HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #15 Clarence & Daphne Brown Variance AGENDA ITEM STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: July 17, 2007 Item # 15 Contact Name: Contact Number: 1'1/2. Michael Rumer 407 -905-3100/1018 Reviewed By: Department Director: City Manager: Subject: Clarence & Daphne Brown Variance Application # VR-07 -002 868 Cool Springs Circle ISSUE: Should the Mayor & City Commissioners approve a variance request by Clarence and Daphne Brown for a rear yard setback variance from 25 feet to 15 feet for a sunroom addition in the R-3 zoning district? BACKGROUND: This variance application requests that a proposed sunroom addition at 868 Cool Springs Circle be allowed to encroach 10 feet into the 25 foot rear yard setback. The proposed sunroom would replace an existing patio that contains screens for sides and a solid aluminum roof. The applicant contracted with Four Seasons Sunrooms to build a 1 0'x18' glass sunroom, but due to the 25' setback; the building permit was rejected. The applicant stated as part of the application that he has an existing spinal cord injury and the proposed addition would allow use of the room during all climates and weather conditions for rehabilitation exercises. DISCUSSION: Staff FindinQs: Accessory structures are cited in the following areas of the land development code: Article 5, Section 5-4 (F) - Accessory buildings which are not a part of the main building may be built in the rear yard but shall not cover more than thirty (30) percent of the rear yard. Article 5, Section 5-4 (J) - Open porches may extend into the rear yard in residential districts provided that: 1) The open porch does not cover more than thirty (30) percent of the rear yard; 2) The open porch does not increase the maximum impervious surface of the lot to be greater than fifty (50) percent; 3) The open porch is no closer than seven and one-half (7%) feet to the rear lot line and no closer than seven and one-half (7%) feet to either side lot line; and 4) The open porch does not extend into any utility, drainage or landscape easement or conservation area. Article 2, Section 2-4 (241) -The definition for a porch: A roofed-over space, with the roof impervious to weather, attached to the outside of an exterior wall of a building, which has no enclosure other than the exterior walls of such building. Open mesh screening shall not be considered an enclosure. Article 5, Section 5-6 B - which states in part:"... .No separate accessory building shall be located within five (5) feet of any other building. In residential districts, utility or accessory buildings will be no closer than five (5) feet to the rear lot line and five (5) feet to the side lot line...." The proposed sun room addition is considered a room addition to the main residence and not an accessory building because the sunroom will be enclosed by glass windows on three sides. Also, the room will be constructed to provide a climate controlled addition. Further, the building department policy for determining if a structure is a patio is whether 51 % of the sides are enclosed by screen. At first glance, the criterion for accessory structures indicates the code requirements are convoluted. The code permits a detached accessory structure with a maximum height of 35 feet to maintain a five (5) foot rear yard setback if said structure is separated five (5) feet from the main structure, but an accessory structure attached to the house has to meet the district setbacks. If the proposed sunroom was built as a detached structure five feet or more from the house, it could be permitted. Staff recognizes the inconsistencies of the code and attempts to apply them as liberally as possible to allow wiggle room to avoid variances. It should be noted that variances of this type have not gone before this board in at least four (4) years. Staff had to evaluate the variance request based on the code requirements listed above and the criteria for issuance of a variance. According to Subsection 4-9 A., the variance application/applicant must demonstrate: (1) That special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structures, or