HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-13-2022 Minutes a Ocoee florida Districting Commission Board January 13, 2022 MINUTES 6:30 p.m. I. Call to Order Chair Keller called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m., in the Commission Chambers of City Hall, located at 150 N. Lakeshore Drive. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum Present: Chair Keller, Vice-Chair Forges, Member Davis (arrived at 6:47), Member Lomneck, Member Lowrie, and Member Mellen Also present: City Clerk Sibbitt, City Attorney Cookson, and Recording Clerk Heard Absent: Member Moyer II. Approval of Minutes—December 9, 2021 Motion: Move to approve the minutes of December 9, 2021: Moved by Member Lowrie, seconded by Member Lomneck: Motion carried unanimously with Member Moyer absent. III. Update Since the Last Meeting GIS Analyst O'Halloran recapped what happened at the December meeting and provided an update on what has transpired since then. He explained that Member Lowrie met with him on December 16, 2021, and Member Lowrie created two (2) new plans called Member Plan 2 and Member Plan 3. He advised there was one census block split from the meeting with Member Lowrie. GIS Analyst O'Halloran provided population counts for race and ethnicity by each district. Member Mellen asked what the percentage is by race and weather District 4 exceeds the 50%-plus-1 rule. GIS Analyst O'Halloran advised him the software does not compute percentages by district, but only the city as a whole. Member Mellen explained Orange County's 50%-Plus-1 Rule;however,City Attorney Cookson informed him Ocoee does not have that requirement. Districting Commission January 13,2022 GIS Analyst O'Halloran reviewed various charts by PowerPoint regarding race, ethnicity, and future development. He continued by going over Board Plan 1A. GIS Analyst O'Halloran reviewed Member Plan 2 and the deviations as seen below (Exhibit 1). IDEAL ACTUAL DEVIATION DISTRICT POPULATION POPULATION FROM IDEAL % DEVIATION 1 11,840 11,437 -403. -3_41 2 11,840 12,307 467 3.94 3 11,840 11,641 -199. -1.68 4 11,840 11,976 136 1.15 47,361 47,361 0 0.00 GIS Analyst O'Halloran reviewed Member Plan 3 and the deviations as seen below (Exhibit 2). IDEAL ACTUAL DEVIATION DISTRICT POPULATION POPULATION FROM IDEAL % DEVIATION 1 11,840 11,642 -198 1.67 2 11,840 12,336 496 4.'19 3 '11,840 11,578 -262 -2.21 4 11,840 11,805 -35 -0.30 47,361 47,361 0 0.00 GIS Analyst O'Halloran continued reviewing Board Plan 1A,Member Plan 2,and Member Plan 3 by showing aerial views. IV. Creation & Discussion of New District Boundaries Member Lomneck said he does not care for Member Plan 3, but would like to see a hybrid between Board Plan 1A, and Member Plan 2. He further made recommendations to Board Plan 1A.Member Mellen said he likes Member Plan 3,because it is a clean map. The Board worked with Board Plan 1A and manipulated lines to obtain proper percentile deviations. (7:1 7 pm) Motion: Move to adopt Board Plan 1B (Exhibit 3); Moved by Member Davis, seconded by Vice-Chair Forges; Motion carried 4-5 with Alt. Member 1 Mellen opposing and Member Moyer absent. V. Public Comments No speaker reservation forms were received. VI. Direction to Staff GIS Analyst O'Halloran brought to the Board's attention one census block that he believes they may want to alter where the line of the census block follows the roads and splits a neighborhood in half. Chair Keller inquired if the census block can be cut in half. 2 I Page Districting Commission January 13,2022 GIS Analyst O'Halloran said it can be done. The