HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-21-2022 MinutesFinal Budget Hearing
Ocoee Commission Chambers
I North Bluford Avenue, Ocoee, FL
September 21, 2022 MINUTES 6:00 P.M.
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A. invocation and Pledge of Allegiance
Mayor Johnson called the final budget hearing to order at 6:00 PM in the Commission Chambers
of City Hall. The invocation was led by Mayor Johnson followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to
the Flag.
B. Roll Call and Determination of Quorum - 6:01 PM
City Clerk Sibbitt called the roll and declared a quorum present.
Present: Commissioner Brinson, Commissioner Wilsen, Mayor Johnson, Commissioner Firstrier,
Commissioner Oliver
Also Present: City Manager Frank, City Attorney Cookson, City Clerk, Sibbitt, Finance Director
A) Announcement by Mayor Johnson
Mayor Johnson announced this is an advertised public hearing to adopt a final millage rate and
finalize the budget for the City of Ocoee for the Fiscal Year 2022-2023 commencing on
October 1, 2022, and ending September 30, 2023. The City Commission has previously approved
a tentative millage rate of 4.9732 mills, which represents a 7.2% increase in millage over the roll-
back rate of 4.6361 mills. The advertised tentative millage rate of 5.05 mills is the maximum
millage rate which may be adopted by the City Commission at this Final Budget Public Hearing
tonight. He then asked the Director of Finance to make a brief presentation.
B) Briefing by Director of Finance on the percentage increase in millage under the
rolled -back rate necessary to fund the budget and the specific purpose for which ad
valorem tax revenues are being increased. 6:02 PM
Finance Director Roberts announced the following adjustments made during the Tentative
Budget Hearing:
e The HRDB budget was increased to $100,000 for multi -cultural events — an increase of
0 The Youth Council budget was reinstated at $10,000.
0 The Youth Initiatives budget was decreased by $5,000.
® $50,000 was added to sidewalks.
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September 21, 2022
In addition, the staffing list was amended to show the Mayor and Commissioners holding elected
positions neither full or part-time, and a new budget line was added titled "Transfer Out - Ocoee
Music Festival." Neither of these items impacted the budget.
The budget is balanced at 4.9500 mills, which is 7% above the rolled -back rate of 4.6361 mills.
The increase in the millage will be used to balance the budget which provide for Citywide
operations and capital improvements. At the previous budget hearing, the City Commission
discussed the possibility of adding supplementary bulk collection services to the Solid Waste Fund.
City staff has collected the cost for providing that service and is prepared to present those costs.
Finance Director Roberts presented and explained two options (Option A & Option B) for Bulk
Collection - Code Violations. Option A included a purchase of a claw truck, dump fees, may
require contract review for the City's ability to charge for collecting excess bulk, and was estimated
to cost $2.40/monthly. Option B would not include the purchase of a claw truck or require dump
fees, and was estimated to cost $1.25/monthly.
Mayor Johnson inquired if changes to the Bulk Collection would affect the millage rate. Finance
Director Roberts explained the implementation of the Solid Waste Program would not affect the
millage rate as the General Fund would be loaning the money to the Solid Waste Fund.
Commissioner Wilsen inquired how Option B would correct the issue of residents placing extra
yard waste for collection. City Manager Frank explained the current process is a call between
the resident and Waste Connections; whereas, the options presented will provide a City employee
to coordinate directly with Waste Connections and the City Resident. The employee would work
proactively to mitigate collection issues and ensure compliance with both the City Solid Waste
Collection Ordinance and the Waste Connections Contract. Commissioner Brinson inquired what
the current process is regarding a missed collection. City Engineer Campanale explained the
current calls they field with regard to Solid Waste Collection, and shared that many residents do
not understand the requirements. He further expounded on how the options proposed would
enhance the level of service to the residents. Commissioner Oliver inquired about the benefit of
the claw truck in Option A, and the new position of Compliance Supervisor. City Engineer
Campanale addressed his questions, and shared the Compliance Supervisor would also be the
claw truck operator. A brief discussion ensued on the options presented. Commissioner Oliver
shared his confusion on why they would need to look at the contract if they owned the claw truck.
