HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #01 Approval of Minutes
July 11,2007, at 7:15 P.M.
Mayor Vandergrift called the regular session to order at 7:15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of
City Hall. Commissioner Anderson gave the Invocation and led the Pledge of Allegiance to the
Flag. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll and declared a quorum present.
Roll Call: Commissioner Hood, Commissioner Anderson, Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner
Keller, and Commissioner Johnson.
1. Fountains West (principal Planner Fabre)
a. Preliminary / Final Subdivision Plan
b. Preliminary / Final Site Plan for Lot 6
c. Developer Agreement
Principal Planner Fabre gave a PowerPoint presentation.
City Attorney Rosenthal said the Developer Agreement for the Fountains West Turn Lanes
was referenced in the staff recommendations, but not included the packet, because it had not
been finalized, but it has been distributed tonight on dais.
Attorney Rosenthal added that when the PUD initially came in, the staff worked for a long
time trying to get the County to expedite the West Road Realignment project, but at that time
they only agreed on a temporary solution and everything else was structured around that.
Since that time, the County has agreed to accelerate the permanent turn lanes, which is more
cost effective for everyone. The City had issues with the developer because of conflicts with
the final subdivision plan as engineered, because it was based on the temporary solution and
not the permanent one; there were back and forth cost issues. He said City Manager Frank
was involved in the discussions and they worked out a compromise in this agreement, which
has the City assuming responsibility for the design, permitting and construction of the West
Road Turn Lanes, which are going to be placed into the permanent realignment plans being
done by the County. The City will have to coordinate with the County, and will hopefully
enter into a contract with the County's contractor who is constructing the turn lanes. He said
the City has a good relationship with the County's contractor already, so he does not anticipate
any problems. In exchange for the City's assumption of responsibility, the Developer is
giving the City $200,000 and relinquishing responsibility for the turn lane. After discussions
with City staff, they feel comfortable that the cost will be in that ball park. Staff also
recognizes that there are substantial road impact fees being paid in conjunction with this
project. VHB is going to certify that their plans match up so the City does not get into a
situation where the grades do not line up, etc., causing large cost increases. There are some
issues with the sidewalks: the Fountains West Developer's plans show sidewalks being
constructed and the County's road realignment plans show a second set of sidewalks being
constructed. The City does not agree with the county's placement of the sidewalks in their
plans and it makes no sense to have two sets of sidewalks, so staff is working to have the
County take the sidewalks out of their plans and pay the Developer to install the sidewalks as
shown in their plans. Staff does not think there will be a problem with the county removing
the sidewalks from their plan, but whether or not they want to pass on the cost savings to our
developer is a different question. The City supports the developer in feeling the county should
reimburse them.
Commissioner Hood asked if the sidewalk is going to be continued all the way down on the
east side. Mr. Fabre said there will be a sidewalk there; it is required, but does not know
whether it will be done by the developer or the county.
The County is also agreeing that the City does not have to try to construct the temporary
realignment because they will be working on the permanent one. There were legal issues
being debated but they have all been resolved by this agreement. This agreement controls in
the event that there is a conflict with the Plan. The Staff and City Manager feel that this is an
agreement that, if favorable to the City, helps to avoid delay in the permanent West Road
Realignment before next years school opens.
Because this agreement has not been signed yet, there is a modification in the staff
1) Subject to approval and execution by all parties of the West Road Turn Lane Development
Agreement with all applicable joinders in consent by mortgage holders, etc. and the applicant
has agreed with that, 2) Subject to the closing of the Conveyance of Deed of the additional
West Road Right of Way to Orange County, necessary to the permanent solution. The
Developer has delivered the deed to the County. The County has the deed and will take 6-7
weeks to cut the check and do the paperwork, 3) Subject to receipt of an updated Title Report
acceptable to the City Attorney (as stated in the Legal Comments), which staff does not have
yet, but knows that the Title is in Ocoee LLC.
Mayor Vandergrift opened the Pubic hearing.
Anna Long, attorney for Fountains West from the law firm of Lowndes, Drosdick, Doster,
Kantor & Reed said she was present with Joseph Kolb and Jim Baysinger from VHB
Engineering to answer any questions they may have. She thanked staff for working with them
on items that were delaying the site plan. She said they concur with the additions to the staff
report that were read into the record; the attorney did discuss those issues with them before the
meeting, and they would like a copy of the revised report. She asked that there is still an issue
regarding impact fees, even with the assistance given them so far, they are still hopeful they will
be able to work this out with City staff.
Lisa Costin, resident of the Vineyards 1) said she was concerned about where the delivery trucks
will be entering and exiting. As a member of the HOA, she said she would prefer they enter
from West Road so they would not interfere with traffic in front of the Vineyards. Mayor
Vandergrift said the parking lot is large enough that there would be no reason for trucks to stage
in the road. 2) Ms. Costin said she is concerned about the type of restaurants; specific types of
restaurants may by louder and stay open later than others. Joe Kolb of VHB said he is not sure
what will be on those lots nearest to the Vineyards, but they will be in accordance with the Code
which is restrictive, and the HOA will be noticed prior to approval. 3) asked if the Fountains
West entryway across from the Vineyards will cause more safety issues for residents trying to
get directly across to Publix. Mayor Vandergrift said that this will become four lanes soon, and
growth will be causing a traffic slow down, we will monitor the situation as growth occurs.
Mayor Vandergrift closed the Public Hearing.
Commissioner Hood. seconded by Commissioner Keller moved to approve the
Preliminary Final Subdivision Plan and Preliminary/Final Site Plan for Lot 6 per
staff recommendations and modified by City Attorney Rosenthal to include the
followina conditions: 1) Subject to approval and execution by all parties of the
West Road Turn Lane Development Aareement with all applicable joinders in
consent by mortaaae holders. etc. 2) Subject to the closina of the Conveyance of
Deed of the additional West Road Riaht of Way to Oranae County. necessary to
the permanent solution and 3) Subject to receipt of an updated Title Report
acceptable to the City Attorney. Motion carried 4-0. with Commissioner Johnson
out of the room.
Commissioner Hood. seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to approve
the Development Aareement with Ocoee LLC reaardina Fountains West Turn
Lanes and authorize execution thereof by the Mayor and City Clerk.
2. Pioneer Key Regional Stormwater Pond (Principal Planner Rumer)
a. Annexation
b. Rezoning
Based on the recommendations of the DRC and Planning & Zoning Commission, staff recommends that
Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners adopt the ordinance to annex the 4.53 +/- acres of land known as
the Pioneer Key Regional Stormwater Pond parcel, and also adopt the ordinance to rezone the property to "C-
2 "Community Commercial."
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the annexation ordinance.
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the rezoning ordinance.
Mayor Vandergrift announced that the second reading and Public Hearing will be held on
July 17,2007, at 7:15 p.m. or as soon thereafter as may be heard.
3. Set Workshop and Hearing Dates for the FY 07108 Budget. (Finance Director Horton)
Workshops are held during August to discuss the proposed budget for the upcoming fiscal year. Public hearings
are required by the TRIM act and serve as a mechanism to notity the citizens of the proposed budget and allow
their comments. Staff recommends at least two of the following dates be selected for the budget workshops:
August 8,9,13,15,27,29. Staff recommends the commission select one combination of dates from the following
for the public hearings: September 12th and 24th, September 13th and 24th, September 17th and 25th. All
meetings will begin at 7:00 p.m.
Consensus of the Commission was to set the Budaet workshops for Auaust 9 &
Auaust 13. 2007.
Consensus of the Commission was to set the Budaet Public Hearinas for
September 13 & September 24. 2007.
4. Set Proposed Millage Rate for FY 07/08. (City Manager Frank)
The TRIM Act requires local governing bodies annually to set a proposed millage rate during the month of July.
The property appraiser is then notified of the rate and uses it to advise taxpayers of their proposed tax levies for
the next year. This rate can be lowered during the budget hearings in September.
