HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-19-07 Minutes MINUTES OCOEE CITY COMMISSION June 19,2007, at 7:15 P.M. REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING I A. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Vandergrift called the regular session to order at 7: 15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. Commissioner Keller gave the Invocation and Commissioner Johnson led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll and declared a quorum present. Roll Call: Commissioner Hood, Commissioner Anderson, Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner Keller, and Commissioner Johnson. Also Present: Assistant City Attorney Palmer, City Manager Frank, City Clerk Eikenberry Mayor of the Moment, Armando Rivera, introduced himself, and his mother in the audience. He said he is in his second year in ROTC at Ocoee High School. He was chosen to represent Ocoee High School at Boys State in Tallahassee on June 20, 2007, where he hopes to run for Governor. Mayor Vandergrift added that he is interested in going to the Air Force academy and he has excellent grades. I B. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS Presentations - Firefighter of the Quarter and Engineer Promotion (Fire Chief Firstner) Ken Erway, Vice Chair ofCACOFD, presented Firefighter ofthe Quarter to Kenneth Minnick. Chief Firstner announced promotion of Firefighter Engineer to Keith Collins. Presentations - Promotions for Police Department (Police Chief Reffett) Chief Reffett read career biographies on the following Police Department personnel and announced their promotions: Lt. Charlie Brown, promoted to Deputy Chief. Sgt. Steve McCosker, promoted to Lieutenant. Sgt. Ted Silberstein, promoted to Lieutenant. Break: 7:32 p.m. -7:39 p.m. I C. COMMENTS FROM CITIZENS/PUBLIC Joanne Zeise, 2014 Aspen Ridge Court, gave an update on the Wekiva school rezoning issue. She reported that it was finalized by Orange County School Board (OCSB) on JUNE 12, 2007; they did some legal maneuvering and ended up with the same zoning map. After much consideration, the community has decided to go ahead and file the lawsuit because there was no change from the January 23, 2007, proposed zoning. They were just doing legal maneuvers to put themselves in a better position. They made promises such as "you will never be rezoned again if you go this time." She said they see this as an attack on the City and see the future the City of Ocoee being split between four high schools. She said the citizens are actively involved in this issue want to continue the lawsuit, but some of them also want to support the Charter School option as well. Ms. Zeise said they have raised $24,500 and are trying to raise another City Commission Regular June 19,2007 $3,000 to cover the legal costs. She asked if any there were court reporters residing in Ocoee who could donate some of their time or work at a discounted rate for this cause to please contact her. She thanked the City for their support, financially and in other ways. She said this is a big issue that will change our community if we don't pull together. The School Board has proven they are not interested in community issues and have no desire to listen to public opinion. Mayor Vandergrift said we are talking about 250 students, from the NE corner of the city, that are being transferred to Wekiva High School from Ocoee High School. There is a coalition of residents that are trying to fight OCSB. Ms. Zeise said that OCSB member Rick Roach made a good argument for the coalition and the rest of the board ignored him. She also asked if anyone would like to donate to Save Ocoee Community Schools (S.O.C.S.), send it to her address, or drop it off at MI Bank in the Old Time Pottery shopping center. She announced that any extra funds would be used for advertising for the charter schools. Commissioner Anderson donated $200 to the fund. Ms. Zeise thanked him and the others who had previously made generous donations. Mayor Vandergrift said she made a good argument in the gazette, that kids being rezoned to Evans are closer to another school. Ms. Ziese said they are not balancing numbers; they went looking for a specific 250 kids; there are other kids who are so close they could walk there and they are not being zoned there. Commissioner Anderson asked if they balance the numbers according to FCA T scores relating to the students' addresses. Mayor Vandergrift said it is believed that they are moving Evans to the borders of Ocoee because of the FCA T scores. Commissioner Anderson inquired if they move Evans and make it a new school, would that eliminate all the current transfers from Evans. Commissioner Keller said if they have already transferred, they have the opportunity to stay at the school they attend. However, they will not receive a grade for the first two years so that would eliminate additional transfers out of the new school should it be an F school. As far as he knows, it doesn't follow sibling rule to keep siblings in the same school. Joanne Zeise said the specific reason stated by OCSB for moving the school was to meet their desegregation and unitary