HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-04-2021 MinutesCITY OF OCOEE
Wednesday, ugu t 4„ 2021 - 10:00 Ali
TRUSTEES PRESENT: Gequita Cowan, Chair
Robert Briggs, Vice Chair (via phone)
Stefanie Wilson, secretary
Patricia G9 son
Jean Grafton
OTHERS PRESENT: Jeanine lttirngar, Saltmarsh, Cleaveland & Gund
Tlrrn bash, AndCo Consuffing
Pedro Herrera, ugarmarn & Susskind (via phone)
Kim Kil gore, Foster & Fenster (via phone)
1. Call to Order — Gequita Cowan called the meeting to order at 1:0 M.
20 Roll Call — As reflected above.
. Public Comments — Norma
4, rural f Winutes
The minutes from tl 2t 2 ma rt tlr� r r d rr� tl�ar� darn
Grafton and second tfartia wlam nrotln arrld �o
. Consent Ag2nda
a. Warrants , 7 and #88 for ratification
b. Quarterly fund activity report for Aprii 29, 2021, to July 28, 2021
The carafton and
second by Stefanie Wilson, motion carded ® .
, New Business
a. Trustee Term expirations
i. Stefanie Wilso n"s term on the board would be expiring on 9/30/2¢ 21 and
Stefanie commented she woud pke to rerun for another term, Kim Kilgore
commented we would mead to reach out to playa members for rn0rr0 natio ns
and if we receive more than one nornina'don are election woud mead to be
ll. Jean rafto n's terms on the beard would be expiring on 9/ 0/2G 21 and Jean
commented she woun d not be requesting to be reappointed. The beard
thanked Jean for her many years of service on the board and wished her
the best for the future. Kim KHgore commented she woWd reach OU't to the
Cty for a repacement,
7. Old Business
a. Kirn Kilgore commented at the previous meeting we 6d not dedare the rate of
return of 7.00% used in the valuation as required,
The Board voted the declaration rate of return for tine [an at 7400% for the nft2q_year ,
next several fears.. and the x eases u on
Stgfanie Wits rr motion cqrr -0 _je�L5 .
8. Reiaorll.(AI!2LM/Co�nSLI[ta�nts�
a. Saltmarsh, Cieaveiand & Gund, Jeanine &tfinger, Board Auditor
L September 30, 2020, Audit Report
'I . JeanMe Bittinger introdUced herseff and expiained her role as the
pian's independent aUditor was to express an opinion on the fUnd's
financiap statements based on their akidit.
2, JeanMe Bittinger reviewed the assets and Habiiities of the fund. -rhe
net position restricted for pensions increased from previous year of
$4.1,438,700 to $43,507,125 through 9/3012020, Jeanine Bitflnger
commented the ppan had a good year.
1 Jeanine Bitfinger commented the pp an was at 0.21 % for investment
expenses and 0.30% for adMinistrative expenses. Jeanine
commented the pian shoWd be below a tot of 1.0% for these
4, Robert. Briggs asked if there were any new notes or new
requirements to discuss and Jeanine Bittinger stated there was not.
The Board voted to g2proye the audit AqSresented motiorrb RolIgg rir s q!ld
second b f Jean Graftoiv, rrjotlon carried 5-0.
5. Jeanine BittMger reviewed their new agreement for the next 3 years
and commented the fee woWd increase by $500 for the next audit
year and then wouid increase by $500 each year thereafter. Pedro
Herrera commented he had reviewed the agreernent and it was
acceptaWe if the board was good with the fee increase.
The Boa[g _gp _,.�.nlotlon b
.proved the audit se resented
g&EnMUMg y_RqLbert
ied 5-0.
b, AndCo Consulting, Tim Nash, Investment Consultant
L QUarterly Report as Of JLjne 30, 2021
1. Trn Nash Mshed Jean Grafton the best for the future, and he
appreciated serving her whHe on the board.
