HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 12 First Reading of Ordinance for Land Development Code (LDC) Amendment to Article VI, Section 6-14C(5) and Article VIII to Consolidate the Sign Code`` '!
Meeting Date: July 19, 2022
Item # �02
viewed By:
Contact Name: Anoch Whitfield, ZoningMana Director:
Contact Number: Ext. 1016 y Manager:
Subject: Land Development Code (LDC) Amendment to Article VI, Erection 6-14C(5), and
Article VIII to consolidate the Sign Code
Background Summary:
Sign Regulations were adopted by Ordinance No. 516 on September 15, 1970, in Section 10 of Chapter III of
the City's "Comprehensive Development Ordinance". The Sign Regulations in Section 10, Chapter III of the
Comprehensive Development Ordinance were subsequently repealed and replaced by the Article VIII Sign
Code on September 6, 1988, by Ordinance No. 88-25 and were later expanded to the current form on
November 21, 1995, by Ordinance 95-28.
On June 1, 1999, the City adopted Ordinance No. 99-23 to amend Article VI of the Land Development Code
to create a new Section 6-14 to establish development standards in Professional Offices and Services,
Commercial and Industrial zoning districts. The new Section 6-14, Article VI, included Sign Design Standards
for commercial and industrial signs in Section 6-14C(5). However, because some provisions in Section 6-
14C(5) are more restrictive than in Article VIII while others are more permissive, the adoption of sign design
standards in Section 6-14C(5) created discrepancies in the City's sign regulations. Another issue that has
come up more frequently is that, when a person conducts an online query, the results of such queries only
provide sign regulations from Article VIII Sign Code but do not provide results from Section 6-14C(5) from
Article VI. This becomes problematic when a contractor prepares sign plans because the commercial signage
provisions in Article VI are more restrictive relative to wall sign size.
Therefore, the proposed LDC amendments intend to resolve said discrepancies and consolidate the
provisions from Article VI into Article VIII. Since the provisions in Section 6-14C(5) were adopted in 1999, they
supersede the provisions of Article VI II, which were adopted in 1988. The attached proposed Ordinance details
the proposed Code changes, but to summarize, the Ordinance will delete the sign design standards from
Section 6-14C(5), Article VI, and incorporate them into Article VIII Sign Code, correct any discrepancies
accordingly, retain any existing provisions in Article VIII that were not affected or changed by Ordinance No.
99-23 and reorganize Article VIII to be based on sign types instead of by zoning districts, consistent with the
intent of Ordinance No. 99-23.
Since Article VIII is being reorganized in its entirety, the proposed Ordinance shows regular text to represent
existing provisions in Article VIII, single underline for text incorporated from Section 6-14C(5), and double -
underline for new text. Additional text has been included, which is not underlined, to help make the
reorganization of Article VIII make sense; however, no new sign regulations are proposed that do not currently
exist in either Section 6-14C(5) or the provisions of Article VIII that were unamended by Ordinance 99-23.
Conversely, a new Section 8-5D(1)(d) is proposed to provide greater flexibility in sign size and height for
shopping center directory signs through a Developer Agreement.
Staff feels that the proposed consolidation and reorganization of the Sign Code will make the Sign Code more
streamlined, readily accessible, and user-friendly.
Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commission approve a proposed Ordinance implementing amendments
to Articles VI and VIII in order to consolidate the sign design standards from Section 6-14C(5) into Article VIII
Sign Code and reorganize and update Article VIII accordingly?
Planning and Zoning Commission Recommendation:
The Planning and Zoning Commission (PZC) reviewed and discussed proposed LDC amendments to the sign
code on June 14, 2022. Discussions from the hearing are summarized below:
Discussion Topics: Res onset
Will the proposed sign update supersede the overlay They will not supersede regulations of the Overlays.
criteria or CRA requirements?
Is the reorganization of the code consistent with what Other communities house their sign codes in a single
other communities and developers are working with? location of their respective Land Development Codes.
This proposed change seeks to put the City's sign
code back into a single Article of the LDC to make the
regulations more user-friendly.
Following discussion, the PZC recommended approval of the proposed Ordinance.
Staff Recommendation:
Staff recommends that the Honorable Mayor and City Commission approve the proposed Ordinance
implementing amendments to Articles VI and VIII in order to consolidate the sign design standards from Section
6-14C(5) into Article VIII Sign Code and reorganize and update Article VIII accordingly.
Proposed Sign Ordinance
Existing Section 6-14C(5), Article VI Sign Design Standards
Existing Article VIII Sign Code
Financial Impact:
Type of Item: (please mark with an 'k )
Public Hearing (Adoption Hearing)
x Ordinance First Reading
Ordinance Second Reading
Commission Approval
Discussion & Direction
Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk
Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution
Reviewed by City Attorney
Reviewed by Finance Dept.
Reviewed by Q
For Clerk's Dept Use:
Consent Agenda
Public Hearing
Regular Agenda
(LDC Update for Signs)
WHEREAS, as provided in Article VIII of the Constitution of the State of Florida and
Chapter 166, Florida Statutes, the City of Ocoee (the "City") enjoys all home rule authority,
police power, land development and zoning authority, and governmental and proprietary powers
necessary to conduct municipal government and perform municipal functions; and
WHEREAS, the City may exercise any power for municipal purposes, except as
expressly prohibited by law; and
WHEREAS, the Sign Code in Article VIII of the Land Development Code was adopted
by Ordinance 88-25 on September 6, 1988, which Ordinance repealed and replaced the Sign
Regulations in Section 10, Chapter III of the City's "Comprehensive Development Ordinance"
adopted by Ordinance 516 on September 15, 1970, and later expanded to its current form by
Ordinance No. 95-28 on November 21, 1995; and
WHEREAS, on June 1, 1999, the City adopted Ordinance 99-23 which amended the
Article VI of the Land Development Code to create a new Section 6-14 to establish
development standards for the Professional Office and Services, Commercial and Industrial
zoning districts, including standards for commercial and industrial signs in Section 6-14C(5);
WHEREAS, the sign standards of Section 6-14C(5) of Article VI contain provisions that
differ from those in Article VIII Sign Code as adopted on September 6, 1988; and
WHEREAS, the City recognizes the need to resolve such inconsistencies and
consolidate the Sign Code into a single Article by incorporating the standards from Section 6-
14C(5) into Article VIII and updating Article VIII as appropriate; and
WHEREAS, on June 14, 2022, the Planning and Zoning Commission, acting as the
Local Planning Agency, held an advertised and publicly noticed public hearing and
recommended approval of an amendment proposed by staff to incorporate the standards from
Section 6-14C(5) of Article VI into the Sign Code in Article VIII; and
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WHEREAS, the Ocoee City Commission in good faith determines that this Ordinance is
in the best interest of the City and its residents and promotes the health, safety, and welfare of
the public; and
WHEREAS, following advertisement and duly noticed public hearing on the Ordinance
on Tuesday, August 2, 2022, the Ocoee City Commission approved the amendments to Article
VI, Section 6-14C(5) and Article VIII in its entirety.
