HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #03 Award of Turnpike Widening Utility Relocation Engineering Project to DRMP
Meeting Date: August 7, 2007
Item # -3
Contact Name:
Contact Number:
David Wheeler
407 -905-3100,
ext. 1504
Reviewed By:
Department Director:
City Manager:
#' --
Subject: Award of the Turnpike Widening Utility Relocation Engineering Project to DRMP under the
terms of their continuing contract with the City of Ocoee
Background Summary:
The City Commission established a budget of $100,000 for engineering design and permitting services
associated with the planned relocation of two City-owned utility lines crossing Florida's Turnpike on the
eastern edge of the Maguire Road right of way: a 12-inch sanitary sewer force main and a 12-inch
potable water main. Both lines were initially slated for relocation to the east at a greater depth in order to
avoid conflicts with the planned widening of the Turnpike in this area. Over the last few months, City
staff conducted extensive discussions with Turnpike officials, which have resulted in a reduction in
project scope and cost savings to the City.
City staff proposes a three-step approach to the project. Step 1 includes relocation of the force main.
Step 2 involves removal/grouting of the existing utility lines within the Turnpike right of way. Step 3
involves potential changes to the potable water distribution system to compensate for loss of the water
main, which is one of three crossing the Turnpike. Concurrent with the design of the force main, City
staff will work with Reiss Environmental, recently awarded the City's utility system modeling contract, to
explore the feasibility of not immediately replacing the 12-inch water main. A decision whether to design
and construct the water main relocation will be made following completion of the utility modeling effort.
That decision may be to do all the work at once, complete the design work now and install the water line
at a later date, make other changes to the water distribution system, or abandon the water line without
The firm of Dyer, Riddle, Mills & Precourt, Inc. is under contract to the City for continuing engineering
services and has supplied a proposal totaling $32,280.00 for the engineering and permitting portion of
the work. The proposal includes $21,805 for the sanitary sewer force main, $7,540 for the water main,
and $2,935 (10%) for contingencies. Direct reimbursable costs (printing, copying, etc.) will be paid from
the contingency amount. The total projected cost should not exceed $32,280.
Florida's Turnpike has identified a vertical clearance conflict between City-owned utility lines crossing the
Turnpike to the east of Maguire Road and future construction of additional lanes on the Turnpike. These
two utility lines must be abandoned and removed prior to August 1, 2008, in order to clear the way for
widening the Turnpike. The 12-inch sanitary sewer force main is the only such conveyance crossing the
Turnpike and must remain in service while it is replaced with a deeper, parallel facility within the Turnpike
right of way. The 12-inch potable water main is one of three crossings of the Turnpike and may not be
need immediate replacement.
The Engineering Department recommends that the City Commission award the design and permitting
effort associated with the planned relocation of Maguire Road utility lines crossing Florida's Turnpike to
the firm of Dyer, Riddle, Mills & Precourt, Inc. in the amount of $32,280 from previously budgeted funds.
The Department additionally recommends that the unused design phase funds be reallocated to secure
any necessary rights of way or easements for the relocated facilities and to construct the project, which
should occur in the 2007-08 Fiscal Year.
DRMP proposal.
Financial Impact:
The funding for this task work order will come from previously budgeted funds identified for this purpose
in the Adopted FY 2006-07 City Budget.
Type of Item: (please mark with an "x')
Public Hearing
_ Ordinance First Reading
_ Ordinance Second Reading
~ Commission Approval
Discussion & Direction
For Clerk's Deot Use:
_ Consent Agenda
Public Hearing
_ Regular Agenda
_ Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk
_ Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution
Reviewed by City Attorney
Reviewed by Finance Dept.
Reviewed by ( )
Dyer, Riddle, Mills
& Precourt, Inc.
Wayne D. Chalifoux
Donaldson K. Barton, Jr.
Lucius J. Cushman, Jr.
Jon S. Meadows
Stephen L. Precourt
Lawrence L. Smith, Jr.
William T. Stone
941 Lake Baldwin Lane
Orlando, Florida 32814
Phone: 407.896.0594
Fax: 407.896.4836
Bartow, Florida
Charlotte, North Carolina
Chipley, Florida
Columbia, South Carolina
DeLand, Florida
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
Ft. Myers, Florida
Gainesville, Florida
Jacksonville, Florida
Panama City Beach, Florida
Pensacola, Florida
Tallahassee, Florida
Tampa, Florida
July 20, 2007
DRMP Job # 07-0555.0MK
Mr. Al Butler, P.E.
