HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 22 429 Business Center Phase II West - Large Scale Preliminary Site Plan, Project No. LS-2022-009Meeting Date: September 20, 2022 Item eviewed By: / Contact Name: Anoch Whitfield, Zoning Department Director: Michael r Contact Number: 407-554-7079 City Manager: Robert Frank/&6XV Subject: 429 Business Center Phase II West Large -kale Preliminary Site Plan Project o: LS-2022-009 ommis ion District # Richard Firstner BackgroundSummary: The subject property consists of three (3) parcels, totaling approximately 5.58 acres, and is located on the east side of Pine Street, beginning approximately 462 feet north of Palm Drive. Although the parcels are still wooded, they are currently developed for single-family residential uses. The table below lists the future land use designations, zoning classifications, and existing land uses of the surrounding parcels. Direction Future Land Use Zoning Classification Existing Land Use North Low Density Residential R-1A Residential South Low Density Residential & High Density Residential R-1A and County A-2 Stormwater pond & SFR East Conservation & Light Industrial 1-1 Vacant West Low Density Residential A-2 & R-1A Residential The subject property fronts on Pine Street and is located within the SR 429 Overlay District Business Center Character Area, adopted by Ordinance No. 2017-020 on July 18, 2017, and the Wekiva Study Area. The 429 Business Center Phase II West development is a light industrial and flex warehouse development, totaling 70,720 SF of leaseable space contained in a single building. The 429 Business Center Phase II West development is part of a larger development, which includes 429 Business Center Phase II East, located on the east side of the canal and west side of Ocoee Apopka Road, and the All Stars Headquarters project, located on the west side of Ocoee Apopka Road and north of a 50-foot right-of-way proposed as part of Phase II East. The site proposes two (2) driveway access points off of Pine Street; however, based on the conditions of approval for the Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map Amendment and Rezoning for these properties, industrial and commercial traffic and vehicles will not utilize Pine Street. Mechanisms will be required to be put in place to limit or avoid cut -through traffic once Pine Street is improved. Instead, the development of this site will be dependent upon and utilize the future east -west road within the proposed 50-foot right-of-way located along the north property boundary and extending to Ocoee Apopka Road. This new roadway will be designed and constructed to City standards and will be dedicated to the City. It is consistent with the transportation vision for the Business Character District and will connect this project to the Phase II East project. The site plan will need to be revised to indicate on -site utilities and show how this project will be connected to off -site utilities. Irrigation shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 175, Code of Ordinances, and no trees or large shrubs shall be planted on or in close proximity to public utilities that will impact utilities. Stormwater will be provided on -site at the rear of the property adjacent to the canal. The site plan needs to be revised to show darker drainage easement lines along the canal and to show the 100-year flood elevation line. Issue: Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commission approve a proposed Large -Scale Preliminary Site Plan for the 429 Business Center Phase 11 West development located at 701, 707, and 711 Pine Street, assigned parcel ID numbers 18-22-28-0000-00-005, 18-22-28-0000-00-106 and 18-22-28-0000-00-105? Development Review Recommendation: On September 6, 2022, the DRC met to determine if the proposed Preliminary Site Plan for the 429 Business Center Phase II West was consistent with the City's regulations and intent for the character area. The Development Review Committee voted to recommend approval of the project subject to the following conditions: Conditioned upon Final Site Plan review, resolution of outstanding comments, and the applicant working with the Utilities Department for the installation of the offsite utilities as well as ownership and maintenance of them. Execution of a Development Agreement relative to the dedication of 24.5-foot right-of-way along Ocoee Apopka Road and the proposed 50-foot ROW for the new east -west road along the north side of the subject property, and Commercial and industrial, vehicular traffic associated with this industrial development will not be permitted to access or utilize Pine Street, and signage and other mechanisms will be put in place at the time of construction and improvements of Pine Street to limit the use of Pine Street by cut -through traffic to and from Ocoee Apopka Road. Planning and Zoning CommissionRecommendation: Due to the timing of the Planning & Zoning meeting, recommendations will be forthcoming. