HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 01 Approval of the Minutes for the Regular City Commission Meeting held October 19, 2021 MINUTES
OCTOBER 19, 2021
Mayor Johnson called the regular session to order at 6:17 PM in the Commission Chambers of
City Hall. The invocation by Mayor Johnson, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
led by Commissioner Firstner. City Clerk Sibbitt called the roll and declared a quorum present.
Present: Mayor Johnson, Commissioner Brinson,Commissioner Wilsen, Commissioner Firstner,
Commissioner Oliver
Also Present: City Manager Frank, City Attorney Cookson, City Clerk Sibbitt
Proclamation for Week of the Family—November 6-13,2021,read and proclaimed by Mayor
Johnson, accepted by Victoria Laney.
Proclamation for City Government Week — October 18-24, 2021, read by Commissioner
Wilsen and proclaimed by Mayor Johnson.
Presentation from the Human Relations Diversity Board (HRDB)Regarding the November
6th & 7th Remembrance Day Events—HRDB Chair Anderson-Robinson provided a tentative
schedule which included the following: Freedom Ride by the Buffalo Soldiers, Community
Celebration at Bill Breeze Park, a Reception Dinner at the Lakeshore Center for the descendants
and Remembrance Ceremony sponsored by High Point Church. She provided an itemized
explanation of the expenses and requested additional funding to cover any costs that exceed the
current budget. Commissioner Wilsen inquired about the HRDB budget. HRDB Chair
Anders on-Robinson explained that she understood there to be$7,000 in the budget for this event.
Motion: Move to approve up to $8500 from Contingency Funds for the HRDB
November 6th and 7th Remembrance Day Events. Moved by Commissioner Wilsen,
seconded by Commission Oliver; Motion carried 5-0.
Consent Agenda Motion
Motion: Move to adopt the Consent Agenda Items #1 -#4.
Moved by Commissioner Oliver, seconded by Commissioner Brinson; Motion
carried 5-0.
Regular City Commission Meeting
October 19, 2021
1. Approval of the Minutes for the Final Budget Hearing held September 22, 2021, and
the Regular City Commission Meeting held October 5, 2021. (City Clerk Sibbitt)
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
2. Approval of Reappointments to the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board. (City Clerk
Members of the Parks &Recreation Advisory Board serve three-year terms.The resolution provides that the
Parks&Recreation Advisory Board shall consist of nine(9)members, and only legal residents of the City of
Ocoee or who are members of a City sporting organization that utilize the Ocoee parks shall be eligible for
membership. Currently, the board has seven (7) members. The terms of Gordon Applegate and Michael
Stewart end in October of 2021. Members Applegate and Stewart have indicated they are willing to serve
another three-year term if reappointed. Staff recommends that the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
reappoint Member Applegate to serve a three-year term on the Parks&Recreation Advisory Board;however,
due to poor attendance, staff recommends not reappointing Member Stewart.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
3. Approval of an Interlocal Agreement with Central Florida Expressway (CFX)
Authority for the Construction of a Portion of the Franklin Street Multipurpose Path.
(Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless)
At the June 16,2020, Commission Meeting,the Commission directed staff to move forward with the project,
which included acquiring necessary right-of-way(ROW)and drafting an Interlocal Agreement between CFX
and the City of Ocoee for the construction of a 12-foot wide multipurpose path and upgrade and relocation of
a water main.The City has obtained the ROW to construct the multipurpose path and relocate the water main
east of SR 429 to Bowness Road.City staff worked closely with CFX in designing the multipurpose path.The
City's Utilities Department prepared the design documents for the water main relocation and submitted those
documents to CFX for inclusion into their construction documents. CFX has bid the entire SR 429
Enhancement Project.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
4. Approval of Victims of Crime Act Grant; Grant No.: VOCA-2021-Ocoee Police
Department- 00521. (Police Chief Plasencia)
For the Fiscal Year 2021/2022, the Florida Attorney General's Office, as the pass-through agency for the
Victims of Crime Act("VOCA"), awarded the Police Department a grant to fund a victim witness advocate
position. Using funding from the VOCA Grant, the Police Department would establish a Victim Witness
Advocate position("Advocate"). Currently,the Department's sworn personnel assist victims with their needs
while balancing their other duties of call-handling and/or investigations.An Advocate dedicated to the process
of ensuring victims understand their legal rights and protections would enhance our processes and potentially
reduce re-victimization. Recognizing the special needs and concerns of individuals impacted by crime,
accident, or suicide, the Advocate would be able to render assistance for those individuals. The Advocate
would assist victims and witnesses with coping with the trauma of the event and assist them in understanding
the complexities of the investigative and judicial processes. This grant-funded position was anticipated and
included in the FY 2021/2022 budget.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
Regular City Commission Meeting
October 19,2021
5. First Reading of 'Ordinance for Aty,U:nffices at 868 Roberson Road Small Scale
Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map Amendment and Rezoning to Professional
Offices and Services District; Project No(s). CPA-2021-0-03 & RZ--21-01-27. (Second
Reading and Public Hearing scheduled for November 2, 2021, Regular Commission Meeting at 6:15 pm or
soon thereafter) (Zoning Manager,Whitfield)
The subject property is located on the north side of Roberson Road approximately 627 feet east of the Tomyn
Boulevard(Windermere Road) and Roberson Road round-about. The property is approximately 10.47 acres
in size,of which approximately 2.45 acres are designated as wetlands/flood zones, 1.94 acres is the subject of
this proposed amendment and rezoning, and the remainder has been previously approved for a four-story
203,000 square foot, 142-unit Independent Living Facility(ILF). The property has two(2)Future Land Use
designations: Low-Density Residential, which makes up the majority of the site, and
Conservation/Floodplains, which is generally within the southeast portion of the property. The proposed
small-scale future land use map amendment is to change an approximately 1.94-acre portion in the southwest
portion of the property from Low Density Residential(LDR)to Professional Offices and Services(P-S), and
the proposed rezoning is to convert that 1.94-acre portion from R-1AA(Single-Family Dwelling District)to
P-S (Professional Offices and Services District) in order to allow for the development of medical office
a) Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment
b) Rezoning
City Attorney Cookson read the title of the Ordinances.
Mayor Johnson announced that this will be presented as a second reading and public hearing at
the next scheduled City Commission meeting on November 2, 2021, at 6:15 PM or soon
6. First,Reading of Ordinance for Beltway 429 (aka Progress Commerce Park PUP)
Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment,Anne,xation,Rezoning to TUB&Large.
Scale Preliminary Site Plan; PrOject,NUS; CPA-2021-002, AX-01-21-01, RZ,21-02-01‘:
& 1,5-2021-001., (Second Reading and Public Hearing scheduled for November 2, 2021, Regular
Commission Meeting at 6-1.5j9m or soon thereafter) (Development Services Direct0Rome0
The proposed project consists of four(4)parcels and is approximately 39.96 acres. It is located on the west
side of Ocoee Apopka Road, east of SR 429 and 2,900 feet south of Fullers Cross Road. One parcel abuts
Ocoee Apopka Road and has an agricultural exemption for the cultivation of blueberries.Another parcel has
a single-family residence,and the remaining parcels are wooded undeveloped land.The applicant is proposing
an Annexation, Small-Scale Comprehensive Map Amendment from Low-Density Residential(4 D.U./Acre)
to Light Industrial,rezoning to PUD and a Large Scale Preliminary Site Plan in order to develop 482,940 sf
of Light Industrial/Warehouse use located within eight(8)buildings. The property is located within the SR
429 Business Character Area Overlay.Although the Business Character Area does not intend to facilitate this
type of development in the subarea,the applicant and City Staff have worked diligently to develop a project
size and layout that will meet the intent and desired outcomes of the overlay.
a) Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment
b) Annexation
c) Rezoning
d) Large Scale Preliminary Site Plan
City Attorney Cookson read the title of the Ordinances.
Regular City Commission Meeting
October 19, 2021
Development Services Director Rumer advised this item does not have a second reading and
public hearing scheduled, because the JPA Amendment (Item 9) needs to be approved by the
County prior to this item being heard at the second reading and public hearing.
