FY2019 Actual FY2020 Actual FY2021 Budgeted FY2022 Budgeted Expense Objects Personnel Services $29,527,723.26 $29,199,442.33 $32,774,042.96 $33,507,523.95 Operating Expenses $14,507,155.99 $17,421,304.96 $16,519,095.00 $17,124,727.74 Capital $1,911,732.14 $1,850,736.97 $3,690,871.00 $28,080,737.00 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 47 Name FY2019 Actual FY2020 Actual FY2021 Budgeted FY2022 Budgeted ......... ......... .... ..,,.. .......,,........ ... .... - - ......... ........_ Total Expense Objects: $45,946,61139 $48,471,484.26 $52,984,008.96 $78,712,988.69 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 48 Culture an( Transpor Public Safety (28.7%) M $80 Iby, iAgeted ay iAgeted aii,"iid II-fistciiica�� ay General Government (59.6%) wEsrx Physical Environment QUID Culture and Recreation $40 Transportation 0 Public Safety 10, General Government $20 $0 Name FY2019 Actual FY2020 Actual FY2021 Budgeted 1J I FY2022 Budgeted City Clerk .,,,,, J $285,515.51 ...,. ..,.. $286,94491 $373,384.65 $328,105.00 Finance $1,170,588.36 $1,111,559.53 $1,180,687.60 $1,233,192.00 H u m .a n Resources $ 284.84 476 4 $ 89,476.10 $631,308.01 $686,751.00 Legal $161,784.80 $231,496.31 $337,500.00 J $327,500.00 Planning $752,744.58 $619,143.29 $851,522.16 $775,392.43 General Government Services $1351509526 $11936957.33 $15,33815309 1 ( $3974637723 Public WorksAdmin $385,843.58 $216,778.45 $225,035.00 $318,695.00 Support ServicesAdmin $1,422,597.93 $1,359,947.78 $1,761,895.79 $1,631,473.88 Maintenance Operations $69529284 $737076.63 $95942935 1 ( $97625706 Total General Government: $19,652,18855 $17,736,97799 $22,558,016.47 $46,943,812.84 Public Safety .., Pol ice J $11,044,337.83 $12,,601,300 72 $13,198,266.91 J $13,293,524.79 Fire $8,203,020.86 $8,929,523.05 $7,996,593.83 $8,167,563.95 Building ... .... .... .... .... $848,912.99 .... ... .. $1,598,785.69 ... $1,092,671.80 $1,160,247.70 Total Public Safety: $20,096,271.68 $23,129,609.46 $22,287,53254 f $22,621,336.44 Physical Environment...., Cemetery $36,286.36 $48,697.38 $91,950.00 $93,632.50 Physical TotalEnvironment: y...., ( $36,28636 $48,69738 $91,950.00 J $93,63250 (. Transportation Street Operations $2,410,009.46 $3,593,552.50 $3,285,996.27 $4,171,357.74 Fleet Maintenance $119297808 $1118623.51 $115608900 11 (( $121426234 Total Transportation: $3,602,98754 $4,712,176.01 $4,442,08527 $5,385,620.08 Culture and Recreation Parks J $1,162,874.28 $1,564,09519 $1,916,479.46 J $1,811,227.05 Recreation $1,396,002.98 $1,279,928.23 $1,687,945.23 $1,857,359.78 Total Culture and Recreation: ( 2 $ ,558,87726 $2,844,023.42 $3,604,424.69 J $3,668,586.83 Total Expenditures: $45,946,61139 $48,471,484.26 .�......,,,,. $52,984,008.96 $78,712,988.69 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 50 1,,"I, �uup muuuum mud, m umu muuuum umu City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 51 cilillit, ilill�illii11111�Illi�'11'IISS�'li'llouiirI RustyJohns Mayor XMINTO I =W The City Commission consists of five elected officials. The Mayor is elected citywide, and the Commissioners are elected by the members of their respective district. Together, they make the decisions to keep Ocoee the "Center of Good Living." Rusty Johnson (https://www.ocoee.org/Directory.aspx?EID=122), Mayor Larry Brinson, SR. (https://www.ocoee.org/Directory.aspx?EID=469), District I Commissioner Rosemary Wilsen (https://www.ocoee.org/Directory.aspx?EID=124), District Commissioner, Pro-Tem Richard Firstner (https://www.ocoee.org/Directory.aspx?EID=125), District 3 Commissioner George Oliver III (https://www.ocoee.org/Directory.aspx?EID=445), District 4 Commissioner 1111(e�„ I11 el Illll1terinimis •II" 46ghborhoocj kdatdNng Grants C, V4,000 �rIE? 8206 • Youth Councd $n0,000 Youth nffiEltIIVE?S $0,000 Sr)r6ng $5,000 �1 6 rIE? 9000 City of 0.... I Budget Book 2022 Page 52 1,00k 250k 20011 150k 1001i 50k $,21"1791111111111111711117,$200 9 ((),()'71/�, vs, jpiricbir yea ir) ed iiirwd 11-111stoirlafl Btidget vs. Achiifl FY20 18 FY20 19 1::YA)20 FY2021 1::YrA)22 0 Actual 0/ Budgeted City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 53 $0 : 11 $025 $02 CR $0 15 $0 1 $005 $0 < 111by 111"Y111pe lIdgeted ay Personnel Services l,idgeted aii-id ng Expenses (79.1%) Personnel Services Operating Expenses City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 54 2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY22 Budgeted 1 (General Name AccountID Actual Actual Budgeted Fund) EXECUTIVE SALARIES 001- 511-00- $20 499.84 $20 499.84 $30 038.67 $30 038.67 1100 OTH ER PAY 001 511-00 1101 $19,550.00 $21,614.29 $20,400.00 J $20,400.00 FICATAXES 001-511-00- $2860.41 $2,850.89 $3,320.62 $3,320.62 2100 RETIREMENT CONTRIBUTION 001 511 002200 $4,182.34 $3,628.08 $4,667.96 $4,667.96 Total General Government: $47,09259 $48,59330 $58,42725 f $58,42725 Total Personnel Services: 1 $47,09259 $48,59330 $58,42725 � $58,42725 Operating Expenses .. General Government TRAVEL EXPENSE 001-511-00- $26,872.92 $28,944.74 $0.00 $0.00 4000 MAYO COMMISSION ER FUND 001 511-00 $309000 $2460.00 $2800.00 $3000 00 4001 DistrictSpecial Projects(Mayor) 001-511-00- $0.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 4008 DistrictSpecial Projects (District]) 001 511-00 0.00 10000.00 $10,000.00 4009 DistrictSpecial Projects (District 2) 001-511-00- $0.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 4010 DistrictSpecial Projects (District3) 001 511 004011 $0.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 DistrictSpecial Projects (District 001-511-00- $0.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 4) 4012 TRAVEL AND MISC. (Mayor) 001 511 00 $7,000.00 $7,000.00 4013 TRAVEL AND MISC. (Dist]) 00 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 401411 „ TRAVEL AND MISC. (Dist 001 511-00 $6,00000 $6,000.00 4015 TRAVEL AND MISC. (Dist 3) 00 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 401611 „ TRAVEL AND MISC. (Dist 001 511-00 $6,00000 $6,000.00 4017 TELEPH ONE EXPENSE 00 $9,06358 $9,295.66 $13,000 .00 $13 000 00 410011 POSTAGE &FREIGHT 001 511-004200 $272.88 $33.00 $400 00 $400.00„ PUBLIC RELATIONS 00 $3,55174 $2,335.74 $3,750.00 $3,750.00 4701511 OFFICE SUPPLIES 001 511-005100 $1,249.29 $2,247.29 $1,800.00 $1,800.00 UNIFORMS 001 511-00 $1,334.93 $383.07 $000 $0.00 5201 OPERATING SUPPLIES 001 511-005202 $6,557.45 $4,805.36 $6,300.00 $6,300.00 COPYING EXPENSE 001-511-00- $0.38 $0.06 $200.00 $200.00 5216 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 55 2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY22 Budgeted 1 (General Name AccountID Actual Actual Budgeted Fund) BOOKS SUBSCRIPTIONS 001-511-00- $ 302.95 $ 318.95 $ 2500.00 $ 2500.00 5401 PROFESSIONAL DUES 001 511-005402 $24,274.24 $19,185.19 $40,000 00 $40,000.00 COMMUNITY PROMOTION 00 $24,91803 $33,462.87 $30,000 .00 $30 000 00 8200 NEIGHBORHOOD MATCHING 001-511-00- $2,385.08 $14,000.00 $14,000.00 GRANT 8206 Ocoee Youth Cou na I 001 511-00 0.00 10000 00 $10,000.00 8208 Youth Initiatives 001-511-00- $17,049.93 $12,238.77 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 8210 TRANSFERS OUT 001 511 009000 $0.00 $6,600.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 Total General Government: $118,53832 $124,695.78 $220,750.00 f $220,950.00 Total Operating Expenses: 1 $118,53832 $124,695.78 $220,750.00 $220,950.00 Total Expense Objects: $165,630.91 $173,288.88 $279,17725 $279,37725 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 56 0IIII' , III "' IIIIll1l "' , Illl' Robert Frank City Manager The City Manager's Office provides leadership and administration to the city staff ensuring that the goals and objectives of the city's elected officials can be met and exceeded. This office also ensures city staff provides the most cost-effective and efficient services to the residents and businesses within the city. Robert Frank graduated from Florida Atlantic University with a master's degree in public administration. He is also the recipient of bachelor of engineering technology from the State U niversity of New York. He has a broad range of public sector experience, which includes positions as: • Assistant City Manager • Assistant Director of Public Works • Deputy County Manager • Director of Public Works • Paramedic • Parks and Recreation • Police Officer • Process Control Engineer • Utilities In addition he has completed certificate programs in Strategic Management and Executive Leadership from Florida International University. Rob is certified as a credentialed city manager by the International City Management Association. City of Ocoee l Budget Book 2022 Page 57 1��,,,�, 011re, izalflollrmldllI CllhlmIllrt UTY MANAGER FISCAL YEAR 2021 —21022 Drganlzabona� Chart City Commission City Manager (1) Assistant City Executive Manager Assistant (1) (2) City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 58 Ix Stwiuiimmiimmaii�y The increase in budgeted expenditures is directly attributable to anticipated PTO buyouts as provided for in the City's Personnel Rules and Regulations. 700k 600k 500k 400k �300k 200k 100k City "Aarwageir 11),roposed airwd 11-flstoiriafl Btidget Achiifl FY2018 FY2019 F: Y' 2020 FY2021 F: Y' 2022 0 Actual 411� Budgeted 4Y�4 City of 0.... I Budget Book 2022 , � Page 59 1 " 1,1 $0 7 $06 $05 $04 $0 �3 $02 $01 $0 iAgeted ay y,e uperam iAgeted aii,"iid II4ostoirk ay y,,,�e < < �t�e <c4 t� <0111�1 <cO� 0 Operating Expenses 01 Personnel Services City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 60 Name AccountlD FY2019 FY2020 FY202 1 FY2022 Actual Actual Budgeted Budgeted EXECUTIVE SALARIES 001-512-00- $ 480384.48 $ 457250.19 $ 464675.88 $ 450544.30 1100 OTH ER PAY 001 512 00- $7,230 61 $2,551.77 $3,600.00 $3,600.00 1101 PTOBUYOUT 001-512-00- $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 50 000.00 1510 FICATAXES 001 512 00- $31,579.48 $30,104.72 $35,547.70 $35,547.70 2100 RETIREMENT CONTRIBUTIO 0 2 00 $69,188.73 $59,752.42 $49,000.00 $53,900.00 01- 220 t r r Total General Government: 8 $58 ,38330 $549,65930„ $552,82358 � $593,592.00 1 1. 1 1, Total Personnel Services: ...., ...., ...., ...., ...., ...., ...., ...., 88 8330 ( $5 '3 ...., 1 4965930 ( �., ...., 1 52 2358 �.... '8 ...., 1 $593,592.00 Operating Expenses ...., General Government PERSONAL BON DS/NOTARY 001 512 00- $0.00 $300.00 $300.00 3100 TRAVELEXPENSE 001 512 00- $5,086.55 $25.70 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 4000 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 001 512 00- $7,277.05 $6,565.22 $10,400.00 $10,400.00 4100 POSTAGE & FREIGHT 0 1-512-00- $15830 $276.20 $150.00 $150 00 200 4 OFFICESUPPLIES 0010 200 $1,600.28 $1,713.23 $1,350.00 $1,350.00 OPERATING SUPPLIES 001 512 00- $6,200.00 $6 200 00 5202 COPYING EXPENSE 001-512-00- $14.02 $14.57 $200.00 $200.00 5216 COMPUTERPERIPHERALS/SOFTWARE UNDER 001 512 00- 3 000 0 $3 000 00 $1 000 5 235 BOOKS/SUBSCRIPTIONS 001 0,512 00 $3,600.00 $4,115.63 $4,500.00 $4,500.00 54 PROFESSIONAL DUES 001 512 00- 81100 314800 45000 0 $3 500 00 5402 TRAINING EXPENSE 0 2 00 $58.95 $0.00 $23,000.00 $4,000.00 05 COMMUNITY PROMOTION 001 512 00- $7,545.38 $6,225.70 $7,500.00 $7,500.00 8200 Total General Government: $32,426.64 I $24,649.68 I $67,100.00„ $47,100.00 Total Operating Expenses: $32,426.64 I $24,649.68„ I $67,100.00„ $47,100.00 Total Expense Objects: $620,80994 $574,308.78 $619,92358 $640,692.00 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 61 1"1,1,_� 1ilili , IIIIII ilildllk Melanie sibbit, CMC City Clerk The Clerk's office provides an array of services to the public, City Manager, Commission, and staff. The Office of the City Clerk provides assistance with the following: • Serves as custodian of official City records and public documents; is responsible for the retention and overall management of records in accordance with Florida Statutes and Regulations including archiving, storage, distribution, and destruction of documents • Custodian of the Seal. Seals and attests by signature to ordinances, resolutions, and contracts, easements, deeds, bonds, or other documents requiring City certification • Oversees the preparation of City Commission agenda packets, including coordination and review of the material • Attends,records,transcribes,scans, and indexes minutes of the City Commission meetings • Prepares and maintains records of all Committee/Board appointments. Notices all Advisory Board agendas, bids, and other advertisements, and legal notices of public hearings • Coordinates the codification and distribution of supplemental updates of the City Charter, Code of Ordinances, and Land Development Code • Manages Ocoee Cemetery(https!www.ocoee.org 34 City -Cemetery) sales and records • Serves as the City's election official (qualifying officer) in accordance with established policies and procedures; manages all elements of City elections and works in conjunction with the Supervisor of Elections' Office. • Administers oath to elected officials • Serves as the Financial Disclosure Coordinatorwith the State of Florida Commission on Ethics 1I 1 -. " 11 - 1. The Office of the City Clerk pledges the highest degree of excellence and professional commitment as we offer quality services to our commission, staff, and citizens in accordance with the City Charter and applicable laws and ordinances. We will accurately record and preserve official actions and records of the City of Ocoee in a manner that is impartial, responsive, cost-effective, and trustworthy. City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 62 1��,,,�, 011re, iiiiizal iuri irrrflirl IIIIII Cllll lil hurt 0TY CLERK FISCAL YEAR 2021 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 63 400k 300k 200k 100k Ix Stwiuiimmiimmaii�y CftyCeirIII Fflstoirlafl FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 0 Actual 10 Budgeted City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 64 iAgeted ay y,e Operating Expens, I Services 1815%1 iAgeted aii,"iid II4ostoirk ay y,,,�e $04 $0 3 $02 Capital 0 Operating Expenses Personnel Services $01 $0 < < �t�e <c4 t� <0111�1 <cO� City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 65 Name AccountlD FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Actual Actual Budgeted Budgeted OTH ER PAY 001 512 10 1101 $3,616.57 $3,619.94 „J $3,600.00 J $3,600.00 REGULARSALARIES 001-512-10- $189,918.25 $208,263.77 $212,565.32 $223,200.00 1200 OVERTIME PAY 001 512 101400 $1,883.40 $1,826.43 $1,600.00 $1,800.00 FICATAXES 001-512-10- $14,121.26 $15,420.68 $16,261.25 $16,400.00 2100 RETIREMENT CONTRIBUTIO 001 512 10- $1772291 $18,06790 $2221308 $2228000 2200 Total General Government: $227,26239 $247,198.72 f $256,239.65 f $267,280.00 Total Personnel Services. $227,26239 J, $247,198.72 1 $256,239.65 $267,280.00 Operating Expenses General Government PERSONAL BON DS/N OTARY 001 512 10- $130 00 $0.00 $0.00 $480 00 3100 RECORDS DESTRUCTION 3152512-10- $0.00 $1,000.00 $500.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 001 512 10- $1300200 $13,90200 $15,00000 $1500000 3400 TRAVEL EXPENSE 001-512-10- $507.00 $770.71 $2,200.00 $2,200.00 4000 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 001 512 104100 $5,089.77 $4,298.97 $5,500.00 $5,500.00 POSTAGE & FREIGHT 001-512-10- $106.67 $59.23 $500.00 $1,500.00 4200 LEASING EXPENSE 001 512 104400 $2,254.44 $2,254.44 $2,500.00 $2,700.00 EQUIP MAI NT CONTRACTS 001-512-10- $1,773.39 $1,386.03 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 4606 ADMIN LEGAL ADS 001 512 10- $1,829.46 $1,878.33 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 4901 MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSE 001-512-10- $5,679.85 $6,406.98 $0.00 $0.00 4902 RECORDING FEES 001 512 10- $44.00 $0.00 $5,500.00 $5,500.00 4919 ADVISORY BOARD 001-512-10- $0.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 4950 OFFICESUPPLIES 001 512 10- $711.99 $291.48 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 5100 CODE SUPPLEMENTS 0 016512 10 $3,306.66 $1,952.18 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 Uniforms,,,,, 001-�2-1 O $178.99 $244.00 $150.00,,,,,.� $150.00 5201 OPERATING SUPPLIES 001 512 10- $1,995.53 $1,227.10 $9,500.00 $9,500.00 5202 COPYING EXPENSE 001-512-10- $23329 $156.74 $250.00 $250.00 5216 EQUIPMENT ($999.99 or less) 001 512 105230 $6,683.42 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 66 1"1,1,_� Name Account ID FY2019 FY2020 ,. FY2021 ,. FY2022 Actual Actual Budgeted,. Budgeted COMPUTER PERIPHERALS - SOFTWAREUNDER 001-512-10- $ 3 471.99 $ 1 790.00 $ 2 000.00 $ 2 000.00 1000 5235 BOOKS/SUBSCRIPTIONS 001 512 10- $40.00 $245.90 $200.00 $200.00 5401 PROFESSIONAL DUES 0 11-2 2-10- $780.00 $895.00 $845.00 $845.00 TRAINING EXPENSE 001- 001-�2-1 O $775.00 $1,987.10 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 ELECTION EXPENSE 001-512-10- $ 9659.67 $ 0.00 $ 56000.00 $ 0.00 5600 Total General Government: $58,253.12 $39,746.19 Jf $115,645.00 Jf $60,825.00 Total Operating Expenses: $58,253.12 1. $39,746.19 Jf 1. $115,645.00 Jf $60,825.00 Capital General Government COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 001 512 106405 $0.00 $1,500.00 $0.00 Total General Government: $0.00 f $1,500.00 f $0.00 Total Capital: ...... ... ......... .., ...... -- .,., .,.,, ,,.,. .......,__.,, .,., ..._.,.. .. ........- ......,. $0.00 .......... - - - ,., $1,500.00 ...... .,..- _ ----- $0.00 ...... .,..- ...._...._ Total Expense Objects: $285,51551 $286,94491 $373,384.65 $328,105.00 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 67 100k 80k 60k 40k 20k ceiimmeiteii�, Melanie Sibbit, CMC City Clerk Ix Stwiuiimmiimmaii�y Ceirl"Ieteiry 11""311"oposed airwd 11-11is4'or1afl II Ntidgef Achid FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 10, Actual 01 Budgeted City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 68 $01 $0 08 $006 $004 $002 $0 iAgeted aii,"iid II4ostoirl ay y,,,�e 1`6 d'� < e < < 0 Operating Expenses 91 Capital .... .... ... . .... .... .... "I'll", .... ...... .... .. Name Account ID F Y 2 0 1 9 Actual F Y 2 0 2 0 Actual FY2021 Budgeted FY2022 Budgeted Expense Objects Operating Expenses Physical Environment CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 001-539-00-3400 $ 1 9 0 2 0 00 $19,101.67 $20,000.00 $21,000.00 CEMETERY SERVICES 001-539-00-3410 $13,450.00 $12,100.00 $13,650.00 $14,332.50 WATER EXPENSE 001-539-00-4301 $3,069.51 $2,495.71 $2,100.00 $2,100.00 OPERATING SUPPLIES 001-539-00-5202 $ 1 0 7 7 0 $0.00 $200.00 $200.00 CEMETERYMAINT 001-539-00-5302 $639.15 $0.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 CEMETERY LOT -BUY BACK 001-539-00-5602 $0.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 TRANSFERS OUT 001-539-00-9000 $15,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total Physical Environment: $36,286.36 $48,697.38 $41,950.00 $43,632.50 Total Operating Expenses: $36,286.36 $48,697.38Jf $41,950.00Jf $43,632.50 Capital Physical Environment CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 001-539-00-6302 $0.00 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 Total Physical Environment: $0.00 J $50,000.00Jf $50,000.00 Total Capital: $0.00 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 -------------------- Total Expense Objects: ......................... ----------- ------------- $36,286.36 $48,697.38 $91,950.00 -- --- -------- --- $93,632.50 4Y�4 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 69 Rebecca Roberts, CPA Finance Director PillI , 1111111111111111 111 1 2� III! iii t 11 'Elp - 10 10 10 NO, I I , I W01 planning for future financial needs. DEPARTMENT/DIVISION COPE FUNCTIONS • Financial Accounting • Payroll • Budgeting • Cash &Treasury Management • Debt Management • Procurement • Utility Billing & Customer Service & 1111TIffect" I hE? )E?[DaHATIENN, sUruVE?S LO 6rnlprOVE? E?f1�kJENnCJE?S and E?f'fE?Cft6VE?nE?SS through Of� LEK.hnok)gy. Dur6ng 2022, thE? (JE?[DaHATIENN, wHHI * ui[TI[JIEHTIENN, EVACAMEAEK] budgEA prE?[Daradon toolls. * II [TI[JIEHTIENN, EVACAMEAEK] and CalpuU.fl rOjE?CLS rnanagENTI&N, Loolls. * IIWflUEILE? and a u[TI[JIEHTIE?nt, Wh&rE? fbasabk?, (100ATIE?nt rnanElgEHTIENN, and EVACAMEAEK1 workf1ow. Z UJI L'c E �')V C" CAIIHIAL: C , —!5 SS Y$TEM �BUSI NEK n;w,n,,,)),v COMMUNICATION urvwr h %1J AIU 01T1 N G t", I", t' I a ITZ AD lay City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 70 011re, iiiiizal iuui illrmll IIIIII Clllllil llr FUNANCE I FISCAL YEAR Organizational Chart Finance Director (1) Chief Customer Service Finance iVlariacr Pr�oorr�°crircrrt ManagerAccoitant Super � >is -or (1. 1 (1 ) (1 ........................ � �wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww � w,����������������������������� Accoruitarit Customer Scnue Accor itant r,.iu liasrrrg Tedmicran Rep IIIT cad O (2) 1 A0cor11itrrrg Customer Service Acco iting Purchasing Tedmician Representative Tedmiciaii 1 Assistant (2) () , (1.) , (1) City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 71 Ix Stwiuiiniimnaii�y The increase in expenditures in the Finance Department is attributable to an increase in Accounting and Auditing services, contractual services and staffing,which will be partially offset by grant funding. 1,500k 1,250k 1,000k 750k 500k 250k 11""'Trull")ICe 11")iroposed air)id 11-111's4'oiriafl II Ntkdkfef Achia� FY2018 F: Y120 19 FY2020 F: Y' 2021 FY2022 0 Actual G Budgeted 4Y�4 City of 0.... I Budget Book 2022 1 " "I, Page 72 iAgeted ay y,e Operating Expenses (28.3%: Personnel Services (71.7%) iAgeted aii,"iid II4ostoirk ay y,,,�e m m $0 7115 Capital 0 Operating Expenses Personnel Services $05 $025 $0 < c�o' < c�e <c4 t� <c4 <01161 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 73 Name Account ID FY2019 Actual FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Actual Budgeted Budgeted OTH ER PAY 001-513-00- $ 3616.57 $ 3619.94 $3, 600.00 $ 3600.00 1101 REGULAR SALARIES 001 513 00- $808,204.66 $729,904.80 $755,112.28 $753,681.00 1200 OVERTIME PAY 13 00 $1,774.86 $1,143.93 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 1400 FICATAXES 001 513 00- $58,763.90 $53,134.78 $57,766.09 $53,000.00 2100 RETI REME NT CONTRI B UTIO 001 513 00- $76,134.28 $61,910.26 $78,909.23 $70,000.00 2200 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP 001 513 00- $382.97 $136.78 $0.00 2500 Total General Government: $948,49427 $850,096.68 $899,52438 $884,281.00 Total Personnel Services: $948,49427 $850,096.68 $899,52438 $884,281.00 Operating Expenses General Government ACCOUNTING&AUDITING 001 513 00- $33,160.00 $44,660.00 $50,000.00 $100,000.00 3200 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 001 513 00- $45,126.56 $29,209.00 $50,000.00 $41,260.00 3400 TRAVEL EXPENSE 001 513 00- 7 , 4000 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 001 513 00- $8,205.51 $9,086.65 $8,500.00 $ 8,500.00 4100 _ POSTAGE&FREIGHT 001-513-00- $ 2930.53 $ 3007.37 $ 3500.00 $ 3500.00 4200 EQUIP MAI NT CONTRACTS 001 513 00- $0.00 $1,250.00 $1,250.00 4606 PRINTING&BINDING 13 00 $1,155.63 $1,451.81 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 4700 MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSE 001 513 00- $30 $375.00 $0.00 $0.00 4902 OFFICE SUPPLIES 001 513 00- $1,484.90 $2,913.04 $3,200.00 $3,600.00 5100 ADMINISTRATION EXPENSE 001 513 00- $115,320.13 $156,783.44 $136,000.00 $155,000.00 .. .. .. .. .. .. 