HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 14 First Reading of Ordinance for the Comprehensive Plan Amendment - Adoption of the Five-Year Schedule of Capital Improvements and Update of the Capital Improvement Element (CPA-2022-004)Contact Name, Contact Number. Planning and Zoning Commission Recommendation: The Planning and Zoning Commission (P&Z) considered this amendment at its November 8, 2022, hearing and voted unanimously to recommend approval of the amendment to the Capital Improvements Element and update of the Five -Year Schedule of Capital Improvements for Fiscal Years 2022/23 through 2026/27 within the City's Comprehensive Plan in accordance with Section 163.3177(3), Florida Statutes (F.S.) and Policy 1.5 of the Capital Improvements Element, Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Honorable Mayor and City Commission approve the amendment to the Capital Improvements Element and update of the Five -Year Schedule of Capital Improvements for Fiscal Years 2022/23 through 2026/27 within the City's Comprehensive Plan in accordance with Section 163.3177(3), Florida Statutes (F.S.) and Policy 1.5 of the Capital Improvements Element. 0 , 111- RJUMN111 - mi Financial Impact: None Type of Item: (please mark with an "x") Public Hearing X Ordinance First Reading Ordinance Second Reading Resolution Commission Approval Discussion & Direction Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by (Amendment to Capital Improvements Element of the Comprehensive Plan and Update of the Five -Year Schedule of Capital Improvements) CASE NO. CPA-2022-004 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE OCOEE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AS ADOPTED IN 1991, AS AMENDED, IN ORDER TO COMPLY WITH ECTION 1 3.3 77(3), FLORIDA STATUTES; AMENDING THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ELEMENT OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Ocoee (the "Ocoee City Commission") adopted the City of Ocoee Comprehensive Plan pursuant to Chapter 163, Part 11, Florida Statutes (F.S.), which has been amended from time to time (the "Comprehensive Plan"); and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 163,3177(3)(a), F.S., the Comprehensive Plan shall contain a Capital Improvements Element designed to consider the need for and the location of public facilities in order to encourage the efficient use of such facilities and to include, at a minimum, a five-year schedule of capital improvements which include publicly and privately funded improvements; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 16,3177(3)(b), F.S., the Capital Improvements Element, to include the Five -Year Schedule of Capital Improvements, must be reviewed and updated annually, and such update may be accomplished by ordinance and may not be deemed to be amendments to the local comprehensive plan; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 166.041(3), F.S., on November 8, 2022, the Planning and Zoning Commission held an advertised and publicly noticed public hearing to consider the amendment to the Capital Improvements Element to update the Five -Year Schedule of Capital Improvements; and WHEREAS, following advertisement and a duly noticed public hearing on the Ordinance, on , the Ocoee City Commission, in good faith, determined that this Ordinance is in the best interest of the City and its residents and approved the amendment to the Capital Improvements Element to update the Five -Year Schedule of Capital Improvements. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ETIACTED 137T-T-KE—CIrZ CITY 1F 1COEE, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. AUTHORITY. The Ocoee City Commission has the authority to adopt this Ordinance pursuant to Article VIII of the Constitution of the State of Florida and Chapters 163 and 166, Florida Statutes. SECTION 2. AMENDMENT OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. The Ocoee City Commission hereby amends the Capital Improvement Element of the Comprehensive Plan as set forth in Exhibit "A" ' attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof, with underlines representing additions and strike-thioughs representing deletions. SECTION 3. TRANSMITTAL. The City Clerk is hereby authorized to transmit the required copies of the amendment to the City's Capital Improvements Element of the Comprehensive Plan to the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity in accordance with Section 163.3177(3), F.S. SECTION 4. SEVERABILITY, If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion hereto SECTION 5. EFFECTIVE DATE. immediately upon passage and adoption. Melanie Sibbitt, City Clerk (SEAL) I 01,11WINIW1391 Im NN 0 V.112101 W1391 WM AND LEGALITY this - day of )2022. SHUFFIELD LOWMAN & WILSON, P.A. EA City Attorney This Ordinance shall become effective day of , 2022. APPROVED: CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA Rusty Johnson, Mayor ADVERTISED 2022 READ FIRST TIME 2022. READ SECOND TIME AND ADOPTED ,2022. UNDER AGENDA ITEM NO, N JODRMUMM The Capital Improvements Element is hereby amended as follows: 0 1 • Mr-Mlyr-11JUIT, W-00MA TN MA&V-414 WTU# Z Policy 1.5: The City shall continue, in the conjunction with the annual process for preparation the operating budget, to prepare/update and adopt a Five -Year Schedule of Capit Improvements, the first year of which shall be the annual capital portion of the adopted budg The following criteria shall be followed in developing and updating the Schedule: I A. The timetable for preparation shall be similar to that used for the preparation of the annual budget so that financial resources available for capital projects can be identified, implications of planned capital projects on the operating budget can be reflected. B. The Schedule (and the process for its update) shall conform to this plan, including specifically, but not limited to, the level of service standards, the implementation of projects identified in the various elements, the criteria for evaluating projects, and the criteria for establishing project priorities. C. This Element shall be reviewed at least annually in conjunction with the update of the CIP and shall be updated as needed to remain consistent with new information. D. The limitation on the use of revenue bonds as a percentage of total debt. E. The maximum ratio of total debt service and outstanding capital indebtedness to total revenue and property tax base� The City of Ocoee will manage its outstanding debt by limiting outstanding capital debt to a 110 ratio of total annual debt service to total annual City revenues. Policy 1.6: Pursuant to Section 163.3177(3)(b), F.S., amendments to the Five -Year Schedule Capital Improvements may be accomplished by ordinance and may not be deemed to amendments to the Comprehensive Plan. Tables 6a-4*-G�§ reflects t City's currently adopted Fiscal Year 2024-2/20267 Fiv E) Year Schedule of Capital Improvements, as adopted by the Ocoee City Commission Septe4rA)e�, �Se tember 21 2022, to maintain the adopted levels of service standar for parks and recreation, stormwater, transportation and water and sewer utilities. M [Table 6a stricken in its entirety.] RecreationParks & Pecittest Title Funding SYearTotal .. 1 /23 23/24 .., Cemetery Fencing Op Rev 50,000 C10,000 Central Park Renovation Op Pev 1.50,000 - 150;00 City Skate Park Other Impact Fc° s 250,000 250,000 - Dugout Remodel Op Pev 10,()00 10;000 Jim Beech Center Improvements tip Plev ISO)() )() 35,,00 Jim Beech Complex improvements Op Pev 501,000 50;()0 Jim h Recreation Center Op Pev 100"€ 00 100,t.300 - Maguire House Improvements Op Rev 100,000 100,000 - Ocoee cemetery improvements Op ilev 001000 _ - 200,00 Park Playground ..,Op Rev 75,000 p¢ 75,000 Sorenson Concession Stand c_ thex 1mpa t:Fees 16:0,000 1€ 0,00t) Storage Shed Op l�V 20.