HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-04-2022 MinutesMINUTES
OCTOBER 4,2022
Mayor Johnson called the regular session to order at 6:15 PM in the Commission Chambers of
City Hall. The invocation was led by Mayor Johnson, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to
the Flag led by Commissioner Firstner. City Clerk Sibbitt called the roll and declared a quorum
Present: Mayor Johnson, Commissioner Brinson, Commissioner Wilsen, Commissioner Firstner,
Commissioner Oliver
Also Present: City Manager Frank, City Attorney Cookson, City Clerk, Sibbitt
Proclamation for October 2022
Community Planning Month — Oct. 2022, proclaimed by Mayor Johnson.
City Manager Frank announced that Item #8 is being postponed at the request of the developer,
until they can present a new offer to the City. He further shared there is an Emergency Item before
the City Commission for request for road closure for the Ocoee High School Homecoming Parade.
There are representatives from Ocoee High School to address any questions.
The Applicant Garrett Kelly with Orange County Public Schools (Ocoee High School) is requesting the closure of public
roads within the City's downtown on Tuesday, October 18th from 4:00 p.m. to 7:15 p.m. for an Ocoee High School
Homecoming Parade. The application states the parade is intended to connect to our community and will allow the Football
Team and students to pass out candy along the parade route. Ocoee Students in the SGA will provide cleanup after the
event. The staging area will be Bill Breeze Park. The estimated number of vehicles/floats participating is 25. The application
estimates 400 people will attend the event. Since the parade occurs on a Commission meeting night and from 4:30 — 7:00
p.m., it will have an effect on accessing City Hall for the 6:15 p.m. Commission meeting start time.
Development Services Director Rumer briefly explained the special event permit received, and
shared the request for road closure will be on the same day, and during the same time, as the next
scheduled City Commission Meeting. He reached out to the applicant so that they could come
before the City Commission to discuss and work out a solution.
Robin Young, Ocoee High School Student Body President, thanked the City Commission for their
consideration of the Homecoming Parade, and advised they are proposing a new date of Thursday,
October 20"'. She shared the arrival time of parade participants to Bill Breeze Park and the parade
details. Discussion ensued on the parade route options, as well as providing notification to
residents. ' Consensus of the City Commission was to approve mergence Item,
Road Closure for the Ocoee High School Homecoming Parade on October 20 2022,
Commissioner Oliver shared that a parent of an Ocoee High School football player is requesting
a photo op with the Elected Officials in Ocoee High School football jerseys, so they may post it
Regular City Commission Meeting
October 4, 2022
on the school's website. Consensus of the Cily Commission was to participate in t
photo op reguest. i
The following persons addressed the City Commission:
Jim Moyer, Ocoee, spoke about cultural diversity, briefly acknowledged multiple
heritages that are recognized in October and encouraged harmony among all citizens by
focusing on similarities.
Consent Agenda Motion
Motion: Move to adopt the Consent Agenda.
Moved by Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by Commissioner Brinson; Motion
carried 5-0.
The Police Department receives dispatch services through the Winter Garden Police Department. The Winter Garden Police
Department has recently elected to change their vendor that currently provides Computer Aided Dispatch and Records
Management software, After vetting numerous vendors, Winter Gat -den Police Department selected 365Labs as their new
vendor. All Agencies the Winter Garden Police Department provides dispatch services to will also need to change to
365Labs. The annual subscription cost of the 365Labs software is $186,994.40, of which, $47,480.00 is Impact Fund
eligible for new software infrastructure components. Additionally, there is a one-time cost for implementation and training
of $55,496.00.
The subject property is zoned PUD and is located on the east side of Lake Johio Road, north side of E. Silver Star Road,
approximately 770 feet east of the intersection of N. Clarke Road and E. Silver Star Road. The subject site is located on
Tract 4 of the PUD and is approximately 1.76 acres in size, currently undeveloped, and is the only remaining project in the
Ocoee Landings PUD. The proposed Ocoee Landings Mixed Use Building PUD Land Use Amendment consists of a 51,680
square foot Mixed Use Building consisting of I" Floor: 8,000 square foot of retail; 1,757 square foot of apartment leasing
space, and four (4) apartments. The 2nd and 31d Floors contain 42 apartment units ranging from 1-3 Bedrooms. The total
amount of apartment units is 46.
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Regular City Commission Meeting
October 4, 2022
City Attorney Cookson read the title of the ordinance.
Mayor Johnson announced this will be presented as a second reading and public hearing at the
next scheduled City Commission meeting on October 18, 2022, at 6:15 PM or soon thereafter.
The subject property is approximately 0.26 acres and located on the northwest corner of the I I th Avenue and Peters Avenue
intersection, The property is occupied by a single-family residence. The applicant is annexing into the City limits as a
condition for receiving City's potable water connection and service. The subject property is considered contiguous to the
City of Ocoee since it will be bordered on the east by the City's jurisdictional limits. The parcel will receive an R- I (Single -
Family Dwelling) zoning classification upon annexation.
City Attorney Cookson read the titles of the ordinances.
