HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-07-2021 Minutes MINUTES
Mayor Johnson called the regular session to order at 6:15 PM in the Commission Chambers of
City Hall. The invocation was led by Mayor Johnson, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to
the Flag led by Commissioner Brinson. City Clerk Sibbitt called the roll and declared a quorum
Present: Mayor Johnson, Commissioner Brinson, Commissioner Wilsen, Commissioner Firstner,
Commissioner Oliver
Also Present: City Manager Frank, City Attorney Cookson, City Clerk Sibbitt
Proclamation—Pearl Harbor Remembrance read and proclaimed by Mayor Johnson.
Presentation by the Florida League of Cities — Shwanda Barnette presented the John Land
Years of Service Award to Mayor Johnson for his 35 years of dedicated public service.
This presentation was heard out of agenda order.
Mayor Johnson introduced Carl Tucker, business owner of All Appliance Plus, and highlighted
the many contributions he has made to the City. Mr.Tucker thanked all the citizens that patronize
his local business; and further, presented Police Chief Plasencia with a check for $5000 for their
Police Department Toy Drive.
No speaker reservation forms were received.
Consent Agenda Motion
Motion: Move to adopt the Consent Agenda Items #1 -#8.
Moved by Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by Commissioner Oliver; Motion
carried 5-0.
1. Approval of the Minutes for the Regular City Commission Audit*held November 16,
2021 .(0tY
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
Regular City Commission Meeting
December 7, 2021
2. Approval of New Appointment to the Human Relations Diversity Board(HRDB). (City
Clerk Sibbitt)
The Human Relations Diversity Board was created by Resolution in 2003. The purpose of this board is to
promote understanding,respect,goodwill,and equality among all citizens and businesses of the City of Ocoee.
Members of the Human Relations Diversity Board serve three-year terms. Currently the Human Relations
Diversity Board has ten(10)members,and their resolution allows no less than seven(7)members and no more
than thirteen(13)members.One(1)application has been received by Tonya Dorisca who has shown an interest
in being appointed to the Human Relations Diversity Board for a term ending May 2024.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
3. Approval of Resolution to support the West Orange Trail Stakeholder Task Force and
Participate in Restoring and Preserving the West Orange Trail. (Deputy Development
Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless)
City staff has met with representatives from Orange County,the City of Winter Garden, the City of Apopka,
the Town of Oakland,Bike/Walk Central Florida,Healthy West Orange,Apopka Area Chamber of Commerce,
West Orange Chamber of Commerce, and Friends of Lake Apopka to discuss development along the West
Orange Trail and what steps can be taken to restore the canopy and preserve the character of the Trail. As a
result,the West Orange Trail Stakeholder Task Force was created to facilitate collaboration and coordination
of efforts such as common design standards and overlays. Orange County, the City of Apopka, the City of
Winter Garden, and the Town of Oakland have all adopted resolutions to support the Task Force and actively
participate in the preservation and restoration of the Trail.Deputy Development Services Director Corless will
represent the City of Ocoee on the Task Force.
Approved on Consent Motion carried 5-0.
4. Approval of the Arden Park North Phase 6 Plat (Development Engineer Keaton)
The subject property is located on the west side of North Clarke Rd,just south of the McCormick Reserve
Subdivision. The total area of the Plat amounts to approximately 15.32 acres.This Plat is required in order to
create the 67 lots for the residential subdivision, associated street right-of-way, and tracts for open space,
recreation, and retention facilities. The Plat also includes easements for emergency vehicle access, reclaim
water lines, drainage, stormwater retention pond, and other public utility easements. In total, Phase 6 of the
Arden Park Subdivision will take up approximately 15.32 acres.The Arden Park Phase 6 subdivision is platting
prior to receiving a Certificate of Completion;therefore,the developer is required to provide a Surety covering
the outstanding proposed improvements as approved in the Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plans for Arden
Park North Phase 6.The Developer,Lennar Homes,LLC,has provided the City with a Letter of Credit in the
amount of$245,790.89.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
5. Approval to Award ITB #22-001 Ocoee Wellness Park. (Procurement Manager
The City of Ocoee, Florida (City) solicited bids from qualified contractors for furnishing, delivering, and
installing all materials, equipment, incidentals, and services, including all labor for the work to construct the
Ocoee Wellness Park designed by GAI Consultants. The Ocoee Wellness Park is located in the City's
Community Redevelopment Area on South Bluford Avenue.The construction of the project consists generally
of site preparation, concrete walkways, asphalt paving, wood boardwalk, electrical, site furnishings,
landscaping, and irrigation. The bid was publicly advertised on October 17,2021, and opened on November