required subdivision improvements involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures, or required subdivision improvements. There are no unique conditions that exist for this particular parcel. The property currently contains a single- family residence and a screened in patio meeting Subsection 5-4.J. (3) of the Ocoee LDC. (2) That a literal interpretation of the provisions of these regulations would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties with similar conditions. As indicated above, the applicant is subject to the same regulations as other properties with similar conditions under the LDC. (3) That the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant. The applicant resides in a subdivision with lots platted with the same lot area. The subdivision met all code requirements when it was platted, and there are no special conditions or circumstances. (4) That the granting of the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by these regulations to other lands, structures, or required subdivision improvements under similar conditions. A recommendation for approval would grant special privileges to this applicant that is otherwise denied to other land owners. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT RECOMMENDATION: The proposed variance request by Clarence and Daphne Brown for a rear yard setback variance from 25 feet to 15 feet for a sunroom addition was reviewed at a Public Hearing by the Board of Adjustment on June 21, 2007. The Board of Adjustment voted 4-0 to recommend approval of the variance request. The Board of Adjustment based the approval on the fact the sunroom addition will be located on the same foot print as the existing screen porch. The Board of Adjustment also passed a second motion that asks the City Commission to direct staff to look into amending the Land Development Code requirements for the rear yard setbacks of accessory structures. 2 STAFF RECOMENDATIONS: Based on the above report, staff does not believe the variance requested by Clarence and Daphne Brown is supportable. Should the City Commission deny the variance request, staff recommends that the Mayor and City Commission make a finding under Subsection 4-9 B. (2) and (3), that: . The reasons set forth in the application do not justify granting a variance; . the denial of the variance will still allow for the reasonable use of the land and building; and . the granting of the variance will not be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of these regulations and will be iniurious to the surrounding territory, or otherwise be detrimental to the public welfare. Should the City Commission make a finding contrary to staff's interpretation of the code, staff recommends that any approval be conditioned on factual interpretation of code requirements and public testimony related to such provisions. Attachments: Location Map Surrounding Zoning Map Site Plan Letter from Applicant Letter from Physician HOA Approval Letter Building Elevation of Addition Sample of Interior of Addition BOA Minutes Pictures Financial Impact: Unknown Type of Item: [gI Public Hearing D Ordinance First Reading D Ordinance First Reading D Resolution [gI Commission Approval D Discussion & Direction For Clerk's Deaf Use: D Consent Agenda D Public Hearing D Regular Agenda o Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk o Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution o N/A o N/A o N/A Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) 3 868 Cool Springs Circle Variance Location Map I I i. . , ~ - - ~-~ SHIMMERING SANO- ----T---~- . --r --------r . ' , i I 'I ! I i . " , I 1 -~------r~ - I I ~-~, i ' I -------j I I f---- - PRING LAKE r!- --j,.. . i I : . I i -?/ ! . I ,I 1---~-1 r-- ! 1 ~- e ! / / L SP~' I ____ ___ ~___.---:-_L I I I \ I I i I ! I i I ! _ __-"---___J_ SPARKLING WATER ~ -~ (~- I I --I - --<(f) I~ 1((: .0... --~~ ,0 18 -- I I-I f----..'