5101 . .. .. OPERATING SUPPLIES 001- 513 00_ 001 $3,235.98 $2,539.94 $3,700.00 $3,700.00 5202 COPYING EXPENSE 001 513 00- $276.71 $316.08 $500.00 $500.00 .. .. .. .. .. .. 5216 . .. .. RECORDS STORAGE RENTAL 001 001- 513 00_ $0.00 $1,900.00 $1,900.00 EQUIPMENT ($999.99 or less) 13 00 $1,091.56 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 55230 COMPUTER PERIPHERALS -SOFTWARE 00151300- $2,212.45 $1,732.68 $3,250.00 $3,250.00 UNDER$1000 5235 BOOKS/SUBSCRIPTIONS 00 $2,3250 0 $2,525.76 $3,863.22 $5 000.00 5401513 „ 44 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 74 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 75 1141uluilmnalirm, 11kesoluluirces Gene Williford Human Resources Director The Human Resources Department strives to provide innovative services for the city's employees and the public by developing and managing the personnel programs (i.e., employment, compensation, benefits, employee relations, employee development and risk management) in an ethical, cost effective manner all toward the goal, of public service excellence. Mission Human Pesources staff welcomes the challenge to be a leader for all city departments by displaying a strong commitment of efficient service, equal employment opportunity, career development and sound business practices. City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 76 IA 011re, iiiiizal iuui illrmll IIIIII Clllllil llr HUMANU FISCAL YEAR Organ lzational Chart Duman Resources es Manager Human, Rscuarces HFU'Risk N'lanagemennt Director 0, Human Resources �xLall�s�1� Human Resources pee aEst M, City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 77 800k 700k 600k 500k 400k �300k 200k 100k 0 Ix Stwiuiimmiimmaii�y 11-fix"I"lilirw 11,""Zesotlirces 11311"Oposed iiirwd 11-11istoricifl Btidget \v!,,,,,Achiifl FY2018 FY2019 F: Y' 2020 FY2021 F: Y' 2022 10, Actual 10 Budgeted Ix iii IIIIIby, 11'11"M�pm City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 78 iAgeted aii,"iid II4ostoiril ay y,,,�e $0 8 $0 7 $06 $05 TM $04i i i 1 1 Capital 0 Operating Expenses $0 �3 0 Personnel Services $02 $01 $0 < < �t�e <c4 t� <0111�1 <cO� Name AccountlD FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Actual Actual Budgeted Budgeted Expense Objects Personnel Services General Government OTH ER PAY 001-513-30- $3,616.57 $3,619.94 $3,600.00 $3,600.00 1101 REGULARSALARIES $366,602.60 $382,344.44 $474,350.56 $500,430.00 1200001-513-30- EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION 00107-513-30- $10,373.59 $10,708.09 $16,500.00 $16,500.00 15 PTO BUYOUT 05101-513-30-0 $0.00 $23,849.00 1 FICATAXES 001-513-30- $27,324.94 $28,676.58 $36,287.82 $37,900.00 2100 RETIREMENT CONTRIBUTIO 001-513-30- $37,470.81 $30,766.13 $49,569.63 $51,772.00 2200 Total General Government: $445,388.51 $456,11538 $580,308.01 $634,051.00 Total Personnel Services: $445,388.51 $456,11538 $580,308.01 $634,051.00 Operating Expenses General Government CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 001-513-30- $978.00 $978.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 3400 TRAVELEXPENSE 001-513-30- $657.00 $37.56 $3,000.00 $1,500.00 4000 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 001-513-30- $7,081.28 $7,240.98 $ 8 0 0 0 0 0 $8,000.00 4100 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 79 Name Account l® FY2019 FY2020 F1„ Y202 FY2022 Actual Actual Budgeted Budgeted POSTAGE&FREIGHT 001-513-30- $ 46.72 $ 42.15 $ 1000.00 $ 1000.00 4200 LEASING EXPENSE 001 513 30- $1,620.12 $1,488.08 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 4400 EQUIP MAI NT CONTRACTS $1,590.93 $111339 $160000 $1,600.00 4606330- PRINTING BINDING 001 513 30- $0.00 $800.00 $800.00 4700 SAFETY COMMITTEE EXPEN 00151330- $161.50 $23892 $200000 $1,200.00 918 OFFICESUPPLIES 001 513 30- $1,065.09 $964.67 $1,200.00 $1,200.00 5100 ADMIN. EXPENSE 001 513 30- $13,093.47 $11,830.43 $14,000.00 $20,000.00 5101 OPERATING SUPPLIES 001-513-30- $2,442.67 $2,270.44 $2,750.00 $2,750.00 5202 COPYING EXPENSE 001 513 30- $0.55 $0.03 $200.00 $200.00 5216 COMPUTER PERIPHERALS/SOFTWAREUNDER 00151330- $158327 $200000 $4,000.00 5 BOOKS/SUBSCRIPTIONS 001 513 30- $20.00 $66.00 $750.00 $750.00 5401 PROFESSIONAL DUES 01- 3 30 $1,739.00 $2109 00 $2200 00 $ „ 2200.00 TRAINING EXPENSE 001 513 30- $400.00 $1,398.00 $6,500.00 $5,500.00 5405 TRANSFERS OUT......... 3 30„ $2,000.00 $0.00 9000 Total General Government: J $30,89633 $33,36092 $49,000.00 $52,700.00 Total Operating Expenses. Jf $30,89633 $33,36092 $49,000.00 $52,700.00 Capital General Government COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 001 513 30-6 $0.00 $2,000.00 $0.00 405 Total General Government: J $0.00 $2,000.00 $0.00 Total Capital: $0.00 $2,000.00 $0.00 Total Expense Objects: $476,28484 J $489,47610 $631,308.01 $686,751.00 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 80 EM Robert Frank City Manager Ix Stwiuiiniimnaii�y Ix iii IIII1by, iAgeted aii,"iid II4ostoiril ay y,,,�e $04 $0C 35 $0 3 $025 $02 $015 $01 $005 $0 d'� < < < < < 0 Operating Expenses Name Account ID FY2019 Actual FY2020 Actual FY2021 Budgeted FY2022 Budgeted Expense Objects Operating Expenses General Government LEGAL EXPENSE 001-514-00-3101 $148,959.43Jff $218,725.47 $297,500.00 $297,500.00 LEGAL EXPENSE - POLICE DEPT. 001-514-00-3130 $6,140.13 $8,860.84 $20,000.00 $15,000.00 LEGAL EXP-CODE ENFORCE 001-514-00-3149 $5,092.00 $3,910.00 $20,000.00 $15,000.00 TRANSFERS OUT 001-514-00-9000 $1,593.24 $0.00 $0.0 0 $0.0 Total General Government. ��1784.80 ............... I I . ..... .... .... .... . ... ..... .... .... - .............................. $,3-3-7,,,5-0-0 0,0 $327,500.00 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 81 Name account ID FY2 019 actual I FY2020 actual FY2021 Budgeted FY2022 Budgeted Total Operating Expenses: f$161784.80 $231 9631 $337 00.00 f $3 27 00.00 ......,_.., ..........,-- ................................. ...,...,,. .......,- - J.......,...,,. .....,...,,- .. ......,...,, .......,...,,. Total Expense Objects: f $161,784.80 $231,49631 $337,500.00 $327,500.00 I City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 82 1,,"I, Mike Rumer, MPA Director The Planning & Zoning Division is responsible for coordinating growth management by meeting regularly with developers and the general public to review growth -related issues affecting the future urban pattern of the community, as well as ensuring that all development within the city conforms to the Land Development Codece and state growth management laws to ensure the highest quality of life for the citizens of Ocoee. 011re, kafl*iirliidllI CIIhiiaiiirt ja�iirliili� 11� P LA �N lN I lN G FISCAL YEAR 2021-2022 Organizational Chart .ems sistaritCity Manager* Development Senices Director (1) Assistant Development Manager Urban Desiner ........... ZoningManager , (1) g1�11`11111111 ir 1) Planner I (1), .lope Tte nt Review, Coordinator Administrative Assistant, (1) I AssistantCityl'Janager overseesthe, Planning Dept. Administrator Redevelopment Specialist (CRA) (1), Staff Engineer i(1) City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 83 Ix Stwiuiimmiimmaii�y Ix iii IIIIby, 11'11"M�pm iAgeted ay y,e Operating Expenses (40.9%) Personnel Services (59.1%) City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 84 iAgeted aii,"iid II4ostoiril ay y,,,�e 3 $0 8 $06 Capital 0 Operating Expenses $04 0, Personnel Services $02 $0 < < �t�e <c4 t� <0111�1 <cO� Name AccountlD FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Actual Actual Budgeted Budgeted Expense Objects Personnel Services General Government OTH ERPAY 001-515-00- 616.57 3,936.4 0.00 0.00 1101 REGULAR SALARIES 001-515-00- $443,653.65 $373,963.25 $452,683.38 $395,683.00 1200 OVERTIME PAY $63.66 $0.00 $1,800.00 $1,800.00 1400001-515-00- FICATAXES 001-515-00- $32,826.92 $27,401.43 $33,000.00 $28,513.00 2100 RETI REMENT CONTRIBUTIO 001-515-00- $45,766.48 $32,904.74 $46,000.00 $32,361 .89 20 2 0 Total General Government: 11 - $525,92728 $438,205.76 $533,483.38 $458,357.89 Total Personnel Services: $525,92728 $438,205.76 $533,483.38Jf $458,357.89 Operating Expenses General Government PROFESSI ONAL SERVIOTH 001-515-00- $104,671.34 $50,549.08 $135,000.00 $137,500.00 3128 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 001-515-00- $86,055.00 $65,940.00 $115,000.00 $115,000.00 3400 TRAVELEXPENSE 001-515-00- $1,427.46 -$7.20 $5,250.00 $5,250.00 4000 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 001-515-00- $5,677.17 $6,098.72 $6,720.00 $7,910.00 4100 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 85 Name AccountIDFY2019,,, FY2020 021 FY2022 Actual Actual Budgeted Budgeted Budgeted POSTAGE&FREIGHT 001-515-00- $ 834.86 $ 717.24 $ 1050.60 $ 1051.00 4200 PRINTING&BINDING 001 515 00- $1,366.29 $67.50 $4,035.00 $4,035.00 4700 ADMIN LEGAL ADS 001 515 00- 4901 BAD DEBT WRITE OFFS 00 $0.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 490915 RECORDING FEES... 001 515 00,,,, $1,190.80 $3,414.00 $112500 $1,125.00 4919 ADVISORY BOARD 001-515-00- $109.50 $324.70 $1,000.00 $2,000.00 4950 OFFICE SUPPLIES 001 515 00- $1,368.05 $439.46 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 5100 POL SUPPLIES 001 515 00- $20.81 $0.00 5200 UNIFORMS 001 515 00- $139.52 $600.00 5201 OPERATING SUPPLIES 001-515-00- $ 1715.44 $ 980.69 $ 3000.00 $3, 000.00 5202 MAPPING EXPENSE 001 515 00- $240.00 $0.00 $2,400.00 $2,400.00 5214 COPYING EXPENSE 0016515 00,,,, $208.0,4 $10653 $70000 $700.00 521 RECORDS STORAGE RENTAL 001 515 00- $1,564.00 $3,156.00 $4,800.00 $4,800.00 5223 SOFTWARE$5,143.73 001 515 00- $518892 $350000 $ 6 UONDER$1000 5235TERPERIPHERALS ,000.00 BOOKS/SUBSCRIPTIONS 001 515 00- $413.20 $216.84 $525.00 $525.00 5401 PROFESSIONALDUES 001-515-00- $ 1 500.00 $ 1333.00 $ 2250.00 $ 2310.00 5402 TRAINING EXPENSE 001 515 00- $755.00 $200.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 5405 PRINCIPAL 001-515-00- $7,624.96 $7,805.73 $12,588.65 $6,713.12 7100 INTEREST EXPENSE 001 515 00- $436.17 $255.40 $694.53 $215.42 7200 COMMUNITY PROMOTIONS 001 515 00- $108.35 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 8200 TRANSFERS OUT 001 515 00- $31,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 9000 J Total General Government: $221 1730 $180,93753 $315,538.78 $317,03454 Total Operating Expenses: $226,81730 $180,93753 $315,538.78 $317,03454 Capital General Government COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 001-515-00- 0.00 $2,500.00 0.00 6405 Total General Government: $0.00 $0.00 $2,500.00 $0.00 .. City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 86 1"1,1,_� Name AccountlD FY2019 FY2020 FY2021� FY2022 Actual Actual Budgeted Budgeted Total Capital - - _.,_,. . - - _.,_,. . - - _.,_,._. $0 00 $0 00 $2,500 00 $0 00 . ----------- Total Expense Objects: I $752,74458 $619,14329 $851,52236 $775,392A3 44 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 87 1,,"I, eiiiirm iiiir IIIIII iiri�iii is Robert Frank City Manager City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 88 40M �30M 20M lom Ix Stwiuiimmiimmaii�y Geirweirifl Goveii,,ii")iiiiiIlell)I,t Services 11)iropos4�d iiirwd 11-flstoiriafl Btidget FY2018 FY12019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 0 Actual G Budgeted City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 89 iAgeted ay y,e operating Personnel Services (20.9%) Capital (61.99/6) iAgeted aii,"iid II4ostoirk ay y,,,�e w $40 $:30 $20 $0 I I I I Operating Expenses 0 Personnel Services 91 Capital City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 90 Name Account ID FY2019 Actual FY2020 Actual FY2021 FY2022 Budgeted Budgeted EDUCATION/INCENTIVE 001-516-00- $9,342.45 $21,047.85 $40,000.00 $35,000.00 1503 HEALTH INSURANCE 001 516 002300 $6,076,414.15 $6,030,701.70 $6,892,192.76 $7,236,802.39 LIFE INSURANCE 0 $59,584.94 $60,077.30 $86,532.00 $90,858.60 23011516-00- . DENTAL/VISION INSURANCE 001- 001- 516-00_ $104,863.75 $103,097.85 $187,850.00 $197,242.50 2302 ACCIDENT DISABILITY / 001-516-00- $ 114111.47 $ 115306.99 $ 168550.00 $ 176977.50 2303 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE 001 516 002400 $308,776.62 $185,042.90 $567,100.00 $581,277.50 Total General Government: $6,673,09338 $6,515,274.59 $7,942,224.76 $8,318,158.49 Total Personnel Services. $6,673,09338 $6,515,274.59 $7,942,224.76 $8,318,158.49 Operating Expenses 1 1 General Government PROFESSIONAL SERV./OTHER 001 516 003128 $13,518.75 $6,850.00 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0 6-00- $65,777.50 $107,258.09 $90,000.00 $90,000.00 00 PROPERTY TAXES 001 516 003900 $000 $2659674 $16,00000 $1600000 POSTAGE FREIGHT 001-516-00- $0.00 $2,058.00 $2,058.00 4200 ELECTRIC EXPENSE 001 516 004300 $6569888 $6451661 $95,69700 $9569700 WATER EXPENSE 001-516-00- $54,680.20 $58,177.61 $64,827.00 $64,827.00 4301 LEASING EXPENSE 001 516 004400 $903880 $1844481 $83,30000 $8330000 AUTO LIABILITY INSURANCE 001-516-00- $1,946.00 $5,000.00 $82,500.00 4501 MULTI PERIL INSURANCE 001 516 004502 $40541552 $44033321 $42675511 $46943062 EQUIP MAI NT CONTRACTS 001-516-00- $212,470.76 $265,729.51 $290,000.00 $295,000.00 4606 RESERVE FOR CONTINGENC 001 516 004900 $9,300.00 $0.00 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 MISCELLANEOUS 001-516-00- $1,865.40 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 4902 SENIOR PROGRAM WATERTAX 001 516 004905 $877.79 $717.58 $1,234.80 $1,234.80 SENIOR PROGRAM -WATER FEES 001-516-00- $8,760.84 $7,175.63 $12,348.00 $12,348.00 4906 SENIOR PROGRAM -SOLID WASTE 001- 001- 516-00- $10,227.00 $8,165.22 $15,435.00 $15,435.00 4907 BAD DEBT -WRITE OFFS 001-516-00- $ 17078.37 $ 22538.31 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 4909 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 91 1"1,1,_� Name Account ID FY2019 Actual FY2020 Actual FY2021 FY2022 Budgeted Budgeted OPERATING SUPPLIES 001-516-00- $885.94 $418.38 $26,250.00 $26,250.00 5202 EMPLOYEE GIFTCERTIFIC 001- 001- 516-00- $17,075.00 $16,800.00 $15,750.00 $15,750.00 5206 E EQUIPMENT 999.99orless Q $ 001-516-00- $ 328.50 $ 8992.00 $ 8992.00 5230 COMPUTER PERIPHERALS -SOFTWARE 001 516 00 $139,833.73 $19,497.69 $18,220.00 $76,720.00 UNDER$1000 5235 RAILROAD CROSSING MAINTENANCE $25,000.00 $32,200.00 $33,957.00 $33,957.00 503012516-00- HEALTH CLINIC 001-516-00_5620 $683,405.78 $669,979.73 $717,576.00 $0.00 EAPSERVICES 001 516 005622 $20,465.00 $0.00 $50,000.00 $0.00 CRACONTRIBUTION 001- 6-00- $677,696.03 $753,664.42 $866,798.00 $920,978.00 5800 PRINCIPAL 001 516 00 $535,711.92 $508,258.25 $697,811.92 $499,800.00 7100 INTERESTEXPENSE 001-516-00- $91,764.18 $77,553.43 $111,778.00 $48,354.81 7200 DEBT ISSUANCE COSTS 001 516 007300 $20,995.00 $0.00 $0.00 TRANSFERS OUT 001-516-00- $350,000.00 $589,585.00 $0.00 $600,000.00 9000 BUDGET RESERVE 001 516 009095 $0.00 $100,000.00 TRANSFERS OUT-DEBTSER 001-516-00- $2,402,839.92 $1,657,637.52 $3,189,237.50 $3,189,237.50 9100 Total General Government: (. 819 8731 $5,375,36724 ( 0 02533 12 69.73 Total Operating Expenses: 1. Jf $5,819,38731 1. $5,375,36724 Jf $6,904,02533 $6,812,869.73 Capital General Government LAND PURCHASE 001 516 006100 $1 000,000 00 $4631550 $0.00 $0.00 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 001-516-00- $0.00 $0.00 $382,121.00 $24,508,849.00 6302 EQUIPMENT 001 516 00 $0.00 $0.00 $85,000.00 6400 CPUs - LAPTOPS - SOFTWARE 001-516-00- $22,614.57 $0.00 $109,782.00 $21,500.00 6405 Total General Government Jf $1,022,61457 $46,31550 Jf $491,90300 $24,615,34900 1 1 Total Capital: $1,022,61457 $46,31550 $491,903.00 $24,615,349.00 Total Expense Objects: $13,515,09526 $11,936,95733� $15,338,153.09 $39,746,37723 44 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 92 1"1,1,_� stjiilir)l112,*Iirt selirvii1cels Al Butler Director The Support Services Department provides a wide variety of specialized services to all city departments and our citizens. The core activities of departmental staff are: • Perform Code Enforcement (includes support of the Code Enforcement Board and Special Magistrate) • Provide Information Technology Services and Support (includes installation and management of the city's telephone and security/access-control systems) • Conduct Community and Media Relations (includes support of the Human Relations Diversity Board) • Identify, Select, and Deploy New Technology -based Productivity Systems (self - hosted and cloud -based) • Perform Data Analysis and Mapping Services Using a Geographic Information System • Operate OcoeeTV (as Spectrum Channel 493 and online) • Manage and Support Ocoee Websites and Social Media A rapidly changing and growing challenge is providing cybersecurity for the city's IT infrastructure, including preserving data supporting critical operations and ensuring disaster recovery. To meet these challenges, the city recently replaced its voice and data network with enhanced cybersecurity mechanisms and initiated staff training and testing on phishing attacks. Staff works with federal and state agencies to conduct monthly simulated attacks from outside entities as a means of identifying weaknesses in our defenses. The city continues to seek out and deploy IT -based productivity enhancements that also provide greater citizen access to city resources. City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 93 1A Operations supeni'sor- GIs M Operations -Manager - IT (1) System GIS Analyst Administrator IT Help Desk - Specialist .................. ...... I ) ........................................ 011re, izaflaiirmdllI Clhioaiirt jaiirmli� 11� SLIPPORTSERVICES FISCAL YEAR 2021-2022 Organ�zafiona�� Chart IT Help Desk: Coordinator (1) IT Business Analyst support, Senices Director (1) Assistant Support Services Director Senior Administrative Assistant, (1) Code Conunuity Enforcement Relations -�M%Janager Officer (1), (4) e-11111, C I'll 0 I'll mrn "I u "I n I'll i I'll t I'll y 11 (?),T) Event Aide (1) Digital Media Cooidinator (1) Broadcast Technician (RIT) City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 94 2,000k 1, 750k 1,500k 1,250k 1,000k 750k 500k 250k Ix Stwiuiimmiimmaii�y StIppol"t Services 11)iropos4�d iiirwd 11-flstoiriafl Btidget vs. Acttiifl FY2018 F: Y120 19 FY2020 F: Y' 2021 FY2022 10, Actual 41 Budgeted City of 0.... I Budget Book 2022 Page 95 iAgeted ay y,e Operating Expens iAgeted aii,"iid II4ostoirk ay y,,,�e m $1251 1 � 1 1 Capital 0 Operating Expenses $075 0 Personnel Services $05 $025 $0 < c�o' < c�e <c4 t� <c4 <01161 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 96 Name Account ID FY2019 Actual FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Actual Budgeted Budgeted OTHERPAY 001-518-00- $3,616.57 $3,619.94 $3,600.00 $3,600.00 1101 REGULARSALARIES 001 518 00- $1,077,788.84 $1,050,575.97 � $1274,600.8 $1218,545.00 1200 3 OVERTIME PAY 001-518-00- $1,994.47 $2,613.06 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 1400 FICATAXES 001 518 00- $79,92727 $78,074.10 � $97,506.96 $93,218.00 2100 RETI REMENT CONTRIBUTIO 001-518-00- $97,984.54 $77,708.93 $133,196.00 $127,338.00 2200 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPP 001 518 00- $3,300. 00 $0.00 2500 Total General Government: $1,261,311.69 $1,215,892.00 $1,511,403.79 $1,445,201.00 Total Personnel Services: $1,261,311.69 $1,215,892.00 $1,511,403.79 $1,445,201.00 Operating Expenses General Government PROFESSIONALSERV./OTH 001 518 00- $8,265.00 $2,824.70 $25,000.00 $5,000.00 3128 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 001 518 00- $50,071.62 $25,389.71 $50,000.00 $30,000.00 3400 TRAVEL EXPENSE 001-518-00- $124.44 $0.00 $1,925.00 $1,925.00 4000 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 001 518 00- $31,058.45 $28,856.59 $27,500.00 $25,000.00 4100 POSTAGE & FREIGHT 001-518-00- $3,310.09 $2,819.20 $3,600.00 $3,600.00 4200 LEASING EXPENSE 001 518 00- $2,571.00 $2,571.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 4400 EQUIP MAI NT CONTRACTS 001-518-00- $1,478.75 $1,314.58 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 4606 ADMIN LEGAL ADS 001 518 00- $66.95 $0.00 $0.00 4901 MISCELLANEOUS 001-518-00- $61.80 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 4902 RECORDING FEES 001-518-00- $1,850.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 4919 ADVISORY BOARD 001-518-00- $7,573.58 $33.76 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 4950 OFFICE SUPPLIES 001 518 00- $1,199.16 $710.82 $1,200.00 $1,200.00 5100 UNIFORMS 001 518 00- $1,17152 $1,644.17 $1,800.00 $1,800.00 5201 OPERATING SUPPLIES 001-518-00- $4,260.16 $2,207.95 $5,500.00 $5,500.00 5202 COPYING EXPENSE 001 518 00- $36292 $88.85 $600.00 $600.00 5216 EQUIPMENT ($999.99 or less) 001-518-00- $0.00 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 5230 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 97 1"1,1,_� Name Account ID FY2019 Actual FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Actual Budgeted Budgeted COMPUTER PERIPHERALS -SOFTWARE 001-518-00- $1,280.63 $354.52 $2,000.00 $4,000.00 UNDER$1000 5235 BOOKS/SUBSCRIPTIONS 001 518 00- $86.00 $40.00 $506.00 $506.00 5401 PROFESSIONAL DUES 001-518-00- $711.00 $2,277.00 $1,719.00 $2,000.00 5402 TRAINING EXPENSE 001 518 00- $1,568.00 $1,062.00 $4,000.00 $9,000.00 5405 PRINCIPAL 001-518-00- $2,456.05 $4,732.62 $4,876.00 $4,999.66 7100 INTERESTEXPENSE 001-518-00- $114.89 $409.26 $266.00 $142.22 7200 COMMUNITY PROMOTION 001-518-00- $41,465.01 $43,187.38 $74,000.00 $64,000.00 8200 TRANSFERS OUT 001 518 00- $23,100.00 $0.00 $0.00 9000 COPYING EXPENSE 00151810-5216 $15.66 $16.45 $0.00 $0.00 B U DG ET RES E RV E 001-518-10- $0.00 $6,000.00 9095 COPYING EXPENSE 001 518 20- $0.00 5216 Total General Government: $161,28624 $143,958.78 $21 5,492.00 ' $176,272.88 Total Operating Expenses: $161,28624 $143,958.78 $215,492.00 �f $176,272.88 Capital 1f„ General Government CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 001 518 00- $0.00 $0.00 $10,000.00 6302 VEHICLES 001-518-00- $97.00 $0.00 $0.00 6401 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 001 518 00- $0.00 $35,000.00 $0.00 6405 Total General Government: $0.00 $97.00 f $35,000.00 f $10,000.00 Total Capital $0.00 $9700 $35,000 00 $10,000 00 ., .,.,, .,..,. Total Expense Objects $1,422,59793 $1,359,94778 $1,761,895 79 63 $1, 1,473 88 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 98 1"1,1,_� Wdiidlks Steve Krug, PE Director The Public Works Department staff represents a major portion of the City's work force within their operating divisions. Public Works is responsible for the maintenance of all city buildings, city vehicles, city -owned streets, right-of-way, sidewalks, trash removal services (Ltt ps.