HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 06. Approval to Award RFQ #23-006 Continuing Contract for Surveying and Mapping Services City of Ocoee ▪ 1 N. Bluford Avenue ▪ Ocoee, Florida 34761 Phone: (407) 905-3100 ▪ www.ocoee.org STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: April 18, 2023 Item #: 6 Contact Name: Olena Stokych, Joyce Tolbert Department Director: Rebecca Roberts Contact Number: Ext. 1521, Ext. 1516 City Manager: Robert Frank Subject: Approval to Award RFQ #23-006 Continuing Contract for Surveying and Mapping Services. (Procurement Manager Tolbert) Background Summary: The City’s continuing contracts for surveying and mapping services have expired. In compliance with the Consultants’ Competitive Negotiations Act (CCNA), Florida Statutes Section 287.055 and Chapter 21 of the City’s Code of Ordinances, the City solicited statements of qualifications from qualified professional surveying and mapping firms or individuals that are interested in providing general surveying and mapping services for various planning, design, development review, and construction phase projects. The firms selected by the City will provide professional surveying and mapping services to the City on an as-needed basis, based upon task orders to be issued by the City under the continuing contract. The contracts shall automatically be renewed annually unless terminated by the City in writing, for five years from the date of execution, and two (2) additional one-year City optional renewals unless otherwise terminated by either party, in writing, given 30 days notice. The RFQ was advertised on February 5, 2023 and was publicly opened on March 7, 2023. There were nine (9) responses submitted. The Finance Department, Development Services Department, Public Works Department and Utilities Department reviewed the qualification statements and all were considered responsive, see the attached RFQ Checklist. Attached are the top four (4) ranked responses; original copies of all responses are available in the Finance Department for your review. The nine (9) responses were evaluated by the RFQ Evaluation Committee appointed by the City Manager, which was comprised of four (4) members: Stephen Krug, P.E., Public Works Director; Michael Rumer, Development Services Director; T'Jean Tomlinson, P.E., Project Manager; Milen Womack, P.E., City Engineer. The first public RFQ Evaluation Committee meeting was held on March 21, 2023 to shortlist the firms, and the second public Evaluation Committee meeting was held March 28, 2023 to interview the shortlisted firms. Please see the attached shortlist/evaluation form. The evaluation committee short-listed the following firms in ranked order, and recommends contracting with the top four (4) ranked firms, per the attached award recommendation from Stephen Krug, P.E., Public Works Director. The Table below is the Evaluation Committee’s rankings: Rank/Respondent 1. Southeastern Surveying and Mapping Corp. (SSMC) 2. CPH, LLC. Page 79 of 668 City of Ocoee ▪ 1 N. Bluford Avenue ▪ Ocoee, Florida 34761 Phone: (407) 905-3100 ▪ www.ocoee.org 3. Barnes, Ferland and Associates Inc. 4. WSP USA Environment & Infrastructure Inc. (WSP) 5. Larson Design Group 6. SurvTech Solutions, Inc. 7. KCI Technologies, Inc. 8. Halff Associates, Inc. 9. Chastain-Skillman, Inc. Issue: Should the City Commission award the continuing contracts for surveying and mapping services to the four (4) short-listed firms, as recommended by the Evaluation Committee? Recommendations: Staff recommends the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners award RFQ #23-006 Continuing Contract for Surveying and Mapping Services to Southeastern Surveying and Mapping Corp. (SSMC), CPH, LLC., Barnes, Ferland and Associates, Inc., and WSP USA Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. (WSP), and authorize Staff to proceed with contract negotiations with the selected firms, and authorize the Mayor, City Clerk, and staff to execute all necessary contract documents with these firms once the required insurance is received. Per the State of Florida CCNA Act Statute 287.055, if contract negotiations are unsuccessful with one of the top-ranked firms, staff shall terminate negotiations and initiate negotiations with the next ranked firm, and so on, until an agreement is reached. Attachments: 1. RFQ23 -006 Continuing Contract for Surveying and Mapping Services 2. Southeastern Surveying and Mapping Corporation 3. CPH, LLC 4. Barnes, Ferland and Associates, Inc 5. WSP USA Environment & Infrastructure, Inc 6. Evaluation Form 7. Checklist 8. Award Recommendation 9. Addendum 1 Financial Impacts: As budgeted each fiscal year, the contracts are adequately funded through the various Departments which will utilize Surveying and Mapping services. Type of Item: Consent Page 80 of 668 CITY OF OCOEE REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ) NO. 23-006 CONTINUING CONTRACT FOR SURVEYING AND MAPPING SERVICES Page 81 of 668 RFQ #23-006 – Continuing Contract Surveying & Mapping 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS RFQ #23-006 CONTINUING CONTRACT FOR SURVEYING AND MAPPING SERVICES RFQ DOCUMENTS Section Page Legal Advertisement 3 RFQ Instructions & General Terms & Conditions 4 - 17 Exhibit A - Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form* 18 Exhibit B - Drug-Free Workplace Form* 19 Exhibit C - Company Information and Signature Sheet* 20 Exhibit D – Draft Agreement 21 * Submit with proposal End Table of Contents Page 82 of 668 RFQ #23-006 – Continuing Contract Surveying & Mapping 3 Request for Qualifications, Legal Advertisement The City of Ocoee, Florida, (the “City”) is soliciting sealed statements of qualifications for RFQ No. 23-006 Continuing Contract for Surveying and Mapping Services. Qualification Packages will only be accepted electronically through Bonfire, a free e-Procurement platform, until 2:00 p.m., local time, on March 7, 2023. Qualification Packages received after that time or through any other method will not be accepted under any circumstances. Qualification Packages that have been timely received through Bonfire will be publicly opened virtually online and the names of the responding firms read aloud at that time; instructions will be provided at https://www.ocoee.org/959/Public-Bid-Meetings. All questions regarding this RFQ shall be in writing to Olena Stokych, Purchasing Analyst, Finance Department/Purchasing, ostokych@ocoee.org. No Pre-Submittal conference is scheduled at this time. Prospective respondents may secure a copy of the documents required for submitting a statement of qualifications at no charge through Bonfire by accessing the City’s published solicitation page at https://ocoee.bonfirehub.com.For more information, visit https://www.ocoee.org/323/Purchasing. Prospective respondents will be provided with all information regarding this RFQ, addenda, and changes to the project requirements through the Bonfire e-Procurement Platform. Melanie Sibbitt, City Clerk, Orlando Sentinel, February 5, 2023. . Page 83 of 668 RFQ #23-006 – Continuing Contract Surveying & Mapping 4 CITY OF OCOEE REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS “RFQ” #23-006 CONTINUING CONTRACT FOR SURVEYING AND MAPPING SERVICES A. INTRODUCTION AND GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS 1. The City of Ocoee, Florida, in conformance with the Consultants’ Competitive Negotiations Act (CCNA), Florida Statutes Section 287.055, et seq., and the policies and procedures of the City of Ocoee (City), is soliciting statements of qualifications (SOQ, Proposals, Responses) from licensed surveying and mapping firms, (Respondent, Proposer, Consultant) that are interested in providing general surveying and mapping services for various planning, design, and development review projects. 2. The City intends to award continuing contracts to the top three (3) firms, if possible, deemed to be the most highly qualified to perform the required services. In determining whether a firm is qualified, the City shall consider the Evaluation Criteria set forth in this RFQ. In addition to identifying the best firms for the work, the City desires to create an equitable distribution of contracts among qualified firms, provided such distribution does not violate the principle of selecting the most highly qualified firm for a given task. Firms selected by the City will provide surveying and mapping services to the City on an as-needed basis, which will be assigned using task orders issued by the City under the continuing contracts. The contracts shall automatically be renewed annually unless terminated by the City in writing, for five years from the date of execution, and two (2) additional one-year upon City optional renewals unless otherwise terminated by either party, in writing, given 30 days notice. 3. Prospective Respondents may secure a free copy of the documents required for submitting a statement of qualifications through the Bonfire platform by accessing the City’s published solicitation page at https://ocoee.bonfirehub.com. For more information visit https://www.ocoee.org/323/Purchasing. Prospective Respondents will be provided with all information regarding this RFQ, addenda, and changes to the project requirements through the Bonfire platform; there is no charge to use Bonfire. Partial sets of documents required for submitting a statement of qualifications will not be issued. 4. The City ONLY accepts electronic solicitation responses online through the City’s Bonfire platform at https://ocoee.bonfirehub.com. This link can also be accessed through the City’s website at https://www.ocoee.org/323/Purchasing under the Current Open Solicitations menu. All submissions for this RFQ MUST be submitted electronically through the Bonfire Platform, submissions received in any other format will not be accepted; paper, fax, or e-mailed submissions will NOT be accepted. Minimum system requirements: Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Safari, or Mozilla Firefox. JavaScript and browser cookies must be enabled. Registration with Bonfire is free and is required prior to submitting a Response. You will be required to register once you click the “PREPARE YOUR SUBMISSION” in the solicitation file. It is suggested your company register no later than 24 hours in Page 84 of 668 RFQ #23-006 – Continuing Contract Surveying & Mapping 5 advance of the submission deadline to ensure proper registration. Should your company need assistance with registering, please contact the Bonfire Support Desk by emailing support@gobonfire.com. Support by email is provided Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. EST/EDT. Upon completing the registration with Bonfire, Respondents will be able to submit a bid securely, any time before the submission deadline, at https://ocoee.bonfirehub.com by clicking the “PREPARE YOUR SUBMISSION” under the solicitation. An instructional video is provided for an overview of the submission process. Once Respondent’s bid has been submitted, Respondent will receive a date/time stamp confirmation within the Bonfire platform and an email from Bonfire confirming the submission. Bids submitted on the Bonfire Platform will remain locked and inaccessible by City staff until the submission deadline. Respondents are encouraged to allow ample time to upload and submit their qualification package as the system will automatically lock responses upon the submission deadline. A virtual public bid opening will be held on the date and time indicated in this RFQ. Details on how to access the virtual bid opening will be posted on Bonfire once available and will also be posted on the City’s website at https://www.ocoee.org/959/Public-Bid-Meetings. 5. Qualification packages should consist minimally of a cover letter, statement of qualifications, conflict of interest disclosure form, and company information form (attached at the end of these instructions). Respondents should also include a copy of all applicable licenses held by firm and key staff/project team or subconsultants proposing to perform the work. Qualification packages should be limited to a total of fifty (50) 8.5”x 11” pages (required forms are excluded from the page count) single- sided, portrait orientation, 12-point font if possible. Additional requirements of submissions are supplied below in Section D: submittals. Any qualification package failing to conform to these specifications is subject to rejection. The person signing the signature sheet on behalf of the respondent must have the legal authority to bind the respondent to the submitted qualification package and shall be understood to do so. All expenses for providing qualification packages to the City shall be borne by the Respondent. 6. Respondents shall submit one (1) complete electronic copy of their qualification package on the Bonfire Platform. Qualification packages must be received by Bonfire no later than 2:00 p.m., local time, on March 7, 2023. Any attempt to submit a bid after the submission deadline will not be accepted under any circumstances. Any uncertainty regarding the time a qualification package is received will be resolved against the Respondent. It shall be the sole responsibility of the Respondent to have the qualification package uploaded and submitted on the Bonfire Platform prior to the due date and time. File Uploads – Submission materials should be prepared in the file formats listed under Requested Information for this opportunity in the Bonfire Platform. The maximum upload file size is 1000 MB. Documents should not be embedded within uploaded files, as the embedded files will not be accessible or evaluated. All electronic files uploaded must be in a common format accessible by software programs the City uses. Those common formats are generally described as Microsoft Page 85 of 668 RFQ #23-006 – Continuing Contract Surveying & Mapping 6 Word (.doc or .docx), Microsoft Excel (.xls or .xlsx), Microsoft Power Point (.ppt or pptx), or Adobe Portable Document Format (.pdf). Respondents will not secure, password protect or lock uploaded files; the City must be able to open and view the contents of the file. Respondents will not disable or restrict the ability of the City to print the contents of an uploaded file. Scanned documents or images must be of sufficient quality, no less than 150 dpi, to allow for reading or interpreting the words, drawings, images or sketches. The City may disqualify any Submittal Response that does not meet the criteria stated in this paragraph. 7. The City will receive questions regarding this RFQ only through written inquiries directed to Olena Stokych, Purchasing Analyst through the RFQ project file on the Bonfire Platform or by email at ostokych@ocoee.org. The deadline for receipt of questions is February 28, 2023 at 2:00 p.m., local time. Questions received after that time may not be answered. Any clarifications/changes will be made by way of written addenda only, issued by the Purchasing Analyst and posted on Bonfire. 8. Prospective Respondents should not contact City staff, with the exception of the Purchasing Analyst, or other City consultants for information regarding this RFQ before the project award date. Any contact with any other member of the City Staff, City Commission, or its Agents during the RFQ, award, and protest period may be grounds for Respondent disqualification. 9. Action on qualification packages is expected to be taken by the City Commission within ninety (90) days of the submission opening date; however, no guarantee or representation is made herein as to the time between receipt of the qualification package and subsequent City Commission action. A more detailed schedule is given below. 10. All applicable laws and regulations of the United States, the State of Florida, and the City of Ocoee will apply to any resulting Agreement. The provisions of the Consultant’s Competitive Negotiations Act (Section 287.055, Florida State Statutes) shall apply, where applicable. 11. The successful Respondent shall be required to execute an Agreement, in form and content acceptable to the City, indemnifying and holding harmless the City, its officials, officers, employees, and agents from all claims. By entering into this contract, the awarded firm is obligated to comply with the provisions of § 448.095, Florida Statutes, "Employment Eligibility." This includes, but is not limited to utilization of the E-Verify System to verify the work authorization status of all newly hired employees, and requiring all subcontractors to provide an affidavit attesting that the subcontractor does not employ, contract with, or subcontract with, an alien unauthorized to work in the USA. Failure to comply will lead to termination of this contract, or if a subcontractor knowingly violates the statute, the subcontractor must be terminated immediately. 12. CONVICTED VENDOR LIST (PUBLIC ENTITY CRIME): A person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for a public entity crime may not submit a proposal on an award to provide any goods or services Page 86 of 668 RFQ #23-006 – Continuing Contract Surveying & Mapping 7 to a public entity, may not submit a proposal on an award with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work, may not submit proposals on leases of real property to a public entity, may not be awarded or perform work as a Contractor, Supplier, Subcontractor, or Consultant under a award with any public entity, and may not transact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in section 287.017 for Category Two for a period of 36 months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list. [See Florida State Statute 287.133 (2) (a). 13. FLORIDA PUBLIC RECORDS LAW: In accordance with Chapter 119 of the Florida Statutes, and, except as may be provided by Chapter 119 of the Florida Statutes and other applicable State and Federal Laws, all Proposers should be aware that the proposal and the responses thereto are in the public domain and are available for public inspection. Proposers are requested, however, to identify specifically any information contained in their proposal which they consider confidential and/or proprietary and which they believe to be exempt from disclosure, citing specifically the applicable exempting law. All proposals received in response to this solicitation become the property of the City of Ocoee and will not be returned. In the event of an award, all documentation produced as part of the contract will become the exclusive property of the City. 14. PUBLIC RECORDS COMPLIANCE: The City of Ocoee (City) is a public agency subject to Chapter 119, Florida Statutes. The Contractor agrees to comply with Florida’s Public Records Law. Specifically, the Contractor shall: 1. Keep and maintain public records required by the City to perform the service. 2. Upon request from the City’s custodian of public records, provide the City with a copy of the requested records or allow the records to be inspected or copied within a reasonable time at a cost that does not exceed the cost provided in chapter 119, Florida Statutes, or as otherwise provided by law. 3. Ensure that public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from the public records disclosure requirements are not disclosed except as authorized by law for the duration of the contract term and following completion of the contract if the Contractor does not transfer the records to the City. 4. Upon completion of the contract, Contractor agrees to transfer at no cost to the City all public records in possession of the Contractor or keep and maintain public records required by the City to perform the service. If the Contractor transfers all public record to the City upon completion of the contract, the Contractor shall destroy any duplicate public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from public records disclosure requirements. If the Contractor keeps and maintains public records upon completion of the contract, the Contractor shall meet all applicable requirements for retaining public records. All records stored electronically must be provided to the City, upon request from the City’s custodian of public records, in a format that is compatible with the information technology systems of the City. 5. A Contractor who fails to provide the public records to City within a reasonable time may be subject to penalties under § 119.10, Florida Statutes. IF THE CONTRACTOR HAS QUESTIONS REGARDING THE APPLICATION OF CHAPTER 119, FLORIDA STATUTES, TO THE CONTRACTOR'S DUTY TO PROVIDE PUBLIC RECORDS Page 87 of 668 RFQ #23-006 – Continuing Contract Surveying & Mapping 8 RELATING TO THIS CONTRACT, CONTACT THE CUSTODIAN OF PUBLIC RECORDS AT 407-905-3100, EXTENSION 1022, CCDL@ci.ocoee.fl.us, WITH AN OFFICE LOCATED AT 1 N. BLUFORD AVENUE, OCOEE, FLORIDA 34761. 15. PATENT INDEMNITY: Except as otherwise provided, the successful respondent agrees to indemnify the City and its officers, agents, and employees against liability, including costs and expenses for infringement upon any letters patent of the United States arising out of the performance of this Contract or out of the use or disposal by or for the account of the City or supplies furnished or construction work performed hereunder. Further, the Respondent shall fully indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City and its officers, agents, and employees from any suits, actions, damages, and costs of every name and description, including attorneys’ fees, arising from or relating to violation or infringement of a trademark, copyright, patent, trade secret, unpatented invention, or intellectual property right. If the bidder uses any design, device, or materials covered by letters, patent, or copyright, it is mutually agreed and understood without exception that the bid price shall include all royalties or cost arising from the use of such design, device, or materials. 16. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all responses, to waive formalities, technicalities or irregularities, to request clarification of information submitted in any proposal, or to re-advertise for new proposals. The City may accept any item or group of items of any proposal, unless the Proposer qualifies its proposal by specific limitations. The City may accept one or more proposals if, in the City’s discretion, the City determines that it is in the City’s best interest to do so. The City reserves the right to award the contract to the Respondent which, in the City’s sole discretion, is the most responsive and responsible Respondent. The City reserves the right, as an aid in determining which proposal is responsible, to require a Respondent to submit such additional evidence of Respondent’s qualifications as the City may deem necessary, and may consider any evidence available to the City of the financial, technical, and other qualifications and abilities of a Respondent, including past performance (experience) with the City and others. The City Commission shall be the final authority in the selection of any and all proposals. 17. Conflict of Interest/Non-Collusion Certification: Respondent declares by submission of a qualification package that the only persons, or parties interested in their bid are those named herein, that this bid is, in all respects, fair and without fraud and that it is made without collusion with any other vendor or official of the City of Ocoee. Neither the Affiant nor the above-named entity has directly or indirectly entered into any agreement, participated in any collusion, or otherwise taken any action in restraint of free competitive pricing in connection with the entity’s submittal for the project. This statement restricts the discussion of pricing data until the completion of negotiations and execution of the Agreement for this project. Page 88 of 668 RFQ #23-006 – Continuing Contract Surveying & Mapping 9 Respondent certifies that no City Commissioner, other City Official or City employee directly or indirectly owns assets or capital stock of the bidding entity, nor will directly or indirectly benefit by the profits or emoluments of this proposal. (For purposes of this paragraph, indirect ownership or benefit does not include ownership or benefit by a spouse or minor child.) The Respondent certifies that no member of the entity’s ownership or management is presently applying for an employee position or actively seeking an elected position with the City. In the event that a conflict of interest is identified in the provision of services, the Respondent agrees to immediately notify the City in writing. Complete the attached Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement and submit with qualification package. Respondent further declares that a careful examination of the scope of services, instructions, and terms and conditions of this bid has occurred, and that the bid is made according to the provisions of the bid documents, and will meet or exceed the scope of services, requirements, and standards contained in the Bid documents. Respondent agrees to abide by all conditions of the negotiation process. In conducting negotiations with the City, Respondent offers and agrees that if this negotiation is accepted, Respondent will convey, sell, assign, or transfer to the City all rights, title, and interest in and to all causes of action it may now or hereafter acquire under the Anti-trust laws of the United States and the State of Florida for price fixing relating to the particular commodities or services purchased or acquired by the City. At the City’s discretion, such assignment shall be made and become effective at the time the City tenders final payment to Respondent. The bid constitutes a firm and binding offer by Respondent to perform the services as stated. 18. Drug-Free Workplace: Provide a statement concerning the Respondent’s status as a Drug-Free Workplace or evidence of an implemented drug-free workplace program. Complete the attached Drug-Free Workplace Form and submit with qualification package. 19. Scrutinized Companies: Bidder certifies that the company is not participating in a boycott of Israel. Bidder certifies that the Bidder is not on the Scrutinized Companies that Boycott Israel List, not on the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in Sudan List, not on the Scrutinized Companies with activities in the Iran Petroleum Energy Sector List, or has been engaged in business operations in Cuba or Syria, as those terms are used and defined in sections 287.135 and 215.473 of the Florida Statutes. In the event that Bidder is unable to provide such certification but still seeks to be considered for award of this solicitation, Bidder shall, on a separate piece of paper, clearly state that it is on one or both of the Scrutinized Companies lists and shall furnish together with its proposal a duly executed written explanation of the facts supporting any exception to the requirement for certification that it claims under Section 287.135 of the Florida Statutes. Bidder agrees to cooperate fully with the City in any investigation undertaken by the City to determine whether the claimed exception would be applicable. The City shall have the right to terminate any contract resulting from this solicitation for default if Bidder is found to have submitted a false certification, or to have been placed on the Scrutinized Companies that Boycott Israel Page 89 of 668 RFQ #23-006 – Continuing Contract Surveying & Mapping 10 List, or to have been placed on the Scrutinized Companies for Activities in Sudan List, or the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the Iran Petroleum Energy Sector List, or has been engaged in business operations in Cuba or Syria. B. INSURANCE TERMS AND CONDITIONS The successful respondent shall be required to provide evidence of both General (Public & Property) Liability and Professional (Design Errors and Omissions) Liability Insurance in the form of a certificate of insurance issued on behalf of the City of Ocoee and naming the City as an additional insured, by companies acceptable to the City at the minimum limits and coverages listed below with deductible amounts acceptable to the City. The selected consultant shall not commence any work in connection with an Agreement until all of the following types of insurance have been obtained and such insurance has been approved by the City, nor shall the consultant allow any subconsultant to commence work on a subcontract until all similar insurance required of the subconsultant has been so obtained and approved. Policies other than Workers’ Compensation shall be issued only by companies authorized by subsisting certificates of authority issued to the companies by the Department of Insurance of Florida which maintain a Best’s Rating of “A” or better and a Financial Size Category of “VII” or better according to the A.M. Best Company. Policies for Workers’ Compensation may be issued by companies authorized as a group self-insurer by F.S. 440.57, Florida Statutes. 1. Loss Deductible Clause: The City shall be exempt from, and in no way liable for, any sums of money which may represent a deductible in any insurance policy. The payment of such deductible shall be the sole responsibility of the General Consultant and/or subconsultant providing such insurance. 2. Workers’ Compensation Insurance: The Consultant shall obtain during the life of this Agreement, Worker’s Compensation Insurance with Employer’s Liability Limits of $500,000/$500,000/$500,000 for all the Consultant’s employees connected with the work of this project and, in the event any work is sublet, the Consultant shall require the subconsultant similarly to provide Workers’ Compensation Insurance for all of the latter’s employees unless such employees are covered by the protection afforded by the Consultant. Such insurance shall comply fully with the Florida Workers’ Compensation Law. In case any class of employees engaged in hazardous work under this contract for the City is not protected under the Workers’ Compensation statute, the Consultant shall provide, and cause each subconsultant to provide adequate insurance, satisfactory to the City, for the protection of the Consultant’s employees not otherwise protected. Include Waiver of Subrogation in favor of the City of Ocoee. 3. Consultant’s Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance: The Consultant shall obtain during the life of this Agreement COMMERCIAL AUTOMOBILE COVERAGE, this policy should name the City of Ocoee as an additional insured, and shall protect the Consultant and the City from claims for damage for personal injury, including accidental death, as well as claims for property damages which may arise from operations under this Agreement whether such operations be by the Consultant or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by the Consultant, and the amounts of such insurance shall be the minimum limits as follows: Page 90 of 668 RFQ #23-006 – Continuing Contract Surveying & Mapping 11 4. Automobile Bodily Injury Liability & Property Damage Liability  $1,000,000 Combined single limit per occurrence (each person, each accident)  All covered automobile will be covered via symbol 1  Liability coverage will include hired & non-owned automobile liability  Include Waiver of Subrogation in favor of The City of Ocoee 5. Comprehensive General Liability (Occurrence Form) - This policy should name the City of Ocoee as an additional insured and should indicate that the insurance of the Consultant is primary and non-contributory.  $2,000,000 GENERAL AGGREGATE  $2,000,000 PRODUCTS-COMPLETED OPERATIONS AGGREGATE  $1,000,000 PER OCCURRENCE  $1,000,000 PERSONAL & ADVERTISING INJURY  Include Waiver of Subrogation in favor of the City of Ocoee 6. Subconsultant’s Comprehensive General Liability, Automobile Liability and Worker’s Compensation Insurance: The Consultant shall require each subconsultant to procure and maintain during the life of this subcontract, insurance of the type specified above or insure the activities of these subconsultants in the Consultant’s policy, as specified above. 7. Owner’s Protective Liability Insurance: (Not applicable for Surveying and Mapping Services) As applicable for construction projects, providing coverage for the named insured’s liability that arises out of operations performed for the named insured by independent consultants and are directly imposed because of the named insured’s general supervision of the independent consultant. The Consultant shall procure and furnish an Owner’s Protective Liability Insurance Policy with the following limits: $1,000,000, and per occurrence, $2,000,000. Aggregate and naming the City of Ocoee as the Named Insured. 8. Contractual Liability: If the project is not bonded, the consultant’s insurance shall also include contractual liability coverage to insure the fulfillment of the contract. NOTE: PUBLIC LIABILITY INSURANCE AND AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY INSURANCE, THE CITY SHALL BE NAMED AS ADDITIONAL INSURED.  $1,000,000 PER OCCURRENCE  $2,000,000 AGGREGATE Commercial Umbrella:  $1,000,000 PER OCCURRENCE  $2,000,000 Aggregate  Including Employer’s Liability and Contractual Liability Builders Risk: (Not applicable for Surveying and Mapping Services)  $100,000 Any (1) Location  $1,000,000 Any (1) Occurrence (Remainder of page left blank intentionally) Page 91 of 668 RFQ #23-006 – Continuing Contract Surveying & Mapping 12 9. Certificates of Insurance: Certificate of Insurance Form (see sample, above), naming the City of Ocoee as an additional insured will be furnished by the Consultant upon notice of award. These shall be completed by the authorized Resident Agent and returned to the Office of the Purchasing Analyst. This certificate shall be dated and show:  The name of the Insured consultant, the specific job by name and job number, the name of the insurer, the number of the policy, its effective date, and its termination date.  Statement that the Insurer shall mail notice to the Owner at least thirty (30) days prior to any material changes in provisions or cancellation of the policy, Page 92 of 668 RFQ #23-006 – Continuing Contract Surveying & Mapping 13 except ten (10) days written notice of cancellation for non-payment of premium. C. SCOPE OF SERVICES The scope of work to be performed through task orders issued under the continuing contracts may consist of, but will not necessarily be limited to: planning, design, development review, and construction phase surveying and mapping services for public and private projects within the City. Typical assignments would include, but would not be limited to the following:  Horizontal and vertical survey for existing and new roadways, drainage ponds, ditches, and canals  Verification of existing rights-of-way and establishment of new right-of-way lines  Preliminary and final roadway or utility alignment surveys  Parcel surveys, including building footprints and clearances  Preparation of legal descriptions with or without sketches of description  Plat review in accordance with Chapter 177, Florida Statutes  Establishment of the limits of existing ditches and canals  Collection of data through use of Global Positioning System (GPS) technology  Lake and pond water level elevation identification and verification  Horizontal and vertical underground and overhead utility (water, sanitary, fiber optic cable, coaxial cable, etc.) surveys  Soft-dig services  Maintenance of the official statement of city limits  Miscellaneous surveying or mapping services Interested firms must be experienced in providing surveying and mapping services for projects of a scope and nature comparable to those described. To be considered, the respondent shall be a licensed professional or qualified business in accordance with Florida State law and be familiar with all applicable State of Florida, Orange County, and City of Ocoee codes, regulations, and laws. Each qualifications submittal should include a copy of the firm’s contractor’s license. D. SUBMITTALS Qualifications packages should be designed to portray to the City how the respondent’s services can best match the knowledge, skills, and abilities suggested by the anticipated Summary of Services given above. In order for the City to evaluate the qualification package, each Respondent should provide information relative to their ability to provide services that will best meet the needs of the City. The City of Ocoee requires comprehensive responses to every section within this RFQ. To facilitate the review of the responses, firms should follow the described response format, see also Section 5 of this RFQ. The intent of the RFQ format requirements is to expedite review and evaluation. It is not the intent to constrain firms with regard to content, but to assure that the specific requirements set forth in this RFQ are addressed in a uniform manner amenable to review and evaluation. In order to simplify the review process and obtain the maximum degree of comparison, the Respondent should use the following format in responding to the RFQ: Page 93 of 668 RFQ #23-006 – Continuing Contract Surveying & Mapping 14 I. Firm’s Qualifications  List of firm’s relevant employees that would be assigned to this contract, their qualifications, and their role for the City services. (“Relevant” means they may provide some of the offered services; support personnel should generally not be included unless they are directly involved in the provision of services.)  Provide copies of firm’s and employee’s certifications and registrations with regulatory agencies, professional organizations, etc.  List firm’s sub-consultants that would be assigned to this contract, their qualifications, and their role in this project.  List of firm’s current or recently completed similar services within the past three (3) years with other public or private agencies. Include original contract price, final cost, and reason for overages if applicable.  Demonstrate the ability to deliver project on time and within budget.  List and quantity of firm’s (and firm’s sub-consultants’ if applicable) equipment including survey instruments, computers, plotters, vehicles, etc.  List of at least three (3) client references to include organization name, contact person, telephone number (s), and e-mail address. II. Firm’s Office Location & Other Forms  List the location of all offices (firm and sub-consultants) involved with this project and approximate distance (in miles) and time (in hours) to City Hall.  Include copy of M/WBE Certification for the Respondent. Partial points will not be awarded for M/WBE sub-consultants.  Conflict of Interest Disclosure form.  Company Information/Signature Sheet.  Drug-Free Workplace form.  Receipt of any addenda issued, see Section J.  Summary of Litigation, see Section I., if none please so state. Provide a summary of any litigation, claim(s), bid or contract dispute(s) filed by or against the Firm in the past five (5) years which is related to the services that the Firm provides in the regular course of business. The summary shall state the nature of the litigation, claim, or contact dispute, a brief description of the case, the outcome or projected outcome, and the monetary amounts involved. E. TIME SCHEDULE The anticipated schedule of events related to this solicitation is: Date of RFQ Request for qualifications published 23 days later Last day for questions 30 days later Statements of qualification are due 35 days later Qualification statements distributed to evaluation committee 50 days later Evaluation committee meeting held Next meeting Short-list of ranked firms recommended to City Commission Page 94 of 668 RFQ #23-006 – Continuing Contract Surveying & Mapping 15 Dates are estimated and subject to change at the City’s discretion. F. SELECTION PROCESS 1. The criteria for selection shall be based on the criteria listed in the RFQ. The City reserves the right, before awarding the contract, to require a Respondent to submit additional evidence of its qualifications, as the City may deem necessary, and shall conduct discussions with, and may require public presentations by, no fewer than three (3) firms, if possible. The City shall be the sole judge of the competency of Respondents. 2. A City evaluation committee will evaluate each respondent’s qualifications and after interviews and/or public presentations, will short-list and recommend to the City Commission the top three (3) firms, if possible, in ranked order of qualifications based upon the evaluation committee’s evaluation of the responses and any client references. All Respondents shall be notified via Bonfire or other means of staff’s recommended ranking of firms to the City Commission. The City Commission’s decision to endorse or modify the ranking by the evaluation committee shall be final. The City Commission shall be the final authority in the award or rejection of any all responses. 3. The City will apply the negotiation requirements of Section 287.0055, Fla. Stat., (a.k.a., CCNA). The City will attempt to negotiate an agreement with the top-ranked Respondent. If no agreement is reached with the top-ranked Respondent, negotiations will be terminated and initiated with the second-ranked Respondent, and so on, until an agreement is reached. 4. The successful Respondent shall be required to execute an agreement which provides, among other things, that all plans, drawings, reports, and specifications that result from Respondent’s services shall become the property of the City. Upon the successful negotiation of an agreement, a formal agreement will be prepared and subsequent executed by both parties. 5. The following evaluation criteria will be used to rate the timely received responses: Evaluation Criteria Maximum Points 1. Experience of the firm and project team  Past Performance and Experience of the Firm  Past Performance and Experience of the Team Members  Past Performance and Experience with or in the City 65 2. Ability to Meet Time and Budget Requirements  Projected Workloads of the Firm  Affect of Legal Action Against the Firm 25 3. Office Location  Location of the Office and Proximity to the City of Ocoee 5 Page 95 of 668 RFQ #23-006 – Continuing Contract Surveying & Mapping 16 Evaluation Criteria Maximum Points 4. Certified Minority Business Enterprise  Include copy of M/WBE Certification for the Respondent 5 100 Information supplied by client references may be used in determining the relative merits of a Respondent under any and all of the above-listed criteria. G. TASK ORDERS/SERVICE AUTHORIZATIONS Firm(s) selected by the City will provide surveying and mapping services to the City on an as needed basis, based upon task orders (service authorizations) to be issued by the City under the continuing contract. No work shall commence until the verification of the issuance of the purchase order or other authorization document. It shall be the surveying and mapping firm’s responsibility to include those references on each invoice submitted for the work. Invoicing for completed work or progress billing shall be submitted to the requesting City Department for processing and submission for payment by the Finance Department with a copy to: Accounts Payable Finance Department City of Ocoee 1 N. Bluford Avenue Ocoee, Florida 34761 H. BID PROTESTS All Bid Protests shall be submitted to the Purchasing Analyst, ostokych@ocoee.org with a copy to the Procurement Manager, jtolbert@ocoee.org, in the following manner: 1. A Bidder shall file a written bid protest under this Article or be barred any relief; oral protests shall not be acknowledged. 2. A bid protest shall be limited to the following grounds: (a) issues arising from the procurement provisions of the Project Manual, its addenda, and other bidding documents; and/or (b) applicable federal, state, or local law. No bid protest may be based upon questions concerning the design documents (drawings and specifications). The Bidder shall clarify all questions concerning the design documents of the project prior to submitting its bid. 3. The content of the bid protest shall fully state the factual and legal grounds for the protest and the legal basis for the relief requested. Page 96 of 668 RFQ #23-006 – Continuing Contract Surveying & Mapping 17 4. The bid protest shall be filed with the Purchasing Analyst with a copy to the Procurement Manager not later than five (5) calendar days after the posting of the notice of intent to award or recommendation of award by staff, whichever is earlier. 5. The Procurement Manager, on behalf of the City, shall make a determination of the merits of the protest not later than five (5) business days after receipt of the protest. If the City denies the protest, the City may proceed with award of the contract unless enjoined by order of a court of competent jurisdiction. I. SUMMARY OF LITIGATION: Provide a summary of any litigation, claim(s), bid or contract dispute(s) filed by or against the Bidder in the past five (5) years which is related to the services that the Bidder provides in the regular course of business. The summary shall state the nature of the litigation, claim, or contact dispute, a brief description of the case, the outcome or projected outcome, and the monetary amounts involved. If none, then please say so. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ (Attach additional sheets if necessary) J. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF ADDENDA: Bidder acknowledges receipt of the following addenda: No._____________ Dated _____________________ No._____________ Dated _____________________ No._____________ Dated _____________________ END OF INSTRUCTIONS Page 97 of 668 RFQ #23-006 – Continuing Contract Surveying & Mapping 18 EXHIBIT “A” RFQ CONFLICT OF INTEREST DISCLOSURE FORM The award of this contract is subject to the provisions of Chapter 112, Florida Statutes. All Proposers must disclose within their Proposal: the name of any City of Ocoee employee, Mayor or City Commissioner, other City Official, or City Consultants, who owns assets or capital stock, directly or indirectly, in the Proposer’s firm or any of its branches, or would directly or indirectly benefit by the profits or emoluments of this proposal. (Indirect ownership or benefit applies to any members of his or her immediate family.) Proposer certifies that no member of the entity’s ownership or management is presently applying for an employee position or actively seeking an elected position with the City. In the event that a conflict of interest is identified in the provision of services, Proposer agrees to immediately notify the City in writing. The purpose of this disclosure form is to give the City the information needed to identify potential conflicts of interest for the City Commission, Evaluation Committee members, and other key City employees and consultants involved in the award of this contract. According to Chapter 112, Florida Statutes, the term “conflict of interest” “means a situation in which regard for a private interest tends to lead to disregard of a public duty or interest”, and refers to situations in which financial or other personal considerations may adversely affect, or have the appearance of adversely affecting, an employee’s professional judgment in exercising any City duty or responsibility in administration, management, instruction, research, or other professional activities. Please check one of the following statements and attach additional documentation if necessary: _________ To the best of our knowledge, the undersigned firm has no potential conflict of interest for this Proposal. _________ The undersigned firm, by attachment to this form, submits information which may be a potential conflict of interest for this Proposal. Acknowledged by: ____________________________________________________________________________ Firm Name ____________________________________________________________________________ Signature ____________________________________________________________________________ Name and Title (Print or Type) ____________________________________________________________________________ Date Page 98 of 668 RFQ #23-006 – Continuing Contract Surveying & Mapping 19 EXHIBIT “B” DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE CERTIFICATION The undersigned Respondent, in accordance with Florida Statute 287.087 hereby certifies that it has a drug-free workplace program. In order to have a drug-free workplace program, a business shall: 1. Publish a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violations of such prohibition. 2. Inform employees about the dangers of drug abuse in the workplace, the business's policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace, and available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs, and the penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations. 3. Give each employee engaged in providing the commodities or contractual services that are under bid a copy of the statement specified in subsection (1). 4. In the statement specified in subsection (1), notify the employees that, as a condition of working on the commodities or contractual services that are under bid, the employee will abide by the terms of the statement and will notify the employer of any conviction of, or pleas of guilty or nolo contendere to, any violation of Chapter 893 or of any controlled substance law of the United States or any state, for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than five (5) days after such conviction. 5. Impose a sanction on, or require the satisfactory participation in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program is such is available in the employee's community, by any employee who is so convicted. 