HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-09-2022 MinutesBudget Workshop OCOEE CITY COMMISSION Ocoee Commission Chambers I North Bluford Avenue, Ocoee, FL August 9, 2022 MINUTES 6:00 p.m. CALL TO OR -DER —6,00 PNI Mayor Johnson opened the workshop meeting. Present: Mayor Johnson, Commissioner Brinson, Commissioner Wilsen, Commissioner Firstner, Commissioner Oliver Also Present: City Manager Frank- and City Clerk Sibbitt PRESENTATION - 6�01 PM Finance Director Roberts introduced the City's Chief Accountant and the Accountant who assisted with the Budget process, and further thanked the Department Directors for their part as well. FY 22/23 BUDGET OVERVIEW - Finance Director Roberts - 6.01 PAII Finance Director Roberts provided a PowerPoint presentation summarizing the Proposed Budget for FY 2022-2023. Highlights in the presentation covered: • Economic Highlights • Producer Price Index (PPI) and Consumer Price Index (CPI) • Fiscal Sustainability • Budget Commitments • Millage Calculation • Revenue/Expenditure Summary • General Fund Revenues/Expenditures ® Proposed New Positions and Personnel Changes DISCUSSION- 6.11 I'M Mayor Johnson read a memo he sent to the City Manager, which shared his priorities for the FY22/23 Budget. His memo highlighted expending funds for projects such as solid waste, sidewalks, and street resurfacing; and further, requested reduction of Commission related spending, removal of the federal lobbyist, and reduction of the City's Youth Council Coordinator's Budget. He commented that the City is in great shape under great management and staff. Commissioner Firstner shared his desire to roll back the millage rate, as many residents are need of a relief during this time. He asked Public Works to add to their Capital Improvement Projects the resurfacing and restriping of Moore Road from Maguire Road down to 7t" Street; and further, shared his blessing in overseeing a newer District that is well kept. 11 P a g e Ocoee City Commission Budget Workshop August 9, 2022 Commissioner Oliver shared he agreed with the public being provided the opportunity to comment on the Budget at the hearings, but did not agree with the public not being allowed input on the ARPA funding. He shared a memo he sent to the City Manager which listed items that are not in the Budget, but he hoped could make it into the Budget. He described a design concept for a reflective park at the Hallowed Ground, and inquired if funds could be budgeted for this project. City Manager Frank explained, if the City Commission thinks this a viable project, that funds can be placed aside into Contingency. Discussion followed about the estimated cost for this project. Commissioner Wilsen shared concerns about putting funds into the budget for a property they do not own. Commissioner Oliver recounted past discussions they had on the Hallowed Ground property. Mayor Johnson also shared his concerns about not having ownership of the property. City Manager Frank briefed the Commission on his recollection of the City Attorney's opinion about the City trying to acquire the property. Commissioner Brinson inquired about looking at real estate law and adverse possession. Support Services Director Butler shared the design concept proposed several years ago. At the conclusion of the discussion, Commissioner Oliver inquired if a consensus could be reached to place $30,000 aside for this project. Mayor Johnson commented on the completion of Unity Park which will include a monument with the names of families affected due to the 1920 massacre. Commissioner Firstner shared he felt the legal status of the property should be determined before funding is placed aside for the reflective park project. Commissioner Oliver explained the City Attorney had already addressed the concerns of the property ownership with the City Commission two years ago, but will request the attorney forward the information again. Commissioner Brinson expressed he did not have an issue with setting aside $20,000-$30,000, but wanted to be sure ownership was resolved first. A consensus was not reached to place funding aside. Commissioner Oliver shared he would like consideration of a recurring budget item to allocate $100,000 for at least four (4) City sponsored cultural events, which could include the Ocoee Music Festival as well. Also, the Human Relations Diversity Board (HRDB) would be solicited to assist with the cultural events. Mayor Johnson inquired from the City Commission if there was a consensus to terminate the contract with the Federal Lobbyist. He briefed the City Commission on the zip code postal issues that have not been resolved by the lobbyist. The consensus of the City Commission was to terminate the Federal Lobbyist contract. Mayor Johnson commented that with the termination of the lobbyist contract it will open up $110,000 in the budget. He further commented that he feels the HRDB should be involved with the cultural events and funding could be placed in their budget, but