status. They are banking on magnet programs to draw students back to the school. She said that no one could answer what the back up plan will be if no one wants to return to Evans. Mayor Vandergrift announced that at the last Pine Hills HOA meeting the community was asked what the old Evans site should be and some said everything from Low-Tech schools to social services. He added that there is a poverty level in that area and he does not feel that type of school will help the community. Robert Monacky, 1820 Prairie Lake Blvd., inquired if there would be a Commission meeting the first week of July and was told they voted to cancel the July 3rd meeting. I D. COMMISSIONERS ANNOUNCEMENTS Commissioner Hood 1) said it was time to start All-Star tournaments for Little League, July 5- lih at Sorenson Field, 2) said he thinks the School Board is not fooling anyone, and Evans boundaries will probably be from Clarke Road East and maybe even further West. It is sad not only for the kids, but what it will do to the property values. Mayor Vandergrift said in the past when desegregation happened in Pine Hills they had White Flight; now the neighborhood has Wealth Flight and people can afford to move out of the crime Page 2 of 11 City Commission Regular June 19, 2007 area. Next there will be Education Flight whereas people move out due to the education issues. He stated the Education Flight will soon take place in Ocoee as well. Commissioner Hood said he thinks there should be some type of provision for the juniors that they could be grandfathered in and exempt from the changing boundaries, but OCSB just turns a blind eye. Commissioner Anderson announced some correspondence from Attorney Rosenthal regarding the City Manager's employment contract. He said they would need to schedule a workshop prior to the end of next month. Consensus of the Commission. without obiection. was to have staff schedule a workshop with Commission before the end of July. Commissioner Keller thanked Joanne Zeise for the amount of time and effort she has put into the school rezoning issues and she was able to help raise $24,500. Mayor Vandergrift 1) read a letter from an II-year old boy named Carter Atkon, concerned about the speeding traffic North of Durango Avenue. The boy asked for the Mayor to have speed tables installed. Mayor Vandergrift asked to have our Public Works Department look into the way Pine Hills is installing speed tables throughout their neighborhoods. He also added that his wife would like speed tables on Cedar Bluff because of the speeders. Commissioner Anderson stated they need more money in the budget for that because they ran out of money last year to complete the projects. Commissioner Hood suggested the Police set up speed traps until they can afford to install speed tables. 2) received a thank you note from Carolyn Alexander for her chair and proclamation she received upon retirement from the City. She noted that she was proud to live in Ocoee and loved working here. I E. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Approval and Acceptance of the Workshop for Charter School on May 15, 2007, Workshop on Health Insurance on May 30, 2007, and Regular City Commission Minutes of June 5, 2007. (City Clerk Eikenberry) Approved on Consent AQenda Vote. Motion carried 5-0. 2. Appointment to the Board of Adjustment. (City Clerk Eikenberry) Members of the Board of Adjustment serve three-year terms. The purpose of the Board of Adjustment is to hear and decide appeals for administrative code review and to hear and recommend to City Commission variances to the zoning ordinance. The Board of Adjustment is to have five (5) regular members and two (2) alternate members, all three years. The Board currently has five (5) regular members and no alternate members. Therefore, there are currently two (2) alternate member positions available. One application has been submitted for a position on the board by Christopher Warren. This item was removedfrom the Consent Agenda and Voted on Separately. City Clerk Eikenberry distributed an email from a Member of the Board of Adjustment that had been received today; she recommended in lieu of this resignation that the appointment of Christopher Warren be changed from Alternate Member to Regular Member. Page 3 of 11 City Commission Regular June 19,2007 Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to appoint Christopher Warren as a reaular member on the Board of Adiustment for a three year term. Motion carried 5-0 3. Approval of Special Events Permit for Road Closing in Sawmill Subdivision for Block Party. (Community Development Director Wagner) In order to temporarily close a public street, the approval of the Honorable Mayor and City Commission is required. Mr. Per Danielsson of Sawmill Subdivision has made application to the City for a Special Events Permit for a Block Party that would require the temporary closing of a City owned street. The event will be held on July 4th 2007. The street to be closed is Mill Stream Road. Approved on Consent Aaenda Vote. Motion carried 5-0. 