City Manager Frank addressed his question.
1. Comments by Citizens - 6:23 PA"I
Mayor Johnson opened the floor for public comments.
The following persons addressed the City Commission:
- Jim Moyer, Ocoee Resident, suggested a third option for the Solid Waste Collection issue
of only hiring the Compliance Supervisor and allow them to gather information before
proceeding with the presented additional costs.
2 1 P a g e
Brent Deitrick, Ocoee Resident, inquired when hurricane season occurs, will they have
the same Solid Waste Collection Service. City Manager Frank explained the City's
process on reporting to FEMA for Solid Waste collections after a hurricane.
The public hearing -vi,as closed.
2. Comments by Commissioners - 6.-.28 PNI
Commissioner Wilsen inquired if they would need a vote this evening for the Bulk Collection
options. City Attorney Cookson explained City staff is seeking direction on how to proceed so
they may review the ordinance and contracts. A brief discussion ensued on the claw truck.
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as presented.
3. Comments by Citizens - '�:.3'4 PM oi,
Mayor Johnson opened the floor for public comments.
The following persons addressed the City Commission:
- Jim Moyer, Ocoee Resident, asked for $500 to be reinstated annually to American Legion
Post 109, as was done in the past. He further commended the Finance Director for her work
on the budget.
Commissioner Wilsen shared that she responded to his email and explained the funding he is
requesting was initially provided by the Community Merit Board, but that Board is no longer
active. She further explained each Elected Official has discretionary funds which is where the
funds would come from, if he sends them an individual request.
Tonya Dorisca, Ocoee Resident and HRDB Member, shared she was present at the
Tentative Budget Public Hearing to request funding for multi -cultural events, and realized
there were concerns about the motion that was made by the HRDB. She read the motion as
provided to her by the Recording Clerk and thanked the City Commission for the approval
of the funds.
Brad Lonmeck, Ocoee Resident and HRDB Member, commented on the HRDB budget
and the request for additional funding for projects that he felt the Board volunteers were
not prepared to host. He further commented on the ARPA funding in place for the Fire
Station and the Training Center for the Police Department, which he voiced is needed, and
asked that funds not be taken from that budget to be used elsewhere.
Vivian Lyte-Johnson, Ocoee Resident, shared she has attended the HRDB Meetings as a
citizen and is troubled with the miscommunication amongst the members. She further
shared her support in the HRDB receiving the additional funding.
The public hearing was closed.
September 21, 2022
Commissioner Wilsen recounted the HRDB funding discussion from the Tentative Budget Public
Hearing, and shared she is not in favor of the additional request for funding as she felt there were
unanswered questions on how the funds would be disbursed.
Commissioner Firstner confirmed that if the HRDB did not present the City Commission with
acceptable multi -cultural events, then they would not be able to spend the funds. Assistant
Support Services Director Gaines explained the HRDB is an Advisory Board. So they would
have to receive City Commission approval for their events prior to using budgeted funds.
Commissioner Oliver thanked Ms. Dorisca for the clarification, and further explained his request
for the $100,000. He commented on the simplicity of the HRDB being able to team up with any
Board that is interested in hosting a multi -cultural event. He shared that there is a lack of
understanding of Arts & Culture within the City which he felt could assist with bringing in revenue.
Mayor Johnson shared his support for the HRDB Chair, and her request for the funding of their
annual planned events. He explained that additional funding should not be fronted until they have
planned events. He further explained the sponsor and budget process for the Music Festival.
Discussion ensued about the increase to the HRDB budget, and how the City Commission would
approve those event requests. Commissioner Brinson cautioned that this item has already been
voted on and felt they should not be discussing changes to the motion that was approved at the
Tentative Budget Hearing. City Attorney Cookson recounted the discussion from the Tentative
Budget Hearing, and explained that the motion approved was for the additional increase in funding
to be utilized by the HRDB; however, since they have not adopted the Final Budget, they can still
have discussions and make amendments. He further clarified with Commissioner Wilsen that she
is asking to know who can utilize the funding which does not affect the budgeted amount.