�www.ocoee.or and the )I, protection and maintenance of lakes and storm drainage .(Lttps./\mww.ocoee.orgZIL6Sto�rm-Water-Op rations). systems within the city. Current Public Works projects can be found on the Capital Investment ProgLam .(Lt—tps:Z/vvww.ocoee.orgL69-4). page. To excel as stewards of the city infrastructure by providing services for the optimum safety, health, and welfare of the citizens of Ocoee and visitors that will improve the quality of life in the community. Divisions The Public Works Department consists of the following divisions: • Facilities Maintenance • Fleet Maintenance • Solid Waste • Storm Water • Streets/Traffic P.O.W. Permitting City right-of-way utilization permits are required for the use of public streets, rights - of -way and easements, which are owned by the city for the excavation, construction, installation, or maintenance of any public or private utility, roadway, street or any other facility, structure, driveway, culvert, drainage system, pavement, easement or object in such streets, rights -of -way and easement of the city. City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 99 IA 011re, izaflalmiidllI Clhiialirt jalmiili� li� I PUBLICWORIKS ADMIlsUISTRATION FISCAL YEAR 2021 — 2022 Organiza tianal Chart Public Works Director (1) Senior ti,,,,, Admin City Engineer (1) Assistant (1 Administrative, Assistant (1 Operaticns 114 a n a ger' Fleet Maintenance Sanitaticn Facilities Operations Street Operations Staff Engineer' I �I 1 (2) St3,ff Engineers split between 2 divisions Stormwater (1) Gper3ti0rIS Pad 3113ger Operations split lbetween 5 divisions. Ix Stwiuiimmiimmaii�y City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 100 500k 400k 300k 200k 100k Woir[cs Adirl"Ifirwh tirirtioirw 11,")iropos4�d iiirwd 11-flstoiriafl Btidget Achiifl FY2018 FY2019 F: Y' 2020 FY2021 F: Y' 2022 10, Actual 41 Budgeted T 0 IIII� Iby, i iAgeted ay y,e Operatic City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 101 iAgeted aii,"iid II4ostoirl ay y,,,�e $0 15 $04 $0 3 $02 $01 $0 < < �t�e <c4 t� <0111�1 <cO� 0 Operating Expenses 01 Personnel Services Name AccountlD FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Actual Actual Budgeted Budgeted Expense Objects Personnel Services General Government OTH ER PAY 001-517-00- $7,233.15 $7,239.88 $7,200.00 $7,200.00 1101 REGULARSALARIES 001-517-00- $308,278.13 $163,387.95 $165,750.00 $244,457.00 1200 OVERTIME PAY 001-517-00- $27.08 $2,563.37 $0.00 $0.00 1400 FICATAXES 001-517-00- $23,042.91 $12,083.70 $12,675.00 $18,700.00 2100 RETIREMENT CONTRIBUTIO 001-517-00- $31,420.27 $14,514.36 $17,500.00 $25,545.00 2200 Total General Government: $370,001.54 J $199,78926 $203,125.00 $295,902.00 Total Personnel Services: $370,001.54 J $199,78926 $203,125.00 $295,902.00 Operating Expenses General Government TRAVEL EXPENSE 001-517-00- $89.00 $0.00 $500.00 $500.00 4000 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 001-517-00- $4,797.78 $4,779.39 $4,660.00 $4,893.00 4100 POSTAGE & FREIGHT 001-517-00- $26.99 $40.50 $500.00 $500.00 4200 ELECTRICEXPENSE 001-517-00- $1,173.17 $1,144.22 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 4300 4Y�4 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 , � Page 102 1 " 1,1 Name Account ID FY2019,. FY2020 02 Y2 F1„ FY2022 Actual Actual Budgeted Budgeted WATEREXPENSE 001-517-00- $ 772.52 $ 796.87 $ 1 500.00 $1,500.00 $ 4301 LEASING EXPENSE 001 517 00- $1,585.17 $1,606.20 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 4400 EQUIP MAI NT CONTRACTS $1,129.65 $354023 $300000 $3,150.00 4606700 OFFICESUPPLIES 001 517 00- $520.47 $467.44 $750.00 $750.00 5100 ..� UNIFORMS 00011517 00„ $36748 $11899 $50000 $500.00 52 OPERATING SUPPLIES 001 517 00- $1,98246 $2,539.87 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 5202 COMPUTER PERIPHERALS/SOFTWAREUNDER 00151700- $399.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,000 5235 BOOKS/SUBSCRIPTIONS ��1517 00 $376.06 $183.48 $0.00 $0.00 PROFESSIONAL DUES 001 517 00- $1,375.00 $795.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 5402 TRAINING EXPENSE 0 1- 7 00 $1,646.29 $578.00 $3,000.00 $3,500.00 5405 Total General... Government: $1 5,842.04 ( $16,98939 $21,910.00 $ 22793.00 Total Operating Expenses: $15,842.04 $16,98939 $21,910.00 $22,793.00 Total Expense Objects: $385,84358 $216,778AS $225,035 00 $318,695 00 44 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 103 IIIII �iuuuuu�flio�iuu�flio��iuu�flio� � IIIIV iuu� iuui iuu�flio� Steve Krug, PE Director iuur "' iiiii�flioiiiiir , iuui iiiirflio�� IIIIII �Illlhio��� iiiiir MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS FISCAL IL "IE 2021 -- 2022 Girganizatio II Chaft Crew Chief Operations I� Facilities IElectrl l n 1., I Maintenance Specialist ( IL II (1) '01ccee LE kk.F- huge Cen tar 0 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 104 1,200k 1,000k 800k 600k 400k 200k Ix Stwiuiimmiimmaii�y 11-11is4'or1'cifl FY2018 F: Y20 19 FY2020 F: Y' 2021 FY2022 0 Actual 10 Budgeted City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 105 qll iAgeted ay y,e Operating Expenses (28.7%) Personnel Services (54.1%) iAgeted aii,"iid II4ostoirk ay y,,,�e m a $0 8 $06 Capital $04 0 Operating Expenses 0 Personnel Services $02 $0 $02 < c�o' < ct�e <01116� <0111�1 <cO� Name Account ID FY2019 Actual FY2020 Actual FY2021 Budgeted FY2022 Budgeted OVERTIME PAY 001-519-00-1400 $3,623.22 1( $7,096.02 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 FI CATAXES 001 519 00 2100 $21177 06 $23 318 65 $26 538 00 $29 964 00 RETIREMENT CONTRIBUTIO 001 519 00 2200 ( $30,913.13 J $28,822.57 $37,000.00 $40,931.00 UNEMPLOYMENT EXPENSE 001-519-00-2500 $686.70 $0.00 $0.00 Total General Government J $349,991.46 J $382,90134 $387,25535 $528,48300 Total „Personnel Services: I $349,991fr6 „I $382,90134 $387,25535 $528,483.00 Operating Expenses General Government CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 001-519-00-3400 $52,516.03 $45,586.43 $42,600.00 $49,050.00 TELEPHONE EXPENSE J 001 519 00 4100 $4,388.37 J $5,621.10 $8,000.00 $8,000.00 ELECTRICEXPENSE 001 519 00 4300 $244845 $1,287.25 $1,50000 $150000 WATER EXPENSE 001-519-00-4301 $1,843.30 $1,813.49 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 BUILDING MAINTENANCE J 001 519 00 4602 $64,519.58 J $74,217.21 $114,150.00 $154,500.00 HOUSEKEEPING EXPENSE 001519004603 $2311714 $30,720.30 $28,00000 $3080000 BLDG MAINTTOOL/SUPPLI 001-519-00-4622 $4,403.08 $7,465.68 $5,000.00 $6,000.00 OFFICESUPPLIES J 001 519 00 5100 J $114.83 $200.00 $200.00 UNIFORMS 001 519 00 5201 $541981 $3,828.62 $6,82500 $716625 OPERATING SUPPLIES 001-519-00-5202 $10,756.62 $8,666.64 $3,750.00 $4,750.00 EQUIPMENT $999.99 or less J 001 519 00 5230 $4,131.00 J $15,833.99 $4,650.00 $6,000.00 PROFESSIONAL DUES 001 519 00 5402 $185.00 $200.00 $200.00 TRAINING EXPENSE 001-519-00-5405 $0.00 $500.00 $500.00 PRINCIPAL J 001 519 00 7100 $6,543.38 J $6,726.67 $6,905.00 $7,982.19 INTERESTEXPENSE 001 519 00 7200 $57377 $390.46 $19400 $32562 TRANSFERS OUT 001-519-00-9000 $164,728.05 $119,198.62 $0.00 $0.00 Total General Government: I $345,38858 J $321,65629 $225,474.00 $279,974.06 Total Operating Expenses: I $345,38858 1 $321,65629 $225,474.00 $279,974.06 Capital General Government CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 001-519-00-6302 -$87.20 $32,519.00 $109,200.00 $47,000.00 EQUIPMENT J 001 519 00 6400 J $0.00 $172,500.00 $17,800.00 VEHICLES 001 519 00 6401 $0.00 $65,000 00 $103 000 00 Total General Government: -$8720 $32,519.00 $346,700.00 $167,800.00 Total Capital: ( . ...... f -$8720 $32,519.00 ... $346,700.00 ... .... ..... ......... $167,800.00 Total Expense Objects: $695,292.84 f $737,07663 $959,42935 $976,25Z06 1 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 107 1"1,1,_� stilreelt Steve Krug, PE Director 011re, izalflallrmldllI Cllhl�lallrt STREET OPERATIONS FISCAL YEAR 2021 - 2022 Organizational Chart Public Works �1" rJStaff Engineer* Administration Operations Manager (0 2), Traffic Streets Technician Coordinator Equipment Maintenance C rew C h ie:f Operator Worker (Landscaping) Maintenance Worker (Landscaping) (4), '(2) St3ff Engineers split) etwe e n 2 divisions. City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 108 Sm 4M �3m 2M Im Ix Stwiuiimmiimmaii�y stireet Opell"irtioli'm 11"")iropos4�d iiirwd 11-flstoiriafl lBtidget Acttiifl F: Y20 18 FY12019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 0 Actual 10 Budgeted City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 109 qll iAgeted ay y,e Personnei ts Operating Expenses (37.3%) Capital (48%) iAgeted aii,"iid II4ostoirk ay y,,,�e M $4 $2 $0 I I I I Personnel Services 0 Operating Expenses 91 Capital Name Account ID [ FY2019 Actual FY2020 Actual FY2021 Budgeted FY2022 Budgeted I Name Account ID FY2019 Actual FY2020 Actual FY2021 Budgeted FY2022 Budgeted EQUIPMENT 001 541-10 6400 J $5015010 J( $000 J( $9370200 J( $9955000 VEHICLES 001 541-10 6401 $14896047 $2500000 $9550000 Total Transportation: $529,883.70 Jf $148,960.47 Jf $1,293,853.00 Jf $2,001,950.00 Total Capital: $529,883.70 ( $148,960.47 ( $1,293,853.00 $2,001,950.00 � Total Expense Objects: ... $2,410,00946 �$3,593,55250 $3,285,99627 H $4,1757.74 1,3 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 112 IFIleetIII iuuuuu�flio uu�flio iuu�flio Steve Krug, PE Director iuur "' iiiii�flioiiiiiz iuui iiiirfli, IIIIII �IlIIlI��� iiiiir FLEE" iNTEIiAIE FISCAL YEAR 202 2 Orgwnizational Chart Public Works Administration Operations Manager (0.2) Administrative Fleet Assistant (1 ) Supervisor (1 (Reclassified Fleet Mechanic) Heavy! Equipment Mechanic 1 Fleet Mechanic ) IIII!Ilil �l uu�flio uui iuiuu� iuiuumduum� lair City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 113 1,500k 1,250k 1,000k 750k 500k 250k 0 Ieet 11311"Oposed iiirwd 11-11istoricifl Btidget Achid FY2018 FY12019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Personnel Services (24.2%) 10, Actual 41 Budgeted T 0 IIII� Iby, i iAgeted ay y,,,,,,,�e Operating Expenses (70.39/6) City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 114 iAgeted aii,"iid II4ostoiril ay y,,,�e M M TM capital 0 Personnel Services 10, Operating Expenses $05 $025 $0 < c�o' < c�e <c4 t� <c4 <01161 Name Account ID FY2019 Actual FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Actual Budgeted Budgeted Expense Objects Personnel Services Transportation REGULARSALARIES 0120001-541-40- $263,618.37 $223,080.42 $296,000.00 $235,635.00 ..................................................... ................. . ........................................................................ ...... OVERTIME PAY 001-541-40- $1,322.51 $1,852.47 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 1400 PTO BUYOUT 0010 -541-40- $0.00 $0.00 $11,389.00 $11,389.00 151 FICATAXES 001-541-40- $19,191.25 $16,369.62 $23,000.00 $18,484.51 2100 RETI REME NT CONTRI B UTIO 00001-541-40- $26,546.09 $15,802.16 $31,000.00 $25,250.08 22 Total Transportation: ....................................................................... $310,67822 ............................................................................... $257,104.67 $364,389.00 $293,758.59 Total Personnel Services: $310,67822 $257,104.67 ........... ............................ $364,389.00 $293,758.59 Operating Expenses Transportation CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 001-541-40- $1,045.00 $5,395.50 $7,500.00 $8,000.00 3400 TRAVEL EXPENSE 001-541-40- $160.00 $500.00 $500.00 4000 ................... ................................ ............................................................................ ...................................................................... ............................................................................... TELEPHONE EXPENSE 001-541-40- $4,896.76 $4,442.01 $5,600.00 $5,600.00 4100 ELECTRICEXPENSE 001-541-40- $6,892.47 $6,722.32 $8,20 $8,200.00 4300 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 115 .....Name AccountlD FY2019 Actual FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Actual Budgeted Budgeted WATER EXPENSE 001-541-40- $ 2482.77 $ 2148.79 $ 2200.00 $ 2200.00 4301 AUTO LAB ILITYINS 001 541 40- $0.00 $50,000.00 4501 .., VEHICLE PARTS&REPAIR 0005154140 $338,807.04 $416,862.95 $398,075.00 41 5 $ 79787 4 EQUI PMENT MAI NT. CONTRACTS 001 541 40- $7,749.62 $5,762.50 $8,700.00 $8,700.00 4606 SMALL EQUIPMENT REPAIR 0007154140- $0.00 $500000 $500000 4 OFFICESUPPLIES 1-40- $119.73 $269.98 $500.00 $500.00 50101- POLSUPPLIES 001-541-40- $329,853.35 $269,053.66 $308,000.00 $323,400.00 5200 UNIFORMS 001-541-40- $2,269.86 $3,129.32 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 5201 OPERATING SUPPLIES 001-541-40- $16,408.48 $18,466.81 $15,500.00 $15,500.00 5202 COPYING EXPENSE 001 541 40- $0.00 $600.00 $600.00 5216 EQUIPMENT ($999.99 or less) 001 541 40- $0.00 $800.00 $800.00 5230 COMPUTERPHERALS/SOFTWARE OMPUTUNDER$RP RPERI 00154140 $1,754.78 $0.00 � $000 $00 35 22 , �.., BOOKS/SUBSCRIPTIONS 001 541 40- $20.00 $20.00 $400.00 $400.00 5401 PROFESSIONAL DUES ��y*140- $185.00 $12500 $12500 TRAINING EXPENSE 001 541 40- $0.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 5405 TRANSFERS OUT 1 40- $138234.00 $128,900.00 $0.00 $0.00 9000 Total Transportation: $850,533.86 $861,518.84 $767,700.00 $853,503.75 Total Operating Expenses: $850,533.86 $861,518.84 $767,700.00 $853,503.75 Capital Transportation CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 001-541-40- $31,766.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 6302 EQUIPMENT 001-541-40- $0.00 $10,000.00 $0.00 6400 VEHICLES 001-541-40- $0.00 $14,000.00 $67,000.00 6401 Total Transportation: $31,766.00 $0.00 $24,000.00 $67,000.00 Total Capital .......... ..........., .....,...,-- ............ ............ $31,766.00 - - $0.00 - - ... ......_- $24,000 00 J ......,...,,- .... ---- $67,000.00 ---------- Total Expense Objects: $1,192,978.08 $1,118,62351 $1,156,089.00 $1,214,26234 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 116 1"1,1,_� Mike Rumer, MPA Director The Building Division is responsible for the administration, collection of Local Business Taxes, and enforcement of local building codes, ordinances, state laws, federal laws associated with the construction of new structures, alterations, repairl additions, as well as the review of permit applications, plans for code compliance, mr-311107111111FOUNUO "s 011re, izaflaiirliidllI Clhiiaiirt jaiirliili� 11� BUILDING FISCAL YEAR 21021 — 2022 ,Organ �zaflionW Chart Development Services Director' Building Official (1) Deputy(Building Official (1) Chief Inspector (1) BuildingilPerinnifting Supervisor (1) Permitting Technician IUILeaJ (3) Permitting Technician (3) IPlans Examiner 11 Municipal I uilding f"' Building Municipal Aide, Inspector Inspector ............. (2) (3) 'Au A 'DievElop,ment Services Director ovErsees the Build in g Dept. City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 1 " 01, Page 117 1, 7,50k 1,500k 1,250k 1,000k 750k 500k 250k Ix Stwiuiimmiimmaii�y Btifidfirwg 11')epiiii tirr'leirvt 11"")iroposed iiirwd 11-Nis tsari cifl FY2018 F: Y20 19 FY2020 F: Y' 2021 FY2022 0 Actual 10 Budgeted City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 118 iAgeted ay y,e Operating Expenses iAgeted aii,"iid II4ostoirk ay y,,,�e m Capital $075 0 Operating Expenses IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIPersonnel Services $05 $025 $0 < ��o' < ��e <�4 t� <�4 <01161 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 119 Name AccountlD FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Actual Actual Budgeted Budgeted REGULARSALARIES 001-524-00- $667,665.91 $665,213.89 $819,825.00 $830,873.00 1200 OVERTIMEPAY 001 524 00- $5,165.05 $2,092.75 $9,750.00 $9,750.00 1400 FICATAXES 001-524-00- $48,237.16 $48,010.96 $63,000.00 $63,000.00 2100 RETIREMENT CONTRIBUTIO 0 01 524 00- � $48,778. 94 $87,000.00 $85,629.26 2200$59,840.60 Total Public Safety: $780,908.72 $764,09654 $979,575.00 $98%25226 Total Personnel Services: $780,908.72 $764,09654 $979,575.00 $98%25226 Operating Expenses .., Public Safety PERSONAL BONDS/NOTARY 001- 24-00- $430.00 $220.00 $315.00 $330.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0 $1,956.00 $1,956.00 $14,944.03 $22,500.00 0024-00- TRAVEL EXPENSE 001 524 00- $1,171.60 $153.94 $6,000.00 $6,110.00 4000 OCOEE FOUNDERS DAY 001-524-00- $0.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 4004 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 001 524 00- 27 183200 0 $1832000 1 00 41 POSTAGE & FREIGHT 001-524-00- $2,646.94 $2,170.40 $5,200.00 $3,200.00 4200 LEASING EXPENSE 001 524 00- 24 $8 000 0 $8 000 00 4400 EQUIP. MAI NT CONTRACTS 001-524-00- $275.67 $236.19 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 4606 PRINTING & BINDING 001 524 00- $2 000 00 70 4uuuw 0 OFFICESUPPLIES 24-00- $1,787.95 $1,520.32 $2,300.00 $2,000.00 50101- UNIFORMS 001 524 00- 1 684 30 500 0 $3 500 00 5 201$2,218.33 OPERATING SUPPLIES 001-524-00- $1,609.00 $2,497.75 $3,950.00 $3,200.00 5202 COPYING EXPENSE 001-524-00- $718 $28.65 $500.00 $250.00 5216 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 001 524 00- $0.00 $0.00 $300.00 5224 EQUIPMENT ($999.99 or less) 0010-524-00- $0.00 $500.00 $500.00 523 COMPUTER PERIPHERALS -SOFTWARE 001 524 00- $5520 00 UN DER$1000 5 235 BOOKS/SUBSCRIPTIONS 0 01524-00- $536.64 $135.75 $1,800.00 $1,975.00 54 PROFESSIONAL DUES 001 524 00- $105500 $124500 $180000 $230000 5402 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 120 Name AccountlD FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Actual Actual Budgeted Budgeted TRAINING EXPENSE 0 10524-00- $2,813.00 $2,329.00 $3,900.00 $7,962.00 545 PRINCIPAL 001 524 00- $6,508.94 $12,542.23 $25,204.74 $26,021.53 7100 INTERESTEXPENSE 001-524-00- $304.48 $1,084.60 $1,863.03 $784.91 7200 COMMUNITY PROMOTION 001 524 00- $2,967 .45 $1,045.50 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 8200 TRANSFERS OUT 001-524-00- $14,000.00 $57,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 9000 Total Public Safety: y $68, 00427 $1 10 97235 $108,096.80 '' $121,273.44 Total O Operating Ex P 9 Expenses: $68,00427 $110,97235 $108,096.80 '' $121,273.44 Capital Public Safe ty VEHICLES 001-524-00- $723,717.00 $0.00 $49,722.00 6401 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 001 524 00- $0.00 $5,000.00 $0.00 6405 Total Public Safety: $0.00 $723,717.00 $5,000.00 $49,722.00 f Total Capital: $0.00 $723,717.00 $5,000.00 $49,722.00 Total Expense Objects: $848,91299 $1,598,785.69 $1,092,671.80 $1,160,247.70 44 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 121 III P611,lice Saima Plasencia Chief The mission of the Police Department is to partner with the community to improve quality of life, preserve order, and provide excellence in police service. Vision We envision the Ocoee Police Department as a partner with the community, maintaining order, providing superior professional law enforcement and being a responsible, innovative, and accredited agency. Our model agency will consist of diverse, trusted and educated police employees that provide the residents and visitorswith an excellent quality of life. 011re, izaflaiirmdllI Clhilaiirt jaiirmli� 11� POLICE FISCAL YEAR 2021-2022 ORGAN IZAT DNAL CHART City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 122 I 115M 12 5M lom 75M 5m 25M Ix Stwiuiimmiimmaii�y )dice tirr'leirvt 11"")Iroposed iiirwd 11-11istorlafl Btidget Achiifl FY2018 FY12019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 10, Actual 41 Budgeted City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 123 m $125 $75 $5 $25 $0 Operating Expenses (23,1%) iAgeted ay y,e ersonnel Services (74.1%) iAgeted aii,"iid II4ostoirk ay y,,,�e < c�o' < c�e <c4 t� <c4 <01161 I I I I Capital 0 Operating Expenses 0 Personnel Services City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 124 Name Account ID FY2019 Actual FY2020 Actual FY2021 FY2022 ...., ...., ...., ...., ...., ., ...., ..._� ..., .., Budgeted ...., .., Budgeted ...., ... REGULARSALARIES 001-521-00- $5,612,810.39 $5,974,494.28 $7,030,933.60 $7,133,029.00 1200 OVERTIME PAY 001-521-00- $245,709.06 $250,733.43 $250,000.00 $262,500.00 1400 INCENTIVE PAY 521 00 $74 453 85 � $77 568 61 $83 598 92 $83,598.92 11501 FICATAXES 001 521 00 $433,623.38 $461,724.82 $529,145.42 $518,595.00 2100 RETI REME NT CONTRI B UTIO 001-521-00- $2,139,183.63 $2,120,449.30 $1,945,041.73 $1,800,000.00 2200 HEALTH INSURANCE 001- 001- 521-00_ $48,502.88 $25,224.44 $53,000.00 $53,000.00 2300 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP 001 521 002500 $165.10 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total Public Safety: $8,554,44829 f $8,910,194.88 $9,891,719.67 $9,850,722.92 Total Personnel Services: 1„ 1 f f $8,554A"29 J $8,910,194.88 $9,891,719.67 $9,850,722.92 Operating Expenses ...., Jf Public Safety PERSONAL BONDS/NOTARY 001 521 003100 $149.04 $524.80 $300.00 $450.