HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 08 Approval of the Sale of Yamaha Police Motorcycles to West Orlando Powersports0 C 0 Florida STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: March 21, 2023 Item #: 8 Contact Name: Vincent Ogburn Department Director: Saima Plasencia Contact Number: Ext. 3038 City Manager: Robert Frank Subject: Approval of the Sale of Yamaha Police Motorcycles to West Orlando Powersports. (Police Chief Plasencia) Background Summary: The Police Department is seeking permission to declare surplus and sell two Yamaha FJR1300P Police Motorcycles. These motorcycles have been replaced with two leased 2023 Harley Davidson Road King Police Motorcycles. West Orlando Powersports, who services the Yamaha motorcycles, has offered the Department $11,500.00 to purchase both Yamaha motorcycles. They have provided maintenance on these motorcycles since they were purchased and know the service history of the motorcycles. The Department would like to declare the motorcycles surplus and sell both 2019 Yamaha FJR1300P Police Motorcycles directly to West Orlando Powersports for a total of $11,500.00. The Department believes the City of Ocoee would get a better return by selling the motorcycles directly to West Orlando Powersports rather than sending the motorcycles to auction. Public Works Director Steve Krug concurs with the sale of the two used motorcycles as the guaranteed price is better than can be expected at auction based on the conditions of the 2019 Yamaha FJR1300P Police Motorcycles. Issue: Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners approve the surplus of the two Yamaha FJR1300P Police Motorcycles in order for them to be sold to West Orlando Powersports for a total of $11,500.00? Recommendations: Staff recommends the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners approve the surplus of the two Yamaha FJR1300P Police Motorcycles in order for them to be sold to West Orlando Powersports for a total of $11,500.00. Attachments: 1. Whole Sale Order (Vilest Orlando Powersports) City of Ocoee • 1 N. Bluford Avenue • Ocoee, Florida 34761 Phone: (407) 905-3100 • www.ocoee.org Page 104 of 146 Financial Impacts: The sale of the two Yamaha FJR1300P Police Motorcycles would be a financial gain to the budget. Type of Item: Consent City of Ocoee • 1 N. Bluford Avenue • Ocoee, Florida 34761 Phone: (407) 905-3100 • www.ocoee.org Page 105 of 146 STOCI4 1 Wholesale Order REGISTRATION AND TITLE WARRANTY 1HEsFLLER ccrv-eNANTS wITHTE,PURCHASE3, THAT HE lS THE TRUE AND LAWFUL OWNER OF SAlO DESORISED AUTOMOBILE BELOW THE, THATTHE SAMI= IS FREE FROM ALL ENCUMBRANCES; THAT HE HAS GOOD RIGHT AND FULL POWER TO SELL THE SAN1FAs AFORESAID AND Tf iAT HE WILL WARRANT AND DEFEND THE SAME AGAINST THE f-AWFUL CLAIM AND DEMANDS OF ALL PEF[SONS. This sale is safety a tr sa n between the h ing and setting dealers —no warranty on machanlcal ar p ysical cendit;en of f SELLER (Transfervt)( rT4=(—� BUYER [Transferee) AR'OIIESS AQ D9r=SS CITY —STATE G TY DG—i �J STATE �3! ZIP PHDNE [ ) ZIP ' 1 L U PHONE r ) LJ O LD AS IS WITH. ALL FAULTS CHECK ❑ CASH ❑ WIRE ❑ DRAFT ❑ TITLE ❑ REGISTRATION ❑ GIVEN TO BUYER CURRENT YEAR AT TIMI= OF SALE SALE PRICE $ 6 �� DOLLAR S The purchaser agrees to purchase thls vghlcle far the purchase price shown pravlded the vehlGa is found to be as recornmended,.lhat before settling for this vehicle check iha serial anchor angina numbers on the vehlGa with those on the title, to check the actual condition of the vehicle YMb Its descriptlon and Alh the recommendation, if any, that upon making settlement In cash or by check In lieu of cash consider the transaction fully consummated, that no stop payment of h1s check to SELLER AS SHOWN shall be honored and any stop payment order of a check or giving a check_ which Is returned marked "lnsuffMant funds" shall be deemed by the parties la be prima facie evidence of fraud ektsting al the lime the transaction was consummated and shall be construed by the partles as an intent io defraud In order to consummate the lransactidn. The purchasing deaterand selling dealer agree that this registration and tltle warranty shall be of the same f=4 and effect as though personally signed by them even though It only mntalns their rapmsentativa s signature, 0DoMETER ❑1SCLOSURESTATEMENT Federal Lair+, (arid State Law, if applicable) requlros that .you scat$ the mileage upon transfer of ownership. Failure to complete or_provldll�g a false statement may result In flnes anchor imprlsonment. Y 1, � • � L W state that the odometer a� . fimnsferoes mmo. Piro[} now reads 6 _ (no tenths) miles And to the best of my Knowledge that it reflects the actual mileage of the vehicle described below, unless one of the following statements is checked. © (1) I hereby ceilify that to the best of my knowledge the odometer reading reflects the amount of mileage in excess of Its rnec;hanical limits. p (2) l hereby certify that the odometer reading Is NOT the actual mileage, WARNING: ODOMETER DISCREPANCY - MAKE � MODEL BODY TYP E vEHIDLE Jbr="FiCAncN f i] s - YEAR r r� MVNSFEROR'S ADDRESS) T'RA KSFERWS AWE WPM T.ransferar's Signature (seller): x Data of Staternant TRANSFMOR s NAME [PAItM Sr EE'S ADDRESS] crrr STATE MF Re eip cf Copyd�ckrio edged x`� - (Transferee's Sign (buyso SEU.FrFt ASSUMES NO RESPONslBILrIY, NOR GUARANTEES THE AGCURAGY OFTI-Ilr ODOMETER READING. ALL VE}iIGLES SCLb 014LY TO DEALERS WITHOUT WARRAMY - SELLER AS SHOWN ACCEPTS NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEFT; L[ABILfTY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE. Page 106 of 146 STOOKII Wholesale Order REGISTRATION AND TITLE VVARRANTY THE SELLER COvr;tdANTS WITH THE- PURCHASEn, THAT HE IS THE TRUE AND LAWFUL OWNER OF SAID D1wSCFIISM AUTC3MOEiLr= BELOW THATTHE SAME I$ FREE FRC)M ALL ENCUMBRANCES-, THAT HE HAS GOOD RIGHT AND FULL POWER Ta SELLTNE SAMEAS AFORESAID AND THAT HE WILL. WAfiRANTANO DEF]END THE SAME AGAINSTTHE rAWFUL CLAIM AND DEMANDS OF ALL PERSONS_ This sale is sdlely a tra action between tits buying and selling dealers— no warranty on melchanloal Or p ys cnnditivn f SELLER (Transferor} BUYER iTmnsfereejn �[ ADDRESS ADDRESS ' �f,1 J W �`-� •f, � #C� 1 � � - CITY STATE CITY STATE .� ZIP PHONE( ZIP i'tiOrYE D , IS CHECK El ❑ WlT9E [:IDRAFT ❑ WITCU�� ��;� ��� ��� TITLE ❑ REGISTRATION ❑ GIVEN TO BUYER RRENT YEAR AT TIME OF SALE SALE PRICE 11 DPLLARS The Purchasmr agrees to purchase this vehicle for the purchase price shown prov{ded the vehlde is found to be as recommended, Mal before saltang for this vehicle check the serial andlor englne numbers on the vehicle with those on the tittle, t❑ check the actual condition or the vehlde with its description and VIM the racommendallon, If any, Thai upon makIng settlement in cash or by check in lieu of cash consldsr the transaction Tully consummated, that no stop payment of his check to SELLER AS SHOWN shall he honored and any stop payment order or a check or gluing a check -Which Is returned marked "insuftloient funds" shall be dsamed by the parties to be prima facie evidence of fraud eAsting at the time the transaction was consummated and shall be construed by tha parties as an tptent to defraud In order ro consummate the lransaeork. The purchasing dealer and ssffng dealer agree that ibis registration and tltla warranty shaU bact the some torte and erred as though personally signed by them oven thaugh It only contains their representatives signature: ODOMETER ❑ISCI CISURE STATEMENT Federal Laing (and State Law, if applicable) requires that you state the mlleage upon transfer of ownership. Failure to complete or ovlding f^ .lie statement may result In flees and/or imprisonment- . —state that the odometer f7 [ ^�r J (tranVaradm s neo. Prins) now reads �IL (no tenths) miles and to the best of my knowledge that it reflects the actual mileage of tl7e vehicle described below, unless one of the fo[lowlrtg statements is checked. 13 (1) 1 hereby certify that to the best of my knowledge the odometer reading reflects the amount of mileage in BXCess of its mechanical limits. D (2) 1 hereby certify that the odometer reading Is NOT the actual mileage. WARNING; ODOMETER ❑ISCREPANCY. MAKE . MD>]EL � � BoflYT'fPE� . � �J VEHICLE I ENnFicATioN .�X) r`A ` �, YEAR G) rrF"Srr;R0A'S ADDRESS) CT[Y STATE ZIP Transferor's Signature {seller}; x Date of State -MANSFEACR-S KAME f?FIRM TRAbrsFEREaS WjAr= (PFo" In frR ADDRESS]_ My STATE I1P Re elpt f Copy Aoknawle d X [Transferee's SIgna r [buyeo S-LLEl3 ASSUMES No RESPbNSISILIT'f, NOR GUARANTEES THE ACCURACY OF THE- ODOMETER READING. ALL. VEHICLES SOLD ONLY TO DEALERS WITHOU r WAFiFiANTY - SELLER AS SHOWN ACCEPTS NO RE SPONSI-SiLITY FOR THEFT, LIASiLrrY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE. Page 107 of 146