6. Make a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug-free workplace through implementation of this section. As the person authorized to sign the statement, I certify that this firm complies fully with the above requirements. Respondent: Signed: By: (Print or Type Name) Title: Date: Page 99 of 668 RFQ #23-006 – Continuing Contract Surveying & Mapping 20 EXHIBIT “C” COMPANY INFORMATION/SIGNATURE SHEET RFQ #23-006 FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THESE RFQ INSTRUCTIONS WILL RESULT IN DISQUALIFICATION OF YOUR QUALIFICATION PACKAGE. PLEASE SIGN BELOW ATTESTING THAT YOU HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND ALL RFQ INSTRUCTIONS, AND THAT YOU UNDERSTAND THAT THE SUCCESSFUL RESPONDENT WILL BE REQUIRED TO ENTER INTO A LEGALLY BINDING CONTRACT WITH THE CITY OF OCOEE. __________________________________ __________________________________ COMPANY NAME TELEPHONE (INCLUDE AREA CODE) __________________________________ FAX (INCLUDE AREA CODE) __________________________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS _________________________________ IF REMITTANCE ADDRESS IS DIFFERENT AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE (manual) FROM PURCHASE ORDER ADDRESS, PLEASE INDICATE BELOW: ________________________________ NAME/TITLE (PLEASE PRINT) ____________________________________________ ________________________________ ____________________________________________ STREET ADDRESS _________________________________ CITY STATE ZIP FEDERAL ID #____________________ _____Individual _____Corporation _____Partnership _____Other (Specify)________________________ Sworn to and subscribed before me this ________day of _______________, 20____. Personally Known___________ or Produced Identification_________ ____________________________ Notary Public - State of _______ (Type of Identification) County of __________________ ___________________________ Signature of Notary Public ___________________________ Printed, typed or stamped Commissioned name of Notary Public Page 100 of 668 RFQ #23-006 – Continuing Contract Surveying & Mapping 21 CITY OF OCOEE EXHIBIT “D” CONTINUING SURVEYING AND MAPPING SERVICES DRAFT AGREEMENT RFQ #23-006 THIS Agreement is entered into this ________ day of ________________, 20__ by and between the City of Ocoee, Florida, a municipal corporation existing under the laws of the State of Florida (“City”), and ____________________________, a _________ Corporation (“Consultant”). WHEREAS, the City has a present and continuing need for professional surveying and mapping services; and WHEREAS, the City shall have the option to use the Consultant's professional surveying or mapping services and attendant and related (“Services”), as further described below, for the City’s continuing professional surveying and mapping needs for projects that meet the criteria of ¶ 287.055 (2) (g), Florida Statutes (hereinafter referred to as “Project” or “Projects”); and WHEREAS, the Consultant is willing and able to perform the Services for the City on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and mutual covenants given one to the other, the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereby agree as follows: TERM Continuing Contract. This Agreement shall continue in full force for a period of five (5) separate one-year terms, beginning on ___________. Each one-year term shall automatically be renewable for the next succeeding one year term with the condition that the City’s obligation to pay under this Agreement for each year is contingent upon the City in its good faith judgment having sufficient funds to make an annual appropriation for the Services to be provided under this Agreement. The Agreement shall continue in full force and effect from the date first written above or until terminated in accordance with this Agreement. The City shall have the option of extending the term an additional two (2) one-year terms. This Agreement shall govern if the time required to complete Services extends beyond the expiration or termination of this Agreement for a Project that has already been identified in a Services Authorization issued prior to the expiration or termination of the Agreement. TYPES OF PROJECTS Consultant may perform Services under this Agreement, including but not limited to those generally described below: Professional survey services and other attendant or related services that may be required to be performed pursuant to award(s) to the Consultant issued under Services Authorizations issued under this Agreement. Such services may include, but not be limited to, the following: planning, Page 101 of 668 RFQ #23-006 – Continuing Contract Surveying & Mapping 22 design, development review, and construction phase surveying and mapping services for public and private projects within the City. Typical assignments would include, but would not be limited to the following:  Horizontal and vertical survey for existing and new roadways, drainage ponds, ditches, and canals  Verification of existing rights-of-way and establishment of new right-of-way lines  Preliminary and final roadway or utility alignment surveys  Parcel surveys, including building footprints and clearances  Preparation of legal descriptions with or without sketches of description  Plat review in accordance with Chapter 177, Florida Statutes  Establishment of the limits of existing ditches and canals  Collection of data through use of Global Positioning System (GPS) technology  Lake and pond water level elevation identification and verification  Horizontal and vertical underground and overhead utility (water, sanitary, fiber optic cable, coaxial cable, etc.) surveys  Soft-dig services  Maintenance of the official statement of city limits  Miscellaneous surveying or mapping services As-Built Surveys: Horizontal and vertical location surveys of constructed improvements for existing and new roadways, drainage ponds, ditches, canals, land parcels and other similar projects, including soft dig services necessary for same; Boundary Surveys: Perimeters of parcels for locations, platting or dividing; Construction Layout: Horizontal and vertical measurements for construction, including preliminary and final roadway or utility alignment surveys; Control Surveys: Horizontal and vertical positions for support of subordinate surveys or mapping; Hydrographic Surveys: Lake and pond water level elevation identification and verification and collection and analysis of related data concerning bodies of water; Mean High Water Line Surveys: F.S. Section 177, Part II Surveys; Plat review in accordance with Chapter 177, Florida Statutes; Quantity Surveys: Measurements to determine quantity; Right-of-way Surveys: Strip of land for travel, drainage and utilities, etc.; Specific or Special Purpose Surveys: A specific purpose not defined by any other type; Page 102 of 668 RFQ #23-006 – Continuing Contract Surveying & Mapping 23 Topographic Surveys: Horizontal and vertical spatial relations of selected man- made and/or natural features on or below the earth’s surface; Collection and analysis of data through the use, in whole or in part, of Global Positioning System technology, LIDAR or equivalent technology; Providing survey data in digital form in a format compatible with what the City is currently using or otherwise in accordance with the City of Ocoee’s requirements; Advise, assistance and possible court and administrative hearing appearance(s) regarding future legal matters; Verification of existing rights-of-way and establishment of new right-of-way lines for ongoing or projects; Verification of existing rights-of-way and establishment of new right-of-way lines for ongoing or projects; Parcel surveys; Preparation of legal descriptions with or without sketches of description; Preparation of horizontal and vertical underground and overhead utility (water, sanitary, fiber optic, coaxial, etc.) survey; Miscellaneous surveying or mapping services not otherwise defined above The City shall, from time to time, and at its sole discretion, authorize the Consultant in writing to provide Services under this Agreement by issuing a Services Authorization. A Services Authorization shall, by mutual agreement of the parties, set forth, (1) the Scope of Services, (2) the time for performance, (3) method and amount of compensation, (4) the items to be provided to the City, and (5) the services, information and data that can be provided by the City to the Consultant. The Consultant will be required to compete with other Consultants for the award of the Services Authorization. The City does not guarantee, warrant, or represent that any number of Projects or any particular type of Project will be assigned to the Consultant under the terms of this Agreement. Furthermore, the purpose of this Agreement is not to authorize a specific Project, but to set forth certain duties, obligations, rights, and responsibilities that may be incorporated by reference into any Services Authorization that may be mutually agreed to by the parties. The City shall have the sole discretion to select the Project(s), if any, that may be given to the Consultant. The Consultant shall perform any and all Services in a timely, efficient and cost-effective manner and in a manner that comports with the standards of professional surveying ordinarily exercised by reputable members of Consultant’s profession. FEE FOR SERVICES The City shall pay the Consultant for the Services as detailed in a Services Authorization issued under this Agreement. The compensation shall be deemed to include all salaries, social Page 103 of 668 RFQ #23-006 – Continuing Contract Surveying & Mapping 24 security taxes, federal and state unemployment taxes, worker’s compensation insurance costs, sick leave, vacation and holiday pay, retirement and medical insurance benefits, travel and subsistence within the Orlando area, general and administrative overhead costs, quality control costs, profit, and any and all incidental reproduction, secretarial, and office support costs that may be incurred by the Consultant. Furthermore, the City shall not be charged overtime wage rates, unless and only to the extent that the City may authorize such charges in writing in advance of such overtime worked being performed. Consultant fully acknowledges and agrees that if at any time it performs Services under this Agreement that have not been fully negotiated, reduced to writing, and formally executed by both the City and Consultant, then Consultant shall perform such Services without liability to the City, and at Consultant’s own risk and expense. City shall pay Consultant not later than twenty-five (25) calendar days of its receipt of Consultant invoice, unless, within a twenty (20) day period, the City, 1) notifies Consultant of an objection to the payment amount, and 2) either provides Consultant with a determination of the proper payment, or requests further information from Consultant so that a proper payment can be derived and agreed upon by the parties. The City’s objection to the payment amount shall be accompanied by the City’s remittance of any undisputed portion of the payment. Upon the termination of this Agreement, Consultant shall prepare a final and complete payment statement for all Services and reimbursable expenses incurred since the posting of the last payment statement, and through the date of termination. Consultant also agrees to maintain, and to cause each of its subcontractors to maintain complete and accurate project and financial books and records (Books) in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and standards, and in a form acceptable to the City, which identify the activities of the Consultant and the costs for all labor, material, and services incurred by the Consultant in performing services under this Agreement. The Books shall, at a minimum, identify the Services rendered, the date that the labor, material or services were incurred and shall also identify whether the expense was part of the Services or are a reimbursable expense. In addition to the above and upon request of the City, the Consultant shall prepare a Fiscal Year Report (for the most recent fiscal year) for review and use by the City, which shall identify the costs for all labor, material, and services incurred by the Consultant in performing services under this Agreement and shall include the Consultant's paid salary, fringe benefits, general and administrative overhead costs, profit and the total amount of money paid by the City to the Consultant. The Fiscal Year Report shall be certified as true and correct by, and shall bear the signature of the Consultant's chief financial officer or its certified public accountant. The Consultant shall maintain separate Books for each Project. The City shall have the right, at any reasonable time and through any of its designated agents or representatives, to inspect and audit the Consultant’s Books. If an audit or other information discloses that Consultant has over-billed or overstated its costs, fees, or reimbursable expenses (Overcharged) to the City, then the amount of any Overcharge shall be refunded to the City, including interest at one percent (1%) simple interest per month, together with the City’s reasonable and provable costs (including auditing expenses) in discovering the Overcharge and pursuing its repayment, including reasonable attorneys’ fees. Page 104 of 668 RFQ #23-006 – Continuing Contract Surveying & Mapping 25 Consultant shall retain the Books, and make them available to the City as specified above, until the later of five (5) years after the date of termination of this Agreement, or five (5) years from the date of the final payment statement (of the Project) prepared for the City, or such longer time if required by any federal, state, or other governmental law, regulation, policy, or contractual or grant requirement or provision. When the City has reasonable grounds for belief (or information to believe) that, 1) Consultant will be unable to perform the Services; or 2) a pending or meritorious claim exists against Consultant or the City arising out of Consultant’s negligence or Consultant’s breach of any provision of this Agreement; then the City may withhold a payment otherwise due and payable to Consultant. This provision is intended solely for the benefit of the City. The acceptance by Consultant, its successors, or assigns, of any final payment due upon the termination of this Agreement, shall constitute a full and complete release of the City from any and all claims, demands, or causes of action whatsoever that Consultant, its successors, or assigns may have against the City under the provisions of this Agreement. INDEMNIFICATION AND INSURANCE Indemnification The Consultant agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City, its representatives, employees, and elected and appointed officials, from liabilities, damages, losses and costs, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorney's fees, to the extent caused by the negligence, recklessness, or intentional wrongful misconduct of the Consultant and persons employed or utilized by the Consultant in the performance of any professional services rendered under this Agreement or any Services Authorization issued pursuant to this Agreement. For purposes of compliance with Florida law, Consultant acknowledges that this provision shall be deemed a part of the project specifications or the bid documents. Insurance General. The Consultant shall purchase, maintain, and keep in full force, effect, and good standing, such insurance as identified below, that provides coverage for claims as identified below, that may arise out of, or result from, the Consultant's operations, performance, or Services, or all of these things, or any of these things in combination (“Consultant's Operations”), whether the Consultant's Operations are performed by the Consultant, any of its agents, subcontractors, or Subconsultants, or anyone for whose act or acts it may be liable. The Consultant’s insurance carrier shall be licensed to do business in the State of Florida and shall have an A.M. Best Rating of A or better. The insurance required by this Subsection shall be written for not less than the limits of liability specified below, or as may be required by law, whichever is greater, and shall include contractual liability insurance as applicable to the Consultant's obligation under this Agreement. The Consultant shall provide evidence of both General (Public & Property) Liability and Professional (Design Errors and Omissions) Liability Insurance in the form of a certificate of insurance issued on behalf of the City of Ocoee by companies acceptable to the City at the following minimum limits and coverage’s with deductible amounts acceptable to the City: Page 105 of 668 RFQ #23-006 – Continuing Contract Surveying & Mapping 26 Comprehensive General Liability Insurance: $1,000,000.00 General Aggregate $2,000,000.00 (The City of Ocoee is to be named as an additional insured) Professional Liability Insurance: $1,000,000.00 (Design Errors and Omission) The Consultant shall not commence any work in connection with the Agreement until all of the following types of insurance have been obtained and such insurance has been approved by the City, nor shall the Consultant allow any Sub-consultant to commence work on a subcontract until all similar insurance required of the sub-consultant has been so obtained and approved. Policies other than Workers’ Compensation shall be issued only by companies authorized by subsisting certificates of authority issued to the companies by the Department of Insurance of Florida which maintain a Best’s Rating of “A” or better and a Financial Size Category of “VII” or better according to the A.M. Best Company. Policies for Workers’ Compensation may be issued by companies authorized as a group self-insurer by Florida Statutes, Section 440.57. a) Loss Deductible Clause: The City shall be exempt from, and in no way liable for, any sums of money, which may represent a deductible in any insurance policy. The payment of such deductible shall be the sole responsibility of the Consultant and/or sub-consultant providing such insurance. b) Workers’ Compensation Insurance: The Consultant shall purchase, or cause its subcontractors or subconsultants to purchase such Worker’s Compensation and Employer’s Liability Insurance in such limits as required by law for all the Consultant’s employees connected with the work of this Agreement and, the Consultant shall require all subcontractors or subconsultants similarly to provide Workers’ Compensation Insurance for all of its employees. In case any class of employees engaged in hazardous work under this contract for the City is not protected under the Workers’ Compensation statute, the Consultant shall provide, and cause each sub-consultant to provide adequate insurance, satisfactory to the City, for the protection of the Consultant’s employees not otherwise protected. The policy shall include an appropriate waiver of subrogation provision in favor of the City. c) Consultant’s Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance: During the life of this Agreement the Consultant shall maintain COMMERCIAL AUTOMOBILE COVERAGE, this policy should name the City of Ocoee as an additional insured, and shall protect the Consultant from claims for damage for personal injury, including accidental death, as well as claims for property damages which may arise from operations under this Agreement whether such operations be by the Consultant or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by the Consultant, and the amounts of such insurance shall be the minimum limits as follows: d) Automobile Bodily Injury Liability & Property Damage Liability The policy and coverages shall include:  $1,000,000 Combined single limit per occurrence (each person, each accident)  All covered automobile will be covered via symbol 1  Liability coverage will include hired & non-owned automobile liability  Include Waiver of Subrogation in favor of The City of Ocoee e) Comprehensive General Liability (Occurrence Form) - This policy should name the City of Ocoee as an additional insured and should indicate that the insurance of the Consultant is Page 106 of 668 RFQ #23-006 – Continuing Contract Surveying & Mapping 27 primary and not contributory over the insurance of the City of Ocoee. The policy and coverage shall include:  $2,000,000 GENERAL AGGREGATE  $1,000,000 PRODUCTS-COMPLETED OPERATIONS AGGREGATE  $1,000,000 PER OCCURRENCE  $1,000,000 PERSONAL & ADVERTISING INJURY  Include Waiver of Subrogation in favor of the City of Ocoee f) Subconsultant’s Comprehensive General Liability, Automobile Liability and Worker’s Compensation Insurance: The Consultant shall require each subconsultant to procure and maintain during the life of this subcontract, insurance of the type specified above or insure the activities of these subconsultants in the Consultant’s policy, as specified above. g) Contractual Liability - Work Contract: The Consultant’s insurance shall also include contractual liability coverage. NOTE: THE City SHALL BE NAMED AS ADDITIONAL INSURED ON PUBLIC LIABILITY INSURANCE AND AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY INSURANCE,.  $1,000,000 PER OCCURRENCE  $2,000,000 AGGREGATE Certificates of Insurance: The Consultant shall provide a Certificate of Insurance Form, naming the City of Ocoee as an additional insured upon being issued any Services Authorization under this Agreement. This certificate shall be dated and show: (1) the name of the Insured Consultant, the specific job by name and job number, the name of the insurer, the number of the policy, its effective date, its termination date; and (2) a statement that the Insurer shall mail notice to the Owner at least thirty (30) days prior to any material changes in provisions or cancellation of the policy. City As Additional Insured. The City shall be listed as an additional insured on all insurance coverage required by this Agreement, except Worker's Compensation and Professional Liability errors and omissions insurance. Furthermore, all other insurance policies pertaining to the Services to be performed under this Agreement shall memorialize that the Consultant's, or the Consultant's Subconsultant's, or all of these entities' (Primary Insureds) insurance, shall apply on a primary basis, and that any other insurance maintained by the City shall be in excess of and shall not contribute to or be commingled with the Primary Insured's insurance. City's Right to Inspect Policies. The Consultant shall, in the event of a material claim, upon thirty (30) days' written request from the City, deliver copies to the City of any or all insurance policies that are required in this Agreement. TERMINATION Termination Without Cause This Agreement may be terminated by either party by delivering a thirty (30) written notice to the other party. In the event of the termination of this Agreement, any liability of one party to the other arising out of any Services rendered, or any act or event occurring prior to the termination, shall not be deemed to be terminated or released. The Consultant shall be paid for Services completed prior to receipt of the termination notice and for reasonable termination settlement costs relating to commitments which had become firm prior to the termination; Page 107 of 668 RFQ #23-006 – Continuing Contract Surveying & Mapping 28 however, payment to the Consultant will exclude any and all anticipated supplemental costs, administrative expenses, overhead and profit on uncompleted Services. Termination for Cause In addition to any other termination provisions that may be provided in this Agreement, the City may terminate this Agreement, or any Services Authorization issued under this Agreement, in whole or in part if the Consultant makes a willfully false Payment Statement; or substantially fails to perform any obligation under this Agreement or Services Authorization and does not remedy the failure within fifteen (15) calendar days after receipt by the Consultant of written demand from the City to do so. The Consultant may terminate this Agreement or any Services Authorization issued under this Agreement, if the City substantially fails to perform any obligation under this Agreement, and does not remedy the failure within fifteen (15) calendar days after receipt by the City of written demand from the Consultant to do so; unless, however, the nature of the failure is such that it cannot, in the exercise of reasonable diligence, be remedied within fifteen (15) calendar days, in which case the City shall have such time as is reasonably necessary to remedy the failure, provided it promptly takes and diligently pursues such actions as are necessary therefor. Upon termination of this Agreement for Cause by the City, the City may pay the Consultant for those Services actually rendered and contracted for under a Services Authorization, and those reasonable and provable expenses required by any Services Authorization and actually incurred by the Consultant for Services prior to the effective date of termination. Such payments, however, shall be, 1) reduced by an amount equal to any additional costs and damages incurred by the City as a result of the default(s) of the Consultant, including all incidental and consequential fees, including attorneys’ fees and expenses. Delivery of Materials Upon Termination If the City terminates Agreement or a Services Authorization issued pursuant to this Agreement, the Consultant shall promptly furnish the City, at no additional cost or expense, with one (1) copy of the following items (“Documents”), any or all of which may have been produced prior to and including the date of termination: data, specifications, calculations, estimates, plans, drawings, construction documents, photographs, summaries, reports, memoranda; LIDAR or GPS data; and any and all other documents, instruments, information, and materials (whether or not completed) generated or prepared by the Consultant, or by any Subconsultant, in rendering the Services described herein, and not previously furnished to the City by the Consultant pursuant to this Agreement, or any Services Authorization. The Documents created by the Consultant under this Agreement shall be the sole property of the City, and the City shall be vested with all rights provided therein of whatever kind and however created. The Consultant shall also require that all such Subconsultants agree in writing to be bound by the provisions of this Subsection. SUSPENSION The City has the right to suspend the Consultant's Services pursuant to any Services Authorization. However, if the City suspends the Consultant's Services pursuant to any Services Authorization, the City will issue a change order granting appropriate additional time to perform the SERVICES and compensate the Consultant for its reasonable and provable costs, profits (as agreed to by the City), and losses (including overhead costs, Reimbursable and Subconsultant Page 108 of 668 RFQ #23-006 – Continuing Contract Surveying & Mapping 29 expenses incurred) associated with demobilization and remobilization, if required, caused by the Suspension. NOTICES All notices denominated as such by this Agreement, or the City Code, or Florida law, required to be given to the Consultant hereunder shall be in writing, and shall be given by hand-delivery or United States mail, postage prepaid, addressed to: ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ All notices required to be given to the City shall be in writing, and shall be given by hand-delivery or United States mail, postage prepaid, to the City at: CITY OF OCOEE 1 N. Bluford Avenue Ocoee, Florida 34761 Attention: Procurement M A copy of such notice shall also be provided to the City of Ocoee, Department of Purchasing. Either party may change its address, for the purposes of this Subsection, by written notice to the other party given in accordance with the provisions of this Subsection. CONFLICTS OF INTEREST The Consultant represents and warrants unto the City that no officer, employee, or agent of the City has any interest, either directly or indirectly, in the business of the Consultant to be conducted hereunder. The Consultant further represents and warrants to the City that it has not employed or retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the Consultant, to solicit or secure this Agreement, and that it has not paid, or agreed to pay, or given or offered any fee, commission, percentage, gift, loan, or anything of value (Value) to any person, company, corporation, individual, or firm, other than bona fide Personnel working solely for the Consultant, in consideration for or contingent upon, or resulting from the award or making of this Agreement. Further, the Consultant also acknowledges that it has not agreed, as an expressed or implied condition for obtaining this Agreement, to employ or retain the services of any person, company, individual or firm in connection with carrying out this Agreement. It is absolutely understood and agreed by the Consultant that, for the breach or violation of this Subsection, the City shall have the right to terminate this Agreement without liability and at its sole discretion, and to deduct from any amounts owed, or to otherwise recover, the full amount of any Value paid by the Consultant. WAIVER OF CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES IN NO EVENT SHALL THE City BE LIABLE TO CONSULTANT OR TO ANY THIRD PARTY FOR ANY PERSONAL INJURY, DEATH OR PROPERTY DAMAGE; NOR SHALL THE City BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL OR Page 109 of 668 RFQ #23-006 – Continuing Contract Surveying & Mapping 30 CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING LOSS OF PROFITS, LOSS OF REVENUE, OR LOSS OF USE, OR COST OF COVER INCURRED BY CONSULTANT OR ANY THIRD PARTIES ARISING OUT OF THIS AGREEMENT AND/OR CONCERNING THE PERFORMANCE OF SERVICES BY THE CONSULTANT OR BY THE CITY UNDER THIS AGREEMENT OR UNDER A SERVICES AUTHORIZATION ISSUED UNDER THIS AGREEMENT. MATERIALS AND DATA All data, field notes, inspector’s reports, job files, test reports, contract plans and specifications used to record as-built (or other) conditions, copies of shop drawings, construction photographs, cost control and scheduling data, computer printouts, contractor’s submittals, summaries, memoranda (“Work Product”); and any and all other Work Product, documents, instruments, information, and materials prepared or accumulated by Consultant especially for the Services rendered hereunder; shall be the sole property of the City. The City may reuse the Work Product at no additional cost, and the City shall be vested with all rights of whatever kind and however created that may be in existence thereto; provided, however, that Consultant shall in no way be liable or legally responsible to anyone for the City’s additional use of any Work Product on another project, and the City shall indemnify Consultant for and from any claims made against Consultant arising out of such use, except in those instances where Consultant is reemployed by the City for the reuse of any material or data described in this Section. The City acknowledges that the Work Product is not intended for use in connection with any project or purpose other than the Project, and the purpose for which the Work Product was therefore prepared. Any use by the City of the Work Product in connection with a project or purpose other than the Project, without the prior written consent of Consultant, shall be at the City’s sole risk, and Consultant shall have no responsibility or liability related thereto. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS Non-Exclusive Contract This Agreement is non-exclusive, and may be terminated at the City's convenience with the proper notice having been given to the Consultant pursuant to the provisions herein. It is understood and acknowledged that the rights granted herein to the Consultant are non-exclusive, and the City shall have the right, at any time, to enter into similar agreements with other engineers, architects, landscape architects, planners, consultants, contractors, subconsultants, and so forth, to have them perform such professional services as the City may desire. Local, State and Federal Obligations Discrimination. The Consultant, for itself, its delegates, successors-in-interest, and its assigns, and as a part of the consideration hereof, does hereby covenant and agree that, 1) in the furnishing of Services to the City hereunder, no person shall be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or otherwise subjected to discrimination in regard to this Agreement on the grounds of such person's race, color, creed, national origin, disability, marital status, religion or sex; and 2) the Consultant shall comply with all existing requirements concerning discrimination imposed by any and all applicable local, state, and federal rules, regulations, or guidelines, and as such rules, regulations, or guidelines may be from time to time amended. In Page 110 of 668 RFQ #23-006 – Continuing Contract Surveying & Mapping 31 the event of a breach of any of the nondiscrimination covenants described in this Subsection, the City shall have the right to terminate this Agreement, with cause, as described above. Compliance with Law. The Consultant and its employees shall promptly observe, comply with, and execute the provision of any and all present and future federal, state, and local laws, rules, regulations, requirements, ordinances, and orders which may pertain or apply to the Services that may be rendered hereto, or to the wages paid by the Consultant to its employees. The Consultant shall also require, by contract, that all Subconsultants shall comply with the provisions of this Subsection. Licenses. The Consultant shall, during the life of this Agreement, procure and keep in full force, effect, and good standing all necessary licenses, registrations, certificates, permits, and other authorizations as are required by local, state, or federal law, in order for the Consultant to render its Services or Work as described herein. The Consultant shall also require all Subconsultants to comply by contract with the provisions of this Subsection. Compliance With New Regulations. The Consultant agrees that at such time as the local, state, or federal agencies modify their grant procedures in order for the City or the Consultant to qualify for local, state, or federal funding for the Services to the rendered by the Consultant, then the Consultant shall consent to and make such modifications or amendments in a timely manner. If the Consultant is unable to comply with applicable local, state, or federal laws and regulations governing the grant of such funds for Services to be rendered herein, then the City shall have the right, by written notice to the Consultant, to terminate this Agreement for convenience. Furthermore, if the Consultant's compliance with such laws, regulations, rules, or procedures causes a material change to a term or condition of this Agreement, or to any Services Authorization, then the City agrees, upon sufficient proof of material changes as may be presented to it by the Consultant, to amend all related City/Consultant contractual obligations, and to revise such Project budgets accordingly. License Fee and Royalties. The Consultant agrees that any invention, design, process, product, device, proprietary system, or proprietary process for which an approval (of any type) may be necessary, shall be paid for by the City, but shall be secured by the Consultant (or, at the Consultant's direction, by the Contractor during the Consultant's construction phase services as may be memorialized in a Services Authorization) before the completion of any Services Authorization. Consultant Not Agent of City The Consultant is not authorized to act as the City's agent hereunder and shall have no authority, expressed or implied, to act for or bind the City hereunder, either in Consultant's relations with Subconsultants, or in any other manner whatsoever except as otherwise stated in a Services Authorization. Subconsultants General. The Consultant shall have the right, conditioned upon the City's prior consent (which shall not be unreasonably withheld), to employ other firms, consultants, Contractors, subconsultants, and so forth (Subconsultants); provided, however, that the Consultant shall, 1) inform the City as to what particular Services the Subconsultants shall be employed to do; 2) inform the City as to what extent (what percentage) of the total Project Services each Page 111 of 668 RFQ #23-006 – Continuing Contract Surveying & Mapping 32 Subconsultant shall be employed to do; 3) be solely responsible for the performance of all of its Subconsultants, including but not limited to their maintenance of schedules, correlation of Services, or both of these things, and the resolution of all differences between them; 4) promptly terminate the use and services of any Subconsultants upon written request from the City (which may be made for the City's convenience); 5) promptly replace each such terminated Subconsultant with a Subconsultant of comparable experience and expertise; 6) cause a Subconsultant to remove any employee(s) from a Project as the City shall request (again for the City's convenience); and 7) assure that such employee(s) shall be promptly replaced by other employee(s) of comparable experience and expertise and who are otherwise acceptable to the City. After the Subconsultant has received notice of the termination, or two (2) business days after the City has notified the Consultant in writing of the required termination of the Subconsultant or the Subconsultant's employee, whichever shall occur first, the City shall have no obligation to reimburse the Consultant for the Services subsequent to the notice of termination of any Subconsultant or employee who may be terminated pursuant to the provision of this Subsection; provided, however, that the City shall reimburse the Consultant for the Consultant's reasonable and provable Subconsultant demobilization or remobilization costs, as defined in herein ("Suspension"), and reasonable and provable additional fees charged by the new Subconsultant, if any, if the City terminates a Subconsultant for convenience; and provided, further, that the Consultant shall receive no reimbursement for demobilization or remobilization costs or any additional fees or costs, if a Subconsultant is terminated for cause. It is also understood that the City does not, by accepting a Subconsultant, warrant or guarantee the reliability or effectiveness of that entity's Services. Work Outside Scope and Time of Payment. The City shall have no obligation to reimburse the Consultant for the services of any Subconsultant that may be in addition to the Basic Services, or for those Subconsultant Services not previously made known to the City, or that are otherwise outside of the Scope of any particular Project Services Authorization, unless and until the City has given written approval of such reimbursement. The Consultant agrees to pay all such Subconsultants for their Project-related Services no later than thirty (30) calendar days after the Consultant's receipt of payment from the City for work performed by the Subconsultants, unless such payment is disputed by the Consultant, and the City receives written notice thereof. Subconsultant Contracts. The Consultant shall provide a copy of all relevant provisions of this Agreement to all Subconsultants hired by it, or for which it may have management responsibilities as described in a Services Authorization and shall inform all Subconsultants that all Services performed hereunder shall strictly comply with the Agreement terms and provisions. The Consultant shall also furnish the City, upon demand, with a copy of all Consultant-Subconsultant contracts. Assignment and Delegation The City and the Consultant bind themselves and their partners, successors, executors, administrators, and assigns, to the other party of this Agreement in respect to all duties, rights, responsibilities, obligations, provisions, conditions, and covenants of this Agreement; except that the Consultant shall not assign, transfer, or delegate its rights or duties, or both of these things, in this Agreement without the prior written consent of the City. The City has the absolute right to withhold such consent at its convenience, and, furthermore, if the Consultant attempts to assign, transfer, or delegate its rights or duties in violation of these provisions without the City's consent, then the City may terminate this Agreement as a breach of contract by the Consultant and a Page 112 of 668 RFQ #23-006 – Continuing Contract Surveying & Mapping 33 failure by the Consultant to substantially perform its obligations hereunder, and any such assignment shall be null, void, and of no legal effect. The City shall have the right to assign its rights (or any part of them) or to delegate its duties and obligations (or any part of them) to another entity that shall be bound by all applicable terms and conditions as provided in this Agreement. Truth in Negotiations The Consultant shall execute a Truth-in-Negotiation Certificate in the form attached hereto and made a part hereof, by reference, as Exhibit I. It is agreed by the Consultant that any Project or Services Authorization price, and any additions thereto, shall be adjusted to exclude any significant sums [plus interest at twelve percent (12%) per annum simple interest on the sums, from the date of payment by the City] by which the City determines that the price was increased due to inaccurate, incomplete, or non-current wage rates and other factual unit costs. Prohibition Against Contingent Fees The Consultant warrants that it has not employed or retained any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the Consultant to solicit or secure this agreement and that Consultant has not paid or agreed to pay any person, company, corporation, individual, or firm, other than a bona fide employee working solely for the Consultant any fee, commission, percentage, gift, or other consideration contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this agreement. Entire Agreement This Agreement, including the Exhibits hereto, constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties, and shall supersede and replace all prior agreements or understandings, written or oral, relating to the matters set forth therein, and that specifically related to the execution of this particular document. Amendment This Agreement may be amended or modified only by a Services Authorization, or an Amendment, and as duly authorized and executed by the parties. Validity The validity, interpretation, construction, and effect of this Agreement shall be in accordance with and governed by the laws of the State of Florida, only. In the event any provision hereof is determined to be unenforceable or invalid, such unenforceability or invalidity shall not affect the remaining provisions of this Agreement, which shall remain in full force and effect. To that extent, this Agreement is deemed severable. Headings The headings of the Sections or Subsections of this Agreement are for the purpose of convenience only, and shall not be deemed to expand, limit, or modify the provisions contained in such Sections or Subsections. Page 113 of 668 RFQ #23-006 – Continuing Contract Surveying & Mapping 34 Timeliness The City and the Consultant acknowledge and understand that time is of the essence in this Agreement, and that the Services shall be performed in as expeditious a manner as may be in accord with the nature of each Project. Public Entity Crime Any Person or affiliate, as defined in 287.133 of the Florida Statutes, shall not be allowed to contract with the City, nor be allowed to enter into a subcontract for work on this Agreement, if such a person or affiliate has been convicted of a public entity crime within three (3) years of the date this Agreement was advertised for proposals, or if such person or affiliate was listed on the State's convicted vendor list within three (3) years of the date this Agreement was advertised, whichever time period is greater. A public entity crime means a violation of any state or federal law with respect to and directly related to the transaction of business with any public entity or agency (federal, state or local), involving antitrust, fraud, theft, bribery, collusion, racketeering, conspiracy, forgery, falsification of records, receiving stolen property or material misrepresenta- tion. Any Agreement with the City obtained in violation of this Section shall be subject to termination for cause. A Subconsultant who obtains a subcontract in violation of this Section shall be removed from the Project and promptly replaced by a Subconsultant acceptable to the City. Force Majeure The parties acknowledge that adverse weather conditions, acts of God, or other unforeseen circumstances of a similar nature, may necessitate modifications to a Services Authorization, such modifications to include, but not limited to the particular Services Authorization's Scope, Term, and Fee. If such conditions and circumstances do in fact occur, then the City and Consultant shall mutually agree, in writing, to the modifications to be made to any Services Authorization. Remedies And Costs All remedies provided in this Agreement shall be deemed cumulative and additional, and not in lieu or exclusive of each other or of any other remedy available to either party, at law or in equity. Dispute Resolution and Exclusive Venue As a condition precedent to the filing of any suit or other legal proceeding, the parties shall endeavor to resolve claims, disputes or other matters in question by mediation. Mediation shall be initiated by any party by serving a written request for same on the other party. The parties shall, by mutual agreement, select a mediator within fifteen (15) days of the date of the request for mediation. If the parties cannot agree on the selection of a mediator, then the City shall select the mediator who, if selected solely by the City, shall be a mediator certified by the Supreme Court of Florida. No suit or other legal proceeding shall be filed until the mediator declares an impasse, which declaration, in any event, shall be issued by the mediator not later than sixty (60) days after the initial mediation conference. Page 114 of 668 RFQ #23-006 – Continuing Contract Surveying & Mapping 35 The sole and exclusive venue for any mediation shall be in Orange County, Florida. Any legal proceeding of any nature brought by either party against the other to enforce any right or obligation under this Agreement or any Services Authorization issued under this Agreement, or arising out of any matter pertaining to this Agreement or the work to be performed hereunder, shall be submitted for trial, without a jury, before the Circuit Court of the Ninth Judicial Circuit, in and for Orange County, Florida. The parties consent and submit to the jurisdiction of such court and agree to accept service of process outside the State of Florida in any matter to be submitted to any such court pursuant hereto. The City and Consultant expressly waive all rights to trial by jury regarding any legal proceeding of any nature brought by either party against the other to enforce any right or obligation under this Agreement, or any Services Authorization issued under this Agreement, or arising out of any matter pertaining to this contract or the work to be performed hereunder. As noted herein, the sole and exclusive venue for any litigation or other legal proceeding between the parties shall be the Circuit Court of the Ninth Judicial Circuit in and for Orange County, Florida. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been fully executed on behalf of the parties hereto and by its duly authorized representatives, as of the date first written above. ATTEST: Name: ACCEPTED: (contractor)______________________ By: Name: Title: (SEAL) ATTEST: Name: Melanie Sibbitt Title: City Clerk APPROVED: City of Ocoee, Florida By: Name: Rusty Johnson Title: Mayor (SEAL) FOR USE AND RELIANCE ONLY BY THE City OF OCOEE, FLORIDA APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY this _____ day of__________ , 20__ APPROVED BY THE OCOEE CITY COMMISSION AT A MEETING HELD ON _______________ UNDER AGENDA ITEM ___. SHUFFIELD, LOWMAN & WILSON, P.A. BY: Scott A. Cookson, City Attorney Page 115 of 668 RFQ #23-006 – Continuing Contract Surveying & Mapping 36 TRUTH-IN-NEGOTIATION CERTIFICATE The Consultant hereby certifies that all wage rates, and any and all other unit costs supporting the compensation to be paid to the Consultant pursuant to a Services Authorization for the Services as set forth therein, will be accurate, complete, and current at the date of the Services Authorization's execution. WITNESS: BY: Print Name: Title: BY: Print Name: Title: STATE OF FLORIDA } COUNTY OF } PERSONALLY APPEARED before me, the undersigned authority, , [ ] well known to me or [ ] who has produced his/her as identification, and known by me to be the of the corporation named above, and acknowledged before me that he/she executed the foregoing instrument on behalf of said corporation as its true act and deed, and that he/she was duly authorized to do so. WITNESS my hand and official seal this day of , 20 . NOTARY PUBLIC Print Name: My Commission Expires: Page 116 of 668 R e s p o n s e t o R e q u e s t f o r Q u a l i f i c a t i o n s (R F Q ) RE: THE CITY OF OCOEE (RFQ) NO. 23-006 CONTINUING CONTRACT FOR SURVEYING AND MAPPING SERVICES To: Olena Stokych | ostokych@ocoee.org Due: March 7th, 2023|Electronic Submittal | https://ocoee.bonfirehub.com Submitted By: Southeastern Surveying and Mapping Corporation Orlando Office: 6500 All American Boulevard, Orlando Florida 32810 Point of Contact: Ryan Johnson, PSM | rjohnson@southeasternsurveying.com Page 117 of 668 1 Cover Letter March 7th, 2023 1 North Bluford Avenue, Ocoee, FL 34761 RE: THE CITY OF OCOEE REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ) NO. 23-006 CONTINUING CONTRACT FOR SURVEYING AND MAPPING SERVICES Dear Esteemed Evaluators, Southeastern Surveying and Mapping Corporation (SSMC) is pleased to submit this letter of introduction for the Continuing Contract for Surveying and Mapping Services for the “City” of Ocoee. Our team provides a wide range of services, technical expertise, communication skills, and experience to ensure quality, efficiency, and timely responses to all services the City’s team may require. SSMC has been working in the City since 1995 and has completed over 350 successful projects. Founded in 1972, SSMC is an independent, 100% employee-owned firm. With our heavily experienced staff and abundant resources readily available from our Orlando office location, SSMC is prepared to handle aggressive schedules without compromising the quality of the final product. The City of Ocoee has emphasized the importance of community support, efficient operations, and a flexible development environment, therefore SSMC would be an excellent choice for this contract. We understand the importance of these critical values and their impact on this Contract and the community. SSMC plans to support further economic development, growth management, and public service to emphasize the quality of life in the community. We will continue to support future endeavors and goals by leveraging Technology, rapid response times, creative thinking, and aggressive budget control to play our part in helping the City of Ocoee in achieving maximum results and enhancements in all areas of development. SSMC will bring the City’s vision for future growth and planning supported by a highly efficient, dedicated, and professional team to achieve long-term sucessful approach for this Contract. With this collaboration, the City of Ocoee can be assured that SSMC will be engaged and an active partner in achieving your goals and visions in their local community - by having a local team who lives in the community and is aware of the growth challenges. With this level of embedding, we can be exceptionally responsive to surveying, design, and planning needs. Our management team, comprised of surveying, engineering, GIS, and utility professionals, provides vast diversity and extensive experience throughout Florida and the Southeast. We’re passionate about our work, and it’s evident in the level of detail we put into every project and Contract. All services will be performed from our SSMC Orlando Corporate Office. Our diverse team from different backgrounds and disciples is excited to help further advance the City’s mission and development. We understand that you have a choice regarding Professional Surveying and Mapping, Subsurface Utility Engineering, and Geographic Information System service provider. We don’t take this opportunity for granted, and we emphasize quality, timeliness, and budget so your projects can succeed in meeting your needs and expectations. Our personalized touch, the big heart of a small local company, and large firm's resources embody our vision every day “To be recognized as the unparalleled market leader in providing superior service, solution, and value.” Sincerely, Thomas K. Mead, PSM, PLS | President | Principal in Charge tmead@southeasternsurveying.com | 850.220.661 | Fax 407.292.0141 6500 All American Boulevard Orlando, Florida 32810 Page 118 of 668 2 Table of Contents Cover Letter ____________________________________________________________________________________ 1 I. Firms Qualifications: __________________________________________________________________________ 3 a) List of the firm’s relevant employees that would be assigned to this contract, their qualifications, and their role in the City services. ___________________________________________________________________________________ 5 b) Provide copies of firm’s and employee’s certifications and registrations with regulatory agencies, professional organizations, etc. _______________________________________________________________________________ 6 c) List firm’s sub-consultants that would be assigned to this contract, their qualifications, and their role in this project. 