HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-14-2021 Minutes ocoee
Districting Commission Board
October 14,2021 MINUTES 6:30 p.m.
I. Call to Order
Recording Clerk Heard called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m., in the Commission
Chambers of City Hall, located at 150 N. Lakeshore Drive. She further called roll and
declared a quorum to be present.
Roll Call and Determination of Ouorum
Present: Chair Keller,Vice-Chair Forges,Member Davis,Member Lowrie,Member Moyer,
Alt. Member 1 Mellen, and Alt. Member 2 Lomneck
Also present were City Clerk Sibbitt, Assistant City Attorney Opsahl, GIS Analyst
O'Halloran, GIS Operations Supervisor Dillingham, and Recording Clerk Heard
Absent: None
Guest: Patrick Floto, Data Reporting Coordinator, with Orange County Supervisor of
II. Brief Introduction of Members
Members of the Districting Commission briefly introduced themselves, detailed any
additional community involvement, and their years of residency in the City of Ocoee.
III. Election of Officers
Assistant City Attorney Opsahl announced the last Districting Commission nominated
Officers at the second meeting, and placed the decision on the Board.
Motion: Move to nominate Member Keller as Chair; Moved by Member
Lomneck, seconded by Member Lowrie; Motion carried 5-0.
Motion: Move to nominate Member Forges as Vice-Chair; Moved by Member
Lomneck, seconded by Member Mellen; Motion carried 5-0.
City Clerk Sibbitt explained to the Board that all members and alternate members are
required to attend all meetings. The alternate members are allowed to participate in
discussions; however, they are only allowed to vote if a regular member is absent.
Districting Commission
October 14,2021
IV. Sunshine Law/Public Records Law Overview (City Attorney)
Assistant City Attorney Opsahl introduced himself and presented a brief overview of the
Florida Sunshine Law, and Florida Public Records Law.
V. Overview of Charter Provisions and Legal Recommendations(City Attorney)
Explained public records law and Sunshine Law
Assistant City Attorney Opsahl presented an overview of the Charter provisions along with
the duties of the Districting Commission. The Districting Commission is established in the
City Charter (C-66), serves as an advisory body to the City Commission, and is appointed
every ten (10) years.
The duties of the Districting Commission are as follows:
• Review the geographic boundaries of the four(4) single-member districts
• Review the most current, official census data
• Review all other data relevant to the redistricting of geographic boundaries
• Building permits
• Zoning approvals
Ut Future growth
• Prepare a report to the City Commission
• Summarize recommended changes, if any
• Include a map of proposed boundaries
• The City Commission considers the report
a May accept or reject recommendations
• Must approve recommendations at least four months prior to an election (before
qualifying date)
Assistant City Attorney Opsahl went over the Timeline with the Board (below).
Date Board or ftesiaireaW,PartY Task Authority "' rit4( *:
.• ,• • "' . • '*•• .4 4- 4.
City Commission
TDistrict CorrifiliSitiri Merritiers:45Pointed 0:66 Charter
10-I4-2021.; Districting Commission First meeting of Districting Commission
'Districting ConinIssion. Finalize lleport with map; VC55 Charter City Commission has 2 morithiSto
transmit to City Commission accept or rejectrecommendations
644:2021 City Commission First reading of Ordinance C-71 Charter Boundaries must be established no
less than 4 months prior to'
10-24-2022: City Cornmiiiion :`%-,, IPublic hearindatioPtion of Ordinance :fc-71:Cherter Last public hearing date priorto
boundary due date pet Charter-
11-07-022„ City Commission Boundaries must be established C-71 Charter District boundaries cannot be
changed less than 4 months prior
to election
1.412025 titiaerk V - Qualifying period begins it s.5-3 Code Qualification period begins 5
r__ — . - daYsPriar,to eiectien •
1-2.043 City Clerk Iltualifying ends - s.5-3-,C-Ode Qualifying ends at noon 45 days
prior to election
343,,,2023 City'Clerk - day Charter 1,Election held on second Tuesday in
March of eictl...Year.'.
Districting Commission
October 14,2021
Assistant City Attorney Opsahl asked the Board if they have any questions. Member
Mellen inquired whether the Board is allowed to anticipate future growth. Assistant City
Attorney Opsahl explained the Board is required to use the numbers based off the current
census data.
Member Moyer asked if the City Commission rejects their recommendation, can they
require the Board to have more meetings to draw up another recommendation. Assistant
City Attorney Opsahl answered in the affirmative, and explained the term of the Board is
for a full year; however,the timeline may be extended beyond that.
