HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 11 Approval to Award Asphalt Paving Projects for FY 2022 ocoee florida AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: January 18, 2022 Item #: f j Reviewed By: Contact Name: Stephen C Krug Department Director: Contact Number: 6002 City Manager: Subject: Award of Asphalt Paving Projects for FY 2022 Background Summary: The Commission awarded the FY 2021 Asphalt Paving Projects through contract ITB #21-009 to Middlesex Paving, LLC at the October 5, 2021 meeting. The competitively bid contract was within the FY 2021 budget at $878,450.00. Due to the volatility in the construction market and fluctuation in fuel prices which directly correlate to asphalt pricing, Public Works approached Middlesex to see if the contractor would honor the FY 2021 contract pricing for the FY 2022 resurfacing program. Middlesex has agreed to honor their existing FY 2021 contract pricing for the work included in the FY 2022 resurfacing program. The FY 2022 resurfacing program includes; 1) Maguire Road from SR 50 to the Turnpike Bridge, 2) Reflections Subdivision, 3) Hidden Glenn Subdivision, 4) Johio Glenn Subdivision, 4) Clarke Road Lane Repairs at White Road and 5) Lakeshore Center South Parking Area. The total cost of the work is within budget at $592,176.50. Additionally, Public Works requested Middlesex to provide a cost for replacing signalization detection loops on the portion of Maguire Road included in the FY 2021 program from the Turnpike Bridge to Roberson Road. The cost for the twenty (20) loops is $1,450.00 each for a total of $29,000.00 and is within industry standards. Public Works will issue a change order to incorporate the additional work into the contract upon Commission approval. Public Works recommends incorporating the FY 2022 resurfacing program and traffic signal detection loops into the competitively bid and awarded contract ITB#21-009 Asphalt Paving Projects for FY 2021 with Middlesex Paving, LLC. Issue: Request the City Commission to incorporate the FY 2022 asphalt paving projects into the Asphalt Paving Projects contract for FY 2021 previously awarded to Middlesex Paving, LLC. Recommendations: Staff recommends the City Commission incorporate the FY 2022 resurfacing program and loop replacement into the ITB #21-009 Asphalt Paving Projects for FY 2021 with Middlesex Paving, LLC for the additional the amount of$621,176.50 and authorize the Mayor, City Clerk, and Staff to execute the required change order to incorporate said work into the existing contract. Staff also recommends the City Manager and Staff be authorized to approve change orders to this contract up to the limit of his purchasing authority for each change order, and up to the budgeted amount for this project for all change orders. Attachments: 1. October 5, 2021 Staff Report for Award of ITB #21-009 2. Middlesex Paving FY 2022 Resurfacing Program Bid Tabulation. 