10 d) List of firm’s current or recently completed similar services within the past three (3) years with other public or private agencies. Include the original contract price, final cost, and reason for overages if applicable. ____________________ 13 e) Demonstrate the ability to deliver projects on time and within budget. __________________________________ 15 f) List and quantity of firm’s (and firm’s sub-consultants’ if applicable) equipment including survey instruments, computers, plotters, vehicles, etc. __________________________________________________________________ 19 g) List of at least three (3) client references to include organization name, contact person, telephone number (s), and e-mail address. _________________________________________________________________________________ 20 II. Firm’s Office Location & Other Forms ___________________________________________________________ 21 a) List the location of all offices (firm and sub-consultants) involved with this project and the approximate distance (in miles) and time (in hours) to City Hall. _______________________________________________________________ 21 b) Include copy of M/WBE Certification for the Respondent. Partial points will not be awarded for M/WBE sub- consultants. ___________________________________________________________________________________ 22 c) Conflict of Interest Disclosure form _____________________________________________________________ 23 d) Company Information/Signature Sheet __________________________________________________________ 24 e) Drug-Free Workplace form ___________________________________________________________________ 25 f) Receipt of any addenda issued, see Section J. ____________________________________________________ 26 g) Summary of Litigation _______________________________________________________________________ 27 Page 119 of 668 3 I.Firms Qualifications: Our staff of over 200 personnel includes: 18 licensed Professional Surveyors and Mappers, one (1) Professional Engineer, 48 nationally Certified Survey Technicians (CST), two (2) Engineers in Training (EI), five (5) internationally Certified GIS Professionals, five (5) licensed unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) pilots, and dozens of highly experienced surveyors, computer- aided design (CADD), and GIS technicians. To maintain our commitment to meeting our customers' needs, SSMC has worked to develop highly innovative and customized solutions for numerous municipal, public transportation, private development, and infrastructure improvement projects. SSMC uses state-of-the-art equipment, cutting-edge software, and unparalleled processes to drive results at the forefront of technology. SSMC has decades of experience providing services to a variety of both public and private entities throughout our nine offices throughout Central Florida, North Florida, and Alabama. SSMC has decades of experience providing services to a variety of both public and private entities throughout Florida and at all levels of government. We regularly perform work under Continuing Surveying Services Contracts for cities, municipalities, counties, school districts, water management districts/utility authorities, and state agencies. The list below provides a snapshot of our current and past city and county government contracts listings relevant to this RFQ. Cities/Municipalities City of Altamonte Springs City of Apopka City of Atlantic Beach City of Belle Isle City of Bonifay City of Bunnell City of Callaway City of Cape Canaveral City of Casselberry City of Chipley City of Clermont City of Cocoa City of Daytona Beach City of Edgewater City of Eustis City of Flagler Beach City of Groveland City of Gulfport City of Holly Hill City of Jacksonville City of Kissimmee City of Lake Mary City of Lakeland City of Largo City of Leesburg City of Longwood City of Maitland City of Mascotte City of Melbourne City of Mount Dora City of New Smyrna Beach City of North Port City of Ocala City of Ocoee City of Orange City City of Orlando City of Oviedo City of Palm Bay City of Panama City City of Plant City City of Port Orange City of Sanford City of St. Augustine City of St. Cloud City of St. Petersburg City of Tallahassee City of Tampa City of Tavares City of West Melbourne City of Winter Garden City of Winter Park City of Winter Springs Tampa Housing Authority Town of Astatula Town of Esto Town of Montverde FDOT District 2 FDEP Jacksonville International Airport Jacksonville Electric Authority (JEA) Counties Bay County Brevard County Citrus County Flagler County Hernando County Highlands County Hillsborough County Indian River County Jackson County Lake County Orange County Osceola County Pasco County Pinellas County Polk County Seminole County St. Johns County Sumter County Volusia County Page 120 of 668 4 Specific Professional Services Offered by SSMC SSMC offers Professional Surveying and Mapping, Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE), and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) services. SSMC performs thousands of projects throughout Florida each year that are directly in line with the City of Ocoee’s RFQ. Many of these projects are performed through our over 50 City and County contracts Statewide. SSMC understands the types of projects for which the City seeks consulting services include, but are not limited to: horizontal and vertical surveys, parcel surveys, roadway or utility alignment surveys, as-built surveys, boundary surveys, topographic surveys, hydrographic surveys, construction layout surveys, special purpose surveys, plat reviews, sketches and legal descriptions, GPS technology, soft dig services, and collection and analysis of data, and a variety of surveying and mapping services. The SSMC team has many years of experience and the knowledge in developing and improving solid workflows to leverage our full toolkit including Mobile LiDAR, Terrestrial LiDAR, and Aerial Drone data-capturing techniques along with traditional methods. Utilizing our knowledge and experience, we carefully select the best tools, personnel, and workflow that will provide the most accurate and quality-driven solution to the City’s projects. The SSMC team has recently completed all these types of projects throughout Florida, for numerous Clients. Some of these projects were large-scale and very challenging, and some were in small areas and were straightforward. For water main, sanitary sewer, roadway, and drainage improvement projects, our Survey and Subsurface Utility divisions worked seamlessly together on these projects to provide services and expertise. The divisions coordinated these projects to create a solid and successful workflow in providing the needed surface data and Triangulated Interpolated Network (TIN) Surface Modeling along with a clear utility location. Because of this inter-departmental cooperation, the projects were completed with minimal utility impacts experienced. In all cases, the City’s final deliverables will be reviewed for accuracy, quality, and conformance by our independent QA/QC Manager, Marcia Russell, PSM, and can be delivered in many formats such as Autodesk Civil 3D, Bentley MicroStation, AutoDesk Land Desktop, Bentley OpenRoads, ESRI ArcGIS and many more. Page 121 of 668 5 a) List of the firm’s relevant employees that would be assigned to this contract, their qualifications, and their role in the City services. See Resumes of Key staff on the following pages: Page 122 of 668 Thomas K. Mead, PSM, PLS 1996 Florida Registration #5624 2011 Alabama Registration #32373 Employment Southeastern Surveying and Mapping Corporation Florida President | Principal in Charge 1988- Present Thom has over 38 years of surveying and mapping experience and is responsible for project coordination and scheduling personnel for a variety of state, federal, and private survey pro- jects. Thom was licensed in 1996 and since has worked extensively in all aspects of sur- veying and mapping services Right-of-Way surveys, Horizontal and Vertical Geodetic Con- trol surveys, Canal and Levee Cross Sections and Profiles, Boundary surveys, Topographic surveys, Specific Purpose surveys, Hydrographic/Bathymetric surveys (Multi-Beam), As- built/Record surveys, Construction Layout surveys, Quantity surveys, Laser Scanning sur- veys, Field reconnaissance, Professional surveying and mapping review services, GIS (geographic information systems) services, Aerial Photogrammetry, Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR), Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) services, and Sub-Surface Utility Locates (SUE). Additionally, Thom has provided leadership in areas of Mobile and Terrestrial LiDAR techniques, processes, and products. As Principal, Thom’s role will be to make sure all resources, equipment, and personnel are available for all tasks assigned. Education • Valencia College • Continuing Education Training for Geoplane • Continuing Education License Requirements Organizations • Florida Surveying and Mapping Society • Urban and Region Informational Systems Association • Florida Global Satellite Systems Users Chipola Work Force Board Member • Education Enhancement Instructor for Junior Achievement Chipley High School Relevant Project Experience Silver Start Rd. & Lake Johio Road – Ocoee Orange County, Florida The purpose of this project was to provide Utility Designation with a Utility Location Survey. SSMC horizontally located and field marked all public subsurface utility mains found exclud- ing service lines, gravity sewer lines and irrigation from the back of the curb. This right-of- way went 25 feet in all directions in 8 locations. Additionally, we located all utility data using GPS equipment. Kelly Park Road: Survey, Geotech, and Signal Design Golden Gem to Jason Dwelley Parkway Orange County, Florida The purpose of this project was to provide a Topographic Survey, Right-of-Way (ROW) Map- ping Survey, and Utility Designation. SSMC located all improvements and utilities, as evi- denced by above ground features. Obtained spot elevations on natural ground and existing improvements suitable for interpolation of one-foot contours shown on the final drawing. We established a minimum of two (2) site benchmarks, and horizontal control. SSMC per- formed cross-sections at 50-foot intervals, and established a baseline of survey with suffi- cient horizontal control within the existing right-of-way. Topographic coverage was provided and shown on limits of Survey exhibit. SSMC established Right-of-Way Lines, based on a combination of sectional monumentation, existing right-of-way monumentation and a review of parcel descriptions as found on the Orange County Property Appraisers Site. Subsurface Utility Designation included horizontally locating and field marking all public subsurface utility mains found excluding service lines, gravity sewer lines and irrigation full right-of-way of Kelly Park Road from Golden Gem Road to Jason Dwelley Parkway. Extending approximate- ly 700 feet beyond the intersection of Golden Gem Road to the west and approximately 700 feet beyond the intersection of Jason Dwelley Parkway to the east. Also, including the full right-of-way extending 700’ on each adjoining roadway. Page 123 of 668 Ryan E. Johnson, PSM 2017 Florida Registration #7130 Employment Southeastern Surveying and Mapping Corporation Florida Project Manager 2004-Present Ryan has over 18 years of surveying and mapping experience. He is responsible for topographic surveys, boundary surveys, right-of-way (R/W) mapping, route surveys, and sketches / legal descriptions for various public and private clients. His duties include researching surrounding plats, surveys, tax maps and public records, processing raw field data from data collection instruments to drawing files to be edited by Computer Aided Design and Drafting (CADD) technicians, calculation of areas of taking and remainder, and boundary closing and plotting survey data from legal descriptions and drawings into all electronic file formats. Ryan's role as the Project manager is to be the single point of contact and he will manage all aspects of every assigned task while taking full responsibility and accountability for deliver a high quality product on-time and within the budget. Relevant Project Experience Bulova Pond Drainage Improvements Orange County, Fl The purpose of this project was to provide a Boundary Survey, and Topographic Survey. SSMC established the location of all boundary corners and reset any missing corners of three parcels. The title work was reviewed, and all improvements and utilities were located, as evidenced by above ground features. All trees were located on site as well as obtaining spot elevations on natural ground, pond bottom, and existing improvements suitable for interpolation of one‐foot contours shown on the final drawing. SSMC established benchmarks, and provided topographic coverage to Lots 17 and 18. We completed the project by locating and detailing the offsite storm drainage system extending north and South along Bulova Drive to the end of each line. LF Roper Parkway and Capitol Court Drainage Design Topographic Survey Orange County, Fl The purpose of this project was to provide a Topographic Survey. SSMC located all improvements and utilities, as evidenced by above ground features. Spot elevations were obtained on natural ground, and existing improvements suitable for interpolation of one-foot contours shown on the final drawing. Topographic coverage was provided to the full width of the 70-foot-wide drainage easements and adjacent road right-of-way. Greenwood Cemetery Boundary and Replat #19-352 Orange County, Fl The purpose of this project was to provide a Boundary Survey, Cemetery Mapping Survey, Survey Plat Review, and GIS Address Mapping. SSMC performed the field work to obtain plat calculations to include ties to GIS control. The Title Report was reviewed and a Boundary Survey was prepared. With the necessary calculations for the proposed lots, rights -of-way, and easements. The plat contained approximately 573 of the individual spaces (gravesites) to be defined. SSMC performed the necessary drafting of the proposed lots, easements, and initial setting of all PRM's, PCP's, and lot corners. Deliverables consisted of the following: 3 Signed and Sealed Boundary Surveys, Mylar for Subdivision Plat, AutoCAD Dwg File, PDF file of the Survey and Plat, Electronic Copies of All Field Notes, Plats, Deeds and Downloaded files, GIS Geodatabase of all the created lots, and Photographs of the existing Site Conditions. Education • Bachelors of Science in Geomatics, UF • Associates of Arts in General Studies, Valen- cia • Associates in Science in Civil Survey, Valen- cia Organizations • Central Florida Chapter of the Florida Surveying & Mapping Society- Director (2018-2019) • National Society of Professional Surveyors • Florida Surveying and Mapping Society • Florida Global Navigation Satellite Systems Page 124 of 668 Edwin Munoz, Jr. PSM 2020 Florida Registration #7288 Employment Southeastern Surveying and Mapping Corporation Florida Field Project Surveyor 2017-Present Edwin has 11 years of Professional Surveying and Mapping Experience. In addition, he has served as a Project Manager on Continuing Surveying and Mapping Services Contracts for Educational Facilities. The task associated with these contracts are but are not limited to, Topographic Surveys, Boundary Surveys, American Land Title Association/American Con- gress of Survey and Mapping, Boundary Surveys, As-Built Surveys, Construction Layouts, Control Surveys, Hydrographic Surveys, Wetland Delineation Surveys, Quantity Surveys, Land Platting, and other Special Purpose Surveys. As the Field Project Surveyor, Edwin will assist Ryan with all field related activities relative to the resources, staff and hands on management that are required to deliver a quality product on time and with- in budget. Relevant Project Experience Lake Anderson Phase 2 Evaluation - FFE Survey and Mapping Update Orange County, Fl The purpose of this project was to provide a Topographic Survey and Survey Elevation Cer- tificate. SSMC established horizontal and vertical control, and obtained the finished floor elevations of each dwelling at approximately 66 structures. In addition to the field effort, we obtained vertical data on all floors (Garage\Carports) that are lower to the main floor of dwell- ing. We densified Vertical Control by performing a closed Level Circuit and set 14 Permanent Benchmarks to be adjusted to determine Final Vertical Values. SSMC conducted desktop research to identify existing County easements between Lake Tennessee and Lake Condel. Confirmed the location of culvert between Lake Tennessee and Lake Condel shown on the Easement figure, and prepared a Legal description and sketch for identified easement needs. For the Elevation Certificate we obtained the necessary vertical information and deliv- ered the signed and sealed certificate. Rocking Horse Road Drainage Outfall Design Orange County, Fl The purpose of this project was to provide a Topographic Survey. SSMC established hori- zontal and vertical control. Confirmed the South and East property limits associated with 5517 Rocking Horse Road. Located vertically and horizontally six (6) GEC borings within the Rocking Horse Road right-of-way, and wetland flags between the East property line and the Little Econ River. Furthermore, depicting the attached easement documents on the updated SSMC Survey Drawings. The final product was three (3) certified prints, and an electronic files. Vineland Avenue Widening Orange County, Fl The purpose of this project was to provide a Right-of-Way (ROW) Mapping Survey, and a Survey Sketch and/or Legal Description. SSMC surveyed the entire project area and pre- pare a Map of Survey at a scale of 1” =40’ on 11 inches x 17 inches. We reviewed the title work provided and addressed the supplemental surveys and investigations. The size, loca- tion and the dimensions of each parent tracts, parcel and property interest was determined. Finally, SSMC prepared legal descriptions and parcel sketches for each parcel as necessary. Education • Geomatics Certificate, University of Florida • Bachelors of Arts in Business Administration University of Central Florida • Associates in Science in Drafting and Design Technology, Eastern Florida State College • Continuing Education for Licensing Requirements Organizations • Central Florida Chapter of the Florida Surveying and Mapping Society • National Society of Professional Surveyors • Florida Surveying and Mapping Society Page 125 of 668 James E. Mazurak PSM 2002 Florida Registration #6377 Employment Southeastern Surveying and Mapping Corporation Florida Office Project Surveyor 2008-Present James has over 49 years of Professional Surveying and Mapping experience. He is responsible for research, reconnaissance, coordination, estimation, and scheduling for a variety of projects for both public and private sectors. As QA/QC Manager, James manages project resources, progress, completion time frames, and budget. He has extensive experience in right-of-way (R/W) analysis and the production of R/ W maps, parcel sketches/descriptions, maintenance maps, ID maps, and control sur- veys for various counties and the Florida Department of Transportation. Some of the area’s largest eminent domain firms have relied on the professional judgment of James and he has been involved in numerous eminent domain cases as the acquir- ing jurisdiction’s professional surveyor. As the Office Project Surveyor, James will assist Ryan with all office related activities relative to the resources, staff and hands on management that are required to deliver a quality product on time and within budget. Relevant Project Experience City of Ocoee Cemetery Orange County, Florida The purpose of this project was to provide a Boundary Survey with Utility Designation. SSMC established the location of all boundary corners and reset any missing corners. We located all improvements and utilities, as evidenced by above ground features. Reviewed initial Title Commitment as provided to address record easements or servitudes and covenants within the subject boundaries with respect to physical location of any land description therein. The Boundary Survey was combined of two (2) parcels. SSMC also performed Subsurface Utility Designation and Marking of Utility Lines during the design phase using electronic equipment and ground penetrating radar (GPR). 1401 Duskin Avenue, Orlando-ALTA Survey Orange County, Florida The purpose of this project was to provide a Boundary and Topographic Survey. SSMC es- tablished the location of all boundary corners and resetting any missing corners. Locat- ed all improvements and utilities as evidenced by above‐ground features. We indicat- ed entities for certification as provided, and included by the Client, and reviewed initial Ti- tle Commitment to address record easements or servitudes and cove- nants within the subject boundaries concerning the physical location of any land description. The Topographic Survey included locating all utilities, as evidenced by above ground fea- tures, and obtaining spot elevations on natural ground and existing improvements suitable for interpolation of one-foot contours shown on the final drawing, and established bench- marks. Topographic coverage was provided to the subject property, with locations of trees, wetlands, and souk borings. Education • University of Central Florida Computer Studies • Valencia Community College Softdesk Survey Cogo Training • Continuing Education for Licensing Require- ments Organizations • Central Florida Chap- ter of the Florida Sur- veying & Mapping Society-Director • National Society of Professional Survey- ors • Florida Surveying and Mapping Society Page 126 of 668 Marcia E. Russell, PSM Senior Land Surveyor Employment Southeastern Surveying and Mapping Corporation Florida QA/QC Manager 2021-Present 1983-2008 Marcia has over 39 years of Professional Surveying and Mapping experience. She is respon- sible for research, reconnaissance, coordination, estimation, and scheduling for a variety of projects for both public and private sectors. As QA/QC Manager, Marcia manages project resources, progress, completion time frames, and budget. She has extensive experience in right-of-way (R/W) analysis and the production of R/W maps, parcel sketches/descriptions, maintenance maps, ID maps, and control surveys for various counties and the Florida De- partment of Transportation. Marica’s commitment is to provide a continuous, compre- hensive, independent, and in-depth review of all assigned projects with specific re- view of all data, for arrangement, intelligence, and quality to ensure a comprehensive and exact representation to the scope and existing conditions prior to delivery. Relevant Project Experience Hamlin Groves Trail Force Main Parks Horizon West Regional Park Orange County, Fl The purpose of this project was to provide a Topographic Survey with Utility Designation. SSMC located all improvements and utilities, as evidenced by above ground features. Ob- tained spot elevations on natural ground and existing improvements suitable for interpolation of one-foot contours shown on the final drawing. SSMC established site benchmarks, and provided Topographic coverage. For Utility Designation we horizontally located and field marked all public subsurface utility mains found excluding service lines, gravity sewer lines and irrigation for half of the right-of-way. Parks Clarcona Park Lift Station and Electric Upgrades Orange County, Fl The purpose of this project was to provide a Boundary Survey with a Survey Sketch and/or Legal Description. SSMC established the location of all boundary corners and reset any missing corners. Located any improvements within the immediate vicinity of the boundary line. Prepared a Boundary Survey for the fifty-foot (50’) easement area. For the Sketch & Description, we prepared one (1) description of the fifty-foot (50’) easement area, and one (1) sketch of the same, suitable for recording in the Public Records of Orange County, Flori- da. Parks Bentonshire Park Orange County, Fl The purpose of this project was to provide a Boundary AND Topographic Survey. SSMC established the location of all boundary corners and reset any missing corners. Located all improvements and utilities, as evidenced by above ground features. SSMC obtained spot elevations on natural ground and existing improvements suitable for interpolation of one-foot contours shown on the final drawing. Established site benchmarks, and provided Topograph- ic coverage will be limited to the parcel plus to the centerline of the adjoining roads (east and west) and 25 feet onto Parcel: 25-23-27-0000-00-017. Trees 8-inch diameter and larger were located, along with wetlands and soil borings. Education • Valencia Community College Page 127 of 668 Brian Garvey, PE, GISP 1997 Florida Registration #39479 2015 Geographic Information Systems #91332 Employment Southeastern Surveying and Mapping Corporation Florida Vice President | GIS Division Manager 2000-Present Brian has 39 years of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) experience. Brian is responsible for all aspects of GIS Database Design and Development, as well as GPS Asset Inventories. Brian was responsible for the development of the company’s Pavement Inventory and Condition As- sessment program, as well as management of all software development, instructional training, and GIS technical support for client firms Brian commits to ensuring a consistent quality GIS product, having the available resources and equipment needed to complete any GIS- related task on your project, and delivering on time and within budget. Relevant Project Experience MSBU Pond Inventory Mapping Phase 15 Orange County, Fl The purpose of this Project was to provide Orange County with GIS Stormwater Asset Inventory Mapping and Condition Assessment, and a Stormwater / Drainage Structure Survey. SSMC per- formed field and office tasks to obtain horizontal dimensional data so that constructed improve- ments may be located and delineated to enable the total area and mowable area to be calculated for each pond. Performed a boundary investigation and location of boundary control to enable the depiction of the approximate boundary lines on the final digital drawing. Located the horizontal position of the top of bank, the toe of slope, woody vegetation lines, significant trees, misc. fea- tures affecting mowing & maintenance and the water’s edge dated, and reflected on the final re- ports. Located all structures, fences/gates, and driveways to each pond and reflect on the final pond sketch. Prepared a vicinity map and reflect on the final digital drawing. Took a photograph of each pond and individual stormwater structures and create a digital file as a part of the final prod- uct. Using collected field information, SSMC calculated the pond site total area, mowable area, water area and prepared a summary report showing all maps, and pertinent information. Deter- mined the sub-meter accuracy, state plane horizontal coordinate values for each pond site, to reflect on the final drawing to insure ease of entry into the Orange County GIS System. Inventory all stormwater facilities within the pond site and collect vertical elevations including structure top elevations, weir and overflow elevations, and pipe invert elevations using RTK GPS. Rocking Horse Road Outfall Design Orange County, Fl The purpose of this project was to provide GIS Custom Mapping services. SSMC produced and maintained cartographic exhibits. Researched and downloaded all available public data, and pro- vided Data migration and transfer services. Field data collection including Data analysis with geo- processing results. Orlando Drainwell Verification 2021 Orange County, Fl The purpose of this project was to provide a GIS Stormwater Asset Inventory Mapping and Con- dition Assessment. SSMC expanded investigation criteria for drain well inspection. Extended search areas to verify Hartman reports and record research. Education • University of Central Florida, Master of Science, Comput- er Engineering (1986); Georgia Institute of Technol- ogy, Bachelor of Civil Engi- neering (1983) Organizations • Member of the Florida Engi- neering Society; Member of the American Society of Civil Engineers • Member of the American Society of Civil Engineers • Member of the Florida Glob- al Navigation Satellite Sys- tems (GNSS) Users Group • Associate Member of the Central Florida Chapter of the Florida Surveying and Mapping Society • Associate Member of the Volusia Chapter of the Flori- da Surveying and Mapping Society • Member of the Florida Chapter or the Urban and Regional Information Sys- tems Association Page 128 of 668 Darryll E. DeMarsh, GPRT Employment Southeastern Surveying and Mapping Corporation Florida Vice President | Utility Division Manager 1999-Present Darryll has 28 years of subsurface utility engineering (SUE) experience. Darryll is responsi- ble for coordinating, estimating, managing and administering utility projects for design, con- flict verification and relocation. SSMC’s SUE division services include utility designation and location, ground penetrating radar (GPR), vacuum excavation, concrete imaging, and mate- rials thickness testing (ultrasonic testing). As Utility Division Manager, Darryll will ensure any task assignments that involve sub-surface utility engineering are completed on time and within the agreed-upon budget. Education • Liberal Arts, Dutchess Community College • FDOT Training • GPRT Organizations • Sunshine State One Call • Florida Utilities Coordinating Committee • Central Florida Chapter of the Florida Surveying and Mapping Society • American Public Works Association • American Society of Civil Engineers, East Central Branch • Utility Engineering and Survey Institute (UESI) Relevant Project Experience Design of Clarke Road Force Main Relocation Orange County, FL The purpose of this project was to provide Utility Location Survey with Utility Designation. SSMC horizontally located and field marked all public subsurface utility mains found within seven different areas. All utility data was located using GPS. Silver Start Rd. & Lake Johio Road – Ocoee Orange County, FL The purpose of this project was to provide Utility Location Survey with Utility Designation. SSMC horizontally located and field marked all public subsurface utility mains found from back of curb to back of apparent right-of-way going 25 feet in all directions within eight dif- ferent areas. All utility data was located using GPS. Innovation Way Extension from Wewahootee Road to John Wycliffe Boulevard Orange County, FL The purpose of this project was to provide a Design Survey, Right-of-Way (R/W) Map- ping Survey, Topographic Survey, Utility Designation, and Utility Verification (Test Holes). SSMC performed a Topographic and Right of Way Mapping Surveys for the proposed Inno- vation Way extension lying in Sections 3 and 10, Township 24 Township 24 South, Range 31 East, Orange County, Florida. The Surveys included horizontal and vertical control sur- veys and topographic surveys of the roadway alignment and adjacent areas and retention ponds, mitigation areas, wetland, jurisdictional limits. Permanent benchmarks were set out- side the limits of construction. The location of benchmarks were approximately 600 feet apart and coordinated with the design. SSMC prepared a Survey Control Sheet(s) that identified and showed the location and type of all horizontal control points, reference points (three (3) outside of proposed right-of-way limits) and benchmarks. Legal descriptions and parcel sketches were prepared as necessary. As for Subsurface Utility Designation and Verification, SSMC horizontally located and field marked all public subsurface utility mains found, and exposed the subject utilities by using non-destructive vacuum excavation meth- ods at thirty-two (32) specific locations. We determined the vertical and horizontal position of the subject utilities and recorded the information. Any concrete removed was repaired using like materials, and each test hole was tied to a minimum of three visible physical fea- tures to enable this data added to the base map to enable future recovery. Page 129 of 668 6 b) Provide copies of firm’s and employee’s certifications and registrations with regulatory agencies, professional organizations, etc. Firm License SSMC's Orlando Office Business Tax Receipt: Page 130 of 668 7 Thomas K. Mead, PSM, PLS Ryan Johnson, PSM Edwin Munoz, PSM Page 131 of 668 8 James Mazurak, PSM Bill Rowe, PSM Page 132 of 668 9 Darryll Demarsh, GPRT Brian Garvey, PE, GISP Page 133 of 668 10 c) List firm’s sub-consultants that would be assigned to this contract, their qualifications, and their role in this project. Nieto - Whittaker will be responsible for providing survey support services to supplement SSMC's field staff as needed. Nieto-Whittaker Surveying LLC. 6565 Ralph A. Nieto Owner/Office Manager/Project Surveyor ralph@nietowhittakersurveying.com Experience Having over 35 years of experience on a variety of different projects, Ralph has served as Project Manager, Senior Surveyor, Assistant Director and Director of Surveying for Civil Engineering/Survey firms having multiple offices covering Florida. He has been involved at all stages of surveying from field to finish in commercial, residential, industrial and governmental projects. His experience includes surveying roads and rights-of-way for municipal projects as well as meeting the needs of civil engineering firms involved in land development. He has produced numerous plats, record condominiums and ALTA/NSPS Land Title surveys. He has reviewed plats for the cities of Apopka, Sanford, Oviedo, Lake Alfred and Ormond Beach. Ralph has experience in employing the use of the latest technology in survey equipment including RTK GPS systems and High-Density Laser Scanning to bring in projects on time and within budgets. As a co- founder of Nieto-Whittaker Surveying LLC, Ralph is using his background and skills to build a company for the future. A.A. Degree, Seminole State College. FSMS since 1998, officer of local chapter since 2005. Hispanic Business Chamber of Commerce since 2009. Brian Spiess Project Manager Brian@nietowhittakersurveying.com Experience Brian is a CST Level 3 with 29 years of survey experience. He has had extensive experience in overseeing numerous surveys of many types such as utility as-builts, subdivision, jurisdictional, OHWL, MHWL, Wetlands, coastal construction, control lines, Boundary and Topographic Surveys, including ALTA/NSPS, for both commercial, residential, and municipal projects. Brian has worked on Route Surveys for both design and construction of our major projects and extensive construction layout for major area developments. A.A. Degree, Seminole State College. Dhanushka Nilanga Gedara Survey Tech Dhanushka@nietowhittakersurveying.com Experience CST Level 1- Survey Tech with 3 years of local survey experience and 2 years civil engineering experience overseas. He has earned degrees in Civil Engineering (Pearson UK, 2015), Quantity Surveying and Construction Management (Sheffield Hallam University, UK, 2019), AS Degree Advanced Design and Drafting (Seminole State College, 2019), BS Engineering Technology-Production and Design (SSC 2022) 1728 N. Ronald Reagan Blvd Longwood, Fl. 32750 Office: 407-636-8460 LB No. 7744 ralph@nietowhittakersurveying.com Page 134 of 668 11 Firm License Business Tax Receipt Ralph A. Nieto Page 135 of 668 12 Brian Spiess Dhanushka Nilanga Gedara Page 136 of 668 13 d) List of firm’s current or recently completed similar services within the past three (3) years with other public or private agencies. Include the original contract price, final cost, and reason for overages if applicable. SSMC has a proven track record of delivering projects within and under the project budget. Below is a sampling of our recent project experience within the City of Ocoee. PROJECT #1 Project Title Benchmarks at Spring Lake – Silver Glen Park Project Owner City of Ocoee Original Contract Price $2,535.50 Final Cost $1,809.75 Reason for overages N/A (Under Budget) Service Provided Control Survey Key staff on Project Thomas K. Mead, PSM, PLS | President | Principal in Charge Ryan Johnson, PSM | Project Manager PROJECT #2 Project Title Arden Park North Phase 6 1st Plat Review (LS-2021-004) Project Owner City of Ocoee Original Contract Price $2,411.50 Final Cost $2,411.50 Reason for overages N/A Service Provided Survey Plat Review Key staff on Project Thomas K. Mead, PSM, PLS | President | Principal in Charge Ryan Johnson, PSM | Project Manager PROJECT #3 Project Title City of Ocoee Cemetery Project Owner City of Ocoee Original Contract Price $9,610.00 Final Cost $9,610.00 Reason for overages N/A Service Provided Topographic Survey Key staff on Project Thomas K. Mead, PSM, PLS | President | Principal in Charge Jim Mazurak, PSM | Project Surveyor Page 137 of 668 14 PROJECT #4 Project Title City of Ocoee's Staff Gauges Bennet, Peach, Moxie, Starke, Johio, and Lake Olympia Project Owner City of Ocoee Original Contract Price $14,910.00 Final Cost $14,910.00 Reason for overages N/A Service Provided Topographic Survey Key staff on Project Thomas K. Mead, PSM, PLS | President | Principal in Charge Ryan Johnson, PSM | Project Manager PROJECT #5 Project Title LF Roper Parkway and Capitol Court Drainage Design Topographic Survey (2020) Project Owner City of Ocoee Original Contract Price $5,998.00 Final Cost $5,998.00 Reason for overages N/A Service Provided Stormwater / Drainage Structure Survey Key staff on Project Thomas K. Mead, PSM, PLS | President | Principal in Charge Ryan Johnson, PSM | Project Manager PROJECT #6 Project Title Thornebrooke Drive Ditch Project Owner City of Ocoee Original Contract Price $4,535.50 Final Cost $4,535.50 Reason for overages N/A Service Provided Topographic Survey Key staff on Project Thomas K. Mead, PSM, PLS | President | Principal in Charge Ryan Johnson, PSM | Project Manager Page 138 of 668 15 e) Demonstrate the ability to deliver projects on time and within budget. Project Approach The project approach starts at the inception of the request for proposal by the City as several functions commence to prepare a quality scope that meets and exceeds the City’s requirements and expectations. Research is a key component and is performed by a dedicated staff of research professionals. SSMC fully understands this an important function that provides a secure foundation for all the tasks involved in preparing the scope and fee that migrates into the actual workflow and completion of any project. Research will include at a minimum, available data retrieved from on-line sources, pulling quality aerials to support current conditions, investigation of all in-house work performed in and adjacent to the project site, FDOT plans and Maps when applicable, and existing survey controls in the vicinity. This is all compiled and reviewed by the Project Manager and his key team members. This research is then taken to the project site to gain a comprehensive understanding of conditions, challenges, access issues, public coordination restraints if existing, and observations that need to be exposed and resolved upfront with the City, which is a scheduled enhancement. This upfront research and on-site visit during the project planning allows for an expedited production schedule by eliminating unknown factors before work commences. All this information is then compiled into an outline that will become the scope of work clearly defined and understandably presented, along with the fee broken into tasks for easy review. This document will be delivered to the City for review and discussion if needed prior to execution. Once the City provides the NTP to Ryan Johnson, the Project Manager will schedule the kickoff meeting with the full team to discuss the project in detail and set individual assignments, commitments, and milestones based on the scope of work and schedule. In addition, Ryan and the QA\QC Manager will develop and document the QA\QC plan for the project setting the responsibilities of each and review dates. Most projects will start with the initial field renaissance effort of recovery of boundary control along with horizontal and vertical monuments recovered. Each day the field team will provide updates on workflow performance and task completion dates. All field files and notes are downloaded daily to be reviewed by the QA\QC team and then delivered to the Computer-Aided Design (CAD) staff for data processing and arrangement. At the end of each day, Cad staff will also provide updates on workflow and completion dates, this will track the progression throughout to see that we are staying on schedule or if a modification in workflow or resources is required. This information is also utilized during our companywide production meeting held every Friday morning. Once the fieldwork is complete, the final data process and review will commence rechecking for accuracy and completeness of the scope limits check of drawing conditions with representation and arrangements. All changes will be addressed, and the preparation of project deliverables to begin the final field and office QA/QC program review. This will involve a very methodical performance review in the field to ensure drawings represent exact conditions in the field with a clean and clear representation of each component of natural and manmade existing features. Once this phase is performed and edits are made it will be rechecked until there are no remaining questions or concerns. Final deliverables will then be created based on the final QA/QC completion signatures by Ryan and the QA/QC Manager and delivered to the City for their review and acceptance received and comments, questions, or revisions will be addressed in 48 hours or less with the delivery being sent back to the City for acceptance. Page 139 of 668 16 Kickoff Meeting and Assessing the City’s Goals The project will commence with a meeting of the project team and City staff, which will be to establish a working process and assure that all team members understand the city’s desired outcomes and goals. Project Management Plan Ryan Johnson, PSM, the Project Manager, has worked in survey and mapping for over 18 years. Ryan will work with the City’s project manager on task assignments under the contract to guide the day-to-day tactical activities of the project. In addition, we have designated team members with specific expertise in the various disciplines of survey and mapping. We will codify the team’s management approach to describe specific benefits to the city, including: • Proven QA/QC process focused on high-quality intelligent deliverables • Meeting project milestones • Timely communication protocols • Project resources and staff accessibility and availability • Immediate response to issues • Continuous communication and reporting Throughout the contract's lifecycle, project planning and management are core functions to ensure that the team is appropriately managing planning, workflow, management, resources, and issues. Schedule Control The Project Manager is responsible for monitoring the task assignments schedule daily. Once the scope of services and schedule for a task assignment has been identified and finalized, the Project Manager will work with the Project Surveyors to prepare a team member assignment plan. The SSMC team is committed to working nights and weekends if required to expedite or maintain the City’s task assignment schedule. The task assignment schedule is reviewed during dedicated project meetings with the team. If a task assignment is not on schedule, we evaluate, correct, and realign the task to meet our committed schedule without sacrificing the quality or compromising the project goals. Capability to Meet Deadlines SSMC has 50% companywide of current staff capability available per month ready to be applied to new work. Our Orlando Office has the personnel and resources of approximately 57% of staff capability to be applied to new work. SSMC has a track record of being willing and able to meet all time and budget constraints. If awarded this Contract, SSMC commits to continue growing our relationship with the City of Ocoee and its staff. As you will find after reviewing SSMC's proposal package, SSMC has ample resources and experience in the management of these types of contracts and commits to the City that we will always be available to all assignments. Page 140 of 668 17 Cost Control Cost control in our approach is the process of planning, estimating, budgeting, managing and controlling project costs. Cost control is in place to help our team plan and control budgets during the project’s lifecycle. As your dedicated Project Manager, Ryan Johnson, PSM, will carefully monitor the cost of all task assignments. This includes watching where the actual cost has varied from the estimated cost. Cost control also involves keeping communication open with the City’s Project Manager about cost discrepancies that differ too much from the budgeted cost. This is used for the future tasks assigned as SSMC desires to improve all processes while being a seamless partner with the City and its staff. Controlling the budget requires our team to know the original budget, approved costs, forecasted costs, and actual costs. If any unforeseen changes to the scope of work or risks may have an impact on the approved budget, SSMC’s Project Manager will review the level of influence and take internal corrective action as needed. A key component to describing SSMC’s approach to projects is a living document and subject to change as project needs require. The SSMC team is committed to making those changes as required without sacrificing the project schedule, product quality, or budget. The SSMC team realizes that it is an extension of the City’s staff, and the SSMC team will serve you well. The SSMC in-house approach to all projects starts with a good management plan. Your Project Manager, Ryan Johnson, PSM, Office Project Surveyor, James Mazurak, PSM, Field Project Surveyor, Edwin Munoz, PSM, and QA/ QC Manager, Marcia Russell, PSM, will review the scope in detail with the designated City representative before starting the project and will include the appropriate team members in this meeting. This will ensure that everyone agrees on what is needed and when it is required. This is a cost-saving idea as it assures that resources are not wasted. SSMC Project Manager and Project Surveyors coordinate the personnel assigned to their projects, both field and office daily, enabling them to adjust human and equipment resources as required. These two items are critical for enhancing value and quality and controlling costs and scheduling. With ample resources, SSMC can assign multiple personnel to your project, if required, to avoid work overloads. SSMC has consistently met or exceeded the pledged project goals and manages concurrent work on several projects. This is not by accident but a design of successful teamwork. Individual assignments will be made, and schedules will be agreed to. This is further supported by SSMC's technologically advanced software, hardware, and equipment. Understanding the Work Objective and Approach With all work assigned under this proposed contract being deployed from our Orlando office, the SSMC team is exceptionally positioned to perform all survey and mapping services under this contract. In addition, we have the bandwidth and experience to deploy our Geographic Information Systems team and Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) team as the needs arise. We understand the City has vital concerns surrounding growth management, infrastructure, public service, and community relations. A focus on innovation, cost control, and data quality is essential, and the SSMC Team’s toolkit and approach will add value to every assignment. Our team approach is to work alongside the City to customize the scope of work to meet the individual needs and challenges that may arise while respecting budget limitations. We are committed to assisting the City of Ocoee in accomplishing its goals and objectives for the proposed contract duration and beyond. Page 141 of 668 18 Quality Control Rules Rules take on different levels of importance depending on their application to specific projects. For this reason, its order here does not necessarily reflect the extent of its application to a specific project. That is a judgment call that we place full trust in Marcia Russell, PSM, to make as our Quality Control Manager on this contact. For any Quality Control program to be successful, it must be flexible in its application and comprehensive in its coverage while methodical in its approach. No two projects are the same. Therefore, no two Quality Control approaches can be identical. We have created a more detailed set of rules for the QA/QC process to be followed in conjunction with the QA/QC Manual. 1. Every field survey, drawing, report, or technical document issued by SSMC must undergo a QA/QC check according to the rules in this policy. 2. A specific quality control plan must be developed for large projects to plan in detail the QC questions that demand unique responses and the best approach to answering them. 3. Verifying the correct dimensions and the correct labels by reference to closure sheets, legal description source documents, plats, certified corner records, and all other source information. 4. The CAD Drawings go through three iterations on their path to completion:  The Project Manager completes the first markup The QA/QC Manager completes the second markup The final product should be reviewed by both the Project Manager and the QA/QC Manager. 5. Bearing and distance calls must be checked for projects whose boundaries are closed. 6. Layers, colors, line weights, and text sizes of CAD deliverables should be checked. 7. Documents that were the basis for checking work should be listed on the work product or transmittal. 