HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-16-2022 Supporting Documents City of Ocoee trump-from-hear-never-will-you-what-here-stops-buck-Source: https://www.themichiganpost.com/the(some emphasis added)governed….” way the country was for the personal responsibilityto anyone else but accepted that he didn’t This was meant to indicate 'The buck stops here'with Truman had a sign on his desk “…U.S. president Harry S. In Ocoee, Florida the buck stops on this dais with YOU, our leadership!Jim Moyer, Doctorate in Organizational Leadership Commission Meeting THE ASK City of Ocoee their approval or disapprovalHave this CICAC within a specified timeframe provide the Commission with a proposal for 6.Budget $25K this CICAC to sent out citizen surveys, maybe town halls5.housing developments, race, gender, interests, etc.Structure this CICAC so it is diverse in every respect including the commission districts, 4.Structure this CICAC with alternates to minimize risk of lack of a quorum3.our city is known for (current, positive)Charge this CICAC with establishing something IN ADDITION TO the Ocoee Massacre that 2.Create new volunteer CITY IMAGE citizens advisory committee (CICAC)1.Create New City Image Citizens Advisory Council Jim Moyer, Doctorate in Organizational Leadership August 16, 2022City Commission Meeting BACKGROUND AND RATIONALE City of Ocoee RESULTS3. KNOW THYSELF+THY CITY2. for what you do and do not do)(responsible RESPONSIBILITYCollective and personal 1.Three Effective Leaders Traits Jim Moyer, Doctorate in Organizational Leadership Commission Meeting City of Ocoee Jim Moyer, Doctorate in Organizational Leadership Commission Meeting City of Ocoee Maya Angelou—achieve that beauty.changes it has gone through to butterfly, but rarely admit the We delight in the beauty of the Jim Moyer, Doctorate in Organizational Leadership Commission Meeting City of Ocoee What is Ocoee known for?2. almost all about new roads C. “Incorporation and modern history” comparatively little about remembrance and little about mediaof which is related to this past horrific and inhumane event,) the vast majorityhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ocoee_massacre(with a separate Wikipedia website B. “Ocoee Massacre” A. “Founding and early history”1.(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ocoee,_Florida)KNOWN FOR?–City of Ocoee Jim Moyer, Doctorate in Organizational Leadership Commission Meeting City of OcoeeRETURNS SETTING IN?Despite these amazing results, IS THE LAW OF DIMINISHING 4.and the Orange County Regional History Center Displayyear anniversary -Countless local initiatives including the 1003.GREAT!–Teaching children in Florida schools 2.historically significant inhumane atrocityThrough the internet everyone can know about this 1.OUTSTANDING RESULTS–Remembering Ocoee Massacre Jim Moyer, Doctorate in Organizational Leadership Commission Meeting City of Ocoee Jim Moyer, Doctorate in Organizational Leadership Commission Meeting City of Ocoee Organizational LeadershipJim Moyer, Doctorate in August 16, 2022MeetingCommission City of Ocoee Vincent van Gogh’”spell of ‘you can’tbreak “the .” They must SOMETHING warmth… steps in and DOES“The man of faith, of energy, of by Jim Moyer, Doctorate in Organizational Leadership August 16, 2022Commission Meeting City of Ocoee: focus on customers, build community within and between teams.Building community10.: develop your team in their current role and in preparation for future roles.Commitment to growth of people9.: Serve and help your team before servants too.Stewardship8.: Show your team a brighter future.Foresight7.: help your team members exceed their potential.Conceptualization6.: understand your team members’ views and concerns, lead by example.Persuasion5.awareness as a foundation for leadership.-: invest time and energy in developing selfAwareness4.full’ life.-: help each team member lead a fulfilling and ‘purposeHealing3.: accept people for who they are, make your team your first priority.Empathy2.: focus on connecting and helping people to grow.Listening1.The 10 characteristics of servant leadership can be summarized as follows:leadership/-servant-characteristics-Source: https://www.skillpacks.com/10 Practice Servant Leadership Jim Moyer, Doctorate in Organizational Leadership August 16, 2022Commission Meeting CITY OF OCOEE ‘kk, 1 N. Bluford Avenue OCOeC� Ocoee, Florida 34761 rlorlda 407-905-3100 SPEAKING RESERVATION FORM NOTE: All submitted speaking reservation forms are public records under Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, and are open to inspection by all persons. DATE Ab� I,(�s4- I(JI?o22_ �� NAME Y1(�W'Y ieiy(' -/(!��!)l nA'Y PHONE# OCOEE RESIDENT YES F NO ❑ (OPTIONAL)ADDRESS SF � J \/ (y) Dr, CITY nr ne P_ ZIP CODE )/l (-3 - I- E-MAIL Y? G60 -1 (C ). c,(()I . (-r--)t"1') I want to address the Board about (Please,provide Item #-and/or-topic), r (\i v \ t\flY dor Inv 1-1 i)6 -ee-4-r ft Do you have a prepared statement, or other document(s) from which you will address the Board? No X Yes if yes, please attach copy of same to this Reservation Form. All proceedings before the Commission shall be governed by the Civility Code —see back The following time limits to speak are in effect: Public Hearings: petitioner presentation - 15 minutes; citizen comments-5 minutes per speaker; petitioner rebuttal-5 minutes. Open to Public—Citizens Comments -3 minutes per speaker, per meeting. CITY OF OCOEE 41 - 1 N. Bluford Avenue OCO�C Ocoee, Florida 34761 fl orid a 407-905-3100 SPEAKING RESERVATION FORM NOTE: All submitted speaking reservation forms are public records under Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, and are open to irnp�ection by�all persons. DATE (/iil�l 7 p O (�NAME 61)240 J 1 (}r h et4c- PHONE#3Z/ Zz OCOEE RESIDENT YES,J NO ❑ (OPTIONAL)ADDRESS ,y� CITY ZIP CODE E-MAIL 4 , /////96, l/ # 1 I want to address the Board about (Please provide Item # and/or topic): Do ou have a prepared statement, or other document(s)from which you will address the Board? No( Yes if yes, please attach copy of same to this Reservation Form. All proceedings before the Commission shall be governed by the Civility Code —see back The following time limits to speak are in effect: Public Hearings: petitioner presentation - 15 minutes; citizen comments-5 minutes per speaker; petitioner rebuttal -5 minutes. Open to Public—Citizens Comments-3 minutes per speaker, per meeting.