the Board would need to continue to come before the City Commission for approval of their spending and program details. Commissioner Oliver commented on the proposed disbursement of the ARPA funding and the projects they will allocate it to. He shared that the $5 million budgeted for the new Fire Station could partially be funded by grants, thus freeing up some money; and further, those freed up funds could be used for funding cultural events within the City. City Manager Frank explained the anticipated costs for the new Fire Station and Police Gun Range, and advised, if grants are received it could bring the cost down, but at this time they would not be able to calculate how much would be freed up. Discussion continued on funding for cultural events. Commissioner Firstner inquired if there were restrictions on the ARPA funds. Finance Director Roberts explained the ARPA funding requirements, and that it is a one-time fund, so if a recurring budget is being requested for events the City Commission will need to use other monies to fund those events in future budget cycles. Commissioner Oliver commented that he felt having the money this year would be a benefit to 2 1 P a g e Ocoee City Commission Budget Workshop August 9, 2022 the HRDB, and will encourage them to solicit event funding in the future and work with organizations that already have event experience. Commissioner Wilsen shared a suggestion she made years ago on having a partnership with an event marketing company that would organize, fundraise, and host all the City events. Mayor Johnson recommended placing the funds in Community Relations and allowing City staff to manage events. He further inquired, if the City Commission approves to earmark the $ 100,000, where would the funds come from. City Manager Frank shared there is $210,000 available for the City Commission to discuss putting it toward the needs of their various districts. Brief discussion ensued. Commissioner Oliver commented on ARPA funds being used by other agencies for small business grants and inquired if $50,000 could be placed aside for small businesses coming into the City that are struggling. He shared this would be a one-time grant program. Brief discussion ensued, and concerns were raised about providing funding to business owners. A consensus was not reached to place funding aside for small business grants. Commissioner Oliver addressed the $10,000 for youth initiative and asked if that $ 10,000 could be placed aside for travel for the Ocoee Youth Council. Mayor Johnson requested the additional $ 10,000 budgeted for the Ocoee Youth Coordinator be cut to $5,000, as it is a City youth program being coordinated through the City Clerk's Department. He explained that there are no other City Boards that pay a coordinator $10,000. Commissioner Wilsen voiced concerns with the request for travel funding for the Youth Council as she does not feel comfortable with the youth going out of the Tri-County area. The ma _MgjqrjjyEMensus was to lower the Ocoee Youth Coordinator budget Ao,__$5 000 and allocate $10,000 for travel by the Ocoee Youth Council. Commissioner Oliver opposed to lowering the Ocoee Youth Coordinator budget. Commissioner Oliver commented on speed table studies and shared information he had researched relating to them. He further asked to allocate funding for speed tables. Public Works Director Krug explained how speed studies are completed and shared it costs about $10,000 - $15,000 per speed table. He further explained the criteria process. A brief discussion ensued about intersections that may require a speed table. City Manager Frank shared there are currently no funds allocated for speed tables. He explained that in the past they allocated funding; however, the locations requesting the speed tables did not meet the criteria. Therefore, funding this year was allocated for sidewalks and paving. A brief discussion ensued on funding for the speed tables. Commissioner Oliver commented on allocating funds for the Unity Park- sculpture. Mayor Johnson shared it will be a monument wall at Unity Park, and he is able to get sponsorships without using budget funds. Commissioner Oliver proposed doubling the Community Grant funding from $14,000 to $28,000. Commissioner Oliver shared he would like to see the continuation of the sidewalks on Ingram Road and explained his concerns of the sidewalk ending by the trail. Mayor Johnson commented on placing funds aside for areas that do not have any sidewalks. Commissioner Oliver inquired about placing exercise equipment at Coventry Park and if there were funds being budgeted. Parks and Recreation Director Johnson shared that funds were not budgeted for that park, but there 3 1 P a g e Ocoee City Commission Budget Workshop August 9, 2022 will be a new park in the City that provides exercise stations; and further shared, he would need to assess the park, to determine its condition and if it is a viable location for exercise equipment. Commissioner Oliver inquired