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 001-521-00- $1,455,960.73 $1,566,632.84 $1,686,944.00 $1,864,029.02 3400 TRAVEL EXPENSE 001-521-00_4000 $13,390.08 $6,913.57 $16,500.00 $20,000.00 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 00 $10610323 $10684307 $11800000 $118 ,000.00 4/010521 POSTAGE & FREIGHT 001 521 004200 $5,674.98 $3,516.85 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 ELECTRICEXPENSE 001-521-00- $30,061.89 $26,630.39 $30,000.00 $30,000.00 4300 WATER EXPENSE 21 $13,450.31 $12,821.87 $15,552.24 $15,552.24 4301 LEASING EXPENSE 00 $7,933.56 $6 352 08 $7 000 00 $ 7,500.00 4400 LEASING EXPENSE -VEHICLES 001-521-00- $20,450.00 $19,785.00 $21,906.00 $22,782.00 4401 LIABILITY INS 001 521 004501 fAUTO $7,256.13 $9,359.53 $14,580.23 $14,580.23 POLICE OFFICER LIABILI 001 521 004505 $5,902.50 $24,300.38 $24,300.38 EQUIP MAI NT CONTRACTS 001 521 004606 $75,450.35 $84,313.28 $119,535.00 $159,994.00 PRINTING&BINDING 001-521-00- $2,444.98 $4,037.40 $4,500.00 $4,500.00 4700 INVESTIGATIVE EXPENSE 001-521-00- $2,450.00 $3,369.81 $3 400.00 400.00 4908.... ADVISORY BOARD 001-521-00- $ 649.95 $ 740.66 $ 1000.00 $ 2000.00 4950 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 125 Name Account ID FY2019 Actual FY2020 Actual FY2021 FY2022 Budgeted Budgeted OFFICESUPPLIES 001-521-00- $9,216.09 $10,348.75 $18,000.00 $20,000.00 5100 ADMIN. EXPENSE 001001 -521-00_ $2,288.25 $7,221.00 $8,500.00 $13,000.00 5101 UNIFORMS 521 00 $103,643.97 � $11331856 $11350000 $115 ,000.00 52011 OPERATING SUPPLIES 001 521 005202 $48,455.89 $56,074.29 $66,700.00 $86,000.00 COPYING EXPENSE 001-521-00- $0.07 $0.36 $0.00 $0.00 5216 EQUIPMENT $999.99orless 001-521_pp 001- $98,984.96 $52,591.27 $51,275.00 $69,920.00 5230 COMPUTERPERIPHERALS-SOFTWARE 001521 00 $19,388.95 $8,428.99 $10,000.00 $20,715.00 UNDER$1000 5235 BOOKS/SUBSCRIPTIONS 001 521 005401 $4,892.70 $387.88 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 PROFESSIONAL DUES 001 521 005402 $1,575.00 $1,605.00 $2,800.00 $3,500.00 TRAINING EXPENSE 001-521-00- $57,304.34 $47,533.94 $81,704.00 $81,704.00 5405 PRINCIPAL 01-521-00- 001- $330,231.07 $366,204.95 $327,619.94 $309,875.00 7100 INTERESTEXPENSE 00 $15,323.42 $1836602 $1718545 $10,000.00 7200021 COMMUNITY PROMOTIONS 001 521 008200 $28,342.72 $16,835.18 $30,000.00 $25,000.00 LOCAL LAW EN FORCEMENT GRANT 001-521-00- $11,435.58 $10,920.00 $23,000.00 $23,000.00 8207 TRANSFERS OUT 001-521-00- $7,580.00 $504,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 9000 Total Public Safety. $2,480,08824 $3,071,57984 $2,825,80224 $3,076,801.87 Total Operating Expenses: $2,480,08824 $3,071,579.84 $2,825,802.24 $3,076,801.87 Capital 1f 1f 1 Public Safety EQUIPMENT 001-521-00- $9,801.30 $0.00 $147,350.00 $49,000.00 6400 VEHICLES 001 521 00 $619,526.00 $300,000.00 $317,000.00 6401 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 001 521 006405 $0.00 $33,395.00 $0.00 Total Public Safety: $9,80130 $619,526.00 $480,745 00 $366,000 00 Total Capital: $9,80130 $619,526.00�� $480,745.00 $366,000.00 Total Expense Objects: $11,044,337.83 $12,601,300.72 $13,198,26691 f $13,293,524.79 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 126 1"1,1,_� John Mill Chief I The City of Ocoee Fi re / Pescue operates f rom 4 f i re stations strateg ica I ly located th roug hout the city to provide m axi m u m response i n m i ni m u m ti me. The City of Ocoee Fire / ■. also provides protection to the Town of Windermere. The mission of the Ocoee Fire Department is to protect the lives and property of residents, business owners, their employees, and the people visiting Ocoee. The department strives to provide the highest levels of service in fire suppression, emergency •# services, fire prevention and public education and mitigation of tie eifects of 4is;--sters. City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 127 Administr3tiVe Assistant (1). 011re, izalflollrmldllI CI11�lmillrt FIRE FISCALYEAR 2021-21022 Organiza"tional Chart SeniorAdmin Assistant(l) Fire Chief (1) Depubj Fire Chief (1), Division Chief Division Chie (Administrative) Fire Idarsh3l (1) m (1) B3,U311011 Chief . ................................................................................ . ... .. . Fire Inspector .................2!l1il19 (3)C o o jiiiat(o r 1 m(1M) e �F fmmru - - - ------- Fire Inspector Capt3in (PTF) ( 1 Tr3ininglEAS Officer Li e ute n ant (12) Engineer (12) Firefighters (36) City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 1 " 01, Page 128 lom 8m 6M 4M 2M Ix Stwiuiimmiimmaii�y 11""'Tre tirr'leirvt 11)Iroposed iiirwd 11-11istorlafl Btidget Achiifl FY2018 FY12019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 0 Actual 41 Budgeted City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 129 Operating Expenses (23,2 iAgeted ay y,e sonnel Services (76.2%) iAgeted aii,"iid II4ostoirk ay y,,,�e m m m Capital 0 Operating Expenses $4 0 Personnel Services m City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 130 Name AccountlD FY2019 Actual FY2020 Actual FY2021 FY2022 Budgeted Budgeted REGU LAR SALARI ES 001-522 001200 $4,051 588 57 $3,914 415 86 $4 023 26017 $4152 488 00 OVERTIME PAY 001-522-00- $304,415.62 $320,105.94 $437,110.00 $465,110.00 1400 INCENTIVE PAY 001-522 001501 $2269280 $2302950 $3606339 $3606339 PTO BUYOUT 001-522-00- $0.00 $0.00 $30,000.00 $0.00 1510 FI CATAXES 0 01-522 002100 $31 6 645 80 $307 656 03 $320 000 00 $320 000 00 RETIREMENT CONTRIBUTIO 00012 00 $1,705,684.10 $1,633,090.84 $1,173,380.16 $1,208,581.56 052 22 HEALTH INSURANCE 00012 00 $18,973.40 $32,525.74 $30,000.00 $35,000.00 052 23 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP 00012 00 $1,033.60 $1,000.00 $5,000.00 052 25 Total Public Safety. $6,420,00029 $6,231,85751 $6,050,81372 $6,222,24295 Total Personnel Services: $6,420,00029 $6,231,85751 $6,050,813.72 $6,222,242.95 Operating Expenses Public Safety PERSONAL BON DS/NOTARY 001-522 003100 $110 00 $300 00 $200 00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0 00 $248,842.66 $291,005.81 $404,055.00 $460,240.00 0022 TRAVEL EXPENSE 001-522 00..... 3 66334 20537 000 0 $5,000.00 0 4000 . TELEPHONE EXPENSE 001-522-00- $62,330.55 $60,360.67 $77,340.00 $77,340.00 4100 POSTAGE & FREIGHT 001-522 004200 $877.41 $122307 $184500 $190000 ELECTRICEXPENSE 001-522-00- $48,698.35 $48,267.79 $56,815.00 $58,520.00 4300 WATER EXPENSE 001-522 00 20 475 93 1123 60 29 800 0 0 4301 LEASING EXPENSE 001-522-00- $41,366.13 $13,696.57 $2,540.00 $2,200.00 4400 AUTO LIAB I LITY I N S 001-522-00- $0.00 $2,500.00 $5,000.00 4501 MULTI-PERILINS 001-522-00- $15,000.00 $900.00 $5,010.00 $10,000.00 4502 EQUIP MAI NT CONTRACTS 001-522-00- $70,640.45 $61,317.38 $91,310.00 $104,175.00 4606 SMALL EQUIPMENT REPAIRS 001-522 004607 $627197 $1295034 $2115000 $2200000 PRINTING&BINDING 001-522-00- $828.50 $76.00 $3,350.00 $3,350.00 4700 RECORDING FEES 001-522-00- $186.20 $0.00 $485.00 $485.00 4919 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 131 1"1,1,_� Name AccountlD FY2019 Actual FY2020 Actual FY2021 FY2022 Budgeted Budgeted ADVISORY BOARD 001-522 00 0,,,,,.� 4950 OFFICESUPPLIES 001052200 $4,469.07 $4,910.83 $4,635.00 $5,000.00 ADMINISTRATION EXPENSE 001-522 00 $377893 $000 $290000 $400005101 0 POLSUPPLIES 001-522-00- $1,788.58 $1,347.76 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 5200 UNIFORMS 001-522 00 $4448544 $4254510 $5780000 $6000000 5201 OPERATING SUPPLIES 001-522-00- $87,649.02 $64,748.74 $106,850.00 $110,550.00 5202 EMERGENCY MEDICALSUPPLIES 001-522-00- $173,158.21 $233,877.24 $180,070.00 $189,000.00 5203 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 001-522-00- $27,074.05 $34,963.73 $37,160.00 $172,500.00 5204 COPYING EXPENSE 001-522-00- $0.01 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 5216 DISASTER SUPPLIES 001-522 005224 $189597 $167343 $500000 $500000 EQUIPMENT - $999.99 or less $42,951.38 $48,539.95 $39,155.00 $77,155.00 5001052200 COMPUTER PERIPHERALS SOFTWARE 001-52200 $1936777 $000 $000 $300000 UNDER $1000 5235 BOOKS/SUBSCRIPTIONS 0 101522-00- $5,682.02 $2,527.69 $5,150.00 $5,300.00 54 PROFESSIONAL DUES 001-522 005402 $1279720 $1035380 $1884000 $1784000 TRAINING EXPENSE 0 10522 00 $37,858.42 $36,566.66 $48,775.00 $49,850.00 545 PRINCIPAL 001-522 00 $452 894 70 $376 566 00 $434 570 79 $375 000 00 7100 INTERESTEXPENSE 001-522-00- $12,999.96 $21,637.81 $26,572.32 $12,000.00 7200 COMMUNITY PROMOTION 001-522-00- $16,406.10 $7,855.89 $18,650.00 $18,650.00 8200 TRANSFERS OUT 001-522-00- $144,492.91 $1,068,364.31 $150.00 $150.00 9000 Total Public Safety. $1,609,94423 $2,477,71554 $1,690,77811 $1,896,40500 Total Operating Expenses: $1,609,94423 $2,477,71554 $1,690,77831 $1,896,405.00 Capital Public Safety EQUIPMENT 001-522 00 $16294758 $000 $23400200 $4891600 6400 VEHICLES $219,950.00 $0.00 $0.00 000122-00- CPUs LAPTOPS SOFTWARE 001-522 00 $10128 76 $0.00 $21 000 00 $0.00 6405 Total Public Safety: $173,07634 $219,950.00 $255,002.00 $48,916.00 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 132 1"1,1,_� Name account ID FY2019 actual FY2020 actual FY2021 FY2022 Budgeted Budgeted Total Capital $173,07634 $219,950 00 $255,002 00 J $48,916.00 J Total Expense Objects: $8,203,020.86 $8,929,523.05 $7,996,593.83 $8,167,56395 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 133 1,,"I, IUM�� Mark Johnson Director The City of Ocoee Parks and Pecreation Department strives to provide the citizen of Ocoee with safe and enjoyable programs, parks and facilities that will enhance the quality of life for city residents and promote an overall sense of community. are committed to providing quality recreational services and welcome your comments, suggestions and ideas. I 011re, izaflaiirmdllI Clhioaiirt Jaiirmli� 11� Parks and Recreation, Director Senor Administrative. Assistant Operafions Mmanager M, Parks, Supenisor (1) Crew Cluef Crev, Chief (1), (1), .... ... .. . i;;l�s " e , n , a, , c 11 e Parks Senice Ilorker W N-orker (6) , JJf'Jf'wff'ff'ffx'ff% Imigat iOn Park- Adide: Speciah'st P)'T (2) Parks, Senice 'Worker City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 134 2, 50 0 k 2,000k 1,500k 1,000k 500k Ix Stwiuiimmiimmaii�y 11-flstoirlafl Btidget vs. Acttiifl FY2018 F: Y20 19 FY2020 F: Y' 2021 FY2022 0 Actual 10 Budgeted City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 135 m IN $05 $0 iAgeted ay y,e Operating Expenses (2: Capital (3 Personnel Services (46.39/6) iAgeted aii,"iid II4ostoirk ay y,,,�e < < �t�e <c4 t� <0111�1 <cO� Operating Expenses 0 Capital 0 Personnel Services City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 136 Name AccountlD FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Actual Actual Budgeted Budgeted OTHERPAY 001-572-10- $1,147.14 $1,809.97 $1,800.00 $1,800.00 1101 REGULARSALARIES 001057210 $600,391.90 $652,809.13 $689,692.30 $695,150.00 OVERTIME PAY 12 465.46 $13,016.84 $13,650.00 $13,650.00 14007210 FICATAXES 001-572-10- $45,125.52 $48,481.29 $53,000.00 $53,000.00 2100 RETI RE M E NT CO N TRI B UTI O 001 572 10- $58163.16 � $55 310 92 $73 000 00 $73 000 00� 2200 WORKERS' COMP INS 001-572-10- $282.05 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 2400 UNEMPLOYMENT COMO 001 572 10- $1,145.70 $816.00 $816.00 2500 Total Culture and Recreation: If $717,29338 $772,85590 $832,95830 $838,416.00 Total Personnel Services: 1 If $717,29338 $772,85590 $832,95830 $838,416.00 Operating Expenses ...., 1( 1 Culture and Recreation OCOEE FOUNDERS DAY 001 572 10- $0.00 $3,500.00 $3,500.00 4004 TELEPHONE EXPENSE $2682.11 $2,210.07 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 4001057210- ELECTRIC EXPENSE 001 572 10- $6,871.82 $7,794.90 $9,000.00 $9,000.00 4300 WATER EXPENSE 001 572 10- 81877.52 131,480.79 95,000.00 95 4301 AUTO LIAB I LITY I N S 001-572-10- $0.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 4501 PARK MAI NTENAN CE 001 572 10- $56 953 60 $79 62131 $96 862 50 $99 768 38 4609 MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSE 001 572 10- $0.40 $0.00 $0.00 4902 OFFICESUPPLIES 001-572-10- $41.42 $90.68 $100.00 $100.00 5100 UNIFORMS 001-572-10- 37 $6,074„, $5,834.89 7,875.00 $8,111.25 5201 u _ OPERATING SUPPLIES 001-572-10- $21,883.48 $13,601.74 $27,562.50 $35,000.00 5202 RENTAL EQUIPMENT 001 572 10- $4,606.75 $4,981.63 $6,300.00 $6,489.00 5205 EQUIPMENT $999.99orless 001 572 10- $5,990.70 $29,036.16 $24,512.00 $25,737.60 5230 COMPUTER PERIPHERALS SOFTWARE 00157210- $1,12801 $1,376.03 $3,288.00 $ 3,452.40 UONDER$ 1000 5235 LANDSCAPE/TREE MAINT 001 572 10- $37,351.08 $34,795.46 $36,750.00 $42,000.00 5304 PEST CONTROL MAI NTENAN 00017 5210- $28067.60 $39,108.75 $50,000.00 $52,500.00 538 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 137 1"1,1,_� Name Account ID FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 2 FY2022 Actual Actual Budgeted Budgeted .,., BOOKS/SUBSCRIPTIONS 001-572-10- $40.00 $97.20 $97.20 5401 PROFESSIONAL DUES 001 572 10 $360 00 $440.00 $583.21 $583.21 5402 TRAININGEXPENSE 001-572-10- $ 315.00 $ 614.00 $ 972.02 $ 972.02 5405 PRINCIPAL 001 572 10- $10,362.86 $15,068.69 $45,321.25 $33,000.00 7100 INTERESTEXPENSE 001-572-10- $707.72 $1,143.79 $1,695.48 $1,500.00 7200 TRANSFERS OUT 10 $48,214.63 $424,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 900072 Total Culture and Recreation: $313,488.67 $791,23929 $416,419.16 $423,811.05 Total Operating Expenses: $313,488.67 $791,23929 $416,419.16 $423,811.05 Capital Culture and Recreation CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 001 572 10- $112,053.80 $0.00 $455,000.00 $270,000.00 6302 EQUIPMENT 001 572 10- $20,038.63 $0.00 $158,102.00 $195,000.00 6400 VEHICLES 001 572 10- .. Total Culture and Recreation: $132,092A3 $0.00 $667,102.00 $549,000.00 Total Capital 1 $132,092A3 $0.00 $667,102 00 $549,000 00 Total Expense Objects: f $1,162,87428 $1,564,095.19 $1,916,479.46 $1,811,227.05 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 138 1"1,1,_� Aide Mark Johnson Director 011re, izalflallrmldllI Cllhl�lallrt Senior Administrative Assistant (0-5), RECREAlIGN FISCAL YEAR 2021-2022 Organiuzaflona� Chart far s and Recreation Director Operations Manager G), Recreafion. Supenisor Event, Leader Recreation Leader Event Support(3) 111"I'll I Specialist (1) Recreation . .. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. ...... .. vent Alde i, eguar. e (RT), R'T Recreation Aide Recreation Aide RT RT Suer ,(10) (12) City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 139 2,000k 1, 750k 1,500k 1,250k 1,000k 750k 500k 250k Ix Stwiuiimmiimmaii�y 11,h;')uroposed iiirwd 11-11is4'orlafl II Ntidget Achiifl FY2018 F: Y20 19 FY2020 F: Y' 2021 FY2022 10, Actual 10 Budgeted City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 140 Operating Expenses (26.2%) $2 $1 75 $15 $125 $075 $05 $025 $0 Ix iAgeted ay y,e Personnel Services (65.4%) iAgeted aii,"iid II4ostoirk ay y,,,�e < c�o' < c�e <c4 t� <c4 <0110/ I I I I Capital 0 Operating Expenses 0 Personnel Services City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 141 Name AccountlD FY2019Actual FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Actual Budgeted Budgeted OTH ER PAY 001-572 00- $1147.14 $1 809 97 $1800 00 $1 800 00 1101 REGULARSALARIES 001-572-00- $744,588.23 $719,645.40 $973,964.00 $1,015,000.00 1200 OVERTIME PAY 001-572 00- $13 589 62 $13 651.58 $13 000 00 $13 000 00 1400 FICATAXES 001-572-00- $56,635.48 $54,612.55 $75,000.00 $77,000.00 2100 RETI REMENT CONTRIBUTIO 001-572 00- $47858.00 $41918.33 $10500000 $10700002200 0 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP 00012 00 $872.98 $782.63 $1,036.00 $1,036.00 057 25 Total Culture and Recreation $864,691.45 $832,420.46 Jf $1,169,800 00 $1,214,836.00 Total Personnel Services: $864,691.45 $832,420.46 f $1,169,800.00 $1,214,836.00 Operating Expenses Culture and Recreation PROFESSIONAL SERVICES/OTHER 0018-572-00- $22,028.50 $17,150.18 $19,440.30 $19,440.30 312 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0 0072 00 $1,757.00 $781.00 $5,103.08 $5,103.08 34 TRAVEL EXPENSE 001-572 00- 0,,,,,.� ..... 4000 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 001-572-00- $26,481.93 $27,670.50 $28,450.00 $29,872.50 4100 POSTAGE &FREIGHT 001-572 00- $192 03 $63.73 $300 00 $300 00 4200 ELECTRICEXPENSE 001-572-00- $123,516.06 $142,159.59 $110,000.00 $110,000.00 4300 WATER EXPENSE 001-572 00- 41347.96 7570.41 41 000 0 0 4301 LEASING EXPENSES 001-572-00- $3,365.82 $3,468.33 $5,200.00 $5,200.00 4400 MULTI PERIL INS 001-572 00- 0 4502 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS 001-572-00- $3,241.86 $3,533.31 $5,400.00 $5,400.00 4606 PARKMAINTENANCE 001-572-00- $4,249.86 $4,303.96 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 4609 MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSE 001-572-00- $4,291.95 $4,331.00 $0.00 $0.00 4902 ADVISORY BOARD 001-572-00- $984.68 $847.78 $1,000.00 $2,000.00 4950 OFFICE SUPPLIES 001-572 00- $2753.91 $1746.63 $300000 $300000 5100 UNIFORMS 001-572-00- $4,411.33 $2,384.15 $5,500.00 $5,500.00 5201 OPERATING SUPPLIES 001-572 00- $3997372 $2588286 $5615000 $5895750 5202 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 142 1"1,1,_� Name AccountlD FY2019Actual FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Actual Budgeted Budgeted COPYING EXPENSE 001-572 00- $017 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 5216 EQUIPMENT - $999.99 or less $4,968.40 $13,119.65 $14,048.00 $14,750.40 5001057200 COMPUTER PERIPHERALS -SOFTWARE 001-57200- $148690 $320.62 $150000 $20000 0,,,,,.� UNDER$ 1000 5235 BOOKS/SUBSCRIPTIONS 0 101572-00- $60.00 $94.53 $300.00 $300.00 54 PROFESSIONAL DUES 001-572 00-5402 $256500 $145200 $300000 $300000 TRAINING EXPENSE 0 10572 00 $4,373.00 $2,359.38 $4,000.00 $5,000.00 545 PROGRAMS 001-572-00- $37,396.51 $28,041.13 $42,000.00 $44,100.00 5900 PRINCIPAL 001-572-00- $27,458.71 $30,233.93 $15,471.43 $11,500.00 7100 INTERESTEXPENSE 001-572-00- $1,546.23 $1,232.90 $1,516.42 $500.00 7200 TRANSFERS OUT 001-572-00- $160,245.00 $39,000.00 $115,000.00 $115,000.00 9000 Total Culture and Recreation $518,72653 $387,85577 Jf $482,57923 $487,52378 Total Operating Expenses: $518,72653 $387,855.77 f $482,57923 $487,523.78 Capital Culture and Recreation PARKS IMPROVEMENTS 001-572 00-6204 $11 00500 $0.00 $0.00 $15000 00 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 001-572-00- $0.00 $0.00 $100,000.00 6302 EQUIPMENT 001-572 00- $0.00 $10 566 00 $5 000 00 6400 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT 001-572-00- $1,580.00 $59,652.00 $25,000.00 $35,000.00 6401 Total Culture and Recreation $12,585.00 $59,652.00 Jf $35,566.00 $155,000 00 Total Capital: $12,585.00 $59,652.00 $35,566.00 $155,000.00 Total Expense Objects: J $1,396,00298 $1,279,92823 $1,687,94523 $1,857,359.78 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 143 1"1,1,_� umu muuuum m umu muuuum umu muuuum m muuuuw �uull muumu i muumu mumuu i muuuu uuuuuuu uuuuuuu uuuuuuu mu City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 144 Wateir aimild hs fund is used to account for Uhe actkJt�es of U-1e 0ty's 01 Wastewaltelir waterbvastewater utflfty ME= The City of Ocoee is projecting $12AM of revenue in FY2022, which represents a 0% increase over the prior year. In addition, $8.9M is being allocated f rom fund balance. Budgeted expenditures are projected to be $21M in FY2022 of which, $12M is allocated to capital projects, equipment and, repairs and replacements. A list of capital projects being funded in this year's budget is located in the Capital Projects section of the budget book. <�Od� <kO,61 lei Actual Revenue Source G/ Budgeted Revenue Source 0 Actual Expenditures Q�l Budgeted Expenditures City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 1A Page 145 III Revelirmilwiles 11by, Soluluirce CHARGES FOR SERVICES Charges for water and sewer services provided by the city are reported in this category. These charges result from operations necessary to provide potable water, sanitary sewer, and reclaimed water services. Pevenue and Maintenance fees are assessed annually per equivalent residential unit (EPU) to all customers who hold city sewer and/or water permits and have not utilized the capacity within one year from the date of issuance. MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE Pevenues received from sources other than fees are reported as miscellaneous revenue. 2022 Re\ irities IIIy Soxrc,'. Cash Balance (41.8%) Charges and Fees (57.7%) City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 146 lAgeted al"id II-fistark if 2022 Ik4e\ ii-ities lay Soxii,c'. M $20 < < ct�e <01116� <0111�1 <cO� 41) Licenses and Permits 0 Intergovernmental 4D Other Financing Other Revenues Cash Balance 4D Charges and Fees Name FY2019 Actual FY2020 Actual FY2021 Budgeted FY2022 Budgeted I Revenue Source Cash Balance $0.00 $614,007.00 $8 Licenses and Permits $58,287.80 $39,968.06 $0.00 $0.00 Intergovernmental $ 1 3 6 4 8 8 0 0 $0.00 $397,692.00 $0.00 Ch a rges a nd Fees $ 1 2 4 9 1 6 4 3 6 2 $13,347,983.44 $13,629,350.00 $12,32 5 III Other Financing $9,803,812.21 $2,468,518.18 $0.00 $0.00 Other Revenues $1,153,920.75 $232,868.95 $272,125.00 $113,000.00 Total Revenue ot ------- 644,152.38 $16,08!i6 $14,913,174,00 $21,378,�.I�... City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 147 �uup muuuum mud, m umu muuuum umu City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 148 Jamie Croteau Director 011re, izaflaiirliidllI Clhiiaiirt jaiirliili� 11� U 11 �IL l T1 ES A, ID M � N m,rRATI 0 N FISCAL YEAR 2021 22 Organizational Chart Utilities Director (1) Assistant T" -Tti I iitiirector Senior Senior ProjectAssistant Adnnntstratj�7e Assistant (1) 1�1 1 11 (1), ProjectAssistant P/T (1) Utilities I I I 1�-eatnaent Wastewater Engineering on Facilities Field Operation Field Operations Water Cons eliTat Water Inspections ................... I rTr icaticsn Tecllnnician 531-00 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 149 iAgeted ay y,e Personnel Services (36.1 %) Operating Expenses (63,59/6) iAgeted aii,"iid II4ostoirk ay y,,,�e m m 0 $075 Capital $05 0 Personnel Services Operating Expenses $025 $0 $025 < < �t�e <01116� <c4 <cO� City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 150 .....Name AccountlD .,.., FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022� Actual Actual Budgeted Budgeted OTH ERPAY 401-531-00- $ 1 601.98 $ 3 619.94 $3, 500.00 $ 7,200.00 1101 REGULAR SALARIES 401 531 00- $247,990.95 $329,569.34 $358,480.00 $318,312.00 1200 OVERTIME PAY 4531 0001- 01 $959.29 $527.53 $207142 $2 418 0 0 0 FICATAXES 401 531 00- $18,302.42 $24,913.19 $27,425.00 $25,000.00 2100 RETIREMENTCONTRIBUTIO 401 531 00- , $33,300.00 2200 HEALTH INSURANCE 401 401-531 00- $81,790.03 $99,674.61 $61,500.0 0 $39,000.00 2300 LIFE INSURANCE 4 10�531-00- $968.40 $1,079.27 $2,000.00 $1,204.00 DENTAL/VISION INSURANC 401 531 00- $1,326.13 $1,475.54 $2,800.00 $1,712.00 .. .. .. .. .. .. 2302 „ .. ACCIDENT/DISABILITY IN 531 00_ 401 401- $1,591.70 $2,000.98 $3,200.00 $2,115.00 2303 WORKERS COMPINS $81.88 $1,864.43 $ 0000 13 0 0 $6 610 00 2400300 Total Physical Environment. $380,689.15 � $493,070.42 $51 1,976.42 $436,871.00 Total Personnel Services: $380,689.15 f $493,070.42 $511,976.42 $436,871.00 Operating Expenses Physical Environment LEGALEXPENSE 401531 00- 1,440.00 2,218.50 15 ,000.00 $15,000.00 3101 PROFESSIONALSERV./OTH 401531 00- $47,140.15 $39,550.00 $168,500.00 $275,500.00 . 3128 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 401-531-00- $3, 203.53 $ 1357.02 $ 5760.00 $ 5920.00 3400 TRAVELEXPENSE 401 531 00- $83.33 $216.50 $780.00 $5,750.00 4000 POWRPROGRAM 401 531 00- $53,250.00 4005 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 4011-531 00- $14,963.96 $16,007.20 $17,100.00 $17,420.00 4 POSTAGE & FREIGHT 401-531-00- $674.64 $533.64 $3,500.00 $3,500.00 4200 ELECTRIC EXPENSE 401 531 00- $2,534.85 $2,177.51 $4,640.00 $4,800.00 .. .. .. .. .. .. 