HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-02-2022 Minutes CITY OF OCOEE Minutes of the Human Relations Diversity Board Regular Meeting Held June 2, 2022 I:CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chair Elect Hart at 6:16 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall located at 150 North Lakeshore Drive,Ocoee. Chair Elect Hart led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag,followed by a moment of personal reflection. Recording Clerk Sibbitt performed roll call and declared quorum present. Present:Chair Elect Hart and Members: Dawkins, Maxwell;Carr, Brown,Ages Hart, Middleton, Dorsica, Lomneck, Kennedy, and Mellen Absent: Chair Robinson-Anderson Also Present:Assistant Support Services Director Gaines and Recording Clerk Sibbitt Guest(s): Commissioner Brinson and Jennifer Yon,Jennifer Yon Agency Public Comments: Jim Moyer, Ocoee Resident, shared personal circumstances which required him to resign from all the volunteer groups he was a member of: and further,expressed why he requested to not be reappointed to the HRDB Board. Marcus Riggins, Ocoee Resident, introduced himself, shared his background, and asked for consideration to be a part of the Board. Chair Elect Hart encouraged Mr. Riggins to get information for joining a board on the City's website. Russell Drake,Orlando Resident, introduced himself and commended the Board for its existence and the programs it has sponsored. Past Chair Maxwell thanked Mr. Drake for his comments; and further, shared information on the creation of the HRDB and the establishment of Diversity Board's in other municipalities. II: BUSINESS FOR DISCUSSION A. Approval of Minutes for the HRDB meeting held May 5, 2022: Motion: Move to Approve the May 5, 2022, Minutes; Moved by Member Dawkins,seconded by Member Ages Hart. Motion carried unanimously. B. Review List of Monthly Occasions: Recording Clerk Sibbitt explained this was added at the request of the Board when setting their agenda in May. She shared that the handouts provided by former HRDB member,Jim Moyer, and Member Kennedy are before the Board for their review and consideration. General discussion ensued about the complexity of the list provided, national days being recognized on the City's website and Ocoee TV, but not necessarily as an event project, and the time commitment needed by members to host events. It was shared that the Board already voted on recognizing diversity in the City by approving to send a representative once a month to the Commission Meetings to present a proclamation or highlight minority businesses in the community; and further,the discussion should be how to implement this new process. Member Kennedy explained the purpose of the list he created and reminded the Board of their objective as written in their Bylaws. He briefly explained the form he created,which was provided to the Board,to assist with keynote speaker submission for events such as the MLK Parade. Further HRDB Regular Meeting June 2, 2022 discussion ensued on the simple acts that can be done to facilitate the awareness of diversity in the Community, and the past events that were hosted by the Board and the issues experienced. Motion: Move to have each member report back, at the next meeting, their preference of a heritage cultural month they want to recognize;Moved by Member Kennedy,seconded by Mellen. Motion carried unanimously. C. 2023 MLK Parade Committee Report: Member Dawkins commended Member Kennedy for the creation of his keynote speaker submission form and explained the need to discuss the selection for keynote speaker for the MLK Parade. She provided names of potential keynote speakers that were shared at the May meeting. Keynote speakers recommended: • Daralene Jones,Anchor Reporter for WFTV • Dr.Jeffrey Redding, Director of Choral Activities at West Orange High School • Leon W. Russell, Chair, NAACP National Board of Directors • Ben Watson, Former NFL Super Bowl Champion Member Dawkins announced that Mr. Allie Braswell Jr. agreed to be the Master of Ceremonies for the event. Member Dorisca inquired if the Elected Officials will also speak. Member Dawkins answered in the affirmative and shared past event details. Motion: Move to recommend that members complete a speaker submission form for any speakers being considered for an HRDB event; Moved by Member Kennedy, seconded by Lomneck. Motion carried unanimously. Member.Dawkins also announced that the West Oaks Mall has agreed to allow them to use its venue for the ceremony; however,they no longer have a stage so one will need to be rented. Citrus Elementary also confirmed use of its campus for parade line-up. Member Dawkins advised an email will be sent out to the four(4) keynote speakers recommended to determine interest. D. Ocoee Election Day Massacre Remembrance Subcommittee Report: Member Carr provided the Board with the May 24th Subcommittee Minutes he drafted. He further explained his absence from the April Subcommittee meeting,and Regular Board meeting, as