Mayor Johnson announced that this will be presented for a second reading and public hearing at
a date to be determined.
7. Second Reading of Ordinance for Aplausos LLC at 113 W. Oakland Avenue— Small
Scale Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map Amendment and Rezoning to
Commercial; Project No(s). CPA-2021-005 & RZ-21-08-28. (Advertised in the West Orange
Times on Thursday, October 7, 2021) (Zoning Manager Whitfield) 9:12 PM
The First Reading was held on Tuesday, October 5,2021.The subject property is approximately 0.29 acres in
size and is located at 113 West Oakland Avenue on the north side of West Oakland Avenue, approximately
150 feet west of North Cumberland Avenue. It is within the City's Downtown Redevelopment Area Overlay.
The applicant is requesting a Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map Amendment(CPA)to convert the
property from Low-Density Residential(LDR)to Commercial(COMM)and a corresponding rezoning of the
property from R-1AA (Single-Family Dwelling District) to C-2 (Community Commercial District) zoning
classification in order to allow for the development of commercial, office and a variety of residential uses or
mixed land uses.The proposed CPA and rezoning would allow for the opportunity for commercial,residential,
live/work, and mixed uses to help stimulate economic activity near the City's downtown core and, as such,
are consistent with and support the goals of the City's Downtown Redevelopment Area Overlay.The proposed
map amendment and rezoning are not anticipated to have adverse impacts on existing or planned public
infrastructure. Therefore,staff supports the proposed Small-Scale Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map
Amendment and Rezoning.
a) Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment
b) Rezoning
Development Services Director Rumer explained that the newspaper ad was not in the City's
standard format; therefore, he has decided it would be best to advertise again. He stated this will
be heard for a second reading and public hearing at the November 2, 2021, City Commission
8. Second Reading of Ordinance Regulating the Retail Sale of Dogs,Cats and Rabbits by
Pet Stores. (Advertised in the West Orange Times on Thursday, October 7,, 2021) (City Attorney
Cookson) 6:31 PM
On June 24,2021, the Board of County Commissioners of Orange County enacted an ordinance prohibiting
the retail sale of dogs, cats and rabbits in Orange County. The Orange County Charter specifically provides
no county ordinance shall be effective within a municipality if the municipality maintains an ordinance
covering the same subject matter or activity as the County Ordinance. City Staff has determined that the
existing"Chews A Puppy" pet store within the City of Ocoee is engaged in the retail sale of dogs, cats and
rabbits and,absent this proposed Ordinance,would be prohibited from engaging in the retail sale of dogs,cats
and rabbits. The proposed ordinance would create a limited exemption for the existing Chews A Puppy pet
store to continue operating within the City provided, however, it operates under the same brand, business
model, size, and in compliance with all other applicable existing City regulations. All other pet stores within
the City will be prohibited from engaging in the retail sale of dogs,cats and rabbits as of the effective date of
the ordinance. Additionally,the proposed ordinance would require the existing Chews A Puppy pet store to
display a notice to consumers and public containing contact information for the City of Ocoee for the reporting
of any complaints with respect to the pet store as well as the posting of information in close proximity to cages
and enclosures containing information on each pet's health and vaccination records and the source from which
---_ — � 4 I P a g e
Regular City Commission Meeting
October 19, 2021
the pet was obtained. The proposed ordinance would further require the pet store to make information readily
available for all protentional customers including its USDA license number, breeding facility contact
information, and the date the pet was born and received. The pet store would also be required to provide a
warranty to customers,under certain conditions,for any pet purchased from the pet store.
This item was heard out of agenda order.
City Attorney Cookson read the title of the ordinance, and explained that the Board of Orange
County Commissioners enacted an ordinance prohibiting the retail sale of dogs, cats, and rabbits
in Orange County this past June. Following the Orange County ordinance adoption, the City
Commission directed staff to draft an ordinance that would follow the Orange County ordinance
with the exception of grandfathering in the one existing retail pet store in Ocoee called "Chews
A Puppy." During the public hearing on September 21', City Commission directed staff to
research other county regulations regarding retail businesses. He said the proposed ordinance
before the City Commission tonight will exempt Chews A Puppy from the County ordinance and
permit them to continue to operate in the City with six (6) regulations which are outlined in the
City Attorney Cookson further reminded the City Commission they also have the option to not
adopt a City ordinance and fall under Orange County regulations which will require pet stores to
stop the retail sale of dogs, cats, and rabbits by July of 2022.