4300 „ .. WATER EXPENSE 401 531 00_ $2,705.61 $4,503.35 $6,200.00 $6,200.00 4301 LEASING EXPENSE 401 531 00- , 699.25 0 $5 200 00 4400 AUTO LIAB I LITY I N S 0101531 00.. $0.00 $500.00 $550.00 4 MULTI PERILINS 01000 $99047 $675.15 $113289 $1,246.18 2531 4502 44 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 151 1"1,1,_� .....Name AccountlD .,.., FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022� Actual Actual Budgeted Budgeted BUILDINGMAINTENANCE 401-531-00- $ 375.09 $ 0.00 $ 1 000.00 $ 5000.00 4602 VEHICLE PARTS& REPAIR 401 531 00- $1,901.69 $881.48 $6,060.00 $6,060.00 4605 EQUIPMAINTCONTRACTS 401 531 00- , 327.65 0 $5360 00 4606 PROJECT MANAGEMENT 00- $0.00 $15,500.00 $10,000.00 401531 MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSE 401 531 00- $0.00 4902 OFFICESUPPLIES 40010531 00 $1,792.00 $2,171.96 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 POL SUPPLIES 401 531 00- $4,08152 $2,780.03 $4,550.00 $4,550.00 5200 UNIFORMS 401 531 00- $696.97 $0.00 $621.00 $1,471.00 5201 OPERATING SUPPLIES 401 531 00- $5,983.46 $4,879.83 $11,500.00 $16,500.00 5202 EMPLOYEE GIFTCERTIFIC 401 531 00- 0 $2400 00 5206 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 001-531 00 ((( $2,979.53 $0.00 $500.00 $500.00 5 DISASTER SUPPLIES 5�4� 00 $687.42 �, $0.00 $300000 $3000 00 0 EQUIPMENT ($999.99 or less) 401 531 00- $0.00 $3,500.00 $2,500.00 5230 COMPUTER PERIPHERALS - SOFTWARE 401 531 00- $3184.49 $738.73 $650000 $4 000 00 $1000 ..UNDER......... 5235 BOOKS/SUBSCRIPTIONS 401 531 00- $20.00 $128.00 $500.00 $500.00 5401 PROFESSIONAL DUES 01531 00 $447.69 $245.00 $650.00 $650.00 5402 TRAINING EXPENSE 401 531 00- $365.00 $325.00 $3,200.00 $5,400.00 .. .. .. .. .. .. 5405 . .. , DEPRECIATION EXPENSE ADMINISTRATION 401 401- 531 00_ $273.48 $200,760.60 $0.00 $0.00 5900 INTEREST EXPENSE 401 531 00- $0.57 $0.31 $0.00 $0.00 7200 TRANSFERS OUT 401 531 00- $139,947.95 $592,972.69 $0.00 $300,000.00 9000 BUDGETRESERVE 401 531 00- $0.00 $83,980.00 $0.00 9095 Total Physical Environment: $277,70055 f $883,832.77 $434,383.89 $767,227.18 Total Operating Expenses: $277,70055 f $883,832.77 $434,383.89 $767,227.18 Capital Physical Environment LAND PURCHASE...... 460010531 00 $0.00 $250,000.00 $0.00 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 152 1"1,1,_� .....Name AccountlD .,.., FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022� Actual Actual Budgeted Budgeted CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 401-531-00- - 19638.92 $ $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 6302 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 401 531 00- $0.00 $2,000.00 $5,000.00 6405 Total Physical Environment: -$19,638.92 If $0.00 $252,000.00 $5,000.00 �f Total Capital $19,638.92 $0.00 $252,000 00 $5,000.00 Total Expense Objects $638,750.78 $1,376,90339 $1,198,36031 $1,209,09838 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 153 1"1,1,_� 011re, izalflallrmldllI Cllhl�lallrt WATER FACUTES RSCAL YEAR 202"1 — 2022 Orgarflzaflonal� Chart City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 154 6M 115 m 4 M �3m 2 M I m Ix Stwiuiimmiimmaii�y t Itflifles Mhateir 11i1cflifles 11""311"Oposed iiirwd 11-11istorlafl IINtiafVgef 5,umAm,hiifl F: Y20 18 FY12019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 10, Actual 41 Budgeted City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 155 m m $4 3 $0 Personnel Services (23.61, iAgeted ay y,e erating Expenses (75.3%) iAgeted aii,"iid II4ostoirk ay y,,,�e < < �t�e <01116� <c4 <011f� Capital 0 Personnel Services 10, Operating Expenses City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 156 Name Account ID FY2019 Actual FY2020 Actual FY2021 FY2022 Budgeted Budgeted REGULARSALARIES 401-533-00- $269,032.25 $399,599.51 $525,000.00 $573,000.00 1200 OVERTIME PAY 401 533 001400 $26,729.29 $21,778.93 $22,880.40 $24,575.00 FICATAXES � 00 $2198937 $32,254.87 $4000000 $4400000 2100 RETI REME NT CONTRI B UTIO 401 533 002200 $20,555.83 $99,303.46 $55,000.00 $60,000.00 HEALTH INSURANCE 00 $88,209.70 $12042742 $7750000 $10237200 230010 LIFE INSURANCE 401 533 002301 $970.97 $1,367.66 $2,200.00 $1,298.00 DENTAL/VISION INSURANC 401 533 002302 $1,769.04 $2,375.50 $3,200.00 $2,281.00 ACCIDENT/DISABILITY IN 401 533 002303 $1,940.59 $2,773.65 $3,221.00 $3,221.00 WORKERS COMP INS 401 533 002400 $294.44 $3,763.24 $7,500.00 $13,342.00 Total Physical Environment: �f If $431,491.48 $683,64424 �f $736,501.40 $824,089.00 Total Personnel Services: �f If $431,491.48 $683,64424 �f $736,501.40 $824,089.00 Operating Expenses ...., Physical Environment CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 401 533 00 $4,188.85 $10,330.44 $45,340.00 $45,620.00 3400 TRAVEL EXPENSE 401-533-00- $353.33 $834.45 $1,910.00 $1,300.00 4000 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 401 533 004100 $13,315.43 $15,119.70 $19,200.00 $20,000.00 POSTAGE FREIGHT 401 533 00 59 38 150 00 0... 150 0 4200 ELECTRICEXPENSE 533 0001 4401- $219,249.11 $230,633.41 $216,000.00 $240,000.00 BULK WATER PURCHASES 401-533-00- $22,121.90 $25,462.08 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 4304 E LEASING EXPENSE 401 533 00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,000.00 4400 AUTO LIAB I LITY I N S 401-533-00- $0.00 $2,000.00 $2,200.00 4501 MULTI PERIL INS 401 533 004502 $66,534.11 $72,993.52 $68,792.49 $75,671.74 WATER SAMPLING 401 533 004600 $8,229.96 $12,215.00 $12,660.00 $15,660.00 BUILDING MAINTENANCE 401 533 00 0,,, 4602 VEHICLE PARTS&REPAIR �460500 $1,533.01 $940.71 $5,820.00� $6,500.00 EQUIP MAI NT CONTRACTS 533 00 $0.00 1 500 00 1 500 0 4606 44 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 157 1"1,1,_� Name AccountI,D,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, FY2019Actual FY2 020 Actual FY2021 FY2022 ...., � Budgeted � Budgeted EMERGENCY REPAIRS -UTILITIES 4011--533-00- $0.00 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 46 PROJECT MANAGEMENT 401 533 00 $0.00 $500.00 $500.00 4665 MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSE 401-533-00- $1,050.27 $1,572.39 $0.00 $0.00 4902 POLSUPPLIES 401 533 005200 $5,990.60 $6,929.83 $13,180.00 $13,180.00 UNIFORMS 401 533 00 $570 88 $1,352.30 OPERATING SUPPLIES 401 533 005202 $34,289.56 $21,697.02 $37,160.00 $32,500.00 Rental Equipment 401 533 005205 $0.00 $1,000.00 $2,000.00 CHEMICAL EXPENSE 401 533 005208 $56,201.41 $61,878.37 $74,900.00 $74,900.00 ELECTR 401 533 00CALSUPPLIES $359.94 $1,850.12 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 5209 COPYING EXPENSE 00 $029 $0.00 $0.00 506533 EQUIPMENT $999.99orless 401 533 00 $2,695.00 $2,570.72 $5,000.00 $31,500.00 5230 LI N E SYSTEM APPURTENAN CES 420113� 00 $0.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 COMPUTER PERIPHERALS -SOFTWARE 401 533 00 $1,487.04 $0.00 $0.00 $2,000.00 UNDER$1000 5235 BOOKS/SUBSCRIPTIONS 401 533 00 $100.00 $000 $20000 $150000 5401 PROFESSIONAL DUES 401 533 005402 $600.00 $100.00 $1,225.00 $500.00 TRAINING EXPENSE 4 1053300 $113100 $95500 $417000 $365000 54 DEPRECIATION EXPENSE 401 533 005900 $1,230,441.70 $1,132,729.99 $0.00 $0.00 PRINCIPAL 401 533 00 $0.00.. $5,427.36,,,,, 7100.., INTEREST EXPENSE 401-533 007200 $149.37 $182.92 $0.00 $0.00 TRANSFERS OUT 401 533 009000 $48,547.10„ $50,800.00 $0.00 $0.00 TRANSFERS OUT-DEBTSER 401 533 009100 $192,091.16 $87,995.52 $177,504.53 $170,770.51 TRANSFERS OUT ADMIN 401 533 009101 $1,212,675.18 $891,284.22 $1,497,366.16 $805,884.25 TRANSFER OUT R R 401 533 00 $1,500 000 00 $500 000 00 $1,000 000 00 9104 Total Physical Environment: $3,123,90591 $4,130,707.60 $2,761,88938 $2,632,597.86 Total Operating Expenses: $3,123,905.91 $4,130,707.60 $2,761,88938 $2,632,597.86 Capital City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 158 Name Account ID FY2019 Actual FY2020 Actual FY2021 FY2022 Budgeted Budgeted Physical Environment f f f CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 4630� 533-00- $0.00 $0.00 $35,000.00 $35,000.00 EQUIPMENT 401 533 00 $0.00.. $28,100.00., $0.00,,,,,, 6400. VEHICLES 401 533 00 $0.00 $26,000.00..� $0.00,,,,, 6401... COMPUTERE EQUIPMENT Q 401-533-00- $ 0.00 $ 2000.00 $ 2500.00 6405 Total Physical Environment: J $0.00 $0.00 $91,100.00 $37,500.00 Total Capital $0.00 $0.00 $91,100 00 $37,500 00 Total Expense Objects: $3,555,39739 $4,814,35184 $3,589,49058 $3,494,18686 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 159 1"1,1,_� Wateir IIF'111611d 011re, izaflaiirmdllI Clhioaiirt jaiirmli� 11� WA1 I I IFIE! D OPERATIONS FISCAL YEAR 21021 -21022 Organlzatlona�� Chart Utilities Administration Operations Electrical Engi:neering Superintendent supenlisor Manager ( ............................ .") (1), ................... . ...................... Water '%Vatef Field Operations Conservation Utilities Imgation Operation Supervisor Tech&ian Locate Crevv Meter Crew Distribution Crew . . . . . khashing(Hydrant U Crew CEef Crew Chief Senice Worker II cre-w Chief 0) (1), 0) (1) Service 1wVorker See lice Worker Senice, 17Vorker Semite Worker . (4) 1 ), . ... . . . - ........... .............. 11 11 Hea,,-y Equip- Operator 533-10 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 160 6M .sign 4 M �3m ;rise I m Ix Stwiuiimmiimmaii�y yq, MhafeiII""Idd Operiltioli'm 11""311"Oposed iiirwd 11-11istorlafl II Ntidget Achiifl F: Y20 18 FY12019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 10, Actual 41 Budgeted City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 161 iAgeted ay y,e opera Personnel Services (21.9%) Capital (65%) iAgeted aii,"iid II4ostoirk ay y,,,�e m m $4 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 162 Name Account ID 2 2019 FY2020 FY2021 2. FY2022_� Actual Actual Budgeted Budgeted ...., ...., ...., ...., ...., REGULARSALARIES ...., 401-533-10- ...., $525,654.48 $510,098.46 $570,750.00 $650,400.00 1200 OVERTIME PAY 10- $68,868.46 $34,973.99 $28,974.00 $35,674.00 40010533 FICATA4ES 10 $43,347.40 $38,720.43 $44„500 00 $49,883.93 1010533 RETIREMENT CONTRIBUTIO 401 533 10- $53,192.68 $45,335.00 $59,617.00 $68,000.00 2200 HEALTH INSURANCE 401 53310 $266,50118 $263,230.76 $195300 00 $315666 00 2300 LIFE INSURANCE 401 533 10- $1,903.07 $1,918.73 $2,500.00 $2,545.00 .. .. .. .. .. .. 2301 DENTAL/VISION INSURANC 533 10 401 401- $4,538.52 $4,794.69 $7,000.00 $6,848.00 2302 ACCIDENT/DISABILITY IN 401 533 102303 $3,819.41 $3,796.39 $5,000.00 $5,018.00 WORKERS COMP INS 401 533 102400 $924.75 $7,248.11 $10,500.00 $25,697.00 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP 401 533 10- $849.69 $0.00 2500 Total Physical Environment: $968,74995 $910,966.25 $924,141.00 $1,159,73193 Total Personnel Services: $968,74995 $910,96625 $924,141.00 $1,159,73193 Operating Expenses Physical Environment CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 401 53310- , 12 $47,156.68 $57,475.00 $87,225.00 3400 TRAVEL EXPENSE 10 $105.34 $353.67 $3,305.00 $4,090.00 4000 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 40153310- $4,909. 11 $6,085.45 $720000 $750000 4100 POSTAGE FREIGHT 401 533 10- $0.00 $500.00 $500.00 4200 LEASING EXPENSE 401 533 10- $640.08 $2,500.00 $5,000.00 4400 AUTO LIAB I LITY I N S 401 533 10- $1,660.44 $0.00 $7,500.00 $8,250.00 .. .. .. .. .. .. 4501 MULTI PERILINS 533 10 01 4401- $15,394.49 $19,116.59 $15,368.57 $16,905.43 WATER SAMPLING 401 533 104600 $0.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 VEHICLE PARTS&REPAIR 401 533 104605 $30,453.79 $15,019.29 $30,000.00 $30,000.00 EMERGENCY REPAIRS -UTILITIES 401 533 10-4663 $0.00 $15 000 00 $30,000.00 PROJECT MANAGEMENT 401 533 10- $0.00 $17,500.00 $20,000.00 4665 MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSE 401-533-10- $0.01 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 4902 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 163 1"1,1,_� Name Account ID 2 2019 FY2020 FY2021 2. FY2022_� Actual Actual Budgeted Budgeted ...., ...., ...., ...., ...., ...., POLSUPPLIES 401-533-10- ...., $26,374.70 $19,725.11 $35,000.00 $50,000.00 5200 UNIFORMS 401 533 10- $5,74816 $4,892.95 $8,350.00 $9,675.00.._� 5201 OPERATING SUPPLIES $74,804 34 $66,461.39 $107750 00 $130,000.00 5001253310 CHEMICAL EXPENSE 401 533 10- $23.68 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 5208 ELECTRCALSUPPLIES 401 533 10- $0.00 $250.00 $250.00 5209 WATER METERS 401 533 10- $110,000.00 $123,039.54 $145,815.70 $198,000.00 5217 EQUIPMENT ($999.99 or less) 401 533 105230 $396.47 $4,200.00 $10,800.00 LIN E SYSTEM APPURTENANCES 401 533 105233 $1,416.33 $12,000.00 $22,500.00 COMPUTER PERIPHERALS -SOFTWARE 40153310 $1,111.50 $269.98 $1,500.00 $3,100.00 UNDER$1000 5235 BOOKS/SUBSCRIPTIONS 401 533 10- $0.00 $500 00 $1 000 00 5401 PROFESSIONAL DUES 10- $250.00 $0.00 $725.00 $725.00 50102533 TRAININGEXPENSE 401-533-10- $ 1950.00 $ 1201.88 $ 7195.00 $3, 720.00 5405 DEPRECIATION EXPENSE 401 533 10- $765.48 $102,133.73 $0.00 $0.00 5900 PRINCIP401 AL 533 10- $0.00 $54,000.00 7100 INTERESTEXPENSE 401 533 10- $0.00 $1,725.00 7200 TRANSFERS OUT 401 533 10- $591,035.25 $397,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 9000 Total Physical Environment: $910,539.41 $804,90934 � $481,63427 $696,965A3 Total Operating Expenses. $910,539.41 $804,90934 J $481,63427 $696,965A3 Capital Physical Environment CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 401-533-10- $4,224.31 $0.00 $400,000.00 $3,371,965.51 6302 EQUIPMENT 401 533 10 $0.00 $9,764.00 $12,500.00 6400 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT 401 533 106401 $0.00 $0.00 $52,000.00 $54,000.00 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 401 533 10- $0.00 $2 000 00 $5 000 00 6405 Total Physical Environment: $4,22431 $0.00 $463,764,00 $3,443,46551 Total Capital $4,22431 $0.00 f $463,764,00.. $3,443,46551...� Total Expense Objects: J . $1,883,513.67 ....... $1,715,87539 J N $1,869,53927 . $5,300,162 87 44 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 164 1"1,1,_� wastewatelir 011re, izaflaimildllI C11hilairt jaimillil Ill WASTEWATER FACUnES RSCAL YEAR 2021 -- 2022 Orgarflzaflonal Chart Utilities Administration Facilities ISanperhitendent Facilities Snpenisor (1) Treatment Plant Operator Warelionse Tedmician Crew Chief (3), (1) (1) Facility Mairitenance Worker (1) 53,5-0,0 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 165 8m 7M 6M sm 4M �3m 2M I m Ix Stwiuiimmiimmaii�y Mhm temiteir 1i i16fties 11,")iroposed iiirwd Fflstoirlafl II Ntidgef Achiifl F: Y20 18 FY12019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 10, Actual 41 Budgeted City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 166 Ix iAgeted ay y,e Capital (27.7%) Operating Expenses (659/6) iAgeted aii,"iid II4ostoirk ay y,,,�e m m $4 P rsonnel Services Ce apital Operating Expenses Is Is $0 < < �t�e <01116� <c4 <011f� City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 167 Name AccountI,D,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, FY2019 Actual FY2020 Actual FY2021 FY2022 Budgeted Budgeted REGULARSALARIES 401-535-00- $176,949.17 $247,283.45 $211,950.00 $334,026.00 1200 OVERTIME PAY 5 00 $24,339.97 $20,873.53 $17,324.00 $17,963.00 4001- FICATAXES 401-535-00- $ 13212.66 $ 18978.16 $ 16250.00 $ 25673.80 2100 RETIREMENT CONTRIBUTIO 401-535 002200 $17,702.08 $20,314.97 $22,250.00 $35,070.74 HEALTH INSURANCE 5-00- $97,110.03 $126,654.53 $61,150.00 $91,469.00 23001- LIFE INSURANCE.... 00 553. 22 $892 0 0 $900.00 $568.56 . .... .... 2301535 .... .... .... .... .. DENTAL/VISION INSURANC $1,432.24 $2,092.12 $2,200.00 $1,284.00 23001-535-00- ACCIDENT/DISABILITY IN 401 535 002303 $1,169.80 $1,814.28 $1,092.00 $1,092.00 WORKERS COMP INS 401 535 002400 $184.04 $1,138.12 $8,975.00 $4,035.00 Total Physical Environment: $332,65321 $440,04136 $342,091.00 f $511,18230 Total Personnel Services: $332,65321 $440,04136 $342,091.00 f $511,18230 Operating Expenses Physical Environment CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4 5 00 $176,708.65 $178,403.02 $202,250.00 $204,250.00 00 TRAVELEXPENSE 401-535 00 0 $1,300.00 4000 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 401-535-00- $4,487.10 $3,864.40 $9,240.00 $9,720.00 4100 POSTAGEFREIGHT 401-535 00...& $30 98 $0 00 $200 00 $200 00 4200 ELECTRICEXPENSE 401-535-00- $269,783.69 $264,373.72 $300,000.00 $300,000.00 4300 WATER EXPENSE 401-535 00 902.10 531.84 780.00 0 4301 BULK REUSE PURCHASES 401-535-00- $347191.07 $462,382.35 $470,000.00 $600,000.00 4303 BULK SEWER PURCHASES 401 535 004305 $58,135.21 $66,347.00 $100,000.00 $100,000.00 LEASING EXPENSE 401-535-00- $272850 $9,529.90 $4,500.00 $4,500.00 4400 AUTO LIABILITY INS 401 535 004501 $0.00 $500.00 $550.00 MULTI-PERILINS 401-535-00- $94,590.97 $103,984.76 $97,681.28 $107,449.41 4502 WATERSAMPLING 5 00 $47,063.00 $44,238.00 $44,540.00 $44,540.00 4600 BUILDING MAINTENANCE 401-535-00- $2,031.45 $3,561.32 $4,000.00 $6,000.00 4602 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 168 1"1,1,_� Name AccountlD FY2019 Actual FY2020 Actual FY2021� FY2022 Budgeted Budgeted VEHICLE PARTS&REPAIR 401-535-00- $4,997.50 $2,399.07 $13,400.00 $13,400.00 4605 EQUIP MAI NT CONTRACTS 401-535 00 $0.00 $500.00 1, $ 18011.00 4606 EMERGENCY REPAIRS -UTILITIES 4°� 5-00- $12,759.19 $8,848.36 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 PROJECT MANAGEMENT $0.00 $50000 $500.00 466553500 POLSUP PLIES 500 $900225 $8,697.45 $1360000 $8,600.00 5001- UNIFORMS 401-535 00 $662.36 $1,278.74 $3,038.00 $2,871.00 5201 OPERATING SUPPLIES 401 535 005202 $65,907.77 $56,679.80 $73,550.00 $96,000.00 RENTAL EQUIPMENT 401-535-00- $13,420.50 $0.00 $10,000.00 $5,000.00 5205 CHEMICAL EXPENSE 401 535 005208 $92,790.10 $105,144.14 $120,100.00 $120,100.00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 401-535-00- $2,951.66 $9,689.85 $9,999.00 $20,998.00 5209 EQUIPMENT $999.99 or less 4011- 500 $3,613.18 $5,890.79 $4,440.00 $41,740.00 5230 LINE&SYSTEM APPURTENANCES 401-535 00 1 4,499.00 5233 COMPUTER PERIPHERALS/SOFTWARE 401-535-00- $0.00 $0.00 $2,000.00 UN DER $1,000 5235 BOOKS/SUBSCRIPTIONS 401-535 00 $29200 $50000 $50000 5401 PROFESSIONAL DUES �O 535-00- $250.00 $0.00 $175.00 $600.00 TRAINING EXPENSE 401-535 005405 $10000 $161000 $275500 $321000 DEPRECIATION EXPENSE 401-535 005900 $1,898,431.10 $2,049,531.62 $0.00 $0.00 TRANSFERS OUT 401-535-00- $59,100.00 $0.00 $0.00 9000 TRANSFERS OUTDEBTSER 401 535 009100 $1,204,813.27 $544,646.04 $1,098,659.63 $1,100,306.25 TRANSFERS OUT ADMIN 401 535 009101 $902,971.75 $824,116.93 $1,584,820.00 $719,150.41 TRANSFER OUT - RR 401-535-00- $0.00 $500,000.00 $1,000,000.00 9104 Total Physical Environment. $5,229,784.10 $4,842,526.00 $4,725,62791 Jf $4,574,77507 Total Operating Expenses: $5,229,784.10 $4,842,526.00 $4,725,62791 $4,574,775.07 Capital 1 Physical Environment CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 401535-00- $0.00 $0.00 $35,000.00 $1,720,971.00 02 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 169 1"1,1,_� Name AccountI,D,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, FY2019 Actual FY2020 Actual FY2021 ,. FY2022 Budgeted, Budgeted E EQUIPMENT Q 401-535-00- $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 108699.00 $ 170000.00 6400 VEHICLES 401-535 00 $0.00 $0.00 $54,000.00 6401 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 40O5 5-00- $0.00 $2,000.00 $5,000.00 Total Physical Environment: $0.00 $0.00 $145,699.00....,1( $1,949,71.00 Total Capita . ..., ..........,... . $000 $0.00 $145,69900 J $1,949,97100 Total Expense Objects: $5,562,43731 $5,282,567.16 $5,213,41791 $7,035,92837 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 170 1"1,1,_� Wastewateir IIIII 'iuui IIIIII IIIIV uu� uui uu�flio iuur "' iiiii�flioiiiiiz iuui iiimil IIIIII �Illlhil iiiiir WASTEWATER FIELD OPERATIONS FISCAL EAR '1 2' nzafl nal Char Utilities Administration Wastewater Field 0 eratlonns I ,,, Electrical f Operations' nperinnten dennt � �I Facilities Malnnleriannce 'Specia.dust Locate Cre-,T,r Meter Crew Lift Station Crew 'r Conection Crew None Lead Seance Worker Lift Station Tech Crew Chief (2) i ^ °,,,,,,,,,,, Senn-ce Worker Sernce� Worker �1 (1) M Heavy Equip Operator , (1) Crew None dad-10 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 ,,A, Page 171 4,000k �3,500k �3,000k 2,500k 2,000k 1,500k 1,000k 500k Ix Stwiuiimmiimmaii�y Mhm temiteir 11,Idd Opell"irtioli'm 11"")Iropos4�d iiirwd 11-11is4'orlafl lilktidget \w,,,,,Achiifl FY2018 F: Y120 19 FY2020 F: Y' 2021 FY2022 10, Actual 41 Budgeted City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 172 Fersom Operating Expenses (21.7%) $4 iAgeted ay y,e Capital (62 4%) iAgeted aii,"iid II4ostoirk ay y,,,�e < < �t�e <c4 t� <0111�1 <cO� I I I I Personnel Services 0 Operating Expenses 91 Capital City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 173 Name AccountlD FY2019Actual FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Actual J Budgeted J ... Budgeted .. REGULARSALARIES 401-535-10- $235,628.72 $273,598.37 $326,000.00 $306,214.00 1200 OVERTIME PAY 510_ $25,24 811 $19,779.44 $19,206.00 $29,552.00 10010 FICATAXES 401-535-10- $18,665.57 $21,041.09 $25,000.00 $23,500.00 2100 RETI REME NT CONTRI B UTIO 4 53510- 01 $26,20316 $25,283.33 $34,000.00 $32,000.00 2200 HEALTH INSURANCE 23001- 5-10- $137,942.99 $160,716.90 $97,650.00 $169,188.00 ...LIFE INSURANCE........ 401 53510_ $905 $1,054.35 $1,400.00 � $1,132.00 ...., 2301 .04 DENTAL/VISION INSURANC $2208.06 $2,453.94 $3,500.00 $2,996.00 23001-535-10- ACCIDENT/DISABILITY IN 401 535 102303 $1,786.23 $2,107.99 $2,250.00 $2,232.00 WORKERS COMP INS 401 535 102400 $258.84 $2,378.90 $13,750.00 $8,434.00 Total Physical Environment: $448,846.72 f $508,41431 f $522,756.00 f $575,248.00 Total Personnel Services: $448,846.72 $508,41431 I $522,756.00 I $575,248.00 Operating Expenses Physical Environment CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 401 535 10- $44,785.69 $51,796.36 $124,850.00 $145,050.00 3400 TRAVEL EXPENSE 4001 535 10 $92.16 $200.00 $3,001.00 $324500 4 00 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 401 535 10- $29,969.66 $33,070.30 $33,600.00 $42,000.00 4100 POSTAGE...