HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 09 Approval for CPH to Provide Design Services for the Ocoee Wastewater Plant Electrical Upgrade ocoee florida AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET Meeting Date: March 1, 2022 Item # Reviewed By: Contact Name: Trent Hopper Department Director: Jamiv Contact Number: 407-54-7241 City Manager Robert Fr:4z Subject: ,A0prolial,for CPH to Provide Design Services for the Ocoee Wastewater Plant Electrical Upgrade _ - „-c - . : Background Summary:. This Ocoee Wastewater Treatment Plant Electrical Upgrade consists of design, construction, and an upgrade to the Wastewater Treatment Plant's existing power supply system. The existing power supply has been in place since 1999, and its electrical capacity has reached its limit. The budget for FY2022 included $223,500 for the design services portion of this project. CPH is under a continuing contract for utilities engineering services and has submitted a proposal for a total of$246,902. Utilities also reached out to another continuing contract firm but their price was higher than CPH's. Issue: Should the City Commissiori approve the design services proposal from CPH in the amount, of $246,902? Recommendations: Staff recommends that the City Commission approve the proposal from CPH to provide the design services required for the Ocoee Wastewater Plant Electrical Upgrade and increase the budget for this project in the amount of$23,402. Attachments: Proposal from CPH for Professional Engineering Scope of Services for Electrical Improvements at the Ocoee Water Reclamation Facility (WRF). Financial Impact: Currently $223,500 is budgeted in the project fund, and the additional $23,402 will be taken from another capital project (Palm Dr Force Main). Type of Item: (please mark with an "x') Public Hearing F Use Ordinance First Reading Consent Agenda Ordinance Second Reading Public Hearing Resolution . Regular Aganda, " x Commission Approval Discussion & Direction Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney N/A Reviewed by Finance Dept. c" Qc* S (l.J .. N/A Reviewed by NIA 2 / @o ,9D January 3. 2O22 lll7 East Robinson Gt Orlando,9l,528NI Phonc4U7.425.04-52 Fax:407640.1036 Ms. Jennifer C. Bolling, P.E. City of Ocoee Utilities Department 18OOA.O. Mims Road Ocoee, Florida 34761-4OO1 RE: ' Proposal for Professional Engineering Scope of Services for Electrical Improvements at the Ocoee Water Reclamation FaciUitn(WRF) Dear Ms. Bolling: - CPHis pleased to submit this Proposal for Professional Engineering Scope of Services for the electrical improvements project at the Ocoee VVRF. The intent of this scope of services is to define our engineering oen/icao which will include topographic nunxey, subsurface eumey, preliminary ecological assessnleD1, geOLechOica| investigation, design plans, technical mpecifiC8tiODo' permitting aSaietaOC8, bidding aSSiS(@noe' and construction administration. The purpose of this project |atoupgnodeandpnovdeek*otrioo| inoprovmnmentnadundancysdthe (}ooeeVVRF. The Facility Electrical Improvements Preliminary Engineering Report prepared bv EMI CVD8UUiDg Specialties Inc. (EMI) will serve as reference to develop a preliminary basis Of design report /8O[}RA. The design includes a proposed new electrical building bz replace aging electrical equipment and increase backup auxiliary power redundancy with two (2) new 600 kW generators in parallel. The new electrical building will be at least 2596 larger than expected to allow for additional needs bvstaff. The proposed new electrical building will consist Cf concrete masonry unit (CMU)walls with hollow core concrete roof panels and a parapet. This Proposal is being submitted in accordance with the City of Ocoee Continuing Consulting Agreement for Professional Utility Engineering Services, Dated May 4. 2O21. bv and between the City of Ocoee /C|TY\ and the firm of[|PH. Inc. /C(]N'ULT/\NT\. Exhibit K presents e detailed scope of services for this Task Order. This Proposal specifies the required professional engineering aen/ioea of CPH from the preparation of final plans and specifications to start-up and closeout of the proposed project. , Exhibit 11 presents a detailed labor-hour breakdown of task items and associated fee that outlines the man-hours and sub-consultant costs for each task of the project. Fees for each of the tasks are based on Lump Sum$187,48D and Time and Materials$79,422 for a total of$248,902' Table A summarizes the fee for each Task. Table B provides a Tentative Project Gchedu|e. 11PaQe coifD TABLE A: Summary of Professional Services Fee " f•'" 6.!' ' _ •*'.1 `",`,. • 1 Project Set-Up & Kick-Off Meeting $ 6,382 Lump Sum 2 Support Services $ 19,222 Time& Materials 3 Preliminary Basis of Design Report(30% Design) $ 83,914 Lump Sum 4 Permitting Assistance $ 12,220 Lump Sum 5 60% Submittal Project Design Documents $ 21,659 Lump Sum 6 90% Submittal Project Design Documents $ 17,789 Lump Sum 7 100% Submittal Project Design Documents $ 16,266 Lump Sum 8 Bidding Assistance $ 9,251 Lump Sum 9 Construction Administration Services $ 60,200 Time& Materials Subtotal Lump Sum $ 167,480 Subtotal Time &Materials $ 79,422 TOTAL $ 246,902 TABLE B: Tentative Project Schedule [MU Description. Duration Schedule 0 Notice-to-Proceed (NIP) January 2022 1 Preliminary Design Complete 2 Support Services 1 month February 2022 3 30% Basis of Design Report (BODR) 2 months March 2022 4 Permitting 2 months May 2022 5 60%, 90% 100% Design Documents 3 months June 2022 6 Bidding 3 months September 2022 7 Construction 8 months May 2023 TOTALj 16 months 480 days 2 [ Page Ocoee WRF Etectical Improvements Proposal(03-Jan-2022).docx (Y 0' If the attached scope of services meets with the City's approval, please execute the attached Task Order and provide a purchase order. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at (407)425-0452. We look forward to working with the City on this project. Sincerely CP In . y David E. ahl r. P.E. Sr. Vice Presi ent IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have made and executed this Task Order. CITY: City of Ocoee, Florida ATTEST By: Date: ENGINEER: CPH, Inc. ATTEST 11‘6-Lit - By: Date: ATTACHMENTS: Exhibit I: Scope of Services Exhibit II: Detailed Labor Hour Breakdown Attachment A: EMI - Proposal for Electrical and Instrumentation Services Attachment B: CPH - Description of Preliminary Ecological Assessment Attachment C: CPH - Description of Topographic Survey Services Attachment D: SES - Proposal for Subsurface Utility Designation and Verification Attachment E: PSI - Proposal for Geotechnical Services Attachment F: Proposed List of Drawings 3IPage Ocoee WRF Electical Improvements.Proposal(03-Jan-2022),doo( @ollD EXHIBIT I SCOPE OF SERVICES General The purpose of this Task Order is to provide Engineering Services to the City of Ocoee(CITY)for Design, Permit, Bidding and Construction Administration services for electrical improvements. The electrical improvements include a proposed new electrical building to replace aging electrical equipment and increase backup auxiliary power redundancy with two (2) new 600 kW generators in parallel. The new electrical building will be at least 25% larger than expected to allow for additional needs by staff. The proposed new electrical building will consist of concrete masonry unit(CMU)walls with hollow core concrete roof panels and a parapet. TASK I —PROJECT SETUP & KICK-OFF MEETING (LUMP SUM) 1.1 Set-up project and prepare a Work Plan with tentative schedule for use at Kick-Off Meeting. CPH will subcontract EMI to provide Electrical, Instrumentation, HVAC and Plumbing plans for the proposed electrical building (Attachment A). 