HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-06-2022 Minutes CITY OF OCOEE
Minutes of the Human Relations Diversity Board
Regular Meeting Held October 6, 2022
The meeting was called to order by Chair Hart at 6:16 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall located at
1 N. Bluford Avenue, Ocoee.
Chair Hart led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, followed by a moment of personal reflection.
Recording Clerk Sibbitt performed roll call and declared a quorum present.
Present: Chair Hart, and Members: Maxwell, Carr, Annette Brown, Ages Hart, Middleton (arrived at 6:19 PM),
Dorsica, Lomneck, Kennedy, and Demetrick Brown
Absent: Member(s)Anderson-Robinson, Nichole Dawkins, and Mellen
Also Present: Commissioner Oliver,Assistant Support Services Director Gaines, and Recording Clerk Sibbitt
Public Comments:Jim Moyer,Ocoee Resident,shared suggestions on objectives for the HRDB Board,and heritage
events the Board could consider to recognize. Commissioner Oliver inquired about the ethnic categories he
recognized in his presentation. Mr. Moyer addressed his questions.
Harry Singh, Ocoee Resident, shared information on the ethnic groupings of the Asian population; and further,
provided information on his organization and the importance of cultural arts.
Chair Hart shared it was asked if Parks and Recreation Event Leader Trevor Starr could provide the Board with
information on preparation for the Ocoee Remembrance Day out of agenda order.
Chair Hart inquired about the preparations for November 5th-6th to ensure that everything is running smoothly.
Parks and Recreation Event Leader Starr addressed her questions and explained what has been completed by his
department. He further provided the time frames for use of Bill Breeze Park and the Ocoee Lakeshore Center,and
shared that he is aware of the submission of the Special Event Permit for the Unity Day Festival. He asked for the
time frame requested for the preparation of the Ocoee Lakeshore so he could be sure to have staffing;and further,
provided an outline for the vendors which included the Certificate of Insurance (COI) requirements for the City.
Chair Hart inquired what the Friday, November 4th, reservation was for. Parks and Recreation Event Leader Starr
answered that reservation is for setup for the November 5th Descendant's Dinner. Assistant Support Services
Director Gaines confirmed that the COI was provided for Jennifer Yon Agency. Member Carr answered in the
affirmative. Assistant Support Services Director Gaines inquired if there would be any rides or bounce houses
which may require additional COI's. Member Carr inquired who the City donated bounce houses to as it was his
understanding the recipient of the bounces houses was obligated to donate those services for three(3)City events
per year. Commissioner Oliver addressed his question.
Assistant Support Services Director Gaines confirmed that the Saturday Unity Event would be held in Bill Breeze
Park and not in the Lakeshore Center as stated on the Ocoee Remembers website. Jennifer Yon, Jennifer Yon
Agency, shared she would make the correction. Member Carr asked Parks and Recreation Event Leader Starr to
please work with the event planner to address any specific questions they may need answers on. Parks and
Recreation Event Leader Starr confirmed he would connect with Jennifer Yon and briefly explained the
requirements for the COI to be received by the City for ample time to review and approve. Parks and Recreation
Event Leader Starr provided the Board with a packet which included the guidelines and his contact information.
HRDB Regular Meeting
October 6, 2022
A. Approval of Minutes for the HRDB meeting held September 1, 2022:
Motion: Move to Approve the September 1, 2022, Minutes with a correction on page 4 to indicate that
Chair Hart opposed; Moved by Member Lomneck,seconded by Member Ages Hart.
Member Carr inquired if the motion on the floor was proper.City Clerk Sibbitt advised it was and briefly explained
that when the minutes are sent to the Board for review, if there are any corrections, she would prefer to be
notified immediately so the correction can be made prior to the meeting, and corrected minutes could be sent
out to the Board.
Commissioner Oliver spoke about the motion in question, and shared he did not recall an opposing vote from
Chair Hart.
Motion carried 9-1 with Member Carr opposing.
B. Unity Park Monument:
Chair Hart shared that Mayor Johnson was unable to attend this meeting to provide an update; however,
Member Lomneck would provide it. Member Lomneck shared that at the end of the Final Budget Hearing the
Mayor asked for$10,000 of Contingency Funds to be set aside for the Unity Park Monument which he believed
was moved to the Parks Capital Project. He advised that information will be provided at a future meeting to both
the Parks and Recreation Board and HRDB.