Finance Director Horton advised that the TRIM ACT requires that the City set a proposed
millage rate for FY 07-08 budget. She said State Legislature passed HB 1 during their recent
session and this bill was designed to 1) reduce ad valorem taxes for property owners and 2) cap
future property taxes by providing for a maximum millage rate that can be levied by the
governing body with the majority vote. This maximum rate will be a reduction to the current
4.6295 millage rate. The law also establishes levels of approval by the governing body in setting
the millage rate. The city can set the proposed millage rate for FY 07/08 at the current 4.6295
rate, with the unanimous vote of the commission. The City Manager will be presenting a
balanced budget at a lower millage rate, but we recommend the commission set the proposed
millage rate at the 4.6295 with a unanimous vote, which will allow greater flexibility during the
workshops. This rate can be lowered during the workshops in September.
Mayor Vanderarift. seconded by Commissioner Keller. moved to aDDrove the
DroDosed millaae rate at 4.6295 as recommended by staff. Motion carried
unanimously. 5-0.
5. A.pproval of Resolution for Suntrust ComlBercial Card Agreement. (Purchasing Agent
The City Commission awarded the Commercial Credit Card Agreement to Suntrust at the June 5, 2007 City
Commission meeting. Suntrust requires the City Commission to approve a formal Resolution before purchasing
card services can begin. Staff recommends that the City Commission approve the Resolution and authorize the
Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Resolution.
Finance Director Horton advised that the Commission awarded the Banking Services RFQ to
SunTrust at the June 5, 2007, Commission Meeting. This resolution tonight represents part of
the documents they require before services begin.
Mayor Vanderarift. seconded by Commissioner Anderson. moved to aDDrove
adoDtion of Resolution Number 2007-004 aDDrovina the Suntrust Commercial
Card Aareement. Motion carried unanimously. 5-0.
The resolution as adopted carries the following title:
I Emergency Item - Public Records Request to the School Board of Orange County
Mayor Vandergrift asked the status of the records request that was made by Orange County.
City Clerk Eikenberry advised that they called today and approved the lower cost option with
the emailsandotherelectronicfilesondisk.This option was slightly over $400 as opposed to
$3300 if all emails and email attachments were to be opened and printed.
Mayor Vandergrift read into the record the two public records requests that were submitted by
Orange County Public Schools.
He questioned the vague wording on the second request regarding contact with "any member of
the public" which he felt opened up all of his personal records. City Attorney Rosenthal said
that it was our understanding that it was within the scope of the first request and included only
those items with regard to the schools.
Mayor Vandergrift asked why there was a need for a second request and who is deciding that
this should be done and why. He said he would like to see a letter from the attorney stating that
this records request is being made solely on his own, and any request on behalf of the school
board would be done in Public so the Citizens have the right to comments. Commissioner
Keller said he feels that this is in direct response to the lawsuit against them by SOCS group of
Ocoee residents and he is not surprised. Commissioner Keller said his subpoena to testify
included the names of the other members of SOCS, but he does not know if anyone else has been
given a subpoena. He said he knew they would eventually question his numbers because they
doubted that they actually came from the School Board, but that is what he used. The deposition
was postponed because of the volume of documents they got from the City. City Attorney
Rosenthal said he agrees that they are responding to the lawsuit and added that for a public
records request, the requestor does not have to state the purpose for the request. City Attorney
Rosenthal also added that he did give the attorney for the SOCS permission to speak directly
with Commissioner Keller in preparation for the deposition. He said his firm will assist him or
attend if he feels that it is necessary, though it does not appear to be at this point. Mayor
Vandergrift asked City Attorney Rosenthal if the school board has gone into mediation as of
yesterday, and Mr. Rosenthal said he did not discuss the case with them.
Mayor Vandergrift stepped away from the dais
Laura Keller, 5021 Lighterwood Court, said she has been aggravated with all of this business
and she has decided to run for the School Board. She has petitions with her if anyone can sign
them. She knows families are being split because their teenagers are going to different schools
and different functions. Parents are having a hard time transporting kids and being available for
events at different schools.
Commissioner Anderson said he still does not understand what the Mayor is looking for by
submitting a public records request to the School Board; he does not feel we need those records.
Commissioner Keller said he thinks he is trying to determine what happened with the decisions
regarding Evans and how it went from a rebuild to a brand new school.
City Attorney Rosenthal said as a public body, when they make a records request, they should
have a plan or strategy for what they are going to do with the box of documents once they get
them. Even if their request was intended solely to harass them, he would not advise that they act
in kind. Secondly, he assumes that the bulk of their documents would be much more extensive
and probably on paper, so they are under no obligation to provide it in electronic format and it
could cost thousands. If the Commission wants to pursue this request, his firm or City staff will
be happy to search for various documents that will follow that direction, but they should know
what they are looking for before they make the request. The City asked the school board if they
wanted the emails in electronic or paper form, because that is Ocoee's normal procedure, but
could not negotiate with them to do the same.
Mayor Vandergrift asked City Attorney Rosenthal to inform him when he has been in contact
with the school board.
Commissioner Keller said he wanted to clarify that he did not recommend one way or the other
that his wife run for the School Board, which was her decision alone. He said he supports her
decision; she has been involved with schools in the area for 10-12 years and is very
knowledgeable. He said he does not think they would gain anything by submitting a records
request. What is their purpose? Are they focusing on the Evans new school as opposed to the
rebuild and trying to prove the money would be better used at Ocoee High School or somewhere
Mayor Vandergrift inquired what they thought the School Board had in mind and what they are
looking to prove. Commissioner Keller said he thought they were looking at the numbers they
presented, and his emails and presentations always questioned their procedures and their
Mayor Vandergrift suggested looking beyond this case because the School Board is looking for
things that are not just tied to this case, but trying to prove they violated the Sunshine Law.
Commissioner Anderson said he thought they were trying to disprove all of the points that
Commissioner Keller and Mayor Vandergrift have been making about their process.
Commissioner Hood believes they intended to harass and to prove that the Sunshine Law had
been violated. Commissioner Johnson said they are trying to prove that they have a bigger
Laura Keller said there has to be a better solution to Evans, if they are willing to spend $100
million for a building, there has to be something they can do to better help those kids. There is a
failing school in California that has been turned around academically.
Mayor Vandergrift said Jones is beginning to turn around; Edgewater High School does not
want to be moved, so they are spending $3-5 million an acre to buy the shopping center and
mobile home park to keep it there. Edgewater has the same problems as Evans; however they
are handling the situations completely different. Commissioner Anderson said if the transfers
had not occurred out of Evans, they would have a higher score. Mayor Vandergrift added that
they could try paying the students with high grades to tutor the other students. There are many
things that can be done to improve a failing school, though suggestions are routinely ignored by
the School Board. He asked the Commission to look at the request, not with a goal in mind, a
fact seeking mission to look for what information might be there. For instance, it would be nice
to know the time frame when they received the tax increase vs. when the decision to move Evans
occurred. They have many subcommittees that are not keeping any minutes.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:19 p.m.
City of Ocoee
Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk
S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor
July 17,2007, at 7:15 P.M.
Mayor Vandergrift called the regular session to order at 7: 15 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of
City Hall. Pastor Clinton Howell gave the Invocation and Commissioner Keller led the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag. Acting City Clerk Sib bitt called roll and declared a quorum present.
Roll Call: Commissioner Hood, Commissioner Anderson, Mayor Vandergrift, and Commissioner
Also Present: City Attorney Rosenthal, Acting City Manager Croteau, and Acting City Clerk
Absent: Commissioner Johnson
Proclamation - Ocoee Fire Fighter Appreciation Week
Mayor Vandergrift introduced Lisa Ta from the Muscular Dystrophy Association and, along
with Fire Chief Firstner presented her with a proclamation for Ocoee Firefighter Appreciation
Week. Ms. Ta thanked the Ocoee Firefighters for participating in the "Fill the Boot" campaign
year after year to help raise over $2.5 million in Florida. Fire Chief Firstner thanked all of his
firefighters for their efforts and announced they would be back out after Labor Day.
A county resident from 230 Silver Star Road spoke about Starke Lake and Save the Lakes. He
spoke about the run off from the road going into the lakes and proposed that water lines be put
under the road at different points. He believed it would be possible to accomplish with grant
21. Discussion and Direction on Electronic Message Board Signs. (Community
Development Director Wagner)
Mayor Vandergrift stated that citizens were present for Agenda Item 21 and he asked to move
it up on the agenda.
