HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 03 Approval of New Appointment to the Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Fire DepartmentMeeting Date: August 1, 2023 Item #: 3 Contact Name: Kathy Heard Department Director: Melanie Sibbitt Contact Number: Ext. 1023 City Manager: Robert Frank Subject: Approval of New Appointment to the Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Fire Department (CACOFD). (City Clerk Sibbitt) Background Summary: The Citizen Advisory Council for Ocoee Fire Department (CACOFD) was first created in 2003 by the Ocoee City Commission for the general purpose of promoting and maintaining a positive relationship between the citizens of the City of Ocoee and the Ocoee Fire Department. Members of the CACOFD serve a three-year term. The CACOFD Bylaws, Article 3 (Membership), allows no more than nine (9) members, and currently the Board has eight (8) members. One application has been received by Jim Washington who has shown an interest in being appointed to the CACOFD for a three-year term ending November 2026. Issue: Should the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners appoint Jim Washington to the CACOFD with a term ending November 2026? Recommendations: Staff respectfully recommends the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners consider appointing Jim Washington to serve on the CACOFD for a term ending November 2026. Attachments: 1. Application 2. Board List Financial Impacts: None Type of Item: Consent City of • •e- a • • _ • t__ Florida 34761 • - (4 90 1i • •-- • a Page 47 of 163 APPLICATION FOR SERVING ON CITY BOARDS Please use this form to apply for appointment to a citizen advisory or quasi-judicial board. Completed applications must be signed and submitted to the Office of the City Clerk, 1 N. Bluford Ave., OcoeeFL 34761 or em ailed to -�, k�� iJ (, I ,= , � , 1, � � , Applications are valid for one (1) year from , the date of submission. Please direct any questions to the Office of the City Clerk, 407-905-3105. 1— kio All submitted applications are public records under Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, and are oper to inspection by all persons, Name (please print) James Washington E-mail Address jfwjr222@gmail.com Home Address 606 Palomas Ave., Ocoee, FIL 34761 Phone 321-440-0959 City Resident at Least 6 Months? E] Yes [:] No City District # 2 When possible, equal representation for all districts shall be maintained on all advisory boards, and the City Commission shall consider the demographic makeup of the board upon making their appointment. Place of Work City of Mount Dora Position Seasonal Plans Examiner Business Address 510 N Baker St. Mount Dora, FL 32757 US Citizen? [Z] Yes [] No Registered Voter? E] Yes 0 No City Employee? 0 Yes [D No Dept. Presently Serve on Quasi-judicial Board? 0 Yes E] No If yes, please describe State low prohibits service on more than one quasi-judicial board or elected/appointed office. Please indicate the board(s) for which you seek appointment by the City Commission. Financial disclosure and/or background checks are required for certain citizen board members; see footnotes. Ft/1 I CitizenAdvisoryCouncil for Fire Dept.' I F] Parks & Recreation Advisory Board' El I Citizen Advisory Council for Police Dept.' I F� Planning & Zoning Commission' Code Enforcement Board' L] Personnel Board Ei General Employees' Retirement Trust Police Officers' and Firefighters' Retirement Trust Fund Board of Trustees' Fund Board of Trustees' Human Relations Diversity Board' Financial disclosure forms must be submitted after appointment to a quasi-judicial board. 2 Background checks are required before a member may participate in public -contact events. Is this for Reappointment? E:]Yes E]No Have Attended at Least 1 Meeting of Requested Board(s)? [:] Yes [E] No You are strongly encouraged to attend at least one meeting of any board for which you seek appointment prior to submitting your application. Page 48 of 163 List any education, experience, and/or skill or civic involvement that would be relevant to serving on a board. Is a Resume Attached? [DYesE]No Experience: Special Knowledge or Skills: Community/Civic Organizations & Involvement: Hobbies or Special Interests: ACKNOWLEDGMENT (Check Below): - -- -------- I understand that in accordance with the Florida Sunshine Law, this information will be available for public review and I waive any objections to such publication. If appointed, I agree to faithfully and fully perform the duties of the Board, make every endeavor to serve my full term, and will comply with all laws or Ordinances of the City, County, and State of Florida. I understand, if appointed, an updated application must be submitted to seek appointment to another advisory board. I understand that Financial disclosure forms must be submitted after appointment to a quasi-judicial board. - ------ -------- STATE REPORTING REQUIREMENTS Section 760.80, F.S., requires the City submit a report annually to the Secretary of State disclosing race, gender, and physical disabilities of board and committee members. Please check the appropriate boxes below: Race Gender Disability _Q African -American 0 Male Physically Disabled _Q Asian- American Female 0 Hispanic -American Native American Caucasian - ------- --------1 ----- - ­ ­.