HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-14-2022 Special Session Minutes CITY OF OCOEE
Minutes of the Human Relations Diversity Board
Special Session Meeting Held April 14,2022
The special session meeting was called to order by Chair Elect Hart at 6:22 PM in the Commission Chambers of
City Hall located at 150 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee.
Chair Elect Hart led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag,followed by a moment of personal reflection.
Recording Clerk Sibbitt performed roll call and declared quorum present.
Present: Chair Anderson-Robinson (arrived at 6:50 PM), and Members: Maxwell, Lori Hart, Carr, Moyer, Brown,
Ages Hart, Lomneck, and Kennedy
Absent: Member(s) Dawkins, Fontanez, Middleton, and Dorisca
Also Present:Assistant Support Services Director Doug Gaines and Recording Clerk Sibbitt
Guest(s):Andrea Riley (via telephone)
Public Comments: None
A. Presentation by Descendants—Andrea Riley: Chair Elect Lori Hart thanked Ms. Andrea Riley for being available
via telephone. A video presentation provided by Ms. Riley highlighted the proposed theatrical project by the
descendants. The presentation covered the concept, purpose, central theme, target audience, cast/presenters,
and budget.
Past Chair Maxwell shared his support for the project and felt it reflects the Board's vision from when they began
the process to look for the descendants 3-5 years ago.
Motion:Move to present the proposed descendant project to the City Commission for consideration as an event
on the Ocoee Remembrance Day Program; Moved by Past Chair Maxwell,seconded by Member Ages Hart.
Member Lomneck commented on the$55,000 budget and shared this would have been a wonderful presentation
for the 100-year anniversary of the tragic event. He voiced that the annual remembrance event should be on a
smaller scale than the anniversary event. Discussion ensued about the budget and the possibility of a reduction
of costs after a review is conducted. Member Moyer thanked Ms. Riley for the presentation, shared he agreed
with the youth of the descendants coming forward to tell their story, and would like to encourage schools to
attend the theatric performance. He further shared he has voiced at many meetings the importance of Election
Day being part of the schedule of events. Member Carr shared it seemed like a great presentation but felt it was
too soon for the Board to vote to present the recommendation to the City Commission. Member Kennedy agreed
with the point raised by Member Carr and felt this program would be a good Saturday evening event, in addition
to the events discussed at the Subcommittee meetings. Brief discussion ensued on the proposed project concept
and tying it into the event program being drafted by the Subcommittee.
Amended Motion: Move to present the proposed descendant project to the Ocoee Remembrance Day
Subcommittee for consideration as an event on the 2022 Ocoee Remembrance Day Program; Moved by Past
Chair Maxwell,seconded by Member Lomneck. Motion carried unanimously.
HRDB Special Session
April 14, 2022
B. Update on.Asian Pacific American Heritage Month—Member Mover:
Member Moyer shared with the Board the proclamation for Asian Pacific American Heritage Month which will be
presented by the Mayor at the upcoming City Commission Meeting. Recording Clerk Sibbitt explained the
proclamation is set to be read on April 19th,and the Mayor would like to recognize any members of the HRDB that
are present at that meeting.
Member Lomneck left at 6:57 PM
Member Moyer explained the "Hello Asian American and Pacific Islander Project" proposal
he provided to the schools for feedback to help recognize Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month, and
allow the students to have fun while learning. Each participating school would determine their own school's best
drawing that will be submitted to the HRDB. The HRDB would determine at its meeting on Thursday, May 5th,
which of the individual school's winner is the overall winner. Member Moyer explained, as there was no funding
for this project, he reached out to the Elected Officials for support, and Commissioner Firstner graciously agreed
to fund this project, up to$650, from his discretionary funds. He shared a total of eleven Ocoee elementary
schools have been invited to participate in this project.Currently,the following five schools have an interest:Citrus
Elementary, Innovation Montessori Ocoee, Ocoee Elementary, Prairie Lake Elementary School, and Renaissance
Charter at Crown Point. If the Board approved this project,then all the Principals will be notified so they can begin
the project and submit their school's contest winner preferably by Friday, April 29th, and separately submit all
drawings from the students who wish to have them displayed at City Hall.
Past Chair Maxwell inquired if Member Moyer received any feedback or objections from any of the remaining
elementary schools. Member Moyer addressed his question. Member Ages Hart shared his support on the
project. Chair Elect Lori Hart inquired if there were any rules or parameters in place for the artwork submittals as
the project encompasses different grade levels. Member Moyer addressed her question and shared feedback he
received from some of the schools. Discussion ensued about the proclamation and source information, and
inclusion for future projects.
Motion: Move to approve the Asian Pacific American Heritage project, as presented; Moved by Past Chair
Maxwell,seconded by Member Moyer. Motion carried unanimously.
Ill: Board and Staff Comments:
Member Carr provided a handout about the Randolph Bracy Ocoee Scholarship Program for.the Board to discuss
at the next regular meeting. Recording Clerk Sibbitt shared the next agenda has been already set as the items
from the canceled April Regular Meeting will carry over onto the May meeting.She apologized for the scrivener's
error on the Special Session agenda.
Support Services Director Gaines reminded the volunteers of the upcoming Volunteer Appreciation Dinner, and
shared there is still time to RSVP.
Member Carr requested an Ocoee Remembrance Day Subcommittee Meeting-for Tuesday,April 26th at 5:15 PM.
He inquired if the Recording Clerk could confirm that date with Member Middleton.
Adjournment: meeting adjourned at 7:30 PM
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Melanie Sibbitt, Recording Clerk Chairperson
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