HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 12 The Regency Mixed-Use Development Large Scale Final Site Plan and First Amendment to the Development Agreement (LS-2022-012) City of Ocoee ▪ 1 N. Bluford Avenue ▪ Ocoee, Florida 34761 Phone: (407) 905-3100 ▪ www.ocoee.org STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: June 6, 2023 Item #: 12 Contact Name: Michael Rumer Department Director: Michael Rumer Contact Number: Ext. 1018 City Manager: Robert Frank Subject: The Regency Mixed-Use Development Large Scale Final Site Plan and First Amendment to the Development Agreement (LS-2022-012). (Development Services Director Rumer) Background Summary: On May 3, 2022, the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners approved the Large-Scale Preliminary Site Plan and Development Agreement for The Regency Mixed-Use Development which will be located in the Community Redevelopment Area (CRA) Special Overlay District titled: CRA Target Area 1. The property contains three (3) parcels identified as parcel numbers 30-22-28-0000-00-018, 30-22-28-0000-00-059, and 30- 22-28-0000-00-016. The subject properties combined are approximately 16.68 acres in size and are more generally located on the north side of the Florida Turnpike and the west side of the Maguire Road at the Old Winter Garden Road Intersection and also within Commission District 3 - Richard Firstner. The Large-Scale Preliminary Site Plan approval by the City Commission entitled the Mixed-Use Urban Development project is as follows: 300 luxury multi-family units on approximately 16.68 acres & seven (7) buildings as reflected in sheet C4: • Building 1: 12 units and +/- 7,000 SF of retail uses • Building 2: 32 units (Studio, 1 and 3 Bedrooms) • Building 3 & 4: 88 units (1,2, and 3 Bedroom Units) • Phase 5, 6, & 7: 168 units (1, 2, & 3 Bedrooms) Buildings 1 and 2 will be located on the north side of the extension of Old Winter Garden Road. There will be two access points, with one a northern road connection as required in the CRA Target Area 1 Development Plan. Buildings 3-7 and the Club House will be located on the south side of the extension of Old Winter Garden Road. The project will have two (2) access points. The main access/entrances will be off of Old Winter Garden Road. An amenity center/clubhouse, dog park, and a stormwater pond will also be located on this site. Utilities will be extended to the site from Maguire Road. The Development Agreement approved on May 3, 2022, provided credits for the Transportation Impact fees, Parks and Recreation Impact fees, Utility Capital Charges, and participation in improvements to the Maguire Road / Old Winter Garden intersection. The proposed First Amendment to the Development Agreement provides for some changes to the original Development Agreement and provides for actual amounts of credits Page 283 of 373 City of Ocoee ▪ 1 N. Bluford Avenue ▪ Ocoee, Florida 34761 Phone: (407) 905-3100 ▪ www.ocoee.org and payments. The changes are as follows: Section 6 Credits - 1) Amended Section 6 (a) from 75% Transportation credits for dollar-for-dollar actual cost of design, engineering, and construction of the Old Winter Garden Road and new North Road to 100% Transportation Credits based on the amount applied for the 300 multi-family units and 7,000 sf of retail. 2) Amended 6(b) from 75% credits on the cost of the intersection improvements to a dedicated payment of $830,616 upon the completion/construction of the Old Winter Garden Road/Maguire Road intersection. This is approximately 50% of the estimated overall construction cost. 3) No amendment to Section 6 (c). Just want to note that no Utility Credits are being provided. 4) Amended Section 6(d) to provide the actual amount of Park Impact fee Credits of $117,000.00. Section 7 Construction of Retention Pond - a) Amended to add the actual cost of $193,461,000.00. New Items provided in the Agreement - i) Added a new section whereby the City agrees to provide the Developer with a tax rebate or credit for real estate taxes due against the property in the year 2023 and through the end of the construction of the Project which is 21 months from the start of construction; ii) Upon completion of the Old Winter Garden Road Extension and Street A and the conveyance or dedication of each to the City, the City shall pay to the Developer a payment equal to 20% of the appraised value of the CRA internal road network right-of-way. Such payment is anticipated to be in the amount of Five Hundred Sixty Thousand Dollars and No/100 Dollars ($560,000.00); iii) Provides for the opportunity to be reimbursed in the event the City receives funding or a reimbursement from a third party for the costs of the Old Winter Garden Road Extension or Street A, the City shall disburse to Developer its pro rata share of the construction costs related to Old Winter Garden Road Extension and Street A. An example would be funding from FDOT for the Old Winter Garden Road Extension. iv) The City agrees to provide the Developer a credit of 50% against the City’s costs and fees to review the plans for the Project. This credit is currently estimated to be One Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars and No/100 Dollars ($125,000.00). On a final note to the background of this project, the Development Agreement is typically amended as part of the approval of the Final Site Plan as it is the true costs of construction and infrastructure that is received. Also, since some on the Commission did not participate in the original Large-Scale Final Site Plan approval, staff wanted to provide a short overview of what the Mixed-Use project brings to the City and CRA. The development of Target Area 1 is critical to the overall success of the CRA, and the City as a whole. With these development improvements to the Maguire Road Intersection and the commencing of the Old Winter Garden Road extension, which is required in the Target Area requirements and is listed as a future City Project in the Comprehensive Plan, the City has the opportunity to partner with the developer of The Regency to not only improve our regional transportation system, but provide an urban mixed product of residential and commercial. Based on a study prepared by Raftelis Financial Consultants, The Regency should contribute between $776,096 - $800,000 annually to the Redevelopment Trust Fund (see page 11 of the attached TIF Projection Report). Also, after the CRA has sunset/ended, this taxable value will be received in the general fund in perpetuity. Staff would be remiss if we did not emphasize that this applicant/developer was committed to the vision of the City and Target Area's requirement to provide for mixed-use from day one and purchased the property without the need for government approval before closing. Issue: Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners approve with conditions The Regency Mixed-Use Large Scale Final Site Plan and First Amendment to the Development Agreement? Recommendations: Staff recommends that the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners approve the Large-Scale Final Site Plan Page 284 of 373 City of Ocoee ▪ 1 N. Bluford Avenue ▪ Ocoee, Florida 34761 Phone: (407) 905-3100 ▪ www.ocoee.org and First Amendment to the Development Agreement for The Regency Mixed-Use Development with the following conditions: 1. All final staff comments are revised to staff's satisfaction. 2. Approval of the accompanying First Amendment to the Development Agreement. 3. Approvals from SJRWMD and FDEP. Attachments: 1. Aerial 2. Regency at Ocoee - Final Site Plan 3. Regency Building Elevations 4. First Amendment to Development Agreement 5. Development Agreement 6. Regency TIF Projection Financial Impacts: Impacts to the CRA: The CRA would pay the developer $830,616 upon the completion/construction of the Old Winter Garden Road/Maguire Road intersection. This is approximately 50% of the estimated overall construction cost. The CRA would pay the developer $560,000, which is approximately 20%, of the Old Winter Garden Road extension right-of-way cost. Payment will be made once construction has been completed and approved by the City. The roadway right-of-way cost is currently estimated at $2.8 million. The total CRA incentive program is $1,110,616 General Fund Impact: Provide 100% Transportation Impact Fee Credits, totaling $845,161.55, to be applied towards the Old Winter Garden Road/New North Road. Provide 25% Recreation Impact Fees Credits, totaling $117,000, to be applied towards creating a public park around the stormwater pond. $193,461 from the City’s Stormwater Fund to pay for the City's portion of the stormwater retention in the project's pond. Building Plan Review Fee Credit of 50%. This will reduce the cost of Plan Review from an estimated $250,000 to $125,000 based on a construction cost of $50,000,000. Real estate tax rebate/credit for this year and during the duration of construction (estimated at 21 months) in an amount not to exceed $100,000. The total for City General Fund is $1,653,622.55 Type of Item: Regular Page 285 of 373 UN NAM ED L AKE LAK E L I LL Y LAK E B ENN ET UN NAM ED CAN AL W Co lo n ial D r ive Flo rid as Tu rn pi ke Maguire RoadTom yn B ou lev ar d S Bluford Avenue Belh av en Fa lls D r iveMarshall Farms RoadOl d W int er G ar d en R oa d Boren DriveHeller BoulevardRew CircleExcellence Circle Amazing WayI 0 290 580145Feet Page 286 of 373 SITE 429 Ocoee Starke Lake Old Winter Garden Rd Maguire RdTomyn Blvd Flo r ida ' sTurnp i k e W. Colonial Dr Story Rd M a g u i r e R d Blu fo rd Ave 50 Winter Garden Florida's Turnpike W. Colonial Dr 429 Feet05001,000 Owners vhb.comOcoee Acquisition Company LLC 5911 Turkey Lake Rd Suite 303 Orlando, FL, 32819-4220 Applicant Selnik Development LLC 5911 Turkey Lake Road Suite No. 303 Orlando, Florida 32819 225 E. Robinson Street Suite 300 Orlando, FL 32801 407.839.4006 Certificate of Authorization Number FL #3932 Issued for :Permit October 2022 October 2022 DATE:May. 31, 2023 VHB Project :THE REGENCY AT OCOEE LARGE SCALE FINAL SITE PLAN Issued for: Date Issued: Latest Issue: Orange County, Florida City of Ocoee Parcel IDs: 30-22-28-0000-00-016, 30-22-28-0000-00-018, 30-22-28-0000-00-059 Planning/Civil Engineer VHB 225 E. Robinson Street Suite 300 Orlando, Florida 32801 P 407·839·4006 - F 407·839·4008 ehughes@vhb.com VHB 225 E. Robinson Street Suite 300 Orlando, Florida 32801 P 407·839·4006 - F 407·839·4008 stofte@vhb.com Architect FK Architects 2555 Temple Trail Winter Park, Florida 35789 P 407·619-2849 kenl@fkcompanies.com VHB 225 E. Robinson Street Suite 300 Orlando, Florida 32801 P 407·839·4006 - F 407·839·4008 dmccrary@vhb.com LEGAL DESCRIPTION PER TITLE COMMITMENT, COMMITMENT NUMBER: 21000050181 / 51723.0008/KHJ That part of the West 12 acres of the SE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 30, Township 22 South, Range 28 East, Orange County, Florida lying North of the Northerly right of way line of the Sunshine State Parkway as shown on the Florida State Turnpike Authority Right of Way Map, Station 5975 +00 to 6036+66.51, Dated 02-03-62. Less and Except: A portion of the Northeast 1/4, Section 30, Township 22 South, Range 28 East, Orange County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: Commence at the Southeast corner of the Northeast 1/4 (a 1" iron pipe as now exists) run thence South 89°31'33" West along the South line thereof for 921.66 feet; run thence North 00°26'18" West for 964.96 feet to a point on the existing Northerly limited access right-of-way line for Florida's Turnpike and the Point of Beginning, said point being on a curve concave Southerly having a radius of 4795.60 feet, a central angle of 04°44'51" and a chord bearing of North 83°16'47" West; run thence Westerly along the arc of said curve for 397.37 feet; thence leaving said existing limited access right-of- way line run North 00°23'25" West for 52.07 feet to a point on a curve concave Southerly having a radius of 5729.58 feet, a central angle of 04°00'12" and a chord bearing of South 80°22'53" East; run thence Easterly along the arc of said curve for 400.34 feet; run thence South 00°26'18" for 31.68 feet to the Point of Beginning. Said Parcel contains 2.619 Acres more or less. LEGAL DESCRIPTION PER TITLE COMMITMENT, COMMITMENT NUMBER: 21000050182 / 51723.0008/KHJ The North 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 30, Township 22 South, Range 28 East, Orange County, Florida; Less and Except: Road right of way for the Florida Turnpike and FURTHER LESS AND EXCEPT right of way described in Stipulated Order of Taking recorded in Official Records Book 5447, Page 1922, Public Records of Orange County, Florida. Said Parcel contains 3.265 Acres more or less. LEGAL DESCRIPTION PER TITLE COMMITMENT, ISSUING OFFICE FILE NUMBER: ANTHONY.BRANDROP That part of the East 28 acres of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 30, Township 22 South, Range 28 East, Orange County, Florida, LESS road right of way on East and LESS right of way for Sunshine State Parkway and LESS part lying South of Sunshine State Parkway, and also LESS that part for road in O.R. Book 5937, Page 4453, Public Records of Orange County, Florida. And The Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 30, Township 22 South, Range 28 East, Orange County, Florida, LESS the North 509.81 feet and LESS road right of way on East. Said Parcel contains 10.793 Acres more or less. Landscape Architect Survey No.Drawing Title Latest Issue Sheet Index Cover Sheet May 2023 C1.00 Legend, Abbreviations, & General Notes Existing Conditions Plan SWPP Notes SWPP Details Site Geometry Plan General Details Utility Details Demolition & SWPP Plan Drainage Plan Overall Site Plan Drainage Details Grading Plan Utility Plan C2.00-C2.10 C3.00-C3.10 C3.20 C3.30 C4.00 C5.00-C5.10 C6.00-C6.10 C7.00-C7.10 C8.00-C8.10 C10.00-C10.10 C11.00-C11.20 C12.00-C12.90 C0.00 Typical SectionsC9.00-C9.10 No.Drawing Title Latest Issue Reference Drawings ALTA/NSPS Land Title SurveySv-1 - Sv-4 November 23, 2021 Site Location Map Fire Access PlanC5.40 SJRWMD Permit October 2022 May 2023 SJRWMD Permit63879.01May 2023 May 2023 May 2023 May 2023 May 2023 May 2023 May 2023 May 2023 May 2023 May 2023 May 2023 May 2023 May 2023 May 2023 May 2023 May 2023 May 2023 May 2023 May 2023 May 2023 Overall Landscape PlanL300 Landscape Planting PlanL301-L306 Landscape Notes & ScheduleL350-L352 Landscape Irrigation PlanL401-L402 Lighting Photometric PlansL501-L502 May 2023Landscape Lighting NotesL550 Striping & Signage PlanC5.20-C5.30 May 2023 Water Main Plan & Profile C8.20-C8.30 May 2023 Building ElevationsA4.01 - A4.04B May 2023 Force Main Plan & Profile C8.40-C8.60 May 2023 NO.69884 STATE OF PROFESSIONAL E N G INEERJA IM E L . IG U ALICENSE FLORI DA This document has been electronically signed and sealed by Jaime L. Igua, P.E. on the date shown hereon using a digital signature. Printed copies of this document are not considered signed and sealed and the signature must be verified on any electronic copies. Page 287 of 373 AS-BUILT NOTES 1.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT A CERTIFIED SET OF RECORD DRAWINGS TO THE ENGINEER. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR RECORDING INFORMATION ON THE APPROVED PLANS CONCURRENTLY WITH CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS. RECORD DRAWINGS SUBMITTED TO THE ENGINEER AS PART OF THE PROJECT ACCEPTANCE SHALL COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS. A.DRAWINGS SHALL BE LEGIBLY MARKED TO RECORD ACTUAL CONSTRUCTION. B.DRAWINGS SHALL SHOW ACTUAL LOCATION OF ALL UNDERGROUND AND ABOVE GROUND STORM DRAINAGE, POTABLE WATER, RAW WATER AND WASTEWATER PIPING AND RELATED APPURTENANCES. ALL CHANGES TO PIPING LOCATION INCLUDING HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATIONS OF UTILITIES AND APPURTENANCES SHALL BE CLEARLY SHOWN AND REFERENCED TO A MINIMUM OF 2 PERMANENT SURFACE IMPROVEMENTS. DRAWINGS SHALL ALSO SHOW ACTUAL INSTALLED PIPE MATERIAL, CLASS, ETC. C.DRAWINGS SHALL CLEARLY SHOW ALL FIELD CHANGES OF DIMENSION AND DETAIL INCLUDING CHANGES MADE BY FIELD ORDER OR BY CHANGE ORDER. D.DRAWINGS SHALL CLEARLY SHOW ALL DETAILS NOT ON ORIGINAL CONTRACT DRAWINGS, BUT CONSTRUCTED IN THE FIELD. ALL EQUIPMENT AND PIPING RELOCATION SHALL BE CLEARLY SHOWN. E.LOCATION OF ALL INLETS, MANHOLES, HYDRANTS, VALVES AND VALVE BOXES SHALL BE SHOWN. ALL VALVES SHALL BE REFERENCED FROM AT LEAST TWO AND PREFERABLY THREE PERMANENT POINTS. F.DIMENSIONS BETWEEN ALL INLETS AND MANHOLES SHALL BE FIELD VERIFIED AND SHOWN. THE INVERTS AND GRADE ELEVATIONS OF ALL INLETS AND MANHOLES SHALL BE SHOWN. G.CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE AS-BUILT SURVEY FOR POND GRADING. SPOT ELEVATIONS SHALL BE TAKEN AT TOP OF BANK, POND BOTTOM, AND ALL GRADE BREAKS AT 50' INTERVALS. H.DRAWINGS SHALL CLEARLY INDICATE VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL SEPARATION BETWEEN POTABLE WATER MAIN AND STORM DRAINAGE/SANITARY SEWER/RAW WATER MAINS AT POINTS OF CROSSING IN ACCORDANCE WITH FDEP CRITERIA. I.WHERE THE POTABLE WATER MAIN CROSSES OTHER UTILITIES (STORM, GRAVITY SEWER, FORCEMAIN AND RAW WATER), THE CERTIFIED AS-BUILT DRAWINGS SHALL CLEARLY INDICATE THE CONSTRUCTED ELEVATIONS IN SUCH A WAY THAT THE VERTICAL SEPARATION BETWEEN THE POTABLE WATER MAIN AND OTHER UTILITIES MAY BE VERIFIED BY THE ENGINEER. FAILURE TO PROVIDE THIS INFORMATION WILL RESULT IN THE CONTRACTOR EXCAVATING AND SURVEYING THE UTILITIES AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. J.WHERE THE POTABLE WATER MAIN CROSSES OTHER UTILITIES (STORM, GRAVITY SEWER, FORCEMAIN AND RAW WATER), THE CERTIFIED AS-BUILT DRAWINGS SHALL CLEARLY INDICATE THE LOCATIONS OF PIPE JOINTS IN SUCH A MANNER AS TO DEMONSTRATE THE PIPE IS CENTERED AT ALL THE CROSSING. FAILURE TO PROVIDE THIS INFORMATION WILL RESULT IN THE CONTRACTOR EXCAVATING AND SURVEYING THE UTILITIES AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. 2.EACH SHEET OF THE PLANS SHALL BE SIGNED, SEALED AND DATED BY REGISTERED SURVEYOR WITH A NOTE READING "THESE AS-BUILT DRAWINGS ACCURATELY DEPICT THE ACTUAL IMPROVEMENTS AS CONSTRUCTED". 3.AS-BUILTS NEED TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE CITY SIGNED AND SEALED IN ACCORDNACE WITH SECTION 3.01.05 OF THE ENGINEERING STANDARDS MANUAL IN THE FOLLOWING FORMATS: A. ONE (1) PDF COPY B. CAD COPY DRAWN IN STATE PLANE COORDINATES WATER NOTES 1.ALL CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIALS SHALL BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH AWWA STANDARDS AS WELL AS CITY OF OCOEE ENGINEERING STANDARDS MANUAL. 2.PIPE LENGTHS SHOWN REPRESENT SCALED DISTANCES BETWEEN FITTINGS OF BRANCHES AND MAINS. 3.DEFLECTIONS AT PIPE JOINTS SHALL NOT EXCEED THOSE RECOMMENDED BY THE PIPE MANUFACTURER. 4.SANITARY SEWER GRAVITY MAINS ARE TO BE UPGRADED IN MATERIAL TO WATER MAIN STANDARDS AND HYDROSTATICALLY PRESSURE TESTED WITH WATER TO ENSURE JOINT TIGHTNESS IF EITHER OF THE HORIZONTAL OR VERTICAL MINIMUM REQUIRED CLEARANCE FROM A WATER MAIN CANNOT BE MAINTAINED OR IF THE SEWER MAIN IS ABOVE THE WATER MAIN. ONE FULL LENGTH OF WATER MAIN PIPE SHALL BE CENTERED ABOVE OR BELOW THE OTHER PIPELINE SO THE WATER MAIN JOINTS SHALL BE AS FAR AS POSSIBLE FROM THE OTHER PIPELINE OR THE PIPES SHALL BE ARRANGED SO THAT ALL WATER MAIN JOINTS ARE AT LEAST THREE FEET FROM ALL JOINTS IN VACUUM-TYPE SANITARY SEWERS, STORM SEWERS, STORMWATER FORCE MAINS, OR PIPELINES CONVEYING RECLAIMED WATER REGULATED UNDER PART III CHAPTER 62-610, F.A.C., AND AT LEAST SIX FEET FROM ALL JOINTS IN GRAVITY - OR PRESSURE - TYPE SANITARY SEWERS, WASTEWATER FORCE MAINS, OR PIPELINES CONVEYING RAW WATER NOT REGULATED UNDER PART III OF CHAPTER 62-610, F.A.C. 5.NEW OR RELOCATED, UNDERGROUND WATER MAINS THAT ARE INCLUDED IN THIS PROJECT AND THAT WILL CROSS ANY EXISTING OR PROPOSED GRAVITY - OR VACUUM -TYPE SANITARY SEWER OR STORM SEWER SHALL BE LAID SO THE OUTSIDE OF THE WATER MAIN IS AT LEAST SIX INCHES ABOVE THE OTHER PIPLINE OR AT LEAST 12 INCHES BELOW THE OTHER PIPELINE; AND NEW OR RELOCATED, UNDERGROUND WATER MAINS THAT ARE INCLUDED IN THIS PROJECT AND THAT WILL CROSS ANY EXISTING OR PROPOSED PRESSURE-TYPE SANITARY SEWER, WASTEWATER OR STORMWATER FORCE MAIN, OR PIPELINE CONVEYING RAW WATER SHALL BE LAID SO THE OUTSIDE OF THE WATER MAIN IS AT LEAST 12 INCHES ABOVE OR BELOW THE OTHER PIPELINE. 6.NEW OR RELOCATED, UNDERGROUND WATER MAINS INCLUDED IN THIS PROJECT SHALL BE LAID TO PROVIDED A HORIZONTAL DISTANCE OF AT LEAST THREE FEET BETWEEN THE OUTSIDE OF THE WATER MAIN AND THE OUTSIDE OF ANY EXISTING OR PROPOSED VACUUM-TYPE SANITARY SEWER, STORM SEWER, STORMWATER FORCE MAIN, OR PIPELINE CONVEYING RAW WATER REGULATED, UNDER PART III OF CHAPTER 62-610, F.A.C.; A HORIZONTAL DISTANCE OF AT LEAST SIX FEET BETWEEN THE OUTSIDE OF THE WATER MAIN AND THE OUTSIDE OF ANY EXISTING OR PROPOSED GRAVITY -TYPE SANITARY SEWER (OR A HORIZONTAL DISTANCE OF AT LEAST THREE FEET BETWEEN THE OUTSIDE OF THE WATER MAIN AND THE OUTSIDE OF ANY EXISITNG OR PROPOSED GRAVITY TYPE SANITARY SEWER IF THE BOTTOM OF THE WATER MAIN WILL BE LAID AT LEAST SIX INCHES ABOVE THE TOP OF THE SEWER); A HORIZONTAL DISTANCE OF AT LEAST SIX FEET BETWEEN THE OUTSIDE OF THE WATER MAIN AND THE OUTSIDE OF ANY EXSITING OR PROPOSED PRESSURE -TYPE SANITARY SEWER, WASTEWATER FORCE MAIN, OR PIPELINE CONVEYING RAW WATER NOT REGULATED UNDER PART III OF CHAPTER 62-610, F.A.C. 7.ALL GATE VALVES SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH AN ADJUSTABLE CAST IRON VALVE BOX WITH COVER, WITH THREADED CAST BRONZE EXTENSIONS WHERE NEEDED. 8.ALL PUBLIC WATER SYSTEM COMPONENTS, EXCLUDING FIRE HYDRANTS, THAT SHALL BE INSTALLED UNDER THIS PROJECT, AND THAT SHALL COME INTO CONTACT WITH DRINKING WATER SHALL CONFORM TO NSF INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 61 AND SHALL BE MARKED WITH THE NSF SEAL OF APPROVAL. 9.ALL PIPE AND PIPE FITTINGS INSTALLED UNDER THIS PROJECT SHALL BE COLOR CODED MARKED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SUBPARAGRAPH 62-555.320(21)(b)3, F.A.C., USING BLUE AS A PREDOMINANT COLOR. ALL DUCTILE IRON WATER MAINS SHALL BE MARKED WITH A CONTINUOUS STRIPE LOCATED WITHIN THE TOP 90 DEGREES OF THE PIPE. SAID STRIPE SHALL BE A MINIMUM 2 INCHES IN WIDTH AND SHALL BE BLUE IN COLOR. BACKFILL SHALL NOT BE PLACED FOR 30 MINUTES FOLLOWING PAINT APPLICATION. FOR PIPE WITH AN INTERNAL DIAMETER OF 24" OR GREATER, TAPE OR PAINT SHALL BE APPLIED IN CONTINUOUS LINES A LONG EACH SIDE OF THE PIPE AS WELL AS ALONG THE TOP OF THE PIPE. 10.ALL NON-METALLIC WATER MAINS SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH A CONTINUOUS, INSULATED 10 GAUGE COPPER WIRE INSTALLED DIRECTLY ON TOP OF THE PIPE FOR LOCATION PURPOSES. SEE STANDARD DRAWINGS. IN ADDITION, ALL PVC WATER MAINS SHALL BE A SOLID BLUE COLOR. 11.HYDROSTATIC TESTING AND THE DISINFECTION OF THE WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM SHALL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AWWA STANDARDS. HYDROSTATIC TESTING TO BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH AWWA C-600 FOR DUCTILE IRON PIPE AND C-605 FOR PVC PIPE. DISINFECTING TO BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH AWWA C-651 AND RULE 62-555.340 F.A.C. 12.MARK SERVICES WITH 6' HIGH PIECE OF 2" X 4" PLANK PAINTED BLUE. 13.WATER MAINS WITHIN CITY RIGHT-OF-WAY: ALL DUCTILE IRON PIPE OF NOMINAL DIAMETER 4 THROUGH 54 INCHES SHALL CONFORM TO ANSI/AWWA A-21.51/C-151. A MINIMUM OF PRESSURE CLASS 350 PIPE SHALL BE SUPPLIED FOR ALL SIZES OF PIPE UNLESS SPECIFICALLY CALLED OUT IN THE DETAIL SHEETS, OR REQUIRED BY THE CITY. 14.PIPE MATERIALS WITHIN PRIVATE PROPERTY: ALL PIPE, PIPE FITTINGS, PIPE JOINT PACKING AND JOINTING MATERIALS, VALVES, FIRE HYDRANTS, AND METERS INSTALLED UNDER THIS PROJECT SHALL CONFORM TO APPLICABLE AWWA STANDARDS. (A) PVC - SHALL BE MANUFACTURED IN ACCORDANCE WITH AWWA STANDARD C900, LATEST EDITION. THE PVC SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM WORKING PRESSURE OF 150 PSI AND SHALL HAVE A DIMENSION RATIO (DR) OF 18. PIPE SHALL BE THE SAME O.D. AS DUCTILE IRON PIPE. PVC JOINT - SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D3139 AND AWWA STANDARDS. (B) DUCTILE IRON - SHALL CONFORM TO ANSI/AWWA A21.51/C151. A MINIMUM OF CLASS 50 PIPE SHALL BE SUPPLIED. DUCTILE IRON JOINT - SHALL BE HALL BE HALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ANSI A21.11 AND AWWA C111. SERVICES - SHALL BE IN AC1.51/C151'CORDANCE WITH AWWA C901/C800 STANDARDS FOR POLYETHYLENE TUBING, CLASS 160. 15.POTABLE WATER MAIN CONNECTION SHALL BE MADE UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF A CITY OF OCOEE INSPECTOR. ALL VALVES SHALL BE OPERATED BY CITY OF OCOEE PERSONNEL ONLY. POTABLE WATER MAINS ARE TO BE DISINFECTED PER ANSI/AWWA C651-92 AND CITY OF OCOEE ENGINEERING STANDARDS MANUAL. 16.ALL VALVES SHALL BE LOCATED IN NON PAVED AREAS. 17.PRIOR TO PRESSURE TEST, ALL WATER LINES MUST BE POLY PIGGED. 18.INDIVIDUAL WATER METERS SHALL INCLUDE CITY OF OCOEE ACCEPTED RPZ/BACKFLOW PREVENTER. 19.FIRE HYDRANT LEADS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM INSIDE DIAMETER OF 6" AND SHALL INCLUDE AN AUXILIARY VALVE. 20.IF AGGRESSIVE SOIL CONDITIONS ARE FOUND DURING CONSTRUCTION, POTABLE WATER MAINS SHALL BE PROTECTED THROUGH THE USE OF CORROSION RESISTANT MATERIALS, THROUGH ENCASEMENT OF THE WATER MAINS IN POLYETHYLENE, OR THROUGH PROVISION OF CATHODIC PROTECTION. 21.ALL PIPE AND PIPE FITTINGS INSTALLED UNDER THIS PROJECT SHALL CONTAIN NO MORE THAN 8.0% LEAD, AND ANY SOLDER OR FLUX USED IN THIS PROJECT SHALL CONTAIN NO MORE THAN 0.2% LEAD. 22.NEW OR ALTERED DEAD-END POTABLE WATER MAINS INCLUDED IN THIS PROJECT SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH A FIRE OR FLUSHING HYDRANT OR BLOW-OFF FOR FLUSHING PURPOSES. 23.ALL FIRE HYDRANTS THAT WILL BE INSTALLED UNDER THIS PROJECT SHALL BE LOCATED AT LEAST THREE FEET FROM ANY EXISTING OR PROPOSED STORM SEWER, STORMWATER FORCE MAIN, PIPELINE CONVEYING RECLAIMED WATER REGULATED UNDER PART III OF CHAPTER 62-610, F.A.C., OR VACUUM-TYPE SANITARY SEWER; AT LEAST SIX FEET FROM ANY EXISTING OR PROPOSED GRAVITY - OR PRESSURE - TYPE SANITARY SEWER, WASTEWATER FORCE MAIN, OR PIPELINE CONVEYING RAW WATER NOT REGULATED UNDER PART III OF CHAPTER 62-610, F.A.C. 24.POTABLE WATER SERVICES ARE TO TERMINATE 1' OUTSIDE ROW. 25.PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANTS CONNECTED TO THE POTABLE WATER MAIN, FOR THIS PROJECT, SHALL BE PAINTED RED. 26.MECHANICALLY RESTRAINED JOINT PIPE AND FITTINGS ARE REQUIRED FOR ALL UNDERGROUND MAIN PIPING. 27.ALL IMPROVEMENTS TO BE DEDICATED AND/OR MAINTAINED BY THE CITY OF OCOEE SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE CURRENT CITY OF OCOEE ENGINEERING STANDARDS MANUAL MATERIALS LIST AND DETAILS. FINAL PLAN APPROVAL DOES NOT PROVIDE EXEMPTION TO THESE REQUIREMENTS. 28.ANY DEVIATION FROM THE CITY OF OCOEE ENGINEERING STANDARDS MUST BE REQUESTED AND APPROVED IN WRITING PRIOR TO CONSTUCTION. 29.THE MOST STRINGENT STANDARDS BETWEEN THE CITY OF OCOEE AND GDEP STANDARDS SHALL BE FOLLOWED. FORCE MAIN NOTES 1.ALL CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIALS SHALL BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF OCOEE ENGINEERING STANDARDS MANUAL. 2.PIPE LENGTHS SHOWN REPRESENT SCALED DISTANCES BETWEEN FITTINGS OF BRANCHES AND MAINS. 3.DEFLECTIONS AT PIPE JOINTS SHALL NOT EXCEED THOSE RECOMMENDED BY THE PIPE MANUFACTURER. 4.ALL VALVES SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH AN ADJUSTABLE CAST IRON VALVE BOX WITH COVER, WITH THREADED CAST BRONZE EXTENSIONS WHERE NEEDED, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 5.ALL PVC FORCE MAIN SHALL BE AS SPECIFIED IN THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, MARKED WITH THE SEAL OF APPROVAL OF THE NATIONAL SANITATION FOUNDATION (NSF). 6.ALL NON-METALLIC FORCE MAINS SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH A CONTINUOUS, INSULATED 10 GAUGE COPPER WIRE INSTALLED DIRECTLY ON TOP OF THE PIPE FOR LOCATION PURPOSES. SEE STANDARD DRAWINGS. IN ADDITION, ALL PVC FORCE MAINS SHALL BE EITHER A SOLID GREEN COLOR OR WHITE WITH GREEN LETTERING. ALL LETTERING SHALL APPEAR LEGIBLY ON PIPE AND SHALL RUN THE ENTIRE LENGTH OF THE PIPE. LETTERING SHALL READ AS IS ACCEPTABLE FOR THE INTENDED USE. 7.HYDROSTATIC TESTING OF THE FORCE MAIN SHALL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AWWA STANDARDS. HYDROSTATIC TESTING TO BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH AWWA C-600. 8.SANITARY FORCE MAIN PIPE MATERIAL A.ALL PVC PIPE OF NOMINAL DIAMETER 4” THROUGH 12 INCHES SHALL BE MANUFACTURED IN ACCORDANCE WITH AWWA STANDARD C-900. THE PVC PIPE SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM WORKING PRESSURE RATING OF 150 PSI AND SHALL HAVE A DIMENSION RATIO (DR) OF 25. PIPE SHALL BE THE SAME OD AS DUCTILE IRON PIPE. PVC PIPE SHALL BE AWWA STANDARD C-900, DR 18. B.ALL DUCTILE IRON PIPE OF NOMINAL DIAMETER 4 THROUGH 54 INCHES SHALL CONFORM TO ANSI/AWWA A-21.51/C-151. A MINIMUM OF PRESSURE CLASS 350 PIPE SHALL BE SUPPLIED FOR ALL SIZES OF PIPE UNLESS A HIGHER CLASS PIPE IS SPECIFICALLY CALLED OUT OR REQUIRED BY THE CITY. 9.AIR RELEASE VALVES SHALL BE REQUIRED AT ALL HIGH POINTS IN THE PROPOSED FORCE MAIN. RECLAIM MAIN NOTES 1.PIPE USED IN RECLAIM DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS SHALL BE GENERALLY POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PIPE (PVC) WITH DIRECT BURIAL APPLICATIONS. FOR DIRECTIONAL DRILL APPLICATIONS HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE PIPE (HDPE) SHALL BE REQUIRED. 2.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL MATERIALS FURNISHED AND STORAGE OF SAME, UNTIL THE DATE OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPLACE, AT THE CONTRACTOR’S EXPENSE, ALL MATERIALS FOUND TO BE DEFECTIVE OR DAMAGED IN HANDLING OR STORAGE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL, IF REQUESTED BY THE CITY, FURNISH CERTIFICATES, AFFIDAVITS OF COMPLIANCE, EST REPORTS, OR SAMPLES FOR CHECK ANALYSIS FOR ANY OF THE MATERIALS SPECIFIED HEREIN. ALL PIPE DELIVERED TO PROJECT SITE FOR INSTALLATION IS SUBJECT TO RANDOM TESTING FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE DESIGNATED SPECIFICATIONS. 3.RECLAIM MAIN PIPE MATERIAL: ALL PVC MAINS OF NOMINAL DIAMETER 4” THROUGH 12” SHALL BE AWWA C900 SDR18 AND MAINS GREATER THAN 12” SHALL BE C905 SCR18. REFER TO ARTICLE 33 HORIZONTAL DIRECTIONAL DRILLING FOR HDPE MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS. 4.ANY FITTINGS REQUIRED SHALL BE MECHANICAL JOINT DUCTILE IRON OR GRAY IRON CONFORMING TO ANSI/AWWA A-21.10/C-LL0, 250 PSI MINIMUM PRESSURE RATING, OR DUCTILE IRON COMPACT FITTINGS 4” THROUGH 12” IN ACCORDANCE WITH ANSI/AWWA A21.53/C-153. 5.JOINTS FOR DUCTILE IRON PIPE AND FITTING JOINTS SHALL BE PUSH-ON OR MECHANICAL JOINTS CONFORMING TO ANSI/AWWA A-21.11/C-111. WHERE CALLED FOR IN THE PLANS, RESTRAINED OR FLANGED JOINTS SHALL BE PROVIDED. FLANGED JOINTS SHALL CONFORM TO ANSI STANDARD B-16.1-125 LB. RESTRAINED JOINTS SHALL CONFORM TO ARTICLE 26 OF THIS MANUAL. PAVING AND DRAINAGE NOTES 1.PIPE LENGTHS SHOWN REPRESENT SCALED DISTANCE BETWEEN CENTERLINES OF DRAINAGE STRUCTURES. 2.ALL PAVEMENT RETURN RADII SHALL BE 50' AND MEASURED FROM THE INTERFACE TO THE CONCRETE CURB AND PAVEMENT SURFACE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 3.DITCH BOTTOM AND CONTROL STRUCTURE INLET GRATES SHALL BE SECURED WITH CHAIN AND EYEBOLT. 4.FIVE (5) FEET OF SOD IS REQUIRED AROUND ALL DITCH BOTTOM INLETS, MANHOLES, HEADWALLS AND MITERED END SECTIONS. 5.SODDING OF DETENTION POND SIDE SLOPES SHOULD BE ACCOMPLISHED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE FOLLOWING COMPLETION OF GRADING TO MINIMIZE EROSION POTENTIAL. 6.TOP ELEVATIONS OF MANHOLES IN GRASSED AREAS SHALL BE AT MINIMUM 3 INCHES ABOVE FINISHED GRADE. 7.OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE ROADWAY AND DRAINAGE SYSTEM SHALL BE PERFORMED BY THE PROPERTY OWNER AND/OR HOME OWNER'S ASSOCIATION (HOA). 8.PERMANENT BENCH MARKS WILL BE INSTALLED IN A PERMANENT MANNER ON THE STORMWATER OUTFALL STRUCTURES, ONE PER STORMWATER OUTFALL STRUCTURE. 9.ALL FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATIONS WILL EXCEED THE 100-YEAR FLOOD PLAIN BY A MINIMUM OF TWO FEET (2'). GENERAL NOTES 1.ALL CONSTRUCTION TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LATEST STANDARDS OF CITY OF OCOEE, FLORIDA AND FDOT. 2.THE MOST STRINGENT STANDARDS BETWEEN THE CITY STANDARDS AND THE STANDARDS SET FORTH IN THE GENERAL NOTES (AS DETERMINED BY THE ENGINEER OF RECORD OR THE CITY ENGINEER) SHALL BE FOLLOWED. 3.PAVEMENT STRIPING TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CITY OF OCOEE SPECIFICATIONS AND WITH THE FLORIDA D.O.T. ROADWAY & TRAFFIC STANDARDS, INDEX 17346. 4.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR FIELD VERIFICATION OF SIZE AND LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES AND RELATED CONSTRUCTION PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. 5.DURING CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE ALL REASONABLE MEASURES TO ENSURE AGAINST POLLUTING, SILTING OR DISTURBING TO SUCH AN EXTENT AS TO CAUSE AN INCREASE IN TURBIDITY TO THE EXISTING PONDS AND WETLAND/CONSERVATION AREAS. SUCH MEASURES SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE PROJECT ENGINEER AND MAY INCLUDE, BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO, CONSTRUCTION OF TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL STRUCTURES SUCH AS SEDIMENT BASINS, SEDIMENT CHECKS, OR SILT BARRIERS. 6.WHERE MUCK OR OTHER ORGANIC MATERIAL IS FOUND, IT SHALL BE REMOVED AND REPLACED BY GOOD QUALITY BACKFILL MATERIAL OBTAINED FROM THE GRADING OPERATIONS OR OTHER SOURCE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. THE ORGANIC MATERIAL SHALL BE THEN USED AS TOP DRESSING WHEN MIXED WITH CLEAN BACKFILL SOIL. 7.ALL FINISHED GRADES AND ELEVATIONS ARE AS DENOTED BY THE APPLICABLE LEGEND. 8.AS PART OF THE CLEARING AND GRUBBING OPERATION, THE CONTRACTOR IS TO REMOVE ALL FENCING AND/OR EXISTING FACILITIES FROM THE SITE. 9.FOR BENCHMARKS - PROVIDED BY: VHB SURVEY DATED ON FEBRUARY 16TH, 2022. VERTICAL INFORMATION SHOWN HEREON REFERS TO A FOUND NGS SURVEY DISK , STAMPED (19073 A 2011), LOCATED 95.7 FT SOUTHWEST OF SURVEY MARK 19073 B, 69.9 FT NORTHWEST OF THE APPROXIMATE CENTERLINE OF LAKE WIRE DRIVE, 24.0 FT WEST OF THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF A CONCRETE AND STONE RETAINING WALL, 20.4 FT NORTHWEST OF THE NORTHWEST EDGE OF A CONCRETE SIDEWALK AND 1.3 FT SOUTH OF A CARSONITE WITNESS POST. ELEVATION = 195.47' (NAVD 88). 10.A MINIMUM SEPARATION OF 1.5 FEET BETWEEN THE LIMEROCK BASE AND THE HIGHEST GROUNDWATER ELEVATION SHALL BE MAINTAINED WITHIN THE RIGHT-OF-WAY. 11.A PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION. 12.CONTACT SUNSHINE STATE - ONE CALL OF FLORIDA, INC. 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG TEL. 800-432-4770 13.UTILITY PIPELINES SHALL HAVE 42" OF COVER AS MEASURED BELOW THE NEAREST EDGE OF PAVEMENT ELEVATION, UNLESS THE EXISTING GROUND AT PIPELINE IS LOWER THAN THE EDGE OF THE PAVEMENT IN WHICH CASE 36" OF COVER ABOVE THE PIPE SHALL BE PROVIDED. 14.THE PROPERTY MUST REMAIN UNDER ONE OWNER UNLESS UNITS ARE INDIVIDUALLY PLATTED OR A CONDOMINIUM IS FORMED. 15.ALL PROPOSED ROADS ARE PRIVATE. 16.IF MUCK, ROCK, CLAY PHOSPHATE SLIMES OR OTHER UNSUITABLE MATERIAL IS ENCOUNTERED WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE CONSTRUCTION AREA, THAT MATERIAL SHALL BE EXCAVATED COMPLETELY AND BACKFILLED WITH SUITABLE MATERIAL. OTHER UNSUITABLE PLASTIC MATERIALS, IDENTIFIED AS A-2-6, A-2-7, A-5, A-6, A-7(AASHTO DESIGNATION), WILL BE REMOVED (S A203). SANITARY SEWER NOTES 1.ALL MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF OCOEE ENGINEERING STANDARDS MANUAL. 2.ALL MANHOLES SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM INSIDE DIAMETER OF 48 INCHES AND A MINIMUM ACCESS DIAMETER OF 22 INCHES. 3.PIPE LENGTHS SHOWN REPRESENT SCALED DISTANCES BETWEEN MANHOLE CENTERLINE. 4.ALL SANITARY SERVICE LATERALS SHALL BE 6 INCH DIAMETER WITH A 1% MINIMUM SLOPE. 5.MINIMUM SEPARATION BETWEEN POTABLE WATER LINES AND SANITARY HAZARDS (SANITARY SEWER, FORCE MAIN, STORM SEWER, RAW WATER) SHALL BE MAINTAINED. A HORIZONTAL CLEARANCE OE TEN (10) FEET IN PARALLEL INSTALLATION AND 18 INCHES VERTICALLY AT CROSSINGS. SHOULD A VERTICAL SEPARATION OF LESS THAN THAT STIPULATED BE REQUIRED, THE WATER LINE SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF 20 FEET OF PRESSURE TIGHT JOINT DUCTILE IRON PIPE. IF THE REQUIRED 10 FT. HORIZONTAL CLEARANCE CANNOT BE MAINTAINED, THE SEWER MAIN SHALL BE PLACED IN A D.I.P. SLEEVE OR ENCASED IN CONCRETE IN ACCORDANCE WITH FDEP SPECIFICATIONS. 6.INVERTS OF SANITARY SERVICE LATERALS AT THEIR CONNECTION TO SANITARY MANHOLES SHALL BE NO MORE THAN ONE (1) FOOT ABOVE THE MANHOLE INVERT. 7.PRIOR TO PAVING, CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE AS-BUILT SANITARY SEWER PIPE SLOPES. MINIMUM AS BUILT 8" PVC SEWER LINE SLOPE WILL BE 0.40%. ANY LINE NOT MEETING MINIMUM SLOPE WILL BE RELAID BY CONTRACTOR TO MEET THE MINIMUM SLOPE REQUIREMENT AT NO ADDITIONAL COST. 8.MARK LATERALS WITH 6' HIGH PIECE OF 2" X 4" PLANK PAINTED GREEN. 9.GRAVITY SANITARY SEWER PIPE MATERIAL A.PVC GRAVITY SEWER PIPE (4” TO 15”), ASTM D-3034, SDR 35. UNIFORM MINIMUM “PIPE STIFFNESS” AT 5% DEFLECTION SHALL BE 46 PSI. WHEN THE AVERAGE DEPTH OF COVER OF THE GRAVITY SEWER PIPE IS 12’ OR GREATER, SDR 26 PVC PIPE SHALL BE INSTALLED. THE JOINTS SHALL BE INTEGRAL BELL ELASTOMERIC GASKET JOINTS MANUFACTURED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-3212 AND ASTM F-477. APPLICABLE UNI-BELL PLASTIC PIPE ASSOCIATION STANDARD IS UNI-B-4. B.PVC GRAVITY SEWER PIPE (18” TO 27”), ASTM F-679, SDR 35. UNIFORM MINIMUM “PIPE STIFFNESS” AT 5% DEFLECTION SHALL BE 46 PSI. WHEN THE AVERAGE DEPTH OF COVER OF THE GRAVITY SEWER PIPE IS 12’ OR GREATER, SDR 26 PVC PIPE SHALL BE INSTALLED. THE JOINTS SHALL BE INTEGRAL BELL ELASTOMERIC GASKET JOINTS MANUFACTURED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-3212 AND ASTM F-477. APPLICABLE UNI-BELL PLASTIC PIPE ASSOCIATION STANDARD IS UNI-B-7. C.ALL PVC PIPE SHALL BEAR THE NSF-DW SEAL. THE MINIMUM STANDARD LENGTH OF PIPE SHALL BE 13 FEET. 10.LEAKAGE TESTS ARE SPECIFIED REQUIRING THAT; A.THE LEAKAGE EXFILTRATION OR INFILTRATION DOES NOT EXCEED 200 GALLONS PER INCH OF PIPE DIAMETER PER MILE PER DAY FOR ANY SECTION OF THE SYSTEM. B.EXFILTRATION OR INFILTRATION TESTS BE PERFORMED WITH A MINIMUM POSITIVE HEAD OF 2 FEET. C.AIR TESTS, AS A MINIMUM, CONFORM TO THE TEST PROCEDURE DESCRIBED IN ASTM C-828 FOR CLAY PIPE, ASTM C-924 FOR CONCRETE PIPE, ASTM F-1417 FOR PLASTIC PIPE, AND FOR OTHER MATERIALS APPROPRIATE TEST PROCEDURES, AIR TESTING, IF SPECIFIED FOR CONCRETE SEWER MANHOLES, CONFORMS TO THE TEST PROCEDURES DESCRIBED IN ASTM C-1244. 11.DESIGN REQUIRES; A.MANHOLE LIFT HOLES AND GRADE ADJUSTMENT RINGS BE SEALED WITH NON-SHRINKING MORTAR OR OTHER APPROPRIATE MATERIAL. B.INLET AND OUTLET PIPES BE JOINED TO THE MANHOLE WITH A GASKETED FLEXIBLE WATER-TIGHT CONNECTION OR ANOTHER WATER-TIGHT CONNECTION ARRANGEMENT THAT ALLOWS DIFFERENTIAL SETTLEMENT OF THE PIPE AND MANHOLE WALL. C.WATER-TIGHT MANHOLE COVERS BE USED WHEREVER THE MANHOLE TOPS MAY BE FLOODED BY STREET RUNOFF OF HIGH WATER. 12.DEFLECTION TESTS SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RECOMMENDED STANDARDS FOR WASTEWATER FACILITIES, CHAPTER 33.85, FOR ALL GRAVITY SANITARY SEWER LINES. EROSION CONTROL NOTES 1.AT A MINIMUM, SILT BARRIERS SHALL BE PLACED AS SHOWN ON THE CONSTRUCTION PLANS. IF DURING CONSTRUCTION THE PROPOSED EROSION CONTROL SYSTEM DOES NOT PERFORM SATISFACTORY, ALTERNATIVES AND ADDITIONAL MEASURES SHALL BE IMPLEMENTED BY THE CONTRACTOR IN ORDER TO COMPLY WITH CITY OF OCOEE AND S.F.W.M.D. EROSION PROTECTION STANDARDS. 2.CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE TO SUBMIT AN EROSION CONTROL PLAN TO THE COUNTY ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO THE SCHEDULING OF PRE-CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE. 3.CONTRACTOR IS ULTIMATELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL EROSION PROTECTION COSTS. INCLUDING ANY COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH COMPLIANCE ISSUES AND ENFORCEMENT ACTIONS. 