Debra Booth spoke on behalf of the PT A of Ocoee Middle School. She stated one of the things
they had discussed for the school was a beautification project to draw people to the school. She
stated one of the things that they would like to change is the sign out in front the school and they
would like to beautify the sign by making it a LED sign and have raised almost $10,000 to do so.
However, the City code does not allow it and she asked for the support from the Commission.
They named some schools in the area that already have LED signs.
Acting City Manager Croteau stated that the dividing line for the districts for Commissioner
Johnson and Commissioner Anderson is the roadway in front ofthe school (Bluford Ave.) and
Commissioner Johnson asked if this could be brought back so he could be present. She further
City Commission Regular
July 17,2007
stated Community Development Director Russ Wagner has a presentation that he would like to
speak about. The Land Development Code does prohibit LED signs and if the board desired to
change that code, she thought it would require a public hearing.
Community Development Director Wagner stated there is not one electronic message board
sign in Ocoee. He said that billboards are also prohibited and Ocoee has one of the most
progressive sign ordinances in the area. He said prohibiting electronic signs from being put up
across the City makes it possible for Ocoee to maintain its small town character. Personally, he
is passionate about banning electronic signs and knows citizens and a local builder who feel the
same way. He emphasized how hard it is to control these signs once they are permitted,
including what the signs say and he feels it would lower the development standards.
Community Development Director Wagner urged the Commission to continue to prohibit the
LED signs. He stated the school board feels they are exempt from the LDC Code; therefore,
they would be left to deal with the issue on their own without affecting our code.
Commissioner Hood stated he did not get any information on the sign regarding size and would
like to get with the neighbors about the sign and how they feel about it before making any
decisions. He stated he personally is not against the sign.
Kate Clarke, Principal of Ocoee Middle School, stated the sign would be used clearly for
information to parents. She stated parent communication is critical and when the PT A board
came to them she supported them in their efforts. The current sign is covered with plexi-glass
that yellows, which looks bad and is not as legible. She did not feel that this type of sign would
take away from Ocoee's small town charm in any way.
Commissioner Hood inquired if the Ocoee School Advisory Board had heard about this issue.
Debra Booth stated this issue just recently came up and they wanted to work with the City and
not work out of the norm. Commissioner Hood stated he thought this issue should be brought
before the Ocoee School Advisory Board to see if they can reach more residents and hear their
thoughts on the issue.
Commissioner Anderson inquired about the specifics of the sign. He asked why the PT A could
not build a sign that meets the code, to what advantage it would have over an updated black and
white sign, and how the sign would be maintained. He felt there were other good options that the
school could explore. Debra Booth stated she can give locations they can visit and see other
LED signs. She said recommendation for the sign came from the parents.
Commissioner Keller stated his concern is that as soon as they let the school board have one the
churches down the street or other businesses would want LED signs. He personally does not
want to see those signs around downtown and would prefer that the City decline and let the
school board go ahead and put it up so that residents would have to go to the school board if
there are issues. He stated he agrees with Mr. Wagner that once you allow one it would be hard
to tell other businesses that they can not put up an LED sign.
Mayor Vandergrift stated he is passionate about allowing this sign to be permitted since he also
feels an updated sign would benefit the City if one were put in front of City Hall. He stated the
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July 17,2007
City has ordinances to control many kinds of things and feels that they should have an ordinance
for informational signs that could be used in the community or governmental agencies in which
they can control the lighting, the speed of the wording, etc.
Mavor Vanderarift. seconded bv Commissioner Hood. moved to direct staff to
look into other local ordinances relatina to electronic messaae sians. Motion
carried 4-0. with Commissioner Johnson absent.
Commissioner Hood stated that last week the Ocoee Little League junior and senior division
had many victories. The junior/senior division advanced to sectionals that begin this weekend at
the Apopka Little League Complex. The juniors start Friday night at 7 p.m. and seniors have a
double-hitter on Saturday at 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. and he invited everyone to attend. He
congratulated all of the kids, staff, and coaches.
Commissioner Anderson- none
Commissioner Keller announced that Wekiva High School has an open house on Saturday.
Mayor Vandergrift inquired about the mediation and Commissioner Keller stated his
deposition has been pushed back and he is not sure right now where that stands.
Mayor Vandergrift announced the soccer team is going to the Citrus Bowl this weekend and
inquired if anyone knows about it since he is being invited. Parks and Recreation Director
Hayes said he was not sure what team was going, but they do practice at the Beech Center.
Mayor Vandergrift said he received a thank you note from Senior First for the City's
contribution and read that to the public. He announced the STARS program is putting out
another news letter. He received a thank you note from the autism group for the City's
involvement in their program as well.
1. Approval and Acceptance of the Joint Session Workshop with City Commission and
General Employees' Pension Board on June 5, 2007, and the Regular City Commission
Minutes of June 19,2007. (City Clerk Eikenberry)
Approved on Consent Aaenda Vote. Motion carried 4-0. with Commissioner
Johnson absent.
2. Reappointment to the Citizen Advisory Council for the Police Department. (City Clerk
Members of the Citizens Advisory Council for the Police Department (CACOPD) serve three-year terms. Currently
the CACOPD has ten (10) members and their resolution allows no more than fifteen (15) members. Mr. John
Grogan has indicated he is willing to serve another three-year term, if reappointed. Since January 2005, Mr. Grogan
has attended 19 of 26 meetings with 0 unexcused. There are no applications on file for residents interested in
serving on the board.
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July 17, 2007
Aooroved on Consent Aaenda Vote. Motion carried 4-0. with Commissioner
Johnson absent.
3. Request to Amend the Name of Wesmere Property to Villages of Wesmere. (Principal
Planner Fabre)
The Wesmere Property site is located on the east side of Maguire Road, north of Cross Creek subdivision and south
of the Florida Turnpike. The subject property comprises multiple tracts totaling 100.23 acres. The property is zoned
Multiple-Family Dwelling (R-3) and General Commercial (C-3) and is designated as High Density Residential and
Commercial on the Future Land Use Map (FLUM). The City Commission, on March 7, 2006 reviewed and
approved the Final Subdivision Plan for Wesmere Property as presented. Based on the recommendation of the DRC,
Staff respectfully recommends that the Mayor and the City Commissioners approve the requested name change from
Wesmere Property to Villages ofWesmere.
Aooroved on Consent Aaenda Vote. Motion carried 4-0. with Commissioner
Johnson absent.
4. Award of RFQ #0707 Engineering Services for Water Utility Modeling and Minor
Utility Studies to Reiss Environmental, Inc. (Purchasing Agent Tolbert)
The selected firm will provide potable water, reclaimed water, and sanitary sewer utility modeling services and
associated utility studies. These services will be used for such purposes as to identify weaknesses in the current
utility system, evaluate the impact of proposed development-related extensions, and quantify the effects of other
changes to the utility system. Staff determined that the current continuing contracts for engineering services did not
provide the required consulting staff and accordingly issued a Request for Qualifications to the engineering
community for this work. Responses were received from six firms. The Selection Committee identified and ranked
the top-three firms. The top-ranked firm was Reiss Environmental, Inc., second-ranked was CPH Engineers, Inc.,
and third-ranked was PBS&J.
This item was removedfrom the Consent Agenda and Voted on Separately.
Commissioner Anderson inquired why there is a need for a continuing contract with Reiss
Environmental, Inc. if they are only going to be doing the modeling. City Engineer Wheeler
stated there is a model for each system: Water, Wastewater, and Re-Use. He further explained
that the idea is that each time a development comes along it will be added to the model system.
Commissioner Anderson inquired if the engineering services would be paid through impact
fees. City Engineer Wheeler stated their services are on a case by case basis and they are a
direct bill which goes back to the developer to pay for the model.
Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Keller. moved to aoorove
Award of RFQ #0707 Enaineerina Services for Water Utility Modelina and Minor
Utility Studies to Reiss Environmental. Inc.. as a Continuina Contract for (3) three
years with (2) two (1) year extensions. Motion carried 4-0. with Commissioner
Johnson absent.
5. Award of RFQ #07-003 Legislative Consulting Services to Gray Robinson, P.A.
(Purchasing Agent Tolbert)
Proposals were solicited from qualified firms with municipal experience to submit a proposal to provide professional
consulting services for representing the City in legislative matters at the State and, as needed, at the federal level.