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Honorable Mayor and City Commission approve the proposed Large -Scale Preliminary Site Plan for the 429 Business Center Phase 11 West development located at 701, 707, and 711 Pine Street, assigned parcel ID numbers 18-22-28-0000-00-005, 18-22-28-0000-00-106 and 18-22-28-0000- 00-105, subject to the following conditions: Conditioned upon Final Site Plan review, resolution of outstanding comments, and the applicant working with the Utilities Department for the installation of the offsite utilities as well as ownership and maintenance of them. Execution of a Development Agreement relative to the dedication of 24.5-foot right-of-way along Ocoee Apopka Road and the proposed 50-foot ROW for the new east -west road along the north side of the subject property, and Commercial and industrial, vehicular traffic associated with this industrial development will not be permitted to access or utilize Pine Street, and signage and other mechanisms will be put in place at the time of construction and improvements of Pine Street to limit the use of Pine Street by cut -through traffic to and from Ocoee Apopka Road. ITAGP%ff"ttr=_ Location Map Aerial Zoning Map Preliminary Site Plan for 429 Business Center Phase 11 West Landscape Plan Renderings Financial Impact: None Type of Item: (please mark with an'Y) X Public Hearing Ordinance 1st Reading Public Heahng(S8CPA) f Consent Agenda Ordinance Second Reading Public Hearing Resolution Regular Agenda _)XCommission Approval Discussion &Direction ---' Original Docu me nt/Con tract Attached for Execution by City Clerk Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed bvCity Attorney NA\ Reviewed byFinance Dept. N64 Reviewed by ____ N/4 I._-i,t., ,i'•.''.*„.' _ i -.. . 4 z i.#4 1EIC • li oii ,.. -*sr. 4.. . ../1L 7A:--‘..illl'. i;.ii,llr,,,,,i,f_ ,,, ci:)1=". 4 1 ! r 1" + . 1 '.* 1. . '�wia R. .4 4. o ,.t. �I„,.... t4..13 ' I. r1 P ••1 Iill'r y I ' �1' 1III Ai 4,016 .ea. • ..:yaa: . , Ilk-*- . V/— '' r `+: I • Imo• . , t�► 'CO:: .06.. e 414 IV". 4-1!. -4 .- •11., ru 5.+....r a..M. 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'ROPER.TT� 1.I :.... .__.. _ _ ZONING: R-IA q i 1 - SOILS - POMELLO FINE SAND SMYRNA-SMYRNA, WET. FINE SAND WABASSO TIME SAND PROJECT BENCHMARI( SOURCE: BOUNDARY h TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY OF 701, 707, AND 711 PINE STREET, OCOEE, FLORIDA, SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH, RANGE 28 EAST, ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA AS PREPARED BY BENCHMARK SURVEYING h MAPPING, LLC, JANUARY 5, 2022. THE ELEVATIONS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON ORANGE COUNTY VERTICAL CONTROL NETWORK. SPECIFICALLY, BENCHMARK NUMBER CIOS10I6, PUBLISHED ELEVATION IS 122.74 FEET, RELATIVE TO THE NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM (NAVD) OF 1988, GRAPHIC SCALE ( IN FEET) LEGEND: HEAVY-DUTY ASPHALT I CONCRETE WALK PAVEMENT UGHT-DUTY ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT �_j PAVEMENT APPLICANT CONTACT INFORMATION J. WILSON MCDOWELL 250 S. ORANGE AVENUE, SUITE 700P ORLANDO, FL 32801 PHONE: 407-930-1601 EMAIL: WHSON.MCDOWELLOAM.JLL.COM PROPERTY INFORA'IATION ADDRESSES: 711 PINE STREET, OCOEE, FL 34761 707 PINE STREET, OCOEE, FLI "" 701 PINE STREET, OCOEE, FL 3476 PARCEL IDs: 18 22 28 0000 00-105 18-22-28JI00 00-106 18-22-28-0000-00-005 EXISTING SITE AREA: 256,932 SF / 5.90 AC PROPOSED SITE AREA: 231,511 SF / 5.31 AC ZONING SUBJECT SITE: 1-1 NORTH: 1-1 SOUTH: R 1A EAST: 1-1 WEST: R IA, A-2 LOCATION MAP tiITE HOT TO SCALE BUILDING SETBACI(.S REQUIRED: PROVIDED: WEST (FRONT): 35, 77' NORTH (SIDE): 15, 15' SOUTH (SIDE): 20' 46' EAST: (REAR) 10' 205, BUILDING INFORAATION MAXIMUM PERMITTED BUILDING COVERAGE: 3OX PROPOSED BUILDING COVERAGE: 70,720 / 256,932 = 28X' MAXIMUM PERMITTED BUILDING HEIGHT, INDUSTRIAL' TWO-STORY PROPOSED BUILDING HEIGHT: ONE-STORY 'PROPOSED BUILDING COVERAGE