16,2021.A total of three(3)bids were received and are available in the Finance Department for review. The
CRA Department,Architect GAI,and Finance Department reviewed the bids received and all were considered
responsive. Staff recommends awarding the bid to S.A. Casey Construction,Inc., as the most responsive and
responsible bidder for the low bid of$2,749,382.33.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
Regular City Commission Meeting
December 7, 2021
6. Approval of the Duke Energy Underground Conversion Agreement for West Oakland
Avenue. `(Public Works Director Krug)
The City Commission approved the Downtown Master Plan in October 2016 and a key element of the Plan is
the proposed improvements to West Oakland Ave between Taylor Street and Bluford Ave. City Staff have
worked with Duke Energy to develop an agreement to underground their facilities and remove power poles
along this corridor. The undergrounding agreement will bind the costs associated with the improvements and
permit Duke to proceed with finalizing their plans to underground power distribution facilities on West
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
7. Approval of the Florida Central Railroad License Agreement for West Oakland::
Crossing. (Public Works Director Krug)
The City Commission approved the Downtown Master Plan in October 2016 and a key element of the Plan is
the proposed improvements to West Oakland Ave between Taylor Street and Bluford Ave. City Staff have
worked with Florida Central Railroad to develop an Agreement to improve their active railroad crossing on
West Oakland.The License Agreement with Florida Central Railroad will permit FCEN to install new crossing
signals and improve the railroad crossing surface to match the proposed road and trail streetscape
improvements. The agreed costs for these improvements total $371,787.00 and are adequately funded in the
project budget.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
8.; Approval Of Amendments ,to Extend the Agreements for the:;Septic Tank Program
'Service Provider:-•(Utilities Director Croteau)
On December 1,2015,the City of Ocoee entered into Agreements with Sauer Septic Environmental Service,
Inc., and Brownies Septic and Pumping LLC to perform scheduled septic tank pumping and hauling services
for the City's Septic Tank Pumping Program.The current agreements are expiring. The City desires to amend
the existing Agreements to extend the term of the Agreements through November 30,2024,subject to the terms
and conditions set forth in the original contracts.
Approved on Consent. Motion carried 5-0.
9:. Second. Reading of Ordinance for Commerce 429 (fka Beltway 429/fka Progress.
Commerce Park PUB) — Annexation,,Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment,
Rezoning to Planned'Unit Development(PUD) & Large Scale Preliminary Site Plan,
Project Nos::: AX-01-21-01,CPA-2021 001,RZ 21.02-01 &LS-2021-002. (Advertised in the
West,Orange Times on Thursday,;Nci"vember 25, 2021,and.Thursday,December2,•20.V) (Development
Services Director Rimer) ±
The first reading of ordinance was heard at the October 19, 2021, City Commission meeting. The proposed
project consists of four(4) parcels and is approximately 39.96 acres. It is located on the west side of Ocoee
Apopka Road, east of SR 429.and 2,900 feet south of Fullers Cross Road. One parcel abuts Ocoee Apopka
Road and has an agricultural exemption for the cultivation of blueberries. Another parcel has a single-family
residence,and the remaining parcels are wooded undeveloped land.The applicant is proposing an Annexation,
Small-Scale Comprehensive Map Amendment from Low-Density Residential(4 D.U./Acre)to Light Industrial,
rezoning to PUD and a Large Scale Preliminary Site Plan in order to develop 482,940 sf of Light
3 ! Page
Regular City Commission Meeting
December 7, 2021
Industrial/Warehouse use located within eight(8)buildings.The property is located within the SR 429 Business
Character Area Overlay. Although the Business Character Area does not intend to facilitate this type of
development in the subarea,the applicant and City Staff have worked diligently to develop a project size and
layout that will meet the intent and desired outcomes of the overlay.
a) Second Reading of Annexation Ordinance
b) Second Reading of Ordinance for Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment
c) Second Reading of Rezoning Ordinance
d) Approval of Large Scale Preliminary Site Plan
e) Approval of Development Agreement (not a public hearing)
Development Services Director Rumer provided a PowerPoint which summarized the
Commerce 429 proposed development located on the west side of Ocoee Apopka Road, east of
SR 429 and 2,900 feet south of Fullers Cross Road. The applicant is proposing an Annexation,
Small-Scale Comprehensive Map Amendment from Low-Density Residential (4 D.U./Acre) to
Light Industrial, rezoning to PUD, and a Large-Scale Preliminary Site Plan in order to develop
482,940 SF of Light Industrial/Warehouse use located within eight (8) buildings. The property is
located within the SR 429 Business Character Area Overlay.
Mayor Johnson announced as this project has five(5) items to be voted on, and to provide a clear
outcome of their intent for this project, he will be conducting a roll call vote. He has spoken with
the City Attorney to confirm this is acceptable.
The public hearing was opened.