C. 2023 MLK Parade Update:
Assistant Support Services Director Gaines shared that Community Relations Manager Joy Wright is working on
the event and parade registration forms will be sent out in November.Additionally, chairs and a stage will also be
Chair Hart thanked the members for being present at the meeting, and further reminded the members of the
importance of remaining professional to each other as they represent the community.
D. Ocoee Election Day Massacre Remembrance Subcommittee Report:
Member Carr shared an update to the November 6th Highpoint Church event. He further asked for volunteers for
the event as they have time slots available for HRDB Member participation. He briefed the Board on the volunteer
opportunities which included registration help at the Buffalo Soldier Honor Ride and assistance with the headliners
at the Unity Festival. Chair Hart inquired if there was a list with time slots that indicated the areas that needed
volunteer assistance which could be sent to the Board. Member Carr shared he would send the Recording Clerk
the list to forward to the members.
Member Lomneck inquired if HRDB Members are invited to the Descendants Dinner, and if any other dignitaries
are being invited. Member Middleton addressed his question and shared that a formal invitation will be sent out
to the Recording Clerk to forward out to the members.
Member Kennedy inquired if they were voting on the event flyer placed before them, and if it was finalized.
Member Carr addressed his question and advised that some details are subject to change. He advised the Unity
Festival information can be found on the City's website. Member Kennedy inquired about the events on the
calendar named after Commissioners, and if those events are being paid by the Commissioners. Member Carr
addressed his question.Member Kennedy inquired if it would be appropriate for him to ask Commissioner Firstner
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October 6, 2022
to be added to the program since he donated funding. Member Carr answered in the affirmative.
Member Lomneck inquired why the Board or Subcommittee was not involved in the approval of the program
details. Member Carr addressed his question, and shared he was not instructed to bring every change before the
Board for a vote.
Chair Hart commented on the items that were placed on the website which were not approved by the
City Commission. She advised that items that were not approved by the Board or the City Commission should be
removed, and she has informed Jennifer Yon Agency of her concerns.
Motion: Move for the removal of the two Commissioner events from the event website, removal of"powered
by George Oliver III", and removal of the HRDB logo from the partnership list and for it to be placed on the
website where it would reflect this is an HRDB event; Moved by Member Lomneck, seconded by
Member Kennedy.
Commissioner Oliver addressed the Board on the efforts made to get this event started and sponsorships efforts.
Member Lomneck called a Point of Order as he felt the comments being made are irrelevant to the motion on the
floor.Commissioner Oliver voiced his disagreement with the motion, and advised he would not be removing the
items as requested in the motion. Further discussion ensued.
Member Dorisca inquired if the two Commissioner events are being funded by the $17,000 the City Commission
provided toward this event,and if there is a fee to participate in those events; and further, inquired on the slogan
"No Vote No Voice" and the meaning. Ms. Yon answered that the two events are being sponsored by the
Commissioners and are not being paid by HRDB funds. She further advised there is no cost for those events as
they are free and open to the public. Ms.Yon explained the website was paid for by Commissioner Oliver and is
not a line item for the Board, and further voiced her disappointment with the collaboration on this event as she
has never seen such a division on an event. Member Lomneck called a Point of Order as there is still a motion on
the floor. Member Kennedy commented that she has a contract with the City to put on the event and inquired if
she had a separate contract with Commissioner Oliver for his event. Ms.Yon shared she has no contract with the
City;and reiterated her frustration with the division in planning this event.She explained that the event program
that was planned was requested and supported by the descendants. Member Ages Hart expressed that the main
issue he has with the event program is that the Subcommittee was not involved. Member Carr shared the
descendant's wanted this event and the Board needed to listen to the community. Further discussion ensued,and
Ms.Yon explained the "No Vote No Voice" slogan.
Recording Clerk Sibbitt restated the motion. Member Kennedy asked Member Middleton if the church wanted
to remain listed as a partnership on the website. Member Middleton explained he had already reached out to
Ms.Yon letting her know that all church information could be removed from the website as they,are participating
as a way to serve the community and not for recognition.
