HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-27-2023 MinutesCITY OF OCOEE r• • •. June 27, 2023 CALL TO ORDER Chair Odom called the Code Enforcement Board regular meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall located at 1 N Bluford Ave, Ocoee, Florida. INVOCATION: Member Schultz initiated the moment of silence. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Member Mann led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. flag. .. .present. PRESENT: Chair Odom & Members: Lewis, Mann, Brennan, & Schultz Also present: Board Attorney Skip Fowler, Acting Support Services Director Doug Gaines, Code Enforcement Clerk Justin Mieras, and Code Enforcement Officer Loeffler ABSENT: Member Bandur SWEARING OF OFFICERS / WITNESSES: Code Enforcement Clerk Mieras administered the oath to the Code Enforcement Officers and to anyone intending to speak regarding a case. CONSENTr LISTEDALL MATTERS UNDER THE CONSENTAGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE BY THE CODEENFORCEMENT BOARD AND WILL BE ACTED UPON BY ONE i ; NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF DISCUSSIONDESIRED : . MEMBER OF THE :+err IN WHICH CASE• BOARD CLERK A. MINUTES: April 25, 2023, Code Enforcement Board Meeting. DISMISSAL OR • Assistant SupportDirector Doug Gaines presented the dismissals and compliances. OFFICER LOEFFLER 1 1004 ALDANE CT HOBARTBARBARA ANNE Property in Compliance OFFICER LOEFFLER 1 916 MARLENE DR RICH \RD MICHELLE Property in Compliance C. ORDER OF CONTINUANCE: None. Member Mann, seconded by Member Lewis, moved that the consent agenda be accepted as presented. Motion carried unanimously. f Summary: §6-4.H.(6)(b) —Trailers of all types shall not be parked or stored for more than 48 hoursinaresidential district unless U is located behind the front yard building line and screened with a six-foot high opaque fence with gate. §5l-1I—|tshall be a violation to do work related to construction without first obtaining a permit. §115-3.A.(3) — No person shall allow or allow to remain any Junk or Debris classified as a nuisance or menace to public health, safety and welfare. §6-4.H.(6)(6J—Trailer (8oat) Parked / Stored Prohibited Location § 51-13. — Metal Shed / Storage Building (Front Drive Way) Without Required Permit. § 115-3.A.(3). — Tall Weeds and Grass with Piles of Junk, Debris, Dead Limbs. Officer Loeffler presented the case and gave its history. He further explained that as of June 27, 2023, the property is still in non-compliance. The City asked for an Order of Compliance by July 12, 2023, or thereafter to be fined $50.00 per day, per violation, until found in compliance. Member Mann, seconded by Member Lewi :s, moved that in Case #2023-01081, the respondent be Lound in violation as cited as o0une 06,2023, and be given untilJuIV 1Z 2023, to come into compliance orbe fined$50.00 perday, per violation, until found in compliance. Motion carried unanimousl . OFFICER DIAZ _F 106 LYLE ST _T JANE P GONZALES Violation Cited: § 115-3.A.(3) § 115-3.A.(3) — No person shall allow or allow to remain any Junk or Debris classified as a nuisance or menace to public I health, safety, and welfare. § 115-3.A.(3) — Accumulation of trash and debris throughout the property. Complaint received resident bahoarder, rats infesting the property Assistant Support Services Director Doug Gaines explained that as of June 26, 2023, the property is in compliance. No further action requested. 2|Pag,e OFFICER 8OlR|LYNNK8EYER I | | SULLIVAN ANAyE LARRY MEYER I Summary: § 6-4.H.(6)(b) —Trailers of all types shall not be parked or stored for more than 48 hours in a residential district unless it is located behind the front yard building line and screened with a six-foot high opaque fence with a gate. §108-23.{l.—Accessory structures. Garages, storage buildings, and all other accessory structures shall bemaintained and kept ingood repair and sound structural condition. § 115-3.A.