HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 01 Approval of the Minutes for the Regular City Commission Meeting held May 17, 2022MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING MAY 17,2022 I CALL TO ORDER - 615, I'M Mayor Johnson called the regular session to order at 6:15 PM in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. The invocation was led by Mayor Johnson, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag led by Commissioner Wilsen. City Clerk Sibbitt called the roll and declared a quorum present. Present: Mayor Johnson, Commissioner Wilsen, Commissioner Firstner, and Commissioner Oliver Absent: Commissioner Brinson Also Present: City Manager Frank, City Attorney Cookson, and City Clerk Sibbitt PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS - 6 16 PM Proclamation —National Peace Officers Memorial Day — May 15' and National Police Week — May 15" - 20"' proclaimed by Mayor Johnson. Proclamation — Florida Emancipation Day — May 20" proclaimed by Mayor Johnson. Award of the Chick -Fit -A 5K Beneficiary Check - Parks and Recreation Operations Manager Hogan, introduced Chick-fil-A representative, Beth Otts, and Southern Food Bank- representative, Mark Anthony. Beth Otts provided a brief overview of the 2022 Music Fest 5K event and thanked City staff, sponsors, and the Community for their support. Mark Anthony shared information on his organization. Beth Otts then presented a check to Southern Food Bank for $1,380.00. STAFF REPORTS AND AGENDA REVIEW - None I K4111 kyj I UV 101 g - IN I The following persons addressed the City Commission: - Assistant City Manager Shadrix introduced and thanked George Corwin, Chief Negotiator for FBA. George Corwine thanked the City for the opportunity and commended both City staff and the Ocoee Police Department for their participation. - Arif Mohamed, Orlando Resident, came before the City Commission to request approval for a Special Event Permit, which included road closures along McKey Street and Cumberland Avenue. Mayor Johnson shared feedback he received from downtown merchants, and inquired about hosting the event by the lake. A brief discussion ensued. Motion: Move to approve Special Event hermit Application far Lux and Low Summer. Moved by Commissioner Oliver, seconded by Commission Firstner. Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Brinson absent. Regular City Commission Meeting May 17,2022 Terri Burns, Business OlVner of Standing Ovation Talent Group Inc, introduced herself, spoke about the non-profit organization, shared its location inside the West Oaks Mall, and highlighted the positive impact and opportunities they provide to local youth. Commissioner Oliver shared his support for the organization, and presented a check to help cover some of the expenses for their upcoming performance at the Dr. Phillips Performing Arts Center. CONSENT AGENDA Consent Agenda Motion Motion: Move to adopt the Consent Agenda Items #1 - #5. Moved by Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by Commissioner Firstner; Motio carried 4-0 with Co•mmissioner Brinson absent. I 111�11 11111[ii i � i I � � � I I � � �;; � 11!! 1! � 11!! 1! 1• 00111 The Code Enforcement Board was created by Ordinance No. 741 on June 16,1981. The purpose of this board is to review infractions of the City technical codes, negotiate compliance, and impose fines for failure to comply. The Code Enforcement Board shall consist of seven (7) regular members and two (2) alternate members, all with three-year terms. There are no applications currently on file. The three-year terms of Members Joe Bandur and William Mann expires June 2022, Both members have expressed an interest in being considered for reappointment. Furthermore, Members Masood Mirza and Christopher Shropa resigned from the board leaving two (2) vacant regular member seats. Alternate Member David Brennan has indicated he is interested in moving into a regular member seat on the board. i 1 •T� Q. U OUT '11111 2 11111111!1 The PBA Union has proceeded to a ratification vote of the terms of the Collective Bargaining Agreements (by the sergeants and police officers) and a subsequent vote by the City legislative body (City Commission), Since the police officers voted fifty-three (53) in favor and one (1) against and the sergeants voted nine (9) in favor and one (1) against the ratification vote, the City Commission is required to vote to approve the Collective Bargaining Agreements as ratified by the members of the PBA. rP.P.11L I!rp Regular City