Ocoee Commission Chambers
I North Bluford Avenue
Ocoee, Florida
December 6, 2022 MINUTES
Assistant City Manager Shadrix introduced and welcomed new Member Philip Koovakada,
President of Orlando Health — Health Central Hospital and Horizon West Hospital and Senior Vice
President of Orlando Health South Central Region to the CRA Board.
Chair Brinson called the Community Redevelopment Agency Board to order at 5:00 PM in the
Commission Chambers of City Hall. City Clerk Sibbitt called roll and declared a quorum present.
Roll Call: Chair Brinson, Vice -Chair Johnson, Member Wilsen, Member Firstner, Member
Koovakada, and Member June
Absent: Member Oliver
Also Present: City Manager Frank, Assistant City Manager Shadrix, City Attorney Cookson, and
City Clerk Sibbitt
No speaker reservation forms ivere received.
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with Member Oliver absent.
CRA Regular Meeting 12-06-2022 Page 1
IV. Election of Officers
A memorandum was provided in the CRA packet which identified the Chair and Vice -Chair for
the past seven fiscal years, including the current year. Member Wilsen asked for clarification on
past practice for nominations. City Clerk Sibbitt addressed her question. Brief discussion ensued.
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Assistant City Manager Shadrix explained the budget amendment will be brought to the March
71h CRA Meeting as information from the County has not been received at this time.
Redevelopment Program Manager Vaca updated the Board with the current projects.
A) Wellness Park — shared the completion date for this project was extended to January 10"' due
to manufacturing and shipping delays. She further provided a funding and landscaping update,
B) Bluford Avenue Strectseape — announced the preliminary engineering phase is completed
and was behind schedule due to surveying delays. Final engineering will begin in January.
C) Blackwood Avenue Streetscape — shared that the needed right-of-way has been acquired from
Heartland Dental. Further, roadway, engineering, and landscape design through CPH has been
completed and CRA staff is working with Duke Energy on lighting solutions for that area.
D) Maguire Road Phase 5 — announced CRA staff is working with Public Works to complete
the engineering for this project. Additional updates will be provided at a future meeting.
Assistant City Manager Shadrix briefed the Board on the CRA Redevelopment Plan and
explained that a full briefing will be provided at the next CRA Meeting which will cover topics
such as enclaves, West Oaks Mall, and a time extension on the CRA. He further highlighted
successful redeveloped areas facilitated by the CRA_
Assistant City Manager Shadrix reminded members that the next meeting is scheduled for
Tuesday, March 7th at 5:00 PM.
Chair Brinson inquired if there have been any supply chain issues or delays on projects. Assistant
City Manager Shadrix addressed his question.
CRA Regular Meeting 12-06-2022 Page 2
The meeting was adjourned at 5:19 PM
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