3. Middlesex Paving Vehicle Loop Detector Quote. Financial Impact: This work is adequately funded in the Streets Division Capital Improvement Program. Type of Item: (please mark with an 'x') ❑ Public Hearing For Clerk's Dept Use: ❑ Ordinance First Reading Consent Agenda ❑ Ordinance Second Reading ❑ Public Hearing ❑ Resolution ❑ Regular Agenda ❑ Commission Approval ❑ Discussion& Direction ❑ Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk ▪ Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by 2 ocoee florid° AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: October 5, 2021 Item #: �p Reviewed By: Contact Name: Joyce Tolbert/SaLetha Department Director: Rebecca Ro s Mathews Contact Number: 1516/1513 City Manager: Rr�ij, as Subject: Award of ITB #21-009 Asphalt Paving Projects for FY 2021 Background Summary: The City of Ocoee, Florida (City) solicited bids from qualified contractors to furnish labor, supervision, materials, equipment, supplies and incidentals for the asphalt paving projects for fiscal year 2021, for the milling and resurfacing of Maguire Road (South — Turnpike Bridge to Roberson Road), Waterside Subdivision Roads, Weston Park Subdivision Roads, Fire Station 38 Drives (Vignetti Park), and Maguire Road (North - From RxR Crossing to Franklin Street). The overall work incorporates approximately 5.4 miles of roadway resurfacing. The bid was publicly advertised on August 15, 2021, and opened on September 21, 2021. The City received five (5) bids for this project; however, two bids were considered non-responsive or either failure to use the revised bid form or for numerous mathematical errors, see the attached bid tabulation. All bids are available in the Finance Department for review. The Public Works and Finance Departments reviewed the three responsive bids received ranging from $878,450.00 to $ 979,074.09. Staff recommends awarding the bid to Middlesex Paving, LLC as the most responsive and responsible bidder, per the attached recommendation from Richard Campanale, City Engineer, Public Works. The table below is a listing of the responsive bids received. Bidder Total Bid 1. Middlesex Paving, LLC $ 878,450.00 2. Hubbard Construction Company S 942,653.75 3. Turtle Infrastructure, LLC $ 979,074.09 Issue: Should the City Commission award the bid for Asphalt Paving Projects for FY 2021 to Middlesex Paving, LLC, as recommended by the City Engineer? Recommendations: Staff recommends the City Commission award ITB#21-009 Asphalt Paving Projects for FY 2021 to Middlesex Paving, LLC in the amount of $878,450.00 and authorize the Mayor, City Clerk, and Staff to execute the required contract documents once the required bonds and insurance are received. Staff also recommends the City Manager be authorized to approve change orders to this contract up to the limit of his purchasing authority for each change order, and up to the budgeted amount for this project for all change orders. Attachments: 1. Bid Tabulation 2. Award Recommendation from Public Works Dept. 3. Middlesex Paving Bid 4. Invitation to Bid #21-009 including Figure Sheets 1.1-1.4, 2, 3, 4, 5 5. Addendum #1- 3 Financial Impact: This project is adequately funded in the Streets Division Capital Improvement Program in the amount of $905,100.00. Type of Item: (please mark with an "x') d Public Hearing For Clerk's Dept User ❑ Ordinance First Reading Consent Agenda D Ordinance Second Reading Public Hearing ❑ Resolution ❑ Regular Agenda ® Commission Approval O Discussion& Direction ❑ Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk © Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by 2 BID ITB#21-009 