1.2 Conduct Kick-Off Meeting to identify roles, review City requirements and request available data. 1.3 Prepare and distribute Kick-Off Meeting Minutes to City. TASK 2—SUPPORT SERVICES (TIME&MATERIALS) 2.1 Coordinate and conduct a Preliminary Ecological Assessment(Attachment B). A DRAFT Preliminary Ecological Assessment will be prepared for City staff review. A FINAL Preliminary Ecological Assessment will be prepared based upon City comments. 2.2 Coordinate and conduct Topographic Survey (Attachment C). Topographic Survey will be conducted in compliance with the Standards of Practice of Surveying and Mapping of the State of Florida. 2.3 Coordinate and conduct Subsurface Survey. CPH will subcontract Southeastern Surveying to perform subsurface survey (Attachment D). A subsurface utility 41 Page Ocoee WRF Electical Improvements Proposal(03-Jan-2022).docx ��� �� � � � ��� �� � � � �� ��� designation SVR/ey Of underground utilities will be conducted to identify utility conflicts that may be in the area Of the proposed new electrical building or generators. CPH has included time to coordinate and review the subsurface survey. 2.4 Conduct GeO1echniCa|Evaluation. CPU will subcontract PSI, Inc./Aftachmment E\ to padbrrn geoteohnioo| exploration to obtain information on the general subsurface soil and groundwater conditions within the proposed new electrical building and generator area in order to provide geotechnical recommendations for site preparation and foundation design. A DRAFT GeotechDica| Soils Evaluation will be pnaponod for City review. A FINAL Gmcdaohnica| Soils Evaluation will be prepared based upon City comments. CPH has included time to coordinate boring locations and review the goo1eohninm| evaluation report. TASK 3—PRELIMINARY BASIS OF DESIGN REPORT(30% DESIGN) (LUMP SUM) 3.1 Conduct site visit and evaluate existing information to identify location ofnew e|oo[hca| building. A City rmpu*eantotkxa will meet at the Ocoee \8URF site with CPH's Project Manager, QVi| Engineer-of-Record, Architect-of-Record, and Electrical Engineer-of-Record to discuss the proposed new electrical building and generators relative to access and aesthetics. Three (3) options for location of the new o|octhoa| building will be provided for the Utility Director and Assistant Utility to select. Prepare meeting nliDU1es tO document City selected location. 3.2 Coordinate with Duke Energy to provide a separate and alternate transformer feed to the VVRF. EMI to coordinate with Duke Energy for relocation of the transformer. 3.3 Prepare Preliminary Basis of Design Report/BC)[)R\with a summary Of key design parameters for City ravam/ and monnnnmrd. B{)[)R will use the Facility Electrical /mo/owennmntu Preliminary Engineering Report prepared by EMI will sanx* as reference to develop a BODR. The B(]DR will identify architectural and structural features; electrical power and instrumentation needs for existing and future power supply; oo well aa operational controls for GCADAintegration. 3.4 Prepare 30% plan views and major elevation design drawings for use in permitting. AffachmeDt Fp[esenƒs a proposed list of drawings for the project. A1 this level of design, EK8| will prepare pnomaoe and instrumentation diagrams (P&|Da). single 51Pa8e ` line diagrams, control wiring riser diagrams, generator |ued calculations and update 8CAOA improvements criteria. In addition, EW1| will use the C|tx's HMI infrastructure to the extent possible to provide a cost-effective solution for monitoring and controlling new and modified treatment processes. 3.5 Prepare Class 3 Budget Authorization Construction Cost Estimate (30% Contingency). 3.6 Conduct 3O96BO[}R submittal Review Meeting with City. 3.7 Prepare FINAL B[)DR based upon City comments. TASK 4—PERMITTING ASSISTANCE (LUMP SUM) 4.1 Conduct permit inquiry with FDEP for Permit to Construct. A permit application is not expected as the proposed new electrical building and generator are not expected to change treatment or design capacity. 4.2 Prepare and submit F[}EP8tormxvotmr Minor Permit Modification /ERP\. If the OooeeVVRF does not have an existing 8tormmater Permit then a major permit modification will be required and additional Geo1eoh and permitting services will be required. 4.5 Prepare and submit Ocoee Building Permit. Building Permit will be submitted using 8096 drawings. 4.4 Conduct permit inquiry 10 identify coordination to nonnovo exiting diesel storage tank and generator. TASK 5-60% SUBMITTAL PROJECT DESIGN DOCUMENTS (LUMP SUM) 5.1 Prepare 6096 Plan Views and Major Elevation Design Drawings for CITY rov|pmv and oonnnnenL The 6096 plans will be used for submittal to the Ocoee Building Department for review, comment and acceptance. 5.2 Prepare 6896 Technical Specifications. Technical specifications for the project manual are proposed tomeet current CITY engineering standards for design and construction of improvements dedicated to CITY. 61Pa0e Ocoee wuFaecuca|Improvements Proposal(o3-Jan'zoo).aucx 5.3 Prepare Class 2 Budget Control Construction Cost Estimate (20% Contingency) 5.4 Conduct 60% submittal Review Meeting with City. TASK 6—90% SUBMITTAL PROJECT DESIGN DOCUMENTS (LUMP SUM) 6.1 Prepare 90% Plan Views and Major Elevation Design Drawings for CITY review and comment. 6.2 Prepare 90% Front-End Bidding General Conditions requirements and Technical Specifications. Front-End Bidding General Conditions such as Bid Advertisement, Bid Form, Contractual Conditions, and Contractual Agreement Form will be developed per City requirements. 6.3 Prepare Class 2 Budget Control Construction Cost Estimate (20% Contingency). 6.4 Conduct 90% submittal Review Meeting with City. TASK 7—100% SUBMITTAL PROJECT DESIGN DOCUMENTS (LUMP SUM) 7.1 Prepare 100% Plan Views and Major Elevation Design Drawings for CITY review and comment. The 100% construction drawings will be bid ready. 7.2 Prepare 100% Front End Bidding General Conditions and Technical Specifications. The 100% General Conditions and Technical specifications will be bid ready. • 7.3 Prepare Class 1 Probable Bid Cost Estimate(10% Contingency). 7.4 Conduct 100% submittal Review Meeting with City to coordinate bidding services. TASK 8—BIDDING ASSISTANCE (LUMP SUM) 8.1 Prepare for and Attend Pre-Bid Meeting and Site Visit to explain the proposed _ project to the contractors. Attend pre-bid site visit and prepare an addendum based upon applicable pre-bid meeting questions. Bid Documents will be ready for CITY to advertise. CPH will assist in generating contractor interest in the proposed improvements. CITY will prepare advertisement for the project and place in appropriate publications. 71Page Ocoee WRF Electical Improvements Proposal(03-Jan-2022).docx ` �� � �� �� � �� -_. ___- 8.2 Assist City with Issuing UptOtwo CU AddeRd4rDs. Prepare addenda bJ answer questions Ufbidders and suppliers. No interpretations Ofthe Documents shall be made other than through issuance of Addenda to the Documents, which CPH will develop and send to the Bid Document holders. EMI will assist CPH with responding 10 electrical and instrumentation questions. 8.3 Prepare Engineer's Letter of Recommendation of Apparent Low Bidder. CPHxviU check bidder referenneo, 'prepare a Bid Tabu|abon, review agreement bonds, insurance oertificmtiono, construction schedules and other portions of the contracts, and then provide CITY with an Engineers Letter of Recommendation for the most qualified responsive and responsible opponent |om/ bidder in order to assist CITY in selecting contractor. TASK 9-CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION SERVICES(TKME & MATERIALS) CPHxiU provide construction contract administration services during this phase of the project. 