Tammy Randall, 1201 Log Landing Drive, Ocoee, inquired about the Pine Street extension as
she wanted to ensure it would not affect her property. Development Service Director Rumer
addressed her question.
Brad Lomneck, Ocoee Resident, shared he is a member of the Planning & Zoning Commission
and it was proposed during their meeting that a block wall, or fence, be built on the back side of
the development to provide a buffer to the neighborhood.
Scott Kennedy, Ocoee Resident, shared he is also a member of the Planning & Zoning
Commission who voted against this project as he and residents in his community have concerns
with traffic and the box trucks.
Steven McCraney, Applicant, McCraney Property Company, introduced himself and thanked
City staff for providing feedback and working on this project with them. He further provided an
additional presentation on the project which highlighted the proposed development and
incorporated elements from input the received. John Pottinger, Applicant, McCraney Property
Company, explained the current traffic patterns and shared information on the proposed
infrastructure improvements they will be providing. He also spoke about the utilities that they will
be bringing into the area which include sanitary sewer and reclaimed water. Sean Carpenter,
Applicant, McCraney Property Company, explained project benefits to the City to include new
jobs. He concluded the presentation by highlighting the community projects they have provided
to the City, such as food drives, which have benefited many citizens in the community.
4 ' Page
Regular City Commission Meeting
December 7, 2021
The public hearing was closed.
Commissioner Brinson commented on the proposed Commerce 429 project and shared he is
pleased with the aesthetics and infrastructure that is being proposed with this project. He inquired
about the lift station being provided. Development Services Director Rumer addressed his
question,and explained the connection of the proposed lift station.Mark Smiley,Engineer, Smiley
&Associates,further explained the connection of the lift station. Commissioner Brinson inquired
about the elevation of the project, and the proposed berm and fence. Mr. Smiley addressed his
questions. Information on the infrastructure improvements and associated costs were explained at
the request of Commissioner Brinson, as he wanted the viewing public to understand the proposed
improvements related to this project.
Commissioner Wilsen shared she did not have any additional questions and is pleased with the
project aesthetics presented. She further voiced this project would provide a great economic impact
for the City.
Commissioner Firstner thanked City staff for a job well done in working with the developer. He
further shared his support for the project.
Commissioner Oliver inquired on the Planning and Zoning vote and if it passed. It was answered
that the project did pass with a 3-2 vote. Commissioner Oliver further inquired about the proposed
force main, its cost, and if any future projects are coming that would tie into it. Development
Services Director Rumer addressed his questions and explained proposed locations for a force
main. Commissioner Oliver complimented the applicants for their significant investments into
the community.He further shared concerns about Ocoee Apopka Road due to the neighboring City
of Apopka also having an industrial park that contributes to traffic on that road. Development
Services Director Rumer explained the basis of the traffic study and shared this project is a newer
Class A project that has more of an office presence. Commissioner Oliver inquired if this project
would impact the intersection of Silver Star Road. Development Services Director Rumer
addressed his question and briefly explained the future improvements to Ocoee Apopka Road
which will be the responsibility of Orange County. Mr. McCraney further highlighted the
improvements they were asked to make, such as the widening of the sidewalk,and the connectivity
to the West Orange Trail. Commissioner Oliver shared he liked the project and is pleased with
its aesthetics.
Mayor Johnson commented on the professionalism of the McCraney Company and shared his
support for the community projects they provide to the citizens of the City.
Recess - 7:35 PM- 7::40 PM
Regular City Commission Meeting
December 7, 2021
City Attorney Cookson read the titles of the ordinances.
a) Second Reading of Annexation Ordinance
Motion: Move to adopt Ordinance No. 2021-063, Commerce 429 (fka Beltway
429/fka Progress Commerce Park PUD) Annexation, Project No: AX-01-21-01;
Mayor Johnson performed a roll call vote; Motion carried 4-1 with Mayor Johnson
b) Second Reading of Small-Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment
Motion: Move to adopt Ordinance No. 2021-064, Commerce 429 (fka Beltway
429/fka Progress. Commerce Park PUD) Small Scale Comprehensive Plan
Amendment, Project No: CPA-2021-001; Mayor Johnson performed a roll call vote;
Motion carried 4-1 with Mayor Johnson opposing.
c) Second Reading of Rezoning Ordinance
Motion: Move to adopt Ordinance No. 2021-065, Commerce 429 (fka Beltway
429/fka Progress Commerce Park PUD) Rezoning, Project No: RZ-21-02-01; Mayor
Johnson performed a roll call vote; Motion carried 4-1 with Mayor Johnson
d) Land Use Plan
Motion: Move to approve the Land Use Plan for Commerce 429 (fka Beltway 429/fka
Progress Commerce Park PUD); Mayor Johnson performed a roll call vote; Motion
carried 4-1 with Mayor Johnson opposing.
e) Development Agreement (not a public hearing)
Motion: Move to approve the Draft Development Agreement for Commerce 429 (fka
Beltway 429/fka Progress Commerce Park PUD with minor edits to be finalized by
City staff prior to execution. Mayor Johnson performed a roll call vote; Motion
carried 4-1 with Mayor Johnson opposing.