SECTION 1. RECITALS. The foregoing recitals are hereby ratified and confirmed
as true and correct and incorporated herein by this reference.
SECTION 2. AUTHORITY. The Ocoee City Commission has the authority to adopt
this Ordinance pursuant to Article VIII of the Constitution of the State of Florida and Chapters
163 and 166, Florida Statutes.
SECTION 3. AMENDMENT OF ARTICLE VI, LDC. Section 6-14C(5) of Article VI
of the City of Ocoee Land Development Code is hereby stricken in its entirety, as depicted in
Exhibit "A", and moved and incorporated into Article VIII Sign Code.
SECTION 4. AMENDMENT OF ARTICLE VIII, LDC. Article VIII is reorganized and
thus, hereby replaced in its entirety, as depicted in Exhibit "B", with underlines representing
additions and strike-throughs representing deletions.
SECTION 5. CONFLICT. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances, Resolutions, or
parts of Resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby made ineffective to the extent of such
SECTION 6. SEVERABILITY. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase,
or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of
competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent
provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion hereto
SECTION 7. CODIFICATION. It is the intention of the Ocoee City Commission that
the provisions stated in this Ordinance shall become and be made a part of the Code of
Ordinances of the City; and that sections of this Ordinance may be renumbered or re -lettered
and the word "ordinance" may be changed to "chapter", "section", "article", or such other
appropriate word or phrase in order to accomplish such intentions; and regardless of whether
such inclusion in the Code is accomplished, sections of this Ordinance may be renumbered or
re -lettered and the correction of typographical errors which do not affect the intent may be
authorized by the City Manager, without need of public hearing, by filing a corrected or re -
codified copy of same with the City Clerk.
SECTION 8. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall become effective
immediately upon passage and adoption.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of 12022.
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Melanie Sibbitt, City Clerk
this day of
City Attorney
[Space intentionally blank]
Rusty Johnson, Mayor
, 2022.
Page 3 of 26
Section 6-14C(5) of Article VI is hereby stricken from Article VI and incorporated into Article VIII
as follows:
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Page 4 of 26
Page 4 of 26
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Page 5 of 26
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Page 6 of 26
the diFeeteFy signs. The eveFall height ef the sign shall be limited te a MaxFRUM ef 12
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Page 7 of 26
Article VIII is deleted and replaced in its entirety to read as follows, with regular text
representing existing language in Article VIII, underlined text representing language from
Section 6-14C(5) and double -underlined text representing additions:
The regulations and requirements set forth herein shall be the minimum requirements to promote
public health, safety and general welfare and to protect the character of residential, business and
industrial areas throughout the City. The purpose of this Section is to ensure that the display of signs is
appropriate to the land, building or use to which they are appurtenant and that signs are adequate, but
not excessive, for identification or advertisement.
All signs shall be designed and selected to provide a logical, consistent and attractive pattern of
advertising that relates to the human -scale, attractively identifies businesses, and conveys an
understandable message when viewed in conjunction with adjacent signs and landscaping. Certain
minimum sign standards have been set to promote quality signs of a design, size, and orientation that
enhances the community. Notwithstanding any provision in the Land Development Code to the
contrary, all interpretations regarding the conformity of signs located shall be made by the Director of
the Development Services Department or his designee, whose administrative interpretations may be
appealed to the Development Review Committee. In the event a person disagrees with an
interpretation or decision made by the Director, they may request a meeting of the Development
Review Committee which will be held within seven (7) business days from the date of receipt of a
written request. All such appeals shall be filed with the Planning Division of the Development Services
Department The Development Review Committee may overrule or modify the interpretation or
decision made by the Development Services Department Director.
Signs placed on land or on a building for identification or for advertising a use conducted thereon
or therein shall be deemed to be accessory and incidental to the land, building or use. With respect to
signs advertising business uses, this Article is intended to reduce clutter among sign displays.
The following provisions shall govern the administration of this Section:
A. Building permit required/Permitted Signs.
(1) No person shall erect, alter, repair or relocate any sign without first obtaining a building
permit for such work from the Building and Zoning Official of the City of Ocoee. No permit
shall be issued until the Building and Zoning Officials determine that such work is in
accordance with the requirements contained in this Section.
(2) Only free-standing ground, wall, arcade, projecting, shopping center, business center and
directory signs are permitted in accordance with the provisions set forth in this Article. All
other signs, including non-verbal signs that do not qualify as public art, shall not be
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B. Exceptions and Exemptions.
(1) Changeable Copy Signs.
The changing of advertising copy or message on approved signs which are specifically
designed for the use of replaceable copy shall not require a building permit.
(2) Public Signs.
Governmental information or direction signs, historical markers, signs relating to national
defense and security and other emergency signs, and ornamental signs of a permanent
character displaying only the name of a commonly known and accepted name of a section
of the City, deemed by the City Commission to be of a general public interest, may be
located in any zoning district. No permit shall be required for such signs.
(3) Internal Signs.
Signs located internal to a development that are not visible from any road right-of-way,
provided that such sign is no greater than six (6) square feet and placed no higher than
three (3) feet above the grade at the sign's location.
(4) Directional Signs.
One private directional sign not exceeding three (3) square feet in area shall be allowed,
without permit, at each access drive, providing such sign only directs motorists to the
location of off-street parking areas.
