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Chairman WIlse n called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. in the Commission Chambers
at City Hall. Member Colburn led the Invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance to the
Flag; the Clerk called roll and declared a quorum.
PRESENT: Chairman Wilsen, Vice -Chair Cadle, Members Carrington (arrived at 6:08
p.m), Colburn, and Wrobel. Also present were City Planner Rumer, City Attorney
Cookson, and Deputy City Clerk Sibbitt.
ABSENT: Member Warren was absent excused
Vice -Chair Cadle, seconded by Member Colburn, moved to approve the minutes of,4pril
19, 2012. Motion carried 4-0.
Chairman Wilsen requested that it be stated as to whom is present for the appeal. City
Attorney Cookson advised that representing the developer is Mr. Theriaque and
representing the appellant (Silver Bend HOA) is Ms. Consalo. The City attorney further
advised that the Land Development Code outlines the duties of the Board of Adjustment
in regards to hearing appeals of staff decisions. The case before them tonight is regarding
a small scale site plan that fell within the category of only being reviewed at a staff level
which is primarily handled by City Planner Rumer. The board should review the decision
made by staff and determine whether they followed the City Code in approving the
proposed project. If it is found that City staff followed the code, then the board's
recommendation to the City Commission would be to not overturn the decision of City
staff. However, if they determine that City staff erred in approving this project based on
the code, then the board's recommendation to the City Commission would be to overturn
staff s approval of this project. City Attorney Cookson briefly explained the order in
which they should hear the testimony of the appeal, and further advised that the board
will only be making a recommendation to the City Commission. The City Commission
will be making a decision regarding this appeal on Tuesday, February 5, 2013.
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(Member Carrington arrived)
Chairman Wilsen inquired if the board members may ask questions to each speaker.
City Attorney Cookson said 'yes, they may ask questions that are pertinent to the issue
during the time a speaker is before them. Vice -Chair Cadle clarified that they are
deciding whether staff made a proper decision based on the City Code. City Attorney
Board of Adjustment Meetin;�,
January 10, 2013
Cookson answered in the affirmative. Staff s duty and regard of the small scale site plan
is to review the plans to see if it is consistent with the City Code and based on that review
either approve or deny the plans. In this particular case staff approved the plans and the
appellant is challenging staffs approval of those plans.
Prior to commencing, it was asked that each board member respond with any ex parte
communications they may have had with either party (any contact with residents, the
appellant, or the developer).
Chairman WIlse n disclosed that he knows a number of residents who live in Silver
Bend. He further advised, as he would do with any applicant, he did go to the site. He
does not feel that will sway his opinion one way or the other.
Vice -Chair Cadle disclosed that he met with City Planner Rurner to go over the plans.
He additionally met with Joe McElroy and a female (whose name he did not recall) to
discuss what their point of views were.
Member Colburn disclosed that he did go by the site; however, he refused to speak with
anyone and referred them to speak with the City Manager.
Member Wnoel disclosed that he lives across the street and also knows some of the
residents who live in the Silver Bend neighborhood, but that will not sway his decision.
Member Carrington disclosed that he also knows several residents within that
neighborhood and has seen the parcel of land in question; however, he has not had any
discussion with anyone and there is nothing to cloud his judgment.
Chairman Wilsen announced that there is a court reporter in the room so everyone's
comments will be recorded.
Going in the order as outlined by the City attorney, City Planner Rumer, spoke first and
presented the board with exhibits and an overview of the small scale site plan approval
process that he conducted granting approval of a proposed 12,480 square feet Dollar
General store, located on Tract B of the Silver Bend subdivision. Because the site plan
was classified as a small scale site plan, the plan was approved by City staff alone and did
not require Planning and Zoning Commission review or City Commission approval.
Further, the applicant did not request any waivers in connection with the approval of the
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January 10, 2013
Chairman Wilsen inquired as to what the previous zoning had been for that tract of land
and what prompted the rezoning. Mr. Rumer advised that prior to the C-2 zoning, the
land was zoned PS (Professional Office) and he is not personally aware as to what
prompted the rezoning. Mr. Rumer advised that the rezoning of the property to C-2
happened before the property was platted and homes were built; the City has records of
the minutes from the meeting designating the rezoning but it does not state a reason why
there was a change in the zoning. A copy of the ordinance approving the rezoning had
been provided to the board members in their packet.
