HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-01-2022 Minutes CITY OF OCOEE
Minutes of the Human Relations Diversity Board
Regular Meeting Held September 1, 2022
The meeting was called to order by Chair Hart at 6:18 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall located at
1 N. Bluford Avenue, Ocoee.
Chair Hart led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, followed by a moment of personal reflection.
Recording Clerk Sibbitt performed roll call and declared a quorum present.
Present:Chair Hart,and Members:Anderson-Robinson(arrived at 7:02 PM), Maxwell,Carr,Ages Hart, Middleton,
Dorsica, Lomneck, Mellen, and Demetrick Brown
Absent: Member(s) Dawkins,Annette Brown, and Kennedy
Also Present: Commissioner Oliver,Assistant Support Services Director Gaines, and Recording Clerk Sibbitt
Guest(s):Jennifer Yon,Jennifer Yon Agency
Public Comments: Chair Hart shared that resident, Jim Moyer, contacted her to request 10 minutes for his
presentation, which she has granted him. Jim Moyer, Ocoee Resident, shared a quote from Mother Teresa,
encouraged the Board Members to view the last Regular City Commission Meeting as the City needs support on
an eminent domain issue,and asked the Board Members to consider devoting January—February as Black History
Months and include the Ocoee Massacre Event during those months, so the Board could focus on hosting other
cultural events throughout the year. He concluded by announcing the Budget Hearing date and invited the Board
to attend that meeting to request additional funds.
A. Approval of Minutes for the HRDB meeting held August 11, 2022 :
Motion: Move to Approve the August 11, 2022, Minutes; Moved by Member Mellen, seconded by Member
Ages Hart. Motion carried unanimously.
B. Hispanic Heritage Month—Fiesta de Colores:
Member Maxwell shared it is not clear who was assigned to work on the proposed event and requested an open
discussion. Member Mellen suggested that due to their limited time and funding, an easy solution to recognize
Hispanic Heritage Month would be for the Board to reach out to the businesses on McKey Street to host an event
the week of October 15th, which would bring awareness to the businesses and allow the City to host a
cost-effective event. Member Maxwell shared it was his understanding that there was not enough time this year
to adequately host an event. Chair Hart agreed with his recollection, and inquired if funding had been budgeted
in the upcoming fiscal year.Commissioner Oliver shared that he proposed$100,000 during the Budget Workshop
for cultural events such as the one being discussed. Member Ages Hart shared he agreed with Member Mellen's
suggestion as it would allow the Board to do something this year, as a model for the upcoming years. Chair Hart
shared if the Board is serious about moving forward with an event they would need to start the process now to
determine if the date of October 15th is available.Commissioner Oliver shared the HRDB would need to go before
the City Commission to request funding because if they do not ask it will not be provided. There was a brief
discussion on costs associated with events such as porta potties, road closures, and public safety.
HRDB Regular Meeting
September 1, 2022
Assistant Support Services Director Gaines shared that there is $7,000-$9,000 budgeted in the upcoming fiscal
year for Hispanic Heritage Month.
Member Dorisca inquired, if funds are allocated to the Board in the upcoming budget, when those funds would
be available. Commissioner Oliver invited members to attend the Budget Hearings, and shared on October 1st
funds would be available.Member Maxwell commented that he would propose a Planning Committee be formed
and tasked with creating a program management plan for all proposed events,which include the funding needed
for the execution of all the events.This plan could be presented to the City Commission at the beginning of each
fiscal year. Member Mellen shared they are getting off track, as the discussion is supposed to be on Hispanic
Heritage Month. He shared he agreed with Member Maxwell, but discussion of creating a new board needed to
be placed on the agenda for an upcoming meeting. Chair Hart agreed and suggested the City, at this time, can
continue to recognize Hispanic Heritage Month on social media and with the banners on Clarke Road. She
suggested an event should be planned next year on a bigger scale once they are aware of the funding available.