& FREIGHT 510. $39 $0.00 $500.00 $500.00 4200 37 ELECTRIC EXPENSE 401 535 10- $73,287.69 $71,424.13 $75,000.00 $89,200.00 4300 LEASING EXPENSE 441 53510 $642 00 $642.00 $2,600.00 $5000 00 00 4 AUTO LIABILITY INS 401 535 10- $0.00 $10,000.00 $11,000.00 4501 MULTI PERIL INS 401 535 104502 $12,665.03 $22,617.55 $12,639.42 $13,903.36 WATERSAMPLING 401-535-10- $0.00 $500.00 $500.00 4600 VEHICLE PARTS&REPAIR 401-535-10- $17,844.22 $11,514.13 $20,000.00 $25,000.00 4605 EMERGENCYREPAIRS-UTILITIES 401 535 10- 25200000 79 $12 708 56 $25,000.00 $30 00 4663 PROJECT MANAGEMENT 401 535 104665 $12,236.55 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 POLSUPPLIES 510 $1827823 $10,371.32 $32,805.00 $4000000 5001- 44 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 174 Name AccountlD FY2019Actual FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Actual Budgeted ... Budgeted .. UNIFORMS 401-535-10- $1,510.76 $2,029.53 $3,703.00 $4,000.00 5201 OPERATING SUPPLIES 535 10_ $71,40543 $85,564.41 $82,050.00 $95,000.00 5001 CHEMICAL EXPENSE 401-535-10- $ 388.27 $ 9 000.00 $ 9 000.00 5208 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 401 535 10- $4,010.17 $2,365.06 $5,000.00 $6,000.00 5209 WATER METERS $89,70691 $127,343.52 $135,197.15 $131350 00 50�53510 , EQUIPMENT $999.99orless 401 535 10- $418.00 $0.00 $9,200.00 $14,000.00 5230 LIN E SYSTEM APPURTENANCES 401 535 105233 $29,335.18 $35,500.00 $25,000.00 COMPUTER PERIPHERALS -SOFTWARE 401-535-10- $0.00 $269.98 $1,500.00 $2,000.00 UNDER$1000 5235 BOOKS/SUBSCRIPTIONS 4 01 35-10- $0.00 $250.00 $1,300.00 PROFESSIONAL DUES 401 535 10- 143.00 $0.00 $0.00 $300 00 5402 TRAINING EXPENSE 401 535 10- $90.00 $100.00 $5,138.00 $4,365.00 5405 DEPRECIATION EXPENSE $266.12 $179,203.58 $0.00 $0.00 591053510 00 TRANSFERS OUT 401 535 10- $306,607.31 $1,572,357.00 $0.00 $0.00 9000 TRANSFERSOUT-ADMIN 401-535-10- $ 16928.88 $ 13578.14 $ 744682.47 $ 75000.00 9101 Total Physical Environment: $713,891.42 $2,239,11557 $1,386,716.04 J $787,71336 Total Operating Expenses: $713,891.42 $2,239,11557 $1,386,716.04 J $787,71336 Capital Physical Environment CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 401-535-10- $63,648.45 $2,152.09 $291,212.00 $2,147,107.55 6302 EQUIPMENT 401 535 10- $0.00 $22,725.00 $12,500.00 6400 VEHICLES 401-535-10- $0.00 $180,700.00 $104,000.00 6401 EQUIPMENT 401 535 106405 fCOMPUTER $0.00 $2,000.00 $2,500.00 Total Physical Environment: $63,648.45 $2,152.09 $496,637.00 $2,266,10755 Total Capital: $63,648.45 $2,152.09 $496,637.00 $2,266,10755 Total Expense Objects: $1,226,38659 $2,749,681.97 $2,406,109.04 $3,629,06891 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 175 Engineering Engineering mallagel Staff Engineer (1) 011re, izaflaiirmdllI Clhioaiirt jairmill il� U'TILII,rIES ENGINEEERING FISCAL YEAR 21021 — 210,22 Organizational Ch,,.,i,rt Utilities Adiniaistt,afian 'Utilities Engineering J14 Inspectiom GISNIAD & Mapping Iffifities GISAnalyst (1) hispections Chief arhispectious (0) h:NpeCfi0IrI SUPONI'Sol, (1) (2) F06 'I'll () City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 176 800k 700k 600k 500k 400k �300k 200k 100k Ix Stwiuiimmiimma/y t Itflities 1111=1 11 )q,,41 11 wee 111 )q,4, 11""),roposed iiirwd 11-flstoiriafl Btidget vs.Acttiifl FY2018 FY2019 F: Y' 2020 FY2021 F: Y' 2022 10, Actual 41 Budgeted City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 177 iAgeted ay y,e Operating Expen iAgeted aii,"iid II4ostoirk ay y,,,�e $0 8 $0 7 $06 $05 $04 Capital 0 Operating Expenses $0 �3 0 Personnel Services $02 $01 $0 < < �t�e <c4 t� <0111�1 <cO� City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 178 Name AccountlD FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Actual Actual Budgeted Budgeted REGULARSALARIES 401-546-00- $308,417.23 $320,499.73 $392,450.00 $427,200.00 1200 OVERTIME PAY 401 546 00-1400 $9,719.56 $3,893.47 $16,558.00 $15,471.00 FICATACES 0 0„ $23,172.88 $2304477 $30 25000 $32700 00 100546 RETIREMENT CONTRIBUTIO 401 546 00- $32,310.87 $27,167.90 $41,500.00 $44,700.00 2200 HEALTH INSURANCE 546 00 $136,188.82 $9780233 $74,00000 $109696 00 4'� 230 LIFE INSURANCE 30011546-00- $1,078.38 $1,133.65 $1,600.00 $933.00 DENTAL/VISION INSURANC $2,112.40 $1,885.69 $2,600.00 $1,712.00 23001-546-00- ACCIDENT/DISABILITY IN $234712 $2,405.13 $1,844.00 $1,844.00 23001-546-00- WORKERS' COMP INS 401-546-00- $165.28 $2,143.10 $17,650.00 $7,598.00 2400 Total Transportation: $515,51254 If $479,975.77 $578,452.00 $641,854.00 Total Personnel Services: $515,51254 If $479,975.77 $578,452.00 $641,854.00 Operating Expenses ...., Transportation PROFESSIONAL SERV./OTH 401546 00 � 9 760 00... $. $5,000 00 $5,000.00 3128 ..., .., CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 401-546-00- $ 466.00 $ 1381.52 $ 2500.00 $ 6000.00 3400 TRAVELEXPENSE.... 401 6 00- $83.33 $2280 63 960 00 $925.00 4000 $1 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 401-546-00- $6175.67 $5852.24 $8300.00 $8500.00 4100 POSTAGE FREIGHT 401 546 00- $0.00 $650.00 $650.00 4200 AUTO LIAB I LITY I N S 01-546-00- $0.00 $500 00 $550 00 4 01 MULTI -PERIL INSURANCE 401-546-00- $88264 $639.42 $1,105.85 $1,216.44 4502 VEHICLE PARTS&REPAIR 401-546-00- $19.02 $107.69 $4,000.00 $4,000.00 4605 EQUIP MAI NT CONTRACTS 401-546-00- $1,916.85 $7,448.49 $12,200.00 $12,400.00 4606 PROJECT MANAGEMENT 401-546-00- $0.00 $0.00 $2,500.00 4665 PRINTING BINDING 401 546 00- $000 $500 00 $500 00 4700 POLSUPPLIES 401-546-00- $1,601.57 $1,337.76 $5,000.00 $10,000.00 5200 UNIFORMS 401 546 00- $97588 $105503 $226400 $260300 5201 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 179 Name AccountlD FY2019� FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Actual Actual Budgeted Budgeted OPERATING SUPPLIES 401-546-00- $3,211.20 $2,671.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 5202 EQUIPMENT ($999.99 or less) 401 546 00-5230 $0.00 $0.00 $1,500.00 PERIPHERALS SOFTWARE 546 00 $4,176.44 $000 $1,00000 $2,500.00 UCOMPUTER NDER$1000 5 5 BOOKS/SUBSCRIPTIONS 401 546 00- $0.00 $650.00 $650.00 5401 PROFESSIONAL DUES 01054600 $�744.00 � $70800 $177500 $1775 00 54 2 TRAINING EXPENSE 4 11-5 6-00- $1,370.00 $2,450.00 $5,400.00 $1,500.00 5405 DEPRECIATION EXPENSE 401-546-00- $4,587.12 $5,062.80 $0.00 $0.00 5900 Total Transportation: $26,209.72 If $40,75458 $55,804.85 $65,769.44 Total Operating Expenses: $26,209.72 $40,75458 $55,804.85 $65,769.44 Capital 1 Transportation COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 401-546-00- $0.00 $2,000.00 $2,500.00 6405 Total Transportation: $0.00 If $0.00 $2,000.00 $2,500.00 Total Capital $0.00 $0.00 $2,000 00 $2,500.00 Total Expense Objects: $541,72226 $520,73035 $636,256.85 $710,123.44 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 180 1"1,1,_� WAllmuu muuumm mu mo muuu uuummuu mm uuuuuuu muuu ooi °°� uuuumooi mumiA� um City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 181 watelir ca�11',)'IiiitdllI Clhi�laiirges 1111 ill s furid !is used Lo mxxmirlt, for mAJIvILICS IrcIaLed Lo wat,cir (,alplt,all 1410f, 4'11 airges IFtmuirmid Ism= The City of Ocoee is projecting $733,944 of revenue in FY2022. Budgeted expenditures are projected to increase by 23% or $190,584 to $733,944 in FY2022. $8(X)K UMMIK $2(X)IK ■ �I JII�! $0 L III Revelirmilwill es Iby, soluluirce 2022 Il44eosa irities Itsy Soxi,c'. Charges and Fees (29.1 %) 0 Actual Revenue Source Phi Budgeted Revenue Source Actual Expenditures 411, Budgeted Expenditures Other Financing (68.1 %) City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 182 �Ageted al"id -fistark l 2022 ��4e\ ii-ities lay Soxii,c'. $08 $0 7 $06 $05 $04 01W Cash Balance Other Revenues 0 Charges and Fees $0 3 10, Other Financing $02 $01 $0 Name FY2019 Actual FY2020 Actual FY2021 Budgeted FY2022 Budgeted Revenue Source ............... Cash Balance $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Charges and Fees ........ ........................................ $215,152.55 $257,389.02 $000 $213,944.00 Other Financing $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $500,000.00 Other Revenues $27,749.99 $23,616.06 $15,740.00 $20,000.00 Total Revenue Source: .. .. .. .. .. .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... -- $242,902.54 ] $281,005.08 $15,740.01 $733,944,00 I City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 183 L;al qll iAgeted ay y,e vpe�auny ¢npenses Ewa ion iAgeted aii,"iid II4ostoiriay y,,,�e $0 8 $0 7 $06 $05 $04 0 Capital 10, Operating Expenses $0 �3 Name Account l® FY2019 Actual FY2020 Actual FY2021 Budgeted FY2022 Budgeted ENGINEERING EXPENSE 404 533 00 3102 J $0.00 $0.00 J $0.00 $0.00 PROFESSIONAL SERVIOTH 404-533-00-3128 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ACCOUNTING AUDITING 404-533-00-3200 $0.00 1. $0.00 1. 0.00 $0.00 MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSE 404-533-00-4902 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 DEVELOPER PAYBACK 404 533 00 4912 J $0.00 $0.00 J $0.00 $0.00 TRANSFEROUT 404-533-00-9000 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 BUDGETRESERVE 404-533-00-9095 (. 0.00 (. $0.00 0.00 $421,444.00 TRANSFERS OUT-DEBTSER 404-533-00-9100 $207,396.09 $94,479.36 $190,583.81 $190,000.00 Total Physical Environment. J $207,396.09 $94,47936 J $190,583.82 $611,444.00 Total Operating Expenses: $207,396.09 $94,47936 $190,583.82 $611,444.00 Capital Physical Environment CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 404 533 00 6302 J $0.00 $0.00 J $0.00 $122,500.00 EQUIPMENT 404-533-00-6400 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ...Physical Environment: Total (. .00 $0.00 (. .00 $122,500.00 Total Capital: 1. $0.00 1. $0.00 $0.00 $122,500.00 Total Expense Objects: $207,396.09 $94,47936 $190,583 82 $733,944 00 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 185 � muum uumm uuuuuuum muum uumm uuuuuuum uum uuuuuuuu uuuuuuuu mm i, uuuuuuum mm i, uuuuuuum uu muum uumm mm i um gum u, uuuuumm uum uuuuuuum �u uuuuuuu �� uu uuuuu o0o I muu mumuuuu uumum uuo City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 186 1410wastewatelir ca�11',)'IiiitdllI 1111 ills furid !is used Lo mxxmirlt, for mAJIvILICS IrcIaLed Lo wast,ciw)Lcir f, ('alplt,all ('11 airges Clhi�aiirges IMmuirmid ISM= The City of Ocoee is projecting $1,164,276 of revenue in FY2022. Budgeted expenditures are projected to decrease by 43% or $875,014 to $1,164,276 in FY2022. $2.51MI $21MI $1.51MI $1 IMI $5UNK 11 L � < < < III Revelirmilwill es Iby, soluluirce 2022 IL4e\ irities IIay Soxi,c'. Other Financing (42.9%) 0 Actual Revenue Source Phi Budgeted Revenue Source Actual Expenditures 411, Budgeted Expenditures Charges and Fees (55.3%) City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 187 �Ageted ai"id -fistark �� 2022 ��4e\ ii-ities ay Soxii,c'. M IN Other Revenues 0 Other Financing 10, Charges and Fees $05 $0 Name FY2019 Actual FY2020 Actual FY2021 Budgeted FY2022 Budgeted Revenue Source Ch a rges a nd Fees $499,418.77 $632,098.04 $2,034,290.00 $64 Other Financing $0.00 $0.00 $St� Other Revenues $56,140.42 $47,452.28 $5,000.00 $20,000.00 Total-- -------- -------- City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 188 qll iAgeted ay y,e Operating Expenses (43.6%) Capital (56.4%) iAgeted aii,"iid II4ostoiriay y,,,�e m 0 Operating Expenses 81 Capital TRANSFERS OUT-DEBTSER 405 535 00 9100 J $436,668.26 $199,147.80 $440,000.00 J $440,000.00 Total Physical Environment. � $436,66826 $199,1$199,147.80 $1,899,290 00 � $508,076.00 uuuu Total Operating Expenses: 1 $436,66826 $199,147.80 $1,89%290.00 $508,076.00 Capital Physical Environment CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 405-535-00-6302 $0.00 $656,200.00 Total Physical Environment: 1f $0.00 If $656,200.00 Total Capital: $0.00 $656,200.00 Total Expense Objects $436,66826 $199,147.80 $1,899,290 00 $1,164,27600 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 190 mmi umu muuuum muuuuw mmi City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 191 ,4 IlII'li a� f 11 i ii s fund is used taccount for sIl i dwaste, yard waste and c II , fl e iimt �. ii�ii II cddectbn, iuur "' iiiii�flioiiiiiz iuui iiiirflio�� IIIIII �IlIIl I��� iiiiir SANITATION Organizational Chart Public Work City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 192 The City of Ocoee is projecting $3.85M of revenue in FY2022, which represents a 6.9% increase over the prior year. Another $600,000 is being transferred from the General Fund to ensure the fund is balanced. Budgeted expenditures are projected to increase by 3.4% in FY2022. As anticipated, the Solid Waste Fund will become self-sufficient in FY23. �I 1 4 11�1 f� <0<� 10, Actual Revenue Source f)) Budgeted Revenue Source 0 Actual Expenditures G Budgeted Expenditures City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 193 III Revelirmilwiles 11by, Soluluirce CHARGES FOR SERVICES Charges for solid waste services within the city are reported in this category. Pesidential collection is provided by a contractor. All residential property owners within city limits are charged for solid waste services. The City pays the contractor f rom the revenues earned. Commercial businesses are provided service by a private 1111111•. MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE Pevenues received from sources other than fees are reported as miscellaneol revenue. Other Finand 2022 Re\ irities IIIy Soxi,c'. unarges anu r-ees tuo.o-/o) City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 194 �Ageted aii,"iid -fistark �� 2022 Re\ iri�,ies ay Soxi,c'. E $4 $�31 1 1 1 1 Intergovernmental Other Revenues Cash Balance $2 Other Financing Charges and Fees 3 $0 < Name FY2019 Actual FY2020 Actual FY2021 Budgeted Revenue Source Cash Balance BEGINNING CASH BALANCE $0.00 $694,227.70 Total Cash Balance: $0.00 $694,227.70 Charges and Fees SANITATION FEES $ 3 2 0 1 0 7 0 1 9 $3,436,649.22 $-,;,598,423.00 OTHER SANITATION CHARG $3,025.73 $21.,458.67 $0.00 Total Charges and Fees: $3,204,095.92 $3,439,107.89 $3,598,423.00 Other Financing TRANSFERS IN $138,019.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total Other Financing: $ 1 3 8 0 1 9 0 0 $0.00 $0.00 Other Revenues MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE $3,693.49 -$811.96 $0.00 INTEREST EARNINGS $29,204.29 J $31,135.85 $10,810.00 DISPOSITION OF FIXED ASSETS -$16,990.83 -$1,160,003.57 $0.00 SURPLUS EQUIP SALES $32,995.00 $1,209,794.60 $0.00 Total Other Revenues: $48,901.95 $80,11492 $10,810.00 ------------------- Total Revenue Source: $3,391,016.87 ---------------- $3,51%222.81 $4,303,460.70 4Y�4 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 195 m m 3 qll iAgeted ay y,e R iAgeted aii,"iid ay y,,,�e < < �t�e <01116� <c4 <011f� Capital 0, Personnel Services 10, Operating Expenses „ Name (.Account lD FY2019Actual FY2020Actual FY2021....Budgeted OVERTIME PAY J 402 534 10-1400 $46,,698.26 $30,303.46 $0.00 FICATAXES 402-534-10-2100 $42,062.76 $36,955.43 $13,650.00 RETIREMENT CONTRIBUTIO 402-534-10-2200 $58,969.47 44551.59,,,,,,, 8500.00 HEALTH INSURANCE 402-534-10-2300 $323,746.34 $218,945.79 $40,750.00 LIFE INSURANCE J 402 534 10-2301 $2,117.81 $1,719.34 $700.00 DENTAL/VISIONINSURANC 40253410-2302 $5,13539 $3,257.01 $150000 ACCIDENT/DISABILITY IN 402-534-10-2303 $4,252.40 $3,325.20 $765.00 WORKERS COMP INS J 402 534 10-2400 $4,035.08 $3,408.07 $7,500.00 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP 402 534 10-2500 $6,600 00 $0.00 $0.00 Total Physical Environment: $1,017,334.49 $756,262.70 $251,16830 Total Personnel Services: Jf $1,017,334.49 $756,262.70 $251,16830 Operating Expenses ...., 1(. Physical Environment LEGALEXPENSE 40253410-3101 $72000 $532350 $500000 ACCOUNTING AUDITING 402 534 10 -3200 $0.00 $6,000.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 402-534-10-3400 $25,846.80 $1,851,171.85 $3,295,844.00 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 40253410-4100 $4,63027 $667980 $420000 POSTAGE & FREIGHT 402 534 10-4200 $3,680.35 $29.70 $5,500.00 ELECTRICEXPENSE 402-534-10-4300 $1,868.07 $1,928.88 $2,500.00 WATER EXPENSE 402 534 10-4301 $3,20585 $330698 $3000 00 AUTO LIABILITY INS 402 534 10-4501 $7,422.55 $0.00 $4,000.00 MULTI-PERILINS 402-534-10-4502 $29,626.64 $44,671.03 $41,561.73 VEHICLE PARTS&REPAIR 40253410-4605 $214,36105 $7895824 $000 EQUIP MAI NT CONTRACTS 40253410-4606 $3,862.56 $1,931.28 $0.00 MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSE 402-534-10-4902 $856.85 $0.00 $0.00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 402 534 10-5100 $13398 $200 00 POLSUPPLIES 40253410-5200 $130,933.02 $72,900.30 $0.00 UNIFORMS 402-534-10-5201 $6,501.09 $4,949.36 $0.00 OPERATING SUPPLIES 40253410-5202 $117,28260 $340577 $10000 EMPLOYEE GIFTCERTIFIC 40253410-5206 $650.00 $675.00 $25.00 EQUIPMENT - $999.99 or less 402-534-10-5230 $516.00 $31,766.00 $0.00 PROFESSIONAL DUES 402 534 10-5402 $18500 $0.00 SANITARY LANDFILL 40253410-5500 $939,964.33 $449,334.56 $0.00 DEPRECIATION EXPENSE 402-534-10-5900 $376,973.88 $352,540.32 $0.00 PRINCIPAL 40253410-7100 $000 $034 $16719400 INTERESTEXPENSE 40253410-7200 $25,524.48 $29,523.23 $22,416.00 TRANSFERS OUT 402-534-10-9000 $199,268.00 $0.00 BUDGET RESERVE 402 534 10-9095 $0.00 $20110 00 TRANSFERS OUT 402 534 10-9100 $73,980.95 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 TRANSFERS OUT-ADMIN 402-534-10-9101 $591,211.25 $419,736.14 $424,641.48 Total Physical Environment. Jf $2,559,61859 $3,608,41926 $4,052,29221 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 197 Name FY2020 Actual FY2021 Budgeted ...., ...., ...., ...., ...., � Account ID...... ...., ...,,,FY2019 Actual ...., ...., g ... Total Operating Expenses: I $2,559,61859 $3,608,41926 $4,052,29221 Total Expense Objects: ... ...,...,. $3,576,953 08... f... 64,68196 $4,303,46051,,,.., City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 198 1,,"I, umu m umu muuuum m muuuuw �uull u mu City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 199 ,0 f lliil s fund c.c. u�.�lnts for d Ilya��,�� . 11 us��:ru� .�:. o a all a Il���u illl°�t�.�Ina� i .��:ri��� Illl�llllli �' Alit 011)"(1 of d Ilye 0 Ly's stIl.ln water ss����,�� In..0 w "' IIII" Ili ,'rii1,,1i�iJllll III IIIIII!I!�i�illlll °" IIIIII IIII' 1111 In ,oty s sLorrin WaL r I )(,l aIrt rrrrir,r1L Is reslpoinr,iblle for routine airld r:,+rrrrir rr;r,+r'ic,y irnallir'[Leirlainr,e of 1pulblliie, ",Lanni vvaL r fabllit es Ifrtppr,s airld I sr,uns addrr,r,snd ILy t II In rail`/islor7 iirldllude t II"ire follllowlirir ': • dirrr linIs irat:oon of P:II"in National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) 2, Prr,r;irrairn • Irirsped on airld MrtilinLeirlaince of (JIL ll'lr s r,Ystr,rrr s, sLorrn diralinrs airld Ipublic sLorrn VVttL r Ipord, irsped oin of Ipublic airld Ipiri` a r, r,Loirlrn Wa or Iporld, MoIriut oiruirir Ilall'n Iln`rd s aired rt7trtt or rfualliity Itllairuriuirir; airld irrrvrtirirtr;r irrrvr irrl of sLorrn rt7trtLor Iairo, (,(As sUrooL airld iror;ll L of.vttrty flr,odirit4 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 200 1"1,1,_� 011re, izat"*11rmid1lI Cll�imiiirt ja�iirmli� 11� STORMWATER OPERA,nONS FISCAL YEAR 2021 22 Organizational Chart NPDES* Storm,water Coordinator (1) MORII I G I 1 wVT Operations Manager (0.2) NPDES* Illicit Discharge Insr)ector (1 Heavy Equipment Operator (1) Equipment Operator (4) Maintenance Worker (1) NPDES* Project Inspector (1) National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 201 Immmmmm The City of Ocoee is projecting $33M of revenue in FY2022, which represents a 4% increase over the prior year. Budgeted expenditures are projected to decrease by 8% or $4.5M to $33M in FY2022. $101MI $SIMI ,TAIMI $21MI 10, Actual Revenue Source 411� Budgeted Revenue Source 0 Actual Expenditures G Budgeted Expenditures City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 202 IlRevelirmilwiles IIISoluluirce Stormwater fees are charged to all developed properties within the city to pay for the cost of operating and maintaining the city stormwater utility management system and financing necessary repairs, replacements, and improvements. The fee is based upon the square footage of the dwelling or impervious area and the type of structure. Revenues received from sources other than fees are reported as miscellaneous revenue. 2022Il4ey iriti s ay Stauxrc,'�;;w Amer revenues taao io) City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 203 1,,"I, �Ageted al"id -fistark l 2022 ��4e\ ii-ities lay Soxii,c'. M 0 Cash Balance Licenses and Permits Intergovernmental $4 ID Other Financing 0 Other Revenues < < ct�e <01116� <0111�1 <cO� Name FY2019 Actual FY2020 Actual FY2021 Budgeted Revenue Source..., Cash Balance $0.00 3 ,,3 �6 Licenses and Permits $58,287.86 $39,968.11 $0.00 Other Financing $3,853,289.78 $4,522,850.00 $53,000.00 Other Revenues $3,501,340.59 $3,415,853.10 $3,596,747.00 Total Revenue Source: $7,412,91823 $7,978,67121 $4,493,123.00 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 204 iAgeted ay y,e Personnel Services (20r/o) Operating Expenses (6&6%) iAgeted aii,"iid II4ostoirk ay y,,,�e m m m $4 ■ Capital 0 Personnel Services Operating Expenses City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 205 Name Account ID FY2019 Actual,,,,. FY2020 Actual FY2021 FY2022 Budgeted Budgeted REGULAR SALARIES 103-538-20- $ 298396.32 $ 490357.51 $ 544250.00 $ 484174.60 1200 OVERTIME PAY 103-538 201400 $14,816.49 $14,931.17 $9,000.00 $11,000.00 FICATAXES 12003-0538 20 $23,722.26 $33643.75 $41,500.00 $37100 00 RETIREMENT CONTRIBUTIO 103-538 202200 $32,710.38 $66,187.00 $57,000.00 $50,600.00 HEALTH INSURANCE 10pp� 20 $194,643.85 $256,659.69 $138,500.00 $128700 00 LIFE INSURANCE 103-538 202301 $1,229.85 $1,785.47 $2,200.00 $2,200.00 DENTAL/VISION INSURANC 103-538 202302 $2,928.95 $3,738.28 $4,850.00 $4,500.00 ACCIDENT/DISABILITY IN 1003� 20 $2,448.83 $3,478.19 $3,689.46 $4,500.00 WORKERS COMP INS 103-538 202400 $334.67 $131,579.67 $37,500.00 $37,500.00 Unemployment Compensation 103-538-20- $3,300.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 2500 Total Physical Environment: $574,531.60 002 60.73 38 89.46 $76%274,60 Total Personnel Services: $574,531.60 $1,002,360.73 $838,489.46 $76%274.60 Operating Expenses Physical Environment LEGAL EXPENSE 103-538 20 $396235 $207000 $600000 $600000 3101 ENGINEERING EXPENSE 103-538-20- $93,175.44 $0.00 $0.00 3102 PROFESSIONAL SERV /OTH 103-538 203128 $34 51245 $219 698 60 $300 000 00 $250 000 00 ACCOUNTING AUDITING 103-538-20- $0.