4.IN THE EVENT OF EXCESSIVE OFF-SITE TRACKING, THE CONTRACTOR WILL BE OBLIGATED TO INSTALL ADDITIONAL MEASURES. SHOULD OFF-SITE TRACKING BECOME AN ISSUE, THE CITY WILL REQUIRE INSTALLATION OF YELLOW RUMBLE STRIP ANTI-SEDIMENT TRACKING DEVICE. Legend Prop.Exist. CATCH BASIN MONITORING WELL Exist.Prop. CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE RIPRAP MW SPOT ELEVATION w/LEADER SPOT ELEVATION w/LEADER SPOT ELEVATION HANDICAP PARKING BOTTOM of SLOPE LIMIT OF WORK L=43.84' PROPERTY LINE BUILDING SETBACK RIGHT-OF-WAY BASELINE EASEMENT TEST WELL TEST PIT LOCATION BENCH MARK BORING LOCATION DOUBLE SIGN TOP & BOTTOM ELEVATION TOP & BOTTOM ELEVATION SIGN BOLLARD PARKING COUNT HANDICAP RAMP CROSSWALK SAWCUT TOP of SLOPE EDGE OF PAVEMENT VERT. CURB CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER FLUSH CURB STOP BAR CHAIN LINK FENCE RETAINING WALL STONE WALL TREE LINE CONTOUR SYNTHETIC BALES PLUG/STUB FIRE PROTECTION LINE CONTROL STRUCTURE PULL BOX HAND HOLE WALL PACK TRIPLE LUMINAIRE CABLE TV OVERFLOW DRAIN FIRE ALARM ROOF DRAIN OVERHEAD WIRE TELEPHONE LINE GAS LINE WATER LINE SEWER LINE DRAINAGE LINE UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC GAS METER SANITARY MANHOLE TELEPHONE MANHOLE ELECTRIC BOX DRAIN MANHOLE ELECTRIC MANHOLE GAS GATE LIGHT POLE TRAFFIC SIGNAL FLOOD LIGHT TRANSFORMER PAD FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL HEADWALL ELECTRIC METER UTILITY POLE GUY POLE SIGNAL BOX SINGLE LUMINAIRE DOUBLE LUMINAIRE QUAD LUMINAIRE FIRE ALARM BOX FORCE MAIN CURB INLET MES SILT FENCE PHASE LINE BOUNDARY STRUCTURE CALLOUT TURBIDITY BARRIER Structure No. Rim (R) or Edge of Pavment (EP) Pipe Invert Elev. Structure Type To or From LOT LINE POND CONTOUR MATCHLINE POST INDICATOR VALVE WATER WELL WATER METER SIAMESE CONNECTION WATER GATE TAPPING SLEEVE & VALVE FIRE HYDRANT CURB STOP Upper Pipe Invert Elev. Lower Pipe Invert Elev. UTILITY CROSSING CALLOUT Structure Bottom Pipe Size MATCHLINE TEXT Utility Abbreviations General ABAN ABANDON ACR ACCESSIBLE CURB RAMP ADJ ADJUST APPROX APPROXIMATE BIT BITUMINOUS BS BOTTOM OF SLOPE BWLL BROKEN WHITE LANE LINE CONC CONCRETE DYCL DOUBLE YELLOW CENTER LINE EL ELEVATION ELEV ELEVATION EXIST EXISTING EX EXISTING FDN FOUNDATION FFE FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION GRAN GRANITE GTD GRADE TO DRAIN LA LANDSCAPE AREA LOD LIMIT OF DISTURBANCE MAX MAXIMUM MIN MINIMUM NIC NOT IN CONTRACT NTS NOT TO SCALE PERF PERFORATED PROP PROPOSED REM REMOVE RET RETAIN R&D REMOVE AND DISPOSE R&R REMOVE AND RESET SWEL SOLID WHITE EDGE LINE SWLL SOLID WHITE LANE LINE TS TOP OF SLOPE TYP TYPICAL CB CATCH BASIN CMP CORRUGATED METAL PIPE CO CLEANOUT DCB DOUBLE CATCH BASIN DMH DRAIN MANHOLE CIP CAST IRON PIPE COND CONDUIT D|P DUCTILE IRON PIPE FES FLARED END SECTION FM FORCE MAIN F&G FRAME AND GRATE F&C FRAME AND COVER G|GUTTER INLET GT GREASE TRAP HDPE HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE PIPE HH HANDHOLE HW HEADWALL HYD HYDRANT INV INVERT ELEVATION |= INVERT ELEVATION LP LIGHT POLE MES MITERED END SECTION PWW PAVED WATER WAY PVC POLYVINYLCHLORIDE PIPE RCP REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE R=RIM ELEVATION SMH SEWER MANHOLE TSV TAPPING SLEEVE, VALVE AND BOX UG UNDERGROUND UP UTILITY POLE OUC ORLANDO UTILITY COMPANY FDOT FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FDEP FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PRO. RECLAIMED WATERSTALL MARKING CATV DRAINAGE MANHOLE of Project Number Sheet Drawing Number Drawing Title Issued for Checked byDesigned by Appvd.DateRevisionNo.vhb.comDate DATE: 225 E. Robinson Street Suite 300 Orlando, FL 32801 407.839.4006 Certificate of Authorization Number FL #3932 The Regency at Ocoee Ocoee, Florida Permit May 2023 63879.01May. 31, 2023 SCS JLI Legend, Abbreviations, & General Notes C1.00NO.69884 STATE OF PROFESSIONAL E N G INEERJA IM E L . IG U ALICENSE FLORI DA This document has been electronically signed and sealed by Jaime L. Igua, P.E. on the date shown hereon using a digital signature. Printed copies of this document are not considered signed and sealed and the signature must be verified on any electronic copies. Page 288 of 373 WEST LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH, RANGE 28 EASTSOUTH LINE OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH, RANGE 28 EAST THE NORTH 1/2 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH, RANGE 28 EAST EAST LINE OF THE THE NORTH 1/2 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH, RANGE 28 EASTTHE WEST LINE OF THE THE NORTH 1/2 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH, RANGE 28 EASTTHE NORTH LINE OF THE THE NORTH 1/2 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH, RANGE 28 EAST THE WEST 12 ACRES OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH, RANGE 28 EAST PARCEL IDENTIFICATION: 30-22-28-0000-00-059 NOW OR FORMERLY OWNER: ARRIERE LAND TRUST SAID PARCEL CONTAINS 2.619 ACRES, MORE OR LESS PARCEL IDENTIFICATION: 30-22-28-0000-00-016 NOW OR FORMERLY OWNER: ASSEMBLE LAND TRUST SAID PARCEL CONTAINS 3.265 ACRES, MORE OR LESS PARCEL IDENTIFICATION: 30-22-28-0000-00-059 NOW OR FORMERLY OWNER: ARRIERE LAND TRUST SAID PARCEL CONTAINS 2.619 ACRES, MORE OR LESS N 83°32'14" W 66 1 . 8 3 ' R=5729.58'L=400.83'Δ=4°00'30"CHB=N 80°24'28"WCHD=400.75'N 00°25'17" W 176.46'N 89°31'16" E 657.14'N 89°31'16" E 394.60' (M) POINT OF BEGINNING LESS AND EXCEPT POINT OF BEGINNING LESS AND EXCEPT PER OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 5447, PAGE 1922 (M) FOUND 5/8" IRON PIPE & CAP LB 3778, DISTURBED S 0.84' E 1.18'SET 5/8" IRON ROD & CAP LB 7153 SET 5/8" IRON ROD & CAP LB 7153 SET 5/8" IRON ROD & CAP LB 7153 SET 5/8" IRON ROD & CAP LB 7153 FOUND 5/8" IRON ROD & CAP LB 7153 N 0.33' E 0.58' FOUND 5/8" IRON ROD & CAP CPH LB 7143 FOUND 1/2" IRON ROD ILLEGIBLE S 0.38' W 2.37' NORTHERLY LINE OF LANDS AS DESCRIBED IN DOCUMENT# 20200383930 NORTHERLY LINE OF LANDS AS DESCRIBED IN DOCUMENT# 20200383930 R=4795.60'L=397.82'Δ=4°45'11"CHB=N 83°18'07"WCHD=397.71' R=4795.60' L=390.80' Δ=4°40'09" CHB=N 88°00'47"WCHD=390.70'S 00°24'12" E52.07'N 89°39'08" E 266.71' R=4795.60' (D) L=397.37' Δ= 01°44' 51" CHB=N 83°16'47" W (M)(M)N 00°23'25" W (D)52.07'R=5729.58' ( D ) L=397.37' Δ= 04°00' 1 2 " CHB=S 80° 2 2 ' 5 3 " E N 89°39'08" E 657.05' R=4795.60' (D) L=391.50' Δ= 04°40' 39" CHB=S 87°59'32" E N 89°40'08" E 266.84' (D) (M)S 00°21'59" E 114.64' (D)(M)N 83°30'24" W 6 6 2 . 6 2 ' ( D ) N 89°40'08" E 657.88' (D) (M)N 00°24'12" W 256.44'S 00°24'56" E 326.52'S 00°24'56" E 326.52'PARCEL IDENTIFICATION: 30-22-28-0000-00-022 NOW OR FORMERLY OWNER: ASSEMBLE LAND TRUST PARCEL IDENTIFICATION: 30-22-28-0000-00-015 NOW OR FORMERLY OWNER: ARRIERE LAND TRUST LESS AND EXCEPT PER OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 5447, PAGE 1922 PARCEL IDENTIFICATION: 30-22-28-0000-00-062 NOW OR FORMERLY OWNER: DOT/STATE OF FLORIDA LESS AND EXCEPT PARCEL IDENTIFICATION: 30-22-28-0000-00-062 NOW OR FORMERLY OWNER: DOT/STATE OF FLORIDA PARCEL IDENTIFICATION: 30-22-28-0000-00-025 NOW OR FORMERLY OWNER: DOT/STATE OF FLORIDA PARCEL IDENTIFICATION: 30-22-28-0000-00-062 NOW OR FORMERLY OWNER: DOT/STATE OF FLORIDA NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINEN 00°25'17" W 114.64'PRESERVED WETLAND 0.40 ACRES 124.48 127.14 128.03 2920 125.9 126.62999 3005 3006 3008 3009 30103011 3012 3013126.8 3020 3022 3023 3024 3026 3027 3029 3030 3031 3032126.5 3035 3036 3041 3042126.4 3044 30453046 3047 3048 30493050 3051 3052 3053 3054 30553056 3057 3058 3059 3060 3061 3062 3063 3064 30653066 30673068 3069 126.6 126.0 307230733074 3075 3076 3077 3079 3080 3081 3082 30833084 3085 3086 3087 3088 3089 30903091 3092 30933094 3095 3096 3097 3098 3099 126.043101 31023103 3104 31053106 3107 31083109 311031113112 3113 3114 3115 3116 31173118 3119 3120126.2 3122 3123 3124 3125 3126 3127 3128 3129 3130 3131 3132126.3 3134 3135 3136 3137 3138126.3 31403141 3142 126.3 3144314531463147 31483149 3150 3151 3152 3153 3154 3155 3156 3157 31583159 316031613162 3163 3164 3165 3166 31673168 31693170 3171 3172 3173 3174 3175 31763177 3178 3179 3180 31813182 3183 3184 31853186126.2 3188 3189 31903191 3192 3193 31943195 3196 3197 31983199 32003201 125.9 125.6320432053206 3207 3208 3210 3211 3212 32133214 32153216125.9 3219 3220 3221 3222 3223125.8 32253226 3227 3228 3229 3230 3231 3232125.9 3234 3235 3236 323732383239 3240 3241 3242 3243 3244 3245 3246 3247 126.0 324932503251 3252 32533254 32553256 125.83258 3259 3260 3261 3262 3263126.3 3265 32663267 3268 3269 3270 3271 3272 3273 32743275 3276 3277 3278 3279 3280 3281 3282 3283 32843285 3286 3287 3288 3289 3290 3291 3292 3293 3294 3295 3296 32973298 125.4 3300 3301 3302 3303 3304 3305 3306 3307 3308 3309 125.6 3311 3312 3313 3314 33153316 3317 3318125.63320 3321 3322 3323 33243325 3326 126.1 3328 3329 3330 125.7 3332 3333 3334 3335 3336 3337 3338 33393340 3341 3342 3343 3344 33453346 3347 3348 3349 3350 3351 33523353 3354 3355 3356 3357 3358 3359 3360 3361 3362 3363 3364 3365 3366336733683369 3370 3371 125.0 3373 3374 33753376 3377 33783379 3380 3381 3382 3383 338433853386 125.2 3388 3389 3390 3391 3392 33933394 3395 3396 33973398 3399 3400125.2 3402 3403 34043405 340634073408 3409 3410 125.2 3412 3413 3414 3415 3416 3417 34183419 34203421 3422 3423 3424 3425 3426 3427 3428 3429 3430 343134323433 3434 3435 34363437 3438 3439 3440 3441 3442 3443 3444 3445 34463447 3448 3449 3450 34513452 3453 124.6 3455 3456 3457 3458 3459 34603461 3462 3463 34643465 3466 3467 123.6 3469 3470 3471 3472 34733474 3475 3476 3477 3478 3479 3480124.0 34823483 34843485 3486 3487 3488 3489 3490 3491 3492 3493124.0 3495 3496 34973498 3499 3500 3501 3502 3503 3504 3505 123.9 3507 3508 3509 3510 124.1 35123513 3514 3515 3516 3517 3518 3519 3520 3521 3522 35233524 3525 3526 35273528 352935303531 3532 35333534 3536 3537122.0 353935403541 3542 3543 3544 3545 35463547 3548 3549 35503551122.5 3553 122.2 3555 35563557 3558 3559 3560122.5 3562 122.5 3564 3565 35663567 3568 3569 122.7 35713572 3573 3574 3575 3576 3577 3578 3579 3580 3581 3582 3583 35843585 3586 3587 3588 3589 3590 3591 3592 3593 3594 3595 3596 3597 35983599 3600 36013602 36033604 36053606 120.1 3608 36093610 3611 3612 3613 3614121.0 3616 3617 3618 3619 36203621 36223623 3624 3625 3626 3627 36283629 3630 121.4 3632 3633 3634 3635 121.6 3637 3638 3639 3640 3641 3642 3643 3644 3645 3646 3647 3648 3649 3650 3651 36523653 3654 3655 365636573658 121.1 3660 36613662 3663 3664 3665 3666 3667 3668 3669 3670 3671 3672 3673 3674119.0 3676 36773678 3679 3680 3681 3682119.1 3684 3685 3686 3687 3688 36893690 3691 3692 119.5 3694 3695 3696 3697 3698 3699 3700 3701119.2 3703 37043705 3706 3707 3708 3709 3710119.1 3712 3713 3714 3715 3716 3717 3718 3719 3720 3721 3722 3723 3724 37253726 3727 37283729 3730 3731 3732 3733 37343735 37363737 3738 3739 3740 3741 37433744 3745 3746 115.7 3748 3749 3750 116.03752 37533754 116.0 3756 3757 3758 3759 3760 3761 116.7 37633764 3765 3766 3767 117.43769 3770 3771 3772 37733774 117.4 3776 37773778 3779 3780 37813782 3783 3784 3785 3786 3787 3788 3789 3790117.6 3792 3793 3794 3795 3796 3797 3798 3799 38003801 38023803 38043805 3806 3807 3808 3809 3810 3811112.2 112.4 112.4 112.2 112.5 113.3 112.53 128.77 128.41 127.98 127.52 126.71 125.57124.76123.79123.07121.95 120.2 121.7 116.9 118.0 120.0 118.2 123.0 123.9 119.8 121.7 123.4 121.4 124.9 125.9 121.9 124.3 125.1 122.3 126.9 127.1 122.4 125.3 125.6 122.9 127.8 127.9 123.4 126.4 113.0 111.9 112.0 112.4 114.7 119.0 120.0 121.0 123.6 124.5 126.0 126.0 126.7 126.4 SUNSHINE STATE PARKWAY (300' RIGHT OF WAY WIDTH PER FLORIDA STATE TURNPIKE AUTHORITY RIGHT OF WAY MAP PROJECT NO. 2 STA 5975+00 TO 6036+66.51, DATED JULY 6, 1962) SUNSHINE STATE PARKWAY (300' RIGHT OF WAY WIDTH PER FLORIDA STATE TURNPIKE AUTHORITY RIGHT OF WAY MAP PROJECT NO. 2 STA 5975+00 TO 6036+66.51, DATED JULY 6, 1962)150.00'150.00'116.9 120.9 119.3119.5 114.8 117.8 119.5 118.8 120.6 121.1 122.0 122.0 119.89 114.9 115.4 119.90 120.14 WL-1 WL-2 WL-3 WL-4 WL-5 WL-6 WL-7 WL-8 WL-9 WL-10 WL-11 WL-12 WL-13 ZONE AZONE XZONE A ZONE X 0 25 50 100 Feet of Project Number Sheet Drawing Number Drawing Title Issued for Checked byDesigned by Appvd.DateRevisionNo.vhb.comDate DATE: 225 E. Robinson Street Suite 300 Orlando, FL 32801 407.839.4006 Certificate of Authorization Number FL #3932 The Regency at Ocoee Ocoee, Florida Permit May 2023 63879.01May. 31, 2023 SCS JLI CONTINUED ON SHEET C2.10WELL SIGNAL MAST ARM WATER METER DOUBLE YELLOW LINEDYL TRAFFIC SIGNAL BOX MONITORING WELL IRRIGATION VALVE GUY WIRE GUY POLE DRAIN MANHOLE CATCH BASIN SEWER MANHOLE ELECTRIC MANHOLE ELECTRIC BOX MANHOLE WATER VALVE FIRE HYDRANT GAS GATE STREET SIGN LIGHT POLE UTILITY POLE D S E BOLLARD COULD NOT OPEN NO PIPES VISIBLE CNO NPV EB WM IV S DOT = DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION NSPS = NATIONAL SOCIETY OF PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS ALTA = AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION BITUMINOUS CURBBC ... CONCRETE CURB BB SGE VGC BITUMINOUS BERM OHW E T W EDGE OF PAVEMENT VERTICAL GRANITE CURB SLOPED GRANITE EDGE GUARD RAIL CHAIN LINK FENCE DRAINAGE LINE SEWER LINE OVERHEAD WIRE UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC TELEPHONE LINE GAS LINE WATER LINE CHB = CURVE CHORD BEARING CHD = CURVE CHORD DISTANCE L = CURVE LENGTH LB = LICENSED BUSINESS NAVD = NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM 88 R = CURVE RADIUS 17-21-30 = SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 21 SOUTH, RANGE 30 EAST Δ = CURVE DELTA ANGLE (D)= DEED (M)= MEASUREDDASHED WHITE LINEDWL SINGLE YELLOW LINESYL LANDSCAPED AREALSA LEGEND Existing Conditions Plan C2.00NO.69884 STATE OF PROFESSIONAL E N G INEERJA IM E L . IG U ALICENSE FLORI DA This document has been electronically signed and sealed by Jaime L. Igua, P.E. on the date shown hereon using a digital signature. Printed copies of this document are not considered signed and sealed and the signature must be verified on any electronic copies. Page 289 of 373 EAST LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH, RANGE 28 EASTWEST LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH, RANGE 28 EASTEAST LINE OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THENORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH, RANGE 28 EASTSOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH, RANGE 28 EAST THE EAST 28 ACRES OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 22 SOUTH, RANGE 28 EAST PARCEL IDENTIFICATION: 30-22-28-0000-00-018 NOW OR FORMERLY OWNER: ANTHONY CHRISTOS TR, ANTHONY DEBORAH TR SAID PARCEL CONTAINS 10.793 ACRES, MORE OR LESS PARCEL IDENTIFICATION: 30-22-28-0000-00-059 SAID PARCEL CONTAINS 2.619 ACRES, MORE OR LESS PARCEL IDENTIFICATION: 30-22-28-0000-00-018 NOW OR FORMERLY OWNER: ANTHONY CHRISTOS TR, ANTHONY DEBORAH TR SAID PARCEL CONTAINS 10.793 ACRES, MORE OR LESS TOTAL ACREAGE OF SAID PARCELS CONTAINS 16.677 ACRES, MORE OR LESS 5.00' NON-EXCLUSIVE PERPETUAL SLOPE EASEMENT OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 5937, PAGE 4457 ACCESS & DRAINAGE EASEMENT OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 5937, PAGE 4463 15' EASEMENT OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 6151, PAGE 2569 WARRANTY DEED TO THE CITY OF ORLANDO FOR ROAD PURPOSES OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 5937, PAGE 4453 WARRANTY DEED TO THE CITY OF ORLANDO FOR ROAD PURPOSES OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 5937, PAGE 4453 NON-EXCLUSIVE TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 5937, PAGE 4469 WARRANTY DEEDOFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 1219, PAGE 169S 04°38'51" W 237.87'S 05°48'42" W 301.13'S 01°08'07" W 90.73'S 44°53'16" W 43.51' S 00°44'23" W 59.26' N 89°04'12" W 25.57' N 89°52'37" E 30.10' N 88°44'42" W 4.76' R=4795.60'L=825.79'Δ=9°51'58"CHB=N75°59'33"WCHD=824.77' N 00°24'56" W 31.68'N 00°25'26" W 151.63'N 89°31'12" E 624.44' N 89°31'16" E 262.82' (M) FOUND 5/8" IRON ROD & CAP CNS LB 7158 N 0.13' W 0.21' FOUND 4"X4" CONCRETE MONUMENT WITH CAP PRM 1542 N 0.17' W 0.25' FOUND 5/8" IRON PIPE & CAP LB 3778, DISTURBED S 0.84' E 1.18' SET 5/8" IRON ROD & CAP LB 7153 FOUND 5/8" IRON ROD & CAP LB 7153 N 0.33' E 0.58' FOUND 5/8" IRON ROD & CAP CPH LB 7143 FOUND 5/8" IRON ROD & CAP CPH LB 7143 W 3.36' SET 5/8" IRON ROD & CAP LB 7153 FOUND 5/8" IRON ROD & CAP CNS LB 7158 SET 5/8" IRON ROD & CAP LB 7153 SET 5/8" IRON ROD & CAP LB 7153 SET 5/8" IRON ROD & CAP LB 7153 SET 5/8" IRON ROD & CAP LB 7153 SOUTH LINE OF ORANGE TREE PLAZA POINT OF BEGINNING S 00°26'18" E (D) 31.68'S 00°24'56" E 326.52'S 00°24'56" E 326.52'S 89°31'12" W 32.92' SITE BENCHMARK FOUND PK NAIL & DISK LB 3897 ELEVATION = 125.98' (NAVD88) SITE BENCHMARK SET 5/8" IRON ROD & CAP VHB TRAV LB 7153 ELEVATION = 128.15' (NAVD88) PARCEL IDENTIFICATION: 30-22-28-6263-00-010 NOW OR FORMERLY OWNER: SIROC INC PARCEL IDENTIFICATION: 30-22-28-6263-00-020 NOW OR FORMERLY OWNER: SIROC INC PARCEL IDENTIFICATION: 30-22-28-0000-00-015 ORANGE TREE PLAZA LOT 3 PLAT BOOK 18, PAGE 144 ORANGE TREE PLAZA LOT 2 PLAT BOOK 18, PAGE 144 ORANGE TREE PLAZA LOT 1 PLAT BOOK 18, PAGE 144 WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE15.00'128.89 128.82 128.78128.58 128.66 125.3 2001 2002 2003 200420052006 2007 125.2 2009 2010 2011 2012 20132014 2015 2016 2017 2018 125.2 2020 2021 2022 2023 2025 2026124.8 2028 2029 2030 2031 20322033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038124.6 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 20472048 2049 2050 205120532054 2055 2056 205720582059 206020612062 2063125.1 2065 2066 2067 2068 2069 125.220712072 207320742075 2076 124.4 207820792080 2081 2082 208320842085 20862087 2088 2089 2090 2091 20922093 2094 209520962097 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 21092110 2111 2112 2113 2114 2115 2116 2117 2118 2119125.3 2121 2122 2123 21242125 2126 2127 2128 2129 2130125.4 2132 213321342135 125.8 2138 2139 2140 2141 2142 2143 2144 2145 125.8 2147 21482149 2150 21512152 2153 2154 2155 125.7 125.1 2158 2159 21602161 2162 2163 2164 2165 2166 2167 2168 21692170 2171 21722173 2174 21752176 21772178 2179218021812182 2183 2184 125.5 125.6 2188 2189 2190 21912192 2193 2194 2195 219621972198 2199 2200 2201 2202 2203 2204 2205 2206 2207 22082209 2210 2211 221222132214 2215 2216 2217 2218 2219 2220 2221 22222223 2224 2225 2226 2227 2228 2229 2230 2231 2232 22332234 2235 22362237 22382239 22402241 22422243 2244 2245 22462247 224822492250 2251 2252 2253 2254 2255 2256 2257 2258 22592260 2261 2262 2263 2264 2265 2266 2267 22682269 2270 2271 2272 2273 2274 227522762277 2278 2279 2280 2282 2283 2284 22852286 2287 2288 228922902291 2292 2293 22942295 2296 2297 22982299 23002301 2302125.7 2304 2305 2306 2307 2308 2309 2310 125.6 2312 2313 2314 23152316 231723182319 2320 2321 125.8 23232324 2325 232623272328 2329 2330 2331 2332 2333 2334 2335 2336 2337 126.1 233923402341 23422343 23442345 2346 2347 126.0 23492350 2351125.8 126.0 125.5 125.8 2357 2358 125.9 2360 2361 23622363 2364 2365 2366 2367 2368 23692370 2371 2372 2373 2374 125.4 125.6 125.7125.7 2379 2380125.7 2382 2383 2384 23852386 2387 2388 2389 2390 23912392 2393 2394 2395 2396 2397 23982399 2400 2401 2402 2403126.0 24052406 2407 2408 2409 2410 2411 2412 2413241424152416 2417 24182419 24202421 2422 2423 2424 24252426 2427 2428 2429 2430 2431 2432 2433 2434 2435 2436 2437 243824392440 2441 2442 2443 24442445 2446 2447 2448 24492450 24512452 2453 2454 2455 2456 126.22458 2459 2460 2461 2462 2463 2464 2465 2466126.12468 24692470 2471 2472 24732474 2475 2476 2477 2478 126.4 2480 2481 24822483 2484 2485 24862487 2488 2489 24902491 2492 2493 24942495126.4 2497 24982499 2500 2501 2502 126.0 25042505 2506 2507 2508 2509 2510 2511 2512 2513 25142515 2516 2517 25182519 2520 126.1 2522 2523 2524 2525 2526 2527 2528 2529 125.72531 2532 2533 2534 25352536 2537 2538 2539 2540 2541 2542 2543 126.0 2545126.3 2547 2548 2549 2550 25512552 2553 2554126.3 25562557 2558 2559 2560 2561 2562 2563 126.3 25652566 2567 126.7 2569 2570 2571 2572126.3 25742575 2576126.1 2578 2579 2580 2581 126.5 25832584 2585 2586 2587 2588 2589 2590 2591126.5 2593 2594 2595 2596 2597 2598 2599 2600 2601 2602 2603 2604 26052606 2607 2608 2609 2610 2611 2612 2613 2614 2615 2616 2617 126.1 2619 26202621 2622 26232624 2625 2626 126.3 2628 2629 2630126.3 2632 2633 2634126.4 26362637 2638 2639 2640 264126422643 2644 126.5 2646 26472648 2649 2650 2651126.8 2653 2654126.9 2656 2657 2658 2659 2660 2661126.6 2663 2664 2665 2666 2667 2668 2669 26702671 26722673 2674 126.6 2676 267726782679 2680 26812682 2683 2684 2685 2686 2687 26882689 2690 2691 2692 2693 2694 2695 2696 2697 2698 2699 27002701 2702 2703 2704 2705 2706 2707 27082709 2710 27112712 2713 2714 2715 2716 2717 2718 126.2126.2 27242725 27262727 2728 27292730 2731 2732 2733 2734 2735 27362737 2738 2739126.6 27412742 2743 2744 2745 2746 2747 2748 2749 2750 2751 2752 2753 2754 126.6 2756 2757 2758 2759 126.9 2761 2762 2763 2764 2765 2766126.62768 2769 2770 27712772126.4 2774 2775 2776126.8 2778 2779 2780 278127822783 2784 2785 126.9 2787 2788 2789 27902791126.8 2793 2794126.8 2796 2797 2798 2799 2800 28012802 2803 2804 28052806 28072808 2809 2810 2811 2812 2813 2814 2815 2816 2817 2818 2819 2820 2821 28222823 2824 2825 2826 2827 2828 2830 2831 2832 2833 2834 2835 2836 2837 2838 2839 28402841 2842 2843 2844 2845 2846 2847 2848 28492850 2851 2852 2853 2854 28552856 2857285828592860 2861 2862 2863 2864 2865 2866 2867 2868 2869 2870 2871 28722873 287428752876 28772878 2879 2880 2881 2882 126.0 2884 2885 2886 126.7 2888127.02890 28912892 28932894 2895 2896 2897 2898 2899 127.22901 2902 2903 2904 2905 2906 2907 2908 2909 2910 2911 2912 29132914 29152916 2917 2918 2919 29202921 2922 2923 2924 126.9 29262927 2928 2929 29302931 2932 2933 2934 2935 2936 2937 29382939 29402941 2942 2943 2944 2945 2946 2947 2948 2949 2950 2951 2952 2953 2954 2955 29562957 2958 2959 2960 2961 2962 29632964 29652966 2967 29682969 2970 29712972 2973 2974 2975 2976 2977 2978 29792980 2981 298229832984 2985 2986 2987 2988 29892990 2991 2992 2993 2994 2995 126.2125.9 126.6299930003001 3002 30033004 3005 3006 3007 3008 3009 30103011 3012 3013126.8 3015 3016 3017 30183019 3020 3021 3022 3023 3024 3025 3026 3027 30283029 3030 3031 3032126.5 3034 3035 3036 3037 3038 3039 30403041 3042126.4 3044 3045 3047 3048 30493050 3052 3053 3054 3055 3058 3059 3060 3061 3062 3063 3064 3065 30673068 3069 126.6 124.9 124.6 3823 3824 3825 3826125.2 3828 382938303831 3832 3833 3834 3835 3836 3837 3838 3839 3840 3841 125.1 38433844 3845 3846 3847 38483849 3850 3851 125.438533854 38553856 3857 3858 3859 125.2 3861 3862 38633864 3865 3866 3867125.2 3869 3870 3871 3872 3873 3874 3875 38763877 3878 125.5 3880 3881 3882 3883 3884 3885 3886 3887 3888 3889 3890 3891 3892 3893 125.8 3895 3896 3897 125.3125.9126.4124.6124.7125.53904 390539063907 39083909 3910 125.5 3912 3913 39143915 39163917 3918 3919 3920 3921 39223923 126.13925 3926 3927 3928 3929 393039313932 3933 125.7 39353936 3937 125.8 126.7 125.1 125.9 3942 3943 3944 3945 3946 394739483949 39503951 3952 3953 3954 39553956125.7 3958 3959 39603961 3962 3963 3964 3965 3966 3967 3968 3969 3970 126.4 3972 3973 3974 126.1 126.3 3977 3978 3979126.3 398139823983 125.8 3985 3986 3987 39883989 3990 3991 3992 3993 3994 3995 3996 3997 3998 3999 4000 4001 40024003 126.1 4005 4006 4007 126.0 125.740104011 126.0 4013 4014 4015 125.1 4017 4018 4019 4020 124.9 4022 4023 4024 40254026 4027 4028 4029 4030 4031 4032 124.9 4034 4035 4036 40374038 40394040 4041 4042 4043 4044 40454046 4047 4048 4049 4050 4051 4052 4053 4054 4055 4056 4057 125.1 4059 4060 40614062 40634064 4065 4066 4067 4068 4069 4070 407140724073 40744075 4076 4077 4078 4079 4080 125.1 40824083 4084 4085 4086 4087125.2 4089 409040914092 4093 125.4 40954096 4097 4098 4099 4100 4101 4102 4103 4104 4105 4106 4107 41084109 4110 4111 4112 4113 4114 4115 4116 4117 4118 4119 4120 4121 4122 4123 4124 4125 4126 4127 4128 4129 4130 4131 4132 4133 41344135 4136 4137 4138 4139 4140 4141 4142 4143 41444145 4146 41474148 4149 41504151 4152 4153 4154 4155 4156 4157 4158 4159 41604161 4162 4163 4164 4165 4166 4167 4168 4169 4170 4171 4172 4173 4174 4175 4176 4177 41784179 4180 4181418241834184 4185 4186 4187 418841894190 4191 419241934194 41954196 4197 4198 4199 4200 4201 4202 4203 4204 4205 4206 4207 4208 420942104211 4212 4213 4214 4215 4216 4217 4218 4219 4220 4221 4222 4223 4224 4225 4226 42274228 4229 4230 126.9 125.4 126.04234 4235 126.0 125.4 125.1 124.7 129.4 132.9 137.7 142.5 146.5 149.6 149.96 149.84150.10150.11 150.10 146.67146.58146.47146.21 146.47 140.38 140.00140.21140.28 140.45 137.39137.27137.07137.50 133.03 132.46132.60132.83132.89 133.03 129.44 129.41129.23 130.25 129.74 129.67 129.42129.73 129.43 128.96128.26 127.74126.91126.46 129.40129.18 128.72128.33 126.28126.05 126.73126.53 127.28 128.04 127.04 126.35125.81 125.82125.86 125.81125.82 126.31 126.11125.78 125.98125.66 126.76 126.62 126.26 126.08 126.32 126.2 125.11 125.53 125.72125.61125.26125.20125.57 126.82126.49 126.57126.26 126.47125.90125.41125.38 125.96 125.79125.43125.54125.81125.88125.55 126.30 126.34126.15 125.98 125.98126.32 126.01126.43 126.53126.03 126.32 126.34125.98 126.50 126.32 125.90 126.40 127.8 126.06126.00 125.91125.51 WM127.5 125.38125.79125.95 126.01127.7 125.51 125.95 126.19 126.89 126.47 126.20 126.02 125.64 126.10 125.98 126.22 126.38 126.09 127.24126.73 126.77 126.34 126.67126.24 125.46 125.76 125.35125.77 125.89 126.38WM126.60 126.13 125.92 125.48125.61 125.96 126.87 126.45 126.2 128.62 129.10128.97128.90 127.07 126.66 128.15127.75 128.67128.98 129.38 127.29 129.60 129.90 128.98 128.95129.05129.25 129.76 132.40132.62 132.67132.85 132.96 137.25136.84 137.04137.22137.40 126.73126.74127.50127.24 126.03 125.93125.50 125.75125.29125.66 125.58 125.64 125.75 125.39 125.28 125.34 125.60 125.21125.61125.79 125.49 125.38 126.00 126.05126.69 124.4124.4 125.9 126.13 126.23 125.98126.86 126.95 126.83126.77 126.90 126.89 126.56 126.37126.05 126.34126.17 126.11125.72 125.76125.72 125.87125.97 125.36 125.72 125.58125.5124.1123.8 124.1 125.6 125.7 128.49 128.78 129.04 128.95 129.17 129.26 129.41 129.30 128.0 124.6 127.8 124.5 124.9 128.0 124.0 128.3 123.9 128.0 124.4 127.7 123.9 128.1 125.1 125.0 126.4 125.4 126.3 126.0 SUNSHINE STATE PARKWAY (300' RIGHT OF WAY WIDTH PER FLORIDA STATE TURNPIKE AUTHORITY RIGHT OF WAY MAP PROJECT NO. 2 STA 5975+00 TO 6036+66.51, DATED JULY 6, 1962) OLD WINTER GARDEN ROAD MAGUIRE ROAD/STATE ROAD 439(RIGHT OF WAY WIDTH VARIES PERFLORIDA STATE TURNPIKE AUTHORITYRIGHT OF WAY MAP PROJECT NO. 2STA 5975+00 TO 6036+66.51, DATED JULY 6, 1962)E 18" CMP INVERT = 124.32' EXISTING BUILDING MAGUIRE ROAD/STATE ROAD 439(RIGHT OF WAY WIDTH VARIES PERFLORIDA STATE TURNPIKE AUTHORITYRIGHT OF WAY MAP PROJECT NO. 2STA 5975+00 TO 6036+66.51, DATED JULY 6, 1962)W 18" CMP INVERT = 124.43' SE 18" CMP INVERT = 124.15' CURB INLET TOP = 125.63' BOTTOM OF STRUCTURE = 117.46' CURB INLET TOP = 125.14' BOTTOM OF STRUCTURE = 120.75' CURB INLET TOP = 125.73' BOTTOM OF STRUCTURE = 121.46' CURB INLET TOP = 125.78' BOTTOM OF STRUCTURE = 120.69' CATCH BASIN TOP = 125.65' BOTTOM OF STRUCTURE = 121.63' CURB INLET TOP = 125.26' BOTTOM OF STRUCTURE = 120.21' CATCH BASIN TOP = 129.68' BOTTOM OF STRUCTURE = 124.64' DRAINAGE MANHOLE TOP = 130.07' E 18" RCP INVERT = 127.92' FULL OF DEBRIS CATCH BASIN TOP = 129.72' BOTTOM OF STRUCTURE = 116.82'150.00'DRAINAGE MANHOLE TOP = 126.63' N UNKNOWN SIZE RCP INVERT = 119.94' N UNKNOWN SIZE RCP INVERT = 119.88' DRAINAGE MANHOLE TOP = 126.20' N UNKNOWN SIZE RCP INVERT = 117.03' N UNKNOWN SIZE RCP INVERT = 116.75' 15"RCP E I=139.8' 0 25 50 100 Feet of Project Number Sheet Drawing Number Drawing Title Issued for Checked byDesigned by Appvd.DateRevisionNo.vhb.comDate DATE: 225 E. Robinson Street Suite 300 Orlando, FL 32801 407.839.4006 Certificate of Authorization Number FL #3932 The Regency at Ocoee Ocoee, Florida Permit May 2023 63879.01May. 31, 2023 SCS JLI WELL SIGNAL MAST ARM WATER METER DOUBLE YELLOW LINEDYL TRAFFIC SIGNAL BOX MONITORING WELL IRRIGATION VALVE GUY WIRE GUY POLE DRAIN MANHOLE CATCH BASIN SEWER MANHOLE ELECTRIC MANHOLE ELECTRIC BOX MANHOLE WATER VALVE FIRE HYDRANT GAS GATE STREET SIGN LIGHT POLE UTILITY POLE D S E BOLLARD COULD NOT OPEN NO PIPES VISIBLE CNO NPV EB WM IV S DOT = DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION NSPS = NATIONAL SOCIETY OF PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS ALTA = AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION BITUMINOUS CURBBC ... CONCRETE CURB BB SGE VGC BITUMINOUS BERM OHW E T W EDGE OF PAVEMENT VERTICAL GRANITE CURB SLOPED GRANITE EDGE GUARD RAIL CHAIN LINK FENCE DRAINAGE LINE SEWER LINE OVERHEAD WIRE UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC TELEPHONE LINE GAS LINE WATER LINE CHB = CURVE CHORD BEARING CHD = CURVE CHORD DISTANCE L = CURVE LENGTH LB = LICENSED BUSINESS NAVD = NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM 88 R = CURVE RADIUS 17-21-30 = SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 21 SOUTH, RANGE 30 EAST Δ = CURVE DELTA ANGLE (D)= DEED (M)= MEASUREDDASHED WHITE LINEDWL SINGLE YELLOW LINESYL LANDSCAPED AREALSA LEGEND CONTINUED ON SHEET C2.00Existing Conditions Plan C2.10NO.69884 STATE OF PROFESSIONAL E N G INEERJA IM E L . IG U ALICENSE FLORI DA This document has been electronically signed and sealed by Jaime L. Igua, P.E. on the date shown hereon using a digital signature. Printed copies of this document are not considered signed and sealed and the signature must be verified on any electronic copies. Page 290 of 373 124.48 127.14 128.03 126.0 126.7 127.0 127.2 126.9 126.2125.9 126.6 126.8 126.5 126.4 126.6 126.0 126.04 126.2 126.3 126.3 126.3 126.2 125.9 125.6 125.9 125.8 125.9 126.0 3256 125.8 126.3 125.4 125.6 125.6 126.1 125.7 125.0 125.2 125.2 125.2 124.6 123.6 124.0 124.0 123.9 124.1 122.0 122.5 122.2 122.5 122.5 122.7 120.1 121.0 121.4 121.6 121.1 119.0 119.1 119.5 119.2 119.1 115.7 116.0 116.0 116.7 117.4 117.4 117.6 112.2 112.4 112.4 112.2 112.5 113.3 112.53 129.30 128.77 128.41 127.98 127.52 126.71 125.57124.76123.79123.07121.95 120.2 121.7 116.9 118.0 120.0 118.2 123.0 123.9 119.8 121.7 123.4 121.4 124.9 125.9 121.9 124.3 125.1 122.3 126.9 127.1 122.4 125.3 125.6 122.9 127.8 127.9 123.4 126.4 128.0 124.0 111.9 112.4 114.7 119.0 120.0 121.0 123.6 124.5 126.0 126.0 126.7 126.4 125.4 SUNSHINE STATE PARKWAY (300' RIGHT OF WAY WIDTH PER FLORIDA STATE TURNPIKE AUTHORITY RIGHT OF WAY MAP PROJECT NO. 2 STA 5975+00 TO 6036+66.51, DATED JULY 6, 1962) SUNSHINE STATE PARKWAY (300' RIGHT OF WAY WIDTH PER FLORIDA STATE TURNPIKE AUTHORITY RIGHT OF WAY MAP PROJECT NO. 2 STA 5975+00 TO 6036+66.51, DATED JULY 6, 1962)150.00'150.00'116.9 120.9 119.3 WL-1 WL-2 WL-3 WL-4 WL-5 WL-6 WL-7 WL-8 WL-9 WL-10 WL-11 WL-12 WL-13 ZONE AZONE XZONE A ZONE X 2810 2811 2812 2823 2824 2880 2881 2882 2885 2886 2888 2890 28912892 28932894 2895 2896 2898 2899 2901 2902 2903 2904 2905 2906 2907 2908 2909 2910 2911 2912 29132914 29152916 2917 2918 2919 29202921 2922 2923 2924 29262927 2928 2929 29302931 2932 2933 2934 2935 2936 2937 29382939 29402941 2942 2943 2944 2945 2946 2947 2948 2949 2950 2951 2952 2953 2954 2955 29562957 2958 2959 2960 2961 2962 29632964 29652966 2967 29682969 2970 29712972 2973 2974 2975 2976 2977 2978 29792980 2981 298229832984 2985 2986 2987 2988 29892990 2991 2992 2993 2994 2995 299930003001 3002 30033004 3005 3007 3008 3009 30103011 3012 3013 3015 3016 3017 30183019 3020 3021 3022 3023 3024 3025 3026 3027 30283029 3030 3031 3032 3034 3035 3036 3037 3038 3039 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3715 3716 3717 3718 3719 3720 3721 3722 3723 3724 37253726 3727 37283729 3730 3731 3732 3733 37343735 37363737 3738 3739 3740 3741 37433744 3745 3746 3748 3749 3750 3752 37533754 3756 3757 3758 3759 3760 3761 37633764 3765 3766 3767 3769 3770 3771 3772 377337743776 37773778 3779 3780 37813782 3783 3784 3785 3786 3787 3788 3789 3790 3792 3793 3794 3795 3796 3797 3798 3799 38003801 38023803 38043805 3806 3807 3808 3809 3810 3811 NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE 0 20 40 80 Feet DOUBLE YELLOW LINE DASHED WHITE LINE DYL DWL COULD NOT OPEN NO PIPES VISIBLE CNO NPV SINGLE YELLOW LINESYL LANDSCAPED AREALSA CENTERLINE RECORD / RECORDED L (R) REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE PIPE OR MANHOLE INVERT RCP INV DEED DIMENSION / INFORMATION(D) PLAT DIMENSION / INFORMATION(P) C CHORD BEARING CHORD DISTANCE CHB CHD RADIUS ARC LENGTH R L CENTRAL / DELTA ANGLE IRON ROD AND CAP, SIZE AND ID AS NOTEDIRC FIELD MEASURED DIMENSION(M) POINT OF CURVATUREPC POINT OF TANGENCYPT RIGHTRT LEFTLT STATION (FDOT)STA FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATIONFDOT POINT OF REVERSE CURVATUREPRC AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATIONALTANATIONAL SOCIETY PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORSNSPS NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES LINE ITEM IN SCHEDULE B-II EXCEPTION## ## MISCELLANEOUSMISC RIGHT(S) OF WAYR/W NO IDENTIFICATION CAP/NUMBERNO ID BITUMINOUS CURBBC ... CC CONCRETE CURB BB SGE VGC BITUMINOUS BERM OHW E T W G EDGE OF PAVEMENT VERTICAL GRANITE CURB SLOPED GRANITE EDGE GUARD RAIL CHAIN LINK FENCE DRAINAGE LINE SEWER LINE OVERHEAD WIRE UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC TELEPHONE LINE GAS LINE WATER LINE EOP CATV CABLE TELEVISION LINE WELLFINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION F.F.E.=45.27' HH FLOOD LIGHT MARSH MONITORING WELL HAND HOLE GUY WIRE GUY POLE DRAIN MANHOLE CATCH BASIN SEWER MANHOLE ELECTRIC MANHOLE IRRIGATION VALVE ELECTRIC BOX WATER VALVE FIRE HYDRANT GAS GATE STREET SIGN LIGHT POLE UTILITY POLE D S E BOLLARD w/LIGHT IV EB LEGEND “ ” · · · · · of Project Number Sheet Drawing Number Drawing Title Issued for Checked byDesigned by Appvd.DateRevisionNo.vhb.comDate DATE: 225 E. Robinson Street Suite 300 Orlando, FL 32801 407.839.4006 Certificate of Authorization Number FL #3932 The Regency at Ocoee Ocoee, Florida Permit May 2023 63879.01May. 31, 2023 SCS JLICONTINUED ON SHEET C3.10Demolition Plan C3.00 CHAIN LINK FENCE TO REMAIN (TYP.) LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION PROPERTY LINE CONSTRUCTION FENCE (TYP.) SILT FENCE (TYP.) Utility Providers: Potable Sewer:City of Ocoee Sanitary Sewer:City of Ocoee Electric Service: Duke Energy Gas:Teco Peoples Gas See Erosion Control Details Symbol Description DEMO & SWPPP LEGEND TREE TO BE REMOVED INLET PROTECTION CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE/EXIT PROPERTY LINE SILT FENCE TREE BARRIER EASEMENT TO BE ABANDONED ASPHALT TO BE MILLED AND RESURFACED CONSTRUCTION LIMITS CONSTRUCTION FENCE xxxx xxxx TREE TO REMAIN TREE TO BE REMOVED NO.69884 STATE OF PROFESSIONAL E N G INEERJA IM E L . IG U ALICENSE FLORI DA This document has been electronically signed and sealed by Jaime L. Igua, P.E. on the date shown hereon using a digital signature. Printed copies of this document are not considered signed and sealed and the signature must be verified on any electronic copies. Page 291 of 373 128.89 125.3 125.2 125.2 124.8 124.6 125.1 125.2 124.4 125.3 125.4 125.8 125.8 125.7 125.1 125.5 125.6 125.7 125.6 125.8 126.1 126.0 125.8 126.0 125.5 125.8 125.9 125.4 125.6 125.7 125.7 125.7 126.0 126.2 126.1 126.4 126.4 126.0 126.1 125.7 126.0 126.3 126.3 126.3 126.7 126.3 126.1 126.5 126.5 126.1 126.3 126.3 126.4 126.5 126.8 126.9 126.6 126.6 126.2126.2 126.6 126.6 126.9 126.6 126.4 126.8 126.9 126.8 126.8 126.0 126.7 127.0 127.2 126.9 126.2 124.9 124.6 3826125.2 3828 3829 125.1 125.4 125.2 125.2 125.5 3888 3889 125.8 125.3125.9126.4124.6124.7125.5 125.5 126.1 125.7 125.8 126.7 125.1 125.9 125.7 126.4 126.1 126.3 126.3 125.8 126.1 4005 126.0 125.7 126.0 125.1 124.9 124.9 125.1 125.1125.2 125.4 4162 4223 4230 126.9 125.4 126.0 126.0 125.4 125.1 124.7 129.4 132.9 137.7 142.5 146.5 149.6 149.96 149.84150.10150.11 150.10 146.67146.58146.47146.21 146.47 140.38 140.00140.21140.28 140.45 137.39137.27137.07137.50 133.03 132.46132.60132.83132.89 133.03 129.44 129.41129.23 130.25 129.74 129.67 129.42129.73 129.43 128.96128.26 127.74126.91126.46 129.40129.18 128.72128.33 126.28126.05 126.73126.53 127.28 128.04 127.04 126.35125.81 125.82125.86 125.81125.82 126.31 126.11125.78 125.98125.66 126.76 126.62 126.26 126.08 126.32 126.2 125.11 125.53 125.72125.61125.26125.20 125.57 126.82126.49 126.57126.26 126.47125.90125.41125.38 125.96 125.79125.43125.54125.81125.88125.55 126.30 126.34126.15 125.98 125.98126.32 126.01126.43 126.53126.03 126.32 126.34125.98 126.50 126.32 125.90 126.40 127.8 126.06126.00 125.91125.51 126.89 126.47 126.20 126.02 125.64 126.10 125.98 126.22 126.38 126.09 127.24126.73 126.77 126.34 WM126.60 126.13 125.92 125.48125.61 125.96 126.87 126.45 126.2 128.62 129.10128.97128.90 127.07 126.66 128.15127.75 128.67128.98 129.38 127.29 129.60 129.90 128.98 128.95129.05129.25 129.76 132.40132.62 132.67132.85 132.96 137.25136.84 137.04137.22137.40 126.73126.74127.50127.24 126.03 125.93125.50 125.75125.29125.66 125.58 125.64 125.75 125.39 125.28 125.34 125.60 125.21125.61125.79 125.49 125.38 126.00 126.05126.69 124.4124.4 125.9 126.13 126.23 125.98126.86 126.95 126.83126.77 126.90 126.89 126.56 126.37126.05 126.34126.17 126.11125.72 125.76125.72 125.87125.97 125.36 125.72 125.58125.5124.1123.8 124.1 125.6 125.7 128.78 129.04 128.95 129.17 129.26 129.41 128.0 124.6 124.5 124.9 128.3 123.9 128.0 124.4 127.7 123.9 128.1 125.1 125.0 125.4 126.3 126.0 SUNSHINE STATE PARKWAY (300' RIGHT OF WAY WIDTH PER FLORIDA STATE TURNPIKE AUTHORITY RIGHT OF WAY MAP PROJECT NO. 2 STA 5975+00 TO 6036+66.51, DATED JULY 6, 1962) OLD WINTER GARDEN ROAD MAGUIRE ROAD/STATE ROAD 439(RIGHT OF WAY WIDTH VARIES PERFLORIDA STATE TURNPIKE AUTHORITYRIGHT OF WAY MAP PROJECT NO. 2STA 5975+00 TO 6036+66.51, DATED JULY 6, 1962)EXISTING BUILDING 150.00'2001 2002 2003 200420052006 2007 2009 2010 2011 2012 20132014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2020 2021 2022 2023 2025 2026 2028 2029 2030 2031 20322033 2034 2035 2036 2037 20382040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 20472048 2049 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2732 2733 2734 2735 27362737 2738 2739 27412742 2743 2744 2745 2746 2747 2748 2749 2750 2751 2752 2753 2754 2756 2757 2758 2759 2761 2762 2763 2764 2765 27662768 2769 2770 27712772 2774 2775 2776 2778 2779 2780 278127822783 2784 2785 2787 2788 2789 27902791 2793 2794 2796 2797 2798 2799 2800 28012802 2803 2804 28052806 28072808 2809 2810 2811 2812 2813 2814 2815 2816 2817 2818 2819 2820 2821 28222823 2824 2825 2826 2827 2828 2830 2831 2832 2833 2834 2835 2836 2837 2838 2839 28402841 2842 2843 2844 2845 2846 2847 2848 28492850 2851 2852 2853 2854 28552856 2857285828592860 2861 2862 2863 2864 2865 2866 2867 2868 2869 2870 2871 28722873 287428752876 28772878 2879 2880 2881 2882 2884 2885 2886 2888 2890 28912892 28932894 2895 2896 2897 2898 2899 2901 2902 2903 2904 2905 2906 2907 2908 2909 2910 2911 2912 29132914 2919 2926 2930 2932 2936 2937 2944 2945 2946 2954 29562959 2960 2964 2966 2967 29682969 2970 2975 2976 2977 2978 2979 2981 29822983 2985 2987 2988 29892990 2994 2995 3823 3824 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4069 4070 4071 4072 4073 40744075 4076 4077 4078 4079 4080 40824083 4084 4085 4086 4087 4089 409040914092 4093 40954096 4097 4098 4099 4100 4101 4102 4103 4104 4105 4106 4107 4108 4109 4110 4111 4112 4113 4114 4115 4116 4117 4118 4119 4120 4121 4122 4123 4124 4125 4126 4128 4129 4130 4131 4132 4133 41344135 4136 4137 4138 4139 4140 4141 4142 4143 41444145 4146 41474148 4149 41504151 4152 4153 4154 4155 4156 4157 4158 4159 41604161 4162 4163 4164 4165 4166 4167 4168 4169 4170 4171 4172 4173 4174 4175 4176 4177 41784179 4180 4181 4182 41834184 4185 4186 4187 418841894190 4191 41924193 4194 41954196 4197 4198 4199 4200 4201 4202 4203 4204 4205 4206 4207 4208 420942104211 4212 4213 4214 4215 4216 4217 4218 4219 4220 4221 4222 4223 4224 4225 4226 42274228 4229 4230 4234 4235 124.4 124.1 SITE BENCHMARK FOUND PK NAIL & DISK LB 3897 ELEVATION = 125.98' (NAVD88) SITE BENCHMARK SET 5/8" IRON ROD & CAP VHB TRAV LB 7153 ELEVATION = 128.15' (NAVD88)4:13:13:18' MIN.26' MIN.1'8' MIN.SILT FENCE 25' MIN. 3:1 8' MIN. 3:1 4:1 A A 2% SLOPE MIN. 26' MIN.8' MIN. PLAN VIEW EXCAVATED MATERIAL SHALL BE USED FOR PERIMETER BERM. SOIL FOR BERM SHALL BE COMPACTED IN THE SAME MANNER AS TRENCH BACKFILL. 1.0' MIN. 3' MIN. 6-MIL PLASTIC SHEETING TO LINE BOTTOM AND SIDES CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA INSTALLATION NOTES: CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE NOTES: 8' MIN. SECTION A-A VEHICLE TRACKING CONTROL NO. 57 STONE SILT FENCE 4.0' MIN. 1' MIN. 2% SLOPE 1.CONCRETE WASHOUT AREAS SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO ANY CONCRETE PLACEMENT ON SITE. 2.CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA SHALL INCLUDE A FLAT SUBSURFACE PIT THAT IS AT LEAST 8'X8'. THE SLOPES LEADING OUT OF THE SUBSURFACE PIT SHALL BE 3:1. THE DEPTH OF THE PIT SHALL BE AT LEAST 3'. THE BERM SURROUNDING THE SIDES AND BACK OF THE CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA SHALL HAVE A HEIGHT OF 1'. THE VEHICLE TRACKING PAD SHALL BE SLOPED 2% TOWARDS THE CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA. A SILT FENCE SHALL BE INSTALLED ALONG THE TOP OF THE PERIMETER BERM PER THE DETAIL. 3.VEHICLE TRACKING CONTROL IS REQUIRED AT THE ACCESS POINT TO ALL CONCRETE WASHOUT AREAS. 4.A CURB STEP SHALL BE IMPLEMENTED IF A CURB EXISTS AT THE ACCESS POINT TO THE CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA. 5.HIGHLY VISIBLE SIGNS SHALL BE PLACED AT THE CONSTRUCTION SITE ENTRANCE, WASHOUT AREA AND ELSEWHERE AS NECESSARY TO CLEARLY INDICATE THE LOCATION(S) OF THE CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA(S) TO OPERATORS OF CONCRETE TRUCKS AND PUMP RIGS. 1.THE CITY SITE INSPECTOR SHALL INSPECT THE CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA AT THE FOLLOWING INTERVALS: A. AFTER INITIAL INSTALLATION. B. AT LEAST WEEKLY WHILE THE CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA IS PRESENT ON SITE. 2.CONCRETE WASHOUT MATERIALS SHALL BE REMOVED ONCE THE MATERIALS HAVE REACHED A DEPTH OF 2'. 3.CONCRETE WASHOUT AREAS SHALL BE ENLARGED AS NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN CAPACITY FOR WASTED CONCRETE. 4.CONCRETE WASHOUT WATER, WASTED PIECES OF CONCRETE AND ALL OTHER DEBRIS IN THE SUBSURFACE PIT SHALL BE TRANSPORTED FROM THE JOB SITE IN A WATER-TIGHT CONTAINER AND DISPOSED OF PROPERLY. 5.CONCRETE WASHOUT AREAS SHALL REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL ALL CONCRETE FOR THE PROJECT IS PLACED. 6.WHEN CONCRETE WASHOUT AREAS ARE REMOVED, EXCAVATIONS SHALL BE FILLED WITH SUITABLE COMPACTED BACKFILL AND TOP SOIL, ANY DISTURBED AREAS ASSOCIATED WITH INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE, AND/OR REMOVAL OF CONCRETE WASHOUT AREAS SHALL BE ROUGHENED, SEEDED AND MULCHED. 7.CONCRETE WASHOUT CONTAINERS ARE RECOMMENDED TO BE PLACED INSIDE THE CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA FOR LESS MAINTENANCE. 