HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 03 Approval of Reappointments and a New Appointment to the Parks and Recreation Advisory BoardMeeting Date: November 1, 2022 Item # ,. IR Reviewed By: Contact Name: Kathy Heard Department Director Contact Number: Ext. 1023 City Manager: Melanie Sib Background Summary: Members of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board (PRAB) serve three-year terms. The resolution provides that the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board shall consist of nine (9) members, and only legal residents of the City of Ocoee or who are members of a City sporting organization that utilize the Ocoee parks shall be eligible for membership. Currently, the board has eight (8) members. When possible, equal representation for all districts shall be maintained on all advisory boards, and the City Commission shall consider the demographic makeup of the board upon making their appointment. The graph below illustrates the current district makeup of the PRAB. District Members District 1 2 District 2 1 District 3 0 District 4 5 The terms of Jane Rainer (District 4) and Qubeliah Graham (District 4) end in October of 2022. Members Rainer and Graham have indicated they are willing to serve another three-year term, if reappointed. One new application has been received by Tino Sangster (District 2) who wishes to be appointed to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board with a term ending October 2025. Issue: Should Members Rainer and Graham be reappointed and Tino Sangster be appointed to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board to serve a three-year term ending October 2025? Recommendations: Staff recommends that the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners consider reappointing Members Rainer and Graham and appoint Tino Sangster to serve a three-year term on the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. Attachments: Board List with Members & Districts Attendance List Application Financial Impact: None Type of Item: (please mark with an x') Public Hearing Ordinance First Reading Ordinance Second Reading Resolution x Commission Approval Discussion & Direction Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by () For Clerk's Dept Use: x Consent Agenda Public Hearing Regular Agenda N/A N/A N/A 2 Created by Ordinance No. 908, 9-02-86/Amended by Ordinance Nos. 937, 93-02, 98-29, 2009-012 and Repealed by 2021-052 Reestablished by Resolution No. 2021-011 Members must be legal residents of the City of Ocoee or members of a City sporting organization that utilize the Ocoee parks (9 Members/Three-Year Terms/Quorum is 50% plus One) Member District Email Term Expires 1. Gordon Applegate 1 acodapple@grnail.com 10/24 2. Jane Rainer Ocoee Youth Soccer League Re) 4 mirdrainer a,aol.com mii-di-ainer@aol.com 10/22 Qubeliah Graham 4 trooperq c hotmail.com 10/22 4. Ahmad Hassan 4 Hassan.ah 1992@gniail.com 10/23 5. Sherrall Applegate 1 acodapple@gmail.com 10/23 6. Brad Lornneck 2 bradlovesocoee@gmail.com 10/23 7. Eli Salhab 4 Elisalhab@yahoo.com 4t]iekidsentei-tainment@giiiail.com 10/25 8. Jim Moyer 4 Jinunoyer1956 grnail.com 10/25 9. Vacant Commission Liaison Rosemary Wilsen 1019 Shady Maple Circle Ocoee, FL 34761 Staff Liaison Mark Johnson Recording Cleric Kim McMillin 407-298-1574 RWiIsen@ci.ocoee.fl.us 407-905-3100 ext. 9/5002 407-905-3100 ext. 9/5110 lcmcmillin2cocoee.org Updated 6/22/22 2022 Present - P Absent - A APPLICATION FOR SERVING ON CITY BOARDS Please use this form toapply for appointment tuacitizen advisory orquasi-judicial board. Completed applications must besigned and submitted tothe Ocoee City Clerk, 1SON.Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, FL34761 oremai|edtmcod|@ocoee.org.AJ| submitted applications are public records under Chapter 119,Florida Statutes, and are open toinspection by all persons. norido First Name Middle 4 LusL E-noi|Add/es Home Address Home Telephone Place ofWork (Name Business Address [oUphon USCitizen: Yes RNo Registered Voter: '="�s[lNo City District #~Z— City Employee: FlYes[!]No City Resident at Least 6 Months? Byes R No Department: Presently Serve on Quasi-judicial Board: [:] Yes nY No if yes, please describe State |avv prohibits service on more than one quasi-judicial board mrelected/appointed mffime. Please indicate the board(s) for which you seek appointment by the City Commission. Financial disclosure and/or background checks are required for certain citizen board members; see footnotes. E] Citizen Advisory Council for Fire Dept.' 0 Parks & Recreation Advisory Board' El Citizen Advisory Council for Police Dept.' F-1 Planning & Zoning Commission' [:] Code Enforcement Board' n Personnel Board El General Employees' Retirement Trust Fund Board of Trustees' El Police Officers' and Firefighters' Retirement Trust Fund Board of Trustees' El 1 Human Relations Diversity Board' —1 1 zFinancial disclosure forms must besubmitted after appointment toaquasi-judicial buand. 