C. Ocoee Sculpture:
Member Maxwell shared he attended a meeting with the Alliance for Trust and Justice (ATJ) last Thursday and
they are very supportive of bringing forward the Ocoee sculpture. He shared this sculpture will not be in conflict
with Unity Park. He further explained they will continue to work on developing a concept which will include the
feedback from speaking with as many descendants as possible. Member Maxwell shared his efforts with ATJ to
get in contact with as many independent donors as he can, and once there is a designed sculpture,conversations
can occur with the City on placement.
D. Unity Park Monument:
Chair Hart shared she spoke with Mayor Johnson and he will be attending the upcoming HRDB Meeting to provide
an update on Unity Park.
E. Ocoee Election Day Massacre Remembrance Subcommittee Report:
Member Carr shared the website address created for the Ocoee Remembrance Event, and asked if anyone had
pictures from past events to please share them so they can be added to the website. Member Maxwell shared
that he has pictures he can share. Member Carr explained the tabs on the website and the pending items. He also
shared that Community Relations Manager,Joy Wright,will be sending out invitations to dignitaries.Jennifer Yon,
Jennifer Yon Agency, updated the Board and announced they are 95%complete.Currently,they need to complete
vendor forms and sponsorship packets.The press release will hopefully go out next week.Member Carr explained
that he reached out to Andrea Riley and Patricia Whatley so they can be part of the Unity Festival, but they
declined. However, Andrea Riley and Patricia Whatley will be speaking with HighPoint Church to be part of their
program. Member Middleton confirmed they will be incorporating them into the Church program for either
Saturday or Sunday evening.Jennifer Yon shared that if anyone sees any edits or updates that are needed on the
website to please email her, as it is a working website and edits can be done fairly quickly. Assistant Support
Services Director Gaines shared that there needed to be an update to the dates of November 4th- 6th as the
City Commission approved November 5" and 6th as the event dates.Jennifer Yon explained the Mix and Mingle
event for November 4th is not City funded. Assistant Support Services Director Gaines shared the West Orange
Observer was provided with all of the City's upcoming Fall events and the Ocoee Remembrance Event will be listed
in their paper.
Chair Hart asked for clarification again on November 4th as the City Commission only approved the event dates of
November 5th and 6th.She further requested,for the next meeting,to be provided a breakdown of costs and where
the funds are being distributed, and an event program which detailed each day and the events that will occur.
Jennifer Yon directed the Board members to the schedule of events tab on the website. Commissioner Oliver
inquired if the Board has considered what they will be doing for November 2023. He further commented on the
need to create a guideline for this event. Jennifer Yon briefed the Board on sponsors she has spoken with and
shared that she has been asked if there will be headliners. Member Dorisca commented that she feels they are
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HRDB Regular Meeting
September 1, 2022
creating a basis, and voiced how they have tailored down the event to be appropriate for the funding they have
this year. Based on this year,they can determine what is needed for next year. Member Carr shared that for 2023
they will need a minimum budget of what was allocated for this year.Assistant Support Services Director Gaines
shared there is$30,000 being requested for next year's event in the upcoming budget.Commissioner Oliver again
encouraged the Board to attend the Budget Hearings. Member Mellen voiced the need for participation at events
so that a request for additional funding is reasonable. Jennifer Yon shared the need to know if she will be the
event coordinator for 2023,as that has not been established, and briefly voiced the benefits of knowing ahead of
Motion:Move to establish Jennifer Yon Agency as the Event Coordinator for 2023 and 2024;Moved by Member
Carr. Brief discussion ensued on not having a budget established at this time for 2023 and 2024. Motion died for
lack of a Second.
F. Review of Heritage Cultural Month List Provided by Members: Nothing to report on by the Board.
G. 2023 MLK Parade Update:
Assistant Support Services Director Gaines provided a quick update on the tasks being completed by the
Community Relations Department and advised they are currently on track with this event.Chair Hart asked Board
members to please keep Chair Elect Dawkins in their prayers during this time as she had a loss in her family.