8.CONCRETE WASHOUT CONTAINERS ARE NOT AN ACCEPTABLE SUBSTITUTE FOR CONCRETE WASHOUT AREAS. of Project Number Sheet Drawing Number Drawing Title Issued for Checked byDesigned by Appvd.DateRevisionNo.vhb.comDate DATE: 225 E. Robinson Street Suite 300 Orlando, FL 32801 407.839.4006 Certificate of Authorization Number FL #3932 The Regency at Ocoee Ocoee, Florida Permit May 2023 63879.01May. 31, 2023 SCS JLI 0 20 40 80 Feet “” · · · · ·CONTINUED ON SHEET C3.00Demolition Plan C3.10 REMOVE SIGNS (TYP.) CHAIN LINK FENCE TO REMAIN (TYP.) LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION PROPERTY LINE REMOVE DRAINAGE MANHOLE REMOVE STORM SEWER PIPE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE REMOVE CURB AND GUTTER MILL AND RESURFACE LIGHT POLE TO REMAIN CONSTRUCTION FENCE (TYP.) SILT FENCE (TYP.) SIGNAL MAST ARM TO REMAIN CONCRETE WASHOUT LOCATION (SEE DETAIL THIS SHEET) GATE ENTRANCE CONCRETE WASHOUT DETAIL Utility Providers: Potable Sewer:City of Ocoee Sanitary Sewer:City of Ocoee Electric Service: Duke Energy Gas:Teco Peoples Gas See Erosion Control Details Symbol Description DEMO & SWPPP LEGEND TREE TO BE REMOVED INLET PROTECTION CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE/EXIT PROPERTY LINE SILT FENCE TREE BARRIER EASEMENT TO BE ABANDONED ASPHALT TO BE MILLED AND RESURFACED CONSTRUCTION LIMITS CONSTRUCTION FENCE xxxx xxxx TREE TO REMAIN TREE TO BE REMOVED NO.69884 STATE OF PROFESSIONAL E N G INEERJA IM E L . IG U ALICENSE FLORI DA This document has been electronically signed and sealed by Jaime L. Igua, P.E. on the date shown hereon using a digital signature. Printed copies of this document are not considered signed and sealed and the signature must be verified on any electronic copies. Page 292 of 373 SWPPNotesC3.20ofProject NumberSheetDrawing NumberDrawing TitleIssued forChecked byDesigned byAppvd.DateRevisionNo.vhb.com DateDATE:225 E. Robinson StreetSuite 300Orlando, FL 32801407.839.4006Certificate of AuthorizationNumber FL #3932The Regency at OcoeeOcoee, FloridaPermitMay 202363879.01May. 31, 2023SCSJLISTORMWATER MANAGEMENT CONTROLS:1.INLET PROTECTION: INLETS AND CATCH BASINS WHICH DISCHARGE DIRECTLY OFFSITE SHALL BEPROTECTED FROM SEDIMENT-LADEN STORM RUNOFF UNTIL THE COMPLETION OF ALLCONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS THAT MAY CONTRIBUTE SEDIMENT TO THE INLET.2.OUTLET PROTECTION: SILT FENCE AND SYNTHETIC BALES ARE TO BE INSTALLED IMMEDIATELYDOWNSTREAM OF OUTLETS OF ALL PIPES AND PAVED CHANNEL SECTIONS WHERE RUNOFF FLOWCOULD CAUSE EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION ACCUMULATION.3.THE PROPOSED STORMWATER PONDS SHALL BE USED AS THE SEDIMENT BASIN, TO BE CONSTRUCTEDTO SERVE ANY DISTURBED AREA GREATER THAN 5 ACRES.4.ALL SEDIMENT COLLECTED IN THE SEDIMENT BASIN MUST BE REMOVED UPON FINAL STABILIZATION.POTENTIAL POLLUTANTS CONTROLS:1.WASTE DISPOSAL - WASTE MATERIAL IS TO BE DISPOSED INTO CONSTRUCTION DUMPSTERS MEETINGALL LOCAL AND STATE WASTE MANAGEMENT REGULATIONS.2.OFFSITE VEHICULAR TRACKING - A STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE SHALL BE PROVIDED TO HELPREDUCE VEHICULAR TRACKING OF SEDIMENTS TO ADJACENT PAVED SURFACES. EXISTING PAVEDSURFACES TO BE SWEPT AS NECESSARY.3.HAZARDOUS WASTE - THE SITE SUPERINTENDENT SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR DISPOSING OF ANYHAZARDOUS WASTE MATERIAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE AND LOCAL REGULATIONS.4.SANITARY WASTE WILL BE COLLECTED FROM THE PORTABLE UNITS LOCATED ON-SITE AS NEEDED.SANITARY WASTE TO BE DISPOSED OF IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE AND LOCAL WASTE REGULATIONS.TIMING OF CONTROL MEASURES:1.AS INDICATED IN THE SEQUENCE OF MAJOR ACTIVITES, THE SILT FENCES AND SYNTHETIC BALES,STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE AND SEDIMENT BASIN WILL BE CONSTRUCTED PRIOR TOCLEARING OR GRADING OF ANY OTHER PORTIONS OF THE SITE.2.STABLILIZATION MEASURES SHALL BE INITIATED AS SOON AS PRACTICAL IN PORTIONS OF THE SITEWHERE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES HAVE TEMPORATRILY OR PERMANENTLY CEASED.3.ONCE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY CEASES PERMANENTLY IN AN AREA, THAT AREA SHALL BE STABILIZEDPERMANENTLY.4.AFTER THE ENTIRE SITE IS STABLIZED, THE ACCUMULATED SEDIMENT SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THESEDIMENT TRAPS/BASINS AND ANY EARTH DIKE/SWALES SHALL BE REGRADED AND STABILIZED.POTENTIAL NON-STORMWATER DISCHARGES:ALL NON-STORMWATER DISCHARGES WILL BE DIRECTED TO THE SEDIMENT BASIN PRIOR TO DISCHARGE.1.WATER FROM WATER LINE AND FIRE HYDRANT FLUSHING2.PAVEMENT WASH WATER (WHERE NO SPILLS OR LEAKS OF TOXIC OR HAZARDOUS MATERIAL HAVEOCCURRED)3.UNCONTAMINATED GROUNDWATER ASSOCIATED WITH DEWATERING ACTIVITIESINSPECTION AND INSPECTION DOCUMENTATION:1.A QUALIFIED INSPECTOR (PROVIDED BY THE OPERATOR) SHALL INSPECT ALL POINTS OF DISCHARGE,DISTURBED AREAS, AREAS USED FOR ON-SITE STORAGE OF MATERIALS, STRUCTURAL CONTROLS, ANDVEHICULAR ACCESS LOCATIONS AT LEAST ONCE EVERY SEVEN CALENDAR DAYS AND WITHIN 24 HOURSOF THE END OF A STORM THAT IS 0.50 INCHES OR GREATER.2.A REPORT SUMMARIZING THE SCOPE OF THE INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE AND RETAINED AS PART OFTHE STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN.MAINTENANCE PLAN:1.BASED ON RESULTS OF THE INSPECTIONS, ALL MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS SHALL BE DONE IN ATIMELY MANNER, BUT IN NO CASE LATER THAN 7 CALENDAR DAYS FOLLOWING THE INSPECTION.2.BUILT UP SEDIMENT SHALL BE REMOVED FROM SILT FENCE WHEN IT HAS REACHED ONE-THIRD THEHEIGHT OF THE FENCE.3.SILT FENCE WILL BE INSPECTED FOR DEPTH OF SEDIMENT, TEARS, TO SEE IF THE FABRIC IS SECURELYATTACHED TO THE FENCE POSTS, AND TO SEE THAT THE FENCE POSTS ARE FIRMLY ON THE GROUND.4.SEDIMENT TRAPS/BASINS SHALL BE INSPECTED FOR DEPTH OF SEDIMENT, AND BUILT-UP SEDIMENTWILL BE REMOVED WHEN IT REACHES 10 PERCENT OF THE DESIGN CAPACITY OR AT THE END OF THEJOB.5.TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT SEEDING AND PLANTING SHALL BE INSPECTED FOR BARE SPOTS,WASHOUTS, HEALTHY GROWTH AND COMPLIANCE WITH STATE AND LOCAL REQUIREMENTS.STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN:PROJECT NAME AND LOCATION:THE REGENCY AT OCOEE1601 MAGUIRE RDOCOEE, FL 34761OWNER NAME AND ADDRESS: OCOEE ACQUISITION COMPANY LLC.5911 TURKEY LAKE RD SUITE 303ORLANDO, FL, 32819-4220SITE DESCRIPTION:1.THIS PROJECT WILL CONSIST OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE REGENCY AT OCOEE MULTIFAMILY UNITSAND COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS. CONSTRUCTION WILL CONSIST OF NEW BUILDINGS, VEHICLE PARKING,AND ASSOCIATED LANDSCAPING AND UTILITIES.2.SOIL DISTURBING ACTIVITIES WILL INCLUDE: CLEARING AND GRUBBING, EARTHWORK, GRADING, ANDEXPANSION OF PARKING, UTILITIES, AND STORMWATER MANAGEMENT INFRASTRUCTURE.3.SOILS - SEE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING REPORT PREPARED BY UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES,DATED 08/31/2021.SITE AREA:THE REGENCY AT OCOEE MULTIFAMILY UNITS AND COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS PROJECT SITE CONTAINSAPPROXIMATELY 16.68 ACRES OF WHICH +/- 16.17 ACRES WILL BE DISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES.SEQUENCE OF MAJOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVES:1.INSTALL STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE2.INSTALL PERMITER CONTROL INCLUDING SILT FENCES AND SYNTHETIC BALES AS REQUIRED.3.CLEAR AND GRUB PROPOSED DISTURBED AREAS4.CONSTRUCT SEDIMENT BASIN5.PERFORM PRELIMINARY GRADING ON SITE AS REQUIRED6.CONSTRUCT NEW BUILDING7.INSTALL UTILITIES, STORM SEWER, CURB & GUTTER8.APPLY BASE TO PARKING AREA9.COMPLETE GRADING AND INSTALL PERMANENT SEEDING/SOD AND PLANTINGS10.COMPLETE FINAL PAVING11.REMOVE ACCUMULATED SEDIMENT FROM BASINS12.WHEN ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY IS COMPLETE AND SITE IS STABILIZED, REMOVE ANY TEMPORARYDIVERSION SWALES/DIKES AND RESEED/SOD AS REQUIREDNAME OF RECEIVING WATERS AND DISCHARGE POINTS:THE SITE'S (+/-16.68 AC) STORMWATER RUNOFF WILL BE DIRECTED TO THE ON-SITE PROPOSED STORMWATERPONDS. RECEIVING BODY OF WATER IS LAKE LOTTA. TOTAL RETENTION WILL BE PROVIDED ON SITE FOR THE25 YEAR/6HOUR STORM EVENT.CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITIES:1.IT IS THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO IMPLEMENT BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMP'S) TOCONTROL EROSION AND TURBIDITY CAUSED BY STORMWATER RUNOFF.2.DAILY INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE BY THE CONTRACTOR TO DETERMINE THE EFFECTIVENESS OFEROSION/SEDIMENT CONTROL EFFORTS. ANY NECESSARY REMEDIES SHALL BE PERFORMEDIMMEDIATELY.3.IT IS THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO INSALL AND MAINTAIN PROPER CONTROLS TO PROVIDETHE PROTECTION AS REQUIRED BY ALL FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL LAWS.4.BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES WILL BE IMPLEMENTED BY THE CONTRACTOR AS REQUIRED TO MEETTHE EROSION AND TURBIDITY REQUIREMENTS IMPOSED ON THE PROJECT SITE BY THE REGULATORYAGENCIES.5.CONTRACTOR SHALL UNDERTAKE ADDITIONAL MEASURES REQUIRED TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITHAPPLICABLE PERMIT CONDITIONS AND STATE WATER QUALITY STANDARDS.6.DEPENDING ON THE NATURE OF MATERIALS AND METHODS OF CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTORMAY BE REQUIRED TO ADD FLOCCULENTS TO THE RETENTION SYSTEM PRIOR TO PLACING THE SYSTEMINTO OPERATION.EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROLS (BMP'S):STABILIZATION PRACTICES:1.TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE & EXIT: A STONE STABILIZED PAD, OR EQUIVALENT, SHALL BELOCATED AT POINTS OF VEHICULAR INGRESS AND EGRESS TO THE SITE.2.STOCKPILING MATERIAL: NO EXCAVATED MATERIAL SHALL BE STOCKPILED IN SUCH A MANNER AS TODIRECT RUNOFF DIRECTLY OFF THE PROJECT SITE INTO ANY ADJACENT WATER BODY OR STORM WATERCOLLECTION FACILITY.3.TEMPORARY SEEDING: UPON FINAL GRADING, AREAS OPENED BY CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS ANDTHAT ARE NOT ANTICIPATED TO RECEIVE FINAL GRASSING TREATMENT IN 7 DAYS SHALL BE SEEDEDWITH A QUICK GROWING GRASS SPECIES WHICH WILL PROVIDE AN EARLY COVER DURING THE SEASONIN WHICH IT IS PLANTED AND WILL NOT LATER COMPETE WITH THE PERMANENT GRASSING.4.TEMPORARY SEEDING AND MULCHING: SLOPES STEEPER THAN 3:1 SHALL RECEIVE APPROXIMATELY70-90 LBS 1000 SQ. FT SECTION OF MULCH MATERIAL CUT INTO THE SOIL OF THE SEEDED AREA TOADEQUATELY PREVENT MOVEMENT OF THE SEED AND MULCH.5.PERMANENT SEEDING: AREAS OPENED BY CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS AND THAT ARE NOTANTICIPATED TO RECEIVE FINAL GRASSING TREATMENT IN 30 DAYS SHALL BE SEEDED WITH A QUICKGROWING GRASS SPECIES WHICH WILL PROVIDE AN EARLY COVER DURING THE SEASON IN WHICH IT ISPLANTED AND WILL NOT LATER COMPETE WITH THE PERMANENT GRASSING.STRUCTURAL PRACTICES:1.SILT FENCE: FILTER FABRIC BARRIER CAN BE USED BELOW DISTURBED AREAS SUBJECT TO SHEET ANDRILL EROSION WITH THE FOLLOWING LIMITATIONS:1.1.WHERE THE SIZE OF THE DRAINAGE AREA IS NO GREATER THAN ¼ ACRE PER 100 FEET OF SILTFENCE LENGTH AND MAXIMUM SLOPE GRADIENT BEHIND THE BARRIER IS 50 PERCENT (2:1).1.2.IN MINOR SWALES OR DITCH LINES WHERE THE MAXIMUM CONTRIBUTING DRAINAGE AREA IS NOGREATER THAN 2 ACRES.1.3.UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD THE STRAW BALE BARRIERS BE CONSTRUCTED IN STREAMSOR IN SWALES WHERE THERE IS A POSSIBILITY OF A WASHOUT.2.SYNTHETIC BALE BARRIER: SYNTHETIC BALE BARRIER SHALL BE USED BELOW DISTURBED AREAS SUBJECTTO SHEET AND RILL EROSION WITH THE FOLLOWING LIMITATIONS:2.1.WHERE THE SIZE OF THE DRAINAGE AREA IS NO GREATER THAN ¼ ACRE PER 100 FEET OF BARRIERLENGTH AND MAXIMUM SLOPE GRADIENT BEHIND THE BARRIER IS 50 PERCENT (2:1).2.2.IN MINOR SWALES OR DITCH LINES WHERE THE MAXIMUM CONTRIBUTING DRAINAGE AREA IS NOGREATER THAN 2 ACRES.2.3.WHERE EFFECTIVENESS IS REQUIRED FOR LESS THAN 30 MONTHS.2.4.UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD THE STRAW BALE BARRIERS BE CONSTRUCTED IN STREAMSOR IN SWALES WHERE THERE IS A POSSIBILITY OF A WASHOUT.CERTIFICATIONS:1. I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF LAW THAT THIS DOCUMENT AND ALL ATTACHMENTS WERE PREPAREDUNDER MY DIRECTION OR SUPERVISION IN ACCORDANCE WITH A SYSTEM DESIGNED TO ASSURE THATQUALIFIED PERSONNEL PROPERLY GATHERED AND EVALUATED THE INFORMATION SUBMITTED. BASED ONMY INQUIRY OF THE PERSON OR PERSONS WHO MANAGE THE SYSTEM, OR THOSE PERSONS DIRECTLYRESPONSIBLE FOR GATHERING THE INFORMATION, THE INFORMATION SUBMITTED IS, TO THE BEST OF MYKNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, TRUE, ACCURATE, AND COMPLETE. I AM AWARE THAT THERE ARE SIGNIFICANTPENALTIES FOR SUBMITTING FALSE INFORMATION, INCLUDING THE POSSIBILITY OF FINE AND IMPRISONMENTFOR KNOWING VIOLATIONS.OPERATORDATE2. I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF LAW THAT I UNDERSTAND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE GENERICSTORMWATER PERMIT ISSUED PURSUANT TO SECTION 403.0885, F.S., THAT AUTHORIZES THE STORMWATERDISCHARGES FROM THE CONSTRUCTION SITE IDENTIFIED AS PART OF THIS CERTIFICATION.3. ANY CLEARING, GRADING, CONSTRUCTION, OR DEVELOPMENT OF ALL OF THESE, WILL BE DONE PURSUANTTO THE SWPP PLAN.SITE CONTRACTORDATETHE FOLLOWING CERTIFICATIONS ARE PROVIDED BY THE SITE OPERATOR & CONTRACTOR AND ARE NOTINCLUDED FOR CERTIFICATION BY THE CIVIL ENGINEER OF RECORD SHOWN HEREON.DEWATERING ACTIVITIES:IF DEWATERING IS REQUIREDA DEWATERING PLAN DETAILING ANY METHODS THAT ARE PROPOSED TO CONTAINTHE DISCHARGE, ANY METHODS NECESSARY TO ISOLATE THE DEWATERING AREAS, AND INFORMATION REGARDINGTHE LENGTH OF TIME THESE DEWATERING STRUCTURES WILL BE IN PLACE BE PROVIDED TO THE SOUTHWESTFLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT (SWFWMD) FOR REVIEW.DEPENDING ON THE EXTENT OF THE DEWATERING ACTIVITIES PROPOSED THE CONTRACTOR MAY REQUIRE TOOBTAIN A WATER USE PERMIT WITH THE SWFWMD.DEWATERING ACTIVITIES WILL NOT RESULT IN ANY DISCHARGE OF TURBID WATER FROM THE PROJECTSITE. TO BE INCOMPLIANCE, WATER MUST BE 29 NTU (NEPHELOMETRIC TURBIDITY UNITS) ABOVE NATURAL BACKGROUNDCONDITIONS. DEWATERING PERMITS FROM FDEP AND THE APPLICABLE WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT MUST BEOBTAINED PRIOR TO CITY GRANTING PERMISSION TO DISCHARGING INTO PUBLIC SYSTEM. IF ANALYTICAL RESULTSFROM GROUNDWATER SAMPLES DETERMINE THAT SITE IS CONTAMINATED, A CITY WASTEWATER INDUSTRIALWASTE PRE-TREATMENT GROUNDWATER PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED FOR PROPER DISPOSAL INTO CITY SANITARYSYSTEM.AT ALL TIMES DURING EXCAVATION, INSTALLATION AND CONSTRUCTION, CONTRACTORS MUST KEEP EXCAVATIONFREE FROM STANDING WATER AND STABILIZE TRENCHES AND EMBANKMENTS TO PREVENT COLLAPSE, SOILEROSION AND TRANSPORT.WHEN REQUIRED, SUMPS SHALL BE LOCATED OUTSIDE OF LOAD-BEARING AREAS SO BEARING SURFACES REMAINUNDISTURBED. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING ALL DEWATERING PERMITS FROM THE FLORIDADEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (FDEP) AND THE APPLICABLE WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICTPRIOR TO DISCHARGING GROUNDWATER INTO A PUBLIC SYSTEM OR NATURAL CONVEYANCE.PRIOR TO INITIATING ANY WORK, GROUNDWATER SAMPLES MUST BE ANALYZED TO ENSURE THAT NOCONTAMINATION OR UNACCEPTABLE POLLUTION CONSTITUENT LEVELS EXIST PER FDEP’S CURRENT, PUBLISHEDDISCHARGE STANDARDS. ALL COLLECTION, REPORTING AND RECORDS RETENTION METHODS, REQUIRED BY FDEP,MUST BE ADHERED TO. PRIOR TO DISCHARGING GROUNDWATER INTO THE CITY’S STORMWATER SYSTEMS ORNATURAL CONVEYANCES, PERMISSION MUST BE RECEIVED BY THE CITY STORMWATER COMPLIANCE SECTION, ANDWILL BE BASED ON ANALYTICAL RESULTS OF THE PROPOSED UNTREATED DISCHARGE WATER.IF SAMPLING IDENTIFIES CONTAMINATION, THE CONTRACTOR MUST OBTAIN A CITY WASTEWATER INDUSTRIALWASTE PRE-TREATMENT GROUNDWATER PERMIT FOR PROPER DISPOSAL INTO THE CITY’S SANITARY SYSTEM.DEWATERING ACTIVITIES MUST NOT RESULTIN ANY DISCHARGE OF TURBID WATER FROM THE PROJECT SITE INTOTHE PUBLIC SYSTEM. TO REMAIN IN COMPLIANCE, DISCHARGES MUST NOT EXCEED 29 NTU’S (NEPHELOMETRICTURBIDITY UNITS) ABOVE NATURAL CONDITIONS IN A RECEIVING SURFACE WATER BODY. FOLLOWING THECOMPLETION OF DEWATERING ACTIVITIES, CONTRACTORS MUST COMPLETELY FILL ALL WELL POINT HOLES WITHFLOWABLE FILL OR PEA GRAVEL.STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLANADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL NOTES:1.DURING CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE ALL REASONABLE MEASURES TO INSUREAGAINST POLLUTING, SILTING OR DISTURBING TO SUCH AN EXTENT AS TO CAUSE AN INCREASE INTURBIDITY TO THE EXISTING SURFACE WATERS. SUCH MEASURES SHALL BE APPROVED BY THEPROJECT ENGINEER AND MAY INCLUDE, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, CONSTRUCTION OF TEMPORARYEROSION CONTROL STRUCTURES SUCH AS SEDIMENT BASINS, SEDIMENT CHECKS, OR SILT BARRIERS.2.SODDING OF DETENTION PONDS SHOULD BE ACCOMPLISHED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE FOLLOWINGCOMPLETION OF GRADING TO MINIMIZE EROSION POTENTIAL.3.AT A MINIMUM, THE RETENTION/DETENTION STORAGE AREA MUST BE EXCAVATED TO ROUGHGRADE PRIOR TO BUILDING CONSTRUCTION OR PLACEMENT OF IMPERVIOUS SURFACE WITHIN THEAREA TO BE SERVED BY THOSE FACILITIES. TO PREVENT REDUCTION IN STORAGE VOLUME ANDPERCOLATION RATES. ALL ACCUMULATED SEDIMENT MUST BE REMOVED FROM THE STORAGE AREAPRIOR TO FINAL GRADING AND STABILIZATION.4.IF DURING CONSTRUCTION, THE PROPOSED EROSION CONTROL SYSTEM DOES NOT PERFORMSATISFACTORILY, ALTERNATIVES AND ADDITIONAL METHODS OF PROTECTION SHALL BEIMPLEMENTED BY THE CONTRACTOR IN ORDER TO COMPLY WITH S.F.W.M.D, AND CITY OF OCOEEEROSION PROTECTION STANDARDS. CONTRACTOR IS ULTIMATELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL EROSIONCONTROL COSTS INCLUDING ANY COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH COMPLIANCE ISSUES ANDENFORCEMENT ACTIONS.5.THE CONTRACTOR WILL BE REQUIRED TO SUBMIT A DETAILED EROSION CONTROL PLAN TO CITY OFOCOEE FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL A MINIMUM OF 2 WORKING DAYS PRIOR TO THEPRECONSTRUCTION MEETING. AT A MINIMUM, THE EROSION CONTROL PLAN SHALL PROPOSE SILTSCREEN OR STAKED SYNTHETIC BALES AND TURBIDITY BARRIERS, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THECONSTRUCTION PLANS.6.2' STRIP OF SOD SHALL BE PLACED BEHIND BACK OF CURB.7.NO EXCAVATING MATERIAL SHALL BE STOCKPILED IN A MANNER AS TO DIRECT RUNOFF DIRECTLYOFF THE PROJECT SITE OR INTO ANY ADJACENT WATER BODY OR STORMWATER COLLECTIONFACILITY.8.PROJECTS ADJACENT TO WETLAND AREAS MUST USE STAKED TURBIDITY BARRIERS AS CONTROLMEASURE TO PREVENT FINE SEDIMENT PARTICLES FROM ENTERING WETLANDS.9.EROSION CONTROL IS PERFORMANCE BASED, SO MEASURES ADDITIONAL TO WHAT IS INDICATEDON THE APPROVED PLANS MAY BE NEEDED AS REQUIRED TO PREVENT OFF-SITE IMPACTS.10.CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE ALL MUD, DIRT OR OTHER MATERIALS TRACKED OR SPILLED ONTOEXISTING PUBLIC ROADS AND FACILITIES, DUE TO CONSTRUCTION.NO.69884STATE OFPROFESSIONAL ENGI N EER J A I ME L. IGUALI CENSEFLORIDAThis document has been electronically signed andsealed by Jaime L. Igua, P.E. on the date shownhereon using a digital signature.Printed copies of this document are not consideredsigned and sealed and the signature must beverified on any electronic copies.Page 293 of 373 ofProject NumberSheetDrawing NumberDrawing TitleIssued forChecked byDesigned byAppvd.DateRevisionNo.vhb.com DateDATE:225 E. Robinson StreetSuite 300Orlando, FL 32801407.839.4006Certificate of AuthorizationNumber FL #3932The Regency at OcoeeOcoee, FloridaPermitMay 202363879.01May. 31, 2023SCSJLISWPPDetailsC3.301. TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROLN.T.S. BARRIER.6. TREE PROTECTION BARRIERS SHALL BE NEARBY TREES ARE REMOVED TO REMAIN BEFORE CONSTRUCTION OR5. BARRIERS TO BE ERECTED AROUND TREES PLASTIC TAPE FLAGGING COURSES OF 1/2" ROPING WITH YELLOW 4. HORIZONTAL- THE EQUIVALENT OF TWO LUMBER ON 6' MINIMUM CENTERS3. UPRIGHTS- THE EQUIVALENT OF 2"x4"2. MINIMUM 3' IN HEIGHT1. MINIMUM RADIUS TO BE PROTECTED ISSPECIFICATIONS FOR WOOD BARRIERA TREES' CHANCE FOR SURVIVAL IS GREATLY BY OBSERVING THESE TWO SIMPLE PRINCIPLES, SOIL DEPOSITS ALLOWED INSIDE THIS AREA2. NO CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS OR TEMPORARY1. NO HEAVY EQUIPMENT ALLOWED INSIDE NESS OF TREES' PRESENCE TO EQUIPMENT3. PROVIDES PHYSICAL AND MENTAL AWARE-2. TO PROTECT SOIL NEAR TREE FROM1. TO PROTECT ALL ABOVE GROUND PORTIONSWHY A BARRIER?PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTIONBARRIER MUST BE ERECTEDNOTE:ROPES (2)HORIZONTALMIN.DRIPLINEUPRIGHT3' ENTIRE DRIP LINEDRIP LINEENHANCEDWHY IT WORKS OPERATORS COMPACTIONMIN.3. TREE BARRIERN.T.S.N.T.S.2. SOIL TRACKING PREVENTION DEVICE TYPE AINSTALLED, INSPECTED, AND REMAIN IN PLACEBEFORE, DURING, AND AFTER COMPLETION OFTHE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY.NO.69884STATE OFPROFESSIONAL ENGI N EER J A I ME L. IGUALI CENSEFLORIDAThis document has been electronically signed andsealed by Jaime L. Igua, P.E. on the date shownhereon using a digital signature.Printed copies of this document are not consideredsigned and sealed and the signature must beverified on any electronic copies.Page 294 of 373 WM WM EXISTING BUILDING WL-1 WL-2 WL-3 WL-4 WL-5 WL-6 WL-7 WL-8 WL-9 WL-10 WL-11 WL-12 WL-13 ZONE AZONE XZONE A ZONE X G-6 n n nnnnn G-2 G-3 G-4 G-1116115 Building 1 Building 2 Building 3Building 5Building 6 Build i n g 4 Building 7 Clubhouse Amenity Area G-5 112.5 110.5 2:1 121 121 WET DETENTION POND MEAN ANNUAL = 118.81 10-YR/24-HR = 119.84 25-YR/24-HR = 120.27 100-YR/24-HR = 120.96 120 119 118 116.5 114.5 5:1 NCL OLD WINTER GARDEN ROAD EXTENSION MAGUIRE ROAD/STATE ROAD 439OLD WINTER GARDEN ROAD FLORID A ' S T U R N P I K E (SUNS H I N E S T A T E P A R K W A Y ) FLORIDA'S TURNPIKE (SUNSHINE STATE PAR K W A Y ) 25'22'14'50'25'15'22'9'20'75'10 7 7 7 9 9 6 4 8 5 4 7 8 6 6 9 7 8 11 4 3 4 9 10 8 10 10 11 10 8 8 10 10 10910 10 10 10 10 10 9 8 6 99 10 2 5 9 10 10 10 10 8 9 5 5 5 Building 7 41.58'92.1'69.1' 83.16' 30.03'77.17'93.1'73.27' STORMWATER 1.36 A.C. P-2 1.30 A.C. P-1 0.40 A.C. DOG PARK 0.07 A.C. R-1 0.39 A.C. BUFFER ZONES 0.88 A.C. BUFFER ZONES 0.88 A.C. BUFFER ZONES 0.88 A.C. NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE 0 35 70 140 Feet 25' BUILDING SETBACK Overall Site Plan C4.00 of Project Number Sheet Drawing Number Drawing Title Issued for Checked byDesigned by Appvd.DateRevisionNo.vhb.comDate DATE: 225 E. Robinson Street Suite 300 Orlando, FL 32801 407.839.4006 Certificate of Authorization Number FL #3932 The Regency at Ocoee Ocoee, Florida Permit May 2023 63879.01May. 31, 2023 SCS JLI Symbol Description LEGEND STORM MANHOLE CENTERLINE OF ROAD R.O.W. DITCH BOTTOM INLET SANITARY MANHOLE CLEAN-OUT FIRE HYDRANT FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION WATER METER WATER ASSEMBLIES POST MOUNTED SIGN PROPERTY LINE MES NEW ASPHALT NEW CONCRETE MONOLITHIC S/W YARD DRAIN MILL AND RESURFACE PRESERVED WETLAND 0.40 ACRES 25' WETLAND BUFFER 50' BUILDING SETBACK 14' BUILDING SETBACK 15' BUILDING SETBACK TRASH COMPACTOR LIFT STATION DUMPSTER ENCLOSURE PROJECT BOUNDARY 75' BUILDING SETBACK 22' BUILDING SETBACK 22' BUILDING SETBACK GENERAL SITE DATA: GENERAL: ZONING P-S/C-3 (Professional Offices and Service District/General Commercial) PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM 300 MULTI-FAMILY DU/7,000 SF COMMERCIAL TOTAL PROJECT ACRES 16.68 AC TOTAL GROSS ACRES OWNED OWNED BY APPLICANT 16.68 AC WETLAND ACRES 0.40 AC PROPOSED WETLAND IMPACT 0.00 AC SURFACE WATER ACRES 0.00 AC UPLAND BUFFERS 0.11 AC PROPOSED OLD WINTER GARDEN ROAD ROW DEDICATION 1.58 AC TOTAL DEVELOPABLE ACRES 14.59 AC STORMWATER PROVIDED 2.05 AC NET DEVELOPABLE ACRES 12.54 AC NET DENSITY 23.92 DU/AC SITE/LOT DATA: NOTES 1.Standards listed per the city of Ocoee CRA Target Areas Special Development Plan and City of Ocoee LDC. 2.There shall be a minimum separation of 30 feet between all multi-family structures 3-stories or more; where doors, windows, or other openings in the front or rear buildings wall of a living unit face a wall of another building with doors, windows, or other openings, there shall be a minimum separation of 40 feet between all multi-family structures 3-stories or more per section 6-15(K)(3) of the City of Ocoee LDC. 3.Proposed project shall comply with the commercial design standards set forth in the CRA Target Areas special development Plan and City of Ocoee LDC. 4.Commercial development is located on the first floor of a vertically mixed use building. Residential units will be located above the commercial PHASING THE PROJECT SHALL BE DEVELOPED IN ONE (1) PHASE. MISCELLANEOUS POTABLE WATER SERVICE CITY OF OCOEE WASTEWATER SERVICE:CITY OF OCOEE RECLAIMED WATER SERVICE:CITY OF OCOEE STORMWATER MAINTENANCE:PRIVATE ELECTRIC SERVICE:DUKE ENERGY FIRE PROTECTION:CITY OF OCOEE SCHOOL AGE POPULATION:86 (300 UNITS x 0.286 STUDENT PER MULTI FAMILY UNIT AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC: 2,121 EQUATION BASED ON 10TH EDITION OF ITE SIGNAGE: 1.Signage shall comply with the specific signage plan included as an amendment to the developer agreement. LIGHTING: 1.Lighting shall comply with city of Ocoee code. GARBAGE PICKUP: 1.Onsite compactor provided with private pickup. 2.Any miscellaneous garbage, yard wate, construction debris, demolition debris, fertilizers, herbicides, insecticides, ETC, shall be disposed of Off-site accroding to the solid waste and hazardous waste regulations. Use caution if any hazardous waste is present. WETLANDS: 1.No wetland impacts are proposed. LANDSCAPE: 1.All landscape shall be per section 6-14C(2) of the city of Ocoee LDC. 2.Full landscaping plans, including automatic irrigation systems plans, shall be submitted with final plans and include layouts for parking areas, buffers, screens and building perimeters. FIRE: 1.Fire hydrants shall be located in accordance with NFPA 1 uniform fire code handbook latest edition. 2.Fire flow calculations shall be based on NFPA 1 uniform fire code handbook latest edition. 3.Fire access shall be no greater than 50 feet from public streets and private drives. Access shall be in accordance with chapter 18 NFPA 1, latest edition. 4.Fire department connections and fire hydrants shall be a minimum of 40 feet from the structure it is serving. 5.Any commercial structure of residential building of three or more stories may be required to have an automatic fire sprinkler protection depending upon the building construction type, occupancy classification and addittional building or fire code requirements. 6.During construction, when combustibles are brought on to the site, access roads and a suitable temporary or permanent supply of water acceptable to the fire department shall be provided and maintained per chapter 16, NFPA latest edition (FFPC 6th edition). PRODUCT TYPE MULTI-FAMILY COMMERCIAL NUMBER OF UNITS/SQUARE FOOTAGE 300 7,000 MAX BUILDING HEIGHT 7-stories 1-story MIN. LIVING AREA 650 SF N/A PRIMARY BUILDING SETBACKS: EXPRESSWAY 75 FT N/A TYPE G (MAGUIRE RD)25 FT 25 FT TYPE C (OLD WINTER GARDEN EXTENSION)12 FT 10 FT SIDE 10 FT MAX.10 FT MAX. REAR 20 FT MIN.20 FT MIN. BLDG TO BLDG SEPARATION 30'/40'N/A PAVING SETBACKS: EXPRESSWAY 20 FT 20 FT ARTERIAL ROADWAY 25 FT 25 FT PERMITTED USE TABLE: NON-RESIDENTIAL USES SHALL BE THOSE PERMITTED IN C-2 COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT AND P-S PROFESSIONAL OFFICES AND SERVICES DISTRICT. THE FOLLOWING USES LISTED BELOW ARE PROHIBITED ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ESTABILISHMENTS / ADULT BOOKSTORES AND VIDEO STORES FAST FOOD RESTAURANTS WITH DRIVE-THROUGH FACILITIES MOTOR VEHICLES WHOLESALE PAWN SHOPS OUTDOOR GARDEN CENTER UNLESS ENCLOSED RECREATIONAL VEHICLE PARK CHECK CASHING ESTABLISHMENTS OUTDOOR LUMBER SALES UNLESS ENCLOSED STORAGE WAREHOUSE NEW/USED VEHICLE SALES MOBILE HOMES INDUSTRIAL/WAREHOUSE USES NEW/USED BOAT SALES AUTOMOTIVE BODY REPAIRS AUTOMOTIVE WRECKING/SALVAGE PARKS NEW/USED EQUIPMENT SALES MINIATURE GOLF COURSE OR DRIVING RANGE COMMERCIAL CONVENIENCE WITH OR WITHOUT GAS SALES (EXCEPT TARGET AREA 2) GAS STATIONS (EXCEPT BLOCK 1 OF TARGET AREA 1)AGRICULTURAL USES CAR WASHES OWNERSHIP & MAINTENANCE: OLD WINTER GARDEN ROAD PUBLIC TO BE OWNED AND MAINTAINED BY CITY OF OCOEE. STREET A PRIVATE TO BE OWNED AND MAINTAINED BY HOA. STREET B PUBLIC TO BE OWNED AND MAINTAINED BY CITY OF OCOEE. INTERNAL DRIVE ISLES PRIVATE TO BE OWNED AND MAINTAINED BY PROPERTY OWNER. STORMWATER PONDS PRIVATE TO BE OWNED AND MAINTAINED BY PROPERTY OWNER. DRAINAGE EASEMENTS PRIVATE TO BE OWNED AND MAINTAINED BY PROPERTY OWNER WITH EASEMENT GRANTED TO CITY OF OCOEE. UTILITY EASEMENTS PUBLIC TO BE OWNED AND MAINTAINED BY PROPERTY OWNER WITH EASEMENT GRANTED TO CITY OF OCOEE. POTABLE WATER PRIVATE TO BE OWNED AND MAINTAINED BY PROPERTY OWNER. ONSITE SANITARY SEWERS GRAVITY SYSTEMS PRIVATE TO BE OWNED AND MAINTAINED BY PROPERTY OWNER. LIFT STATION AND FORCEMAIN PRIVATE TO BE OWNED AND MAINTAINED BY PROPERTY OWNER. RECREATION/PARKS/OPEN SPACE PRIVATE TO BE OWNED AND MAINTAINED BY PROPERTY OWNER. POOL/CABANA PRIVATE TO BE OWNED AND MAINTAINED BY PROPERTY OWNER. OPEN SPACE CALCULATIONS: LAND USE MOVE REQUIRED PERCENTAGE OF OPEN SPACE (SEC. 6-9(B)(1))(AC.) LANDSCAPE AREAS/ BUFFER ZONES (AC.) RECREATION AREAS (3)(AC.) STORMWATER (WET POND) (AC.) TOTAL (AC.) MULTIFAMILY 14.59 AC 30 % - 4.40 AC 0.88 0.39 (R-1) 1.36 0.07 (DOG PARK) 0.40 (P-1) 1.30 (P-2) 0.88 2.16 1.36 TOTAL PROVIDED OPEN SPACE (AC.)4.40 1.Recreation areas include open park space on the east and south side of the project site only. 2.P-1 includes sidewalk and benches, outside of/separate from clubhouse /pool area. 3.P-2 includes pedestrian path and landscape around pond. PROPOSED UNIT MIX BLDG 1*BLDG 2 BLDG 3 BLDG 4 BLDG 5 BLDG 6 BLDG 7 STUDIO 4 16 0 0 0 0 0 20 6.67%6.67% 1 4 8 8 8 24 24 24 100 33.33% 37.33% 1 COR 0 0 0 0 4 4 4 12 4.00% 2 0 0 32 32 20 20 20 124 41.33% 45.33% 2 COR 0 0 0 0 4 4 4 12 4.00% 3 4 8 4 4 4 4 4 32 10.67%10.67% 12 32 44 44 56 56 56 300 100.00%100.00% PARKING SPACE CALCULATIONS: USE REQUIRED SPACES PER UNIT UNIT COUNT TOTAL REQUIRED RESIDENTIAL STUDIO 1.5 20 30 1 - BED 1.5 112 168 2 - BED 1.5 136 204 3 - BED 1.5 32 48 SUB - TOTAL 450 NON - RESIDENTIAL REQUIRED SPACES PER 1,000 SF SQUARE FOOTAGE TOTAL REQUIRED COMMERCIAL 3.8 7000 27 Sub-Total 27 Total Required 477 Total Surface Spaces Provided 461 Total Garage Spaces Provided 55 Total Provided 516 Total ADA Provided 10 EXISTING ACRES SF PERCENTAGE TOTAL AREA 16.68 726475 100.00 % PERVIOUS AREA 4.94 214896 29.62 % IMPERVIOUS AREA 10.38 452138 62.23 % POND (NWL)1.36 59441 8.15 % PERVIOUS AND IMPERVIOUS CALCULATIONS: MILL AND RESURFACE STREET A*BLDG 1 INCLUDES 7,000 SF OF COMMERCIAL/RETAIL SPACE ZONING: C-3 ZONING: C-3 ZONING: C-2 ZONING: C-2 ZONING: C-2 KNEE-HIGH WALL OPEN SPACE DUMPSTER ENCLOSURE STREET BNO.69884 STATE OF PROFESSIONAL E N G INEERJA IM E L . IG U ALICENSE FLORI D A This document has been electronically signed and sealed by Jaime L. Igua, P.E. on the date shown hereon using a digital signature. Printed copies of this document are not considered signed and sealed and the signature must be verified on any electronic copies. Page 295 of 373 WL-1 WL-2 WL-3 WL-4 WL-5 WL-6 WL-7 WL-8 WL-9 WL-10 WL-11 WL-12 WL-13 ZONE AZONE XZONE A ZONE X G-6 ASSEMBLE LAND TRUST PARCEL ID: 30-22-28-0000-00-022 DOT/STATE OF FLORIDA PARCEL ID: 30-22-28-0000-00-062116115 Building 7 Clubhouse Amenity Area 112.5 110.5 2:1 121 121 WET DETENTION POND MEAN ANNUAL = 118.81 10-YR/24-HR = 119.84 25-YR/24-HR = 120.27 100-YR/24-HR = 120.96 120 119 118 116.5 114.5 5:1 NCL 20'9'9'20'22'22' 22'20'9'6'7' 20'9'9'20'20'9' 20'9'7'5'7.9'22'22'25' FLORIDA'S TURNPIKE (SUNSHINE STATE PAR K W A Y )5'22'22'12' R59' R111'R10'R3' R 1 0 'R15'R 1 5 'R61'R39'R35'R25' R 1 0 ' R 1 0 ' R81' R89' R50' R 4 7 'R10' R10'R10'R 1 0 'R10'41.58'92.1'22'11.14'R3'R3'13'8 8 5 5 5 2 4 4 8 8 8 8 0 20 40 80 Feet Site Geometry Plan C5.00 of Project Number Sheet Drawing Number Drawing Title Issued for Checked byDesigned by Appvd.DateRevisionNo.vhb.comDate DATE: 225 E. Robinson Street Suite 300 Orlando, FL 32801 407.839.4006 Certificate of Authorization Number FL #3932 The Regency at Ocoee Ocoee, Florida Permit May 2023 63879.01May. 31, 2023 SCS JLIMATCHLINE SEE SHEET C5.10TYPE D CURB (TYP) DRAINAGE MANHOLE (TYP) ACCESSIBLE PARKING MARKING (TYP) SEE SHEET C10.00 FOR DETAILS HANDICAP SIGNS R7-8 AND R7-8A (TYP) TYPE F INLET (TYP) WHEEL STOP (TYP) PROJECT BOUNDARY LIFT STATION 7' MONOLITHIC SIDEWALK (TYP.) MES (TYP) PRESERVED WETLAND 0.40 ACRES 25' WETLAND BUFFER FLOOD LIMITS FIRE HYDRANT (TYP) FDC (TYP) (SEE HARDSCAPE PLANS) ZONING: C-3 ZONING: C-3 TYPE B CURB 6" THICK SIDEWALK POST MOUNTED CONSERVATION AREA SIGN POSTED EVERY 50' (TYP) (SEE DETAIL ON SHEET C10.00) RESIDENTIAL ENTRY MONUMENT (TYP.) SEE HARDSCAPE PLANS FOR DETAILS VEHICULAR CONCRETE PAVERS (SEE HARDSCAPE PLANS FOR DETAILS) SPREADER SWALE WETLAND BUFFER WORK OUT STATIONS. SEE HARDSCAPE PLANS FOR DETAILS. WORK OUT STATIONS. SEE HARDSCAPE PLANS FOR DETAILS. WORK OUT STATIONS. SEE HARDSCAPE PLANS FOR DETAILS. BENCH6' SIDEWALK TYPE F CURB 3' TRANSITION CURB CONCRETE PAVERS PLAZA. SEE HARDSCAPE PLANS TYPE D CURB (TYP) 13' SIDEWALK ADA RAMP CR-D (TYP) FIRE PIT. SEE HARDSCAPE PLANS FOR DETAILS. PICNIC TABLE. SEE HARDSCAPE PLANS FOR DETAILS. GARAGE B U I L D I N G KEY NOTES: 1 TYPE I - CONCRETE TRAFFIC SEPARATOR, OPTION II PER FDOT INDEX 520-020 2 CR-A RAMP PER FDOT INDEX 522-02 3 CR-E RAMP PER FDOT INDEX 522-02 4 CR-C RAMP PER FDOT INDEX 522-02 5 BIKE RACK. SEE HARDSCAPE PLANS FOR DETAILS 6 12" CONCRETE BAND. SEE SHEET C10.10 FOR DETAILS 7 BRICKED PAVED PLAZA. SEE HARDSCAPE PLANS FOR DETAIL 8 CR-G RAMP PER FDOT INDEX 522-02 Symbol Description LEGEND STORM MANHOLE CENTERLINE OF ROAD R.O.W. DITCH BOTTOM INLET SANITARY MANHOLE CLEAN-OUT FIRE HYDRANT FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION WATER METER WATER ASSEMBLIES POST MOUNTED SIGN PROPERTY LINE MES NEW ASPHALT NEW CONCRETE MONOLITHIC S/W YARD DRAIN LIMITS OF MILL AND RESURFACE #KEY NOTES NO.69884 STATE OF PROFESSIONAL E N G INEERJA IM E L . IG U ALICENSE FLORI DA This document has been electronically signed and sealed by Jaime L. Igua, P.E. on the date shown hereon using a digital signature. Printed copies of this document are not considered signed and sealed and the signature must be verified on any electronic copies. Page 296 of 373 nWM WM EXISTING BUILDING n n n nnnnnnnnnn G-2 G-3 G-4 G-1 Building 1 Building 2 Building 3Building 5Building 6 Build i n g 4nG-5 20'9'14'50'25'75'OLD WINTER GARDEN ROAD EXTENSION MAGUIRE ROAD/STATE ROAD 439OLD WINTER GARDEN ROAD FLORI D A ' S T U R N P I K E (SUNS H I N E S T A T E P A R K W A Y )7'7'7'5'7'5'22'20'8'92' R/W68' R/W22'8' 20'9'20'9'20'9' 20'9'9'20'9'20'9'20'9'20'9' 12'20'9' 20'9'20'9'20'9'20'9'20'9'20'9'20'9'20'9'20'9'20'9'20'9'20'9'20'12'22'22'21.19'33'22'22'22'22'22'22'22' 22' 22'22'8'15'22'20'9' R35' R3 5 ' R3 5 ' R35' R15' R1 5 'R8' R3' (TYP.)R1 5 'R15'R25' R25'R35'R35'R1 0 ' R10' R1 0 ' R20' R42' R15' R 1 5 'R39'R10'R37'R15'R25'R25'R48'R48' R48' R30' R25'R15'R 1 5 ' R 1 5 ' R 3 7 ' R 1 0 ' R 1 0 ' R50' R 4 7 ' R10'92.1'69.1' 83.16' 30.03'77.17'93.1'73.27'60'7' 100' RIGHT OF WAY80' RIGHT OF WAY22'8'13'16.06'25.34'8.62'11.09'R3'R3' R8'3.78'R3'R3'13'1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 44 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 4 8 8 55 8 0 20 40 80 Feet Site Geometry Plan C5.10 of Project Number Sheet Drawing Number Drawing Title Issued for Checked byDesigned by Appvd.DateRevisionNo.vhb.comDate DATE: 225 E. Robinson Street Suite 300 Orlando, FL 32801 407.839.4006 Certificate of Authorization Number FL #3932 The Regency at Ocoee Ocoee, Florida Permit May 2023 63879.01May. 31, 2023 SCS JLI DUMPSTER ENCLOSURE TRASH COMPACTOR ENCLOSURE. SEE STRUCTURAL PLANS TYPE D CURB (TYP) DRAINAGE MANHOLE (TYP) HANDICAP SIGNS R7-8 AND R7-8A (TYP) TYPE 6 INLET (TYP) WHEEL STOP (TYP) PROJECT BOUNDARY 7' MONOLITHIC SIDEWALK (TYP.) STRIPING (TYP) CURB AND GUTTER (TYP.)MATCHLINE SEE SHEET C5.00TYPE 'D' CURB (TYP) RESIDENTIAL ENTRY MONUMENT (TYP.) SEE HARDSCAPE PLANS FOR DETAILS DOG PARK LANDSCAPE AREA 22' BUILDING SETBACK 22' BUILDING SETBACK 15' BUILDING SETBACK 25' BUILDING SETBACK 50' BUILDING SETBACK 75' BUILDING SETBACK MILL AND RESURFACE FIRE HYDRANT (PUBLIC) FDC (TYP) FOUNTAIN (SEE HARDSCAPE PLANS FOR DETAILS) FUTURE CURB AND PARKING NON-EXCLUSIVE TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 5937, PAGE 4469 7' WIDE SIDEWALK ZONING: C-3 ZONING: C-2 ZONING: C-2 ZONING: C-2 DOUBLE YELLOW CENTER LINE ALONG OLD WINTER GARDEN RD EXTENSION 3'' HIGH KNEE-HIGH WALL SEE HARDSCAPE PLANS FOR DETAIL STREET ADUMPSTER ENCLOSURE RELOCATED MAST ARM (SEE SIGNALIZATION PLANS FOR DETAILS) PROPOSED MAST ARM (SEE SIGNALIZATION PLANS FOR DETAILS) TYPE F CURB TRANSITION CURB 6'' THICK CONCRETE PAVEMENT TYPE F CURB POST MOUNTED SIGN. SEE SHEETS C5.20 AND C5.30 FOR DETAIL (TYP.). 13' S/W MAIN ENTRANCE SIGN TIE TO EX. SIDEWALK EX. CURB INLET MAIN ENTRANCE SIGN SEATING PLAZA W/CONCRETE PAVERS. SEE HARDSCAPE PLANS FOR PAVER DETAILS. CURB INLET TYPE F CURB TYPE F CURB AND GUTTER LANDSCAPE TREE WELL (TYP.) FDC BLDG 1 TYPE D CURB FDC BLDG 2 7' S/W WITH MONOLITHIC CURB PATIO ASPHALT PAVED RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE6' BENCH (SEE HARDSCAPE PLANS FOR DETAILS) TRASH RECEPTACLE (SEE HARDSCAPE PLANS FOR DETAILS) VEHICULAR CONCRETE PAVERS (SEE HARDSCAPE PLANS FOR DETAILS) ASPHALT PAVED SPEED BUMP. SEE SHEET C10.10 FOR DETAILS PICKLEBALL COURT ARTIFICIAL TURF PLAZA ARTIFICIAL TURF PLAZA 4' FENCE ALUMINUM FENCE. FIRE HYDRANT (PUBLIC) 5' S/W FIRE HYDRANT (PUBLIC) CONTRACTOR TO REPLACE ANY DAMAGED SIDEWALK AS A RESULT OF THE MAST ARM RELOCATION. CONTRACTOR TO REPLACE ANY DAMAGED SIDEWALK AS A RESULT OF THE MAST ARM RELOCATION. 6" CONCRETE PAVEMENT WITH 8" THICKENED EDGE ALONG THE EDGE ADJACENT TO THE ASPHALT PAVEMENT SIDEWALK GARAGE B U I L D I N G GAR A G E B U I L D I N G GAR A G E B U I L D I N G COVERED GARAGES EX. PERPETUAL SLOPE EASEMENTUTILITY EASEMENT ACCESS AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT EX. MAST ARM EX. NON-EXCLUSIVE TEMP. EASEMENT KEY NOTES: 1 TYPE I - CONCRETE TRAFFIC SEPARATOR, OPTION II PER FDOT INDEX 520-020 2 CR-A RAMP PER FDOT INDEX 522-02 3 CR-E RAMP PER FDOT INDEX 522-02 4 CR-C RAMP PER FDOT INDEX 522-02 5 BIKE RACK. SEE HARDSCAPE PLANS FOR DETAILS 6 12" CONCRETE BAND. SEE SHEET C10.10 FOR DETAILS 7 BRICKED PAVED PLAZA. SEE HARDSCAPE PLANS FOR DETAIL 8 CR-G RAMP PER FDOT INDEX 522-02 4' ALUMINUM PICKET FENCE. SEE HARDSCAPE PLANS SIDEWALK. SEE HARDSCAPE PLANS MILL AND RESURFACE CENTER LANE AS SHOWN Symbol Description LEGEND STORM MANHOLE CENTERLINE OF ROAD R.O.W. DITCH BOTTOM INLET SANITARY MANHOLE CLEAN-OUT FIRE HYDRANT FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION WATER METER WATER ASSEMBLIES POST MOUNTED SIGN PROPERTY LINE MES NEW ASPHALT NEW CONCRETE MONOLITHIC S/W YARD DRAIN LIMITS OF MILL AND RESURFACE #KEY NOTES NO.69884 STATE OF PROFESSIONAL E N G INEERJA IM E L . IG U ALICENSE FLORI DA This document has been electronically signed and sealed by Jaime L. Igua, P.E. on the date shown hereon using a digital signature. Printed copies of this document are not considered signed and sealed and the signature must be verified on any electronic copies. Page 297 of 373 WL-1 WL-2 WL-3 WL-4 WL-5 WL-6 WL-7 WL-8 WL-9 WL-10 WL-11 WL-12 WL-13 ZONE AZONE XZONE A ZONE X G-6 ASSEMBLE LAND TRUST PARCEL ID: 30-22-28-0000-00-022 DOT/STATE OF FLORIDA PARCEL ID: 30-22-28-0000-00-062116115 Building 7 Clubhouse Amenity Area 112.5 110.5 2:1 121 121 WET DETENTION POND MEAN ANNUAL = 118.81 10-YR/24-HR = 119.84 25-YR/24-HR = 120.27 100-YR/24-HR = 120.96 120 119 118 116.5 114.5 5:1 NCL FLORIDA'S TURNPIKE (SUNSHINE STATE PAR K W A Y ) 20'9'9'20'22' 22'20'9'6'20'9'9'20'20'9' 20'9'22'22'25' 22' 12' 0 20 40 80 Feet Striping & Signage Plan C5.20 of Project Number Sheet Drawing Number Drawing Title Issued for Checked byDesigned by Appvd.DateRevisionNo.vhb.comDate DATE: 225 E. Robinson Street Suite 300 Orlando, FL 32801 407.839.4006 Certificate of Authorization Number FL #3932 The Regency at Ocoee Ocoee, Florida Permit May 2023 63879.01May. 31, 2023 SCS JLI Symbol Description LEGEND STORM MANHOLE CENTERLINE OF ROAD R.O.W. DITCH BOTTOM INLET SANITARY MANHOLE CLEAN-OUT FIRE HYDRANT FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION WATER METER WATER ASSEMBLIES POST MOUNTED SIGN PROPERTY LINE MES NEW ASPHALT NEW CONCRETE MONOLITHIC S/W YARD DRAIN MATCHLINE SEE SHEET C5.30ACCESSIBLE PARKING MARKING (TYP) SEE SHEET C10.00 FOR DETAILS WHITE DIRECTIONAL ARROW PER FDOT INDEX 711-001 (TYP) 6" WHITE (TYP) 12'' WHITE (TYP) 24'' WHITE (TYP) 24'' WHITE STOP BAR (TYP.) 6'' WHITE (TYP) 25' WETLAND BUFFER (SEE HARDSCAPE PLANS) ZONING: C-3 ZONING: C-3 6'' DOUBLE YELLOW CENTER LINE ALONG OLD WINTER GARDEN RD EXTENSION 12'' WHITE (TYP) 24'' WHITE (TYP) 24'' WHITE STOP BAR (TYP.) 24'' WHITE STOP BAR (TYP.) HANDICAPPED PARKING SIGN TYP. (SEE DETAIL ON SHEET C10.00) NOTE: 1.ALL PAVEMENT MARKINGS LOCATED WITHIN PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL BE THERMOPLASTIC. 2.ALL CURBS LOCATED IN FRONT OF FIRE HYDRANTS AND FDCs SHALL BE MARKED AS FIRE ZONES AND PAINTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CITY OF OCOEE STANDARDS. FIRE ZONE MARKINGS ON CURB TYP. (SEE NOTE 2) STOP SIGN R1-1 30"X30" STOP SIGN R1-1 30"X30" STOP SIGN R1-1 30"X30" WHITE DIRECTIONAL ARROW PER FDOT INDEX 711-001 (TYP) 6'' WHITE NO.69884 STATE OF PROFESSIONAL E N G INEERJA IM E L . IG U ALICENSE FLORI D A This document has been electronically signed and sealed by Jaime L. Igua, P.E. on the date shown hereon using a digital signature. Printed copies of this document are not considered signed and sealed and the signature must be verified on any electronic copies. Page 298 of 373 EXISTING BUILDING n n n nnnnnnnnnn G-2 G-3 G-4 G-1 Building 1 Building 2 Building 3Building 5Building 6 Build i n g 4nG-5 OLD WINTER GARDEN ROAD EXTENSION MAGUIRE ROAD/STATE ROAD 439FLORI D A ' S T U R N P I K E (SUNS H I N E S T A T E P A R K W A Y ) 100' RIGHT OF WAY80' RIGHT OF WAYOLD WINTER GARDEN ROAD 20'9'22'20'8'22'8' 20'9'20'9'20'9' 20'9'9'20'9'20'9'20'9'20'9' 12'20'9' 20'9'20'9'20'9'20'9'20'9'20'9'20'9'20'9'20'9'20'9'20'9'20'12'22'22'22'22'22'22'22'22'22' 22' 22'22'8'22'8' 0 20 40 80 Feet Striping & Signage Plan C5.30 of Project Number Sheet Drawing Number Drawing Title Issued for Checked byDesigned by Appvd.DateRevisionNo.vhb.comDate DATE: 225 E. Robinson Street Suite 300 Orlando, FL 32801 407.839.4006 Certificate of Authorization Number FL #3932 The Regency at Ocoee Ocoee, Florida Permit May 2023 63879.01May. 31, 2023 SCS JLI Symbol Description LEGEND STORM MANHOLE CENTERLINE OF ROAD R.O.W. DITCH BOTTOM INLET SANITARY MANHOLE CLEAN-OUT FIRE HYDRANT FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION WATER METER WATER ASSEMBLIES POST MOUNTED SIGN PROPERTY LINE MES NEW ASPHALT NEW CONCRETE MONOLITHIC S/W YARD DRAIN HANDICAPPED PARKING SIGN TYP. (SEE DETAIL ON SHEET C10.00) WHITE DIRECTIONAL ARROW PER FDOT INDEX 711-001 (TYP) PROJECT BOUNDARY 12'' WHITE (TYP) 24'' WHITE (TYP) 24'' WHITE STOP BAR (TYP.) 6'' WHITE (TYP) STOP SIGN R1-1 30"X30"MATCHLINE SEE SHEET C5.20RESIDENTIAL ENTRY MONUMENT (TYP.) DOG PARK ZONING: C-3 ZONING: C-2 ZONING: C-2 ZONING: C-2 6'' DOUBLE YELLOW CENTER LINE ALONG OLD WINTER GARDEN RD EXTENSION 24'' WHITE THERMOPLASTIC STOP SIGN R1-1 12'' WHITE (TYP.) STOP SIGN R1-1 30"X30" 24'' WHITE (TYP) 24'' WHITE THERMOPLASTIC ACCESSIBLE PARKING MARKING TYP. (SEE DETAIL ON SHEET C10.00) WHITE DIRECTIONAL ARROW PER FDOT INDEX 711-001 (TYP) 24'' WHITE THERMOPLASTIC WHITE DIRECTIONAL ARROW PER FDOT INDEX 711-001 (TYP) HANDICAPPED PARKING SIGN TYP. (SEE DETAIL ON SHEET C10.00) ACCESSIBLE PARKING MARKING TYP. (SEE DETAIL ON SHEET C10.00) 6'' WHITE (TYP.)24'' WHITE THERMOPLASTIC 6'' WHITE (TYP.) 24'' WHITE (TYP) 12'' WHITE (TYP) 6'' WHITE (TYP.) WHITE DIRECTIONAL ARROW PER FDOT INDEX 711-001 (TYP) ACCESSIBLE PARKING MARKING TYP. (SEE DETAIL ON SHEET C10.00) HANDICAPPED PARKING SIGN TYP. (SEE DETAIL ON SHEET C10.00) WHITE DIRECTIONAL ARROW PER FDOT INDEX 711-001 (TYP) 24'' WHITE THERMOPLASTIC 6'' DOUBLE YELLOW 18'' YELLOW NOTE: 1.ALL PAVEMENT MARKINGS LOCATED WITHIN PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL BE THERMOPLASTIC. 2.ALL CURBS LOCATED IN FRONT OF FIRE HYDRANTS AND FDCs SHALL BE MARKED AS FIRE ZONES AND PAINTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CITY OF OCOEE STANDARDS. 