Commission Meeting May 17,2022 The approved Stormwater Division budget includes funding for General Stormwater Improvements to address unanticipated repairs to the existing system. Public Works has determined a portion of the existing corrugated metal drainage pipe in the system traveling north along Little Spring Hill Dr. (between New Meadows Ct. and Little Aspen Ct.) is corroded and failing. The deteriorated pipe can be lined to restore the integrity of the system. Public Works solicited vendors for pricing with only American In -Line providing estimates. The estimates are within industry standards. Public Works requests Commission approval to issue a purchase order in the amount of $67,400.00 for the restoration work. VZORINVE• •11, 1 11 11111p� I �:� I i � I I I I 1 1 � I i • I iriiiimr�rr• The City Commission awarded the construction contract for improvements on W. Oakland Ave and N. Cumberland Ave at the October 20, 2020, meeting to CFE Construction. The original utility plans for West Oakland and North Cumberland Ave improvements directed the contractor to connect to an existing sanitary sewer stub out that was constructed as part of the N. Bluford improvements. During the initial excavation of the stub out, three issues were discovered, To correct these issues, significant portions of the reconstruction plans had to be redesigned. This change order includes the costs of the additional exploratory work, costs to remove the misaligned sanitary sewer stub out from the intersection of W. Oakland Ave and N. Bluford Ave, and the cost to restore the intersection. The change order also covers necessary additions to the potable water installation plans. An additional 60 calendar days are required due to the delay caused by the misaligned sanitary sewer stub out and the subsequent time to make the necessary corrections on Bluford. The cost of this change order is $105,779.37, which will bring the total cost of the contract to $1,650,501.01 with the change order to be funded from the project budget. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE - None SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE — PUBLIC HEARING - 6:41 PM The applicant is requesting a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to Light Industrial and corresponding Rezoning to 1-1 in order to develop 70,720 SF of light industrial warehouse space. The subject property consists of three (3) parcels totaling approximately 5.58 acres and is located on the east side of Pine Street. This property is located within the Sub -Area A of the Business Center Character Area of the State Road (SR) 429 Overlay District, The applicant's requests to amend the future land use designation to Light Industrial and rezone the properties to 1-1 (Light Manufacturing and Warehousing) are consistent with the Business Center Character Area Design Plan for Sub -area A. The proposed development program for the overall 429 Business Center Development is approximately 160,720 SF of warehouse and 37,200 SF of flex space consistent with the Business Center Character Area Design Plan. a) Second Reading for Small Scale Comp Plan Amendment b) Second Reading of Rezoning Ordinance 3 1 P a g e IV -779FRN-7 May 17, 2022 Zoning Manager Whitfield provided a brief overview of the project, which is approximately 5.5 8 acres, located at 701, 707 and 711 Pine Street and within the State Road 429 Overlay District Business Center Character Area. She explained the proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change the future land use designation to Light Industrial and corresponding Rezoning to 1-1 (Light Manufacturing and Warehousing) is consistent with the Business Center Character Area Design Plan for Sub -Area A. She further explained the review of this proposed Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Amendment included an evaluation of the requirements of the SR 429 Overlay District Business Center Character Area, Weldva Study Area, transportation network, and utility capacity. The applicant provided a traffic impact analysis (TIA), which concluded the proposed amendment would not cause any additional deficiencies in surrounding roadways. The City is evaluating an extension of Pine Street, with a future connection between the Pine Street extension and Ocoee Apopka Road along the south side of the future Western Beltway 429 Project. That connection, along with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) planned improvements along SR 438, will help to alleviate transportation