4. Approval of Special Events Permit for Road Closing in Forest Oaks Subdivision for Block Party. (Community Development Director Wagner) In order to temporarily close a public street, the approval of the Honorable Mayor and City Commission is required. Mr. Gary Heley of Forest Oaks Subdivision has made application to the City for a Special Events Permit for a Block Party that would require the temporary closing of a City owned street. The event will be held on July 4th 2007. The street to be closed is Rich Drive. Approved on Consent Aaenda Vote. Motion carried 5-0. 5. Approval to Purchase Second LIFEP AK 12 Defibrillator from Dixie Medical Inc. Cost ofthe Unit is $15,995.00. (Fire Chief Firstner) Capital funds were budgeted and approved to purchase equipment for the transition from BLS to ALS in this current fiscal year. Dixie Medical was identified as a vendor that could provide reconditioned LlFEPAK 12 units at a cost of nearly half the price of a new unit. One unit has already been purchased through Dixie Medical and the decision to purchase a second unit was approved. Approved on Consent Aaenda Vote. Motion carried 5-0. 6. Approval of Trade-In of surplus Equipment. (Fire Chief Firstner) Between 2005 and 2007 the Fire Department has replaced out-dated fire hose and nozzles for more efficient and effective equipment. This has created a surplus of out-dated and inefficient equipment that is no longer needed, or can be used by the Department. Approved on Consent Aaenda Vote. Motion carried 5-0. 7. Purchase of Dataworks Plus Digital Photo Manager Webworks Software. (Deputy Police Chief Goclon) Orange County maintains booking photos of arrestees. These photos are used by law enforcement officers to make photo line-ups and for other identification purposes. Until recently, the County and the Police Department employed lmageware software to make these photos available to officers anywhere they have access to their computers. The County has changed and upgraded from lmageware software to Dataworks Plus Digital Photo Manager Webworks software. This item was removedfrom the Consent Agenda and Voted on Separately. Commissioner Johnson asked why this needs to come before the Commission if it is in the budget. City Manager Frank said it is not budgeted and our purchasing requirements call for any non-budgeted-capital item over $5000 to be brought before the Commission. Chief Reffett said Orange County is no longer paying for our license to use the same software as them, so now we have to pay for our own license. This was not known at budget time. Page 4 of 11 City Commission Regular June 19,2007 Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, moved to approve Purchase of Dataworks Plus Diaital Photo Manaaer Webworks Software. Motion carried 5-0 8. Award of Bid #07-01 Domestic Wastewater Residuals Disposal to Shelley's Environmental for 5 Years at $38.65 a ton. (Purchasing Agent Tolbert) This vendor will haul the Wastewater solids from the plant located at 1800 A.D. Mims Road to an approved disposal site at a cost of$38.65 per ton. Staffrecommends that the City Commission: 1) Award Bid #B07-01 to Shelley's Septic Tanks, Inc. D/B/A Shelley's Environmental Services for $38.65 per ton for 5 years w/option to renew additional one (1) year. This contract is non-exclusive, and 2) Authorize the Mayor, City Clerk, and Staff to execute all necessary contract documents once the appropriate insurance is secured. This item was removedfrom the Consent Agenda and Voted on Separately. Commissioner Johnson asked about the bid process and why we have a five year contract. City Manager Frank said it is a non-exclusive contract. We still have the option to use another vendor; we don't have to place orders with them. Utilities Director Smith said DEP required long term commitment with sludge hauler. Utilities Director Smith said we opened the bid and have been looking since January. It was advertised in paper and on DemandStar, etc. Commissioner Hood said a five-year contract would allow us a better rate if we are fixed in at a certain rate. City Manager Frank said there is escalator clause so it can go up, but not past the agreed level. City Attorney Rosenthal said we cannot necessarily terminate the contract, but we can have other contracts for the same thing and not use vendors on the non-exclusive contracts, which has essentially the same affect as terminating. City Manager Frank we can advertise for additional vendors if we are not happy with their service. We are not obligated to use Shelly's Environmental for five years exclusively. Commissioner Anderson said he understands why we are doing it this way, but could we piggyback with other cities that have similar contracts? Mr. Smith said we can explore that more to see if we can get vendors working with nearby cities Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Hood, moved to Award of Bid #07-01 Domestic Wastewater Residuals Disposal to Shelley's Environmental for 5 Years at $38.65 a ton. Motion carried 5-0. 