He further explained the process for tonight's public hearing and asked all speakers to only
comment on the ordinance that is being presented this evening.
The public hearing was opened.
The following citizens spoke in opposition of the ordinance:
Dr. Fernandez,Representative on behalf of ASPCA
Jett Padua, Winter Garden Resident
Kelly Padua, Winter Garden Resident
Emily Bonilla, Orange County Commissioner, District 5
Jennifer Hawkins, Ocoee Resident
Rhonda Johnson, Winter Garden Resident
Rosemary Lupo, Clermont Resident
John Pelkey, Ocoee Resident
Dr. Nanette Parratto-Wagner, Ocoee Resident
Cathy Houde, Ocoee Resident
Christina Spillane, Winter Garden Resident
Michelle Chapman, Winter Garden Resident
Maria Bolton Joubert, Orlando Resident
Lisa Franchina,Representative with The Humane Society of the United States
Hazel Stevens, Ocoee Resident
Bryan Wilson, Winter Springs Resident
Gwen Kelemen,Representative with Happy Trails Animal Rescue
Lee Day, Oviedo Resident
Regular City Commission Meeting
October 19, 2021
Bill Gaskin, Orlando Resident
Rosina McVicker, Orlando Resident
Penny Christian, Ocoee Resident
Karin Snitz, Ocoee Resident
Nicole Wilson, Orange County Commissioner, District 1
Norine Dworkin, VoxPopuli
Heidi Hardman, Winter Garden Resident
The following citizens spoke in support of the ordinance:
Stephanie Grillo, Ocoee Resident
Felicia Ashley,Employee Representative for Chews A Puppy
Crystal Grastara, Owner of Chews A Puppy
(Recess was taken from 808 pm to 8:16 pm)
The public hearing was closed.
City Attorney Cookson clarified it is not the intent of this ordinance to place the enforcement on
Orange County Animal Services. He explained the three (3) sections within the ordinance that
referenced Orange County Animal Services.
Motion: Move to adopt Ordinance No. 2021-057 Regulating the Retail Sale of Dogs,
Cats and Rabbits by Pet Stores; Moved by Commissioner Brinson, seconded by
Mayor Johnson;
Mayor Johnson handed the gavel to Mayor Pro Tem Wilsen prior to seconding the motion.
Commissioner Brinson commented this issue is highly contentious and very emotional. He
spoke about the breeders outside of the state, and asked whether breeders within Florida are
regulated, because he feels the breeders should be the focus here. He further stated he does not
want the City to overstep boundaries, and that this ordinance can be rescinded at any time.
Commissioner Wilsen stated closing a business as a commissioner is very difficult. Any
purchase made from this pet store is between the seller and the buyer, not the City. She asked
why the puppy mills are not being targeted, and further commented that not everyone wants a
rescue pet. She stated she does not want to close down a business in Ocoee, but wants them to
prosper and to conform to the regulations that may be set forth in this ordinance.
Commissioner Firstner questioned staff's comments,which he feels are contradictory. He asked
questions of the proposed ordinance and the regulations. He shared he strongly recommends
denying any exception to the Orange County ordinance and not allow this city to be subject to
ridicule and embarrassment,which is not needed. City Attorney Cookson answered his comment
with regard to the provisions that covered the health, safety and welfare. He stated there has
always been a balance to putting an Ocoee business out of business, which this commission does
not want to do. He stated it is in the best interest of the City,the business, and their employees to
Regular City Commission Meeting
October 19,2021
allow them to continue. Commissioner Firstner stated if all pet stores go out of business, it will
affect the puppy mills.