deficiencies in the project area. Zoning Manager Whitfield explained the concerns addressed at the Planning and Zoning Commission. City Attorney Cookson read the titles of the ordinances. The public hearing was opened Jay Klima, Klima Weeks Civil Engineering, shared he supported what was presented by City staff and indicated he is available to answer any questions. Cliff Sanders, Ocoee Resident, shared concerns about cut through traffic that will occur on Pine Street if the road is connected to Ocoee Apopka Road. He explained the residents are already dealing with speeders and warehouse trucks in the area. Mayor Johnson asked the applicant to explain the interconnection being proposed. Wilson McDowell, Managing Director for JLL Orlando, and Mr. Klima addressed his request. Discussion ensued about the anticipated traffic into the project and the future Pine Street traffic study. Commissioner Wilson inquired what the plans were for the connection to Dernastus Lane and if there was an access road leading to Pine Street from that property. Zoning Manager Whitfield addressed her question, Mr. McDowell shared they do not want to impact the community and will do whatever is needed to alleviate traffic. Commissioner Firstner inquired who would make the improvements to Pine Street and how many trips would be added to it as provided in the traffic study. Zoning Manager Whitfield addressed his question and advised that currently there are no trips as the road has no connections. Commissioner Firstner inquired if anyone has shown an interest in residential development of the property. Zoning Manager Whitfield shared the City has not received any residential interest. Mr. Klima commented the item before them tonight is for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Rezoning as they are not ready for final design of the project; and further, the subject property is in the interior of the State Road 429 Overlay District Business Center 4 1 P a g e Regular City Commission Meeting May 17,2022 Character Area. He shared the cut through right-of-way is not needed, can stay as a portion of the private property, and can be worked out during the next phase of the project. Mayor Johnson commented on the importance of knowing what is being proposed for the property since a vote will be taken this evening, even if it is not the subject for consideration. Commissioner Oliver inquired what was considered light industrial. Zoning Manager Whitfield addressed his question. He further inquired what square footage is being proposed for the light industrial warehouse. Zoning Manager Whitfield answered the applicant is requesting to develop 70,000 SF of light industrial warehouse space. Commissioner Oliver inquired about the opinions of the discussion held during the Planning and Zoning Conunission meeting. It was shared that the Planning and Zoning Commission minutes were provided on the dais for their reference. Brief discussion ensued. Brad Lonmeck, Ocoee Resident, shared he is a member of the Planning and Zoning Commission but will speak- as a resident as his Planning and Zoning Commission recommendation was made at their board meeting. He briefly spoke about the 429 Business Character Center that was approved by the City Commission and was not intended to be residential. He reminded the City Commission on the various light industrial projects they have already approved that will help complete this character area. Mr. McDowell shared they do not mind limiting the access and pushing all the traffic out to the east to not impact the residents on Pine Street, until such time the street is improved. Mr. Sanders inquired about the flex space and the direction it would face. Mr. McDowell addressed his question. Commissioner Oliver asked Mr. Sanders what he would like to see in that area, Mr. Sanders voiced he would like residential homes. Commissioner Wilsen commented that they worked hard to fit the overlay in with SR 429, and at some point Pine Street will have connectivity to other roads. She further shared she supports the overlay they approved in 2017. Lindsay Sanders, Ocoee Resident, spoke in opposition of the industrial zoning and shared a quote from a West Orange Observer article interview. The public hearing was closed City Attorney Cookson recommended approval with the condition that the developer will work with City staff to direct traffic to Ocoee Apopka Road and limit traffic on Pine Street until Pine Street is improved. WITMM- i0tl&1 11111 N-MVITIRIM 71m, "If MIM, NM- 07 MIORM, M-1 M. KM 170IRRM1111 I,", M-R- A MIRIMAGNIMIN INR MOI MITIMIRM MO M SAM OffifflTUMM MMI MO - --.