9. Approval of Reimbursement to KKH, LLC for Reuse Main Extension on Ingram Road. (City Engineer Wheeler) The McCormick Woods residential subdivision is being constructed at the southwest corner of McCormick Road and Ingram Road. As part of the infrastructure construction the developer was required to install pipeline along Ingram Road for future expansion of the City's reuse system. The Ingram Estates development is planned to be constructed on the southeast corner of the same intersection. They would be required to construct a reuse main to connect to the City's reuse system. City staff chose to work with both developers and have them split the cost with the City paying the cost to oversize the reuse main. Each development individually would have needed a 4 or 6 inch pipeline for their development's reuse service. Together they would need an 8 inch pipeline and the City chose to oversize to a 12 inch pipeline to serve other areas. It was proposed to split the cost into three equal shares and each developer agreed to the plan and cost. The City would pay for two-thirds of the pipeline construction and seek reimbursement from the Ingram Estates developer as part of their Page 5 of 11 City Commission Regular June 19, 2007 subdivision approval for their one-third share. The City's share would be $57,826.67 at this time and would seek reimbursement from Jordan Ventures,LLC of$28,913.34 at the time their project is approved. Approved on Consent A~enda Vote. Motion carried 5-0. 10. Repair and Rehabilitation of Lift Station #12 - 2990 Maguire Road. (Utilities Director Smith) Lift Station #12, a sub-master lift station located off of Maguire Road at the entrance to the City's South Water Plant, serves the majority of homes in the City's sewer service area south of the Florida Turnpike. The lift station's standpipes have corroded to a point that they are leaking profusely during pumping, which causes the station to over-cycle. If left in such a state of disrepair, the station will fail. A major issue that affects the cost of the work is the need to bypass pump raw sewage. In addition, the receiving manhole for Lift Station #12 has deteriorated to a point that rehabilitation is a necessity. The deterioration has been exacerbated by the inherent formation of hydrogen sulfide in the sanitary flows, which dissolves concrete. The manhole will be rehabilitated by coating its inside with a fiberglass liner. Both repairs were scheduled for the Fiscal Year 2006/2007 budget, with the lift station repair being carried over from the previous fiscal year. Staff recommends contracting with J&H Waterstop for both of the repairs, utilizing their contract with the City of Orlando. The lift station piping, installation of bypass pumps and lift station risers come to a cost of $27,844.00; and the rehabilitation of the receiving manhole with a fiberglass liner runs at a total of $7, 177 .00. Approved on Consent A~enda Vote. Motion carried 5-0. Emen!encv Item - Intent to Annex for Water Service for Jesse and Edwina Pettis Property at 21911 th Avenue. City Engineer Wheeler said this was approved by DRC a few weeks ago and the property owners would like to move forward with the Intent to Annex. He said their well has gone bad and they are currently getting water from their neighbor who is one of our customers. They are in an enclave outside the City Limits. Commissioner Anderson asked if they have to fill out an application to annex. Mr. Wheeler said the Intent to Annex form is included in the packet. Commissioner Anderson asked if they pay anything. Mr. Wheeler said there is a $100 processing fee, which covers recording costs, and then they pay the capital charge and connection cost. If they choose not to annex, when the property becomes eligible for annexation, the city has the right to disconnect their water. Commissioner Anderson. seconded bv Commissioner Hood. moved approve the Intent to Annex for Water Service for the Pettis Property located at 219 11th Avenue. Motion carried 5-0 F. PUBLIC HEARINGS 11.0coee Pines (f/kJa Whispering Pines). (Principal Planner Fabre) (Advertised as Public Hearing in the Orlando Sentinel on Thursday May 24, 2007, and Thursday June 7, 2007). The Ocoee Pines PUD property includes approximately 101 acres of land and is generally located northwest of Clarcona-Ocoee Road and southeast of Forest Lake Golf Course. The property is currently vacant, wooded and undeveloped. Based on the recommendation of the DRC and Planning & Zoning Commission, Staff recommends that the Mayor and City Commissioners approve the rezoning ordinance from Orange County Agricultural "A-I" to City ofOcoee "PUD" based on the Land Use Plan as date stamped received by the City on May 25, 2007 and will further recommend approval of the Preliminary Subdivision Plan and Development Agreement at the Public Hearing for the Second Reading of the Rezoning Ordinance. a. Land Use Plan / PUD Rezoning Ordinance. (Ordinance Second Reading) Page 6 of 11 City Commission Regular June 19, 2007 b. Preliminary Subdivision Plan. (Public Hearing) c. Development Agreement. (not a Public Hearing) This item was continued until July 17, 2007, at the request of the applicant. Mayor Vandergrift announced that the second reading on the rezoning ordinance and the Public Hearing on the rezoning and Preliminary Subdivision Plan will be heard in the Ocoee City Commission Chambers