Regular City Commission Meeting
December 7, 2021
The following persons addressed the City Commission:
- Anya Burke, Winter Park Resident, explained she works with veterans by providing them
natural essential oils for healing.
- Mark Glover, Windermere Resident, thanked the Mayor for his steadfast 35 years of
service. He explained he presented his team for the ARPA consulting services; however,
their services were not selected. He offered his services to the City.
Commissioner Oliver disagreed with the City's selection due to the Stafford Act in
connection with ARPA.Finance Director Roberts addressed his concerns. City Manager
Frank explained the City Commission advised the City to select a consultant who is
authorized by the State with grant management and federal grants.
- Caleb Gordon, Ocoee Resident, shared he is a Christian rap artist from Ocoee and wishes
to be a part of the community. He said he would like to host a gospel rap concert at Bill
Breeze Park on December 31St. Mayor Johnson explained the process of applying for a
special event permit.
- Eli Saihab, Ocoee Resident, 4 the Kids Entertainment, announced his Christmas in the
Park event to be held at Bill Breeze Park this Saturday, December 1 He asked for
assistance to help push the peiiiiit through and get port-o-potties. He further asked for the
park fees to be waived. Discussion ensued regarding various fees and responsibilities that
will be required in order for this event to occur. Motion: Move to waive the deposit
and fees for the use of the Bill Breeze Park; Moved by Commissioner Wilseni
seconded by Commissioner Oliver; Motion carried unanimously.
- Bryce Thompson, Ocoee Resident, announced he is excited to be in this city and offered
his DJ services to the City and community. Mayor Johnson encouraged him to register as
a City vendor.
- Jim Moyer, Ocoee Resident, thanked the City Commission and city staff for assisting with
the Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day event. He stated he recently joined American Legion
Post 109 and is looking for new members. He inquired about adding a link to the City's
website for the American Legion Post 109 veteran's program.
Commissioner Firstner— Commented on the following:
1) Announced the date and time of a food drive hosted by McCraney Property Company.
;Commissioner.Wilsen— Commented on the following:
1) Stated the president of the Florida League of Cities has created a mission entitled"Local Voices
Making Local Choices." She emphasized that citizens should be aware of what is happening with
government and have a voice.
2) Wished everyone happy holidays and a happy New Year. The next meeting is Tuesday,
January 4, 2022.
Regular City Commission Meeting
December 7,2021
Commissioner Oliver—Commented on the following:
1) Stated he receives emails and text messages about traffic accidents at the intersection of
Clarcona Ocoee Road.He explained the City has done their part,but the County has not. He asked
if the Commission can send a letter to Orange County to expedite installation of the new mass arm
traffic lights. Consensus of the City Commission was to send a letter from the City
Commission to the Board of Orange County Commission asking to expedite
installation of the mast arm traffic lights.
2) Announced there are streetlights now on Ingram Road. He stated sidewalks will be installed
soon. He requested a cost analysis on how many accidents the City has responded to on Clarcona
Ocoee Rd. City Manager Frank replied that data can be supplied for police and fire.
3) Encouraged residents to get their COVID-19 booster shot.
4) Announced his team will be adopting families in need to help them during the holidays, and
residents,can register for assistance on his Facebook page.
5) Shared an inspirational quote.
Commissioner Brinson—Commented on the following:
1)Asked residents to please stop dumping and littering.
2)Announced Blue Jay Way has been revitalized and is ready for use.
3)Encouraged residents to shop local.
4) Recommended residents attend Orange County's Board of County Commission meetings with
their concerns.
5) Asked residents to be careful and have patience when driving; and further, to be safe during
this holiday season.
6) Recognized city staff and expressed appreciation for them.
Mayor Johnson—Commented on the following:
1) Stated Christmas lights are not working on the streetlights and asked what can be done. City
Manager Frank said he is aware of the problem and addressed his concerns.
2)Asked if the City can take over the Lion's Club Christmas Parade, and if the City's Community
Relations Department can set up the parade. Consensus of the City Commission was to
have the City's Community Relations Department take over the Christmas Parade
moving forward.
3)Announced the CRA board appointments are on the horizon and reminded the elected officials
that they will be voting on the Orange County board appointment. Consensus of the City
Commission is to send a letter to the Orange County Board of County
Commissioners informing them that both County Commissioners are to make
nominations for the CRA board appointment.
Attest:- - - — City of Ocoee
_ ........, .
elanie Sibbitt, City Clerk Rusty Jo s n,Mayor