HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-06-2022 Minutes CITY OF OCOEE
Minutes of the Human Relations Diversity Board
Regular Meeting Held January 6,2022
The meeting was called to order by Chair Anderson-Robinson at 6:17 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City
Hall located at 150 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee.
Chair Anderson-Robinson led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag,followed by a moment of personal
reflection. Recording Clerk Sibbitt performed roll call and declared quorum present.
Present: Chair Anderson-Robinson, and Members: Dawkins, Lori Hart, Carr, Fontanez,Ages Hart, Brown, Dorisca,
and Lomneck
Absent: Member(s) Maxwell, Moyer, and Middleton
Also Present: Commissioner Oliver,Assistant Support Services_Director Gaines, and Recording Clerk Sibbitt
Guest(s): None
Public Comments: None
A. Approval of Minutes for the HRDB meeting held December 2, 2021:
Member Dawkins asked for clarification on the food drive discussion on page 2 as she was not present at the last
meeting. Commissioner Oliver explained.
Motion: Move to Approve the December 2, 2021,Minutes; Moved by Member Dawkins,seconded by Member
Ages Hart. Motion carried unanimously.
B. Black History Month Essay Contest
Assistant Support Services Director Gaines provided a summary of what was done last year and the timeline. He •
explained that a theme, date, and award ceremony type (virtual or in-person) needed to be decided during the
meeting, if the board plans to host this event. Member Dawkins explained she has spoken with the principals in
the participating schools and consensus was to host a virtual award ceremony as was done last year, then briefly
explained how last year's ceremony was conducted. Member Brown asked what the theme was last year.
Assistant Support Services Director Gaines addressed her question. Chair Anderson-Robinson commented on
the great essays they reviewed last year. Brief discussion ensued on prizes awarded in the past. Member Dawkins
reiterated that a theme, date, and volunteers to judge essays need to be determined. Member Brown inquired
about the difference between the judging and reading of the essays. Member Dawkins addressed her question.
Member Dawkins shared her thoughts on trying to interlink diversity and mental health during this pandemic.
Discussion ensued about mental health awareness and the below suggestions were provided for theme selection.
- Connecting through Diversity in an Isolated Environment
- Diversity in a Virtual Environment
- Connecting through Diversity in an Isolated Environment to Support Positive Mental Health
Motion: Move to Approve the Theme: Connecting through Diversity in an Isolated Environment to Support
Positive Mental Health; Moved by Member Lomneck, seconded by Member Ages Hart. Motion carried
HRDB Regular Meeting
January 6, 2022
Further discussion ensued on essay submittal date, judging location and time, award ceremony date and time,
and gift card value for essay winners.
- Deadline to submit essays—Wednesday, February 9th
- Virtual Award Ceremony—Thursday, February 24th at 7 p.m.
- Judging location and time-Tom !son Center on either February 15th or 16th at 6 p.m.
- Grand Prize-$300 gift card,1st Place-$100 gift card,2nd and 3rd Place—certificate and Chick-fil-A or Publix
gift card
Motion: Move to Approve up to$1500 for Essay Award Winner Prizes; Moved by Member Dawkins,seconded
by Member Brown. Motion carried unanimously.
C. Mission Statement Subcommittee Report for Sponsorship Letter
Member Ages Hart shared the Subcommittee was not able to meet due to work obligations and lack of a meeting
facility; however,they will be sure to provide a report at the next meeting.
Commissioner Oliver suggested having students do an essay with a theme related to the sculptures so the board
could incorporate that with their letter of sponsorship. Member Ages Hart agreed that was a great idea. Brief
discussion ensued on how the essays would be distributed to the Subcommittee members
D. Ocoee Election Day Massacre Remembrance Subcommittee Report
Member Carr shared the proposal presented last month by the Subcommittee was a living document.The intent
from the Subcommittee was to get input from the Board so they would know what to present before the City
Commission. He advised he has a list from the last meeting that he would like to go over with the board to receive
further clarification. Before going over his list, he inquired about the $10,000 budgeted for the sculpture and if it
was still available.Assistant Support Services Director Gaines addressed his question and advised it is currently
budgeted under a line item specific to the sculpture. Discussion ensued about the$10,000 and if it could and/or
should be reallocated to go toward another HRDB project/event since the board is seeking sponsorship for the
Member Carr shared information on a clothing drive hosted by Jones High School and Evans High School that
helps underprivileged youth get clothing. He advised the board could do a similar clothing drive if the board is
seeking to do community outreach events. Commissioner Oliver shared information on the homelessness in
Member Carr replied to suggestions from their last meeting in December:
- He shared the City's website has voting information; therefore, election information is available to the
residents.Additional election handouts can be provided at their November events, if needed.