. I -~ ~ ~ ~ CJ'v~ -I I Q - ~ QCUEE l Ocoee Community Development Department 1 inch equals 372.140824 feet 130 65 0 130 260 390 Feet C Subject Property I:I:I:D Unincorporated Territory I.J..L.U and Other Municipalties Zoning Classification: General Agricultural (A-1) _ Suburban (A-2) Single-Family Dwelling (R-1AAA) Single-Family Dwelling (R-1AA) _ Single-Family Dwelling (R-1A) _ Single-Family Dwelling (R-1) _ One- & Two-Family Dwelling (R-2) _ Multiple-Family Dwelling (R-3) _ Mobile Home Subdivision (RT-1) _ Professional Offices & Services (P-S) _ Neighborhood Shopping (C-1) _ Community Commercial (C-2) _ General Commercial (C-3) _Restricted Manufacturing & Warehousing (1-1) _ General Industrial (1-2) im Commercial (PUD) ~ Low Density (PUD) _ Medium Density (PUD) III High Density (PUD) _ Public Use (PUD) /'// Unclassified Lakes and Water Bodies 868 Cool Springs Circle Variance Surrounding Zoning Map SPRING LAKE ." Jjl ~:j PLA T OF SURVEY DESCRIPTION: (AS FURNISHED) LOT 267, REFLECllONS UNIT THREE, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 36, PAGES 1 &: 2, OF THE PUBUC RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY FLORIDA ~ ' ~tf"N/2~ PA2o"o,seo 7.....0/'-</'::;; "'" R 3 t:'e/J/L S'cr&tt:4&':: z.z; I eVI"-o~/ L.~T cwc"'''lt<c ~. 40: / ,,-?,J! '='" "S' &I '0 .-.--- ----- --.- . w --' o cr. o (/) <..') z cr. a.. (/) >- ~ I LL o >- I ~ I- c :r< Q~ 0:: t- o <i ~~ ~ a. --'b 010 o o WH' I.lMe t/JN ~P:.r :. 3015' = 45'"0 15 9' -- ~S'4<:i t 8 C) --- n '2 er Wk IL . MIS~ ~~':i" 10.' \....Tu ~'o 'tle"'t1 C:OUtiU"'1(U' 'oJ( . I~~. (;It< . SET&'l::'< LOT 268 (0' /5' WALK IS .... OFF N 89'34'38" S 89'34'38- W WAlk IS I G.2' OFF I ;~~ G,a zl I ~ tT b o Iii '.' r-- ~ . N N in N o o z '" LOT 2&3 CERllF1ID TO: ClAREHCE T. a: DAPHNE II. IlROlIIN FIRST UNll>>I SUNBD.T 1I1LE AGENCY COIAIONWEALlH LAND 1I1LE INSURANCE COMPANY , I HAVE EXAlIINID lHE F.I.R.II, COMIIUNlTY PANEl NO 120185 0005 B DA lED 11 /1 /711 AND FOUND lHE SOUCY PROPERTY APPEARS 10 LE IN Zl>>IE C, AREA OF MINIMAl flOllOlNG. BEARINGS SHOYiN HEREl>>I ARE BASED l>>I lHE YIES1ERl Y UNE OF LOT 267, BEING 101 00'25'22" W PER PLAT. (RElD OA1E:) 6/5/00 SC,4l F. I" - 30 FEET APPROVED BY: BAlI JOB NO. AS112lI207.dwg DRAWN BY: RlH RE1IISED: 1JI LAND suR'IEYlNC 8USIHE5S LS LAND 5\lRVE"ItlR PRU PERIIANENT RefERElICl; UO!MIENT PCP PEJUlAHEHT con:RCI.. PONT PI PeJlrCT tF H1EISEClUIIIl PT PONT CE TAHGDIC'r PC POIlT OF aJRYAlIR CLF OlAIN IJNI( FENCE ..- IIllOO FENCE 1'/P rtPICAL A/C AIR alNIlI1IlWER CIlW aJNCREIE ILIIC1l WALL RP ~S POIlT lHl ~ UWTY LItE 1. lHE SURVEYOR HAS NOT ASSTRAClED lHE LAND SHOIltI HEREl>>I FOR EA5EIIENTS, RIGHT OF WAY, RES1RIC1lONS OF RECORD Mal IIA Y AFFECT 1HE 1ITLE .DR USE OF 1HE LAND 2. NO UNDERGROUND iMPIIoYEMENlS HA\oE BEEN LOCAlED EXCEPT AS SHOIWl. 3. NOT \WI! II1IfOUT 111: SIGNAtuRE AND 111: IIllCINAL RAISED S[Al OF A Fl.ORllIA UCEII5EII ~ AND MAPPER. I ~ .. ... . N N ,...., in l SINGLE STORY ~ ~ ~ONCRElE BLOCK 0 !RESIDENCE '868 _ ~o;; I 0 A/C ..... ---' r' 111 11 U1IJlY EAmIEHT ~ -----+ X FENCE IS I G.2' ON 110.00' LOT 266 I-W ~e- ~>t2.1.4 4s '.4 '" v'.~ ... Z"LI .., '27t"'f ~Ol) ".:" e'2S"O .:::. 412,.5" L,,'T' 110 lit 7; I 5"~.t ~~ = 33/)0 A-DPt-rl"U r I CI )C I 6" ::. t t" LEGEND: 1/w 7S"l( I~ = 4(0 v~I4t." o ~:LS FN~ IRlIII PI'E R DENOlES RAOIUS 6 DEHOlU DELTA ANGLE L C!NDlE$ ARC tEHClH CB OfCRO BEARING ~ - - ~ RIGIfT OF WAY lINE l~l~ fill FllllNO I ::-:',~ .\t CONCRElE ,.". . '31f'2( " 7~ I AMERICAN SU~G &: MAPPING I .IOU('"'''''' IM'I CF _ _ lION NlAIBER LBfI303 J2D,EASr~$~rm: 180 32801 <-> 42a-7871l LOT 254- .. w LOT 255 "'iN'" /{;' FENCE IS 0-1'N ~ o.2'E LOT 256 "7?:IrA,,- I-IN.s!''''' A1.?~/7'I",v 31 ,.;;' FllR lIE OAlE l..!\~i-e.. Ke...;.,_S,:.>.....~, ~C.",", .;:~......"- S~_.;.:..S,Q~,~ - Four Seasons Sunrooms of Orlando L1C#: CGC059104 j01 1 a 20G7 City of Ocoee Attn: Variance Department RE: Variance Application for 868 Cool Springs Circle To Whom It May Concern: On behalf of Mr. & Mrs. Brownoresiding at 868 Cool Springs Circle we the contractor Four Seasons Sunrooms respectfully request a variance for a sunroom addition. We have contracted with Mr. & Mrs. Brown to replace an existing screen porch and replace it with 10' x 18" sunroom. The reason for this request is due to the 25' setback. The house was built 25' from the property line and give no room for the Brown's to convert their screen porch with something that they can use all year