Commissioner Oliver commented that puppy mills need to regulated; and further, said this is a
tough decision to make with Chews A Puppy, and whether or not to shut them down. He
recommended adding a compliance component to the ordinance to help the City regulate the
existing business; and further, asked the City Attorney what input was provided to the City to
create the compliance component for this ordinance. City Attorney Cookson explained they met
with the pet store owner, City staff, and reviewed ordinances from other cities. He explained one
of the challenges is that this City does not have an animal control department, and are not set up
to regulate this type of business. He further clarified the ordinance, and that at any time the City
Commission can rescind this ordinance as well.
Mayor Johnson commented on the process of government and the right for all to voice their
opinion. He further shared the City of Ocoee does have the right to pass their own ordinance, and
feels the State should regulate the puppies that are from out of state.
City Attorney Cookson clarified what a"Yes"or "No"vote meant prior to the vote being made.
After discussion, Motion carried 3-2 with Commissioner Firstner and
Commissioner Oliver opposing.
9. Public Hearing to Approve Amendments to the Ocoee-Orange County Joint Planning
Area Agreement (JPA). (Advertised in the West Orange Times on Thursday, October 7, 2021)
(Development Services Director Rumer)
First Amendment to the Ocoee-Orange County JPA.
a) The area proposed for the Amendment to the City of Ocoee-Orange County Joint Planning Area (JPA)
encompasses the collection of four parcels known as the proposed Progress Commercial Park PUD(AKA
Beltway 429 PUD). The subject property is located on the west side of Ocoee Apopka Road and the east
side of SR 429 (Western Expressway), south of Demastus Road. The applicants propose to develop the
39.96 acres as a Light Industrial/Retail Flex PUD in line with the requirements of the Business Character
Area Overlay. In order for the proposed project to proceed with annexation, the JPA Future Land Use
map needs to be amended by designating all four(4)parcels of the subject properties from Low-Density
Residential(LDR)to Light Industrial(LI).
Development Services Director Rumer explained both the First and Second Amendments to
the Joint Planning Area Agreement with Orange County. In the First Amendment,the applicants
propose to develop the 39.96 acres as a Light Industrial/Retail Flex PUD in line with the
requirements of the Business Character Area Overlay. In order for the proposed project to proceed
with annexation, the JPA Future Land Use map needs to be amended by designating all four (4)
parcels of the subject properties from Low Density Residential(LDR)to Light Industrial (LI). He
further explained, in the Second Amendment the applicants propose to develop 5.61 acres as a
commercial/retail center. To proceed with the annexation of one of the parcels and small scale
land use amendment and rezoning, the JPA Future Land Use map needs to be amended by
designating the two (2)parcels from Professional Office and Service(PS)to Commercial(COM).
��� _ 7 ' Page
Regular City Commission Meeting
October 19, 2021
The public hearing was opened. As no one wished to speak the public hearing was closed.
Motion: Move to approve the First Amendment to the Ocoee-Orange County JPA;
Moved by Commissioner Oliver, seconded by Commissioner Wilsen; Motion
carried unanimously.
Second Amendment to the Ocoee-Orange County JPA.
b) area proposed for the Amendment to the City of Ocoee-Orange County Joint Planning Area (JPA)
encompasses the collection of two parcels known as the proposed Crossings at Maguire PUD.The subject
property is located at 2663 and 2647 Maguire Road. The applicants propose to develop the 5.61 acres as
a commercial/retail center.In order for the proposed project to proceed with the annexation of one of the
parcels and small-scale land use amendment and rezoning, the WA Future Land Use map needs to be
amended by designating the two (2) parcels from Professional Office and Service (PS) to Commercial
Motion: Move to approve the Second Amendment to the Ocoee-Orange County
JPA; Moved by Commissioner Oliver, seconded by Commissioner Firstner;
Motion carried unanimously.
The following persons addressed the City Commission:
- Jim Moyer, Ocoee Resident, shared that he has been coordinating a Pearl Harbor Day
Remembrance Event with the support of the American Legion Post 109. He requested the
use of the Ocoee Commission Chambers at 5:30 PM on Tuesday, December 7`h. He then
shared information on the number of veterans in the United States as well as the number
of veterans that currently reside in Ocoee. He announced his recent acceptance into the
American Legion Post 109 and requested the support of the City to promote and encourage
others to join. He ended by directing citizens to the Legions Post 109 Facebook Page.