(5) Office Signs.
Office name plates and directory signs only shall be allowed without permit in accordance
with the following standards:
(1) Single office - One nameplate or directory sign not to exceed four square feet in
(2) Two or three offices - One directory sign not to exceed six square feet in area.
(3) Four or more offices - One directory sign not to exceed eight square feet in area.
C. Prohibited Signs.
(1) Signs commonly referred to as outdoor advertising, billboards or poster panels which
advertise products or businesses not connected with the site on which they are located are
deemed by this Section to constitute a separate use and are prohibited in each and every
zoning district within the City. The prohibition of the display of such advertising is deemed
to be appropriate to the character and sound development of the City. Such outdoor
advertising, billboards, or similar signs in existence shall be treated as legal non -conforming
signs in accordance with the stipulations.
(2) Roof top signs, electronic/message board signs, flashing signs and moving signs are
(3) Banners, streamers, pennants, scintillating lights, strobe lights, revolving signs or other such
devices are prohibited.
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(4) No neon lighting or mini -lights shall be permitted as an adornment on any building, except
as part of an approved sign.
(5) No portable signs trailer signs signs painted on vehicles parked adioining public streets,
sandwich board signs, or signs painted upon benches are permitted.
(6) Signs which are physically attached to any surface of a window are not permitted.
(7) No person shall post or affix any sign, notice, or poster, or other paper or device, calculated
to attract the attention of the public, to any lamp post, public utility pole, or tree, or upon
any public structure or building, except as may be authorized or required by law.
A. Drawing.
Every application shall be accompanied by a drawing of the proposed sign showing the
location, height, size, and distance from property lines and from other signs where applicable.
The length of the principal building shall also be furnished in order to determine the size of
the sign.
B. Illumination of Signs.
Light from an illuminated sign shall be shaded, shielded, or directed so that the light shall not
adversely affect the safe vision of operators of vehicles moving on public or private roads,
highways or parking areas. Light shall not shine directly on or into residential structures.
C. Exposed Sign Structure.
No structure or framework may be exposed by removal of sign faces or advertising copy for a
period in excess of 30 days.
D. Unsafe Signs.
Should any sign become insecure or in danger of falling or otherwise unsafe in the opinion of
the Building and Zoning Official, the owner, or the person or firm maintaining the sign, shall
upon written notice from the City, secure the sign in a manner to be approved by the Building
and Zoning Official in conformity with the provisions of this Code, or remove the sign. If such
notice is not complied with in eight (8) days, the Building and Zoning Official shall remove the
sign at the expense of the owner.
E. Maintenance.
All signs, together with their parts, supports, braces, guys and anchors shall be maintained,
treated and/or painted.
F. Location Restriction.
Signs shall not be erected, constructed or maintained so as to obstruct any fire escape
window, door or opening used as a means of egress. A sign shall not be attached in any form,
shape or manner to a fire escape nor be placed in such manner as to interfere with any
opening required for ventilation.
G. Compliance with Other Regulations.
All signs as defined by this Article shall be erected, altered and maintained in accordance with
the provisions of this Article and shall be designed and installed in compliance with the
requirements of the Building and Electrical Codes of the City of Ocoee.
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H. Enforcement.
The Building and Zoning Official is hereby authorized and directed to enforce all provisions of
this Article.
I. Interpretation.
Where there is any ambiguity or dispute concerning the interpretation of this Section, the
decision of the Building and Zoning Official shall prevail, subject to appeal as provided in
Article III of the Land Development Code.
J. Conflict with Other Regulations.
Where the provisions of this Article are in conflict with any other ordinance or code or parts
of ordinances or codes, the most stringent provision shall govern.
The following sign standards shall apply in all zoning districts established on the Official Zoning
Map. In the instance of Planned Unit Development (PUD) signs, there may be special limitations above
and beyond those required by this Article.
A. Sign Shape and Area Computation.
In computing sign area in square feet, standard mathematical forms for known common shapes
will be used. Common shapes shall include squares, rectangles, cones, spheres, trapezoids,
triangles, circles, ovals, cylinders and other simple forms for which surface area formulas are
established. At the discretion of the Building and Zoning Official, complex forms may be broken
down into component simple forms; however, all area within the perimeter of the sign shall be
included. All words and components of a sign or related message shall be included as one sign.
Individual words or components may be considered separate signs only if they express a
complete independent message and are separated so as to be obviously disassociated from
other messages or components.
(1) When signs are enclosed in a border or highlighted by background graphics, the perimeter
of such border or background will be used to compute area.
(2) The Building and Zoning Official shall have the discretion to make minor adjustments
and/or deviations from the principles stated herein in order to assure that the reasonable
intent of this Section is fulfilled, that equality is achieved in the computation, and that
reasonable advertising exposure is allowed.
B. Integral Signs.
Individual letters and numerals comprising integral signs shall not exceed 12 inches in height,
and the integral sign itself shall not exceed 12 square feet in area, which shall be excluded from
the total allowable sign area.
C. Multi -faced Signs.
On any sign with more than one face, all advertising surfaces of a multi -faced sign shall be equal
in size and height and contained within a common perimeter.
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A. General Standards.
(1) Free standing ground signs shall only be monument or dual pole signs. Pole framework and
structure(s) supporting the sign shall not be exposed but rather shall be covered by
decorative material.
(2) Permitted sign areas are allowed on both sides of a double-faced sign.
(3) No part of any free-standing ground sign shall be located closer than ten (10) feet away
from public right-of-way or closer than three (3) feet away from any sidewalks. Signs shall
not be placed within safe -sight triangles at entry locations.
(4) No free-standing ground signs shall be placed closer than 100 feet from each other unless
planned as a decorative sign cluster.
(5) All free-standing ground signs shall be located a minimum of ten (10) feet outside the
Planned right-of-way of primary or secondary roadways.
(6) Ground -mounted signs shall not interfere with safe vehicle traffic flow.
(7) Each sign shall complement the building architecture, in form and color, to which it relates
and shall be located in a manner which relates proportionately to the building and its
surroundings. Sign color and lighting shall be consistent with surrounding patterns of
B. Stand-alone Building - Single -Tenant Signs.
Free-standing ground signs for a single -tenant building located on a single lot, parcel or out -
parcel shall comply with the following standards:
(1) Only one (1) free-standing ground sign shall be permitted per stand-alone building situated
on an individual lot, parcel or out -parcel lot.