keeping the elements out. They have been in their house over 10 years, they are retired so due to the market values increasing they do not with to move but to improve their home. We appreciate your time in reviewing our application and look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Four Seasons Sunrooms of Orlando Teasa Mays Permit Expeditor ~ B!I&!1!JII ~ National Sunroom Association ~ _-.:c-- -' 1~~) @) Le ~ N3:O".alff~~oer Rnr<j~,~ 4608 Millenia Plaza Way. Orlando. FL 32839 · Telephone (407) 206-3n6 · Facsimile (407) 206-3797. www.fso.FourSeasonsSunrooms.com 868 Cool Springs Circle Ocoee FL 34761 April 24, 2007 The City of Ocoee Permit Division Ocoee, FL 34761 Attn: Mr. M Rumer & Mr. B. Dunford Gentlemen: Please find under separate cover letters from my Physician and Home Owners' Association supporting my request for permission to replace my current screened- in patio with a sunroom. The pain and reduced mobility from which I suffer since my spinal cord was damaged have been great. Daily use of the exercise machines I have purchased have been helping me greatly. It is impossible to use the patio when it is very cold or very hot so I am asking you to favorably consider my application to enclose the patio as soon as possible. Yours truly, (~:1ll~. --=- Clarence T. Brown To Whom It May Concern: Mr. Clarence T Brown has been my patient for some time. Spinal cord injury has left him with limited mobility and he is restricted in the types of exercises he can do. The exercise machines he has invested in help his exercise routine and allows him to maintain good physical health. I heartily endorse any action that would facilitate a regular exercise routine. S~~/ ~ f~~~ l\ \ ntOJ--= (....(' untitled 1816 sparkling Water Circle Ocoee, Florida 34761 April 20th, 2007 City of Ocoee variance The Association at Reflections at spring Lake of Ocoee have approved this application for glass incloser. We have no problems with the request. Thank you Ed campanara President Reflections HOA phone #407-294-0185 fL ~~~. page 1 EXIST. WINDO W DINING ROOM NOTES: 1.-ALL DIMENSIONS TO BE VERIFIED IN THE FIELD. 2. - MINIMUM D. P. OF ALL SUDlNG GLASS WINDOWS AND DOORS: 52.5 PSF MIN. D.P, OF AIL FIXED GLASS WINDOWS: 80 PSF .:......' "' .... .. .. .~ II .~ .'..(). TRANSOM 5'-0" TllANSOM 525 PSF 5'.0" UDER DOOR A 5 .,..... LEFT GABLE ELEV A TIO N EXIST. WINDOW UVING ROOM EXISTING HOUSE AND OPENINGS TO REMAIN EXIST. DOOR BEDROOM "6 ..-t C 6 D 6 18' PLAN VIEW ',': .... ",. ',... ", .:',.,...: .'. ... .......... " IlIPSP 6'-0" TRANSOM II .PSf 5'..()" TRANSOM I~ FRONT ELEVATION EXIST. EGRESS WINDOW 3" ALUMINUM ROOF PANEL 1.5 PCF FOAM DENSITY 1lI'5F 5'-0" TRANSOM C\! ""'- ..-t :' -'. .... '. ~. '. . II 4'-0" ~SOM RIGHT GABLE ELEVATION ENGINEER LA WJ.ENCE flSCHER 96S60SPJ.EY LANDINGDIl ORLANDO.FLl2832 >Il U ffi Q ~ ~ o ~ >Q ~ ~ >-< U CfJ 0..... Z'" ~~ p.."1 CfJ....:I ....:1"- o . offi Uo ooU ~o P:: o "- z o E Q Q -< ~ Q Q -< ~~ z<~ Q~~tO o~f2ti~ ~ ~ ~ ~-~ b~~~ ::>u~ ~~ rn DRAWN BY: CC OIECKED BY: LD DATE: 02-21-01 SCALE: N"fS REV. #: NIl.. PAGE 3 Of' 7 CLARENCE & DAPHNE BROWN - VR-07-002 PUBLIC HEARING Principal Planner Rumer explained that this variance is similar to the previous one. The applicant currently has a screened patio at 868 Cool Springs Circle and wishes to convert it into a 10'x18' glass sunroom making it have flat sides, rather than screens. BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION Chair Resnik asked if the only difference is going from screen to glass. Principal Planner Rumer confirmed and said closing it in makes it a regular structure which requires a 25' setback. The applicant has approval from the HOA and also has a doctor's letter that they need this for medical reasons. He said . cant has contracted with Four Seasons Sunrooms, who is present on their behal RECOMMENDATION Based on the findings sta Clarence and Daphne Bro finding contrary to staffs i be conditioned on factual i to such provisions. e ieve the variance requested by 1. hould the Board of Adjustment make a of the code, staff recommends that any approval retation of code requirements and public testimony related The public hearing was