HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-09-2022 Minutes � J ocoee florida Districting Commission Board March 9,2022 MINUTES 6:30 p.m. I. Call to Order Chair Keller called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m., in the Commission Chambers of City Hall, located at 150 N. Lakeshore Drive. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum Present: Chair Keller,Vice-Chair Forges, Member Davis,Member Lowrie,Member Moyer (arrived at 6:51 pm), and Member Mellen. Also present: City Clerk Sibbitt,Assistant City Attorney Drage and Recording Clerk Heard Absent: Member Lomneck H. Approval of Minutes—February 10,2022 Motion: Move to approve the minutes of February 10, 2022: Moved by Member Lowrie. seconded by Vice-Chair Forges: Motion carried 5-0 with Member Moyer and Member Lomneck absent. III. Review of Board Plan 1C Map & Creation of New District Boundaries GIS Analyst O'Halloran compared Board Plan 1B (Exhibit 1)with Board Plan 1C (Exhibit 2) by showing boundary line revisions and deviations (below). Board Plan 1C IDEAL ACTUAL DEVIATION DISTRICT POPULATION POPULATION FROM IDEAL % DEVIATION 1 11,840 11,845 5 0.04 2 11,840 12,198 358 3.02. 3 11,840 11,596 -244 . _ -2.06 4 11,840 11,722 -118 -1.00 47,361 47,361 0 0.00 Districting Commission March 9,2022 GIS Analyst O'Halloran compared race and ethnicity by commission districts with Board Plan 1C (below). Board Plan IC Native Black or American Hawaiian and Commission Total Hispaii c or Not Hispanic African Indian and other Pacific Some other Two or m ore District Population Latino or Latino White American Alaska Native Asian Islander Race Races 11845 29% 73.55 40% 24% 1% 6% 14% 15% 2 12,192 25% Z% 481rs 20% .1% 5% 0% .12% 15% 3 11,596 30% 70% 53% 1.1% "C% '6% Chfr 13% 17% 4 1%722 -173/4 EE% 323/4 39% Chair Keller explained that tonight they need to decide on a map to present to the City Commission. Vice-Chair Forges indicated he believes they should present both Board Plan 1B and Board Plan 1C to the City Commission. Member Lowrie said he agrees and thinks both should be presented to the City Commission. Member Davis said he believes Board Plan 1C is a solid map,and said the board did a good job on creating Board Plan 1C. Member Mellen agreed and said both Board Plan 1B and Board Plan 1C should go to the City Commission. Chair Keller suggested both maps go to the City Commission with an indication that Board Plan 1C is the preferred map. Motion: Move to present the Districting Commission Recommendation Report with Board Plan IC as the preferred map and Board Plan IB as the alternate map to the City Commission:Moved by Member Mellen, seconded by Member Lowrie. Vice-Chair Forges asked if the maps can be attached to the report. City Clerk Sibbitt answered in the affirmative. GIS Analyst O'Halloran explained the population numbers that they are using came from the 2020 Census with added annexations up to October 1,2021.He asked if the Board wanted three annexations added that have since been approved. Chair Keller answered in the negative and explained three houses are not going to change the deviations by much. After discussion, Motion carried 5-0 with Member Moyer and Member Lomneck absent. Wage Districting Commission March 9,2022 City Clerk Sibbitt explained the Charter and that the Recommendation Report will be drafted and placed on the April 5th City Commission meeting. She asked when the board would like to meet next. Discussion ensued regarding the next meeting date. It was decided that the next meeting date will be scheduled for May 12,2022. IV. Public Comments -None V. Direction to Staff-None VI. Adjournment Motion: Move to adjourn; Moved by Member Mellen, seconded by Vice-Chair Forges; Motion carried unanimously with Member Lomneck absent: The meeting adjourned at 6:52 p.m. Kat y Hea , ecording Cle 3IPage EXHIBIT 1 Board Plan 1 B Population Figures Based on Modifying 2020 Census Data Sources'2020 United States Census Bureau and City of Ocoee z. 111,11111011111 Aill 1 r t r' • r-_ a ! o r 11 I, District 4 ii t .t� ` ,4 ' 'Population 11,722 71 -'•'., 045 / 51 yr` - - Deviation from Ideal: -118 r , Distract: 1 i' .J 1 • I ` - Percent Deviation: -1.00% Population 11,845 i f'AV,1.-� y �- . IF drill Deviation from Ideal: 5 s _,��, -- -- v 1. Percent Deviation: 0.04/ :. dr7,1 i lor- _ k a �' �' '1 Ilii /Li■ iii F. �1 S r.11.i. t3, :j g fin. .� G1 �1l r7 A• �� -i-r . It! - I ■7 •v4, ,� ,mat- f=l� t y (fin ��i„;_-_____,_IN.,_• • pigi,-.'it..?..„..4.6-; - ii‘ . . ini MIMI • • •e.a I ua010�. 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IIIIla■ 1�r t i :'k `'_■f1 ,,_. , Existing Commission n / �" i -.r4' 413 —District Boundaries =l 1- ./ . . _HMI i.11; _ --- oundanes • I I G , r ..■ 11111k N..11 Proposed undan Commission ��( 4-..,...: L � � �: J �1 llll j ��'1�,, Parcels r ram„ / � I `_ � �1 1 � I��;1i�.. �1 II City Boundary .. "'�• �+•— - '��1 ■ l .! '■rA Unincorporated Territory r n�/l�■. ■- \ and Other Municipalities 0 •z i `P-iill bin _ Lakes and Water Bodies rrrnn� . i . %41.41MC•••p 11111i .ra Q Incumbent Residences rig�' ,. Min 111.11.11-PPi iiu\. a i •CI�11"""1/7.4 y� /1■t.t r Update, February zoaa IDEAL ACTUAL DEVIATION DISTRICT POPULATION POPULATION FROM IDEAL % DEVIATION 1 11,840 11,845 5 0.04 2 11.840 12,198 358 3.02 3 11,840 11,596 -244 -2.06 4 11,840 11,722 -118 -1.00 47,361 47,361 0 0.00