Implicit responsibilities will be to advise the City of the impacts of proposed regulatory and legislative changes and to
identify areas where State and/or Federal funding is available. Staff recommends that the City Commission award the
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July 17, 2007
contract for RFP #07-003 Legislative Consulting Services to GrayRobinson, P.A. in the amount of $42,000.00
annually plus expenses; and authorize the Mayor, City Clerk, and Staff to execute all necessary contract documents.
The contract term is for one (1) year with two (2) one (1) year automatic renewal options.
Approved on Consent Aaenda Vote. Motion carried 4-0. with Commissioner
Johnson absent.
6. Ocoee Police Variable Message Board, Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), Grant
Request, Edward Byrne Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program. (Deputy Police Chief
This is a proposed grant that needs approval from the Commission. The amount requested from Federal Funding is
$14,563, and the City funded amount is $11,000.00, which is less than half of the total amount of $25,563.00. This
Grant is for the Ocoee PD to acquire a Traffic Unit Variable Message Board. The grant would be awarded after
October 2007.
Approved on Consent Aaenda Vote. Motion carried 4-0. with Commissioner
Johnson absent.
7. Tree Removal with Sunstate Tree & Property Maintenance. (Public Works Director
The City has contracted with Sunstate Tree & Property Maintenance for the removal of large trees within City right
of ways that require additional expertise and equipment beyond the current capabilities of in house forces. The City
has issued purchase orders for $19,495.00 of work to date by utilizing an existing Seminole County Contract No.
IFB-3l24-05-LJS. Public Works is requesting the City issue a contract purchase order in the amount of $50,000.00
to Sunstate Tree to address the anticipated tree removal requirements for the remainder ofthe fiscal year.
This item was removedfrom the Consent Agenda and Voted on Separately.
Commissioner Anderson stated he knows there is money set aside in the budget for tree
removal and was inquiring if they are wanting more money then what was set aside from last
year's budget for this year. Public Works Director Krug stated there was $70,000 put aside for
tree trimming budget and this request is for trees that are beyond the scope of their in-house staff.
They have only used $20,000 out of the $70,000 that was budgeted and there intention is not to
use all the money that is remaining. Commissioner Hood stated he would like to see the list of
trees they are referring to. Commissioner Anderson inquired what they would be doing with
$50,000. Public Works Director Krug stated he has no intentions of doing $50,000 worth of
work he was just trying to avoid having to come back before the Commission before the end of
the year if something were to happen where they would need the money. Commissioner
Anderson inquired as to how they would decide on which account would pay for a tree removal.
Public Works Director Krug stated it would be mostly for tree removals in the right-of-way
easements. Public Works Director Krug also stated he would put together a list for the
Commission of what was taken down and what are on the books to be removed. Acting City
Manager Croteau stated the comprised list would be e-mailed to the Commission.
Commissioner Anderson. seconded bv Commissioner Keller. moved to approve
Tree Removal with Sunstate Tree & Property Maintenance for a not to exceed
amount of $50.000. Motion carried 4-0. with Commissioner Johnson absent.
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July 17,2007
8. ROW Mowing and Landscape Maintenance with Valley Crest and GroundTek. (public
Works Director Krug)
At the September 5, 2006, meeting, the Commission approved contracts with Valley Crest for landscape
maintenance and GroundTek for right of way and landscape mowing. The City entered into one (1) year contracts
with both fIrms in order to determine the quality and cost effectiveness of the services provided. Valley Crest and
GroundTek have provided reliable continued service for their separated portions of the program, validating the
recommendations from the public and private owners that led the City to contract with the fIrms. The Valley Crest
and GroundTek contracts will expire on August 21, 2007, and September 1, 2007, respectively. Based on the
responsiveness of the contractors to the City's need for this type of high profIle maintenance, the Public Works
Department requests direction to proceed with extending the contracts with Valley Crest and GroundTek for a three
(3) year period plus two one (1) year extensions.
Approved on Consent Aaenda Vote. Motion carried 4-0, with Commissioner
Johnson absent.
9. Piggyback off City of Orlando Contract (BI05-2056-5) for the Provision and
Installation of Fencing. (parks & Recreation Director Hayes)
As part of the fIrst phase of improvements for Central Park the Park and Recreation Department is proposing to
upgrade the existing fence by replacing damaged and deteriorating chain link fence along the west boundary line and
within the park (football fIeld and retention pond). Staff is requesting permission to piggyback off of the City of
Orlando's contract (BI05-2056-5) for these services. All-Rite Fence Company, Inc. has submitted a proposal to
perform such services in the amount of$31,809.70, based upon the aforementioned contract.
Approved on Consent Aaenda Vote. Motion carried 4-0, with Commissioner
Johnson absent.
10. Dedication of Two Parcels to Orange County for the Widening of Clarcona-Ocoee Road
east of Clarke Road. (City Engineer Wheeler)
The City of Ocoee is conveying ownership of 2 parcels of land to Orange County in order to facilitate the widening
of Clarcona-Ocoee Road east of Clarke Road. The 2 parcels were obtained as a portion of lands deeded to the City
from Cambridge Development as part of the Orchard Park Development and by Center Lake Properties, LTD as part
of the Oak Trail Reserve Development. The City agreed to convey the two parcels of land needed for the widening
of Clarcona-Ocoee Road from Hiawassee Road to East of Clarke Road in exchange for Orange County advancing
the realignment and widening of West Road from SR 429 to Ocoee-Apopka Road. Orange County Public Works has
received bids for their project and are taking the award to their Board in August. The construction schedule is to
have the road completed by August 1, 2008, prior to school opening.
Approved on Consent Aaenda Vote. Motion carried 4-0, with Commissioner
Johnson absent.
11. Amendment of Budget for Design and Construction of 7th Avenue to Reflect Final
Costs. (City Engineer Wheeler)
The Engineering Department recommends that the City Commission approve the reallocation of$53,000 in unused
funds from the State Road 50 at Maguire Road traffic signal revision project and $6,709.93 in unallocated funds
from the planned traffic signal and intersection modifIcation project for Maguire Road at Moore Road/Roberson
Road. This change seeks to fulfIll prior City Commission commitments with regard to improvements being made
by the developer for the City.
Approved on Consent Aaenda Vote. Motion carried 4-0, with Commissioner
Johnson absent.
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12. Pioneer Key Regional Stormwater Pond. (principal Planner Rumer) (Advertised as Public
Hearing in the Orlando Sentinel on Thursday, July 5, 2007, and July 12, 2007)
a. Annexation
b. Rezoning
The subject property is located west of Ocoee Apopka Road and north of Palm Drive. The City of Ocoee is
requesting the annexation of a 4.53 :J: acre parcel and a change of zoning from Orange County "A-I" (Citrus
Rural) to the City of Ocoee "C-2" (Community Commercial). The City of Ocoee intends to use the parcel as a
regional stonnwater pond. Based on the recommendations of the DRC and Planning & Zoning Commission,
staff recommends that Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners adopt the ordinance to annex the 4.53 +/-
acres of land known as the Pioneer Key Regional Stonnwater Pond parcel, and also adopt the ordinance to
rezone the property to "C-2 "Community Commercial".
I a. Annexation - Ordinance No. 2007-016
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the ordinance.
Principal Planner Rumer gave a presentation regarding the Annexation and Rezoning
Ordinance of the Pioneer Key Regional Stormwater Pond and informed the City Commission
that there is a slight change that will be made to the ordinance due to a discrepancy in the old
Land Use Map. The actual zoning designation that was advertised as C-2 will be changed to
Commissioner Anderson opened the Public Hearing.
Commissioner Anderson closed the Public Hearing.
Commissioner Hood. seconded by Commissioner Keller. moved to adopt on
second readina. Ordinance No. 2007-016. annexina the property known as the
Pioneer Key Reaional Stormwater Pond. a 4.53 t acre parcel located on the west
of Ocoee Apopka and north of Palm Drive. Motion carried 3-0. with Mayor
Vanderarift away from the Dias and Commissioner Johnson absent.
I b. Rezoning - Ordinance No. 2007-017 I
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the ordinance and stated there should be a motion
to adopt the ordinance as it is and then a motion to amend the zoning, due to the discrepancy
Principal Planner Rumer mentioned before.
