HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-05-2022 Minutes CITY OF OCOEE Minutes of the Human Relations Diversity Board Regular Meeting Held May 5,2022 I:CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chair Anderson-Robinson at 6:19 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall located at 150 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee. Chair Anderson-Robinson led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag,followed by a moment of personal reflection. Recording Clerk Sibbitt performed roll call and declared quorum present. Present: Chair Anderson-Robinson, and Members: Maxwell, Dawkins, Moyer, Brown, Middleton, Lomneck, Kennedy,and Mellen Absent: Chair Elect Lori Hart, and Member(s) Carr, Dorisca, and Ages Hart Also Present: Commissioner Oliver,Assistant Support Services Director Gaines, and Recording Clerk Sibbitt Guest(s):Jennifer Yon with the Jennifer Yon Agency Public Comments: None II: BUSINESS FOR DISCUSSION A. Approval of Minutes for the HRDB meeting held March 3, 2022: Motion: Move to Approve the March 3, 2022, Minutes; Moved by Member Lomneck, seconded by Member Brown. Motion carried unanimously. Approval of Minutes for the HRDB Special Session meeting held April 14, 2022: Motion: Move to Approve the April 14, 2022, Minutes; Moved by Member Brown, seconded by Member Lomneck. Motion carried unanimously. B. Discussion on 2023 MLK Parade Keynote Speaker: Member Dawkins provided an overview of the MLK Parade from past years. She also shared a brief summary of tasks, interim details,volunteer needs, next steps for the 2023 MLK Parade, and the proposed timeline. Member Moyer inquired who has been a keynote speaker in prior years, and if backup keynote speakers were selected in case of schedule conflicts. Member Dawkins addressed his question and shared there is information on past speakers in the handout provided. She further shared some of her 2023 recommendations for keynote speakers: • Daralene Jones,Anchor Reporter for WFTV • Dr.Jeffrey Redding, Director of Choral Activities at West Orange High School • Allie Braswell,Jr., Vice President of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for VyStar Credit Union in Jacksonville Member Dawkins asked the members to also present any recommendations they may come up with for keynote speakers at the June meeting.Member Kennedy inquired if speaker fees will be available when recommendations are presented to the Board, and if there are any forms that need to be filled out with speaker information. Member Dawkins addressed his questions. She further encouraged the Board members to be mindful of the budget when recommending a speaker.Assistant Support Services Director Gaines shared he will have City staff 1 HRDB Regular Meeting May 5, 2022 reach out to the school and mall to be sure the venues are available. Brief discussion ensued about any other costs associated with the MLK Parade event, availability of a stage,and the sound system used in past events. Commissioner Oliver inquired who was on the Subcommittee, and if assistance was needed. Member Dawkins shared she is open to have additional Board members volunteer, and inquired if a vote is needed to establish the 2023 MLK Parade Subcommittee. It was answered in the affirmative. Motion: Move to establish the 2023 MLK Parade Committee; and further, Member(s) Dawkins, Lomneck, and Brown volunteered to be on the Subcommittee; Moved by Member Dawkins,seconded by Member Lomneck. Motion carried unanimously. Past Chair Maxwell shared some past experiences with the MLK event and explained the importance of commitment by the members to assist with the event. Brief discussion ensued. Member Moyer commented on Leon W. Russell,Chair,NAACP National Board of Directors,and stated Mr. Russell may want to be considered as a keynote speaker. C. Ocoee Election Day Massacre Remembrance Subcommittee Report: Jennifer Yon detailed the updated outline of the Ocoee Remembers 2022 event which included a timeline of the three-day event and the estimated budget.A copy of the preliminary outline was provided to the members. Member Lomneck inquired if any other agencies have put in a bid or provided a proposal for this event. Commissioner Oliver commented that bids have not been solicited in the past for this event. Ms. Yon further announced the approvals received by the Town of Oakland and Winter Garden for the Buffalo Soldier Honor Ride, and commented on the possible fundraising opportunities with Harley Davidson. She concluded by announcing that the application for the Special Event Permit will be submitted prior to the Board's next regular meeting, and the next Subcommittee meeting is scheduled for May 24th at 5:00 PM. Commissioner Oliver inquired about the level of sponsorships being proposed. Ms.Yon addressed his question.A brief discussion ensued on the proposed levels of sponsorship. Past Chair Maxwell commented on the great job Ms. Yon did