(2) Maximum allowable copy area shall be limited to 36 square feet and shall not exceed 12
feet in height.
C. Stand-alone Building - Multi -Tenant Signs.
Free-standing ground signs for a multi -tenant building located on a single lot parcel or out -
parcel shall comply with the following standards:
(1) Multi -tenant signs may be permitted at up to 70 square feet in total size for two tenants
and 100 square feet in total size for three or more tenants, in lieu of individual signs, at a
shared entrance.
(2) Maximum sign height shall not exceed twelve (12) feet in height.
(3) Only one (1) free-standing ground sign shall be permitted per stand-alone building, except
that if the building entryway adjoins a secondary street, an additional sign may be provided
meeting the requirements of this Section but only at a rate that is one-half (1/2) the
allowable sign area permitted for the primary street entry sign.
D. Directory Ground Signs.
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(1) Shopping Center Development.
a. Shopping center signs are free-standing center identification/directory ground signs
located at the entryways to a shopping center site and limited to the name of the
center and/or various occupants of the center. No other signs shall be located on this
sign structure Individual elements of directory signs shall be of uniform shape and
b. The allowable sign area along primary street frontages shall be in addition to the sign
area allowed for individual occupants and shall be based upon gross building area of
the entire center in accordance with the table below. Shopping centers with entryways
on adjoining secondary streets may provide additional signs meeting these regulations
but only at a rate that is one-half (1/2) the allowable sign area permitted for primary
street entry signs.
Gross Building Area
Maximum Sign Area
up to 25,000 s.f.
100 s.f.
up to 50,000 s.f.
125 s.f.
up to 75,000 s.f.
150 s.f.
up to 100,000 s.f.
175 s.f.
over 100,000 s.f.
200 s.f.
c. Shopping center signs shall not exceed fifteen (15) feet in height.
d. Maximum sign size and height for special projects may exceed 200 SF in size and
fifteen (15) feet in height through a Developer Agreement.
e. Shopping center signs may be located at each entryway along public rights-of-wa
except that the total combined sign area shall not exceed the maximum sign area
permitted along individual street frontages. In no case shall shopping center signs
be placed closer than 100 feet to a free-standing outparcel sign or within 200 feet
of another shopping center sign.
(2) Commercial / Industrial Business Center / Mixed Use Development Signs.
All identification/directory signs for commercial/industrial business center/mixed _use
proiects containing interior buildings or lots which do not front on primary or secondary
streets shall be free-standing ground signs. The sign copy shall be limited to the name of the
project and/or the names of the occupants within the project. No other signs shall be
located on this sign structure, and only one directory sign will be permitted at each public
street entryway leading to interior buildings or lots.
a. Where each individual user within the center will have its own free-standing ground
sign the identification/directory sign may have up to 50 square feet on each sign
face. In this case, the individual user names on the directory sign shall be of uniform
shape and size. The overall height of the sign shall be limited to a maximum of 12
b. Where each individual user within the center will not have its own free-standing
ground sign, the identification/directory sign may have up to 100 square feet on
each sign face. In this case, there will be no restrictions on relative shape and size of
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the user names on the directory signs. The overall height of the sign shall be limited
to a maximum of 12 feet.
c. Business center signs shall be located at the entrance to a project within a platted
easement with documentation acceptable to the City which identifies long-term
ownership and maintenance responsibilities for the sign.
(3) Residential Subdivision and Multi -family Developments Identification Signs.
a. Entryway Signs. Signs identifying a subdivision or multi -family development at
secondary entranceways may be permitted subject to the following conditions:
1. Maximum sign area per face — Eighteen (18) square feet, or two (2) square feet
of sign area for each dwelling unit up to nine units (whichever is more
2. Maximum height of sign - Six (6) feet above established lot grade;
3. Signs shall be located within 30 feet of an entranceway as follows:
L Wall -mounted, one face on each side of the entranceway, mounted flat
against the entranceway wall.
ii. Ground -mounted, one face or two face back-to-back or V with maximum
45-degree angle.
Entranceway signs shall be separated from signs at other entranceways by at least
200 feet and from other on -site signs by at least 100 feet, such distance to be
measured along the property line. When such signs are located adjacent to more
than one right-of-way, such separation shall be maintained and measured along the
property line and continuing around the corner.
c. On -site Signs. In addition, wall or ground -mounted signs may be permitted on the
site of a multi -family development provided that the total area of these signs does
not exceed two (2) square feet in area for each unit up to 16 units for a maximum
sign area of 32 square feet. Further, such signs shall not be more than six (6) feet in
height above established lot grade and signs shall not be located in the front 50
percent of any required front yard. Such signs shall indicate only facilities available
on the immediate premises. Where a multi -family development is located on more
than one (1) street, one (1) sign may be displayed on each such street, provided the
total sign area does not exceed the maximum allowable as described herein.
E. Menu Board Signs.
Information signs which identify food items offered with corresponding pricing may be located
along the drive -through lane of drive-in restaurants. Said signs shall not exceed 32 sq. ft. in total
area and shall be no greater than 8 feet in height. Menu board signs shall not be counted as part
of free-standing ground sign area or wall sign area of the business as long as no general
advertising is depicted on the menu board that can be legible from adjoining public roadways or
off -site public parking areas.
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§ 8-6. WALL SIGNS.
A. Building Wall Signs.
(1) The maximum allowable area of wall signs for individual businesses in a stand-alone
building shall not exceed the following standards regardless of building frontage:
Building Size
Max. Sign Area
Max. Sign Height
up to 10,000 s.f.
36 s.f.
3.0 ft.
up to 25,000 s.f.
75 s.f.
3.5 ft.
up to 50,000 s.f.
100 s.f.
4.0 ft.
up to 100,000 s.f.
150 s.f.
6.0 ft.
over 100,000 s.f.
200 s.f.
8.0 ft.