Commissioner Oliver inquired if it is appropriate for the Board to ask him to remove information from a website
that he is a sponsor of.
Motion carried 6-4 with Members Carr,Annette Brown, Dorisca,and Demetrick Brown opposing.
Commissioner Oliver voiced that the website information would not be removed.Chair Hart advised that as they
are an Advisory Board she will leave it up to the City Commission to determine how this issue will be resolved.
Brief discussion ensued.
Motion: Move to remove the City information and logo, as well as HRDB information, from the Ocoee
Remembers website. Motion made by Member Lomneck;failed due to a lack of second.
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October 6, 2022
Motion: Move to request the City Manager remove the Ocoee Remembers website as it is a Non-City Event;
Moved by Member Kennedy, seconded by Member Lomneck. Motion failed 5-5 with Members Carr,
Annette Brown, Middleton, Dorisca,and Demetrick Brown opposing.
Member Maxwell left at 7:30 PM
E. Planning for Future Committees/Events:
Member Dorisca explained the vote at the Final Budget Hearing on the $100,000 which is to be shared with all
the Advisory Boards and to be used for Multi-cultural events. She advised she has spoken with a couple
organizations,and further, provided information on a Native American Event that she would like to bring forward
for discussion at a future meeting. She shared her excitement for this event and advised she has several dates
selected and a preliminary budget already established. Member Kennedy shared he thinks this is a great idea and
agrees with having a defined agenda for future events.
Member Dorisca shared that one of the things she would like to implement for the Board is Standard Operating
Procedures (SOP).She shared that she is not aware of the Board's processes, but would like to follow procedures
so she understands what the Board is seeking to accomplish. She volunteered to draft the SOP's and shared she
would like to work with Member Kennedy. Recording Clerk Sibbitt explained that she has spoken to the
City Attorney about Sunshine Law Training for all the newer Board members as they have not had training since
COVID. She further explained that members speaking outside of the meeting on items that would come before
the Board is a violation of Sunshine Law, and inquired if Member Dorisca was seeking to create a Subcommittee
meeting to notice for her discussion on SOP's. Recording Clerk Sibbitt further explained the purpose of the
Subcommittee which is for research and fact-finding purposes only.
Commissioner Oliver commended Member Dorisca for her efforts on speaking to organizations about partnering
with the City on Multi-cultural events and encouraged her to speak with Mr. Singh as he hosts many cultural
events through his organization. Chair Hart asked Member Dorisca if she would be able to reach out to each of
the Advisory Board Chairs as the budgeted funds are open to all Boards, to let them know that the HRDB would
like to partner with them on any Multi-cultural event. Recording Clerk Sibbitt encouraged that information be
shared with the City Clerk's Office so they may send out to the other Board Chairs.
Motion: Move to create a Subcommittee for Standard Operating Procedures for the HRDB, with Members
Dorisca and Kennedy as Subcommittee Members; Moved by Member Dorisca,seconded by Member D. Brown.
Motion carried unanimously.
Motion: Move to create a Subcommittee for Multi-Cultural Events; Moved by Member Dorisca, seconded by
Member Ages Hart. Motion carried unanimously.
Ill: Board and Staff Comments:
Member Carr inquired if a Subcommittee is needed prior to the Ocoee Remembers event. Member Middleton
shared he worked with the Parks Department and does not foresee the need. Member Kennedy shared he was
not aware of an urgent need for a Subcommittee, but inquired if the church has received all its funding.
Member Middleton shared it is his understanding that Ms.Yon received the payment and she would be disbursing
funds to the church. •
Member Dorisca read the motion that was made at their last meeting to request the$100,000 for cultural events,
shared her embarrassment with the contradictions that occurred at the Final Budget Hearing,and voiced that she
did not know there was a time limit. Commissioner Oliver called a point of order and shared that time limits for
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Board members will be adjusted to 5 minutes and apologized for the confusion. Member Dorisca further shared
her confusion with the motion that was stated to allow other Board's to have access to the $100,000 funds.