ASPHALT PAVING PROJECTS FOR FY 2021 BID TABULATION 09/21/2021 2:00 P.M. 1 Hubbard Construction Company Mercon Construction Company Middlesex Paving.LLC Ranger Construction,INC BID TAB Non-Responsive for failure to use Non-Responsive due to numerous Acknowleged Addenda#1-3 the Revised Bid Form. I mathmatical errors on Ranger's Bid Bid Security Bid Bond Bid Bond Form Sunbiz Verification I Required Forms ♦ ,' DESCRIPTION QTY 'UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE Mobilization/Demobilization 8 General Construction Requirements 8 Restoration(5V.of Base Bid plus add alternates) $16 040 00 516.040 00 561-176-13 55447443 S41,833.75 S41,833.75 544426-76 544 17t•:;:. SUB-TOTAL $16,040.00 561,176.13 $41,833.75 $44-4-2,75 MAGUIRE ROAD(SOUTH-FROM TURNPIKE BRIDGE TO ROBERSON RD)MILL AND RESURFACING 1.5"Milling(Max.) 39,400 52 10 S82740 DO S2r28 5428,06G00 $2.00 S78,800.00 SS3644BO-00 1.5'Resurface Type FC•12.5 Asphalt Paving 39,400 $11 20 5441,280.00 $4060 1304,00600 S9.50 S374,300.00 -. ••. Temporary Striping and Thermoplastic Final Striping 1 $65,600 00 565.600.00 $60800 00 169,800.00 S48,530.00 S48,530.00 64:+»se:,7 0 .: SUB-TOTAL $589.620.00 $89418609 5501,630.00 58-1-7 3000 WATERSIDE SUBDIVISION AREA MILL AND RESURFACING r 1"Milling(Max.) 21.515 $1.40 $30,121.00 52-00 5.43830-00 51.50 S32,272.50 5•.•.;: 5172,120r000.00 I Resurface Type SP44.5 Asphalt Paving 21.515 $6.55 $140,923.25 58.00 5472420-00 $6.35 S136,620.25 5172.120.000-08 Temporary Striping and Thermoplastic Final Striping 1 53.08100 53.08100 5360000 53-600.00 S3,000.00 $3,000.00 /547,,+or _ „. ... SUS-TOTAL 5174,125.25 $2487660,00 $171,892.75 5344248,000,00 WESTON PARK SUBDIVISION AREA MILL AND RESURFACING 1'Milling(Max.) 10,910 $1.30 514,18300 $260 5277276-00 $1.50 516,365.00 67-.200-00 578,66240000 r Resurface Type SP-9.5 Asphalt Paving 10,910 $6.45 370.369 50 $800 $87480 00 56.35 S69,278.50 57 20000 $4Kv#B27008-00 Temporary Striping and Thermoplastic.I inai Stnpmg 1 $2,665 00 52.665 00 53000400 $3,000-00 S3,000.00 S3,000.00 5:"r(H)110 SUB-000AL $87,217.50' ✓11766300 588,643.50 $467-11-1,20000 ADD ALTERNATE-1 FIRE STATION 38 DRIVES OVERLAY(VIGNETTI PARK) 2.5'Overlay Type SP-12.5 Asphall Paving 1390 S16.40 S22,796.00 526-0 S3644-00 515.00 520,850.00 51360 S18:65;70 SUB-101A8. S22,796.00 r $36,140.80 520,850.00 $48-:6G66-00 ADD ALTERNATE-2 MAGUIRE ROAD(NORTH-FROM RxR CROSSING TO FRANKLIN STREET) 2.0'Mang(Max.) $345 57,98675 5960 $249z4g, 54.00 59,260.00 54731177 $10,884625.00 2.0"Resurface Type SP-12.5 Asphao Paving -_-> - S13 95 532,294,25 $4860 $42,82240 S14.00 532,410.00 512 50 S28,037.60 Temporary Striping and Thermoplastic Final Striping • 57.980 00 57,980.00 $6,50000 567600-00 57,930.00 57,930.00 54:300-00 50200-00 Traffic Signal Loops 1 54 594 00 $4,594 00 $40-000 00 $10 000 00 $4,000.00 54,000.00 54 73(i 00 54 35 00 SUB-TOTAL $52.855.00 -" $84320,90 $53,600.00 54-1404497-60 TOTAL BID Including Add Alternates#1&#2 5942,653 Ti $1-086,801-13 S878,450.00 5613,213,818,26 2 1 ,A Inhiz submitted forms 8 references ventied only on lowest three thins Oidcleis Iisleo in aipitabelical order Yellow Highlighted areas indicate discrepancies on Bid Form 1 BID ITB#21-009 ASPHALT PAVING PROJECTS FOR FY 2021 BID TABULATION 09/21/2021 2:00 P.M. Turtle Infrastructure,LLC BID TAB Acknowleged Addenda#1-3 Bid Secuntyy B•c fiord Sunbtz Verification Required Forms se- DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT PRICE ITOTAL PRICE Mobilization/Demobilization 8 General Construction Requirements 8 Restoration(Sib of Base Bid plus add alternates) 1 S48,674 25 ...