III: Board and Staff Comments:
Member Maxwell voiced his support on Member Carr's suggestion, and shared his thoughts on making decisions
Member Ages Hart commended all the Board Members for their volunteer service and asked for their continued
support and respect to build a better community.
Member Dorisca shared that hearing there could be funding to do all the type of events they are interested in
doing is very motivating and inquired how to go before the City Commission to request the funds mentioned by
Commission Oliver. Discussion ensued on the Budget and what is currently under consideration for events.
Assistant Support Services Director Gaines provided information on what is currently budgeted for Community
Promotions which includes funds for the MLK event,Ocoee Remembrance, and Fiesta de Colores.
Member Maxwell explained why he feels it is imperative the Board forms a committee that establishes an outline
of proposed events for the upcoming year so they have something to present before the City Commission.
Chair Hart asked for clarification on the $100,000 and if this was in addition to what is already budgeted by
Community Relations. Commissioner Oliver explained, if funding is already set aside for some of the events,the
request can be lowered to $70,000. Chair Hart shared her intent on attending the Budget Hearing and advised
she would like to be sure she is not asking for funding that is already budgeted under Community Promotions.
Motion: Move to sanction the HRDB to go before the City Commission to request the proposed$100,000 to be
used for any approved multicultural events during the year; Moved by Member Dorisca,seconded by Member
Member Lomneck voiced that professional staff has already budgeted for events,and cautioned going before the
City Commission to request additional funding as the majority of the City Commission was not in favor of the
$100,000. Member Mellen agreed with Member Lomneck as there is nothing that the Board has on the calendar
at this time. Member Lomneck commented that even if the $100,000 is granted, the City Commission would
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HRDB Regular Meeting
September 1, 2022
ultimately have approval on how the Board could spend the funds, as they are only a recommendation Board.
Further discussion ensued on budgetary concerns.
Chair Hart confirmed with Assistant Support Services Director Gaines that the current events budgeted under
Community Promotions are Fiesta de Colores, MLK Parade, Black History Essay Contest,and Ocoee Remembrance
Event. She reiterated to the Board that her purpose for going before the City Commission during the Budget
Hearing is to ask for approval of the proposed events. She shared that she felt the Commission would not be
prepared for the$100,000 request. Member Lomneck shared the request would not technically be for$100,000,
but for the difference of what is already budgeted in Community Promotions. Brief discussion ensued.
Motion carried 8-2 with Chair Hart and Member Lomneck opposing.
A reminder was shared that Member Dorisca would be going before the City Commission to request the additional
Commissioner Oliver inquired if public comments at the beginning of the meeting could be added at the end of
the meeting as well, so that citizens could make comments based on what was heard during the meeting.
Chair Hart shared she is sensitive to the Board members time as they are all volunteers and she would like for
them to get home to their families in a timely manner. She voiced that she would hope those coming to speak
before the Board would arrive to the meeting on time. She respectfully asked for time to decide on this request
and advised whatever is decided would be reflected on the upcoming agenda.
Discussion ensued on who was assigned as the HRDB spokesperson. Chair Hart clarified that Member Dorisca
volunteered to speak to request the $100,000, and she personally would be focusing on the events that are
already in place by the Board.She further shared that as Chair she is unable to attend the Regular City Commission
Meetings as she is attending classes on Tuesday nights. Recording Clerk Sibbitt was asked to provide the
Budget Hearing dates.
Chair Hart welcomed the newest HRDB Member Demetrick Brown.
Brief discussion ensued on adding an additional public comments section at the end. Chair Hart shared she will
review Robert's Rules of Order,but it is her understanding that as Chair she is to facilitate the meeting in an orderly
IV:Set Next Agenda
A. Approval of Minutes for September 1, 2022, meeting
B. Unity Park Monument
C. 2023 MLK Parade Update
D. Ocoee Election Day Massacre Remembrance Subcommittee Report
E. Planning for Future Committees/Events
Adjournment: meeting adjourned at 7:56 PM
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