8. All in-house worksheets and final products that are based on State Plane Coordinate Systems should include grid lines to facilitate scaling and matching with other products. The dedicated QA/QC Manager, Marcia Russell, PSM, is solely assigned to QA/QC review and is not involved in any other aspect of the project; therefore, acting independently with an unbiased product review ensures that a high-quality product is delivered. Page 142 of 668 19 f) List and quantity of firm’s (and firm’s sub-consultants’ if applicable) equipment including survey instruments, computers, plotters, vehicles, etc. SSMC’s Company Wide Equipment Totals Computers 220 Plotters 9 Printers 9 Company Vehicles 123 Trailers/Boats/ATVS 41 TOPCON FC 5000/ 6000 Field data collector 35 TOPCON Hiper VR Base GPS rover kit 43 TOPCON DL 502 Level 12 TOPCON RC-5a Robotic Kit with 360 prism 10 TOPCON ES 102 Total Station 35 LEICA P40 Scanner 2 DJI Phantom 4 Pro V2.0 Drone 4 Nieto Whittaker Company Wide Equipment Totals Computer 1 Hard drive/Tower 8 Assembled Computer Components 4 Monitors 10 Keyboard 7 Printer 5 Battery Backup 8 Software 6 Data Collectors 3 Topcon Nonrobot 1 Topcon Robotic 2 Topcon Radios for GPT Robotics 4 Motorola 4 SDL50 1 SDL 1 GEOMAX 1 Chevrolet Silverado 1 Toyota Tacoma 1 Chevrolet Silverado 1 Page 143 of 668 20 g) List of at least three (3) client references to include organization name, contact person, telephone number (s), and e-mail address. Reference #1 Organization Name Inwood Consulting Engineers Contact Person Jessica Ballock | 407.971.8850 | jballock@inwoodinc.com Project Title Richard Crotty Parkway Key staff on Project Thomas K. Mead, PSM, PLS | President | Principal in Charge Ryan Johnson, PSM | Project Manager Reference #2 Organization Name Pegasus Engineering, LLC Contact Person Fursan Munjed | 407.992.9160 - ext. 302 | fursan@pegasusengineering.net Project Title FDOT-Buck Road Bridge Replacement Key staff on Project Thomas K. Mead, PSM, PLS | President | Principal in Charge Ryan Johnson, PSM | Project Manager Reference #3 Organization Name TLP Engineering Consultants, Inc. Contact Person Yassi Myers | 407-901-5060 | yassi.myers@tlpeng.com Project Title Innovation Way Extension from Wewahootee Road to John Wycliffe Boulevard Key staff on Project Darryll Demarsh | Principal in Charge Reference #4 Organization Name Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Contact Person Mike Woodward | 407.427.1639 | mike.woodward@kimley-horn.com Project Title Kelly Park Road: Survey, Geotech, and Signal Design Golden Gem to Jason Dwelley Parkway Key staff on Project Darryll Demarsh | Principal in Charge Ryan Johnson, PSM | Project Manager Thomas K. Mead, PSM, PLS | President Page 144 of 668 21 II. Firm’s Office Location & Other Forms a) List the location of all offices (firm and sub-consultants) involved with this project and the approximate distance (in miles) and time (in hours) to City Hall. Page 145 of 668 22 b) Include copy of M/WBE Certification for the Respondent. Partial points will not be awarded for M/WBE sub-consultants. Page 146 of 668 23 c) Conflict of Interest Disclosure form Page 147 of 668 24 d) Company Information/Signature Sheet Page 148 of 668 25 e) Drug-Free Workplace form Page 149 of 668 26 f) Receipt of any addenda issued, see Section J. No. (One) 1 Dated March 2, 2023 Page 150 of 668 27 g) Summary of Litigation See Section I., if none please so state. Provide a summary of any litigation, claim(s), bid or contract dispute(s) filed by or against the Firm in the past five (5) years which is related to the services that the Firm provides in the regular course of business. The summary shall state the nature of the litigation, claim, or contact dispute, a brief description of the case, the outcome or projected outcome, and the monetary amounts involved. EQUITABLE ADJUSTMENTS / LITIGATIONS SSMC does not have any equitable adjustments or litigations in the past five years related to the services our firm provides in the regular course of business. CONTRACT CLAIMS Project: UCF Band Facility Parties: UCF, Harris Civil Engineers, LLC, Little Diversified Architectural Consulting Claim alleging survey design errors resulting in drainage issues at the UCF Band Facility. Dates: January 2018 | Status and Outcome: Closed | Monetary Amounts: $350,000 Project: Orange County Parties: Reinaldo Lopez Cancel and Sherry Lopez Claim alleging failure of SSMC to maintain and repair sidewalks in the Apopka and Zellwood area, resulting in an individual riding his bicycle was injured. Dates: January 2019 | Status and Outcome: Settled | Monetary Amounts: $5,000.00 Project: Tampa VA Hospital Parties: Turner Construction Claim alleging construction layout errors related to the construction of the Tampa VA hospital building. Dates: April – May 2019 | Status and Outcome: Pending | Monetary Amounts: $200,000.00 Project: RCES Project 89 Parties: Maddox Electric Company, Inc. Claim alleging construction layout errors related to the placement of a transformer pad. Dates: November 2019 | Status and Outcome: Settled | Monetary Amounts: $33,500.00 Project: SR 206 Crescent Beach Bridge Parties: Freyssinet, Inc. Claim alleging construction layout error related to a bridge construction. Dates: January 2020 | Status and Outcome: Settled | Monetary Amounts: $34,392.93 Project: Habitat for Humanity of Lake-Sumter, Florida Survey Parties: Habitat for Humanity of Lake-Sumter, Florida, Inc. | Apple Title Ltd. Claim alleging SSMC provided an erroneous survey. Dates: June 2020 | Status and Outcome: Dismissed | Monetary Amounts: $14,518.00 Lockheed Martin SLR SIM Phase II Parties: Walbridge Aldinger LLC Claim alleging construction layout error related to a building construction. Dates: August 2020 | Status and Outcome: Pending | Monetary Amounts: $320,000.00 Nieto Whittaker Surveying, LLC has not had any litigation, claims, bid or contract disputes filed by or against the Firm in the past five (5) years. Page 151 of 668 CONTINUING CONTRACT FOR SURVEYING AND MAPPING SERVICES DUE DATE: 3.7.2023 | RFQ# 23-006 CPH, LLC. | 1117 East Robinson StreetOrlando, FL 32801 | 407.425.0452 | info@cphcorp.com REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS Page 152 of 668 TABLE OF CONTENTS 01 02 FIRMS QUALIFICATIONS LETTER FIRM’S QUALIFICATIONS CPH CORE VALUES PROJECT EXPERIENCE FIRMS ASSIGNED TEAM LICENSES AND CERTIFICATIONS SUBCONSULTANTS OVERVIEW EQUIPMENT AND SOFTWARE CLIENT REFERENCES TEAM’S CURRENT WORKLOAD / STAFFING AVAILABILITY MATRIX FIRM’S OFFICE LOCATION & OTHER FORMS OFFICE LOCATION CONFLICT OF INTEREST DISCLOSURE FORM SUMMARY OF LITIGATION RECEIPT OF ADDENDA COMPANY INFORMATION/ SIGNATURE SHEET M/WBE CERTIFICATION Page 153 of 668 March 7, 2023 City of Ocoee 150 N. Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida 34761 RE: “CONTINUING CONTRACTS FOR SURVEYING AND MAPPING SERVICES” | RFQ 23-006 Dear Selection Committee Members: CPH Consulting, LLC (CPH) appreciates the opportunity to submit our qualifications to the City of Ocoee for “Continuing Contracts For Surveying And Mapping Services”. CPH has the expertise and personnel to provide cost-effective and responsive services to the City on any proposed project. CPH has been providing consulting services since 1981. This valuable experience and growth make CPH a clear choice for the City of Ocoee. We understand that the City is looking for a team that can provide services on a continuing on-call basis for items that include but not limited to; topographic survey, boundary survey, ALTA/NSPS Land Title Survey, plat review, platting, sketch and descriptions, asbuilt survey, construction layout, title work/deed investigation, Global Positioning System (GPS) data collection, tree location, hydrographic surveying, right-of-way surveys, wetland delineation/location, utility/public infrastructure surveys. CPH has staff members that are qualified to perform the work. Mr. Galloway, who will serve as Principal-in-Charge, has over 32 years of surveying and mapping experience, has worked in Florida his entire career, and is a Licensed Professional Surveyor. Mr. Katrek, who will serve as Project Manager as well as the primary contact for the City, has over 30 years of surveying and mapping experience, has worked in Florida his entire career, and is a Licensed Professional Surveyor. Mr. Roberts who has over 48 years of experience will serve as QA/QC Manager, and is also a Licensed Professional Surveyor. These three key leads alone provide the City with a combined 110 year history of surveying experience. Our local team is truly local. Our staff in our Orlando office is made up of 58 full time personnel, and our Headquarters office houses over 7 survey crews. The local team members include the survey crews, Licensed Professional Surveyors, Survey Project Managers, office survey production staff, and administrative staff. Due to our location and our 41+ year history in Florida, our team is able to provide not only the most responsive service but also the most effective. CPH’s unique capabilities related to this Contract exceed our base surveying services. Since CPH is a multi-disciplinary firm, our team has the in-house capacity and staffing to provide wetland flagging, tree evaluation and flagging, asset management and GIS, as well as plat and development review services. In addition to our in-house team we have included DRMP as our local survey partner. DRMP will provide Subsurface Utility Exploration. CPH, as a company, has developed a 15+ year working relationship with DRMP staff and our combined resources will be at the City’s disposal on this contract. We appreciate the opportunity to submit our Qualifications and look forward to working with the City of Ocoee. Sincerely,CPH Consulting, LLC. Thomas J. Galloway, PSM Sr. Vice President / Associate / Director of Surveying and Mapping 1117 E. Robinson StreetOrlando, FL 32801Phone: 407.425.0452info@cphcorp.com WORKING WITH THE CITY OF OCOEE FOR OVER 13 YEARS COMPLETED SERVICES FOR MUNICIPALITIES THROUGH CONTINUING CONTRACTS EXTENSIVE LOCAL RESOURCES 3Page 154 of 668 CPH prides itself in its capability to “provide quality and innovation for surveying and mapping.” In every aspect of the business CPH takes pride in providing timely, cost effective and appropriate surveying services to support its clients and help them achieve their objectives. Known as a leading multi-disciplinary consulting firm, CPH provides professional services in the following areas: The Firm has been providing services in the area since the 1960’s and the Firm has been established since 1981. In keeping with the company’s philosophy to assure responsive and cost effective service, CPH has grown with branch offices housing approximately 290+ employees in Florida, Georgia, Maryland, Massachusetts and Puerto Rico with the firm’s Headquarters located in Sanford, Florida. CPH’s commitment to providing the highest level of service in an affordable manner has been achieved through emphasis on personalized services and direct involvement of top level CPH personnel, especially the owners. • Surveying & Mapping • Water / Wastewater / Biosolids Treatment Processes • Engineering Services (Civil, Structural, and Utilities)• Architectural Services/Landscape Architecture • Transportation Engineering, including Traffic Planning and Design • Construction Engineering and Inspection/Construction Management• Master Planning • Water/Wastewater/Reclaimed/Stormwater Systems• Hydraulics and Hydrology• Environmental Sciences • Land Planning/Zoning 01. FIRM QUALIFICATIONS MEET YOUR PROJECT MANAGER Paul J. Katrek, PSM 31 Years of Experience Professional Surveyor & Mapper – FL (No. LS6233) WHAT PAUL WOULD LIKE YOU TO KNOW Mr. Katrek has more than 30 years of experience in the surveying and mapping profession. His experience ranges from working in the field and office on small to large development projects, to serving as an Instrument Man, Party Chief/ Survey CADD Technician, Project Manager and Survey Manager. Mr. Katrek is proficient in the use of computer software programs and field equipment such as: AutoCAD Land Development Desktop, TDS-Data Collection hardware and software, Topcon & Leica total stations, Trimble Post Processing Software, Leica GPS Equipment, and C & G Software. BENEFITS OUR TEAM BRINGS TO THE CITY Local Resources and Experience All Team Members Have Worked Together Highly Specialized in Florida 250+ Full Time Staff Members near the City of Ocoee Multi-Disciplinary In-House Team DRMP OVERVIEW (SUBCONSULTANT) DRMP, Inc. (DRMP) was founded in 1977 by a group of engineers and surveyors who recognized a new trend formulating in the marketplace. By providing a collaborative approach of their firm’s professional services, their clients were beginning to appreciate and expect the consistency and continuity their projects received. To continue providing these quality services, it was only natural to join forces permanently into one full-service company with a strategic path for expanding services, geographic reach and employee base. Today, DRMP has expanded to 19 offices throughout Florida, Georgia and North Carolina. The firm continues to be ranked annually in Engineering News-Record’s “Southeast Top Design Firms” and “Top 500 Design Firms” in the United States and remains focused on the same core principles it was founded upon – expertise, quality, leadership, trust and respect. 4Page 155 of 668 PROJECT EXPERIENCE CPH prides itself in its capability to “provide quality and innovation for Professional Surveying and Mapping Services.” In every aspect of the business, CPH provides timely cost effective and appropriate services to support its clients and help them achieve their objectives. SOUTHWEST REGIONAL WASTEWATER RECLAMATION FACILITY NUTRIENT REDUCTION AND EXPANSION PROJECT - CPH was responsible for the review of the existing conditions at the SRWRF, evaluation of upgrading existing treatment facilities to AWT Standards, evaluation of nutrient removal alternatives, development of alternative costs, identification of the selected plan for upgrading the Southwest Regional WRF, development of an implementation schedule for the “selected plan”, generation of an abbreviated nutrient removal feasibility report, and grant and appropriations funding assistance. EAST CENTRAL REGIONAL RAIL TRAIL (ECRRT) (FDOT LAP) - The Volusia County East Central Regional Rail Trail (ECRRT) Design/Build project was the final phase of Volusia County’s portion of the Florida Coast to Coast Trail located in Osteen, Florida. The project consisted of the design, permitting, and construction of approximately 3.6 miles of a 12-foot wide multi-use trail from Guise Road to Gobbler’s Lodge Road. The project included the construction of two (2) pedestrian bridges, multiple respite areas, and multiple mid-block crossings. US 17-92 RIVERWALK, PHASE II - III (FDOT LAP) - CPH provided planning, survey, and design services for a 1.7 mile extension to an existing trail. The new extension connects to the previous phase designed by CPH and is the final connection between the I-4 Corridor with the adjacent Seminole County Rinehart Trail and the downtown Sanford RiverWalk Trail system. This project followed the complete streets design elements with the provision of a Multi-Use Trail, Roadway safety improvements, Traffic Calming design, Roadway & Trail Lighting, Utility Design, Structural Seawall Design, Drainage Improvements/Design Irrigation Design, Beautification, Hardscape and Landscape Design, Scenic Overlooks of Lake Monroe, Way-finding Design, Pedestrian Mid-Block Crossings (Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons), Traffic Studies, Survey, and Wetland Mitigation. CONTRACT TERM: 2015 - 2018 SIZE: 1 MGD CONTRACT TERM: 2020 - 2021 SIZE: 3.61 Mile, 12-ft Wide Multi-Use Path with Two Pedestrian Bridges (125-ft long and 100-ft long) CONTRACT TERM: 2015 - 2021 SIZE: 1.7 Mile Extension 5Page 156 of 668 CONTINUING SURVEYING SERVICES CONTRACT - ORANGE COUNTY UTILITIES DEPARTMENT - ORANGE COUNTY, FL In conjunction with ongoing utility projects for Orange County, the team has provided various surveying services for projects that include pipeline replacements/relocations, water tank projects and pump station projects. The projects identified below have included services such as boundary surveys, establishing limits of construction, basic/advanced field survey work, calculations, document preparation and sketch and descriptions. NWRF Rapid Infiltration Basin (RIB) Side Slope Liners Replacement Project - CPH, Inc. provided engineering services to design Northwest Water Reclamation Facility (NWRF) Rapid Infiltration Basin (RIB) Side Slope Liners Replacement Project. This project replaces the aging and failing rapid infiltration liners at Orange County’s Northwest Reclamation Facility in Apopka, Florida. The project included the required services for final design documents, which includes survey, geotechnical exploration, construction plans and specifications, bidding, and construction administration. Survey was performed in-house by CPH, and geotechnical investigation and report was performed by Nadic Engineering Services. CPH also performed cut and fill calculations to identify the necessary regrading and reshaping work to be done to the existing RIBs for restoration to intended design condition. Original Contract Price: $1,788,000 | Final Cost: $1,788,000 | Size: 830,000 SF | Year Completed: 2020 University Blvd. & Rouse Rd. Emergency Manhole Replacement - Fully Detailed Lane Closure Plans for University Blvd. and Rouse Road intersection. Utilized concrete barriers to protect 20 ft. deep drop-off conditon at the manhole location in the center of the intersection. Large traffic volume due to the proximity to the University of Central Florida. Phase MOT Plan to allow for bypass pumping and manhole replacement. Extensive coordination effort with Orange County Public Works to resolve lane closure restrictions. Original Contract Price: $878,400 | Final Cost: $878,400 | Size: one intersection manhole | Year Completed: 2018 PROJECT PROFILE: Contract Value: Varies Per Project Performance Period: Varies Per Project Size: Varies Per Project CLIENT REFERENCE: Orange County, Mr. Jose E. Hernandez, P.E., Chief Engineer, Orange County Utilities Engineering Division, 9150 Curry Ford Road, Orlando, FL 32825, Phone: 407.254.9718, Fax: 407.254.9610, E-Mail: Jose.Hernandez2@ocfl. net 6Page 157 of 668 CONTINUING SURVEYING SERVICES CONTRACT - CITY OF SANFORD - SANFORD, FL CPH has been providing general consulting services to the City of Sanford since 1965, and has been providing ongoing surveying and mapping services to the City since 2001. The team has provided various surveying services for projects that include: Infrastructure improvements, water/wastewater facilities, stormwater improvements, roadway projects, parks projects and beautification/historic improvement projects. The projects identified below have included services such as boundary and topographic surveys, high definition 3D Laser surveys, establishing limits of construction, basic/advanced field survey work, calculations, document preparation, and sketch and descriptions. Completed Survey Projects: • Regional Reclaimed Vol-Sanford Interconnect• Max West Gasification System • Mill Creek Drainage Basin Improvements• East Lake Mary Blvd. Segment I - Utility Improvements• Sanford South Water Resource Center Facility Improvements • St. John Pkwy. Phase II & III Roadway Project • Magnolia Avenue Reclaimed Watermain Extension• Sanford North Water Reclamation Facility Improvements• Airport Blvd. - Phase III• East Lake Mary Blvd. Segment II - Utility Improvements• Cloud Branch Drainage Improvements• Orlando-Sanford Airport Lift Station & Forcemain Improvements • “Palmetto Avenue, Valencia Court, and Woodfield Drive Reclaimed Watermain Extensions”• Sanford Marina Topographic Survey• Downtown Stormwater Master Plan and Improvements• 24th Place/Cedar Avenue Sewer Replacement• Mill Creek Reclaimed Water Storage Tank & Filtration/Pumping Project • Sanford Beachfront and Jetty Improvements (North Shore/Marina Restabilization Project) • Continuing Plat Review Services• St. Johns River Boundary Survey• East First Street - 3D Laser Survey/Modeling for Historic Streetscape Project• Pine Ave. Watermain Improvement Project PROJECT PROFILE: Contract Value: Varies Per Project Performance Period: Since 2001 Size: Varies Per Project CLIENT REFERENCE: City of SanfordBilal Iftikhar, P.E., Public Works Director P.O. Box 1788, Sanford, FL 32772-1788Phone: 407.688.5000, Ext. 5085 Email: bilal.iftikhar@sanfordfl.gov 7Page 158 of 668 CONTINUING SURVEYING SERVICES CONTRACT - CITY OF PALM COAST - PALM COAST, FL CPH has been providing general consulting services to the City of Palm Coast since 1965, and has been providing ongoing surveying and mapping services to the City since 2001. The team has provided various surveying services for projects that include: Infrastructure improvements, water/wastewater facilities, stormwater improvements, roadway projects, parks projects and beautification/historic improvement projects. The projects identified below have included services such as boundary and topographic surveys, high definition 3D Laser surveys, establishing limits of construction, basic/advanced field survey work, calculations, document preparation, and sketch and descriptions. Palm Coast Water Treatment Plant No. 3 - New 3 MGD water treatment plant utilizing the LPRO treatment technology to treat the confined surficial aquifer water. Plant was designed to facilitate expansion from 3 MGD to 9 MG. Chemical storage building (4,500 sq. ft.). Operation building designed included the laboratory, training rooms, administration offices & locker rooms (6,500 sq. ft.). The building was designed to accommodate both the water treatment staff as well as future wastewater personnel. Original Contract Price: $17,671,911 | Final Cost: $17,671,911 | Size: 9 MGD | Year Completed: 2021 (Project Completed in Multiple Phases) City of Palm Coast - Citation Parkway Improvements - CPH is providing design for the improvements along Citation Parkway and a portion of Sesame Boulevard. The project area is approximately 0.3 miles long. The project includes extension of Sesame Boulevard to Seminole Woods Boulevard by elimination of the intersection at Citation Parkway and Sesame Boulevard; replacement of the deficient culvert/bridge on Sesame Boulevard; Intersection improvements at Citation Parkway and Seminole Woods Boulevard to include the addition of a left turn and a right turn lane; Intersection improvements at Citation Parkway and Universal Trail, including the addition of a left turn lane; Drainage and utility design; Multi-use path/ passive linear park along the south side of Sesame Boulevard; and a temporary pedestrian crossing and path from Sesame Boulevard to Seminole Woods Boulevard. Original Contract Price: $1,724,870 | Final Cost: $1,724,870 | Size: 0.3 Miles | Year Completed: 2021 City of Palm Coast – Lehigh Trail Trailhead - CPH performed a detailed field review of the site with the City to assess the proposed parking and trailhead improvements. CPH prepared preliminary layouts of the improvements, detailing the parking, trail access, stormwater improvements, utility connections, and other associated elements of the project. CPH assisted the City in coordinating with FPL for the proposed improvements which fall within the FPL easement. Original Contract Price: $2.3 Million | Cost: $2.3 Million | Size: 14 Acres | Year Completed: 2021 PROJECT PROFILE:Contract Value: Varies Per Project Performance Period: Since 1998 Size: Varies Per Project CLIENT REFERENCE: City of Palm Coast Steve Flanagan, Utility Director160 Lake Avenue,Palm Coast, FL 32164Phone: 386.986.2354Email: sflanagan@ palmcoastgov.com 8Page 159 of 668 ONGOING CONSULTING SERVICES – TOHO WATER AUTHORITY - KISSIMMEE, FL In conjunction with ongoing utility projects for Toho Water Authority, the team has provided various surveying services for projects that include pipeline replacements/relocations. The projects identified below have included services such as boundary surveys, establishing limits of construction, basic/ advanced field survey work, calculations, document preparation and sketch and descriptions. Lift Station By-Pass Pumps - CPH to perform 12 Boundary and Topographic Surveys for multiple Toho Lift Stations that included: LS-94P Hatchineha, LS-4P Broadmoor East, LS-30 Renee Terrace, LS-79 Orange Lakes, LS-143 Champions Gate, LS-26P Peabody Rd., LS-63 Solivita Bell Shorehaven, LS 89- 729 Barcelona Station, LS-39P Isles of Bellalago, LS-17P San Remo North, and LS-27P Monterey North. Original Contract Price: $48,862 | Final Cost: $48,862 | Size: 12 Lift Station Sites | Year Completed: Ongoing N. Poinciana Blvd. Roadway Repair - CPH is in the process of collection of topographic data preconstruction with a high definition laser scanner within a 14,000 square foot area with an accuracy of 0.02 inches of the completed asphalt pavement restoration area and document the surface of the roadway with topographic data at a 5’ grid. Field recover horizontal and vertical control. Reference horizontally and vertically two (2) control points & benchmarks. Create a horizontal and vertical control network outside the project area. Prepare spreadsheet of the 560 elevations (5’ grid of 200’ x 70’ observation area). CPH will collect topographic data post construction with a high definition laser scanner to be performed at the same time of year and at the same time of day to minimize the effects of temperature changes in the asphalt. The temperature will be noted in the field notes during the preconstruction scan. Collect topographic data post construction and five (5) yearly scans for the warranty period within the 14,000 square foot area and compare to the Base Line Survey. CPH will revise the existing spreadsheet to include the 560 post construction elevations (5’ grid of 200’ x 70’ observation area) within the area. Original Contract Price: TBD | Final Cost: TBD | Size: 14,000 SF | Year Completed: Ongoing Payment Kiosks at Mann Street & Country Club Road - CPH performed a Boundary and Topographic Survey of a portion (1.2± acres) of Tract “E” and all of Tract “F”, Poinciana Neighborhood 1 – Village 3, as recorded in Plat Book 52, Pages 8 through 18, Public Records of Polk County, Florida. Original Contract Price: $7,250 | Final Cost: $7,250 | Size: 1.2 Acres | Year Completed: Ongoing PROJECT PROFILE: Contract Value: Varies Per Project Performance Period: Since 2006 Size: Varies Per Project CLIENT REFERENCE: Tohopekaliga Water AuthorityGeorge H. Eversole, Jr. Phone: 407-944-5000 Email: geversole@kissimmee.org 9Page 160 of 668 ORLANDO SANFORD INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT TERMINAL EXPANSION - SANFORD, FL CPH recently provided architectural and engineering services for the Orlando Sanford International Airport’s terminal expansion/renovation project to support the current growth of passenger traffic which rose from 2 million passengers in 2013 to over 3 million passengers in 2018. The $60 million expansion/renovation includes many passenger-oriented improvements including a consolidated ticketing and screening, covered passenger drop off areas, curbside check-in, and the addition of four new gates and apron. Access improvements to the terminal area also included with the addition of a new traffic signal to support the new entrances to terminal parking lots which will reduce the amount of vehicular traffic in front of the terminal. All improvements were performed while the existing terminal stays in operation and the design required phasing and coordination with terminal management, airlines, and concessionaires. Additional coordination was required with Transportation Security Administration (TSA) on the new consolidated screening area, U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) for the Federal Inspection Station (FIS) improvements, and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for the gates, aprons, and vertical improvements. PROJECT PROFILE:Contract Value: $60.4 Million Final Cost: $60.4 Million Performance Period: 2015 - 2021 Size: Approx. 133,690 SF expansion/renovation CLIENT REFERENCE: Sanford Airport AuthorityGeorge D. Speake, Jr., A.A.E., Executive Vice President/COOAirport Security Coordinator1200 Red Cleveland Blvd Sanford, FL 32773 Office: 407.585.4006Main: 407.247.1212Email: Gspeake@osaa.net 10Page 161 of 668 US 17-92 RIVERWALK, PHASE II - III (FDOT LAP) - SANFORD, FL Phase II - The FDOT LAP project included 1.5 miles of 10-14 foot wide trail, replacement of 5,500 feet of seawall along Lake Monroe, trail head parking, a prefabricated pedestrian bridge over Mill Creek, hardscaping, landscaping, and lighting. The concept design of the trail necessitated significant coordination with FDOT to gain their support for the necessary variations from Department standards, and their approval of the necessary reduction in shoulder widths and use of Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) at two mid-block crossings. The design included advanced coordination with SJRWMD and FDEP because of work within sovereign submerged lands, replacement seawall, and pedestrian bridge. The project included the use of innovative use of best management practices and pervious pavement to minimize the impact of stormwater runoff on Lake Monroe. Post Design Services included responding to Bidder questions, review of the bids, contacting bidder references and preparing an award recommendation. During construction, the services included scheduling and attending the preconstruction meeting and progress meetings, issuing meeting notes, review of shop drawings, responding to RFIs, conducting site visits, review of applications for payment, schedule tracking of costs and time, preparation of change orders, and preparation of closeout documents. Phase III - CPH provided planning, survey, and design services for a 1.7 mile extension to an existing trail. The new extension connects to the previous phase designed by CPH and is the final connection between the I-4 Corridor with the adjacent Seminole County Rinehart Trail and the downtown Sanford RiverWalk Trail system. Additionally, these improvements filled the largest remaining gap within the Lake Monroe Trail Loop system which spans both Seminole and Volusia Counties. This project followed the complete streets design elements with the provision of a Multi-Use Trail, Roadway safety improvements, Traffic Calming design, Roadway & Trail Lighting, Utility Design, Structural Seawall Design, Drainage Improvements/Design , Irrigation Design, Beautification, Hardscape and Landscape Design, Scenic Overlooks of Lake Monroe, Way-finding Design, Pedestrian Mid-Block Crossings (Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons), Traffic Studies, Survey, and Wetland Mitigation. The current estimated construction cost of $20 Million is funded through a Local Joint Project Agreement between the City of Sanford, Seminole County and the FDOT. CPH is also facilitating the transfer of ownership, for the US-17-92 corridor within the project limits, from the FDOT to the City of Sanford and Seminole County. PROJECT PROFILE: Contract Value: $6,835,694 (Phase II), $25.6 Million (Phase III) Final Cost: $6,835,694 (Phase II), $25.6 Million (Phase III) Performance Period: 2015 (Phase II) - 2021 (Phase III) Size: 1.5 Miles (Phase II), 1.7 miles (Phase III) CLIENT REFERENCE: City of SanfordBilal Iftikhar, P.E., Public Works DirectorP.O. Box 1788 Sanford, FL 32772-1788 Phone: 407.688.5000, Ext. 5085Email: bilal.iftikhar@sanfordfl.gov 11Page 162 of 668 TEAM’S CURRENT WORKLOAD / STAFFING AVAILABILITY MATRIX The current and projected workload of our team is such that we can provide responsive service to the City of Ocoee. We are well-staffed, equipped with our nearby Orlando and Sanford locations, and believe that we and our team members can provide a high quality, professional service to the City that is completely responsive and cost effective. The graph below depicts our current contracted backlog with no consideration for any additional work. The current workload will spread over 13 months. Our current production capability is $4,920,000 per month. Through our 290+ full time staff members, CPH’s current contracted backlog requires approximately $3,850,000 per month. Currently CPH has an additional $1 Million production capacity through our current staff, and have available capacity and resources to dedicate to the City of Ocoee. 0 1,000,000 2,000,000 3,000,000 4,000,000 5,000,000 290+ TOTAL STAFF MEMBERS 2 OFFICES NEARBY WITH OVER 250 EMPLOYEES COMMITTED KEY PERSONNEL ROLE PROJECTED AVAILABILITY Thomas J. Galloway, PSM Principal-In-Charge 40% Paul J. Katrek, PSM Project Manager 60% Randall “Randy” L. Roberts, PSM QA/QC 40% William B. Tamm, CST II Field Crew Manager 60% Nichole Lunsford Office Production Manager 65% John Bach, CST II High Definition Survey Manager 50% David Sullivan, CST I Conventional Field Crew 50% Vladimir Grumberg, CST I Conventional Field Crew 60% Kevin Scheel, CST I Office Production (CADD)60% Jalon Fleming, CST II Office Production (CADD)70% Richard Buchanan, CST I Office Production (CADD)75% Erik Hatecke, CST I High Definition Field Crew 65% Michael Reigard CST I High Definition Field Crew 65% Lawrence G. Stoffel CST I High Definition Field Crew 65% Donald E. McKenna, GISP GIS Manager 55% Amy E. Daly, LEED AP Environmental 40% 12Page 163 of 668 CPH’s commitment to quality and on-time projects includes team members staying abreast of the latest technology and capabilities. Staff interchanges information electronically with architectural firms, planning firms, surveying firms, and clients. Engineering and drafting functions are thoroughly computerized using AutoCAD drafting and associated engineering programs, as well as hydraulic, hydrologic, and general spreadsheet programs. Transportation planning software (FSUTMS) and Traffic Operations (Net-Sim, Passer, HCM, SOAP) are also in constant use. ✓ Wide Area Networks - VPN via Cisco Routers✓ High Speed Internet Access✓ Windows Exchange Server ✓ High Speed e-mail, FTP, and WEB services on-line✓ 10/100 Ethernet LANs in all offices✓ Microsoft Office Professional✓ Powerful large format printing capabilities in all offices✓ High Security and Virus protection company-wide✓ Autodesk AutoCAD 2023, Autodesk Civil 3D 2023, Autodesk Revit 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019✓ Arc GIS, Microstation, Autoturn 7, Land Desktop 3, Microstation, Autoturn 7✓ WaterCAD, Ponds, Advanced Inter Connected Pond Routing (ICPR), Hydraflow, Modret, ArcView, MColor and many others✓ Topcon GPT-2005 Total Station with prism/non prism feature✓ Topcon GPT-3005 Total Station with prism/non prism feature✓ Topcon AT-G4 Automatic Levels✓ Topcon Recon 200C w/64MB Field computers with Survey Pro software✓ FDOT approved setup for traffic cones, traffic signs, survey vests and hardhats✓ Geopack✓ Building Energy Modeling and Cooling Loads: Energy Guage (Florida Energy Code Compliance: FLACOM); Comcheck; Carrier Hap; Wrightsoft✓ Electrical Power System Analysis: eTAP – Short Circuit Fault Current Calcs; Arc Flash (NFPA 70E); Power System Coordination Studies✓ Fire Protection: Elite Fire Sprinkler Hydraulic Calcs✓ RISA-3D✓ RISA Connection✓ TEDDS✓ HILTI PROFIS Anchor✓ MathCAD✓ Leica HDS ScanStation2 Laser Scanner✓ Leica Truview software✓ Leica Scanstation P40s (Qty 3)✓ Leica BLK360s (Qty 2)✓ Leica RTC360 (Qty 1) Modeling SoftwareThe CPH team has extensive knowledge of the hydraulic modeling process and the associated software. Software packages that the team routinely uses are ✓ Bentley Systems (Formerly Haestad Methods)✓ MW Soft✓ Hydroflow✓ StormCAD ✓ SewerCAD✓ WaterCAD✓ CADD✓ Microstation✓ And others EQUIPMENT AND SOFTWARE 13Page 164 of 668 CPH CORE VALUES CPH’s Core Values are centered around building lasting relationships with our clients and the communities we serve. Our firm has spent over 41 years providing services under consulting contracts, all the while building a solid reputation for providing quality and responsive services that are in the best interest of the stakeholders and constituents we serve. We have enjoyed our 12+ year successful relationship with the City of Ocoee. 01 02 04 03 STAFF LONGEVITY BUILDING BETTER COMMUNITIES Over 50% of CPH’s staff have been with the firm for 10+ years. Our staff members have a vested interest in delivering quality and responsive services to the City. In addition, this longevity assures the City will be provided consistency throughout the life of the contract Our core philosophy is to make positive impacts in the communities we serve. As a firm and as individuals, our team takes great pride in our completed projects and building stronger communities with our clients. CLIENT FOCUSED HISTORY WORKING TOGETHER Our services are client focused. Meaning we put our clients first, and are focused on creating a collaborative atmosphere to enhance our client experience. This team has an established and proven working history together. We have been serving the City of Ocoee for 13 years. 14Page 165 of 668 William B. Tamm, CST II FIELD CREW MANAGER Paul J. Katrek, PSM PROGRAM MANAGER Randall “Randy” L. Roberts, PSM QA/QC Thomas J. Galloway, PSM PRINCIPAL-IN-CHARGE Kevin Scheel, CST IJalon Fleming, CST IIRichard Buchanan, CST I OFFICE PRODUCTION (CADD) Bruce Lewis, PLS, PSM (AXIS)Dave Rorrer (AXIS) AERIAL PHOTOGRAMMETRY David Sullivan, CST IVladimir Grumberg, CST I CONVENTIONAL FIELD CREW Donald E. McKenna, GISP GIS MANAGER Amy E. Daly, LEED AP ENVIRONMENTAL John Bach, CST II HIGH DEFINITION SURVEY MANAGER Michael Reigard CST I Lawrence G. Stoffel CST I Erik Hatecke, CST I HIGH DEFINITION FIELD CREW Gregory J. Calderon Hernandez (DRMP)Gabriel Colon-Rivera, PSM (DRMP)Frank Lopez, PSM (DRMP)Steven B. Smith, CST I (DRMP) SUBSURFACE UTILITY EXPLORATION Nichole Lunsford OFFICE PRODUCTION MANAGER FIRMS ASSIGNED TEAM CPH has assembled a vastly diverse and highly qualified team with experience in all discipline areas requested by the City of Ocoee. Our team is capable of providing services for every project that may emerge under this contract. The CPH Team Organizational Chart (provided below) depicts the overall reporting and communication hierarchy as well as project roles and responsibilities in relation to the City’s scope of services 15Page 166 of 668 1. W. CENTRAL BLVD. SANITARY SEWER REPLACEMENT AND STREETSCAPE DESIGN/BUILD - 0.55 Mile Streetscape associated with the Orlando City Soccer MLS Stadium. Complete roadway reconstruction including.Underlying brick roadway salvaging. Landscape/Hardscape design including lighting/electrical design. Upsizing the Sanitary Sewer from an 8-in. line to a 21-in line. Undergrounding OUC Power and Communication (including the Duct Bank design). Extensive utility coordination. Coordination with FDOT/SGL to have concurrent Maintenance of Traffic Plans for work within the Ultimate I-4 Construction project. Permitting with FDOT/SGL, SJRWMD, and FDEP. 2. US 17-92 RIVERWALK, PHASE II & III (FDOT LAP) - Phase II - The FDOT LAP project included 1.5 miles of 10-14 foot wide trail, replacement of 5,500 feet of seawall along Lake Monroe, trail head parking, a prefabricated pedestrian bridge over Mill Creek, hardscaping, landscaping, and lighting. Phase III - CPH provided planning, survey, and design services for a new 1.7 mile, 12 ft. wide trail that was part of a multi-phase project funded through a joint partnership with FDOT. This project followed the complete streets design elements with the provision of a Multi-Use Trail, Roadway safety improvements, Traffic Calming design, Roadway & Trail Lighting, Utility Design, Structural Seawall Design, Drainage Improvements/Design, Irrigation Design, Beautification, Hardscape and Landscape Design, Scenic Overlooks of Lake Monroe, Way-finding Design, Pedestrian Mid- Block Crossings (Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons), Traffic Studies, Survey, and Wetland Mitigation. 3. WINTER GARDEN RECLAIMED WATER PLANT - CPH utilized the High Definition 3D Laser Scanner to collect Point Cloud data that was used to create a Topographic Survey. Also, the Point Cloud data collected was used to create detailed drawings of Pump Houses, Contact Chambers, Water Silos, Digester Tanks, Buildings, Etc. High Definition pictures were also produced using the High Definition 3D Laser Scanner which provides a 360 Degree High Resolution image of the entire site. 1.2. 3. THOMAS J. GALLOWAY, PSM PRINCIPAL-IN-CHARGE Years of Experience: 33 Education: B.S. in Surveying and Mapping, University of Florida Licenses & Certifications: Professional Surveyor & Mapper - FL (No. 6549)NCEES Council No. 1291 Key Skills / Qualifications: • Surveying and Management• Highway Projects• Land Development • Commercial and Private Projects• Municipal Projects• Park Improvements Projects Overview: Mr. Galloway has more than 33 years of experience in the surveying and mapping profession and has a Bachelor of Science of Surveying and Mapping from the University of Florida. His experience ranges from working in the field and office on small to large development projects, to serving as Party Chief/Survey CADD Technician, Project Manager and Survey Manager. Mr. Galloway has served as Principal and Director of the Surveying Division of the firm since its establishment in 2001. He has overseen the department’s growth from two survey crews to managing the current seven survey crews. Additionally, he has been personally involved in over 2,500 surveys while at CPH. 1.2. 16Page 167 of 668 1. SANFORD 1ST STREET STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS (FDOT LAP) - Streetscape design package for a 6 block section of historic First Street (approximately 0.40 miles). Designed the roadway, landscape, architecture, and utility plans and prepared specifications for the complete reconstruction of the roadway, including several utility upgrades. LAP Funded and extensive coordination with FDOT. Responsible for detailed maintenance of traffic plans and utility relocations. The team used its in-house 3D survey team to provide right-of-way surveys, while minimizing impacts to traffic and to provide a “virtual tour” of existing conditions and the proposed improvements during the public relations effort. 2. US 17-92 RIVERWALK, PHASE II & III (FDOT LAP) - Phase II - The FDOT LAP project included 1.5 miles of 10-14 foot wide trail, replacement of 5,500 feet of seawall along Lake Monroe, trail head parking, a prefabricated pedestrian bridge over Mill Creek, hardscaping, landscaping, and lighting. Phase III - CPH provided planning, survey, and design services for a new 1.7 mile, 12 ft. wide trail that was part of a multi-phase project funded through a joint partnership with FDOT. This project followed the complete streets design elements with the provision of a Multi-Use Trail, Roadway safety improvements, Traffic Calming design, Roadway & Trail Lighting, Utility Design, Structural Seawall Design, Drainage Improvements/Design, Irrigation Design, Beautification, Hardscape and Landscape Design, Scenic Overlooks of Lake Monroe, Way-finding Design, Pedestrian Mid- Block Crossings (Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons), Traffic Studies, Survey, and Wetland Mitigation. 3. AREA IV WELL OUTFITTING AND RAW WATER TRANSMISSION MAIN - Performed a Boundary and Topographic Survey for the City of Titusville along N. Singleton Avenue and Folsom. Road for approximately 29,000 linear feet locating all improvements in the right-of-way for the design of a new raw water main. Close coordination with the City and County was needed in order to provide accurate locations of marked underground utilities along the route. Cross-sections were obtained every 100’ along with spot elevations at structures and changes in grade. wetland lines were also located. GPS equipment was used to tie the survey to State Plane Coordinates and to tie previous survey to the north performed by others. All property corners delineating the rights-of-way were located for the entire length of the route. 1.2. 3. PAUL J. KATREK, PSM PROJECT MANAGER Years of Experience: 31 Education: A.S. in Architecture & Building Technology, Daytona Beach Community College Licenses & Certifications: Professional Surveyor & Mapper - FL (No. 6233)NCEES Record No. 1342 Key Skills / Qualifications: • Surveying and Management• Highway Projects• Land Development/Commercial and Private Projects• Municipal Projects Overview: Mr. Katrek has more than 31 years of experience in the surveying and mapping profession. His experience ranges from working in the field and office on small to large development projects, to serving as an Instrument man, Party Chief/Survey CADD Technician, Project Manager and Survey manager. Mr. Katrek is proficient in the use of computer software programs and field equipment such as: AutoCAD Land Development Desktop, TDS-Data Collection hardware and software, Topcon & Leica total stations, Trimble Post Processing Software, Leica GPS Equipment, and C & G Software. 1.2. 17Page 168 of 668 1. AREA IV WELL OUTFITTING AND RAW WATER TRANSMISSION MAIN - Performed a Boundary and Topographic Survey for the City of Titusville along N. Singleton Avenue and Folsom. Road for approximately 29,000 linear feet locating all improvements in the right-of-way for the design of a new raw water main. Close coordination with the City and County was needed in order to provide accurate locations of marked underground utilities along the route. Cross-sections were obtained every 100’ along with spot elevations at structures and changes in grade. wetland lines were also located. GPS equipment was used to tie the survey to State Plane Coordinates and to tie previous survey to the north performed by others. All property corners delineating the rights-of-way were located for the entire length of the route. 2. SANFORD NORTH WRF RECLAIMED WATER AUGMENTATION SYSTEM - The reclaimed water augmentation facility has a design capacity of 7.3 MGD. Assisted the City in obtaining low interest construction loans through the SRF program as well as a matching grant from the US EPA. The final augmentation system improvements include the following improvements: Lake Water Pumping Station and screening facilities, Fifteen (15) deep-bed, continuous backwashing, upflow tertiary filters, 2.0 MG reclaimed water ground storage tank, SCADA system improvements, Ancillary filtration and chemical feed equipment involving the installation of two (2) 4.0 MGD ACTIFLO Treatment Units. 3. SANFORD 1ST STREET STREETSCAPE AND GATEWAY IMPROVEMENTS - Streetscape design package for a 6 block section of historic First Street (approximately 0.40 miles). Designed the roadway, landscape, architecture, and utility plans and prepared specifications for the complete reconstruction of the roadway, including several utility upgrades. LAP Funded and extensive coordination with FDOT. 1.2. 3. RANDALL “RANDY” L. ROBERTS, PSM QA/QC Years of Experience: 48 Education: Honor Graduate of University of Florida Surveying Program, College of Engineering Licenses & Certifications: Professional Surveyor & Mapper - FL (No. 3144) Key Skills / Qualifications: • Surveying and Management• Highway Projects• Land Development / Commercial and Private Projects • Municipal Projects • Subdivision Plats and Lot Surveys • Sectional Retracement Overview: Mr. Roberts has more than 48 years of experience and serves the firm of CPH as a Quality Control Survey Manager. Prior to joining CPH, he worked in the Central Florida area and performed boundary, topographic, route, mortgage and as-built surveys, along with preparing subdivision plats, wetland location and FEMA elevation certificates. Mr. Roberts also has experience with utility route surveys including the following: Lake Bryan 69kv line for Florida Power Corporation transmission line through 7 miles in Orange County; and Altamonte 115kv line for Florida Power Corporation transmission line through 11 miles in Seminole County. 1.2. 18Page 169 of 668 1. AREA IV WELL OUTFITTING AND RAW WATER TRANSMISSION MAIN - Performed a Boundary and Topographic Survey for the City of Titusville along N. Singleton Avenue and Folsom. Road for approximately 29,000 linear feet locating all improvements in the right-of-way for the design of a new raw water main. Close coordination with the City and County was needed in order to provide accurate locations of marked underground utilities along the route. Cross-sections were obtained every 100’ along with spot elevations at structures and changes in grade. wetland lines were also located. GPS equipment was used to tie the survey to State Plane Coordinates and to tie previous survey to the north performed by others. All property corners delineating the rights-of-way were located for the entire length of the route. 2. US 17-92 RIVERWALK, PHASE II & III (FDOT LAP) - Phase II - The FDOT LAP project included 1.5 miles of 10-14 foot wide trail, replacement of 5,500 feet of seawall along Lake Monroe, trail head parking, a prefabricated pedestrian bridge over Mill Creek, hardscaping, landscaping, and lighting. Phase III - CPH provided planning, survey, and design services for a new 1.7 mile, 12 ft. wide trail that was part of a multi-phase project funded through a joint partnership with FDOT. This project followed the complete streets design elements with the provision of a Multi-Use Trail, Roadway safety improvements, Traffic Calming design, Roadway & Trail Lighting, Utility Design, Structural Seawall Design, Drainage Improvements/Design, Irrigation Design, Beautification, Hardscape and Landscape Design, Scenic Overlooks of Lake Monroe, Way-finding Design, Pedestrian Mid- Block Crossings (Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons), Traffic Studies, Survey, and Wetland Mitigation. 3. SR 46 UTILITY RELOCATIONS - CPH provided design, permitting, and CEI services for the relocation of existing utilities along a 2.7 mile stretch of SR 46 between Mellonville Ave. and SR 415. The overall project included 10,100-ft of new 12” water main, 675-ft of new 6”-10” water main, 4,200-ft directional drill 12” water main, 8,100-ft of new 6”-8” force main, 900-ft directional drill 6”-8” force main, 1,590-ft of new 10” sanitary sewer and manholes, 2,350-ft of new 20” reclaimed water main, one new Master Meter Assembly, and the removal of approximately 26,900-ft of existing water main, force main, sanitary sewer, and reclaimed water main. 1.2. 3. WILLIAM B. TAMM, CSTII FIELD CREW MANAGER Years of Experience: 29 Education: A.A., Seminole Community CollegeCoursework towards B.A. in Environmental & Civil Engineering, University of Central Florida Licenses & Certifications: Certified Survey Technician NSPS, Certification No. 0307-2876, Level IIIntermediate Maintenance of Traffic OSHA - Construction Safety & Health First Aid/CPR 3D - Driver Instructor Key Skills / Qualifications: • Surveying and Management• Highway Projects • Land Development/Commercial and Private Projects• Municipal Projects• Field Operations Overview: Mr. Tamm, with more than 28 years of experience, serves the firm of CPH in the capacity of a Field Crew Coordinator. His experience includes, performing boundary, topographic, tree, as-built and mortgage surveys. Mr. Tamm also has experience in construction layout, wetland location and FEMA Elevation Certificates. 1.2. 19Page 170 of 668 1. SANFORD 1ST STREET STREETSCAPE AND GATEWAY IMPROVEMENTS - Streetscape design package for a 6 block section of historic First Street (approximately 0.40 miles). Designed the roadway, landscape, architecture, and utility plans and prepared specifications for the complete reconstruction of the roadway, including several utility upgrades. LAP Funded and extensive coordination with FDOT. 2. SPEC MARTIN STADIUM DESIGN CRITERIA PACKAGE - Selected by the City of DeLand for the Spec Martin Stadium Improvements Design/Build Criteria Package. The project required the development of the design/build criteria package and professional services to assist the City during the selection process. Included a new press box, training room and locker room additions. The stadium will be used by the local high school as well as Stetson University; therefore, the stadium improvements were designed to meet collegiate level demands. 3. US 17-92 RIVERWALK, PHASE II & III (FDOT LAP) - Phase II - The FDOT LAP project included 1.5 miles of 10-14 foot wide trail, replacement of 5,500 feet of seawall along Lake Monroe, trail head parking, a prefabricated pedestrian bridge over Mill Creek, hardscaping, landscaping, and lighting. Phase III - CPH provided planning, survey, and design services for a new 1.7 mile, 12 ft. wide trail that was part of a multi-phase project funded through a joint partnership with FDOT. This project followed the complete streets design elements with the provision of a Multi-Use Trail, Roadway safety improvements, Traffic Calming design, Roadway & Trail Lighting, Utility Design, Structural Seawall Design, Drainage Improvements/Design, Irrigation Design, Beautification, Hardscape and Landscape Design, Scenic Overlooks of Lake Monroe, Way-finding Design, Pedestrian Mid- Block Crossings (Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons), Traffic Studies, Survey, and Wetland Mitigation. 