HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-03-2022 Minutes CITY OF OCOEE Minutes of the Human Relations Diversity Board Regular Meeting Held March 3, 2022 I:CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chair Anderson-Robinson at 6:18 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall located at 150 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee. Chair Anderson-Robinson led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag,followed by a moment of personal reflection. Recording Clerk Sibbitt performed roll call and declared quorum present. Present: Chair Anderson-Robinson, and Members: Maxwell, Lori Hart, Fontanez, Moyer, Brown (arrived at 6:47 PM),Ages Hart, Middleton (arrived at 6:28 PM), Dorsica, Lomneck, and Kennedy Absent: Members) Dawkins and Carr Also Present:Assistant Support Services Director Gaines and Recording Clerk Sibbitt Guest(s): Mayor Johnson, Penny Walker and Valada Flewellyn with the Alliance of Truth and Justice (ATJ), and Jennifer Yon with the Jennifer Yon Agency Public Comments: Penny Walker, ATJ Representative, explained the organization has been in contact with descendants of the Ocoee Massacre and informed them of the sculpture proposal. She further shared the descendants she spoke with are supportive and appreciative of the sculpture. Mayor Johnson provided information and a rendering of a new park being proposed on Franklin Street,and shared an idea of naming it Unity Park. He suggested placing the names of the families affected by the 1920 Ocoee Massacre on a memorial wall at the park,and explained he will assist with fundraising and plans to bring the idea before the City Commission. Further discussion ensued about the memorial wall concept, if a list exists with all the known families who were affected, and placement at the park of the proposed Honoring Diversity statue which depicts children holding hands. II: BUSINESS FOR DISCUSSION A. Approval of Minutes for the HRDB meeting held February 3, 2022: Motion: Move to Approve the February 3,2022, Minutes; Moved by Member Lomneck,seconded by Member Moyer. Member Moyer briefly clarified that he would like the City to host an all-inclusive Asian American event as opposed to an event that focused on one particular Asian subgroup as was requested by Mr. Singh at their last meeting. Motion carried unanimously. B. Discussion on Hosting events for Asian Pacific American Heritage Month and Hispanic Heritage Month: Member Moyer provided a brief presentation on the Asian and Hispanic population within the City and in the State of Florida based on the 2020 Census,and spoke in support of the impact these cultures have had on the community. He emphasized the growth of Hispanic and Asian Pacific Americans in Orange County which is why he felt the Board needs to do something to recognize both cultures. He further shared additional information on the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882. 1 HRDB Regular Meeting March 3, 2022 Assistant Support Services Director Gaines shared the American Asian Heritage Council (AAHC)will be hosting an event at Bill Breeze Park in May.The AAHC contacted the Parks and Recreation Department for rental of the Ocoee Lakeshore Center and will be going before the City Commission to request a waiver of fees associated with the rental. Member Moyer briefly shared information on his knowledge of the event. Member Lomneck inquired if there is anything the Board would like to incorporate in recognition of Asian Pacific American Heritage Month and Hispanic Heritage Month besides an event. He suggested an educational element similar to the Black History Month Essay Contest in February. Member Moyer shared that he would personally like to see both months recognized. Motion: Move to allow Member Moyer to work with City staff on an initiative with the schools to recognize Asian Pacific American Heritage Month and Hispanic Heritage Month; Moved by Member Lomneck, seconded by Past Chair Maxwell. Motion carried unanimously. C. Discussion on 2023 MLK Parade Keynote Speaker: As Member Dawkins was absent this item was tabled to the April Meeting. D. Black History Month Essay Contest Update: Assistant Support Services Director Gaines briefed the Board on the successful event and shared information on prizes distributed. He announced the YouTube link located on the City's website of the Essay Contest event that anyone can view. Member Moyer commended Member Dawkins for all the work she put in and recognized Members Dorisca and Brown for their help judging. Member Dorisca shared this was her first time participating with the Essay Event and she was amazed by the 149 essays they reviewed.She complimented the overall winner, Hailey Smith,on her essay. E. Mission Statement Subcommittee Report: Past Chair Maxwell asked the Board to decide whether working on the mission statement is an attainable objective now,or if the Board should postpone it until the concept of Unity Park and the memorial wall is approved before they determine how to move forward.He provided the history leading up to the concept of the Brian Owen sculpture before asking for the Board's opinion. Member Dorisca inquired what the "why"was for