City of Ocoee Engineering Department
150 North Lakeshore Drive
Ocoee, Florida 34761
Proposal - Engineering Services for City of Ocoee Utility Relocation
Maguire Road & Turnpike
Dear Mr. Butler:
Thank you for considering Dyer, Riddle, Mills & Precourt, Inc. (DRMP) to provide
engineering services for the above referenced project. These services will include:
. Engineering and construction plans/specifications for the replacement of a 12-
inch wastewater force main and its casing under the Turnpike at Maguire Road,
and removal of the old pipe.
. Necessary permitting of the force main replacement.
. As an alternate, engineering and construction plans/specifications for the
replacement of a l2-inch potable water main and its casing under the Turnpike
at Maguire Road, and removal of the old pipe.
. As an alternate, necessary permitting of the potable water main replacement.
. Attendance of meetings with the City and/or Turnpike (up to 4 meetings for the
force main work and 2 additional meetings for the potable water main work are
· Providing coordination with surveyors (including SUE for soft digs), the
Turnpike Enterprise and their design consultant, and the City.
A. Obtain and review Turnpike engineering plans for the work to be accomplished
in the area of Maguire Road.
B. Obtain and review as-builts or record drawings from the City for the existing
pipelines in the area of the Turnpike and Maguire Road.
C:\Documents and Settings\abutler\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLKI2\Ocoee Turnpike_Maguire Rd pipe relocation draft
Mr. Al Butler, P.E.
City of Ocoee Engineering Department
July 20, 2007
Page 2
C. DRMP shall coordinate with the Turnpike's surveyor to obtain additional
information, particularly results of SUE (soft digs) of the utility lines crossing
the Turnpike at Maguire Road.
D. Coordinate and obtain electronic plans from the Turnpike's design consultant
for use as base drawings for the utility plans.
E. Perform an inspection site visit.
A. DRMP shall provide plan and profile construction drawings for approximately
530 - LF of new 12-inch force main, including approximately 335 - LF of
24" casing pipe, in the east right-of-way of Maguire Road crossing the
Turnpike. The casing pipe will be designed for special construction, such as
directional drilling or boring and jacking. The existing pipe will be designed
for removal outside of the Turnpike paved area and grouted and left in place
under the paved area. The drawings shall include a cover, general notes, legend
and abbreviation, special and miscellaneous details sheets
B. DRMP shall prepare technical specifications for the construction work.
C. DRMP shall utilize City standard front-end contract documents and modify as
necessary for this project.
D. DRMP shall provide quality assurance/quality control on the construction
DRMP shall prepare and submit the following permit applications.
A. Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Wastewater
Collection/Transmission System General Permit (fee to be paid by City).
B. Turnpike Permit (any fee to be paid by City).
C. It has been assumed that no permit will be required by any entity for work
in the right-of-way of Maguire Road.
DRMP shall perform limited meeting and coordination services as identified below:
A. DRMP shall participate in up to four (4) meetings with the City ofOcoee
and/or the Turnpike Enterprise as needed for this effort.
B. DRMP shall participate in coordination efforts with the City and the
Turnpike Enterprise as needed for this effort.
Mr. Al Butler, P.E.
City of Ocoee Engineering Department
July 20, 2007
Page 3
As an alternate, and if requested by the City, DRMP shall provide the following services
regarding replacement of the potable water main in Maguire Road at the Turnpike
crossing. The fees shown below associated with these services are based on the potable
water main replacement design and permitting being provided during the force main
design phase. If the work is requested after completing the force main design, this fee
shall be renegotiated:
A. DRMP shall provide plan and profile construction drawings for approximately
490 - LF of new 12-inch potable water main, including approximately 325 -
LF of 24" casing pipe, in the east right-{)f-way of Maguire Road crossing the
Turnpike. The casing pipe will be designed for special construction, such as
directional drilling or boring and jacking. The replaced pipe will be designed
for removal outside of the Turnpike paved area and grouted and left in place
under the paved area. The drawings shall include modifications to the general
notes, plan and profile, special and miscellaneous details sheets, to include the
potable water main work.
B. DRMP shall add to the technical specifications as necessary for the potable
water main work.
C. DRMP shall modify the front-end contract documents as necessary to
include the water main work.
D. DRMP shall provide quality assurance/quality control on the modified
As an alternate, and if requested by the City, DRMP shall prepare and submit the
following permit applications.
A. Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Water
Distribution System General Permit (fee to be paid by City).