(2) Subiect to the maximum allowable standards specified in AM above, the allowable area of
wall signs permitted on the main facade of any stand-alone business structure located on an
outparcel or separate tract shall not exceed 1 s.f. per lineal foot of building frontage facing
the primary street. On corner buildings an additional 1 s.f. per lineal foot of building
frontage facing the secondary street may be permitted. Sign area shall not be combined
between building frontages.
(3) Subiect to the maximum allowable standards specified in A(1) above, the maximum
allowable area of wall signs for individual businesses located within shopping centers shall
be computed based upon the building frontage of each store front that has an outside
public entrance that faces a public street or public parking area. Sign area shall not be
combined between individual businesses within the complex.
(4) All stand-alone buildings located on individual out -parcels or separate tracts may install one
additional wall identification sign not exceeding a size of 2 feet high by 12 feet in length on
a building facade adjoining an entry driveway or public parking area.
(5) No wall sign or supporting structure shall project more than 12 inches from the wall of the
(6) No part of any wall sign shall extend above the roofline of the building.
(7) Backlit awning signs may be permitted although all portions of the canopy will constitute
sign area.
B. Awning Signs.
An awning sign built in accordance with the Standard Building Code and so as not to interfere
with safe vehicle traffic flow shall be permitted but shall count towards allowable signage for
the building.
C. Marquee and Other Proiecting Signs.
(1) Projecting signs which are mounted with the sign faces perpendicular to the wall of the
building shall only be located on mixed- and multiple -use buildings or buildings with corner
entrances fronting on two streets. The maximum area of such signs, when permitted, shall
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be 36 square feet subtracted from total allowable sign area of the building to which it is
(2) No projecting sign or supporting structure shall extend above the top of a parapet wall, nor
shall any such sign extend more than 20 feet above ground level to the top of the sign.
D. Arcade Signs.
Signs are permitted to be located under a canopy or awning when mounted perpendicular to
the entryways of individual stores entering from a shopping center, arcade provided such signs
shall not exceed 6 inches in height or extend more than 60% of the width of the awning or
E. Window Signs.
Signs located on the interior of a business but visible from the exterior of the building are
permitted and are not charged against the maximum allowable signage area if such signs are
not physically attached to the window.
Billboards and other outdoor advertising signs shall be prohibited in each and every zoning district
within the City, except for signs placed on land or on a building for identification or for advertising a use
conducted thereon or therein consistent with the requirements of this Article.
A. Subdivision Development Signs.
Signs advertising a residential subdivision development may be permitted provided that the
subdivision has been approved, platted and is under active development and sale. Such signs
shall not exceed 128 square feet in area, including trim. Signs shall not be closer than 15 feet
to an official right-of-way line and at least 15 feet from any property under different
ownership. The top of the sign shall not exceed 22 feet above ground level. Only two (2) signs
will be permitted in any one (1) subdivision. Each sign shall be approved for a period of one
year and, upon expiration of such approval, a renewal may be granted by the Building and
Zoning Official upon written request and adequate justification.
B. Organizational Banner Signs.
(1) No banner sign shall be utilized by any organization unless first approved in writing by
the Building and Zoning Official, which approval will be issued upon a finding of the
following facts:
That the applicant is a public body or is a fraternal, benevolent, charitable,
eleemosynary, philanthropic, altruistic, civic, community, veteran, educational
organization or other organization of like or similar nature and that the banner is to be
located on the premises owned or leased by said applicant.
That the banner advertises an event, function or thing of public interest which is open to
the public.
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That the banner or copy thereon does not violate any provisions of this Section.
(2) Applications for banner signs under this Section shall be submitted in writing to the
Building Department and shall contain all pertinent information relating to the
organization, event, and banner. All approvals or denials shall be in writing on, or
accompanied by, one copy of the application. Approvals shall clearly state the dates the
banner may be displayed and information regarding an approved location within the
following limits:
Banners may be permitted up to 14 days prior to and three days following an event with
an overall limit of 30 days total use. However, the Building and Zoning Official may
approve, upon request of the original applicant and upon showing of just cause, up to a
60-day extension beyond the original 30-day limit. No additional extensions shall be
considered upon the expiration of the ninety (90) day period should the maximum
extension be granted.
Banners shall be limited to one banner on any street frontage of the property and may
be mounted on a building or other appropriate support. If not mounted on a building,
the banner must be at least 15 feet from adjacent property lines and not over 20 feet
above the ground.
Each banner shall be limited to a maximum of 40 square feet in area.
All banners shall be maintained in good condition and shall be repaired or removed
within 24 hours of notice that such action is required.
(3) Banner signs allowed under this Section shall be exempt from building permit
requirements listed in Section 8-2, above.
(4) No streamers, pennants, flags, ribbons, spinners, or other prohibited devices, shall be
included or incorporated with the display of a banner approved under this Section.
(5) If an application for an organizational banner sign is denied by the Building and Zoning
Official, the applicant may appeal such denial to the City Commission of the City of
Ocoee if written notice of such appeal is given to the City Clerk of the City of Ocoee
within 8 days after the date of such written denial.
C. Construction Signs.
One sign may be erected upon lots or parcels of land where a building permit has been secured
for construction of a building or project on such lot or parcel of land. The sign may denote the
owner, architect, financial institution, general contractor, subcontractors, and any statement
pertaining to the building or project under construction. The sign shall be removed when the
building has been completed, prior to issuance of the final certificate of occupancy, or within
15 days after construction operations have ceased, whichever is earlier. No construction sign
shall exceed 64 square feet in area. Construction signs shall be set back at least 8 feet from all
property lines in residential districts. A permit is required for such signs.
D. Political Campaign Signs.
(1) Residential Districts.
Campaign signs shall be allowed without permit in all residential districts under the
following conditions: On each residential site, a maximum of two nonilluminated signs,
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not more than four square feet in area each shall be allowed. Any such sign may only be
installed by, or with the express consent of the occupant of the premises. Campaign
signs are prohibited on vacant property.
(2) Other Districts.