1.2. 3. JOHN BACH, CSTII HIGH DEFINITION SURVEY MANAGER Years of Experience: 16 Education: Drafting and Design Technologies, 4 YearsCoursework towards A.S. Degree, Seminole Community College Licenses & Certifications: Certified Survey Technician NSPS, Certification No. 0408-3522, Level II Key Skills / Qualifications: • Surveying• Highway Projects • Land Development/Commercial and Private Projects • Municipal Projects• 3-Dimensional Survey Projects• Elevations & Cross-Sections Overview: Mr. Bach serves the firm of CPH in the capacity of a Certified Survey Technician Level II/3D Survey. His 16 years of experience include preparing Plats, 3-Dimensional Plans (Elevations & Cross-Sections) and Right-of-Way Plans. Mr. Bach also has experience in performing ALTA/NSPS Land Title Survey, Boundary, Topographic, Route, Mortgage and As-Built surveys. Also, prepare Sketch and Descriptions, write Metes & Bounds legal descriptions for Title closings. 1.2. 20Page 171 of 668 1. SEMINOLE COUNTY US17/92 CRA STORMWATER MASTER PLAN - The CPH team was selected to create a stormwater master plan for the US 17/92 CRA’s 13 mile corridor. The plan includes a GIS database of construction plans, permits, maps and models within the linear corridor. The collected information was used in conjunction with review of existing infrastructure and development trends to support creation of proposed projects that could encourage future redevelopment of parcels along the corridor. Services for this project included: Data collection, review and cataloguing; FEMA floodplain mapping reviews; LiDAR acquisition; Field reconnaissance and surveys; GIS preparation; Drainage model updates in support of existing conditions analyses and BMP design development; Cost estimate preparation including property acquisition estimates; Pollutant loading calculations; and permitting considerations. 2. CITY OF SANFORD’S WATER TREATMENT PLANT NO. 2 – DISINFECTION BY-PRODUCT REDUCTION IMPROVEMENTS - CPH provided the design of improvements to the City of Sanford’s Water Treatment Plant No. 2. The improvements were part of an overall project being funded through FDEP # DW590120, to comply with the stage 2 of the Disinfection By-Products Rule. Water Plant No. 2 is rated for 4.6 MGD ADF and furnishes conventional aeration and disinfection treatment prior to distribution to Sanford’s water customers. The improvements were designed to remove the organics from the raw water, which were identified as precursors of disinfection by-products (TTHM’s). 3. POWELL ADAMS ROAD RURAL TO URBAN FINAL DESIGN - Services included: roadway, coordination/relocation, signal, survey, utility and environmental. The proposed design converted a two-lane rural roadway to a four-lane divided urban roadway. Design included relocating 70 lf 8 inch water main and 1,295 lf 16 inch water main. The Design also included extending an existing 10 inch forcemain 1,180 lf and adjusting the location of 1,000 lf 10 inch forcemain. 1.2. 3. KEVIN SCHEEL, CST I OFFICE PRODUCTION (CADD) Years of Experience: 21 Education: N/A Licenses & Certifications: Certified Survey Technician NSPS,Certification No. 0307-2100 Level IMOT Intermediate OSHA – Construction Safety & Health First Aid / CPR Key Skills / Qualifications: • Surveying• Land Development/Commercial and Private Projects • Municipal Projects • Location & Recovery of Sectional Work• High Definition Laser Scanning Overview: Mr. Scheel serves the firm of CPH as a High Definition Laser Scanner Technician and Senior Chief of GPS Operations for our Surveying Department. He has 21 years of experience ranging from commercial and residential surveys to locating and recovering sectional work. 1.2. 21Page 172 of 668 1. BELLE TERRE PARKWAY FOUR-LANING - CPH provided complete transportation planning and design services including preliminary engineering analysis, pond siting, roadway realignment alternatives, roadway design, drainage design, traffic analysis and design, landscape architecture, utility design and coordination, right-of-way impact analysis and acquisition, design surveying, and environmental services for the Belle Terre Parkway four-laning. The project consisted of reconstructing approximately 4.1 miles of an existing 2-lane rural road to a 4-lane divided urban roadway with four 12-foot travel lanes and two 4-foot bicycle lanes. 2. SANFORD 1ST STREET STREETSCAPE AND GATEWAY IMPROVEMENTS - Streetscape design package for a 6 block section of historic First Street (approximately 0.40 miles). Designed the roadway, landscape, architecture, and utility plans and prepared specifications for the complete reconstruction of the roadway, including several utility upgrades. LAP Funded and extensive coordination with FDOT. 3. PUMP BRANCH DITCH ENCLOSURE - The project consisted of constructing approximately 372-ft of new 7’x7’ concrete box culvert to enclose an existing ditch and replace existing 84” culvert along the Pump Branch drainage system between 5th St. and 3rd St., east of Pine Ave. The project included surveying, environmental services (wetlands and ecological), geotechnical investigations, design, and permitting of a ditch enclosure, bidding assistance, and limited construction inspection services. 1.2. 3. MICHAEL REIGARD, CST I HIGH DEFINITION FIELD CREW Years of Experience: 20 Education: N/A Licenses & Certifications: Certified Survey Technician NSPS, Certification No. 0307-2879, Level IIntermediate Maintenance of Traffic OSHA - Construction Safety & Health First Aid/CPR Key Skills / Qualifications: • Surveying• Land Development/Commercial and Private Projects • Municipal Projects • Location & Recovery of Sectional Work• High Definition Laser Scanning Overview: Mr. Reigard serves the firm of CPH as a High Definition Laser Scanner Technician and GPS Operator for our Surveying Department. He has 20 years of experience ranging from commercial and residential surveys to locating and recovering sectional work. 1.2. 22Page 173 of 668 1. AREA IV WELL OUTFITTING AND RAW WATER TRANSMISSION MAIN - Performed a Boundary and Topographic Survey for the City of Titusville along N. Singleton Avenue and Folsom. Road for approximately 29,000 linear feet locating all improvements in the right-of-way for the design of a new raw water main. Close coordination with the City and County was needed in order to provide accurate locations of marked underground utilities along the route. Cross-sections were obtained every 100’ along with spot elevations at structures and changes in grade. wetland lines were also located. GPS equipment was used to tie the survey to State Plane Coordinates and to tie previous survey to the north performed by others. All property corners delineating the rights-of-way were located for the entire length of the route. 2. US 17-92 RIVERWALK, PHASE II & III (FDOT LAP) - Phase II - The FDOT LAP project included 1.5 miles of 10-14 foot wide trail, replacement of 5,500 feet of seawall along Lake Monroe, trail head parking, a prefabricated pedestrian bridge over Mill Creek, hardscaping, landscaping, and lighting. Phase III - CPH provided planning, survey, and design services for a new 1.7 mile, 12 ft. wide trail that was part of a multi-phase project funded through a joint partnership with FDOT. This project followed the complete streets design elements with the provision of a Multi-Use Trail, Roadway safety improvements, Traffic Calming design, Roadway & Trail Lighting, Utility Design, Structural Seawall Design, Drainage Improvements/Design, Irrigation Design, Beautification, Hardscape and Landscape Design, Scenic Overlooks of Lake Monroe, Way-finding Design, Pedestrian Mid- Block Crossings (Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons), Traffic Studies, Survey, and Wetland Mitigation. 3. SAND POND ROAD AND SKYLINE DRIVE - 1.25 Mile project consisted of minor widening, turn lane improvements, safety upgrades and converting the existing two-lane rural roadway to a two-lane urban roadway with sidewalks on both sides. Services included geometric design to correct the horizontal and vertical alignments to comply with current standards, pavement analyses to determine the strength and integrity of the existing base material, hydraulic modeling for the proposed stormwater management system, utility coordination and permitting through SJRWMD and Seminole County. LAWRENCE G. STOFFEL, CST I HIGH DEFINITION FIELD CREW Years of Experience: 19 Education: A.A. in Computer Science, Brown College Licenses & Certifications: Certified Survey Technician NSPS,Certification No. 0409-3770 Level I MOT IntermediateOSHA – Construction Safety & HealthFirst Aid / CPR Key Skills / Qualifications: • Surveying • Land Development/Commercial and Private Projects• Municipal Projects• Location & Recovery of Sectional Work• High Definition Laser Scanning• Robotic Survey Equipment Overview: Mr. Stoffel serves the firm of CPH , as a Robotic Crew Chief & GPS Operator for our Surveying Department. He also assists with High Definition Scanning for the Department. He has 19 years of experience ranging from commercial and residential Boundary & Topographic surveys to Construction Layouts. 1.2. 3. 1.2. 23Page 174 of 668 1. AREA IV WELL OUTFITTING AND RAW WATER TRANSMISSION MAIN - Performed a Boundary and Topographic Survey for the City of Titusville along N. Singleton Avenue and Folsom. Road for approximately 29,000 linear feet locating all improvements in the right-of-way for the design of a new raw water main. Close coordination with the City and County was needed in order to provide accurate locations of marked underground utilities along the route. Cross-sections were obtained every 100’ along with spot elevations at structures and changes in grade. wetland lines were also located. GPS equipment was used to tie the survey to State Plane Coordinates and to tie previous survey to the north performed by others. All property corners delineating the rights-of-way were located for the entire length of the route. 2. CITATION PARKWAY IMPROVEMENTS - CPH is providing design for the improvements along Citation Parkway and a portion of Sesame Boulevard. The project area is approximately 0.3 miles long. The project includes extension of Sesame Boulevard to Seminole Woods Boulevard by elimination of the intersection at Citation Parkway and Sesame Boulevard; replacement of the deficient culvert/bridge on Sesame Boulevard; Intersection improvements at Citation Parkway and Seminole Woods Boulevard to include the addition of a left turn and a right turn lane; Intersection improvements at Citation Parkway and Universal Trail, including the addition of a left turn lane; Drainage and utility design; Multi-use path/ passive linear park along the south side of Sesame Boulevard; and a temporary pedestrian crossing and path from Sesame Boulevard to Seminole Woods Boulevard. 3. PALM COAST WELLFIELD DEVELOPMENT, CUP AND POST-CUP COMPLIANCE MONITORING - The City of Palm Coast selected CPH to process a Consumptive Use Permit (CUP) with the SJRWMD and an Environmental Resource Permit (ERP) for the construction of the Water Treatment Plant (WTP) No. 3 with FDEP. CPH was selected by the City to provide civil/site planning and engineering, stormwater, utility and environmental engineering, survey and ecological services for the wellfield development and permitting and WTP design and permitting. 1.2. 3. DONALD E. MCKENNA, GISP GIS MANAGER Years of Experience: 38 Education: Post Baccalaureate Graduate Certificate in Geographic Information Systems, Pennsylvania State UniversityB.A. in Geography/Earth Science, Framingham State College Licenses & Certifications: Certified Geographic Information Systems Professional (GISP) Key Skills / Qualifications: • Geographic Information Systems/Mapping • Geography • Civil engineering • Computer aided design CAD• Remote Sensing• Spatial Analysis Overview: Mr. McKenna serves CPH as Senior GIS Analyst in Environmental Services, with more than 36 years of experience in the Civil Engineering field, as well as Mapping, with the last 38 years in Geographic Information Systems, GIS. Mr. McKenna has a wide range of experience in both the public and private sectors concerning Civil Engineering Design, Construction Project Management, remote sensing, GIS Mapping and Technical support for Water Quality Sampling Devices. 1.2. 24Page 175 of 668 1. US 17-92 RIVERWALK, PHASE II & III (FDOT LAP) - Phase II - The FDOT LAP project included 1.5 miles of 10-14 foot wide trail, replacement of 5,500 feet of seawall along Lake Monroe, trail head parking, a prefabricated pedestrian bridge over Mill Creek, hardscaping, landscaping, and lighting. Phase III - CPH provided planning, survey, and design services for a new 1.7 mile, 12 ft. wide trail that was part of a multi-phase project funded through a joint partnership with FDOT. This project followed the complete streets design elements with the provision of a Multi-Use Trail, Roadway safety improvements, Traffic Calming design, Roadway & Trail Lighting, Utility Design, Structural Seawall Design, Drainage Improvements/Design, Irrigation Design, Beautification, Hardscape and Landscape Design, Scenic Overlooks of Lake Monroe, Way-finding Design, Pedestrian Mid- Block Crossings (Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons), Traffic Studies, Survey, and Wetland Mitigation. 2. SR-50 UTILITY RELOCATION PROJECT (FDOT JPA) - CPH has provided improvements to over 13 miles of the water distribution system and wastewater collection and transmission system within the SR-50 Corridor, one of the busiest roads in Central Florida. The project included the installation of approximately 5.5 miles of 8, 12, 16, 20 and 24-inch diameter water main and 7.7 miles of 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 and 30-inch diameter force main along SR-50 from West SR-436 to Old Cheney Road (the project). Connection of existing services and lateral mains were required while maintaining service to customers. The project also included the design of 15,000 LF of gravity collection lines ranging in size from 8-inch to 24-inch in diameter; installation of approximately 83 manholes with depths to 20-ft. deep; installation a triplex pump master pump station; removal of certain sections of force main, connection of other force main systems to the gravity collection system, and a new lateral connection to the gravity sewer service on SR 50. 3. MIDWAY UTILITIES REPLACEMENT – PHASE 1, SEMINOLE COUNTY - Provided design, permitting, bidding and CEI services. The Project consists of the Construction of approximately 9600-ft of new 4”-10” water main, water services, and fire hydrants within the Midway residential community located east of Sanford. the construction includes the abandonment in place (via grouting) of existing 6” water main and directional drill construction, and the installation of a new Master Meter Assembly. Includes replacing existing water services between the new mains and existing water meters. 1.2. 3. AMY E. DALY, LEED AP ENVIRONMENTAL Years of Experience: 29 Education: M.B.A., FMU, Summa Cum LaudeB.S. in Biological Sciences, Florida State UniversityU.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wetland DelineatorFlorida Unified Mitigation Methodology Course Licenses & Certifications: Qualified Stormwater Management Inspector Prescribed BurnerAuthorized Gopher Tortoise Agent (No. GTA-09-00145)LEED Accredited Professional Key Skills / Qualifications: • Project Management• Ecological Assessments• Environmental Permitting• Mitigation Program Design• Wetland Delineation• Land Management• Consumptive Use Permitting• Functional Assessments• Water Quality Monitoring• Wildlife Assessment, Management, & Permitting Overview: Mrs. Daly serves CPH as principal environmental scientist. She has 29 years of environmental consulting experience with project management, environmental resource assessments, wetland delineation, permitting, mitigation design and implementation, land management, habitat mapping, jurisdictional determinations, wetland functional analyses, protected wildlife surveys and management programs, field survey design and habitat restoration, tortoise surveys, permitting and relocation including commensal species. Mrs. Daly has served as an expert witness on various environmental matters for condemnation proceedings. 1.2. 25Page 176 of 668 SUBCONSULTANTS OVERVIEW DRMP, INC. (DRMP) was founded in 1977 by a group of engineers and surveyors who recognized a new trend formulating in the marketplace. By providing a collaborative approach of their firm’s professional services, their clients were beginning to appreciate and expect the consistency and continuity their projects received. To continue providing these quality services, it was only natural to join forces permanently into one full-service company with a strategic path for expanding services, geographic reach and employee base. Today, DRMP has expanded to 19 offices throughout Florida, Georgia and North Carolina. The firm continues to be ranked annually in Engineering News-Record’s “Southeast Top Design Firms” and “Top 500 Design Firms” in the United States and remains focused on the same core principles it was founded upon – expertise, quality, leadership, trust and respect. AXIS GEOSPATIAL was founded in 2001, AXIS GeoSpatial LLC, a national geocapture firm, employs innovative remote-sensing and measurement technologies to capture geospatial data for integration into civil engineering, land surveying and GIS applications. AXIS is headquartered in Easton, Maryland with additional location in Florida. During the past 20 years, AXIS has applied extensive, proven experience in producing high quality aerial imagery, LiDAR, CADD, GIS and other related geospatial datasets for civil engineering and government clients throughout the US and abroad. Highly trained and experienced Project Managers, Certified Photogrammetrists, CADD personnel, GIS analysts and QA Technicians will ensure project scope and schedule adherence. Contact us today to discuss your next project requiring surveying or mapping services. 26Page 177 of 668 Gregory “Greg” Calderon Hernandez, serves as the Orlando Subsurface Utility Engineering Group Leader for DRMP’s Survey and Mapping/Geospatial Market Sector. His responsibilities include the coordination and supervision of subsurface utility engineering crews, project planning, utility coordination and quality assurance and quality control and preparation of deliverables. Mr. Calderon’s technical experience includes subsurface utility designation (CI/ASCE 38-02 QL-B) and location (CI/ASCE 38-02 QL-A) for large right-of-way projects and smaller sites, as well as obtaining survey data for the various types of surveys. He has experience working with utility designating equipment such as Mala GPR (HDR Pro, RAMAC), RD1000 GPR, EM Locators; Vivax vLoc, 3M Dynatel, Subsite and Metrotech. RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE Hazeltine National Drive Alignment, City of Orlando, Orange County, Florida: SUE Manager responsible for overseeing subsurface utility engineering services, Quality Level B (Designates), to map existing underground utilities within the area of interest (Dakota Drive from east end of Hazeltine National Drive to Narcoossee Road). Survey task included setting Horizontal and Vertical Control, topographic survey with 3D Digital Terrain Model along the proposed project alignment, right-of-way survey and recovered the existing alignment of Narcoossee Road north of SR 528 to establish the right-of-way of Narcoossee Road within the project limits. Maitland Art Center Drainage Rehabilitation, City of Maitland, Seminole County, Florida: SUE Manager responsible for overseeing subsurface utility engineering services, Quality Level A (Locates) and B (Designates), to supplement existing utility data provided by the client and to support the drainage improvement/wall restoration design for the Maitland Art Center. Continuing Services Contract No. C-A024, FDOT District Five, Florida: SUE Manager for this contract. Task work orders have included conventional survey, right-of-way mapping, final monumentation maps, subsurface utilities and terrestrial LiDAR for in-house FDOT projects and design surveys. • SR 600 (US 17/92) John Young Parkway Intersection at Pleasant Hill Road, FDOT District Five, Osceola County: SUE Manager responsible for subsurface utility engineering services (Quality Level B & A) in support of the redesign and resurfacing of SR 600 in Osceola County. This project also consists of updates to the pedestrian crossings and ADA compliance. Surveys include 3D design survey, locating drainage structures, right-of-way, underground utilities and scan data. Continuing On-Call Contract, Florida Power & Light, Statewide, Florida: SUE Manager responsible for providing on-call subsurface utility engineering services throughout Florida. DRMP has completed more than 150 task work orders to date with a range of services including GPR and EMI location, construction phase support, utility test holes, utility clearance for proposed pole locations, as well as utility mapping in and around substations. GREGORY J. CALDERON HERNANDEZ Subsurface Utility Engineering Group Leader VALUE ADDED TO PROJECT: +Strong knowledge of various utility designating equipment +Well-rounded SUE experience +Completed a Utility Investigation School Program Years of Experience 13 Total 3 With DRMP Education Bachelor of Arts in Marketing, University of Puerto Rico (Piedras Campus), 2001 Utility Investigation School Program -Utility Engineering, Louisiana Tech University, 2019 Certifications Utility Investigation School Program, Utility Engineering (SUE), 2019 OSHA 30 Hour Outreach Training for Construction Industry, 2018 OSHA 29 Confined Space Entrant & Entry Supervision Training, 2015 FDOT Advance MOT Certification, 2018 Underground Utility Locator and Field Troubleshooting Certification, 2014 CPR/AED, Standard First Aid & Bloodborne Pathogens, 2018 Software Aptitude Bluebeam Revu 2018 MicroStation 27Page 178 of 668 Gabriel Colon-Rivera, PSM, serves as a Senior Project Manager for DRMP’s Survey and Mapping/Geospatial Market Sector. He is currently responsible for a variety of projects ranging from as-built surveys, platting, continuing services, roadway design survey, subsurface utility engineering (SUE) and right-of-way mapping for local municipalities and FDOT. His tasks include field supervision, data processing, calculations, contract and project management, proposals and estimates. RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE SR 429 (Wekiva Parkway) from River Oaks Circle to Orange Boulevard, FDOT District Five, Seminole County, Florida: Subsurface Utility Engineering/Survey Manager in support of the design of 3.47 miles of new 4-lane divided limited access highway along with dual 2-lane frontage roads. Subsurface utility engineering/survey tasks included secondary horizontal and vertical control, utility designating (ASCE Quality Level B) and locating (ASCE Quality Level A) SUE within the project corridor and side streets. A small segment of utilities from the 3-D Radar Tomography designating results were incorporated and merged with the overall utility survey file. Additional services provided for this project included utility coordination to identify utility owners to facilitate discussion between and the multiple utility owners to come to a satisfactory resolution of utility conflicts. Progress Point, City of Winter Garden, Orange County, Florida: Survey Manager involved in providing a design survey and subsurface utility engineering of four city owned parcels. Project includes Digital Terrain Model full cross sections of Cypress, Palmetto and Denning and the south half of Orange Avenue and extending 50 feet past the end of the property on Orange and Cypress from Mobile LiDAR. In addition, design survey of all four parcels, designation of all existing underground utilities and performed test holes for utility conflicts. SR 520/West Cocoa Beach Causeway, FDOT District Five, Lake County, Florida: Project Surveyor involved in providing a design survey and subsurface utility engineering in order to assist the design process on SR 520/West Cocoa Beach Causeway from East of Milford Point Drive to East of Cape Canaveral Hospital Entrance. Project includes extraction of 2D Planimetric and topographic features from Mobile LiDAR due to safety concerns in the corridor, recover alignment to depict apparent right-of-way, designation of all existing underground utilities from edge of payment to edge of payment and multi-purpose trail. GABRIEL COLON-RIVERA, PSM Senior Project Manager VALUE ADDED TO PROJECT: +Strong knowledge of municipal requirements +Proven survey project management +Highly skilled in data processing and calculations Years of Experience 26 Total 3 With DRMP Professional Registration Professional Surveyor and Mapper No. 7114, Florida, 2016 Professional Land Surveyor No. 24885, Puerto Rico, 2014 Certifications TTC Utility Investigation School, 40 Professional Development Hours Trenchless Technology Center, 2018 FDOT Approved Temporary Traffic Control (TTC), Advanced Course, Certificate No. 32662, FDOT Provider # 37, 2017, Refresher 2021 IdentTrust Digital Certificate Education Bachelor of Science in Land Surveying, Polytechnic University Puerto Rico, 2016 Software Aptitude AutoCAD Civil 3D CAiCE EFB Desktop Lecia Geo Office MicroStation with GEOPAK OpenRoads Designer TopoDOT Trimble Business Center Professional Affiliation Florida Surveying and Mapping Society Professional College of Engineers Land Surveyors of Puerto Rico 28Page 179 of 668 Frank Lopez, PSM, serves as the Orlando Survey Department Manager for DRMP’s Survey and Mapping/Geospatial Market Sector. He serves as a Project Manager for both public and private sector clients specializing in design surveys, right-of-way surveys, continuing contract services, terrestrial mobile LiDAR, subsurface utility engineering, boundary and topographic surveys. He is currently responsible for client management coordination, business development, field crew assignments, project estimation, office production and quality control on a variety of projects ranging from as-built surveys, platting, underground utility survey, roadway design survey and right-of-way mapping. RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE Continuing Survey Services, City of Winter Park, Orange County, Florida: Survey Project Manager responsible for providing surveying and mapping services to the City of Winter Park. Survey services include boundary surveys, specific purpose surveys, topographic surveys, right-of-way surveys, subsurface utility engineering, construction layout, design support services and legal descriptions. Reams Road Final Design, Orange County, Florida: Survey Manager responsible for providing design survey and subsurface utility engineering services in support of the final design and preparation of construction plans for Reams Road from Fiquette Road to Taborfield Avenue (three miles). The project consists of widening, milling and resurfacing, stormwater treatment facilities, permitting, maintenance of traffic, utility coordination, signing and pavement marking, signalization, lighting, geotechnical services, contamination review, survey and development of right-of-way maps. Surveying services include establishing horizontal and vertical control, terrestrial mobile LiDAR scanning, topographic survey, 3D Digital Terrain Model, drainage survey, project network control sheets, subsurface utility designation (Quality Level B) and utility locates (Quality Level A) for the 3D modeling of existing underground utilities. Continuing Services Contract C-A024, FDOT District Five, Various Counties, Florida: Survey Project Manager for this contract. Task work orders have included conventional survey, right-of-way mapping, final monumentation maps, subsurface utilities and terrestrial LiDAR for in-house FDOT projects and design surveys. • SR 600 - John Young Parkway at Pleasant Hill Road, FDOT District Five, Osceola County, Florida: Surveyor-in- Charge responsible for quality control and oversight of surveying activities, mobile scanning, extraction of scan data and subsurface utility engineering services in support of the redesign of SR 600 (John Young Parkway) at the intersection of Pleasant Hill Road. Surveys include 3D design survey, locating drainage structures, right-of-way, underground utilities and mobile scan data. FRANK LOPEZ, PSM Project Manager Years of Experience 21 Total 4 With DRMP Professional Registration Professional Surveyor and Mapper, No. LS7001, Florida, 2014 Professional Surveyor No. 20094, Puerto Rico, 2004 Certifications FDOT Temporary Traffic Control (TTC) Intermediate Course Education Bachelor of Arts inLand Surveying, University of Puerto Rico, 2001 Professional Affiliation National Society of Professional Surveyors Florida Surveying and Mapping Society College of Engineers and Land Surveyors of Puerto Rico Software Aptitude AutoCAD Civil 3D ArcGIS Electronic Field Book Processing GEOPAK MicroStation SS10 TopoDOT Trimble Business Center OpenRoads Designer CONNECT VALUE ADDED TO PROJECT: +Project inspection and quality control expertise +Thorough experience ensuring contractor compliance with Federal and Local pollution laws 29Page 180 of 668 Steven B. Smith, CST I, serves as a Crew Chief for DRMP’s Survey and Mapping/Geospatial Market Sector. In this capacity, he is responsible for assisting the utility coordinator by providing subsurface utility designation (CI/ASCE 38-02 QL-B) and location (CI/ASCE 38-02 QL-A), field reviews and collection of utility data, reading and interpreting plans and specifications, setting up and running GPS equipment, obtaining inverts and accurate pipe sizes, and daily downloads of survey data. Mr. Smith has experience working with utility designating equipment such as Mala GPR (HDR Pro, RAMAC), RD1000 GPR, EM Locators; Vivax vLoc, 3M Dynatel, Subsite for utility designation. RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE SR 528 (Beachline) Widening from I-4 to Florida’s Turnpike (MP 0-4.3), Florida’s Turnpike Enterprise, Orange County, Florida: Served as Utility Technician responsible for SUE data collection and Quality Level A and B utilities for design topo from I-4 to Turnpike for the $92.5 million project widening of 4.3 miles of SR 528 from a 4-lane to 8-lane limited access toll facility. Structural improvements included the widening of six bridges with Florida-I Beams, replacement of one bridge and the addition of two ramp bridges, cantilever and span structures, bridge mounted sign structures, mast arms, box culvert extension, noise walls and intelligent transportation system structures. Plans included design of toll gantry, roadway, drainage, signing and pavement markings, maintenance of traffic, structures, lighting, signals, intelligent transportation systems, environmental permitting and surveying. SR 408 Widening from SR 417 to Alafaya Trail (Project No. 408-128), Central Florida Expressway Authority, Orange County, Florida: Utility Technician responsible for SUE data collection and Quality Level A and B utilities for design and widening. Survey services include establishing project alignment, topographic survey with Digital Terrain Model (DTM), drainage survey, utility location with SUE, bridge survey, jurisdictional line survey and right of way location. This project was for the $78 million widening of a limited access toll facility from 4-lanes to 6-lanes from SR 417 to Alafaya Trail. There are four existing SR 408 bridge crossing sites, including the Little Econlockhatchee River, Rouse Road, Kehoe Boulevard and Alafaya Trail. SR 408 over the Little Econlockhatchee River includes widening both to the inside as well as closing a ramp gore for safety improvements. The Rouse Road Bridge includes widening to the inside. The Kehoe Bridge includes widening to both the inside and outside. The SR 408 over Alafaya Trail bridge replacement uses Florida-U 72 Beams and eliminates an existing median pier allowing an additional turn lane below the crossing. Other project design elements include complex maintenance of traffic, drainage design, permitting, signing and pavement marking, lighting, signalization, intelligent transportation systems, utility coordination and geotechnical. I-95 Lighting at LPGA, US 1, Old Dixie Highway, FDOT District Five, Volusia County, Florida: Utility Technician on survey crew for data collection for design survey in support of lighting design at the interchanges. STEVEN B. SMITH, CST I Crew Chief VALUE ADDED TO PROJECT: +Experience as a field crew member and leader +Highly skilled at SUE data collection +Well-versed in various SUE equipment Years of Experience 13 Total 8 With DRMP Education High School Diploma Certifications Certified Survey Technician I 06/30/2023 FDOT Maintenance of Traffic 03/26/2025 Adult, Child, Infant CPR & AED Training 08/27/2023 Staking University Utility Locator Certification Equipment Auto Levels (Topcon, Sokkia, Trimble) Total Station (Topcon, Sokkia, Trimble) Trimble GPS System (5700, R8, R10) RD1000 Ground Penetration Radar Mala Easy Locator Ground Penetration Radar Radio Detection 8100 EM Vivax EM Topcon Instruments Leica Instruments Software Aptitude Electronic Field Book TDS Survey Pro Carlson Survey Data Collection Trimble Access Data Collection EFB Data Collection 30Page 181 of 668 Bruce Lewis, PLS, PSM Professional Land Surveyor in Charge AXIS GeoSpatial LLC Summary Bruce E. Lewis has over 37 years of experience in Land Surveying in the public and private sectors in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Florida. He is responsible for aerial ground control surveys, boundary surveys, topographical surveys, and construction stakeout surveys of large and small land development projects. Mr. Lewis coordinates all survey activities and provides oversight for survey projects for a variety of clients to assure client requirements and specifications are met. Mr. Lewis is the Surveyor and Mapper of record for all photogrammetric mapping projects prepared by AXIS within the State of Florida. Education Certificate / Land Surveying / Rutgers University / 1971 Continuing Education Courses / Attendance at Conferences and Seminars:  Pennsylvania Society of Land Surveyors  New Jersey Society of Land Surveyors  Florida Surveyor and Mappers Society  American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing License Professional Land Surveyor  NJ License No. 24GS03585200  PA License No. SU048617R  FL License No. LS6700 Surveyor Photogrammetrist VA License No. 0408000091 Relevant Project Experience Peace River Watermain – as Surveyor of Record, Mr. Lewis was responsible for project oversight, review, and approval signature for this 50-scale planimetric mapping, DTM including gridded masspoints derived from bare-earth lidar, TIN, & 1ft Contours in addition to 0.25’ GSD orthoimage tiles. He ensured client CAD standards and layering structure requirements were met. Osceola County – Serving as PSM in Charge; Mr. Lewis setup control layout for this project. Project included 30-scale planimetric mapping, DTM and 1’ contours and .2’ GSD pixel orthoimages in GeoTIFF format for 1,320 acres in Kissimmee FL. Mr. Lewis reviewed all data deliverables to ensure completeness and accuracy. Port Manatee (Manatee County, FL) - Serving as PSM in Charge; Project PM, Mr. Lewis managed the aerial imagery & LiDAR acquisition, ground control locations, AT review, reviewed DTM surface, QA/QC of map and ortho imagery files. All data was reviewed by Mr. Lewis, our Florida Registered Surveyor and Mapper to ensure completeness and accuracy. 31Page 182 of 668 Dave Rorrer, Certified Photogrammetrist Processing Manager AXIS GeoSpatial LLC Summary Mr. Rorrer has over 38 years experience in all phases of photogrammetry. From capturing aerial imagery and lidar to managing a QA/ QC department, Mr. Rorrer’s skills and experience has been relied upon for many small & large scale projects. His responsibilities include managing several large, multi-year projects consisting of hi-definition lidar, photogrammetry, remote sensing, GIS, cadastral and several other related mapping sciences. is responsible for day-to-day production operations. He monitors project schedules and resources to deliver a quality product to clients in a timely manner. Education Professional Training – Surveying, Photogrammetry Project Management Training License ASPRS Certified Photogrammetrist # R1047 Certified Professional Photogrammetrist # 0408000151 - State of Virginia April 14, 2010 Relevant Project Experience Peace River Watermain - Mr. Rorrer managed technical teams to ensure project schedule and contract requirements were met for this project in Sarasota FL. He provided oversight for AXIS in-house QA/QC program. Brevard County - South Central WRF - Mr. Rorrer managed all phases of production activities for this design scale mapping project in Melbourne FL. He managed the team to complete aerial acquisition, aerotriangulation, 0.25ft GSD orthoimagery, 30-scale planimetrics, DTM, TIN & 1’ topographic data, Quality Control and final preparation and packaging of all deliverables. Taylor Creek - As production manager Mr. Rorrer was in charge of all phases of production activities including imagery and lidar acquisition, aerotriangulation, LiDAR classification, 0.25’ GSD ortho processing and QA/QC of final deliverables. Port Manatee - Manatee County, FL - Mr. Rorrer reviewed the imagery for coverage and orientation, set-up and processed the analytical triangulation (AT) solution; he reviewed and edited the bare earth LiDAR data set, Stereo digitized the planimetric data at 1”=40’ scale; Stereo digitized breaklines to add definition to the bare earth surface. He also provided QA/QC and generated the final 0.5’ GSD digital ortho imagery. 32Page 183 of 668 Please see the table below depicting our proposed team members registered licenses and professional certifications. A copy of CPH’s professional license can also be found on page XX. Name Proposed Role FL License No. Thomas J. Galloway, PSM Principal-in-Charge Professional Surveyor & Mapper - FL (No. 6549) Paul J. Katrek, PSM Project Manager Professional Surveyor & Mapper - FL (No. 6233) Randall “Randy” L. Roberts, PSM QA/QC Professional Surveyor & Mapper - FL (No. 3144) William B. Tamm, CSTII Field Crew Manager Certified Survey Technician NSPS, Certification No. 0307-287 John Bach, CSTII High Definition Survey Manager Certified Survey Technician NSPS, Certification No. 0408-3522, Level II David Sullivan, CST I Conventional Field Crew Certified Survey TechnicianNSPS, Certification No. 0807-3129, Level I Kevin Scheel, CSTI Office Production (CADD)Certified Survey Technician NSPS, Certification No. 0307-2100, Level I Michael Reigard, CSTI High Definition Field Crew Certified Survey Technician NSPS, Certification No. 0307-2879, Level I Erik Hatecke, CSTI High Definition Field Crew Certified Survey Technician NSPS, Certification (No. 0409-3765), Level I Amy E. Daly, LEED AP Environmental Authorized Gopher Tortoise Agent (No. GTA-09-00145)LEED Accredited Professional Donald E. McKenna, GISP GIS Manager GIS Professional (no. 49514) Donald E. McKenna, GISP GIS Manager GIS Professional (no. 49514) Bruce Lewis, PLS, PSM Aerial Photogrammetry Professional Land Surveyor (No. LS6700) Dave Rorrer, Certified Photogrammetrist Aerial Photogrammetry ASPRS Certified Photogrammetrist # R1047 Gregory J. Calderon Hernandez Subsurface Utility Exploration Utility Investigation School Program, Utility Engineering (SUE), 2019 Gabriel Colon-Rivera, PSM Subsurface Utility Exploration Professional Surveyor and Mapper - FL (No. 7114) 33Page 184 of 668 Name Proposed Role FL License No. Frank Lopez, PSM Subsurface Utility Exploration Professional Surveyor & Mapper - FL (No. LS7001) Steven B. Smith, CST I Subsurface Utility Exploration Certified Survey Technician NSPS, Certification No. 0307-2879, Level I 34Page 185 of 668 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS ARCHITECTURE SURVEYORS & MAPPERS LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS State of Florida Department of State I certify from the records of this office that CPH,LLC is a Delaware limited liability company authorized to transact business in the State of Florida, qualified on May 31, 2022. The document number of this limited liability company is M22000008499. I further certify that said limited liability company has paid all fees due this office through December 31, 2023,that its most recent annual report was filed on January 5, 2023,and that its status is active. I further certify that said limited liability company has not filed a Certificate of Withdrawal. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State of Florida at Tallahassee,the Capital, this the Fifth day of January, 2023 Tracking Number: 5848158904CC To authenticate this certificate,visit the following site,enter this number, and then follow the instructions displayed. https://services.sunbiz.org/Filings/CertificateOfStatus/CertificateAuthentication LICENSES & CERTIFICATIONS 35Page 186 of 668 CLIENT REFERENCES We have worked with many of our clients for more than 41 years. These long term relationships have afforded us many opportunities to meet our client’s needs and perform municipal surveying and mapping services. Over the years, as their population increased, regulations changed, or needs changed, CPH acted as their continuing design firm providing planning for improvements, design, funding assistance, and construction administration. The team has extensive experience in working under continuing contracts and is available for planned projects as well as un-planned emergencies. Below is a sample of the projects we have completed under our continuing contracts. Client Project UTILITIES COMMISSION NEW SMYRNA BEACH (UCNSB)Dana Hale, P.E.Phone: 386.424.3037Email: dhale@ucnsb.org • Turnbull Bay Road Line 17 Reconductoring TOHOPEKALIGA WATER AUTHORITYGeorg Eversole, P.E.Phone: 407.944.5000Email: geversole@kissimmee.org • N. Poinciana Blvd. Roadway Repair• Lift Station By-Pass Pumps • Payment Kiosks at Mann Street & Country Club Road SEMINOLE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLSJoan VanSickle Phone: 407.320.0062 Email: vansijz@scps.k12.fl.us • Seminole County Public Schools- Lake Howell Project OSCEOLA COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT John P. DavisPhone: 407.518.2964Email: davisjp@osceola.k12.fl.us • Osceola County – Multiple School Sites • Bellalago Charter Academy – Kissimmee, FL • Celebration High School – Celebration, FL • Reedy Creek Elementary School – Kissimmee, FL • St. Cloud High School – St. Cloud, FL CITY OF ORANGE CITY Migdalia Hernandez, Public Works Director Phone: 386.775.5446 E-Mail: mhernandez@ourorangecity.com • Orange City Monastery Road Survey CITY OF SANFORD (SINCE 1958) Bilal Iftikhar, P.E., Public Works Director Phone: 407.688.5000E-Mail: bilal.iftikhar@sanfordfl.gov • US 17-92 Riverwalk, Phase II & III (FDOT LAP)• Regional Reclaimed Vol-Sanford Interconnect• Max West Gasification System • Mill Creek Drainage Basin Improvements • East Lake Mary Blvd. Segment I - Utility Improvements • Sanford South Water Resource Center Facility Improvements• St. John Pkwy. Phase II & III Roadway Project• Magnolia Avenue Reclaimed Watermain Extension 36Page 187 of 668 CPH has ten (10) offices in the State of Florida with support of approximately 290+ personnel throughout the company to assist in the projects for the City of Ocoee. The City will have the direct commitment of the CPH Orlando office, located at 1117 E Robinson Street, Orlando, FL 32801. The Orlando office is staffed with employees that include registered personnel, administrative staff, and owners of the firm to accomplish the projects on time and within budget. The map above shows the City of Ocoee along with the local office for CPH. 02. FIRM’S OFFICE LOCATION & OTHER FORMS OFFICE LOCATIONS CPH ORLANDO OFFICE CITY OF OCOEE OFFICE LOCATION APPROXIMATE DISTANCE FROM CITY OFFICES CPH ORLANDO 15 Miles (22 Minutes) CPH SANFORD 40 Miles (43 Minutes) 37Page 188 of 668 38Page 189 of 668 39Page 190 of 668 40Page 191 of 668 41Page 192 of 668 The following cases have all been settled: Nailya Harnisch as Personal Representative of the Estate of Dennis J. Harnisch vs. Wal-Mart Stores East, LP, CPH, Inc. a/k/a CPH Engineers, Inc., and Sleiman Enterprises, Inc. Case No. 2020 CA 3252 Division: CV-C; Policy No. RDP0042906Origination Date – August 2021 Settlement Date – June 2022CPH was named in a suit along with Wal-Mart and Sleiman related to a pedestrian being hit by a vehicle while traversing a pedestrian crosswalk located in a Wal-Mart parking lot. The pedestrian passed away 6 days later. CPH designed the Wal-Mart parking lot and the suit alleges professional negligence. Further, the driver of the car was a Wal-Mart employee high on marijuana whose sole negligence was the cause of the accident. The suit was filed past the Statute of Limitations; with no basis for negligence related to services provided by CPH therefore we filed for dismissal and were granted a Summary Judgement and case was dismissed on June 28, 2022. City of Fernandina Beach vs. CPH Engineers, Inc. et al Case No. 2014-CA-343 Division: CA; Policy No. RDP0018939Origination Date – December 2014 Settlement Date - November 2021The City of Fernandina Beach filed suit in relation to a subdivision which had two streets having groundwater flowing over the curb and draining into the street for a distance of about fifty yards on each street. The subdivision was designed by another engineer and CPH assisted the developer during construction. The project was built seventeen years ago and only had the problem 10 years after construction. CPH is investigating the matter and it appears a new pond was built in the area and the outfall of the storm system is not functioning correctly. We attempted to work with the City to resolve the issue; however, CPH was not the original Design Engineer nor did this issue occur until many years after project completion; therefore, CPH did not feel that we were liable on either of these counts. After many years of discussion on the appropriate resolution to correct the issues, CPH agreed to settle this case in November/2021 for $140,000 to avoid any additional litigation costs. CPH continued to work for the City throughout the litigation including being reselected to provide services to the City and made a business decision to settle the matter even though there was no negligence in CPH services. SUMMARY OF LITIGATION 42Page 193 of 668 RRFFQQ ##2233--000066 CCoonnttiinnuuiinngg CCoonnttrraacctt ffoorr SSuurrvveeyyiinngg aanndd MMaappppiinngg SSeerrvviicceess PPrreesseenntteedd ttoo:: CCiittyy ooff OOccooeeee 115500 NNoorrtthh LLaakkeesshhoorree DDrriivvee.. OOccooeeee,, FFlloorriiddaa 3344776611 PPrreesseenntteedd bbyy:: BBaarrnneess,, FFeerrllaanndd aanndd AAssssoocciiaatteess,, IInncc.. 11223300 HHiillllccrreesstt SSttrreeeett,, SSuuiittee 110000 OOrrllaannddoo,, FFlloorriiddaa 3322880033 MMaarrcchh 77,, 22002233 Page 194 of 668 i Contents – Cover Letter Section 1 Statement of Qualifications a. Introduction to the Firm and Proposed Project Team ................................................. 1-1 b. Organizational Chart .................................................................................................. 1-3 c. Personnel Qualifications - Resumes .......................................................................... 1-4 d. Licenses and Certifications ...................................................................................... 1-10 e. Subconsultants ........................................................................................................ 1-12 f. Similar Projects ........................................................................................................ 1-12 g. Ability to Meet Time and Budget Requirements ....................................................... 1-14 h. Equipment List ......................................................................................................... 1-15 i. Client References .................................................................................................... 1-16 Section 2 Firm’s Office Location and Other Forms a. Office Location ........................................................................................................... 2-1 b. MBE Certification ....................................................................................................... 2-2 c. Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form .......................................................................... 2-2 d. Company Information / Signature Sheet .................................................................... 2-2 e. Drug-Free Workplace Form ....................................................................................... 2-2 f. Receipt of Addenda.................................................................................................... 2-2 g. Summary of Litigation ................................................................................................ 