HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-07-2023 MinutesMINUTES
Mayor Johnson called the regular session to order at 6:23 PM in the Commission
Chambers of City Hall. The invocation was led by Ocoee Resident, Brad Lomneck,
followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag led by Commissioner Firstner. City
Clerk Sibbitt called the roll and declared a quorum present.
Present: Mayor Johnson, Commissioner Brinson, Commissioner Wilsen,
Commissioner Firstner, Commissioner Oliver
Also Present: City Manager Frank, City Attorney Cookson, City Clerk Sibbitt
1. Celebration of the Asian Lunar New Year with the Dynamics Lion Dance Team.
This performance occurred at 6:15 PM prior to Call to Order.
2. Proclamation for Black History Month — February 2023, read by Commissioner
Brinson and proclaimed by Mayor Johnson.
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Moyer, Resident, presented a PowerPoint which highlighted the Lunar
New Year and Black History Month.
- Tom Lowrie, American Legion Post 63, announced the date, time and location
of the Four Chaplains Memorial Service and invited the public.
- Victoria Laney, Ocoee Resident, thanked Community Relations staff for
making the Pine Hills community feel welcomed at the Martin Luther King Day
- Robert Fugat, Ocoee Resident, shared concerns about the current Code
Enforcement policy noting his worry for the initiator's safety, and asked if the
City could start initiating compliance for visible code violations around town.
Commissioner Wilsen shared that legislature passed the law which no longer
allows for anonymous complaints, Commissioner Oliver understood the ill -will
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February 7, 2023
that is placed against neighbors by this process and inquired if the HOA could
initiate the compliant. Mayor Johnson shared that previous complaints which
the Code Enforcement Board found to be in non-compliance has not always
solved the problem, explaining that many property owners allow fines to build
up, never bringing the property into compliance.
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being pulled by CitV staff to be placed on a future agenda.
carried 5-0.
3. Approval of the Minutes for the Regular City Commission Meeting held January
171 2023. (City Clerk Sibbitt)
4. Approval of New Appointment to the Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Police
Department (CACOPD), (City Clerk Sibbitt)
5. Approval of Proposal from GAI Community Solutions Group to Update the CRA
Redevelopment Plan. (Deputy Development Services Director/CRA
Administrator Corless)
6. Approval to Piggyback Sourcewell Cooperative Purchasing Contract to Install Nem
Athletic Flooring for the Jim Beech Recreation Center. (Parks and Recreatio
Director Johnson) i
7. Approval of Payment for the 2023 Ocoee Music Festival Entertainment. (Parks
and Recreation Director Johnson)
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addressed his questions. Commissioner Brinson shared his concern with the
absence of the labeling of the Ocoee Music Festival within the budget book. Finance
Director Roberts addressed his concern. Commissioner Wilsen commented that
these items were discussed during the Budget Hearings, and recommended that
members of the City Commission reach out to staff when they need clarification on
an agenda item prior to a meeting. Further clarification was provided by Finance
Director Roberts regarding the transfers in and transfers out related to the Ocoee
Music Festival.
Commissioner Oliver commented on the timing of the 2023 Ocoee Music Festival
dates which is scheduled for March loth and llth, prior to the Ocoee General
Election, and voiced concerns regarding campaign rallies occurring at the event.
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February 7, 2023
Commissioner"Milsen voiced her hopes that the candidates would not be using thIn
Ocoee Music Festival for campaign purposes. She further commented on the pa
changes for the dates of the Ocoee Music Festival which sometimes occurs due
the availability of an artist.