opened. Albert Whittle, Four Seasons Sunrooms, spoke on behalf of the applicant and said his client has a spinal injury requiring him to exercise and he currently has no room for that. That is his reason for requesting to enclose the area. The public hearing was closed. Member Colburn. seconded bv Member Warren. moved to accevt the Clarence and Davhne Brown Variance. due to the fact that the footvrint of the room is f!oing to remain the same. Motion carried unanimous Iv. Member Colburn. seconded bv Member Warren. moved to recommend Citv Commission look at the codes in con;unction with the requests heard tonif!ht. Motion carried. Principal Planner Rumer declared that Staff is already looking to revise the dollar amounts for deposits and fees that are currently in the code. OTHER BUSINESS Principal Planner Rumer asked the board to make any corrections necessary on the board list and give it to him so that it could be updated. COMMENTS Principal Planner Rumer said they have another variance in house and they are looking at meeting again on July 19th at 7:00 p.m. Member Warren asked for clarification on their recommendation to City Commission if it was to make requirements consistent between any types of attached structures. Principal Planner Rumer explained the difference of accessory structures and add-ons to homes that impose on the rear set-backs. He is going to state on his staff report that they are recommending the City Commission look at the definitions (porches, accessory structures, i.e.) of the different structures and the set-backs. City Attorney Rosenthal said what some local gov approval from the Homeowner's Associations and som all neighbors touching the property would sign would arise with them. have done is gather ns would require that hat way no problems - .. 01--613 Copy of Public Hearing Advertisement Date Published 1h\AYJ dfk~ I Juli 5"( 2001 o vl~J Q fOtll'r- v{ C( a[Je,fi.u/'J Advertisement CIlY OF OCOEE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING REQUEST FOR VARIANCE APPLICANT: CLARENCE BROWN CASE NUMBER: VR-07-002 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. ,that the OCOEE CITY COMMISSION will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on TUESDAY. ,JULY 17, 2007 at 7:15 P.M, or as soon thereafter as possible, at the Ocoee City Commission Chambers. 150 N Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, Florida, in order to consider the petition of Clarence Brown for a variance ac- cording to the provisions of Article IV. subsection 4-9 of the City of Ocoee Land De- velopment Code. to~ig~e~.W'~~ t~~IP~~~r~J~ Circle. The Orange County Property Appraiser Identifi. cation Number (PIN) is 09- 22-28-73-46-02-670. The appli- cant is -requesting 0 rear yard setback variance from 25 feet to 15 feet for an en- closed sunroom addition. I nterested parties may ap- pear at the cited meeting and be heard with respect to the proposed variance, This notice is given pursu- I ant to Article IV, Subsection 4-9 B. (l), and page 18004043 of the City of Ocoee Land Development Code. A COpy ~~t~h~f 08~~~~atJ~gff a~~ptohr1 may be examined at the 8~~~~~rir 1~~~:doFnm(~ws Hall at the address indicat. ed above, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m" Monday-Friday, ex- cept legal holidays. The Ocoee City Commission may continue the public hearing to other dates and times, as they deem neces- sary. Any interested party shall be advised that the dotes, times, and places of continuation of these or con. tinued pUblic hearin~s shall be announced during the hearing and that no further notices regarding these ! matters will be published. You are advised that any person who desires to ap- ,peal any decision made dur- 'ing the public hearings will need a record of the pro- ceedings and for this pur. pose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of. the proceedings is made which includes the testimo- ny and evidence upon which ~~~s a~~~a~I~~~ft~~~. te~~: ing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the City Clerk's Office 48 hours in advance of the meeting at 407-905-3105. Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk o LS398357 7/5, 2007