Z, -rim Nash reviewed the market environment dUr4ig the past quarter
and year with Growth outperforming "aloe stocks in the past two
I Tim Nash reviewed the top 10 weighted stocks during the past
quarter and year,
4e Tim Nash reviewed the schedWe of inn estabie assets over the past
10 years with a begNrining rnarket vaCue of $21,515,851 and ending
market vaNue as Of JUne 30, 2021, of $51,680,308 with an 9.05%
net average return,
5. -rhe asset 0ocation surnmw y for the quarter en&ig was Domestic
Equity 50,70%, Qnternational EqUity 15.30%, Domestic Fixed
Nncome 18.50%, Gioba8 Fixed income 4.40%, ReaN Estate 9.70%,
and Cash 1.40%.
61'4n Nash reviewed the fund's asset aNEocatNon versus the
lnvestment PoiNcy Statement (NPS). TNm cornmented the fund was
a litfle under on the Domestic Fixed Nncorne aNNocafion and woWd
need to be rebalance back to target ranges per IPS.
The Board roved to rebalance the fund back to the IPS ran. ..pAr recommendation 17
the Investment QonsjLlt�a�nt yjp 2n nLotiogj4y n Grafton and second d tLMleasqn
;iofi(Tn carried 5-0.
7. Tim Nash reviewed the financiai reconcifiation for the past quarter
with a beginn4ig tots{ market vaiue of $49,100,971 and ending
marketvalue of $51,680,308 showing a gain around $2.5 mN�Mon for
the quarter'.
8. The tasted fund gross returns for the quarter were 6.07%, Trailing
returns for FYTD, 1, 3, and 5-year periods were 21 A5%, 27,09%,
12,02%, and 11 .54%, respectively. Since Nnception (4/1104), gross
returns were 7,89%.
9,, 'rim Nash reviewed each of the investment manager's returris ln tl,-ie
portfolio for the past quarter. TM'-� cornmerat ed he had no
recommendation to change aniy managers at tMs time.
10, 1-Mi Nash reviewed the compiance checWst and estirnated fees for
ea(,,,h investrnent manager M the farad's portfoio.
11. Tim Nash reviewed handout on American ReaVty Advisors manager
showing their, current gross asset vaiue of the ARA Core Property
and was $7.03 biMon with gross return target of 7,00% to 9,,009/6,
Tirn Nash cornmented their, ieverage ratio of 21,20% was reiabvey
Bow compared to others. Tim Nash reviewed the percer�tag es of the
ARA Core Property Fund's asset Oocafion in industria, resldenfia,
and retabL
C. SLIgarman & SussWid, Pedro Herrera, Board Attorney
N. Surnmary PYan DescrNption (SPD) update
1. Pedro l--I�errera revdewed the requlrerrient of the SPI) 'to be updated
and distribUted every two years.
Z, Pedro Herrera commented there were no updates made except for
changing the City logo on the front cover gage try new City logo.
The Bomrdq ap provq,,d the_MRS!_qted §Egj,2s sented u c�n,Mc io
n—j- — _ It .2rLq
§y r gricia Gleason motion carded 5
JL—,—n�--- -0.
Lega&egislative update
1, Pedro Herrera stated there were no bpassed in Rorida
ieguslafion which would affect. any Rohda municipaiibes,
9, Staff RnIpqrts Discuss lon,,an d Action
a. Foster & Foster, KiM Ki6gore,alarm Administrator
L Educafional Opportunffies
1. Korn Kilgore reviewed the PPTVI'rustee School wou, d be held
on October 3-6, 2021, in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida. Kirn Kilgore
requested the b"Ustees to make their hotel reservations and send
her an ernaU with the con firmafion numbers. Kim further stated they
would send a check &ecfly to the hote@ to pay for the Iodg4ig for
each trustee attending.
10, Trustees' R scussiand Action -- None.
ieEqILs, on
11. ALdLqurnmen�t — The meefing adjourned atI 1.33 AM
12,NextMe2tin —Wednesday, November 3,2021, at 10,00 AM, quarterly meeting
. _q
RespeCftffly subrnitted by: Approved by:
*Z A4�r
Kim KoGgore,alarm Administrator
Date Approved by the Pension Board'.