Chairman Wilsen inquired if the access drive would be on private property or if it was
deeded to the City. City Planner Rumer answered that it was on private property and
there is an ingress/egress easement across it allowing access. Chairman Wilsen further
inquired if that determination was made with the existing traffic and if they contemplated
the road going into Silver Bend Blvd. City Planner Rumer answered 'yes', and said they
did consider the road into Silver Bend Blvd. as well as, Phase I and 11, and the C-2
commercial zoning.
Member Wrobel inquired if there was a certain timeframe when safety studies are done.
City Planner Rumer advised that he is not a transportation planner but knows that they
look at issues such as peak hour trips, left and right hand turns, stacking, and so forth.
They do not consider pedestrian crossing type of a conflicts since that would be
Member Colburn inquired if the road by the library would be extended to the Silver
Bend Blvd. and if staff took into consideration the increase in traffic that would
ultimately occur. City Planner Rumer said staff did take that into consideration. That
boulevard provides the best access for when all the parcels are developed in the future,
including the development of the parcel to the north. Member Colburn said in the
presentation it was mentioned that there would not be a crossing on Silver Star Road but
there would be one if it adjoined the entrance to the development. City Planner Rumer
advised that with the widening of Silver Star Road and the access points, the only future
improvement that would be required under the transportation scenario for development
would be a signalized intersection at Silver Bend.
The Public Hearing, was opened.
David Butkovich, Silver Bend HOA President, explained they are before the board
because they feel like they desperately need the board to see their view point, and help
save their community and provide safety for their children. They are very concerned with
Board of Adjustment Meetin4
January 10, 2013
the entrance of the development onto their boulevard. He introduced Karen Consalo,
attorney for the Silver Bend HOA.
Ms. Karen Consalo showed a PowerPoint presentation explaining her clients' request to
remove one of the two access points to the Dollar General (see attached Exhibit "A").
After Ms. Consalo's presentation, lengthy discussion ensued regarding the concern of the
wall and sidewalk that would be installed on the development only buffering residential
lots 1-4 in the Silver Bend subdivision.
The following people spoke in opposition to the proposed access entrance on Silver Bend
Joe McElroy, 1826 Cassingham Circle, Silver Bend
Martha Lopez -Anderson, 243 8 Alclobe Circle, Silver B,J
lWavid Butkovich, HOA President, Silver Bend
Shaharazade Kayume, 1838 Cassingham Circle, Silver Berl
A petition to stop the creation of an unsafe entrance/exit onto Silver Bend Blvd. was
submitted for the record to which David Theriaque, attorney on behalf of the applicant,
objected to the entry of the petition for it did not constitute competent substantial
evidence; however, the board decided it should be accepted as part of the record and the
City Commission can make that determination.
It was questioned if the City was a Tree City since there have been other cases where
people could not get variances if they had to cut down trees. City Planner Rumer said
Ocoee is a Tree City; however, the oak tree in question is located on a public right-of-way
and there are provisions in the LDC for replacement of specimen trees. Member
Carrington inquired if line -of -sight was ever a factor for Silver Bend Blvd. City
Planner Rumer answered "yes," adding that it meets line -of -sight and is considered an
extra wide boulevard.
City Planner Rumer gave a brief explanation of the development agreement that was
adopted in 1987 and 1988.
Vice -Chair Cadle inquired if there was any vehicle to complete the wall, sidewalk, and
access road all the way to the library. City Planner Rumer answered "yes", if the
applicant receives permission and construction easements from the property owner to
construct, then staff would be more than happy to review it as a site plan and building
plan. City Attorney Cookson advised that the only other option would be for the City to
Board of Adjustment Meeting
January 10, 2013
condemn that property for the construction of the road and the sidewalk through an
A new exhibit was entered into the record by the applicant's attorney, Mr. David
Theriaque. Mr. Brian Crawford, applicant, was given the opportunity to explain the
offer of resolution he was proposing, as well as, brief the board on why they chose that
location for the Dollar General. Several meetings were held with the residents of Silver
Bend in which they voiced a concern of wanting the wall and sidewalk to extend west and
not have to be cut off in between the residents. Mr. Crawford advised that his proposal
provides a masonry wall and sidewalk all the way to the west so that the children of
Silver Bend do not have to walk along Silver Star Road. The access point onto Silver
Bend Blvd. is still being requested to remain.
Vice -Chair Cadle inquired from the applicant; if they were denied the access to Silver
Bend, would that make the project not viable. Mr. Crawford answered affirmatively.