- I We TIMM ITMIRIII! 11HIM, IIIVOMEJIR-3�*irm- MI 1113M - 1 11 0 0 ^0 IMIM111M 11111IM0911M RIM SMI-NTIFTIEWMINNIM"Mo M R1111"M 5 1 P a g e Regular City Commission Meeting May 17, 2022 M, M, ff I K 01 Mr. R R rm W1 10 rowel A I I Moved by Commissioner Oliver. Motion died for lack of a second. .9111111-9111-9 1 R "M � I I iliffifflVIRWIM, - 1117101 no 111-MR11 111, .1 MR11-W 1-1-MV110 ".1"T MOTTIFFIT."Iff-liffarm M, 11 .0 IF an- 002 R "NOWIF-11139111-11 WRI Commissioner Brinson absent. 1111111FIVII I 1%�pi N .'J*A1rQJ11Jr-Vff- "1, 2-31 •NIMM 111011i M-11m, tklfe V aao ff —11narm 1110 1 3 11-311M V R1110MM IMM M. 701 Mail on- 1111111MMO In- =11 - —•---------- 4-1roliN K• jffltl!j�=M •fill 0111M Uzi PUBLIC HEARING - None GULA AGENDA - None COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC -7,.29 P0,1 The following persons addressed the City Commission: Brad Lonmeek, Human Relations DNersiry Board (HRDB) Representative, announced that May is Asian Pacific American Heritage Month. To celebrate, HRDB sponsored a competition called "Hello Asian American and Pacific Islander Project" and Ocoee Elementary, Citrus Elementary, Prairie Lake Elementary, and Renaissance Charter School participated in an art contest. He invited residents to stop by City Hall to see a display of all of the creative artwork, that was submitted. I COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS - 7:3 1 ]INlVit i Commissioner Firstner — Commented on the following: 1) Announced the Asian Cultural Heritage event date, time, and location. 2) Reminded citizens that Hurricane Season starts on June 1st and encouraged residents to be prepared. Commissioner Oliver — Commented on the following: 1) Spoke about the tragic events that occurred in Buffalo, New York, and encouraged citizens to say something if they see something. Regular City Commission Meeting May 17,2022 2) Relayed information from Orange County Officials that a traffic light at the intersection of Clarcona Ocoee Road and Ingram Road would begin by July 2022. 3) Spoke about the Ocoee Cemetery Beautification Project and the need for monument markers on unmarked graves. Mayor Johnson shared a request from City staff to place the item on hold until a complete list can be provided. 4) Shared information regarding his Summer Youth Scholarship Program and directed citizens to his Facebook web page for additional information. 5) Shared that the PTSA and the organization Mailbox Money honored teachers at Ocoee High School with lunch from Bar 5 Lounge and Grill for Teacher's Appreciation. 6) Shared a quote by Michael Jordan. Commissioner WIlse n — Commented on the following: 1) Spoke about the Cemetery Beautification Project, and shared that the City is currently posting notices to individual plots at the cemetery. She encouraged anyone with plots or family in the Cemetery to visit it and make sure their plot is in compliance. 2) Commented on speeding, shared a recent experience, and encouraged continued Police presence, asking drivers to please slow down. Mayor Johnson — Commented on the following: 1) Announced his participation with Commissioner Brinson at the Ocoee High Senior Drive-Thru Celebration. 2) Shared his experience at Ocoee High School while providing a speech to the 5"' graders from Citrus Elementary that are moving on to 6"' grade next year, expressed appreciation for the high number of attendees, and stressed the importance of helping our youth set goals. 3) Requested a consensus from the Commission to have staff research the property for sale at the intersection of W. Oakland Avenue and Bluford Avenue to be used for temporary parking during City -hosted events. He explaining that it could be sold at a later time in accordance with the downtown plans. City Manager Frank shared an appraisal would need to be done first and requested a motion if the Commission would like Staff to move forward. Motion: Move to approve $3,500 from Contingency Funds for an appraisal on the property located at 10 W Oakland Avenue: Moved by Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by 4) Inquired about temporarily allowing customers to park, along Sills Alley in downtown Ocoee, to help alleviate parking issues until a permanent solution can be made. City Manager Frank offered to have Staff look into the situation. I ADJOURNMENT — 7:5-,0 1`11d�f Attest: , City of Ocoee Melanie Sibbitt, City Clerk Rusty Johnson, Mayor 7 1 P a g e