with her presentation and inquired about the following items on the event schedule: The Democracy Forum, African face painting, and the Descendant's Education Program. Ms. Yon addressed his questions. Past Chair Maxwell shared his opinion on sole sourcing, and suggested the Board consider vetting vendors so that the Board is not criticized. Brief discussion ensued on past experiences with the Democracy Forum and if any of the vendors have been notified. Ms. Yon shared she has not reached out to any of the listed vendors. Member Kennedy asked Chair Anderson-Robinson if she could clarify who the Chair of the Ocoee Election Day Massacre Remembrance Subcommittee is, as he inquired at the last Subcommittee meeting, but could not be provided an answer. He shared concerns on decisions being made by Subcommittee Member Carr on the program details and the selection of the Jennifer Yon Agency as the event organizer. He suggested the Board formalize the leadership of the Subcommittee. He voiced additional concerns he had with the Subcommittee meetings he attended to include the absence of appointed Subcommittee members. Discussion ensued about the Subcommittee, and a point of order was made to the Chair to address the question asked about who was the Subcommittee Chair. The floor was yielded to Commissioner Oliver who inquired how a Subcommittee is established. Past Chair Maxwell advised the Bylaws explain the creation of the Subcommittee and shared his understanding of the responsibilities of a Subcommittee. Chair Anderson-Robinson reminded the Board that their purpose is to be unified and to respectfully recognize each other. Page 12 HRDB Regular Meeting May 5, 2022 Member Moyer voiced his discomfort on any discussions about the absence of a member from a meeting without them being present.Member Kennedy reiterated his question on the clarification of who is the Chair of the Ocoee Election Day Massacre Remembrance Subcommittee. Recording Clerk Sibbitt addressed his question and explained how the appointments to the Subcommittee are made.She further explained who is able to attend the Subcommittee meetings, the requirements for noticing a Subcommittee meeting, the purpose of the Subcommittee,and how a Subcommittee Chair is elected. Motion: Move to recommend to the City Commission the approval of the Jennifer Yon Agency for the planning of the Ocoee Remembrance Event for 2022&2023; Moved by Member Moyer. Motion died for lack of second. Member Kennedy shared it was his understanding that the motion made for the 2023 MLK Parade Committee was to appoint Member Dawkins as Chair and that is what he thought he voted on. He apologized for any confusion. Member Dawkins asked about adding a tent for those with disabilities in the community for this event, and any other outside event. Ms.Yon agreed with her suggestion. Commissioner Oliver asked Ms.Yon if she would be able to continue to work with the Board considering they do not know which direction they will proceed with on obtaining an event coordinator. Ms. Yon advised she was under the impression she was the event coordinator and has put in a lot of work into this event, but if she is not the confirmed event coordinator she will not be able to continue.She explained the time frame to prepare for the event is dwindling down and it will be hard for her agency to carry out an event of the magnitude being proposed. She stated that she requested to be involved in the 2022 and 2023 Ocoee Remembers event so that her agency can establish a model that will be used for both years.Member Lomneck asked questions related to the program details and if the budget included the Descendant's Program. Ms.Yon shared they did not include cost related to that program as they are awaiting information. Brief discussion ensued about sponsorship funding and how it would be disbursed,the agency management fee,and the request from the Jennifer Yon Agency to plan the event for 2022 and 2023. Motion: Move to recommend to the City Commission the approval of the Jennifer Yon Agency for the planning of the Ocoee Remembrance Event for 2022; Moved by Member Dawkins,seconded by Member Moyer. Member Kennedy shared his concerns and recommended sunsetting the Subcommittee to allow the Board to review and make decisions on the budgetary requirements instead of members of the Subcommittee. Member Maxwell commended the work provided by Ms.Yon and also voiced his concerns with the actions of the Board. Discussion ensued on the procedures of establishing a Subcommittee, the election of a Subcommittee Chair, and Member Kennedy shared issues he experienced when he attended the Subcommittee meetings. Commissioner Oliver addressed the concerns shared by the members about the Subcommittee's purpose and the proposed event budget. Member Lomneck shared his concern with the agency management fee and inquired if it could be decreased in percentage.Chair Anderson-Robinson asked if the City Commission