HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-02-2021 Minutes CITY OF OCOEE
Minutes of the Human Relations Diversity Board
Regular Meeting Held December 2,2021
The meeting was called to order by Chair Elect Hart at 6:21 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall located
at 150 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee.
Chair Elect Hart led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag,followed by a moment of personal reflection.
Recording Clerk Sibbitt performed roll call and declared quorum present.
Present: Chair Elect Hart, and Members: Maxwell, Carr, Fontanez, Moyer, and Ages Hart
Absent: Chair Anderson-Robinson, and Member(s) Dawkins, Brown, and Middleton
Also Present: Commissioner Oliver and Recording Clerk Sibbitt
Guest(s): Dr. David and Jane Tran, and Jennifer Yon with the Jennifer Yon Agency
Public Comments: Dr. David Tran, Business Owner, introduced himself and his wife,Jane Tran, to the board; and
shared they have a Chiropractic business opening in the community soon.They are very active in the community
and are in attendance to listen and learn.
A. Approval of Minutes for the HRDB meetings held November 4, 2021:
Motion:Move to Approve the November 4,2021,Minutes;Moved by Member Ages Hart,seconded by Member
Maxwell. Motion carried unanimously.
B. Sponsorship Letter Discussion
Past Chair Maxwell shared he felt the objective for the sponsorship request letter was not clearly defined, and
recommended the Board take the time to define what they are trying to accomplish. He provided a brief summary
of their progress for obtaining the sculpture which began in 2018. He reiterated that he has spoken with the
Alliance for Truth and Justice (ATJ) organization, and the HRDB did not make the cut for the presumed funding.
Chair Elect Lori Hart shared there is an email before the Board in response to the Celebrating Diversity sculpture
which indicated the sculpture that was in stock had been sold, but a courtesy discount is being offered for a new
casting. Recording Clerk Sibbitt explained the email provided by the sculpture vendor. A brief discussion ensued
about using funds from the current budget for the deposit of the Celebrating Diversity sculpture. Recording Clerk
Sibbitt advised, as it is her understanding they may want to discuss the sponsorship as a method to fund the
sculptures, that before the Board is a list of sponsors Commissioner Oliver provided to consider. Commissioner
Oliver commented that he agreed with Past Chair Maxwell that a mission statement should be defined before
they ask for funding. He further shared he also spoke to City staff about grant funding opportunities,and they too
indicated that a defined purpose for the sculptures needs to be established. Brief discussion ensued on the
sculptures and letter of support. Chair Elect Lori Hart commented that she felt the Board should wait on placing
a deposit for the Celebrating Diversity sculpture until they have given this more thought and have developed their
mission statement.
Motion: Move to form a Mission Statement Subcommittee to define the purpose for the Board's request for
funds for the sculptures; Moved by Member Ages Hart, seconded by Past Chair Maxwell. Motion carried
HRDB Meeting
December 2, 2021
Past Chair Maxwell briefly shared some personal conflicts he is currently dealing with, but said he is willing to
support and work with anyone who can take the lead on this project. Member Ages shared he would volunteer
to lead the Subcommittee established. Past Chair Maxwell commented that he would assist with the
Subcommittee where needed. Recording Clerk Sibbitt reminded the Board that if the Subcommittee is going to <
meet that she please be informed on the time and location so she may notice the meeting properly. Past Chair
Maxwell briefly spoke to the Board about his recent encounter with the Equal Justice Initiative (EJI), and shared
they may approach the Board as they have some upcoming projects they are also working on. Commissioner
Oliver shared there is a cultural group who is seeking to form a historical society to address the preservation of
A the history of Ocoee through a grant process.
C. Update of Ocoee Election Day Massacre Remembrance Events—Nov. 6th & 7th—This item was merged with Item
D—Ocoee Election Day Massacre Remembrance Subcommittee Report.