B. Modify Turnpike Permit application to include potable water work (any fee
to be paid by City).
C. It has been assumed that no permit will be required by any entity for work
in the right-of-way of Maguire Road.
DRMP shall perform limited meeting and coordination services as identified below:
A. DRMP shall participate in up to two (2) meetings with the City of Ocoee
andlor the Turnpike Enterprise as needed for this effort.
B. DRMP shall participate in coordination efforts with the City and the
Turnpike Enterprise as needed for this effort.
Mr. Al Butler, P.E.
City of Ocoee Engineering Department
July 20, 2007
Page 4
ADDITIONAL SERVICES (Not part of this contract)
If the Owner desires to change or expand upon these services, an additional fee shall be
negotiated. This re-negotiation shall be accomplished prior to further work on the project.
Re-negotiation may be required for any of the following reasons.
A. Bidding assistance, environmental studies, construction surveys, boundary
survey, topographical surveys, SUE (soft digs) to confirm pipe locations,
preparation of legal descriptions, and landscape plans are not included
above and would be considered additional services.
B. The engineering design as outlined in the scope of services and generated
by DRMP, will be completed in substantial compliance with federal, state,
and local regulations. An exception for any non-compliance created
through reliance on information provided by the Client, its agents,
government sources, or other contractors will be considered additional
services, for which additional compensation shall be negotiated.
C. Permitting to entities other than FDEP and the Turnpike Enterprise for the
water and wastewater relocations and certification of completion shall be
considered additional services. Any permitting due to occupying Maguire
Road is assumed as not being required for this project and would be
considered additional services.
D. Permit and application fees shall be considered direct reimbursables.
E. Soils investigations and Geotechnical engineering.
F. Coordination and development of exhibits for any additional permitting that
is not identified in this scope of work.
G. Revision to the project scope after its initial approval by the Owner.
H. Traffic and other impact studies as necessary.
1. Binding lot agreement assistance, easement, staking, or other survey
J. Additional meetings beyond those specifically addressed.
K. As-Built Plans and Surveys
L. Soft Digging (SUE) of buried utilities.
Our engineering design services will commence upon your Notice to Proceed
(NTP). No specific schedule has been determined at this time; however, DRMP
feels that this project can be completed in a timely fashion and is prepared to start
this work immediately. A project schedule can be developed at the Client's
request shortly after the NTP.
Mr. Al Butler, P.E.
City of Ocoee Engineering Department
July 20, 2007
Page 5
Part Scope Item Terms Fee
I. Preliminary Engineering Lump Sum $ 2,310.00
II. Force Main Design/Plans Lump Sum $ 13,365.00
III. Force Main Permitting Lump Sum $ 2,530.00
IV. Meetings & Coordination Lump Sum $ 3,600.00
Subtotal Force Main $ 21,805.00
V. Water Main Design/Plans Lump Sum $ 3,680.00
VI. Water Main Permitting Lump Sum $ 1,760.00
VII. Meetings & Coordination Lump Sum $ 2,100.00
Subtotal Water Main $ 7,540.00
VIII. Reimbursables (billed directly) Actual Cost
10% CONTINGENCY $ 2935.00
TOTAL $ 32,280.00
We sincerely appreciate this opportunity to provide professional services for the pipeline
relocation project under the Turnpike at Maguire Road. We have provided two (2)
originals of this letter agreement. If you are in agreement, please sign where indicated and
return one (1) copy to our office to constitute our Notice to Proceed. If you have any
questions regarding this proposal, please contact our office.
The attached Exhibit "A" and Exhibit "B" are hereby incorporated into this letter
This Scope of Services and Fee Schedule are hereby submitted by:
Dyer, Riddle, Mills & Precourt, Inc.
Janine M. Alexander, P.E. Date
Utilities Department Manager
This Scope of Services and Fee Schedule as authorized above are hereby accepted by the
City of Ocoee.:
Attachment( s)
Exhibit "A"
Exhibit "B"
cc: Stephen L. Precourt, P.E.
Bill Smoot, P .E.