8ubn1enba| completion is estimate to be completed in six(0) months followed by two (2) months of start-up, final completion and project close-out for a projected eight /8\ month construction schedule (Note: generator procurement is expected to take up to six ( ) OnD8bhs; therefore, contractor may need to base their notice-to-proceed(NTP) based on generatorlprocurement). CPH has assumed the City will provide daily/resident construction inspection and CPH will provide only pehodiCUiOlited construction inspections. Anticipated time for construction is 180 days to substantial completion. General construction administration services include the following: 9.1 Prepare Conformed Construction Documents. Provide two (2)fuU size sets (22^x 34") and aPDFof conformed plans and specifications to the selected contractor. 8.2 Set-Up project and coordinate Pre-Construction Meeting. 9.3 Review and approve submittals (up to 7l^xantv (20) 8ubnod1o|a\. R|ex|avx shop draxVnQs, change order request and Q/V[]C reports for soils ozrnpao1iVn and concrete requirements for conformance with the design specifications. 9.4 Respond to Contractor Requests for Information (RF|s) (up tofive (5) RF|s). 8.5 Prepare for and attend Monthly Project pnog[assK0eeginQsiteVisihG(UptDeiQht/8\ Meetings). CPH has based this scope on eight/8\site visits for the duration ofthe D1Page Ocoee vvxFoect/ca/Improvements Proposal(o3-Jan-2co2).00m 0 �^J� §D CPH shall prepare a trip report to detail observations noted during each Visit. CPH shall notify the City with discrepancies between the design intent and the Contractors activities. {}PH has assumed project rnaa1ngn will occur during site visits and we will coordinate site visits with the meetings to the greatest extent possible. CPH has included time for two (2) additional visits needed to raao|my unforeseen issues Orconflicts. 9'8 Conduct Substantial and Final walk thnougho and prepare "punch |iet"for CITY to provide certification. 8.7 Observe Start-up events (up ioTwo /2\ Events). 8.8 Prepare and submit record drawings. Review and appnuveContnaohoppnzvded As-Builtoand submit two (l) signed and sealed hand copies ofRecord DnovxnQs /22"x34°\ along with electronic CA[>O aOd P[}F files. CPH will assist the City in the review of Contractor provided oa-bu|Ka/oun/eya and other data (including Contractor provided asset tables) for installed facilities and present any apparent discrepancies between the as-built conditions and the design conditions bmthe attention of the City. Close-out documentation and [oqUiPmd certification from regulatory and governing agencies will be coordinated with the record drawings. Services Not Included Services not included are as follows: 1. Full-Time Resident Project Roprawonta1|ma /RPR\. 2. Funding Assistance 3. Major Sto[OlwaterPe[0iUiVg 4. SCAOA Integration Services tmbe provide bVCitV Services to be provided by the City include the following: 1. Pay permit fees 2. Provide daily/resident construction inspection 3. Integrate SCADA END OF SECTION 9ipa0e @0112 EXHIBIT 11 Labor Hours and Fee Estimate -- ---_ -...----- 10 I P a g e Ocoee WRF Electical Improvements Proposal(03-Jan-2022).docx EXHIBIT II Budget for Engineering Services for City of Ocoee CP11 Job...EOM Water Reclamation Facility Electrical Improvements A I 8 0 ❑ E F 0 11 ) i a K L M N 1 O P 0 R 8 a a I V f . are u T. TASK DESCR1PT1ON ,. .I' = z g q m �6 . 0`, o o . _ m 126 c $ O' ,o is _ aw'` . e sS d• a . . 5a • .6W 3 t a s 2 3 1 Project Setup&Kick-Off Meeting 4 1.1 Set-Up Project and Prepare Project Work Pton With Tentative Schedule 4 8 4 16 $ 1,980 $ 1,152 $ 3,132 5 12 Conduct Kick-Off Meeting to Identify Rotas,Review City Requirements and Request Available Data 4 4 4 4 16 $ 2,400 $ - $ 100 $ 2,500 6 1.3 Prepare and Distribute KinkAO Meeting minutes to City 2 2 2 6 $ 750 $ - $ 750 7 Subtotal 10 4 14 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 38 $ 5,130 $ 1,152 $ 100 $ 6,382 a 3% 6 2 Support Services , to 21 Coordinate and Conduct Preliminary Ecological Assessment 2 2 4 $ 600 $ 3,200 $ 320 $ 4,120 „ 2.2 Coordinate and Conduct Topographic Survey 2 2 2 6 $ 920 $ 3,785 $ 379 $ 5,084 12 23 Coordinate and Conduct Subsurface Survey(Southeastern Surveying) 2 2 2 6 $ 920 $ 4,553 $ 455 $ 5,928 t3 2.4 Conduct G0otec5Ncel Evaluation(PSI) 2 2 2 6 $ 900 $ 2,900 $ 290 $ 4,09D a 14 Subtotal 8 4 8 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 22 $ 3,340 $ 14,438 $ 1,444 $ 19,222 1S 8% ,6 3 Preliminary Basis of Design Report(30%Design) t7 3.1 Conduct Site Veit and Evaluate Existing Information to Identify Location of New Electrical Building 8 4 8 8 4 2 34 $ 4,590 $ 3,720 $ 100 $ 8,410 1a 32 Coordinate with Duke Energy 2 2 4 $ 600 $ 1,860 $ - $ 2,46D ,y 33 Prepare Prefirrv'nary Design Raped Project Definition With Summary of Key Design Parameters 4 10 20 4 8 4 4 e 10 72 $ 9,650 S 34,720 $ 100 S 44,470 23 3.4 Prepare 30%PbnVevs and Major Elevation Design Drawings 2 8 12 20 2 8 12 2 8 12 86 $ 10,740 $ 5,084 $ 200 $ 18,024 25 35 Prepare Class 3 Budget Authorized/on Construction Cost Estimate(30%Contingency) 2 4 8 1 2 17 3 2,420 $ 465 S - $ 2,885 22 3,8 Conduct 30%Submittal Review Meeting With City 4 4 8 3 1,200 $ 620 $ 10D $ 1.920 1 23 3.7 Prepare FINAL BOOR 2 5 10 10 2 4 6 2 4 8 5 66 $ 8,925 $ 620 $ 200 $ 7,745 24,Subtotal 24 31 1 64 28 9 e 26 16 6 16 12 D 0 0 12 221 $ 36,125 $ 47,089 $ 700 $ 83,914 25 tax 25 4 Permitting Assistance 27 4.1 Conduct Permit Inquiry with FDEP for Permit to Construct 2 8 10 $ 1,320 $ - $ - $ 1,320 23 4.2 Prepare and Submit POOP Stormwater Minor Permit Modification(ERP) 2 8 16 4 30 $ 3,980 $ - $ - $ 3,980 4.3 Prepare and Submit Ocoee Building Permit 2 8 18 4 1 2 4 1 2 4 44 $ 5760 $ - $ - $ 5,760 30 '4,4 Conduct Permit Inquiry to identify Coordination to Remove Existing Diesel Storage Tank and Generator. 2 2 4 8 $ 1,160 $ - 5 - $ 1,160 r Subtotal 8 18 44 8 1 2 4 1 2 4 0 06 0 0 0 92 $ 12,220 $ - $ - $ 12,220 ax sn 33 5 Project Design Documents(60%Submittal) 34 5.1 Prepare 60%Plan Views end Major Elevation Design Drawings 2 0 8 20 1 4 8 1 4 8 64 $ 7,900 $ 5,084 $ - $ 12984 35 5.2 Prepare 60%Technical Specifications 2 2 4 1 2 1 2 4 18 $ 2,400 S 2,377 S 1 5 4,778 56 5.3 .Prepare Class 2 Budget Control Construction Coat Estimate(20%Contingency) 1 2 4 1 2 10 $ 1,440 $ 465 $ 72 $ 1.977 37 5.4 Conduct 80%Submittal Review Meeting with City 4 4 8 S 1,200 $ 620 $ 100 $ 1.920 „Subtotal 9 12 20, 20 3 8 8 2 6 8 0 0 0 4 100 $ 12,940 $ 8,546 $ 173 $ 21,659 as 411 - 40 6 Project Design Documents(90%Submittal) 4i 8.1 Prepare 90%Civil Plan Views and Major Elevation Design Drawings 1 4 8 10 1 2 4 1 2 4 37 5 4,610 $ 5,084 $ - $ 9,694 d2 6.2 Prepare 80%Front-End and Technical Specifications 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 4 14 $ 1,820 S 2,377 $ 1 $ 4,198 43 6.3 Prepare Clasa1 Bld Construction Coat Estimate(10%Contingency) 1 2 4 1 2 10 $ 1,440 $ 465 $ 72 $ 1,977 44 6.4 Conduct 90%Submittal Review Meeting with City 4 4 8 $ 1,200 $ 620 $ 100 S 1,920 Ocoee WRF Ebcbkallmpovnonh toner Hour nudger(03Jan 2022):hc 1of2 Primed On:VL2022 EXHIBIT II Budget for Engineering Services for City of Ocoee `EN fob Ne'26582 Water Reclamation Facility Electrical Improvements A( 8 C D E F G R iI : ; I M NOPO R 5 T U V .O v :. tell W n< h .. x El fir b td ..3 ' '.' )4' ,t-"'. F`' O; .4 M a G 'Q TASK .DESCRIPTION g g z S� .-. - ' '` 1 m 8 y W c - '- it -- - 1 .. ... . . .. .. dw - E HR 'n `de a .