Campaign signs may be permitted in all other zoning districts, under the following
conditions: On each property, nonilluminated signs, not to exceed 32 square feet in
area each, may be erected provided that no sign larger than four square feet shall be
located within 40 feet of any other campaign sign. On each unimproved or unoccupied
property, the property owner shall be responsible for the placement and removal of
campaign signs. On occupied property the tenant shall be responsible for the placement
and removal of campaign signs. For each sign larger than four square feet in area the
individuals or companies constructing and erecting such sign must submit a location
sketch indicating the street address and size of the sign proposed for installation in the
City. The Director of Planning will determine whether the site is located within an
appropriate district. The Building and Zoning Official will register the location and
determine whether a building permit is necessary for the erection of the sign. The
Building and Zoning Official shall have the authority to require the removal of any such
sign that is not properly maintained or becomes a hazard to the public safety during the
time it is displayed.
(3) Placement and Removal.
Campaign signs may be placed on private property provided that:
(a) The signs are not placed on the site until ninety (90) days prior to an election or
referendum; and
(b) The signs are removed within five (5) days after the election or referendum or after
the primary election if the candidate is no longer a viable candidate.
(4) Campaign Headquarters.
Registered campaign headquarters shall be allowed the maximum amount of signage as
would be allowed of any other permitted business in the same district.
(5) Exclusion from Sign Area Requirements.
Signs erected pursuant to this Section shall not be considered as part of the maximum
allowable sign area for the premises upon which they are located.
(6) Prohibited on Public Property.
Campaign signs shall not be placed on public property, and any sign so located shall be
removed immediately.
E. Real Estate Signs.
Real estate flags ("open", "sale", etc.) may be allowed at model homes or non -occupied homes
when open (daylight hours only) at the quantity of two (2) flags per home and four (4) flags at
the entrance(s) of a subdivision under construction. In accordance with Section 8-10B of this
Article, realtors shall only erect a maximum of three (3) temporary directional signs for each
property for which they are the contracted realtor of record, except that realtors who have an
exclusive sales agreement in a new subdivision shall be limited to a maximum of ten (10)
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temporary directional signs for that particular subdivision. Owners of Commercial or
Residential property who are selling their own property may utilize temporary directional signs
subject to compliance with this Article.
Real estate signs with copy on either one or both sides not exceeding four (4) square feet shall
be allowed without permit in all zoning districts provided that only one sign may be erected for
each street frontage of the parcel of property or unit offered for sale, lease or rent. No such
sign shall exceed four (4) square feet in area in residential districts, 12 square feet in P-S
districts, nor 32 square feet in area in A-1, A-2, C-1, C-2, C-3, 1-1, and 1-2 districts. Such signs
greater than four square feet shall require a permit. Multiple -listing strips and sold signs may
be allowed when attached to a real estate sign. Signs shall be removed after consummation of
sale. "Open for Inspection" signs not exceeding four square feet in area may be allowed on
property that is open for inspection, but only at such time as a representative for different
ownership. The top of the sign shall not exceed 22 feet above ground level. Only two signs will
be permitted in any one subdivision. Each sign shall be approved for a period of one year and,
upon expiration of such approval, a renewal may be granted by the City Commission upon the
recommendation of the Development Review Committee.
F. Special Signage.
(1) Grand Opening Signage.
For the purpose of advertising a grand opening of a business. The use of banner signs,
inflatable signs, pennants, and other media approved by the Building and Zoning Official
is permitted for a period to start on the issue date of the Occupational License and end
two (2) weeks (14 days) after issue date; or for a two (2) week (14 day) period agreed to
in writing by the Building and Zoning Official and dated prior to or on the issue date of
the Occupational License.
(2) Temporary Tent or Fence Signage.
For the purpose of advertising at the site of a temporary tent or temporary fence (i.e.,
fireworks, Christmas trees), a sign may be temporarily displayed provided that it does
not exceed 24 square feet in area and is attached to the tent or fence. One (1) sign may
be located on each side to a maximum of four (4) signs.
(3) Holiday Lights and Decorations.
Holiday lights and decorations with no commercial message are exempt from regulation
under this Article, but only between November 15 and January 15.
(4) Civic and Cultural Signage.
A temporary sign announcing any public, charitable, educational or religious event or
function may be permitted, provided that it is located on the premises of the
sponsoring institution. Signs shall not exceed 24 square feet in area, if ground mounted
shall be no more than 14 days prior to the event and no more than 48 hours after its
Unless otherwise specified, the following sign regulations shall apply generally throughout the City:
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A. Public and Quasi -public Facilities Signs.
Name and information signs and emblems of churches, schools, and other public and quasi -
public facilities as defined herein shall be permitted on the site. Signs shall not be located in the
front 50 percent of any required front yard. When located within a residential district only one
sign shall be permitted not to exceed 16 square feet in area. If ground mounted, the top of the
sign shall be no more than six feet above ground level.
B. Community Center Signs.
One sign of a permanent nature, setting forth the name or services of a community center,
church or other similar organization shall be allowed on the site. Signs shall not be located in
the front 50 percent of any required front yard. Such sign shall not exceed 32 square feet in
area. If ground mounted, the top of the sign shall be no more than six feet above ground level.
C. Human Signs; Enforcement; Violations.
A human sign is a sign that is continuously held by, spun, or attached to a person that displays a
commercial message advertising or otherwise drawing attention to a business, commodity,
service, or product. Human signs are permitted in all non-residential zoning districts but shall be
subject to the following conditions.
(1) Only one (1) human sign per business is permitted;
(2) A human sign must remain on the same parcel on which the business, commodity, service,
or product being advertised is located or within the common areas of a commercial
subdivision within which the business, commodity, service, or product being advertised is
(3) Total sign area for any single human sign may not exceed eighteen (18) square feet; and
(4) A human sign shall not occupy any portion of the public right-of-way or other public
It is intended that all temporary signs erected for directional purposes, public information, or to
direct attention to special events shall be confined to those that are of a general public interest and that
such signs shall be limited to the giving of such information.
A. Definition.
Temporary Directional Sign is defined as a temporary sign erected pursuant to the provisions
of this Section which is designed and erected to serve as a public convenience in directing
pedestrian and vehicular traffic, but not used for the purpose of advertising uses and
activities on site. All references in this Section to a sign or signs shall refer to a temporary
directional sign.
B. The following Standards shall apply to temporary directional signs:
(1) Signs may be placed only within a City road right-of-way on (a) weekends after 5:00 p.m.