- SUB-TOTAL S48.674 25 MAGUIRE ROAD(SOUTH-FROM TURNPIKE BRIDGE TO ROBERSON RD)MILL AND RESURFACING t.5'Milling(Max) 39,400 SI 55 S61,070 00 1.5'Resurface Type c;,-'2 5 Asphalt ca,ng 39,400 512.14 S478 316 00 Temporary Striping and Thermoplastic Fnai Striping 1 S65,37500 565,375 00 SUB-TOTAL S604.761.00 WATERSIDE SUBDIVISION AREA MILL AND RESURFACING 1'Milling(Max.) 21,515 51 10 523,666.50 1 Resurtace Type SP-9.5 Asphalt P., • 21,515 S6 59 S141.783 85 -empmary Striping and Thermop:as;. ,i ,,i Fu ii - $5.358 82 $5.358 82 SUB-TOTAL 5170,809.17 WESTON PARK SUBDIVISION AREA MILL AND RESURFACING 1'Milling•;Max.i 10.910 SG 83 S9.C55 30 1'Resurface Type SP-9.5 Asphalt Paving 10910 56 59 $71,896.90 Temporary Striping and Thermoplastic Final Stnping ; ...:•F 92 55 359 92 SUB-TOTAL $86,311,02 ADD ALTERNATE-1 FIRE STATION 38 DRIVES OVERLAY(VIGNETTI PARK) 25'Overlay Type So-12.5 Asphalt Paving 1?4, S IS 34 S22,712 60 SUB-TOTAL S22,712.60 ADD ALTERNATE-2 MAGUIRE ROAD(NORTH-FROM RaR CROSSING TO FRANKLIN STREET) 2.0'Milling(Max.) 2,315 St 50 53,472 50 2.0'Resurface Type SP-I25 Asphalt Paving 2,315 S13 67 531.646.05 Temporary Striping and Thermoplastic Final Sloping 1 57,562 50 $7,562.50 Traffic Signal Loops S3,125.00 S3,125 00 SUB-TOTAL S45,806.05 TOTAL BID Including Add Alternates#1 8#2 $979,Qrika{ I ,i,n Li: vd:mf'ea forms F.ieferenu'l air lietf"MI'?an':.v,.s;Itlire Ivn's I'idrleis I s'ed ir.al;;na;telical e,itle' Yellow Highlighted areas indicate discrepancies on Bid Form . • Ocoee florida Mayor MEMORANDUM Rusty Johnson Commissioners Date: September 28, 2021 Larry Brinson,SR. UCOee Public Works r District 1 Team To: Joyce Tolbert, Purchasing Agent ill Rosemary Wilsen District 2From: Richard Campanile; P.E. P.Liit.:, • Richard Firs}ner U�. C) District3 City Engineer Public Wor C/ �� `" Improving o great community George Oliver III District 4 RE: Contract Award Recommendation ITB #21-009 City Manager Robert D.Frank Public Works recommends award of the Asphalt Paving Projects for FY 2021 to the lowest responsive bidder, Middlesex Paving, LLC, in the amount of $878,450.00. The City received three responsive bids from contractors with the low bid below the Engineer's Opinion of Cost. The Contractor has positive history with the City and Central Florida on resurfacing projects in previous years. The project is adequately funded in the Streets Division Capital Improvement Program. The Asphalt Paving Projects for FY 2021 includes milling and resurfacing the following streets and subdivisions; Maguire Road (from Turnpike Bridge to Roberson Road), Waterside Subdivision, Weston Park Subdivision, and two add alternates including Fire Station 38 Driveway and Maguire Road (from RxR Crossing to Franklin Street). The overall work incorporates approximately 5.4 miles of roadway resurfacing. City of Ocoee •301 Maguire Road • Ocoee, Florida 34761 Phone: (407) 905-3170 •www.ocoee.org BID ITB#21-009 ASPHALT PAVING PROJECTS FOR FY 2021 BID TABULATION 09/21/2021 2:00 P.M. 2022 