•."dw l3 . d ' i Li $ 1 " a$Subtotal 7 7 18 10 3 6 4 2 4 4 0 0 0 4 69 $ 9,070 $ 8,646 $ 173 $ 17,789 48 7% 47 7 Project Design Development Stage(100%Submittal) as 7.1 Prepare 100%Plan Views and Major Elevation Design Dressings 1 2 4 4 1 2 6 1 1 2 24 $ 3,030 $ 5,084 $ - $ 8,114 49 7.2 Prepare 100%Front-Eras and Technical Specifications 1 1 2 1 4 1 2 2 14 $ 1,950 $ 2.377 $ - $ 4,327 5a 7.3 Prepare Cress181d Construction Cost Estimate(10%Contingency) 1 2 4 1 2 I 10 $ 1,440 $ 485 $ - $ 1,905 5t 7.4 Conduct100%Submittal Review Meeting with City 4 4 8 $ 1,200 $ 62D $ 100 $ 1,920 u Subtotal 7 5 14 4 3 8 6 2 3 2 0 r 0 0 2 66 $ 7,620 $ 8,546 $ 100 $ 16,266 53 I 7% 54 8 Bidding Assistance • 8.1 Prepare for and Attend Pre-Bid Meeting and Site Visit 4 4 4 12 $ 1,760 $ 636 $ 100 5 2,496 ss 82 Assist City BIM Issuing up to Two(2)Addenda 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 22 $ 3,000 $ 2,015 $ - $ 5.015 $7 8.3 Prepare Engineer's Letter Recommendation of Apparent Low Bidder 2 4 12 18 $ 1,740 $ - $ - $ 1,740 $n Subtotal 8 2 10 2 2 6 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 14 34 $ 6,500 $ 2,661 $ - 10D $ 9,251 59 4% 6a 9 Construction Administration Services , 61 9.1 Prepare Conformed Construction Documents 8 2 2 2 2 4 2D $ 2,170 $ 984 5 - 5 3.154 s2 9.2 Set-Up Project and Coorduwte Pre-Construction Meeting 4 1 4 8 5 1.200 5 1,632 $ 100 5 Z,932 s3 9.3 Review and Approve 5ubmlttais(Up to Twenty(20)Subndttab) 20 40 5 65 $ 8,700 5 9,610 $ - $ 18,310 66 9.4 Respond to Contractor Requests for Information(RFle)(Up toiwe(5)RFI6) 5 5 10 5 5 8 3B $ 4.850 $ 3,100 $ - $ 8,050 65 9.5 Prepare for and Attend Monthly Project Progress Meeting Site Visits(up to eight(8)Meetings) 32 32 64 $ 9,600 $ 3,720 $ 600 $ 13,920 66 9.8 Conduct Substantial and Pool Walk Throughs 8 8 2 18 5 2,880 $ 930 $ 134 $ 3,744 67 9.7 Observe Start-up Events)up to Too(2)Events) 8 8 16 3 2,400 $ 1,240 $ 12D $ 3,760 66 9.8 Prepare and Submit Record Dravrings 2 2 8 12 12 8 4 46 $ 5,090 $ 1.240 5 8,330 ,.Subtotal 59 27 118 14 0 14 14 0 5 8 0 0 0 16 275 3• 36,790 $ 22,456 $ 954 $ 60,200 00 24% n TOTAL 140 : 110 310 86 21 ' 74 ; 54 , 15 40 40 0 1 0 0 ,' 58 907 T$ 12.9,736.$ 113,423!$ 3;744`$ 246,902 Ocoee WRF Electrical Irrpmvnnnts Leber Nvue 8u1.4(0344n 2022)abv 2 of 2 Primed On:1/312022 fiD ATTACHMENT A EMI Consulting Specialties Inc. (EMI) Proposal for Electrical and Instrumentation Services • 12iPage Ocoee WRF Electical Improvements Proposal(03-Jan-2022).docx EMI Consulting Specialties, Inc. Fee Estimate 5742 River Bed Rd Groveland, Fl 34736 DATE ESTIMATE NO. (352) 460-4034 (352) 460-4036 (Fax) 10/18/2021 2048 CLIENTS NAME/ADDRESS CPH Inc. 500 W.Fulton St. Sanford,Fl.32771 PROJECT Ocoee WWTP Electrical Upgra... CATEGORY DESCRIPTION HRS COST TOTAL Task I Final Design Clerical General clerical,filing,invoicing,correspondence,etc. 24 48.00 1,152.00 Site Visit Four(4)site visits for data gathering,site investigation, 24 155.00 3,720.00 photos,field notes etc. Meetings 30%,60%,90%and 100%meetings in Ocoee 16 155.00 2,480.00 Engineering Coordination with Duke Energy to transformer relocates 12 155.00 1,860.00 Engineering Power and control system design related Option#1 in 224 155.00 34,720.00 EMI report of 2019. Interfacing with existing SCADA systems.Removing Sq-D Model 5 and 6 motor control centers,lighting transformers from existing electrical room. Add switchgear and two generators with belly tanks,reconnecting existing plant loads to new MCCs in new electrical building. Adding PLC to new switchgear building.Design to include lightning protection,interior and exterior lighting and grounding. Design(CADD) Design,drafting(CADD),& in-office plotting for EMI 248 82.00 20,336.00 review and coordination. DRAWING LIST E-1 ABBREVIATIONS E-2 SYMBOLS E-3 OVERALL SITE PLAN E-4 PARTIAL SITE PLAN E-5 480 VOLT SWITCHGEAR POWER RISER E-5 SWITCHGEAR FRONT VIEWS E-7 MCC-1 POWER RISER E-8 MCC-1 FRONT VIEW E-9 MCC-2 POWER RISER E-10 MCC-2 FRONT VIEWS E-11 MCC CONTROL DIAGRAMS E-12 MCC CONTROL DIAGRAMS Lump Sum not to Exceed TOTAL Page 1 EMI Consulting Specialties, Inc. Fee Estimate 5742 River Bed Rd Groveland, Fl 34736 DATE ESTIMATE NO. (352)460-4034 (352)460-4036 (Fax) 10/18/2021 2048 CLIENTS NAME/ADDRESS CPH Inc. 500 W.Fulton St. Sanford,Fl.32771 PROJECT Ocoee WWTP Electrical Upgra... CATEGORY DESCRIPTION HRS COST TOTAL E-13 CONTROL/INSTRUMENTATION CONDUIT/WIRE RISER E-14 SWITCHGEAR BUILDING GROUNDING PLAN E-15 SWITCHGEAR BUILDING POWER PLAN E-16 SWITCHGEAR BUILDING LIGHTING PLAN E-17 GENERATOR COMPOUND PLANS E-18 EXISTING WWTP ELECTRICAL ROOM DEMOLITION PLAN E-19 EXISTING WWTP ELECTRICAL ROOM FINAL PLAN E-20 EXISTING WWTP ADMINISTRATION BUILDING PLANS E-21 PROJECT PHOTOS 1 E-22 PROJECT PHOTOS 2 E-23 DETAILS 1 E-24 DETAILS 2 V-1 LEGEND V-2 SWITCHGEAR R PLAN V-3 SCHEDULES&DETAILS P-1 LEGEND P-2 SWITCHGEAR BUILDING POTABLE WATER PLAN P-3 SCHEDULES&DETAILS I-1 SYMBOLS I-2 NETWORK DIAGRAM I-3 SWITCHGEAR P&ID 1-4 GENERATOR P&ID I-5 PLC-SG FRONT VIEW I-6 DETAILS Lump Sum not to Exceed TOTAL Page 2 EMI Consulting Specialties, Inc. Fee Estimate 5742 River Bed Rd Groveland,Fl 34736 DATE ESTIMATE No. (352)460-4034 (352)460-4036(Fax) 10/18/2021 2048 CLIENTS NAME/ADDRESS CPH Inc. 500 W.Fulton St. Sanford,Fl.32771 PROJECT Ocoee WWTP Electrical Upgra... CATEGORY DESCRIPTION HRS COST TOTAL Lump Sum not to Exceed TOTAL Page 3 EMI Consulting Specialties, Inc. Fee Estimate 5742 River Bed Rd Groveland,Fl 34736 DATE ESTIMATE NO. (352)460-4034 (352)460-4036(Fax) 10/18/2021 2048 CLIENTS NAME 1 ADDRESS CPH Inc. 500 W.Fulton St. Sanford,FL 32771 PROJECT Ocoee WWTP Electrical Upgra... CATEGORY DESCRIPTION HRS COST TOTAL Specification Create or edit and compile design specifications. 46 155.00 7,130.00 Cost Estimate Prepare opinion of cost for EMI design. 12 155.00 1,860.00 SUBTOTAL 73,258.00 Task II(Bidding) Clerical General clerical,filing,invoicing,correspondence,etc. 3 48.00 144.00 Addendum Create bidding addendum related to EMIs design. 13 155.00 2,015.00 Design(CADD) Design,drafting(CADD),& in-office plotting for EMI 6 82.00 492.00 review and coordination. SUBTOTAL 2,651.00 Task III(Construction) Clerical General clerical,filing,invoicing,correspondence,etc. 34 48.00 1,632.00 Site Visit Six(6)visits during construction to observe work, 24 155.00 3,720.00 provide report and final punch list Start-Up Services Two(2)site visit during start-up. 8 155.00 1,240.00 Shop Drawing Review and process shop drawings. 62 155.00 9,610.00 Punch List Site visit to compile final punch list. 6 155.00 930.00 RFI Responding to RFIs related to EMIs design. 20 155.00 3,100.00 Record Dwgs Revise bid documents to reflect as-built. 