6'' WHITE 10'-30' SKIP 6'' WHITE 10'-30' SKIP 6'' YELLOW 2'-4' SKIP 6'' WHITE 2'-4' SKIP (TYP) 12'' WHITE (TYP) WHITE THERMOPLASTIC DIRECTIONAL ARROW PER FDOT INDEX 711-001 (TYP) SEE SIGNALIZATION PLANS FOR FURTHER CLARIFICATION 6'' YELLOW 6'' WHITE 6'' WHITE 6'' WHITE 6'' WHITE RAISED CROSSWALK (SEE DETAIL ON SHEET C10.10 20 MPH SPEED LIMIT SIGN (R2-1) 20 MPH SPEED LIMIT SIGN (R2-1) 20 MPH SPEED LIMIT SIGN (R2-1) YIELD SIGN (R1-2) W/ ROUNDABOUT SIGN (R6-5P) AND 15 MPH SPEED LIMIT SIGN (2-1) YIELD SIGN (R1-2) W/ ROUNDABOUT SIGN (R6-5P) AND 15 MPH SPEED LIMIT SIGN (2-1) YIELD SIGN (R1-2) W/ ROUNDABOUT SIGN (R6-5P) AND 15 MPH SPEED LIMIT SIGN (2-1) FIRE ZONE MARKINGS ON CURB TYP. (SEE NOTE 2) PEDESTRIAN SIGNAL STOP SIGN R1-1 30"X30" EX. 12'' WHITE STOP SIGN R1-1 30"X30" 24'' WHITE THERMOPLASTIC STOP SIGN R1-1 30"X30" 12'' WHITE (TYP) 24'' WHITE (TYP) YIELD LINE MARKINGS PER FDOT INDEX 711-001 YIELD LINE MARKINGS PER FDOT INDEX 711-001 FIRE ZONE MARKINGS ON CURB TYP. (SEE NOTE 2) STOP SIGN R1-1 30"X30" FIRE ZONE MARKINGS ON CURB TYP. (SEE NOTE 2) 6'' WHITE 2'-4' SKIP 6'' WHITE 2'-4' SKIP POST MOUNTED PED. CROSSING SIGN W11-2 AND W16-7pL POST MOUNTED SPEED HUMP AHEAD SIGN W17-1 AND 16-7pL POST MOUNTED SPEED HUMP AHEAD SIGN W17-1 AND 16-7pL 20 MPH SPEED LIMIT SIGN (R2-1) FIRE ZONE MARKINGS ON CURB TYP. (SEE NOTE 2) 6'' WHITE (3) POST MOUNTED TYPE 1 OBJECT MARKER (OM4-1) RE-STRIPE EX. PAVEMENT MARKING ON THIS LANE AS SHOWN. RE-STRIPE EX. DIRECTIONAL ARROW. WHITE DIRECTIONAL ARROW PER FDOT INDEX 711-001 (TYP). RE-STRIPE EX. PAVEMENT MARKING ON THIS LANE AS SHOWN. 24'' WHITE THERMOPLASTIC STOP SIGN R1-1 30"X30" FIRE ZONE MARKINGS ON CURB TYP. (SEE NOTE 2) FIRE ZONE MARKINGS ON CURB TYP. (SEE NOTE 2) NO.69884 STATE OF PROFESSIONAL E N G INEERJA IM E L . IG U ALICENSE FLORI DA This document has been electronically signed and sealed by Jaime L. Igua, P.E. on the date shown hereon using a digital signature. Printed copies of this document are not considered signed and sealed and the signature must be verified on any electronic copies. Page 299 of 373 DOG PARK 0.09 Ac G-6 n n nnnnnnnn G-2 G-3 G-4 G-1 Building 1 Building 2 Building 3Building 5Building 6 Build i n g 4 Building 7 Clubhouse Amenity Area G-5 EXISTING BUILDING N 8" PVC INVERT = 119.93' S 8" PVC INVERT = 120.23' FIRE HYDRANT FIRE HYDRANTFIRE HYDRANT FIRE HYDRANT FIRE HYDRANT FIRE HYDRANT FIRE HYDRANT FIRE HYDRANT FIRE HYDRANT FIRE HYDRANT FIRE HYDRANT OLD WINTER GARDEN ROAD EXTENSION MAGUIRE ROAD/STATE ROAD 439OLD WINTER GARDEN ROAD FLORID A ' S T U R N P I K E (SUNS H I N E S T A T E P A R K W A Y ) FLORIDA'S TURNPIKE (SUNSHINE STATE PAR K W A Y ) FDC FDC FDC FDC FDC FDC FDC FDC17'31' 50 '50'27'47'46'34 ' 0 25 50 100 Feet Fire Access Plan - Orange County HP75 Aerial Ladder 37.17 7.75 17.91 Overall Length 37.170ft Overall Width 8.330ft Overall Body Height 11.612ft Min Body Ground Clearance 1.392ft Track Width 8.330ft Lock-to-lock time 6.00s Min Centerline Radius 34.000ft Steering Angle 31.8° Orange County HP75 Aerial Ladder Fire Access Plan C5.40 of Project Number Sheet Drawing Number Drawing Title Issued for Checked byDesigned by Appvd.DateRevisionNo.vhb.comDate DATE: 225 E. Robinson Street Suite 300 Orlando, FL 32801 407.839.4006 Certificate of Authorization Number FL #3932 The Regency at Ocoee Ocoee, Florida Permit May 2023 63879.01May. 31, 2023 SCS JLI NO.69884 STATE OF PROFESSIONAL E N G INEERJA IM E L . IG U ALICENSE FLORI D A This document has been electronically signed and sealed by Jaime L. Igua, P.E. on the date shown hereon using a digital signature. Printed copies of this document are not considered signed and sealed and the signature must be verified on any electronic copies. Page 300 of 373 G-6 ASSEMBLE LAND TRUST PARCEL ID: 30-22-28-0000-00-022 DOT/STATE OF FLORIDA PARCEL ID: 30-22-28-0000-00-062116115 Building 7 Clubhouse Amenity Area 112.5 110.5 2:1 121 121 WET DETENTION POND MEAN ANNUAL = 118.81 10-YR/24-HR = 119.84 25-YR/24-HR = 120.27 100-YR/24-HR = 120.96 120 119 118 116.5 114.5 5:1 NCL WL-1 WL-2 WL-3 WL-4 WL-5 WL-6 WL-7 WL-8 WL-9 WL-10 WL-11 WL-12 WL-13 ZONE AZONE XZONE A ZONE X DS-16 RIM=125.15 INV=114.92 INV=114.92 DS-15 OUT MH DS-20 RIM=124.25 INV=114.68 INV=117.10 INV=114.68 DS-17 DS-21 OUT MH DS-42 RIM=123.80 INV=115.18 INV=115.18 DS-41 OUT TYPE F DS-17 RIM=123.80 INV=117.20 INV=114.72 INV=114.72 DS-19 DS-16 OUT TYPE F DS-24 RIM=123.53 INV=114.63 INV=118.30 INV=114.13 DS-23 DS-25 OUT MH DS-21 RIM=123.50 INV=117.23 OUT TYPE F DS-23 RIM=123.20 INV=114.91 INV=116.76 INV=114.67 DS-42 DS-22 OUT TYPE F DS-22 RIM=123.20 INV=114.62 INV=116.83 DS-20 OUT TYPE F DS-25 RIM=123.10 INV=118.42 OUT TYPE F DS-26 RIM=121.00 INV=111.45 INV=111.45 DS-24 OUT MH 122 LF 36"RCP S=0.21 % 136 LF 36"RCP S=0.20% 70 LF 54"RCP S=0.06 % 54 L F 60" R C P S= 1 . 7 6 % 116 LF 42"RCP S=0.06% 134 LF 60"RCP S=2.00 % 47 LF 18"RCP S=0.25% 66 LF42"RCPS=0.06% 103 LF 42"RC P S=0.0 6 % 67 LF 18"RCP S=0.20%82 LF18"RCPS=0.20%94 LF18"RCPS=0.20% S=0.30%66 LF36"RCPS=0.30%33 LF 24"RCP S=1.12% NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE 120 121 121120119118117122 123 123 124 of Project Number Sheet Drawing Number Drawing Title Issued for Checked byDesigned by Appvd.DateRevisionNo.vhb.comDate DATE: 225 E. Robinson Street Suite 300 Orlando, FL 32801 407.839.4006 Certificate of Authorization Number FL #3932 The Regency at Ocoee Ocoee, Florida Permit May 2023 63879.01May. 31, 2023 SCS JLI 0 20 40 80 Feet Drainage Plan C6.00CONTINUED ON SHEET C6.10PROPERTY LINE CONTROL STRUCTURE CS-01 (SEE DETAIL ON SHEET C11.00) FLORIDA'S TURNPIKE (SUNSHINE STATE PAR K W A Y ) M.E.S. INV. EL.=115.00 M.E.S. INV. EL.=110.50 POST MOUNTED CONSERVATION AREA SIGN POSTED EVERY 50' (TYP) (SEE DETAIL ON SHEET C10.00) SUMP PER FDOT INDEX 425-001 SUMP PER FDOT INDEX 425-001 TOP OF S/W EL.=122.00 NO.69884 STATE OF PROFESSIONAL E N G INEERJA IM E L . IG U ALICENSE FLORI D A This document has been electronically signed and sealed by Jaime L. Igua, P.E. on the date shown hereon using a digital signature. Printed copies of this document are not considered signed and sealed and the signature must be verified on any electronic copies. Page 301 of 373 n n n nnnnnnnnnn G-2 G-3 G-4 G-1 Building 1 Building 2 Building 3Building 5Building 6 Build i n g 4nG-5 WM WM E 18" CMP INVERT = 124.32' EXISTING BUILDING W 18" CMP INVERT = 124.43' SE 18" CMP INVERT = 124.15' CURB INLET TOP = 125.73' BOTTOM OF STRUCTURE = 121.46' CURB INLET TOP = 125.78' BOTTOM OF STRUCTURE = 120.69' CATCH BASIN TOP = 125.65' BOTTOM OF STRUCTURE = 121.63' CURB INLET TOP = 125.26' BOTTOM OF STRUCTURE = 120.21' CATCH BASIN TOP = 129.68' BOTTOM OF STRUCTURE = 124.64' DRAINAGE MANHOLE TOP = 130.07' E 18" RCP INVERT = 127.92' FULL OF DEBRIS CATCH BASIN TOP = 129.72' BOTTOM OF STRUCTURE = 116.82' DRAINAGE MANHOLE TOP = 126.63' NW 24" RCP INVERT = 116.93' S 24" RCP INVERT = 119.82' DRAINAGE MANHOLE TOP = 126.20' N UNKNOWN SIZE RCP INVERT = 117.03' N UNKNOWN SIZE RCP INVERT = 116.75' CURB INLET TOP = 125.63' W 18" RCP INVERT = 119.49' N 18" RCP INVERT = 116.80' S 18" RCP INVERT = 117.11' CURB INLET TOP = 124.94' BOTTOM OF STRUCTURE = 117.46' N 18" RCP INVERT = 117.15' E 18" RCP INVERT = 120.51' S 18" RCP INVERT = 117.05' S 8" PVC INVERT = 120.23' DS-07 RIM=126.00 INV=120.28 INV=120.30 INV=119.30 DS-05 DS-06 OUT MH DS-40 RIM=125.85 INV=115.66 INV=119.75 INV=115.66 DS-39 DS-43 OUT MH DS-09 RIM=125.90 INV=115.92 INV=117.42 INV=120.30 INV=115.92 DS-04 DS-11 DS-13 OUT MH DS-02 RIM=125.56 INV=116.84 INV=116.84 INV=116.84 DS-01 DS-08 OUT MH DS-34 RIM=124.78 INV=118.66 INV=118.66 INV=116.16 DS-33 DS-38 OUT MH DS-08 RIM=125.44 INV=119.19 INV=117.12 DS-07 OUT TYPE F DS-10 RIM=125.22 INV=117.65 OUT TYPE 6 DS-11 RIM=125.22 INV=117.57 INV=117.57 DS-10 OUT TYPE 6 DS-05 RIM=124.80 INV=120.50 INV=120.50 INV=120.50 DS-46 DS-50 OUT TYPE FDS-46 RIM=124.80 INV=120.74 INV=120.74 DS-51 OUT TYPE F DS-32 RIM=124.75 INV=119.00 INV=119.00 DS-30 OUT MH DS-36 RIM=124.75 INV=120.12 INV=120.12 DS-35 OUT MH DS-01A RIM=124.70 INV=117.89 OUT TYPE 6 DS-01 RIM=124.70 INV=117.71 INV=117.20 DS-01A OUT TYPE 6 DS-19 RIM=124.63 INV=117.39 INV=117.39 DS-18 OUT MH DS-04 RIM=124.60 INV=116.25 INV=118.26 INV=116.25 DS-02 DS-03 OUT TYPE 6 DS-03 RIM=124.60 INV=118.34 OUT TYPE 6 DS-28 RIM=124.70 INV=120.36 OUT TYPE FDS-31 RIM=124.70 INV=119.89 OUT TYPE F DS-39 RIM=124.55 INV=115.95 INV=115.95 DS-34 OUT TYPE 9 DS-12 RIM=124.52 INV=120.60 OUT TYPE 6 DS-13 RIM=124.52 INV=120.50 INV=120.50 DS-12 OUT TYPE 6 DS-29 RIM=124.40 INV=120.19 INV=120.19 DS-28 OUT TYPE F DS-30 RIM=124.40 INV=119.72 INV=119.72 INV=119.22 DS-29 DS-31 OUT TYPE F DS-06 RIM=124.80 INV=120.59 INV=120.59 INV=120.59 DS-45 DS-49 OUT TYPE F DS-43 RIM=125.00 INV=119.97 OUT TYPE F DS-45 RIM=124.80 INV=120.76 OUT TYPE F DS-41 RIM=124.30 INV=115.43 INV=115.43 DS-40 OUT TYPE F DS-33 RIM=124.15 INV=118.85 INV=118.85 DS-32 OUT TYPE F DS-14 RIM=124.09 INV=116.56 OUT TYPE 6 DS-18 RIM=124.00 INV=117.55 OUT TYPE F DS-15 RIM=123.97 INV=115.50 INV=116.50 INV=115.50 DS-09 DS-14 OUT TYPE 6 DS-37 RIM=123.90 INV=119.83 INV=119.33 DS-36 OUT TYPE F DS-38 RIM=123.90 INV=118.89 INV=118.89 DS-37 OUT TYPE F DS-35 RIM=123.50 INV=120.42 OUT TYPE F 60 LF 18"RCP S=0.30% 85 LF 18"RCP S=0.26% 59 LF 30"RCP S=0.18% 131 LF18"RCPS=0.22% 183 LF18"RCPS=0.26%81 LF24"RCPS=0.27% 68 LF 24"RCP S=0.22%92 LF24"RCPS=0.21%66 LF 18"RCP S=0.26% 66 LF 18"RCP S=0.26% 175 L F 24"RC P S=0.2 5 % 88 LF 24"RC P S=0.2 6 %118 LF18"RCPS=0.26%113 LF 18"RCP S=0.26 % 105 LF36"RCPS=0.20% 148 L F 36" R C P S=0 . 2 0 % 115 L F 36"R C P S=0.2 0 % 122 LF 82 LF18"RCPS=0.20%94 LF18"RCP 87 LF 18"RCP S=0.25% 120 LF24"RCP S=0.30% 199 LF30"RCPS=0.30%109 LF36"RCPS=0.30%139 LF36"RCPS=0.30% 193 LF36"RCPS=0.30% 30 LF 18"RCP S=0.20% 38 LF 18"RCP S=0.20% 94 LF 30"RCP S=0.30% 38 LF 18"RCP S=0.20% 95 LF 18"RCP S=0.16% 38 LF 18"RCP S=0.26% 138 LF 18"RCP S=0.15% 86 LF18"RCPS=0.20% 97 LF 18"RCP S=0.25% of Project Number Sheet Drawing Number Drawing Title Issued for Checked byDesigned by Appvd.DateRevisionNo.vhb.comDate DATE: 225 E. Robinson Street Suite 300 Orlando, FL 32801 407.839.4006 Certificate of Authorization Number FL #3932 The Regency at Ocoee Ocoee, Florida Permit May 2023 63879.01May. 31, 2023 SCS JLI 0 20 40 80 Feet Drainage Plan C6.10 PROPERTY LINECONTINUED ON SHEET C6.00MAGUIRE ROAD/STATE ROAD 439OLD WINTER GARDEN ROAD FLORID A ' S T U R N P I K E (SUNS H I N E S T A T E P A R K W A Y ) NO.69884 STATE OF PROFESSIONAL E N G INEERJA IM E L . IG U ALICENSE FLORI DA This document has been electronically signed and sealed by Jaime L. Igua, P.E. on the date shown hereon using a digital signature. Printed copies of this document are not considered signed and sealed and the signature must be verified on any electronic copies. Page 302 of 373 125.80G-6 n nnn ASSEMBLE LAND TRUST PARCEL ID: 30-22-28-0000-00-022 DOT/STATE OF FLORIDA PARCEL ID: 30-22-28-0000-00-062116115 Building 7 Clubhouse Amenity Area 112.5 110.5 2:1 121 121 WET DETENTION POND MEAN ANNUAL = 118.81 10-YR/24-HR = 119.84 25-YR/24-HR = 120.27 100-YR/24-HR = 120.96 120 119 118 116.5 114.5 5:1 NCL 124.48 127.14 128.03 3256 124.6 119.0 112.2 112.4 112.4 112.2 112.5 113.3 112.53 129.30 128.77 128.41 127.98 127.52 126.71 125.57124.76123.79123.07121.95 120.2 121.7 116.9 118.0 120.0 118.2 123.0 123.9 119.8 121.7 123.4 121.4 124.9 125.9 121.9 124.3 125.1 122.3 126.9 127.1 122.4 125.3 125.6 122.9 127.8 127.9 123.4 126.4 128.0 124.0 113.0 111.9 112.0 112.4 114.7 119.0 120.0 121.0 123.6 124.5 126.0 126.0 126.7 126.4 116.9 120.9 119.3119.5 WL-1 WL-2 WL-3 WL-4 WL-5 WL-6 WL-7 WL-8 WL-9 WL-10 WL-11 WL-12 WL-13 ZONE AZONE XZONE A ZONE X 123.53123.10123.20123.20124.25123.50123.80125.15123.80124.63124.00124.30125.50123.55124.50123.50123.60125.42125.20124.68124.601 2 4 . 4 0 124.40125.05124.71125.061 2 4 . 5 2 124.84123.98124.48124.04124.45123.90123.90123.90124.39123.90123.90124.50124.44124.00123.69124.131 2 4 . 5 0 124.50124.90124.00124.39124.00123.80FF=124.50 FF=125.000.93%2.12%1.23% 2.08% 4.02% 4.46%124.00124.000.96%0.64%0.78% 1.73% 3.14% 2.30%0.83%0.85%0.47% 0.45%1.52%1.95%123.620.40% 0.47%0.95%3.42%0.96%1.01% 0.69%1.13%2.04% 0.86% 0.94% 0.78%124.902.01%0.79%0.64%1.46%124.01124.40124.30124.501.33%1.01%1.48%1.28%1.31% 1.50% 0.50% 1.30%0.44%1.50%123.90123.80124.47124.00HP HP HPHP HPHP124.50124.501 2 4 . 5 0 123.901 2 4 . 5 0 1 2 3 . 9 0124.51124.50123.901 2 4 . 5 0 124.50123.60124.20124.101 2 4 . 0 0 123.93123.43124.50124.50124.011 2 4 . 0 5 124.50124.50124.601 2 5 . 0 0 124.58 124.00 123.95 124.50 124.12124.65124.55124.23124.83124.24124.25124.97124.88124.84125.08124.201 2 4 . 7 8 124.90125.001 2 4 . 9 1 1 2 4 . 9 6124.34124.92124.90125.00124.901 2 5 . 0 0 125.00125.00125.00123.90124.13123.651 2 4 . 5 0 123.98124.05124.20124.70123.35125.00124.601 2 3 . 8 9 124.40 124.41124.53125.19125.48124.89125.31124.90125.00125.38124.78125.30124.80124.54121.00124.75125.80125.80125.90125.90125.80120 121 121120119118117122 123 123 124125.80125.423.42%124.90124.54124.75125.80125.80125.90125.90125.80FMFM0 20 40 80 Feet of Project Number Sheet Drawing Number Drawing Title Issued for Checked byDesigned by Appvd.DateRevisionNo.vhb.comDate DATE: 225 E. Robinson Street Suite 300 Orlando, FL 32801 407.839.4006 Certificate of Authorization Number FL #3932 The Regency at Ocoee Ocoee, Florida Permit May 2023 63879.01May. 31, 2023 SCS JLI Grading Plan C7.00CONTINUED ON SHEET C7.10FLORIDA'S TURNPIKE (SUNSHINE STATE PAR K W A Y ) POST MOUNTED CONSERVATION AREA SIGN POSTED EVERY 50' (TYP) (SEE DETAIL ON SHEET C10.00) 6'' RIBBON CURB LIFT STATION CONTROL PANEL GATES WET WELL MANHOLE FORCE MAIN LIFT STATION DETAIL N.T.S. 1. LIFT STATION. SEE DETAIL TOP OF S/W EL.=122.00 NO.69884 STATE OF PROFESSIONAL E N G INEERJA IM E L . IG U ALICENSE FLORI D A This document has been electronically signed and sealed by Jaime L. Igua, P.E. on the date shown hereon using a digital signature. Printed copies of this document are not considered signed and sealed and the signature must be verified on any electronic copies. Page 303 of 373 125.80n n n nnnnnnnnnn G-2 G-3 G-4 G-1 Building 1 Building 2 Building 3Building 5Building 6 Build i n g 4nG-5 SITE BENCHMARK FOUND PK NAIL & DISK LB 3897 ELEVATION = 125.98' (NAVD88) SITE BENCHMARK SET 5/8" IRON ROD & CAP VHB TRAV LB 7153 ELEVATION = 128.15' (NAVD88) 128.89 128.82 128.78128.58 128.66 3826 3828 38293888 3889 4005 4162 4223 4230 126.9 125.4 126.0 126.0 125.4 125.1 129.4 132.9 137.7 142.5 146.5 149.6 149.96 149.84150.10150.11 150.10 146.67146.58146.47146.21 146.47 140.38 140.00140.21140.28 140.45 137.39137.27137.07137.50 133.03 132.46132.60132.83132.89 133.03 129.44 129.41129.23 130.25 129.74 129.67 129.42129.73 129.43 128.96128.26 127.74126.91126.46 129.40129.18 128.72128.33 126.28126.05 126.73126.53 127.28 128.04 127.04 125.82 126.11125.78 125.98125.66 126.76 126.62 126.26 126.08 126.32 126.2 125.11 125.53 125.72125.61125.26125.20125.57 126.82126.49 126.57126.26 126.47125.90125.41125.38 125.96 125.79125.43125.54125.81125.88125.55 126.30 126.34126.15 125.98 125.98126.32 126.01126.43 126.53126.03 126.32 126.34125.98 126.50 126.32 125.90 126.40 127.8 126.06126.00 125.91125.51 WM127.5 126.89 126.47 126.20 126.02 125.64 126.10 125.98 126.22 126.38 126.09 127.24126.73 126.77 126.34 125.89 126.38WM126.60 126.13 125.92 125.48125.61 125.96 126.87 126.45 126.2 128.62 129.10128.97128.90 127.07 126.66 128.15127.75 128.67128.98 129.38 127.29 129.60 129.90 128.98 128.95129.05129.25 129.76 132.40132.62 132.67132.85 132.96 137.25136.84 137.04137.22137.40 126.73126.74127.50127.24 126.03 125.93125.50 125.75125.29125.66 125.58 125.64 125.75 125.39 125.28 125.34 125.60 125.21125.61125.79 125.49 125.38 126.00 126.05126.69 124.4124.4 126.13 126.23 125.98126.86 126.95 126.83126.77 126.90 126.89 126.56 126.37126.05 126.34126.17 125.76125.72 125.87125.97 125.36 125.72 125.58125.5124.1123.8 124.1 125.6 125.7 128.49 128.78 129.04 128.95 129.17 129.26 129.41 129.30 128.0 124.6 127.8 124.5 124.9 128.0 124.0 128.3 123.9 128.0 124.4 127.7 123.9 128.1 125.1 125.0 126.4 125.4 126.3 126.0 EXISTING BUILDING S 8" PVC INVERT = 120.23' 127.17 126.01 128.99 126.69 127.78 123.90123.97124.09125.22125.22125.90124.52124.52124.60124.60125.56125.44126.00124.80124.80124.80124.80124.63124.00125.00125.85124.30124.55124.15124.75125.03124.40124.70124.70123.50124.75123.90125.20125.20126.00125.20125.50126.00126.00127.88127.30 HP127.78 HP124.70124.70125.10124.90124.25124.50124.80125.50126.00126.00125.35125.35124.35124.75125.05125.00125.30125.10125.50125.51125.59125.50125.60125.36125.41125.36125.40125.80125.80125.25125.30125.30125.80126.00125.50125.50125.40125.30125.50125.40125.30125.40125.50125.40125.44125.171 2 5 . 7 3125.751 2 5 . 3 0125.831 2 5 . 5 0 125.50125.31124.891 2 4 . 8 9125.15125.14125.34125.85125.85125.39125.10125.00125.00125.00125.01125.57124.901 2 4 . 7 4125.44124.801 2 3 . 9 9124.02124.06124.02124.96124.77124.501 2 4 . 5 0 FF=126.00 125.04124.40124.09 125.25124.17124.48124.10124.41124.501 2 4 . 5 0124.50125.00125.18124.37125.30125.66125.14 125.40125.91126.22125.80126.26125.95125.42125.20125.60125.46125.05125.30124.681 2 5 . 0 5124.60124.40124.40125.05124.71125.06124.841 2 5 . 0 3 125.28125.48125.48124.50124.50124.90 125.30125.60125.39125.39125.21125.21125.28125.28FF=126.25 FF=126.00 FF=126.00 FF=126.00 FF=1 2 5 . 2 5 0.93%0.64% 0.83%0.99% 0.93%0.88% 1.41%0.83%0.83%0.64%1.57%0.26%0.60%1.36%1.42%0.83%1.34%2.04%1.57%1.16%1.21%1.88%0.28%2.00% 1.92%0.75%0.75% 0.55% 1.06% 1.21% 0.66%1.68%0.76%1.33%1.34%1 2 5 . 5 0 125.50125.50125.781.50% 1.50%0.91%0.94%0.66%1.57%1.57%0.76%0.71%1.50% 1.50% 0.42% 0.66% 0.66% 0.38% 0.43% 0.66% 0.66% 0.42%1.67%1.97%1.03%0.68%1.63%2.00%1.25%1.50%2.77%2.77%2.83%4.72%1.50%1.50%4.86%1.73%1.58%0.82%0.58%1.40%1.25%125.090.49%1.50% 1.53% 0.98% 1.52% 1.52% 1.50% 1.50% 1.48% 1.50% 1.51% 1.50% 1.45% 1.26% 0. 9 3%0.49%1.04%1.01%0.73 %0.88%1.61% 124.78 0.51% 0.51% 0.96% 1.00%1.58%1.02%1.19%1.60%0.43%1.96%1.51%1.50%1.49%1.33%3.42%1.59%1.48%0.96%1.13%124.900.64%1.46%0.74%1.01%0.50%124.501.01%1.28%1.31% 1.50% 0.46% 0.63% 0.57% 0.08% 0.50% 1.30%0.44%0.24%1.50%125.25125.46124.401 2 5 . 3 7125.66125.401 2 5 . 1 1 1 2 5 . 0 4 125.131 2 5 . 4 0 125.40125.40125.40125.40125.40125.40125.65125.00125.00125.70125.40125.30125.19HPHPHPHP HPHPHPHP HPHPHPHPHPHP HPHPHP HPHP 0.32%0.91%125.081 2 4 . 9 2 124.90124.90125.00125.00124.40 125.40125.92126.00125.35125.95125.97125.99125.38125.18125.79125.45126.00126.00126.00125.501 2 6 . 2 8 125.50126.00125.02125.80125.50126.00127.70126.00126.00126.001 2 6 . 0 0 1 2 6 . 0 0125.43126.001 2 5 . 4 2126.001 2 5 . 5 0 1 2 6 . 0 0126.00125.36126.00125.33125.28125.50 126.00125.71125.11126.25126.25126.24126.00125.40126.00126.00126.001 2 6 . 0 0126.00126.00126.00125.40125.90126.00125.90125.93125.38125.18126.001 2 5 . 4 2125.85125.50125.60126.00125.90125.90125.50126.50126.02124.89125.56124.89125.55125.50124.86124.86125.50125.78126.021 2 5 . 1 5125.68125.82125.21125.80126.30125.16125.69124.58126.50125.63125.00125.60125.60125.00125.60125.59125.00124.57125.07124.41125.00124.47125.25124.71124.89124.66125.16124.71125.25124.66125.10125.101 2 4 . 5 0125.101 2 4 . 5 0125.10125.10124.73125.40125.50124.68124.68124.50124.41124.53125.19124.70124.70125.97125.48124.89125.31125.54124.94126.00125.89124.90125.00125.38124.78124.78124.77124.88124.88125.34125.91125.96126.00126.00126.30126.00126.00125.87125.80125.72125.50126.15125.57125.60126.10125.70125.30124.80124.54126.25126.482.00%126.70126.20G.B.124.75125.80125.80125.90125.90125.800 20 40 80 Feet of Project Number Sheet Drawing Number Drawing Title Issued for Checked byDesigned by Appvd.DateRevisionNo.vhb.comDate DATE: 225 E. Robinson Street Suite 300 Orlando, FL 32801 407.839.4006 Certificate of Authorization Number FL #3932 The Regency at Ocoee Ocoee, Florida Permit May 2023 63879.01May. 31, 2023 SCS JLI Grading Plan C7.10CONTINUED ON SHEET C7.00MAGUIRE ROAD/STATE ROAD 439OLD WINTER GARDEN ROAD FLORID A ' S T U R N P I K E (SUNS H I N E S T A T E P A R K W A Y ) Symbol Description LEGEND STORM MANHOLE CENTERLINE OF ROAD R.O.W. DITCH BOTTOM INLET CLEAN-OUT PROPERTY LINE MES YARD DRAIN TYPE 5 CURB INLET XXX.XX HP XXX.XX SPOT GRADE HIGH POINT NO.69884 STATE OF PROFESSIONAL E N G INEERJA IM E L . IG U ALICENSE FLORI DA This document has been electronically signed and sealed by Jaime L. Igua, P.E. on the date shown hereon using a digital signature. Printed copies of this document are not considered signed and sealed and the signature must be verified on any electronic copies. Page 304 of 373 G-6116115Building 7 Clubhouse Amenity Area 112.5 110.5 2:1 121 121 WET DETENTION POND MEAN ANNUAL = 118.81 10-YR/24-HR = 119.84 25-YR/24-HR = 120.27 100-YR/24-HR = 120.96 120 119 118 116.5 114.5 5:1 NCL WL-1 WL-2 WL-3 WL-4 WL-5 WL-6 WL-7 WL-8 WL-9 WL-10 WL-11 WL-12 WL-13 ZONE AZONE XZONE A ZONE X FLORIDA'S TURNPIKE (SUNSHINE STATE PAR K W A Y ) FM FL SS-28 RIM=124.95 INV=118.50 OUT SCO SS-27 RIM=124.25 INV=119.00 OUT SCO SS-14 RIM=124.08 INV=113.85 INV=115.25 INV=113.75 SS-13 SS-28 OUT SMH SS-12 RIM=123.61 INV=116.50 INV=115.00 SS-27 OUT SMH SS-13 RIM=123.40 INV=114.59 INV=114.49 SS-12 OUT SMH 78 LF 8"PVC (PRIVATE) S=0.50% 124 LF 8"PVC ( P R I V A T E ) S=0.50 % 113 LF 8"PVC (PRIVATE) S=0.50% 78 LF 8"PVC (PRIVATE) S=0.50% 57 LF 6"PVC (PRIVATE) S=4.08% 22 LF 4"PVC (PRIVATE) S=12.38% 6 1 2 3 4 1 2 4 4 2 12 0 20 40 80 Feet Utility Plan C8.00 of Project Number Sheet Drawing Number Drawing Title Issued for Checked byDesigned by Appvd.DateRevisionNo.vhb.comDate DATE: 225 E. Robinson Street Suite 300 Orlando, FL 32801 407.839.4006 Certificate of Authorization Number FL #3932 The Regency at Ocoee Ocoee, Florida Permit May 2023 63879.01May. 31, 2023 SCS JLI MATCHLINE SEE SHEET C8.10PROJECT BOUNDARY 25' WETLAND BUFFER FLOOD LIMITS (SEE HARDSCAPE PLANS) Symbol Description LEGEND STORM MANHOLE CENTERLINE OF ROAD R.O.W. DITCH BOTTOM INLET SANITARY MANHOLE CLEAN-OUT FIRE HYDRANT FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION WATER METER WATER ASSEMBLIES POST MOUNTED SIGN PROPERTY LINE MES YARD DRAIN 8" PVC C900 DR18 WM 8" PVC C900 DR18 WM FIRE HYDRANT 8"X6" TEE (PRIVATE) (PRIVATE) (PRIVATE) (PRIVATE)(PRIVATE) RESTRAINT PIPE AND END CAP FOR FUTURE CONNECTION 1. UTILITY CROSSINGS AND CLEARANCES TABLE CROSSING #FG El.Bottom & Ut. Type Top & Ut. Type Clearance 1 123.51 117.15 WM 115.63 SAN 1.52 2 123.33 122.15 WM 120.64 STM 1.51 3 124.25 120.32 WM 118.82 STM 1.50 4 123.96 119.58 WM 118.07 STM 1.51 #CROSSINGS AND CLEARANCES SEE TABLE 1 #UTILITY NOTES 8"X6" TEE (1) 6"GV UTILITY NOTES: 6" DDCV WITH F.D.C. (UPSTREAM) 6'' PVC C900-DR18 FIRE SERVICE. SEE MEP PLANS FOR CONTINUATION 1-1/2'' PVC C900-DR18 POTABLE WATER SERVICE. SEE MEP PLANS FOR CONTINUATION 2'' PVC C900-DR18 POTABLE WATER SERVICE. SEE MEP PLANS FOR CONTINUATION 2" GATE VALVE 4" PVC C900 DR18 6" GATE VALVE 12" x 6" TEE 12"x2" SADDLE TAP AND 2" GATE VALVE 12"x1-1/2" SADDLE TAP AND 1-1/2" GATE VALVE 1-1/2" PVC C900 DRI-18 8"x2" SADDLE TAP AND 2" GATE VALVE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12" DIP WATER MAIN (PUBLIC). SHEETS C8.20 AND C8.30 FOR DETAILS FLUSH ASSEMBLY WITH 4" GATE VALVE. SEE DETAIL 4 ON SHET C12.30 NOTES: 1.CONTRACTOR TO FIELD LOCATE AND VERIFY ALL EXISTING UTILITIES PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION. 2.CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE UTILITY SEPARATIONS ADHERE CITY OF OCOEE AND FDEP STANDARDS. 3.CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE WATER MAIN AND TREE SEPARATION ARE SUFFICIENT. 4.PROPOSED PRIVATE LIFT STATION SHALL BE POWERED BY THE EMERGENCY GENERATOR IN THE EVENT OF A POWER FAILURE. 5.FIRE SPRINKLER CONTRACTOR TO DETERMINE SIZE OF UNDERGROUND FIRE LINE AND TYPE OF PIPE. 6.CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE THAT THERE IS A MINIMUM OF 3' OF CLEARANCE AROUND ALL FIRE HYDRANTS. 7.CONTRACTOR TO MAINTAIN A MINIMUM OF 3' OF SEPARATION BETWEEN ALL UTILITY MAINS AND STORM STRUCTURES. 8.ON-SITE SANITARY SYSTEM INCLUDING ALL GRAVITY SEWER, FORCE MAIN, AND THE LIFT STATION SHALL BE PRIVATELY OWNED AND MAINTAINED. 9.ALL UTILITIES LOCATED OUTSIDE OF PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY AND ON PRIVATE PROPERTY SHALL BE PRIVATELY OWNED AND MAINTAINED. 10.ALL IMPROVEMENTS TO BE DEDICATED AND/OR MAINTAINED BY THE CITY OF OCOEE SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE CURRENT CITY OF OCOEE ENGINEERING STANDARDS MANUAL MATERIALS LIST AND DETAILS. FINAL PLAN APPROVAL DOES NOT PROVIDE EXEMPTION TO THESE REQUIREMENTS. 11.ANY DEVIATION FROM THE CITY OF OCOEE ENGINEERING STANDARDS MUST BE REQUESTED AND APPROVED IN WRITING PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 12.THE MOST STRINGENT STANDARDS BETWEEN THE CITY OF OCOEE AND FDEP STANDARDS SHALL BE FOLLOWED. 13.BACKFLOW PREVENTERS WILL BE INSTALLED INTERNAL TO THE BUILDINGS. 14.UTILITY PIPE MATERIALS SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: -WATER MAIN SHALL BE DIP FOR PUBLIC AND PVC C900,DR-18 FOR PRIVATE. -GRAVITY SEWER HALL BE PVC SDR-35 -FORCE MAIN SEWER SHALL BE PVC C900, DR18 -RECLAIMED WATER MAIN SHALL BE PVC C900, SDR-18. 12" GATE VALVE NO.69884 STATE OF PROFESSIONAL E N G INEERJA IM E L . IG U ALICENSE FLORI DA This document has been electronically signed and sealed by Jaime L. Igua, P.E. on the date shown hereon using a digital signature. Printed copies of this document are not considered signed and sealed and the signature must be verified on any electronic copies. Page 305 of 373 n n n nnnnnnnnnn G-2 G-3 G-4 G-1 Building 1 Building 2 Building 3Building 5Building 6 Build i n g 4nG-5 WM WM EXISTING BUILDING N 8" PVC INVERT = 119.93' S 8" PVC INVERT = 120.23' OLD WINTER GARDEN ROAD EXTENSION MAGUIRE ROAD/STATE ROAD 439OLD WINTER GARDEN ROAD FLORI D A ' S T U R N P I K E (SUNS H I N E S T A T E P A R K W A Y )RWFM FM FM FM FM FM FMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMFM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM FM ARV A R V ARV SITE BENCHMARK FOUND PK NAIL & DISK LB 3897 ELEVATION = 125.98' (NAVD88) SITE BENCHMARK SET 5/8" IRON ROD & CAP VHB TRAV LB 7153 ELEVATION = 128.15' (NAVD88) SS-04 RIM=126.00 INV=114.13 INV=114.03 SS-03 OUT SMH SS-03 RIM=125.94 INV=115.18 INV=114.75 SS-02 OUT SMH SS-08 RIM=125.77 INV=111.38 INV=111.10 INV=110.96 SS-07 SS-18 OUT SMH SS-31 RIM=125.75 INV=119.50 OUT SCO SS-06 RIM=125.56 INV=112.61 INV=112.51 SS-05 OUT SMH SS-25 RIM=125.50 INV=119.50 OUT SCO SS-30 RIM=125.50 INV=119.50 OUT SCO SS-26 RIM=125.50 INV=119.50 OUT SCO SS-29 RIM=125.50 INV=119.50 OUT SCO SS-18 RIM=125.55 INV=111.42 INV=111.32 SS-17 OUT SMH SS-07 RIM=125.31 INV=112.07 INV=113.66 INV=111.97 SS-06 SS-23A OUT SMH SS-17 RIM=125.26 INV=112.06 INV=113.46 INV=111.96 SS-16 SS-29 OUT SMH SS-20 RIM=125.18 INV=115.99 INV=117.39 INV=115.89 SS-19 SS-31 OUT SMH SS-02 RIM=125.07 INV=116.00 INV=117.40 INV=115.90 SS-01 SS-26 OUT SMH SS-01 RIM=124.99 INV=118.58 INV=117.42 SS-25 OUT SMH SS-05 RIM=124.98 INV=113.37 INV=113.27 SS-04 OUT SMH SS-23 RIM=124.98 INV=114.55 INV=114.55 INV=114.45 SS-22 SS-24 OUT SMH SS-19 RIM=124.96 INV=118.66 INV=117.16 SS-30 OUT SMH OUT SCO SS-21 RIM=124.89 INV=115.59 INV=115.49 SS-20 OUT SMH SS-09 RIM=124.82 INV=110.51 INV=110.41 SS-08 OUT SMH SS-32 RIM=124.75 INV=118.75 OUT SCO SS-15 RIM=124.51 INV=113.16 INV=113.06 SS-14 OUT SMH SS-22 RIM=124.34 INV=115.07 INV=114.97 SS-21 OUT SMH SS-24 RIM=124.24 INV=117.16 INV=115.66 SS-32 OUT SMH SS-16 RIM=124.07 INV=112.65 INV=112.55 SS-15 OUT SMH 280 LF8"PVC (PRIVATE)S=0.50% 139 LF8"PVC (PRIVATE)S=0.50%119 LF8"PVC (PRIVATE)S=0.50%128 LF8"PVC (PRIVATE)S=0.50%128 LF8"PVC (PRIVATE)S=0.50%84 LF8"PVC (PRIVATE)S=0.50%114 LF 8"PVC (P R I V A T E ) S=0.50% 86 LF 8"PVC (PR I V A T E ) S=0.50% 15 LF 8"PVC (PRIVATE) S=0.50% 230 LF8"PVC (PRIVATE)S=0.50% 55 LF 8"PVC (PRIVATE) S=0.50%80 LF8"PVC (PRIVATE)S=0.50%79 LF8"PVC (PRIVATE)S=0.50%92 LF8"PVC (PRIVATE)S=0.50% 218 LF 8"PVC ( P R I V A T E ) S=0.5 0 % 78 LF 8"PVC (PRIVATE) S=0.50% 95 LF 8"PVC (PRIVATE) S=0.50%103 LF8"PVC (PRIVATE)S=0.50%49 LF 8"PVC (PRIVATE) S=0.43% 69 LF 6"PVC (PRIVATE) S=8.32% 58 LF 6"PVC (PRIVATE) S=3.43% 33 LF 6"PVC (PRIVATE) S=2.27% 33 LF 6"PVC (PRIVATE) S=4.35% 42 LF 6"PVC (PRIVATE) S=4.60% 42 LF 4"PVC (PRIVATE) S=2.00% SS-34 RIM=125.16 INV=118.46 INV=118.36 SS-33 OUT SCO SS-35 RIM=125.60 INV=117.50 INV=117.30 OUT SCO SS-33 RIM=125.50 INV=118.82 OUT SCO 35 LF 4"PVC (PRIVATE) S=1.00% 6 LF 4"PVC (PRIVATE) S=1.00%9'5 6 7 9 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2526 27 28 29 30 24 2 4 1 2 4 2 4 2 3 2 4 2 44.51'32 33 31 SS-23A RIM=117.62 INV=113.97 INV=113.87 SS-23 OUT SMH 34 LF 8"PVC (PRIVATE) S=0.55% 14A 5 3 9 7 2 7 8 7 8 11 10 4 2 12 12 12 12 1 1 0 20 40 80 Feet Utility Plan C8.10 of Project Number Sheet Drawing Number Drawing Title Issued for Checked byDesigned by Appvd.DateRevisionNo.vhb.comDate DATE: 225 E. Robinson Street Suite 300 Orlando, FL 32801 407.839.4006 Certificate of Authorization Number FL #3932 The Regency at Ocoee Ocoee, Florida Permit May 2023 63879.01May. 31, 2023 SCS JLI Symbol Description LEGEND STORM MANHOLE CENTERLINE OF ROAD R.O.W. DITCH BOTTOM INLET SANITARY MANHOLE CLEAN-OUT FIRE HYDRANT FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION WATER METER WATER ASSEMBLIES SIGN PROPERTY LINE MES YARD DRAIN PROJECT BOUNDARYMATCHLINE SEE SHEET C8.00PRIVATE SANITARY PUMP STATION (SEE DETAILS ON SHEETS C12.60-C12.90) 8" PVC C900 DR18 WM 8" PVC C900 DR18 WM EX. 12" DIP WATER MAIN 8" PVC C900 DR18 WM 8" PVC C900 DR18 WM 8" PVC C900 DR18 WM 8" PVC C900 DR18 WM 8" PVC C900 DR18 WM FIRE HYDRANT FIRE HYDRANT FIRE HYDRANT FIRE HYDRANT FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY (PUBLIC) FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY (PUBLIC) FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY (PUBLIC) EX. 8" PVC WATER MAIN CONNECT TO 12" WATER MAIN W/ 12"X12" TAPPING SLEEVE AND VALVE CONNECT TO 8" WATER MAIN W/ 8"X8" TAPPING SLEEVE AND VALVE 165 LF 8" DIP WM (PUBLIC) CORE AND CONNECT TO EX. SANITARY SEWER MH AT INV. EL.=120.03 (SEE DETAIL 4 ON SHEET C12.90 FOR CONNECTION DETAILS) 6" PVC C-900 DR18 FORCE MAIN 6" PVC C-900 DR18 FORCE MAIN 6" PVC C-900 DR18 FORCE MAIN 6" PVC C-900 DR18 FORCE MAIN 8"X6" TEE (1) 6"GV 8"X6" TEE (1) 6"GV 8"X6" TEE 8"X6" TEE (1) 6"GV 8"X6" TEE 8" TEE (1) 8"GV (1) 6"GV 8"X6" TEE (1) 6''GV 8"X6" TEE 8" TEE (2) 8"GV 8"X6" TEE 8"X6" TEE (1) 6"GV 8"X6" TEE (1) 6"GV 8" TEE (2) 8"GV 1-1/2" METER W/2" BFP. SEE DETAIL ON SHEET C12.40 6" MASTER METER W/ 8" BFP ASSEMBLY. SEE DETAIL ON SHEET C12.40 LIMITS OF PAVEMENT RESTORATION CONTRACTOR TO MILL AND RESURFACE A MIN. OF 20' ON EACH SIDE OF THE OPEN CUT (REFER TO FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT REPLACEMENT DETAIL ON SHEET C10.00) GREASE INTERCEPTORS (SEE SHEET C12.90 FOR DETAILS) (PRIVATE) (PRIVATE) (PRIVATE) (PRIVATE) (PRIVATE) (PRIVATE) (PRIVATE) (PRIVATE) (PRIVATE) (PRIVATE) (PRIVATE) (PRIVATE) (PRIVATE) (PRIVATE) (PRIVATE) (PRIVATE) (PRIVATE) (PRIVATE) (PRIVATE) (PRIVATE) (PRIVATE) (PRIVATE) (PRIVATE) (PRIVATE) NOTES: 1.CONTRACTOR TO FIELD LOCATE AND VERIFY ALL EXISTING UTILITIES PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION. 2.CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE UTILITY SEPARATIONS ADHERE CITY OF OCOEE AND FDEP STANDARDS. 3.CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE WATER MAIN AND TREE SEPARATION ARE SUFFICIENT. 4.PROPOSED PRIVATE LIFT STATION SHALL BE POWERED BY THE EMERGENCY GENERATOR IN THE EVENT OF A POWER FAILURE. 5.FIRE SPRINKLER CONTRACTOR TO DETERMINE SIZE OF UNDERGROUND FIRE LINE AND TYPE OF PIPE. 6.CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE THAT THERE IS A MINIMUM OF 3' OF CLEARANCE AROUND ALL FIRE HYDRANTS. 7.CONTRACTOR TO MAINTAIN A MINIMUM OF 3' OF SEPARATION BETWEEN ALL UTILITY MAINS AND STORM STRUCTURES. 8.ON-SITE SANITARY SYSTEM INCLUDING ALL GRAVITY SEWER, FORCE MAIN, AND THE LIFT STATION SHALL BE PRIVATELY OWNED AND MAINTAINED. 2" METER W/2.5 BFP. SEE DETAIL ON SHEET 12.40 (PRIVATE) 8"X3" TEE (1) 3"GV (PRIVATE) (PRIVATE) EX. LIGHT POLE EX. FIRE HYDRANT EX. GUY WIRES EX. OVERHEAD ELECTRIC LINE GATE VALVE TAPPING SLEEVE TS EX. ACCESS & DRAINAGE EASEMENT EX 5' SLOPE EASEMENT 9.ALL UTILITIES LOCATED OUTSIDE OF PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY AND ON PRIVATE PROPERTY SHALL BE PRIVATELY OWNED AND MAINTAINED. 10.ALL IMPROVEMENTS TO BE DEDICATED AND/OR MAINTAINED BY THE CITY OF OCOEE SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE CURRENT CITY OF OCOEE ENGINEERING STANDARDS MANUAL MATERIALS LIST AND DETAILS. FINAL PLAN APPROVAL DOES NOT PROVIDE EXEMPTION TO THESE REQUIREMENTS. 11.ANY DEVIATION FROM THE CITY OF OCOEE ENGINEERING STANDARDS MUST BE REQUESTED AND APPROVED IN WRITING PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 12.THE MOST STRINGENT STANDARDS BETWEEN THE CITY OF OCOEE AND FDEP STANDARDS SHALL BE FOLLOWED. 13.BACKFLOW PREVENTERS WILL BE INSTALLED INTERNAL TO THE BUILDINGS. 14.UTILITY PIPE MATERIALS SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: -WATER MAIN SHALL BE DIP FOR PUBLIC AND PVC C900,DR-18 FOR PRIVATE. -GRAVITY SEWER HALL BE PVC SDR-35 -FORCE MAIN SEWER SHALL BE PVC C900, DR18 -RECLAIMED WATER MAIN SHALL BE PVC C900, SDR-18. 1. UTILITY CROSSINGS AND CLEARANCES TABLE CROSSING #FG El.Bottom & Ut. Type Top & Ut. Type Clearance 5 SEE CROSSING ON SHEETS C8.40-C8.60 6 SEE CROSSING ON SHEETS C8.40-C8.60 7 SEE CROSSING ON SHEETS C8.40-C8.60 8 125.94 123.25 WM 121.46 STM 1.79 9 125.77 122.00 WM 111.83 SAN 10.17 10 125.82 115.38 STM 112.24 SAN 3.14 10A 125.50 115.30 STM 111.79 SAN 3.51 11 125.53 121.86 WM 112.53 SAN 9.33 12 125.58 121.90 WM 114.86 SAN 7.04 13 SEE CROSSING ON SHEETS C8.40-C8.60 14 125.77 122.00 WM 115.90 SAN 6.10 14A 125.50 117.40 STM 115.20 SAN 2.22 15 SEE CROSSING ON SHEETS C8.40-C8.60 16 SEE CROSSING ON SHEETS C8.20-C8.30 17 125.89 115.61 STM 114.61 SAN 1.00 18 125.01 120.59 STM 116.46 SAN 4.13 19 124.97 120.33 STM 117.01 SAN 3.32 20 124.80 119.00 STM 117.46 SAN 1.53 21 SEE CROSSING ON SHEETS C8.20-C8.30 22 SEE CROSSING ON SHEETS C8.20-C8.30 23 SEE CROSSING ON SHEETS C8.20-C8.30 24 SEE CROSSING ON SHEETS C8.20-C8.30 25 SEE CROSSING ON SHEETS C8.20-C8.30 26 125.44 122.15 WM 119.17 STM 2.98 27 124.40 120.70 WM 115.49 SAN 5.21 28 125.19 120.94 STM 119.44 WM 1.50 29 124.37 118.50 STM 117.00 WM 1.50 30 124.82 118.42 STM 115.28 SAN 3.14 31 124.65 122.82 WM 121.32 STM 1.50 32 124.86 123.09 WM 121.59 STM 1.50 33 124.87 120.14 STM 118.64 WM 1.50 8" PVC C900 DR18 WM #CROSSINGS AND CLEARANCES. SEE TABLE 1 #UTILITY NOTES 8'' PVC PIPE SANITARY SEWER 1,052 LF 12" DIP WATER MAIN (PUBLIC). SEE SHEETS C8.20 AND C8.30 FOR PLAN AND PROFILES AND LAYOUT DETAILS. UTILITY EASEMENT (WATER MAIN) 500 GAL SAND/OIL SEPARATORSTUB-OUT FOR HOSE BIB 1" PVC C900 DR18 WM 1" RPZ/BFP 8"X1" TEE (1) 1" GV STUB-OUT FOR HOSE BIB 1" PVC C900 DR18 WM 1" RPZ/BFP 8"X1" TEE (1) 1" GV FLOOR DRAIN 8" PVC C900 DR18 WM (PRIVATE) (PRIVATE) 8"X6" TEE (1) 6"GV 8"GV (PUBLIC) R.O.W. LINE R.O.W. LINE 2" BFP 2" IRRIGATION METER 2" VALVE P.O.S. 2" PVC C900 DR18 SERVICE LATERAL 4"X2" TAPPING CAP CONNECT TO 8" RECLAIM MAIN W/ 8"X4" TAPPING SLEEVE AND VALVE 2" TAPPING SADDLE 2" PVC C900 DR18 SERVICE LATERAL 2" VALVE P.O.S. 2" IRRIGATION METER 2" BFP ARV (TYP.) 8'' GATE VALVE 12'' GATE VALVE 12" DIP WATER MAIN. SEE SHEETS C8.20 AND C8.30 FOR DETAILS 1-1/2" GATE VALVE 6" DDCV. WITH FDC (UPSTREAM) SEE DETAIL ON SHEET 12.50 6" DDCV. .WITH FDC (UPSTREAM) SEE DETAIL ON SHEET 12.50 EX. TEMPORARY EASEMENT 10'x15' UTILITY EASEMENT 10'x15' UTILITY EASEMENT 10'x15' UTILITY EASEMENT UTILITY NOTES: 6" DDCV WITH F.D.C. (UPSTREAM) 6'' PVC C900-DR18 FIRE SERVICE. SEE MEP PLANS FOR CONTINUATION 1-1/2'' PVC C900-DR18 POTABLE WATER SERVICE. SEE MEP PLANS FOR CONTINUATION 2'' PVC C900-DR18 POTABLE WATER SERVICE. SEE MEP PLANS FOR CONTINUATION 2" GATE VALVE 4" PVC C900 DR18 6" GATE VALVE 12" x 6" TEE 12"x2" SADDLE TAP AND 2" GATE VALVE 12"x1-1/2" SADDLE TAP AND 1-1/2" GATE VALVE 1-1/2" PVC C900 DRI-18 8"x2" SADDLE TAP AND 2" GATE VALVE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1,052 LF 12" DIP WATER MAIN (PUBLIC). SEE SHEETS C8.20 AND C8.30 FOR PLAN AND PROFILES AND LAYOUT DETAILS. P.O.S FIRE HYDRANT 8"X6" TEE (1) 6''GV FIRE HYDRANT FIRE HYDRANT NO.69884 STATE OF PROFESSIONAL E N G INEERJA IM E L . IG U ALICENSE FLORI DA This document has been electronically signed and sealed by Jaime L. Igua, P.E. on the date shown hereon using a digital signature. Printed copies of this document are not considered signed and sealed and the signature must be verified on any electronic copies. 8" Page 306 of 373 37 FT 223 FT3'2.66'MATCH LINE STA: -0+15.00MATCH LINE STA: 5+28.0018''308 FT 5 FT22 FT 12IN 22.5° BEND 12IN 22.5° BEND 12IN X 8IN TEE 12IN X 8IN TEE 23''12''20''12IN X 2IN TEEDS-16R=125.15INV=114.92INV=114.92DS-15OUTDS-15R=123.97INV=115.50INV=116.50INV=115.50DS-09DS-14OUTDS-09R=125.90INV=115.92INV=117.42INV=120.30INV=115.92DS-04DS-11DS-13OUTDS-04R=124.60INV=116.25INV=118.26INV=116.25DS-02DS-03OUT(FOREGROUND)(FOREGROUND)(FOREGROUND)(FOREGROUND)FMFMFMFMFMFMFMFMARV FL ARV DS-09 RIM=125.90 INV=115.92 INV=117.42 INV=120.30 INV=115.92 DS-04 DS-11 DS-13 OUT MH DS-16 RIM=125.15 INV=114.92 INV=114.92 DS-15 OUT MH 189 LF 36"RCP S=0.31% 26 LF 18"RCP S=0.23% DS-14 RIM=124.09 INV=116.56 OUT TYPE 6 DS-15 RIM=123.97 INV=115.50 INV=116.50 INV=115.50 DS-09 DS-14 OUT TYPE 6 135 LF36"RCPS=0.31%105 LF36"RCPS=0.31% SS-04 RIM=126.00 INV=114.13 INV=114.03 SS-03 OUT SMH119 LF8"PVCS=0.50%128 LF8"PVCS=0.50%134 LF 18"RCP S=0.15% 91 LF 18"RCP S=0.17% 34 LF 18"RCP S=0.22% DS-10 RIM=125.22 INV=117.65 OUT TYPE 6 DS-11 RIM=125.22 INV=117.57 INV=117.57 DS-10 OUT TYPE 6 DS-03 RIM=124.60 INV=118.34 OUT TYPE 6 DS-04 RIM=124.60 INV=116.25 INV=118.26 INV=116.25 DS-02 DS-03 OUT TYPE 6 34 LF 18"RCP S=0.22% S=0.31% 12" GATE VALVE N:1532307.5803 E:481161.2355 0+00 1+00 2+00 3+00 4+00 5+00 PI PI +14.49 +24.95 PROPOSED 68' R.O.W.OLD WINTER GARDEN ROAD EXTENSION Building 2 Building 2 Building 5Building 6 12IN X 4IN TEE N:1532307.57 E:481158.95 12IN X 8IN TEE N:1532312.75 E:481547.72 12IN X 8IN TEE N:1532312.68 E:481524.02 12" GATE VALVE N:1532312.33 E:481517.83 12IN 22.5° BEND N:1532312.54 E:481480.22 12IN 22.5° BEND N:1532308.52 E:481470.56 2" GATE VALVE N:1532312.44 E:481472.90 2" 22.25° BEND N:1532317.08 E:481470.9 AIR RELEASE VALVE N:1532322.31 E:481470.82 12IN X 2IN TEE N:1532309.93 E:481473.96 12" GATE VALVE N:1532312.7634 E:481551.2408 0 10 20 40 Feet PROFILE PLAN of Project Number Sheet Drawing Number Drawing Title Issued for Checked byDesigned by Appvd.DateRevisionNo.vhb.comDate DATE: 225 E. Robinson Street Suite 300 Orlando, FL 32801 407.839.4006 Certificate of Authorization Number FL #3932 The Regency at Ocoee Ocoee, Florida Permit May 2023 63879.01May. 31, 2023 SCS JLIJCS EXISITNG GROUND FINISH GROUND 12" GATE VALVE STUB-OUT FOR FUTURE CONNECTION RESTRAINT PIPE AND END CAP FOR FUTURE CONNECTION 18" RCP STORM PIPE (PRIVATE) 12" DIP WM (PUBLIC) 12" DIP WM (PUBLIC) 8" PVC SAN. PIPE (PRIVATE) 18" RCP STORM PIPE (PRIVATE) 18" RCP STORM PIPE (PRIVATE) Public Water Main Plan & Profile C8.20 36" RCP STORM (FOREGROUD) 36" RCP STORM (FOREGROUD) 36" RCP STORM (FOREGROUD)30" RCP STORM (FOREGROUD) PROPERTY LINE R.O.W. LINE R.O.W. LINE 8" DIP WM (PUBLIC) 8" GATE VALVE N:1532319.57 E:481524.11 WATER MAIN. SEE UTILITY PLAN, SHEETS C8.00 AND C8.10 8" GATE VALVE N:1532307.71 E:481546.728" DIP WM (PUBLIC) 8" GATE VALVE P.O.S. N:1532274.70 E:481548.26 6" C900-DR8 SANITARY SEWER FORCE MAIN FLUSH ASSEMBLY WITH 4" GATE VALVE. SEE DETAIL 4 ON SHET C12.30 AIR RELEASE VALVE IN METER BOX PER CITY ST. DET. UT106b STORM SEWER. SEE DRAINAGE PLAN, SHEETS C6.00 AND C6.10 12" GATE VALVE 10'x15' UTILITY EASEMENT 6" MASTER METER N:1532267.78 E:481547.97 FLUSH ASSEMBLY WITH 4" GATE VALVE. SEE DETAIL 4 ON SHET C12.30 12IN x 4IN TEE Symbol Description LEGEND STORM MANHOLE CENTERLINE OF ROAD R.O.W. DITCH BOTTOM INLET SANITARY MANHOLE CLEAN-OUT FIRE HYDRANT FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION WATER METER WATER ASSEMBLIES SIGN PROPERTY LINE MES YARD DRAIN GATE VALVE TAPPING SLEEVE TS #CROSSINGS AND CLEARANCES. SEE TABLE 1 #UTILITY KEY NOTES NO.69884 STATE OF PROFESSIONAL E N G INEERJA IM E L . IG U ALICENSE FLORI D A This document has been electronically signed and sealed by Jaime L. Igua, P.E. on the date shown hereon using a digital signature. Printed copies of this document are not considered signed and sealed and the signature must be verified on any electronic copies. 8" Page 307 of 373 (FOREGROUND)(FOREGROUND)21 FT 31 FT 9 FT 25 FT129 FT 4 FT MATCH LINE STA: 5+28.00MATCH LINE STA: 10+90.0012IN 45° BEND 12IN 45° BEND 12IN 45° BEND 12IN 45° BEND 12IN 45° BEND 12IN 45° BEND 12IN 11.25° BEND 12IN X 6IN TEE 12IN X 6IN TEE12IN 45° BEND 12IN 45° BEND 12IN X 6IN TEE 12IN X 3IN TEE 12IN X 6IN TEE 12IN X 2IN TEE 12IN X 2IN TEE 12''14''26''2.91'32''DS-02R=125.56INV=116.84INV=116.84INV=116.84DS-01DS-08OUTDS-01R=124.70INV=117.71INV=117.20DS-01AOUTRWRWRWRW FM FM FM FM FM FM FM DS-03 RIM=124.60 INV=118.34 OUT TYPE 6 DS-04 RIM=124.60 INV=116.25 INV=118.26 INV=116.25 DS-02 DS-03 OUT TYPE 6 34 LF 18"RCP S=0.22% 195 LF30"RCPS=0.31% 90 LF 30"RCP S=0.31% DS-02 RIM=125.56 INV=116.84 INV=116.84 INV=116.84 DS-01 DS-08 OUT MH 116 LF24"RCP S=0.31% 56 LF 18"RCP S=0.32% DS-01 RIM=124.70 INV=117.71 INV=117.20 DS-01A OUT TYPE 6 DS-01A RIM=124.70 INV=117.89 OUT TYPE 6 DS-08 RIM=125.44 INV=119.19 INV=117.12 DS-07 OUT TYPE F 12IN 11.25° BEND N:1532329.42 E:481952.56 (VERTICAL)5+00 6+00 7+00 8+00 9+00 10+0010+58.99 PI PIPI PIPIPIPIPIPI +37.87 +59.77+02.82 +43.52+93.79+04.52+25.36+31.40+35.38 PROPOSED 68' R.O.W.PROPOSED 92' R.O.W.MAGUIRE ROAD/STATE ROAD 439OLD WINTER GARDEN ROAD EXTENSION Building 2 Building 2 Building 1 CONNECT TO 12" WATER MAIN W/ 12"X12" TAPPING SLEEVE AND VALVE N:1532418.72 E:482129.73 12IN 45° BEND N:1532332.85 E:482086.14 12IN 45° BEND N:1532329.86 E:482083.16 12IN X 6IN TEE N:1532313.47 E:481785.26 12IN 45° BEND N:1532383.12 E:482086.03 12IN 45° BEND N:1532390.72 E:482093.60 2"TAPPING SADDLE N:1532313.46 E:481781.10 12IN 45° BEND N:1532313.49 E:481792.11 12IN 45° BEND N:1532329.02 E:481807.55 12IN X 3IN TEE N:1532329.13 E:481846.41 12IN X 6IN TEE N:1532329.12 E:481842.26 12IN X 6IN TEE N:1532365.89 E:482085.99 12IN GATE VALVE N:1532404.28 E:482093.29 12IN 45° BEND N:1532411.55 E:482093.55 12IN 45° BEND N:1532418.64 E:482100.55 1 2 3 2 1 4 5 37 2 77 11 7 1 1 0 10 20 40 Feet PROFILE PLAN of Project Number Sheet Drawing Number Drawing Title Issued for Checked byDesigned by Appvd.DateRevisionNo.vhb.comDate DATE: 225 E. Robinson Street Suite 300 Orlando, FL 32801 407.839.4006 Certificate of Authorization Number FL #3932 The Regency at Ocoee Ocoee, Florida Permit May 2023 63879.01May. 31, 2023 SCS JLIJCS EXISITNG GROUND FINISH GROUND 12"X12" TAPPING SLEEVE AND VALVE 30" RCP STORM PIPE 18" RCP STORM PIPE 12" DIP WM (PUBLIC) 12" DIP WM (PUBLIC) EX. 18" RCP STORM PIPE CONNECT TO 12" WATER MAIN W/ 12"X12" TAPPING SLEEVE AND VALVE Public Water Main Plan & Profile C8.30 2" PVC C900 DR18 RECLAIM SERVICE 30" RCP STORM (FOREGROUD) 24" RCP STORM (FOREGROUD) FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY (PUBLIC) FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY (PUBLIC) EX. 18" RCP STORM SEWER R.O.W. LINEEX. 