Friday and must be removed prior to 8:00 a.m. the following Monday, and (b) legal holidays
after 5:00 p.m. of the day preceding the holiday and must be removed prior to 8:00 a.m. of
the day after the holiday. Signs erected pursuant to this Section shall be prohibited at all
other times.
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(2) Individual signs shall not exceed four (4) square feet in area or 4 feet in height from ground
level, except that three individual signs may be ganged together on one vertical support not
to exceed ten (10) feet in height.
(3) Signs shall be for directional purposes only. It is not the intent of this Section to require
specially designed real estate signs to be used as temporary directional signs. Real estate
signs containing the realtor's name, address and telephone number are permitted as long as
they do not exceed four (4) square feet in area and contain a directional arrow. There shall
be a minimum distance of at least 20 feet between signs approved for a single permit
(4) Signs shall be attached to a separate individual support base. Signs are prohibited from
being attached to utility poles, existing signs, street signs, structures, trees or fences.
(5) Signs shall be made of a durable hard surface conducive to promoting traffic safety by
preventing visual distraction. No flags, pennants, banners, or moving parts shall be
permitted on the sign or separate from the sign. All temporary directional signs shall be
maintained in good condition. No bent, faded, or damaged signs shall be erected. Any sign
damaged by any reason may be removed by the City. Damaged signs removed by the City
may be replaced in accordance with Section 8-7.B. (14) of this Code.
(6) Signs erected prior to 5:00 pm Friday and not removed by 8:00 am the following Monday
and/or 5:00 pm of the day preceding a legal holiday and removed by 8:00 am of the day
after the holiday shall be removed by the City and not returned to the owner of such sign.
Fees paid for the confiscated sign(s) shall not be refunded.
(7) The City shall charge a fee for each sign authorized by a Temporary Directional Sign Permit -
Fee schedule shall be determined by Resolution adopted by The City Commission.
(8) All signs erected without a permit may be removed by the City. The owner of a sign erected
without a permit may be billed by the City for the cost of removing the sign. The cost shall
be determined by Resolution of the City Commission. Failure to pay the cost within thirty
(30) days after notice shall be a violation of this Code enforceable against the owner of the
sign pursuant to Chapter 7 of this Code.
(9) Signs may be placed no closer than fifteen (15) feet from the edge of pavement or within
one (1) foot of the sidewalk between the road pavement and sidewalk, whichever is less.
(10) No sign shall be placed in a roadway median strip.
(11) Temporary Directional Sign Permits for Developers, Builders and Realtors shall be issued
on a yearly basis from January 1 through December 31. Permits issued after July 1 shall be
charged one half 1/2 the fee established by Resolution of the City Commission.
(12) Temporary Directional Sign Permits for garage sales, Major Special Events and Minor
Special Events shall be issued for the duration of the sale or special event.
(13) A numbered City of Ocoee identification seal shall be attached to the upper right-hand
corner of each sign. Numbered City of Ocoee identification seals shall be issued by the
City of Ocoee.
(14) Replacement City of Ocoee temporary directional sign seals for damaged, lost or stolen
signs may be obtained from the City upon written request to the Building Official, by the
owner of the signs. Written request shall contain the original sign number(s) and the
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reason for the needed replacement. New sign seals will be issued upon approval by the
Building Official and payment of required fees.
(15) Temporary directional signs shall be permitted only for property or functions in the City of
Ocoee and to enclaves within the City. No signs shall be permitted or erected in the City
of Ocoee when said directions are to property or functions not located in the City or to
enclaves within the City.
(16) Temporary directional signs shall only be erected in City controlled rights -of -way. No
temporary directional sign shall be placed within a twenty-five (25) foot safe site triangle
as defined in the City of Ocoee Land Development Code.
(17) The maximum number of developer and builder temporary directional signs approved by
the City shall not exceed thirty (30) signs per each subdivision. Temporary directional
signs for realtor signs are not included in this thirty (30) signs.
(18) Signs shall not be erected without a permit.
(19) Temporary directional signs shall be no closer than 100 feet to a new home guide sign,
except for signs for garage sales, major special events, minor special events, and public
transportation bench advertising which shall not be subject to this restriction.
C. Temporary Directional Signs shall be limited to the following:
(1) Residential or Commercial Subdivisions and Buildings.
Signs for residential or commercial subdivisions and buildings which are located within
the City of Ocoee shall be subject to the following additional conditions and limitations:
(a) Signs shall not be permitted to be placed on the site until a permit has been issued by
the City for the subdivision improvements.
(b) Utilization of temporary directional signs shall not be permitted beyond one (1) year
after a Certificate of Completion has been issued by the City for a subdivision or a phase
of the subdivision.
(c) A maximum of ten (10) temporary directional signs shall be permitted per each
separate subdivision.
(d) Builders shall not erect signs to buildings after the building has been sold or occupied.
(2) Garage Sales.
An owner of property or tenant who actually resides in a residential dwelling which is
his/her legal address shall be permitted to erect a maximum of four (4) temporary
directional signs in connection with a garage sale. One sign shall be placed on the
property where the actual garage sales is conducted. Actual signs are limited to the
signs issued by the City. Signs erected prior to 5:00 pm of the day preceding the sale
and/or not removed prior to 8:00 am of the day after the sale shall be picked up by the
City and the owner of the signs billed by the City for the removal of the sign(s). Fees for
cost of sign removal shall be determined by Resolution of the City Commission.
(3) Major Special Events.
Major Special Events are those Special Events that meet the City Code (Chapter 146 of
the Code of Ordinances) for special events and have been issued a Special Event Permit.
The number of temporary directional signs for Major Special Events is limited to ten
(10) signs. Additional signs may be obtained if requested in writing a minimum of five
(5) days prior to the Special Event. The City Manager has the authority to approve or
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deny additional signs. Any sign not erected as prescribed by this Section and/or erected
more than seven (7) days prior to the day of the special event or not removed by 8:00
am of the day after the last day of the special event will be picked up by the City and
the owner of the sign or permittee shall be billed by the City an amount determined by
Resolution of the City Commission. A nonprofit fraternal, benevolent, charitable,
religious, eleemosynary, philanthropic, altruistic, civic, community, veteran, education
organization or other organization of similar nature shall be exempt from payment of
temporary directional sign permit fees for Major Special Events.