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P"Urp - e of Installing a Pedestrian Entrance at the Ocoee Skatepark. (Parks and
Recreation Director Johnson)
Commissioner Oliver inquired about the entrance to the Ocoee Skatepark. Parks
and Recreation Director Johnson addressed his question.
bV Commissioner Firstner; Motion carried 5-0. Him
9. Approval of Florida's Bicycle Pedestrian Focused Initiative: Communication and
High Visibility Enforcement Grant. (Police Chief Plasencia)
10. Approval of Custodial Cleaning and Day Porter Service Agreement for City Hall.
(Public Works Director Krug)
11. Approval of Resolution Adopting the Orange County Local Mitigation Strategy.
(Public Works Director Krug)
12. Approval of Additional Disaster Debris Removal Services with CrowderGulf LLC,
RFP #18-002. (Public Works Director Krug)
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February 7, 2023
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14. Appointment of Members to the Human Relations Diversity Board (HRDB). (City
Clerk Sibbitt)
City Clerk Sibbitt explained the item before the Board, and shared all applications
received to date have been provided to them for consideration on making
appointments to the HRDB tonight. She advised that she has only heard back from
one Commissioner on their recommended District appointment.
Commissioner Wilsen voiced concerns on proceeding with the appointments to the
HRDB due to the upcoming election and the change of some District seats. She is
requesting for this item to be tabled until after the election.
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Commissioner Brinson voiced his disagreement with the motion on the floor, a
the tabling of this item. He further commented that there is a violation to Robe
Rules for tabling this item. City Attorney Cookson addressed his concerns, a
explained the City Commission has the authority to table an item as long as a reas
is indicated. Commissioner Oliver shared there is validity to the motion, b
commented on the duties of the Elected Officials while in office.
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so that it is more appropriate to this item.
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The following person(s) addressed the City Commission:
- Brad Lomneck, Resident, clarified Roberts Rules and commented on ti
Ocoee Music Festival date selection, explaining how an event date I
Moyer, Resident, inquired about the Black History Essay contest.
Commissioner Wilsen offered to address his concerns during her comments,
Commissioner Firstner — Commented on the following:
1) Provided information about Ocoee's Public Safety Academy, and encourag
interested residents to contact the City. 1
2) Shared that the Women's Club of Ocoee will be hosting a Political Forum for t
2023 Election, and provided the date, time, and location for each night.
3) Announced the Grand Opening of the Healthy West Orange Wellness Park, a •
encouraged residents to attend.
Commissioner Oliver — Commented on the following:
1) Inquired about the status of the Clarke Road Widening Project. Development
Services Director Rumer addressed his question.
2) Requested consensus from the Commission to have staff draft a formal letter
regarding the urgent need for traffic lights at the intersections of Clarcona Ocoee
Road and Ingram Road, and McCormick Road and Apopka -Vineland Road. City
Manager Frank addressed his request. Consensus of the City Commission was
to have staff draft and send a letter to the Mayor of Orange CountV on their
3) Noted the continued speeding along Clarcona Ocoee Road, requested
aggressive Police presence to deter the behavior, and asked how many tickets have
been issued this year. Police Chief Plasencia addressed his concerns and offered
to provide the statistic requested.
4) Shared information about the upcoming Election, and explained that the City
would be holding a Special Election for District 4.
5) Shared that historically only 6-8% of voters participate in municipal elections and
encouraged all residents to vote.
6) Read a quote by Stephen Grellet.
Commissioner Wilsen — Commented on the following:
1) Agreed with Commissioner Oliver on the need to actively address speeding a •
shared her approach to combat the problem. Explained that she used discretiona
funds to purchase speed deterrent signs which are posted in District 2 a•
encouraged others to do the same.
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February 7, 2023
March 18th and September 16th. Consensus of the City Commission was to allow
and support both dates.
Mayor Johnson — Commented on the following:
1) Thanked City Staff for the Police Department Award Ceremony,
2) Noted the outstanding performance by the UCF Flying Horse Big Band and t
Ocoee High School Jazz Band at the HAPCO Fest.
3) Spoke about low voter turnout, and encouraged residents to vote.
4) Shared the Election date and requested confirmation on voting locations. Ci
Clerk Sibbitt provided the polling location for each district. I
City of Ocoee
Melanie Sibbitt, City Clerk Rusty Jofiayor
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