CITY OF OCOEE Maguire Road/Turnpike Utility Relocations
(#) = Number of Sheets MANAGER III
J $150.00 I 0 I I I
A. Review Turnpike Plans 0.5 1.0 1.5 $150.00
B. Obtain & review City as-built information 0.5 1.0 1.5 $150.00
C. Coordination wfTurnpike SurvevorNVH 2.0 6.0 8.0 $750.00
D. Obtain base plans from Parsons 0.5 2.0 4.0 6.5 $585.00
E. Site Visit 3.0 3.0 6.0 $675.00
SUBTOTAL HOURS 6.5 13.0 4.0 0.0 0.0 23.5
::;UB T $975 $975 $360 $0 $0 $2,310.00
A. Plans Preparation:
Cover Sheet 0.5 2.0 8.0 10.5 $945.00
General Notes 1.0 4.0 16.0 4.0 25.0 $2,078.00
Leaend & Abbreviations Sheet 0.5 2.0 2.5 $217.50
Force Main P & P Sheet 2.0 4.0 20.0 26.0 $2,400.00
Directional Drill/Bore & Jack Details 2.0 4.0 12.0 18.0 $1,680.00
Miscellaneous detail sheets 0.5 1.0 8.0 9.5 $870.00
B. Prepare Technical Specifications 3.0 28.0 4.0 35.0 $2,738.00
C. Prepare Front-end Documents 3.0 16.0 4.0 23.0 $1,838.00
D. Quality Assurance/Quallity Control 4.0 4.0 $600.00
SUBTOTAL HOURS 16.0 59.5 66.0 0.0 12.0 153.5
::;UBTOTAL \,;osT $2,400 $4,463 $5,940 $0 $564 $13,366.50
A. FDEP WW Permit Application
B. Turnpike Permit Application I 2.0 I 8.0 I 2.0 I I 2.0 I 14.0 I $1,174.00 I
C. Assume no Maguire Rd. Permit rea'd
SUBTOTAL HOUR::; I 4.0 I 16.0 I 6.0 I 0.0 I 4.0 I 30.0 I I
sUBTuTAL \,;USI I $600 I $1,200 I $540 I $0 I $188 I I $2,528.00 I
A. Meetings w/City or Turnpike (up to 4) 12.0 12.0 $1,800.00
B. Coordination w/City & Turnpike 8.0 8.0 16.0 $1,800.00
SUBTOTAL HOURS 20.0 8.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 28.0
SUBTOTAL COST $3,000.00 $600.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,600.00
FOR\,;E MAIN ToTAL HuURS I 46.5 I 96.5 I 76.0 I 0.0 I 16.0 I 235.0 I
FUK\,;1: MAIN T I $6,975.00 I $7,237.50 I $6,840.00 I $0.00 I $752.00 I I $21,804.50
A. Plans Preparation:
Add to General Notes 0.5 1.0 4.0 5.5 $510.00
Add to Force Main P & P Sheet 0.5 1.0 4.0 5.5 $510.00
Add to Directional Drill/Bore & Jack Details 0.5 1.0 4.0 5.5 $510.00
Add to Miscellaneous detail sheets 0.5 1.0 4.0 5.5 $510.00
B. Add to Technical Specifications 1.0 8.0 2.0 11.0 $844.00
C. Add to Front-end Documents 1.0 4.0 1.0 6.0 $497.00
D. Qualitv Assurance/Quallitv Control 2.0 2.0 $300.00
ISUBTuTAL HuURs 6.0 16.0 16.0 0.0 3.0 41.0
ISUBTOTAL COST $900 $1,200 $1,440 $0 $141 $3,681.00
A. FDEP Water Permit Application
B. Add to Turnpike Permit Application I 0.5 I 2.0 I 2.0 I I 4.5 I $405.00 I
C. Assume no Maauire Rd. Permit rea'd
I"UD'V I 2.5 I 10.0 I 6.0 I 0.0 I 2.0 r 20.5 I I
ISUBTOTAL COST I $375 I $750 I $540 I $0 I $94 I I $1,759.00 I
A. Meetinas w/Citv or Turnpike luo to 2)
B. Coordination w/City & Turnpike 4.0 8.0 12.0 $1,200.00
I"UD I v AL HOURS 10.0 8.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 18.0
I::IUD I v AL COST $1,500.00 $600.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,100.00
WATER MAIN TOTAL HOURS I 18.5 I 34.0 I 22.0 I 0.0 I 5.0 I 79.5 I
WATER MAIN TOTAL COST I $2,775.00 I $2,550.00 I $1,980.00 I $0.00 I $235.00 I I $7,540.00
IOVERALL TOTAL HOURS 65.0 I 130.5 I 98.0 I 0.0 I 21.0 I 314.5 I
TOTAL BASE COST $9,750.00 I $9,787.50 I $8,820.00 I $0.00 I $987.00 I I $29,344.50
10% CONTINGENCY $2,934.45
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