2-2 Page 195 of 668 1230 Hillcrest Street • Suite 100 • Orlando, FL 32803 Office (407) 896-8608 • Fax (407) 896-1822 March 3, 2023 City of Ocoee 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, FL 34761 SUBJECT: RFQ #23-006 Continuing Contract for Surveying and Mapping Services Barnes, Ferland and Associates, Inc. (aka BFA Environmental) is pleased to present to the City of Ocoee an electronic copy in PDF format of our Statement of Qualifications in response to the City’s Request for Qualifications RFQ No. 23-006, Continuing Contract for Surveying and Mapping Services. BFA has assembled a project team which is eminently qualified and experienced to meet the full range of the City’s surveying and mapping needs. BFA is a multi-disciplinary environmental engineering, surveying/mapping and hydrogeological consulting firm. We provide our clients with comprehensive services related to survey, subsurface exploration, utility coordination, and utility relocation of existing utilities located within State, County and City rights-of-way subject to roadway widening and improvement projects. BFA is committed to providing reliable, responsive, cost-effective and high-quality services to both our large and small clients. BFA is also a State of Florida certified MBE firm. We were incorporated on April 5, 1994, with our main headquarters in Orlando and satellite offices in Miami and West Palm Beach, Florida and New Orleans, Louisiana. We have provided environmental, and water/wastewater engineering services in Central Florida for 25 years. In 2009 we added surveying and mapping as a discipline we provide in-house and shortly thereafter we added subsurface utility engineering (SUE) services to round out our full-service survey division. The BFA Surveying and Mapping Department relies on highly qualified and experienced staff and provides Boundary Surveys, Horizontal and Vertical Control Surveys, Topographic Surveys for Engineering Design, Construction Staking, As-Built Surveys, Legal Descriptions and Specific Purpose Surveys. BFA has been providing survey services since 2009 to clients including Orange County Utilities and Public Works, Cities of Orlando, Ocoee and Longwood, Greater Orlando Aviation Authority, Florida Department of Transportation and numerous local firms as a subconsultant for survey and mapping services. We maintain cutting edge survey equipment to provide cost effective and accurate survey solutions. Within our submittal, BFA provides the following evidence of our expertise and qualifications for the City of Ocoee’s consideration: A highly qualified local team of professionals with significant relevant and recent experience on projects similar to the scope of work requested in the City’s RFQ. The BFA Team members have a successful history of working on similar continuing consulting service contracts for surveying and mapping, including the City of Ocoee. Page 196 of 668 March 3, 2023 Page 2 Our working Principals are capable of committing the resources necessary for completing project assignments on time and on budget. Our reputation for providing personal attention to the client’s unique and special needs, and high quality-affordable service. In closing, we greatly appreciate the opportunity to present our professional qualifications for your thoughtful consideration and sincerely look forward to continuing our professional relationship with the City of Ocoee. Sincerely, Barnes, Ferland and Associates, Inc. Willie E. Thomas, P.E. President Page 197 of 668 SECTION 1 STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS 1-1 a. Introduction to the Firm Barnes, Ferland and Associates, Inc. (BFA Environmental) is a civil/environmental engineering, hydrogeological consulting, and surveying/mapping firm that specializes in the design and construction management of water, wastewater, and reclaimed water infrastructure improvements; water and wastewater treatment plant designs; water, wastewater, and reuse water system planning; utility coordination, survey, subsurface exploration, protection and utility relocation of existing utilities; water resources management and supply; hydrogeological and wellfield development; aquifer storage and recovery (ASR); solid and hazardous waste management; and environmental and contamination assessment solutions. Barnes, Ferland and Associates, Inc. is a Corporation formed on April 5, 1994 in the State of Florida and BFA Environmental is a Fictitious Name filed under the Corporation. BFA is a certified minority business with the State of Florida and numerous local government agencies. (Copy of Certification is provided in Section 2.b). We are committed to providing reliable, responsive, cost-effective, and high- quality design services to both our municipal/utility and engineering consulting clients. BFA is a Florida firm with its main headquarters in Orlando, Florida and satellite offices in Miami and West Palm Beach, and New Orleans, Louisiana. BFA is staffed by five (5) professional engineers, three (3) project engineers, two (2) professional geologists, a professional hydrologist, a professional surveyor, a SUE utility coordinator, two (2) environmental scientists, and twelve (12) technical and administrative support staff. Since BFA’s inception, our focus has been on building trust, and providing exceptional service and attention to our clients. Surveying and Mapping The BFA Surveying and Mapping Department relies on highly qualified and experienced staff and provides Boundary Surveys, Horizontal and Vertical Control Surveys, Topographic Surveys for Engineering Design, Construction Staking, As-Built Surveys, Legal Descriptions and Specific Purpose Surveys. BFA has been providing survey services since 2009 to clients including Orange County Utilities and Public Works, Cities of Orlando, Ocoee and Longwood, Greater Orlando Aviation Authority, Florida Department of Transportation and numerous local firms as a subconsultant for survey and mapping services. We utilize a variety of cutting edge survey equipment to provide cost effective and accurate work. Subsurface Utility Engineering Our experienced and knowledgeable staff maintains productive and ongoing relationships with the various utility agencies, local municipalities, and FDOT agencies. BFA is a member of the Sunshine One Call system. Uses for Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) includes Utility locating, pot holing, trenching, pole/ sign and mast arm clearing, manhole or valve box cleanout and lift stations. SUE services when complimenting a survey and mapping project provides the client a seamless and complete picture of what is underground with a precise horizontal and vertical location as well as the size, material and type of utility. Our Team has a wide range of experience and expertise in the use of state-of-the-art technology to meet project objectives. Examples of innovative methods and technology include ground penetrating radar (GPR) and vacuum excavation to verify existing utility information; provides SUE services along with our survey services as a one-stop shop; we utilize two different types of GPS Page 198 of 668 1-2 systems (Topcon and Trimble); and we also utilize Topcon Digital Level which processes data faster, more accurately and cost effectively. The City of Ocoee is the primary member of our team with Barnes Ferland and Associates, Inc. (BFA) being an extension of the City staff working with you to provide you with quality professional survey and mapping services. We will coordinate with designated City staff members and communicate to keep you informed and involved with each phase of a project. Proposed Project Team Willie E. Thomas, P.E. Principal-in-Charge Mr. Thomas will serve as Principal-in-Charge, responsible for the overall management of all City of Ocoee projects. Mr. Thomas has over 29 years of experience in utility and municipal engineering, master planning, water resources engineering, design and construction of water and wastewater treatment facilities, effluent reuse and disposal, water distribution/transmission and pumping systems, wastewater collection/transmission and pumping systems, and well field development and well pumping systems. Capabilities include the knowledge and utilization of GIS platforms for spatial analysis of various types of feature sets and geodatabase files. Mr. Thomas also has experience evaluating and designing wastewater, potable water, and reuse water conveyance systems using various hydraulic modeling platforms and integration with GIS Mapping. As President and a Senior Project Manager at BFA, Mr. Thomas supervises and coordinates various engineering and project management activities related to BFA staff members and subconsultants ensuring project objectives, schedules and client expectations are met. Responsibilities also include management and coordination of survey services required for infrastructure design. Genel (Jay) Sturgeon, PSM Vice President, Survey Division Manager Mr. Sturgeon will serve as the Vice President, Division Manager and Surveyor in Responsible Charge for all work on this contract and will be the point of contact regarding all task assignments and work orders. He will be the signatory for all contracts and work orders and will work directly with city personnel in the development and execution of survey and subsurface utility engineering (SUE) assignments and ongoing stages of all projects. Mr. Sturgeon has 38 years of surveying and mapping experience specializing in ALTA/ACSM surveys, boundary, topographic with contours and volumes, as-built, construction, design surveys, route surveys, GIS, control surveys vertical and horizontal, sections and township surveys and platting. He is also highly experienced in performing utility designations and SUE utilizing geophysical locating equipment, ground penetrating radar (GPR), and vacuum excavation equipment. 26 years of Autocad / Carson Software experience. David Ragland, CST III Survey Crew Chief/ SUE Supervisor Mr. Ragland has over 29 years’ experience and is responsible for the performance of field operations on Boundary Surveys, Topographic Surveys and Control Surveys as well as Subsurface Utility Exploration including the marking and designating underground utilities and excavation for positive location and identification to aid the engineering design of new facilities. 29 years of experience B.S. Civil Engineering Professional Engineer Florida 57612 38 years of experience Professional Surveyor and Mapper LS 5866 29 years of experience Certified Survey Technician – Level III for Construction and Boundary Survey Page 199 of 668 1-3 City of Ocoee Willie E. Thomas PE Principal-in-Charge Genel (Jay) Sturgeon, PSM QA/QC Division Manager David Ragland CST III Survey / Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) CADD Manager Michael Crowell, CST II Survey Christopher Norwood Field Crews 5 – Survey 2 - SUE Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) Horace Wynter Christopher Norwood Survey Party Chief Mr. Norwood has over 17 years’ experience and is responsible for boundary, topographic, section surveying, control horizontal and vertical, GPS and data collection. Horace Wynter Utility Coordinator Mr. Wynter has over nine years’ experience and is responsible for Subsurface Utility Engineering, utility designation, utility excavation, airport’s, topographic, pump stations and data collection. Michael Crowell, CST Survey CADD Manager Mr. Crowell has over 25 years of surveying experience. He applies knowledge of AutoCAD Civil 3D, standards of practice and field operations in the production of various land surveying projects including boundary, topographic, wetlands, coastal construction control lines, mean high water line, utility as-builts, subdivision plats, right-of-way, ALTA/ACSM, construction staking calculations and writing and sketching legal descriptions. Assists Project Engineers in the production of a variety of engineering projects including water treatment plants, roadway, civil site plan and profiles, and various water, sewer and storm water utility projects. Applies knowledge of land surveying field and office operations to process and reduce survey field data in addition to providing research and calculation data for survey field crews. Supervises survey field personnel in day to day operations and the use of GPS and conventional survey equipment. Clients familiar with his work include most central Florida government agencies as well as non-government clients. b. Organizational Chart 25 years of experience Certified Survey Technician – Level II, Office Autodesk Certified Professional, AutoCAD Civil 3D 9 years of experience 17 years of experience Page 200 of 668 1-4 c. Personnel Qualifications - Resumes WILLIE E. THOMAS, PE PRINCIPAL-IN-CHARGE / PRESIDENT EXPERIENCE Barnes, Ferland and Associates, Inc. 2000-Present Brown and Caldwell, Inc. 1994 – 2000 EDUCATION University of Central Florida, B.S., Civil Engineering, 1996 PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION ASSOCIATIONS Professional Engineer FL 57612 (2000) Florida Water and Environment Association (FWEA) REPRESENTATIVE EXPERIENCE Orange County Continuing Utilities Engineering Contracts - Orange County, FL Principal/Senior Project Manager for six consecutive 3-year terms (for a total of 18 consecutive years) for Orange County Utilities’ Continuing Engineering Contract under the terms of the Consultants Competitive Negotiations Act. The multiple purchase orders issued under these contracts for the past 18 years have included studies, surveys, planning, environmental services, design, permitting, bidding and construction management for various water, wastewater, and reclaimed water utility improvement projects. Projects include water distribution system rehabilitation/replacement, wastewater collection and transmission system design and rehabilitation, pump station and sewer rehabilitation/replacement, and various other utility pipeline projects. Current contract includes projects under the Force Main R\R Program: preliminary engineering, final design, permitting, bidding, and construction administration services for six (6) packages totaling approximately 28,000 linear feet of 4-inch through 16-inch force main with a combined construction value of $8,814,000. City of Orlando Continuing Wastewater Engineering Services Contracts -Orlando, FL Principal/Senior Project Manager for the four consecutive 3-year terms (for a total of 12 consecutive years) for the City of Orlando’s Continuing Wastewater Engineering Services Contract under the terms of the Consultants Competitive Negotiations Act. The multiple purchase orders issued under these contracts over the past 9 years have included studies, surveys, planning, design, permitting and construction management of various wastewater utility improvement projects. Projects include wastewater collection and transmission systems and pumping stations rehabilitation and modification, and wastewater treatment plant modifications, and various wastewater utility site evaluations and studies. Orange County Utilities - Harbor East Pump Station and Force Main Improvements Project Manager – Mr. Thomas designed the replacement of an existing duplex pump station with a new triplex master pump station within an existing residential neighborhood. The Master PS facilities includes three (3) 850-gpm (30 Hp) submersible pumps, 100-KW generator, 1,000-LF of 8-inch and 15-inch gravity sewer, installation of 13,350-LF of 12-inch force main, abandonment of existing duplex pump station, and abandonment of 3,040-LF of 6-inch force main. The project also included approximately 2.5-miles of existing roadway replacement and asphalt resurfacing. Responsibilities also included management and coordination of survey services required for infrastructure design. Survey services required included topographic survey of the construction corridor, horizontal and vertical locates of existing pipes at proposed tie-in locations, and boundary survey for property acquisition of the proposed lift station site. Orange County Utilities - Holden Heights Phase III Project Manager – Provided preliminary design, final design, permitting, bidding and award, public information, and construction administration services for the installation of 4.5-miles of 8-inch through 12-inch gravity sanitary sewer piping and associated manholes; 18,700 feet of 2-inch thru 12-inch water main; a storm water collection system including new curb and gutter and 4.5 miles of existing roadway replacement. Responsibilities also included management and coordination of survey services required for infrastructure design. Survey services required included topographic survey of the construction corridor, and horizontal and vertical locates of existing pipes at proposed tie-in locations. Miami-Dade County Florida - NW 7th Avenue Sanitary Improvements - Senior Project Engineer - Project included the installation of 6,500 LF of 8” PVC gravity sewer, 2,800 LF of 8” DIP force main, and a 47 Hp duplex wastewater pump station. The FDOT portion of the project consisted of resurfacing and striping of approximately 1-mile of N.W. 7th Avenue. As the prime contractor, responsibilities also included management and coordination of survey services required for utility infrastructure design and roadway improvements. Survey services required included topographic survey of the construction corridor, horizontal and vertical locates of existing pipes at proposed tie-in locations. Page 201 of 668 1-5 GENEL J. STURGEON, PSM VICE PRESIDENT, SURVEY and SUBSURFACE UTILITY ENGINEERING (SUE) DIVISION MANAGER EXPERIENCE Barnes, Ferland and Associates, Inc. 2018 – Present Henrich, Luke, Swaggerty & Menard (HLSM) 2017 – 2018 Leading Edge Land Services 2016 – 2017 American Surveying & Mapping, Inc. 2008 - 2016 Prior Firms 1985 – 2008 EDUCATION PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS Numerous Continuing Education Seminars Florida Surveying & Mapping Society Certified Survey Technician Instructor Central Florida Chapter, FSMS Maintenance of Traffic – Advanced Level American Congress Surveying & Mapping, ACSM PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION Florida Professional Surveyor & Mapper No. LS 5866 REPRESENTATIVE EXPERIENCE City of Orlando Continuing Surveying Services - Orlando, FL - As a subconsultant on the 3 continuing Survey and Mappings contracts, BFA provides subsurface utility engineering exploration (SUE) to mark utilities for inclusion as part of Topographic Surveys at numerous sites within the city. Excavation underground utilities for positive identification and precise location for design purposes. City of Ocoee Continuing Survey and Mapping Services – Ocoee, FL – City Surveyor, City of Ocoee - Tasks assigned under this contract have included several proposed plats for conformance to applicable portions of Chapter 177, Florida Statutes. Initial and subsequent reviews include comments for corrections. Field reviews are performed prior to signature and seal as reviewing surveyor representing the city. Field surveys have been performed for the preparation of a legal description and sketch for the acquisition of right-of-way and easements for property annexation into city. Sylvester and Benjamin Properties (Kentucky Avenue) – Orange City, FL - Numerous boundary surveys and right- of-way surveys for acquisition by the City. Title review, section break down, legal descriptions for parcels and roadways to be vacated or designed and purchased. East Longwood Septic Tank Abatement Phase 2 – Longwood, FL - Boundary surveys, topographic surveys, SUE surveys of above and below ground utilities, excavation for utility identification for roadway, sanitary sewer pipeline, pump station and residential septic tank abandonment and sewer connections to sewer system of multiple city blocks. Sketch and descriptions for acquisition and easement. Grand Avenue Community Center – Orlando, FL - Design and renovation of 1926 historic Grand Avenue School and design and construction or a new Grand Avenue Community Center. $17,000,000 project that included boundary and topographic survey of an entire city block, utility designation and location of above and below ground utilities. Horizontal and vertical control and construction staking. City of Orlando LS 139 Force Main Replacement – Orlando, FL - Boundary and topographic survey prepared to aid in the design of a force main replacement project along an Orlando Utilities Commission easement. Utility designation, utility excavations and Title Work. Orange County Rehabilitation of Pump Stations - Package 22 Improvements (5 Pump Stations), Package 32 Improvements (4 Pump Stations), Package 34 Improvements (4 Pump Stations) – Orlando, FL - Topographic Survey, Utility Designation, Utility Excavation, Boundary Survey, Title Work for Wastewater Treatment Facilities, Structures, Equipment Wells, Piping. Page 202 of 668 1-6 DAVID RAGLAND, CST III SURVEY CREW CHIEF / SUE SUPERVISOR EXPERIENCE Barnes, Ferland and Associates, Inc. 2014 - Present Dyer Riddle Mills and Precourt 2009 - 2014 Miller Legg and Associates 2003 – 2009 Hartman and Associates (Tetra Tech) 1994 - 2003 EDUCATION Certified Survey Technician III Certified Damage Prevention Specialist Maintenance of Traffic – Intermediate Level Movement and Escort Area Clearance at OIA 2022 CFRC Roadway Worker Protection Annual Certification REPRESENTATIVE EXPERIENCE City of Ocoee Continuing Survey Services - Performs field reviews of newly platted subdivisions for compliance to Chapter 177, Florida Statutes; location of property and Boundary corners in preparation of legal descriptions and Boundary Surveys. Ocoee West Sanitary Transmission Main – Survey and mapping services for a Topographic Survey to aid in the design of new sanitary system along approximately 4.5 miles within the city. Located all improvements within the right of way and a minimum of 25 feet beyond the right of way and intersecting streets. Establish apparent right of way and property lines. Horizontal Control Survey in Florida State Plane Coordinates and elevations were NAVD 88. City of Orlando Continuing Surveying Services - Lead field surveyor and utility locator as subconsultant on all 3 continuing survey and mapping contracts with the City of Orlando. Sylvester and Benjamin Properties (Kentucky Avenue) – Orange City, FL - Numerous boundary surveys and right- of-way surveys for acquisition by the City. Title review, section break down, legal descriptions for parcels and roadways to be vacated or designed and purchased. East Longwood Septic Tank Abatement Phase 2 – Longwood, FL - Boundary surveys, topographic surveys, SUE surveys of above and below ground utilities, excavation for utility identification for roadway, sanitary sewer pipeline, pump station and residential septic tank abandonment and sewer connections to sewer system of multiple city blocks. Sketch and descriptions for acquisition and easement. Grand Avenue Community Center – Orlando, FL - Design and renovation of 1926 historic Grand Avenue School and design and construction or a new Grand Avenue Community Center. $17,000,000 project that included boundary and topographic survey of an entire city block, utility designation and location of above and below ground utilities. Horizontal and vertical control and construction staking. Orange County Utilities Storey Park Pipeline - Topographic survey for the design of over 4 miles of large pipeline design within several corridors of the Storey Park development area. Established control survey with horizontal and vertical points for construction. City of Orlando Continuing Survey Services – Group 7 Lift Station Conversions – As a subconsultant on the continuing contract, BFA provides subsurface utility engineering exploration (SUE) to mark utilities at 5 lift station sites within the city for inclusion in the survey by others and design by the city. Excavation on 30 conflicting utility locations to assist in the final design. FDOT – SR 500 from Lake Ella Road to Avenida Central, Lake County, FL - Excavated clearance holes for 25 signal pole installations. Performed utility designation and excavation on underground utilities at various location along the project corridor. Greater Orlando Aviation Authority – Airside 4, Wing 12 and Central Energy Plant –Topographic Survey of portions of the hub and wing for the design of the new international wing to process foreign travelers. Established Control Survey for the construction layout. Designated and excavated underground utilities within the concrete apron around the hub. Project requires access to secure parts of the airport. Page 203 of 668 1-7 HORACE WYNTER UTILITY COORDINATOR EXPERIENCE Barnes, Ferland and Associates, Inc. 2014 – Present EDUCATION 2022 CFRC Roadway Worker Protection Annual Certification Movement and Escort Area Clearance at OIA Maintenance of Traffic – Intermediate Level REPRESENTATIVE EXPERIENCE Ocoee West Sanitary Transmission Main – Survey and mapping services for a Topographic Survey to aid in the design of new sanitary system along approximately 4.5 miles within the city. Located all improvements within the right of way and a minimum of 25 feet beyond the right of way and intersecting streets. Establish apparent right of way and property lines. Horizontal Control Survey in Florida State Plane Coordinates and elevations were NAVD 88. City of Orlando Continuing Surveying Services – As a subconsultant on the 3 continuing Survey and Mappings contracts, BFA provides subsurface utility engineering exploration (SUE) to mark utilities for inclusion as part of Topographic Surveys at numerous sites within the city. Excavation underground utilities for positive identification and precise location for design purposes. City of Orlando LS 139 Force Main Replacement – Orlando, FL - Boundary and topographic survey prepared to aid in the design of a force main replacement project along an Orlando Utilities Commission easement. Utility designation, utility excavations and Title Work. Sylvester and Benjamin Properties (Kentucky Avenue) – Orange City, FL - Numerous boundary surveys and right- of-way surveys for acquisition by the City. Title review, section break down, legal descriptions for parcels and roadways to be vacated or designed and purchased. East Longwood Septic Tank Abatement Phase 2 – Longwood, FL - Boundary surveys, topographic surveys, SUE surveys of above and below ground utilities, excavation for utility identification for roadway, sanitary sewer pipeline, pump station and residential septic tank abandonment and sewer connections to sewer system of multiple city blocks. Sketch and descriptions for acquisition and easement. Grand Avenue Community Center – Orlando, FL - Design and renovation of 1926 historic Grand Avenue School and design and construction or a new Grand Avenue Community Center. $17,000,000 project that included boundary and topographic survey of an entire city block, utility designation and location of above and below ground utilities. Horizontal and vertical control and construction staking. City of Orlando Continuing Survey Services – Group 7 Lift Station Conversions – As a subconsultant on the continuing contract, BFA provides subsurface utility engineering exploration (SUE) to mark utilities at 5 lift station sites within the city for inclusion in the survey by others and design by the city. Excavation on 30 conflicting utility locations to assist in the final design. Page 204 of 668 1-8 CHRISTOPHER NORWOOD SURVEY PARTY CHIEF EXPERIENCE Barnes, Ferland and Associates, Inc. 2016 – Present Previous Firms 2006 – 2016 EDUCATION 2022 CFRC Roadway Worker Protection Annual Certification Maintenance of Traffic – Intermediate Level REPRESENTATIVE EXPERIENCE Ocoee West Sanitary Transmission Main – Survey and mapping services for a Topographic Survey to aid in the design of new sanitary system along approximately 4.5 miles within the city. Located all improvements within the right of way and a minimum of 25 feet beyond the right of way and intersecting streets. Establish apparent right of way and property lines. Horizontal Control Survey in Florida State Plane Coordinates and elevations were NAVD 88. City of Orlando Continuing Surveying Services – As a subconsultant on the 3 continuing Survey and Mappings contracts, BFA provides subsurface utility engineering exploration (SUE) to mark utilities for inclusion as part of Topographic Surveys at numerous sites within the city. Excavation underground utilities for positive identification and precise location for design purposes. Sylvester and Benjamin Properties (Kentucky Avenue) – Orange City, FL - Numerous boundary surveys and right- of-way surveys for acquisition by the City. Title review, section break down, legal descriptions for parcels and roadways to be vacated or designed and purchased. East Longwood Septic Tank Abatement Phase 2 – Longwood, FL - Boundary surveys, topographic surveys, SUE surveys of above and below ground utilities, excavation for utility identification for roadway, sanitary sewer pipeline, pump station and residential septic tank abandonment and sewer connections to sewer system of multiple city blocks. Sketch and descriptions for acquisition and easement. Grand Avenue Community Center – Orlando, FL - Design and renovation of 1926 historic Grand Avenue School and design and construction or a new Grand Avenue Community Center. $17,000,000 project that included boundary and topographic survey of an entire city block, utility designation and location of above and below ground utilities. Horizontal and vertical control and construction staking. City of Orlando Continuing Survey Services – Group 7 Lift Station Conversions – As a subconsultant on the continuing contract, BFA provides subsurface utility engineering exploration (SUE) to mark utilities at 5 lift station sites within the city for inclusion in the survey by others and design by the city. Excavation on 30 conflicting utility locations to assist in the final design. City of Orlando LS 139 Force Main Replacement – Orlando, FL - Boundary and topographic survey prepared to aid in the design of a force main replacement project along an Orlando Utilities Commission easement. Utility designation, utility excavations and Title Work. Page 205 of 668 1-9 MICHAEL CROWELL SURVEY CADD MANAGER, CST II, AUTODESK CERTIFIED EXPERIENCE Barnes, Ferland and Associates, Inc. 2016 – Present Lake County Public Works 2010 – 2016 CPH Engineers, Inc. 2003 – 2010 City of Ormond Beach 2001 –2003 Sliger and Associates, Inc. 1998 – 2001 EDUCATION Coursework in Civil Engineering Technology Autodesk Certified Professional, AutoCAD Civil 3D Certified Survey Technician, Level 2, Office REPRESENTATIVE EXPERIENCE City of Longwood: East Longwood Septic Tank Abatement –Topographic Survey and Right of Way Survey. Sylvester and Benjamin Properties (Kentucky Avenue) – Orange City, FL - Boundary surveys and right-of-way surveys. Title review, section break down, and legal descriptions. Grand Avenue Community Center – Orlando, FL – Boundary and topographic survey and utility designation. City of Lake Mary: Harry Terry Water Treatment Plant – Topographic Survey and Subsurface Utility Exploration Survey. City of Ocoee: W Silver Star Rd Water Main Extension – Topographic Survey, Right of Way Survey and Subsurface Utility Exploration Survey. City of Titusville: Morning Dove Water Treatment Plant – Topographic Survey and Subsurface Utility Exploration Survey. Orange County Utilities: Tilden at Tiny Road Widening –Boundary Survey, Topographic Survey, Control Survey and Right of Way Survey. Orange County Utilities: Gravity Sewer Renewal and Replacement Program –Topographic Survey and Right of Way Survey. Page 206 of 668 1-10 d. Licenses & Certifications Business Entity / Secretary of State Certification Barnes, Ferland and Associates, Inc. was incorporated in the State of Florida on April 5, 1994. Below is a copy of our Certification from the Florida Secretary of State verifying our Corporate status and good standing. Professional Registrations As of October 1, 2019 Firm Certificate of Authorization licenses are referred to as firm registrations. Firm registrations never expire and there are no longer any physical documents available. Also, on June 30, 2020, Governor Ron DeSantis signed “The Occupational Freedom and Opportunity Act” (HB 1193) which eliminates separate business licenses for architects, geologists, and landscape architects who already hold an individual license; therefore, there are no Engineer or Geology Firm licenses shown below. Page 207 of 668 1-11 Renewal license not yet received Certifications Page 208 of 668 1-12 Occupational Licenses FEIN Number The Federal Employer Identification Number for Barnes, Ferland and Associates, Inc. is: 59-3237612 e. Subconsultants Barnes, Ferland and Associates, Inc. does not intend to use any subconsultants for this project. f. Similar Projects City of Orlando Continuing Surveying and Mapping Services Since 2013 BFA has performed Subsurface Utility Exploration (SUE) as a subconsultant to the City’s continuing survey services firms. The Contract for 2021 has been awarded to three firms and we are on all three contracts. Projects have included both designation (marking) for inclusion of topographic surveys, location (excavation) of utilities for positive identification and precise horizontal and vertical location for design purposes. Below is a list of projects we have completed to date. 2013 Contract RQS13-0208 2018 Contract – RQS18-023 Southeastern Surveying North Bumby Ave. Drainage Study Wood Lake Underhill Utility Survey Southeastern Surveying Lift Station Conversion Group 7 Wood Orange at Concord St. SUE Southeastern Surveying LB McLeod Rd Sanitary Sewer Rehab Survey Wood 274 N. Orange Ave at Robinson St Park Lochrane Lift Station 2 LEI PEC Esther Street SUE Donald McIntosh Assoc. W. Robinson Street SUE Donald McIntosh Assoc. Fleet Gasification Specific Purpose Survey of Underground Utilities 2021 Contract – RQS21-0006 PEC Mailbu Groves Park Boundary and Topo Survey Wood Orlando Continuing Land Surveying and Mapping Services PEC Pleasant Valley Park Boundary and Topo Survey NV5 Orlando Continuing Land Surveying and Mapping Services Southeastern Surveying Orlando Continuing Land Surveying and Mapping Services 2015 Contract – RQS15-0152 Southeastern Surveying Chapman Court Utility Designation and Boundary & Topo Survey Southeastern Surveying Water conswerv II Utility Locates Southeastern Surveying LS 49, LS 55 and LS 122 Southeastern Surveying Lido Street / Gaston Foster Southeastern Surveying American Way Utility Designation PEC SUE Services of Avondale Ave. PEC SUE Services for Lake Eola Restrooms PEC 1000 W. Gore St; City of Orlando Fleet Facilities PEC Court Street Trash Compactor SUE PEC 8th Street Sanitary Sewer Project SUE PEC West Livingston Street SUE PEC Bentley St. between Parramore Ave and Livingston St SUE Completion: Ongoing Contract Price: $166,131 to date Actual Final Cost: $166,131 to date BFA Team Members: Genel J. Sturgeon, PSM, Dave Ragland, Horace Wynter, Christopher Norwood, Michael Crowell Page 209 of 668 1-13 City of Ocoee Continuing Surveying Services Since 2010 BFA has provided the City of Ocoee with surveying services through a Continuing Surveying and Mapping Services Contracts. Tasks assigned under this contract have included several proposed plats for conformance to applicable portions of Chapter 177, Florida Statutes. Initial and subsequent reviews include comments for corrections. Field reviews are performed prior to signature and seal as reviewing surveyor representing the city. Field surveys have been performed for the preparation of a legal description and sketch for the acquisition of right-of-way required for a school entrance. Several legal descriptions have been prepared for property annexation into city. City of Orange City Continuing Surveying and Mapping Services In 2020 BFA was awarded a Continuing Surveying and Mapping Services Contract. Services include boundary and topographic field surveying performed in accordance with acceptable Standards for Land Surveying in accordance with Chapter 472 of the Florida Statutes, Horizontal and Vertical Control, Profiles and Elevations, Property Survey and Establishment of Easements, Sketch and Descriptions, Title Review and Computer Plotting. To date, BFA has been awarded three tasks (Surveying Services for Monastery road Utility Locations, Surveying Services for Sylvester and Benjamin Properties, Boundary Surveys and Surveying Services for 440 South Holly Avenue, Orange City, Boundary Surveys). Volusia County - Professional Engineering Design Services for Amelia Avenue Street Improvements Topographic survey for traffic and pedestrian safety design. Control, horizontal and vertical for future construction. SUE, designation and excavation for Utility Design. PEC UCF Creative Village SUE Wood Lake Lurna Baffle Box Utility Designation Lochrane McFall Ave Drainage Well Replacement Survey Lochrane Dove Dr and Pelican Lane SUE Lochrane Orange Center Blvd. Completion: Ongoing Contract Price: $44,374.80 to date Actual Final Cost: $44,374.80 to date BFA Team Members: Genel J. Sturgeon, PSM, Dave Ragland, Horace Wynter, Christopher Norwood, Michael Crowell Completion: 2021 Contract Price: $21,708.77 Actual Final Cost: $21,708.77 BFA Team Members: Genel J. Sturgeon, PSM, Christopher Norwood, Michael Crowell Completion: Ongoing Contract Price: 2010 Contract - $25,760.37 2017 Contract - $74,100.27 to date Actual Final Cost: 2010 Contract - $25,760.37 2017 Contract - $74,100.27 to date BFA Team Members: Genel J. Sturgeon, PSM, Dave Ragland, Horace Wynter, Christopher Norwood, Michael Crowell Page 210 of 668 1-14 Orange County Rehabilitation of Pump Stations – Package 22 Improvements (5 Pump Stations), Package 32 Improvements (4 Pump Stations), Package 34 Improvements (4 Pump Stations) – Orlando, FL Provided a Boundary Survey for fee simple property and permanent easements including all improvements to the pump station sites. The area of the parcel for PS 3337, PS 3351, PS 3301, PS 3390, and PS 3325 surveyed and approximately 0.072, 0.075, 0.057, 0.10, and 0.050 acres, respectively. Topographic Survey - Performed a Topographic Survey for all five (5) sites that included the complete station boundaries and extended a minimum of 50’ beyond the boundaries. Topographic Survey performed for the entire project limits and includes the location of all above ground features within the right of ways of the roads including pavements, concrete, trees, landscaping, signs, sanitary and storm manholes with invert elevations and pipe sizes, utility poles, valves and other indicators of underground utilities. Utility designation, SUE services. Collection and Depiction of Existing Subsurface Utility Data - Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) services performed. BFA used ground penetrating radar and electronic line locating equipment to determine the horizontal location of the existing utilities for Quality Level B utilities not under roadway pavement. BFA performed five (5) test hole excavations to verify the type of utility and size and establish the vertical elevation of the utilities. Provided Verified Vertical and Horizontal (VVh) locations for Utility Quality Level A at each pump station site. g. Ability to Meet Time and Budget Requirements Quality Control First and foremost, it is the responsibility of the Principal-in-Charge to ensure that all documents and products are acceptable for submission to the City. The Division Manager will review all products for compatibility with the project requirements as well as for quality. At the start of each project he will review products and documents. He will also assume the role as Quality Assurance / Quality Control to provide quality assurance of our basis for design, design concept, and production deliverables. He has access to the staff assigned to the project, and the documents and other information that will facilitate their review. BFA believes that the City of Ocoee should not be responsible for quality control. Our Project Team will be involved in all facets of the project on a regular basis to ensure that we produce the best possible product. We will build quality into the project on a routine basis, rather than depend on the City Staff reviews to ensure an excellent product. We will not rely on the City’s review process for quality assurance. Our goal is to minimize the City’s staff’s effort, while producing a high quality, successful project. Cost Control  Upon notice to proceed for each project, a Project Setup Form is completed and filed with Company Accounting. The form describes the basics of the project, lists the client name and location, and provides specific information concerning services to be provided and the associated labor cost and direct expense budgets. To establish project tracking and control, BFA then issues an internal project number that is linked to the Project Setup Form.  Project tracking and financial progress reporting is accomplished through BFA’s computerized management information system. A key element of the system is the flexibility in producing project reports tailored to suit the City’s individual needs: status reports, invoices and supporting cost detail reports, and monthly financial reports. Through the generation of our Project Management Control Report the Division Manager can review month-to-date and project–to-date information. They are responsible for reviewing and approving these materials for accuracy and accountability.  BFA’s project cost estimating and tracking system is integrated into our financial accounting and payroll system, reducing administrative procedures and associated expenses to the City. Completion: 2020 Contract Price: $105,084 Actual Final Cost: $105,084 BFA Team Members: Genel J. Sturgeon, PSM, David Ragland, Horace Wynter, Christopher Norwood, Michael Crowell Page 211 of 668 1-15 Projected Workloads Current Projected Availability Name Current Clients Workload (%) Workload (%) For Contract (%) Genel J. Sturgeon, PSM City of Ocoee 30 Senior Surveyor and City of Orlando 20 20 Mapper Orange County Utilities 20 20 Other Clients 30 30 David Ragland, CST III City of Ocoee 30 Survey / Subsurface City of Orlando 20 20 Utility Engineering (SUE) Orange County Utilities 25 20 Crew Supervisor Other Clients 25 30 Horace Wynter City of Ocoee 35 City of Orlando 20 20 Orange County Utilities 30 25 Other Clients 25 20 Christopher Norwood City of Ocoee 40 City of Orlando 10 10 Orange County Utilities 25 30 Other Clients 25 20 Michael Crowell, CST II City of Ocoee 30 City of Orlando 20 20 Orange County Utilities 25 20 Other Clients 25 30 Affect of Legal Action Against the Firm There has been no litigation, claim, bid or contract dispute filed by or against Barnes, Ferland and Associates, Inc. related to services provided in the regular course of business during the past five (5) years. h. Equipment List Computer Equipment 5 Desktops 2 Xerox WorkCentre 7845i Color Copier / Printer / Scanner 19 Laptop Computers 1 Windows Server 2016 HP Designjet T3500 1 Ubuntu FTP Server Design / Modeling Software Aquifer Test AutoCAD Civil 3D Groundwater Vistas 4 Pumplink MODFLOW FirstSearch Jacob-Hantush Analytical Model Mound HT GWIS (FDEP Water Quality Database) Solutrans (3D Solute Transport Model) H2OMap (Sewer, Water) AutoCAD Infrastructure Design Suite Surfer 8 AutoCAD LT Grapher 3 Support Software MS Word MS Excel MS Powerpoint MS Project MS Publisher MS Access Adobe Acrobat Pro MS Outlook BlueBeam Revu 2017 MS Teams Page 212 of 668 1-16 GIS Capabilities ArcGIS 10.3.1 QGIS, SAGA, GRASS Vehicles 2016 Chevrolet Equinox 2015 Ford F150 4 WD 2017 Ford Escape 2006 Toyota Tacoma (2) 2009 Toyota Prius 2014 Toyota Tundra 4 WD 2017 Ford F150 4 WD 2014 Toyota Tacoma 4 WD 2021 Ford F150 4WD Land Surveying Equipment Sokkia, IX-605, Robotic Total Station, 5” w/RC Nikkon AS-2 Automatic Level (1) Carlson Explorer w/software Topcon GR-3 GPS Receiver (2) Topcon FC-2500 Data Collector (2) Schoenstedt Metal Locators (3) Wooden tripods (6) Topcon AT-B3A Auto Level 28X ES-105 Topcon TTL Station w/data cable (1) ES-102 Topcon TTL Station w/data cable (1) Nikon DTM-310 Total Station (1) Trimble R8S Model 60 w/Access Controller Magnet Tablets w/Windows (4) Sokkia GRX3 GPS Receiver (3) SUE Equipment VacMaster System 3000 Tier 4 Air-Vacuum Excavation System Installed on Dodge 5500 Diesel 4 x 4 Chassis Trailer (2) Sullair 183 Compressor (2) Utilivac System (1) Sullair Jackhammer (2) Sullair Pogo Tamper (2) Toku T6 Tamper (2) Carlson Software Packages (2) LMX100 Ground Penetrating Radar (4) Metrotech 810 & RD 400 Pipe / Cable Locators Metrotech vLocPro2 – Locator (2) Other In-Situ Mini Troll Water Level Data Loggers HydroLab DS5 Multiparameter WQ Meter Electronic Water Level Indicators (3) Hand Augers Digital Camera (4) Petroleum in Soil Detection Kit (Hanby) Multiparameter Water Quality Instrument (VSI) Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler WAA5 GPS Meters (Garmin) Parestaltic Sampling Pump In-Situ smarTroll MP Multiparameter WQ Meter 12’ Jon Boat Heath Tech Detecto Pack III–Organic Vapor Analyzer (OVA) Electronic Interface Probe Cetrifugal Water Pumps (both gas and electric) DO, CO2, Manganese Ferrus Iron, Alkalinity, Hydrogen Sulphide, Chlorinity, Total Sulfide (Hach Analyticals) i. Client References Project Title: City of Ocoee Continuing Surveying and Mapping Services Owner / Contact Name: City of Ocoee – T’Jean Tomlinson, PE Phone: (407) 905-3159 Email: TTomlinson@ocoee.org Project Title: City of Orlando Continuing Surveying and Mapping Services Owner / Contact Name: City of Orlando – Mr. Richard Allen, PSM, City Surveyor Phone: (407) 246-2788 Email: richard.allen@cityoforlando.net Project Title: City of Orange City Professional Surveying and Mapping Services, Continuing Services Contract Owner / Contact Name: City of Orange City – Mr. Robert Lawler, PE, MPA Phone: (386) 775-5450 Email: rlawler@orangecityfl.gov Page 213 of 668 1-17 Project Title: Professional Engineering Design Services for Amelia Avenue Street Improvements – Volusia County Owner / Contact Name: Traffic Engineering Data Solutions, Inc., A Stanley Consultants Company Mr. Chris Walsh, PE Phone: (386) 801-5682 Email: WalshChris@stanleygroup.com Project Title: Orange County Continuing Utilities Engineering Services Owner / Contact Name: CHA Consulting, Inc. (formerly Reiss Engineering, Inc) Mr. Stefano Ceriana Phone: (407) 679-5358 Email: SCeriana@chacompanies.com Page 214 of 668 SECTION 2 FIRM’S OFFICE LOCATION AND OTHER FORMS 2-1 a.Office Location Total Distance – 13.16 miles Estimated Travel Time – 24 minutes BFA Corporate Office City of Ocoee City Hall Page 215 of 668 2-2 b.M/WBE Certification c. Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form is provided at the end of this Section. d. Company Information / Signature Sheet Company Information / Signature Sheet is provided at the end of this Section. e. Drug-Free Workplace Form Drug-Free Workplace Form is provided at the end of this Section. f. Receipt of Addenda Addendum 1 was issued on March 2, 2023. g. Summary of Litigation There has been no litigation, claim, bid or contract dispute filed by or against Barnes, Ferland and Associates, Inc. related to services provided in the regular course of business during the past five (5) years. Page 216 of 668 Page 217 of 668 Page 218 of 668 Page 219 of 668 RFQ #23-006 – Continuing Contract Surveying & Mapping 17 4. The bid protest shall be filed with the Purchasing Analyst with a copy to the Procurement Manager not later than five (5) calendar days after the posting of the notice of intent to award or recommendation of award by staff, whichever is earlier. 5. The Procurement Manager, on behalf of the City, shall make a determination of the merits of the protest not later than five (5) business days after receipt of the protest. If the City denies the protest, the City may proceed with award of the contract unless enjoined by order of a court of competent jurisdiction. I. SUMMARY OF LITIGATION: Provide a summary of any litigation, claim(s), bid or contract dispute(s) filed by or against the Bidder in the past five (5) years which is related to the services that the Bidder provides in the regular course of business. The summary shall state the nature of the litigation, claim, or contact dispute, a brief description of the case, the outcome or projected outcome, and the monetary amounts involved. If none, then please say so. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ (Attach additional sheets if necessary) J. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF ADDENDA: Bidder acknowledges receipt of the following addenda: No._____________ Dated _____________________ No._____________ Dated _____________________ No._____________ Dated _____________________ END OF INSTRUCTIONS N/A No Addenda included 1 3/2/2023 Page 220 of 668 City of Ocoee Continuing Contract for Surveying and Mapping Services RFP No.: 23-006 Date: March 7, 2023 Time: 2:00 p.m. Page 221 of 668 Cover LetterCover Letter Cover Letter .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................1 Section #1: Firm QualificationsSection #1: Firm Qualifications Relevant Staff ................................................................................................................................................................................................................4 Organizational Chart ...............................................................................................................................................................................................5 Resumes ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................6 Certifications and Registrations ......................................................................................................................................................................19 Subconsultants .........................................................................................................................................................................................................22 Similar Services .........................................................................................................................................................................................................23 Project Descriptions ...............................................................................................................................................................................................29 Project Management and Schedule ............................................................................................................................................................36 Survey Equiptment ................................................................................................................................................................................................37 Client References .....................................................................................................................................................................................................38 Section #2: Firm's Office Location & Other FormsSection #2: Firm's Office Location & Other Forms WSP Office Locations ...........................................................................................................................................................................................40 M/WBE Certification ...............................................................................................................................................................................................41 Exhibit A ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................42 Exhibit B ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................43 Exhibit C ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................44 Summary of Litigation..........................................................................................................................................................................................45 Acknowledgement of Addenda .....................................................................................................................................................................46 Table of Contents Page 222 of 668 March 7, 2023 Melanie Sibbitt, City Clerk City of Ocoee Re: Request for Qualifications; (RFQ) NO. 23-006 Continuing Contract for Surveying and Mapping Services Dear Ms. Sibbitt: It is with great enthusiasm that WSP USA Environment & Infrastructure Inc. (WSP) presents this statement of qualifications to provide the City of Ocoee with Surveying and Mapping Services. WSP brings to you a staff of more than 300 professionals in several offices throughout Florida, including the well-established surveying and mapping division, formerly known as Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions, Inc. that has been providing the City surveying and mapping services on a continuous basis since 2008. We believe we have something special to offer and appreciate the opportunity to once again do so for the City. As one of the world’s leading professional service firms, WSP brings clarity and vision to complex challenges by working with and advising governments and private-sector clients on key aspects of infrastructure, earth sciences and environmental sustainability. Throughout the years, we have continually exhibited the capabilities necessary to successfully provide the requested surveying and mapping services, including a stable and experienced management function; technical staff with exceptional expertise and enthusiasm for the work; extensive experience on similar projects for governmental agencies; a proven ability to utilize digital levels, Global Position System (GPS) technology, automated hydrographic survey equipment, mobile and terrestrial laser scanners, and other technology to the benefit of our clients; and the willingness and resources needed to handle any assignment. We believe our qualifications will further substantiate these capabilities. Why select the WSP team? We offer the following reasons for your consideration: Similar experience – We view our role in this contract as being your team member in meeting all of the City’s surveying needs. Whether it is land acquisition/management, water resources, or engineering, we strive to provide cost-effective and timely solutions to your needs, and we have found that continuing surveying and mapping service contracts – one of the mainstays of our practice – reflect our ability to do so. As described herein, our previous experience with continuing survey services contracts with the City of Ocoee since 2008, City of Orlando since 1994, Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) since 1992, the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) since 1998, the Orlando Utilities Commission since 1999, Orange County since 1999 and Seminole County since 2002 , and numerous other governmental entities demonstrates that we can continue to meet the surveying and mapping needs of your organization. Specialized expertise – We have experts in all of the areas of work you would typically expect, including boundary, topographic, vertical control, construction, and elevation surveys and the preparation of legal descriptions, as well as some areas you might not expect, including geodetic control surveys, mobile and terrestrial laser scanning, subsurface utility location, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), unmanned aerial systems (UAS), hydrographic surveys and Florida Statues Chapter 177 plat reviews. By having the expertise and equipment to offer this bundle of services, we can better serve your surveying and mapping needs. Local experience and knowledge – Having practiced in central Florida for more than 35 years, we are very familiar with local surveying practices, sources of information, researching public records, and working with other surveyors – all critical elements in the production of technically correct and legally defensible survey products. 