on July 17, 2007 at 7: 15 p. m., or as soon thereafter as may be heard. I G. REGULAR AGENDA 12. Approval of Pine Street Stormwater Pond and Park Master Plan. (City Engineer Wheeler) On January 25, 2001, the City of Ocoee and the St. Johns River Water Management District (WMD) entered into a written Participation Agreement regarding the purchase of a 13-acre tract. All the required property was not assembled until the end of 2006; however, the schedule for project's deliverables from the City was not extended. The Agreement includes conditions and restrictions upon the use of the property that require the City to complete certain actions by specified milestone dates. If the City fails to meet any of these milestones, the property immediately reverts to the WMD. The first task is to complete a Master Plan for the facility by July I, 2007. The City retained the services of PBS&J in March, 2007 to do the work at a cost of $82,250 with 100% funding from the WMD. The Master Plan has been completed and recommended for approval by the Parks & Recreation Board. City Engineer Wheeler stated that they were bringing a Master Plan before the Commission for a piece of property that came from grant money from St. Johns. It is part of the ongoing project to purchase wetlands and in an effort to enhance the water runoff into Lake Apopka. This program has been ongoing since 2001. The parcel of land was purchased last year from the Expressway Authority and runs along SR 429. According to the contract with St. Johns, they had to complete the Master Plan within 12 months. There were some issues and we ended up with only 5 months to complete the Master Plan. They have contracted through PBS&J to get that plan finished. The plan has to be turned in by July 1, 2007. Mayor Vandergrift inquired about the grant for that land. City Engineer Wheeler stated that grant funds only assisted with the cost to purchase the land. He also added that this plan has gone before the Parks & Recreation Board and received their support. City Attorney Rosenthal stated St. Johns Water Management District (SJRWMD) had some extra money for this project, which they gave to the City. Therefore, they have already gone above the original amount they allotted. Kristin Caborn PBS&J Senior Park Planner, displayed an aerial view of the designated park area. She explained that the site is located in an area of unincorporated Orange County. The site is approximately 13 acres and there is an extensive area of wetlands. This area will be a passive park. The project was conceived through an agreement between SJR WMD and the City of Ocoee to treat water in the creek that runs northwest along the site prior to its discharge into Lake Apopka. The park amenities focus on nature education while providing open space to relax and enjoy the natural surroundings. Jake Smith, PBS&J Civil Engineer, discussed that they are planning on capturing the water, which will be piped underground and treated, and potentially go through the wetland area and back into the creek. Mayor Vandergrift asked how they would be treating the water. Mr. Smith stated that the water would filter through the pond. Page 7 of 11 City Commission Regular June 19,2007 Ms. Caborn stated that the area will include wetland plants. She stated that the existing Pine Street will be tom up. There are two different concepts as far as the architecture of the Park Welcome Center. Park features include: . Meandering trail system consisting of paved multi-use trails, nature trails and boardwalk; including a pier in the pond. . Possible future connection to the West Orange Trail. . Small and large pavilions connected by the trail system to provide picnic areas and interpreti v e/ educati onal opportuni ti es. . Parking and main entrance for vehicles and pedestrians that includes an improved access drive, vehicle turn-around, signage and a park welcome center. . Treatment pond that meets SJRWMD's requirement of a 100' width while adding additional areas for littoral plantings, extending the educational facets of the park. . Dry detention area connected to the main pond by a dry creek bed. . Buffers from adjacent residences and highway by use of extensive native plantings. . Clean up and removal of invasive species such as ear trees and air potato vine. . Playground area for both 2-5 and 5-12 year old children situated near open green space. . A fenced in dog park nestled amongst the tree canopy. . Park security provided by decorative fence and gate. Commissioner Hood inquired about the timeline. City Engineer Wheeler stated that priority right now is getting the Master Plan approved. If the City doesn't meet certain timelines the property reverts back to ownership by SJRWMD. If approved tonight, the City Staff would seek funds to take care of construction. According to the contract, construction must be completed by 2009. Commissioner Anderson stated that if they approve this; we need to direct staff to put money in the budget to start doing some of this. He said we could get FRDAP grants, which would be matching funds. City Engineer Wheeler stated that the stormwater funds are the priority at this