HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 04 Second Reading of Ordinance for Ocoee Landings Mixed Use Building – Substantial Amendment to the Planned Unit Development/Land Use Plan (PUD/LUP), Large Scale Preliminary/Final Site Plan; Project No. RZ-22-07-41 & LS-2022-007 Item #04 Second Reading of Ordinance for Ocoee Landings Mixed Use Building – Substantial Amendment to the Planned Unit Development/Land Use Plan (PUD/LUP), Large Scale Preliminary/Final Site Plan; Project No. RZ-22-07-41 & LS-2022-007. (First Reading was heard at the October 4, 2022, City Commission Meeting. Advertised in the West Orange Times on Thursday, October 6, 2022). (Development Services Director Rumer) To be continued to the November 1, 2022, City Commission Meeting, at the request of the Applicant. West Orange Times Date Published and Media Name Advertisement or Article West Orange Times Date Published and Media Name Advertisement or Ailiele FIRST INSERTION CITY OF OCOEE NOTICE OF PUBLIC BEARING RING SUBSTANTIAL AMENDMENT TO THE OCOEE LANDINGS PUT), CASE NUM13ER: RZ-22-07-41 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Article IV, Section 4-5B, of the City of Ocoee Land Development Code, that on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 2022, AT 6:16 P.M. or as soon thereafter as practical, the OCOEE CITY COAIMISSIONwill bold a PUBLIC HEARING at the City of Ocoee Commission Chambers, 1 North Bluford Avenue, Ocoee, Florida, to consider the Substantial Amendment to the Ocoee Landings PUD. The property is generally located on the north side of East Silver Star Road and 460 feet east of the Lake Johio Road and East Silver Star Road intersection. The property is identified as parcel number 16-22-28-4532-00-140 and contains approximately 1.77 acres. The applicant is requesting to amend Lot 4, Phase 1B of the PUD/LUP to allow a 3-story, 51,680-square foot mixed -use building consisting of commercial/retail space and 46 apartments combined as an approved use for the PUD, AN ORDINANCE O% THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, APPROVING A SUBSTANTIAL AMENDMENT TO THE OCOEE LANDINGS pUD FOR CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY COMPRISING APPROXIMATELY 1.77 ACRES AND LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF EAST SILVER STAR ROAD AND APPROXIMATELY 460 FEET EAST OF THE LABS JOHIO ROAD AND EAST SILVER STAR. ROAD INTERSECTION, PURSUANT TO THE APPLICATTON SUBMITTED BY THE PROPER- TY OWNER; AMENDING THE OCOEE LANDINGS PUD LAND USE PLAN TO ALLOW A COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL MIXED USE BUILDING ON LOT 4 OF THE PUD; FINDING CONSISTENCY WTTH THE COMMERCIAL FUTURE LAND USE MAP DESIGNATION OF THE OCOEE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN; REPEALING INCONSIS- TENT ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVID- INGAN EFFECTIVE DATE, Interested parties may appear at the public hearing and be beard with respect to the proposed action. The complete case file may be inspected of the Ocoee Devel- opment Services Department located at 1 North Bluford Avenue, Ocoee, Florida, between the hours of 8:00 am. and 5:00 p.m., Monday thrbugh Friday, except legal holidays. The City Commission may continue the public hearing to other dates and tunes, as it deems necessary. Any interested party shall be advised that the dates, times, and places of any continuation of these or continued public hearings shall be announced during the hearings and that no further notices regarding these matters will bepublished. You are advised that anypersonwho desires to appeal any decision made during the public hearings will need a record of the proceedings and, for this purpose, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal isbased. Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of the proceedings should contactthe City Clerk's Office 48 hours in advance of the meeting at (407) 905-3105. October 6, 2022 22-03721W