he wanted to clarify the questions that were raised about his absence during the May meeting. Brief discussion ensued. Member Carr updated the Board on the submissions of the Special Event Permits with Ocoee,Winter Garden,and Oakland for the Buffalo Soldier Honor Ride. He asked Jennifer Yon to provide an overview on the event details and advised that the proposal from Andrea Riley is also included. He explained that the Subcommittee is seeking to present the proposal from the Jennifer Yon Agency to the City Commission on June 21st for approval.Jennifer Yon provided an overview of the proposal and elaborated on items that were inserted after their May meeting. A discussion ensued about the event and if it would be City sponsored so that assistance may be provided with the golf tournament. Recording Clerk Sibbitt explained what would be needed by the Board so that a staff report could be created for the June 21'City Commission Meeting. Brief discussion ensued. Motion: Move to recommend the presentation of the proposal provided by Jennifer Yon Agency to the City Commission for their review and consideration; Moved by Member Mellen,seconded by Member Lomneck. Brief discussion ensued on the golf tournament cost and if it would be a City sponsored event,costs of last year's two-day event,and the timeline with checklist provided to members on event planning. Page J2 HRDB Regular Meeting June 2, 2022 Motion carried unanimously. Member Lomneck commented that during a previous meeting the Board voted for him to present before the City Commission as a representative for the HRDB. He wanted to clarify if the Board is requesting Member Carr to represent this proposal since he has requested to do so as Subcommittee Chair. Motion: Move to approve Member Carr as Subcommittee Chair to present the recommendations for the 2022 Ocoee Remembrance event to the City Commission; Moved by Member Carr,seconded by Member Ages Hart. Motion carried unanimously. E. Hispanic Heritage Month Discussion: This item was tabled to the next HRDB Meeting. Brief discussion ensued to determine if a July meeting was needed as the Board typically cancels the July meeting in observance of the Independence Day Holiday. Motion: Move to hold a Special Session Meeting on Thursday, July 14th or any date within that week that the Clerk deems appropriate; Moved by Member Lomneck, seconded by Member Mellen. Motion carried unanimously. F. Ocoee Sculpture Discussion: Past Chair Maxwell asked for this item to be tabled to the July 14th Meeting. Member Carr inquired if the$10,000 budgeted for the sculpture would be lost if not used this fiscal year.Assistant Support Services Director Gaines answered in the affirmative. Valada Flewellyn, ATJ Representative, introduced herself and explained the Alliance for Truth and Justice (ATJ) organization.She summarized the history of their organization with the HRDB and its support to partner with the Board.She further encouraged support of the sculpture that has been discussed during past meetings, instead of a memorial wall. Member Lomneck inquired if there was any funding from their organization for the requested sculpture. Ms. Flewelling shared they would support fundraising efforts and should the Board decide not to place the sculpture in Ocoee they will consider a similar sculpture in Orlando or another location. Assistant Support Services Director Gaines summarized the discussion the Board had on Unity Park and the recommendation for a memorial wall as well as the statue of the children holding hands. Past Chair Maxwell explained the sculpture concept by Brian Owen. Member Middleton left 7:54 PM G. Election of Chair-Elect: Chair Lori Hart explained she had initially considered not accepting the Chair position due to personal reasons and time commitments required of her for education advancements; however, after much thought she decided to give this Board all she has and will continue as Chair. The floor was open to accept nominations for Chair-Elect. Nominations were received for Member Kennedy, Member Dorisca, and Member Dawkins. Member Dorisca declined her nomination. Page 13 HRDB Regular Meeting June 2, 2022 Vote to elect Member Kennedy as Chair-Elect;Vote failed 4-6 with Chair Lori Hart and Members Maxwell,Carr, Brown,Ages Hart,and Dorisca opposing. Vote to elect Member Dawkins as Chair-Elect;Vote passed 9-1 with Member Lomneck opposing. Ill: Board and Staff Comments: Past Chair Maxwell briefly commented on the Board's role and shared his support on the appointment of Member Dawkins as Chair-Elect. IV:Set Next Agenda—Special Session A. Approval of Minutes for June 2, 2022, meeting B. Hispanic Heritage Month—Fiesta de Colores C. Ocoee Sculpture Discussion D. Ocoee Election Day Massacre Remembrance Subcommittee Report E. Review of Heritage Cultural Month List Provided by each Board Member F. 2023 MLK Parade Committee Report Adjournment: meeting adjourned at 8:08 PM ATTEST: APPROVED: 14titija- Melanie Sibbitt, Recording Clerk Chairperson Page 14