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 3200 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 103-538 203400 $65997.47 $53936.21 $24100000 $22000000 TRAVEL EXPENSE 103-538-20- $0.00 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 4000 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 103-538 204100 $5,286.45 $6,266.69 $5,500.00 $5,500.00 POSTAGE AND FREIGHT 103-538-20- $6.63 $2.51 $20.00 $20.00 4200 ELECTRIC EXPENSE 103-538 204300 $5,885.89 $6,322.74 $5,250.00 $5,250.00 WATER EXPENSE 103-538-20- $1,360.96 $1,400.12 $1,560.00 $1,560.00 4301 AUTO LIABILITYINS 103- 103- 538-20_ $1,092.69 $21,000.00 $23,100.00 4501 MULTI PERIL INS 103-538-20- $ 102372.63 $ 117506.96 $ 109383.31 $ 120321.64 4502 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 206 Name Account ID FY2019 Actual FY2020 Actual FY2021 FY2022 Budgeted Budgeted VEHICLE PARTS&REPAIR 103-538-20- $108,364.27 $84,899.83 $75,000.00 $75,000.00 4605 E UIPMENTMAINTENANCECONTRACTS Q 103-538-20- J $ 1380.52 2404.52 $„ 1000.00 2500.00 4606 MISCELLANEOUSEXPENSE 103-538-20- $ 6842.04 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 4902 OFFICE SUPPLIES 103-538 205100 $185.43 $800.00 $800.00 DEBTCOLLECTION EXPENSE 103-538-20- $0.00 $ 590667.00 5105 POLSUPPLIES 103-538 205200 $34,964.36 $33,610.86 $40,000.00 $42,000.00 UNIFORMS 103-538 20 $3,970.40 $4,892.03 $5,250.00 $5,250.00 5201 OPERATING SUPPLIES 103-538-20- $25316.90 $39,372.26 $40,000.00 $42,000.00 5202 RENTAL EQUIPMENT 103-538 205205 $1,212.00 $0.00 $7,000.00 $7,000.00 EMPLOYEE GIFTCERTIFICATE 103-538-20- $375.00 $375.00 $375.00 $375.00 5206 DISASTER SUPPLIES 103- 103- 538-20_ $2,278.76 $2,250.09 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 5224 E EQUIPMENT 999.99orless Q $ 103-538-20- $ 759.48 $ 269.94 $ 8800.00 $ 8800.00 5230 COMPUTER PERIPHERALS -SOFTWARE 103-53820 J $6,357.06 $252.13 $0.00 $0.00 UNDER$1000 5235 BOOKS SUBSCRIPTIONS 103-538-20- $ 1 200.00 $ 2900.00 $ 2900.00 5401 PROFESSIONAL DUES 103-538 205402 $800.00 $1,135.00 $1,535.00 $1,610.00 TRAINING EXPENSE 20 $819.00 $294.00 $2,000.00 $2100 00 540538 SANITARY LANDFILL 103-538 205500 $6,680.26 $35,948.14 $55,000.00 $55,000.00 Depreciation Expense 103-538 205900 $1,770,685.44 $1,995,912.83 $0.00 $0.00 COMMUNITY PROMOTIONS 103-538-20- $0.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 8200 TRANSFERS OUT 103-538 209000 $1,037,999.30 $2,749,893.05 $0.00 $0.00 TRANSFERS OUT-DEBTSER 103-538-20- $0.00 $0.00 $466,989.00 9100 TRANSFERS OUT ADMIN 103-538 209101 $785,591.53 $605,287.79 $936,160.00 $567,469.10 TRANSFERS OUT- R R 103-538-20- $0.00 $84,425.00 9104 Total Physical Environment: $4,013,78135 059 654.86 880 03331 2 601136.74 Total Operating Expenses: J $4,013,78135 J $6,059,654.86 $1,880,03331 $2,601,136.74 Capital City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 207 1"1,1,_� Name Account ID FY2019 Actual,,,,. FY2020 Actual FY2021 FY2022 Budgeted Budgeted Physical Environment LAND PURCHASE 103-538-20- $0.00 $8,800.89 $0.00 $0.00 6100 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 103-538 206302 $34,935.00 $6,000.00 $1,690,500.00 $320,000.00 EQUIPMENT 103-538-20- $0.00 $84,100.00 $11,500.00 6400 VEHICLES 103-538 20 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $101 500 00 6401 Total Physical Environment: $34,935.00 f $14,800.89 $1,774,600.00 $433,000.00 Total Capita. ...... .............. .. 1 1 $34,935.00 J $14,800.89 $1,774,600 00 $433,000 00 Total Expense Objects: $4,623,247.75 $7,076,816.48 $4,493,122.77 $3,794,41134 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 208 I IIIIIIIIIIIN IIIIIII IIIII City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 209 CIRA, lFtmuirmid III'iiiiii° IIIL � Ill�� lilt III������wlill� lll�°��wm1 f lhs fund accounts for d IIhe actkJtlles W/ildhin d-le y:il�ty's In..uln uull uil�t II?Ied evdII III uent Area. I r t call llllslll Ind !I in lt) X,, Ul Ir, Oc o n c'orninnuir[I!ty I ar d `elllr,Ipinneirl I su ,t irur,t, crow II<irlowlrl as I fifty M s L, nirlcorrvlpa „r., I,0/0 rar,irr,s allloirir; Ul In S rat r, I ?,o ad 50 conrldor. if II In ra(AlIsrut urns, rairsd Iprrar;irrairrvs r ffr,irr,ra vsriit II Iuirl uf:y MsL rain rarairrrviiirlu ,t r rrsra ILy Ul in Q?,A, ra sMrOrl it mirrvl vir board 1111 r, Cl ?,A 14,o aird coirIs is s of Ul Ir, fusrr's rnorrvll nIrs of Ul In c)r,onn City c'ortrvirtrvissloirl rairld two iiirlrausrid uralls taplpolrlLedILytIIInCity Corninnissloirl,orlr,Il'drlr; IrlornlinaLedILy Urrairlrfn County 1111 r, s?,A i Sr,rrirra iiirrvpllerneirssr, City I ar,llur,,y imr;rairdirlr �r,srr,Ilr,I airrrvr irlt tair'ld Ul In exlpeirlrauU.uirr, of fuir'lds, irr moused ILy Ul In %u,r;nrlr,yfrorn Ilocall Laxlirl(114 tautllloirillJos I?,ndrvelllr,lpinnr,�ir'rt; UV siruur,srain,rarsiriisrrra firorn aitIr,irrirn sirItcall fiiirai ditir . ifIIIr,CI?A II as Ul In call bulkily to iiirrvlplorr eirlL Iprr,r;irrairr s rairld I lrr,pr'r,ts Ul IaL lr uilll r;raveririnneirlLs Innay irIo , sudll Ira , Ilrasrr irrar;uirlr Iloc all Ipublic furl , WIL1111Ilpiriisrratr,dollllrairs 1111Ir,Corninn.ur[I!tyI?,ndrvelllopirneirit IsIsLiriir,t is se t r, suirseL in 20,36; Ilsr,vstever, fit irrvray IN, ext eroded t ra 1046 Ly Iloc all adJoin Airy funds it inn aillinllirlr; in t II Ir, CI ?,A UrusL fund oin Ul In s uirls,r:st (antra W111lll IN, irr'L uirirnd Lo Ul In r,r,irrt irullnut uirlr t raxuirlr a�j L II 1oir11 L 11('ss. ulls"Ilya 11 In Ipurlpose of Ul ir,' c)r,r,r a (ortrvirtnuIriuty I?,nd velllopirIneIrrP (,Jnirir,y Is tra forirn ullratrs ra worll<talblle Ipirrar;irrairry usurer rappirr peril atr, tairusrratr,rairlralpJbIlliic errs,( jrer,r,tr(A11iirn!!irirrU,airidpirr'`rr:,'IrI L tllir:, d( 'llo pirn( 'Ir I L oir °spirr'ad of Il Illur;ll 1 U 'd rairrva=s w!I Ul IUIrI Ul Ic:, I ufty W( sst ?r rar srrsllolairIn( 'IrIt I:;s11sUr 11 (A cars is 'IrI L w!I Ul I t:ll ir, ado ptr'd ( ornIrn�jirIuty lar'rar:IV( 'lllopirIn( IrI L I)llrairI 1 Ifty MsL Is ra vIlL all cornpoirleirlL of Ul In rairrsra rairld irrslplu s cirlt s raid caplpoirL uirliity for P:II"Ir' CI y tr, err snit rallii r t II In cortrvirnuirriity WI II r Ul In urraat oirlofpralU,,irsr, uirlfirsa=,tit ur,t.uirr, IbeautAfur,rat oirlIairr,pr'r,ts, sc,vst rairsd irerae` elllr,lped corninneirr,iirall, imUlIlll rairld II to usiirlr; ralatJoirlss, rairld ILy Irnprovirl(IJ Ul In q urallity of Iliif,e Ul iirr, si 11 I Iluf,rstylle r,ll Ir lces for irr,ssidnirlLs rairld Ib us,uirins,s r,vs inner=s. 1111 In I Ifty M sut (orninnuir[I!ty ar srrsllr,Iairrrs,r irlt, isllairi rairld sulUxqunlr[L pllsarlruurlr; uiruILI at uses sudl I as Ul Ir, laulJoL Areas Sper,iirall I sr srrsllr,I airrrs,r irlt, i,llairr Iprovides solllut Jets it rural 'd Lo Ilaird use Ipllrairsirsiurlr;, uirlfirras irur,L uim raft d sr, ir`ric( s, Ilsairld ramrdlr,l,irr eirlt im(I'vullrat oirls,, r corlorniie dr velllopirneirit, raft d rar,sut II Ir, JIc rar,r,ur ire Lo iiirrvlprove t II In `rut rallit;y of Ul In lar rarasrr IIr,I,irrrvr,+irlt I susUriic,t mitre IproinnoU, I Ifty MsL as ra " d(st fur IralJ oir I Iplltacell III IIII Ir w'l 1 w° 11 Inf ut uim for c)r;rar e's I Ifty MsL I?,ndr velllr,pirneirlt I:sIsLlrur,t dllud(ss cnirlt nirs of ` fill irrairlL, uirll:rrairs, irtrvuxr,ra.us n dr Inllopirtr eirlP t:II IaL provides r,irrll'srairlced Iperaes irurairl rairld tag. Lorrvr,lbillle corlirlr (Ali`ruty, flexible Ilaird .uses,, ra dii` eirse ecorlortnk, (base, ra irniix of II to ussiiirsc; tylpes, sa s1l haired imsslpoirlsibilllity of uirlfirrasUr.ur,t uirr+ fiiirlrairldirlr , Ipublic r,Iporl space raft d Ipairlk's, r,imat uirlr; raid r,irlll hair ced rrwar;n laird corlt orrvlporrairy dr velllr,pirneirlt forirn City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 210 Immmmmm The City of Ocoee is projecting $1.77M of revenue in FY2022, which represents a 9% increase over the prior year. In addition, the CRA is anticipating $2.25M in grant revenue. Budgeted expenditures are projected to increase by 64% or $6.2M vs $3.8M, due to an increase capital projects planned for FY22, including the Bluford Streetscape and the Wellness Park. $81MI $61MI $41MI $21MI Taxes (2&7%) III 1evelimillwiles 11by, soluluirce 2022 Il4e\ irities IIIy Soxrc,'. lei Actual Revenue Source 0 Budgeted Revenue Source 0 Actual Expenditures 4MJ Budgeted Expenditures Other Financing (36.59/6) City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 211 �Ageted al"id -fistark l 2022 ��4e\ ii-ities lay Soxii,c'. M M M $4 4111 Other Revenues Taxes Cash Balance 10, Other Financing RE $0 Name FY2019 Actual FY2020 Actual FY2021 Budgeted FY2022 Budgeted Revenue Source ...................................................... Cash Balance $0.00 $1,851,054.00 Taxes $1,224,117.03 $1,390,115.42 $1,625,087.00 Other Financing $589,504.19 $2,250,000.00 Other Revenues $0.00 $300,000.00 $0.00 Total Revenue Source: $11�224,117.03 $1,979,619.61 .................. $3,776,141.00 . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ....... $6,16%29�19 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 212 qll iAgeted ay y,e Per Operating Expenses ,ap.,.i k--) iAgeted aii,"iid II4ostoirk ay y,,,�e m m m RE Personnel Services Operating Expenses lei capital ,. ................ Name FY2019 Actual � FY2020 Actual 2 FY2021 Budgeted I 11� Budgeted REGULARSALARIES ...., ..,.,, $214,835.38 $186,000.00 ,,.FY2022 $261,722.88 FICATAXES $16,133.56 $18,999.00 $20,021.80 RETI REME NT CONTRI B UTION S $0.00 ( 1. $18,872.71 $25,175.00 $25,175.00 HEALTH INSURANCE $0.00 $35,069.42 $16,234.00 $16,234.00 LIFE INSURANCE $0.00 $779.64 $975.00 $1,052.13 DENTAL/VISION INSURANCE $0.00 $1,007.93 $569.00 $569.00 ACCIDENT/DISABILITY INSURANCE $0.00 $1,402.18 $2,007.00 $2,007.00 WORKERS COMP INSURANCE $0.00 $1,468.10 $4,257.00 $4,477.38 Total CPA. $0.00 $294,019 55 $257,816.00 $334,85939 Total Personnel Services: $0.00 $294,01955 $257,816.00 $334,85939 Operating Expenses ...., . CPA LEGAL FEES $3,127.50 $1,651.00 $11,400.00 $8,000.00 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $1,925.00 $4,968.11 $120,000.00 $155,000.00 ACCOUNTING AUDITING $0.00 $5,500.00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 126 674.73 $57,355.46 $300 000 00 $275 000 00 TRAVELEXPENSE $1,539.00 $2,060.98 $10,00000 $10,000.00 TELEPHONE EXPENSE $2,715.72 $2,184.11 $3,800.00 $3,800.00 POSTAGE FREIGHT 9 9 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 WATER EXPENSE $73,632.43 $20,000.00 $40,000.00 PRINTING AND BINDING $2,643.30 $1,954.00 $4,500.00 $4,500.00 RESERVE FOR NIN C $0.00 $50,000 00, $50 000 00,,,,,,, ADMINISTRATION LEGALADS $350.07 $284.13 $600.00 $600.00 OFFICESUPPLIES $328.87 J $980.10 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 POLSUPPLIES $18.97 $500.00 $500.00 UNIFORMS $0.00 $275.00 OperatingSupplies $484.72 $404.83 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 COPYING EXPENSE $705.34 $200.58 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 COMPUTER PERIPHERAILS /SOFTWARE UNDER $1,000 $666.92 $2,177.95 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 BOOKS/SUBSCRIPTIONS $63.51 $449.51 $525.00 $1,000.00 PROFESSIONAL DUES $2,210.00 $2,920.00 $2,500 00 $2 500 00 TRAINING EXPENSE $2,798.00 $865.00 $5,00000 $5,000.00 COMMUNITY PROMOTIONS $15,000.00 $1,199.00 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 PUBLIC RELATIONS DEVELOPMENT 0 601 4 0 0 $10,000 00 $10 000 00 TRANSFERS OUT $220,896.96 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total CPA $382,774.48 $153,41535 $559,825.00 $592,675.00 Total Operating Expenses: $382,774.48 f $153,41535 $559,825.00 $592,675.00 Capital CPA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS $502,433.86 $1,452,215.58 $2,958,500.00 $5,241,762.00 Vehicles $0.00 $25,611.00 $0 00 $0 00 Total CPA $502,433.86 $1,477,82658 $2,958,500.00 $5,241,762.00 44 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 214 Name FY2019 Actual ,. FY2020 Actual,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ...., � 2 ..,.,, FY2021 Budgeted I ,,.FY2022 Budgeted Total Capital $502,433.86 $1,477,82658 $2,958,500 00 $5,241,762 00 .. .... ,... .... 4 Total Expense Objects $885,20834 $1,925,261.48 $3,776,1 100 $6,16%29 19 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 215 1,,"I, III IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIN IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIN IIIIIII IIIO IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII IIIII City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 216 �f fis fund a ccounts for Il ranqportation (I?Ioad) Ilin..gpact fees. IlRoad 111IiimmIiimct qpact fees n �a��� uee4or purl nningcqAs�t�on�,)ans�on a i�id de\4q,)iment of off siite iiin qprov&n uents to dhe iiroad qyst&n eterin 6ned to Ibe needed to offset Uhe impactsof new de\/6q,)�n �ent WU-I�n Uhe 0ty of Ocoee. stuIII limmhill mnall�, The City of Ocoee is projecting $2.76M of revenue in FY2022, which represents a 16.7% increase over the prior year. Budgeted expenditures are projected to be $600,000 with $2.16M allocated to reserves. $31MI $21MI $1 ICI < < < < 0 Actual Revenue Source Phi Budgeted Revenue Source Actual Expenditures 411, Budgeted Expenditures City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 217 $3 $25 $2 TM $05 $0 III Revelimillwiles Iby, soluluirce 2022 Il4e\ irities IIIy Soxi,c'. -- --n- k.--) iAgeted aii,"iid II-fistark IV 2022 Ik4e\ uotie 1ay Soxi,c'. < < <c4 t� <0111�1 <01161 0 Charges and Fees 01 Other Revenues Name FY2019 Actual FY2020 Actual FY2021 Budgeted F Y 2 0 2 2 Budgeted Revenue Source Charges and Fees $100,000.00 $0.00 Other Revenues $2,756,016.63 $2,548,877.50 $2,362,942.00 $2,758,335.00 ------------------- Total Revenue Source: $2,756,016.63 $2,648,877.50 I $2,362,942.00 ----------- - $2,758,335.00 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 218 qll iAgeted ay y,e Capital (29%) Operating Expenses (71%) iAgeted aii,"iid II4ostoirk ay y,,,�e M M M $I s 0 Capital 10, Operating Expenses $05 $0 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillillillillillillilliillillilillillilI < < Name Account ID "19 Actual FY2020 Actual FY2021 Budgeted If FY2022 Budgeted Expense Objects TRANSFERS OUT-DEBTSER 106-541-00-9100 $888,530 82 $0.00 $0.00 J $0.00 Total Transportation: $888,530.82 $0.00 $2,362,942.00 J $11058,335.00 Total Operating Expenses: $888,530.82 $0.00 $2,362,942.00If $1,958,335.00 Capital Transportation CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 106-541-00-6302 $471,000.76 $152,249.64 $0.00 $800,000.00 Total Transportation: $471,000.76 $1152,249.64 $0.00 $800,000.00 Total Capital: -------------------- ........ $471,000.76 ------------- — $1152,249.64 ---------- $0.00 $800,000.00 ----------------- Total Expense Objects J $1,359,531.58 $1152,249.6' J $2,362,942 00 $2,758,335.00 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 220 �f Ihis fund a cc. ounts for dhe 0 Ly's hnqpact hn qpact n �ust I�,,)e used sddy for dhe puqpose of 11011111re 111�11mm�jjpact IlFee III FtwIII IIIImild a cq u j i st i�i o f fa c t i es a iii d e q u j ii I�,D n u e iii t d e te n i ed t o Ih)e �i ieeded t IharovJde f i e Ilcir�tec.tiai for ii iew devdqan u& it wiidhin dhe Oty. stuIII limmilmnall�, 1111111111 jj��� I� $8(X)K %WK ,TA (X) I K $2(X)IK $0 <k0l�, < �,�d,, 0 Actual Revenue Source G/ Budgeted Revenue Source 0 Actual Expenditures Q�I Budgeted Expenditures City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 221 $0 7 $06 $05 $04 $0 3 $02 $01 $0 III Revelimillwiles 11by, soluluirce 2022 Il4e\ irii,ies IIay Soxi,c'. ­­ never-- k.—) iAgeted aii,"iid II-fistarkn 2022 Ik4e\ iril,ies 1ay Soxi,c'. < c�o' < c�e <c4 t� <0111�1 <01161 19, Other Revenues .... .... .... ..... .... ..... ..... .... .. .... .... Name FY2019 Actual FY2020 Actual FY2021 Budgeted lFY2 " 0 " 2 " 2 Budgeted " " " " " " " Revenue Source Other Revenues INTEREST EARNINGS $29,103.63 $40,875.25 $17,810.00 $22,859.82 FIRE IMPACT FEE RESIDENTIAL J $331,992.00 $209,880.00 $330,720.00 $424,491.79 FIRE IMP NON RESIDENTIAL $120,379.06 $263,590.82 $138,935.00 $178,328.39 Total Other Revenues: $4811,474,69 $514,346.07 $" 7A,65.00 11 8 6 11 - 0 11 . 11 0 11 0 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 222 Name FY2019 Actual FY2020 Actual FY2021 Budgeted FY2022 Budgeted ----------- -------- ­­ ­ -- ---------- Total Revenue Source: $481,474,69 $514,346.07 $487,465.00 $625,680.00 $0 7 $06 $05 $04 $0 3 $02 $01 $0 iAgeted ay y,e '�Nxlgeted aii,"iid II-4istoirk, ay "I'lC", y <�O� 01 Operating Expenses Name Account ID FY2020 Actual FY2021 Budgeted FY2022 Budgeted City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 223 Name Account ID FY2020 Actual FY2021 Budgeted FY2022 Budgeted I Expense Objects Operating Expenses Public Safety BUDGETRESERVE 107-522-00-9095 $0.00 $487,465.00 $625,680.00 Total Public Safety: If $0.00 $487,465.00 $625,680.00 Total Operating Expenses: I $0.00 $487,465.00 $625,680.00 -------------------- Total Expense Objects: ........................................ I .................... . . . . . ..... $0.00 ..... $487,465.00 $625,680.00 4Y�4 City of 0.... I Budget Book 2022 1 " "I, Page 224 n dhs fund, dhe 0ty a ccounts for ��)olke Ilin..gpact oIke in qpact n uust II,,,)e used soI4y for Uhe purI,)ose of IIP611,11ce 111�11MM�112,act IFee III Ftwii imild a cq ui � s� t � o �i i o f fa c t � es a ii i d e q � i ll,D n u e �� i t d e te n i ed t Ibe �i i e eyed to Ih,) �i-o\/ i de Ilcclliice -o t ec t � o i� i fo iew d eve ll o �hc'I u e �I t wiiUhin Uhe Qty. Ems= The City of Ocoee is projecting $488,247 of revenue in FY2022, which represents a 26% increase over the prior year. Budgeted expenditures are projected to decrease by 61% primarily due to reduced reliance upon fund balance reserves to balance the budget. < k0l�, < �y� 0 Actual Revenue Source Phi Budgeted Revenue Source Actual Expenditures Budgeted Expenditures City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 225 $15 $125 $1 $075 TM $05 $025 $0 III Revelimillwiles 11by, soluluirce 2022 Il4e\ irii,ies IIIy Soxi,c'. -- --n- k-.. -) iAgeted aii,"iid II-fistark IV 2022 Ik4e\ iril,ies 1ay Soxi,c'. < < �t�e <c4 t� <0111�1 <cO� 0 Cash Balance lei Other Revenues Name FY2019 Actual FY2020 Actual FY2021 Budgeted FY2022 Budgeted Revenue Source Cash Balance BEGINNING CASH BALANCE $0.00 $876,490.00 $4,312.00 Total Cash Balance: $0.00 $876,490.00 $4,312.00 Other Revenues City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 226 Name FY2019 Actual FY2020 Actual FY2021 Budgeted FY2022 Budgeted INTEREST EARNINGS $15,281.43 $14,900.92 $2,000.00 $2,508.57 POLICE IMPACT FEES $261,575.88 $165,413.20 $150,312.00 $387,304.00 POL IMPACT FEES -NON RE $84,520.59 $185,098.98 $231,513.00 $94,122.00 Total Other Revenues: j��67;9O $365,413.10 $383,825.00 $483,934.57 ------------------- Total Revenue Source: $361,377.90 ................ $365,41330 . $11,260,3115.00 ..... $488,246.57 IIII!I!lili 0 iii IIII11by, iAgeted ay y,e Operating Expenses (31.4%) Capital (68.6%) City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 227 iAgeted aii,"iid II4ostoiril ay y,,,�e M M $ 5 0 7, 0 Operating Expenses 0 Capital $05 .......................................................... $025 $0 Name AccountlD FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Actual Actual Budgeted Budgeted Expense Objects Operating Expenses UNIFORMS 108-521-00- $0.00 $10,000.00 5201 E QU I P M E N T ($999.99 or I ess) 108-521-00- $0.00 $19,15000 5230 COM PUTE R PE RI PH E RALS SO FRAIARE U N D E R 108-521-00- $0.00 $3,500.00 $1,000 5235 PRINCIPAL 108-521-00- $111,000.00 $105,900.00 $103,208.00 $110,700.00 7100 Interest Expense 108-521-00- $20,826.78 $9,819.98 $9,897.00 $9,897.00 7200 BUDGET RESERVE 108-521-00- $0.00 $1,147,210.00 $0.00 9095 Total Operating Expenses: $131,826.78 $115,719.98 $11,260,3115.00 $1153,247.00 Capital CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 108-521-00- $0.00 $47,000.00 6302 EQUIPMENT 108-521-00- $95,431.12 $51,000.00 6400 VEHICLES 108-521-00- $167,482.00 $223,000.00 6401 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 108-521-00- $1,458.98 $14,000.00 6405 Total Capital: $0.00 $264,372.10 $335,000.00 Total Expense Objects: J $131,826.78 $380,092.08 $1,260,315.00 $488,247.00 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 228 he 0ty uses Uhs fund to account for ?Iecreation inqpact ees. fiese funds iimust Il,,)e used soIVy for Uhe Ipuir� ,)ose of )lanning, acqAsion, ex,)ansiion and de\4q,)�ment of off si to ii n u lhcrov&n u& its to dhe cy's iirec.ii eati oii ia Il syst&n deteii-i�,imilliedtoIh)eiiieededtooff�ettl�-ieit?gp,3(�-"t.sofiiiew de\/6q,)in it WU-iii ii i Uhe city. Off ste i in qprov&n & its are i n qprov&n its t ii ecarea tioii 4 prq,Derty qpon Wh�c�h dwekiing units MHI hje constructed, stululimmilmnall, The City of Ocoee is projecting $1.2M of revenue in FY2022, which represents a 49% increase over the prior year. Budgeted expenditures are projected to increase by 363% or $695,000, while still contributing $510,880 to budget reserves for future capital needs. $1.51MI $1.251MI $1 ICI $7501K 11�1 116, <01 <0 lei Actual Revenue Source 0 Budgeted Revenue Source 0 Actual Expenditures 4MJ Budgeted Expenditures City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 229 $15 $125 $1 $075 TM $05 $025 $0 III Revelimillwiles 11by, soluluirce 2022 Il4e\ irities IIIy Soxi,c'. -- --n- k.--) �Ageted aii,"iid -fistark �� 2022 ��4e\ ii-ities ay Soxi,c'. < < �t�e <c4 t� <0111�1 <cO� 19, Other Revenues Name FY2019 Actual FY2020 Actual FY2021 Budgeted FY2022 Budgeted Revenue Source Other Revenues INTEREST EARNINGS $49,883.36 $43,640.96 $0.00 $0.00 REC IMPACT FEES-COMMUN $814,320.00 $514,800.00 $811,200.00 $1,205,880.00 Total Other Revenues: $864,203.36 $558,440.96 $8%200.00 $11,205,880.00 Total Revenue Source: $864,203.36 $558,440.96 $8%200.00 $11,205,880.00 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 230 Capital (4111%) m m qll iAgeted ay y,e Operating Expenses (51.9%) iAgeted aii,"iid II4ostoiriay y,,,�e $0 75 0 Capital Operating Expenses $05 $025 $0 Name f Account„ID,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, FY2019 Actual FY2020 Actual FY2021 Budgeted FY2022 Budgeted BUDGETRESERVE 110 572 00 9095 $0.00 $661,20000 $510,880.00 Total Operating Expenses: $138,902.76 $132,27650 $811,200.00 $625,880.00 Capital Park Improvements 110-572-00-6204 $61,610.51 $0.00 $0.00 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 110-572-00-6302,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 431853.30 $289,898.17 $0.00 $580,000.00 Total Capital - .,.,. $431,85330 $351,508 68 -"I'.,.. $0.00 - $580,000 00 Total Expense Objects $570,756.06 f $483,78538 $811,200.00 $1,205,880 0 O City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 232 mud, umu mud, m muuuum muuuum umu muuum City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 233 c�' 112,'�Iilltdll� 01irmell"yealir II III 11111 ataIll CalpllilltaIll lRequested 54 Calpritall Ilimplroveimen't Projects rrital IIN,uljundiing lZequested II II[)qpairtimeint 1@1 Maintena rice Operado ns (0%) $47 000.00 Storrymater Operatic.ms (3%) $320, 000.00 Street Operatic.ms (9Y)) �Y.)o.00 Par ks (6%) 000.00 Prreadon (1%) $115,000.00 CPA (29%) $3,200,000.00 Wastewater F: jeld Operations (16%) $1,760,415.00 Ob Water F:ield Operations (16%) $),789,993.38 Water F: acilitic.n (0%) $45,000.00 Wastemater F: aclhtkS (16%) $),72.0, 71.8 S.ipportServjcc.n Ad min (2%) $251,150.00 TOTAL $10,863,430.23 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 234 C11RA III Diu Itemized Requests for 2CY22 Wellness Park Construction Construction of a new park located within the Ocoee Community Redevelopment Area, along the east side of S. Bluford Avenue between SR 50 and Old Winter Garden Road. This new 5 acre parkwill include a perimeter walking path, performance... S. Bluford Complete Street Project In 2021, the CRA merged the dollars identified for both S. Bluford Streetscape and the S. Bluford/Geneva Interection together to create the S. Bluford Complete Street project. This project includes the addition of a multipurpose path,... N. Blackwood Avenue Streetscape & Roundabout N. Blackwood Avenue Streetscape includes the addition of a roundabout at Montgomery Avenue, added landscape medians and new lighting. Other improvements include new sidewalks and paving. This project is in final design. We will need to... Acquisition/Developer's Incentives Funds allocated will be used to assist potential developers and existing property owners to address blight issues on their specific properties or businesses and/or for CRA acquisition of specific parcels in the redevelopment area. If the grant is... City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 1",,A, Page 235 III Iliullliu�flio ili�flio� Ilili�flio IIIIV iu� iul ili�flio IlRequiests Itemized Requests for 2CY22 Fire Station 25 Dumpster Enclosure $20,000 Build a dumpster enclosure for Fire Station 25. Vignetti Rec Center Roof Replacement $27,000 Roof Replacement Stairinnwateir IlRequiests Itemized Requests for 2CY22 General Stormwater Improvements $320,000 General capital improvements to maintain the existing system. . 