12" DIP WATER MAIN FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY (PUBLIC) EX. LIGHT POLE EX. CURB INLET TRAFFIC SIGNAL MASTARM EX. STORM SEWER PED. SIGNAL EX. 8" RECLAIM WATER MAIN SANITARY SEWER. SEE UTILITY PLAN, SHEETS C8.00 AND C8.10 STORM SEWER. SEE DRAINAGE PLAN, SHEETS C6.00 AND C6.10 TEMPORARY EASEMENT UTILITY EASEMENT 10'x15' UTILITY EASEMENT 12IN X 6IN TEE N:1532313.44 E:481774.98 12IN X 6IN TEE N:1532329.19 E:481869.02 6IN GATE VALVE 3" GATE VALVE 12" GATE VALVE UTILITY KEY NOTES: POINT OF SERVICE (P.O.S) 6'' PVC C900-DR18 FIRE SERVICE. SEE MEP PLANS FOR CONTINUATION 1-1/2'' PVC C900-DR18 POTABLE WATER SERVICE. SEE MEP PLANS FOR CONTINUATION 2'' PVC C900-DR18 POTABLE WATER SERVICE. SEE MEP PLANS FOR CONTINUATION 2" GATE VALVE 6" GATE VALVE 1-1/2" PVC C900 DRI-18 1 2 3 4 5 7 11 10'x15' UTILITY EASEMENT 30" RCP STORM (FOREGROUD) Symbol Description LEGEND STORM MANHOLE CENTERLINE OF ROAD R.O.W. DITCH BOTTOM INLET SANITARY MANHOLE CLEAN-OUT FIRE HYDRANT FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION WATER METER WATER ASSEMBLIES SIGN PROPERTY LINE MES YARD DRAIN GATE VALVE TAPPING SLEEVE TS #CROSSINGS AND CLEARANCES. SEE TABLE 1 #UTILITY KEY NOTES NO.69884 STATE OF PROFESSIONAL E N G INEERJA IM E L . IG U ALICENSE FLORI DA This document has been electronically signed and sealed by Jaime L. Igua, P.E. on the date shown hereon using a digital signature. Printed copies of this document are not considered signed and sealed and the signature must be verified on any electronic copies. Page 308 of 373 MATCH LINE STA: -0+30.00MATCH LINE STA: 5+25.006 FT 38 FT 89 FT 87 FT 26 FT 240 FTDS-40R=125.85INV=115.66INV=119.75INV=115.66DS-39DS-43OUTSS-09R=124.82INV=110.51INV=110.41SS-08OUTDS-41R=124.30INV=115.43INV=115.43DS-40OUT16 FT SS-07R=125.31INV=112.07INV=113.66INV=111.97SS-06SS-23AOUTSS-06R=125.56INV=112.61INV=112.51SS-05OUTSS-05R=124.98INV=113.37INV=113.27SS-04OUTDS-13R=124.52INV=120.50INV=120.50DS-12OUT6IN 45° BEND6IN 45° BEND 6IN 11.25° BEND 6IN 11.25° BEND 6IN 45° BEND 6IN 45° BENDSS-08R=125.77INV=111.38INV=111.10INV=110.96SS-07SS-18OUT6IN 11.25° BEND 6IN 11.25° BEND DS-39R=124.55INV=115.95INV=115.95DS-34OUTnnnn n nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnA R V DS-09 RIM=125.90 INV=115.92 INV=117.42 INV=120.30 INV=115.92 DS-04 DS-11 DS-13 OUT DMH SS-18 RIM=125.55 INV=111.42 INV=111.32 SS-17 OUT SMH SS-08 RIM=125.77 INV=111.38 INV=111.10 INV=110.96 SS-07 SS-18 OUT SMH 49 L F 8"PV C S=0. 4 3 %103 LF8"PVCS=0.50%114 LF 8"PVC S=0.50% SS-07 RIM=125.31 INV=112.07 INV=113.66 INV=111.97 SS-06 SS-23A OUT SMH 84 LF 8"PVC S=0.50% SS-06 RIM=125.56 INV=112.61 INV=112.51 SS-05 OUT SMH 128 LF8"PVCS=0.50% SS-05 RIM=124.98 INV=113.37 INV=113.27 SS-04 OUT SMH 128 LF8"PVCS=0.50 %86 L F8"PVCS=0.5 0% SS-09 RIM=124.82 INV=110.51 INV=110.41 SS-08 OUT SMH 15 LF 8"PVC S=0.50% SS-04 RIM=126.00 INV=114.13 INV=114.03 SS-03 OUT SMH 6IN 45° BEND N:1532018.97 E:481241.52 6IN 45° BEND N:1532041.47 E:481273.53 6IN 45° BEND N:1532003.49 E:481463.96 6IN 11. 2 5 ° B E N D N:1532 2 6 0 . 2 4 E:48148 5 . 5 4 (VERTI C A L ) 6IN 11.25° BEND N:1532018.50 E:481377.59 (VERTICAL) 6IN 45° BEND N:1532019.19 E:481486.23 0+0 0 1+002+00 3+004+005+00 6IN 11.25° BEND N:1532022.19 E:481361.00 (VERTICAL) 6 7 50 10 20 40 Feet PROFILE PLAN of Project Number Sheet Drawing Number Drawing Title Issued for Checked byDesigned by Appvd.DateRevisionNo.vhb.comDate DATE: 225 E. Robinson Street Suite 300 Orlando, FL 32801 407.839.4006 Certificate of Authorization Number FL #3932 The Regency at Ocoee Ocoee, Florida Permit May 2023 63879.01May. 31, 2023 SCS JLI PRIVATE 6" C-900 DR18 PVC FORCE MAIN PRIVATE 6" C-900 DR18 PVC FORCE MAIN PRIVATE 6" C-900 DR18 PVC FORCE MAIN PRIVATE 6" C-900 DR18 PVC FORCE MAIN 8" PVC SDR 35 SANITARY PIPE 36" RCP STORM PIPE 18" RCP STORM PIPE JCS EXISITNG GROUND FINISH GROUND 8" PVC C900 DR18 WM CONNECT TO LIFT STATION FORCE MAIN ASSEMBLY. SEE DETAIL 1 ON SHEET C12.70 FOR CONTINUATION Force Main Plan & Profile C8.40 BUILDING 6 (FOREGROUND)(FOREGROUND)(FOREGROUND)(FOREGROUND)(FOREGROUND)(FOREGROUND)(FOREGROUND)(FOREGROUND)(FOREGROUND)8" PVC C900 DR18 WM 6" AIR RELEASE VALVE SANITARY SEWER (SEE UTILITY PLAN SHEETS C8.00-C8.10) WATER MAIN (SEE UTILITY PLAN SHEETS C8.00-C8.10) STORM SEWER (SEE DRAINAGE PLAN SHEETS C6.00-C6.10)6''18''8" PVC SANITARY (FOREGROUD) 8" PVC SANITARY (FOREGROUD) 8" PVC SANITARY (FOREGROUD) 8" PVC SANITARY (FOREGROUD) 8" PVC SANITARY (FOREGROUD) 8" PVC SANITARY (FOREGROUD) 18" RCP STORM (FOREGROUD) 36" RCP STORM (FOREGROUD) 36" RCP STORM (FOREGROUD)13''3.53'LIFT STATION FORCE MAIN ASSEMBLY. SEE DETAIL 2 ON SHEET C12.60 AND DETAIL 1 ON SHEET C12.70 6" GATE VALVE. SEE SHEET C12.60 EMERGENCY BYPASS CONNECTOR. SEE DETAIL 2 ON SHEET C12.60 CONNECT TO LIFT STATION FORCE MAIN ASSEMBLY. SEE DETAIL 1 ON SHEET C12.70 NO.69884 STATE OF PROFESSIONAL E N G INEERJA IM E L . IG U ALICENSE FLORI DA This document has been electronically signed and sealed by Jaime L. Igua, P.E. on the date shown hereon using a digital signature. Printed copies of this document are not considered signed and sealed and the signature must be verified on any electronic copies. Page 309 of 373 MATCH LINE STA: 5+25.00MATCH LINE STA: 10+50.00117 FT 141 FT 6 FT 51 FTDS-09R=125.90INV=115.92INV=117.42INV=120.30INV=115.92DS-04DS-11DS-13OUTSS-04R=126.00INV=114.13INV=114.03SS-03OUTDS-11R=125.22INV=117.57INV=117.57DS-10OUTSS-03R=125.94INV=115.18INV=114.75SS-02OUTDS-46R=124.80INV=120.74INV=120.74DS-51OUTSS-02R=125.07INV=116.00INV=117.40INV=115.90SS-01SS-26OUTDS-05R=124.80INV=120.50INV=120.50INV=120.50DS-46DS-50OUT6IN 11.25° BEND 6IN X 2IN SADDLE TAP 6IN 11.25° BEND 6IN 45° BEND 6IN 45° BEND 6IN 11.25° BEND 6IN 11.25° BEND 6IN 11.25° BEND 54 F T 129 FT SE 1 8 " C M P I N V E R T = 1 2 4 . 1 5 ' AR V A R V AR V DS-09 RIM=125.90 INV=115.92 INV=117.42 INV=120.30 INV=115.92 DS-04 DS-11 DS-13 OUT DMH SS-04 RIM=126.00 INV=114.13 INV=114.03 SS-03 OUT SMH119 LF8"PVCS=0.50%13 9 L F 8" P V C S= 0 . 5 0 % SS-02 RIM=125.07 INV=116.00 INV=117.40 INV=115.90 SS-01 SS-26 OUT SMH SS-03 RIM=125.94 INV=115.18 INV=114.75 SS-02 OUT SMH 280 LF 8"PVC S=0.50% 6IN 11.25° BEND N:1532450.49 E:481812.23 6IN 11.25° BEND N:1532440.32 E:481761.88 6IN 45° BEND N:1532439.50 E:481490.00 6IN 45° BEND N:1532434.48 E:481485.01 6IN 11.25° BEND N:1532260.24 E:481485.54 (VERTICAL) 6IN 11.25° BEND N:1532316.85 E:481485.37 (VERTICAL)5+006+007+008 + 0 0 9+ 0 0 10+ 0 0 6IN 11.25° BEND N:1532439.92 E:481631.65 (VERTICAL) 0 10 20 40 Feet PROFILE PLAN of Project Number Sheet Drawing Number Drawing Title Issued for Checked byDesigned by Appvd.DateRevisionNo.vhb.comDate DATE: 225 E. Robinson Street Suite 300 Orlando, FL 32801 407.839.4006 Certificate of Authorization Number FL #3932 The Regency at Ocoee Ocoee, Florida Permit May 2023 63879.01May. 31, 2023 SCS JLI PRIVATE 6" C-900 DR18 PVC FORCE MAIN PRIVATE 6" C-900 DR18 PVC FORCE MAIN 8" PVC C900 DR18 WM (PRIVATE) 36" RCP STORM PIPE 12" PVC C900 DR18 WM (PUBLIC) PRIVATE 6" C-900 DR18 PVC FORCE MAIN PRIVATE 6" C-900 DR18 PVC FORCE MAIN 12" PVC C900 DR18 WM EXISITNG GROUND FINISH GROUND JCS 8" PVC C900 DR18 WM Force Main Plan & Profile C8.50 BUILDING 2 (FOREGROUND)(FOREGROUND)(FOREGROUND)(FOREGROUND)(FOREGROUND)(FOREGROUND)(FOREGROUND)6" AIR RELEASE VALVE (SEE DETAIL ON SHEET C12.20) 6" AIR RELEASE VALVE (SEE DETAIL ON SHEET C12.20) SANITARY SEWER (SEE UTILITY PLAN SHEETS C8.00-C8.10) WATER MAIN (SEE UTILITY PLAN SHEETS C8.00-C8.10) STORM SEWER (SEE DRAINAGE PLAN SHEETS C6.00-C6.10) STORM SEWER (SEE DRAINAGE PLAN SHEETS C6.00-C6.10) 18" RCP STORM (FOREGROUD)12''18" RCP STORM (FOREGROUD) 18" RCP STORM (FOREGROUD) 8" PVC SANITARY (FOREGROUD) 8" PVC SANITARY (FOREGROUD) 8" PVC SANITARY (FOREGROUD)19''18''3.73'NO.69884 STATE OF PROFESSIONAL E N G INEERJA IM E L . IG U ALICENSE FLORI DA This document has been electronically signed and sealed by Jaime L. Igua, P.E. on the date shown hereon using a digital signature. Printed copies of this document are not considered signed and sealed and the signature must be verified on any electronic copies. Page 310 of 373 MATCH LINE STA: 10+50.00MATCH LINE STA: 15+30.00280 FT 9 FT 33 FT 35 F T 6IN 45° BEND 6IN 45° BEND 6IN 45° BEND 6IN 11.25° BEND 6IN 11.25° BEND 6IN 11.25° BEND 6IN 45° BENDSS-01R=124.99INV=118.58INV=117.42SS-25OUTDS-06R=124.80INV=120.59INV=120.59INV=120.59DS-45DS-49OUTDS-45R=124.80INV=120.76OUTEXIST I N G B U I L D I N G SEWE R M A N H O L E TOP = 1 2 4 . 8 8 ' N 8" P V C I N V E R T = 1 1 9 . 9 3 ' S 8" P V C I N V E R T = 1 2 0 . 2 3 ' 82 LF 18"R C P S=0. 2 0 % 280 LF 8"PVC S=0.50% SS-01 RIM=124.99 INV=118.58 INV=117.42 SS-25 OUT SMH 6IN 45° BEND N:1532492.55 E:482100.10 6IN 45° BEND N:1532458.43 E:482100.21 6IN 45° BEND N:1532451.34 E:482093.16 6IN 11.25° BEND N:1532450.49 E:481812.23 6IN 11.25° BEND N:1532440.32 E:481761.88 10+00 11+0 0 12+0 0 13+0 0 14+0 0 14+63.786IN 11.25° BEND N:1532518.30 E:482125.69 (VERTICAL) 6IN 11.25° BEND N:1532532.24 E:482139.55 (VERTICAL) 6IN 11.25° BEND N:1532538.56 E:482145.84 (VERTICAL) 0 1 2 34 02 0 10 20 40 Feet PROFILE PLAN of Project Number Sheet Drawing Number Drawing Title Issued for Checked byDesigned by Appvd.DateRevisionNo.vhb.comDate DATE: 225 E. Robinson Street Suite 300 Orlando, FL 32801 407.839.4006 Certificate of Authorization Number FL #3932 The Regency at Ocoee Ocoee, Florida Permit May 2023 63879.01May. 31, 2023 SCS JLI EXISITNG GROUND FINISH GROUND JCS EX. 18" RCP STORM PIPE EX 8" PVC SDR 35 EX.SAN. MH PRIVATE 6" C-900 DR18 PVC FORCE MAIN Force Main Plan & Profile C8.60 BUILDING 1 (FOREGROUND)(FOREGROUND)(FOREGROUND)CORE AND CONNECT TO EX. SANITARY SEWER MH AT INV. EL.=120.03 (SEE DETAIL 4 ON SHEET C12.90 FOR CONNECTION DETAILS) CORE AND CONNECT TO EX. SANITARY SEWER MH AT INV. EL.=120.23 (SEE DETAIL 4 ON SHEET C12.90 FOR CONNECTION DETAILS) PRIVATE 6" C-900 DR18 PVC FORCE MAIN 6" AIR RELEASE VALVE (SEE DETAIL ON SHEET C12.20) EX. 18" RCP STORM PIPE EX. 12" D.I.P. WATER MAIN EX. 12" D.I.P. WATER MAIN SANITARY SEWER (SEE UTILITY PLAN SHEETS C8.00-C8.10) WATER MAIN (SEE UTILITY PLAN SHEETS C8.00-C8.10) STORM SEWER (SEE DRAINAGE PLAN SHEETS C6.00-C6.10) EX. UNKNOWN ELECTRICAL NFV EX. 8" PVC SAN. SEWER MAIN 18" RCP STORM (FOREGROUD) 8" PVC SANITARY (FOREGROUD) 18" RCP STORM (FOREGROUD)21''15''16''NO.69884 STATE OF PROFESSIONAL E N G INEERJA IM E L . IG U ALICENSE FLORI DA This document has been electronically signed and sealed by Jaime L. Igua, P.E. on the date shown hereon using a digital signature. Printed copies of this document are not considered signed and sealed and the signature must be verified on any electronic copies. Page 311 of 373 G-6nnASSEMBLE LAND TRUSTPARCEL ID: 30-22-28-0000-00-022DOT/STATE OF FLORIDAPARCEL ID: 30-22-28-0000-00-062G-2G-3G-4G-1116115Building 1Building 2Building 3Building 5Building 6Building 4Building 7ClubhouseAmenityAreaG-5112.5110.52:1121121WET DETENTION PONDMEAN ANNUAL = 118.8110-YR/24-HR = 119.8425-YR/24-HR = 120.27100-YR/24-HR = 120.96120119118116.5114.55:1NCLA BCDE GG H I JK L B -Typical Road SectionN.T.S.A - Typical Road SectionN.T.S.C -Typical Road SectionN.T.S.D -Typical Road SectionN.T.S.GARAGE22'11'TRAVEL LANE1-2%1-2%TRAVEL LANEC/LTYPE 'D'CURB (TYP.)111'2%MAXS/W5'S/W2%MAX7'MONOLITHIC CURBW/SIDEWALKPARKING20'1-2%211'TRAVEL LANE1-2%1-2%TRAVEL LANEC/LTYPE 'D'CURB (TYP.)111'5'VARIESPARKING20'1-2%211'TRAVEL LANE1-2%1-2%TRAVEL LANEC/L111'PARKING20'1-2%2PARKING20'1-2%2S/W2%MAX7'MONOLITHIC CURBW/SIDEWALK22'S/W2%MAX7'MONOLITHIC CURBW/SIDEWALK11'TRAVEL LANE1-2%TRAVEL LANEC/L111'62'TYPE 'D'CURB (TYP.)PARKING20'1-2%21-2%PARKING20'1-2%22%MAXS/W13'PARKING8'11'TRAVEL LANETRAVEL LANEC/L111'30'130.4'TYPE 'F'CURB (TYP.)TYPE 'F'CURB (TYP.)1-2%1-2%1-2%E -Typical Road SectionN.T.S.S/W2%MAX7'MONOLITHIC CURBW/SIDEWALK11'TRAVEL LANE1-2%TRAVEL LANEC/L111'62'TYPE 'D'CURB (TYP.)PARKING20'1-2%21-2%PARKING20'1-2%2ofProject NumberSheetDrawing NumberDrawing TitleIssued forChecked byDesigned byAppvd.DateRevisionNo.vhb.com DateDATE:225 E. Robinson StreetSuite 300Orlando, FL 32801407.839.4006Certificate of AuthorizationNumber FL #3932The Regency at OcoeeOcoee, FloridaPermitMay 202363879.01May. 31, 2023SCSJLITypicalSectionsC9.00KEY PLANN.T.S.TYPICAL PAVEMENT SECTIONDRIVE AREAS·2.5"ASPHALT SP-12.5 CONCRETE SURFACECOURSE·8" LIMEROCK, SOIL-CEMENT LBR 100 ,98% COMPACTION·12" STABILIZED SUBBASE COURSE LBR 40, 98% COMPACTION12CAR PARKING·1.5"ASPHALT SP-12.5 CONCRETE SURFACECOURSE·6" LIMEROCK, SOIL-CEMENT LBR 100 ,98% COMPACTION·12" STABILIZED SUBBASE COURSE LBR 40 ,98% COMPACTIONNO.69884STATE OFPROFESSIONAL ENGI N EER J A I ME L. IGUALI CENSEFLORIDAThis document has been electronically signed andsealed by Jaime L. Igua, P.E. on the date shownhereon using a digital signature.Printed copies of this document are not consideredsigned and sealed and the signature must beverified on any electronic copies.Page 312 of 373 G-6nnASSEMBLE LAND TRUSTPARCEL ID: 30-22-28-0000-00-022DOT/STATE OF FLORIDAPARCEL ID: 30-22-28-0000-00-062G-2G-3G-4G-1Building 1Building 2Building 3Building 5Building 6Building 4Building 7ClubhouseAmenityAreaG-5112.5110.52:1121121WET DETENTION PONDMEAN ANNUAL = 118.8110-YR/24-HR = 119.8425-YR/24-HR = 120.27100-YR/24-HR = 120.96120119118116.5114.5NCLA BCDE GG H I JK L G -Typical Road SectionN.T.S.H -Typical Road SectionN.T.S.2%MAXS/W13'PARKING8'1-2%11'TRAVEL LANE1-2%TRAVEL LANEC/L111'38'1-2%2%MAXS/W13'PARKING8'1-2%S/W2%MAX7'MONOLITHIC CURBW/SIDEWALK11'TRAVEL LANE1-2%TRAVEL LANEC/L111'62'TYPE 'D'CURB (TYP.)PARKING20'1-2%21-2%PARKING20'1-2%2I -Typical Road SectionN.T.S.2%MAXS/W14'TRAVEL LANE11'TRAVEL LANE11'TRAVEL LANE11'5'CONC.DIVIDER2%MAXS/W14'TRAVEL LANE11'TRAVEL LANE11'C/LJ -Typical Road SectionN.T.S.TYPE 'F'CURB (TYP.)TYPE 'F'CURB (TYP.)TYPE 'F'CURB (TYP.)TYPE 'F'CURB (TYP.)60'11S/W2%MAX7'MONOLITHIC CURBW/SIDEWALK11'TRAVEL LANE1.5-2%TRAVEL LANEC/L111'128.4'PARKING20'1-2%21.5-2%PARKING20'1-2%2S/W2%MAX7'MONOLITHIC CURBW/SIDEWALK11'TRAVEL LANE1.5-2%TRAVEL LANEC/L111'TYPE 'D'CURB (TYP.)PARKING20'1-2%21.5-2%PARKING20'1-2%23'1-2%1-2%1-2%1-2%1-2%K -Typical Road SectionN.T.S.L -Typical Road SectionN.T.S.GARAGE22'11'TRAVEL LANE1-2%1-2%TRAVEL LANEC/L111'22'S/W2%MAX7'MONOLITHIC CURBW/SIDEWALK20'FOUNTAINBOWL2'36'' HIGHFOUNTAIN WALL4'VARIES2'18'' HIGHFOUNTAIN WALL7.9'LANDSCAPE2.75'17'TRAVEL LANE1-2%2'2'4'VARIES2'7.9'LANDSCAPE2.75'17'TRAVEL LANE1-2%2'TYPE 'F'CURB (TYP.)TYPE 'E'MOUNTABLE CURB (TYP.)11PAVERS PAVERS 36' FOUNTAINPARKING20'1-2%2ofProject NumberSheetDrawing NumberDrawing TitleIssued forChecked byDesigned byAppvd.DateRevisionNo.vhb.com DateDATE:225 E. Robinson StreetSuite 300Orlando, FL 32801407.839.4006Certificate of AuthorizationNumber FL #3932The Regency at OcoeeOcoee, FloridaPermitMay 202363879.01May. 31, 2023SCSJLITypical SectionsC9.10KEY PLANN.T.S.TYPICAL PAVEMENT SECTIONDRIVE AREAS·2.5"ASPHALT SP-12.5 CONCRETE SURFACECOURSE·8" LIMEROCK, SOIL-CEMENT LBR 100 ,98% COMPACTION·12" STABILIZED SUBBASE COURSE LBR 40, 98% COMPACTION12CAR PARKING·1.5"ASPHALT SP-12.5 CONCRETE SURFACECOURSE·6" LIMEROCK, SOIL-CEMENT LBR 100 ,98% COMPACTION·12" STABILIZED SUBBASE COURSE LBR 40 ,98% COMPACTIONNO.69884STATE OFPROFESSIONAL ENGI N EER J A I ME L. IGUALI CENSEFLORIDAThis document has been electronically signed andsealed by Jaime L. Igua, P.E. on the date shownhereon using a digital signature.Printed copies of this document are not consideredsigned and sealed and the signature must beverified on any electronic copies.Page 313 of 373 FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT REPLACEMENTN.T.S.1.July 2022City of Ocoee PW002GeneralDetailsC10.00NOTES:1.Tooled Control Joints at 5' O.C. max.2.Expansion Joints at 25' O.C. max.3.Joints shall be constructed within 24 hours of pouring concrete4.Sidewalks shall be Class I, 3000psi5.Sub-grade or base shall be compacted to a minimum density of 98% of themaximum density as determined by AASHTO T-180 for sidewalks/bikepaths and curbs.6.Refer to plans for sidewalk width. Sidewalk shall be a minimum of 5' if awidth is not specified on the plans.7.Refer to the plans for the curb height. If no curb height is specified, use 6"4"4" Concrete overcompacted fill.1/4" Per Foot Cross Slope1" Prior to seeding or planting2" Prior to soddingSee Note 66"See Note 7NOTES:1.Top portion of sign to have a reflective blue background with whitereflective symbol and border.2.Bottom portion shall have a reflective white background with black opaquelegend and border.3.Sign may be fabricated on one panel or two.4.Signs are to be mounted at standard height. (7' from pavement to bottomof sign.)5.FTP-25 or FTP-26 sign in accordance with FDOT Standard Index #15355.6.Supplemental plate must be 12" wide by 6" high with 1-1/2" corner radii.Provide a 1" Series C blue legend and a 1/2" blue border on a whitebackground.7.Blue strip is to be tinted to match shade 15180 of Federal Standards 5958.5 ft wide access aisles are diagonally striped at 45 degrees with 4" widesolid white striping at 4 ft. on centers and outlined on three sides with 4"wide solid white striping.9.Use of pavement symbol in handicapped parking spaces is required. Whenused, the symbol shall be 5 ft. high and white in color. To be installed inaccordance with FDOT Standard Index #17346PARKING BY DISABLEDPERMITONLYFINE $250.00ONLYPERMIT DISABLEDPARKING BYHandicapped Parking Sign Typical Markings ForHandicapped ParkingHandicappedPavement SymbolSee Note 5See Note 6See Note 7See Note 84" Blue Strip4" White Strip10'-0"20'-0"12'-0"5'-0"5'-0"4" Grid4"Steel Flanged Cannel PostPer FDOT Index #1186512"1/2"7'-0"18"DRIVEWAY APPROVACH WITH PAVERS DETAILN.T.S.2.July 2022City of Ocoee PW004SIDEWALK, CURB AND PAVEMENT DETAILN.T.S.3.June 2020City of Ocoee PW005HANDICAPPED PARKING MARKINGS AND SIGNN.T.S.4.June 2020City of Ocoee PW006ofProject NumberSheetDrawing NumberDrawing TitleIssued forChecked byDesigned byAppvd.DateRevisionNo.vhb.com DateDATE:225 E. Robinson StreetSuite 300Orlando, FL 32801407.839.4006Certificate of AuthorizationNumber FL #3932The Regency at OcoeeOcoee, FloridaPermitMay 202363879.01May. 31, 2023SCSJLITypical Cross SectionStage 1Stage 2VariesStraight and Smooth SawCut Existing SurfaceTreatmentExtent of Pavement ReplacementReplacement Base1/2 of Pipe Diameteror 1' Min.18"6"CurbStage Compactions:1.Backfilling of trench shall be in six inch (6") maximum lifts.2.Stage 1: Backfilling trench in Stage 1 shall use proper mechanicalequipment to insure proper compaction throughout, including pipehaunches.3.Stage 2: Backfilling trench in Stage 2 shall be to bottom of sub-grade.NOTES:1.All work and material for the Flexible Pavement Reconstruction shall be inaccordance with the most current City of Ocoee - Engineering StandardsManual (available at OCOEE.ORG).2.Any conflict between ESM specification and this sheet's specifications shallbe resolved by the more stringent requirement.3.Replacement asphalt shall match the existing structural and frictioncourses for type and thickness in accordance with requirements as setforth by the ESM.4.Replacement asphalt shall be installed the to the full width of the travellane.5.Backfill and base material shall be clean and homogenous compacted to98% of the maximum density per AASHTO T-180. Tack shall be added tothe new base material prior to installing the replacement asphalt.6.Base course shall be prepared in 6" lifts maximum, and thoroughlycompacted.7.Where trench line abuts existing curb(s), construct clean butt joint withcurb. In the event curb is undermined and/or compromised, curb shall bereplaced.Butt-Joint DetailRight-of-Way LineDrivewayRoadwayCurb & Gutter1234351 LegendDriveway sidewalk 6" Thick - fc' = 3,000 psi @ 28 days, fiber reinforcedconcrete2Sidewalk: 4" Thick - fc' = 3,000 psi @ 28 days3Expansion Joint: bituminous fiber board material 1/2" thick and fulldepth4Construction Joint: tooled, dummy or sawed (1" depth minimum,spacing equal width of sidewalk)5Approach Transition: Flair Curb shall be dropped if not mountableCurb shall be dropped through driveway with 3' transitions each end ofdriveway for non-mountable curb.All wooden stakes used in form work if left in place, shall have 2" or moreof concrete cover.Notes:66Pavers within the right-of-way shall be installed on 6" Base; Soil Cement orConcrete Aggregate Fines uniformly compacted to a minimum density of98% in accordance with AASHTO T-180. The minimum thickness for paversshall be 3-1/8".CONSERVATION AREA SIGNN.T.S.5.February 2023NO.69884STATE OFPROFESSIONAL ENGI N EER J A I ME L. IGUALI CENSEFLORIDAThis document has been electronically signed andsealed by Jaime L. Igua, P.E. on the date shownhereon using a digital signature.Printed copies of this document are not consideredsigned and sealed and the signature must beverified on any electronic copies.Page 314 of 373 9"MIN.0'-8"FINISHGRADE6" BASECOURSE LIMEROCK OR DURAROCKCOMPACTED TO 95%POURED-IN-PLACE CONCRETE BAND - GRADE TOBE FLUSH WITH ADJACENT UNIT PAVERS ANDCONCRETE PAVEMENTCOMPACTED SUBGRADE. SEE CIVIL ENGINEER'SPLANSSUBBASE MATERIAL SEE CIVILENGINEER'S PLANSASPHALT ROADWAY PAVINGFULL DEPTHEXPANSION JOINTCONCRETE UNIT VEHICULAR PAVERSFINISH GRADE1-1/2" SAND SETTING BED OR FINES#4 @ 12" MAX. IN EACH DIRECTIONRAISED CROSSWALK DETAILN.T.S.1.March 2023GeneralDetailsC10.10ofProject NumberSheetDrawing NumberDrawing TitleIssued forChecked byDesigned byAppvd.DateRevisionNo.vhb.com DateDATE:225 E. Robinson StreetSuite 300Orlando, FL 32801407.839.4006Certificate of AuthorizationNumber FL #3932The Regency at OcoeeOcoee, FloridaPermitMay 202363879.01May. 31, 2023SCSJLI6'6'1' 6' 1.6'1'1.6'6'CHEVRON DETAIL3"NOTES:1.ADVANCED WARNING MARKINGS SHALL BE INSTALLED PER MUTCDWHEN ONE OF THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA IS MET:∙SPEED LIMITS ≥ 30 MPH∙85 PERCENTILE SPEEDS ≥ 35 MPH∙MAJOR ROAD∙BASED ON ENGINEERING JUDGEMENT.2.UNDISTURBED CLEARANCE FOR DRAINAGE SHALL BE 12" MINIMUMFOR CURB & GUTTER APPLICATIONS, THE TRANSITION SHALL END ATTHE EDGE OF PAVEMENT.3.ADVANCE WARNING SIGN (W17-1) SHALL BE PLACED AHEAD OF FIRSTRAISED CROSSWALK FROM EACH DIRECTION. IF THE SIGN IS INSTALLEDPRIOR TO THE CONSTRUCTION, IT SHALL BE COVERED. CONTRACTORSHALL REMOVE SIGN COVERING WHEN CONSTRUCTION BEGINS.4.CURB RAMP SHALL COMPLY WITH THE FDOT AND THE CITYREQUIREMENTS.5.PEDESTRIAN WARNING SIGNS SHALL BE INSTALLED PER MUTCD ANDFDOT DESIGN MANUAL CHAPTER 230 FOR SIGNAGE PLACEMENT.6.CHEVRON AND CROSSWALK MARKINGS SHALL BE THERMOPLASTIC.AA'BB'10'6'6'NOTE 3.NOTE 5.NOTE 5.NOTE 3.12" WHITE(SEE NOTE 8.)NOTE 5RAMP1:12 MAX.TYPE F CURB1:246' TRANSITIONRAISED CROSSWALKSEE CHEVRONDETAILVARIESRAMP1:12 MAX.TYPE F CURB6' TRANSITIONSECTION B-B'SECTION A-A'8'10'GRADE BREAK LINEGRADE BREAK LINEEX. 8" BASEEX. 12" SUBGRADE12" WHITE STRIPE5.5" STRUCTURAL COURSETYPE SP-12.5 (TL-B)2.5" STRUCTURAL COURSETYPE SP-12.5 (TL-B)2.5" STRUCTURAL COURSETYPE SP-12.5 (TL-B)VARIES3"2.0%1:24PER PLAN PER PLAN FDOT CURB RAMP CR-AFDOT CURB RAMP CR-A2.0%8" BASE12" SUBGRADE5.5" STRUCTURAL COURSETYPE SP-12.5 (TL-B)30'30'YIELD LINE MARKINGS (TYP)PER FDOT INDEX 711-001CONCRETE BAND DETAILN.T.S.2.VHBNO.69884STATE OFPROFESSIONAL ENGI N EER J A I ME L. IGUALI CENSEFLORIDAThis document has been electronically signed andsealed by Jaime L. Igua, P.E. on the date shownhereon using a digital signature.Printed copies of this document are not consideredsigned and sealed and the signature must beverified on any electronic copies.Page 315 of 373 116115112.5110.52:1121121WET DETENTION PONDMEAN ANNUAL = 118.8110-YR/24-HR = 119.8425-YR/24-HR = 120.27100-YR/24-HR = 120.96120119118116.5114.55:1NCL121.00120121121120119118117122123123124AA2:15:12: 1 5:1POND BOT. = 110.50EL.=114.50NWL = 116.50EL.=114.506' WIDESIDEWALK122.00121.606' WIDESIDEWALK122.00121.60TURNDOWN DETAIL 'A'8" PVC TEE8" THREADEDPVC PLUGSIDE OF DBI8" PVC CAP4" Ø ORIFICE INV. 116.506" MIN.ANGLE (TYP)FIBERGLASSSKIMMER BAFFLEZ-BRACKET (TYP)PVC TURNDOWN(SEE TURNDOWN DETAIL 'A')FDOT TYPE 'F' DBI1.5' (TYP)24" RCP24" RCP30"6" 2'-6"4'4'2'-6"4" ORIFICE DRILLEDON THE 8" FITTINGSKIMMER TOP EL. 120.72STRUCTURE TOP EL. 120.22WEIR SLOT EL. 118.42SKIMMER BOT. EL. 117.924" Ø ORIFICE INV. 116.50OUTFALL PIPE NV. 115.50GROUT STRUCTUREPER FDOT INDEX 425-001PVC TURNDOWN(SEE TURNDOWN DETAIL 'A')24" RCP OUTFALL PIPE30"X6" WEIR SLOTAT EL. 118.42STEEL GRATESTEEL GRATEPLAN VIEWSECTION VIEW 'B'SECTION VIEW 'A'GROUT STRUCTUREPER FDOT INDEX 425-001SLOPESLOPEMATCH EXISTING GRADEPIPE INV. EL. = 1153113SWALE BOT. EL. = 115.00SILT FENCEOUTFALL PIPEEL. = 116.00WETLAND CONSERVATION EASEMENT4" CONC. SLABEX GROUND12" MIN.5'LIMITS OF SODPROPOSED DEVELOPMENTSWALE LENGTH = 30'DrainageDetailsC11.00ofProject NumberSheetDrawing NumberDrawing TitleIssued forChecked byDesigned byAppvd.DateRevisionNo.vhb.com DateDATE:225 E. Robinson StreetSuite 300Orlando, FL 32801407.839.4006Certificate of AuthorizationNumber FL #3932The Regency at OcoeeOcoee, FloridaPermitMay 202363879.01May. 31, 2023SCSJLISection A-AWET DETENTION POND SECTION DETAILN.T.S.1.VHBCONTROL STRUCTURE CS-01 DETAILSN.T.S.3.VHBSPREADER SWALE DETAILN.T.S.2.VHBNO.69884STATE OFPROFESSIONAL ENGI N EER J A I ME L. IGUALI CENSEFLORIDAThis document has been electronically signed andsealed by Jaime L. Igua, P.E. on the date shownhereon using a digital signature.Printed copies of this document are not consideredsigned and sealed and the signature must beverified on any electronic copies.Page 316 of 373 OFFSET AS REQUIRED TO AVOIDFOUNDATION FOOTING/GRADEBEAM.FINISHED GRADEBOOT SPIGOT INTO HUB OFRAINWATER PIPING (SEE MEPPLANS FOR DETAILS)SEE PLUMBING DRAWINGS FORDOWNSPOUT SIZES.CONCRETE COLLARSEALED JOINTDrainageDetailsC11.10ofProject NumberSheetDrawing NumberDrawing TitleIssued forChecked byDesigned byAppvd.DateRevisionNo.vhb.com DateDATE:225 E. Robinson StreetSuite 300Orlando, FL 32801407.839.4006Certificate of AuthorizationNumber FL #3932The Regency at OcoeeOcoee, FloridaPermitMay 202363879.01May. 31, 2023SCSJLIMANHOLE FRAMES AND TOPS DETAILN.T.S.1.FDOT Index 425-001LOCKING GRATES TO FRAMES DETAILN.T.S.2.FDOT Index 425-001PIPE TO STRUCTURE FILTER FABRIC WRAP DETAILN.T.S.3.FDOT Index 425-001SUMP BOTTOM DETAILN.T.S.5.FDOT Index 425-001DRAINAGE STRUCTURE INVERT DETAILN.T.S.4.FDOT Index 425-001FILTER FABRIC JACKET DETAILN.T.S.6.FDOT Index 430-001GUTTER DOWNSPOUT TRANSITION DETAILN.T.S.7.VHBNO.69884STATE OFPROFESSIONAL ENGI N EER J A I ME L. IGUALI CENSEFLORIDAThis document has been electronically signed andsealed by Jaime L. Igua, P.E. on the date shownhereon using a digital signature.Printed copies of this document are not consideredsigned and sealed and the signature must beverified on any electronic copies.Page 317 of 373 DrainageDetailsC11.20ofProject NumberSheetDrawing NumberDrawing TitleIssued forChecked byDesigned byAppvd.DateRevisionNo.vhb.com DateDATE:225 E. Robinson StreetSuite 300Orlando, FL 32801407.839.4006Certificate of AuthorizationNumber FL #3932The Regency at OcoeeOcoee, FloridaPermitMay 202363879.01May. 31, 2023SCSJLITYPE 5 AND 6 CURB INLET DETAILSN.T.S.1.FDOT Index 425-021TYPE F DITCH BOTTOM INLET DETAILSN.T.S.2.FDOT Index 425-053MITERED END SECTION DETAILSN.T.S.3.FDOT Index 430-021NO.69884STATE OFPROFESSIONAL ENGI N EER J A I ME L. IGUALI CENSEFLORIDAThis document has been electronically signed andsealed by Jaime L. Igua, P.E. on the date shownhereon using a digital signature.Printed copies of this document are not consideredsigned and sealed and the signature must beverified on any electronic copies.Page 318 of 373 NOTES:1. Pipe bedding material and trench backfill shall be select common (clean) fillcompacted to 95% (98% in roadway) of the maximum density as perAASHTO T-180.2. Contractor shall install crushed rock (or equivalent bedding material) wherepipe bedding does not provide solid support (yielding or plastic). Depth ofmaterial shall be a minimum of 6", or as needed, to provide non-yieldingsupport for the pipe. All unsuitable material shall be removed from pipebedding unless special provisions are approved by the City.3. Excavated trench width at pipe haunch shall be sufficient in size for haunchcompaction, but shall be no greater than 15" on each side of pipe for pipesless than 24" in diameter (24" for pipes 24" in diameter or greater.)4. Water shall not be permitted in trench line during construction.5. Pipe line shall be installed with bell fitting facing upgrade.6.Gravity sewer shall have a 6" minimum rock bed.Crown trench inunimproved areas (3"min.)Clean FillUndisturbed Earth12" (typ.)Trench Width VariesBased on Pipe Dia.Existing GradePipe Bedding Trench BackfillRock Bedding(See Notes 2 and 6)PipeDiameter*a*a See Note 3*aNOTES:1. (*): 15" maximum for pipe diameters less than 24", and 24" for pipe diameters greaterthan or equal to 24".2. "D" refers to the inside diameter of the pipe.3. Use of concrete arch half encasement or full encasement to be determined in the field,and/or as directed by the City.4. Concrete for encasement shall be fc' of 3,000 PSI at 28 days.MIN. 6" MIN.SEE NOTE 1 (TYP.)6"**6"10" MIN.MIN."D"SHEETED TRENCHUNSHEETED TRENCH"D"* Concrete Arch View Full Encasement View Cradle or Half Encasement ViewUndisturbedEarth (typ)Sheeting (Forms)OptionalSheeted TrenchUnsheeted Trench10" *Min.6" *Min.DBedding(Crushed Rock)See Note 1.(Typ.)D/4D/26" Min.Earthen FormedEncasement4" Min.WidthPipe FittingBearing AreaPipeHeightSee TableSee TableD.I.P. Concrete Thrust Block TableFittings4"Pipe SizeMinimum Height and Width of Concrete Bearingon Undisturbed Earth (Ft)90° Bend45 ° Bend22 1/2° Bend11 1/4 ° BendPlug orBranch or TEEHHHHHWWWWW1.711.250.900.631.432.561.881.340.952.15Dimension6"2.501.841.310.932.103.752.761.971.403.158"3.262.401.711.212.744.893.602.571.824.1110"3.992.942.101.493.365.994.413.152.235.04NOTES:1.Use of a thrust block shall only be allowed due to specialconditions and must be approved by the City in writing.NOTES:1.Use of a thrust collar shall only be allowed due to special conditions and must beapproved by the City.2.Additional reinforcements shall be as specified by the engineer.3.Minimum compressive strength for concrete shall be 3,000 PSI @28 days.4.Bedding, backfill, and compaction shall be as specified elsewhere in the standarddrawings.5.All form boards shall be removed prior backfill.6.Condition where allowable soil bearing capacity is less than above specifiedand/or operating pressure are greater than specified, engineer/contractor shallsubmit for approval special design for the condition(s) deviating from standards.7.No allowance shall be made for friction between the pipe wall and the thrustcollar.Schedule of Dimensions and MaterialsDimensionsTie Rods Req'dPipeSizeNote: Thrust block areas to computed on 2,000 LBS. per square footallowable soils pressure with a working pressure of 150 P.S.I. andpipe capped at the end. See Note 5 below conditions deviations.Trench Limits#4 Bars all around(Minimum 2" coveragearound pipe and concrete.Tie rods includingnuts and washers(See Schedule Below)Mechanical Joints4" x 4" x 1/2"Bearing Plate (Typ.)#4 Bars spaced @ 6"on centers.Undisturbed EarthSee trench detailsfor pipe beddingrequirements(9'-0" Minimum)3" CoverEncase tie rods in1-1/2" PVC sleeve9" Minimum (Typ.)CB 18" MinimumAABCDia.No.6"2.0'2.0'1.0'3/4"28"2.5'2.5'1.0'3/4"210"3.5'3.0'1.0'3/4"412"5.0'3.0'1.0'416"6.0'4.0'1.5'420"8.0'5.0'1.5'624"9.0'6.0'1.5'83/4"3/4"3/4"3/4"4"6"8"10"12"16"1824323844551010131618231010101010111010101010103047648198133FittingsPipe SizePVC/HDPE Restraint Table90° Bend45° Bend22 1/2° Bend11 1/4° BendPlug orBranch of TeeMinimum Length (FT) to be Restrainedon each side of Fitting(s)NOTES:1.The restraint values as indicated by the "Restraint Table" are minimumvalues. Design engineer shall be responsible for confirming field conditions,and make adjustments accordingly.2.All fittings shall have restrained joints unless otherwise indicated.3.No restraints required if continuous pipe length to fitting is greater thanvalue provided in "Restraint Table" above.4.Where two or more fittings are laid in-line, use greatest restraint length forcoverage.5.For in-line valves and through run of tees: outside limits of restrained jointsfrom other fittings need not be restrained unless otherwise indicated.6.Lengths shown in the table have been calculated in accordance with theprocedures outlined in "Thrust Restraint Design for Ductile Iron Pipe" aspublished by DIPRA, with the following assumptions:Working Pressure: 150 PSISoil Designation: SM (Silty Sand, Sand-Silt Mix.)Laying Conditions: 57.For pipe sizes not included in the Restraint Table or pipe material notadhering to given conditions, design engineer shall determine and specifypipe lengths which shall be approved by the City.20"74311510167PIPE BEDDING AND TRENCHN.T.S.1.September 2019City of Ocoee UT001UtilityDetailsC12.00CONCRETE ARCH AND ENCASEMENTN.T.S.2.April 2019City of Ocoee UT002PVC/HDPE PIPE RESTRAINT TABLEN.T.S.3.April 2019City of Ocoee UT004UTILITY MAIN THRUST COLLARN.T.S.4.April 2019City of Ocoee UT006CONCRETE THRUST BLOCKN.T.S.5.April 2019City of Ocoee UT007ofProject NumberSheetDrawing NumberDrawing TitleIssued forChecked byDesigned byAppvd.DateRevisionNo.vhb.com DateDATE:225 E. Robinson StreetSuite 300Orlando, FL 32801407.839.4006Certificate of AuthorizationNumber FL #3932The Regency at OcoeeOcoee, FloridaPermitMay 202363879.01May. 31, 2023SCSJLINO.69884STATE OFPROFESSIONAL ENGI N EER J A I ME L. IGUALI CENSEFLORIDAThis document has been electronically signed andsealed by Jaime L. Igua, P.E. on the date shownhereon using a digital signature.Printed copies of this document are not consideredsigned and sealed and the signature must beverified on any electronic copies.Page 319 of 373 NOTES:1.PVC extensions shall not be used on valve box.2.The actuating nut for valves shall be no deeper than 24" from ultimate finished grade.3.Valve assembly shall include center spacing guide from the City's Approved Materials List.4.Where valve nut is more than 36" below grade, valve assembly shall include an extensionfrom the City's Approved Materials List.5.Valve collar shall be 24" x 24" x 6" square pad and concrete for collar shall be fc' of 3,000psi minimum @ 28 days for non-pavement areas.6.Valve Marker shall be from the City's Approved Materials List and shall include "City ofOcoee", main type, size, material, turns to open or close valve, and direction of rotation.7.Valve Box shall not be located in pavement, sidewalk, or driveway unless approved by theCity. If approved, Contractor/Developer shall reach out to the Utilities Department on thelocation of the Valve Tags.8.For Valve Box approved in pavement, a disk valve marker shall hang in the valve boxanchored to the locating wire.Pipe/Main6" FDOT #57 StoneValveAdjustment RingActuating Nut for ValveConcrete Collar(See note 5)Finished GradeAdjustable cast ironvalve boxValve box shall rest onbedding rock, not onvalve or pipe, and shallbe centered onoperating nut.Valve I.D. Marker(See note 6)##"DIPCCWOPEN##TURNSWATERMAIN24"24"12"#4 bar with 2" minimumconcrete cover##"DIPCCWOPEN##TURNSWATERMAIN14"See Note 8:CITYOFOCOEECITYOFOCOEE NOTES:1.All pipe shall include the installation of #10 THHN copper tracing wirecapable of detection by cable locating equipment.2.Tracing wire shall be buried directly above the transverse centerline of thepipe.3.End(s) of the locating wire shall be such that wire can be accessed bylocating equipment assessing the wire in a valve vault or blow-off box.Wire is required to extend 12" minimum above finished grade.4.Unless approved by the City, early warning tape indicating the type of pipeshall be required.5.All directional drill pipe shall have locating wire attached to the top of pipeand shall remain on the top of the pipe during installation.6.All service lines shall have locating wire placed on the pipe as described inCity of Ocoee detail UT206 "Utility Service Connection"7.All wire splices shall be completed with twist-on type wire nuts with gel orgrease filled moisture seal.8.All tracing wire installation shall be tested and verified for continuity by thecontractor prior to final acceptance1" MaximumTracing WirePipe#10 THHN Tracing Wire1" max. from Top of Pipe. Cross Section Transverse SectionEarly Warning TapeExisting GradeFinished GradeNOTES:1.The table above represents the minimum separation requirements as described in the City's EngineeringStandards Manual. The most stringent requirements between the City's Standards and the guidelines setforth in the Florida Administrative Code 62-555.314 (F.A.C). shall apply between newly proposed utility linesand existing or proposed utility lines.2.Joint spacing shall be based on one full length water main pipe centered above or below other pipes. Thejoint shall be no less than the required distance from the center of the crossing of the two pipes. (The waterpipe shall be above the other pipe unless otherwise approved by the City.)3.Where the City's minimum vertical and horizontal separation from potable water cannot be achieved fromthe outside of the potable water pipe and the outside of the other pipe/main, preferred separation inaccordance with F.D.E.P. rules of the Florida Administrative Code 62-555.314 (F.A.C.) and 62-604.400 (F.A.C.)may be allowed upon approval by the City's Utilities Department.a.If it is not technically feasible or economically sensible to comply with the requirements set forth in62-555.314 (F.A.C.), technical or economic justification for each exception must be submitted to F.D.E.P.with alternative construction features. Proof of F.D.E.P.'s approval for exceptions shall be submitted tothe City.4.For the purpose of this table, reclaimed water shall mean unrestricted public access reuse water as defined byF.A.C. 62-610. Other types of reclaimed water, not treated to public contact levels, shall be considered rawsewage, and the separation list for sanitary sewer shall apply.5.Alternative water, such as storm water used for irrigation, shall be considered reclaimed water for separationrequirements.6.Pipe separation distance provided above shall mean the horizontal and/or vertical distance measured for theoutside dimension of each pipe/main.7.All Sanitary and Storm Structures shall follow separation requirements above.8.Potable water pipes shall be laid above all pipes conveying raw sewage whenever they cross.9.All utilities shall be installed with 36" of cover over the top of pipe. Cover shall be measured with current orfuture grading to ensure the 36" coverage.10.No potable water pipe may pass through a sanitary sewer structure. Penetration through storm sewer mustbe approved by the City and is subject to special conditions and materials.11.Structural shall refer to foundations, walls, etc. Additional separation shall be required by the City forconstruction of, including, but not limited to: live loads, multi-story commercial buildings, superstructures,embankments, retaining walls, bridges, railroads, high voltage transmission mains, gas mains, etc.Pipes/Mains Separation Requirement Table (See Note 11 for Structural)PotableReclaimedSanitary SewerStorm SewerPotableReclaimedHoriz.Vert.Horiz.Vert.Horiz.Vert.Horiz.Vert.SanitarySewerStormSewer3'12"3'3'3'3'3'3'3'3'3'18"18"12"12"12"12"12"12"18"18"10'12"10'Joint Spacing Requirement Table (See Note 2)PotableReclaimedSanitary SewerStorm SewerPotable3'3'6'Horiz.10'Structural10'10'10'NOTES:1.All pipe shall be installed with # 10 THHN solid copper tracing wire.Tracing wire must be installed directly above the pipe in a continuouscircuit.2.Tracing wire shall cover all main, pipe, branches (including fire hydrants)and service connections.3.Tracing wire shall extend a minimum of 12" above grade at requiredintervals and/or valve lids.4.Tracing wire shall be coiled and placed in a valve box and shall be easilyaccessible.5.At dead ends of mains, pipe, and/or service, the tracing wire shall beplaced in a properly identified cast iron valve box (Valve Box and CoverDetail UT009).12"#10 THHN Solid WireProvide one continuous loop oftracing wire with 24" of excessand coil excess tracing wire invalve boxDrill hole in ValveBox (below collarand above valvebox threads)Main (type)PIPE LETTERING NOTES:1.Lettering shall be per the American Water Works Association.2.Lettering shall be a minimum of 3/4" in height and shall be be facing up when the pipeis installed.3.Lettering must be permanently imbedded into the pipe/main, not painted or stenciled.4.Lettering shall be of contrasting color to pipe/main color.Pipe/Main color based onuse.Main (type)See Note 2 for lettering sizeand orientation. Pipe Marking (Lettering)N.T.S.Diameter = 2.5" to 4"3" Tape centered along the top half of pipe.Main (type)Main (type)Main (type)Diameter = 6" to 16"Two (2) 6" Tapes along both sides of top half of pipe.Main (type)Main (type)Main (type)Main (type)Main (type)Main (type)Main (type)Main (type)Main (type)Main (type)Main (type)Main (type)Main (type)Diameter = 20" and largerThree (3) 6" Tapes along top and both sides of top half of pipe.Warning TapeN.T.S.WARNING TAPE NOTES:1.Tape color shall be in accordance with (same) as main/pipe color.2.Tape lettering shall be at least 1" in height with no greater than 12" inspacing.3.Warning tape shall extend total length of pipe.Main (type)Main (type)UtilityDetailsC12.10VALVE BOX AND COVERN.T.S.1.June 2021City of Ocoee UT009PIPE LOCATING WIREN.T.S.2.April 2019City of Ocoee UT010PIPE IDENTIFICATION & WARNING TAPEN.T.S.3.April 2019City of Ocoee UT011TRACING WIRE LOCATIONN.T.S.4.April 2019City of Ocoee UT012PIPE SEPARATION REQUIREMENT TABLEN.T.S.5.November 2022City of Ocoee UT013ofProject NumberSheetDrawing NumberDrawing TitleIssued forChecked byDesigned byAppvd.DateRevisionNo.vhb.com DateDATE:225 E. Robinson StreetSuite 300Orlando, FL 32801407.839.4006Certificate of AuthorizationNumber FL #3932The Regency at OcoeeOcoee, FloridaPermitMay 202363879.01May. 31, 2023SCSJLINO.69884STATE OFPROFESSIONAL ENGI N EER J A I ME L. IGUALI CENSEFLORIDAThis document has been electronically signed andsealed by Jaime L. Igua, P.E. on the date shownhereon using a digital signature.Printed copies of this document are not consideredsigned and sealed and the signature must beverified on any electronic copies.Page 320 of 373 NOTES:1.This detail is for pre-cast standard and receiving sanitary sewer manholes.2.Sewer main sizes connecting to the manhole shall range from 6" to 24" in diameter and not lessthan 2" from floor of bottom casting. All other sizes shall require separate design and approval.3.All manholes where any invert into the manhole exceeds 18" shall require a drop connection(See detail UT102).4.Manhole cone/ring and cover shall be eccentric configured. Cone transition shall range from 18"to 36". Concentric configuration shall require written approval by the City.5.Receiving, forcemain connected and drop manhole shall be continuously lined with an approvedliner on the City of Ocoee's Approved Materials List at a minimum of 90 mil thickness.6.Bottom casting shall be monolithic with first riser.7.Riser between top cone and bottom casting shall be no shorter in height than 60".8.Manhole cover to be set 1/4" above and matching slope pavement and should be set at plangrade unpaved areas.9.All seams from structure joints, pipe connections and ring shall be WrapidSealed.Manhole Ring andCover See Note 8 forSetting CoverAdjust final cover gradewith 2 to 4 courses ofbrickMortar in RingMonolithicBaseInvert BenchSee ManholeConnection DetailUT102 Invert SectionWall Joint SectionBituminous (Coal Tar)Coating Both Inside andOutside of WallsFlow invert to be smoothlysloped in the direction offlow with channelmatching pipe diameterInvert Bench to threequarters height of pipe,gently sloped (12 to 1)and bituminous coatedRock Bedding 9" ThickExtending 9" BeyondFloat Tab4'Cone TransitionSee Note 45"6" Min.8" Min.Manhole SectionPre-Molded PlasticJoint Sealer withProtective Wrapper(Wrapper to beRemoved)Inside ofManholeOutside ofManholeAll JoiningSurfaces to bePre-PrimedNOTES:1.For manhole covers, see UT103 Standard Manhole Ring and Cover Detail and UT104Large & Receiving Manhole Ring and Double Cover Detail.2.Drop pipe and fittings shall be of equal size and material to the influent sewer line.3.The drop connection provided above is limited to pipe size less than 24". Alternativedesign must be approved by City for pipe sizes equal or greater than 24" in diameter.4.An outside drop connection is required for all influent lines 18" or more above the manholeinverts.5.Bottom elevation of drop shall be 0.1' above effluent invert.Pipe Connection for PipesLess Than 24" SectionStandard Drop SectionInvert BenchManholeDrop Connection Pipe(See Note 2)PVC TeeInfluent toManholeDrop InvertConcrete Pipe EncasementSpring Line of Pipe to Top ofBottom Slab and 6" Around PipePVC 90 FittingInfluent toManholeSee ConnectionSection Above forTie-In Details (Typ)Precast ManholeWall (Typ)PVC orD.I.PS. S. BandS. S. PipeClampResilient ConnectorGrout with HydraulicCement Around Pipeand Bituminous Coat allExposed SurfacesNOTES:1.Use Ring & Covers Detail as depicted on this sheet for standard manholeapplications. Refer to UT104 Large & Receiving Ring and Double Cover Detail forlarge (6' or greater) and receiving manholes.2.For structures with top elevation at surface, use "Flush Structure Casting", USF1295 Ring.3.Brick shall be solid red (clay) brick meeting AASHTO M114 -Grade MW.4.Red Brick or Precast Concrete Risers should not exceed four levels.5.Manhole lid shall be Lettered with "City of Ocoee" (top), Sewer (center) and Florida(bottom).6.Manhole lids shall have two (2) non-pentrating pick holes.7.Where manhole lining (coating) is required, coating shall extend to ring sealingand coating ring's mortar bed.SEWERVARIES Flush Casting Mount Flush Ring Section Cover Section Ring Section8"USF 1295 Ring35 1/2"7"27"24" CoverUSF 227 RingRed Brick orPrecast ConcreteRisersManhole lining(where required)USF 45-1 Cover25 3/4"2"Standard Casting MountManhole lining(where required)32 1/2"24"Vented ARV enclosure(green) (See note 5)2" Air release valve2" Ball/Plug valveAdjustable cast ironvalve box(Detail UT009)Min. 3%slope2" Pipe2" Elbow2" Corp stop2" Double strap stainless steel saddleNOTES:1.Gas Release Valve shall mean Air, Combination Air/Vacuum, and Surge Protection Release Valve.2.Offset distance to be field determined and as close to the right of way as possible and clear ofpedestrian walkways. If pipe is at right of way line, no offset is required.3.Above detail applies to a 2" ARV. For larger ARVs, pipe diameter and valves shall be equal to the sizeof the ARV.4.All piping, valves and appurtenances to be brass or 316 Stainless Steel except where specifiedotherwise.5.ARV shall have a Reinforced Nylon Body (ARI D-025 or D-26).6.The enclosure shall be Water Plus Polyethylene Model 131632 H-30-G or approved equal with temperproof locking device and vents must be capable of allowing at least the same amount of airflow as thevalve.7.Shop drawings for the ARV shall be submitted to the City for approval.8.Any deviation from this detail shall be made known to the City for approval.RIGHT OF WAYPRIVATE PROPERTYMain Diameter12" and smaller16"20", 24"30", 36"2" Elbow and tubing(threaded)2" Plug valve with2" square nutFDOT #57 stone2" NippleVaries (See Note 1)2' Min.1' Min.18"Min.6" Min.2"3"4"6"ARV2" TEE withremovable Cap9"Min.NOTES:1.Clean-out (shown hatched) shall be installed by the builder inaccordance with standard plumbing code.2.Locate clean-outs as close to the property line as possible.3.Invert of service lateral shall not enter sewer main below spring line.4.The minimum terminal depth as required for house service is 3'.5.Service Laterals shall be a minimum of 6" for non-residential scenarios.In residential areas, service laterals shall be a minimum of 4" to theright-of-way and then 6" to the sewer main.Plan ViewSection ViewSingle LateralDouble LateralLot LineProperty LineVariesVariesClean-out(See Note 1)45o BendWye With BranchDouble WyeSewer MainSize VariesSlope To Terminal DepthAt 1.0% Minimum (Typ.)Spring LineSewer MainFinished GradeTerminal Depth See Note 4 Rotate 30o (Typ.)