{)00 20,000 ynth Lis, Tcrrf IsIenov tion tip ilav 500,000 5100;00() Ton Inlsil�ic l k�all Court R nov tlIrn Other I apart Fees 170,000 170;000 - vignettl Ballfl ld rights Ugh Pev 96000 - 396,000 Vignetti Park improvements op Pev 5:0.000 - 50,000 vigrre"11Fitness Room o Remodel Cep Pev 15,000 15,000 _ Weft a ss Park Construction Grants 2,50,€ 00 2,250,000 [Table 6b stricken in its entirety.] Stormwater N [Table 6c stricken in its entirety.] Road Capacity Request Title Funding , . r Total 1/ 2 / , Maguire Road Phase 5 CPA 15.100,00 b ` 100,0002,500,000 Maguire Road v Right of Way Ua°tltmded 1,000,000 1,000,000 - - Old winter Garden Road Extension € oad Ir`'ti:aact Fees 3,700,000 - 3,700,000 OperationsRoad Request Titl "undirn Y arT tal 2t /2/ luford Av, s,me and Silver Star load , raff is Signal Span Wire Replacement Op Plev 3,98,000 38,000 Clarke and White Roads Traffic Signal Controller and Video Detection Upgrade Cain Pev 2.��t000 22,000 Clarke Road i S 50 Paa:t AIurn uprirgIfit Replacement Op Pev 1220)0 122,000 Clarke load and G Mims Fkoad Traffic Si nal Sparc Wire Replacement Op Rev 45,000 45.00 Clarke Road Pavement repairs op Flee `52 ,400 52,400 _ Resurfacing Clarke Road Silver Star to AD Mims C )p Pev 872,900 - 872,900 _ Resurfacing Hidden Glenn Subdivision Op Pev 91.400 91.400 - esurfacintg Johio Glenn Subdivision Op iaev 10t_%900 106,900 - _ Resurfacing Old Winter Garden Road Op Rev '746,900 - 146, 00 Resurfacing prairie Lake village Subdivision Cris pev 73S,000 - ,-3",000 Resurfacing Reflections Subdivision Op Pev 2S0,200 250,20 _ _ Resurfacing Silver Rend Subdivision Op Pev 2(a7,000 - 26r7,000 Resurfacing South Maguire Road (Roberson to City Limit) Cal, Pev 353,70 - Y3 700 Rescrrfacinp South aa, g, ulre Rcaad SR Sfi to Turnpike Bridge Op F,ev 196,000 196,000 Resurfacin Vvestcheste, Su@sdivlcicn Op Pev 104,(J(O - 104D0 0 ble ��'. t d�; ' [[Table 6d stricken in its entirety.] Tr arssrn s::ien Extension nsiert Admiral Point €teela€foed Retrofit p; � r,<�r't" m" r ra6le,iYlaa±CSeG x it and v'es ha'Ses Op" P'° . ttr€.at.. s !010ry Annual Cavftyd� IC Repair a0kdknrLining Opki� t,,,,6.,3;5 `,kIFT :;S S'!E.}tt w,.,Mx"+ .`,1,..e Annual majco-t water Line € eplai rnent Uppr'a'kdet"a"5g3"cam op g.".a ,M d, ~, ,E k�t ;�,$.`rY.,4. E, °o.`^ 'eb l8„€,n 6k. -=. a �,.>.Y;.n;t6 .'t `;�.'�`z". €oc$6..M Upgrades II} d"Sl, ki {V Ap rrvrtppral Water Piant Minor taus€kS and ypgra�,des }.:?l., Hiprags ° „a€. 0 lV �0;.€t °€ N" ,k€la,' L4Fa'tS.I"a$M +G'k k«%r», dn:+tt srEtitr k`k .. 8'/,F,`,4 87,7. {` .. ... .. F1kgopd C oryidw - Construction capital Ct,r!Polaer Pk'.Vy Using and Manhole �Ck'tt•Ek @mil :=i�'" e.�k,f!.>�* aes^'.r d.,. 0110rine Contact Chamber R#Vtractable Covers }.rl; 4e Clarke FRI RelocationP}t s€ €,,..., iI�r::rot I[.,01-' filarke F b I Relacatien PI, %ase P Eaak' l"a'a' d" Wit"fek 11t ; 4Er;ttrl ,. `."a,;, 4 Ftr`e lid lratrt }s8tcer�art and New .... ��zR* Fit, Streetsanitar Sevv�er° F. rrest L>aks Wcrier Mart Above Ground AS,Ve bly for Chem ical Injecti n OF ,, - °"FW,t`,r"m,' ForFestOaks Vlater Plant In-Litle"+FloUritide,Wtea E.krPi" Lc�144?4�`re+7 R"ledl?eak'kaFS °a+'G.aaie8` t'=IIF'a F''uelc�Ce�?C&'k�nt (Pe€vioustinding <rof' 2a500,,Proj,No: constructke;€ki hw aquir`e Road initru est RemoVal k P-^ 1"i`.?^&"Wc,e major Station Pump spare to inventory (47hiai E 1p R7 *<t'ew�'Af+£'* �'•E'r(31c.a .aan€t.�C',r' .a'�§+'�t4?P`r"# t�a1�'Ga"",.�,. .. ..,..,r..ri z rv�z:' ,,'�€.r#7.°a"'*`9 _ i,�^p p,�..p, zi"`;". _. _ _. coeeaspo•pkaa lsatita€3y:qstem Phase H €:Yl R^l i.