HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-03-2022 Minutes CITY OF OCOEE
Minutes of the Human Relations Diversity Board
Regular Meeting Held February 3,2022
The meeting was called to order by Chair Anderson-Robinson at 6:21 p.m. in the Commission Chambers
of City Hall located at 150 North Lakeshore Drive,Ocoee.
Chair Anderson-Robinson led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, followed by a moment of
personal reflection. Recording Clerk Sibbitt performed roll call and declared quorum present.
Present: Chair Anderson-Robinson, and Members: Maxwell, Dawkins, Lori Hart, Carr, Fontanez, Moyer,
Brown,Ages Hart, Middleton, Dorsica, Lomneck, and Kennedy
Absent: None
Also Present:Commissioner Oliver,Assistant Support Services Director Gaines,and Recording Clerk Sibbitt
Guest(s): Hari Singh,April Simpson, and Jennifer Yon with the Jennifer Yon Agency
Public Comments: Hari Singh, Ocoee resident and President of Indian Horizon of Florida, briefly introduced
himself and addressed the Board about the Asian Indian culture. He explained Indian Heritage Day as well
as other events and festivals hosted by his organization. He further shared his vision to seek a venue in
Ocoee to host art and cultural events, and inquired if the Board would partner with his organization.
Member Dawkins thanked Mr. Singh for the information, and inquired what event he was seeking to be
held first in Ocoee. Mr. Singh answered, Indian Heritage Day in the month of June, and Diwali.
Past Chair Maxwell thanked Mr. Singh for the information and shared that he believed the scope of the
event described to them would not be achievable within the next 3-5 years. He asked for a draft event
program to be provided to the Board for review and consideration. Member Brown inquired which
underused park in the City he referred to in his request for a venue. Mr. Singh responded that he
referenced Bill Breeze Park.Assistant Support Services Director Gaines clarified that Bill Breeze Park is not
available for rental if a wedding or event is being held inside the Ocoee Lakeshore Center,which may lead
to the assumption that the park is underused. April Simpson, Ocoee Resident, asked Mr. Singh if he had
the skill and ability to outline his vision for a program. Mr. Singh shared he has been doing events for
25 years; and further, shared his experiences. Ms. Simpson further inquired if the City had a program, or
coaching, for anyone in the community who plan to host an event. Assistant Support Services
Director Gaines answered that the City does not. He further recommended Mr.Singh speak with the Parks
and Recreation Department to inquire about facility rental and obtaining a special event permit. Further
discussion ensued on Mr. Singh's event request. Member Dawkins reminded the Board members that
events require their personal commitment and time; therefore, if the Board commits to take on more
events,the Members will all need to be prepared to assist.
A. Approval of Minutes for the HRDB meeting held January 6, 2022
Motion: Move to Approve the January 6, 2022, Minutes; Moved by Member Dawkins, seconded by
Member Lori.Hart. Motion carried unanimously.
HRDB Regular Meeting
February 3, 2022
B. Black History Month Essay Contest Update
Member Dawkins shared that she received feedback from several principals and teachers that the theme
selected was too difficult for 5th grade level;therefore,she provided a simplified summary of the theme to
the schools to enable better understanding of the Board's reason for the theme. She also provided
questions for the teachers to ask to help direct the students. Member Dawkins further shared the positive
feedback she received from the schools on their past essay events.
Recording Clerk Sibbitt reminded the Board that a firm date still needed to be selected for the essay
judging as the !son Center has a tentative hold for February 15th and 16th. After a brief discussion,
February 15th at 6 PM was selected by the volunteer judges, and the judging process was explained.
C. Mission Statement Subcommittee Report
Past Chair Maxwell summarized the process to acquire the Brian Owen sculpture which is approximately
$146,000 in cost. Member Lomneck asked if the sculpture by Mr. Owen could be explained to the newer
members present. Past Chair Maxwell explained the concept of the sculpture and the story reflected by
the artist,and shared he would like to ask the artist to consider adding the apology letter and proclamation
to the sculpture. Commissioner Oliver asked Past Chair Maxwell to also provide an explanation on the
"Children Playing" sculpture which is an additional consideration by the HRDB Board. Past Chair Maxwell
provided explanation on that sculpture. He further explained the Subcommittee met and discussed
bringing the sculpture proposal before the City Commission once they have the right words in place and a
clear mission statement which reflects reality and truth.Member Ages Hart shared that the Subcommittee
felt the City should tell the story, not someone else. Past Chair Maxwell summarized the work that was
involved with an outside entity to acquire the historical marker that stands in Bill Breeze Park, and the
conflicts encountered with how they wanted to tell the story of Ocoee. Further discussion ensued.
Past Chair Maxwell shared the sculpture proposal by Mr.Owen and advised he will like to invite Mr. Owen
back to a future meeting. He further explained an additional Subcommittee meeting was needed to finalize
the mission statement to bring back before the Board.
