HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-11-2022 Minutes CITY OF OCOEE Minutes of the Human Relations Diversity Board Regular Meeting Held August 11,2022 I:CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chair Hart at 6:16 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall located at 1 North Bluford Avenue, Ocoee. Chair Hart led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, followed by a moment of personal reflection. Recording Clerk Sibbitt performed roll call and declared a quorum present. Present: Chair Hart and Members: Anderson-Robinson, Dawkins, Maxwell (arrived at 6:45 PM), Ages Hart, Middleton, Dorsica, Lomneck, Kennedy, and Mellen Absent: Member(s) Brown and Carr • Also Present: Assistant Support Services Director Gaines and Recording Clerk Sibbitt Public Comments: None II: BUSINESS FOR DISCUSSION A. Approval of Minutes for the HRDB meeting held July 14, 2022: Motion: Move to Approve the July 14, 2022, Minutes; Moved by Member Lomneck, seconded by Member Dorisca. Motion carried unanimously. B. Hispanic Heritage Month- Fiesta De Colores: Member Lomneck shared he has spoken to a few businesses in Ocoee about a Hispanic Heritage Month event and believed the Board may be able to receive some sponsorships and assistance with an event.Assistant Support Services Director Gaines inquired if the Hispanic Chambers is still interested in helping with an event. Member Lomneck shared he has been unable to speak with anyone, but has left messages with them. Assistant Support Services Director Gaines provided the budget numbers from 2015,as requested. C. Ocoee Sculpture & Unity Park Monument Discussion: The Ocoee Sculpture discussion was tabled as Member Maxwell was not present to provide an update. Member Lomneck commented on the Unity Park monument which will be fully sponsored by local businesses. He commented that he will bring exhibits to share at a future meeting. Member Lomneck briefly explained the monument design. He further shared information on a discussion that occurred at the Budget Workshop about the Hallowed Ground and a proposed reflective garden. Recording Clerk Sibbitt provided clarification on the proposed Hallowed Ground plans and advised discussions will occur with the City Attorney. Additionally, design concepts for the Hallowed Ground will be drafted by City staff and can be brought before the Board for their input once finalized. D. Ocoee Election Day Massacre Remembrance Subcommittee Report: Member Middleton explained he had to leave early last meeting and apologized that he missed the update on the Subcommittee Report.Member Kennedy provided an update on the City Commission approval for the funding allocated for the Ocoee Remembrance Event. Assistant Support Services Director Gaines advised, after the City Commission approval, a deposit was provided to the Jennifer Yon Agency and the remainder of the funding will be provided after the event.Member Lomneck inquired if additional funding will be in the budget for other events. HRDB Regular Meeting August 11, 2022 Assistant Support Services Director Gaines shared that there are funds allocated in the FY22/23 for future events and Community Promotions, and confirmed there is$30,000 allocated for the Ocoee Remembrance Event. Chair Hart asked for clarification on the funding approved by the City Commission, and if it was for payments towards putting the event together.Assistant Support Services Director Gaines shared that the program details which provided a breakdown in funding included costs for the Sunday event hosted by the church. Member Lomneck shared that the Mayor was able to get Orange County Pottys to donate porta potties for the Ocoee Remembrance event and asked for someone to reach out to the Jennifer Yon Agency so she could adjust the invoice accordingly. E. Review of Heritage Culture Month List Provided by Members: Member Kennedy provided an update that they have four volunteers so far to champion a month, and inquired if there were any other members willing to volunteer. Member Ages Hart shared he will champion October, World Teachers' Day, and also shared he would like to recognize Healthcare Workers.A brief discussion ensued on some of the current proclamations presented which recognize the City's Healthcare Programs such as Healthy West Orange's Healthy Selfie. Member Kennedy inquired about placing information on the City's website such as recognizing local businesses and cultural heritages, and was informed the City has a policy to only publish information about City services on the website. Further discussion ensued on the processes for placing a proclamation before the City Commission and posting information on the City's Facebook page. Past Chair Anderson-Robinson shared she would like to champion February, Black History Month. Member Mellen voiced his concern with having too many proclamations in a month as he felt they would diminish the significance of the process. Member Kennedy explained there is a need for promotion and recognition of diversity, and suggested they invite someone to accept a proclamation versus having a proclamation read. Recording Clerk Sibbitt reminded the Board that some City Commission meetings may already have three to four proclamations to present in addition to what the Board suggests. Member Maxwell inquired what the Board is trying to accomplish and reminded the members the Board has a limited number of volunteers. He further voiced concerns with obligating the Board to volunteer above and beyond service as a member. Member Kennedy shared what residents have spoken to him about their perception of the Board and the limited events they participate in. He further explained the Board's need to appeal to the 50,000 residents and the diversity they represent. Discussion ensued and members voiced their concerns on comments that were shared. F. 2023 MLK Parade Update: Chair Elect Dawkins shared information on the funding allocation for the 2019 MLK Parade, and commented she is not sure what the current funding will be. Assistant Support Services Director Gaines advised there is$8,000 in the budget for the 2023 MLK Parade. Page J2 HRDB Regular Meeting August 11, 2022 Ill: Board and Staff Comments: Member Kennedy inquired if the Diverse List of Occasions before them could be replaced with the one he created. Chair Hart explained she requested this be placed before them, but will have City staff provide them with his list at the next meeting. Member Kennedy shared he created a spreadsheet, but he would need to update it. Member Maxwell apologized for his tardiness and asked that going forward if the discussions of the Ocoee Sculpture and Unity Park Monument be placed separately on the agenda as they are not related. Recording Clerk Sibbitt advised that Member Carr was unable to attend this evening's meeting, but he will be in attendance next month and will provide an update on the Ocoee Remembrance program details. She further shared Commissioner Oliver also intended to attend this evening, but was delayed at the airport. IV:Set Next Agenda A. Approval of Minutes for August 11, 2022 B. Hispanic Heritage Month—Fiesta de Colores C. Ocoee Sculpture D. Unity Park Monument E. Ocoee Election Day Massacre Remembrance Subcommittee Report F. Review of Heritage Cultural Month List Provided by Members G. 2023 MLK Parade Update Adjournment: meeting adjourned at 7:07 PM ATTEST: APPROVED: ,-*//1(/eid4.4(- Melanie Sibbitt, Recording Clerk Chairperson Page 13