2 Background checks are required before a member may participate in public -contact events. Have you attended atleast one /1\meeting ofrequested board(s)? [lYes BNo You are strongly encouraged to attend at least one meeting of any board for which you seek appointment prior to submitting your application. Is this for Reappointment? F—| No L�J Please describe your qualifications for each board indicated above: C_1,4� �) V�-50,cctw cocAck, 8vnysignature below, | attest that the information provided herein istrue and correct, and | acknowledge and agree that a background check will be required when my duties include contact with the public. Signature ^L ,/ Date You may attach additional supporting information. Applications are valid for one (1) year from the date of submission. Please direct any questions to the Office of the City Clerk, 407-905-3105. IS HEREBY GRANTED TO M 'll i I vil --1 �bl MHER CHAMBARON i DIRECTOR Or IDA CHING EDUCATION , Data Issued: May 07, 2022 CINEDY PARL010 CONE 1 PRESIDENT ULFILL lUILSON I CEO / SECRETARY GENERAL MEMBEROF Fl FA Concacaf 17!7'117,m1m, W11,11,7ll11jj 1" � ������� ���.�I�2������0�� I ��,�L� ����11�u���� ��Or 1_, 3OUForrest Crest Ct.Ocoee FL347O1 1 tinoaengster@gmaiioom ! 407269-0249 OL-1JECT\VE I To obtain a Teaching Soccer Coaching position, nurturing and guiding player development SKlLLS & AL3L[DFS I USA Soccer DLicense May 2O22 12years' experience playing soccer eicollegiate level • Direct knowledge ofclub & college soccer and game techniques w Strong training and supervising skills w Effective motivational and coordination skills * Skilled inrecognizing and working nnplayers' weakness and strengths w Ability to develop customized training sessions for a single player and the entire team w Comprehension ofthe collegiate soccer recruitment process EXPERIE-NC,E] | For ndationAcademy -zO21-Present Middle School Girls Soccer Coach Idea Sport Soccer Academy presented by Walt Disney World Resort -uonu-prvoent U1OBoys &U1OGirls Coach SponsPummsoovuoe,«oaoomy-zuzi-onuu Uis&U18Boys Coach Barnett Park Volunteer Soccer Coach -oo1a'on10 Uo&U11Co-Ed TRIALS -OmLANDOCITY SOCCER 2017 TRIALS FOR FULL CENTERBACK POSITION CENTER BACK / DEFENSE - TRACK STARS / LYNX VN[[soSocusRCLUB mFonLAmoo zo|1-202o CENTER BACK / MID FIELD 'couEnCOLLEGE zn0s-zuoe LsFTuAom-TvLeRxUN|OmooLLEGE 2On* 2005 SOCCER CLINICS - WORKED 0NBALL CVNTROL.PASSING, TRAPP|NG.J0GOL|NG CENTER BACK -eDGsVVATERHIGH SCHOOL 2uun-uOo4 DEFENSIVE PLAYER OFTHEYEAR'200x'zo04 CENTER aACn-SeM|mOLECOUNTY VS. ORxNoEC0UmTYALLSTA8GAME oENTEnaxCK-FCAMER|uAOMN| Spring xouu'000n uTATECUP-zw"PLACs uunO'LEFT BACK 'MUuMETTEHIGH SCHOOL (Da Costa Cup) Jamaica VN f�ouc4T|mm I va|enciacommunity College, Orlando FL Major: Criminology Coker College, Hartsville, SC Major: Criminology Minor: Psychology Tyler Junior College, Criminal Justice RE F E�RE NG ES I SGOTTr,,,sTs|NGVEK-TEAcHr-R/cnAGH-S,BN|NOLE(,uUwTvPV11,L|C soH0VLs' ASHT0NBAYT|STE-o|SNEY|ucASPOpTSUPoLmeSHEAD CoACH 3O6Forrest Crest Ct,Ocoee FL34761'4O7-269~O249 tinosangsterC Ability to communicate and train under extended physical work conditions, maintaining composure to ensure accurate documentation and conveyance of information. Customer Service Oriented. EXPERIENCE � nr/2022—PRESENT � Sales/, Delivery -BANG ENERGY DRINKS -Sales and Delivery of Bang Energy Products in the Central Florida Area � 10/2Oi8—PRESENT : Licensed Soccer Coach, : Middle School Girls, U-l6@U-19Boys : 09/2018-09/2o2o ' � CARPENTER Lcu^//uuAN' SUPERIOR CONSTRUCTION WEiGvA 6 PROJECT � - Metal and wooden formwork Carpentry 'Concrete Finishing Deck Pours : Misc. Welding - Hand Power Tools — Tieing Rebarfor Pours : - Patch0kRepair Pier Caps for VVekiva6Wild-Life Crossing #1 : Operator —Loader, Mini Excavator, Man Lift : ' Sheet Pile Driving Operator, welding pile frames, - Miscellaneous Welding, Hand Power Tools, Tieing Rebar in preparation for concrete pours - Hand Finish concrete for train running surface, Misc. equipment pads Openator—Loader, Mini Excavator, Water Truck, Employee shuttle in/out nfsecure airport area 10/2014-12/2015&O6/2020-01/2021 Trade assist, ' Remove old carpet and sub flooring inpreparation for new carpet Preparation offlooring and grouting for floor tile ' Demolition and preparation ofbathroom areas for tile work CERTIFICATIONS I-P CrovvderGulf—DisasturRocoveryandDebhs Management 2022 M OSHA 3Ohr-NoExpiration 0 Ability topass background checks to work insecure areas ofthe Airport -S|DA