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11-01-2022 Supporting Documents
2018 Lowndes, Drosdick, Doster, Kantor & Reed, P.A.. All rights reserved.Lowndes, Drosdick, Doster, Kantor & Reed, P.A.ShareholderBy: Tara Tedrow 007-2022-41; LS-07-22-RZScale Site Plan-Amendment to PUD and LargeNovember 1, 2022City Commission Meeting: Second Reading Ocoee Landings Subject Property FLU Map 2.”areasfacilities shall also be integrated within these . densitiesmix of housing types and that contain a residential areasencourage “Activity Centers •Overlay: Silver Star Activity Center•Zoning: Ocoee Landings PUD•into the surrounding urban framework”when “compatible and integrated housing” high and medium density residential Allows “•FLU: Commercial •Original PUD is 12.13 acres•acres -1.76 +/• Ocoee Landings PUD 3 integrated mixed use1.76 acres of vertically •5.03 acres of commercial•family lots -50 single•Proposed: •6.81 acres of commercial•family lots; -50 single•• Allowed under existing PUD (view from Silver Star Rd.)4 Allowed under existing PUD (view from homes)5 Proposed (view from homes)6 Proposed (view from Silver Star Rd.)7 Existing Site: Adjacent to Everest Rehab Hospital REHABILITATIONEVEREST 8 Compatibility with Surrounding Area 9 public park areasWithin one mile of two •intersection Clarke/Silver Star commercial hub at Natural transition from •LibraryWest Oaks Branch Elementary and the from Citrus Directly across street • Parking Code Parking Code Requirements will provide 109. Project required to provide 108 parking stalls, • Voluntary Conditions of Approval Voluntary Conditions of Approval six feet brick wall.extra privacy buffer against the already existing than required by code, utilizing mature trees or utilizing grown bamboo or wax myrtle for we added more landscaping -Adding significant additional landscape behind the building•adjacent building Everest color scheme, so both buildings are cohesive.We softened the outer look and added much more detail to the building. We mimicked the •commercial and residential uses)condos with higher ceiling heights and because of the height for transition between Mean roof height is capped at 40’6” (this is critical because higher price points come for •Elevator added at P&Z request and to upgrade the building/for accessibility purposes•No balconies on the rear of the building•Units will be condos not apartments•11,000 SF neighborhood serving commercial on the first floor•47 residential units reduced to 42 total• Landscaping Enhancements Landscaping Enhancements Landscaping Enhancements Voluntary Conditions of Approval Dollar stores •club •laundromat•hookah lounge•pawn shop•tattoo parlor•thrift stores •Additional restrictions on the commercial uses permitted to prohibit the following tenants:•no 24/7 operations 11pm, -business can only be open to the public from 6am-Hours of operation restrictions•The HOA will have a required background check approval in the governing documents •for the HOA to control resident parking on siteWe will implement a parking decal system in governing documents/rules and regulations •We will provide a 10% discount off the condo price to any active military, officer or fireman • Basis for Approval Consistency with Comprehensive Plan & Code.”or planned residential neighborhoodsstreets entirely within residential neighborhoods and as close as practical to existing Elementary school sites should be located on local streets or on residential collector “•.”based on both current and projected student enrollmentsschool travel distances -to-Schools should be located to minimize average home“•School Siting Standards under Public School Concurrency Element:•.”Activity CentersAreas, and (SOAs) which include the Downtown Redevelopment Area, Interchange Impact uses in the Special Overlay Areas -Policy 1.4: The City shall allow mixed and multi“•32-FLU Element, 1.” pedestrian as well as transit travel are emphasized in the design of these Centersresidential and support commercial land uses... Mixed and/or multi land use and Activity Centers are major nodes of employment within the City and include “•Code requirements for site plan and zoning have been