Further discussion ensued on the new exhibit introduced (which proposed the extension
of the sidewalk and wall), and a request was made by the applicant that if the board
accepts the proposal of the extension, if they could make that a condition of approval in
their motion.
A question was posed to the City Attorney that if they approve the conditions of the
proposed extension of the wall and sidewalk, what would happen if tomorrow the
property owner of the other parcel then rescinds their approval. City Attorney Cookson
advised he is not aware of the status of that property, and is not sure as to what approvals
or consent the applicant has. The applicant has an approved site plan without the
proposed extensions, and the board can choose to let this go forward and let the
commission condition the inclusion of the sidewalk and wall. If it were to get approved
by the commission, and the applicant made the commitment to put in the sidewalk and
wall, then staff would document it to make sure it happened.
David Theriaque briefly addressed the board to clarify several points made by the
appellant's attorney that he stated were misquotes. He reminded the board that their
decision tonight is to be based on the same standards of that of a variance, which is on
criteria of the comprehensive plan in the Land Development Code. The neighbors have
the burden of specifically identifying the Comprehensive Policy and Land Development
Code that staff failed to apply and missed. Mr. Theriaque concluded his presentation by
requesting that the board recommend approval of the proposed development with the two
conditions that were offered this evening.
Chairman Wilsen inquired if the alley road was also approved to be extended down the
adjacent property to the library. Mr. Theriaque advised the only agreement that they
January 10, 2013
have reached with the adjacent property is for the wall and sidewalk to be built and paid
for by the applicant. From a cost and ownership basis, they do not have the ability to
build a road on someone else's property.
Karen Consalo, attorney for the appellant, was given the opportunity for a rebuttal. She
advised her client is challenging the approval of the proposed Dollar General on the basis
of non-compliance of the City's Comprehensive Plan. She further advised that the
applicant did address two of the key points with his revisions that he presented, but the
major point is the access road and that is not being changed.
Mr. Theriaque explained the Comprehensive Plan policies quoted by the counsel, and
is up to the HOA's attorney to point to the LDC for regulations that they may have
violated. He advised that there was only competent substantial evidence provided by the
City's planner, and that this plan meets all requirements and asked the board to Please Put
their emotions aside and look at what they heard as violations of the City's regulations.
The following people spoke in opposition to the proposed access entrance on Silver Bend
Emmanuela Medacier, 122 Clowson Court, Silver Bend
Edith Geisner, 177 Bexley Blvd., Silver Bend
Elizabeth Bichard, Silver Bend
Lincoln Forges (spelling unknown no speaker form provided), Silver Bend
The Public Hearing, was closed
Vice -Chair Cadle inquired as to what extent city staff considers in regards to public
safety, destroying trees, tranquility, and necessity of access roads when reviewing -plans.
City Planner Rumer said they look at the comprehensive plan to see if it provides any
clear policy or objective in which generally it will not be precise; it is then facilitated
through the Land Development Code. Vice -Chair Ladle inquired if that was done in this
case. City Planner Rumer answered yes.
Member Colburn, seconded by Member Wrobel moved to recommend that the City
Commission overturn City staEs decision of approving the site plan. 'finding that City
staff erred in approving the site plan as the proposed plan is not consistent with the Land
Development Code.
Chairman Nilsen inquired if it was Policy 7.1 that he was referring to. Member
Colburn said he was not referring to any particular policy.
January 10, 2013
Chairman Wilsen briefly advised he did not feel the approved site plan is compatible
with the established residential neighborhood which is a part and a stated factor for land
development as set forth in the Land Development Code.
Vice -Chair Cadle advised that he feels to the extent that City staff reviewed the plans
and all the motions they went through in reviewing the plans, even though he may not
agree with the access, he does not see where staff erred in reviewing the plans.
Member Carrington advised he certainly has reservations regarding the plans, but from
the letter of the law and the mandate they have as a body to hear the appeal; he is having
real issues finding where an error was made.
City Planner Rumer asked for clarification of the motion from Member Colburn in
regards to the access road. After clarification was given on the access road verses the
cross connection road the motion was restated. and approved as follows:
Member Colburn, seconded by Member Wrobel, moved to recommend to the City
Commission that then overturn Citv staffs decision of approving the site plan, Win
that the Citv staff erred in improving the site plan as the proposed site plan is not
consistent with the Land Development Code. Motion carried 3-2 with Vice -Chair Cadle
and Member Carrington opposing
The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
Melanie Sibbitt, Deputy City Clerk Fred Wilsen, Chairman