HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #10 Waiver Requests for Ocoee Professional Plaza Small Scale Site Plan AGENDA ITEM STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: August 7, 2007 Item # 10 Contact Name: Contact Number: Antonio Fabre, AICP ~ 407 -905-3100/1019 Reviewed By: Department Director: City Manager: Subject: Waiver Requests for Ocoee Professional Plaza SmaU-ScaleSite Plan ISSUE: Should the Honorable Mayor and Commissioners grant three waivers from the Land Development Code for Ocoee Professional Plaza? BACKGROUND: The proposed Ocoee Professional Plaza site is located on the northeast corner of Silver Star Road and Ridgefield Avenue. The property is currently vacant, zoned C-1 (Neighborhood Shopping District), and is approximately 1.7 acres in size. The small-scale site plan proposes the construction of a 3-story office building with a total building floor area of 22,884 square feet. In order to proceed with review of the small-scale site plan, the applicant has requested three waivers from the requirements of the Land Development Code. Below is a discussion of the three waivers that are being requested. DISCUSSION: The first waiver that is being requested is to Article VI, Section 6-14, C, (1), (a), v, and Article V, Table 5-2 of the Land Development Code. These sections of the Land Development Code require a 50 feet building setback along public primary roads. During the plan review process, the applicant indicated that they would dedicate right-of-way along Silver Star Road. The proposed building is to be setback 30 feet from the new right-of-way line. One of the four criteria that can be used as justification to allow the City Commission to grant waivers from the criteria of the Land Development Code is if the project provides an offsetting public benefit which is technically sound and measurable. As justification of the waiver request, the applicant has agreed to dedicate 20 feet wide right-of-way along Silver Star Road. The second waiver that is being requested is to Article VI, Section 6-14, C, (2), (b), i of the Land Development Code. This section of the Land Development Code requires a 25 feet wide landscape buffer along public primary roads. There is a provision contained within this section that allows a reduction of this buffer to 15 feet when deemed appropriate by the City. During the plan review process, the applicant indicated that they would dedicate right-of-way along Silver Star Road in order to obtain a 15 feet landscape buffer along the portion of the property that fronts Silver Star Road. One of the four criteria that can be used as justification to allow the City Commission to grant waivers from the criteria of the Land Development Code is if the project provides an offsetting public benefit which is technically sound and measurable. As justification of the waiver request, the applicant has agreed to dedicate 20 feet wide right-of-way along Silver Star Road. The third waiver that is being requested is to Article V, Table 5-2 of the Land Development Code. This section of the Land Development Code requires a maximum building height of 45 feet for C-1, single family while only 35 feet for C-1, neighborhood shopping (commercial). Single-family height limits are normally considered 35 feet and 45 feet for commercial districts. Accordingly, the applicant is requesting a maximum building height of 45 feet. Staff believes this was a technical error to Article V, Table 5-2 and therefore supports this waiver. Because a small-scale site plan is administratively reviewed, the City Commission will not be acting on the site plan approval. The City Commission will be reviewing the waiver requests only. After the City Commission takes action on the waiver requests, Staff will complete its review of the site plan, ensuring that it is consistent with all Land Development Code requirements except for any waivers that may be approved by the City Commission. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff respectfully recommends that the Mayor and City Commissioners approve the three waiver requests for the Ocoee Professional Plaza, subject to the approval of the small-scale site plan. ATTACHMENTS: Location Map Waiver Table Sheet 3 of the Ocoee Professional Plaza Small-Scale Site Plan FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. TYPE OF ITEM: (please mark with an "x'? Public Hearing _ Ordinance First Reading _ Ordinance Second Reading Resolution ~ Commission Approval Discussion & Direction For Clerk's Deat Use: _ Consent Agenda _ Public Hearing _ Regular Agenda _ Original Document/Contract Attached for Execution by City Clerk _ Original Document/Contract Held by Department for Execution Reviewed by City Attorney Reviewed by Finance Dept. Reviewed by ( ) N/A X N/A N/A 2 e Ocoee Professional Plaza Location Map '1' : 'i L-- : ii' i 1--- J ! 1 f.. ~.-I-Tli - f--~. '-'~l I I .. 00\" .....LJL_~ . TUr--T U! m.C::t; i I I i ~ ! 1 ...L 'It I H I.n. .ni.l. ..' .....lli :::::1.. ' UI r ~L' j t;!. 1 ~ARSdEN S1 ~ j;Jj i Ui -L .l I ~ISIl\LERw.R .k ~ <d - ~ :::l en. 1>'-1~ItQ rr.t~ 4'0 ' vs" Or? w .~ ~ II -Uj ~ L_~ I . 1 ~ (.) ~ ::c! ~ ~ 2 ~ Ocoee Professional Plaza Waiver Table: CODE SECTION CODE REQUIREMENTS PROPOSED STANDARDS JUSTIFICATION LDC, Article VI, Section 50 feet Building Setback 30 feet Building Setback Dedication of (20 feet 6-14, C, (1), (a), v. along Silver Star Road along Sliver Star Road wide) Right-of-Way along Silver Star Road. LDC, Article VI, Section 25 feet Buffer Setback 15 feet Buffer Setback Dedication of (20 feet 6-14, C, (2), (b), i. along Silver Star Road along Silver Star Road wide) Right-of-Way along Silver Star Road. LDC, Article V, Table 5- Maximum Building Height Maximum Building Height Technical error on 2. 35 feet 45 feet LDC, Article V, Table 5-2. REMOVE 92 LF EXIST- CURB AND INSTALL VAU.(Y.GUTTEll GRAPHIC SCALE J (,f' t ~;) y l; ~. L'::, STRIPING NOTES PARKING CALCULATIONS Qiflilli MlNIt.lUM SPACES REQUIRED: 22,864 SF >t 1 SPACE/JOO Sf ~___,.;;,;.--.i-'- ( IN FEET) 1 i:lch 20!t SOIL TYPES (4\ CANDLER ~ @ TAVARES 1_ ALL P"VEMENT STRIPING SHALL 8E THERMO PLASTIC, .. 76 SPACES TOTAl,. SPACES REQUIRED HANDICAP SPACES REQUIRED' 76 SPAces ... SPACES """""'" TOTAL SPACES P,,"OVlDED HANDICAP SPACES PROVlOED 79 SPACES .. sPACES AVERAGE DAII.'! TRIPS Cl ",*"11'2.)'14" R"'24-7.48 l""49.83' (P&C) OffIce (ITE 61/'1 ED., CODE {710) 11.01 ffiIPS/1OQO SF . 