VI. Briefing on Current Status of Districts (Below was heard out of agenda order)
Michael O'Halloran, GIS Analyst with the City of Ocoee, introduced himself and GIS
Operations Supervisor Marjorie Dillingham. He presented a PowerPoint and explained how
he created the population figures to calculate whether the four (4) districts have equal
populations. GIS acquired the data, made modifications to certain boundaries, and added in
annexations. He explained the GIS software that will be utilized during the meetings to
manipulate the populations and borders. He further explained census tracks and blocks, and
the population assigned in each block. He announced and demonstrated with maps three (3)
census blocks that were split, because the district boundaries did not follow the census
blocks.Due to the City annexing properties into city boundaries for the past couple of years,
13 census blocks were split for 16 annexations from April 1, 2020, to October 1, 2021. He
further explained he updated the current census data by adding in annexations,which will be
the final population count this Board will go by. The census data with the added annexations
equates to a total population of 47,361. The graph below demonstrates the actual population,
deviations from ideal,and percentage deviations.
1 11,840 13,184 1,344 11.35
2 11,840 11,099 -741 -6.26
3 11,840 10,694 -1,146 -9.68
4 11,840 12,384 544 4.59
47,361 47,361 0 0.00
He further explained the percentage deviation for each district should be under five (5)
percent with obtaining a goal of equivalent district populations. The population range will
total somewhere in the vicinity of 11,248 to 12,432 for each district.
He concluded by comparing the current census data to the final population data after the last
Districting Commission concluded in 2017 (below).
Districting Commission
October 14,2021
2017 Commission District Population
1 10,170 10,214 44 0.43
2 10,170 10,183 13 0.13
3 10,170 10,192 22 0.22
4 10,170 10,091 -79 -0.78
40,680 40,680 0 0.00
2021 Commission District Population
1 11,840 13,184 1,344, 11.35
2 11,840 11,099 -741 -6.26
3 11,840 10,694 -1,146 -9.68
4 11,840 12,384 544 4.59
47,361 47,361 0 0.00
Member Lomneck inquired if the final numbers include permitted projects. GIS Analyst
O'Halloran answered in the negative, and explained the counts are only existing census
counts as of April 1, 2020. Member Lomneck asked if current projects will be added to the
numbers. GIS Analyst O'Halloran said he does not currently have those counts, but he can
bring them to the next meeting; and further, he emphasized future development projects that
have passed the preapplication meeting stage, with the number of units, can be added as a
GIS Analyst O'Halloran stated the following are total population number comparisons:
• April 1, 2020 Census Count: 47,295
• April 1, 2020 Census Count w/Annexations: 47,361
• April 1, 2020 BEBR Estimate: 49,781
• July 1, 2019 Census Estimate: 48,263
GIS Analyst O'Halloran briefly described various maps that were displayed around the
chambers for the members to view, and demonstrated the GIS application software that will
be utilized throughout the meetings to maneuver districts. He asked the Board if they have
any questions. Chair Keller asked whether a subdivision can be deemed as a block so the
entire subdivision could be moved over to a neighboring district. GIS Analyst O'Halloran
agreed that moving an entire subdivision would be best.
Patrick Floto, Data Reporting Coordinator, Orange County Supervisor of Elections,
introduced himself. He presented a PowerPoint, which included census results versus
registered voter counts, precinct structures, and census blocks. He concluded his
presentation by saying, "Keep it together; Keep it close; Keep it continuity."
4 I P a g e
Districting Commission
October 14,2021
VII. Schedule Meeting Dates
Discussion ensued regarding scheduling upcoming meetings. City Clerk Sibbitt stated staff
proposes the second Thursday of the month due to what is available on the calendar.
Member Mellen asked if the public is able to draw up maps for consideration. Assistant
City Attorney Opsahl said the public is more than welcome to draw a map for the Board's
consideration;and further,this Board should,and are required to,welcome public input. City
Clerk Sibbitt announced public comments will be added to all future agendas. Chair Keller
asked the Board if the second Thursday of the month works for them.
Motion: Move to schedule the Districting Commission meetings for the
Second Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. until it is concluded; Moved by
Member Lowrie, Seconded by Member Mover; motion carried unanimously.
VIII. Adjournment
Motion: Move to adjourn the Districting Commission meeting; Moved by Vice-
Chair Forges, Seconded by Member Lowrie; motion carried unanimously.
The meeting adjourned at 7:41 p.m.
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Kathy He ,Recording el ell Chair