Mayor Vandergrift opened the Public Hearing.
Mayor Vandergrift closed the Public Hearing.
Commissioner Keller. seconded by Commissioner Hood. moved to adopt on
second readina. Ordinance No. 2007-017. rezonina the property known as the
Pioneer Key Reaional Stormwater Pond to "C-2" Community Commercial as
advertised. Motion carried 4-0. with Commissioner Johnson absent.
Commissioner Hood. seconded by Commissioner Keller. moved to amend the
rezonina of the property known as the Pioneer Key Reaional Stormwater Pond
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City Commission Regular
July 17,2007
from "C-2" Community Commercial to "R-1A" SimIle Family Dwellina. Motion
carried 4-0. with Commissioner Johnson absent.
Commissioner Hood. seconded by Commissioner Keller. moved to adopt on
second readina as amended. Ordinance No. 2007-017. rezonina the property
known as the Pioneer Key Reaional Stormwater Pond to "R-1A" Sinale Family
Dwellina. Motion carried 4-0. with Commissioner Johnson absent.
13.0coee Pines (flkla Whispering Pines). (Principal Planner Fabre) (Advertised as Public
Hearing in the Orlando Sentinel on Thursday, July 5, 2007)
a. Land Use Plan / PUD Rezoning Ordinance.
b. Preliminary Subdivision Plan.
c. Development Agreement. (Not a Public Hearing)
The Ocoee Pines PUD property includes approximately 101 acres of land and is generally located northwest
of Clarcona-Ocoee Road and southeast of Forest Lake Golf Course. The property is currently vacant, wooded
and undeveloped. Based on the recommendation of the DRC and Planning & Zoning Commission, Staff
recommends that the Mayor and City Commissioners approve the rezoning ordinance from Orange County
Agricultural "A-I" to City ofOcoee "PUD" based on the Land Use Plan as date stamped received by the City
on May 25,2007 and will further recommend approval of the Preliminary Subdivision Plan and Development
Agreement at the Public Hearing for the Second Reading of the Rezoning Ordinance.
City Attorney Rosenthal read the title of the ordinance.
Principal Planner Fabre gave a presentation regarding the Land Use Plan /PUD Rezoning
City Attorney Rosenthal stated that minor changes have been made to the draft Developer's
Agreement. Condition of approval to item number 22 will read: the project should be
developed in (2) two phases, specific phasing shall be showing on the final subdivision plan
and shall be subject to the review and approval of the City. Condition of approval number 58
which was duplicative of another condition of approval was deleted. The Land Use Plan will
be revised to be consistent with the Developer's Agreement with respect to those two
conditions of approval. Mayor Vandergrift inquired if there was anything in the first phase
that would have to be held off until the second phase was started. City Attorney Rosenthal
stated they would not know until the final subdivision plan is submitted which is why the
phasing is subject to the condition of approval. Commissioner Hood stated he does not have
a problem with the phasing as long as that does not effect the rounding of Clarcona-Ocoee
Road. Greg Harris, Representative for Ocoee Pines, stated the realignment of Clarcona-
Ocoee Road will be done up front. The phasing of the actual developments of the lots will be
going in during the first phase including the Community Center and amenities. City
Attorney Rosenthal briefly explained to the Commission the boundary line dispute with the
Golf Course and the Boundary Line Agreement that will come forth at Final Subdivision
Plan. A brief discussion ensued regarding several out parcels they are looking to be
condemned and will be brought back before the Commission at a future date.
Mayor Vandergrift opened the Public Hearing.
Robert Monacl~, 1820 Prairie Lake Blvd., inquired about the recreational amenities
Ocoee Pines would have, which Mr. Harris gladly answered.
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Mayor Vandergrift closed the Public Hearing.
Commissioner Anderson expressed his concerns regarding the landscape plans that were
being submitted since there are current changes being made to the landscape ordinance. He
further stated that he is asking for some kind of wording to be added in the motion that the
developer would be required to go by the updated landscape ordinance when they start
development. Mayor Vandergrift inquired as to who was on the Landscape Committee and
as to what they were working on. He further stated he felt a planner should be on the
committee. Commissioner Anderson briefly explained the efforts of the Landscape
Committee. City Attorney Rosenthal stated the preliminary subdivision plan has a
landscape plan in it that currently complies with the code. He further stated they could
possibly enforce the landscape ordinance change in respect to individual lots and building
permit but with respect to the subdivision plan it would be a little bit more complicated since
they are not sure what the new landscape ordinance mayor may not impact. Commissioner
Keller stated if the Final Subdivision Plan comes back to them after the new landscape
ordinance is in effect they could possibly look into it then. Mayor Vandergrift stated he
would like to see minutes for the Landscape Committee and a list on who serves on the
committee. He would also like for them to come before the City Commission to let them
know when and where they meet and what they are working on.
I a. Land Use Plan / PUD Rezoning - Ordinance No. 2007-018
Commissioner Hood, seconded by Mayor Vanderarift, moved to aDDrove the
rezonina ordinance from Oranae County Aaricultural "A-1" to City of Ocoee
"PUD" based on the land Use Plan as date stamDed received by the City on May
25, 2007, with the Conditions of ADDroval and consideration of the landscaDe
Committee. Motion carried 4-0, with Commissioner Johnson absent.
I b. Preliminary Subdivision Plan
Mayor Vandergrift opened the Public Hearing.
Mayor Vandergrift closed the Public Hearing.
Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Hood, moved to aDDrove
the Preliminary Subdivision Plan as date stamDed received by the City on May 25,
2007, Der staff's recommendation. Motion carried 4-0, with Commissioner
Johnson absent.
I c. Development Agreement
Mayor Vanderarift, seconded by Commissioner Hood, moved to aDDrove the
DeveloDment Aareement Der staff's recommendation. Motion carried 4-0, with
Commissioner Johnson absent.
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City Commission Regular
July 17,2007
14. Glad Tidings Assembly of God. (principal Planner Fabre) (Advertised as Public Hearing in the
Orlando Sentinel on Thursday, July 5,2007)
a. Special Exception Amendment
Glad Tidings Assembly of God Church is proposing to increase their existing Special Exception use to
include an additional vacant parcel (3.495 acres) that they acquired adjacent to the subject church (8.965
acres) property. The existing 12,000 square feet church facility is located on the north side of Fuller's Cross
Road, approximately 750 feet east of Ocoee-Apopka Road. The total subject property is approximately 12.46
acres in size, zoned R-lA (Single-Family Dwelling). The applicant submitted a site plan detailing the phasing
of an expansion of their existing church facility. Upon submission of the site plan, the applicant was notified
that a Special Exception is required for the additional land, and that the Special Exception Amendment is
required to be obtained prior to fmal site plan submittal. Based on the recommendation of the DRC and
Planning & Zoning Commission, Staff recommends that the Mayor and City Commissioners approve the
Glad Tidings Assembly of God Church/Special Exception Amendment and Preliminary Site Plan for Special
Exception date stamped received by the City on July 10,2007.
Principal Planner Fabre gave a presentation regarding the Glad Tidings Assembly Special
Mayor Vandergrift opened the Public Hearing.
Pastor Clinton Howell thanked the City Commission for their consideration of the special
Mayor Vandergrift closed the Public Hearing.
Commissioner Hood, seconded by Commissioner Anderson, moved to approve
the Glad Tidinas Assembly of God Church/Special Exception Amendment and
Preliminary Site Plan for Special Exception date stamped received by the City on
July 10, 2007. Motion carried 4-0, with Commissioner Johnson absent.
15. Clarence Brown Variance. (Principal Planner Rumer) (Advertised as Public Hearing in the
Orlando Sentinel on Thursday, July 5, 2007)
This variance application requests that a proposed sunroom addition at 868 Cool Springs Circle be allowed to
encroach 10 feet into the 25 foot rear yard setback. The proposed sunroom would replace an existing patio that
contains screens for sides and a solid aluminum roof. The applicant contracted with Four Seasons Sunrooms to
build a lO'x18' glass sunroom, but due to the 25' setback; the building permit was rejected. The applicant stated as
part of the application that he has an existing spinal cord injury and the proposed addition would allow use of the
room during all climates and weather conditions for rehabilitation exercises. Based on the above report, staff does
not believe the variance requested by Clarence and Daphne Brown is supportable. Should the City Commission deny
the variance request, staff recommends that the Mayor and City Commission make a finding under Subsection 4-9
B. (2) and (3), that: 1) The reasons set forth in the application do not justifY granting a variance; 2) The denial of the
variance will still allow for the reasonable use of the land and building; and 3) The granting of the variance will not
be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of these regulations and will be injurious to the surrounding
territory, or otherwise be detrimental to the public welfare.
