HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-09-2021 Minutes 1%‘ •
Districting Commission Board
December 9,2021 MINUTES 6:30 p.m.
I. Call to Order
Chair Keller called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City
Hall, located at 150 N. Lakeshore Drive.
Roll Call and Determination of Quorum
Present: Chair Keller,Vice-Chair Forges,Member Davis,Member Lowrie,Member Moyer
Also present: City Clerk Sibbitt,Assistant City Attorney Opsahl and Recording Clerk Heard
Absent: Alt. Member 1 Mellen, Alt. Member 2 Lomneck
II. Approval of Minutes—October 14, 2021
Motion: Move to approve the minutes of October 14, 2021; Moved by Member
Lowrie, seconded by Member Davis; Motion carried unanimously.
III. Update Since the Last Meeting
GIS Analyst O'Halloran reviewed what happened at the last meeting in October and
provided an update on what has happened since. He obtained race and ethnicity population
counts, and future development data; and further, Chair Keller created a plan called Member
Plan 1.
IV. Trials of Various District Boundaries
a) Review of Proposed Maps
Chair Keller explained Member Plan 1 is only a starting point, and he recommends moving
the demarcation line on Maine Street down to State Road 50.
GIS Analyst O'Halloran explained Member Plan 1 and what the percent deviation means.
Chair Keller recommended District 4 have a negative or zero percent deviation,because he
believed that district will have the most growth within the next 36 months.Discussion ensued
regarding future growth in all districts.
Districting Commission
December 9,2021
GIS Analyst O'Halloran presented a PowerPoint outlining ethnicity and race by Districts
with comparing 2010 with present day,which accounts for the growth of diversity throughout
the city(Exhibit 1). He further explained current construction and future development growth
that the city has underway for the next 36 months. District 3 currently has the most future
growth at 1,042,District 1 has 922,District 4 has 736, and District 2 has the least at 7.Further
discussion ensued regarding future growth in Districts 1, 3, and 4 (Exhibit 2).
Discussion ensued on moving deviation lines to obtain proper percentile deviations. The
Board moved more census blocks to create another map.
(7:46 pm)
Motion: Move to adopt Board Plan IA; Moved by Member Moyer, seconded by Vice-
Chair Forges; Motion carried unanimously.
(Heard out ofAgenda order)
V. Public Comments
Susan Adams, League of Women Voters of Orange County, asked what the process is and
how the public can access proposed maps and when they can present their own maps.
GIS Analyst O'Halloran explained currently the City does not have interactive software for
the public to utilize online. The only access to available software is during the meeting or by
making an appointment with him to create a map. All maps created by board members or the
public will be presented on the website.
City Clerk Sibbitt clarified that maps placed on the website are the maps approved by this
Board,and any other maps would be linked with the minutes under the supporting documents
folders.Any maps approved by this Board to be recommended to the City Commission will
be placed on the website under the Districting Commission page.
VI. Direction to Staff
Chair Keller asked staff to email the board plan out to the members.He announced the next
meeting is January 13,2022,and he urged the members to contact staff if they wish to create
a map.
Districting Commission
December 9,2021
WI. Adjournment
Motion: Move to adjourn; Moved by Member Davis, seconded by Member Lowrie;
Motion carried unanimously.
The meeting adjourned at 7:51 p.m.
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at y Hea , ecording
Clerk z.J-Oie ni-r, C'air
Ethnicity and Race by Commission Districts
Native Hawaiian
Commission Not Hispanic or Black or African American Indian and Other Pacific TWo CIF more
ilistrict Total Population Hispanic or Latino Latino White American and Akaska Native Asian lsiander Some Other pace races
1 13,1114 4,$20 885: 5,290 2,947 105 697. 20 2,052 2,072
2 11,099 2,796 13,10 5:,441 7,047 Sit sa3 a 1333 1,620
3 10,694 2,S05 7,1162 5„792 1,243 27 714 6 1,179 1,732
4 12,384 2,079 113,30- 3,916 41.912 61 1,090, 10 903 1,434
Totals 47,351 12,000 35,35 20,439 11,149 251. 3,084 52 5,467 5,908
Native Hawaiian
C001131155i0r1 Not Hispanic or Black or African American Indian and Other Pacific Two Cif more
District Total Population Hispanic Ur Latino Latino White American and Ala-sica Native Asian lsrancier Some Other Race races
1 13,124 33% 67'.. 40% 22% 1% 5% 0% 16% 16%
2 11,099 25%, 75.: 49% 15% 1% 5% 0% 12% 15%
3 10fi94 26% 74;. 54% 12% 4% 7% 0% 11% 16%
4. 12 384
, 1.7% 831, 32% 40% a% 9% 0% 7% .12%
Residential Development Projects by Time Period& District
Under Construction Construction Expected within 12 Months Construction Expected within Urn 36 Months
Commission Under Construction Construction
District Single-fernihi Townhouse Multirrisily Construction Single-family Townhouse Multr-family ExpectBd r-igle-f-dmity Townhouse Multi-family Expteaed AD Totals
1 0 '302 320 622 0 0 0 0 0 D 300 300 922
2 0. 0 0 0 0 7 0 7 0 0 0 0 7
3 0 90 242 332 0 0 410 410 0 Cr 300 300 1„042
4 89 157. 0 246 257 0 0 257 233 0 0 233 735
Board Plan 1A
Population Figures Based on Modifying 2020 Census Data
Sources 2020 United States Census Bureau and City of Ocoee
ji 1 _ "' ILL5 9 DistriCt: 4
Population: 11,722
'''�"""� •rrn Deviation from Ideal: -118 •
Distnctr : 1 - � t Percent Deviation: -1 00%
Population: 11,845 _ •
Deviation from Ideal: 5 _ .. ,,, . .„,
Percent Deviation: 0.04 i ,. r 4 � sr rs ..-
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Deviation from Ideal: -296 1, 1—I - e Population: 12,250
Percent Deviation 2 50% r - ', Deviation from Ideal: 410
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—z ,,- J _ Proposed Commission Distncts.
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- I r• i(• ®r' ROFlr RloyEOJ L, -n''--.�I —District Boundaries
•1\ ,� r� . _ K ___ Proposed Commission
i° District Boundaries
s _,.7\_ Parcels
O —City Boundary
,, Unincorporated Territory
�; Lux 7,, and Other Municipalities
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Lakes and Water Bodies
, codes December 2021
1 11.840 11,845 5 0.04
2 11,840 12.250 410 3.46
3 11,840 11,544 -296 -2.50
4 11,840 11,722 -118 -1.00
47,361 47.361 0 0.00