550 North Lake Blvd, Suite 1000 Altamonte Springs, Florida 32701 407.522.7570 wsp.com 1 Page 223 of 668 Stability and continuity of staff – We have been providing professional surveying and mapping services in Florida on a continuous basis since 1987. The WSP management and production team, led by Mr. Charles Gardiner, PLS, CFedS, and Mr. R. Michael Jones, PLS, CFedS, has remained intact for 35+ years. Our 20-person surveying and mapping group consists of six field crews, four professional surveyors and mappers, four survey technicians, and two administrative assistants. Remarkable things relating to consistency and quality of work occur when a team has been in place and working together this long. We continue to build on our past experience and further develop our capabilities. As a result, we offer the City a prime survey consultant with continuity of management and staff with a proven record of performance. Commitment and location – The current and near future workloads of our surveying and mapping division are such that we are prepared to commit to the City that this project will be our first priority. This means that Mr. Gardiner and his professional team members will commit the time necessary to ensure the work is done correctly and on schedule. This also means that we will commit the office and field personnel necessary to support this effort. Past performance – Since 1987, we have maintained successful continuing contractual relationships with many governmental entities, including the City of Ocoee, City of Orlando, Orange and Seminole Counties, FDEP, the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), SJRWMD, SFWMD, SWFWMD, Suwannee River Water Management District (SRWMD), and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). These long-term relationships represent sound past performance and a commitment to continued service. Our ability to provide all of the requested services, previous experience with similar contracts, continuity of staff, and local knowledge provides us with the tools to successfully service your surveying and mapping needs. We appreciate this opportunity to present our qualifications to the City and respectfully request your favorable consideration. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact us at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, Charles Gardiner, PLS, CFedS Principal in Charge / Project Manager 407.253.5000 (direct) charles.gardiner@wsp.com R. Michael Jones, PLS, CFedS Senior Principal / QAQC 407.253.5501 (direct) mike.jones@wsp.com 2 Page 224 of 668 SECTION #1 Firm’s Qualifications Page 225 of 668 Firms QualificationsHeading Relevant Staff Within the Florida operations of WSP exists an established and experienced surveying and mapping group. Formed and developed over the past 35 years by Mr. R. Michael Jones, PLS, CFedS and Mr. Charles B. Gardiner, PLS, CFedS, the surveying and mapping group consists of four professional land surveyors, six field crews, four survey technicians, and two administrative assistants. Our surveying and mapping group has a remarkable record of continuity with the management function remaining intact for 35 years and all key staff having a minimum of 12 years of working together. It is important to note that this group has remained together and working as a team through multiple acquisitions and mergers: starting out as Regional Engineers, Planners, and Surveyors, Inc. in 1987, then an acquisition by Harding Lawson Associates in 1999, on to a merger with MACTEC in 2003, Amec Foster Wheeler in 2011, Wood in 2018, and now with WSP. Our firm is registered with the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services and has been providing surveying and mapping services in Central Florida since 1987. We have focused on providing our services to public sector clients and as a result, we have established and maintained successful business relationships with a number of governmental clients through continuing surveying and mapping service contracts. These contracts have included: ■Seminole County, 1992 to 1996, 2002 to present ■Orange County, 1999 to present ■City of Ocoee, 2008 to present ■Orlando Utilities Commission, 1999 to present ■City of Orlando, 1994 to 1999, 2001 to 2008, 2011 to present ■Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), 1992 to present ■St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD), 1998 to present ■South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD), 2002 to present ■Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD), 2005 to present ■Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), 1992 to present ■U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) ■U.S. Department of Agriculture/Natural Resources Conservation Service (USDA/NRCS), 2005 to present We continue to build on our past experience to expand our capabilities as well as quality of work product. As a result, we offer the City a prime survey consultant with a continuity of management and staff with a proven record of performance. All of the professional and technical staff assigned to your contract have extensive experience with the City as well as other similar continuing services contracts. Key leadership is drawn from our proposed Project Manager, Mr. Charles Gardiner, PLS, CFedS, and Mr. R. Michael Jones, PLS, CFedS, who have been working together for more than 35 years. For this contract, Mr. Gardiner will serve as Project Manager. Mr. Gardiner has more than 40 years of progressive Central Florida experience in the surveying profession. He has a very strong background in cadastral surveying including working as a consultant to FDEP Bureau of Survey and Mapping on a continuous basis since 1992. Over the past decade, Mr. Gardiner has successfully managed two Orange County Public Schools miscellaneous surveying services contracts as well as continuing survey contracts for Orange County, Seminole County, and FDOT. He has recently managed SFWMD and FDEP Continuing Surveying and Mapping Services Contracts. He is a founding principal of our survey group and brings a sincere interest in assisting our clients in any way possible. He will be your primary point-of-contact and will be responsible for providing the services and resources necessary to ensure that your surveying and mapping objectives are met. Mr. R. Michael Jones, PLS, CFedS, will provide quality assurance of all of our services and products and be available to manage individual projects. His 46 years of Central Florida surveying experience include extensive cadastral survey, control, and engineering/design survey experience for governmental clients such as the City of Ocoee, City of Orlando, Orange and Seminole Counties, Greater Orlando Aviation Authority, USACE, FDEP, SFWMD, SJRWMD, and FDOT. Mr. Jones is a founding principal of our survey group and has a superb blend of professional and technical expertise. City of Ocoee | Continuing Contract for Surveying and Mapping Services | RFQ NO.23-006 4 Page 226 of 668 Our organizational chart listing and identifying in-house staff is provided below. Brief resumes of key persons are provided on the following pages which include their qualifications, and their role for the City services. R. Michael Jones, PLS, CFedS Max Ramos, PSM Project Surveyors Anthony Waters, CST Matthew Ducsay, CST Subsurface Utility Location Charles (Chip) Gardiner, PLS, CFedS Project Manager R. Michael Jones, PLS, CFedS QA/QC Kirby Lastinger, CSP, CHMM, CET Safety Officer Jason Hudson, CST Victor Pabon, CST Concepcion Barrios Darren Spikes Survey Field Operations Brandon Gaston, CST Chris Lindstedt, PSM Dustin Atwater, GISP Survey & Mapping Office Operations Survey & Mapping Support City of Ocoee | Continuing Contract for Surveying and Mapping Services | RFQ NO.23-006 5 Page 227 of 668 Career Summary Mr. Gardiner has more than 40 years of experience in a wide range of surveying and mapping activities, including management and execution of projects for both private and public sector clients. His extensive technical background accentuates his ability to manage personnel and projects effectively. He is currently the operations manager of the Surveying and Mapping department for WSP’s Orlando, Florida office. In this capacity, he is tasked with the management of personnel and resources, scheduling and tracking of projects, and quality assurance within the department. Mr. Gardiner has specific expertise in geodetic surveying (conventional and GPS), route/design surveying and mapping, and boundary surveying. Furthermore, he has a background with an emphasis on the new technologies – including GNSS, GIS, and LiDAR – being utilized for the surveying and engineering professions. Professional Experience Project Manager/Surveyor City of Ocoee Continuing Land Surveying Services, Ocoee, Florida Beginning in 1998 through a series of four consecutive continuing surveying and mapping contracts, WSP has provided surveying and mapping services on an as- needed task assignment basis to various departments within the City including Capital Projects, Utilities, Public Works, Engineering, and Parks and Recreation. Project Surveyor Continuing Surveying Services, Orange County, Florida Mr. Gardiner has served as a Project Surveyor and QA/QC Surveyor to the County since 1999 in support of various County departments including Capital Improvements, Public Works, Parks and Recreation, Real Estate, and Roads and Drainage. Representative assignments have included geodetic control densifications, topographic surveys, utility route surveys, photogrammetric survey control, lift station surveys, preparation of legal descriptions, and GIS inventory mapping. Representative projects have included Ribs 6 boundary and topographic survey and Wallace Road 1.3-mile force main survey. Project Manager/Surveyor Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Statewide Continuing Survey- ing and Mapping Services Contract, Florida Mr. Gardiner has served as project manager since 1995 under five successive contracts. Work under these contracts has involved land acquisitions, land management, and land restoration projects associates with the state’s land acquisition programs to include Save our Rivers, Rails to Trails, Conservation and Recreational Lands, P-2000, and Florida Forever. Project Manager/Surveyor Continuing Surveying and Mapping Services, Orange County School Board, Florida Mr. Gardiner has served as project manager/surveyor since 2008 in support of capital improvement projects. Typical assignments have included boundary, topographic, design and subsurface utility surveys of existing school sites to support site rehabilitation design and construction. Firm Name WSP Years of Experience Industry: 42 (1981) WSP: 35 (1988) Education Bachelor of Science, Surveying and Mapping Professional Registrations Professional Land Surveyor, FL #LS5046, NC #L4598, SC #27735, MO #2011017289, LA #5077, OK #LS1836, OH # PS8614, IN #LS21500006 Certified BLM Federal Surveyor #1475 Office Location Altamonte Springs, Florida Charles B. Gardiner, PLS, CFedS Project Manager / Senior Principal Surveyor City of Ocoee | Continuing Contract for Surveying and Mapping Services | RFQ NO.23-006 6 Page 228 of 668 Career Summary Mr. Jones is a Senior Principal Surveyor and Project Manager as well as a registered Professional Land Surveyor with more than four decades of professional experience in surveying and mapping. He is extremely proficient in all aspects of survey management, including project planning, estimating, and implementation. He has specific expertise in the areas of geodetic control surveys, engineering design surveys, subsurface utility surveys, bathymetric surveys, and boundary determinations. He has managed surveying and mapping projects for government agencies at the local, regional and state levels, including SWFWMD, SFWMD, Tampa Bay Water, USACE, and FDEP. Professional Experience Project Manager/Surveyor City of Ocoee Continuing Land Surveying Services, Ocoee, Florida Beginning in 1998 through a series of four consecutive continuing surveying and mapping contracts, WSP has provided surveying and mapping services on an as- needed task assignment basis to various departments within the City including Capital Projects, Utilities, Public Works, Engineering, and Parks and Recreation. Project Manager Continuing Surveying and Mapping Services, Orange County School Board, Florida Mr. Jones has served as project manager since 2008 in support of capital improvement projects. Typical assignments have included boundary, topographic, and subsurface utility surveys of existing school sites to support site rehabilitation design and construction. Project Manager Pump Station No. 3201 (Old Cheney Highway), Orange County Utilities, Florida This project was performed under the Orange County continuing surveying and mapping services contract. Served as project manager in completing the project which involved the following elements: a geodetic control survey, property acquisition survey, legal description and sketch preparation, as-built/record survey, topographic survey, and subsurface utility engineering. Project Manager Orange County Continuing Surveying Services, Orange County, Florida Supporting various county departments including Capital Improvements, Public Works, Parks and Recreation, real estate, and roads and drainage. Representative assignments have included geodetic control densifications, topographic surveys, utility route surveys, photogrammetric survey control, lift station surveys, preparation of legal descriptions, and GIS inventory mapping. Firm Name WSP Years of Experience Industry: 47 (1976) WSP: 36 (1987) Education Associate of Science, Civil Engineering & Land Surveying Professional Registrations Professional Land Surveyor, Florida #LS4201, GA #LS2367, AL #LS16447, MS #LS3172, TX #LS6231, CA #LS8707 Certified BLM Federal Surveyor, #1486 Office Location Altamonte Springs, Florida R. Michael Jones, PLS, CFedS Project Manager / Senior Principal Surveyor / QA/QC City of Ocoee | Continuing Contract for Surveying and Mapping Services | RFQ NO.23-006 7 Page 229 of 668 Career Summary Mr. Kirby Lastinger serves as the WSP Southeast U.S. HSSE Manager. Mr. Lastinger possesses a diverse set of skills that make him exceptionally adept at addressing the variety of challenges often associated with health, safety, and environmental issues. His expertise includes 39 years of experience in the public fire service industry within the State of Florida. Mr. Lastinger’s roles throughout his fire service career have included firefighter, driver/engineer, lieutenant, acting battalion chief, urban search and rescue (USAR) team coordinator, fire inspector, and instructor. He has taught numerous classes throughout the United States in many areas of safety and emergency response for fire departments, municipalities, private industries, and the military. Due to his significant expertise in the safety and health field, Mr. Lastinger has been called upon by a variety of private and public industries to provide safety consulting and training services. These have all been in relation to maintaining compliance with federal and state regulated safety codes, including OSHA, MSHA, RCRA, NFPA, EPA, and DOT. In addition, he has developed programs to assist clients with safety compliance, and emergency action and preparedness plans for hazardous materials storage and handling. Professional Experience Site Safety and Health Manager Spirit Lake Interim Tunnel Repairs, Mount St. Helens, Washington Provided site safety and health management for the tunnel repairs from January through March 2016, working closely with the Portland, OR USACE office, the prime contractor, and the tunnel contractor. Responsible for all work activities in the tunnel including safety and industrial hygiene. Work hazards included removal of rock in the area to be repaired by drilling and chipping, rib placement, grouting, and shotcrete operations. His work included developing the Activity Hazard Analysis for all work activities, monitoring worker safety, air monitoring, exposure monitoring to cold and silica, and ventilation surveys to ensure airflow met minimum requirements for the number of people, equipment being used, and work being performed in the tunnel daily. Site Safety and Health Manager Maryville Train Derailment, Maryville, Tennessee Provided site safety management and direct safety oversight for all contractors (almost 300 at the peak of the incident) working on site of a train derailment involving a release of Acrylonitrile, which impacted surface and subsurface soils in the immediate and adjacent areas. WSP geotechnical and environmental engineers, geologists, and safety managers were called upon to offer services at the site. Primary hazards included contaminated soils, potential for hazardous/ flammable atmosphere, use of and working near heavy equipment, multiple types of drilling, and general site safety and health hazards. Developed the site-specific health and safety plan for the initial response and continued to update the plan as the incident progressed during a two-week period. Firm Name WSP Years of Experience Industry: 39 (1984) WSP: 13 (2010) Education Master of Science, Public Administration Bachelor of Science, Fire and Safety Engineering Professional Registrations Certified Safety Professional, No. 24176 Certified Instructional Trainer, No. 13126 Certified Hazardous Materials Manager, No. 16556 Certified Mine Safety Professional, United States No. 370 Certified Public Manager Emergency Medical Technician, Florida No. EMT 60490 MSHA Instructor OSHA HAZWOPER Site Worker and Site Supervisor NUCA Confined Space Entry Trainer NUCA Trench/Excavation Trainer Hazardous Materials Curriculum, National Fire Academy CPR and First Aid Instructor Office Location Miami Lakes, Florida Kirby Lastinger, CSP, CHMM, CIT Southeast U.S. Health, Safety, Security, & Environment Manager City of Ocoee | Continuing Contract for Surveying and Mapping Services | RFQ NO.23-006 8 Page 230 of 668 Firm Name WSP Years of Experience Industry: 26 (1997) WSP: 21 (2002) Education Bachelor of Science, Surveying and Mapping Professional Registrations Professional Surveyor and Mapper, Florida #LS6458 Training and Certifications ArcGIS Training Trimble Navigation GPS Training Seminars NGS 2nd Order Leveling and Adjustment Seminar Terrestrial Laser Scanning AutoCAD Training Courses Hydrographic Surveys UAS Surveys Office Location Altamonte Springs, Florida Career Summary Mr. Ramos has 26 years of Florida field/office experience with an emphasis on GPS surveying, GIS computations, deed analysis, preparation of legal descriptions, and automated map production. Mr. Ramos has been involved in all phases of survey projects including planning, recon, measurement, analysis, and presentation of data. He is proficient in the use of adjustment software such as STAR*NET, GEOLAB, and the Trimble Suite of software as well as AutoCAD and Micro Station mapping software. Professional Experience Project Surveyor Continuing Surveying Services, Orange County School Board, Orange County, Florida Produces final survey products in support of capital improvement projects related to existing school sites since 2008. Typical assignments have included boundary, topographic, and utility surveys of existing school sites. Survey Office Operations Continuing Surveying Services Contract, City of Orlando, Florida, Supports various City departments, including Public Works, Engineering, Legal, Parks and Recreation, and Drainage. Develops final products for assignments, in- cluding platting, boundary and topographic surveys, utility designation and loca- tion, and control surveys. Project Surveyor Continuing Surveying Services, Orange County, Florida Supports various County departments including Capital Improvements, Public Works, Parks and Recreation, Real Estate, and Roads and Drainage. Representative assignments have included geodetic control densifications, topographic surveys, utility route surveys, photogrammetric survey control, lift station surveys, preparation of legal descriptions, and GIS inventory mapping. Assistant Project Surveyor I-4 from SR 536 to SR 528, Design Survey, Florida Department of Transportation District 5, Orange County, Florida Responsible for design survey operations. Reviewed and processed alignment and design survey data and merged with LAMP design survey data to produce final digital design files to support design-build project delivery methodology. Survey Office Operations Continuing Surveying Services, City of Ocoee, Florida Supports development of final products for project assignments that have included boundary surveys, specific purpose surveys, topographic surveys, utility line surveys to include designation and excavation, preparation of legal descriptions, and Florida Statues Chapter 177 plat review. Max Ramos, PSM Project Manager / Senior Surveyor City of Ocoee | Continuing Contract for Surveying and Mapping Services | RFQ NO.23-006 9 Page 231 of 668 Career Summary Mr. Hudson has more than 30 years of in-the-field surveying experience. He started his surveying career as a rodman and has advanced through hard work and study to become a versatile and technically sound field surveyor, as evidenced by his American Congress on Surveying and Mapping/National Society of Professional Surveyors (ACSM/NSPS) Level III Certified Survey Technician certification. Mr. Hudson is knowledgeable and experienced in virtually all aspects of field survey operations and is particularly adept at computations and map interpretation and is well known for his ability to “sniff out a corner.” Professional Experience Senior Field Operations Continuing Surveying Services, City of Ocoee, Florida Projects have included boundary surveys, specific purpose surveys, topographic surveys, utility line surveys to include designation and excavation, preparation of legal descriptions, and plat review. Survey Field Operations Continuing Surveying Services Contract, City of Orlando, Florida Work under these contracts involved supporting various City departments, including Public Works, Engineering, Legal, Parks and Recreation, and Drainage. Assignment included platting, boundary and topographic surveys, utility designation and location, and control surveys. Survey Field Operations Continuing Surveying Services, Orange County, Florida Supported various County departments including Capital Improvements, Public Works, Parks and Recreation, Real Estate, and Roads and Drainage. Representative assignments have included geodetic control densifications, topographic surveys, utility route surveys, photogrammetric survey control, lift station surveys, preparation of legal descriptions, and GIS inventory mapping. Senior Crew Chief Orlando Utilities Commission Continuing Surveying Services, Orange, Osceola, and Polk Counties, Florida Since 1999, WSP has provided miscellaneous surveying and mapping services on an as-needed basis to various departments within OUC including water and sewer, housing, environmental, transmission, real estate, and substation. WSP was recently reselected to continue providing continuing land surveying services to OUC through 2023. Firm Name WSP Years of Experience Industry: 31 (1992) WSP: 31 (1992) Training and Certifications National Society of Professional Surveyors Certified Survey Technician Level III ICS Survey Correspondence Courses CSX Transportation Rail Safety Certification Florida East Coast Railway Safety Certification First Aid Training Certification e-RailSafe Certification MTS Training Seminars MOT Training Health and Safety Training Confined Space Training Trimble Navigation GPS Training Seminars FDOT Certified Work Zone Training Office Location Altamonte Springs, Florida Jason Hudson, CST III Senior Survey Crew Chief City of Ocoee | Continuing Contract for Surveying and Mapping Services | RFQ NO.23-006 10 Page 232 of 668 Career Summary Mr. Pabon has performed a variety of land and engineering surveying services for numerous public and private agencies and organizations while working at WSP. As a field crew chief, he is responsible for the daily supervision of field crew operations, including the location of topographic features and infrastructure, equipment operation and maintenance, line cutting, and monumentation setting. Professional Experience Survey Crew Chief City of Ocoee Continuing Land Surveying Services, Ocoee, Florida Beginning in 1998 through a series of four consecutive continuing surveying and mapping contracts, WSP has provided surveying and mapping services on an as- needed task assignment basis to various departments within the City including Capital Projects, Utilities, Public Works, Engineering, and Parks and Recreation. Survey Crew Chief All Aboard Florida Rail Passenger Corridor, HNTB Corporation, South and Central Florida Performed field survey operations to support rail design and land acquisition activities for this 235-mile corridor from Miami to Orlando International Airport. Primary activities included establishing a horizontal and vertical control network for the entire corridor, acquisition of topographic survey data through the use of mobile LiDAR for 200 miles of corridor, and land acquisition surveys and related mapping for the westerly 35 miles of the corridor. Survey Crew Chief Launch Complex 41, Kennedy Space Center, Florida Field operations to support collection of as-built data for the immediate launch pad, overhead utility lines, approaches, and associated roadway and utility infrastructure for topographic and control survey. Survey Crew Chief North District Geodetic Control Height Modernization Survey and Hydrologic Data Collection Sites Calibration, Southwest Florida Water Management District, Florida Field survey support for SWFWMD’s state-mandated NAVD1988 migration. Successfully performed innovative horizontal and vertical geodetic control surveys, utilizing establishment of GPS-derived static vector networks, supported by strategic use of conventional leveling control measuring as a QA/QC procedure (in accordance with National Geodetic Survey [NGS] recommendations for height modernization surveys). The initial project covered the north half of SWFWMD’s overall jurisdiction, which includes nine counties, and covers an area of more than 2,000 square miles. This network provides an integrated network of horizontal and vertical control stations newly-established at 108 locations specified by SWFWMD, which are in the immediate vicinity of wells, recorders, staff gauges, and control structures. Firm Name WSP Years of Experience Industry: 10 (2013) WSP: 10 (2013) Training and Certifications CSX Transportation Rail Safety Training First Aid Training Office Location Altamonte Springs, Florida Victor Pabon, CST Survey Crew Chief City of Ocoee | Continuing Contract for Surveying and Mapping Services | RFQ NO.23-006 11 Page 233 of 668 Career Summary Mr. Barrios has been engaged in the surveying and mapping profession for the past 35 years. Formally trained as a land surveyor in his native Panama, for the past 25 years he has been employed as a survey crew chief for WSP. Mr. Barrios brings considerable knowledge and practical experience in all areas of field survey operations with a focus on electronic data collection, location of subsurface utilities, and applications using GPS technology. Professional Experience Senior Survey Crew Chief City of Ocoee Continuing Land Surveying Services, Ocoee, Florida Beginning in 1998 through a series of four consecutive continuing surveying and mapping contracts, WSP has provided surveying and mapping services on an as- needed task assignment basis to various departments within the City including Capital Projects, Utilities, Public Works, Engineering, and Parks and Recreation. Senior Survey Crew Chief City of Orlando Continuing Surveying and Mapping Services, Orlando, Florida WSP has provided surveying and mapping services on an as-needed task assignment basis to various departments within the City including utilities, real estate, legal, public works, NTC Reuse, and parks and recreation. Senior Survey Crew Chief FDOT District 5 Continuing Surveying Services, Central Florida Since 2014, WSP has served as a FDOT districtwide surveying consultant for the Central Florida area under a series of individual contracts. A wide variety of services have been rendered, focusing mainly on supporting the planning and design of transportation infrastructure improvements. WSP has provided a wide variety of surveying and mapping services to the Department. Senior Survey Crew Chief Colt Creek State Park Wetlands Restoration, Southwest Florida Water Management District, Florida Performing all field survey operations to support hydrological modeling and design of improvements to restore existing wetlands in the park. Survey involved densification of vertical control, measurement of 35 cross sections at selected locations across the drainage basin, and the location and detailed as-built surveys of all drainage structures (culverts, catch basins, headwalls, etc.) located within the 1,600-acre project area. Senior Survey Crew Chief Osceola County Solar Energy Site Surveys, Florida Power and Light Company, Osceola County, Florida Directed field operations in the preparation of boundary, topographic, and wetlands location surveys for this 895-acre parcel in Osceola County. Firm Name WSP Years of Experience Industry: 35 (1988) WSP: 25 (1998) Training and Certifications Florida Certified Work Zone Safety FDOT Certified Contract Plan Reading CSX Safety and Access Certification FECRR Safety and Access Certification OSHA Confined Space Entry Transportation Worker Identification Credential Security Clearance Office Location Altamonte Springs, Florida Concepcion Barrios Senior Survey Crew Chief City of Ocoee | Continuing Contract for Surveying and Mapping Services | RFQ NO.23-006 12 Page 234 of 668 Career Summary Mr. Spikes has 29 years of in-the-field surveying experience, starting his surveying career as a rodman and has advanced through hard work and study. He is knowledgeable and experienced in all aspects of field survey operations and is particularly adept at performing engineering design and topographic surveys utilizing electronic data collection procedures. Professional Experience Crew Chief City of Ocoee Continuing Land Surveying Services, Ocoee, Florida Beginning in 1998 through a series of four consecutive continuing surveying and mapping contracts, WSP has provided surveying and mapping services on an as- needed task assignment basis to various departments within the City including Capital Projects, Utilities, Public Works, Engineering, and Parks and Recreation. Crew Chief Orange County Public Schools Continuing Land Surveying Services, Orange County, Florida Boundary Surveys, Topographic Surveys, Design Surveys, Final Surveys, Wetlands Surveys and subsurface utility location and mapping services for existing public school sites, ranging in size from 5 to 65 acres. Crew Chief Orange County Continuing Land Surveying Services, Orange County, Florida Surveying and mapping services to various departments within the County including Capital Projects, Legal, Utilities, Public Works, Real Estate, and Parks and Recreation. Crew Chief City of Orlando Continuing Surveying and Mapping Services, Orlando, Florida Surveying and mapping services on an as-needed task assignment basis to various departments within the City including Utilities, Real Estate, Legal, Public Works, NTC Reuse, and Parks and Recreation. Crew Chief Sanlando Springs Route Survey, Seminole County, Florida Responsible for field operations associated with the development of engineering design surveys and right-of-way maps covering this 1.7-mile residential corridor to support design of utility and sidewalk location. Specific tasks included establishment and referencing of alignment, retracement and remonumentation of lot and block properties of lands adjacent to corridor, and complete topographic survey, including designation of subsurface utilities, from centerline of pavement to 5’ beyond the right-of-way line. Firm Name WSP Years of Experience Industry: 29 (1994) WSP: 20 (2003) Training and Certifications CSX Transportation Rail Safety Certification Florida East Coast Railway Safety Certification First Aid Training Certification e-Railsafe Certification MTS Training Seminars MOT Training Health and Safety Training Confined Space Training Trimble Navigation GPS Training Seminars FDOT Certified Work Zone Training Office Location Altamonte Springs, Florida Philip “Darren” Spikes Survey Crew Chief City of Ocoee | Continuing Contract for Surveying and Mapping Services | RFQ NO.23-006 13 Page 235 of 668 Firm Name WSP Years of Experience Industry: 16 (2007) WSP: 16 (2007) Training and Certifications NSPS Certified Survey Technician Office Location Altamonte Springs, Florida Career Summary Mr. Waters has extensive Florida surveying and mapping experience. He began his career as a survey field technician and has served as an instrument man, party chief, and survey office technician. This versatility allows him to effectively serve in many roles for the surveying and mapping department. He is familiar with field operations, methodologies and instrumentation, data acquisition and processing workflows, and data processing hardware and software. Professional Experience Office Operations/Survey Technician Boundary and Topographic Surveys of Public Schools, Orange County Public Schools, Florida Supported the production of boundary and topographic surveys for John Young Elementary School (28 acres), Pineloch Elementary School (33 acres), and Cypress Creek High School (78 acres) as part of the Orange County Public Schools (OCPS) Capital Improvements Program. Responsible for field crew coordination, reduction and processing of survey data, and compilation of final mapping products. Office Operations/Survey Technician Orange County Continuing Land Surveying Services, Orange County, Florida Authorized under four separate continuing surveying services contracts, this work has involved providing surveying and mapping services to various departments within the County including Capital Projects, Legal, Utilities, Public Works, Real Estate, and Parks and Recreation. Survey Technician City of Orlando Continuing Surveying and Mapping Services, Orlando, Florida WSP has provided surveying and mapping services on an as-needed task assignment basis to various departments within the City including utilities, real estate, legal, public works, NTC Reuse, and parks and recreation. Survey Technician FDOT District 5 Continuing Surveying Services, Central Florida Since 2014, WSP has served as a FDOT districtwide surveying consultant for the Central Florida area under a series of individual contracts. A wide variety of services have been rendered, focusing mainly on supporting the planning and design of transportation infrastructure improvements. WSP has provided a wide variety of surveying and mapping services to the Department, including project network control, right-of-way surveys, design surveys, subsurface utility engineering, and preparation of right-of-way maps. Anthony Waters, CST Survey Technician City of Ocoee | Continuing Contract for Surveying and Mapping Services | RFQ NO.23-006 14 Page 236 of 668 Career Summary Mr. Ducsay has six years of experience in the surveying and mapping industry, including topographic, route design, and boundary surveys. He is familiar with a variety of survey equipment, including Trimble Global Navigation Satellite System units, digital levels, conventional levels, and robotic total stations. As a field crew technician, Mr. Ducsay is responsible for the daily support of field crew operations, including the location of topographic features and infrastructure, equipment operation and maintenance, line cutting, and monumentation setting. Professional Experience Survey Field Technician Continuing Surveying Services Contract, Orange County, Florida Provided field survey operations support in performing surveying and subsurface utility engineering tasks to include topographic design surveys, utility designation and utility excavation. Survey Field Technician Stanton Energy Center Continuing Professional Surveying and Mapping Services, Orlando Utilities Commission, Florida Field survey support associated with providing ongoing surveying and mapping services to a number of different departments within the Orlando Utilities Commission. This has included establishing horizontal and vertical control, performing boundary and topographic surveys for both transmission line corridors, substations and proposed solar energy sites, performing hydrographic and quantity surveys, construction layout, and subsurface utility location and survey at Stanton Energy Center. Survey Field Technician Continuing Surveying Services Contract, City of Orlando, Florida Under these contracts, involved in supporting various City departments, including public works, engineering, legal, parks and recreation, and drainage. Assignment included platting, boundary and topographic surveys, utility designation and location, and control surveys. Survey Field Technician Brightline Trains Inter-City Rail Corridor, Brevard and Orange County, Florida Field survey support associated with planning, design and land acquisition of a 40 mile section of the project corridor running along State Road 528 from US 1 in Cocoa westerly to Orlando International Airport. Tasks included GNSS RTK and static measurement campaigns and three-wire differential level runs over the project corridor to establish primary project control; surveys of Public Land Survey System (PLSS) and platted lands to support development of boundary surveys and legal descriptions; performing topographic surveys of selected areas for design; and the location of wetland boundaries to support environmental permitting. Firm Name WSP Years of Experience Industry: 6 (2017) WSP: 6 (2017) Training and Certifications NSPS Certified Survey Technician Work Zone Safety CSX Safety and Access Certification FECRR Safety and Access Certification National Safety Council First Aid Certification OSHA Confined Space Entry Office Location Altamonte Springs, Florida Matthew Ducsay, CST Survey Technician City of Ocoee | Continuing Contract for Surveying and Mapping Services | RFQ NO.23-006 15 Page 237 of 668 Firm Name WSP Years of Experience Industry: 12 (2011) WSP: 4 (2019) Education Associate of Science, Surveying Technology, Training and Certifications NSPS Certified Survey Technician Florida Certified Work Zone Safety First Aid Certification Office Location Altamonte Springs, Florida Career Summary Mr. Gaston has 12 years of experience in the surveying and mapping industry. He is from a family of surveyors and has served as a rodman, instrument man, party chief, and currently as a survey office technician. This experience, together with his continuing education in geomatics, has provided him the versatility to effectively serve in many roles for the surveying and mapping department. He is familiar with field operations, methodologies and instrumentation, data acquisition and processing workflows, and data processing hardware and software. He has extensive experience in the preparation of record plats, route surveys, and ALTA/NSPS Land Title Surveys. Professional Experience Office Operations/Survey Technician City of Ocoee Continuing Land Surveying Services, Ocoee, Florida Beginning in 1998 through a series of four consecutive continuing surveying and mapping contracts, WSP has provided surveying and mapping services on an as- needed task assignment basis to various departments within the City including Capital Projects, Utilities, Public Works, Engineering, and Parks and Recreation. Office Operations/Survey Technician Orange County Capital Projects Kaley Square Park, Orlando, Florida Responsible for office operations associated with the production of a certified topographic survey of this 6-acre neighborhood park located in downtown Orlando, Florida. Office tasks included field note reduction, processing of electronically-collected data, and production of a certified topographic survey in both CAD and hard copy formats. Office Operations/Survey Technician Brightline Trains Boca Raton Station, Boca Raton, Florida Responsible for survey offices operations in the developmetn of a boundary and topographic survey of a 1-mile section of the Florida East Coast Railway to support permitting and design of a new rail station. Office Operations/Survey Technician FPL Barron Collier Solar Energy Center, Collier County, Florida Responsible for office operations associated with the production of a certified boundary and topographic survey of this 595-acre solar energy facility located in east Collier County, Florida. Office tasks included title research, field note reduction, processing of GPS and digital leveling data, and production of related CAD and hard copy products. Brandon Gaston, CST II Survey Technician City of Ocoee | Continuing Contract for Surveying and Mapping Services | RFQ NO.23-006 16 Page 238 of 668 Firm Name WSP Years of Experience Industry: 30 (1993) WSP: 23 (2000) Education Bachelor of Science, Geomatics Professional Registrations Professional Land Surveyor, Florida #LS6372 Training and Certifications Trimble Navigation GPS Training Seminars HYPAC Hydrographic Surveying Mean High Water Determinations Office Location Altamonte Springs, Florida Career Summary Mr. Lindstedt’s first exposure to surveying was as a child accompanying his father, a professional land surveyor for more than 25 years. At the age of 16, he began working on a survey field crew for his father’s company. Fourteen years later, he graduated from the University of Florida with a Bachelor of Science degree in Geomatics. His duties as project surveyor include planning and directing control, hydrographic, laser scanning, and cadastral surveys, and providing technical support for GPS operations, including Static, Fast-Static, RTK, and DGPS. For the past 20 years, Mr. Lindstedt has focused his efforts on using the latest methods in GPS to specialize in hydrographic surveying. Professional Experience Project Surveyor City of Ocoee Continuing Land Surveying Services, Ocoee, Florida WSP has provided surveying and mapping services on an as-needed task assignment basis to various departments within the City including Capital Projects, Utilities, Public Works, Engineering, and Parks and Recreation. Project Surveyor Global Positioning System Static Network, St. Johns River Water Management District, Florida Provided field supervision for this project that entailed performing a GPS Static Network across remote portions of the St. Johns River marsh in Brevard and Orange Counties in order to establish three-dimensional geodetic control and support subsequent real-time GPS data collection and mapping. Project Surveyor FDEP Continuing Statewide Surveying Services, Florida WSP has compiled appraisal maps of lands ranging from 5 to 5,000 acres, acquired title information, and performed numerous cadastral/land acquisition surveys throughout Central Florida. Project Surveyor Hydrographic Surveys, U.S. Coast Guard, St. Petersburg, Florida Responsible for hydrographic surveys of the USGS base in St. Petersburg to support planning and design of docking improvements. Automated bathymetric surveys were conducted in conjunction with real-time navigation and positioning system to map the harbor bottom. This was coupled with topographic surveys of banks and near shore areas to provide complete topographic coverage of the project areas. Christopher J. Lindstedt, PSM Surveyor City of Ocoee | Continuing Contract for Surveying and Mapping Services | RFQ NO.23-006 17 Page 239 of 668 Firm Name WSP Years of Experience Industry: 20 (2003) WSP: 12 (2011) Education Bachelor of Landscape Architecture, Landscape Ecology Professional Registrations Geographic Information Systems Professional No. 91642 FDEP Stormwater Erosion and Sedimentation Control Inspector, Florida No. 25050 Office Location Gainesville, Florida Career Summary Mr. Atwater is a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Professional working in the environmental discipline. Responsibilities include management, implementation, and development of GIS applications as well as several years of experience in environmental planning. He has applied working knowledge of GIS technology including ArcHydro, ArcView, ArcInfo, and ArcGIS 10. He has used ArcView, ArcGIS, Visual Basic, and Microsoft spreadsheets and database programs. His primary duties include database design, spatial analysis, data conversions, and mapping. As an environmental planner, Mr. Atwater has gained experience analyzing, modeling, and mapping natural resources including wetland and aquatic vegetation, forests, and endangered species habitats. He also has experience in analyzing land-use and impervious surfaces. Mr. Atwater is charged with the management and quality assurance of deliverables on an ongoing basis. Professional Experience GIS Lead Monroe County, Roads and Vulnerability Analysis and Capital Plan, Monroe County, Florida Responsible for all aspects of the GIS effort, including mobile GIS application development, database creation and management, desktop surveys of readily available information regarding the subject sites, and emissions inventory maps. Climate change, including but not limited to extreme weather conditions and sea level rise has prompted planners and officials to focus on strategies that support a more resilient system. The roadway system is vital for its access/evacuation and mobilization within the Florida Keys. As part of the County’s sustainability approach, this project will merge climate change science and modeling, with transportation engineering and planning to develop a long-term roads adaptation plan based on design criteria, Sea Level Rise (SLR) projections, adaptation methodology, policy/financing evaluation, and public/stakeholder outreach. The project will be divided into three phases: study and analysis, engineering design, and adaptation plan. GIS Lead Monroe County, Harry Harris Park Vulnerability Analysis, Monroe County, Florida Monroe County contracted WSP to complete a vulnerability assessment of Harry Harris Park, which is a popular place for locals to spend a day at the ocean. This assessment proactively developed adaptation strategies to enhance the County’s investment in an important State goal: the preservation and enhancement of working waterfronts in Florida. Specifically, WSP (1) evaluated the available existing data (including previous sea level rise modeling; the County’s Local Mitigation Strategy; building, sea wall and property elevations; and plans, renderings, drawings, and surveys) and (2) prepared a vulnerability characterization/analysis to define the park’s future vulnerability to sea level rise and adaptation alternatives (related to existing and proposed site improvements) to proactively promote the resilience and storm surge of the site and its use in perpetuity as a public facility with recreational boat access use. Dustin Atwater, GISP Senior GIS Analyst City of Ocoee | Continuing Contract for Surveying and Mapping Services | RFQ NO.23-006 18 Page 240 of 668 Form TitleCertifications and Registrations City of Ocoee | Continuing Contract for Surveying and Mapping Services | RFQ NO.23-006 19 Page 241 of 668 Form TitleCertifications and Registrations City of Ocoee | Continuing Contract for Surveying and Mapping Services | RFQ NO.23-006 20 Page 242 of 668 Form TitleCertifications and Registrations City of Ocoee | Continuing Contract for Surveying and Mapping Services | RFQ NO.23-006 21 Page 243 of 668 Sub-consultants WSP has taken great care in assembling a team we believe to be a winning combination for the City providing an effective mix of experienced, local staff and national experts located in nearby regional offices. We are confident that we can provide the required expertise for all services requested in the RFQ. WSP presents this response to the City as the sole service provider for surveying and mapping Services. WSP will seek to provide practicable subcontracting opportunities and to the fullest extent consistent with efficient contract performance, and demonstrate good faith efforts to maximize the participation of Minority Businesses (MBEs), Women Businesses (WBEs), Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs) and other small businesses as necessary. City of Ocoee | Continuing Contract for Surveying and Mapping Services | RFQ NO.23-006 22 Page 244 of 668 Similar Services With the recent acquisitions of the Environment & Infrastructure business (E&I) of Wood and Golder, we are more prepared than ever to deliver solutions to our clients. Our proposal presents a combination of staff from legacy WSP and those from these recent acquisitions. WSP has more than 35 years of experience providing surveying and engineering services to state, federal, and commercial clients. We are widely recognized for our professionalism, as well as our high quality surveying, engineering, science, assessments, and consulting services. Since 1987, we have worked under no less than 32 continuing land surveying services contracts similar in nature to this solicitation. Quality of work, cost control, and compliance with time schedules are just some of the reasons these clients continue to utilize our services. These agencies can attest that they are receiving quality services from us; and we intend to respond to this contract with the same level of excellence. We stand behind our work and guarantee your satisfaction. Our goal is to provide our clients with the best possible services in a