— By my signature below, I attest that the information provided herein is true and correct, and I acknowledge and agree that a backgroundchec will be required when my duties include contact with the public. Signature t",_ Date 07-18-2023 Page 49 of 163 .TAMES (Jim) F. WASHINGTON. R® 606 Palornas Avenue, Ocoee, Florida 34761-2929 (407)656-2731 Cell (321)440-0959 ExDerience City of Mount Dora, Florida (February 14, 2022 through Present) Seasonal Plans Examiner / Inspector. Main duties are the training/mentoring inspectors and plan examiners for the examine building and site plans and inspect for compliance with codes (Building and Fire) and city ordinances. Retired City of Mount Dora, Florida (July 2017 through October 2018) Deputy Building Official/Deputy Fire Marshall for New Construction, manage/train one inspector and two permit tech's, research code issues, examine building and site plans and inspect for compliance with codes (Building and Fire) and city ordinances. City of Port Richie, Florida (October 2016 through November 2016) Building and Zoning Official, manage department for Building, Zoning, Code Enforcement and Floodplain, research and report writing on code issues, examine building and site plans and inspect for compliance with codes and city ordinances. P.D.C.S.. LLC, Orlando Florida (October 2015 through August 2016) Private firm that provides building department services for jurisdictions and school districts. Fill in at different locations as needed due to work load or absentness as Building Official, Plans Examiner or Inspector' City of Ocoee, Florida. (February, 2006 through October 2015) Building (and Zoning) Official, manage a department of ten personnel, research and report writing on code issues, examine building plans and inspect for compliance with codes and city ordinances. Lake County Growth Management, Building Division, Tavares, Florida (February 2004 through February 2006) Plans Examiner 11, examine building plans for compliance of ordinances and state codes. City of Kissimmee, Florida (June 2003 through January 2004) Chief Plans Examiner, supervise two plans Examiner positions and one permit coordinator, examine building plans for compliance with codes and city ordinances. City of Ocoee. Florida. (February, 1990 through April 2003) Building (and Zoning) Official (started as Inspector), manage a department of twelve personnel, research and report writing on code issues, examine building plans and inspect for compliance with codes and city ordinances. City of Ormond Beach, Ormond Beach, Florida. (December, 1989 through February, 1990) Senior Plans Examiner, examine site and building plans for compliance with codes and ordinances. Education/Training Florida State Fire Colleize, Ocala, Florida "Private Fire Protection system 11" April 2004, "Public Information Officer" May 2015 National Fire Academy, Emmitsburg, Maryland "Plans Review for Inspectors" January 1999, "Principles of Fire Protection: Structures & Systems" February 2000, "Code Management: A Systems Approach" January 2001, "Evaluating Performance -Based Designs" February 2006, "Management of Fire Prevention Programs" February 2009, "Demonstrating your Fire Prevention Program's Worth" April 2011, "Overview of Life Safety and Public Policy" (Pilot program) June 2012, "Fire Inspection Principles" February 2013, "Community Risk Reduction: A Policy Approach" May, 2018. Central Florida Fire Academy/Central Florida EmerRencv Services Institute, Orlando, Florida (January, 1989 through 2000). Series of fire safety inspector courses, Mid -Florida Technological, Orlando, Florida, (Spring 1986) Preparation course for Contractors Exam, Valencia Community Colle2e, Orlando, Florida, (1977-1984). General Education Studies. Daytona Beach Community Colleve, Daytona Beach, Florida (1972-73; 1978-79). Law Enforcement Studies; Police Officer Standards and Training Certificate of Compliance; Breathalyzer Technician Training; Tactical Police Driving; Firearm and Explosive Seminar. Licensing State of Florida Building Contractor's License: #CBC037862 State of Florida Fire Safety Inspector 1: #53192 State of Florida Fire Safety Inspector 11: # 192170 State of Florida Fire Investigator 1: # 199497 State of Florida Standard Building Code Administrator: #BU0000153 State of Florida Standard Plans Examiner: #PX0000201 State of Florida Standard Building Inspector: #BN0000433 Certifications International Code Council Certifications: Certified Building Official #5177812-CB, Master Code Professional #5177812-MP, Building Code Official #5177812-136, Electrical Code Official #5177812-136, Mechanical Code Official #5177812-M6, Plumbing Code Official #5177812-P6. Building Plans Examiner #5177812-133, Electrical Plans Examiner #5177812-E3, Mechanical Plans Examiner #5177812-M3, Plumbing Plans Examiner #5177812-P3, Commercial Combination Inspector #5177812-05, Residential Combination Inspector #5177812-R5, Building Inspector #5177812-B5, Standard Coastal Construction Inspector #5177812-C 1, Electrical Inspector #5177812-E5, Commercial Electrical Inspector #5177812-E2, Residential Electrical Inspector #5177812-E1, Mechanical Inspector #5177812-M5, Plumbing Inspector #5177812-P5 Professional Organizations Building Officials Association of Florida, International Code Council, Florida Fire Marshalls and Inspectors Association, Additional Information Eagle Scout (youth), Vigil Order of the Arrow (adult), forty-seven years in Boy Scouting. Twenty-two years in Girl Scouting as Co -Leader Scuba diving. Page 50 of 163 CITIZEN ADVISORY COUNCIL FOR OCOEE FIRE DEPARTMENT Created by Res. #2003-20 on 9/16/2003 amended by Res. #2010-012 & Res. #2022-01 (Up to 9 members but no less than 3 members) Member District Email Term Expires 1. Warren Channell 4 warrcnchannell(ci�vahoo.com Nov 2023 2. Glenn Richardson 2 cappouch(a�aol.com Nov 2024 3. Wayne Vaughn 2 colvau2hn(ckfl.rr.com Nov 2024 4. Tom Legvold 4 leQvoldtom((L,,2mail.com Nov 2025 5. Rick Kepler 2 rkepler cr cfl.rr.com Nov 2025 6. Jim Moyer 4 Jinunoverl956(cU2mail.com Nov 2025 7. Kaitlyn Ochoa 3 Kaioch8230e 2niail.com Nov 2026 8. Michael Fletcher 2 None Nov 2026 9. Vacant Commission Liaison ( District Phone Number Email 1. Commissioner Firstner 3 407-905-3100 x 1039 Rfirstner(cvocoee.orz Staff Liaison Phone Number Email 1. Tom Smothers, Fire Chief I 407-905-3100 x 2002 Tsmothers 0u ocoee.om Recording Secretary Jamie Ferrer 407-554-7157 ifcrrcr(awcoee.or2 Back -Up Recording Secretary Joyce Brown 407-905-3140 ibrown(ceocoee.or�4 Updated 712012023 Page 51 of 163