satisfied• Staff Recommendation for Approval Request recommendations from staff. consistent with the professional 007, -2022-41 and LS-07-22-Approval of RZ THANKYOU Second Harvest Food Bank of Program Overview Central Florida Mission 250,000 meals every single daycounty service area.over 97 million meals throughout our 6 Last year, Second Harvest distributed network, while multiplying the generosity of a caring community.To create hope and nourish lives through a powerful hunger relief Partner Agencies over 2 million meals in OcoeeSince 2021 we have distributed 10 Partner Agencies in OcoeeOver 505 Feeding Partners across 6 counties Bring Hope Home transportation or health barriersHealthy food delivered to seniors, veterans, and individuals with School Partnerships Program We currently partner with Ocoee High School Kids PacksFresh MarketsSchool Markets Kids Cafés After school feeding sites located in community centers Summer Feeding Program access to school cafeterias This program is designed to provide meals to kids when they lack Benefits Connection Specialists conduct required interview and scan documents•Full service SNAP application assistance• Culinary Program with training and experiences at their facilitiesWe work with partners, like Disney, to provide students •Provides culinary and life skills training•16 week free training program• What is our Mobile Drop Program?20,000 meals to our neighbors within a few hours•Food Bank supplied and Community led• What is our Mobile Drop Program?governmentFood from the •USDA TEFAP•and the like.rescue, producers, Food from retail •Donated Food•Food that is bought•Power Purchase (PUR)•3 Main Categories of Food Mobile Drop Process Examples•What to expect for distribution•Scheduling• Contact spalacios@feedhopenow.org•Stephanie Palacios• D? T Mary Doty Solik, Esq. 407-367-7868 121 S. Orange Ave., Ste. 1500 msolik@dotysoliklaw.com Orlando, FL 32801 MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners of the City of Ocoee FROM: Mary Doty Solik,Special Counsel DATE: October 26,2022 RE: City of Ocoee Taylor&Franklin Streets Intersection Improvement Project Based on the current project design the City needs to acquire the following property: Parcel No. Property Owner Property Location of Appraised Value Interest Property Needed 101 Lighthouse Real Fee Simple Title 229 Franklin Street $299,750.00 Estate Consultants, Inc. Dan DeRango appraised this property at the value set forth in the chart above. We have sent an offer to purchase this property at a price of 10%over the Initial Appraised Value ($329,725.00). Discussions have been ongoing but no negotiated agreements have been reached. Attached is a proposed Resolution which authorizes the filing of a condemnation action and to proceed to acquire the necessary properties by a quick take proceeding. A quick take proceeding allows the City to acquire title to the needed property by demonstrating to the Court's satisfaction a public need and necessity for the property and the deposit of the City's good faith estimate of value in the Court's Registry. This evidence is presented at an Order of Taking hearing,generally held sixty to ninety days after the suit is filed. Once the City deposits its good faith estimate of value, title to the property transfers to the City. The property owner, however, is entitled to a jury trial on the ultimate valuation of the property at some time in the future. This procedure allows public bodies to obtain title quickly so that public projects are not delayed but imposes the risk on the public body of what the ultimate valuation of the acquired property is determined to be. 1 RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended that the Mayor and City Commissioners: 1. Approve the attached Resolution, authorizing execution thereof by the Mayor and City Clerk,and further authorizing all necessary actions in order to proceed to acquire the property by quick take proceeding. MDS/aw attachments cc: Robert Frank Craig Shadrix Steve Krug Milen Womack 2 W. ,Wm d Iowa,/ . , t .' 0/16/ilr VeSt is-,41:=.-- • K Cl. To.: • t 0 iiiitt ,... ._:a tt , . a ,........., 7,,ST F U "N B o .,► V,� fI X '- 10 .:\ i U �I d tor todorroW w .;�.r. �5 0 0 foo for tOn' `" ®®®f hope � 60• V � / �� Food for today \�.'