Commissioner Wilsen asked if he could meet with Community Relations Manager
Wright in order to share this with the citizens. City Manager Frank affirmed.
Commissioner Wilsen then inquired about the flag disposal box. Mr. Moyer confirmed
that the box has been ordered.
- Brad Lomneck, Ocoee Resident, inquired about the HRDB budget for the 1920 Event,
and asked if the funds donated to the honorary speaker would be provided to a youth
council within the City. Commissioner Oliver explained how honorarium funds are
distributed, and encouraged him to contact the speaker. Mr. Lomneck then inquired if the
Commission needed to make a motion to approve the use of a City facility for the Pearl
Harbor Day Event that Mr. Moyer proposed. A brief discussion ensued about the use of
the Withers-Maguire House for the Event. Consensus of the City Commission was
to allow the rental of the Withers-Maguire House and Wedding Garden free
of charge on December 7th at 5:30 PM and further provide for any incidental
Regular City Commission Meeting
October 19,2021
CommissionerOIiver— Commented on the following:
1) Announced the vacancies on the various advisory boards, and encouraged residents to join a
Board and get involved.
2) Inquired if the Hackney Prairie Road concern could be brought before the Commission on a
future Agenda. City Manager Frank advised there is a presentation planned for the next meeting.
3) Inquired about the widening of Clarke Road and the turn lanes. Development Services
Director Rumer addressed his concerns.
4)Announced the District 4 Annual Town Hall Meeting date,time, and location. He encouraged
residents to stay informed and anticipate additional details.
5) Commented on the hard decisions that come before the Commission, and shared his thought
process when dealing with tough emotionally charged topics. He then expressed his desire to
always do what is best for the City as a whole.
6) Shared an inspirational quote on courage.
Commissioner Firstner—Commented on the following:
1)Reminded residents that next Sunday is Halloween, and pleaded with all citizens to slow down
and watch out for children as they are trick-or-treating.
Commissioner Wilsey—Commented on the following:
1) Commented on traffic safety during the holiday, and implored residents to pay attention while
driving and slow down.
2) Responded to Mr. Lomneck's comment on the Honorarium donation.
Commissioner Brinson—Commented on the following:
1) Spoke about recent crimes in the Ocoee area and encouraged residents to pay attention to their
surroundings. He reminded residents that following the 9:00 PM routine will help protect their
2) Shared that he is working on the yard waste issues within his District, and asked residents to
call the City or him if they have an issue so action can be taken accordingly.
3) Shared the importance of the City Commission meetings and the options available to those
who cannot physically attend. He encouraged all citizens to stay infoinied via the City website.
4)Announced that he is open to attending Homeowner Association Meetings within District 1 to
relay information and address any concerns. He then provided his contact information.
5) Announced that City staff is looking into the reclaimed water concerns in the Northern area of
the City.
6)Reiterated the importance of the 9:00 PM routine.
Mayor Johnson—Commented on the following:
1) Announced the Parks and Recreation Spooktober Event dates, times, and location.
2) Commented on the traffic calming devices being considered for Hackney Prairie Road.
3) Commented on the availability of reclaimed water for the older subdivisions within the City,
and explained that several of them have been waiting for 20+years. Commissioner Wilsen listed
specific neighborhoods along Orlando Avenue that have been asking. City Manager Frank
explained the process for selecting an area, elaborated on a Mutual Agreement with the County
Regular City Commission Meeting
October 19, 2021
for the Northern area, and inquired as to how much the Commission would like to set aside for
the project. Commissioner Oliver inquired if funds from the American Recovery Act could be
used towards this project. Assistant City Manager Shadrix shared that the City currently has
multiple projects valuing $56 Million. He further elaborated that within the proposed projects are
water and sewer plans, which will dramatically help expand the services provided to residents.
4) Shared an inspirational quote on success. Thanked the Commissioners for a great night and
expressed a desire to always do what is best for our city and the residents.
5) Announced the next City Commission meeting is on November 2, 2021.
Attest: City of Ocoee
Melanie Sibbitt, City Clerk Rusty Johnson, Mayor