Principal Planner Rumer gave a presentation regarding the Clarence Brown Variance.
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July 17,2007
Mayor Vandergrift opened the Public Hearing.
Clarence Brown stated when he became ill and was told he may have to use a mobilize chair he
decided to use the screen room to do rehabilitation exercises. The problem is that in the summer
the room gets hot and during the winter it becomes to cold so he is requesting a variance to
enclose the room for climate control.
Mayor Vandergrift closed the Public Hearing.
Commissioner Keller, seconded bv Mavor Vanderarift, moved to approve the
Clarence Brown Variance based on the circumstances presented at the Public
Hearina. Motion carried 4-0, with Commissioner Johnson absent.
City Attorney Rosenthal reminded the City Commission that part of the Board of Adjustment
recommendation is that City Commission direct staff to look at amending the LDC requirements
with respect to this particular issue. Mayor Vandergrift stated staff should look into it and
bring something back to the Commission.
16. Vincent Gramaglia Variance. (Principal Planner Rumer) (Advertised as Public Hearing in the
Orlando Sentinel on Thursday, July 5, 2007)
This variance application requests that a proposed sunroom addition at 501 Bridge Creek Blvd be allowed to
encroach 8.6 feet into the 25 foot rear yard setback. The proposed sunroom would be used for recreational and
added home value. The applicant contracted with Four Seasons Sunrooms to build a 12'-7W' x 23'-6" glass
sunroom, but due to the 25' setback; the building permit was rejected. Based on the above report, staff does not
believe the variance requested by Vincent Gramaglia is supportable. Should the City Commission deny the variance
request, staff recommends that the Mayor and City Commission make a finding under Subsection 4-9 B. (2) and (3),
that: 1) The reasons set forth in the application do not justify granting a variance; 2) The denial of the variance will
still allow for the reasonable use of the land and building; and 3) The granting of the variance will not be in harmony
with the general purpose and intent of these regulations and will be injurious to the surrounding territory, or
otherwise be detrimental to the public welfare.
Principal Planner Rumer gave a presentation regarding the Vincent Gramaglia Variance.
Mayor Vandergrift opened the Public Hearing.
Vincent Gramaglia thanked the board for considering the variance and provided the board with
letters of approval from the HOA and his neighbors regarding the proposed sunroom.
Mayor Vandergrift closed the Public Hearing.
Mavor Vanderarift, seconded bv Commissioner Keller, moved to approve the
Vincent Gramaalia Variance based on the circumstances presented at the Public
Hearina. Motion carried 4-0, with Commissioner Johnson absent.
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City Commission Regular
July 17,2007
17. Thomas Property. (Principal Planner Rumer)
a. Annexation
b. Rezoning
East side of Lauren Beth A venue, 600 feet south of the intersection of Clarcona Ocoee Road and Lauren
Beth Avenue. Kirt Thomas is requesting the annexation of an 18.69::1: acre parcel and a change of zoning
from Orange County "A-I" (General Agriculture) to the City ofOcoee "A-I" (General Agriculture). Based
on the recommendations of the DRC and Planning & Zoning Commission, staff recommends that
Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners adopt the ordinance to annex the 18.69 +/- acres ofland known
as the Thomas Property, and also adopt the ordinance to rezone the property to "A-I" General Agriculture.
City Attorney Rosenthal read the titles of the Annexation Ordinance and the Rezoning
Ordinance for the Thomas Property.
Mayor Vandergrift announced that the 2nd Reading and Public Hearing will be heard on August
7,2007, at 7:15 p.m., or as soon thereafter as may be heard.
18. Oak Level Heights. (Principal Planner Rumer)
a. Annexation
b. Rezoning
South side ofClarcona Ocoee Road, at the southwest comer of the intersection ofClarcona Ocoee Road and
Angola Street. The proposed annexation is a logical extension of the City limits, urban services can be
provided, and the annexation meets state and local regulations. Furthermore, the requested Future Land
Use and initial zoning classifications are consistent with the land use classifications on the Future Land Use
Map and the JPA Land Use Map. The land use and initial zoning are also consistent and compatible with
surrounding properties. Based on the recommendations of the DRC and Planning & Zoning Commission,
staff recommends that Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners adopt the ordinance to annex the 0.58 +/-
acres of land acres of land known as the Oak Level Heights property, subject to an annexation agreement
including a provision that would waive the lot width requirements of Section 5-10 (B) of the Land
Development Code and also adopt the ordinance to rezone the property to rezoning to "R-l" Single-Family
City Attorney Rosenthal read the titles of the Annexation Ordinance and the Rezoning
Ordinance for Oak Level Heights.
Mayor Vandergrift announced that the 2nd Reading and Public Hearing will be heard on August
7,2007, at 7:15 p.m., or as soon thereafter as may be heard.
19. Authorization of Staff to Proceed with a Boundary Survey for the Tiger Minor Park
Property. (Principal Planner Rumer)
Tiger Minor Park, one of City of Ocoee's premier parks that provides a playground, pavilion, benches, grills,
basketball court, tennis courts, & restrooms consists of 9.46::1: acres of park land with a portion of its boundaries
lying within the limits of unincorporated Orange County. In order to annex the portion located in Orange County
into the Ocoee City limits, a legal description in metes and bounds is required by Florida Statute 171.044 (3). Staff
respectfully requests the expenditure of Contingency funds in the amount of not to exceed $8,980.00 for a Boundary
Survey in order to provide a metes and bounds legal description for property located at Tiger Minor Park.
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July 17,2007
Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Hood, moved to authorize
staff to proceed with a boundary survey for Tiaer Minor Park. Motion carried 4-0,
with Commissioner Johnson absent.
20. Resolution to Reduce the Development Review Application Fees for Variances.
(principal Planner Rumer)
The City Commission requested staff to look into reducing the application costs for obtaining a variance. Staff
researched variance fees from other jurisdictions and proposes the Flat Review Fee be decreased from $500 to $250
for Single-Family Residences, all other variance fees be decreased from $750 to $500, and the requirement for the
$1,000 deposit be eliminated. Staff respectfully recommends that the Mayor and City Commissioners approve the
resolution reducing the variance fees from a $500 Flat Review Fee to a $250 Flat Review Fee for Single-Family
Residences, all other variance fees be decreased from $750 to $500, and the requirement for the $1,000 deposit be
City Attorney Rosenthal read the titles of the Resolution.
Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Keller, moved that if an
applicant is denied a variance they would receive half their application fee back.
Motion was rescinded.
Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Keller, moved to adopt
Resolution 2007-005, reducina the Development Review Application Fees for
Variances per staffs recommendation. Motion carried 4-0, with Commissioner
Johnson absent.
21. Discussion and Direction on Electronic Message Board Signs. (Community
Development Director Wagner)
Since the adoption of the upgraded sign regulations in the Land Development Code, the use of flashing, moving, or
message board signs, commonly referred to as LED signs has been prohibited in all zoning districts of the City.
There is not one electronic message board sign in the City today. It has recently come to the attention of staff that
there has been a request to allow these signs to be permitted for a local school. Staff respectfully recommends that
the Mayor and City Commissioners continue to prohibit electronic message board signs in all zoning districts of the
City through Section 6.14 (5) (a) (i) of the Land Development Code in order to maintain superior development
standards and prevent the proliferation of visual pollution and clutter which would preclude Ocoee from maintaining
its attractiveness and upgraded visual character.
Moved up on the agenda under Comments from Citizens/Public.