��>ti"3`e rS."`:'j 5.. eeaee y°ste:rt °Second tdrsdlr Service Pumping 0coe''vAlasteveatc r Plant 2,0 Mg Onc€ nd Storage Tank Ocoee V asteGvater Plant 2,0 nmg Oround Storage Tarok Design u t Crc ee Wastewater Plant High sera^rse Purnp ..., North T€'anternissaerd a€n }ji, ,:f , a"YA, * r. WIC >ee t € is ater F�lant t€gh service Pa€mp . N ortGmi Transmission Main(Desi nj F...FI:nR-k Gccaee Wastemeater Plant Nitrogen Removal . Cie"sign& 2.4,12025C ortst.ruct.RGFn2GZ5,R°,.026 ",„tr':'k.? C},^3.>,010,0 t""$.2,'C'A) ,a+.Y1,000 ... Gcoea'Was evvater Plant Power t.€prgratfe - onstructioi =..6pki~ .',t 1"'I'.Ilks Gcraed:^ Wastewater Plant gooier Upgrade Design$.dl?n`, «, r fw"da, tatraan�f«$at"ttrC'lF"f rde-d le': 1atrY. ,. ,... €..,tl kll' 1'41',",.7r °S nitatle Sevier Manhole ReplacemenuPiogram .. Op f, I�PIJXIIO revnnMeclaiil-t Line Upsize Pasecrakte With Creed@f}o�rc*€Yt Op"kl-s oath Lake ion to l i -n ansmissimn Extension k rl... l ' a's _ l .l. ':rCkS,ril3t?i«°iter Plant h^LUk7e Fluid f'*ter i,`,Sl't P^? ,",,oc,1l .€ SR s^P'' t 1rC.ler"ii8"kaf relocate Water Ones i., B1.R€lydr-:a R�:''ss„. `nxk,".61 W State Road 50 Uning ato manhote Coating u4. P, T I y'101 aohsimmee Stre tsca - construction Pwr b'vOa' k4Ia''nd" s'e IP p�8RR�6"�astem +Yatef T#°L d1t''F &fit a4'&t tYI £" 6 rkti `SSI; tin, tt esigil water Line updZe ASSodatemi With D„'kFrdt3pmentE..4f, �. z! �.�=..r�k.��..i+�.:k:. #.�`..5�.7 .;s:�k 1.''4s000 ME N. Blackwood Avenue Streeetscape & 1 Roundabouts CRA $ 200,000-00 $ 2,000,000-00 $ 2,200,000-00 2 Maguire Road Phase 5 CPA $ 450,00000 $ 3,()00,00000 $ 3,000,000m00 $ 6,450,000.00 3 Old Winter Garden Road Extension CPA $ 2,500,000�00 $ 3,700,000-00 $ 6,200,000-00 4 Story Road Widening CPA $ 800,000.00 9,000,000,00 $ q'SID0,000m 5 S. Bluford Complete Street Project CRA $ 5,558,579.00 $ 5,000,000.00 $ 10,558,579-00 Transportation Facilifies, Total: $ 35,208,579.00 Utility Facilities Current Operating 1 Annual Water Main Ure Extensions Progra Revenue 2 Bluford South Corridor Fund Balance Clarke FM Re-I'location South Portion to A. D_ Mims (P000297)(ts be added to Ext- 3 Bdgt) Fund Balance 4 Floral Street Sanitary Sewer/Water Fund Balance 350,000-00 $ 150,000m $ 150,000'm 150,000-00 15(),000,00 $ 950,000.00 1,967,956e00 $ 1,967,95&00 Current Operating 5 Forest Oaks Water Plant Tank Revenue 230,000.00 $ 230,000.00 Fullers Cross/Ocoee Apopka & chnger Cove - New Lift Station (Force Main & 6 Upgrade to Clinger) ARPA Funding $ 2,200,000-00 $ 2,200,000DO Lakewood Gravity Sevver - Burst Rd to 7 Revils St Fund Balance 2,500,000-00 2,500,000-00 a New Reclaimed Pumping Facility ARPA Funding $ 1,794,145.00 $ 1,784jI45_00 9 New Reclaimed Storage Tank ARPA Funding $ 2,282,23100 $ 2,282,231-00 Sewer/Reclaim Line Upsize Associated Current Operating to With Development Revenue $ 175,000,00 $ 175,000$ 175,000.00 175,00000 175,000�00 $ 1375,000_00 Silver Star Water Main Loop (to be added 11 to currently budgeted) Fund Balance $ 45,000,00 45,000-00 Taylor & Kissimmee Streetscape Sewer Current Operating 12 Construction Revenue 1,558,408-00 $ 1,559,409-00 Transmission Main from OC Inner- 13 connect to New Pump facility ARPA Funding $ 1,069,496m00 $ 1,069,496.00 Waterline Uvsize Associated with Current Operating 14 Development Revenue 175,000-00 $ 175,000.00 $ 175,000.00 175,000-00 175,000.00 $ 875,00000 Utility Facilities Total: $ 17,499,700.00 Stiff water Facilities Current Operating I General Stormwater Improvements Revenue $ 320,000M $ 320,000-W $ 320,00CM $ 320,WO-00 1,280,000m Stormwater Facifities 1,280,000.00 Recreation Impact I Pickleball Courts Fees 400,000M 400,000.00 2 Playground Fund Balance $ 75,000.00 75,000.00 Recreation impact 3 Skatepark Phase 2 Fees $ 250,000M 250,000. 4 Wellness Park Construcf;on CRA $ 75,000.00 75,000-00 Sul