(See Note 3)RLRLCLPrivatePrivateRight of WayTo HomeRLRLTo HomeCLNOTES:1.Use Ring and Double Cover as depicted on this sheet for large (6' orgreater) and receiving manhole applications. Refer to UT103 for StandardManhole Ring and Cover Detail for typical manholes.2.For structures with top elevation at surface, use "Flush Structure Casting",USF 1307-CR Ring.3.Brick shall be solid red (clay) brick meeting AASHTO M114 -Grade MW.4.Manhole lid shall be Lettered with "City of Ocoee" (top), Sewer (center) andFlorida (bottom).5.Manhole lids shall have two (2) non-pentrating pick holes.6.Where manhole lining (coating) is required, coating shall extend to ringsealing and coating ring's mortar bed.VARIES Flush Structure Casting Flush Ring SectionTop Half of Cover Ring Section32 1/2"7"USF 1307-CR Ring6"42"34 1/2" CoverUSF 667 RingManhole lining(where required)23 3/4"1 1/4"SEWERBottom Half of CoverUSF 667-CR Cover35 3/4"1 1/4"Manhole lining(where required)Red Brick orPrecast ConcreteRisers22 1/2"36"USF-ESANITARY SEWER MANHOLEN.T.S.1.July 2019City of Ocoee UT101UtilityDetailsC12.20SANITARY SEWER CONNECTIONN.T.S.2.July 2019City of Ocoee UT102STANDARD MANHOLE RING AND COVERN.T.S.3.April 2019City of Ocoee UT103LARGE & RECEIVING MANHOLE-DOUBLE COVERN.T.S.4.July 2019City of Ocoee UT104SERVICE LATERALN.T.S.5.April 2019City of Ocoee UT105GAS RELEASE VALVE WASTEWATERN.T.S.6.June 2021City of Ocoee UT106aofProject NumberSheetDrawing NumberDrawing TitleIssued forChecked byDesigned byAppvd.DateRevisionNo.vhb.com DateDATE:225 E. Robinson StreetSuite 300Orlando, FL 32801407.839.4006Certificate of AuthorizationNumber FL #3932The Regency at OcoeeOcoee, FloridaPermitMay 202363879.01May. 31, 2023SCSJLINO.69884STATE OFPROFESSIONAL ENGI N EER J A I ME L. IGUALI CENSEFLORIDAThis document has been electronically signed andsealed by Jaime L. Igua, P.E. on the date shownhereon using a digital signature.Printed copies of this document are not consideredsigned and sealed and the signature must beverified on any electronic copies.Page 321 of 373 NOTES:1.For circumstances when City Detail UT106a cannot be used, this detailshall be used upon approval by the City.2.Gas Release Valve shall mean Air, Combination Air/Vacuum, and SurgeProtection Release Valve.3.Above detail applies to a 2" ARV. For larger ARV's, pipe diameter shallbe equal to the size of the ARV.4.All piping, valves, and appurtenances to be brass or 316 S.S. exceptwhere specified otherwise.5.Offset distance to be field determined and as close to the right of wayas possible and clear of pedestrian walkways. If pipe at right of way line,no offset required.6.Tracing wire shall run up to Valve Box as depicted in Ocoee DetailUT012.7.Shop drawings for the ARV shall be submitted to the City for approval.Main Diameter12" and smaller16"20", 24"30", 36"2"3"4"6"ARVFinish GradeCast Iron Valve Box(Detail UT009)2" 90° Bend2" Corp StopService Saddle2" Pipe2" Plug Valvewith square nutMin 3% Slope2" 90°BendParallel ApplicationOffset Application2" Air Release Valve2" Ball/PlugValveCrushed stone 6" thickextending 2" beyond boxComposite Meter BoxFinish GradeCast Iron Valve Box(Detail UT009)2" 90° Bend2" Corp StopService SaddleMin 3% Slope2" Union2" 90°Bend2" Pipe2" Plug Valvewith square nut2" TEE withremovableCapStainless SteelTapping SleeveNOTES:1.All Sleeves and Valves shall be water tested before tap.2.No Wet Tap on Asbestos Cement water mains.3.For Valve Box and Cover, see Ocoee UT009 Valve Box and CoverDetail.Resilient SeatTapping ValveTest PlugRestrained MechanicalJointNew MainActive MainFlangeGasketPlug ValveHose NozzlePumper NozzleFacing StreetHydrant Operating Nut6" Bedding Rock18" Min. AboveFinished Grade24"MJ HydrantAnchoring TeeResilient Seat GateValve and Box(See Detail UT009)36" Min.CompactedBackfillMaximum 6" ClearanceBetween Concrete andBottom of Nuts/Bolt3 ' to 5 'Expansion FiberMaterial (TYP) ConcreteSidewalkNote:1.Hydrants shall be painted with double coat enamel paint perthe following:·Public Potable Water - Safety Yellow Pantone 13-0630TN·Reclaimed Water - Purple Pantone 522 C·Private Fire - Cherry Red HDC-MD-162.Concrete shear pad shall abut between sidewalk and curb.Where sidewalk is not present, concrete shear pad shall beapprox. 7.5' x 3.5' min.3.Concrete shall be 6" thick with fibermesh and shall be fc' of3,000 psi minimum at 28 days.4.Any deviation from this detail shall be made known to the Cityfor approval.W WStandard ConfigurationAlternate ConfigurationEdge of PavementEdge of PavementSidewalkSidewalkWater/ReclaimMainWater/ReclaimMainFire HydrantAssemblyFire HydrantAssembly90° BendNOTES:1.All pipes and fittings shall be schedule 40 brass or equivalent withthreaded (NPT) joints except where denoted otherwise.2.All pipe and fittings shall be in accordance with City Standards forthe applicable service provided.3.Pipe restraints shall be in accordance with City Standard DetailsUT004 for PVC/HDPE Pipe or UT005 for Ductile Iron Pipe. Cross SectionTapped End CapRestraint Pipeand End CapFinished GradeDouble Meter Box(traffic rated)Valve Box and Cover(See UT009)Crushed stone 6" thickextending 2" beyond box2" Blue PolyethylenePipe2" Brass Coupling2" Brass CouplingNOTES:1.This detail shall only be used upon approval by the City.2.Flush assembly material and box shall be consistent with requirements ofeither potable or reclaimed water.3.In reclaimed application, D.I.P. to be painted with magenta (reclaimed)stripe.4.Saddle or Ductile Iron tee must match outside diameter of the main.5.All fittings and joints shall be mechanically restrained.Main (Potable orReclaimed)Minimum of 6" crushedrock4" D.I.P (typ.)Valve Cover. SeeDetail UT009Ductile Iron Tee orStainless Steel SaddleResilient Seat Gate ValveMinimum of 6"crushed rockConcrete wash pad, 6" thickby 6' matching into curb.6" Thick ConcreteBottomRoadway CurbExisting GradeDouble (18" x 24") TrafficRated Meter BoxFemale Quick Connect withChain-Lock & Cap90° FittingBLDG.# 000FDC175 PSIGAS RELEASE VALVE IN METER BOXN.T.S.1.May 2020City of Ocoee UT106bUtilityDetailsC12.30STAINLESS STEEL TAPPING SADDLEN.T.S.2.March 2020City of Ocoee UT107FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLYN.T.S.3.June 2021City of Ocoee UT201FLUSH ASSEMBLYN.T.S.4.March 2020City of Ocoee UT202BLOW OFF ASSEMBLYN.T.S.5.April 2019City of Ocoee UT203ofProject NumberSheetDrawing NumberDrawing TitleIssued forChecked byDesigned byAppvd.DateRevisionNo.vhb.com DateDATE:225 E. Robinson StreetSuite 300Orlando, FL 32801407.839.4006Certificate of AuthorizationNumber FL #3932The Regency at OcoeeOcoee, FloridaPermitMay 202363879.01May. 31, 2023SCSJLIFDC DETAILN.T.S.6.NO.69884STATE OFPROFESSIONAL ENGI N EER J A I ME L. IGUALI CENSEFLORIDAThis document has been electronically signed andsealed by Jaime L. Igua, P.E. on the date shownhereon using a digital signature.Printed copies of this document are not consideredsigned and sealed and the signature must beverified on any electronic copies.Page 322 of 373 Stainless SteelTapping SleeveNOTES:1.All Sleeves and Valves shall be water tested before tap.2.No Wet Tap on Asbestos Cement water mains.3.For Valve Box and Cover, see Ocoee UT009 Valve Box and CoverDetail.Resilient SeatTapping ValveTest PlugRestrained MechanicalJointNew MainActive MainFlangeGasketNOTES:1.All fittings shall be brass with compression-pack joint type connections.2.No service line shall extend or terminate under a driveway.3.Meter end of service shall terminate with curb stop (90°) for single service and dual hornand curb stops (90°)for dual services.4.Meter end of service shall terminate 3' past meter location where service shall, unlessdirected otherwise, extend 3' above finished grade tied to a 2" x 4" x 4' stake. If directed,service connection shall be buried and located with an 2" x 4" x 4' painted marker. Stakeor marker shall indicate lot(s) to be served.5.Concrete curb shall be marked (stamped or saw-cut) with "W" locating service.6.Service connection to the main shall use approved saddle, and tapping of main shall be bya method where a solid coupon is removed.7.Services installed under finished or existing pavement shall be directionally drilled.8.Upon approval, direct tap (no saddle) may be used on Ductile Iron Pipe.9.Service color shall be blue for potable water and purple (magenta) for reclaimed water. Tapping SectionWATER MAINAWWA TypeCC Threads#10 THHNTracing Wire,Color to MatchServiceWater MainCorporation Stop (Ford F1000-4NL)& Fittings (normally open)Service, PolyethyleneTubing, 1" min.To Meter/Box AssemblyDouble StrapStainless SteelSaddle30° to 45°Service View with Single MeterDouble Meter ConfigurationSingle MeterBox and WaterMeter (By City)Coil ExcessTracing Wire inBoxService PolyethyleneTubingCurb Stop(See Note 3)#10 THHN TracingWire to Match Usein ColorBrass CorporationStop (1" Min.)Double MeterBox and WaterMeter (By City)90° AngledCurb Stops atEnds of HornU-Branch Brass Horn(1" x 3/4" x 3/4")Installed UprightNOTES:1.Contractor shall be responsible for installing City water meter matching pipe sizewith meter kit and shall supply and install all materials.2.All pipes, fittings, and end valves as indicated as private shall be the responsibilityof the owner. All pipes and fittings indicated as public with material not indicatedshall be brass or schedule 80 PVC.3.Spool piece length shall be a minimum of five times the diameter of the pipe.FromMain9" Min.(Typ.)Flanged Curb StopToStructureFlanged FittingResilient Seat Square NutGate Valve(For Valve Box and Coversee Ocoee Detail UT009)City Water Meter with Meter Kit(Shall be purchased from theCity) [see note 1]PrivatePublic12" Min. 16" Max.Finished Grade18" Wide x 6" Concrete slab with#4 Bar all around (2 Required)Spool piece(See Note 3)Spool Piece(See Note 3)NOTES:1.Contractor shall be responsible for installing City water meter matching pipe size withmeter kit and shall supply and install all materials and backflow prevention device.2.Backflow device shall be per the City's Cross Connection Control Manual.3.All pipes, fittings, and end valves as indicated as private shall be the responsibilityof the owner. All pipes and fittings indicated as public with material not indicatedshall be brass or schedule 80 PVC.FromMain9" Min.(Typ.)Flanged Curb StopGate ValveBackflow preventerToStructureFlanged FittingResilient Seat Square NutGate Valve(For Valve Box and Coversee Ocoee Detail UT009)City Water Meter with Meter Kit(Shall be purchased from theCity) [see note 1]PrivatePublic12" Min. 16" Max.Finished Grade18" Wide x 6"Concrete slab with#4 Bar all around(2 Required)UtilityDetailsC12.40STAINLESS STEEL TAPPING SADDLEN.T.S.2.February 2020City of Ocoee UT205WATER AND RECLAIM SERVICE CONNECTIONN.T.S.3.September 2019City of Ocoee UT2061 1/2" AND LARGER COMMERCIALN.T.S.4.June 2021City of Ocoee UT209b1 1/2 " AND LARGER COMMERCIAL (RECLAIMED)N.T.S.5.June 2021City of Ocoee UT209cofProject NumberSheetDrawing NumberDrawing TitleIssued forChecked byDesigned byAppvd.DateRevisionNo.vhb.com DateDATE:225 E. Robinson StreetSuite 300Orlando, FL 32801407.839.4006Certificate of AuthorizationNumber FL #3932The Regency at OcoeeOcoee, FloridaPermitMay 202363879.01May. 31, 2023SCSJLISERV. X METERDIA. (IN)* (K) METER LAYLENGTH (IN)* (J) METER SPOOLPIECE (IN)BYPASS DIA.(IN)4" X 3"19"4" FLG. X 3" FLG. X 15"4"6" X 4"23"6" FLG. X 4" FLG. X 20"4"8" X 6"27"8" FLG. X 6" FLG X 30"6"10" X 8"30-1/8"10" FLG. X 8" FLG. X 40"8"12" X 10"41-1/8"12" FLG. X 10" FLG. X50"10"MASTER METER ASSEMBLYN.T.S.1.NO.69884STATE OFPROFESSIONAL ENGI N EER J A I ME L. IGUALI CENSEFLORIDAThis document has been electronically signed andsealed by Jaime L. Igua, P.E. on the date shownhereon using a digital signature.Printed copies of this document are not consideredsigned and sealed and the signature must beverified on any electronic copies.WITH BYPASSPage 323 of 373 NOTES:1.Backflow assembly shall be owned and maintained by the property owner.2.The City shall own and maintain the meter.3.Utility easement size minimum shall be 10 feet by 15 feet.4.The contractor shall contact the inspector for exact assembly length andheight above the slab required for the double detector check valveassembly to be installed by contractor. All pipe, fittings, and appurtenancesshall be installed by the contractor.5.All above ground pipe shall be flanged ductile iron.6.Double detector check valve assembly shall be in conformance with theCity's Cross Connections Manual.7.Bypass meter piping shall be brassPlan ViewProfile ViewOS & Y Gate Valves(FLG) (2 Required)Bypass Detector MeterMaintained By City6" Concrete Slab(2500 PSI Concrete)Double Check ValveBackflow AssemblyBypass BackflowAssemblyFrom MainTo ServicePipeSupport12" Min.16" Max.90o BendFlanged Joint12" (TYP)Riser FLG X MJ90o Bend (MJ/MJ)Restrained JointsExpansion Material tobe placed between DIPand concrete slab3' Min. Cover5' (TYP)FLOWIsolation ValvesIsolation ValvesNOTES:1.Provide temporary pipe supports as required.2.Do not use galvanized pipe or accessories. Polyethylene pipe can be used withapproval by the City3.A temporary jumper connection is required at all connections between existingactive water mains and proposed new water main improvements.4.The detail shown is to be used for filling any new water main of any size fromexisting active water mains and for flushing of new mains up to 8" diameter (2.5fps min velocity) and for pulling bacteriological samples from any new water mainof any size.5.The jumper connection shall be maintained until after filling, flushing, testing, anddisinfection of the new main has been successfully completed; and clearance foruse from Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) and otherpertinent agencies has been received.6.Pipe and fittings used for connection of the new pipe to the existing pipe shall bedisinfected prior to installation in accordance with AWWA C651, 2014 edition.7.Swab or spray the exterior of the main to be tapped and the tapping saddle with1% Hypochlorite solution.8.The contractor shall reach out to the City to rent a City Hydrant Meter Assembly.9.All installation and maintenance of the temporary jumper connection andassociated hydrant meter assembly, fittings and valves, etc., shall be theresponsibility of the contractor.Threaded NippleFinal Grade2" Corporationstop (TYP.)Existing Main2" Service Saddle (TYP.)12" MinHydrant Meter Assembly90° Bend2" Pipe2" Ball Corp StopNew MainTie in valve shall be closed and Locked. City ofOcoee to be provided locking mechanism. Valveshall be operated by City of Ocoee personnel only.NOTES:1.The Potable to Reclaim (Potable) Water Jumper connection is specifically to beused when reclaimed water is unavailable to charge the reclaim system, but shallbe considered temporary. Upon reclaimed water supply becoming available, thejumper shall be removed completely; physically separating the potable andreclaimed water systems.2.All piping material shall be brass or schedule 80 PVC, including fittings (nogalvanized pipe or accessories) unless other material approved by the City.3.All fittings and valves shall be restrained within the jumper and specific length ofpipe leading to and away from the jumper.4.Pipe and fittings used for connection of the new pipe to the existing pipe shall bedisinfected prior to installation, in accordance with AWWA C651, 1999 edition.5.The contractor shall provide documentation demonstrating that the RPZ backflowprevention device has been tested and is in good working order at the time ofinstallation and before reclaimed water system is charged.Threaded NippleFinal GradePotable Water12" Min16" MaxRPZ Backflow Preventer2" Gate Valve2" Union90° Bend2" PipeReclaim (Potable)90° BendReclaim/Reuse PipingPainted PurplePotable Water PipingPainted BlueG.Wet well hatch shall also be equipped with an integrated Halliday hatch entry protectionsystem.H.Wet well hatch shall open such that if a worker is backing away from the control panel,s/he will not be able to step directly into the wet well, but instead will back into the hatch panelitself.I.Direction of hatch opening shall be specifically indicated in shop drawings.J.All aluminum surfaces in direct contact with concrete, including cast surfaces, shall bebituminous-coated.K.Wet well construction shall be reinforced concrete in accordance with A.S.T.M. C-75,4,000 PSI at 28 days. Alternate construction shall be precast monolithic with base slab inaccordance with A.S.T.M. C-478. Specific designs other than A.S.T.M. standards shall becertified by a state of Florida licensed structural engineer.L.Wet well and receiving manhole shall be lined continuously; from top and wallsextending down to wet well base invert fillets. Wet well and receiving manhole shall be linedwith an approved liner on the City of Ocoee's Approved Materials List at a minimum of 110 milthickness. Spark testing of the liner in the presence of a City representative will be required.The wet well and receiving manhole shall be demonstrated in the presence of City staff to bewatertight and leak proof for 5 consecutive days prior to installation of equipment.M.Casting joints of the wet well and receiving manhole shall be externally wrapped withCANUSA “wrapidseal” or approved equal. The wrapidseal shall be used in accordance withmanufacturer's recommendations.N.Wet well below lining, including invert fillets, flooring and pedestal (if included), shall bedouble coated with an approved coal tar epoxy.O.Valve vault internal and external walls shall be bituminous continuously coated and shallbe sealed from seepage in or out of vault.PART 4 - EquipmentA.All hardware (including fittings and fasteners) in wet well and valve box to be 316stainless steel. Pump guide rails, pipe, other supports and anchors, lift chains, except thesupports integral with the pump and base plate-elbow, shall be stainless steel. All piping andfittings in wet well to be assembled using 316 stainless steel bolts and nylock nuts.B.Pressure gauges shall be stainless steel with stainless steel diaphragms and 4 ½”diameter dial, oil filled, and shall be calibrated in P.S.I.G. from 0 to 100. Pressure gauge shall bemounted with stainless steel nipple and petcock valve.PART 2 - SiteA.In-line valve boxes and covers shall be as manufactured by NEENAH or approved equal,adjusted to finished grade with concrete collar 24” square, 6” thickness, with reinforcement.B.Lift station top to be a minimum of 1' above finished grade and the surrounding finishedgrade elevation shall be no lower than 1' above the 100-year base flood elevation. Station topelevation should also accommodate smooth entrance transition and service vehicle stagingarea.C.All secure lift stations, internal to exposed grounds, shall be covered with a minimum 6”thick layer of FDOT #57 graded stone, installed on top of an approved weed barrier. Finalacceptance of the lift station will not be given until effective erosion and positive drainagecontrol have been installed.D.A “City of Ocoee Lift Station”, sign shall be affixed to the front of the station as directedby the City. The 12” x 18” sign shall be labelled with emergency phone number, station IDnumber and address. Sign shall be affixed to the front of the fence enclosure.PART 3 - StructureA.Wet well base and first riser unit shall be cast monolithic (one unit).B.Valve vault shall be sized to permit easy removal of check valve and plug valve with aminimum clearance of 6”, increased proportionately with increased valve sizes.C.There shall be no valves or electrical junction boxes in wet well.D.All locations where pipes penetrate the wet well or valve box walls shall be sealed withapproved leak-proof sleeve, rubber boot, and/or non-shrink, sulfate-resistant grout, dependingon what is appropriate for usage with the material penetrating the wet well. All connectionsand penetrations of wet well or valve box (top, wall, or bottom) shall be KOR-N_SEAL, A-LOK,DURA-SEAL, or City-approved equal.E.Valve vault hatch shall be sized to ensure sufficient ingress/egress for maintenancewithin the vault.F.Wet well and valve vault access hatches shall be one unit, with raised checkeredaluminum plate including padlock and swing handle, and 316 stainless steel fittings andaccessories as manufactured by “Halliday” Products, series H1R/HR2 cover H20 rated, orapproved equal. Hatch cover to be integrally cast within tops. Hatch for the wet well shall besized as required by pump supplier/manufacturer for easy removal of pumps andappurtenances. Hatch shall be provided with 316 stainless steel hardware throughout,compression spring operators, automatic hold open arm with release handle and non-corrosivelocking bar used in conjunction with City of Ocoee-supplied padlock. Hatches' seat shall not beof channeling seat type that traps water requiring special drilling/weep plumbing to drainwater.PART 1 - GeneralA.The lift station details and notes herein contained are used for both new developmentimprovements and City capital projects. Accordingly, the following are special conditions foruse of the details and notes by the development community:1.A standby emergency generator shall be provided for all lift stations which are atcritical points in the sewer system (more than one upstream-connected station), witha peak design capacity of seven hundred and fifty (750) GPM or more than twopumps. The standby generator facilities shall be sized to cover all pumps running withone pump starting and 100 additional amps for miscellaneous onsite power demands.2.The developer's approval of the requirements for the planned lift station(s) is subjectto the current City of Ocoee lift station sheets at the time of approval. In the eventthat one (1) year after approval (Final Site Plan “FSP”), the station has not beensubstantially completed and is not under continuous progress toward completion,the developer shall update the plans to the City's most current lift station details andnotes.3.Within the notes, the terms “contractor” and “developer” are interchangeable.B.All lift station submittals shall be approved by the City prior to construction. All shopdrawings shall be reviewed for conformance to the specifications and City standards. Threecopies shall be provided.C.Contractor shall submit a summary of dimensions required “By Contractor” in the WetWell, Piping, and Floats Data Table for City approval.D.The provided lift station details are graphical in nature and the contractor shall be solelyresponsible for the verification of sizes, lengths and continuity of equipment, piping, fittings,valves and appurtenances to ensure the lift station's successful fabrication as intended by theplans.E.Four operation manuals shall be presented to the owner, which shall include thefollowing minimum information:i.Operation instructionsii.Maintenance instructionsiii.Recommended spare parts listiv.Lubrication schedulev.Structural diagramsvi.As-Built wiring diagramsvii.Bill of materialsviii.Pump operational curvesF.Contractor shall secure the services of a factory-trained, qualified representative toinspect, adjust, and place the system in trouble-free operation, and to instruct the operatingpersonnel in the proper operation and care of the system at a minimum of startup of the liftstation or as needed.C.Cable holder shall be located on hatch side adjacent to pump/motor junction box, or ifno motor box, adjacent to control panel.D.All exposed and embedded conduit shall be schedule 80 PVC 2” diameter for pumps, 100amps or less. Pumps with power requirements greater than 100 amps shall use 3 ½” schedule80 PVC. Seal conduit at control panel to prevent sewer gases from entering. All conduits,fittings, or connections shall enter from the bottom of enclosures.E.Pipe bracing shall be 316 stainless steel with wedge anchor bolts (minimum of two boltseach side).F.Contractor shall coordinate with pump manufacturer directly to determine anchor boltspacing and clearance dimensions. Contractor shall coordinate with pump manufacturer for allinstallation instructions, including size and length. Anchor plates and anchors shall be 316stainless steel. Anchoring system shall include 316 double stainless steel nuts.PART 5 - ElectricalA.All electrical equipment in wet well must meet National Electrical Code (NEC) for Class I,Division 2 locations and be suitable for corrosive conditions. Electrical permit to be obtainedfrom City prior to beginning work on any electrical wiring, equipment, etc. All electrical wiringshall comply with National Electric Code.B.The contractor and/or developer shall be required to coordinate with Duke Energy forspecified volts, three phase from a three phase source only, four wire electrical services to liftstation, and shall meet all power company requirements. Upon acceptance or certification,contractor shall transfer power service to the City. Electrical power supply must be arrangedfor and installed by the contractor. Power shall be supplied by properly sized undergroundservice conductor to the lift station panel meter. The power supply shall be a separate anddedicated power source service connection with the required service meter and disconnect,and shall be separate from any other building services.C.Automatic pump control system shall include all necessary items and appurtenanceswhich might normally be considered a part of a complete system. System shall be supplied byone manufacturer, shall be factory assembled, wired and tested, and shall be per completeelectrical drawings and instructions. Major components and sub-assemblies shall be identifiedby function with laminated, engraved, Bakelite nameplates. System shall be built in a NEMA 4Xstainless steel enclosure suitable for the specified horsepower and voltage of the pumps. Theouter door of the panel shall be hinged dead front with provisions for padlocking. Inside shallbe a separate, hinged panel to protect all electrical components, HOA switches, run lights,circuit breakers, etc., mounted such that only the faces protrude through said panel.D.The conduit entering the wet well for motor and control cords shall terminate with afiber bushing. No splices will be allowed in the wet well and all wires will be continuous fromwet well to the control cabinet. No junction boxes to be used or located in the wet well.E.All conduits to have pull wire.DOUBLE DETECTOR CHECK VALVE ASSEMBLYN.T.S.1.July 2020City of Ocoee UT210UtilityDetailsC12.50TEMPORARY JUMPER CONNECTIONN.T.S.2.March 2020City of Ocoee UT211TEMPORARY JUMPER CONNECTIONN.T.S.3.March 2020City of Ocoee UT212ofProject NumberSheetDrawing NumberDrawing TitleIssued forChecked byDesigned byAppvd.DateRevisionNo.vhb.com DateDATE:225 E. Robinson StreetSuite 300Orlando, FL 32801407.839.4006Certificate of AuthorizationNumber FL #3932The Regency at OcoeeOcoee, FloridaPermitMay 202363879.01May. 31, 2023SCSJLIMAJOR LIFT STATION GENERAL NOTESN.T.S.4.April 2019City of Ocoee UT300aNO.69884STATE OFPROFESSIONAL ENGI N EER J A I ME L. IGUALI CENSEFLORIDAThis document has been electronically signed andsealed by Jaime L. Igua, P.E. on the date shownhereon using a digital signature.Printed copies of this document are not consideredsigned and sealed and the signature must beverified on any electronic copies.Page 324 of 373 K.Detailed Electrical Plans to include specific circuit diagram must be submitted forapproval by the City.L.Soft-start motor starters shall be utilized for pumps equal to or greater than 20 H.P.M.HOA switches shall be required on inner panel door for manual pump control.N.Indicator lights shall be required to show status of floats and pumps on front panel.PART 8 - Alarm Monitor/Remote Terminal Unit (RTU)A.The Alarm Monitor/Remote Terminal Unit shall be a Sci-Text 1062.B.The RTU shall be accessible on the interior door.C.RTU shall monitor commercial power, generator run, phase balance, station voltage, thelow voltage circuit source (24volt), wet well water level, pump #1, #2 and #3 status (stop, run,fail), pump HOA position status (Hand, Off, Automatic) and all floats' status.D.Phase and Voltage monitoring of the RTU shall be protected by three fast blow fuses.E.The floats within the wet well will act as a primary control. The RTU shall be thesecondary fail override for the station.F.RTU shall include a seven-hour battery backup.G.Contractor shall procure the service of the RTU supplier for initial on-site RTUprogramming and calibration, including set points.H.All alarms through the RTU will include (low, lag and high) Float, HOA on/off, LowVoltage Circuit (24volt), Power failure, and Generator Run (if applicable).I.The alarm system will be capable of operating, monitoring and sending alarmnotifications for power failure, and high float alarm in the event of a total power failure to thelift station. Provisions will also be made for the alarm light and audible alarm to be functionalduring a total power failure.PART 9 - Special or Specific ConditionsNone.D.Representatives from the mechanical (pumping) equipment manufacturer, telemetry,and the electrical contractor shall be present at the lift station start-up testing and for the finalsite inspection.E.All lift station equipment shall be tested at the start-up. The manufacturer/contractorshall provide a formal test procedure and forms for recording data. The tests shall beperformed by the contractor in the presence of a City representative and City inspector. Therecorded field data shall be submitted to the Utilities Department, along with the lift stationas-built and pump station O&M manuals.F.Lift stations shall only be considered as acceptable for operation by the City upon writtenconfirmation.Part 7 Electrical Panel Configurations and ComponentsA.For duplex pump stations with less than 20 H.P, a 240 Volt, 3 phase, 4 wire electricalservice for a Duplex Pump Panel with an Alarm Monitor/Remote Terminal Unit will be wired foralternating pump operation thru the TCU. Panel Cabinet shall be powder coated stainless steelwith a latching inner door. For pump station equal to or greater than 20 H.P. the station shallrequire a 480 Volt, 3 phase, 4 wire electrical service.B.Inner door shall have a convenience receptacle and a switch flush mount.C.The switch is for an interior work light. Both will be protected with a one pole 20 ampcircuit breaker.D.Panel interior will have an appropriately sized main breaker, sized pump breakers, motorstarters with overload devices, breaker for receptacle and a breaker for control circuits, andauxiliary 100 amp, three pole breaker for the generator receptacle which will be mounted nextto the main breaker and have an interlocking device between the two to prevent simultaneousoperation.E.A three-phase surge suppressor will be connected across the main breaker.F.Laminated drawings, panel and pump info will be attached to the inside of the outerpanel door.G.The TCU and breakers will be accessible without opening the inner door. The TCU willhave battery backup rated for seven (7) hours.H.The wet well floats will junction at a terminal strip.I.Phase monitoring will be protected by three, 0.5 amp fast blow fuses.J.The outside of the panel will have an alarm horn, flashing red light and a Pyle NationalJR610036BB receptacle in a Pyle National JRE 4100-45 degree housing for generator hookupE.All conduits to have pull wire.F.Each pump's power cord/cable shall be supported on a separate ⅜” 316 stainless steelhook located within six inches of guide rail bracket for each pump. Each pump's power cableshall be run as not to restrict removal of the pumps.G.Provide appropriate disconnect switches as indicated by Panel Installation Detail.Disconnect switch shall be NEMA 4x located in a weatherproof enclosure with three (3) polecircuit breaker with manual external lockable handle in the on position. Hardware and box shallbe 316 stainless steel.H.All boxes, including switch gear, electric meter cans, disconnect data/telemetry, and allmiscellaneous electrical boxes shall be NEMA 4X stainless steel. All brackets, piping, mountinghardware, bolts, nuts, washers, and any fasteners shall be 316 stainless steel.I.An electrical grounding system shall be installed as per the National Electrical Code, localcodes, and ordinances as a minimum. An underground perimeter cable grounding system shallbe installed with connections to at a minimum the wet well cover, valve vault cover, controlpanels, generator if present, utility company's transformer, manual disconnect switch, andmetal fence. Provide waterproof epoxy caulking where ground cable and conduit penetrateswet well to prevent intrusion of groundwater and escape of vapors from wet well. Installground wire so that it will not cross clear opening or prevent or impede normal method ofremoving floats or pumps.J.Generator receptacle to be provided shall be Pyle National Model JRE 4100 - 45 degreeangle receptacle housing Model JR610036BB.PART 6 - Lift Station Final Inspection and Inspection ProceduresA.Lift station start-up inspections shall be scheduled and coordinated through the City'sEngineering inspector (2 business days in advance at a minimum). Upon determining that allwork is complete and ready, the contractor shall notify the City's representative, the City'sUtilities Department, the engineer of record, the power company, control systemrepresentative, and the pump supplier, of the official start-up inspection date and time. Uponcompletion, the engineer of record shall provide to the City a summary of the results of thattest and a list of all punch list items outstanding.B.Before final approval or acceptance of any lift station by the City, there shall be fieldinspections made by the City's representative and inspector. The field inspections shall showthat the pump station is fully operational and all necessary appurtenances have been installedand constructed in accordance with approved construction plans, standard details, and City'sutilities specifications.C.Upon completion and before acceptance of the lift station installations, the contractorshall test all the pumping equipment to demonstrate satisfactory performance. If deficienciesoccur, the contractor shall correct them accordingly and equipment shall be retested. In theevent that the station or any of its associated components are determined to be deficient at thestart up, then the City reserves the right to require a complete new start up with all partiespresent as noted.C.Cable holder shall be located on hatch side adjacent to pump/motor junction box, or ifno motor box, adjacent to control panel.D.All exposed and embedded conduit shall be schedule 80 PVC 2” diameter for pumps, 100amps or less. Pumps with power requirements greater than 100 amps shall use 3 ½” schedule80 PVC. Seal conduit at control panel to prevent sewer gases from entering. All conduits,fittings, or connections shall enter from the bottom of enclosures.E.Pipe bracing shall be 316 stainless steel with wedge anchor bolts (minimum of two boltseach side).F.Contractor shall coordinate with pump manufacturer directly to determine anchor boltspacing and clearance dimensions. Contractor shall coordinate with pump manufacturer for allinstallation instructions, including size and length. Anchor plates and anchors shall be 316stainless steel. Anchoring system shall include 316 double stainless steel nuts.PART 5 - ElectricalA.All electrical equipment in wet well must meet National Electrical Code (NEC) for Class I,Division 2 locations and be suitable for corrosive conditions. Electrical permit to be obtainedfrom City prior to beginning work on any electrical wiring, equipment, etc. All electrical wiringshall comply with National Electric Code.B.The contractor and/or developer shall be required to coordinate with Duke Energy forspecified volts, three phase from a three phase source only, four wire electrical services to liftstation, and shall meet all power company requirements. Upon acceptance or certification,contractor shall transfer power service to the City. Electrical power supply must be arrangedfor and installed by the contractor. Power shall be supplied by properly sized undergroundservice conductor to the lift station panel meter. The power supply shall be a separate anddedicated power source service connection with the required service meter and disconnect,and shall be separate from any other building services.C.Automatic pump control system shall include all necessary items and appurtenanceswhich might normally be considered a part of a complete system. System shall be supplied byone manufacturer, shall be factory assembled, wired and tested, and shall be per completeelectrical drawings and instructions. Major components and sub-assemblies shall be identifiedby function with laminated, engraved, Bakelite nameplates. System shall be built in a NEMA 4Xstainless steel enclosure suitable for the specified horsepower and voltage of the pumps. Theouter door of the panel shall be hinged dead front with provisions for padlocking. Inside shallbe a separate, hinged panel to protect all electrical components, HOA switches, run lights,circuit breakers, etc., mounted such that only the faces protrude through said panel.D.The conduit entering the wet well for motor and control cords shall terminate with afiber bushing. No splices will be allowed in the wet well and all wires will be continuous fromwet well to the control cabinet. No junction boxes to be used or located in the wet well.E.All conduits to have