would be making the final approval. It was answered in the affirmative as the Board can only make a recommendation. Motion carried 5-4 by roll call vote with Past Chair Maxwell and Members Lomneck, Kennedy, and Mellen opposing. Motion:° Move to disband the Ocoee Election Day Massacre Remembrance Subcommittee; Moved by Member Lomneck,seconded by Member Mellen. Page 13 HRDB Regular Meeting May 5, 2022 Discussion ensued about the disbanding of the Subcommittee since the Board selected an event planner.Member Lomneck explained that with the recent motion by the Board to recommend Jennifer Yon Agency to plan the event, he believed all proposals should be brought before the entire Board and not the Subcommittee. Discussion ensued about the need for the Subcommittee and sunshine law requirements. Member Lomneck inquired about the motion made at a previous meeting to establish a new Board for the purpose of working on the Ocoee Remembrance event planning only. Recording Clerk Sibbitt advised her intent was to get clarification this evening on what the Board was seeking for her to present to the City Commission as the Board made a motion, but provided no direction to staff. She shared currently there is a Subcommittee that is planning the event. Discussion ensued on the Subcommittee event program currently in process. Member Brown left at 8:30 PM • Motion failed 4-4 by roll call vote with Past Chair Maxwell and Members Lomneck, Kennedy, and Mellen opposing. Recording Clerk Sibbitt reiterated who is able to attend the Subcommittee meetings, how the Subcommittee is established, requirements for noticing a Subcommittee meeting, and how a Subcommittee Chair is elected. Member Moyer raised the question as to who else is seeking to be a member of the Ocoee Election Day Massacre Remembrance Subcommittee. Member Kennedy voiced his interest in being a Subcommittee member. Motion: Move to appoint Member Kennedy as an additional member on the Ocoee Election Day Massacre Remembrance Subcommittee; Moved by Member Kennedy, seconded by Member Moyer. Motion carried unanimously. The next Subcommittee meeting was scheduled for May 24th at 5:00 PM at Bar 5 Lounge and Grill. D. Update on Hosting Events for Asian Pacific American Heritage Month and Hispanic Heritage Month: Member Moyer explained the Hello Asian American and Pacific Islander Project which he worked with the elementary schools to coordinate. Ocoee Elementary, Citrus Elementary, Prairie Lake Elementary, and Renaissance Charter School participated in the art contest and selected their own first place winners; however, the Board will need to review all the entries from the schools to select Overall, First,and Merit Winners. He advised monetary awards will be provided to the winners, as Commissioner Firstner donated $650 toward this event.All artwork submitted will be displayed in the City Hall lobby for the month of May. He further briefed the Board on the idea of a Carnival theme for Hispanic Heritage month and proposed that information be sent out to the schools before the end of the school year so the schools could prepare accordingly. The Board reviewed the art projects submitted for the Hello Asian American and Pacific Islander Project, and the following were selected: • Overall Winner $300 Renaissance Charter—Janet Vu • First Place $100 Ocoee Elementary—Kensi Spalholz • Merit Winners $50 Citrus Elementary—Dylan B. $50 Prairie Lake Elementary—Dallas Kierstead $50 Ocoee Elementary—Katelynn Mc Colley Consensus of the Board was to have City staff award prizes to the above listed winners. Page 14 HRDB Regular Meeting May 5, 2022 Member Lomneck volunteered to assist Member Moyer with the Hispanic Heritage Month project. Member Middleton inquired about Fiesta de Colores and if this event was scheduled for this year. It was shared that the Fiesta de Colores event would not be occurring this year. III: Board and Staff Comments: Member Moyer shared a handout about diverse occasions to consider to bring before the City Commission. He asked the Board to review and consider discussing at the next meeting. Assistant Support Services Director Gaines commented that Recording Clerk Sibbitt had received an email from Ms.Andrea Riley that included personal documents attached as she was told by a Board member that she needed to provide those documents in order to prove she was a descendant. He explained that this type of request should not come from a Board member but rather come from the City.Currently,the City does not have a formal process in place for this type of request. IV:Set Next Agenda A. Approval of Minutes for May 5, 2022, meeting B. Review List of Monthly Occasions C. 2023 MLK Parade Committee Report D. Ocoee Election Day Massacre Remembrance Subcommittee Report E. Hispanic Heritage Month Discussion F. Ocoee Sculpture Discussion Adjournment: meeting adjourned at 9:14 PM ATTEST: APPROVED: reqc Melanie Sibbitt, Recording Clerk Chairperson Page j5