Mayor Johnson announced this will be presented as a second reading and public hearing at the
next scheduled City Commission meeting on October 18, 2022, at 6:15 PM or soon thereafter.
The subject property is approximately 0.4 acres and located on the east side of South Clarke Road, approximately 1,775
feet north of White Road. The subject property has an existing single-family residence. The applicant is annexing into the
City limits as a condition for receiving City potable water connection and service. The subject property is considered
contiguous to the City of Ocoee since it will be bordered on the north, east and south sides by the City's jurisdictional limits.
The parcel will receive an R- I A (Single -Family Dwelling) classification upon annexation consistent with the surrounding
R- I A zoning.
N. L 14,111
b) First Reading of Rezoning Ordinance
City Attorney Cookson read the titles of the ordinances.
Mayor Johnson announced this will be presented as a second reading and public hearing at the
next scheduled City Commission meeting on October 18, 2022, at 6:15 PM or soon thereafter.
Hurricane Ian Update
Mayor Johnson asked for an update from Public Works Director Krug on the clean-up of debris
from Hurricane Ian. Public Works Director Krug shared information on procedures in the
aftermath of Hurricane Ian, and addressed questions from the City Commission. All of the City
Commission thanked the City staff involved in assessing damages and clean-up efforts being
completed within the City.
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Regular City Commission Meeting
October 4, 2022
The subject property is approximately 9.94 acres and located on the north side of A. D. Mims Road and west of North
Apopka Vineland Road. The property is currently designated Low Density Residential (LDR) oil the Future Land Use Map,
which allows density at up to 4 dwelling units per acre. The applicant is requesting to rezone to R- I A, which is the same
zoning district as the neighborhoods to the west and east.
Development Services Director Rumer presented a brief overview of the Rezoning request for
Covington Oaks, which is approximately 9.94 acres, zoned Orange County A-1 (General
Agriculture) and located on the north side of A.D. Mims Road, approximately 1,637.5 feet west
of N. Apopka Vineland Road. The applicant proposes to develop a residential subdivision. The
applicant is requesting to rezone to R-lA, which is the same zoning as the neighborhoods to the
west and east. The R- I A zoning district requires a minimum lot size of 8,000 SF. However, due
to the lack of central sanitary sewer, the residential development will be on septic tanks, and the
applicant has coordinated with the City to create larger quarter -acre (1/4) lots with a total of 16
single-family residential lots and preserve approximately 3.68 acres of land for open space and the
existing canopy.
The public hearing was opened. As no speaker forms were received, the public hearing was closed.
Commissioner Wilsen noted a correction on the district location.
Commissioner Oliver inquired if the subdivision would remain on septic, and if reclaim would
be provided. He further inquired about other utility services being provided. Development
Services Director Rumer addressed his question.
City Attorney Cookson read the title of the ordinance.
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carried unanimously.
The subject property is located in the northeast corner of the South Clarke Road and White Road intersection and contains
approximately 12.59 acres; however, only that southern 5.71 -acre portion adjacent to White Road is the subject of this
rezoning request. The property is currently designated Low Density Residential (LDR) on the Future Land Use Map, which
allows density at up to 4 dwelling units per acre. The applicant is requesting to rezone to R- I A, the same zoning district as
the neighborhoods to the east and south.
4 1 P a g e
Regular City Commission Meeting
October 4, 2022
Development Services Director Rumer presented a brief overview of the Rezoning request for
Ocoee Oaks Joint Venture, which is located in the northeast comer of the South Clarke Road and
White Road intersection. The property contains approximately 12.59 acres, but only the 5.71 acre
portion adjacent to White Road is subject to this zoning request. The applicant is requesting to
rezone the current 5.71 acres of A-1 (General Agriculture) to R-IA (Single Family Dwelling),
which is the same zoning as the neighborhoods to the east and south. The R-IA zoning district
requires a minimum lot size of 8,000 SF, and the applicant is proposing a minimum lot size of
9,800 SF for purposes of developing an 18-lot single-family residential subdivision. Engineering
of the subdivision will come at the time of Preliminary Subdivision Plan.
City Attorney Cookson read the title of the ordinance.
The public hearing was opened.
Dave Schmitt, Dave Schmitt Engineering, stated they agree with staff s recommendation, and are
available to answer any questions.
Doug Gomber, President of White Hill HOA, 405 Misty Meadow Drive, Ocoee, shared traffic
concerns due to the location of the subdivision access road onto White Road which is near Clarke
Road. He advised the residents of the White Hill subdivision have unanimously agreed about
traffic concerns.
Commissioner Wilsen shared she agreed with the traffic concerns voiced by the residents.
Development Services Director Rumer addressed her concerns and explained the transportation
study analysis that will be required for the Preliminary Subdivision Plan.