D. Ocoee Election Day Massacre Remembrance Subcommittee Report
Member Carr shared that he met with Member Middleton and the Jennifer Yon Agency to draft a preliminary
outline for 2022. The outline was provided to the members. Jennifer Yon briefed the board on the mission
established by the Subcommittee, and explained the program details being proposed for the week of
November 1-6, 2022. Member Moyer thanked Ms. Yon for her work with this year's event and suggested that
Election Day, November 8th, be considered as part of the event activities. Member Fontanez commented on the
length of the event as he felt that six days was too long for'an event. Brief discussion ensued on the amount of
days being proposed for the event. Past Chair Maxwell suggested including the historic Ocoee Christian Church
in their program as they have participated in the last two events. He also commented on Mr. Moyer's suggestion
and shared that they could provide election materials as the election is ever changing each year. He lastly
recommended that it be considered to reach out to the Military Color Guard to participate and thanked Ms. Yon
for her preliminary proposal.
Commissioner Oliver addressed Member Fontanez and asked what he is suggesting from the Board that would
honor diversity. Member Fontanez shared he would like the Board to contribute to the less fortunate, as he feels
the coordinating of the sculptures and events is misuse of the funds. Commissioner Oliver shared his
understanding and commented that the Board could consider doing a food drive event for everyone in the
community. He further shared he has been in conversations with an organization who is willing to sponsor a Unity
Festival in Ocoee. Brief discussion ensued about diverse board events.Commissioner Oliver asked Ms.Yon about
the cost and budget for the proposed event she presented. Ms. Yon explained that ideally, they are seeking
sponsorship for the upcoming event so that cost would be taken care of. Commissioner Oliver inquired if the
agency would be updating the Board on the sponsorship and event details throughout the year and if so, at what
cost. Ms.Yon shared that their agency would receive 20%; however,they are not asking for any money upfront.
Member Moyer shared that an agreement would be needed regardless of where the money would be coming
from. Chair Elect Lori Hart shared she would want to see monthly proposals on the businesses that would be
contacted to sponsor this event. Member Carr commented that the lowering of flags in the program details is not
something that he believed the Board can request without a national order from the President, or Governor.
Member Carr further commented on board shirts for the members as many do not have shirts to wear to their
sponsored events. Recording Clerk Sibbitt shared that the Board can discuss shirt orders with Assistant Support
Services Director Doug Gaines at their next meeting. She shared that she will send an email out to the Board
members to request their shirt sizes before their next meeting. Member Carr concluded by informing the Board
the preliminary proposal was to get the Board's input before cost is calculated. Discussion ensued on cost and
proposal of a contract. Recording Clerk Sibbitt advised the Board that they do not have authority to enter the City
into a contract, but can review the contract and discuss recommendations they would like to present to the City
Commission.Member Carr shared the Subcommittee can coordinate with City staff to inquire what the purchasing
threshold is, and confirm they do not need to bid out their event proposal. Recording Clerk Sibbitt reminded the
Board that a five-day notice is required to be posted for their Subcommittee meetings, so if they will be meeting,
please be sure to inform her.
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HRDB Meeting
December 2, 2021
E. Black History Month Essay Contest-Postponed to the January 6th HRDB Meeting.
III: Board and Staff Comments:
Member Moyer announced the 80th Anniversary Pearl Harbor Event time and location.
Chair Elect Lori Hart shared an email from Member Dawkins,who inquired if a sympathy card could be sent from
the Board to Mr.Allie Braswell, as his wife recently passed away. Past Chair Maxwell inquired if the Board could
contribute to order a floral arrangement,or a wreath,as Mr. Braswell has worked with the HRDB on several events
over the years. Recording Clerk Sibbitt advised that a motion would be needed for approval to use the Board's
funds for the purchase of flowers.
Motion: Move to purchase a sympathy floral arrangement to send to the Braswell Family; Moved by Past Chair
Maxwell,seconded by Member Ages Hart. Motion carried unanimously.
IV:Set Next Agenda
A. Approval of Minutes for December 2, 2021, meeting
B. Black History Month Essay Contest
C. Mission Statement Subcommittee Report for Sponsorship Letter
D. Ocoee Election Day Massacre Remembrance Subcommittee Report
Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 8:09 PM
/hie fra—
Melanie Si bitt, Recording Clerk chairperson
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