8 155.00 1,240.00 Design(CADD) Design,drafting(CADD),& in-office plotting for EMI 12 82.00 984.00 review and coordination. SUBTOTAL 22,456.00 Lump Sum not to Exceed TOTAL Page 4 EMI Consulting Specialties, Inc. Fee Estimate 5742 River Bed Rd Groveland, Fl 34736 DATE ESTIMATE NO. (352) 460-4034 (352)460-4036 (Fax) 10/18/2021 2048 CLIENTS NAME/ADDRESS CPH Inc. 500 W.Fulton St. Sanford,Fl.32771 PROJECT Ocoee WWTP Electrical Upgra... CATEGORY DESCRIPTION HRS COST TOTAL Deliverables: Digital copies of drawings each submittal per EMI format Digital specifications per EMI format Digital drawings per EMI format Digital copy of EMI specifications per EMI format Digital copy of shop drawing review comments Digital copy of site visit reports Digital copy of final punch list Exclusions: Fire Alarm Systems Radio Surveys Security Systems Telephone Systems Video Systems Intercom Systems LEED Certifications Production Printing Assumptions: One person from CPH will be assigned to direct EMI's work. Digital AutoCADD plans or background will be provided to EMI EMI standard insurance requirements apply Existing SCADA system is of sufficient size to add the new I/0 Lump Sum not to Exceed TOTAL $98,365.00 Page 5 a ATTACHMENT B CPH, Inc. - Description of Preliminary Ecological Assessment 13 ( Page Ocoee WRF Electical Improvements Proposal(03-Jan-2022).docx City of Ocoee WIAITP ENV proposal October 15,2021 ENV-1 Preliminary Ecological Assessment CPH shall perform a preliminary ecological assessment on the subject property. Tasks to be completed include the following: > Regulatory Files Search: CPH will perform a search of readily available public data bases for historical or existing regulatory approvals/authorizations for the water management district. CPH shall review the readily available files and summarize the findings. > Public Data Base Research: CPH will review Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FFWCC) and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)web based files and distribution mappings, and review the Atlas of Breeding Sites of Herons and Their Allies(FFWCC)to identify recorded listed species within the project site or within the vicinity of the subject property. CPH will also review Florida Natural Areas Inventory web based files for the recorded presence of protected species within the subject project vicinity. > Field Investigation: CPH will conduct a preliminary survey by general reconnaissance of the site for the occurrence or potential occurrence of protected species (threatened, endangered, or special concern) and wetlands and surface waters. The approximate location of all observed protected species and approximate extent and configuration of wetlands and surface waters shall be identified on the FLUCFCS map or aerial photograph prints. Those species referred to as protected are listed under Florida Administrative Code 68A and Florida Statue 581.185 and Code of Federal Regulation (50 CFR 17.11 and 17.12). > Vegetation and Land Use: CPH will prepare a Vegetation and Land Use Map covering the project site. The mapping will follow Level III nomenclature of the Florida Land Use Cover and Forms Classification System(FLUCFCS).The approximate acreage of each classification will be tabulated for the site. The map will be digitized in ArcView 10.3 based on "desk top" interpretation of features evident on the aerial photography, correlation with soil types(SCS Soil Map of Orange County)and field verification for each mapped classification. The dominant vegetation of each classification will be recorded and wetland areas identified. > Report: CPH shall prepare a memorandum report summarizing the habitat& land use mapping, observed protected species, wetland mapping, past regulatory authorizations, current regulatory considerations, and results of the public data base search to assist with project planning. The Client shall receive an electronic copy of the report and figures. Lump Sum$3,200 Q ATTACHMENT C CPH, Inc. - Description of Topographic Survey Services 14 [ P a g e Ocoee WRF Electical Improvements Proposal(03-Jan-2022).docx October 2O. 2U21 Re: Proposal for Surveying Services City of Ocoee—WRF Electrical Improvements SCOPE OF SERVICES Topographic Survey: Perform a Topographic Survey per Rule Chapter 5J-17 of the Florida Administrative Code in compliance with the Standards Of Practice of Surveying and Mapping oftheGtota of Florida (containing 0.53±murae\. ° Collect topographic data within scope. • Location of existing visible above ground improvements &visible utilities within scope. m Set two C2\ on-site benchmarks. m Survey will ba based on North American Vertical Datum 8O /N/A/OO8\ datum. • Locate three/3\ soil borings ia marked at time of field survey. State Plane: The projectcoordinate system will be based horizontally on the North American [}8iUO0 83 (NA[] 83). The project will be referenced to state plane coordinates by field locating published control points. Survey Fee: $3,785'00 Survey Site Exhibit Sh Ir ZI The following related services are not included iothe scope of this proposal, and may o[may not be required, but can be provided adan additional fee: /\LT/VNSP8 Land Title Survey, Boundary 8un^ay. As-built Survey, Platting, \K6a |and Location/Delineation, Underground Utility Designation/Location and Ordinary H|QhVVator/K8ean High Water Looation. J:\Z6582\PROPOSALS\OCOEE\WRF ELECTRICAL IMPROVEMENTS\SUBCONTRACTORS AND SUPPORT ssnv|ccs\SUevsYscopE—Ococs_WRF.00cX @0 /B fiD ATTACHMENT D Southeastern Surveying (SES) - Proposal for Subsurface Utility Designation and Verification 15IPage Ocoee WRF Electical Improvements Proposal(03-Jan-2022).docx 100%Employee Owned �S-olutheaster : \ Serving the Southeast Since 1972 SurveyIng \ www.southeasternsurveying.com ' Land Surveying and Mapping•Subsurface Utility Designation and Location• Geographic Information Systems •Asset Management October 20,2021 Corporate Office Via E-Mail: rsonzalezt cr hcorp.com 6500 All American Blvd. Orlando,Florida 32810 Mr. Robbie Gonzalez, P.E. P:407.292.8580 Senior Project Manager CPH, Inc. 1117 East Robinson Street Northwest Florida Orlando, FL 32801 1130 Highway 90 Chipley,FL 32428 P:850.638.0790 RE: Ocoee WRF Electrical Improvements 1800 A D Mims Rd,Ocoee, FL 34761 Section 09,Township 22 South, Range 28 East,Orange County, Florida Northeast Florida 8641 Baypine Rd. Dear Mr. Gonzalez, Suite 5 Jacksonville,FL 32256 P:904.737.5990 We are pleased to submit our proposal for Subsurface Utility Designation with Survey Collection on the above referenced project. Southwest Central SCOPE OF WORK: Florida 10770 N 46th St. Suite C-300 1. Horizontally locate and field mark(paint&flags)all public subsurface utility mains found excluding Tampa,FL 33617 irrigation as shown in the red hatched area on the print provided by CPH,Inc.via email on October P:813.898.2711 18, 2021. 2. Locate all utility data using GPS or conventional surveying equipment and control furnished by South Central Florida CPH, Inc. 10 East Lake St. Kissimmee,FL 34744 P:407.944.4880 DELIVERABLE The final product will be a raw data file of utility information provided for your use. West Central Florida EXPENSES AND FEES 119-West Main St. Our fee for this project will be as follows: Tavares,FL 32778 P:352.343.4880 Subsurface Utility Designation,Survey Collection&Drafting: $4,553.00 North Central Florida • 2860 Hwy 71 N PROJECT TIMELINE suites We anticipate completion of the above-described work within four (4) weeks after receipt of a written Marianna,FL 32446 P P P P:850.482.0312 notice to proceed. • Southeast Alabama 355 N.Oates St. Suite 5 Dothan,AL 36303 P:334.648.0288 1 Mr. Robbie Gonzalez, P.E. aStc- a Ocoee WRF Electrical Improvements -Slit" October 20,2021 Utility Terms and Conditions It is understood that CPH, Inc. is responsible to abide by Sunshine 811, Florida State Statutes Chapter 556.106 and all applicable laws,and regulations that pertain to the services provided. CPH, Inc. will make available all plans and utility records that have been obtained for this site. However,the information provided by CPH, Inc. is also dependent upon a Sunshine 811 request for utility owners and/or their representatives to mark their buried underground plant at the project site as required by law. Southeastern Surveying and Mapping Corporation (SSMC) has a right to rely on the accuracy of such plans and utility records and will notify CPH, Inc. if there are any patently or reasonably identifiable defects in the documents. SSMC shall review the site conditions with the use of a Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) in the presence of CPH, Inc. Authorized Representative based upon the plans and records provided. CPH, Inc. is aware that due to the inherent uncertain nature of subsurface utilities, including but not limited to deficient or misrepresentation of prints, SSMC cannot guarantee that all subsurface utility lines will be accounted for. SSMC will ensure that all reasonable efforts are made to identify the location of said underground utilities and provide the best available information within the project area with the use of Ground Penetrating Radar, Electronic Line Locating Equipment and Vacuum Excavation methods,as needed.Additional research will only be conducted by SSMC if requested in writing by CPH,Inc. In accordance with the Underground Facility Damage Prevention and Safety Act, the Design Engineer shall perform sufficient Utility Coordination with the Utility providers in this location to affirm the information from SSMC's efforts and confirm that no other subsurface utility is possibly undetected by these efforts. SSMC will certify that the surface designation is within two (2)feet of the true underground position of the utility relative to the mark as shown on the surface in accordance with the plans provided and the reasonable efforts conducted to locate the utilities as outlined above. SSMC shall not be held liable for any latent or unreasonably discoverable utilities in the project area. Furthermore, in the event of a claim regarding the services provided in the proposal, SSMC shall have liability for reasonable and necessary defense costs to the extent caused by SSMC's negligence. Credit Language Payment is expected within thirty(30)days from the date of the invoice. Credit Card Convenience Fee SSMC is committed to providing a range of payment options to our clients. Credit Card payments made via phone will result in a Convenience Fee.A Convenience Fee of$25 will be applied to Credit Card payments.We will continue to offer other payment methods, including cash, paper checks, and electronic check payments (ACH), which carry no additional charge. We appreciate the opportunity to provide these services to you. Please contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, ,44, M.Scott Sowards Utility Division Project Manager MSS.dce 2 \\navision\admin\Date\Admin Documents\C\CPH,Inc.(CPH}\City of Ocoee(COC)\Ocoee WRF Electrical Improvements\2_Proposal letters\Ocoee WRF Electrical Improvements_Uo&surveyCollectlon.docx Mr. Robbie Gonzalez, PE Ocoee WRF Electrical Improvements Octnber2U 2021 If the above scope, period of service,and method of compensation meets with your approval, please have an authorized penonexecutebe|mmandsendvieemai|toountmcto6acoutheasternsurvevinR.cumasanoffida| notioetnproceeda|ong with the notice of commencement. Fees and times stated in this agreement are valid for six months from the date of the proposal. CLIENT AUTHORIZATION I declare that I am authorized to sign the binding contractual document. I also declare that I have read, understand, and accept this proposal. Signature Date Printed Name Title(if any) 3 xnaYIs**pmww**^ min ooc"m�nt�\C\C,H,Inc.vCP*xc/vwOcoee(Cnp*c.eevpr"/.drica//mp==mems\2_p=,=/Letw°*coeewm Electrical/mprov°=mwUo&S"°eycollect*^do= GENERALTERMS AND CONDITIONS These standard terms and conditions("STCS")are incorporated by reference into the foregoing proposal,along with any future modifications or amendments(the "Agreement") between Southeastern Surveying and Mapping Corporation ("SSMC") and its Client ("You" or "Your") for the performance of surveying services ("Services").These STCS are fully binding upon you just as if they were fully outlined in the body of the proposal letter and shall supersede any term or provision elsewhere in the agreement in conflict with these STCS. SCOPE OF SERVICES For the fee outlined In the Agreement,you agree that SSMC shall only be obligated to render the Services expressly described in the Agreement.Unless the Agreement explicitly requires,in no event does SSMC has any obligation or responsibility for: a. The correctness and completeness of any document which was prepared by another entity. b. The correctness and completeness of any drawing prepared by SSMC,unless it was duly signed and sealed by a registered professional on SSMC's behalf. c. Favorable or timely comment or action by any governmental entity on the submission of any construction documents,land use or feasibility studies,appeals, petitions for exceptions or waivers,or other requests or documents of any nature whatsoever. d. Taking into account off-site circumstances other than those clearly visible and actually known to SSMC from on-site work. e. The actual location(or characteristics)of any portion of a utility that is not entirely visible from the surface. f. Site safety or construction quality,means,methods,or sequences. g. The correctness of any geotechnical services performed by others,whether or not performed as SSMC's subcontractor. Should shop drawing review be Incorporated into the Services,SSMC shall pass on the shop drawings with reasonable promptness.Checking and approval of shop drawings will be general,for conformance with the design concept of the project to which this Agreement relates("Project")and compliance with the information given In the construction documents,and will not include quantities,detailed dimensions,nor adjustments of dimensions to actual field conditions.Approval shall not be construed as permitting any departure from contract requirements,nor as relieving the Contractor of the sole and final responsibility for any error in details,dimensions, or otherwise,that may exist.SSMC does not provide legal,accounting,or insurance services. YOUR ORAL DECISIONS You,or any of your directors,officers,partners,members,managers,employees or agents having apparent authority from you,may orally:(a)make decisions relating to Services orthe Agreement;(b)request a change in the scope of Services under the Agreement;or(c)requestSSMCto render additional services underthe Agreement, subject to our right to require you to submit the request In writing before your decision or request shall be considered to have been effectively made.You may,at any time,limit the authority of any or all persons to act orally on your behalf under this Paragraph,by giving SSMC seven(7)days advance written notice. STANDARD OF CARE The standard of care for all professional services performed by SSMC under this Agreement shall be the skill and care used by members of SSMC's profession practicing under similar circumstances at the same time and in the same locality. PAYMENT SSMC may submit invoices at any time to you for Services and reimbursable expenses incurred.Invoices are payable within 30 days of the invoice date.Invoices may be based either upon our estimate of the proportion of the total services completed at the time of billing for lump sum or fixed fee services,or in the case of hourly services,upon rendering of the Services.If any invoice is not paid within 30 days of the invoice date,SSMC shall have the right either to suspend the performance of our Services until all Invoices more than 30 days past due are fully paid or to terminate the agreement and to initiate proceedings to recover amounts owed by you. Additionally,SSMC shall have the right to withhold from you the possession or use of any drawings or documents prepared by SSMC for you under this or any other agreement with you until all delinquent Invoices are paid in full.You shall not offset payments of our invoices by any amounts due or