Commissioner Wilsen agreed that what she is confirming is that the funds would be available for
other advisory boards to utilize, and those boards would need City Commission approval. A brief
discussion ensued on the procedures for advisory boards to utilize budgeted funds for events.
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those funds would have to be for a specific event approved by the Ci
Commissioner Oliver explained the current event approval process, the mission and objectives
of the HRDB; and further, commented that funding should only be provided to boards that oversee
a multi -cultural event. Commissioner Brinson voiced his discontent with ignoring the integrity
of the HRDB, and making budget requests for other advisory boards who did not come before
them for funding.
4 1 P a g e
Final Budget Public Hearing
September 21, 2022
IC) Amendments to Proposed Tentative Budget - 72,.#IN/1
D) Announcement by Director of Finance of the proposed final millage rate and the
percent by which the proposed millage rate exceeds the rolled -back rate. This
percentage is the proposed final percentage increase in property taxes. 7.35 I'M
Both Items C and D ivere heard out of Agenda Order tinder E 2. Comments by Commissioners on
Final Allillage Rate.
1E) Adoption of Final Millage Rate — 7 : 22 I'M
City Attorney Cookson announced the name of the taxing authority is the City of Ocoee. The
rolled -back millage rate is 4.6361 mills. The percentage by which the proposed millage rate
exceeds the rolled -back rate is 7%. The millage rate proposed by the Ordinance is 4.9500 mills.
City Attorney Cookson read the title of the ordinance.
The ordinance as adopted carries the following title:
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1. Comments by Citizens —724 I'M
Mayor Johnson opened the floor for public comments by citizens.
No speaker reservation forms were received; therefore, the public hearing was closed.
Commissioner Oliver commented on the decrease made to the Youth Initiative budget which he
had proposed be used for Ocoee Youth Council travel, and inquired if the motion at the Tentative
Budget Hearing was approval for local travel only.
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Commissioner Oliver, Seconded Commissioner Brinson.
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Commissioner Wilsen voiced her support on the local travel only. Mayor Johnson commented
that he does not have a problem with the Ocoee Youth Council going to Tallahassee as he felt they
should be able to see their legislatures at work.
Commissioner Oliver asked OYC Coordinator Dillard questions related to the Youth Council.
OYC Coordinator Dillard addressed his questions. Mayor Johnson commented on the
importance of the youth also fundraising money to cover costs associated with their travel.
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Oliver, by Mayor• • r • - • 1
Announcement by Director of Finance of the proposed final millage rate and the percent by
which the proposed millage rate exceeds the rolled -back rate. This percentage is the
proposed final percentage increase in property taxes. 7.35 PM
Finance Director Roberts advised the proposed millage rate is 4.9500 mills which is 7% above
the rolled -back rate of 4.6361 mills. The increase in the millage will be used to balance the budget
which provide for Citywide operations and capital improvements. City Manager Frank inquired
about the $2,500 increase to the Youth Initiative and where the funds would be coming from.
Commissioner Oliver inquired if there was $2,500 in Contingency Funds that could be rolled
over for this special circumstance. Mayor Johnson commented on rolling over the funds from the
Unity Park monument budget. Finance Director Roberts confirmed funds could be rolled over
and the millage rate would not be affected.
City Attorney Cookson announced the name of the taxing authority is the City of Ocoee. The
rolled -back millage rate is 4.6361 mills. The percentage by which the proposed millage rate
exceeds the rolled -back rate is 7%. The millage rate proposed by the Ordinance is 4.9500 mills.
City Attorney Cookson read the title of the ordinance.
The ordinance as adopted carries the following title:
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Final Budget Public Hearing
September 21, 2022
IF) Adoption of Final Budget — 7440 PM
City Attorney Cookson read the title of the ordinance.
The ordinance as adopted carries the following title:
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1. Comments by Citizens —7.-,-,,,() PNII
Mayor Johnson opened the floor for public comments by citizens.
No speaker reservation forms ivere received- therefore, the public hearing was closed
2. Comments by Commissioners on Final Budget —7:41 11"I'V11
No additional comments ivere made.
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Mayor Johnson announced that emails were received by citizens about the budget, and are
considered public records which can be requested through the City Clerk's Department.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:44 PM.