(3) — No person shall allow or allow to remain any Junk or Debris classified as a nuisance or menace to public health, safety, and welfare. §115-3.8.—Noperson shall allow orpermit excessive growth, ten inches ormore onproperty owned, ofweeds, grass, undergrowth, orother dead orliving plant life. §115-3.C. — No person shall allow their pool to become or remain in an abandoned, unsafe, or unsanitary condition. § 6-4.H.(6)(G—Trailer Parked inThe Front Yard §1OD-23�i—Unsafe Deteriorated Fence inThe Backyard Exposing Unsafe/Dirty SvvmnningPoo| § 11G-3^A.(])—Trash/Debris egMetals onThe Ground inThe Front Yard §115-3.B.—Property Overgrown inThe Backyard and Front Yard §115-3.C. — Unprotected and Dirty/Unsanitary Pool Without Screen Enclosure Assistant Support Services Director Doug Gaines explained that as of June 26, 2023, the property is in compliance. No further action requested. | OFF|CERN]DRkGUEZ | O3OHAMMOCKS DR EDNA8LANEYREVOCABLE TRUST I | Summary: §165-4.A.&B.(1)(a). —Anyvehide left parked in the same place continuously upon any public property for e period of 48hours shall beconsidered for the purpose ofthis chapter asabandoned. |tshall beprima facie evidence that amotor vehicle is non -operating if one or more of the following conditions exist: The absence of currently registered license plate on a vehicle unless such vehicle is not required to have a licensed plate. Respondent Victoria Laney explained the property is in compliance and expanded on her efforts to remove the vehicle from the property. Assistant Support Services Director Doug Gaines explained that as of June 26, 2023, the property is in compliance. No further action requested. 3|Pa8e Violation Cited: §108-19^A. Summary: §1UD-l9.A.—Every plumbing fixture and water and vvoate pipe shall be properly installed and maintained in good sanitary working condition, free from defects, leaks and obstructions. Observation: §108-19.A. — Leaks In The Bathroom Area Respondent Phx|UmTeresi explained she has applied for the permit and is in the final stage of approval. She has plumbers contracted to complete the repairs once the permit is approved and they expect the work to take about a week. Assistant Support Services Director Doug Gaines explained the respondent has been working with the city and requested an extension. The City proposed an extension to July 24, 2023, Member Mann, seconded by Member Lewis, moved that in Case #2023-00065, the Board extends the Order Requiring Compliance date to July 24, 2023. Motion carried. OFFICER LOEFFLER 1 476 LITTLE ROCK ST VARD WALLS § 51-13. — It shall be a violation to do work related to construction without first obtaining a permit. §108-24.D. — prohibits use of a residential property for the storage of any abandoned motor vehicle, ice box, refrigerator, stove, glass, building material, building rubbish or similar items §143-27.A. — requires garbage carts to be placed on side yards or rear yards and screened from view to the extent practicable during non -pickup times. Observation: §51-13. — Side Of House Lean -To Structure Not Permitted And In Violation Of Set -Back Requirements. §108-24.D. — Property Littered With Junk, Debris, Tires, Scrap, Chained Tires, 55ga|Burn Barrel, Rubble Etc. §143-27.A. —Waste Cans Stored In Prohibited Location. Officer Loeffler explained that as of June 26, 2023, the property is still in non-compliance for §51-13. The City asked for an Order Imposing Fine, Member Mann moved that in Case #2023-00110, the respondent be found in violation of code as cited as of March 09 2023, and be given until July 12, 2023, to come into compliance or be Lined $25.00 per day until found in compliance. Motion died for lack of a second. Member Mann, seconded by Member Schultz, moved that in Case #2023-00110, the Board extends the Order Requiring Compliance date to July 1Z 2023. Motion carried unanimousl . 4|Peg: ATTEST: Justin Mieras, Code Enforcement Clerk 51 Pa g e