Board directed GIS Analyst O'Halloran to split up a census block around Peach Lake,north of Flewelling Avenue and south of Wurst Road. GIS Analyst O'Halloran advised he will have that for them at the next meeting. Motion: Move to sideline Member Plan 2 and Member Plan 3; Moved by Member Mellen, seconded by Vice-Chair Forges: Motion carried 4-5 with Member Lowrie opposing and Member Moyer absent. Chair Keller explained at the next meeting they will be working off of Member Plan 1B and will look at the census block that will be split. VII. Adjournment Motion: Move to adjourn; Moved by Vice-Chair Forges, seconded by Member Davis; Motion carried unanimously with Member Moyer absent. The meeting adjourned at 7:46 p.m. KLhy ard, Recording Clerk oe Kel , Chair Wage EXHIBIT 1 Member Plan 2 Population Figures Based on Modifying 2020 Census Data Sources:2020 United States Census Bureau and City of Ocoee t ( 1I Po„.•: CORD....... L ' l � _ I District 4 lPopulation 11,976 �... r • Deviation fromIdeal: 136 Distract 1 Mi tt.?„_— Percent Deviation: 1.15 Population: 11,437 - •, Deviation from Ideal: -403 - t .� - ainj Percent Deviation -3.41% d y ,. __ - .o I 1 S_ 9-� f �� , T. 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Proposed Commission District Boundaries Parcels I O , - City Boundary � -f 0t• Unincorporated TerritoryLt� �i and Other Municipalities ,-i� ut� Lakes and Water Bodies 0 150 1,500 3,000 m, Ore.. updated JanuaryXRl IDEAL ACTUAL DEVIATION DISTRICT POPULATION POPULATION FROM IDEAL % DEVIATION 1 11,840 11,437 -403 -3.41 2 11,840 12,307 467 3.94 3 11,840 11,641 -199 -1.68 4 11,840 11,976 136 1.15 47,361 47,361 0 0.00 EXHIBIT 2 Member Plan 3 Population Figures Based on Modifying 2020 Census Data Sauces'. 2020 United States Census Bureau and City of Ocoee „ram•: ICK RD + rI_� n District: 4A_ I I I Population: 11,805 � Deviation from Ideal: -0 District 1 - I Percent Deviation: -0.30 Population: 11,642 - I '^� Deviation from Ideal: -198 I - Percent Deviation' -1.67% : / t I� c1 rs _ ....a�a�oi" ' '' —- ;',.-1-‘)' . j gt J��II 1 i.rFAIJIJa 1 I Y K �: �MBC.,:«..:. 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Upaatea Ja nuary 2c22 IDEAL ACTUAL DEVIATION DISTRICT POPULATION POPULATION FROM IDEAL % DEVIATION 1 11,840 11,642 -198 -1.67 2 11,840 12,336 496 4.19 3 11,840 11,578 -262 -2.21 4 11,840 11,805 -35 -0.30 47,361 47.361 0 0.00 EXHIBIT 3 Board Plan 1 B Population Figures Based on Modifying 2020 Census Data Sources:2020 United States Census Bureau and City of Ocoee .(,..��I.: CI(Rl)__..__..... _ ,I -I I l pr. District: 4 I I \\\ 'Population: 11,722 i".'Ah,`,; F+;:. , +P �IEif 1 Deviation from Ideal: -118 District: 1 a s:, c $;Y. +I r 7.y�4 i" ! �i'",.?� Percent Deviation: -1.00% Population: 11,845 '' 'r ` U.,, p' " Deviation from Ideal: 5 `,—` ', _"Z...,:.. --' Percent Deviation: 0.04% ; + q. k u+s (�'7 ; �"i1 ., J -f{I-�IT > O Y 1. l j a 1� I 5.1 N,,t LUE \� .. 1 !L ucA'AE7 e r , ,_ afip{ }1-It-i., rkrrwe '::::n:c { . 1 _: _ J i F i C t .1 r I 1_..., - - irn',I•t" .,yew,, i3q 1�. r^Tl .� _z�- i 1 rl Su'$,' ��_�a1- ...:77,_ E: w.____1: .,,,,,,. .:a i g II _ Pi 1/116 l,e -�_ .. .1 II /' A'11I 1I — I��Mt i 1 i 2 . I. LW' - Fail_ n �dpi f� I• -. 11 Ear. •• � , Asir= St sraHAt: t. I .��J ;. District 3 ' a :" MIMI NI 11 . 01 na-b1 .: r l r• rP\'�. Population 11,880 y+#- Ur IP. Dlstnct: 2 Deviation from Ideal. 40 k tl I `�r 1't Population: 11,914 Percent Deviation 0.34% r (� e F Deviation from Ideal: 74 r 4, a Ilik 1 Percent Deviation 0.62/ - 1 .. 2sra is _ __.. - ru_. 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