about the claw truck and if it is in the budget. City Manager Frank addressed his question and explained the solution that is being proposed to assist with yard waste compliance. Commissioner Oliver shared concerns he has with the garbage contractor and the numerous calls he receives. He further inquired when the contract expires. City Manager Frank explained that at the public hearing the Commission can advise City staff if they would like to put this issue as a non -ad valorem assessment for next year. Commissioner Oliver inquired about the Elected Officials being listed as full-time when they are part-time. It was explained that for the health insurance benefits provided they are listed as full-time. Commissioner Wilsen shared she is pleased with the funding budgeted for sidewalks, as sidewalks, street conditions, and garbage pickup has been the highest concern of many residents. She commented that she would like to stay closer to a 4.9 millage rate. She commended the City's public safety departments and explained residents annex in to receive that faster service. She further reiterated her concerns with the Youth Council members travelling outside the Tri-County area. Commissioner Wilsen inquired what streets are listed to be resurfaced. Public Works Director Krug addressed her question. Commissioner Wilsen further asked about being creative with traffic calming solutions for Flewelling Avenue and Orlando Avenue/White Road. Public Works Director Krug addressed her concerns. Commissioner Brinson congratulated City staff for a healthy fund budget, lowering the millage, and salary enhancements. He inquired about the pay increases proposed for this upcoming fiscal year. City Manager Frank addressed his question and explained the solutions being implemented to get to the $15.00 minimum. Commissioner Brinson inquired about the budgeted Police personnel. Police Chief Plaseencia addressed his question. He further inquired about the Finance personnel also budgeted. Finance Director Roberts addressed his question. Commissioner Brinson inquired about the Economic Development Manager under Planning on page 11. Development Services Director Rumer addressed his question and explained that is a contract position. Commissioner Brinson inquired what incentives are being offered to get employees to work, on the Public Works team since they are short staffed. City Manager Frank addressed his questions and explained the benefits offered by the City, as well as the proposed minimum rate increase. It was asked if hiring bonuses are being offered. City Manager Frank addressed his question. Commissioner Oliver inquired if any of the landscape and maintenance work is subcontracted out. City Manager Frank addressed his question. Commissioner Brinson pointed out a grammatical error on page 15. He further inquired about the Public Works projects on page 19 and if they would be completed in-house or contracted out. Public Works Director Krug addressed his question. Mayor Johnson inquired about the roof repair for the Lakeshore Center. Public Works Director Krug addressed his question. Commissioner Brinson commented on the wood repairs that are needed at the Withers -Maguire House. He further inquired about the vehicle replacements and the differences in costs. Public Works Director Krug addressed his questions. 4 1 P a g e Ocoee City Commission Budget Workshop August 9, 2022 Mayor Johnson explained some of the concerns with the established areas in Ocoee which include sidewalk damage due to trees planted in the right of way, and shared those sidewalks need to be repaired. He further asked for reduction of Commission related spending and requested removal of funding for spousal travel expenses. City Manager Frank explained this would not change their budgeted travel funds, but the policy can be changed. Mayor Johnson requested the policy be effective in January. The consensus of the City Commission was to remove travel funding for spouses,. Mayor Johnson briefly addressed negative remarks he has heard about the City's public safety salaries. He summarized the great benefits received by working at the City; and further, shared his appreciation to our City staff and directors. He also thanked the citizens for their support of the City. City Manager Frank inquired if the next budget workshop was needed; and further, a consensus of the City Commission was to cancel the August 17th_pydget Workshop. City Manager Frank encouraged the Elected Officials to reach out to him if they have any questions. Commissioner Oliver inquired if an update could be provided by the City Attorney on the Reflective Park at the Hallowed Ground. City Manager Frank recommended this be brought up at the upcoming Regular City Commission Meeting on August 16t". Mayor Johnson announced the Tentative Budget Public Hearing is scheduled for September 15t" at 6:00 PM. I IV. ADJOURNMENT -8:28 PM I F.11-9 9 1.1-T-01TA of Attest: Melanie Sibbitt, City Clerk 1 0 cc usty Johntn, Mayor 5 1 P a g e