22. Appointments to the Ocoee Police Infraction Hearing Board. (City Clerk Eikenberry)
Ordinance 2007-007, adopted May 15, 2007, amends Chapter 168 of the City of Ocoee Code of Ordinances and
calls for the creation of the Ocoee Police Infraction Hearing Board as follows: The Hearing Board shall consist of
seven (7) members, two of which must be members of the Citizens Advisory Council of the Ocoee Police
Department (CACOPD). Additional members of the Hearing Board may also be members of CACOPD. All
members of the Hearing Board shall be residents or business owners from the City of Ocoee. Each member of the
City Commission shall appoint a member of the Hearing Board. The other two members of the Hearing Board shall
be appointed by the City Commission from among the membership of the CACOPD. The Chief of Police shall
provide the City Commission with his recommendation as to the appointees from the CACOPD. Members of the
Hearing Board shall serve 2-year terms; provided, however, that the initial members of the Hearing Board appointed
by each City Commissioner shall serve a one year term.
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July 17,2007
Acting City Manager Croteau stated when the Ocoee Police Infraction Hearing Board was
created it was stated that: The Hearing Board shall consist of seven (7) members, two of which
must be members of the Citizens Advisory Council of the Ocoee Police Department (CACOPD).
Police Chief Reffet has recommended Robert Minarcin and Louise Torres from the Police
Advisory Board.
Commissioner Keller. seconded bv Mavor Vanderarift. moved to approve
recommendation of Police Chief Reffet in appointina Robert Minarcin and Louise
Torres to the Ocoee Police Infraction Hearina Board. Motion carried 4-0. with
Commissioner Johnson absent.
City Attorney Rosenthal informed the Commission that they should put their recommendation
for designation of members to the board in writing addressed to the City Clerk. Their individual
recommendations do not need to come back before the Commission.
Commissioner Hood inquired about appointments to the Charter Review Board and stated he is
recommending Danny Howell for the board.
Mayor Vandergrift stated he is recommending Kirt Thomas to the Ocoee Police Infraction
Hearing Board.
23. Appointment to the West Orange Chamber of Commerce Nomination Committee. (City
Clerk Eikenberry)
The Chamber will be appointing a nominating committee in August and will then meet to determine the slate for
2008. They have asked that the City Commission determine who will represent the City of Ocoee on their board.
This item will be brought back before the City Commission once they get more
24. Discussion regarding Dinner Sponsorship for Homes in Partnership, Inc.
(Commissioner Johnson)
Commissioner Anderson moved to approve a sponsorship of $200. Motion died
due to lack of second.
Add-on Item: Florida League of Cities looking for Representatives. (Acting City Manager
Acting City Manager Croteau informed the Commission they had received a memo from the
Florida League of Cities looking for representatives for the following four (4) committees:
Municipal Service Delivery Council, Urban Planning Council, Fiscal Stewardship Council, and
Home Rule Administration Council.
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July 17,2007
Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Hood. moved to appoint
Commissioner Keller to the Fiscal Stewardship Council. Motion carried 3-0. with
Mayor Vanderarift away from the Dias and Commissioner Johnson absent.
Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Keller. moved to appoint
Mayor Vanderarift to the Home Rule Administration Council. Motion carried 3-0.
with Mayor Vanderarift away from the Dias and Commissioner Johnson absent.
Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Keller. moved to appoint
Commissioner Hood to the Urban Plannina Council. Motion carried 3-0. with
Mayor Vanderarift away from the Dias and Commissioner Johnson absent.
Commissioner Anderson. seconded by Commissioner Keller. moved to appoint
Commissioner Johnson to the Municipal Service Delivery Council. Motion carried
3-0. with Mayor Vanderarift away from the Dias and Commissioner Johnson
Add-on Item: Ingram Road Closure. (City Engineer Wheeler)
City Engineer Wheeler informed the City Commission of the Ingram Road Closure and stated it
is set to be closed from August 19-24th.
Commissioner Hood - stated that there are some residents are having domestic disturbance
between 2-4 a.m. It seems like there has been many incidents with that home. He would
appreciate it if the Police Department could look into the situation and see what they could
do. Deputy Chief Goclon stated that he would check into it.
Commissioner Anderson - 1) discussed the pollution with Starke Lake. He further
discussed that last year they implemented the Center Street ditch which should help improve
the pollution which goes into the lake. They are also working on a landscape ordinance that
will address enforcement of biodegradable products and runoff issues that go on with lakes
and ponds. 2) stated that there is about $40,000 designated in this years budget for road
tables and inquired if those road tables are actually going to be put in. He requested that
Public Works Director Krug bring back a report that will indicate where the money will be
used. Public Works Director Krug stated that they are waiting to hear back from the
petition phase for the four areas that they originally proposed when they initially brought it to
the Commission. They are receiving a lot of questions and addressing the publics concerns.
They may extend the window to have the surveys back in order to answer as many questions
as possible. 3) stated that on Flewelling Road, they need to look into putting a stop sign
where the railroad track is located. That area is becoming a speedway. Public Works
Director Krug stated that he would like to put two speed tables in front of the park area on
Russell. They have been holding off because they are working on the resurfacing project.
The issue will be addressed.
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Commissioner Keller - no comments.
Mayor Vandergrift - would like to thank the City Commission on the evaluation process of
the City Manager. He added that they are always looking for a better way to handle that
The meeting was adjourned at 9:37 p.m.
City of Ocoee
Melanie Sibbitt, Acting City Clerk
S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor
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~~M =*.\
AtJflU.sr 7, :2-eo,
Ocoee Commission Chambers Conference Room
150 North Lakeshore Drive
Ocoee, Florida
July 10, 2007
7:00 p.m.
Mayor Vandergrift called the special session to order at 7:03 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of
City Hall. City Clerk Eikenberry called roll and declared a quorum present.
Roll Call: Commissioner Hood, Commissioner Anderson, Mayor Vandergrift, Commissioner
Keller, Commissioner Johnson.
Also present: City Manager Frank, Assistant City Manager Croteau City, Clerk Eikenberry
Mayor Vandergrift opened the Workshop at 7:00 p.m.
Mayor Vandergrift opened the meeting and advised he would go around the table and let each
Commissioner speak. He asked City Manager Frank to start by summarizing what he has
accomplished this year. City Manager Frank said this is the end of three years with the City
and he feels that great strides have been made with projects, level of professionalism in the
management staff, and employee morale. He said they just completed another budget process
where the budget is balanced at the current rate and we are waiting to see what state legislature is
going to do as far as lowering the millage. He said he would be happy to answer any questions if
there were any specific topics they wanted to discuss.
Mayor Vandergrift said that this meeting is in lieu of doing an evaluation, and we can use this
time to evaluate ourselves as Commissioners as well.
Commissioner Hood - had no comments
Commissioner Anderson 1) said he is concerned about the City Manager being on the 9/80
schedule, particularly since he does not live in the City, so he felt he should be here 10 days.
City Manager Frank said under Section 5A and 5B he is not required to be on any particular
schedule and he always charges his time off when he takes it even though that is not required.
On his Fridays off he is always available by phone and frequently talks to staff. He said. he has
never abused that section of his contract that permits him to take time off whenever he wants it.
He doesn't think it was ever the Commissions intent to make him an hourly employee. The 9/80
schedule has worked out excellent for the employees and the residents because the new City Hall
hours are 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. and he sees residents waiting for the doors to open at 7:30 a.m.
every day. Commissioner Anderson said he feels the schedule is working fine for the
employees, but thinks that the City Manager should have addressed it with the Commission
before he went on that schedule. Mr. Frank said it is addressed in his contract, he is just doing
City Commission Workshop
July lO, 2007
Page 2 of5
it on a more structured basis by adopting the same 9/80 schedule as the employees, rather than
coming and going as he pleases.
Commissioner Anderson said in the terms of the contract have verbiage regarding termination
or resignation, but does not include the City Attorney's verbiage of what happens if the contract
is not extended. He feels the City Manager should not get severance in the case of non-renewal
of contract but should get it only if he is terminated during the contract period. City Attorney
Rosenthal said he would look for that part of the contract and get back with them in a few
Commissioner Johnson said he thinks the contract is fine as written and he has no problem with
renewing it for at least two years. He thinks Rob has done his job better as time goes one, and he
an Assistant City Manager who does a good job taking over when he is gone for any reason. He
said he did not know why they were here tonight unless someone has a problem with his
performance. Mayor Vandergrift said this meeting is in replacement of a written evaluation.
