HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-26-2023 MinutesMinutes of the Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Police Department Regular Meeting Held January 26, 2023 CALL TO ORDER Vice Chair Brown called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM, in the Commission Chambers of Ocoee Citv Hall, located at 1 North Bluford Avenue, Ocoee, FL 34761. Member Brown led the Pledge of Allegiance and led the Invocation. Recording Clerk Maldonado called roll and declared a quorum present. PRESENT Member Lewis, Braunskill, Brown, Holt, Meeks, Moyer, and Mellen Also present. Sergeant Beck, and Recording Clerk Maldonado ABSENT Member Garone NEW BUSINESS A. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM THE MARCH 24, 2022, MEETING: Member Brown made a motion to approve the March 242022 minutes, seconded by Member Lewis The motion carried unanimously. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM THE MAY 26, 2022, MEETING: Member Brown made a motion to approve the Mat26 2022 minutes seconded by Member Lewis. The motion carried unanmousdy APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM THE JUNE 23, 2022, SPECIAL MEETING: Member Brown made a motion to approve the June 23 2022 minutes seconded by Member Lewis The motion carried ipianpnoush. B. BOARD OFFICER APPOINTMENTS Member Lewis nominated himself for chairperson seconded by Member Braunskill. Vice Chair Brown opened the vote to the Board The motion carried unanimously. Member Lewis nominated Member Brown for Vice -Chair seconded by Member Mover The vote was opened to the Board The motion carried unanimously. CACOPD Regular Meeting January 26, 2023 C. FINANCIAL REPORTS AND BUDGET DISCUSSION Sergeant Prince provided an update on the $2,000.00 for the annual budget that covers October 1" thm September 301h. Member Brown asked about the tent cost. Sergeant Prince provided an estimated $790.00 plus fees associated with production which would total $900.00, the tablecloth cost of $150.00-$200.00, and noted that consideration would need to be made for the cost of any other promotional items. D. QUARTERLY AWARDS ALLOWANCE Sergeant Prince reminded the Board about the total of the award gift cards of $500.00 if no increase is made. He also asked for consideration to increase the amount from $50.00 to $75.00, or $100.00, for the Officer of the Year and Civilian of the Year. Member Meeks made a motion to have awards presented at the "Night of Excellence" Event seconded by Member Mellen. The motion carried unanimously. Member Meeks made a motion to give the $50. 00-dollar gdt cards for Officer of the Quarter and Civilian of the Quarter increase to $100. 00-dollar gift cards for Officer of the Year and Civilian of the Year, with a total amount for the 10-gift cards to be $600 00; seconded be• Member Mellen. The motion carried unanimously Member Mellen made a motion to keen the current logo and place an order to get merchandise for promotions seconded by Member Holt The motion carried unanimously The Board discussed promotional items. Member Mover made a motion for himself to research the canopy and tent seconded by Member Lewis The motion carried unanimously. DEPARTMENT UPDATE UPDATES OF EVENTS Sergeant Prince provided all the details of upcoming events for the Police Department: The Picnic event in May, National Night Out, Police Teen Academy, Casting with a Cop, Trunk or Treat which will be coordinated with the Parks and Recreation Department and held at the Jim Beach Center, Christmas Event, Stuff the Police Car, Operation Blue Santa, Shop with a Cop, Toy Give away for the Ocoee kids in need, Blue Jay Way Clean Up Program, and Chiefs Night Out. Sergeant Beck provided all the details of upcoming events for the Community Affairs division: Pizza with the Police, Valentine's Day Event for Seniors, Crossing Guard Awards, Polar Plunge at Aquatics, Tip -a -Cop, Ocoee Music Festival, Healthy West Orange ribbon cutting, and the Healthy West Orange Event. The Police and Safety Academy will start in April. Sergeant Prince provided current organizational information for the Police Department which included a Victim & Witness Advocate. The Ocoee Police department has a total of 107 employees and is budgeted for 130. CACOPD Regular Meeting January 26, 2023 Commissioner Brinson addressed the Board to make his final remarks as Liaison and Commissioner for District 1. He stated he was very happy with the work that the CACOPD Board members accomplished during his four-year term, and the consideration of his input toward that effort. COMMENTS / QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC None ADJOURNMENT Declared at 8:51 PM. ATTEST: Recording Clerk APPROVED: Chairperson