20.004 SF TOTAL AvE, DAlLY iRIPS 220 TRIPS ~ 220 TRIPS C2 '_11'32'14" R",247.48 L=49.8S (P&C) '""Ill ili N 89'59'06" E 39Q,QQ'(P&M) .-0 " I I I kftl I I I I I j r I '" z o o o o ~ 15'.15" ___ UTIL 25MT, TO CITY o w z > '" -1'0 <( rvq 00 ",0 0 -uui ""-I', --.I '" LJJ ~'" L W C) 0 Cl::: , n ,r' \ .' . \ I ^,C'<"l:CTVRAL WAU T\ \ ~ @' BE usrn TO SCREEN M \ = t- ELECTRICAL AND WATER ENTRANCE "-- -'- - - - - - -iE~= - - - ~,!o~~Y_ - -' - - - - - - ----' - - - - - . 1..20' """' 0' WAY OEOfGAnO' \ EXIST. 4' PAVED SHOULDER (S,R, 4.38) SiLVER STAR RD 100' r~IGHr or WAY - PAV':::D PROP()S[O SITE DATA PARCEt.IO: ~6-22-:28-0000-00-024 VACAMT WACE BUILDING (3 STORIES) c-, EXISTING USE; PROPOSED USE; CURRENT ZONING: TOTAL O~EO AREA; IMPER\nOUS AREA" OPEN GREEN SPACE, BUIU)lNG AREA: ORI\'EWA Y jPARKING: SlOEWALK/LIF"T STATION' GROSS flOOR AREA" FIRST FloeR AREA; SECOND FLOOR AREA; THIRO FLOOR AREA: MAX. BUILDING HEIGHT, NUMBER OF STORIES; MIN. BUILDING SETBACKS: NORTH: EAST: SOUT\1' WEST: 1.70 AC ~~ 19 ?~::i~ 0.18 AC 27,696 SF 3.606 SF 2:2.88-4 Sf" 7,628 Sf" 7,628 Sf" 7.628 Sf" 4-5 FEET j STORIES 25 FEET 25 fEET 50 fEET 25 fEET NOT~~ 1 6 FEET SCREENING NAlL HEIGHT SHAL:.. MEASURE mow THE FfNISli GH..~m: 'MiICHEVER SIDE OF WAll. is HIGHER. 2. 7llE PRO,iECT AS DESlGNED '<'I1LL CNL Y BE L1Ml1TIl TO THE REQUESrro USE OF PROfESSIONAL OffiCES. J. ALL OUTSlDE ELECTRICAL. TaEf>HONE, CASlE. AND GAS EQUIPMENT SHALL BE: PLACED AS ClOSE TO mE BUilDING AS POSSIBLE AND P41MTEO aLACK AND SCREENED 'Mn-t LANOSCAP1NG. IF MOUNTED ON Tl-lE BUILDING rrlEN nJE SAME COLOR OF THE BUILDING 'MLL AI"PL r KEYED NOTES (]) HANDICAP PARI(ING STRIPiNG (TWICAl). SEE DETAil 'B' ON SHEET 12, (j) HANDlCAP SIGN (TYF'!CAl), SEE: DETAil 'B' ON SHEET 12. o HANOICAP RAMP (T'l'PICAL), SEE DETAIL 'p' ON SHEET 12 (]) 6' WlOE CONCRETE SIDEWAll(, SEE DETAILS 'c' &; 'f:' ON SHEET 12- G) OUMPSTER PAD ENCLOSURE. SEE DETAIL 'J' ON SHEET 12 (j) JO. HIGH INTENSITY STOP SIGN (TY?lCAL) (jJ '.4" WIDE 'MiITE TIiERMO-PLASTIC STOP SAR (TYPlCALl. (jJ STANDARO PARKING STALL STRIPlNG (TYPICAL), SEE DETAil 'H' ON SHEET 12. (1) 6~ vmncAl CURB (TYPICAL), SEE DETAIL 'G' ON SHEET 12, @ 6' 'MOE RAIS(D CONCRETE SIDEWALK AlONG PARKING STALLS (nPICAL), SEE DETAILS 'C ON SHEET 12 AND 'Q' ON SHEET 14. @ @ @ &9 &@ @ @ @ PRIVATE UfT STATION LOCATION - UFT STATION SHAll.. Be: FENCED. INSTALL 6' HIGH BRtCK SCREENING WALl (WALl DESIGN BY OThERS). "OOT TYf>f" F CURB. SEE OETAll 'I(' ON SHEET 12. Co.'1CRETE: BUMPER GUARD (l'rP'ICAL). SEE DETAIL 'R' ON SHEET a CONSTRUCT VAlLEY GUITER, SEE DETAil 'P' ON SHEET ,~ MATCH EXISl1NG ROAD' PA~EtH GRADE HANDICAP RAMP 'JotTH 2' DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACE PER FOOT iNDEX HJO~ 6' WIDE CROSSWALl(. SEE DETAil '0' ON SHEET 12. ~OUND SIGN. SEE ARCH1T(CTlJR.6.L ?LANS FOR DETAilS. = ~ .. l! ;; z " ;: .. g ~ "' c . ~ . ir; . i~ .. ~i~ ~ ~ -i~":; C ~ U)d: ffi~, ~ g ZZ:I >C.g Ito oC-~.- ~ Wi~ A:~~~ .ttfWI"oC~"~~ "Z9:1....~~ ><5"g; ;;:~ i1 zl .o~~~ Ww,.,;::i~~~ m'~ ~ · ~ 3 ac ffi ~ 0 ~ c g I N oC .. ..I ~ ... ..I .c c it :z .. 0 .c ii5 .. ~ to Ii !II .. ... .. 0 III j II: ~ 8 ... .. ... ... 0 !II ~ !l 0 6 u u 0 0 z < ..I ... III ?- m ..I < :z it > II: I- III :I o III IS 1&1 ?- m LJRilWN PT JCB i#- ...0. SHE;;:T # 3 OF 16 SHEETS