6 6 6 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 236 StirIlRequiests Itemized Requests For 2CY22 Resurfacing Reflections Subdivision 1" milling and resurfacing Reflections Neighborhood: Sparkling Water Circle Shimmering Sand Drive Cool Springs Circle Turtle Lake Court Clarke Road Pavement Repairs Milling and resurfacing southbound Clarke Road north of White Road intersection and southbound left turn lane into West Oaks Town Center. Resurfacing South Maguire Road SR 50 to Turnpike Bridge 1.5" milling and resurfacing from SR 50 to the bridge over the Turnpike. Resurfacing Hidden Glenn Subdivision 1" milling and resurfacing Hidden Glenn Subdivision: Stricker Drive Katch Court Griffin Court Liela Lee Court Andre Court Resurfacing Johio Glenn Subdivision $106,900 1" milling and resurfacing Johio Glenn subdivision: Dovetail Drive Clarke Road and AD Mims Road Traffic Signal Span Wire Replacement $45,000 Replace the span wires for the traffic signals at Clarke and AD Mims Roads Bluford Avenue and Silver Star Road Traffic Signal Span Wire Replacement $38,000 Replace the span wires for the traffic signals at Bluford Avenue and Silver Star Road. This is potential FDOT reimbursement. Clarke and White Roads Traffic Signal Controller and Video Detection Upgrade $22,000 Replace and upgrade the traffic signal controller and video detection system at the intersection of Clarke and White Roads Clarke Road & SR 50 Mast Arm Upright Replacement $122,000 Replace the mast arm upright pole damaged by a vehicle at northwest corner of the Clarke Road and SR 50 intersection. Potential FDOT reimbursement. . •rr City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 237 1,,"I, IiPaiidlks IlRequiests Iteirnized Requests for 2(Y22 Jim Beech Complex Improvements $50,000 Athletic Field Improvements, Signage, Field Lights Maguire House Improvements $100,000 Replace Natural Turf with Synthetic Turf Park Playground $75,000 Replace Playground Vignetti/Fitness Room Remodel $15,000 Remodel Vignetti Center into the City Fitness Room Tennis/Pickleball Court Renovation $170,000 Renovate tennis court at Tiger Minor Park City Skate Park $250,000 Add Skate Park to a Designated Park Dugout Remodel $10,000 Remodel Sorenson Dugouts Storage Shed $20,000 Storage shed for equipment III iu� iul ili�flio IIIlRequiests Itemized Requests for 2CY22 Jim Beech Recreation Center $100,000 New Floor and Wall Pads Jim Beech Center Improvements $15,000 Remodel Fitness Room Area . err City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 238 1"1,1,_� ili llll11,) lJ Iilir ilia iil eIilnn ll lllilrm, IlRequiests Itemized Requests for 2CY22 Lakeshore Center Recording & Broadcast Capability $27,350 Modify existing AV system to support onsite digital video recording and broadcasting capabilities. New City Hall Voice & Data Network $96,800 Provide network infrastructure equipment, environmental monitoring sensors, and whole -room backup power with lighting in lst Floor server room and 3rd Floor switch room. Includes cost of labor to relocate equipment from existing City Hall and to... City Campus Fiber Connection $22,000 Construct underground fiber optic cable connection between the new City Hall and the existing City Hall Annex n order to preserve connectivity. This capital project preserves the existing network topology and is in lieu of a monthly CenturyLink.. Disaster Recovery Site Hardening $20,000 Add battery backup power and air conditioning to the disaster recovery server/data room at Police Department Headquarters Building. The site's generator is prone to prolonged outages. The disaster recovery site at this location operates as a... Contingency for Access Control Updates The contractor for the new City Hall has selected the Genetec access control and security camera platform for the building. This platform is not compatible with the existing S2 NetBox system used throughout the city. We will need to replace the S2... r City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 1",,A, Page 239 Wastewateir IIIII 'luul IIIIIId IlRequiests Itemized Requests for 2CY22 SR 429 Reclaimed Crossing This project consists of the directional drill of 12" HDPE reclaimed water pipe with 18" casing pipe under State Road 429, The purpose of this project is to provide a point of connection for the Ocoee Village Center Development Project... Wholesale Re -sale Master Meter Assembly $10,000 Wholesale Re -sale Master Meter Assembly Sewer/Reclaim Line Upsize Associated with Development Sewer/Reclaim Line Upsize Associated with Development Bluford Corridor - Construction This project consists of the design and construction of a new City Lift Station and Sanitary Sewer System, extension of Reclaimed Water, relocation of an existing water main and the abandonment of a 4" AC water main. Sanitary Sewer Manhole Replacement Program $30,000 Sanitary Sewer Manhole Replacement Program Annual Gravity Main Repair and/or Lining $50,000 Annual Gravity Main Repair and/or Lining Major Station Pump Spare in Inventory (47hP) $32,000 Major Station Pump Spare in Inventory (47hP) Alley Way Sewer, East and West Phases $300,000 This project consists of the extension of the Sanitary Sewer along the alley way between W Oakland Ave and W Mckey St. Clarke FM Relocation Phase 1 $115,000 Clarke FM Relocation Design and Phase I Palm Dr Force Main $163,000 Palm Dr Force Main Relocation Floral Street Sanitary Sewer The installation of approximately 1,500 linear feet of 8-inch gravity sewer pipe and five 4-foot manholes along Floral Street and Sills Alley between S Bluford Ave and S Kissimmee Ave to collect wastewater from approximately 20 parcels. City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 1"1,1,_� Page 240 ateilr IIIII 'luul IIIIIId IlRequiests Itemized Requests for 2CY22 Water Line Upsize Associated with Development $125,000 Water Line Upsize Associated with Development Blackwood Construction $87,734 This project consists of the relocation of the existing 8" water main and force main around conflicts due the design of a roundabout on Blackwood Avenue Annual Major Water Line Replacement & Upgrade Program $500,000 Annual Major Water Line Replacement & Upgrade Program Fire Hydrant - Replacement and New $35,000 Fire Hydrant - Replacement and New Lauren Beth Water Main Extension Design and Construction $1,04Z259 This project consists of extending an existing 12" water main to complete a loop in the water transmission system. Design - $46,070.74 & Construction - $996,188 ateilir IIIII'� iullllllllliul Iliul IlRequiests Itemized Requests for 2CY22 Annual Water Plant Minor Repairs and Upgrades $45,000 Annual Water Plant Minor Repairs and Upgrades City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 241 Wastewateir IIIII'� iullllllllliul Iliul IlRequiests Iternized Requests for 2CY22 Annual Wastewater Plant Minor Repairs and Upgrades $35,000 Annual Wastewater Plant Minor Repairs and Upgrades Ocoee Wastewater Plant Power Upgrade Design $223,500 This project consists of design, construction, and upgrade to the Wastewater Treatment Plant's existing power supply system. The existing power supply has been in place since 1999 and the plant's electrical capacity has reached its limit.... Chlorine Contact Chamber Retractable Covers Chlorine Contact Chamber Retractable Covers Ocoee Wastewater Plant 2.0 mg Ground Storage Tank Design 1. e This Project consists of adding an additional 2 million gallon reclaimed storage tank, piping and adding a control valve to connect the new tank to the existing tank. In addition, the project will plan (conceptual design) for a second high service... Ocoee Wastewater Plant High Service Pump/ North Transmission Main (Design) This project consists of a High Service Pump Facility and Piping to create additional pumping capabilities for the City Reclaimed Water System (See Map for Ocoee Wastewater Plant North Transmission to Distribution Main). Ocoee Wastewater Plant High Service Pump/ North Transmission Main This project consists of a Reclaimed Main Extension into the North Service Area. This project is in conjunction with the projects to expand the City's reclaimed pumping capability. City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 1",,A, Page 242 c�' 11"),lilltd1l� 5 y6alir II Ilairm 11111 ataIll CalpllilltaIll lRequested 104 Calpritall Ilimpiroveimen't Projects Total Funding Requested by Department 202.2. 202.3 2024 Em 0 Street Operations INN-reation 01 Wastewater FkM Operations 'dw IFire Wastewater Faciftles S Support Servica� Admin $61M $-12 IM Valm 0 Stormwater Opraflons 411 IF 0 CRA 0 Wate.r IF1aM Operations wate.rIf adifles 0 Police 0 Expnditura� $10,863,43,023, $22,40.6,012.87 $10,520,708,00 $5,205,784,00 $65,7511YI City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 243 C11RA,IIIII iiiir Request Furidlirig y' Ye It'Tbtall 21/22 2212. 2' /2.4 24/2y52.15/2.6 c;quuisitifmmurm/litm��m�mlllm',mllmm�mur „llunom.m�uno�ui�m� � � C11mA � � 4°30,000��.,,,. r.0,(700 1100,000 1100,000 � 1100,(700 I1100,0(:0 1113llIa c;llla mmmm J Aveinue turmomt m mmllrmm+�m�ty ?A l fr.;li0,(7(. 0 r.m(, 0,000 II,2�0,(700 S.IBllltumtmmurm't t mmornollrmlllqmtm Sturm mmt, Iimurmmtmmt C14''A 6i,'Ai0,(7(: 0 Ar 0,000 i,(7(; 0,000 i,000,000 Girair"mtd'f'Tbtall 8,950,000 00,0003,600,0004,3,e°w0,000 '100,000 '100,000 IIIII �� < iuu� IIIIII!li�iiiiiiiiillllll iuuuuu�fliol,,,, Request Tide twmmiemyiuieyy 5Year 'tamtaalV 2:'1/2.2. 22./2.7 2.7/24 24/2.5 2.5/26 mturinuGuirmGisturWitiim'murm Ilrrvurii° mm.yr ahem airmmt scmurmmt iaurmmmmtGiurmty ,.,,. ,.,,. ,.,,. Op 112ov V".,rt rtrtrt p".,rt rtrtrt Cllea. in ulrum cmlld a�,�w.murui urauruigm„m Op 112ov vx)C ()()C1 pC1C1,C1C1C1 . Flire Stathmin 25 r:Xiinnoll7 s teir Op 11 dov 20000 20000 ire Stathmin3t'ffi 4!I"lfli,.arl'"od 2790.000 2.790000 t;twmurm Iitaarmtym„m p 112ryv vx)C ()()() nC1C1,CIC1C1 lurmteirkmur ureirnommmtmmIII ,,,,, , Op 112ov Vrt rtrtrt pCt rtrtrt i'mmmlllmm m If tm'"II murtunnom�mun rum of Ilrmen Ilrm';mmmt Wallrlom't IfllrmswmWmtlllmmllrm 4 lrrfii,.ardract p",,Cl C1C1C1 p",Cl C1C1C1 t'm m,mmllruitliltywmllrm^ paturm;mll Wmym amllrmmt Clllr't bullll dam„mural Op 112ov vx)C C1f1C1 pC1C1 CIC1C1 f'm m m'muruitGiyywmurm tura hrmGiurmmy ircxmirins tmm su lllallammurt IIlairtyeur tyllrm'm illlps Op 112ov n",,Cl C1C1C1 n",,Cl C1C1C1 ttiomyurmmyttii INN: Ceirdeir Iitmmmm't Iftm IlmlllWmm;mmunnummuruit p 112rav 2/000 74000 Grand tamtaalV 6,387,000 "uptttt Mt2000 2.27002000 2.27002000 IIIII �� < iuu� IIIIII!I!lili� iuiuuillllViuu1 iuu�fliol� Request Tide twmmiemyiuieyy 5 Year 'tamtaalV 211/22, 22./2.7 2.7/242, /2.7 27/26 City Camunnollpus li llbeir a,mmurmurmm m'; ti1m'murm Op INov 22 000 22 000 t:mmurmtuiurmtym,rurmm:yr'tm;mur Ac.x;ess m" cxrmturm;mlll Updates p 11 fav ,3"i,rtrtrt ", rtrtrt . A m tmmur II'� tm m,mmmmeir„ Site II Illa'murmtm urmuiurmyy v 2tt 000 2r1 000 . 11 amllke Ilhmmmore Ceirdeir lINN.m',murd iurmmy & IW'turcmWmdc;as t Callpallbillityop 11 rf v 74'i() 27,i"i( New City II IIIWmllllll Ifturcmamdc;ast Ii ac;illIIGi'tym IlArm(toituim,aatGimmorms Op INov 20 000 20000 . New City II IIIWmllllll ttmAc m% & If )tam IMcAmnam;murlla Op INov Grand tamtaalV 2712IV;ytt 2.5112I50 2.0,000 llpalldllks &III uu� uui uu�fliol Request fw•ur°mtdflulr°m y' Ye It'Tbtall 2'1/22 2212. 2' /2.4 24/2y'� .15/ t t;munnom�tm��mur2lim��urmm,muno0 Gllmrsv l,t)t)t„1 C urmturmill IF)aurlla Ii eirmm:m° atifm:muno r:: p11�sv lr.�0,(7(:0 lr 0,(7(:i(.i City Wm mtm���m Iimamurlla (Mhol, Ilrr7lr,a�ud II oos 2.0,000 2�;0,000 f`hmmymmwmt l6't'm urinommm1elll Op 11 fsv Minn Iftm ec;lllhm Ceirdeir p 11 rf�,v lr.:a,(7(:0 b,000 Minn Iftm m c;lllhm m cxrnollrmlllmm.� Ilunnollmurm:m°�m unnom%uno'tm' p 11�sv r.0,(700 r;0,(7(: 0 Minn IEleem.11hm Iftm m,urm am'tuimmurm Ceirdeir p Ilmt;v m,7 IlmmwuiseIlunnollaurmmmmm+rurinom%urmtms p 11l f;v mmywmuiure l6)airlla llunotqrurllrvurmYtamtaf°vm iumyurpige& urinoeirmuitium a„r;14''?A r.0,000 r0,000 a°,tm,mmmx%Ceirm:t,eirymIlurinollaurmmmmmrurinommurmt pIlmt;v 200,000 200,(:7(:0 6)airlla Iimlllamyaryurcmwmunom't„ p 11 f'sv Ar ,000 Ar ,000 rm��urm�»mmorm m"° mom",mmormm,m%�»r«mmmorm ta�auri .gym omt r:)'r:Prr.i Ilrrar,rrd II t,;,a; IIFaG:i,(7(7(i Il�maG7,(7(.i(:i Stmmor mtye S111hmmmmt p Ilmt:v 20,000 20,000 K.yyr m rio urmtllhmm tifm; twumurt li eirmmwatifmmo r::)Ir,llrr;,sv ° m(: 0,(7(: 0 r;00,000 nounom Iimuim�,IIaIIIm II Wallllll Omwmurt litm' irmmm atfmmur tt / io r:)'V:Irr i IIr77ra,rd II t.;.rx Ilf(.i,(7(7(i II"f(7,(7(.i(.i „ 7 tmlllllltmm���lllmtli. iom urmmyttm If' m omyllhmts allmt;v iumyurmmyttif Fmamurlla Ilunnollrvurmmvm%unnommunot' p11l f;�sv r.0,000 r0,000 Vigirmytti/lIltiness If't'mmmmurino lfteirinom.m 1elll p 11 f;'sv lr.:a,(700 b,(700 m Illlllurmm .m. 16 airllm a,m;muno turwmm,tifm; �»�» m mono r:ar°aarru.Tx 2,2r.0,(7(7(72,2�;0,(700 Girair°mtdf "t u'tall 4a611,000 ,2.1 °w,tytyty'°700,tyty0696,000 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 244 1,,,, l,, IlRoad Ca IIIIV" uui' , Request Tid fw•urmtdflulr°m .,,,. t°wY(mir'TbtM 't/ 1 / 4 4/.1w .15/ 6 mguhrmmli�xmmmdIi)llhmmmse r,llm r.,11100,00 100,(7(70 2,ra00,0002,r.00,000 mtmguhre lit.mmammt V Ii lglllhoit m;mt Way 4lrrfri,.andod 0111 t Winter Gairmtein Iitmmammt IW'Ixtq%urmm*1lmmurm 11�o:A IIrnjo,ai A Il oos Girair"mtd'f TbtM 9,800,000 1,000,000 '100,000 a CCaCCC ,500,000 IlRoadIIIIV uu� iiiii uu�fliol Request uest'tiiud ,rllvm�irStairlitmmmmmttoramttlom;�,',,,,,,„,,,,,,,„,,,,,,,„,,,,,,,„,,,,,,,„,,,,,,,„,,,,,,,„,,,,,,,„,,,,,,,„,,,,,,,„,,,,,,,. fw•urmtdflulr°m SY(mir TbtM 21/ 12. ' / 4^ 4/ .15 2.15/2.6 E:tlllmmtmmurd Aveinue m''mllrm a Sil a Gigurmmmlll Spain Mire Iitm Il lllamm,mlmurinumlmurut Op Il t;v ,p"o(. o ,p"o(. o ClIl murllke ai nmt WIlhite Iitmmam(ts "ur mttlom, Sigirpill m",mmlrmtllrmmllllllm+ it mmurmmt Vklecm If tm tecAkmn UlIl tturmmmtmlm o Il t;v 22,(7(: 0 22,(7(: 0 :III murllam Ii xmammt and SIR, tuft Mast Aururinu UlllpuriigIlhit fm Il lllamm,mlmurinumlruruit Op 11 t;v 1122,000 1122,000 :ClIlairlIke i xmammt mmurmmt Ii) II hrinns Iitmm mmt "Itllrmmtl%lom„ Sigirpill Illpamurm Wire :)Ira Il sv 4- ,000 4r.a,(7(: 0 ClIllmurllke Iixmammt Iimmmveirineirmt Iitellpmmlfur' rallmr;�sv °0,�iiG:0 r0,�iiG:0 ,es urtamm,Giurg ClIllairllke Iitmmammt Silllmmmmur Stair tmm Atli) 11 Gmrinum« Op I1�ov € 72,°t(. 0 872,900 �t,m s urtamm;lfung II Illlomtmtmu�murm GlIlleirmurm ulll�rvm�ful°�Ifasulmmurlo ' Op Il mrsv vtll, iG.i(:i °tII, iG:i(:i ,es urfamm',Giurmg ,tm;mllhflca lIllmmurmurm Skillrmm"fulvGlskmurm Op 11 rav �,es urfamm',Giurmg Old Winter Gahm ein Ii xmmmmt Op 11 tov R,e wmurfamc';Ifurm F)irahrie Il amllke M111111age Sullbdiviskmn :)Ira 11 mr;�sv iM).a,(7(: 0 ", )r. ,000 �t,es urtamm;lfung IitmAIllmmtmmxns Sullbdiviskmn 1p 11 r,v 2P0,200 2r0,200 ,es urtamm,Giurmg Sillveir Iftmmurmmt Sullbdiviskmn o Il t;v 26,7,(7(. 0 26,7,(.7(. 0 ,e mmurtamm,Giurmg &mAh Il amguhrm Iitmmammt (Iitmmllibm%urmcxn tm,m City ll.lhrinolf't) Iral11 ,,v ,e mmurtamm,Giurmg &mAh Maguhre itmmmmmt SIR, SO tmm t'mmururm11pilllke IfturGdgq:lm ' o Il t;v R,,m s urtamm;lfung e tc;lllh e teir Sulllmdul°vluaskmurlo 1p Ilmrsv G irair"mtd' TbtM M , C ,400 a CC a'°: wCC stallmlimmWaltelir Request Tidfw•urmtdflulr°m t°wY(mir'TbtM 2112.2. 2.212.323/2.44/27.15 2.15/2.6 Geurmeuramlll SbminrinwateirIlunnullmurmmvm%unnummuruits oIlt,v 6,00,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 Girair"mtd' TbtM 1,600,000 32.0,000 32.0,000 320,000 32.0,000 32.0,000 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 245 Request Tide fw• u r idle lr°m 25Y(m it btM 21/22 2212. / 4 4/ .°w .°w/ F wr.tw IIWiirins IRmmd/INcxrtllhm Jc llhflcm Ihcxres Rm,md t'urmmurmsurinumssmmmurm If amteirmm ilm)urm Op I1�t; °a42,/ 'a, 94 2,6, mturindiramll fmmmmurmt fNMIlllahrined ftmYturc)fit pl11 tf 2(:7t;,/ ;4i- 1,208, 84 Alley Way Se eirm IW'I ast mmurmm't West t Ifmllhmmm�»mrm� p 11 tf .,,,. m2,uriouriommmmlll Gravity MahnIftmm112amiaur mmuriom'tftmur Il.iaurioiaurio0 r::)Ira Il�ts 2 r.;�(7,(7(.i(.i r.m(7,(;i(.i(,7 . n0,Q)Q.,�0 r.,a(,7,(7(.i(.i r.m(7,(.i(.i(7 °a(.i,(7(;i(.i m2,urmurmmmamlll II p„im)ur Wateir II uiurmmr Iff'm lIrvIIIW m,mrurinumrurmt & UlIl2muturade Fmurmmt2uraurno p Ilmo;^. 2,r.�00,(7(:0 r.00,000 r.00,000 r.00,000 r.a(: 0,000 r.00,(7(:0 m2,urmurmmmamlll Wastewater Ifmlllamurid Il murmmmur IRel1pAirs amurmmt UlIl2muturmmmtm,mmn; r, I1�os 'Ar ,(700 ir.a,(.100 i"° ,(700 ir. ,000 ir.a,(700 ir. ,(700 urmurmmmamlll Wateir Ifmlllaunrt Il iaurmm„xur lftellpaiurs amurmnt UlIl grmmnfm�n„ r: p 11 ro 1€:6,(7(. 0 'iir.a,(,�(.�0 "° ,(7(. 0 ir. ,(.�00 ir;0(, 0 ir. ,(7(. 0 f��tlllmmm,llla m,mm„mat t mmuno turmmm,tmm;muno r:)Ip II "ri's E311lltitmxurnt Cc)iruriuntm;)ur p 11 rf 11,983,rA 11 2110,4i'Ib 11,77 ",1126, Ca llllpuitmill Ct/Iftmm112mmur F)lIkWy I1..hrmmurmm2 amurmmt Il.tmurmllhmmmlllmm Cmamtiiurmt2 ull�r, 2:Ilhiolllmmunaunom�m t,mmunotmmm,t t,Ilhiommunnollrvm��rur lftm tur mm, t mllmlllm� t;m„m m�ur ' r: p lilac, 2r. ,0(:0 2r.a,000 :III murllke li"III Iftm Illmmm,mmtmmmuno Ifmllhm mmse p p II ti's L,(7(:0 11 b,000 ClIllmmurllke li' Il t IftmJllmmm;amtmmmurm Ifmllhmaise 1111 a Il ty 200,000 200,000 0 CIII murllke lftx mmnt Mleirlding � � lirli arrrtsd frli,' 4i Flire II IIlydurauriot amurd New p Ilmr;,, 'Ar ,(7(:0 ir.a,000 "° ,(7(:0 ir. ,000 ir;000 ir. ,(7(:0 i 1llmmur mill Sturm��� m t . munomtamur ram: m��, I I e �m � e m� e mur 113a::+ra;u Ilmr;'sv 66(7,(700 66(7,000 mmururm t Oalks ttt mteir Ifmlllamurid Alllmcwe m°aurcmmmurmmt m seirindbIllly tmmur Chmeirinih:611 Ilun9,jem,tikmurm p 11 rf 2P0,(700 2r.�0,0(: 0 mmururmm t Oamllks Wateir Ifmlllamurid Ilurm II uiurme Ii Illmmmmuriide IlAineir Op I1�o 11 amlllam m,mmmmt/Iftmm ais ttt mteir Main IftmmllmlllWmm m urinummuruit (If)eirviim;mmms tmmuridiiurmt2 m;mt $562,500, If:murm'm„jw Itam'mw i:mttttttttt� '� rallmos r 1,072,24.. 1,072,24' j 11 ammmurm urm IEN: Ilhm Watmrur Mahn hn If'I:amteurmm«Giarmurm [)esigiin amurmmt t;mmuno'turmmm� tiam;muno r, llmr;'s 1,042,2r,9 .11,04i2,2r.',,p m urm���� 16�'t Maguire mmmmmt It�fiaturc)geuno Iftm' irnomwa 111 ra llmr;'s 7r.;i(7,(7(. (. (7r.,0,000 .t m,immur Statkxin If:,mmmurinulllp Ilmm ire uiurm Ilurveirmtmmur2 (4711lhmlf)) .,,,. Op I1�o V,(7(. 0 "2,(7(.7(.7 t�tm,mmmmmm,lmml 2 2 l l Illamme mmuriomtmmur mtrm«tmmurino 16„mllhiommm«'mm II „ r::)Ira Il�os Il,t�r.,,i/w,f4i.4i. m e"t tmmurino 16„ Ilhio mm'arm 1111 t,tm,mmmme 112mm11 Ilka airidt mur2. p 11 tm m)ee nteirin Sem mmrimII°l1a2IlhSirvi ,.m� Ifmmmurino112uiurmm2 F�amm;illlliat2 rallmos /II€all4ir. /II€a,ll4ir. Om,mmee Wastewater Ifmlllmunot2tturing Girmmmmuriomtm'tmmurmm2 me It'aurmllm: ra 11 mos 2; I6/,2 "2 2, Ib'1,2 "2 W°,tm mmm e Wastewater Ifmlll muruit 20 wring m"aurmmmmurmmt"'tmmur ge t'amurmlla If tmmiigin p I1�t; 26, ",(7(: 0 26a ",(7(: 0 W°,tm mmm ram Wastewater Ifmlll muruit li°°Illiigllhm Seirvim ram If:,mmmurinullm/ Mcmth r'iiraiiirmsiirinuissim��)iirm114ahn pI1�t; 1,(:7'"m ii°a''/ 11(7m ii°:a''/ m"tm,m)ee Wastewater Ifmlll muruit li°°Illiigllhm eirmmmm ram If:,mmmurinullm/ t�fmmurtllhio"t'ur°'murio�»urinom�»m«iammurio MahnMahn([)esia, 2urm I ) p II �o•,, 9 t,° t Ar ° t° t °:a'"A W°,tm mmm ram Wastewater Ifmlllamurid lMiturc)geurm lftm urinumwamlll f:'tm s iot2urm 2.024Y202 a a;mmurmm turmmm;tilmmurm 2.025/22026 p Il ty 84-2,(7(: 0 1142,000 /(: 0,(7(: 0 uIfmlll murut 16:mmmmmur Ullfmmutur mmte .. t",tm mmm eWastewater t;mmuno'turmmm� tiam;muno ra llmr;'s 2,(:fll,2Wa 2,0 d,2tar.: O mmmeWastewaterfmIIImrt 6: mmr tIl tr mm[)esigiin )rII Do 22 i,r(( 22 i,r(( G,,mmmlllunnu If tur l4" mmurc;e Mahn p 11 tf F?a ",(7(:7(:7 Fa ",(7(: o RAS statGiarmurm Il amurmGN)IIllmt IRe d m iigin p 11 �f 1142,000 1142,000 /amunomtmmur2 /m� mmur Il amunollhiommlllmm If't'm��112111mmm,mmunnom unot Ifmurm:mt2uramunno r:: p IPo;'s lr.:o,(7(: o io,(;i(: o io,000 io,(:ioo io,000 io,(7(: o m� m�ur/Iftmmm;,lllmmuiunno Il.iaurme as ss mm,ia 912�»m�m���m �terat wit1h :tm� m„mlllm:mll2unnom���muno't ra limos 6i2r. ,(7(:0 12r.a,000 12�,0(:0 112r. ,000 12P:a,000 112r. ,(7(:0 mmmAlllhm Il..amlllae,tm,mllhflc) Iftmmmmmt turamurmsurinuuissiim,murm IW amtarmurmm hmurm op I1�o mmmmtllhm Wateir Ifmlllamurid Ilurm II.Goire Flucmide IlAineir p I1�t; SIR, 4,29 IftNmm Illabrinoed t urmnm«„ihng p Ilmrs Ar ,000 /r.a,000 mtm. urmmurm, SIR, r29 i 2�urm Illmmm mtm�m atm� it Il.,,ia I m' " 1 urmm�m�» V1rr0�arrett:ct Fala/i,22Fa Fala/i,22Fa 4 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 246 State Iitm'md tuft II,..brmGiurmg aurmmt II airmllhmm'fllmr m";mmtGiurmg )lu Il ty 286,,492 286,,492 t'mm7111m, ur & 117ui sifurinourinoq:�rm turm%m s ajpq: r:: p IPo ill,r.a€: II ill,r.a€: II 7.Oallkllairm F)IllhmWwse 11ll lirli jind d Wastewater Ii)IIIauruit If tmtm,llhm "Illtt Iitm)tamur'3 W dditiiarmurm a Il ty V ",290 "2.5,2°: 0 Wastewater ur uurm.aturinoeint Ii�)lllaiiriot Itfmtura;)g urm IReirinomw111 ) sigirm p 11 t: 1142,000 1142,000 ateir li..ifurme Ulllrvsiuv�%Ass x iatmA wit1h op 11 6i2r.,(7(:0 12r.m,000 12r' ,(7(:0 12r.,000 12P:;000 12r.,(7(:0 Wlhc)llq%sallq%% Ii e sallle II asteir Il mAmrur 7tsseirindbIllly a Il G ira iu"md 'T u't M Ct,",� 2.8,4` 72. 5,316,380 80 't 51 ,264, 708 7,325,086 ,2.85, 7 4 City of Ocoee I Budget Book 2022 Page 247