pull wire.DF DGDL2' MINDN MIN 12"DRAINDQ MIN 12"DMDQ AAD S DPDRDT Emergency bypass connector. See sectionA-A. For exact location and configuration,see specific site layout sheetEmergency bypass shall be D.I. and samesize as discharge (stand) pipe unlessspecifically noted elsewhereSingle Spherical Flexible CouplerCheck valve with flange adaptorHDPE pipe continuously from pump elbow tocheck valve; may be weldedVault to wetwell drain, include p-trapVent pipe and cap shall be 8" in diameter forstations with less than 20 H.P. and 12" for 20H.P. or greater. Vent to be installed with 18" x18" x 6" concrete collarHatch openingFloat - cable holderWetwell to be continuouslycoated; see Lift StationGeneral Notes for detailsInfluent pipe and dropconnection (90 degree)coming from receivingmanhole shall be HDPE withoptional welded flange jointValve vault SECTION A-A EMERGENCY BYPASS CONNECTOR DQPlug Valve with Nut OperatorIncluding Box and CoverD.I.P.Length Varies24" x 18" x 6" Thick ConcreteSlab Around Valve and StandPipeFlanged Cam Quick ConnectCoupling with Connector andLockable Cap with 1" Tap andBall/Plug Valve(Brass/Stainless Steel)Plug valvePet cock with pressure valveARV per City Detail UT106aUtilityDetailsC12.60ofProject NumberSheetDrawing NumberDrawing TitleIssued forChecked byDesigned byAppvd.DateRevisionNo.vhb.com DateDATE:225 E. Robinson StreetSuite 300Orlando, FL 32801407.839.4006Certificate of AuthorizationNumber FL #3932The Regency at OcoeeOcoee, FloridaPermitMay 202363879.01May. 31, 2023SCSJLIMAJOR LIFT STATION GENERAL NOTESN.T.S.1.April 2019City of Ocoee UT300aMAJOR PUMP STATION PLAN VIEWN.T.S.2.November 2021City of Ocoee UT301aNO.69884STATE OFPROFESSIONAL ENGI N EER J A I ME L. IGUALI CENSEFLORIDAThis document has been electronically signed andsealed by Jaime L. Igua, P.E. on the date shownhereon using a digital signature.Printed copies of this document are not consideredsigned and sealed and the signature must beverified on any electronic copies.Page 325 of 373 HDPE PIPING "DR 11"4"EF 109.279"12"MINEE 105.47EG 109.77EH 110.2712"MIN36" 12"DBEI 125.9012" MIN18"EC 105.47DKEJ 110.27DO4"EADEDHDJDTDAEB 103.97DCEK 105.47DD2DD1EL 110.95Existing GradeLocatingWireMin.Begining of PaymentUnder Forcemain ItemIncidental to the Lift StationLow Level Alarm20HP or GreaterBoth Pumps OffLead Pump OnLag Pump OnHigh Level Alarm9" Thick Gravel Min.HDPE Flange Adaptor to PumpBase FlangeMechanical Flanges @ EachEnd of PipePipe Support Rack,See DetailCheck Valve2" PVC Sch. 80 PipeInclude PVC Floor Drainand 4" - 90° Turn Up 1/2"Per Foot FallDuctile Iron Pipe(Restrained Joint)Pet Cock ValveStainless Steel Pressure Gauge in Ft. +Water with Gauge Guard angled at 45°Plug Valve with Nut OperatorARV per City Detail UT106aTraffic (H20) Rated AccessHatch with Lockset andRecessed HandleExtend HDPE toCheck ValveApproved HatchEntry ProtectionAccess Hatch Include Padlock Hasp,City to Provide Lock Upon Completionand Acceptance of the StationPump GuideStainless SteelPipeHeavy Duty Stainless SteelLifting Cable Sized to MeetPump Weight (3/8" Min.)Influent Line with HDPE DropConnectionWrapped Seal and BituminousRam Nek JointPower Cable24V Float Liquid Level ControlsSupply One Mix Flushed Valve asManufactured by Pump VendorWet Well Lining System, See LiftStation General Notes for Details3" Base by 6" High Wedged InvertStainless Steel Base Plate, Base Plate tobe 2' x 2' Min. 1/2" Thick, Plate shall beIncreased for Large Station ApplicationsSingle Spherical Flexible CouplerBrass Junction "J" Box with ScrewCap Including Locate Wire Inside Box6" FMCONTINUE CONNECTIONFROM FORCE MAIN. SEEDETAIL ON PLANS C8.40,C8.50 AND C8.60PUMP DATAPUMP NO:MANUFACTURER: ; MODEL: ; IMP: ; DIA: ;MM, SPEED: RPM; DISCHARGE SIZE: IN; VOLTAGE: ;HZ: ; PHASE: ; HP: ;MIN SOLID SIZE: IN; CURVE: .12PUMPS OPERATING CONDITIONSRUNNING PUMP: ; gpm ; TDH ; %EFF.PUMP 1PUMP 1 & 2Ocoee UT303a May 2019MANUFACTURER: ; MODEL: ; IMP: ; DIA: ;MM, SPEED: RPM; DISCHARGE SIZE: IN; VOLTAGE: ;HZ: ; PHASE: ; HP: ;MIN SOLID SIZE: IN; CURVE: . ; gpm ; TDH ; %EFF.3MANUFACTURER: ; MODEL: ; IMP: ; DIA: ;MM, SPEED: RPM; DISCHARGE SIZE: IN; VOLTAGE: ;HZ: ; PHASE: ; HP: ;MIN SOLID SIZE: IN; CURVE: .SPAREPump Data Table Notes:A.All structural components must be certified by a Florida Licensed Engineer.B.Precast concrete elements and mechanical appurtenances dimensions required to be sumbitted by the contractor mustbe confirmed by suppliers/manufacturers.Ocoee UT303aMay 2019FLYGHTNP 3102 SH3~Adaptive125125 mm3,49034806036.53257FLYGHTNP 3102 SH3~Adaptive125125 mm3,49034806036.53257FLYGHTNP 3102 SH3~Adaptive125125 mm3,49034806036.5325729029031.831.854.454.4Notes:1.Drawing is shown for 480 volt power supply.2.Power supply incoming and to the station shall be underground on the lift station site andshall be three (3) phase from a three phase source only.3.Float controls shall be provided with continuous cable the length from float location tocontrol cabinet. No splices shall be allowed or accepted.4.Pipe support and brackets shall be cut even, ground smooth and coated with approvedcorrosion treatment.5.All conduit and piping shall be properly sealed.6.Motor conductor conduits shall be 2" minimum for all stations up to 48 H.P. All larger than48 H.P. shall be sufficient to carry conductor cable.IncomingPower1 1/2" StainlessSteel MountingBracketPost Meter - StainlessSteel Service RatedNon-Fusible DisconnectSweepElbows (Typ)2 - 10' Copper Clad25 OHM Max. GroundRods, Min. 7' Apart3" GalvanizedPipe Cap (Typ)2 Coats of BituminousAsphaltic Paint 4"Above Grade All TheWay Down (Typ)GalvanizedNipples (Typ)Seal Off (Typ)2" Motor ConductorConduit Sch 80 PVC2" Control ConduitConduit SCH 80 PVC66" Max.Meter Base withBy-PassPre Meter Stainless SteelService Non-AutomaticNon Fusible DisconnectSurge ProtectionControlPanelEncase InConcreteWETWELL, PIPING AND FLOATS DATADimensionsDescriptionsDABy ContractorWetwell Wall Thickness (submitted by Precast Manufacturer, see note A below)DBWetwell DiameterDCFloat Tab Width (8" min., specified by Precast Manufacturer, see note A below)By ContractorDD1Wetwell Top Slab Thickness (10" min., specified by Precast Manufacturer, see Note A BelowBy ContractorDD2Station Slab ThicknessDEWetwell Hatch Size (specified by Mechanical/Pump Supplier)By ContractorDFPump Base Plate Length (specified by Mechanical/Pump Supplier)By ContractorDGPump Base Plate Width (specified by Mechanical/Pump Supplier)By ContractorDHPump Base Plate Thickness (specified by Mechanical/Pump Supplier)By ContractorDHPump Base Plate Thickness (specified by Mechanical/Pump Supplier)By ContractorDLPump-Standpipe Offset (specified by Mechanical/Pump Supplier)By ContractorDMValve Vault Inside Length (submitted by Precast Manufacturer, see note A below)By ContractorDNValve Vault Inside Width (submitted by Precast Manufacturer, see note A below)By ContractorDOValve Vault Slab Thickness (submitted by Precast Manufacturer, see note A below)By ContractorDPValve Wall Thickness, Min 6", (submitted by Precast Manufacturer, see note A below)By ContractorDQPump/Check Valve Center Line Offset (specified by Mechanical/Pump Supplier)By ContractorDRQuick Connect DiameterDSBypass Pumping Pipe DiameterDTDischarge Pipe DiameterElevationsDescriptionsEASeasonal High Water TableEBWetwell InvertECLow Level AlarmEEPumps OffEFLead Pump OnEGLag Pump OnEHHigh Level AlarmEITop of StructureEJInfluent Pipe InvertEKBottom of Drop ConnectionELVent Pipe InvertData Table Notes:A. All structural components, including but not limited to the above items, must be certified by a Florida Licensed Engineer.B. Precast Concrete elements and mechanical appurtenances' dimensions required to be submitted by the contractor must be confirmedby suppliers/manufacturers.Ocoee UT304aDJPump Guide Rail Diameter (Specified by Mechanical/Pump Supplier)By ContractorDKDischarge Pipe DiameterApril 2019CCBGFDRINTERLOCKEDMECHANICALLYECBDOORLATCHPADLOCKBRACKETALABASBAVMCB MS2MS1OLOLGRDTTSNBGRDGRDMCBECBCCBMB1PRCBMB212V-DCTCU BATTERYSAGRCellular Antenna SUB PANEL ENCLOSED LAYOUT ENCLOSURE DEAD FRONT LAYOUT NOTES:1.This detail is for lift stations sized from 20 H.P. to 47 H.P.2.Outer box size shall be a minimum of 30" x 48" x 12" (W-H-D) or asspecifically directed by the City.3.SCADA control shall be SCI-Text 1062 Control system.4.Alarm light, horn, silence button, and generator receptacle are for visualpurposes only, exact location to be approved by the City.5.The outer door of the panel shall include three (3) latches and stainlesssteel door handle as manufactured by Hoffman or approved equal.6.Install Square "D" surge arrestor on the main power disconnect.7.Outside of panel box shall be powder coated stainless steel.LOWOFFLEADLAGHIGHHOAHOAP1P2INDICATION LIGHTSWITCHSCI-TEXTRTUSCI-TEXTRTUDFSTERMINAL STRIPMAJOR LIFT STATION SECTION VIEWN.T.S.1.November 2021City of Ocoee UT302aUtilityDetailsC12.70MAJOR PUMP DATA TABLEN.T.S.2.May 2019City of Ocoee UT303aofProject NumberSheetDrawing NumberDrawing TitleIssued forChecked byDesigned byAppvd.DateRevisionNo.vhb.com DateDATE:225 E. Robinson StreetSuite 300Orlando, FL 32801407.839.4006Certificate of AuthorizationNumber FL #3932The Regency at OcoeeOcoee, FloridaPermitMay 202363879.01May. 31, 2023SCSJLIMAJOR STATION DATA TABLEN.T.S.3.April 2019City of Ocoee UT304a480V PANEL INSTALLATIONN.T.S.4.April 2019City of Ocoee UT305a480V SCADA CONTROL PANELN.T.S.5.April 2019City of Ocoee UT306aNO.69884STATE OFPROFESSIONAL ENGI N EER J A I ME L. IGUALI CENSEFLORIDAThis document has been electronically signed andsealed by Jaime L. Igua, P.E. on the date shownhereon using a digital signature.Printed copies of this document are not consideredsigned and sealed and the signature must beverified on any electronic copies.Page 326 of 373 Ocoee UT307June 2019ROWNOTES:FENCE NOTES:12"36" 6" 6'-0"DOUBLE SWING GATE DETAILFabricStretcher2"BarsFENCE DETAIL1.This detail is for general lift station site configuration and requirements. Contractor shall refer tothis detail and specific lift station site plan for construction.2.Receiving manhole shall be no greater than 25' from quick connect, shall be 6' in diameter, shall bespray lined, located outside of roadway. For manhole specifications, refer to Detail UT104 Large &Receiving Manhole - Ring and Double Cover.3.The site shall be graded so as to direct runoff away from structures and appurtenances andelectrical system. Pavement/concrete slopes shall not be less than 0.6% or exceed 2% withinstation confines. Earth grading extending from pavement/concrete for the first 10 feet shall notexceed 10: 1 cross slope and thereafter not exceed 3:1.4.All concrete shall be 3000 P.S.I. (fc') unless specifically noted otherwise.5.Swing gate to be centered on driveway 2' (1' each side) wider than driveway.#9 Tie Wire 12O.C.Line PostTension WireGate PostGate Frame3/8" Adj. Truss RodsGate CornerGate Postfc' 3000 P.S.IConcrete (Typ)CenterStop 12" x12" x 12"Truss bars are required for each gate sectionand the first span on each side of a corner postonly.Receiving Manhole (Required)No Greater than 25' from QuickConnect. For Receiving ManholeDetails see Ocoee UT104Electrical Panel: Pump ElectricalLeads shall be Continuous to theControl PanelStation Slab Shall be 8" Thickand at a Minimum of 1' Beyondthe Outside Diameter of the ofthe Wetwell and VaultEmergency Bypass14' (MIN)Concrete34" P.E. Water Service shall includeRPZ Pole Mounted Backflow Devicewith Lockable Faucet6' Black Vinyl CoatedFenceElectrical Light Pole. Exact Locationshown on Specific Site PlanVent Cap withConcrete Collar36" 6"12"Finished GradeFabricPost CapPost CornerTop Rail10' On Center (Max)Turnbuckle3/8" RoundTruss Bars#9 Galvanized Clipson 2' Centers Max.4" of Bedding Rock withApproved Double LayerWeed Barrier Under RockLot or Easement Line34" City Meter (installed by City)1" P.E. Water Service (see UT208a);GGGGGGGGGGG PUMP STATION GROUNDING DETAILSGrounding Notes:1.Detail is for grounding improvements only.2.Depictions provided are generic and shall be adjustedbased on equipment location and site conditions, or asdirected by City.3.If enclosure fencing is included tie to fence at a minimumof two locations.4.Fencing continuously grounded together by 1/8" thickmulti-strand tinned copper braid wire with mechanicalclamp. Fence terminal post shall be connected togrounding perimeter counterpoise by no. 2/0 coppergrounding conductor.5.All grounding rods to be exothermic weld.6.Hatches/doors: on covers with multiple doors, providebraid from frame to door on each door.7.Grounding wire to be corrosion resistant tinned copperbraided wire.8.Install ground wire so that it will not cross clear opening,or prevent or impede normal method of removing floatsor pumps.9.Ground wire for hatch to penetrate wetwell above highwater lines by coring 3/4" through side wall. Epoxy fillcore hole.Counterpoise 2/0Copper WireBond #4 Copper Wireto Access Cover andFrameValve Vault2/0 Copper Wire toFence (Typ)Grounding RodNo: 2/0 AWG Tinned CopperGrounding Conductor toCounterpoise (Typ)Mechanical ConnectionBrooks Product 10" x 17" PullBox or Equal with Ground TestWell Labeled LidTransition to Existing GradeCable HolderGround Test EnclosureOne per Station (Typ)NOTES:1.All electrical service(s) shall be per latest national electrical code.2.Wall, slab and control box are for general representation. Contract shall refer to thespecific detail(s) for direction and requirements for construction and/or installation.3.Pole to be 14' in height for finished slab grade and shall meet current hurricane rating forthe applicable location of proposed station.4.Provide continuous ground from light to grounding rod back to existing grounding atpanel.5.Actual light location to be specified on plans.Quality Lighting 64G1 64G1,700unv SAM (RPTA-190-DT13)6" Fiberglass L.P.34" PVC Sch. 40Electrical ConduitFiberglass Strap Pole toConcrete Using S.S.AnchorsPhotoelectric Eyefor LightingElectrical Panel Electrical PanelSupportLight Electrical Feed andGrounding WiresExisting Ground10' x 5/8" CopperGrounding RodExtend Grounding Wiring, Bare #4 SolidCopper to Station's Grounding10' x 5/8"Copper Grounding Rod38"X7"X7" S.S. Plate3"x5" S.S. mounting tubing, welded all the way aroundto fit flat on wetwell wall. Rack to be mounted with 12"S.S. wedge anchors, two (2) per end, epoxy coated andcemented.Protective LinerAnchor DetailWETWELLInstall 3" X 5" - 316S.S. Tubing, PipeSupport RackSee Strap Detail2 - 12" S.S. WedgeAnchors12"x3x5 S.S. Tubing(Pipe Rack)12" SS U-BoltStand PipeAdjustable S.S. EndOverlapping Min of2 Feet.NOTE:S.S. pipe support shall be equally spaced no greater than five (5) feetin separation, and no greater than three (3) feet from pump flangeadaptor and top 90° fitting.Strap DetailSee Anchoring DetailDouble Locking Nuts,with Finder WasherCONTROL PANEL LEGENDN.T.S.1.June 2019City of Ocoee UT307UtilityDetailsC12.80SECURED LIFT STATION GENERAL SITE PLANN.T.S.2.October 2022City of Ocoee UT308aofProject NumberSheetDrawing NumberDrawing TitleIssued forChecked byDesigned byAppvd.DateRevisionNo.vhb.com DateDATE:225 E. Robinson StreetSuite 300Orlando, FL 32801407.839.4006Certificate of AuthorizationNumber FL #3932The Regency at OcoeeOcoee, FloridaPermitMay 202363879.01May. 31, 2023SCSJLILIFT STATION LIGHTINGN.T.S.3.June 2019City of Ocoee UT309LIFT STATION GROUNDINGN.T.S.4.April 2019City of Ocoee UT310S.S PIPE SUPPORT RACKN.T.S.5.June 2019City of Ocoee UT311NO.69884STATE OFPROFESSIONAL ENGI N EER J A I ME L. IGUALI CENSEFLORIDAThis document has been electronically signed andsealed by Jaime L. Igua, P.E. on the date shownhereon using a digital signature.Printed copies of this document are not consideredsigned and sealed and the signature must beverified on any electronic copies.Page 327 of 373 716" Dia. Holes (Typ)24"58"6"4 14"58"1 14"1 14"NOTES:1.(4) 316" Diameter Hooks (middle)2.(2) 1" Diameter Hooks (each end)3.Hooks to be evenly spaced.CABLE AND MOTOR CABLENOTES:1.FORCE MAINS SHALL ENTER GRAVITY SEWER MANHOLE AT A POINT EQUAL TO THE OPERATIONALWATER LEVEL OF SAID RECEIVING UNIT AND NOT MORE THAN 1 FOOT ABOVE THE FLOW LINE.2.BENCH AS REQUIRED FOR FORCE MAIN.3.THE RECEIVING MANHOLE SHALL BE EITHER LINED WITH AN APPROVED LINER OR BECONSTRUCTED OF AN APPROVED MATERIAL THAT PREVENTS DEGRADATION DUE TO THECREATION OF GAS IN THE STRUCTURE.4.SHOULD AN ELEVATION DROP BE REQUIRED TO OBTAIN THE OUTLET CONNECTION, THE PRIORDOWN-SLOPE OF THE FORCE MAIN SHALL NOT EXCEED 45 DEGREES.5.ADEQUATE AIR VENTING SHALL BE PROVIDED AT THE PROFILE BREAK-POINT.6.CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE THE PRESENCE OF UTILITIES INSPECTOR DURINGEXCAVATION, CORING, AND CONNECTIONS TO EXISTING MANHOLES.7.ALL PIPE CONNECTIONS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM OF 12-IN SEPARATION FROM ALL JOINTS ANDCORES.GRAVITY SEWERCONNECTION90° MINFROM OUTFORCE MAINCONNECTIONSLOPESLOPESLOPEPLANPROFILEMODULAR PIPESEAL11.25° BEND(RESTRAINEDJOINT)FORCE MAIN(TYP)12" MAX COATING / LINER(SEE NOTE 3)SEE NOTE 512" MIN (SEENOTE 5)RESILIENTCONNECTOR (TYP)MODULAR PIPESEALFDOT #57 STONE IN ALLDIRECTIONS (MIN 9-IN)WRAPPED IN GEOFRABRICCONNECTION TO EXISTINGMANHOLESPVCRESILIENT CONNECTOR (PERAPPENDIX D)STAINLESS STEEL PIPECLAMPSTAINLESS STEEL BANDPRECAST MANHOLEWALL12" MIN (SEE NOTE 3)CONNECTION (SEEALL NOTES)CABLE AND MOTOR CABLE RACKN.T.S.1.June 2019City of Ocoee UT312UtilityDetailsC12.90ofProject NumberSheetDrawing NumberDrawing TitleIssued forChecked byDesigned byAppvd.DateRevisionNo.vhb.com DateDATE:225 E. Robinson StreetSuite 300Orlando, FL 32801407.839.4006Certificate of AuthorizationNumber FL #3932The Regency at OcoeeOcoee, FloridaPermitMay 202363879.01May. 31, 2023SCSJLIGREASE INTERCEPTORN.T.S.2.October 2017Oldcastle PrecastFORCE MAIN TO GRAVITY SEWER CONNECTIONN.T.S.3.VHBNO.69884STATE OFPROFESSIONAL ENGI N EER J A I ME L. IGUALI CENSEFLORIDAThis document has been electronically signed andsealed by Jaime L. Igua, P.E. on the date shownhereon using a digital signature.Printed copies of this document are not consideredsigned and sealed and the signature must beverified on any electronic copies.Page 328 of 373 Page 329 of 373 Page 330 of 373 Page 331 of 373 Page 332 of 373 Page 333 of 373 1 ORLDOCS 20608162 2 THIS DOCUMENT PREPARED BY AND RETURN TO: Daniel T. O’Keefe, Esq. Shutts & Bowen, LLP 300 Orange Ave. Suite 1600 Orlando, FL 32801 FIRST AMENDMENT TO DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (The Regency at Ocoee) This FIRST AMENDMENT TO DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (The Regency at Ocoee) (“First Amendment”) is made and entered into this day of , 2023 (“Effective Date”), by and between the CITY OF OCOEE, a Florida municipal corporation, whose mailing address is 150 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, Florida 34761, Attention: City Manager (“City”), and OCOEE ACQUISITION COMPANY, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, with an address of 5911 Turkey Lake Road, Suite 303, Orlando, Florida 32819 (collectively, the “Developer”). The City and the Developer are sometimes collectively referred to herein as the “Parties” and individually as a “Party.” WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Developer and City entered into that certain Development Agreement executed on May 3, 2022 and recorded on May 9, 2022, DOC # 20220294398 in the Public Records of Orange County, Florida (the “Agreement”); WHEREAS, the Parties desire to amend the Agreement as specifically provided herein; and WHEREAS, any capitalized term not otherwise defined herein shall have the meaning ascribed to it under the Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual obligations contained herein and the sum of ten dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration the sufficiency of which is hereby conclusively acknowledged the Parties agree as follows: AGREEMENT 1.Recitals. The Recitals contained above are true and correct and are incorporated in this First Amendment in full as if set forth herein. 2.Old Winter Garden Road Extension and Street A. a. Right-of-Way Payment. Upon completion of the Old Winter Garden Road Extension and Street A and the conveyance or dedication of each to the City, the City shall pay to Developer a payment equal to 20% of the appraised value of the CRA internal road network right-of-way, such payment is anticipated to be in the amount of Five Hundred Sixty Thousand Dollars and No/100 Dollars ($560,000.00). Page 334 of 373 2 ORLDOCS 20608162 2 b. Third Party Funding. In the event the City receives funding or a reimbursement from a third party for the costs of the Old Winter Garden Road Extension or Street A, the City shall disburse to Developer its pro rata share of the construction costs related to Old Winter Garden Road Extension and Street A. 3.Credits. a. Transportation Impact Fee Credits. City agrees to provide Developer with 100% transportation impact fee credits for the Creditable Improvements in the amount of Eight Hundred Forty-Five Thousand One Hundred Sixty-One and 55/100 Dollars ($845,161.55). b. Maguire Road Intersection Improvements. City agrees to provide Developer with impact fee credits for the Intersection Improvements in the amount of Eight Hundred Thirty Thousand Six Hundred Sixteen and No/100 Dollars ($830,616.00). c. Park Impact Fee Credits. City agrees to provide Developer with 25% park impact fee credits in the amount of One Hundred Seventeen Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($117,000.00). d. Building Plan Review Credit. City agrees to provide to Developer a credit of 50% against the City’s costs and fees to review the plans for the Project, such credit is currently estimated to be One Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars and No/100 Dollars ($125,000.00). 4.Retention Pond. City is partnering with the Developer to construct the Retention Pond. City agrees to pay Developer the amount of One Ninety-Three Thousand Four Hundred Sixty-One and No/100 Dollars ($193,461.00) from the City’s Stormwater Fund, representing the City’s contribution for the construction and use of the Retention Pond. 5.Tax. City agrees to provide Developer with a tax rebate or credit for real estate taxes due against he Property in the year 2023 and through the end of the construction of the Project. 6.Counterparts. This First Amendment may be executed in two or more counterparts, each of which shall be and be taken to be an original, and are collectively but one instrument. 7.Effect on Agreement. Except as modified herein, the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect binding upon each of the Parties. In the event of a conflict between the Agreement and this First Amendment, the terms of this First Amendment shall control. [SIGNATURES APPEAR ON FOLLOWING PAGES] Page 335 of 373 3 ORLDOCS 20608162 2 DEVELOPER: Witnesses:OCOEE ACQUISITION COMPANY, LLC, a Florida limited liability company By: Printed Name: Name: Title: Printed Name: STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ________ The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ____ day of ____________, 2023, by ______________________, as ______________ of Ocoee Acquisition Company, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, on behalf of the company. He/she appeared by (check one)  physical appearance or  online notarization, and (check one)  is personally known to me or  has produced ______________ as identification. Print Name: Notary Public My Commission Expires: Commission Number: [SIGNATURES CONTINUED ON FOLLOWING PAGE] Page 336 of 373 4 ORLDOCS 20608162 2 CITY: CITY OF OCOEE By: Rusty Johnson, Mayor ATTEST: Melanie Sibbitt, City Clerk Approved as to Form: Scott Cookson, City Attorney STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ORANGE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ____ day of ____________, 2023, by ______________________, as ______________________ of the City of Ocoee, Florida, a municipal corporation of the State of Florida, on behalf of the City of Ocoee, Florida. He/she appeared by (check one)  physical appearance or  online notarization, and (check one)  is personally known to me or  has produced ______________ as identification. Print Name: Notary Public My Commission Expires: Commission Number: Page 337 of 373 THIS DOCUMENT PREPARED BY AND RETURN TO: Daniel T. O'Keefe, Esq. Shutts & Bowen, LLP 300 Orange Ave. Suite 1600 Orlando, FL 32801 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT The Regency at Ocoee) DOC # 20220294398 05/09/2022 07:20 AM Page 1 of 12 Rec Fee: $103.50 Deed Doc Tax: $0.00 Mortgage Doc Tax: $0.00 Intangible Tax: $0.00 Phil Diamond, Comptroller Orange County, FL Ret To: CSC INC This DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (The Regency at Ocoee) ("Agreement") is made and entered into this 3 , ay of , 2022 ("Effective Date"), by and between the CITY OF OCOEE, a Florida unicipal corporation, whose mailing address is 150 North Lakeshore Drive, Ocoee, Florida 34761, Attention: City Manager ("City"), and OCOEE ACQUISITION COMPANY, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, with an address of 5911 Turkey Lake Road, Suite 303, Orlando, Florida 32819 (collectively, the Developer"). The City and the Developer are sometimes collectively referred to herein as the Parties" and individually as a "Party." WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Developer is under contract to purchase certain property located in the City of Ocoee, Orange County, Florida legally described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and expressly incorporated herein by this reference ("Property"); WHEREAS, the Property is commonly known as The Regency at Ocoee project (the Project"), and the Developer has applied to the City for approval of a "Preliminary Site Plan" for the Property ("Site Plan Approval"); and WHEREAS, the provisions of Section 4-513(5) of Article IV of the Ocoee Land Development Code (the "Code") requires that the Owner and the City enter into a development agreement incorporating all plans and conditions of approval by reference; and WHEREAS, the City confirms that this Agreement is consistent with and an exercise of the City's powers under the Municipal Home Rule Powers Act; Article VII, Section 2(b) of the Constitution of the State of Florida; Chapter 166, Florida Statutes; all City Rules; other controlling law; and the City's police powers, and is a non -statutory development agreement which is not subject to or enacted pursuant to the provisions of Section 163.3220-163.3243, Florida Statutes. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual obligations contained herein and the sum of ten dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration the sufficiency of which is hereby conclusively acknowledged the Parties agree as follows: AGREEMENT 1. Recitals. The Recitals contained above are true and correct and are incorporated in this Agreement in full as if set forth herein. ORLDOCS 19365952 7 Page 338 of 373 20220294398 Page 2 of 12 2. Project Information. a. The Property consists of 14.59 developable acres. Located within the Community Redevelopment Area (CRA) Target Area 1 Overlay. b. The Project is anticipated to be developed in one (1) phase. The current zoning on the Property is P-S/C-3 (Professional Office and Service District/General Commercial) d. The Project includes a 30% open space or approximately 4.38 acres. e. The Project is intended to be developed as a mixed use project with multi -family residential and commercial use. 3. Development Approvals. a. Development Approvals. Nothing herein will be construed to grant or waive on behalf of the City any development approvals that may be required in connection with the Site Plan Approval or Developer's development of the Property. Notwithstanding this Agreement, the Developer must comply with all applicable procedures and standard related to the development of the Property. b. Compliance with Code and Approved Plans. It is agreed that (1) the Owner shall comply with the zoning and subdivision regulations of the City as set forth in the Ocoee Land Development Code, as it may from time to time be amended, and (2) all preliminary subdivision plans, final subdivision plans, and final site plans for the Property or any portion thereof shall conform to the Ocoee Land Development Code requirements in effect at the time of approval of any such plans. In the event of any conflict between the provisions of the Ocoee Land Development Code, as it may from time to time be amended, and this Agreement, it is agreed that the provisions of this Agreement shall control. 4. Water and Sewer; Utilities. Developer shall construct on -site utilities necessary to service the Project in accordance with the "Utility Plan" as described on the Preliminary Site Plan. Developer shall grant to the City the utility easements necessary to facilitate the development of the Project. 5. Transportation. Developer shall design, engineer, and construct an extension of Old Winter Garden Road, and the surrounding landscaping, extending west from the current Old Winter Garden Road right-of-way through the Project which is a public road (the "Old Winter Garden Road Extension"). Developer shall complete the Old Winter Garden Road Extension, including the Old Winter Garden Road and Maguire Road intersection improvements, including installation of the traffic signal, all consistent with the traffic improvement descriptions as described on the Preliminary Site Plan. Further, Developer shall design, engineer, and construct the north/south road identified as "Street A" in the Preliminary Site Plan ("Street A") to a public standard. 2 ORLDOCS 19365952 7 Page 339 of 373 20220294398 Page 3 of 12 6. Credits. a. Transportation Impact Fee Credits. City agrees to provide Developer with transportation impact fee credits for the design, engineering, and construction of the Old Winter Garden Road Extension and Street A, including the dedication of right-of-way (collectively, the "Creditable Improvements"). The amount of such transportation impact fee credits shall, on a dollar -for -dollar basis, be equal to the lesser of (i) seventy-five percent (75%) of the reasonable and documented third party costs incurred by Developer for the Creditable Improvements, or (ii) the total amount of transportation impact fees that are applicable to the full development of the Project. In no event shall the City be required to make any payment toward the Creditable Improvements in cash nor shall the City be required to provide transportation impact fee credits in excess of the impact fees that would otherwise be generated from the development of the Project. Prior to commencing the Creditable Improvements, Developer shall submit for the City's review the final budget for the Creditable Improvements, which may be approved by the City's Development Director. With the City Manager's consent (or the consent of the designee of the City Manager) transportation impact fee credits may be applied against transportation impact fees due in connection with the development of the Project, even if such transportation impact fees are due before the Creditable Improvements are complete. b. Maguire Road Intersection Improvements. City agrees to provide Developer with impact fee credits for the design, engineering, and construction of the intersection improvements at the Old Winter Garden Road and Maguire Road, including the traffic signal for such intersection (collectively, the "Intersection Improvements"). The amount of such impact fee credits shall, on a dollar -for - dollar basis, be equal to seventy-five percent (75%) of the reasonable and documented third party costs incurred by Developer for the Intersection Improvements. c. Utility Capital Charge Credits. City agrees to provide Developer with utility capital charge credits for any oversizing of utilities, to benefit off -site properties, Developer constructs, including, but not limited to, water, reclaimed water, sanitary sewer, force mains, and lift stations. The utility capital charge credits will include the additional cost of the design, engineering, and construction to accommodate the oversizing of the utilities to benefit off -site properties. d. Park Impact Fee Credits. In exchange for Developer providing an easement over approximately acres of open space within the Project and Developer's construction and installation of amenities around the stormwater pond, including sidewalks and benches, City shall provide park impact fees to be utilized in connection with the development of the Project. The amount of such park impact fee credits granted to the Developer is subject to final approval by the City's Development Director, with the City Manager's consent (or the consent of the 3 ORLDOCS 19365952 7 Page 340 of 373 20220294398 Page 4 of 12 designee of the City Manager). Developer reserves the right to put reasonable safety measures in place to benefit the residents of the Project and the general public. 7. Construction of Retention Pond. The Preliminary Site Plan provides for a retention pond located on the western side of the Property (the "Retention Pond"). The Retention Pond is intended to accommodate stormwater drainage from the Project. City agrees to provide Developer with payment, credits, and/or reimbursements out of the City's Stormwater Fund for use of the Retention Pond to benefit City right-of-way, in an amount equal to its share of the Retention Pond capacity. Any use of the Retention Pond is subject to Developer's approval. Owner shall be responsible for the construction of the Retention Pond and such construction shall be in accordance with the requirements of the City. The City's payment to Developer for use of the Retention Pond is subject to final approval by the City's Development Director, with the City Manager's consent or the consent of the designee of the City Manager). 8. Si14na1!e. Developer and City agree to agree upon a specific signage plan to be incorporated as an amendment to this Agreement. 9. Covenants Running with the Land/Assignment. The terms, provisions, covenants, conditions and restrictions set forth in this Agreement and the rights, privileges and benefits and duties, obligations and burdens assigned, granted, imposed and created pursuant to this Agreement shall and are hereby declared to be covenants running with the title to the Property. This Agreement shall legally benefit and bind the Developer and its respective successors and assigns. 10. Force Maieure. Except as otherwise expressly set forth in this Agreement, if either Party's performance of any act (other than the payment of money) required hereunder is impractical, impossible, delayed, hindered, or prevented by reason of strikes, lock -outs, labor troubles, inability to procure materials, failure of power, restrictive governmental laws or regulations, pandemic or epidemic health occurrences as declared by applicable governmental or world health organizations, health events resulting in government mandated quarantine, shelter -in -place, travel restrictions, government office shut -down and/or moratoria, or other government -directed cessation of business related to pandemic or epidemic health occurrences, riots, terrorist acts, insurrection, adverse weather conditions, war or other reasons of a like nature not the fault of the Party delayed in performing work or doing acts required under the terms of this Agreement (all of such reasons or causes referred to in this Agreement as "force majeure"), then performance of such acts shall be excused for the period of the delay, and the period within which the performance of such act may be required hereunder shall be extended by a period equivalent to the period of such delay plus thirty (30) days. In any case where work is to be paid for out of insurance proceeds or condemnation awards or other similar such proceeds, due allowance, not to exceed ninety (90) days in the aggregate, shall be made, both to the Party required to perform such work and to the Party required to make such payment, for delays in the collection of such proceeds and award. 11. Legal Proceedings, Attorneys' Fees. In the event that either Party shall institute litigation or other legal proceedings against the other to interpret or enforce any term, provision, warranty, covenant or condition set forth in this Agreement, the prevailing Party in such litigation or other legal proceedings following all appeals therefrom, if any, shall be entitled to recover from the non - prevailing Party in such litigation or other legal proceedings reasonable attorneys', paralegals', ORLDOCS 19365952 7 Page 341 of 373 20220294398 Page 5 of 12 and experts' fees and expenses and court costs incidental thereto, including those incurred on any bankruptcy proceeding and/or appeal of a lower court decision. 12. Notices. a. All notices provided for in this Agreement shall be in writing and delivered to the addresses below: City: City of Ocoee Attention: City Manager 150 North Lakeshore Drive Ocoee, Florida 34761 Email: rfrank a,ocoee.org With a copy to: Shuffield, Lowman & Wilson, P.A. Attn: Scott Cookson, City Attorney Telephone: 407-5 81-9800 Email: scoolcson(c2shuffieldlowman.com Developer: Ocoee Acquisition Company, LLC Attn: Anil H. Thadani 5911 Turkey Lake Road, Suite 303 Orlando, FL 32819 Telephone: (407) 730-8580 Fax: (407) 730-8581 Email: anilthadani a,selnikdevelopment.com With a copy to: Shutts & Bowen LLP 300 S. Orange Avenue, Suite 1600 Orlando, Florida 32801 Attention: Daniel T. O'Keefe Telephone: (407) 835-6956 Email: DOkeefe(2cshutts.com b. Any notice, request, demand, instruction or other communication to be given to either Party hereunder, shall be in writing and shall be hand -delivered, sent by Federal Express or a comparable overnight mail or delivery service, mailed by U.S. registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, by electronic mail (email), or transmitted by facsimile or telecopier to the Parties and their listed co -recipients, at their respective addresses and/or facsimile numbers set forth herein. Any notice delivered as aforesaid shall be deemed delivered immediately upon mailing, delivery to an appropriate carrier, or receipt or refusal of delivery of said notice, whichever is earliest. The inability to deliver because of change in address of which no notice is given shall be deemed to be a receipt of the notice, demand and request. The Party claiming delivery of notice via telecopier or facsimile shall have the burden of proving notice was in fact sent, which burden ORLDOCS 19365952 7 Page 342 of 373 20220294398 Page 6 of 12 can be carried without further evidence if confirmed by the transmitting telecopier or facsimile machine. Any communication sent by electronic mail, facsimile or telecopier shall promptly be followed by a copy delivered by one of the other approved methods. Receipt shall be deemed to have occurred if delivered to an authorized agent or any employee of the addressee or of the addressee's company. A time period in which a response to any notice, demand or request must be given pursuant to the terms of the Agreement, shall commence to run from the date of receipt. Any Party may change the address for receiving notices, request, demands, or other communication by not less than three (3) days prior notice in accordance with this Section. Telephone numbers are provided for convenience only. Notice from a Party's attorney shall constitute legal notice hereunder. c. City and Developer may from time to time notify the other of changes regarding where and to whom notices should be sent by sending notification of such changes pursuant to this Section. 13. Miscellaneous Provisions. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the complete and entire understanding and agreement between City and Developer concerning or with respect to the topics addressed in this Agreement and supersede any and all prior or contemporaneous covenants, agreements, undertakings, statements, representations or warranties, whether written or oral, of any Party hereto concerning or with respect thereto. b. Relationship of the Parties. This Agreement does not evidence the creation of, nor shall it be construed as creating a partnership or joint venture between the City and Developer. Developer cannot create an obligation or responsibility on behalf of City or bind City in any manner. Each Party is acting for its own account, and it has made its own independent decisions to enter into this Agreement and as to whether the same is appropriate or proper for it based upon its own judgment and upon advice from such advisers as it has deemed necessary. Each Party acknowledges that none of the other Patties hereto is acting as a fiduciary for or as an adviser to it in respect of this Agreement or any responsibility or obligation contemplated herein. c. Agency. Developer and City, and their agents, contractors and subcontractors, shall perform all activities described in this Agreement as independent entities and not as agents of one another. d. Sovereign Immunity. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as a waiver of City's right to sovereign immunity for tort claims under and subject to 768.28, Florida Statutes. e. Captions, Section and Paragraph Headings. Captions, section and paragraph headings contained in this Agreement are for convenience of reference only and are in no way intended, and shall in no way be deemed, to define, describe, extend or 6 ORLDOCS 19365952 7 Page 343 of 373 20220294398 Page 7 of 12 limit the scope, content or intent of this Agreement or of any particular term, provision, section or paragraph hereof. f. Modification, Amendment or Termination. This Agreement may not be changed, modified, amended or terminated except as expressly set forth in a separate writing signed by both of the Parties to this Agreement or their respective successors in interest or title. g. Recording in Public Records. Developer shall ensure that this Agreement is recorded among the public records of Orange County, Florida promptly after the execution of the Agreement by all Patties. h. Indemnification. Developer hereby indemnifies and holds City and its elected and appointed officials, employees and agents harmless from and against any and all claims (at law or in equity), disputes, lawsuits, injuries, damages, attorneys' fees and all adverse matters in any way arising out of or relating to the risks assumed by Developer under this Agreement. i. Default. Failure by a Party to perform any of its obligations hereunder shall constitute default hereunder, entitling the non -defaulting Patty to terminate this Agreement or to pursue the remedies of specific performance, injunctive relief or damages as set forth in this Agreement. Prior to termination of this Agreement, the non -defaulting Party exercising such right shall first provide the defaulting Patty with written notice specifying such default and the actions needed to cure same, in reasonable detail. Upon receipt of said notice, the defaulting Party shall be provided thirty (30) day opportunity within which to cure such default. j. Bankruptcy. In the event (a) an order or decree is entered appointing a receiver for Developer or its assets or (b) a petition is filed by Developer for relief under federal bankruptcy laws or any other similar law or statute of the United States, which action is not dismissed, vacated or discharged within sixty (60) days after the filing thereof, then City shall have the right to terminate immediately this Agreement. k. No Liability or Monetary Remedy. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, Developer and City, on behalf of themselves, and their respective successors and assigns, hereby agree that neither Party shall be liable to the other for any direct, indirect, special, punitive or consequential damages, including but not limited to, damages based on loss of service, revenues, profits or business opportunities, and hereby waive any and all claims and causes of action for the recovery of such direct, indirect, special, punitive or consequential damages. Governiniz Law; Bindin14 Effect. This Agreement and the construction, interpretation and enforcement thereof shall be construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of the State of Florida and shall be binding upon, inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by the Parties hereto and their respective successors in interest or title. 7 ORLDOCS 19365952 7 Page 344 of 373 20220294398 Page 8 of 12 m. Venue. The location for settlement of any and all claims, controversies, or disputes, arising out of or relating to any part of this Agreement, or any breach hereof, shall be Orange County, Florida. n. Construction of Agreement. The fact that any one of the Parties to this Agreement shall have drafted or structured or shall be deemed to have drafted or structured this Agreement or any particular term or provision of this Agreement shall not be considered by any court or other tribunal in the construction or interpretation of this Agreement or any particular term or provision of this Agreement, either in favor or to the disadvantage of such Party. o. Severability. If any of the terms, provisions, covenants or conditions set forth in this Agreement or the application thereof to any particular circumstance shall be held by any Court having jurisdiction to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable under applicable law, the remainder of this Agreement shall not be affected thereby and each provision of this Agreement shall be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent otherwise permitted by law. p. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts, each of which shall be and be taken to be an original, and are collectively but one instrument. q. Time of the Essence. Time, and timely performance, is of the essence of this Agreement and of the covenants and provisions hereunder. When a date upon which a specified event shall occur or be performed falls upon a weekend or legal holiday, the time allowed for the event or performance to occur shall be extended to 5:00 p.m. on the next succeeding business day. For purposes of this Agreement, a "business day" shall mean any weekday that the banks in the county in which the Property is located are open for business (thereby excluding Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays). Statutory Development Agreement. This Agreement is not a statutory development agreement pursuant to Chapter 163, Florida Statutes (Florida Local Government Development Agreement Act), and is being entered into by the City pursuant to the City's home rule authority. SIGNATURES APPEAR ON FOLLOWING PAGES] ORLDOCS 1936S9S2 7 Page 345 of 373 20220294398 Page 9 of 12 DEVELOPER: Witnesses: OCOEE ACQUISITION COMPANY, LLC, a Florida limited liability company G l , By: Printed ame: t I- Nam( Title: Printed Name: M,li h rk 1L a • n01,y4NS STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OFA rZ The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this J - day of 2022, by as ,,,,,gL of Ocoee Acquisition Compan , LLC, a Florida limited liability company, on behalf of the company. He/she appeared by (check one) Elphysical appearance or online notarization, and (check one) is personally known to me or D-- as produced as identification. KA'I'HERINE A. HEARD MY COMMISSION # Hf1200183 EXPIRES: Novembor 18, 2025 aw.dtH.s J3tira'Rr.t,{L 6iek nranC.kr A'/;' 2 PicotName:_r y Notary Public My Commission Expires: /r%ir; /l/a J Commission Number: f DO/0 SIGNATURES CONTINUED ON FOLLOWING PAGE] ORLDOCS 19365952 7 Page 346 of 373 20220294398 Page 10 of 12 CITY: CITY OF OCOEE By: Rusty Joh o ,Mayor TEST• Melanie ib&tt, City Clerk Approved as to Fern:: Scot ook Q ity ATFoTney, STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ORANGE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this f 3__ day of , 2022, by as poi of the City of coee, Florida, a muni "pal corporation of the State of Fle-ida, on behalf of the City of Ocoee, Florida. He/she appeared by (check one) El -physical appearance or online notarization, and (check one) B is personally known to me or has produced as identification. KATHERINE A, HEARD MY COMMISSION # HH2O0183 saw,, EXPIRES: November 18, 2025 ry d Pr nt Name:.c, Notary Public My Commission Expires: o- /,,;! Commission Number:fif dG/d3 H ORLDOCS 19365952 7 Page 347 of 373 20220294398 Page 11 of 12 Exhibit "A" Legal Description LEGAL DESCRIPTION PER TITLE COMMITMENT, ISSUING OFFICE FILE NUMBER: ANTHONY. BRAN DROP That part of the East 28 acres of the Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 30, Township 22 South, Range 28 East, Orange County, Florida, LESS road right of way on East and LESS right of way for Sunshine State Parkway and LESS part lying South of Sunshine State Parkway, and also LESS that part for road in O.R. Book 5937, Page 4453, Public Records of Orange County, Florida. And The Southeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 30, Township 22 South, Range 28 East, Orange County, Florida, LESS the North 509.81 feet and LESS road right of way on East. Said Parcel contains 10.793 Acres more or less. LEGAL DESCRIPTION PER TITLE COMMITMENT, COMMITMENT NUMBER: 21000050181 / 51723.0008/KHJ That part of the West 12 acres of the SE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 30, Township 22 South, Range 28 East, Orange County, Florida lying North of the Northerly right of way line of the Sunshine State Parkway as shown on the Florida State Turnpike Authority Right of Way Map, Station 5975 +00 to 6036+66.51, Dated 02-03-62. Less and Except: A portion of the Northeast 1/4, Section 30, Township 22 South, Range 28 East, Orange County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: Commence at the Southeast corner of the Northeast 1/4 (a 1" iron pipe as now exists) run thence South 89031'33" West along the South line thereof for 921.66 feet; run thence North 00026'18" West for 964.96 feet to a point on the existing Northerly limited access right-of-way line for Florida's Turnpike and the Point of Beginning, said point being on a curve concave Southerly having a radius of 4795.60 feet, a central angle of 04044'51" and a chord bearing of North 83°16'47" West; run thence Westerly along the arc of said curve for 397.37 feet; thence leaving said existing limited access right -of- way line run North 00023'25" West for 52.07 feet to a point on a curve concave Southerly having a radius of 5729.58 feet, a central angle of 04000'12" and a chord bearing of South 80022'53" East; run thence Easterly along the arc of said curve for 400.34 feet; run thence South 00026'18" for 31.68 feet to the Point of Beginning. Said Parcel contains 2.619 Acres more or less 11 ORLDOCS 19365952 5 Page 348 of 373 20220294398 Page 12 of 12 LEGAL DESCRIPTION PER TITLE COMMITMENT, COMMITMENT NUMBER: 21000050182 / 51723.0008/KHJ The North 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 30, Township 22 South, Range 28 East, Orange County, Florida; Less and Except: Road right of way for the Florida Turnpike and FURTHER LESS AND EXCEPT right of way described in Stipulated Order of Taking recorded in Official Records Book 5447, Page 1922, Public Records of Orange County, Florida. Said Parcel contains 3.265 Acres more or less. 12 ORLDOCS 19365952 5 Page 349 of 373 © 2023 Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc. THE REGENCY AT OCOEE TIF Projection DRAFT REPORT / May 16, 2023 Page 350 of 373 [Page intentionally blank] Page 351 of 373 Contents 1. Introduction .................................................................................. 1 1.1. Ocoee Fifty West CRA ..................................................................................................1 1.2. The Regency at Ocoee ..................................................................................................1 1.3. Purpose of Report and Intended Users .......................................................................2 1.4. Principal Sources of Information .................................................................................2 1.5. Assumptions and Limiting Conditions........................................................................2 1.6. Rounding of Estimated Values ....................................................................................3 2. Property Tax Projection ............................................................... 5 2.1. Property Value in Florida ..............................................................................................5 2.2. Market Transactions .....................................................................................................7 2.3. Property Appraiser Values ...........................................................................................8 2.4. Project Pro Forma .........................................................................................................8 2.5. Projected TIF Revenue ............................................................................................... 10 Tables Table 1-1: Residential Product Mix .......................................................................................................... 2 Table 1-2: Rounding Estimated Values .................................................................................................... 3 Table 2-1: Recent Orange County Transactions ...................................................................................... 7 Table 2-2: 2022 Just Values (Mid-rise Apartments) .................................................................................. 8 Table 2-3: Residential Rent Roll (Current Dollars) .................................................................................... 9 Table 2-4: Estimated Apartment Income Value ...................................................................................... 10 Table 2-5: Project Base Value ................................................................................................................ 11 Table 2-3: Incremental Ad Valorem Collections ..................................................................................... 11 Figures Figure 1-1: Planned Mixed-use Project .................................................................................................... 1 Appendices Appendix A: Assumptions and Limiting Conditions Appendix B: Financial Models Page 352 of 373 [Page intentionally blank] Page 353 of 373 The Regency at Ocoee / TIF Projection 1 © 2023 Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc. 1. Introduction 1.1. Ocoee Fifty West CRA The Ocoee Fifty West Community Redevelopment District (“District” or “Fifty West”) was established by the City of Ocoee (‘City) in 2006, encompassing 1,070 acres along the State Road (“SR”) 50 corridor. The District is managed by the City’s Community Redevelopment Agency (“CRA”) and is set to sunset in 2036; however, it may be extended to 2046 by the City, with approval from the County. The purpose of the CRA is to formulate a workable program using appropriate private and public resources to eliminate and prevent the development or spread of blighted areas within Fifty West consistent with the adopted Community Redevelopment Plan. Fifty West is a vital component of the area and represents an opportunity for the City to revitalize the community with the creation of jobs, new infrastructure, beautification projects, new and redeveloped commercial, retail and housing options, and by improving the quality of life through lifestyle choices for residents and business owners. The Fifty West Community Redevelopment Plan and subsequent planning initiatives such as the Target Areas Special Development Plan provides solutions related to land use planning, infrastructure and services, land development regulations, economic development, and aesthetic design to improve the vitality of the District and promote Fifty West as a "destination place." 1.2. The Regency at Ocoee The subject of this analysis (“Report”) is a planned mixed-use project, The Regency at Ocoee located in the City and Orange County (“County”), Florida (see Figure 1-1). Figure 1-1: Planned Mixed-use Project Page 354 of 373 The Regency at Ocoee / TIF Projection 2 © 2023 Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc. The Regency at Ocoee (“Project”) is planned for 300 multi-family units and 7,000 square feet (net) of commercial/retail space on 16.7 total acres. As proposed, the mix of apartments include studios, 1-, 2-, and 3- bedrooms (see Table 1-1). Table 1-1: Residential Product Mix Cost by Component Units SF/Unit Area (SF) Studio 20 800 16,000 1-bedroom 112 1,400 160,000 2-bedroom 136 1,700 230,000 3-beddroom 32 1,900 60,000 Total 300 466,000 Sources: VHB, City of Ocoee, Raftelis; Notes: Area represents total gross building area (Raftelis estimate) Including the planned 7,000 (net) square feet of commercial/retail space, the Project reflects a density of 25 units per acre and a building floor area ratio (“FAR”) of 0.751. The Project is also located Target Area 1 of the District which includes the properties bordered by Colonial Drive (“SR 50”), Marshall Farms Road, Maguire Road, and Florida’s Turnpike. This area’s expected development focuses on commercial land uses, such as offices, lodging, food services, and retail. A key component of the planned development of this area is the extension of Old Winter Garden Road which would be facilitated by the Project. 1.3. Purpose of Report and Intended Users This analysis was requested by the City (“Client”) for the purpose of estimating the likely incremental ad valorem tax collections created as a result of the development of the Project. This Report is intended for the exclusive use of the Client and any other designated representatives of the Client. No reproduction, publication, distribution, or other use of this Report for other than its stated purpose is authorized without prior consent of the Client and Raftelis. 1.4. Principal Sources of Information The principal sources of information utilized for this assignment are references or noted throughout this Report. The Client or other individuals did not deny access to any data deemed essential for this Report. Data collection for this analysis involved a variety of public sources of information that are deemed reliable, however, Raftelis does not provide any guarantees of the accuracy of the data. 1.5. Assumptions and Limiting Conditions Assumptions and limiting conditions of this Report are provided in Appendix A. 1 Excludes the planned dedication of 1.58 acres for Old Winter Garden Road. Page 355 of 373 The Regency at Ocoee / TIF Projection 3 © 2023 Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc. 1.6. Rounding of Estimated Values Estimates of value derived from analyses contained in this Report have inherent variation and are not intended to reflect precise calculations. Table 1.1 provides guidelines for rounding estimates contained in this Report. Table 1-2: Rounding Estimated Values Amount Estimated Rounded to Nearest $0 – 5,000 $100 $2,001 - 50,000 $1,000 $20,001 – 500,000 $10,000 $500,001 – 50,000,000 $100,000 Over $50,000,000 $1,000,000 Page 356 of 373 The Regency at Ocoee / TIF Projection 4 © 2023 Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc. [Page intentionally blank] Page 357 of 373 The Regency at Ocoee / TIF Projection 5 © 2023 Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc. 2. Property Tax Projection 2.1. Property Value in Florida The intent of “just valuation” (“Just Value2” or “JV”) under the laws of the state of Florida is to reflect a value for real property that is equivalent to a fair market value (“FMV”). Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) Revenue Ruling (“Rev. Rul.”) 59-60, 1959-1, C.B. 237, along with Treasury Regulations § 25.2512–1 and § 20.231-1 defines Fair Market Value as: “The value of the property is the price at which such property would change hands between a willing buyer and a willing seller, neither being under any compulsion to buy or to sell, and both having reasonable knowledge of relevant facts.” IRS Rev. Rul. 59-60 further states… “…in addition that the hypothetical buyer and seller are assumed to be able, as well as being willing, to trade and to be well informed about the property and concerning the market for such property.” Fair Market Value as defined for this report therefore includes the following assumptions: 1. A hypothetical buyer and seller are both willing, and thus interested in the transaction, and are able to enter into a transaction, implying a hypothetical buyer has sufficient funds and seller has sufficient rights; 2. A hypothetical buyer is prudent, implying a rational buyer, and is considered to be a “financial” and not a “strategic” buyer; 3. Even though a willing buyer and willing seller are hypothetical, they are presumed to be dedicated to achieving their individual maximum economic advantage, but absent any compulsion to buy or sell; 4. Both parties are assumed to understand the industry and other economic conditions and their effects on the subject property in a sale of a majority ownership in the subject property; 5. A hypothetical buyer is assumed to represent an independent third party; and 6. A hypothetical sale will be for cash. Fair Market Value is considered the appropriate standard of value because it reflects the value of the subject property as if traded freely in a competitive and open market between independent parties. In arriving at just valuation as required under s. 4, Art. VII of the State Constitution, the Orange County Property Appraiser shall take into consideration the following factors3 (emphasis added): (1) The present cash value of the property, which is the amount a willing purchaser would pay a willing seller, exclusive of reasonable fees and costs of purchase, in cash or the immediate equivalent thereof in a transaction at arm’s length; 2 “Just Value is a properties market value”, Florida Department of Revenue 3 Section 193.011, Florida Statutes (2021) Page 358 of 373 The Regency at Ocoee / TIF Projection 6 © 2023 Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc. (2) The highest and best use to which the property can be expected to be put in the immediate future and the present use of the property, taking into consideration the legally permissible use of the property, including any applicable judicial limitation, local or state land use regulation, or historic preservation ordinance, and any zoning changes, concurrency requirements, and permits necessary to achieve the highest and best use, and considering any moratorium imposed by executive order, law, ordinance, regulation, resolution, or proclamation adopted by any governmental body or agency or the Governor when the moratorium or judicial limitation prohibits or restricts the development or improvement of property as otherwise authorized by applicable law. The applicable governmental body or agency or the Governor shall notify the property appraiser in writing of any executive order, ordinance, regulation, resolution, or proclamation it adopts imposing any such limitation, regulation, or moratorium; (3) The location of said property; (4) The quantity or size of said property; (5) The cost of said property and the present replacement value of any improvements thereon; (6) The condition of said property; (7) The income from said property; and (8) The net proceeds of the sale of the property, as received by the seller, after deduction of all of the usual and reasonable fees and costs of the sale, including the costs and expenses of financing, and allowance for unconventional or atypical terms of financing arrangements. When the net proceeds of the sale of any property are utilized, directly or indirectly, in the determination of just valuation of realty of the sold parcel or any other parcel under the provisions of this section, the property appraiser, for the purposes of such determination, shall exclude any portion of such net proceeds attributable to payments for household furnishings or other items of personal property. The method for indicating a Just Value for all property within a county generally involves a process of valuing a universe of properties as of a given date using standard methodology, employing common data, and allowing for statistical testing (“Mass Appraisal”)4. It would not be realistic for a Property Appraiser to develop individual appraisals for each parcel of improved or vacant land – there are more than 473,000 parcels in Orange County (“County”) alone (2021). Thus, Mass Appraisal is a process required to more manageably appraise a very large set or properties. Mass Appraisal can also have the effect of creating consistency among property classes and reducing minute individual variances that may be observed in some market transactions. For example, it is common to leverage a statistically significant number of market transactions for a residential subdivision that qualify as arms-length to indicate a FMV per square foot and apply that value to all properties within that same subdivision based on like size, configuration, construction quality, etc. The consistent application of observed market transactions for like property is common in appraisal practice. Generally, because residential properties 1) can account for 80-90% of the universe of vacant and improved parcels, 2) are highly homogeneous, and 3) represent a significant volume of qualified sales, Mass Appraisal is a very effective appraisal process for the residential, home-owner market. The opposite of the same reasons above (i.e., only 10-20% of parcels, highly unique, and limited market transactions that could be used to define a specific class of non-residential property), can make a Mass Appraisal process less effective for non- residential or for-rent residential property. This is especially evident in situations where new development does not have an existing market precedent. This is a common issue, for example, when appraising “hotel” 4 Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice, 2020-21. Page 359 of 373 The Regency at Ocoee / TIF Projection 7 © 2023 Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc. properties that can have a very wide range of different classes (e.g., budget, extended stay, limited service, select service, full service, boutique, luxury) under that single non-residential use. However, if the market doesn’t currently have an existing property within a particular class, the Mass Appraisal process is likely to assign value using expected “norms” that may not reflect FMV. This is also a common occurrence for office and apartment markets. However, in lieu of observed market transactions, Property Appraisers are required to consider the FMV in the context of the income generated by the property, which should compensate for not having an existing precedent. But, even without existing market transactions (qualified sales) for a particular property type (e.g., Class-A Apartments), the underlying approach in the valuation process can be inadequate to reflect a FMV of non-residential property because Property Appraisers generally continue to apply “norms” to value (e.g., value per apartment). 2.2. Market Transactions As discussed in the previous section, observed market transactions generally reflect unambiguous values that could be considered relevant measures of FMV, if these completed transactions are comparable to the proposed Projects. Table 2-1 provides a list of recent market transactions for apartment properties recently constructed and located in the County, reflecting an average market value of $348,600 per unit. Table 2-1: Recent Orange County Transactions Cost by Component Sale Date Units Price/Unit Arcadia at Dr Phillips Jun-21 394 $291,878 IMT Lakehouse Dec-21 299 429,933 The Westerly Nov-21 352 350,852 The Avenue on Oakland Dec-21 342 307,018 Luma Headwaters Aug-21 328 291,159 Sur Lake Buena Vista May-22 296 369,088 The Lodge at Hamlin Nov-21 250 359,200 Berkshire Winter Park Jun-21 310 275,806 Eden Ruby Lake Jun-22 204 752,696 Kestra Jun-21 280 285,000 Veer Apartments May-21 250 274,000 Seven41 Winter Park Nov-21 222 340,090 Weighted Average $348,600 Sources: Florida Department of Revenue, Orange County Property Appraiser, downloaded 5/15/2023 Our research limited observed transactions to include the following: 1) Multi-family Mid-rise property use, 2) built between 2020 and 2021, 3) qualified property sales between 2021 and 2022, 4) developments with units between 200 and 400, and 5) unit density (units per acre) between 10 and 75. These transactions provide a comparison of market values for properties within the same geography (County) and similar scale (number of units). In theory, these qualified market transactions reflect the most appropriate measure of FMV. Page 360 of 373 The Regency at Ocoee / TIF Projection 8 © 2023 Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc. 2.3. Property Appraiser Values While not all downtown/urban markets are equal relative to market values for property, they can provide appropriate comparisons considering observed market value or Just Value that should be driven by top-line revenue or market rents. Observations of the just value of properties in Orange County provide significant insight into potential market values of the Projects once completed, particularly from a property appraisal perspective because: 1) the Orange County Property Appraiser appropriately uses income as a means of valuing property and 2) there are more examples of this specific type of product in well-developed downtown markets. Table 2-2 provides the final 2022 just value for the same recent property transactions. Table 2-2: 2022 Just Values (Mid-rise Apartments) Cost by Component Units JV/Unit Density JV/Unit Arcadia at Dr Phillips 394 $273,551 22 $6.1 M IMT Lakehouse 299 355,691 12 4.4 M The Westerly 352 299,919 13 4.0 M The Avenue on Oakland 342 285,635 21 6.0 M Luma Headwaters 328 262,070 21 5.6 M Sur Lake Buena Vista 296 274,465 28 7.6 M The Lodge at Hamlin 250 319,042 14 4.4 M Berkshire Winter Park 310 253,219 52 13.2 M Eden Ruby Lake 204 335,603 12 4.1 M Kestra 280 232,756 25 5.7 M Veer Apartments 250 255,998 25 6.4 M Seven41 Winter Park 222 283,009 54 15.2 M Weighted Average $284,500 25 $5.7 M Sources: Florida Department of Revenue, Orange County Property Appraiser, downloaded 5/15/2023 While the Just Value for the same properties is lower than observed market transactions (81.6%), it supports the appropriate application of an income approach to estimate property value. The likely difference between Just Value (“JV”) and market transactions can arise from timing relative to the valuation process as well as maintaining consistency across a class of properties. Therefore, for the purpose of this analysis, we have valued the proposed Projects consistent with the requirements of Florida Statutes using an income approach based on proposed market rents consistent with mid-rise apartments in downtown markets. This approach basically reduces gross income by reasonable operating expenses, depreciation, interest, and taxes to produce a net income that is capitalized using market rates. 2.4. Project Pro Forma The income approach in valuing property is based on an appraisal principal of anticipation and the premise that the FMV of a property is the present value (“PV”) of the anticipated future economic benefits of owning the property. The underlying principle in this approach is that buyers invest in or acquire ownership in certain types of commercial property with the expectation of receiving anticipated future economic benefits. This Page 361 of 373 The Regency at Ocoee / TIF Projection 9 © 2023 Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc. approach is relevant when the property being valued generates or is anticipated to generate economic benefits in the form of net income, profits, or free cash flows that benefit a future owner. The capitalization method for valuing property basically divides expected annual net income at the discretion of an owner by an appropriate capitalization rate (capitalization of cash flow or “CCF”). CCF provides a relatively non-complex method to use for valuing property based on expected cash flow available to a buyer. A comparatively lower capitalization rate would indicate less risk associated with an investment and a comparatively higher cap rate for a property might indicate more risk. An anticipated pro forma for the Project initially requires consideration for gross revenues. Table 2-3 provides estimates of total gross revenues (2023) based on the planned mix of residential product. Table 2-3: Residential Rent Roll (Current Dollars) Cost by Component Units Monthly Total Studio 20 $1,400 $340,000 1-bedroom 112 2,140 2,900,000 2-bedroom 136 2,670 4,400,000 3-beddroom 32 2,810 1,100,000 Total 300 $8,740,000 Sources: Raftelis; Notes: Estimate Annual gross revenues of $8,740,000 represents approximately a $2.00 per square foot per month average rent rate. The commercial (retail) space is expected to reflect a gross rent rate of $30 per square foot. Total net income for the Project is estimated by adding and deducting the following components: 1) Annual vacancy or collection losses; 2) Ancillary property income; 3) Operating expenses; and 4) Other miscellaneous income. After adjustments, the residential component of the Project is expected to generate $6,100,000 in net income (see Table 2-4). Page 362 of 373 The Regency at Ocoee / TIF Projection 10 © 2023 Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc. Table 2-4: Estimated Apartment Income Value Cost by Component Units Monthly Percent Total Potential gross revenue $8,740,000 $29,133 Vacancy/collection loss less 700,000 8.00% 2,333 Effective gross income = 8,040,000 26,800 Ancillary income plus 160,000 2.00% 533 Adjusted gross income = 8,200,000 27,333 Expenses less 2,100,000 25.00% 7,000 Net operating = 6,100,000 20,333 Miscellaneous income plus - - Total net income = $6,100,000 $20,333 Total capitalized income value $85,300,000 7.15% $284,333 TPP amount less 1,700,000 2.00% 5,667 Additional value plus - - Total miscellaneous adjustment (+/-) - - Residential Income Value $83,600,000 $278,667 Sources: Raftelis; Notes: Estimate Using a capitalization rate of 7.15% results in a total income value of $85,300,000 for the apartments. Deducting an estimated value for tangible personal property (“TPP”) of $1,700,000 results in an expected real property value (including land) of $83,600,000 or $278,667 per unit. The commercial (retail) space is expected to add an additional $1,200,000 in capitalized value. Assuming annual gross income of $210,000 and approximately 45% net income at a 7.15% capitalization rate. Total developed property value including both residential and commercial uses (land and buildings) represents $86,700,000 or approximately $5,825,000 per acre (see Appendix B). 2.5. Projected TIF Revenue In 1969, the Florida Legislature enacted Part III, Ch. 163 of the Florida Statutes, which granted local governments the power to set up redevelopment agencies (“CRA”) in their community. The legislature’s goal was and remains to encourage neighborhood revitalization and redevelopment in downtown, urban areas and to provide maximum opportunities for private enterprise to participate in the revitalization of designated areas. The act allows a CRA to annually capture and spend 95% of the incremental increase in ad valorem tax revenues resulting from redevelopment. The tax increment is measured as the increase in real property taxes from the difference between the taxes generated before (“Base Value”) and after the investment in the redevelopment of real property. The Base Value of the Project should be established using 2006 taxable property values (see Table 2-5). Page 363 of 373 The Regency at Ocoee / TIF Projection 11 © 2023 Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc. Table 2-5: Project Base Value Parcel Number 2006 Value 2022 Value Acres 30-22-28-0000-00-016 $4,335 $1,341,680 10.84 30-22-28-0000-00-059 7,279 327,298 2.60 30-22-28-0000-00-016 86,528 355,296 3.24 TOTAL $98,142 $2,024,274 16.68 Source: Orange County Property Appraiser; Orange County Tax Collector The Project is located within the CRA which allows the City to capture 95% of the incremental ad valorem tax revenues that would be created by the planned redevelopment. The CRA would capture the incremental ad valorem collections only from the City and County approved taxes which total 9.3847 mils (as of the date of this Report). The planned development program is therefore expected to generate annual 95% incremental tax revenue at initial buildout of $776,096 (see Table 2-3 and Appendix B) from its current value. Table 2-6: Incremental Ad Valorem Collections Cost by Component Base New Change Real and tangible property just value $98,142 $86,700,000 $86,601,258 (less) Exemptions - - - Real and tangible taxable value 98,142 86,700,000 86,601,258 Millage rate (per $1,000 value) 9.3847 9.3847 - County and City ad valorem collections 921 813,653 812,732 Incremental ad valorem collections @95% $776,096 Sources: Raftelis; Notes: Estimate Assuming property values in the market increase at an annual rate of 1.75%, this annual contribution of incremental tax revenues would be expected to continue more than $11,000,000 to support the CRA’s Vision plan through 2036. If the City extended the sunset of the District to 2046, the cumulative contribution from the Project would be expected at more than $20,400,000 (see Appendix B). [Remaining page blank] Page 364 of 373 The Regency at Ocoee / TIF Projection 12 © 2023 Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc. [Page intentionally blank] Page 365 of 373 The Regency at Ocoee / TIF Projection A-1 © 2023 Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc. APPENDIX A: Assumptions and Limiting Conditions Page 366 of 373 The Regency at Ocoee / TIF Projection A-2 © 2023 Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc. 1. All assumptions are listed in the description of the analyses used to estimate potential property values. 2. No responsibility is assumed for legal matters, nor is any opinion on the title rendered herewith. It is assumed that the title to the property is good and marketable. 3. No survey of the property was included in this analysis and, unless specifically stated, assumed there are no encroachments involved. 4. The sketches and maps in this Report are included to assist the reader in visualizing the property and are not necessarily to scale or depict all items above or below ground. 5. It is assumed that the property is in full compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local environmental regulations and laws unless non-compliance is stated, defined, and considered in this Report. 6. It is assumed that all applicable zoning and land use regulations and restrictions have been complied with, unless non-conformity has been stated, defined, and considered in this Report. 7. It is assumed that all required permits, licenses, certificates of occupancy, consents, easements, and other legislative or administrative authority from any local, state, or national government or public entity or organization have been or can be obtained or renewed. 8. All applicable agreements, developer agreements or other utility-related agreements are assumed to be fully disclosed or provided and therefore have been considered as part of this Report. 9. Proposed improvements, if any, on or off-site, as well as any repairs required, are considered to be completed in a good and workmanlike manner. 10. Responsible ownership and competent management are assumed. 11. It is assumed that there are no hidden or unapparent conditions of the property, soil, or structures which would render it more or less valuable. Further, unless otherwise stated in this Report, the existence of hazardous material or any other environmental problems or conditions, which may or may not be present on the property, was not observed or disclosed. We have no knowledge of the existence of such materials or conditions on or in such close proximity that it would cause a loss in value. We, however, did not search to detect such substances or conditions. The presence of substances such as asbestos, urea formaldehyde foam insulation, radon, or other potentially hazardous materials which could have an adverse effect on the value of the property were not observed or detected in our inspections. The value estimate is predicated on the assumption that there is no such material or condition on or in the property that would cause a loss in value. No responsibility is assumed for any such conditions, or for any expertise or knowledge required to discover them. 12. No responsibility is assumed for the absence or presence of any endangered species on this property. This appraisal assumes that there are no endangered species which would prevent, restrict, or adversely affect any transfer, development, or improvement. 13. No impact studies and/or special market, or feasibility analysis or studies have been required or made unless otherwise specified. We reserve the right to alter, amend, revise, or rescind any of the statements, findings, opinion, value estimates, or conclusions contained herein if any of these studies require it. 14. Certain data used in compiling this report was furnished from sources which we consider reliable; however, we do not guarantee the correctness of such data, although so far as possible, we have checked and/or verified the same and believe it to be accurate. 15. Possession of this Report, or copy thereof, does not carry with it the right of publication, nor may it be used for any purpose by anyone except for the client without the prior written consent of the client and in any event, only in it’s entirely and with proper qualification. Page 367 of 373 The Regency at Ocoee / TIF Projection A-3 © 2023 Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc. 16. Neither all nor any part of the contents of this report shall be conveyed to the public through advertising, public relations, news, sales, or other media without the written consent and approval of the author excepting appropriate Freedom of Information Act requests. 17. Acceptance of, and/or use of, this Report constitutes acceptance of the above conditions and assumptions. [Remaining page blank] Page 368 of 373 The Regency at Ocoee / TIF Projection A-4 © 2023 Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc. Page 369 of 373 The Regency at Ocoee / TIF Projection B-1 © 2023 Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc. APPENDIX B: Financial Models Page 370 of 373 The Regency at Ocoee / TIF Projection B-2 © 2023 Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc. PROJECT MARKET (JUST) VALUES Units Sq Ft Market Value Value/SF Land Area 635,540 9,900,000$ 15.50 FAR (Gross)0.68 Structure and Building area Residential 300 362,100 70,700,000$ 195.25$ Commercial (Retail and Office)7,000 1,100,000 157.14 Other: Other area and special features 65,900 3,300,000 50.00 Structured Parking - - - - Subtotal other structure and building area 65,900 3,300,000$ 50.08 Total Real Property 435,000 85,000,000$ 195.40$ Tangible Property 2%1,700,000 Total Value 86,700,000$ Real Property Market Value per acre 5,825,908$ 5/15/2023 PROJECT INCREMENTAL TAX CALCULATION Real and Tangible Property Values Total Market (Just) Values 98,142$ 86,700,000$ 86,601,858$ (less) Limits/Exemptions - - - Total Taxable Values 98,142$ 86,700,000$ 86,601,858$ County and City Taxes Rate Orange County 4.4347 mils 435$ 384,488$ 384,053$ City of Ocoee 4.9500 mils 486 429,165 428,679 Downtown Development - mils - - - Other County - mils - - - TOTAL AD VALOREM 921$ 813,653$ 812,732$ TOTAL @ 95%772,971$ 772,096$ 5/15/2023 Total IncrementNew ProgramCurrent (Base) Page 371 of 373 The Regency at Ocoee / TIF Projection B-3 © 2023 Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc. PROJECT ANNUAL INCREMENTAL TAXES CAGR=1.5% Year 2024 921$ 780,000$ 779,079$ 750,000$ 810,000$ 2025 921 790,000 789,079 760,000 820,000 2026 921 800,000 799,079 770,000 830,000 2027 921 810,000 809,079 780,000 840,000 2028 921 820,000 819,079 780,000 860,000 2029 921 830,000 829,079 790,000 870,000 2030 921 840,000 839,079 800,000 880,000 2031 921 850,000 849,079 810,000 890,000 2032 921 860,000 859,079 810,000 910,000 2033 921 870,000 869,079 820,000 920,000 2034 921 880,000 879,079 830,000 930,000 2035 921 890,000 889,079 840,000 950,000 2036 921 900,000 899,079 840,000 960,000 2037 921 910,000 909,079 850,000 970,000 2038 921 920,000 919,079 860,000 990,000 2039 921 930,000 929,079 860,000 1,000,000 2040 921 940,000 939,079 870,000 1,010,000 2041 921 950,000 949,079 880,000 1,020,000 2042 921 960,000 959,079 890,000 1,040,000 2043 921 970,000 969,079 890,000 1,050,000 2044 921 980,000 979,079 900,000 1,070,000 2045 921 990,000 989,079 910,000 1,080,000 2046 921 1,000,000 999,079 910,000 1,090,000 2024-2046 20,448,816$ 19,200,000$ 21,790,000$ 2024-2036 10,908,027$ 10,380,000$ 11,470,000$ Low HighCurrent (Base)Total Program Total Tax Increment Total Tax Increment Page 372 of 373