IS BASED ON THE SITE AREA PRIOR TO RIGHT-OF-V/AY DEDICATIONS. PARKING COUNT: PROPOSED STANDARD SPACES: 72 PROPOSED ACCESSIBLE SPACES: 4 TOTAL P OPOSED "Al— 76 2uu:1vS MAXIMUM PERMITTED IMPERVIOUS SURFACE: 70% PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS SURFACE: 69%. SF AC X PROPOSED PERVIOUS AREA: 79,455 1.82 31 PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS AREA: 177,477 4.07 69 OTAL AN 2 , 2 s.1a 0 'PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS SURFACE PERCENTAGE IS BASED ON THE SITE AREA PRIOR TO RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATIONS FLOODPI.AIN NOTE SUBJECT PROPERTY UES WITHIN ZONE X, AN AREA DETERMINED TO 8E OUTSIDE THE 0.2% ANNUAL CHALICE FLOODPLAIN, AND ZONE AE, AND AREA WHERE BASE FLOOD ELEVATIONS ARE DETERMINED (114') ACCORDING TO THE NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM, FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP NUMBER 12095CO210H, DATED SEPTEMBER 24, 2021. 385 Douglas Avenue, Ste 2100 Altamonte Spr'ngs, FL 32714 Telephone 407.478.8750 Facsimile 407 478.8749 II R I Ili u..aun d�,eripnnn dele 0 0 1 I- .1D chcu dI': sere .lore: to/=t/^ou plotscale Asst owN proicat.—N-. N/A file name: Coot-C'ONC- l.1G0.m-4VHS iienarnm : Wh-CIXiC-11TSG}ORI-W.cSLdxa Rat Rule N11 j BONNETT d,,ign g,-p, 11, ff,1,c26(Y0)341 400S. flkvd,�A,, SW1,2111 Aktd1, FL 327" tii 407,622.1588 i, �—r IL -T �. - --- - � Intl � �� � � I ' n tu 2L5 TRW LIVIE OAK VEHICULAR USE AREA TREES SOUTHERN MAGNOLIA BUFFER TREE@ 2 / 100 L.F. 3'EVERGREEN ]EDGE aI ).F 11�, ip". 2CKI 1t, DL- 2 1,1 5/R' 77— 01 ,d T -V PTIli I R, 123 11 I � a ;zt it I 1 i 2=t"AW-LA PH-10L" FM PW ks. 74 M2 k2b- —u Sto 2100 m L 32714 47&8750 rocsknze 407,47&8749 Digitally signed by Todd W Bonnett Date: 2022.06.21 13:23:59 -04'00' T—dWP,.un,1t,1(1A F1,#LA1718 s o IIIO d—fipfi.. d.1, Ins 0 Ins Ins d.,,. by. I)VB checked b,-. DYB plot AS SHOWN pll�j" t .—b- N1 11AIE-WEYEMYG GENERAL REQUIREMENTS The Landscape Contractor shall be responsible for all materials and all work as called for on the landscape plans. The list of plant quantities accompanying the plans shall be used as guide only. If a discrepancy occurs between the plans and the plant list, the plans shall control. The Landscape Contractor shall womanly all trees, shrubs, and ground covers for a period of one (I ) year from the time of final acceptance by Owner, Grounds Department Representative, and Landscape Architect. The Landscape Contractor shall be wholly responsible for the stability and plumb condition of all trees and shall be legally liable for any damage caused by the instability of any plant material Stalking of trees shall be done utilizing a method prescribed by Orange County Public Schools. The Landscape Contractor shall research plans and contact appropriate agencies to determine the location of any utilities and obstructions prior to commencing work. Any utilities or unanticipated obstructions shall be reported to Landscape Architect or Owner immediately. All plant material areas shall have an automatic underground irrigation system providing 1007 coverage. See Irrigation Design Plans for extent of irrigation for sodded areas. Positive drainage shall be maintained away from all structures on the site. PLANT SPECIFICATIONS All nursery stock plant material shall be Florida #I or better in accordance with Grades and Standards for Nursery Plants Paris I & 11, latest edition as published by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services- Division of Plant Industry. All plant material shall be planted, fertilized and mulched as per the plant details and planting specifications noted on the plans. All container grown material shall be weed free, healthy, vigorous, well rooted plants, and established in the container in which they are delivered to the site. The plants shall have tops which are goad quality and in a healthy growing condition. Established container grown plant material shall be grown in that container sufficiently long enough for the new fibrous roots to have developed enabling the root mass to retain it's shape when removed the container. Plants which have become root bound in the container are unacceptable. All plant material that is not container grown shall be freshly dug, sound, healthy, vigorous, well branched, and free of disease and insect eggs and larvae, and shall have adequate root systems. Where any requirements are omitted from the plant fist, the plants furnished shall be