Commissioner Johnson said he is not concerned about him living out of the City, he attends
more functions that some of the Commissioners and he is always available by phone or email.
City Attorney Rosenthal said on Page 6 of the contract, section B2(a), the last sentence
describes the severance pay, and states that it shall be paid in the event of non-renewal of this
agreement. Commissioner Anderson restated that he does not think that a City Manager should
get severance pay ifhis contract period expires and the City chooses not to renew it.
City Attorney Rosenthal said the legal effect would be if no action is taken by the City
Commission on the contract before October 1, 2007, the City Manager would not have a
contract. He added that if you were negotiating a contract and reached an impasse because there
may be some extraordinary demands (for example the City Manager asking for a $1,000,000
salary), then you would have a valid argument that no severance should be paid to him.
Commissioner Hood said the only issue he has is the City Manager not living in the City, but if
the Commission feels strongly that is not an issue, than we should have it removed from the City
Charter, because residents see that and think it is an issue. City Attorney Rosenthal said the
Charter expressly provides that the Commission can waive that requirement. Commissioner
Anderson said the original contract required that he become a resident within a specific time
frame, but the subsequent contract removed that requirement entirely.
Commissioner Keller said he has not problems with the City Manager's performance, he is
always available anytime he needs him and Assistant City Manager Croteau is also there to fill
and whenever he is out of the office. He would like to see him live in the City, but does not
think it is vitally important one way or the other.
Commissioner Anderson said he would like to remove the part of the contract that allows a City
Manager to have six months severance pay at the end of a contract if we choose not to renew it,
because they would already know for six months if it is not going to be renewed. Discussion
followed. Commissioner Hood asked what the norm is for a City Manager contract. City
Attorney Rosenthal said his general understanding is that six months severance is not unusual.
City Manager Frank said the ICMA standard contract has a year severance, but they typically
don't have terms, they are open ended. City Manager Frank said that type of contract makes
the job more attractive and allows them to have more bargaining power for attracting good
people to the City. Commissioner Keller said the contract asked that notification be made by
the end of July if the intention of the commission is not to renew the contract, but there is no
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penalty if they don't do that, it is a good faith request, so we are basically allowed to leave them
hanging until September 30, 2007, and then not renew the contract. He said he can understand
why he would want the protection of the severance pay in that situation. City Attorney Rosenthal
said that the original proposal from the City Manager was six months severance, but that was
rejected by the Commission. The six months was reduced to three, with discussion for each
month that he stays they would add another month of severance pay, up to six months. In the
end the consensus was that they would go with the reduced amount of three months, but it would
be paid in the event of non-renewal.
Mayor Vandergrift asked Commissioner Anderson if he is in favor of a multi-year contract.
Commissioner Anderson added that isn't the issue, it is whether or not to pay severance for
non-renewal of his contract. If they are told six months ahead of time the contract is not being
renewed, they would still receive six months pay while they are finishing their contract and they
do not deserve another six months severance pay. Mayor Vandergrift said if you tell him in
July his contract is not going to be renewed, he will be asked to leave and get his six months
severance; he will not work out the remainder of his contract after he has been told it is not being
renewed. City Attorney Rosenthal added that he has seen many City Managers terminated over
the last 20 years and does not know of any that continued to work once they were told they
would not renew a contract. City Attorney Rosenthal said regardless of what you do today, you
do have to have some procedure for addressing the renewal and what the terms and conditions of
the renewal are going to be and how that will get to the Commission before October I, 2007.
Commissioner Anderson said he thinks City Manager Frank has a closed door policy with staff,
he has heard that many times with unanswered emails or phone calls. He stated he did not think
he moved fast enough with the CRA, the Fire Assessment Fee, traffic light issues. He said he
does not see the "divide and conquer" things being accomplished by him that were supposed to
be accomplished when an Assistant City Manager was hired. City Manager Frank said he does
not know how to respond to that.
Mayor Vandergrift and Commissioner Johnson said they both hear that Commissioner
Anderson does not answer his phone calls or emails.
Commissioner Anderson said he feels that the City Manager should help get the departments
working together; they are working independently at this time.
Mayor Vandergrift said that we must be careful not to micro manage the City. He stated
Commissioner Anderson has given employees credit for saying things that they claimed they did
not in fact say. He does not want it to go back to the City Manager telling Elected Officials not
to talk to staff, but we should not get in the way of their day to day duties.
Commissioner Anderson said he would like to see the City Manager champion issues and take
on things that he has a passion about. He sees someone sitting in their office, isolated, and not
trying to get things done other than what comes across his desk. He needs to be a lighting rod
for the City.
Commissioner Johnson questioned Commissioner Anderson's own job at answering his phone
and emails; and questioned his residency in the City in the entire time he has been a
Commissioner until he recently moved. Commissioner Anderson stated that was absolutely
false. He said that he is wrong about the traffic lights, CRA, fire assessments, etc, and that the
only reason they finally moved forward is because of City Manager Frank. He said that the only
thing he feels that could help them accomplish more is if the Assistant City Manager is out in the
field more and not in the all. He said Commissioner Anderson has wanted to fire every City
Manager we have had since he has been in office.
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Commissioner Keller said he does not feel why we should have to do this process every year.
A professional in this position should not have a one year contract, especially after he has proven
himself over the last three years. He thinks it should be between 3-5 years.
Commissioner Hood said he would like someone to advise what the norm is. We need to make
a contract that can attract the right people and give them some stability. A multi year contract
would accomplish that.
Commissioner Keller asked why anyone would move into the City if they only have a one year
contract that could be terminated at anytime.
City Attorney Rosenthal said the original contract was 15 months to line it up with the Fiscal
Discussion followed regarding length of the contract and salary. Mayor Vandergrift said with
the revenue cuts we will be experiencing this year, he would like to see the City Manager get the
same COLA and MERIT increases that we give to the employees.
James Fleming said that he feels the City Manager is doing a good job and he has been
responsive to his issues regarding his mother garbage bill.
Rosemary Wilsen 1) said she thinks the 9/80 schedule has worked out well for employees and
residents, but thinks City Manager Frank should consider staggering the days off so everyone is
not off on Friday, 2) asked about Mr. Franks comments that other City Managers do not have
contracts and City Manager Frank said they have contracts that do not have expirations, they are
just ongoing unless the Commission decides to terminate it. 3) she said she understands why he
shouldn't have to be looking for a home in the current real estate market, but she feels that the
requirement for the City Manager to live in the City should be left in the Charter, 4) she asked
about which issues with regard to the City Manager's contract are that the Charter and
Commissioner Hood advised that was mentioned when they with regard to a super majority
vote in order for termination. City Attorney Rosenthal advised it is not a contract issue, that
would be covered in the Charter and he added that our charter provides much more due process
protection to a City Manager than most; you can't just fire him during a Commission Meeting as
they can in most cities, 5) she said the length of contract time for Commissioners are three years
and maybe the City Manager's contract should be the same.
City Attorney Rosenthal advised there has to be an amendment to the contract because it has a
set expiration date. He said he thinks the consensus that he heard would be for only one change,
to extend the agreement from September 30,2007, to September 20,2010.
Mayor Vandergrift said that City Attorney Rosenthal, City Manager Frank, and himself will
draw up a contract based on the discussion here tonight and bring it back to the Commission for
Commissioner Keller said since this is a year that has no election, would it be a good idea to
line up the City Manager's three year contracts with the non-election years. That would make
the next agreement expire in 2011.
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July 10, 2007
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City Manager Frank said there are some issues that he wants to suggest in his contract, one of
them being his participation in the General Employees Pension Plan.
J ames Fleming added that he has not seen his liaison or Commission ex -officio member for the
HRDB Board. Commissioner Keller said he called to advise he had to miss the last meeting
due to schedule conflict, but he will be at future meetings.
Commissioner Anderson said that he feels three years is too long for the contract.
City Clerk Eikenberry said there was an item on the last Commission agenda to discuss the
Charter Review Board, and at the request of the Commission, the discussion was added to this
workshop. The Consensus of the Commission was to place this item on a future agenda in July
or August.
The meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.
City of Ocoee
Beth Eikenberry, City Clerk
S. Scott Vandergrift, Mayor