claimed to be due for any reason. If you do not give SSMC written notice disputing an Invoice within 20 days of the invoice date,the invoice shall conclusively be deemed correct.All payments made by you should specify the invoice numbers being paid.If SSMC receives payments that do not specify the invoices being paid,you agree that SSMC may apply payments in our sole discretion.Time is of the essence of your payment obligations,and your failure make full and timely payment shall be deemed a material breach. PROPRIETARY RIGHTS The drawings,specifications and other documents prepared by SSMC under this Agreement are instruments of SSMC's service for use solely for the Project and,unless otherwise provided,SSMC shall be deemed the author of these documents and shall retain all common law,statutory,and other reserved rights,including the copyright and rights to any SSMC trademarks.You shall be permitted to retain copies,including reproducible copies of SSMC's instruments of service for information and reference for the Project.SSMC's drawings,specifications,or other documents shall not be used by you or others on other projects for any reason or for completion of this Project by other professionals unless you enter into a written agreement with SSMC allowing for such use.Submission or distribution of documents to meet official regulatory requirements or for similar purposes in connection with the Project is not to be construed as publication inconsistent with our reserved rights. TERMINATION Either party may terminate the Agreement if the other party materially breaches the Agreement.You shall immediately pay SSMC for our services rendered and expenses incurred through the termination date,including fees and expenses that SSMC incur as a result of the termination. ASSIGNMENT Neither party shall assign or transfer any rights,interests or claims arising under this Agreement without the written consent of the other.This Agreement shall not confer any benefit or right upon any person or entity other than you,SSMC,and its officers,employees,agents,and subcontractors.SSMC's officers,employees,agents, and subcontractors shall have and shall be entitled to the protections afforded SSMC under this Agreement. GOVERNING LAW This Agreement shall be Interpreted under and governed by the laws of the State of Florida.The parties agree that the courts of Orange County,Florida,and the US District Court of the Middle District of Florida(Orlando Division)shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any controversy.The parties consent to the jurisdiction of the Courts and waive any objection either party might otherwise be entitled to assert regarding jurisdiction.The parties irrevocably waive all right to trial by jury in any action,proceeding,or counterclaim arising out of or related to this Agreement. SEVERABILITY If any part,term,or provision of this agreement is held to be illegal or unenforceable,the validity and enforceability of the remaining parts,terms,and provisions of this agreement shall not be affected,and each party's rights shall be construed and enforced as if the agreement did not contain the illegal or unenforceable part,term, or provision. LIMITATIONS ON LIABILITY SSMC's liability for any loss, property damage or bodily injury of or to you caused in whole or in part by SSMC in the performance of this Agreement,or in the performance of any supplementary services in any way related to this Agreement,shall be limited in the aggregate to the amount of fees that you have paid to SSMC for the Services.The parties intend that the preceding limitation on liability shall apply to all claims,whether sounding in tort,in contract,in warranty or otherwise.You release,waive,and shall not seek contribution from,or indemnification by,SSMC for any claims of any nature made against you by any other person who may suffer any loss, property damage or bodily injury in any manner associated with SSMC's services, or SSMC's officers,employees,agents and subcontractors under this Agreement,or any supplementary services in any way related to this Agreement.SSMC shall not be liable to you,in any event or for any amount,for delays,or consequential,special or incidental damages;or punitive or exemplary damages. PAYMENT OF ATTORNEY'S FEES The losing party shall pay the winning party's reasonable attorney's fees and expenses for the prosecution or defense of any cause of action,claim or demand arising under this Agreement in any court or in arbitration. INDEMNIFICATION You agree to indemnify and hold SSMC harmless from and against any and all liability,loss,damages,claims,and demands for loss,damages,property damages or bodily injury,arising out of work undertaken on the Project by you,or your contractor,subcontractor or other independent company or consultant employed by you to work on the Project,or their respective partners,members,managers,directors,officers,employees,agents or assigns;or arising out of any other operation,no matter by whom performed,for and on behalf of you,or such contractor,subcontractor or other independent company or consultant,whether or not due in part to errors or omissions by us In the performance of this Agreement,or in the performance of any supplementary service in any way related to this Agreement,provided that you are not required to indemnify and hold SSMC harmless under this Paragraph in the event of SSMC's sole negligence. COMPLETE AGREEMENT This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties concerning the matters covered herein.No prior representations,statements,or inducements made by either SSMC,you,or the respective agents of either,that is not contained in the Agreement shall enlarge,modify,alter,or otherwise vary the written terms of the Agreement unless they are made in writing and made a part of the Agreement by attachment,incorporated by reference in the Agreement or signed or initialed on behalf of both parties. 4 isi;„13, � q z ate ,@+ �''t - rJ ,, i �,` a, , 7 Or. , , _1/" }, , ` _ill• , ▪Pzwy � „„ »f� #r qtdJ � � " �% # • ,N..1..ft.„ „...,....,,,..,•• ..,,y9p,i. -,:..'1,%,,,,,,,..ki,,i,,ii.‘,,4,i.: .?,-..-0-7.-...-i;'..,'if 'I,:i'..-N'''' •,i4v.,,,tiit.if.A.k,;...':.r'S.4=",-..',...,.•.;,..,,,,?,‘. 0 -,?:,`", ,T^,.-i',::e:,,,.. 7, ''''' •••,.', It y' J t - ?r iJ.. MjD'it: yY ]t X 4a j,Y` �.*c C x+ .^td ! 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'� se, as .:n a a E 1 1/1qh g hug i ,,- I .1 1 T3 Q? .� = Q: ai A :� t�LID a a t ] 41 _. 5 QJ ATTACHMENT E PSI, Inc. - Proposal for Geotechnical Services 16 Page Ocoee WRF E(ectical Improvements Proposal(03-Jan-2022).docx hterteko Proposal Number:0757-357521 October 26,2O2l Professional Service Industries, Inc. 174833d Street,Orlando,FL32839 Phone: (4O7)3U4'SS60 Fax: (407)304-5561 Mr.Robbie Gonzalez,P.E. Senior Project Manager CPH,|nc' ' 1117 East Robinson Street Orlando, Florida 328U1 RE: Proposal for 6eotechnica|Services New Electrical Building and Generator Pads Ocoee'VVastevxater Treatment Plant IOODAD Mims Road Ocoee, Florida 34761 Dear Mr.Gonzalez: Professional Service Industries, Inc. (PSI), an Umterteh [ornpam& is pleased to submit thefo||oxvinR proposal for performance of a subsurface exploration at the site of the proposed improvements.The subsurface exploration will be completed to provide geotechnical recommendations for site preparation and foundation design for the new electrical building and generator pads. Presented herein is the proposed scope of work,time schedule to complete the work and cost estimate for our services. This proposal is based on the boring locations being readily accessible to our truck-mounted drilling equipment and The drilling services being performed during regular business hours. Proiect Information The project site is located within the Ocoee Wastewater Treatment Plant(WWTP)in Ocoee,Orange County,Florida. The site is bordered by an existing building and pavement areas to the north and wastewater treatment systems to theeaatsouthandvvest. 