normal for the variety. Plants may be pruned prior to delivery only upon the approval of the Landscape Architect. FERTILIZER Granular fertilizer shall be uniform in composition, dry and free flowing. This fertilizer shall be delivered 10 the site in the original unopened bags bearing the manufacturer's statement of analysis. Granular fertilizer shall be a controlled release variety meeting the following requirements: sixteen percent 1167.) nitrogen, four percent 147.) phosphorus, eight percent (87.) potassium, plus iron. Application Rates: Plant size 16-4-8 1 gallon 1/4 lb. 3 gallon 1/3 lb. 5 gallon 1 /3 lb. 7-15 gallon 1/21b. 1"- 6" carper 21bs, per I" caliper 6"+caliper 316s. per 1"caliper Sodded areas shall receive an application of the granular fertilizer It 6-4-8) of a rate of 1 /2 to. of Nitrogen per 1,000 square feet of sod area. All Fertilizer shall be applied no sooner than 30 days after plant material, trees, and sod has been installed. SOIL Planting soil for use in preparing the backfill material for planting pits shall be added a rate of fifty percent (507.) planting soil to fifty percent (50%) existing soil. This soil mix shall be used in all plant pits. Planting soil shall be a fertile, friable natural topsoil of loamy character. It shall contain forty (40) to fifty 150) percent decomposed organic matter and be free of heavy clay, stones larger than 1"in diameter, noxious weeds and plants, sod, partially disintegrated debris, insects or any other undesirable material, plants or seeds that would be toxic or harmful to plant growth. MULCH All plant beds and tree watering basins shall be top dressed with three inches (3") of pine bark nuggets SOD Refer to Landscape Plan for limits of sod. All areas disturbed by construction (including material staging, equipment storage, temporary facifties, site access, construction staff parking, etc.) beyond the minimum limits of sod as shown on the Landscape Plan shall be sodded as needed. All lawn areas to receive sod shall be disked four 14) to six (6) inches and graded to establish a level finished grade ensuring positive drainage from all structures. All debris shall be removed from the site. Sod shall be free of weeds and pests. It shall be laid evenly with tight fitting joints and rolled. The sod shall contain moist soil which does not fall apart or tear when lifted. See plant list for specific sod species and locations. See Fertilizer for requirements of all sodded areas. O Fe +C rA I.......D rc'SAR GEOGRD IS IOYI E5+cEl or, An APaaevED EOu.At STAPLE TO VERTICAL O O O P—s. IETOl.•RAt`T POSTS. 414 4' loll G is. I. PUCE CO`lH—USRILT- FENCE NIATELLAI O'+ BOTH SIDES OF 4'.5 Z0U,TE IO KLO`+ERIY(OODED AREAS AS SHOIIN ON THE PLANS. DO-TATTACH F CE—TEPIMOTRE j: 2 TEE PBOTECTION FEHCI,C FABRIC TO BE PLACED 4 PAST THE CAUP)Ff Drip LPIE FOR TL IPEE3 THAT ARE TO BE PROTECTED. 3. TELISAF,'HIC-H STRCIIGTHPOULZR GEOCRID FABRC BY TEUSAR CORPORATION 1:OPROI'l. GEORGIA 07, APPROVED EQUAL TREE PROTECTION DETAIL 0o�ge v g 00 $ 0oaa R I u ll f�— , F F , TREE PLANTING DETAIL N.T.S. MASTER PLANT LIST to SMALL CANOPY TREE PLANTING DETAIL MULTI -TRUNK PLANTING DETAIL B0NNETT ding,,group, 11, Innd=rnpr nrchilnfurc perutty J-1,L imx Lc _>+,ax>uT 400s. orta++rr,n„r s+dl,.zor © Q Q Q 0 nmraRnt, r do7 rzz roe8sS I�,,w, +rr O a =_�` © 0 d x oo. PL4N©11 c:..,© I + n. r^a� 'lot of -,%rs `a ECR .z.s-I SHRUB AND GROUNDCOVER PLANTING DETAIL ARBORGUY RBK 20 PLAN VIEW TREE PLANTING PLAN DETAIL Symbol Totals I Botanical Name Common Name Specifications Spacing I Native I Drought Tolerance Trees MG 10 Magnolia grandiflora Magnolia/Southem Magnolia 4" cal., 14'-16' ht. x ff spd. Full to Ground AS yes M PT2 19 Pinus faeda Loblolly, Pine 3" cal., min, 10'-16' ht. x 48" spd., 5' ct. AS yes M QVI 27 Quercus virginiana five Oak 4" cal., 16'-20' ht, x 6 1 /2' spd., 5' ct. AS yes H SP 49 ISabal palmetto Cabbage Palm 8'-14' ct, mixed. AS yes H Shrubs Vs 165 JVibumumsuspensum Sandankwa Vibumum 3 gal; 20'x 24", full AS 1 no I L SOD Pospalum notafum'Argentine' Argentine Bahia Sod I sand grown solid sod - weed free solid no H 3" Do." Arens. SIP 2100 Allomonls Springa, FL 32714 Taeph+una 407.47d8750 Fppsk.A* 407.47@8749 s Digitally signed by Todd W `s�oouRrle P�� Bonnett Date: oHa;' 2022.06.21 13:24:24-04'00' Todd W Bannett, RT.A FL PLA17L8 0111 -SAD. description dale 0 drnan hp: 'RVTI checked h_r 1l1'[3 datv:-6/17/zoaz plat �.I,: M SILOwN pDIjcct number. N/A n� name: totzls9_Lant-lA llhSE-wEST.D4VG lim