(4) Minor Special Events.
Minor Special Events are defined as events that do not require the issuance of a City
Special Events Permit. The number of temporary directional signs for Minor Special
Events is limited to ten (10) signs. Additional signs may be obtained if requested in
writing a minimum of five (5) days prior to the special event. The City Manager has the
authority to approve or deny additional signs. Any sign not erected as prescribed by this
Section and/or erected more than seven (7) days prior to the day of the special event or
not removed by 8:00 am of the day after the last day of the special event will be picked
up by the City and the owner of the sign or permittee may be billed by the City in an
amount determined by Resolution of the City Commission. A non-profit fraternal,
benevolent, charitable, religious, eleemosynary, philanthropic, altruistic, civic,
community, veteran, education organization or other organization of similar nature
shall be exempt from payment of temporary directional sign permit fees for Minor
Special Events.
Advertisement signs attached to the backrest of benches on private or public property shall only
be permitted on benches expressly approved by the City Commission for the use, convenience and
comfort of public transportation customers. The maximum size of the bench advertising sign shall not
exceed two (2) feet by six (6) feet in any dimension. Fees for bench advertising signs placed on the
backrest of an approved public transportation sign shall be determined by Resolution of the City
The City may enter into written agreements for the installation of benches, including advertising
displayed thereon, within the right-of-way limits of any City, County or State road within the City,
except a limited access highway.
A. A new homes guide sign is defined as a permanent structure erected by the City on City road
rights -of -way or City owned or controlled property that provides space for signs giving
directions to new homes being constructed in the City of Ocoee and individual builder or
subdivision names with directional arrows. All references in this Section to a sign or signs refer
to new home guide signs.
B. The following standards shall apply to new home guide signs:
(1) Information presented on new home guide signs shall be limited to the builder's company
name or subdivision name and a directional arrow.
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(2) New homes guide sign structures and individual builder directional signs shall be erected by
the City of Ocoee at locations approved by the Development Review Committee.
(3) Builders, developers or homeowner organizations desiring to utilize the new homes guide
sign structure shall first submit an application for use to the City of Ocoee Building Division.
Approval of new homes guide sign locations shall be based upon the public health, safety
and welfare and shall consider the proximity and relationship of the proposed New Homes
Guide sign to other existing signage. No new homes guide sign shall be approved where
such sign constitutes a safety hazard of any kind.
(4) Only builders with active construction permits, developers who have obtained a subdivision
improvement permit, or homeowners association for platted subdivisions shall be
permitted to advertise on the New Homes Guide sign structure.
(5) Individual builders, developers and homeowner association subdivision signs shall be issued
for a one-year period beginning January 1 and ending December 31.
(6) All costs of sign structures and individual signs shall be paid by the advertising builders as
determined by the City.
(7) The City shall not be held responsible for stolen or damaged signs. All repair costs or
replacement costs of structures and/or signs shall be paid by the advertising builder prior to
replacement of signs.
(8) The City shall not be held responsible for the temporary or permanent removal of new
homes guide structures or signs during construction projects in the road rights -of -way or on
City owned or controlled property.
(9) Sign spaces shall be approved by the Building Official and Planning Director. Any dispute
concerning the assignment of sign space shall be determined by the Development Review
(10) New homes guide sign structures and individual sign designs shall be approved by the
City Commission upon recommendation of the Development Review Committee.
A. A non-profit fraternal, benevolent, charitable religious, eleemosynary, philanthropic, altruistic,
civic, community, veteran education organization or other organization of similar nature may
apply to the Building and Zoning Official for a permit to request the City to erect up to a
maximum of three (3) directional signs on public rights -of -way located within the corporate
limits of the City of Ocoee. Such signs shall be only for the purpose of directing attention to the
location of the organization located elsewhere than on the premises where the sign is located
and shall not be used for advertising purposes. No other signs shall be permitted to be used for
this purpose and existing signs shall be removed.
B. Applications for off -premises directional signs under this Section shall be submitted in writing to
the Building Department and shall contain all pertinent information relating to the applicant,
the location of the proposed signs and other information as requested by the City. If the
Building and Zoning Official determines that the application is complete and has been submitted
by a qualified organization, the application shall be forwarded to the Development Review
Committee for review and action. The Development Review Committee shall review the permit
application based upon the public health, safety and welfare and shall consider the proximity
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and relationship of the proposed off -premises directional sign to other existing signage. No
application for an off -premises directional sign shall be approved where such sign constitutes a
safety hazard of any kind. All approvals or denials shall be in writing on, or accompanied by, one
copy of the application.
C. If the Development Review Committee approves an application, the Building and Zoning Official
shall issue a permit. Thereafter, the City will construct or purchase such directional signs and
will erect the signs; provided, however, that if any permits or approvals are required by other
governmental agencies having jurisdiction over the public rights -of -way in which such signs are
proposed to be erected then the applicant shall be responsible to obtain all permits and
approvals prior to the erection thereof by the City. All costs and expenses associated with the
construction and erection of the directional signs shall be promptly reimbursed to the City by
the applicant.
D. All off -premises directional signs shall be located within one-half mile of the applicant's
E. The maximum size of an off -premises directional sign shall be eighteen (18) by twenty-four (24)
F. The maximum height of an off -premises directional sign shall be ten (10) feet.
G. All off -premises directional signs shall be of uniform color with a blue background with white
letters of a high intensity reflective material.
H. The sign post of all off -premises directional signs shall be of a breakaway design as approved by
the Public Works Director.
I. All off -premises directional signs for non-profit organizations shall be maintained in good
condition. Any such sign damaged by any reason shall be removed by the City and not replaced
until all cost of removal, refurbishing, and erection of the sign has been paid to the City. The
cost of removal, re -furbishing and erection shall be determined by the Public Works Director.
Signage on individual parcels located within an Activity Center may be restricted as to size, height,
location and number, consistent with a coordinated identification system program established for the
area. It is the intent of this Section to promote higher quality signage standards within Activity Center
Areas than those typically permitted under the Standard Provisions of the Ocoee Land Development
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