D. Ocoee Election Day Massacre Remembrance Subcommittee Report
Member Carr shared there was a draft program report that was provided to the members in December
and was available online under supporting documents. He has spoken with the Jennifer Yon Agency, to
consider consolidating the program details to be similar to what was presented last November; however,
they are looking to build on it. He commented that they have a head start with the Buffalo Soldier's Honor
Ride since they have the contacts needed to facilitate that event. He suggested partnering with Ocoee
Christian Church per the request made by Past Chair Maxwell. Member Middleton advised the Ocoee
Christian Church has been involved with this event the last two years, and believed they will continue. He
shared the story of the church's involvement in housing African American refugees in their building in 1920
during the massacre.Jennifer Yon,Jennifer Yon Agency, shared that she will be reaching out to Parks and
Recreation Director Johnson to get suggestions on entertainment, sponsorship, and stage since he has a
relationship with vendors for other City events. Member Middleton apologized for missing the last
meeting and commented on a few items that were added to the program details that were not discussed.
at the Subcommittee meeting he attended. He voiced disagreement with the details in the program such
as the golf tournament,fireworks,and headliners as he felt the event should be a sacred moment,and not
a celebration. He explained that during discussions for the 100-year anniversary,the Board had agreed on
the theme to tell the story, honor the memory, heal the wound,and hope for the future,which he felt was
the theme they followed this past year. He shared his discomfort with the fundraising event that was being
proposed and felt another Subcommittee meeting was needed. He shared he personally spoke with many
descendants who are still in pain. Member Carr explained he spoke to some descendants who were upset
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HRDB Regular Meeting
February 3, 2022
about missing the Honor Ride,which was more of an upbeat celebration. He further explained some details
in the program should celebrate life. Member Moyer commented on the importance of election day, and
voiced it should be included into the program.Chair Anderson-Robinson inquired if the Subcommittee has
given thought to sending out a survey to the descendants about the proposed events to determine their
comfort level and feelings. Further discussion ensued on feedback received from the descendants.
April Simpson, Ocoee Resident, shared her support for a positive upbeat celebration as she felt that
children have a hard time sitting through somber events. Commissioner Oliver commented on the
difference of the event details, and stated that they can have two different events, but they need to come
together as one. Further discussion ensued on the event detail differences and the financing of the events.
Member Middleton shared the church was willing to fund their portion of the events they host, as they
felt the event needs to be done in the right spirit. Further discussion ensued on cultural healing processes,
which differ for everyone.
Past Chair Maxwell left at 8:09 PM& Member Fontanez left at 8:16 PM
Member Carr shared the voiced consensus is a blended event,and another Subcommittee meeting needed
to be scheduled. Ms.Yon briefly touched on the peaceful event details in the proposed schedule that are
not celebratory. Brief discussion ensued on the descendant list provided to the Subcommittee members.
Recording Clerk Sibbitt reminded the Board that if names are added to the descendant list, to please
provide the updated lists to her office, as it is public record under Florida Law, she would like to maintain
a master list for historical purposes, and her office receives requests for descendant information. Brief
discussion ensued on the percentage of descendants represented at their events. Member Dorisca
volunteered to develop a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) on tracking descendant representation at
their upcoming events.
Member Carr announced a Subcommittee meeting will be held on February 23rd at 6 PM at the
Bar 5 Lounge and Grille.
Member Lomneck commented on the length of discussions spent on one topic by the Board with no
discussion on other diverse events that occur throughout the year such as Hispanic Heritage Month. He
inquired if the Ocoee Election Day Massacre Remembrance event should have its own Board to allow the
HRDB to handle all diversity in the City. Chair Anderson-Robinson addressed his comment.
E. Discussion on Reallocation of Sculpture Funds—Item Removed.
F. Discussion on 2023 MLK Parade Keynote Speaker- Tabled to March 3,2022, HRDB Meeting.
Member Dawkins shared she would like to add more High School bands to the MLK Day parade, and
requested to create a letter to invite other High School bands and provide them with an honorarium for
their participation.
Motion: Move to draft a letter to invite High School bands to participate in the Ocoee MLK Day parade
and research cost associated to request an honorarium for their participation. Information will be
presented back before the HRDB for discussion; Moved by Member Dawkins, seconded by Member.
Moyer. Motion carried unanimously.
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HRDB Regular Meeting
February 3, 2022
G. Discussion on Hosting events for Asian Pacific American Heritage Month and Hispanic Heritage Month -
Tabled to March 3, 2022, HRDB Meeting.
III: Board and Staff Comments:
Assistant Support Services Director Gaines shared information on the Board shirts and name tags. He
advised the cost will be $450.00 and needed the Board's approval to proceed with the order. He shared
that one member has indicated they would not like a shirt.
Motion: Move to approve funds of $450 for purchase of Board name badges and shirts; Moved by
Member Dawkins,seconded by Member Brown. Motion carried unanimously.
IV:Set Next Agenda
A. Approval of Minutes for February 3, 2022, meeting
B. Discussion on Hosting events for Asian Pacific American Heritage Month and Hispanic Heritage Month
C. 2023 MLK Parade Keynote Speaker
D. Black History Month Essay Contest Update
E. Mission Statement Subcommittee Report
F. Ocoee Election Day Massacre Remembrance Subcommittee Report
Adjournment: meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM
Melanie Sibbitt, Recording Clerk Chairperson
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