point. The total cost will probably be between 1-2 million dollars over three years. City Manager Frank stated that as long as they get the stormwater part done by the cutoff in 2009, they can handle the recreational part over time. Mayor Vanderarift. seconded by Commission Johnson. moved to approve the Pine Street Stormwater Pond and Park Master Plan as presented. Motion carried 5-0. Mayor Vandergrift stated that they are proud of the staff for going after this grant and working to clean up the water and tending to the recreational needs of the City. 13. Designation of Voting Delegate for the Florida League of Cities Annual Conference. (City Clerk Eikenberry) Commissioner Keller, seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to appoint Mayor Vanderarift as the Votina Deleaate for the Florida Leaaue of Cities Annual Conference. Motion carried 5-0. Page 8 of 11 City Commission Regular June 19,2007 I H. STAFF REPORTS City Manager Frank said the Mayor asked to bring up the subject of the Charter Review Board. He added that the Districting Commission in nearing an end and the Mayor and Commission will need to consider their appointees to the Charter Review Board. Mayor Vandergrift asked if that discussion could be considered at a workshop and Commissioner Hood suggested we add it to the workshop for the City Manager's Evaluation. City Manager Frank said we can do that, and reminded them that he will be on vacation from July 11, 2007 through August 1, 2007. The consensus of the Commission was to add the discussion regarding the Charter Review Board to the workshop for the City Manager's Contract Renewal and have staff set it up prior to Julv 11, 2007, if possible. City Manager Frank said that they have been in a few meetings with the realtors regarding the purchase of the State Farm Property for the police station. He said they originally looked at some leasing options or lease/purchase options and it does not look like that would be in the best interest in the City. He added that it is time to present an offer to the listing agent, with the contingency that the Commission would have to approve the contract, and we would have to get an appraisal that would support that price, as well as any other environmental studies that need to be done. Assuming the seller wants to sell at the price we offer, we would bring it back to the Commission for approval. Commissioner Hood said he would also like to see the costs of bringing the building up to standards. City Manager Frank said that we are looking at a small amount of money, trying to use the building as is, and try to decide in 5 -10 years whether to put a lot of money into expansion or get something new. City Attorney Rosenthal said the approach we are taking with this is to see if we can get a contract with the City Manager's signature on it, subject to Commission approval, and would involve an inspection period which would allow the commission to evaluate a variety of issues. If we start a condemnation action, we really need to know all of those questions before hand. At this point we don't know how receptive the property owner will be. Commissioner Anderson asked about making them an offer on the lease/option. City Manager Frank stated the lease price that was offered was 50% more than the debt service for the purchase and it didn't make sense to pursue the lease. Mayor Vandergrift added that the property in front of this parcel is owned by the state and it is going to be a retention pond and would be nice to have wet park. Commissioner Hood said the orthopedic office next door is a very busy office and it would be nice if they could expand the parking area. Mayor Vandergrift said Mr. Goslin had a market analysis and we are in line with what we are offering. Commissioner Anderson asked if we are offering more than 2.5 million. City Attorney Rosenthal cautioned Commissioners not to discuss not to discuss price at a public meeting during the negotiation process; they should individually speak with the City Manager. He said we have worked with the Mayor on a proposal to submit to the property owner, which would be subject to approval by the City Commission at an advertised Public Hearing, and subject to an appraisal. Mayor Vandergrift said that they advised they already have a full-price offer. Commissioner Anderson said we also have to consider the tax base that we lose when we take over a property; this property generates about $25,000 per year. Commissioner Johnson said we also have to consider that the property on Clarke and AD Mims that will create more commercial tax dollars. Page 9 of 11 City Commission Regular June 19,2007 I I. COMMENTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Keller 1) said he would like Public Works Director Krug to look at a large pot hole on Timber Ridge Road. Commissioner Johnson 1) asked Public Works Director Krug to look at the China Berry tree that fell down at the cuI de sac on Delaware Street; he is not sure if it is City right of way or the Railroad's. 2) said the creek by the courthouse on Story Road belongs to the City and we have not been mowing it, we need to keep up with the City parcels because some are being neglected. Public Works Director Krug said he would make sure it is included in the maintenance being done with the new equipment. Mayor Vandergrift said we need to do the same with the irrigation equipment. Commissioner Anderson 1) asked Public Works Director Krug about the trash cans on McKey Street, said they need to be emptied more often because trash blows out onto the street. 