Ocoee Commission Chambers
I North Bluford Avenue
Ocoee, Florida
MARCH 7,2023 MINUTES 5:00 PM
Chair Johnson called the Community Redevelopment Agency Board to order at 5:00 PM in the
Commission Chambers of City Hall. City Clerk Sibbitt called roll and declared a quorum present.
Roll Call: Chair Johnson, Vice -Chair Wilsen, Member Brinson, Member Firstner, Member
Koovakada, and Member June
Absent: Member Oliver
Also Present: City Manager Frank,, Assistant City Manager Shadrix, City Attorney Cookson, and
City Clerk Sibbitt
No speaker reservation forms Ttere received
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Member Oliver absent.
Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless explained the proposed
budget amendment resolution before them. Her presentation provided an update on the increase to
the budget, which accounts would be assigned to those tax increment revenues, recommended
changes by the City's auditor to award grants and incentives from an operating account and not a
capital account, and renaming of an existing capital line item.
CRA Annual Regular Meeting 03-07-2023 Page 1
Chair Johnson inquired about the budget details for the plants in the medians. Deputy
Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless addressed his question.
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Member Oliver absent.
Redevelopment Program Manager Vaca presented the 2022 Annual Report to the Board, and
asked for a motion to approve the report and direct the transmittal to Orange County.
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• Motion carried 6-0 with Member Oliver •
Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless updated the Board with
the current projects.
A) Wellness Park Update — The park is 98% complete. The ribbon cutting was held on February
14, 2023, and there is an upcoming Wellness Block Party scheduled for March 25, 2023.
B) S. Bluford Avenue Complete Street is Old Winter Garden Road to Delaware Street. Currently
the survey, right-of-way, and preliminary engineering is complete. The final engineering
stages should begin this month.
C) N. Blackwood Avenue Streetscape is still in the process of acquiring remaining easements
for the roundabout, working with Duke Energy on lighting and waiting on City Center.
D) Maguire Road Phase 5 — The CRA is currently coordinating with the Public Works
Department to receive an engineering update where discussions will be held with the
Engineer of Record.
E) CRA Redevelopment Plan — The scope of work and proposal was approved by the City
Commission on February 7, 2023. There will be meetings beginning in March, and the
process will take approximately one (1) year. The CRA is looking at enclaves and time
Deputy Development Services Director/CRA Administrator Corless announced the next
meeting is scheduled for June 6 th ; and further shared, there will be Special Meetings and
Workshops scheduled throughout the year just for the Redevelopment Plan.
Vice -Chair Wilsen inquired about the roundabouts on Maine Street and Geneva Street, and asked
which roundabout would be developed first. Deputy Development Services Director/CRA
Administrator Corless addressed her question. Member June inquired about the right -a -ways
on Geneva Street, Chair Johnson inquired about the cornpletion timeline, and Member Brinson
inquired about the cost for the project. Deputy Development Services Director/CRA
Administrator Corless addressed their questions. General questions were addressed on the CRA
boundary and the enclaves near the Healthcare District.
CRA Annual Regular Meeting 03-07-2023 Page 2
Board Comments - None
The meeting was adjourned at 5:23 PM
Melanie Sibbitt, Secretary
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