.,i� Zand hope for tomorrow. One in seven of our neighbors faces hunger due to a root cause like lack of affordable housing, education, or working a low-wage job. inSecond Harvest distributes food through 500+ partner organizations and into the hands of kids, families, and laseniors when they need it most.With the nutritious food they need, our neighbors, like Annette, can focus on training for a better job,finding stable housing, and raising Whealthy kids. "You give me the peace of mind to be able to go home and feed my family today and for days to come," says Annette. WI . Kids can't learn on an empty stomach. Rumbly tummies and headaches make it hard to . concentrate on math lessons. • ille One in five Central Florida kids is at risk of going to bed hungry tonight. Hunger can impact their success today ^. and derail their long-term growth and potential. Second Harvest provides kid-friendly meals after school and during summer break to kids like Zach who rely on a safe,welcoming place and food to fuel their day. . pm "I can come by, eat with my friends, play basketball and do homework. I like all the food, especially when we have bananas for snack." 4 r. , i` 0 -y • for tt'e day _...,„:„.„ / J foodillk‘ll117 � ,. j .,...., A-- Ar > • , / N tim ._.: '4,41-Witij. - (' z. : ((( 44- p 4 S ? !§. Cr ,,..,E tr ansforming lives Ull 1/0',•"./ ; 1114111- Food is transformational. OIL "The day I was introduced to Second Harvest and its Culinary Training Program was one of the greatest days of lamy life," recalls Kenny. For 16 weeks, he soaked up the hands-on experiences, life skills education and food services training. After graduation, Kenny went to work at a local country club, honing his skills. His spirit of determination led him to pursue and achieve his ultimate dream of owning and running his own catering business.Today, he serves large- scale events, prepares meals as a private chef, and mentors up-and-coming cooks. 4 Most importantly, he is proud to be an example for his family. ''ii!1d14 u,h Food is directly related to IIIMhealth and well-being. Families trying to stretch a limited budget often remove milfresh, healthy items from their shopping carts replacing it with calorie-dense and nutritionally-deficient food. This approach might keep the pantry stocked, but it can 4 lead to chronic, diet-related diseases. Second Harvest helps increase access to produce, lean meats, and dairy products to provide well-rounded meals. la it h °;ter heap l 1.4 :! dlet s• or pbetted \\''$. fresh&nutritious foods \ \ --Second Harvest on, . ,,.E • FOOD _BANK ..,„-- \' N OF CENTRAL FLORIDA _�* ems..* v 1. Ilk of L ---- ?. 6 r --- f';.1 4" 4 ..rA •_ a Idea le too . Small ever9 a °n mak es 1111111111111111 a differectsnce Positive change begins by taking action. Cie Daniel volunteered to sort food donations with his family at Second Harvest. Afterward, he was inspired to find more ways to help others. He created a "Cans Over Candy" food drive to collect nonperishable food while his friends were trick or treating. He designed a flyer and delivered it to his neighbors a few days before Halloween. fin Four years later, Daniel's Halloween food drive continues to grow and nourish his community. Z "There are many ways to help people have food on the table," says Daniel. "No idea is too small or too big. Every action makes a difference." Learn more: _ ` ThislsFood.FeedHopeNow.org o' ? 7=:u \_ ` 1 ' / rimmiew FOOD IS CHANGE. Positive change begins by taking action. With volunteers, Ititt, vent supporters and generous donors, Second Harvest Food ank is feeding Inspiration,change,achievement,health— families facing hunger.ThislsFood.FeedHopeNow.org AMMO li#oil /0- ! a ,, .. ,„„.....„, .rR' -� - VOWNTEER Petim Same: I�r. ike104411 KALE APPLES BLUEBERRIES CARROTS FOOD IS MEDICINE. The health of our community matters. By improving access to fresh food and nutrition education, Second Harvest Food Bank is feeding Inspiration,change,achievement,health— &families facing hunger.ThislsFood.FeedHopeNow.org P�yE57 F000` IS--- coop/ 7t • 1 II i 4 FO • II I S ... A foundation for a better future. Through life-changing training programs, Second Harvest Food Bank is feeding inspiration,change,achievement,health —&families . facing hunger.ThislsFood.FeedHopeNow.org �P�,£S7 F�fO ` A '"bc, °„::),27' latia.' \i/fifiAl Y110000fr i ,,, f., ....