RESURFACING PROJECTS DESCRIPTION QTY UNITS UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE Mobilization/Demobilization&General Construction Requirements& Restoration(5%of Base Bid plus add alternates) 1 LS $28,500.00 $28,500.00 SUB-TOTAL $28,500.00 MAGUIRE ROAD(SOUTH—FROM COLONIAL TO TURNPIKE BRIDGE) MILL AND RESURFACE 1.5"Milling(Max.) 12,957 SY $2.00 $25,914.00 1.5"Resurface Type FC-12.5 Asphalt Paving 12,957 SY $9.50 $123,091.50 Signal Loop System Replacement 1 LS $9,400.00 $9,400.00 Temporary Striping and Thermoplastic Final Striping 1 LS $23,000.00 $23,000.00 SUB-TOTAL $181,405.50 REFLECTIONS SUBDIVISION AREA MILL AND RESURFACING 1"Milling(Max.) 20,850 SY $1.50 $31,275.00 1"Resurface Type SP-9.5 Asphalt Paving 20,850 SY $6.35 $132,397.50 Temporary Striping and Thermoplastic Final Striping 1 LS $5,500.00 $5,500.00 SUB-TOTAL $169,172.50 HIDDEN GLENN SUBDIVISION AREA MILL AND RESURFACING 1"Milling(Max.) 7,615 SY $1.50 $11,422.50 1"Resurface Type SP-9.5 Asphalt Paving 7,615 SY $6.35 $48,355.25 Temporary Striping and Thermoplastic Final Striping 1 LS $5,500.00 $5,500.00 SUB-TOTAL $65,277.75 JOHIO GLENN SUBDIVISION AREA MILL AND RESURFACING 1"Milling(Max.) 9,285 SY $1.50 $13,927.50 1"Resurface Type SP-9.5 Asphalt Paving 9,285 SY $6.35 $58,959.75 Temporary Striping and Thermoplastic Final Striping 1 LS $5,500.00 $5,500.00 SUB-TOTAL $78,387.25 CLARKE ROAD LANE REPAIRS MILL AND RESURFACING 3"Milling(Max.) 2,095 SY $6.00 $12,570.00 1.5"Structural Course Type SP-12.5 Asphalt Paving 2,095 SY $9.00 $18,855.00 1.5"Resurface Type FC-12.5 Asphalt Paving 2,095 SY $9.50 $19,902.50 Temporary Striping and Thermoplastic Final Striping 1 LS $6,500.00 $6,500.00 SUB-TOTAL $57,827.50 ADD ALTERNATE-3 LAKESHORE CENTER-SOUTH PARKING AREA 1.0"Milling(Max.) 1,160 SY $1.50 $1,740.00 1.0"Resurface Type SP-9.5 Asphalt Paving(Pavement Joint Included) 1,160 SY $6.35 $7,366.00 Temporary Striping and Thermoplastic Final Striping 1 LS $2,500.00 $2,500.00 SUB-TOTAL $11,606.00 TOTAL BASE BID = $592,176.50 Krug, Stephen From: Campanale, Richard Sent: Monday, January 3, 2022 3:56 PM To: Krug, Stephen Subject: FW: City of Ocoee loops Loop system for Maguire 2021 Budget Richard A. Campanale, P.E. City Engineer City of Ocoee Public Works Department (407) 905-3170 From: Pete Fronczak<pfronczak@middlesexco.com> Sent:Thursday, November 18, 2021 8:32 AM To: Campanale, Richard <RCampanale@ocoee.org> Cc:Sage Attwood <jsattwood@middlesexco.com> Subject: City of Ocoee loops Richard, Please see pricing below for loops on Maguire Rd as a Change Order to the FY 2021 contract.This price includes the wire, sealant as will as any MOT and underground/window work needed to pull the wire. 4 F Loops--$1,450.00 each 16 B Loops--$1,450.00 each Total $29,000.00 If you have any questions please let me know. Thank you, Peter Franc ]' 0 t Pete Fronczak I Estimator/Project Manager 10801 Cosmonaut Blvd. Orlando, FL 32824 x p: 407-515-3586 0 ❑ - ❑ I ❑ I ❑ = ❑ A recipient of 24 consecutive annual diamond,platinum,and gold ABC Safety STEP awards and a member of the ENR Top 400 Contractors for the past 20 years,currently ranked#222,including top 50 in heavy civil construction and the#1 transportation contractor in New England. CAUTION:This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 1