Chair Hart addressed Ms. Dorisca and apologized for the misunderstanding as it was not her intent to embarrass
her.She further shared that what was stated at the meeting was based on her understanding of what had occurred
during their HRDB meeting, and was not intended to hurt or embarrass anyone. Member Dorisca suggested that
who ever is charged with presenting, as motioned by the Board,that it be clearly stated in writing and signed off
by the Chair to avoid confusions.
Member Kennedy commented that Member Dorisca made valid points, but felt they should wait on making
policies and procedures until they create Standard Operating Procedures for the Board. He commented on all the
confusion with the Board and how they present themselves to the City Commission, but shared that members are
also allowed to voice oppositions, as disagreements are not meant to be taken personal.
Member Ages Hart agreed there was a lot of confusion as many of their decisions were rushed. He further
commented that Board members are also allowed to speak at meetings as private citizens.
Member Carr shared he felt the Board is lessening what occurred at the Final Budget Hearing and did not feel it
was a mistake. He voiced that he felt leadership has been a problem on the Board, and felt this behavior cannot
be excused.
Motion: Move to remove Chair Hart as Chairperson; Moved by Member Carr,seconded by Member Dorisca.
Member Carr further voiced his lack of confidence for Chair Hart in carrying the Board forward.
Member Kennedy commented that he has a lot of confidence in Chair Hart and has been very impressed with her
leadership and control of the meetings. He further commented on the Board's unreadiness to have the$100,000
funding. Member Demetrick Brown inquired why he felt the Board was not ready for the $100,000 budget.
Member Kennedy addressed his question and explained budgetary process.
Member Lomneck also shared he did not think they were not ready for the$100,000, and further explained how
he has tried to champion cultural diversity. He further explained there was funding placed in the budget for the
events the Board currently oversees. Member Lomneck asked the Recording Clerk if the Bylaws allow for the
removal of the Chair. Recording Clerk Sibbitt advised she reviewed the Bylaws and does not see anything that
speaks to the removal of the Chair, but reminded the Board that there is a Chair-Elect already selected so if they
remove the Chair,the Chair-Elect will move up.
Chair Hart read an excerpt from the September minutes in which it indicated that she would be attending the
Final Budget Hearing,and why she would be attending.She further explained her intent at the meeting,and voiced
that the money received is taxpayer's money,and not free money,which affects the millage rate.She advised that
she supports the Board and moving them forward for the community.
Commissioner Oliver commented that he agrees/disagrees with some of the discussion and shared that there will
be growing pains as they move forward. He further commented that the Board needed to be ambitious in their
mission and moving forward; and further, explained the $100,000 did not raise the millage rate as the City was
able to move funds. He asked all the members to do what is right and to do what will be inclusive of all citizens of
Member Dorisca shared she is not interested in removing the chair, and explained she was only interested in
supporting members of the Board and being supported. She further explained the need for unity amongst the
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October 6, 2022
Member Annette Brown commented on leadership, and voiced her concerns with the lack of respect amongst
the Board members. She further explained the need for respect and understanding for each other.
Member Ages Hart explained the events of the day that Chair Hart endured prior to making it to the meeting,and
further shared a quote.
Chair Hart commented on the previously serene environment of the Board meetings and the excitement of
volunteerism, prior to their current state of disarray. She informed Member Carr that he is incorrect in judging
her character; and further, announced her resignation from the Board. She expressed her personal reasons for
stepping down, and thanked the Board for allowing her to serve them. She wished the Board well, and advised
she would notify the Elected Officials of her resignation.
After Discussion. Motion failed 1-7 with Members Annette Brown, Ages Hart, Middleton, Dorisca, Lomneck,
Kennedy,and Demetrick Brown opposing.
IV:Set Next Agenda
A. Approval of Minutes for October 6,2022, meeting
B. Unity Park Monument
C. 2023 MLK Parade Update
D. Planning for Future Committees/Events
Member Kennedy commented that the next HRDB Meeting is scheduled for November 3rd and inquired if they could
reschedule the meeting to November 10th as they have the Ocoee Remembers Event the first week of November.
Consensus of the HRDB was to schedule the next meeting for November 10th
Member Kennedy commented on democracy;and further,shared that there will be differences,as they all come from
different backgrounds and experiences.
Adjournment: meeting adjourned at 8:38 PM
Melanie Sibbitt, Recording Clerk Chairr,erson
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