- He shared he reached out to the Ocoee Christian Church and is awaiting response back. He further shared,
Highpoint Church does include other churches in their program and feels they have a great church
- He shared there was a request for the Military Color Guard to be part of the program. Member Dorisca
shared that the JROTC has a professional Color Guard who would volunteer. She provided Member Carr
with a list of schools.
- He reiterated the lowering of the flag could not be done so that has been removed from the program
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HRDB Regular Meeting
January 6, 2022
Chair Anderson-Robinson inquired if another Subcommittee meeting was held. Member Carr answered the
Subcommittee has not met, but he has been communicating with Jennifer Yon Agency and hopes to provide
updated information each month. Chair Anderson-Robinson inquired if the Buffalo Soldiers would be part of the
program. Member Carr shared they have committed to being a part of this program. Commissioner Oliver
commented that the Buffalo Soldiers are also hoping to expand the ride attendance by welcoming other agencies
to participate. Member Carr further shared a video documentary was filmed during the last event that will be
aired nationally.
Member Carr commented that it is also recommended for Board Members to volunteer to assist with the events
even if they have outside agencies assisting as each event should have HRDB representation. Member Carr
requested for the City Clerk to forward to the newest members the program details shared at the last meeting.
Assistant Support Services Director Gaines shared he missed the last meeting, but wanted to get confirmation if
the program details were approved by the Board in December. Member Carr advised it was not approved as it
was only a rough draft. Commissioner Oliver shared that he has reserved the Ocoee Lakeshore Center and Bill
Breeze Park for the first week in November until program details are finalized. Brief discussion ensued about the
attendance of the descendants at the 2021 November events as some expressed they did not know about all
event details. Recording Clerk Sibbitt explained who was provided a copy of the contact information for the
descendants,and further shared she was under the impression that the Member would have shared the weekend
event details with them. Member Carr requested the contact list for the descendants be sent to him.
Ill: Board and Staff Comments:
Member Dawkins shared that she forgot to ask for essay contest judges. The following members volunteered:
Member(s) Dawkins, Brown, Moyer, and Dorisca.
City Clerk Sibbitt explained the event guide and checklist she created for all advisory boards.She shared this guide
is to help assist advisory boards so they have a better understanding of the timeline to present before the City
Commission.Commissioner Oliver shared this was a great guide, and will definitely help many advisory boards to
be prepared before presenting before the City Commission.
Member Carr inquired about the reservation of the Ocoee Lakeshore Center for the first week in November, and
inquired if that week in November could be blocked out indefinitely for the event center. Commissioner Oliver
also suggested contacting the curator at the Orange County Regional History Center to inquire about borrowing
artifacts that were used for their Ocoee Massacre exhibit. Discussion ensued about displaying artifacts in the new
City Hall, the Ocoee Election Day Massacre proclamation wording, and about the reservation of the Ocoee
Lakeshore Center for the first week of November.
Commissioner Oliver shared he has received a lot of phone calls and emails regarding the cancellation of the
upcoming MLK Parade,which made him realize how important this event is to the community. Member Dawkins
shared they need to consider looking for a keynote speaker for the 2023 MLK Parade.
Member Carr asked the newest members to introduce themselves. Both Members Dorisca and Lomneck
introduced themselves.
Member Lomneck inquired when the board was going to discuss other diversity events such as Asian Pacific
American Heritage Month and Hispanic Heritage Month.Commissioner Oliver addressed his question on Hispanic
Heritage Month and the partnership with the Hispanic Chambers. Member Lomneck shared the City has a large
Hispanic community and he feels it is important that something is being done by the City even if its another essay
Member Carr thanked Chair Anderson-Robinson for her part in presenting before the City Commission for the
2021 November events has it was a last-minute request.
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HRDB Regular Meeting
January 6, 2022
HIV:Set Next Agenda
A. Approval of Minutes for January 6, 2022, meeting
B. Black History Month Essay Contest Update
C. Mission Statement Subcommittee Report
D. Ocoee Election Day Massacre Remembrance Subcommittee Report
E. Discussion on Reallocation of Sculpture Funds
F. Discussion on 2023 MLK Parade Keynote Speaker
G. Discussion on Hosting Events for Asian Pacific American Heritage Month and Hispanic Heritage Month
Adjournment: meeting adjourned at 7:55 PM
Melanie Sibbitt, Recording Clerk Chairperson
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