8asedonarevievvofaehu|ima8esavoi|ub|ethrou8hGooQ|eEarthPro,thesitoisvacont with the ground cover comprising grass. Manned improvements for this facility include two new generator pods plus a one-story electrical building. The generator pads will each have an approximate plan area of 130±square feet.The electrical building will have a plan area uf approximately 43O±square feet. We assume the generator pads will be designed as slab on grade systems. For the one-story building we expect it to be relatively light With maximum column and wall foundation loads of less than 50 kips and 3 to S kips per linear feet,respectively. ` The listed assumptions have been used for the purpose of preparing this proposal. Adjustments to the scope of services may be necessary if the planned development differs from the noted assumptions. Engineering Certificate of Authorization 3584 www.intertek.com/buUding Vol = Proposal Number:0757' 575z1 cpH,mc October 26,zO21 on Page 2of3 Scope ufGeotechn&al Services The purpose of PSI's subsurface exploration is to obtain information on the general subsurface soil and groundwater conditions within the proposed development in order to provide geotechnical recommendations for site preparation and foundation design. The following services will be provided in order to achieve the preceding objectives: 1. Review available published geologic and topographic information. This published information will be obtained from the appropriate quadrangle mop published by the United States Geological Survey(U8GS) and the "Soil Survey ofOrange County, Florida" published by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Soil Conservation Service(S[S). Z. PSI will perform three(3)Standard Penetration Test(SPT)borings in the areas requested. |tbproposed that the generator pad borings will be extended to depths of 10 feet below existing grade, with the building boring will be extended to a depth of 15 feet below existing grade. 3. Visually classify and stratify representative soil samples in the laboratory using the Unified Soil Classification System. Conduct u limited laboratory testing program, if necessary. Identify soil conditions at each boring location and form on opinion of the site soil sLratigraphy. 4. Collect groundwater level measurements in the boveho|es and estimate the normal seasonal high groundwater levels. S. The results of the field exploration and laboratory tests will be used in the engineering analysis and in the formulation of PS|'s Qeotechnica| recommendations. The results of the subsurface exploration, including the geotechnical recommendations to supportthe construction of the proposed electrical building and generator pads,will be presented in a written report supervised by a Professional Engineer licensed in the State of Florida.The report will include the estimated normal seasonal high groundwater levels,site preparation,foundation design,excavation considerations and the data on which they are based Schedule We are in-a position to start work on the assignment immediately upon receipt of authorization to proceed.The first tasks will be to coordinate obtaining utility clearances for the borings through Sunshine State One Call of Florida and through the plant operations personnel. If private utilities are not located by others,we can coordinate o private utility location service for our borings for an additional fee.Once utilities have been deoned/|ucated,me anticipate one day to complete the field work. Engineering and laboratory testing will be initiated thereafter, requiring a further 1U workdays tocomplete. From notice to proceed through submittal of the report will require on the order of4weeks. Throughout the course of our work on the project, we will keep you routinely apprised of findings plus be available for consultation and meeting attendance as may be necessary. _.~.~..,� c�� wvvxvintertek.com/bui|ding �+�~ o Proposal Number:0757- 57521 cpH'|nc. Qc�,berD�2O21 otvnl ,, Page 3ofS Service Fee It is proposed the fee for performance of the above-outlined services be determined on a lump sum basis and the work being performed in accordance with the conditions of a Professional Services Agreement between CPH and PSI. On the basis of the estimated quantities and the proposed scope of work,our lump sum fee for the assignment is$2,900.00. If private utilities are not located by others, we can coordinate a private utility location service for our borings for an additional fee of $1,200'00' Closure We appreciate the opportunity to offer our services to you and look forward to working with you. If this proposal is acceptable,please sign below as notice to proceed and return one copy of this proposal intact to our office. Should you have any questions in regard to this proposal,please do not hesitate to contact this office. Respectfully submitted, PROFESSIONAL SERVICE INDUSTRIES,INC. yt'jak Venka%aPrashanthK4uppana,P.E [an Kinnear, P.E, Project Engineer Chief Geotechnica|Engineer ms7-3srszz(Electrical/mnm,mems wv%rrp City momee).uom AGREED T0THIS [AY OF , BY(Please Print): TITLE: COMPANY: SIGNATURE: intexweko vvx«w.in1erLek,com/bui|ding ATTACHMENT F List of Proposed Drawings 17 [ Page Ocoee WRF Electical Improvements Proposal(03-Jan-2022).docx City of Ocoee WRF CPH Job No.: Z6582 List of Proposed Drawings Page . General CPH. 1 G-01 Title Page Cover 2 G-02 General Construction Notes,and Sheet Index Civil: i.` CPH 3 C-01 Existing Site Plan with Topographic and Subsurface Survey 4 C-02 Proposed Demolition Plan 5 C-03 Proposed Site Layout Geometry Plan 6 C-04 Site Paving,Grading and Drainage Plan 7 C-05 Civil Details Architecture CPH r 8 A-01 Life Safety Plan 9 A-02 Floor and Reflective Ceiling Plan 10 A-03 Roof Plan 11 A-04 Exterior Proposed Electrical Building Elevations(North,South,East and West) 12 A-05 Wall Sections 13 A-06 Door Hardware Schedule 14 A-07 ADA Requirements Structural CPH 15 5-01 General Notes 16 S-02 Foundation Plan 17 S-03 Roof Plan 18 5-04 Roof Sections and Details 19 S-05 CMU Wall Details Electrical: EMI 20 E-01 ABBREVIATIONS 21 E-02 SYMBOLS 22 E-03 OVERALL SITE PLAN 23 E-04 PARTIAL SITE PLAN 24 E-05 480 VOLT SWITCHGEAR POWER RISER 25 E-06 SWITCHGEAR FRONT VIEWS 26 E-07 MCC-1 POWER RISER 27 E-08 MCC-1 FRONT VIEW 28 E-09 MCC-2 POWER RISER 29 E-10 MCC-2 FRONT VIEWS 30 E-11 MCC CONTROL DIAGRAMS 31 E-12 MCC CONTROL DIAGRAMS 32 E-13 CONTROL/INSTRUMENTATION CONDUIT/WIRE RISER 33 E-14 SWITCHGEAR BUILDING GROUNDING PLAN 34 E-15 SWITCHGEAR BUILDING POWER PLAN 35 E-16 SWITCHGEAR BUILDING LIGHTING PLAN 36 E-17 GENERATOR COMPOUND PLANS 37 E-18 EXISTING WWTP ELECTRICAL ROOM DEMOLITION PLAN 38 E-19 EXISTING WWTP ELECTRICAL ROOM FINAL PLAN 39 E-20 EXISTING WWTP ADMINISTRATION BUILDING PLANS 40 E-21 PROJECT PHOTOS 1 41 E-22 PROJECT PHOTOS 2 42 E-23 DETAILS 1 43 E-24 DETAILS 2 Instrumentation .EMI:. 44 1-01 SYMBOLS 45 1-02 NETWORK DIAGRAM _ 46 1-03 SWITCHGEAR P&ID 47 1-04 GENERATOR P&ID 48 I-05 PLC-SG FRONT VIEW 49 1-06 DETAILS HVAC EMI 50 V-01 LEGEND 51 V-02 SWITCHGEAR HVAC R PLAN 52 V-03 SCHEDULES&DETAILS Pluri bin EMI 53 P-01 LEGEND 54 P-02 SWITCHGEAR BUILDING POTABLE WATER PLAN 55 P-03 SCHEDULES&DETAILS List of Drawings(04-Jan-2022).xlsx 1 of 1 Printed On:1/4/2022