HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-23-2022 MinutesMinutes of the Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Police Department Special Session Held June 23, 2022 CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Garone called the meeting to order at 7:19 PM, in the Commission Chambers of Ocoee City Hall, located at 150 N. Lakeshore Drive in Ocoee, FL, Chairperson Garone led the Invocation and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Recording Clerlt Garza called roll and declared a quorum present. PRESENT Chairperson Garone, Members Lewis, Braunskill, Brown, Holt Also present: Commissioner Brinson, Chief Plasencia, Sergeant Prince, and Recording Clerk Garza ABSENT Members Ball and Meeks NEW BUSINESS the folloj-Wing agenda items were discussed oZ�t of order• A. DISCUSSION OF QUARTERLY AWARDS Chairperson Garone opened the discussion and the Board reviewed the nominations. Member Braunslrzll made a motr.'on to nominate entr°y #2 for Civilian o the First Quarter 2022, seconded by Member Lewis. The motion carried unanimously Clarrirperson Garone made a motion to nominate entry #3 for Off ter of the First Quarter 2022, seconded by Member Lewis. The motion carried unanimously Chairperson Garone opened the discussion to vote on the 14 gift cards that were part of last year's missing awards. Chairperson Garone made a motion to a1-Hard 0Z four lift cards fof' 2021, and (10) ten ,$50.00 lift cards for 2022, seconded by Member Lewis. The motion carried imanimousl� B. FINANCIAL REPORTS AND BUDGET DISCUSSION Chairperson Garone requested a financial report from staff. Sergeant Prince and Chief Plasencia provided an update. Sergeant Prince opened the discussion about bringing the Board in to participate with the food distribution and Toy Program for families in need at the end of the year, and that the department would like the Board's assistance acquiring food donations to go toward the malting of the food boxes. CACOPD Special Meeting June 23, 2022 Chairperson Garone made a motion to commit to involvement, seconded hj� Member Brown. motion passed unanimously Chairperson Garone discussed donating to the Toy Program and Commissioner Brinson discussed the budget process for next year. C. 9/11 MEMORIAL EVENT SUBCOMMITTEE COMMENCEMENT Chairperson Garone requested to table the 9/11 event to the next meeting. Chairperson Garone made a motion to fiend up to $400 for• pur•chcrse of a tent, seconded by Member Lewis. The motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Brinson consulted with the Recording Cleric and asked that the previous motions be redone. Member Lewis made a motion to nominate entr°v #3, for Officer° of the First Qttcrrter, seconded by Member Brown. The motion carried unanimously_ Member Lewis nominated entry #2, for• Civilian of the First Quarter 2022, seconded by Member Braunskill. The motion carried unanimously. Member Lewis made a motion to bul 14 lift cards of $50. DO each rncdcin� a total of $700.00 dollars, seconded by Member Bruanskill. The motion carried unanimous&. Member Lewis made a motion to find up to $400 for purchase of a tent, Seconded by Member Brown. The motion carried unanimously. Member Brown. made a motion to reach out to the Ocoee Yout1� Council to create the lo�hat would be on the tent, seconded by Member Lewis. The motion carried unanirnotrsly_ Member Lewis made a motion to buy two tablecloths in an crmour�t no mor°e than seconded by Member Br aunskill. The motion carried unanimously Sergeant Prince stated he would send the Board links to explore promotional items the Board may want. The Board discussed ways to promote CACOPD meetings and events. II. DEPARTMENT UPDATE UPDATES OF EVENTS Sergeant Prince provided all the details of upcoming events. III. COMMENTS /QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC None 2 CACOPD Special Meeting June 23, 2022 IV. ADJOURNMENT Declared at 8:46 PK ATTEST: Recording Cleric 3 APPROVED: �4V/ wzeoo�,' Chairperson