2) asked Police Chief Reffett to look into the many people who run the stop sign at McKey Street and Cumberland, mainly between the hours of 7 - 9 p.m., 3) said he was in Pioneer Key (PK) this week and the Code issues in there are terrible. There are water hoses and electric extension cords going across the street. We need to consider purchasing some of these lots when they are being sold. We should mandate that residents living there must have water in their name. Commissioner Johnson added that hundreds Code Enforcement citations were written up in a joint effort by Police, Fire, and Code Enforcement, but nothing has changed and no follow-up has been done. City Manager Frank said if it is the consensus of the Commission that we should dedicate some enforcement effort in there we will do it, but we will probably get many complaints. Commissioner Johnson said we previously discussed moving the trailer park over the other side of Palm A venue which is higher and dryer and use the PK property for a retention pond. Commissioner Hood asked who would pay for all of this, with moving the trailers and infrastructure across the street. Mayor Vandergrift said there is property next to the apartments next to the 429 that could be bought for low income housing. Commissioner Johnson said that property of Mr. Roper's had been purchased already. Mayor Vandergrift said very few of the residents own there own lot in PK any more. City Manager Frank said the CDBG money is going for PK2 improvements, and we need to try to get funding for PKl when PK2 is completed. Commissioner Anderson said people should not have to live in those conditions. City Manager Frank said there are many good ideas being discussed, but they have a several million dollar price tag attached to it, in a year where we are trying to cut the budget. He added that it may be a good solution for the CDBG money if we can get it for PKl to buy up some of those lots and put a storm water pond in. Commissioner Hood 1) asked City Manager Frank if we could sod and fence the J amela lot because we have vehicles driving on it and it is starting to look real bad, 2) asked Police Chief Reffett asked what is going on with the crime in the City lately with the shooting on Adair Street and the incident at the Kangaroo Store. Police Chief Reffett said we arrested the person from the Kangaroo store, and from the CVS incident, and we have issued a warrant on Little Caesar's incident. There have not been any more robberies at PKl or PK2, and the crime at the mall has decreased. What we are dealing with mostly now is car burglaries from unlocked cars. He added that they have no solid leads on the Adair Street shooting, involving the father and daughter, although we are looking at a gang member who has a record and a vehicle that matches the description, but there is no forensic evidence and no eye witness. Page 10 of 11 City Commission Regular June 19,2007 Chief Reffett added that there was 30 minute delay by the time it was turned over to us because the 911 call came from the unincorporated area across the street and Orange County responded first. Commissioner Hood we need to help motivate Orange County to clean that unincorporated area up. Chief Reffett agreed and said it was people from that area causing problems in Silver Glen, which we now have under control. Chief Reffett said he will discuss it with Sheriff Berry when he sees him this Thursday. Commissioner Hood asked if there had been discussion about annexing area west of Adair Street in the past. Mayor Vandergrift does not recall that; we would need to get residents to agree to that. Commissioner Johnson-we have developers getting ready to build near Adair that are building by Amber Ridge and three other lots off Clarcona Ocoee near the store; so that will make those other properties contiguous and eligible for annexation. Police Chief Reffett said within the City limits of Ocoee there are about 20,000 residents in enclaves that he has no control over which has created a lot of aggravation for the City. He said they have been trying to increase awareness adding high profile patrols, by sending bi-lingual flyers alerting residents how to protect your valuables and what suspicious activity to look for, etc. Commissioner Hood urged residents to call when they see anything suspicious. Crime has been getting out of hand the last few months and we need to work together to correct it. Mayor Vandergrift thanked Mayor of the Moment (MOM) Rivera and his mother who was patiently sitting in the audience. He presented him with hat anq. butterfly, a 1995 gavel, and a framed certificate. I ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 p.m. Attest: APPROVED: City of Ocoee ~.... ~- -:::::;;/ Page 11 of 11