safe and efficient manner. It is our feeling that the City requires a consultant who is qualified by experience, past performance, superior staff, and a commitment to excellence. In other words, the City must feel comfortable that the consultant selected will work in the best interests of the City, attending to the work promptly, focusing on the needs and problems of each assignment to arrive at economical and efficient solutions, producing superior work products, establishing good lines of communication and being completely truthful in all business conducted. We feel qualified to partner with you to accomplish your goals and objectives. Our firm is registered with the Department of Business and Professional Regulation/Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services and has been providing surveying and mapping services in the state since 1987. We have focused on providing our services to public sector clients and, as a result, we have established and maintained successful business relationships with a number of governmental clients, including the Cities of Ocoee, Orlando, City of Ocoee | Continuing Contract for Surveying and Mapping Services | RFQ NO.23-006 23 Page 245 of 668 and Apopka; Orange County Public Schools; Orange, Seminole, Osceola, and Lake Counties; the Orlando Utilities Commission; the Greater Orlando Aviation Authority; FDEP; SJRWMD; SFWMD; SWFWMD; FDOT; USACE; the U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)/Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS). From our group’s inception, we have been involved in engineering, land acquisition, land management, and asset management programs administered by governmental agencies. We have been a part of numerous programs throughout the state, including Save Our Rivers, Rails-to-Trails, P-2000, Florida Forever, and Conservation and Recreational Lands. We have also had significant involvement in many major scientific and engineering missions in the state of Florida, including decommissioning and development of the Orlando Naval Training Center, the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP), the development of the Orlando International Airport, the SWFWMD migration from NGVD29 to NAVD88, Lake Apopka Restoration, Cross Florida Barge Canal – Rodman Reservoir Restoration, and the restoration of the headwaters of the St. Johns River. Subsequently, we have developed specific in-house capabilities and expertise in our line of services that can prove of value to the City in the execution of this contract. These services include: ▶Cadastral/Boundary Surveys: To support acquisition and the location of real property boundaries including water boundaries and rights-of-way. ▶Control Surveys: All surveys require some level of horizontal and/or vertical control. This has been a specialty practice area of our firm. ▶Construction Layout, As-Built, and Quantity Surveys: Providing both layout and as-built surveys of constructed improvements, including quantity computations. ▶Engineering/Topographic Surveys: To support planning, design, and construction of infrastructure and scientific applications. ▶Right-of-Way Surveying and Mapping: To support appraisal, acquisition and land management of road, waterway, and utility corridors. ▶Hydrographic Surveys: Determination and mapping of waterbody bottom elevations and contours, location of submerged vegetation and obstructions, and determination of sediment thickness. ▶Photogrammetric/Remote Sensing Survey Support: Establish survey control to support mapping operations and provide quality-control “ground-truthing” survey services of mapping products. Provide in- house Terrestrial and Mobile LiDAR services and products to support a number of projects and programs. ▶Resource Mapping: Location and mapping of wetlands, facility, and infrastructure inventory. ▶GIS Services: We provide high quality consulting services to assist in the design, development, and implementation of GIS for scientific, environmental, engineering, land use planning, and other applications to meet the needs of today’s decision makers. ▶Subsurface Utility Investigation and Survey: Utilizing electromagnetic and “soft dig” technology to expose, locate, and map subsurface utilities. ▶Platting: The subdivision of lands in conformance with Chapter 177, Florida Statutes; including the combination and/or splitting of parcels. ▶Condominium Surveys: Surveying and mapping and description/graphic depiction of real property in conformance with Chapter 718, Florida Statutes. ▶Preparation of Legal Descriptions: To support conveyance of real property interests. ▶Land Management Surveys: To clearly establish and mark new and existing boundaries. ▶Title Services: Public records research for documents affecting title to subject properties. ▶Owner’s Representative Services: Provide services related to scope development, cost estimation and review of surveyor’s services and products on behalf of the owner. ▶Expert Witness Testimony: WSP’s highly specialized staff members provide unbiased key testimony and expert witness analyses in many critical court cases. City of Ocoee | Continuing Contract for Surveying and Mapping Services | RFQ NO.23-006 24 Page 246 of 668 Our surveying and mapping group has, over the years, acquired the equipment and developed the expertise and experience necessary to provide a wide range of surveying services. Geodetic control surveys have long been an important part of our practice. Our staff has an extraordinary level of knowledge and practical experience in horizontal and vertical control surveys and is supported with the equipment and software to efficiently complete the work. We have been utilizing GPS/GNSS technology on an almost continuous basis since 1992 and were the first firm in Central Florida to utilize digital levels in establishing a vertical control network. Our staff has had the privilege to work with the National Geodetic Survey (NGS) as well as various federal, state, and local agencies in the development of GPS Height Modernization surveys to support the migration from the use of the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 to the current North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88). Our staff has performed 1st and 2nd order horizontal and 2nd and 3rd order vertical control surveys in conformance with NGS specifications, with the results being published in the National Spatial Reference System (NSRS). A recent large-scale effort has involved establishing a 235-mile geodetic control network to support the development of the All Aboard Florida High Speed Rail Project. In general, cadastral surveying is related to land boundaries and subdivisions, usually made for property ownership transfer or to define the limitations of title. The term is also related to details of area, ownership, and value of real property. Although current usage of this term typically designates the surveys of the public lands of the United States, including retracement of the original surveys, the term can also be used to describe any survey to identify and restore property line locations. Throughout the past 35 years, we have focused on acquiring the experience and competence necessary to provide those services associated with cadastral surveying, both as a firm and individually. We have extensive local experience in Public Land Survey System surveys, including involvement and certification in the Bureau of Land Management Certified Federal Surveyor Program by our firm’s principals Mr. Gardiner and Mr. Jones, as well as metes and bounds and subdivision (lot and block) surveys. Thoroughly “researching the record” is critical in successfully establishing real property boundaries and our local database and knowledge of historical survey data available in this area will allow for a complete professional and defensible boundary survey product. Water boundaries also fall under the term of cadastral surveying. Our experience in water boundaries dates back to 1988 and our involvement in the development of FDEP “physical fact methodology” for the location of the Ordinary High Water Line (OHWL). Over the years, we have been involved in a number of OHWL boundary determinations and related proceedings as the courts develop legal precedence and common law in this area of boundary law. While we are considerably inland from the sea, we have had occasion to perform Mean High Water Line surveys pursuant to Chapter 177-Part II, Florida Statutes. Our most recent effort in this area of boundary law involved providing expert testimony for Volusia County in a lawsuit involving a challenge to the legality of the public’s use of the beach. Platting is also associated with cadastral surveying and involves the surveying and mapping of real property to create and identify real property rights. Platting of lands in Florida is governed by Chapter 177- Part I, Florida Statutes. We have both submitted and served as reviewing surveyor for a number of plats filed of record in Orange and Seminole counties and have a good understanding of Chapter 177. More importantly, we have been involved in platting lands falling in these counties for the past 35 years and have an intimate understanding of the review process including the Subdivision Plat Requirements and the Final Plat Review Checklist and Additional Plat Requirements. Closely related to cadastral surveying is right-of- City of Ocoee | Continuing Contract for Surveying and Mapping Services | RFQ NO.23-006 25 Page 247 of 668 WSP’s service related to both MFLs and surveying since 2011 has been innovative and consistent. Whenever circumstances arose that required intervention or correction, WSP was quick to respond in an effective manner and to the satisfaction of their client. WSP staff was consistently highly qualified, capable, and professional.” John C. Good, PE Chief Professional Engineer Suwannee River Water Management District way surveying and mapping. This includes surveying and title examination for roadway, rail, and utility corridors and involves establishing corridor boundaries for the purpose of acquiring real property rights over the lands which the corridor crosses. The work products associated with right-of-way surveys are typically right-of-way control surveys, right-of-way maps, and legal descriptions and sketches. Regarding right-of-way surveying of transportation corridors, we have 35 years of experience in Central Florida. This includes more than 65 miles of survey and mapping for FDOT Districts 1, 5, and 7, more than 15 miles of similar work for Volusia and Orange Counties, and more than 160 miles of rail corridor work for CSX Transportation and FDEP. With regard to utility corridor right-of-way surveys, we have surveyed more than 15 miles of corridor for the Orlando Utilities Commission, 5 miles for Orange County Utilities, and more than 125 miles for Duke Energy and Florida Power and Light Company. This experience has allowed us to gain a unique understanding of the individual acquisition process of each agency and how each of the previously referenced work products must be compiled to supplement each other in assisting the title and legal staff of each agency in acquiring real property rights. We also have a historically strong background in engineering surveys to support the planning, design, and construction of infrastructure improvements. Topographic surveys of individual sites and corridors have been a mainstay of our practice for many years. We have many miles of topographic/ design surveys of the corridors described previously as well as large and small site surveys for many clients, including most of the counties and municipalities in the Central Florida area. We have many tools at our disposal to efficiently produce topographic surveys including electronic total station with data collector, GPS/GNSS operating in RTK mode and utilizing the Trimble Navigation Virtual Reference System (VRS), terrestrial and mobile LiDAR laser scanning, photogrammetric survey methodologies (in coordination with photogrammetrist) and utilizing UAS, and conventional survey of baseline and grid (yes, we still believe there are applications where this can be the most efficient way to get the job done). The key to successfully performing topographic surveys is understanding the client’s particular needs and designing the survey methodology/approach to meet those needs. The needs of a hydrologist modeling a drainage basin are much different than those of the engineer designing an intersection/roadway improvement. Particular attention must be paid to the required accuracies, and level of detail depicted on the final product as well as the CAD format and layering system to be utilized. Hydrographic surveys have been a part of our practice since 2000. We have performed sizable bathymetric surveys of inland waterways, lakes, and ports for SJRWMD, SFWMD, and FDEP, among others. We have a complete fleet of shallow draft boats and single and dual frequency acoustic measurement equipment to perform bathymetric surveys, sediment thickness surveys and the identification of vegetation and obstructions. Typically, we utilize USACE Manual 1110-2-1003 to provide technical guidance in performing hydrographic surveys. Construction layout, as-built, and quantity surveys are “bread and butter” engineering surveys that have been a part of our practice for many years. City of Ocoee | Continuing Contract for Surveying and Mapping Services | RFQ NO.23-006 26 Page 248 of 668 We have been involved in providing these services for a number of the major development projects in the area including the Orlando International Airport, Orlando-Orange County Convention Center, Eastern (SR 417) and Western (SR 429) Beltways, I-4 Improvements, The VUE, 55 West, Stanton Energy Center, and Plant Vogtle Nuclear Plant. We have a variety of survey methodologies at our disposal and the key to success is understanding just what the client requires and designing an approach to meet those needs. Closely associated with engineering surveys is subsurface utility location (SUL) and survey. Our experience in SUL has always focused on location/exposing and surveying the location of subsurface utilities in a single operation. Working closely with local utility companies through established relationships and the “one-call” process we identify which subsurface utilities might be present on the job site. Utilizing geophysical instrumentation, including ground penetrating radar (GPR), our staff identifies the approximate horizontal location and depth of the utility. Depending on client needs, we would then expose the utility to identify size, material, depth, and direction of the utility by utilizing our in-house soft-dig equipment. The utility line is then surveyed, typically utilizing a combination of GPS/GNSS and traditional survey methodologies. SUL has been a part of our practice since 1999 and we have provided continuing SUL services for many clients including OCPS, City of Orlando, Orange County, OUC, and FDOT Districts 2, 5, 6, 7 and Turnpike. We have extensive experience developing and using Geographic/GIS for environmental restoration applications, infrastructure management, resource management, cadastral base mapping, and other applications that require the analysis of spatial data. While we are experienced in the use of many commercial GIS and desktop mapping systems, our primary software of choice for GIS is the suite of ArcGIS products developed by Environmental Systems Research Institute, including their web development applications ArcIMS and ArcSDE. We also maintain a CAD department to support the preparation of digital maps and the integration of CAD basemaps with GIS. With over 35 years of continuous operations in the Central area, our firm has an excellent past performance record with our clients. We have been providing our services to SWFWMD on a continuous basis since 2007, primarily involved with the District’s NAVD88 Migration Program. There have been 12 tasks associated with the work, all of which were performed on time and within budget. The District has been pleased with the services and projects that we have provided and has renewed our contract. Notably, SJRWMD has been a continuing client for the past 22 years through individual projects and through four consecutive continuing service contracts. Many times, we have successfully provided the District with cadastral surveying services in compressed timeframes to facilitate real estate closings, and completed challenging engineering surveys for the Survey Division. The District re-selected our firm in 2017 to provide continuing professional surveying and mapping services. Beginning in 2002, we served as a survey contractor for SFWMD as part of the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan. This work has involved many projects similar to your projects including control, cadastral, and engineering support surveys; many located in physically-challenging environments. We completed all assignments on time and within budget. Several of our right-of-way mapping products have been utilized as example work products for other consultants to emulate. We have had a continuous contractual relationship with FDEP (and predecessor DNR) Bureau of Surveying and Mapping since 1992, through a series of continuing surveying and mapping contracts that have been renewed/ re-selected five times, evidence of our providing good, consistent service over the years. City of Ocoee | Continuing Contract for Surveying and Mapping Services | RFQ NO.23-006 27 Page 249 of 668 We have been under contract to FDOT since 1992, providing engineering and design surveys, right-of-way mapping and legal descriptions for many of the Districts statewide. All of the Districts that we have worked for have been pleased with the services that we have provided. We have been providing continuing surveying and mapping services to the Orlando Utilities Commission since 1999. This has involved a wide variety of services to include boundary, right-of-way, topographic, as-built, subsurface utility, hydrographic, and as-built surveys. In January 2018, OUC re-selected our firm to provide continuing professional surveying and mapping services through 2023. Additionally, we have been under contract to the United States Department of Agriculture/Natural Resources Conservation Service (USDA/NRCS) since 2005 in providing surveying and mapping and engineering services for the acquisition of conservation easements over rural properties throughout Florida. All 19 task orders have been executed on schedule and within the negotiated budget. The following pages demonstrate current or recently completed similar services within the past three (3) years with other public or private agencies including original contract price and final cost. City of Ocoee | Continuing Contract for Surveying and Mapping Services | RFQ NO.23-006 28 Page 250 of 668 29 City of Ocoee Continuing Land Surveying Services Ocoee, Florida Beginning in 2008 through a series of four consecutive continuing surveying and mapping contracts, WSP has provided surveying and mapping services on an as-needed task assignment basis to various departments within the City including Capital Projects, Utilities, Public Works, Engineering, and Parks and Recreation. Assignments have included: ▶Horizontal and vertical geodetic control ▶Boundary and right-of-way surveys ▶Topographic surveys ▶Tree location surveys ▶As-built surveys ▶Preparation of legal descriptions ▶Construction control ▶Roadway and utility corridor design surveys ▶Wetlands delineation surveys ▶Subsurface utility designation and excavation In addition, WSP has served as City Surveyor in the review and approval of record plats suitable for recordation in the public records in conformance with Chapter 177, Florida Statutes as prepared by other consultants. A representative task assignment involved the boundary and topographic survey of the City’s Central Park. Originally a boundary survey, involving both aliquot part and lot and block legal descriptions, was performed. This revealed several boundary issues in which WSP made presentations to adjacent land owners and served as facilitator in resolving the issues with land owners and the City. As a plan for redeveloping the park emerged, WSP reentered the field to perform a partial topographic survey of the park to include location of existing improvements, tree locations, and spot elevations on a 100-foot grid to define the topography in the project area. WSP completed all task assignments on schedule and within budget. In 2017, the City reselected WSP to provide continuing surveying and mapping services under the current contract to cover the timeframe of 2017 to 2022. Responsibility: Prime Client/Owner: City of Ocoee 1800 A.D. Mims Road Ocoee, FL Contact Details: Jaime Croteau 407.905.3159 jcroteau@ocoee.org Project Dates: 2008 to Present (On schedule) Original Contract Price / Final Cost: $65,000 Project Managers: Charles Gardiner, PLS R. Michael Jones, PLS Key Personnel: Max Ramos, PSM Chris Lindstedt, PSM Brandon Gaston, CST II Anthony Waters, CST Concepcion Barrios Jason Hudson, CST III Darren Spikes Victor Pabon, CST City of Ocoee | Continuing Contract for Surveying and Mapping Services | RFQ NO.23-006 Page 251 of 668 30 Orange County Continuing Land Surveying Services Orange County, Florida Authorized under four separate continuing surveying services contracts, this work has involved providing surveying and mapping services to various departments within the County including Capital Projects, Legal, Utilities, Public Works, Real Estate, and Parks and Recreation. WSP completed more than 165 task assignments on schedule and within budget. Assignments have included: ▶Horizontal and vertical geodetic control ▶Photo control ▶Topographic surveys ▶Boundary surveys ▶ALTA/ACSM land title surveys ▶As-built surveys ▶GIS asset inventory and mapping ▶Bathymetric surveys ▶Preparation of legal descriptions ▶Platting ▶Maintenance maps ▶Subsurface utility designation and excavation A representative task assignment was the Taft Center – Head Start Facility for the Capital Projects Division. Architectural and engineering site improvements were required to better serve the public at this existing 2-acre facility in Taft. To support these needs, we prepared a boundary and topographic survey of the site to include reestablishing the rights-of- way of Orange Avenue (County Road 527), the CSX Rail corridor and 4th Street per Plat of Taft, mapping of perimeter improvements and potential encroachments, the location of all above ground and evidence of subsurface improvements, locations of trees, acquisition of elevation data to develop a DTM, and one-foot con-tours across the site and the mapping of furnished title information. Another representative task assignment involved preparing a specific purpose survey for the Orange County Convention Center (OCCC) Capital Planning Group. The specific purpose of the survey was to locate and map project specific surface and subsurface improvements to support the final design of additional site improvements in the vicinity of the OCCC North Dock area. Sub tasks included densification of NAD 83/90 and NAVD88 control, electronic data collection, subsurface utility designation and excavation, location and elevation of geotechnical investigation sites, and close coordination with OCCC staff for site access and scheduling of survey activities that did not conflict with OCCC events. WSP was recently reselected to provide continuing surveying and mapping services to Orange County through September 2023. Responsibility: Prime Client/Owner: Orange County 4200 South John Young Parkway, Orlando, FL Contact Details: William Muscatello, Jr. 407.836.7881 william.muscatello@ocfl.net Project Dates: 1999 to Present (On schedule) Original Contract Price / Final Cost: $950,000 Project Managers: Charles Gardiner, PLS R. Michael Jones, PLS Key Personnel: Max Ramos, PSM Brandon Gaston, CST II Anthony Waters, CST Concepcion Barrios Jason Hudson, CST III Darren Spikes Orlin Pena Matt Ducsay, CST Victor Pabon, CST City of Ocoee | Continuing Contract for Surveying and Mapping Services | RFQ NO.23-006 Page 252 of 668 31 Responsibility: Prime Client/Owner: City of Orlando 400 S. Orange Avenue Orlando, FL Contact Details: Richard Allen 407.246.2788 richard.allen@cityoforlando.net Project Dates: 1994 to Present (On schedule) Original Contract Price / Final Cost: $250,000 Prime Consultant’s Project Managers: Charles Gardiner, PLS R. Michael Jones, PLS Key Personnel: Max Ramos, PSM Brandon Gaston, CST II Anthony Waters, CST Concepcion Barrios Jason Hudson, CST III Darren Spikes Orlin Pena Matt Ducsay, CST Victor Pabon, CST City of Orlando Continuing Surveying and Mapping Services Orlando, Florida Beginning in 1994 as part of five continuing services contracts, WSP has provided surveying and mapping services on an as-needed task assignment basis to various departments within the City including utilities, real estate, legal, public works, NTC Reuse, and parks and recreation. Assignments have included: ▶Horizontal and vertical geodetic control ▶Photo control ▶Boundary and right-of-way surveys ▶Topographic surveys ▶Tree location surveys ▶As-built surveys ▶Preparation of legal descriptions ▶Land title research ▶Plat preparation ▶Roadway and utility corridor design surveys ▶Wetlands delineation surveys ▶Subsurface utility designation and excavation A representative task assignment involved the Naval Training Center (NTC), McCoy Annex lying west of and adjacent to the Orlando International Airport. Due to our previous experience and knowledge of these properties as part of the City’s decommissioning and development of NTC, WSP was selected to provide surveying and mapping services for two parcels of land, totaling 133.5 acres, to be conveyed to others for development based on City planning and engineering requirements. The primary purpose of these surveys was to establish and describe the parcel boundaries, locate and map existing above ground improvements, acquire title information reports and map title encumbrances that affected the parcels, and prepare legal descriptions for lift station and sewer line easements required by the City in the future. Sub-tasks included recovery and ties to the original NAD83/1990 project horizontal datum, retracement of adjoining platted and non-platted lands defining the parcel boundaries, mapping of above ground improvements utilizing a combination of photogrammetric and traditional data collection methodologies, designation of underground force main lines, and coordination with City transportation, utilities, and planning departments to define parcel and easement boundaries. City of Ocoee | Continuing Contract for Surveying and Mapping Services | RFQ NO.23-006 Page 253 of 668 32 FDOT District 5 Continuing Surveying Services Central Florida Since 2014, WSP has served as a FDOT districtwide surveying consultant for the Central Florida area under a series of individual contracts. A wide variety of services have been rendered, focusing mainly on supporting the planning and design of transportation infrastructure improvements. WSP has provided a wide variety of surveying and mapping services to the Department including: ▶Establishing horizontal and vertical Project Network Control to support subsequent design and right-of-way survey tasks ▶Performing engineering route surveys to support planning and design of roadway improvements ▶Performing right-of-way surveys and compiling right-of-way mapping products to support the acquisition of real property rights ▶Measuring and mapping cross sections of existing canals to calculate volumes ▶Performing subsurface utility engineering (SUE) services involving the designation and excavation of subsurface utilities to support roadway and utility design ▶Performing bathymetric surveys of inland waterbodies to support bridge hydraulic studies A representative project was the Green Swamp-State Road 33 bridge widening project. This work involved widening an existing bridge and 4,000’ of an adjacent two-lane roadway. Project tasks included establishing Project Network Control, design and right-of-way survey of the corridor, SUE services to designate and excavate subsurface utilities to ASCE 38-02 guidelines, and preparation of right-of-way control and maintenance maps. Another representative project was the US 1/SR 5 resurfacing project of 4.1 miles which required establishing horizontal and vertical Project Network Control, performing engineering design surveys at selected locations requiring infrastructure improvements, designation of subsurface utilities in selected areas, and re-establishing the baseline of survey alignment consistent with the original right-of-way maps. A recent representative task assignment was the SR 426 (Fairbanks Avenue) Retrofit Lighting project in Winter Park. Working closely with FDOT staff, we performed detailed utility designation and excavation (VVH) at 12 intersection locations to support the design of new light pole facilities as part of safety enhancements to SR 426. This urban corridor contained numerous existing utilities requiring close coordination with the utility providers and the City of Winter Park. Responsibility: Prime Client/Owner: Florida Department of Transportation 719 S. Woodland BoulevardMS-3-559 Deland, FL Contact Details: Thomas LaCorte, PSM 386.943.5267 thomas.lacorte@dot.state.fl.us Project Dates: 2014 to 2019 (On schedule) Original Contract Price / Final Cost: $1.5 Million Prime Consultant’s Project Managers: Charles Gardiner, PLS R. Michael Jones, PLS Key Personnel: Max Ramos, PSM Anthony Waters, CST Concepcion Barrios Jason Hudson, CST III Darren Spikes Matt Ducsay, CST Victor Pabon, CST City of Ocoee | Continuing Contract for Surveying and Mapping Services | RFQ NO.23-006 Page 254 of 668 33 Orlando Utilities Commission Continuing Surveying Services Orange, Osceola, and Polk Counties, Florida Since 1999, WSP has provided miscellaneous surveying and mapping services on an as-needed basis to various departments within OUC including water and sewer, housing, environmental, transmission, real estate, and substation. WSP was recently reselected to continue providing continuing land surveying services to OUC through 2022. Assignments have included: ▶Boundary surveys ▶Topographic surveys ▶Wetland location surveys ▶Construction layout ▶As-built surveys ▶Hydrographic surveys ▶Ordinary high water line surveys ▶Quantity surveys ▶Preparation of legal descriptions and sketches ▶Subsurface utility designation and excavation Representative of our assignments has been our work at the Stanton Energy Center (SEC) in east Orange County. Over the past several years working at SEC, we have: ▶Performed a perimeter boundary survey of the 1,500-acre campus ▶Established photogrammetric control and subcontracted photogrammetric services for mapping of the western half of the campus ▶Performed bathymetric surveys of cooling, recycle, and water retention ponds to support quantity computations of unconsolidated materials ▶Performed construction layout and subsequent as-built surveys of the landfill expansion project ▶Established and maintained a network of 3-dimensional control monuments relative to NAD 83/2011 and NAVD88/NGVD29 utilized for project design and construction ▶Surveying the location and elevation of 30 hydrological monitor wells located across the campus ▶Established and continue to build an inventory map of subsurface utility improvements for the designation and excavation of subsurface utilities on a project by project basis ▶Perform quarterly quantity surveys for construction of coal ponds and landfill expansion Responsibility: Prime Client/Owner: Orlando Utilities Commission 5971 Pershing Avenue Orlando, FL Contact Details: Charles Doud, PE 321.537.9998 cdoud@ouc.com Project Dates: 1995 to Present (On schedule) Original Contract Price / Final Cost: $860,000 Project Manager: R. Michael Jones, PLS Key Personnel: Charles Gardiner, PLS Max Ramos, PSM Brandon Gaston, CST II Anthony Waters, CST Concepcion Barrios Jason Hudson, CST III Darren Spikes Matt Ducsay, CST Victor Pabon, CST City of Ocoee | Continuing Contract for Surveying and Mapping Services | RFQ NO.23-006 Page 255 of 668 34 Seminole County Continuing Survey and Mapping Services Seminole County, Florida Beginning in 2002 through a series of four consecutive continuing surveying and mapping contracts, WSP has provided surveying and mapping services on an as-needed task assignment basis to various departments within the county including capital projects, utilities, GIS, water resources, public works, and parks and recreation. Assignments have included: ▶Horizontal and vertical geodetic control ▶Boundary and right-of-way surveys ▶Photo control ▶LiDAR mapping ▶Topographic surveys ▶As-built surveys ▶Utility and facility GIS asset inventory and mapping ▶Preparation of legal descriptions ▶Roadway and utility corridor design surveys ▶Subsurface utility designation and excavation A typical project associated with this contract was the Howard Avenue Reconstruction Project. Howard Avenue is a paved rural roadway just north of Oviedo. The roadway pavement and shoulder was failing due to subsurface conditions, heavy traffic and the water table effects of an adjacent deep drainage ditch. To support geotechnical engineering operations and subsequent design we prepared a boundary and topographic survey of a 2500’ section of roadway to identify right-of-way lines and to provide information as to existing site conditions. The survey involved establishing project horizontal and vertical control relative to the County’s primary control network, identifying the limits of right-of-way with ties to Public Land Survey System (PLSS) and record plat controlling corners, location of existing above ground improvements in the corridor, collection of sufficient topographic data to develop spot elevations and one-foot contours along the corridor, performing a bathymetric survey of the adjacent deep ditch, location and elevations of geotechnical investigation sites, and production of digital mapping products compatible with County mapping operations. Another project that we have been involved with is the County’s Stormwater Inventory Mapping program. We have been involved with this program for the past 10 years which includes field location and subsequent mapping of stormwater assets utilizing DGPS data collection methodologies (2D/ sub-meter mapping), population of attribute data utilizing County data dictionaries, and creation of shape files in ESRI format for each infrastructure data sets: structures, pipes, channels, and ponds. Deliverable products are GIS shape files with individual coverages for each data set together with supporting digital terrestrial photography captured for each of the items listed above. WSP was re-selected to provide continuing surveying and mapping services to Seminole County through 2024. Responsibility: Prime Client/Owner: Seminole County 100 E. 1st Street Sanford, FL Contact Details: Mike Garcia 407.665.567 mgarcia@seminolecountyfl.gov Project Dates: 2002 to Present (On schedule) Original Contract Price / Final Cost: $225,000 Project Manager: Charles Gardiner, PLS Key Personnel: R. Michael Jones, PLS Max Ramos, PSM Brandon Gaston, CST II Anthony Waters, CST Concepcion Barrios Jason Hudson, CST III Darren Spikes Orlin Pena Matt Ducsay, CST Victor Pabon, CST City of Ocoee | Continuing Contract for Surveying and Mapping Services | RFQ NO.23-006 Page 256 of 668 35 FDEP Continuing Statewide Surveying Services Statewide Florida Since 1992, WSP has served as a FDEP statewide general surveying consultant for the Central Florida area under a series of individual contracts. A wide variety of services have been rendered, focusing mainly on land acquisition and land management. WSP has compiled appraisal maps of lands ranging from 5 to 5,000 acres, acquired title information, and performed numerous cadastral/land acquisition surveys throughout Central Florida. We have also provided a number of other services, including: ▶Establishing geodetic control and sub-contracting with a photogrammetrist to acquire photo enlargements and digital ortho-photo data ▶Preparing written scopes of work ▶Managing the efforts of other survey consultants ▶Reviewing acquisition surveys, appraisal maps and title information for completeness and conformity to FDEP Survey Specifications A representative project was the Caber Coastal Connector/Panther Ridge Estates, Inc. parcel in Levy County. This project originates with WSP providing services to the land owners to divide the ownership into equitable parcels and developing areas and maps that were subsequently used by FDEP for appraisal purposes. When a contract for the 1492-acre Panther Ridge Estate parcel was executed, WSP was issued a task assignment to prepare the land acquisition survey and was able to complete the task in a cost-efficient and timely manner. A similar representative project is the recently completed Shingle Creek Regional Trail-Yates Connector in Osceola County. This was the “missing link” needed to connect the trail from Kissimmee to Orange County. The survey of this 29-acre parcel along the shores of Lake Tohopekaliga and Shingle Creek was performed in compliance with FDEP Bureau of Survey and Mapping requirements and included the survey and location of the “safe upland line” elevation of 55’NGVD to establish, for acquisition purposes, the riparian boundary of this parcel. In 2017, WSP was re-selected to provide statewide continuing surveying and mapping services to FDEP through February 2027. Responsibility: Prime Client/Owner: Florida Department of Environmental Protection 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard MS105 Tallahassee, FL Contact Details: Jorge Alonso 850.245.2637 jorge.alonso@dep.state.fl.us Project Dates: 1992 to Present (On schedule) Original Contract Price / Final Cost: $1.5 Million Project Managers: Charles Gardiner, PLS R. Michael Jones, PLS Key Personnel: Max Ramos, PSM Chris Lindstedt, PSM Brandon Gaston, CST II Anthony Waters, CST Concepcion Barrios Jason Hudson, CST III Darren Spikes Orlin Pena Matt Ducsay, CST Victor Pabon, CST City of Ocoee | Continuing Contract for Surveying and Mapping Services | RFQ NO.23-006 Page 257 of 668 Project Management and Schedule Our team commits to the City that it will provide sufficient staff resources to handle even peak workload demands. Our team has the resources available to expedite schedule at any time if needed and all are equally committed to client satisfaction and to outstanding technical performance on each and every task assignment. Our team has a proven track record of successfully managing continuing services projects that are similar in size and scope to the City contract. We have reviewed our recent, current, and projected workload and are confident that our team has more than adequate availability to complete the required services. The majority of our projects are at the 50% to 95% level nearing completion. All members of the team are committed to this project and are available for the life of this contract on an as-needed basis. The availability of our staff will allow for the initiation and completion of any task required in a minimum amount of time. The team will dedicate the necessary time to any assigned task. We are well-known and respected in our profession for performing multiple projects and task assignments within the constraints and limitations of schedules, budgets, and project boundaries. Our daily ability to handle the scope of services will be facilitated primarily by continuously tracking staff needs and availability to ensure project commitments are met and costly staff overloading or under loading is avoided. The team project manager, Mr. Charles Gardiner, PLS, CFedS, will oversee and coordinate this effort to ensure an effective staff allocation whereby team adjustments will be made as dictated by the project requirements and in accordance with the designated work plan. We are confident that this project will be an excellent fit for our team in terms of experience and proficiency as well as the availability of the personnel who are proposed. The professionals who would be utilized for this project are committed to client service and accustomed to providing the individual time and effort necessary to successfully achieve the objectives of our clients. City of Ocoee | Continuing Contract for Surveying and Mapping Services | RFQ NO.23-006 36 Page 258 of 668 City of Ocoee | Continuing Contract for Surveying and Mapping Services | RFQ NO.23-006 Survey Equipment List and quantity of firm’s (and firm’s sub-consultants’ if applicable) equipment including survey instruments, computers, plotters, vehicles, etc. Aside from having sufficient, available and experienced manpower, another important component of our ability to perform the requested services is having ample physical resources to support our crews and office staff. Our firm has the following equipment and resources available for this contract: GPS/ GNSS Equipment 9 (3) Trimble R8 dual frequency receivers 9 (6) Trimble R6 dual frequency receivers 9 (4) Trimble R2 dual frequency receivers 9 (13) Trimble TSC2 and TSC3 system controllers 9 (3) Trimble Pro XR DGPS receivers 9 (10) 2-meter fixed height tripods Electronic Total Stations 9 (4) Trimble S7 (3 second) robotic total stations 9 (2) Nikon model DTM 551 (1-inch) electronic total stations 9 (2) Trimble S8 (1 second) robotic total stations Automatic/Digital Levels 9 (5) Wild NA2 9 (4) Zeiss DiNi21 2nd order digital level with matching rods 9 (1) Zeiss DiNi11 1st order digital level with matching invar rods Subsurface Utility Location Equipment 9 Groundhog model HT-1300 soft-dig excavation unit 9 Metrotech geophysical line locators 9 RD-400 pipe and cable locators 9 GSSI SIR-2000 GPR units 9 Fisher TW-6 M-Scope Software 9 Trimble and HYPAC MAX hydro software suites 9 Trimble GPS software suite 9 CAiCE software 9 Microstation v8/GEOPAC software suite 9 ESRI ArcGIS software suite 9 AutoCAD all versions since 2002 with LDD/Civil 3D Vehicles 9 (6) 2020 to 2022 Chevy ½- and ¾ -ton trucks 9 (1) 2020 Chevrolet 4x4 1-ton trucks 9 MarshMaster 9 (4) ATV Hydrographic Equipment 9 Odom HydroTrac Echosounder with shallow water transducer 9 Hammerhead laptop Hardware 9 (10) 600MHZ Pentium with 30 GB workstations 9 HP design jet T3500 plotter 9 (4) Pentium 3 laptops Boats 9 (1) 16-foot Go-Devil shallow draft boat 9 (1) 18-foot Yamaha metal hull hydro survey boat 9 (2) 16-foot metal hull shallow draft hydro survey boats 37 Page 259 of 668 Client References Client satisfaction is our top priority, especially with regard to schedule and budget constraints. We are responsive to all our clients to provide accurate and timely information on critical issues. The most current, relevant projects that represent our qualifications in the areas identified in the Scope of Services described in the RFQ are shown in the Similar Services section of this submittal. We encourage you to contact our existing clients to discuss our performance with municipalities on previous projects. We have provided the names and contact information for several clients with related projects. William Muscatello, PLS, PSM Orange County Surveyor 407-836-7881 william.muscatello@ocfl.net Richard Allen, PLS City of Orlando Surveyor 407-246-2788 richard.allen@cityoforlando.net Joseph Fazio, PE Florida Power & Light Company 301-514-6203 joseph.fazio@nee.com Charles Doud, PE Orlando Utilities Comission 321-537-9998 cdoud@ouc.com City of Ocoee | Continuing Contract for Surveying and Mapping Services | RFQ NO.23-006 38 Page 260 of 668 SECTION #2 Firm’s Office Location & Other Forms Page 261 of 668 WSP Office Locations WSP’s depth of global resources allows us to provide our clients with innovative solutions engineered to fit perfectly with local project challenges. WSP’s Florida operation employs more than 300 people in offices located in every region of the state, including more than 150 people in the Central Florida area. For this opportunity, Charles Gardiner, PLS, CFedS, will coordinate and manage this project from our local office located at 550 North Lake Boulevard, Suite 1000, Altamonte Springs, Florida 32701. We will self perform 100% of this work. WSP’s highly-qualified professionals will be able to act as an extension of the City staff when the need arises. The close proximity of our office will allow for convenient transfer of plans and information as well as meeting participation. The WSP team brings specialized Central Florida knowledge and experience to the City with added services provided from our expansive knowledge and background with survey and mapping continuing services contracts. Our Orlando office provides a full range of surveying and mapping, civil engineering, facilities engineering, environmental and material testing services. Our team brings extensive familiarity with the local conditions, which will result in significant project time savings. We can draw on our experienced local team members to support the needs of clients, regardless of project size and complexity. The locations of our Florida offices with approximate distance and time to City Hall can be found in the table below. Orlando 550 North Lake Blvd, Suite 1000 Altamonte Springs, Florida 32701 407.522.7570 22 miles / 30 minutes Lakeland 5015 South Florida Avenue, Suite 301 Lakeland, Florida 33813 863.667.2345 65 miles / 1.5 hours Tampa 1101 Channelside Drive, Suite 200 Tampa, Florida 33602 813.289.0750 85 miles / 2 hours Miami 16250 NW 59th Ave, Suite 206 Miami Lakes, Florida 33014 305.826.5588 235 miles / 3.5 hours Gainesville 3701 NW 98th Street Gainesville, Florida 32606 352.363.5355 110 miles / 2 hours Jacksonville 6256 Greenland Road, Jacksonville, Florida 32258 904.396.5173 140 miles / 2.5 hours City of Ocoee | Continuing Contract for Surveying and Mapping Services | RFQ NO.23-006 40 Page 262 of 668 Tallahassee 1441 Maclay Commerce Drive, Suite 102 Tallahassee, Florida 32312 850.656.1293 245 miles / 4 hours West Palm Beach 901 Northpoint Parkway, Suite 204 West Palm Beach, Florida 33407 561.242.7713 175 miles / 3 hours Naples 4850 Tamiami Trail North, Suite 301 Naples, Florida 34103 305.586.6594 195 miles / 4 hours M/WBE Certification WSP is not an MBE/WBE/VBE firm or local developing business. However, we actively engage minority firms when putting together comprehensive teams for continuing services contracts. In fact, the executives at WSP encourage the use of MBE/WBE firms whenever possible as a means of establishing and maintaining healthy working relationships. Our strategy is to build the best possible team in an effort to fully satisfy the needs of our client. City of Ocoee | Continuing Contract for Surveying and Mapping Services | RFQ NO.23-006 41 Page 263 of 668 Form TitleExhibit A - Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form City of Ocoee | Continuing Contract for Surveying and Mapping Services | RFQ NO.23-006 42 Page 264 of 668 Form TitleExhibit B - Drug-Free Workplace Form City of Ocoee | Continuing Contract for Surveying and Mapping Services | RFQ NO.23-006 43 Page 265 of 668 Form TitleExhibit C - Company Information and Signature Sheet City of Ocoee | Continuing Contract for Surveying and Mapping Services | RFQ NO.23-006 44 Page 266 of 668 SUMMARY OF LITIGATION WSP is a large international services company and as such, there are inevitably disputes arising from time to time. While details of those disputes are confidential, we can confirm that there are no disputes or litigation of any kind, that individually or collectively, will have a material effect upon the quality of WSP’s performance and its ability to provide services for this contract. City of Ocoee | Continuing Contract for Surveying and Mapping Services | RFQ NO.23-006 45 Page 267 of 668 Form TitleACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF ADDENDA Bidder acknowledges receipt of the following addenda: No._____________ Dated _____________________ No._____________ Dated _____________________ No._____________ Dated _____________________ City of Ocoee | Continuing Contract for Surveying and Mapping Services | RFQ NO.23-006 46 1 March 2, 2023 Page 268 of 668 550 North Lake Blvd Suite 1000 Altamonte Springs, Florida 32701 (407) 522-7570 wsp.com Page 269 of 668 Page 270 of 668 Page 271 of 668 Page 272 of 668 Page 273 of 668 Page 274 of 668 Page 275 of 668 RFQ #23-006 CONTINUING CONTRACT FOR SURVEYING AND MAPPING SERVICES CHECKLIST 3/7/2023 2:00 PM No.RESPONDENT Submission Requirements- Qualifications, References, etc. Acknowledge Addendum #1 Company/License Verification MWBE CERT. Company Info/ Signature Sheet Office Location 1 Barnes, Ferland and Associates, Inc. yes, summary of litigation - none ✓Active Respondent ✓Orlando, FL 2 Chastain-Skillman, Inc. yes, summary of litigation - none ✓Active N/A ✓Orlando, FL 3 CPH, LLC.yes ✓Active N/A ✓Orlando, FL 4 Halff Associates, Inc. yes ✓Active N/A ✓Tavares, FL 5 KCI Technologies, Inc.yes ✓Active N/A ✓Maitland, FL 6 Larson Design Group, Inc. yes, summary of litigation - no list provided ✓Active N/A ✓Maitland, FL 7 Southeastern Surveying and Mapping Corp. (SSMC) yes, summary of litigation - none ✓Active N/A ✓Orlando, FL 8 SurvTech Solutions, Inc.yes ✓Active N/A ✓Sanford, FL 9 WSP USA Environment & Infrastructure Inc. (WSP) yes, summary of litigation - no list provided ✓Active N/A ✓ Altamonte Springs, FL * missing forms is considered a minor irregularity Page 276 of 668 Page 277 of 668 Mayor Commissioners Rusty Johnson Larry Brinson, Sr, District 1 Rosemary Wilsen, District 2 City Manager Richard Firstner, District 3 Robert Frank George Oliver III, District 4 March 2, 2023 ADDENDUM NO. ONE (1) CITY OF OCOEE RFQ No. 23-006 CONTINUING CONTRACT FOR SURVEYING AND MAPPING SERVICES This addendum shall modify and become a part of the original bid documents for the Continuing Contract for Surveying and Mapping Services Projects for FY 2023. This addendum consists of two (2) pages. Bidders shall acknowledge receipt of this Addendum in the space provided on page 17 of the bid documents. Failure to do so may subject the bidder to disqualification. The bid date remains the same. Answers to questions received and/or amendments to the bid documents are as follows: Q1. How many firms will be selected for contracted service for this RFQ? A1. The City intends to award continuing contracts to the top three (3) firms, if possible, deemed to be the most highly qualified to perform the required services as per Page 4 of the RFQ. Q2. Who are the firms currently providing continuing surveying and mapping services for the City? A2. Southeastern Surveying & Mapping, Barnes, Ferland & Associates Inc, WSP USA E & I, INC, the City’s term contracts are available at this link: https://www.ocoee.org/DocumentCenter/View/1631/Term_Contracts-List-PDF?bidId= Q3. On page 13, under section D , second paragraph, it states, “To facilitate the review of the responses, firms should follow the described response format, see also Section 5 of this RFQ.” I did not see a Section 5 in the RFQ. Is the response format to follow on page 14 under I. Firm’s Qualifications and II. Firm’s Office Location & Other Forms? A3. Section 5 is located on the Page 5 of the RFQ. Q4. Can we provide any contract clarifications with our RFQ response? A4. Yes. Q5. Will the selected firm have the opportunity to discuss contract terms and conditions during negotiations? Page 278 of 668 Addendum#1 RFQ #23-006 – Continuing Contract Surveying & Mapping Page 2 A5. Yes, however, the contract draft included in the RFQ is the City’s standard contract terms for these services. Olena Stokych Olena Stokych Purchasing Analyst Cc: evaluation committee Page 279 of 668