Commissioner Brinson inquired who owns the water tower property near the subject property,
and if it will be annexed into the City. Development Services Director Rumer addressed his
questions. Commissioner Brinson shared his traffic concerns as a former resident who lived near
the location of the proposed development. Commissioner Oliver inquired what will become of
the property with the water tower once it is removed. Development Services Director Rumer
shared he has only heard of the water tower being removed, but is not aware of the intentions for
the property as it is in Orange County. He further briefly disclosed information on a cellphone
tower application request that will be coming before the City, which will be in close proximity to
the subject property. Commissioner Oliver shared his concerns with the traffic, and felt an access
lane onto Clarke Road would be better. Development Services Director Rumer addressed his
concerns and reiterated the request this evening is for the rezoning, as the City Commission will
be presented with further studies during the Preliminary Subdivision Plan process. Mayor
Johnson also voiced his concerns with the traffic in that area, and asked for City staff to consider
the Clarke Road intersection issues when in the planning process.
Dave Schmitt, Dave Schmitt Engineering, shared that he will be sure to work, with City staff on
resolving the access issue into the subdivision, and described several solutions with turn lanes
being added.
Commissioner Wilsen commented she would like to have a meeting with the developer and the
residents in the area, when they have plans for review.
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Regular City Commission Meeting
October 4, 2022
Commissioner Oliver inquired if there might be a consideration from the church to allow egress
onto Clark Road through their lot. Dave Schmitt, Dave Schmitt Engineering, shared they are in
discussion with the church on the drainage, and can bring that request to their attention.
The public hearing was closed
Motion: Move to adopt Ordinance No. 2022-17 for Ocoee Oaks Joint Venture —
Rezoning from A-1 (General Agriculture) to R-1A (Single Family Dwelling); Proiect
No: RZ-22-08-43 with the condition of addressing traffic issues; Moved by
Commissioner Wilsen, seconded by Commissioner Firstner; Motion carried
The City received an unsolicited offer from John Yu with an assignee provision on May 27, 2022, for City -owned property
located on the west side of Ocoee -Apopka Road and north side of Fuller's Cross Road. The property is approximately 6.96
acres of which the LOT is requesting to purchase the eastern ±3 acres. The proposed offer is for a purchase price of
$400,000.00 per developable acre or $1,200,000.00, Staff recommends that the City Commission accept the letter of intent
and authorizes staff to initiate an appraisal and authorize Staff to enter into a sales contract subject to the provisions of the
letter of intent.
Commissioner Brinson — Commented on the following:
1) Applauded both staff and residents on their response during, and after, Hurricane Ian.
Emphasized that it was a welcomed sight to see everyone coming together and to assist each other.
2) Urged residents to practice extreme patience as the City continues to work through the clean-
up efforts.
Commissioner Wilsen — Commented on the following:
1) Reiterated Commissioner Brinson's comments on Hurricane Ian, and encouraged residents to
contact Public Works with any questions or concerns on debris removal.
Commissioner Firstner — Commented on the following:
1) Shared his visit to the Emergency Operation Center (EOC) during the storm, and noted the
outstanding technology used to stay on top of incidents happening throughout the City during a
catastrophic event. He ensured City residents that they are in very capable hands, and thank-ed all
City staff involved for their hard work and dedication.
6 1 P a g e
Regular City Commission Meeting
October 4, 2022
Commissioner Oliver — Commented on the following:
1) Echoed the sentiments shared by the previous Commissioners on Hurricane Ian.
2) Conveyed the importance of voting, and encouraged citizens to register with the Supervisor of
Elections (SOE). Reminded residents that the City recently updated the district lines, and urged
everyone to verify their voting location. Specified upcoming election dates and deadlines.
Suggested early voting and vote by mail, and provided the contact information for the SOE for all
questions or concerns.
3) Shared an ongoing concern with large commercial trucks parking along McCormick Road, and
inquired if a letter from City staff could be sent to Orange County Code Enforcement.
City Manager Frank addressed his request. Consensus was to have City staff draft a
letter on behalf of the Commission.
4) Informed that Prairie Lake Park, is not being properly closed in the evening, and asked if City
staff can ensure the park is closed at dusk.
5) Announced the 2022 Ocoee Remembers Event dates, times, and locations and that additional
information is available on the City website.
6) Thanked Mr. Moyer for his comments, and shared words of inspiration.
Mayor Johnson — Commented on the following:
1) Looked for confirmation that the lake and retention ponds within the City are being monitored.
City Manager Frank confirmed.
2) Asked for staff to check street lights and public sidewalks for any outages or possible damage
due to the storm.
3) Commented on the EOC and thanked everyone involved for a job well done.
4) Shared his experience at the sandbag distribution before the storm, and noted how nice it was
to see City staff and residents working together.
5) Spoke about the need for speed bumps due to traffic concerns, noted the unfortunate need for
enforcement, and suggested tickets if the problem cannot be rectified.
6) Reiterated Commissioner Firstner's comments on the EOC, and further noted the superior
ratings that both the Fire Department and the Police Department have received.
7) Applauded the Utility department for their part in managing sewer concerns during the storm.
8) Inquired about the Christmas lights. City Manager Frank confirmed that City staff has been
working on this request.
9) Shared that the next City Commission meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 18, 2022.
Attest: City of Ocoee
Melanie Sibbitt, City Clerk
Rusty Joh4s�Tayor
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