°°""7.7:4 :1/4 i . .. ( \ 4,. IP #- A g I U. FOOD IS LEARNING. Hunger impacts a student's success at school. By providing the healthy, nutritious meals kids need to thrive, Second Harvest Food Bank is feeding inspiration,change,achievement,health I, —&families facing hunger.ThislsFood.FeedHopeNow.org �P,,E s i F 000` � 5 9 w 1 �I5� 0 o� 414 4(444 Al /ii. . . . . 41 . It ,,...•.,...„, , , .. FOOD IS . FAMILY. Families need food for today and hope for tomorrow. With nutritious meals to help them thrive, Second Harvest Food Bank is feeding inspiration,change,achievement,health— &families facing hunger.ThislsFood.FeedHopeNow.org i .. .44k); . \ / >.1 0 71 Vli It • %., • _ \` GM CITY OF OCOEE 1 N. Bluford Avenue OCOC Ocoee, Florida 34761 flo<<da 407-905-3100 SPEAKING RESERVATION FORM NOTE: All submitted speaking reservation forms are public records under Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, and are open to inspectionn by all persons.L DATE I /2 Z— /'/� NAME l,/L_ ( tilouL9 PHONE# 241 1 OCOEE RESIDENT YES 0 NO 2I C �� C" ZIP CODE �'V 1 (OPTIONAL)ADDRESS n � � � co ,, rr �/'� � E-MAIL -ta C� co l �i \���"► c•✓" ► 1 I want to address the Board about (Please provide Item # and/or topic): 1l� Do you have a prepared statement, or other document(s)from which you will address the Board? No Yes if yes, please attach copy of same to this Reservation Form. All proceedings before the Commission shall be governed by the Civility Code —see back The following time limits to speak are in effect: Public Hearings: petitioner presentation - 15 minutes; citizen comments -5 minutes per speaker; petitioner rebuttal-5 minutes. Open to Public—Citizens Comments-3 minutes per speaker, per meeting. CITY OF OCOEE V.',/ 1 N. Bluford Avenue ocoee Ocoee, Florida 34761 no?iad 407-905-3100 SPEAKING RESERVATION FORM NOTE: All submitted speaking reservation forms are public records under Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, and are open to inspection by all persons. DATE 1l /:[J2Z NAME l) a SLIA Cre iA/s PHONE# ‘51-)J 942 e5 ' 13 2 OCOEE RESIDENT YES 13 NO ❑ (OPTIONAL)ADDRESS l%CV5 165 y ' 't/R CITY ®Wee ZIP CODE 3 17a E-MAIL •J I want to address the Board about (Please provide Item #and/or topic): Pc63ec1 RZ --Zi- o1-(1 1 - LS -).o y2 -007 Do you have a prepared statement, or other document(s) from which you will address the Board?/ No v Yes if yes, please attach copy of same to this Reservation Form. All proceedings before the Commission shall be governed by the Civility Code —see back The following time limits to speak are in effect: Public Hearings: petitioner presentation - 15 minutes; citizen comments-5 minutes per speaker; petitioner rebuttal -5 minutes. Open to Public—Citizens Comments-3 minutes per speaker, per meeting. \° -44 &il CITY OF OCOEE 1 N. Bluford Avenue OCC)E?� Ocoee, Florida 34761 Honda 407-905-3100 SPEAKING RESERVATION FORM NOTE: All submitted speaking reservation forms are public records under Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, and are open to inspection by all persons. DATE It if W � NAME :31 r(-' C PHONE# 4e 5779 OCOEE RESIDENT YES I ' NO ❑ �, (OPTIONAL)ADDRESS Q ie1/ s �`L'`�Q S`CA CITY ZIP CODE E-MAIL I want to address the Board about(Please provide Item#and/or topic): Do you have a prepared statement, or other document(s) from which you will address the Board? No ✓ Yes if yes, please attach copy of same to this Reservation Form. All proceedings before the Commission shall be governed by the Civility Code -see back The following time limits to speak are in effect: Public Hearings: petitioner presentation-15 minutes; citizen comments-5 minutes per speaker; petitioner rebuttal-5 minutes. Open to Public—Citizens Comments-3 minutes per speaker, per meeting. 41k0 CITY OF OCOEE 4.