the concept of the sculpture.Past Chair Maxwell addressed her question. Further discussion ensued on the sculpture to include a suggestion to etch the sculpture rendering concept into a memorial wall with artist permission, inviting ATJ to assist with sponsorship,incorporating the proclamation letter and apology letter into the sculpture rendering,the importance of including the names of the families affected into the concept, and the City's responsibility to be able to tell the story. Member Dorisca shared this is her third meeting and the topic of the Ocoee Massacre Remembrance has taken hours of their meeting time as it is a very important topic. She inquired if this topic needs to have its own board due to its complexity and sensitivity. Further discussion ensued on the history of Ocoee and disenfranchised voters. Member Ages Hart shared his support on a separate committee as he felt this was a topic that could not be rushed. Motion: Move to request creation of an Ocoee Remembrance Board to focus on honoring the memory of the Ocoee Massacre. Moved by Member Ages Hart, seconded by Past Chair Maxwell. Motion carried 10-1 with Member Lomneck opposing. Member Lomneck explained his dissention with creating a new board. Member Moyer spoke about voter history and how the voter changes in 1920 caused fear and ignorance. Further discussion ensued. Page 12 HRDB Regular Meeting March 3, 2022 Member Middleton left at 8:05 PM F. Ocoee Election Day Massacre Remembrance Subcommittee Report As Member Carr and Middleton were absent this item was tabled to the April Meeting. Jennifer Yon briefly commented working with the Subcommittee has been great, and that in the meetings raising awareness of the history of the massacre has been discussed.She shared her support on the wall and park concept as she felt it would mean a lot to the community. Ill: Board and Staff Comments: Member Lomneck inquired if Jennifer Yon was a HRDB member. It was answered she is citizen, but has been working with the Subcommittee. Member Moyer shared the upcoming Election date and further shared his support of including Election Day into the remembrance program. Past Chair Maxwell shared he has been working with some of the descendants and received from them a program proposal he will present at the next meeting. Member Moyer inquired about the mission statement and if the Subcommittee should only be placed on the agenda if they are ready to present. Past Chair Maxwell agreed that the Mission Statement Subcommittee does not need to be on the agenda as they are now working on the sculptures purposed. Recording Clerk Sibbitt reminded the members the purpose of the Mission Statement Subcommittee which was to establish a mission statement for the sponsorship letter for the sculptures. If they are no longer working on that, she advised the Subcommittee would sunset until the Board determines the Subcommittee needs to reestablished. Consensus of the Board was to suspend the Mission Statement Subcommittee at this time. Motion: Move to reject the Brian Owen sculpture but proceed with the Celebrating Diversity sculpture. Moved by Member Lomneck. Motion died for a lack of second. IV:Set Next Agenda A. Approval of Minutes for March 3, 2022, meeting B. 2023 MLK Parade Keynote Speaker C. Ocoee Election Day Massacre Remembrance Subcommittee Report D. Update on Hosting Events for Asian Pacific American Heritage Month and Hispanic Heritage Month • Member Kennedy commented on the HRDB opportunities they are missing and shared he would like a representative from the HRDB to be active at the City Commission Meetings to discuss items such as recognizing minority businesses in the City. He commented on the lack of information on the City's website to include events that will occur. Discussion ensued to have HRDB representation at the immediate Regular City Commission Meeting following the HRDB Board Meeting and how to get the request on the agenda.Recording Clerk Sibbitt shared she would suggest a representative of the HRDB go before the City Commission to explain their intent and request a place holder on the agenda. Member Lomneck volunteered to speak on the Board's behalf at the April 5th City Commission Meeting. Motion: Move to have a representative of the HRDB attend the April 5th City Commission to request a place holder for HRDB business on all immediate Regular City Commission Meetings following the HRDB Board Meetings; Moved by Member Moyer,seconded by Member Lomneck. Motion carried unanimously. Page 13 HRDB Regular Meeting March 3, 2022 Member Lomneck commented that the apology letter and proclamation for the Ocoee Massacre Remembrance Day is not on the City's website and shared he would like to Board's permission to ask the City Commission to have this added. Recording Clerk Sibbitt shared she did not mind asking the City Manager for permission to place the requested documents on the website as she is in possession of both. She advised she would notify the Board once permission is granted and the documents are linked to the website. Member Fontanez left at 8:37 PM Adjournment: meeting adjourned at 8:40 PM ATTEST: APPROVED: qtt, Pri Melanie Sibbitt, Recording Clerk Chairperson Page 14