- 114gr I N. Bluford Avenue ocoee Ocoee, Florida 34761 florid° 407-905-3100 SPEAKING RESERVATION FORM NOTE: All submitted speaking reservation forms are public records under Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, and are open to ins ection by all persons. DATE it l l 2-i NAME (ZO6GI-(r c • P1 1 R 1 Q/ PHONE# . - -1 l 9- 3 doe OCOEE RESIDENT YES Ir NO E Igi5 6� C% DcoeQ- 3y-MI (OPTIONAL)ADDRESS 1617 � CITY ZIP CODE E-MAIL 2DB 14 1 l,lf ps M A-1 L , Ce+ln I want to address the Board about(Please provide Item#and/or topic): t 1© 6C0QQ LPt-J b 3) / x f �11 vSE "Boi b1AJ9 Do youhave a prepared statement, or other document(s) from which you will address the Board?/ No 1_ Yes if yes, please attach copy of same to this Reservation Form. All proceedings before the Commission shall be governed by the Civility Code —see back The following time limits to speak are in effect: Public Hearings: petitioner presentation-15 minutes; citizen comments-5 minutes per speaker; petitioner rebuttal-5 minutes. Open to Public-Citizens Comments-3 minutes per speaker, per meeting. CITY OF OCOEE 1 N. Bluford Avenue pvJo\c- 4,14 Yam' OCOCe Ocoee, Florida 34761 CD fior;do 407-905-3100 SPEAKING RESERVATION FORM NOTE: All submitted speaking reservation forms are public records under Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, and are open to inspection by all persons. DATE //-/- ? C; !!`` NAME Ci6) /AAl 0 PHONE# 7-74S -/y am OCOEE RESIDENT YES X NO ❑ (OPTIONAL)ADDRESS CITY ZIP CODE E-MAIL I want to address the Board about(Please provide Item#and/or topic): pf) LI 0 /'n/3--2 1 k F 1;-7'f Do you have a prepared statement, or other document(s) from which you will address-the Board? No Yes if yes, please attach copy of same to this Reservation Form. All proceedings before the Commission shall be governed by the Civility Code —see back The following time limits to speak are in effect: Public Hearings: petitioner presentation- 15 minutes; citizen comments-5 minutes per speaker; petitioner rebuttal-5 minutes. Open to Public—Citizens Comments-3 minutes per speaker, per meeting. ? O'Ve- .d'S ip C��� ` CITY OF OCOEE A‘l_aijr 1 N. Bluford Avenue ocoee Ocoee, Florida 34761 rlorlda 407-905-3100 SPEAKING RESERVATION FORM NOTE: All submitted speaking reservation forms are public records under Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, and are open to inspection by all persons. DATE ft1 '©/ 2-p2Y NAME 'yA H/}W gill 9 PHONE# 2,1 —f TZ `a- OCOEE RESIDENT YES NO 0 • (OPTIONAL)ADDRESS� ,S /)� t Z�f �Y' ��' -/ CITY 0C(GJ ZIP CODE 3-ee .4 f. E-MAIL I Pv":35//py.4e/d,/ ,ri /' " 6967 `. g/-a1-4 1021-- I want nto addressdp the Board about(Please provide Item#and/or topic): - p Do you have a prepared statement, or other document(s)from which you will address the Board. — . 04fi No j/ Yes if yes, please attach copy of same to this Reservation Form. — All proceedings before the Commission shall be governed by the Civility Code —see back The following time limits to speak are in effect: Public Hearings: petitioner presentation-15 minutes; citizen comments-5 minutes per speaker; petitioner rebuttal-5 minutes. Open to Public-Citizens Comments-3 minutes per speaker, per meeting. ke) ZAP- \e �/ CITY OF OCOEE 1 N. Bluford Avenue . Ocoee Ocoee, Florida 34761 /" norId, 407-905-3100 SPEAKING RESERVATION FORM NOTE: All submitted speaking reservation forms are public records under Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, and are open to inspection by all persons. DATE /.///4 o2Z NAME !snr PHONE# P.c%' 7—72/ OCOEE RESIDENT YES NO El (OPTIONAL)/ ADDRESS /b 3S /ec' P d y D�: CITY eP�ee ZIP CODE /E-MAIL b 1h/r,:e l��to)yi�s�Q'Ylz�t /: �Jn I want to address the Board about(Please provide Item#and/or topic): C/a a/le n .�� �1��n7ar �.7ra�Psi �rssG ' :‘3' A?ervc,sn 2 e a-t/ Do you have a prepared statement, or other document(s) from which you will address the Board? No// Yes if yes, please attach copy of same to this Reservation Form. All proceedings before the Commission shall be governed by the Civility Code —see back The following time limits to speak are in effect: Public Hearings: petitioner presentation-15 minutes;citizen comments-5 minutes per speaker; petitioner rebuttal-5 minutes. Open to Public—Citizens Comments-3 minutes per speaker, per meeting.